Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. DAILY SKETCH, SA.'l'Ulm.AY, MAY 15, 1915. BRITAIN'S MUDDLED METHODS WITH ALIENS. ETC GUARANTEED DAILY NETT SALE MORE THAN. 1,000,000 CO~IES. No. 1,929. LONDON, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915. £Registered aa a Newspaper.] ONE HALFPENNY. [A GRIM FlOUT FOR THE TRENCHES IN THE CARPATHIANs.JI

0 h th h 0 t ra her ran the risk of the soldier. His pictures were taken in an Austrian trenc}.l at the moment when the RussianS were ~ take these ..re~ar~le ph~tograpths Ae f . og rseen replying by rifle fire to the Russian attack. On the right-hand corner can be seen a wounded Aqstrian. Below tlttacking hotly. In e t~~J~c:r!ou!de;sr:~~fs ~eing attended to behind the firing-line while the fight goes on.-(Daily Sketch ExclusiYe Photographs.) Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. SATURDAY, ~lAY 15, 1915.

f'a:~ ::. DAIL~ SKETCH. DEGRADING THE KAISER. 1WHAT ABOUT "PAPER" ENGLISHMEN? GERMANS TAKEN AWAY Banners Of Enemy Knights Taken IN MOVING-VANS. Germany's Plot To Protect Her Spies In Britain In War Time­ From St. George's Chapel. Dangerous Men Not Touched By Asquith's Edict. Hundreds Surrender Voluntarily NO PUBLIC CERE~IONY. 1;-.; THE HoL·sE oF Co~nw ·::; o.' \\"ED "ESDA v _TIGHT :- And Are Sent To Internment. After morning service yesterday St. George's Sir E. Carson : Does tlze right liOn. gentleman require tlzem to sign a statement Chapel, ·windsor, ' as closed to the public, and EARLY 30,000 IN LONDON. ~aying tllat they hat•e renounced allegiallce to tl1e German Emperor? . , to the removal of the banners of the Kaiser, Mr. McKenna: I 11'ill inquire furtlzer znto tlze actual statement which they lzat-e Austrian Emperor, and other foreign Knighta of " Smart Young Fellows" Under sign: I am no~ sure that there is any statement in that precis~ form of words. to the Garter whose names have been struck off the S~r H. Dal:zel: Is it not tlze case tllat a German naturallsed here can app 1Y. ht roll by the King was proceeded \\ith in the cour.. e Armed Escort At Soutben d• Germany and get denationalisati~ papers? I 11a1'e often seen tltem. Does tile ng TiL :\let;opolitan Police began yesterday to lzon. gentleman not ask for tlwt before lie naturalises tlum? of the day. The banner , surcoats, sword , and other ?"'al w·ith Ge1·man and Austrian aliens in London Mr. McKenna I will inquire furt!ler into tlze actual steps taken. in accordance \Yith the new Government scheme-- (From a Legal Correspondent.) eomes a ·• paper" Englishman;_ yet. lle has never accoutrements were taken down under the direc­ tion of Sir Alfred Soot~ Gat~y.' the Principal c1) .·r o mtem all ah~n· enern1-t-s· (not natura 1·lSe d) I .\ G"erman doe' uot cea:ioe to be. a Gt>rman · lost h'1s G erman natw· nalitv-he"' 1s still a German.b ,., a f r ~ ,.. ~ G - · fact can only cease to €COtne Garter King-of-Arms .. 1·o deciSIOn ba yet been rom r LO 5<>, nor tloes he lose his uatiouality b~'ause he ba 1 • erman, m. ' • , · rtificate of dis- •2• To '1 "J'"'"t tho· e o"er• n11.11·•n .. "' aae · k · German b~· the sue ot a specla1 ce arrived at as to the disposal of the banners. · u "-'• " < w.u.. e ' Ita ~e n out uaturahsatwn pa ers .J • d · · trative • . IDllllS The stalls of the R-0yal Knights w-ere dis­ 3, To expatriate alien women and chil(lren; ' J:i . d l . .. E r ~, · 1 d charge drawn up by !he supenor a -.!'.uh1C'et to a neal to an Adviso Committee. e can r.op us ng 1 _uattonu.tt~ an authority of the home State. . . mantled, but there was .no kind of. ceremony r . tlw> 1 .~l _1 Pt . .h h ry . become a complete German agam by a btnglej How illany narurali~ed Gennans m country 11nd nothino· in the nature of degradation, as this ~· n e 1unure<1 of t ose w o surrendered m London . ·p, 1 :yesterday \Yere oent to Sou_thend at four o'clock and stroke of the pen. . h3ve vbtained !!UCll n certlJJ?ate nsiderable is not provided for in the rites of the Order. 0 wert> placet! on board :1. east of the pier. The German Government, l>ith that thorongh- 1 Qur . tohk me into A suggestion has been made that the German ~lup ~!any A.~1bas.saJor ~t Be~lm 8 ~ of, tlle'll \\·t>re 'martly-dress.ed young men. ness which has charaderisetl al1 its actions in l pams to rnterpret tllls ne"' law '~h ~s ~~ excure Black Eagle on Banbury Cross should be I 14 ? 1 I hey w re e~corted bv n::giments quartered in the . . . operation on January 1, 19 • so eJ e h obliterated. 'lhe eagle was placed tl1ere in 1885 1-014t1 an•l !:he :,oldiers "with fixed bayonets \ ·all·ed preparmg fo1· th1s war, bas antw1pated a state · f•:r the Home Se~retary or o1her _mem be~ ~f t e on either :irl~. Full 'c?mpanies were at the h~aJ j of thing whi~h now exjst;:, in thb eom:try, and Cabinet who plead, ignorance of 1 ·.~s pronslOns. to commemorate the marriage of the Kaiser'. father ''"ith the Princes Royal of England. and, r\ear~o~. t11~ process1on . prepared for 1t. I -. .--.CHEllE IS WORKED. A~ ' 10 : -Mle:-~. ~ne of the busy West End pohce- j lt has alwavs realised that a. German might be HOW THE !S f>t;tt~o.o - J,ust of1 _:ic_c~Jilly, 60 a_li~ns, .of _all cl.asses, able to do t;nor~ good to the F:::.tberlan_d by tald11g Gennaa natio:nalit~:, · J•e puin~ed ?ut, is _not pre ~-He't 1~lenh::he, \Oluntar~l) befme nndday.lout naturah:satwn papera~ and prrtrwlwg to be au!, . , n. foreign natwnahty 1s acqmred A PROBLEM TO FACE AFTEa 11 105 1 A~ ~1 Y arn,·ed they were detamed, and were sent Englishman, than by remaining a simp)e Gennan. 1 J .w ~l~~ la'' . or a fm·eign ;:)tate merely OJ. lll haltbes to one of the internment camps. 1 And it has made the way easy by a special Act of: bu~ ~r ~ '"of -es~den;e 'settlenient, Ol' birth with· THE WAR. . d b' h G t l' d · lea:son 1 · ' 'd f DROVE OFF SMIL.ING P arl .lament, nn er w 1c ermaf!S ua ura 1se. m a. I hi· that State, and in or?er _to t:>tOVl e . or D 111 •. 11 " tlJ or . d. · foreign countJ·y can be orne tierrnans agam on 1 cases ,rllei·e a foreirrn natwnahty 1s acqmred St WbJ.Cb Must Be Taken I '"' e lll mug an or mary CO\"erec1 \an r . . ' ' . . . "' . b· . ire- eps drew up oubide ~he stati~m. Shortly afterwards a.jI app lC:ation. • solely tc~th ~ ~·~ew . to meetmg . tLSw::l~;~q~all Of_<:H or _mere f•t the pnsoners came out of the THE GF.IBI.AN PLOT. ments, etc._ lt ls _law .do'~? ~ft a u c• uirin()' a Before It Is Too Late Jl01d.' ,- ~tatJoo . AecOJJl)Jallyiug tllem \\'a" a police· '. I c.· . •'n ~ • • I .. not_lose bt~ n~tlO:::lalJty lt_ eore a 1.-. ::> fl ... . • Jnftr f·:tor. I 1hl!' Act ,G...1man lmpeiJal aod N~te- a-tonadt,.~ fore1o-n natwnahty he obt~ms _the pemnsslO_n ° Onlec:s prompt actwn i taken there will b . (i· . h . . . Law) was onlv passed on J uh- 22, 19b. h 11"' th 't'1 e~ to retaiJl h1s German nat10na- ~ . . . . e a 1 Y one tne\ got uo mto the Yan carryma 1 u d 't a· t' (t · l t e ome au on " • grave economJC cnsiS after tho declarat10u ef witll them bag~age of nti·icus sizeq fro~1 a laro-~ n er I erman na wua 1 Y IS 1os- llty. ,_ . . . ortmanteau which re uired mo ~'en to lift i o~ (11 By dlscttarg~.. . _ . bur Ambassador hit the o_ail on t~~ hea?- ynth a su ·pens10n How glao 1 hP ch1ldren are to do anythmg they mterest to women and the fineo:t ··eries of exc:lu- of 1ts tram serv1ce to-tlay. can for Tommy! Anoth-er delightful instance has sive wax photoaraphs - " Follov.ing on an unofficial _trike oj about 500 been brought to the notice of the Daily Sketch. .,. _·__ _ London C<>unty Council tramwaymen ~t the New I In Taylor-street, Denton, Lancashire, the young- nvMAN'I) FOR "Gll1-EDlu'ED.'' Cros ~ depot yesterday morning, the Licensed sters are a merry and enterprising crowd. Every C ~ • J Yehicle Workers' Union last night issued notices j year they form themselves into a Taylor-street calling upon all L.C.C. tram> ayruen to Ct!ase work Hopes That New Loan Stocks \ ;.'l -immediately. - . ! oon I If this order is olx>yed the strike ·will also affect f)ta-f. la/./r Be Absorbed. the Xorth of London, but the drivers and con· I ";(, , ~ ' A ductors of the L.C.C. cars have two trade unions, 7111 ~ ~ .;...... --~~A"~ feature of interest in the stock markets vest.€r-

and it is not c-ertain that the members of the Asso- MIR4 tk ,..,()1.6( M J~ct ~ .A,../6 -tJU n>a-M. da, was a dem~nd for gilt-edged securities oi short ciation of Tramway and Vehicle Workers will . · ;r A -r• . , " ?ate and particularly for the scrips of recently follow the lead of the Union of Licensed Yehicle ~J -e nUd -~ 1-..u<. «4 4ffl'I-~~~6'VI(. • Issued loans. There are great hopes that before Worker<:: ~ /./. · · / many weeks are over all the stock taken by the Last ;~ening a laige n urn ber of men obey€d the .u ~- t'f__~ .u,ud ((,/~-" /~• ..tut ~ underwriters of the Union of South Africa and strike order, and the men's officials estimated that 1k.t~ ~ cw 44 ~ ~ ,.J..u 641J~ East Indian Railway loans will be ab~orbed. 1 by 8 o'clock about 800 cars haJ been taken off tlle - . , ~- J ;;1 ' A~erican securities, after a comparati,·ely steady sen·ice. ~a-4 4(.tdA,U ~ Aen.O~. v-rGWt. ~ ~ openmg, expenenced a sharp set-back the Mr. Ben Smitll ~ne of the .strikers' officials, .said ,4.(; ~(].~~; 1/'"'&=: AI!(U. ~~ ai~itrag~ houses ref'!lsing to take stock and sup- there were app1"0Xlffiate1y 3,000 tramwaymen HiJe. · . . . • a ~ ,, plies bemg forfucornmg from uneXpP.flted quarters. The men were coming out at these depot :- ~ 1-.y, A-rt~. /il-<'V «9.:U~ . .1/'V¢ Union Pacific, after being 129. closPd at 12n. Camberwell. ~treatham. .. -~~ .;1..' .t;, ·· : /,. ·.L - ' "' - Canadian Pacific opened 165~ and closed at 164~. Telford-avenue. Hammersmith. """""'. ~ ~ 4 ro;··~ 4141 • Steel Common, after being 55, left off at 54!, while Norwood. J """"'. 0~ ..wt~t. K~ ~~ C# a.Lt..tN Amalgamated Copper shares, which in the mornillg So that the men at Woolwich Arsenal may not be · ;t r· ·· ' were 69, closed at 68-1. hampered in their work for the country) the : 7 British and Argentine :Meal shar... .., rontinued in strikers' officials haYe authorised their men to work ~ ~VJ . demand, and among Rubbers Lan:H1ron further the services to and from Woolwjch Arsenal morning ~,.' _· ~ .- r ·. improved. Kaffirs \\eFe dull. the 1iot.5 in South Lieut. Hugh ~- C. Pollard, of th~ 4th Army Corps, and evening. -- - Africa causing orne uneasiness. The men demand an all-round increase of pay whose portrru.t has been published in several May Day Troupe, •• dressing-up'' in the jolliest papers, not in the Daily Sl:etclt, as being one of the and shorter hours. LIVERPOOL COTTON.-Futmes elo ed quiet· missing from the Lusitania, writes horne from the fashion and collecting tb~ coppers of the generona. American 1 down; Egyptian 9 to 12 dO\ n. , WILL ZEPPELINS COME TO LONDON·,,., Usually they. spend the money in providing for front to say that he was not on the Lusitania, and themselves a kiRd of bumper tea. This year, how· that be i~ quite safe and well at Ypres.-(Claude SUICIDE BECAUSE OF A. QUARREL. Harris.) One of the mo_t optimistic "'"riters on the war, ever, they have forgone the treat and Ethel Hyde, Mr Alex. M. Thompson (Dangle), ha some the 'h'oupe treasurer, forwards lOs. for our A verdict of suici?-e during temporal y insanity graye words about the Zeppelin menace of London Cigarette Fund. . was returned at ~n mquest at Battersea yesterday WHAT THE ASQUITHS HAVE DON.I. in to-morrow's . uttday Chronicle. May Day revels are over now, but there must on John Lever T1llotson (43}, managing director of M ·. Raymond Asquith, the Premier's eldest son, "The Yisits that ha,·e taken place up to the be plenty of other br~ght ideas in the clever heads Lever Brothers, Ltd., Port Sunlight, whose in a ]€tt-er to the Derby Liberal Club last night, said present,'' be v. ite~, •• 'ere simply scouting raids, of other boys a.nd. gu_ls. body was recovered from the Tbame<: in one week four of his relati ·es had been wounded and I have it from an authority on armament 1 The latest contnbuhons are:- The evidence showed that Mr. Tlllot had a that a fleet of Zepp lin • probably about fiftv 'iH · £1 10&.-R. R. t£1J a~d J. R. !lOs.), Padiham. £1.-Frlends 011 in a.c ion and one kiiled. . · 1 .· · L d · .- · f d ·' h at the Rowans. \ tlxrulow. 15s.-G. llill , Maryborough nervous breakdown last year, and on Janua 22 In the same w~k lhat his brother was wounded cert alD Y lSlt OU on. ~Y lll orrua.nt atl ed t ey !Os.-Taylor-street May Day Troupe per Ethel llyde. 5 ..:_ came up to Lond:on and ~old his solicitor th~ he a.rHl a first cou-in killed, two fir"t cou ... in · and a mav not be able to et fire to London, but they l Mi Har~t>y, Dublin. _2s.-Nellie' Bargreavl:'a and Dofiie will stram every nerve to ghe vou a ta te uf Bulle~ Cht.h~roe; lllr. :U:tller, _Bear den tl?th cout.l. la.- thought of ~omm~thn~ smcide b€{!ause he had had broth r in-law were also wounded. Uerman frig tfulne~.1• • Mn. tott, VI atford: R. II. Wtlke. a quarrel w1th h1s wiie. B·Ii was arranged that the solicitor Rhould go to BROTHER HEIR MAR.QUIS;S AND DEAD · CONSCRIPTION: ANOTHER VOICE. b~~ t~e~~;gi~rgy ~ ~ri~g abf?ut a rec~nciliation, BOYS WHO GUAUD OUR COAS'fS. i h · . . a r r. TilloLon Ne v, ha reached Castle A hby .... Torthampton, . r. J. A. Pease. President of the Board of Educa­ 1 ~ 1 dl~apptlared uf the il£a.th of Lord Spencer Douglas Compton (23), General ,Jr Robert Badcn·PO\vell said yest-erday romd 1s ~o IC:ltor s hous-e, and nothing more was ~on and a mem~r of ~he Cabinet., speaking at hear u~hl h 1s body was found. rother to the ~Iarquis of -'- orthampt tho btate of the ground 10.30, lasted till dawn. Troops occupied the whole of Rome, ays a Reuter me ·agP, c: and the temper of the crowd is The German Government will not expect ha made fighting difficult. The enemy, a usual, Yiolently battered with rising." · Our offensive was neverthelebs continued. shrapnel the right of the Anglo-French Army over the Government of the United States to omit In Rome, Milan, Kaples, Genoa and other any word or act necessary to the performance To the south-west of Angres we attacked aero ~ Eski-H1ssarlik Point. The Turkish loss must ha,·e been very hea,·y. in Yiew of the duration of the cities pro-war demon~ trations took place. Cheers of its sacred duty of maintaining the rights t he Aix-Xoulettes-Souchez road. were given for Signor Salandra) retiring fight and the stubborn per_istence with whic.h they the of the United States and its citizens. and in 'Ve captured to ~he north of that road a strong Premier. pr~s ed their attacks. safeguarding their free exercise and entoY· German trench with a front extending fixe-eighths Messag~s to the Petit Parisien say that demon­ At daybreak all the Turk: who had succeeded in strators in favour of intervention in the war saw ment.-American Note to Gennany. of a mile, to tho ::oouth of that road a ·fortified penetratrng the French line ,·ere either killed or Signor Bertolmi, ex-Minister of the Colonies, who - The official text of the American protest to ''ood, and behind the '' ,od a second line trench. captured. It is estimated that the Turks lost 3.000; is on the side of Signor Giolitti, in a tram, and they gained not one inch of ground, and iuflicted Germany over ,the sinking of the Lu.sitania is a Four hundred German l1odit' wt>re found on the threatened to lynch him. A body of Carabiniers comparatively slight loss on thtOir opponent:-. rescued him. and dragged him to safety in a cafe. ground. document of great importance. TURKS GOT TIRED. GIOLITTI'S FRIEND UOBBED. ·while making no direct threats, it throws the f Aix-No 1lef e. l~ ne.trly 7 mil~s north of Carency and 2~ miles north-west of Souchez.] The next night (May 2> the attempt "as repeated, The demonstrators also attacked a carriage in onus on Germany of deciding whether America is but the enemy was far lei';: determined, :1 nd "a\·e which was Signor Facta. ex-Minister of Finance l!,urther to the south ' e continued the clearing to be forced into war. up .about midnight. o and friend of Giolitti, but.his coachman saved him of the slop-es east an1l r,outh of Lorette. Stnce t.h.en he has made demonstration:; practically by whipping the hor:>es into a furious gallop. In effect the Note calls upon Germany to give At Neuville Bt. Vaa--t \H~ stormed more houses. every mght, provoking the artillery duei wh ich Troops in the principal streets of Rome were up absolutely the policy of submarine attacks on continues intermittently for a couple of LJur:::. powerless to prevent the demonstrators attacking Our artillery inflicted on he enemy, according HB does contrive to gi\'e Beddul Bahr beach an German shops. and all the windows of the German merchant vessels, and points out that warninga to the te tirnony •)f p1 i.-;~nter:-;, extremely heavy exciting five minutes e\'ery now and then but it college were smashed. are no palliation. is surprising how little damage the Asiatic guns Reveral hundred student~ burst into the entrance losses. have been able to effect. 1 hall of the Chamber of Deputies and broke the It is believed in many quarters that GermanY. The number of o ffi et>r.~ eaptnred since Sunday The Queen Elizabeth sank a Turkish transport doors and windows on the facade. Three deputieo desires to provoke America inw war. is about 100. Twenty gun.-; haYe Leen taken, in the Narrows. delivered sp~ches in favour of intervention, and The Goeben, w!lich w~ attempting to shell the th~ stude~ts then 'Yithdrew.. . . "A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING." transports off tne •· Australian" beach bevond _ eutralists and mtervenboiUSts came mto con­ Gaba Tepe, from Chanak, was almost hit herseif by flict at Milan. One man was killed and a number The Note describes violations of American rights, To the Lord Xebon. The Goeben steamed off of others were wounded. culminating in the sinking of the Ln.sit&nia, and · Ar~enrieres A says that in VIew of these events- Be YpPes T hurriedly. King Victor Emmanuel had interdews with Depots of storr~ have be€n set on fire at Clwnak, Signor Salandra, Signor Giolitti~ and the presidents It is clearly wise and desirable that fue.Govem· •NEUVE CHAPELL£ Maidos and Gallipoli. The fire at Chanak burned of the ...:enate and the ~ouse of Deputies. ment of the United States and the German all day and late into the night.-Reuter' ·· Special. I . Government should come to a clear and full To LLlle understanding as to the grave situation resulting. WHITE FLA.~ TREACHERY.. I WHY DOES GERMANY HATE us ? " American citizens -act within their indisputable ·rights in taking ships &nd in travelling wherever ATHE:N , Fnday. " UT H , N D · d H A PI J legitimate business calls them, and exercise these The Turko-German t.roops l:oistefl the white flag J n e ave e!e~ . ente er ace 0 right:; in what should be well-justified confidence o.n the pretext of burymg the.n dead, and then de- I The Sun Savs Mr.. Harcourt that their lives will not be endangered by acta in livered an attack on the All1es. I ' . J • clear violation of universally acknowledged inter· In a duel between aeroplane~ some Turki::.h aero-. Addressing hi~ constituents at Rawtenstall la~t national obligations. certainly in confidence that planes wert- destroyed, and fell to the ground. night. ::M:r. Lewis Harcourt, 9o1onial Secretary, s~d their own Government will sustain them in the Fresh forces were landed on the peninsula yester- 1 one ot the phenomena of thi~ w~r w~s ~he peculiar exercise of th.ese ri~hts. day. · • and malignant hatred of Grea' Bntam by Ger­ •• Recalling the h uma.ne, enlightened attitude . The Allies are advancing- on the sector of Gaba ! many. It was difficult .to ~iscover its origin, unless hitherto assumed by the German Government, the Tepe and continuflllY crushing the dec::peratc resist- , it awsB from the reahsatwn C?f. the fact th.~t our United States Government cannot bring itself to ance of the Turk::..-E.·~.:hauge. participation was the determmmg factor m .the believe that these acts, so completely contrary to the check to Germany's nefarious designs on Belgmm rules, practice and spirit of modern warfare, could '\:' U anll France. . have the countenance and sanction of that greal DIS 0 RDERL 1 A STRIAN RETREAT. "She has alwav been jealous of our commerc1al Government, and feels it a duty therefore to address superiority and success, in spite of the fact that we the German Government concerning them with the Enemy's Front Broken At Several p ·nts ha.Ye always offered a free market for h~r pr?duce. utmost frankness, in t,be earnest hope that it is not· 01 ''We hav.e not treated Germany unfrurly m the mistaken in expecting action on the part of Ger· -By Russian Cavalry Charges. past. We have never exclud_ed her from a place many which will correct the unfortunat-e imptu­ in the sun. . sion ~ hich has been created." Russ1au Official News. "With our acquiescence she £ecured [Sfeat tern­ tories in Togoland, in the Cameroon, m . German W AR.~: ... ING NO EXCUSE. PETROGRAD, Friday ~·ight. South-West Africa, in G.erman .East Afnca, and In Western Galicia the intenstty of the fighting extensive possessions in the Pacific. . The Note :illudes to the recent warning adverfi..qe. lessened on Monday. .. In spite of the fact that we bad established ment issued by the German Embassy, and proceeds Our troops a1;.e succe sfully concentrating on the colonies all over the world before the Ger~an thr.t the United States Government- line of the River San with the object of occup)ing E'mpire had even come to be born, every. Bnbsh does not refer oo· this for the purpose of ealli.ng a shorter fron . r both' d possession as to Germany a Na s vmeya.r , the attention of the German GO\·ernment to the The Austrian Army on Tuesday eYacuated a and only fed her insatial?l.e lu::t for the expansiOn surprising irregularity of a communication from including eight heavy piece . \Ve have further strongly fortified po ition extending from Bystritza of her ill-conducted empue. the Germany Embassy in Washington addressed to the Rumanian frontier, a length of 93 mile . "l'o-day she stands at the bar of t1?-e wo~ld, to th~ people of the United States through news­ captured 100 machine rrun.' and trench mortars. and fell back precipitately on Wednesday beyond naked, and not ashamed, a m~nster s1m~latlD;g papers, but only for the purpose of pointing ou\ . The day wru: quiet on th • re't of the front.­ the River Pruth. . . humanity but in fact a. reversiOn to preb1stonc that no ~·arning that an unlawful, inhuman ac' The enemy's caxalry, .\\ luch was sacnficed to pro· b b · ' She has sacrificed her right to any I will be OOll.imitted can possibly be accepted as an Reuter. t~ct the ge~eral retreat by repeated charge ~ , wa.s p~~t ~~\rg~ community of nation", and ha beco~e exctlfe or palliation of that act, or as an abate­ [The sentence '·Fe attacked acros.::; the Aix­ d1spersed b) ou~ ~~e. . t hideous and loathsome danger to the mam-1 ment of responsibility for its commission. Noulettes-Souchez road" in the above message Our caval~y d1v1s~ons broke through the enemy s f . f civilisation itself." The United States confidently expects- front at ,·anous pomt • and by successful cha~ges euance Q 1 j~ translated, "We have delivered a cavalry attack That the German Government will disavow acts on the route Aix-Noulettes-Souchez" by the Ex­ tJ:rew the enemy's columns on the march mto • BO, T REPORTED SUNK I of which the United States Government com­ disorder . • L A • change and "we attacked on horseback ., by the plains, make reparation so far as reparation ia Central' News. Reuter states that there is no men­ A Yigorous pursuit contiuue · in condition::: parti- ~ A. German ubmarine is reported to have been possible for injuries which are without measure, tion of a cavalry action, and .explain~ ~hat the cula.rly favourable to us. . . sunk in the North Sea by the steamer Collaimie, • and take immediate steps to prevent the recur­ French phrase "Now; avons attaque a cheval The great number of pn oners whiCh we haYe which arrived at Blvth yesterday. I rence of anything so obviously subversive of sur la route " means ··we attacked across the taken i:; being rapidly increased.-Reuter. I The master states· that when outwar~ ooun~ last principles of warfare for which the German road," and not "we deliv red a cavalry attack Saturday the engineer~ felt a shock, anu tmmedtately Go\·ern~nt in the past so firmly contended. on the road."] GERMANS 'BEFORE PRZEMYSL ? afterwards a large quantity of oil .appeared on the I surface of the water. The cTew beheves tha a ~ub- Cerman Official NeWJ: marine wa~ run down. ~IR. WILSO ... ~ IS 1VEARY The occurrence happened off the Northumber- , WA.SHIXGTo_-, Friday. MAIN ROAD THREATENED. BERLI. .. - (Yia Amsterdam), Friday. land coast, in the vicinty of the spot where two Presiiient WiLon is leaving this evening on board In the south-eastern theatre of war the advan.ced ..-essel::, were torpedoed the same day (Saturday). the naval yacht Mayflower for 4·ew York, where on Another Village Menaced By AHies On troops of General l\lackensen' ~ Army stand her ore · • Ionday next he is scheduled to re,·iew the hips of Przemysl and the Lower. San. . OXFORD CAPTAIN DIES I !.CTION. the Atlantic Fleet now gathered in the HudsOn. The Vay To Lens. The Allied troop contmue the pursmt of t~e Mr. Wilson looks worn and worried with the Russians in the t11rectwn of Dolina and Dobrmml Lieut. Wilfred Stanley recent strain, but it is hoped the ~£ air will havo Friday Afternoon. (south of Przemysl) on the one hand, and acro,s the Bird, 6th Battalion a beneficial effect._._Central .t..ews. Rain has been f lling without ceasing since Polanice on the VLtula and in the direction of I King's. RC!yal .Rifles, Thursday morning. hJ.elce (South Poland) on the other han~.. ''"as killed It:- achon. on u l'f WILL NOT DO TO \\ AI • On Thursday night the French carried several On the front from Kielce to the Pillea,. ne~u May 9. Lieut. Bud, Inovlod, the Russian: are aLo unable to mamtam who w·as edu



Public attentiOn at home this. ~eek has been divided between the notmg and wrecking of German shops. and Sir A. I This smiling group of wounded soldiers and nurses was· taken at the Red Cross Hospital, ; Pinero's demand that leadmg Germans now naturalised British subjects should Winsford, Cheshire. The men are as· cheery as possible. issue an emphaUc statement repudiating German methods of warfare, of which MISSING VICTIMS OF THE LUSITANIA. the Lusitania sinking was the crowning atrocity. Jn tbe ILLUSTRATED UNDA Y HERALD

This week-end SIR FELIX SEMON, K. C. V.O., late Physician Extraordinary to KING EDWARD VII., and a gentleman settled m England for forty years,, makes A new portrait of the Hon. Christian a statement of great interest on the Methuen, Lord Methuen's daughter, who position of these naturalised Germans. is to marry to-day the Hon. Geoffrey Howard, M.P., at Westminster Abbey. -(Lallie Charles.) OTHER WRI1ERS COXTRIBUTING TO THIS WEEK'S ISSUE ARE THE CAPTAIN'S FIANCEF. JEROME K. JEROME On England's Two Voices, the Peril of National DiYisions. W. L. GEORGE On Bread, Not Husbands: the Real Crisis for Women after Peace. SYLVIA PANKHURST Margaret Boyd, the only dau.ght~r Mrs. Abas and hH two children are among the missing. a wid among the Lus1tama They were ·on the way to visit her parents at Manchester. On What We Are Doing. Suffragist work of mY. is m War Time. missing. Her mothel' In es at Mr. Abas, a musician, remained oohind in America to Galway. fulfil some engagements. He is a native of Amsterdam. COULSON K RNADAN On The· Man Who Hangs Back.

M • B N R Miss Sybil Beresford, daughter of Major LAW A Character Sketch of the Conservative Kennedy De la Poer Beresford, is engaged Lead~r, who has been the subject of a to Captain Bernard de la Cazenove, Royal bitter political attack this week. Scot&.



Han~ Long was retu -~~­ ina to his home 111 B;~'1dford from Detro1t. l\fi s Bessie C Maclay, of Glasgow, was foor 21 :;e_ars a missi~nary in l,ieut. Gi~bert Wak('field. who has been His twin brother died the Straits SettlEment . J1.(? IS ~ePn IHlrsmg a Uhmese foundlmg. wounded, IS a son (;f the Bishop of Birmina­ six wt>eks ago. . . · · 1 } · . d < ham aliCl ~·haplmn c)f the :Foot.b. lle,~' · d • tl" e rr11·!':'l· 11 cr J1'l"'S<'ngers art> anxH n" to JE'CeivP anv mfu1 matwn a )OUt t 1en ear T} 1e f tlen ot 1<:-s " .-.. ' · · 1 • 1 Batt, lion.- (La~1bert 'Yeston.) onE's. 'J'l)( ])a if y Skef£ h ''Ill 1 ur \\an] :l n~ PttPJ'S to t lt'lD. n IT v sKrrrn Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015.

p to July, 1914, it was the simplest 1 U thing in the world for a German or any other alien to enter Britain. and

cttle down unknown to the authorities. By Ministers Need A Holiday, ILewis Sydney's Chance. Americans Ia Paris. merely taking a second-class ticket on a _ FoR WHAT r~lief th~ Whitsuntide_ holiday will "PusH ~-n Go," at the Hippodrome, has Sn'CE THE Lusitania was torpedoed Amerioo.M Channel steamer he got into England with- afford from their Parhamentary duties a few of 1 ::ettled down into a thumping success-literally in Paris, I hear, have been having a tast.e of what out official knowledge, and his subsequent the Cabinet Ministers will be truly grateful. Two' thumping, for there are Britons there had to go through during those first doings were unnoticed unless he \·as a . crt'mt'- or three at least are greatly in need of a holiday., coon~ in it. One of it: terrible da:vs in August, when it seemed doubtful Among them is Sir Edward "&'-rey, who, although chief assets is Lewj ~ if we wouid join in with the French. No one of nal subject to special obsen·ation. That he took a holiday for about a fortnight quite 1 ..:ydney, whose Tom Titti­ our race who was in Paris at the time will e\·er process of uncontrolled entry to England has recently, is still far from well. The effect of the! •·ation you £ee here. forget those ghastly days of suspense, when one WM b · strain of the war is apparent to those who are l Svdoev has come into his ashamed to go out on the streets, for one was een gomg on actively for a great many daily in contact with him. He is also suffering 1 o~n ~gain after many always met. by the question, "Eh bien, and Eng­ years, and I repeat that our authorities from a troublesome affection of the eyes, which! months in the wilderness land? Is she going to let us down 1" AmeriO&U haye no correct estimate of the number of compels him to "Tear coloured glasses when in the at another place. where in Paris are mostly for sever{! reprisals, for the question of safe ocean-sailing touches them inti· Germans now living in this country. bright light. they didn't know how to mately. To get back home they must face thA. sea, NCIDENTALLY t't may be ment·oned that Churchill's Barometer use ~im, and al1 ~ipp_o· and the fate of the Lusitania makes them shtvec. I 1 . ' . drom1tes are reYelling m a deliberate policy of "planting , Ger- ~R. RuNCIMAN lS feeling the effect of ~he his quaint humo -;;_ You n;ans in France and Belgium has been car- stra.m very keenly. At the Trade Protectwn get a little breath of the Beds At The War Office. ned on by the German Government since the Society's luncheon on Thursday he looked very ill old Folly days there, when THE WAR is even changing the character of and worn. Yesterday I saw the First Lord of the I c:: ·d y and dear Harrv the War Office. So many men on the staff b. '18 war o f I87o, and not until the present war Admiralty. It was obvious that he felt very keenly pw ~ _ne_ . c nt st. . . e Iss1er were m o e · now to sleep on the premises that it is getting was tl 1c t rue purpose o f t h ese G erman the loss the Navy had sustamed by the m1sfortune I bl1 th f . t . . . . d a y e unmes patr m something of the character of an hotel. T_!lere are set t 1ers mad e c Iear. Disregardmg· sensa- to the Goliath, for he looked ,;ery depresse ·1 d L"k also a good many men who have to sleep at the · 1 ·w· , f . ~ 1 on on. 1 ,e ~omoone tiona stories, there is abundant evidence to mston s ace Is a bar~~r. else in this page, Sydney Admiralty. In the old days we used to hear of men sleeping in the War Office, but that was in show that German residents in France and The Qaeen At A Hospital. lli_ves John's ':Tood, ~St. the day-time. Belgium di-d play a military part in the in- p d . G t B "t . h . ·t d w1th h1s ex ~FoHy w1fe, Ethel Allandale. and a wee . . ROBA:BLY no 1a y m rea n a1n as ~1s1 e - vas10n operat10ns. Not until England is in- more hospit._als than has Queen Mary. In tjmes of 1 son. Mr. Tbomas H. Mawsoa's L ss. vaded or raided on a large scale may we peace it is her weekly _custom to pa~ a visit to some Lady French On The Stage. MR. 'IBOMAS H. M.A. wsoN, of Lancaster and know the true purpose for which many great voluntary hospital. and dunng the recent LADY FRE..'I\Cll is to appear on the stage-for this Conduit- street, the well-known authority on Germans have taken up residence in this months of war she has visited se,'eral centres a afternoon only-at the Wood Green Empire, where city planning, who was called in to replan country. Germany lays her plans far ahead. w~ek where w:ounded nav~ _and milita:y me~ are a big charity matinee is being given. The F~el~- the City of Athens, has just received new~ of the death of his third son, of the King's Roya.l 0UR naturalisation law is a farce. A good llYl.ng., ~~t e:Imtesththets.e vlsi:tst larehenbrely su:- Marshal's wife will receive the artis.tt~s, &nhd IEt lSl Corps. . f th ld G I 1 pnse VISl s, a o er 1mes a e ep one message lS hoped make a little speech. In addi 10n t e ar Rifle He was mortally wounded in the man) 0 e o er erman sett ers :~ho sent v, few hours b~forehand. Th~ Queen knows I and Countess of Ca.stlemaine a.nd La.dy Carrick great fight to the north of Ypres when the Canadi:F h~ye become loyal and . valuabl~ B~1tt~h exac~y how to go ab?ut the budiness of visiting .a have promised to attend. In the audience, too, Division covered itself with immortal glory. Clt~zens '~ere not naturalised, whtlst 1t ts hosplta.l. Th~ Queen 1s not only a very sy~path~bc •ill be many wounded soldiers, 15 motor-cars hav­ qutte p~sstble that a German spy coming to lady. She 1s aLQO one of the most busmesshke ing been lent to carry them, and Ser~eant-Major Where A Taxi Is Expeasive. thi~ country would not lose a moment in com- women _in England. Daniels, V.C., straigltt from his decoration by the HAVE YOU EVE.R taken a tm at King's Cros;t plying with the empty formality of the law. The Hon. Eric Upton. King. - It should be a great day in Wood Green. and travelled down Gray's Inn-road t I have: and before rve passed Holborn Hall the fare has stood The German Government, expert in breaking THE death at the front of poor young Eric "The Last Embusque.'' at ls. 2d. A traffic block at the crossing at Holborn oaths and tearing up agreements., would Upton is particularly sad, for he was one of those EYBUSQUE is the word the French have in- Hall is an ali-day affair, and keeps taxi, 'bus and wink 'ery knowingly at the British natura- whose lot fell in pleasant ''ented since the war began to designate t:ue man tram waiting sometimes ten minut-es. Yet nothing lisation paper of its agent. Indeed, the places. Captain the Hon. fit to serve who manages by some means to remain seems to be done to stop it. _About 9.30 each German authorities give permission to a man Eric Upton, to give him at home. Like his prototype in England, he has morning I could race anything from King's Om~s to assume another nationality,. and we do not his full description, was a bad time dodging inconvenient qu€$tions. to Holborn. a son of L-ord Temple- : Le JournaL has an amusing cartoon called "The know how many u naturalised '' Germans are town, and after a briJ - Last Embusque," in which a slack-looking indi- Miss De Silva. 1 living witlz US now as British subjects, whilst , liant career at Sand-~ '"idual dressed :in military costume begs his tailor Miss N. DE SILVA, who, as all the world know • in effect they are Germans. This is a very hurst, into which he to make him the mo ~t invisible uniform l;le possibly is Mrs. Martin Harvey, makes ver.y rare appear- serious danger passed from Eton. he C'an. The tailor askv if it is to wear at the front. ances in London, bu\ HE new internmenr regulations do not entered the King's Royal l ·· Xot at all,'' says the harassed one ; "it is to one of these is to tak T h f Rifles. He \Yas a real eu:>ble me to remain in Paris." place on Monday next remO\·e t e de ects of the old- muddling good fellow in ~very when her husband star system. Many Germans are free, sailing s~nse of the word, keen lusitania Heroism. a season at the New under false colours, for the · police or the on his job and a fine VoLuMES could be written of heroic deeds per- Theatre with a revival of public are not adepts in judging nationality. -(BassanQ.) sportsman. As a member formed when the Lusitania went down. I heard his great success, .. The Manv naturalised Germans are free from in- of the :Marlborough Club, he was intimate with one of the most stirring stories only yesterday. Breed of the Treshams/' tern~1ent merely because they signed a docu- a very interesting set. His fath.er ha_s a seat in london Lad Saves Seven. In this play Miss d• ent Our machiner" for . di'sco·..-er'rlg Ireland, and make a bobby of agncultm~ and A T L d 1 d . th h . Hi, . Silv& will resume her old m · 1 ,, I n. YOU~G 1s d 81 . f min on on a 1s e e:ro. ., na.rnc .t whether they are acting for Germany now' ry ar g. -- 1-Iatt Freeman, and he is not unknown in amateur r::t ~ Re:re~rs ~:n h~ 18 or ar: pre~ared .to a~t for he:· in· the e~·ent j Sir c. P. Huntington. bo~in~ circles. "The firs: boat I dived for, .. he favourit;· in :be pr: of raid or mvaswn, ts crude 10 companson 1 READI:XG that Sir Charles Philip H untmgton. ~ ays, had bee~ so badly knoc~ed a~out that ther,~ I vinces, and an actress ol with the German preparations to avoid suspi-~ has been ".'oundecl in Belgium reminds me of the I.v as no bottom m ~er, and ! "enllt nght through. intelligence. 'Ihe bes\ · strange death of his brother, Henry Huntington _J:en and women were :floatmg a around and he thin.,. I ever saw her do was Melisande to her·hus· CIOn. . • t"~l h d d · A - s· was able t.o save two women and five men. b • • •• TE t t d b 1 f f h (to who~ he e succee e ' m pn,1 1907 · 1r band's Pellcas m Maeterhnck's exqms1te poem- , , ''an a roo -an - ranc 1 re orm o t e ,. d h .1 f 1· ht f 11 h" -- . . . Henry me as t e reslut o a s 1g a , w 1ch Two Hours' Work play, '' Pellea and Melisande." Mr. a.nd :Mrs. '~ la\VS With regard to aliens, and especially \VNtld have been trivial in its consequences had FREE:M!-- is somP • wimmet·, but ii took him two Martin Harvey have :m artistic house in St. John's ,~·ith regard to Germ~n aliens.. I don't be- he n~t been in a. conc~ition ~f status l~mphaticus. hours to do it alL Two or three years ago, by the Wood, and Mrs Harvey has a taste for barbaria ~teve ~hat Gerrn~ny \:rtll succeed tn an armed I believe I am ~tght 1~ sa;ymg ~bat his :ase was Wn who \\'ould be ham-conductor:;. iu existence. English, Irish, Scottish, or \Velsh blood, s . v::. ·hen you can actually ee the ~tars abo>e "ld" nee:-., " - \Y1 1ose forefathers bore the brunt o f b UI mg IPiccadilly-c-ircus. Perhaps ever._-body t?ought ever~·- Where Tbe Nuts Come From. D:d A5 He \Va1 Told. up the C nited Kingdom. body e1Ee would be S'..Ue to pamt a. picture of. this TnE Barcelona flappers \Yere out selling Hed THERE IS A. lighter side to even such a serious HCS 1 r f ·1 ho ld not <:ort with the rec:ult of com;-:e, that no bod\· pa!llted Cro::; flags the other day-to the Barcelona "_ ~ub,'' ~ubject as the anti-German :riots. Quite at the T , proper y, an a ten amt y u ~ · ~ · · 1 :,uppo~>c. beginning of the war a German baker in North be granted full citizenship, and one or one. London drew the attention of the mob by his boa.st­ two generations should be established in this Looked Like Policemen. Easy To Understand As A Passbook. fu1 and insulting attitude. They raided his shop. -G country before complete citizenship was THREE days ago the rioter· treated U" special OwL to the reduction of staffs the banks and the police advised him to make himself scarce.. are talking of closing earlier. Do fewet' hands make granted. \Ve have sold our birthright constable.:5 with a ~~rt.ain a~ount of ~ood-huruo~ed light work? He did so, and remained for some weeks hidden in too cheap]" and we are in danger of drifting contempt. On Thursday. lt was. different. ou a neighbour's house. Then the polioo found him -' . . r .f be th t 't rained JUSt 3. httle1 Well, we Tbe Trade. and promptly charged him with failing to notify to cosmopo1ttamsm- and mongre tsrn t we remem r d a ·tlh . official-loohncr ·mackintosh T~ ll"cen··ed \"L.ctua.ller·~ llave decided to ha\·e . f I . l- . the'were sen·e Wl \ery - " 0 nr• ~ his change of address-result. three months' hard ,tre. not morc ca;fel ? . tn -..eelplfllg t up capes and we looked rea1ly polieem:mlike. It was no mo:·e dealing~ rith te€totalers. But surely there labour. nat10na1 hrN'< 1. us ts not t 1e as war. tl· ' ~ that did it l ne\'81' much "tr::~de" "ith them. Mr. COSSIP• THE MAN IN THE STREET. 1e cape. · Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. BIVOUAC IN THE CARAVAN'S TRACK. DISGRACED

Q ueensland~rs bivouacing in the Egypt ian desert. These are some of the men who faced. th~ murderous tire of the Turks when t hey stormed and capt ured the shores of the Dardanelles.-(Dqtly Sketch Exclusive.) · ·


Daisy lr>ing! :rho is playing Agatha in uveronique" at the Adelph1. 1s to marry to-day Major J. Sargent, of the Lancashire Fusiliers. The bridegroom recently returned wounded from "\\'est Africa, and is UJJ.der orders to return soon.-(l<'oulsham and Banfield.) T~e litt!e boy w~s hom_elPss when the French gunners found This gunner on a warship mends hllll. ~ ow he ln·es w1th them, going evervwhere thev do and hi~ children's boots in his spare sharing their rations.· · tlme. He does them well, too. HE WILL FALL OVERBOARD. A GRAMOPHONE CONCERT AT THE DARDANELLES.

The destroyer's pet has a l:abit of falling overboard. so Despite the serious character of the operations in the Dardanelles our sail h I to amm;e themselv~A This is how they do it-a gramophone concert ors fave some time in which the men have fitted him with a life-eaving oolJar. He 'l · h't f · · · on one 0 on b ttl hi The Duke of Cumberland and the ( sat ors enJo ~ a 1 o mus1c ?nd the prodnctwn of the instrument is a si al f, ,...r a ee pB. The is quite pi~ with it. gn or them to gather ronnd. degraded knights, wearing part of.~ l'PTOOVM from s~. Geo11 Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915. -Pa,~ T. 'OBLE ORDER. .!:::::=[1=====:O=N=E=S====HEL== · L====.K==IL==LE==D====T==H===EM======A===L===L==.=====:!1 11 ° II BOTH AT THE FRONT.

This is the .grave. o~ ~4 men of the "D" Company 2nd East Lancasters, wlio were killed by a shell that bu~st m the:tr nndst. They were all laid together.-(Daily Sketck Exclusive PhDtograph.) r -- . A FIGHTER . A MAY KING AT THE FRONT.

Carpentier, the champion boxer. and \'Villiam G1 iggs, the well-known jockey, phDtographed together at the front. Carpentier 'is attached to the air service: and Griggs is with the Royal Navy aviators. This is one Df the French marines May Day ·was not allowed to pass unobsetTed at the front. who have be€n doing such spl~ndi·2 They had to be content, however, with a King, instead of a work at the front. Queen.-(Da·ily Sketch Exclusive Photograph.) HE DIED FOR HIS COUNTRY.


~ the Order o.f the Garter-the badge 1 by his crimes against humanity.

Rifleman F. A. Farmer, of the Queen Victoria Ri11t39, Jle of s . · ch · . through J ernsalem on their way to take part m the at~k on the Suez was fatallJI wounded and his brother was ~ured by f.1Kt . ( ins· a.:te-Cohurg Gotha, two more Turkish soldiers ma;.J ~g tily full of faith in their German commanders-a faith that' WM soon rudely eame shell at Hill 60. "F.. A." was a clever ama~ · ,r~ C!~1 a · Their banners ha.ve been Ca.naJ. They troop~ 3aun ' ·h-''- · · · · I •. S a&eD. ven~ ·1f pP 1 • ''-'inrhnr Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. You've read about it ow buy and try

. fOR so~e time you've been seeing advertisemednts ?f ffed Wheat Beats Bread Lyons' Tea. Now-to-day-buy a packet an try It. See if it 1s not the best tea-best value, best flavour, best Nourishment and digestibility are the real quality-you have ever ta~ted. proofs of food value, not weight. Yet you go on eating bread though you know it is not all nourishment-though the pnce goes JtrON DER F U L up and up. Lyons' Tea /i.!ETHOD OF Puffed Wheat IS all nourishment. It is so COOKING. wonderfully cooked that you digest and SPECIAL -NOTE: Try a!.·o LJ'ims' can be tasted at any of upwards of Pastries. .Vade and baked at tlu our eashops. It is also sold The whole wheat assimilate all the goodness of the wheat. 200 T kernels are put into famoul· Cadby Hall bake,ies. by 160,000 shop~eepers ; therefore bronze- metal guns Puffed Wheat is always ready to eat-enticing J.LYONS&CO.,Ltd. it is obtainable anywhere. ·and "fired off" under w·ith milk at hrea' fast-- nutritious with stewed (Cr:'gi11ators of the .?d. Cup of 7'z:z), terrific pressure. EYerystarchgranule fruit at lunch or dinner-digestible for a late CADBY HALL, LONDON,W. in the grain is blasted supper. Far better for children at all times Bakers to D.M. into a myriad par­ than bread and butter or biscuits. No cooking~ The lUng. tide5,and the grain is no ~aste. the-n pedectlycooked and made perfectly SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE 7d. per Packet. digestible and most H any dJficulty in obtaining Puffed Wheat, send us your name and · delicious. address on a postcard and we will see you are supp1ied. QUAKER OATS LTD., FINSBURY SQUARE, LONDON, E.C. hat

YH&ATIIal. Box Office !Ger. 3855,, 10 to 10. ') DELPHI THEATRE, Strand.-TO-DAY at 2 and ROYALTY. VEDRENNE AND EADIE. 8. Mr. George Edward€5' Reviva.l, VF.RONIQUE. DENNIS EADIE in A A Comic OJ;-era.. MATINEES WEDS. and SATS., at 2. THE MAN WHO ST A. ~'ED AT flOME. BOX OFFICE (2645 and 8886 Gerrard!. 10 to 10. TO-DAY a.t 2.30 a.nd 8.15 Mats_. Thw·s. and Sat., .. at 2.30. l\lBASSADORS.-Nightly at 10.30, Mlle .• E:e SRAFTESBURY. 'l'el. Ger. 6666. A LAVALLIERE. .f'rereded at 8.30 by 1\Idme. HANAKO Lessee and l\Ianager, Mr. RobPrt Courtneidge. in OY .\ ~ OY A! ODDS AND E)[DS ReTue, by Hany Gratta.n, OPERA IN ENGLISH. at 9.0. :Matinee To-day at 2.30. TO-DAY at 2 (La.st Matinee) ...... TALES OF HOFFMANN. -A-POLLO. TO-DAY at 2.30 aud 8.30. To-night at 8. La.st Performance and "GALA" NIGH'l', •1 h 1 H ·8 Pr0 d t• consisting of n r. C ares awtrey uc IOn. Act I. ".i\Iada.m.e Butterfly." Act I. "La. Boheme.'' STRIKING I By Paul Rube!ll! &nd Glady! Unger Act II. "Tales of Hoffmann." . Act IV. "Rigoletto." At 2 and 8, Mr. Charles Cory. Mats. Weds., Sats., at 2. Bo Offi to p · Sd 4 3s. 2 1 6d 1 00 10 10 7 5 -=o-K"""ITERION. Gerr. 3844, Regent 3365. x ' · nee.~. s. ·• s., s., • s., s. ·· "· THREE SPOONFUL'l. SRAFTESBURY. Tel. Ger. 6666. C Nightly at ~ p.m. Mats. Wed. &nd Sat., at 3. THURSDAY NEXT and ETery Rrening a.t 8. Pr~ded at 8.30 and 2.30 by Harold Montague (Entertainer!. 1\Jr. ROBERT COURTNEIDGE'S Production. HE ARCADIANS. ALY'S. BETTY, T ALFRED LE<;TER "Always Merty a.nd Bright." Cycles ranging from D Mr. GEORGE EDWARDES' New Production. :MATINEE EVERY WEDI'\"ESD.\.Y at 2. TO-naY at 2 and 8. Matinees, Sats. at 2. Box Office, 10 to 10. Prices, 7s. 6d., 5s., 4s., 3s.., 2s., ls. 6d .. 1 ... Box Office. 10 to :o. Tel. Gerrard :'.Cl STRAND. THE ARGYLE CASK RURY LANE. SEALED ORDERS. To-day at 2.30, To-night at 8. £4 IO 0 to £IS I2 6 D To-day at 1.45 and 7.30. 1\Ia.ts. WeW;. and Sats., 1.45. JULIA NEILSON and FRED TERRY. LAST WEEKS. LAST WEEKS. In preparatinn, HENRY OF NAVARRE. Carrying C\'ery modern improvement rna y be purchased on Box Office. Gerrard 2588. Special Prices, 7s. 6d. to ls. 'JAUDEVILLE. BABY MINE. UKE OF YORK'S. TO-DAY at 3.15 and 9. l To-day at 3 and 8.45. Mats. Weds. and Sats. Gradual Paym nt termS-IS Equal Monthly Payment . D CHARLES FROHMAN presents Mdlle. GABY DESLYS WEEDON GR~lliTH. IRIS HORY. ~~j Deposit. Ma.chine your own property after first payment. m ROSY RAPTURE. Preceded at 2.30 and 8.15 by THE At 2.30 and 8.15, M1ss Nora Johnston in .MusicaJ Mile.'lWlle$. NEW WORD. Both pla.y3 by J . M. BARiUE. MATINEE WNDHAllK'S TO-DAY and EVERY THURSDAY a.nd SATURDAY at 2.30. .w. • "RAFFLES." The above plices are 1/.0W subject to a sttrckarge of I AIETY. TO-NIGH1''8 THE -~HGHT. GERAT..DTd:a.~i~J:f~R3~ ~:irAFFLES" IO~!Iowing to increased cost of mattm:al and lab{l-ut·. ·G Matinee To-day at 2.15. Matinee EYerJ Wednesday and Saturday, at 2.30 l New :'lfusieal Play. NIGHTLY, 8.15, Mr. Geor~e Grossmith's VARIETIES. and Mr. Edward Laurillard's Production. ALHAMBRA.-" 5064 Gerrard r" THE New Revu~. HU BER, LIMITED, Coventry. LONDON: 32, Holbom Viaduct. E.C. )la.ti.nee ETery Saturday at 2.15. LEE WHIT~ p u and London Road. Every.JJ,zere. n..-1.. "" • monk:man, 0. Shaw, J. Morrison 0 SOUTHAMPTO~ : 25 27, Agt?n.t~ ARRICK (Ger. 9513), YVO~NE ARNAUD. uuv.., A. ~n:sti.n. B. Lillie, and ROBERT HALE. P.~Tnt G To-day at 2.30 and 8.30. 1at3., Wed>., Thurs., Sats.. 2.30. ~.35. Vanettes, 8.15. Mat. Sat.. 2.30. atedn<'ed Prires.i .. THE GIRL IN THE TAXI." COLISEUM1 TWICE YVONNE ARNAUD ae "Suzanne.'· • • · DAILY at 2.30 and 8 p.m. MLLE. GENEE in "Robert Le Dia.ble "· MARY LOB~, Shaftesbury-avenue, W. MOORE and CO. in ·'MP..S. GORRINGE'S NECKL~CE~ .• G MatiMe Tc-day at 2.30. JAMES WELCH .1.nd CO. in "JUDGED BY APPEARANCr;.§ "; MISS LAURETTE TA.YI.OR lN LENA ASHWELL and CO. in "THE DEBT"; MICHIO " P :EG 0' MY HEART.'' GeiTOr.W• LE0. STROOKOFF. Jas. A. WATTS. etc.. etc. Tel. NOW ON SALE. MONEY To LEND. Evening.> a.t 8.15. Ma.te .. Wed.~. and Rats., a.t 2.30. 7541 ·nyL\IPORTAKT TO INTENDING BORROWERS. \\ . PAY F;t<~ and r.aste time replyin~ to misleadin; H---AYMARKET. QUINNE.YS. EMPIRE. WATCH YOUR S'TEP. MARVELLOUS PENNYWORTH advertts~lnents offenng money at b&nk rates wtthout security f 'fo-day at 3 and 8.30. :\Iats., Weds., Thurs., Sats. Evenin~ 8.5;,. Mat. Sat., 2.15. Resf~po~tble I:ersons should :lpply to a. firm of 50 Yl:'&rs' repute At 2.30 and 8, FIVE BIRDS IN .A CAGE GEORGE GRA. VES. ETHEL LEVEY. JOSEPH CO\'Ni" It 4 h often very difficult to follow the War News or f~tr dealing, with unlimited funds. and any sum applied Henry Ainley, Ellis Jeffreys, and God1rey Tearlfl. Do~thy Minto, Blanche Tomlin. hy Shillin~. Phyllis ~eJL'! unlei1~ you can see exactly where the various i('!f Wlll ~ promptly advanced, repayable as convenient. \Vrite HIS MAJESTY'S.-Proprietor, Sir nerbert Tree. Lnpmo Lane, etc. Preceded &t 8 bv .. The Vine." . places are. Ordinary maps and books are m confiaencel London and ProYinces Discount Co., J,td., 78. HIPPODRO-..EE LO'TDON · T · D either too cumbersome or difficult to under Queen Victoria..st. London. E C. Wir&, ·• Loprodos, London." TO-DAY a.t 2.15 and 8.15. J.U N .~ .c • Wlce ailv at 2.30 FromT~ -::;~~T oTfOMK. IFLroLn. d~,.·~ &nd 8 p.m.... ~ustrod~\)n. 6~~~1ed • stand The 4 -sPECiAL LOANS SENT BY POST SECRETLY. ~ ... · 1 .. ,_ H ' A •.t1.• All cla,sses of Workmen. Shopkeepersf on ow~ Signa· Adapted by Gilbert Cannan and Frances Ke,.zer me Uwitg S mLEY KELLOGG, VIOLET LORRAI 'E A T~ H tnre, £.5 at 2::;. mcnthly; £.10 at 4s. month y; £2o a.t 8s. HERBER'!' TREE. WHEATON, HARRY TATE, GERALD KIRBY JC>HNN, DAILY SKETC mon~hly': .£50 at 20s. monthly.-'-J SAWERS. 8, Mina.rd-road, ARTHUR BOURCHIER. IRENE VAlii'BRUGH KENNING. LEWIS SYDNEY, CJHARLES BERKLEY • • \ Pa.rttck, N ..B. lolATI 'EE EVERY WED.Nl1!DAY and SATURDAY ·2 lS I enormous Beauty Chorus. etc. Box-office 10 to 10. Tel Gf'; ir:.~rl PENNY BOOK OF _ Box-offi~ open 10 _to 10. Tel. Cerr. 1777. ' · · MASKELYNE AND DEV ANT'S MYSTE. -~ ~ TO £5,000 on Note ?f IIa.nd in a ie! !wws, no sureties, KI~GSWAl:. Liverpool CommomYe"lth Co ST. GEORGE'S HALL, Oxford Ct'rcus W . RIES.~ WAR MAPS £5 P.asy paymenu; dbtauce no obJert.-ARTHUR G. "' • DAILY t 2 30 .i 8 • comi~ts of 20 pages of map~ of only those places WIIITE~lAN. 229, even i.'lters-road. Fiu.sbury Park, N. TO~ :K:\s~ C(j_:£~5. ~;~n!l~~~a~T., 3. .. THE CbRIOUsa.9As:E;· etc. s!~~L~~~~s.~~ZG~AA~\fF.. 451 where the fighti~g is taking place. The £5 TO £5,000_ .f.ent: intep~t •.•ls. £. pec~a.l Ladies' Dept.- Prcced~d at. 2:30 and 8.15 by _\ LOVE EPISODE, by PALACE.-" THE PASSING SHOW f yll _1,; · towns, railways, nyers,. etc., are all clearly Call or "ute B ... ~\:LE, LLd .. 89. ~el'l' Oxford~--t .• W. ~~ur_K. Philhpo. - B.35, with ELSIE JANIS o 15, at defined Nothing hke 1t has ever been pu}?- &HOPPINC sv POST. LYRIC. ., TO-D,~Y at 2.30 and 8.15 t~~J'ki''ifui~n BASIL IIAL~A)I,' NELSON Kl\'S lished at the price. How useful to you It A CCTLER'{ St:RVlC£, so pieces, 25.>.: Al sil-rer-plated 0.~. TRIAL. WEDS. and SATS t 2 EN etc. Vamtus at 8 !lATIN'EE would ue the followin!T list of contents shows. . spoons :tnd fork.• finest Sheffield kniTes; ideal. ~edding ~.!!:.- WED ... and SATS., at 2.30. Box Oftlce 10 to 10. PALLADIUM., & > • o O PACES ' outht; eveQihmg reqntred; pedectly new: a.ppron.J wlJhngly.- ~y. MO~ TDA y KEXT ~nd Sat ·t' 6•10 and 9. l\latinees Ion., "'Pd. CONTENTS-2 • 1 MR.-;. R.OWLE . 56, Second-aT., Ia.nor Park, Es..<,ex. NE M M \RTIN II ,\.RVEY · · ~ • 2 30 MARIE LLOYD 1 • . Page . Page : BABY'd LOXG CLOTHES ET~50 Pl:CCE'l 21s.; bargains of Tfre BREED OF THE TR~~flt h'Yilr ~V·){!~:iE LOTINGA and c'o G~~M:!0¥~~· 'Ihe Areas of ri~htlDg '2 Alsace-Lor~ame ...... 12 Jo-reliue"S..; home;ma.de: .• garme!,l . delight~lly full; instant Evening~ at 8.15. 7\Iatinee Saturday~. 2.30. SISTERs. etc. REN &nd co., BABY LANGLEY'an~ The Pronunctahon of Area. of Western. approvat.-:\IR:;. MA •. TilL CIIA::.E, • OTTrNGRA L PRLTCE OF WALES'. TO-DAY at 2.45 and 8 45 AVIATION Foreiun Names ...... 2 Ca~pa1gn ... 13 GASLIGHT POST CARDS, 20 Slhd .. so Bd., 100 11. 3d. "WHO'S THE LADY?" · · FLYING at HENDON S ·. . &e h S 3 Area of Turkish Photo Pa.pelll and Ue-relopers hall-price. Enlar:in: from PreceJed at 2.15 and 8.15 by "The Touch of Truth.. and every Thurs S•t ' pec1al Dl-plays TO-DAY ihe Nort ea ...... · 4 phcto. 6d. Catalnune samples free. Works. Jnl,.-road. LiYern.JOL MATTh"EE TO D 1\ Y (both 1 · ( th ·• ~ and Sun. afte f Beluiumand.Torthern Campa1gn ... l~ --.- , - \,--~---:__ paysla.t2.15. w~.a..erpermitting). Admiesion:Sd. 1 {noon, rom.3pm. Fo nee ~ 5 Servh ...... b JOHN WAT ON&: CO., 34, CALL-L NE, LEEI}S. £\.UEE~ S THEA~RE, Shaftesbury-avenue. SaiJor., Free. P86Senger Flights, £2 '2s.s .• ~. Sd. Solrge. C.oat lined silk. sa~in ro:lar. . . . _ Box Office. 10-10. 'Phone Gerra.rd 9437. · · Mondaya & Saturdays Sd~ ~~lowd and Fellows' Orders Only; B~a.lkan States ... 10, 11 1 (Russian Campaign) line~ "kirt. C& .30.!:: e~y terms, 33s. 6d. Patterll3 and ~~.,;ALA, W. TWICE-DAILY 2 d 8. HEAL; er &Yfi. 1s. Children alway. 6d. All Newsagents and Bookstalls, partteulai:> on appltl,att()n. - -- - . 10 TilE FIGHTL'IIfG FORCES OF EUROPE i . 30 an KL.'iGSTOWN -Ir I d' H R.ESORTS. or Post Free 1ld., from £- 5~. PRAM fer so,.; perfectly n,.w: boat-..h&ped, teTenibl•j COLOR, i~cludin~ Eut Coast Au Raid, NJmVE mfl~~lE . situation.' T~a~ie~~Lofeh~t Seaside. Resort. ~a•tt•Iut 4 ·ILY SKETCH. SHOE LAME, LONDON. i>hood. Carr. POlid.-'fllORND\ KI~. 130. llarehills-aT. l..reds. Battle. Antmated J\hp, t~ lll-fakd LUSITANIA et '' enJOYment. Boating golfinco t!:?a. Unnnlled r 'JiitH~. f r Dn • · Cmde free.-Dept. R,' Town Cltlrk mr. Hot Se-.-.·: ter lbtll&. DAILY SK.ETCll. Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. 8ATURD.A Y, IIAY 15, 1915.-Pap !. -~------

r No. 249 -,

COUNTRY EXCURSIONS FOR Q "T cour?e I went to the concert at the Albert· c~ubs; but th~ President of the central organisa- . Ha~I on Thursday ananged .by .)lme. ,Clara t}(m, Mrs. Parker, Lord Kitchener's sister, you SATURD.AY AFTERNOONS Bt~tt .m mu of the ~eJ Cross SoCI~t.y. The vast I!mow, writes to tell me that the meeting was bu_1Idmg was ~acked from floor ~o ~1lmg. I do not m ev~ry way successful. Various important remember seemg more people mIt. orgamsations were represented including the . Everyone was there! Th~ King, looking a little WoJ?en's United Service Ledgue by Lady Commencing May 15th at Midday t1reu, but "\Vonderfully ammated, wearmg the Jel11coe, the Soldiers' and Sailors' Families ribb~n of the Garter and a white gardenia in his Association by Countesa Ferrers, the British from the Town Terminal. evenmg coat, sat next the Queen, who really \Vomen's Patriotic League by Lady Campbell, . 1oo~ed most .beautiful in a dress of iridescent blue the National Food Fund by Lady Chance, the a.m1 super~) ·Jewels. Her Majesty wore a diamond National Union of Women Workers by 1\-!rs. H. IOUTE twra. Prmce.ss Mary, with a band of shrimp-pink B. Irving, the Girls' Friendlv Association by the 10 Elephant and Castle and Woodford Fare 6d. round her fair hair, was in white. Hon. Emily Kinnaird, and 'the Tipperary Club Enry IS mins. Clara Butt Looked Majestic. by ·Mrs. Juston Kerr. Bridge M~e. Clara Ifutt, surrounded by the most The interchange of vie"Ws which took place beautiful flowers, and canying a bunch of pink \Vas most helpful, and the conf~rence pledged. rtself roses, looked majestic in white tulle, having an to carry on t?e war clubs With. renewed VIgour. •tOA Elephant and Castle and Loughton Fare 7d. O"\'erdress of apple-green taffeta. A large black Mrs. Parker Is much pleased WI~h the results of (Via Buc:khurat HilJ) Every IS mins. velvet rose was at her waist. Her ornaments were the clubs, and says they are filling a real want. em~ralds and diamonds, and a high diamond tiara, Princess Of Monaco's Bereavement.' whiCh suited her admirably. 37 A Herne Hill and Hampto Court Fare 7d. Amongst the programme-sellers I caught sight Great sympathy is felt for the Princess of Every IO mins. of Lady Tree in a silver-sequined robe, Mrs. Dum- Monaoo, who left Lon­ mett, in black tulle, Baroness de "rorms, al o in don on Wednesday to Llack with verv beautiful diamonds on her cor- nurse her mother then 38 Victoria and Epping Fore_st Fare Sd. sage ; .ltiss Lilian Braithwaite, look~ng very lying very seriou'sly ill (Warren Wood House) Every 9 mins. charming 'in blue; :Miss Vera Henry, and :Miss at Richelieu. Constance Collier. Ladv Alexander, who had I have just heard that over .£50 in her bag from her programmes alone, her mother is dead. 107 ~Iapham Common and Epsom Fare 6d.- was m a wonderful gmrn of pink and gold, and The Princess has been very well it became her. staying at Claridge's Every 20 mins. I heard that over £-100 had been taken for pro- since last August, and grammes. has been most generous • Runs daily on and after May JJI.b. Nurses And Patients. in helping the French I · poor in London, and has The audience was a mo t intere~>ting one, apart also interested herself in from its social side. Boxes filled with wounded, the '~ar Emergency boxes and stalls filled with nurses from all the entertainments. BY MOTOR-BUS hospitals, military and otherwise most of whom The Princess of Monaco looked very businesslike in their' white caps and was before her maniage aprons. Uany Territorial nurse-s came in their the Duchess of Riche­ bonnets and cloaks. · lieu, and her son is the The London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., A great number of our blinded heroes had eome prc3ent Duke. Her Electric Railway House, .. from St. Dunstan's, Regent's Park~ attended by brother is one .of the PRINCESS OF lONACO. the matron and several nur es. largest bankers in Paris. Broadway, Westminster, S. W. , The Bouquet Bearer. Paris Still Paris 1 This is a portrait of Joy Rumford, Mme. Butt's Simone, who has just returned from Paris, B only daughter, "·ho presented the Queen with a reports that on Sunday in the Bois there were beautiful bouquet of La no indications of war. The usual Sundav crowd Fra~ce ros~s. of smartly-dressed Frenchwomen, and niany on . L1ttle ~l1ss Rumford horseback, were to be seen. IS devoted to her Simone has secured three delicious hats one of mother, from whom sh: Iwhite charmeuse, turb~n shaped; having a' wreath i has never been sep~I- of orange blossoms round the top of the crown ated. She has been all1-most appropriate, as Simone has just become POLISH over the world o~ those engaged. great c o n c e r t tours . . . . which have yielded so Health Walks In The Park. much pleasure and profit ~ What a number 'of people one meets. walking to her famous parents. for . health's sa.Ke in Hyde Park between 9 and A Talk on Kennerley Rumford, 9.30 every . morning! Yesterday I saw Lord "Brighter Homes." who sang in khaki-he Ribblesdale, hatless and with muffler and over­ has his own motor ambu- coat, taking exercise. Quite a shock, a L-ord lance at the front- Ribblesdale is one of the best "turned-out" men . had a tremendous recep- I know. tion. When he sang .. Here's a Health Unto Tbe Importance Of Training• His }lajesty "-a happy Lady Jersey resided. at the annual meeting of stroke-there was a the Society for Promoting the Employment of c e n e of enthusiasm "\Vomen the other evening. Lady Jersey, who was MISS RU~IFORD . h' h I h ll t -(Ellis _and \\~ le1 y.l w IC s a no soon wearing a very charming gown of the palest grey forget. cloth and a becoming hat trimmed with white Among The Audience. rose and black leaves, spoke very earniStly on Muriel Yiscountess Helmsley, in black. "\Yas in the subject of the necessity for training girls the stalls. a was Earl Howe. I saw the Duke and before they entered any profession. Duchess of Sutherland in a box ; the .Marchioness It was absolutely necessary, she said, that they of Ripon, looking beau~iful in all black, was also should be trained thoroughly, so as to enable them iu a box on the grand tier. to command the rate of pay which made them able to keep up a reasonable standard of com­ After Mme. Clara Butt's singing of Harold HE Ladies eagerly gather round MANSION POLLY, the Busy Bee, wh.ile Craxton · s '' The Home Flag '' there was the forts in living, and not compete unfairly with she explains the brilliant and hygienic effects of her new and supenor greatest enthusiasm, every mei_Tiber of t?at v~t male competitors. T audience standing up and wanng a ~hite satm Lady Jersey is an excellent platform speaker) preparation flaa bearina the King and Queen's picture and an'd has often addressed large audiences of work­ 0 0 . t 1 ing women. She also takes great intere t in the the Allies' flags that had be.en given o eac I MANSION PO ISH. member of the audience on arrival. club named after her-" The Jersey Club. :Most ladies already know that this great labour-saver immediately imparts Countess Of Mayo's Ambulance. Belgians At \Vimbledon. a lasting lustre to Linoleum, Furn~ture and Stained or Parq~et Floors, ~nd The Countess of )fa yo, who is still . at The Duchesse de Y'" endome has lately that it presenes, renovates, and will not finger-m~·rk. That Is why MansiOn Palmerston, Co. Kildare, is very busy collectmg several visits to · her hostel at Wimbledon, for a motor ambulance to send to the front from Wressill Lodge, . which she has given over to Polish has become so popular. the inhabitants of Co. Kildare. The Earl of about forty Belgians. ::\Io~t of her time just Tins 1d., 2d., 4d., 6d. and 1s. Of all Dealers. Ma · t h' fi hin box Oakhill, Hunaerford. now i.s spent on the other s1de of the Channel, CHISWICK POLISH CO .., LTD., LO~'"DON & M ANCHESTER. yo Is a IS s g ' · 0 but she still finds an hour or two to spare for An Heroic Offer. . IWimbledon. MRS. COSSIP. CAMPINa. I have had many generous. offers and ~1fts of IUICELLANEOUI lALII. all kinds for our brave soldiers and sailors at 1 CAMPING.-Ladies or Gentlemen; Camp ReTiew .~ee.-0. ILLIARD TABLES, Second Hand all aizes. Aa1t for lid. K. PATTIE. The Derv.:ent Holiday Camp, Keswlc B Our O.K. Full-Size New Table, Price 58 Guineaa. Gu.arw the front since last .August, but the on? J have: A.TSWERS TO CORRESPONDE.TTS. anteed 10 years. Sent on 1 month's &pproval Full part.icularr. received from a lady who offers to go mto any HESTER (Ricbmond).-Perfectly S_Plendid. Apply _ . M.EDICAL.CURES Eczema Pooriasis WILLIE HOLT (Burnley), Ltd.,- Dept. D.S., Burnley. 'li · · h fl h t h I the th 1st GElneral Military Hospital, Camberwell, DR. POGSON'S Skin 0 mtment ' B' et.ts' nu tary hospital and g1ve er es 0 ea to e d 1 ,- 83 Pall Mall s w · Acne Ringworm, Ulcers, Chafings, Wounds~ u!J:S.:~ ed. d . · t h · This or the Re vto~s. ' ' · · ete. and 'contains special property for the skm, UJ<><-v'l'er YCLISTS! Big Cal!h Sanngs lie waiting for you on WerJ woun of any so ld1er IS mos . er01c. . CATHERINE BOOME (Kettering).-Wrjte to the and owned exclllt!ively by Wm. Pog._<:Qn, F.R.O.S. ls. Phd., ap C Page of our MAMMOTH GUIDE to cheaper Oyc.llDg.; lady does not make this offer blmdly, knowmg Women's Emergency Corps, 8, York-place, Baker· ch~mists, or direct from. Pogson, Halton. Leed~ 0-DDr.APYofr.!On s Secure this Monster Ba.rgai.ns Budget immediately. It's FRED · f hi t W Skm Soap for Perfect Skw Beauty, ls. GET IT T • for tht: &Sking, and will richly repay you. Consista of Sill full well what an operatiOn o t s sor means. street, · . f l'ttl profusely Illustrated Oataloguee, oontai!lDB 290 Paces, crowdecl Sh ' t' f d' Ts KIT (Stockton·on-Tees).-There 1s a use u 1 1 e with wonderful moneyo£a.ving often;. Splendid range ROYAit e has undergone an opera IOn or appen ICI I booklet, "Frenc1l Lesson for oldiers,". price 3d., RUNKARDS Cured quickly, secretly, permane.ntl~: tiial WINCHESTER CYCLES (Manx Championship WillDen). .herself. published from the offices of Countrv L1te. D fr~', privately.-Carlton Chemical Co., 7I8, B1mungham. guaranteed for ever, carriage paid, on 7 days' free trial. a• POLLi:E (Blackheath).-1 am sorry I cannot help Style$ in Tyres, all &t &etually less than la&t_ year'a " peace -a A War Club Conference. you UJTS. CURED by Trench's Remedy. Simple home treatment; prices. Similar Bargains .i.o Aooeeeoriee. 8atilfaction (1I&N.Jli .I:' 25 year ' success; I,OOO t-estimonials in one year Pamph­ teed or money back. Write NOWt and if you end9se ld. I was unable to go to the Mansion House on 1 SUMNER (Sefton Park).-! ca.nnot. send you Lady let Free.-TRENCIT REMEDIES. LTD. 338. South Fredenck­ stamp we will melude FREE 1a. PacKet Puncture Oompou~ Wednesday for the conference on women's war · Glanusk's petition. Better wr1te duect to her. &tieet. Dublin. MOORHOUSE. LTD.• 16. Padihaul. Burnley. Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. SATUKDAY. MAY 15, lHA. SEYMOUR HICKS MADH SURPRISES AT GA TWICit II BILL IS A CHAMPION "STRAFER.'' £12,000 A YEAR. Thrice Upset The Odds Betted ------~~~------:-. Heavy Stage Losses Due To On Wormleigbton. Outbreak Of War. CLOSE FINISHES AND LONG-PRICED The affairs of Mr Seymour Hick~ were in· . d . t t tt.. creditors' meetmg at the qmre m o a 111:1 · d WINNERS. Bankruptcy Court, Carey-street, yester ay. After h1s good third to My Ronald and Lux at Mr Hicks m his statement read . by the Newbury Wormleightoa as an automatic tavourite for the Alexandra Three-Year-Old Handicap at Gat­ Offici~} Recei;er' said that he started in th~ pr': wick yesterday, and at the finish odds were laid on fession in 1887. and had been engaged m tt him. m·er smce.. a o had m· "csted• considerable sums He looked a•1 over a ,,.inner a furlo~ out, but of money m building theatres and other specula· failed to withstand a strong challenge by the out­ n·lli.ch had been successful and sider, Thrice, who was bought in for 3,600 gUineas tions, some Of " last year, and ent under by a neck. others had not. Desmond M who was one of the high-priced year­ His income had been roughly £12•000 ~ yen; fr~r;n lings ()f 1913, and has been a disappointment as a the profession, and he had been~~dm~ 0~we~ racer, was a moderate third. Iown personal purposes abo?t ~"· · :~.c The Belgians were hopeful that Fatal would make about £34,000 to seventy cred,tors.. · 1 d"'d . . d l that thts sum mc u ., amends for his unlucky defeat at Epsom, but 1\lr. HlC~s pomte ouH. k . therefore the other though he had now every chance to win he was I£21.000 owmg to Mrs. IC s • done with at the end of five furlongs. liabilities were about £13,000. £3 000 or £4 000 Mr. Langton said that t~ere wds d, the sum' to The Belgians, however, opened the day we 1 by by way or guarantee. which re uce saddling the winner of the Ashdo n Sellina IIan­ about £9,000. . 1 t M Hicks had a dicap. This was Memorial, who started without a The state~e~t c::ontmuSed tt~ah U~ion for £10 000 quotation, and was apparently not fanci€d. He policy on hts 1tfe m the co IS . t ih , - BuT LATER. ON, WHEN 'THE WH01.-E and if he we;e-allowed to handle hls asse 5 ey was lucky to win, for Antravida, one of the joint OVIUSATtON HAS REVOLTE-D would produce at least £3,000. favourites, 'llS last to get away, yet only went or: under by a neck. AGAI~T GERMAN •JOJLTUR.'' - THE FAT BARON. • There wa:;; another fine finish in the Rook Selling The Official Receiv~r, alluding to onel of t\o claims. asked who was Baron -t Was \e avs.t • Plate, Lo,·e Blink filly and the favourite Blue­ able still~ · ·h 1 tr nch • ground, c~rying on a "tight raUN1E iHAT .SOMETHIN~ needlework done by Daily Sketch readers. Thtrty­ t.o Fiz-1 ama m t 1e G eat Metropolitan. -BlLls TAS< WILL Bf. Mt.J0-4 c;ReA\ER three classes have been arranged, s? tha~ every That :onn \ ou!d ;::eem to dom·nate the situation, LJKE. ~tS W~LL TAKE PLACE ! worker may send in the type of work ~n ht_ch she u_nle~s Ku"ght':; Key ean proye equal to the occa­ 1s· roo st proficient or find. a class wlnC'h· . smtst hher SIOn. as to the cost of matenals or tt e tuue a er The latter started farourite for the Great Metro­ disposal politan. but he 1Yas practically left at the post. Germany states that she will hate any other country drawing the &word against her far 'more than There is no ('.ntrance fee, but each entry must ~e He can meet La1·eco on the same terms to-day, so she hates England at. present. accompanied by 24 coupon_~ rut from t~le Da.ilv that \\·e shall be able to judge how far Knight's Sketch.. These coupon wtll apl?e.ar da1ly until !tey w <; unfortunat a Ep-onJ, that is, if both put TO·DAY AT GATWICK. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. November ~ext .. when ~he c~mpeht10n doses. m an appearance. 2.0.-MARLBOROUGH STAKES oi .300 60vs; 1m. 2.0-Ashdown Selling nandicap.-MEMORIAL. S-4 (Trigg), After the Jndg~ng, wh1ch wtll be done by experts Hare Hill is not likeh· to be asked to carrv his Black Walnut .... 4 9 5 Irish Earl ...... 3 Prince Marco • • • .. . 3 8 7 Carbon .. .. • •.. • • .. 3 s 4 1; ANTRAVIDA. 8-5 tP. Turner), 2; DAWPOOL, 6-4 funder the auspH~es of the Royal Echool of Art 14lb. 1 enalty. and Florentino is in no sort of 'form 8 (A. Wheatley),. 3. Also ran: Honastir, Pan~qtttan, Festirit;. N odlework all the work will be exhibited in a. Alborak ...... 3 8 7 "Thunder ...... 3 8 4 Sour Plum, St1ff Neck, Strong Boy, ldlewtld St Beuve e¥ ' . d · h just now. Sun Umbrell ••• • • • 3 8 7 Picotte ...... 3 8 4 Aneroid, Golde!l Import,. Marriage Market, Miss' oig<\, Sleepy suitable hal_l m London, an , exCeJ?t In C'~~es W _ere Rad · v i:;; a useful customer when at his best, Athol Blair ...... 3 8 7 ~en, Earl. Lu~tfer. Bettmg: 4 to 1 Antnnida, Strong Boy, the competitors feel unable to offer their entnes, The above have arri\·ed. Mi:'M:1 Sttff Neck, 8 to 1 St. BeuV{>, Dawpool. 100 to 7 be sold for the benefit of the Red Cross Society but he has not been out since Easter Monday. Vaucluse ...... 3 9 4 Florican ...... 3 8 7 ·n Knigllt of Ghh will at least get the distance, but Clever Dick .. • • .. .. 3 9 0 After Dark .. • • • • .. 3 8 4 ORIAL and _others. Neck; ~-2 length. Wt d the St. John Ambulance A sociation. Th he is lacking -in pace, and unle~s Last Stand can Zuider Zee ...... 3 9 0 Amain ...... 3 8 4 2.30-Rook Sellmg P!ate.-LOYE BLINK F 8-11 1Rickabvl an · · · } . · Royal Hal .... , .. • 3 8 7 May Boy •.. • • .. .. • 3 8 4 1; BLUEGROUND, 9-0 (Je~:ming l, '2; BILLETER, 9.0 1presentation of \VOrk IS .entire 'j ophO.J?-8:1. . reproduce !';orne of hi' old form he wiU not be Ram Off ...... 3 8 7 Whitby ...... '3 8 4 IRobbi.nsl, 3. Al~o ran. Mopish c. Aminta c. Idle Wheel, r In order to take part m the compcLlhtm readers dangerou t seem to n e that the safest plan is Land<~re • .. • • • . . • • 3 8 7 Curia ...... • .. 3 8 4 Bar<;>metz c, Blu~ Feat~er c,_Royal BuckE, Martinhoe. Hankhi\m, must send a large stam{)€d self-addressed envelope Sa.Toyard ...... 3 9 7 • Ben)$hted, OphiOn. l.\IJSS V1c. Countess Pi"o f Sweet 'Iamie u G · N ~1 k Co · t·t· D :r to rely on Laveco. GIMCRACK. Bettmg: 7 to 2 Biu< ;round, 5 to 1 Billeter: Smet Mamie' to 1u.rs. OSSlp, eee~. ewor mpe 1_10n, aw.y 2.30.-LEONARDS SELLING PLATE of 100 son; 2-.J.-<>.: Sf. 6 to 1 Blue c, 8 to 1 LOVE BLINK F. 100 m Sanidine . . . . • ...... 5 0 Zarine c ...... • .. .. • 9 0 F~~her 6 Sketch, London, E.C., for full delatls and au SELECTIONS. Juggins ...... 9 0 ethers. Head; i4 length. entrance form. Gatwick. The above have arrived. 3.0-Alexandra Thre""Year-Oid Handicap -TIIRICE 7 13 Knight of York .. . 9 0 Turberendian 8 11 lF. Bullock!. 1; WORMLEIGUTON, s~ (Fox) 2 · m:SYOND 2.0-\" .u.; LU E. 3.30-*CoMEDIE.\XE. Belle Poule c . .. .. • 9 0 Marne ...... 8 11 l\I, 8-5 (~rigg), 3. Also ran: Pennant, Ma.riue;ita. X Ray, Fatal, ~LT George, Ma::abuka, Jla.rwood. Betting: 4 t{) 5 2.30- I.OTOR WR 4.0-LAYECO. On the Way ...... 9 0 Motor Wrap ..••••.• 8 11 COUPON ftW Caravel g ...... 8 11 Orange Blossom i·. 8 11 Wormle1ghton. 5 to 1 Fat I. 10 to 1 Sir George D~mond M 3.0-TATR ! .. q.25- V ALO.-A. 100 to 8 Marguerita. THR1~..:. 100 to 6 cth~rs Neck· 3 3 0 -MA.\'BLOSSm! SELLING HANDICAP of 100 f>Ovs;· 6!. lengths. • • llaydock. M~rguetel •...•••• ~ 8 8 ~arie"s Pride .... 4 7 13 DAILY SKETCH Final Shot ...... 5 8 7 L~ttle Gaysome .. 6 ·1 12 3.30.-Worth Stakes.-DRY 1, 8-8 " ew. th'' THE TRU'l'H, U {W\J Grtgg • 2; POCHARD. 8-.10. (W. most P" length. Caase Tete f ...... 8 4 Blair Anrhor f .... 8 0 members of the London A.C. ; Corporal R A Lindsay 8 · h 3 30--Trial Sellintt Handieap -B!\NDIT.z.. 7-11 (Foyl, 1; GOOD 40.-PRINCE'S HANDICAP i>f 500 soTS; 2m. 220 yard and 4~0 y.ards champion, LtPnte~ant J. S ~~ttl!! cAit.E, 6-12 \J. Ta.vlorl •. 2; CHIDDINGS'l'ONE., 8-2 {Thwai!--1, Knight's Key ••.. 5 9 G J.ast t&nd -· .... 6 7 1 the Sandburst mtler and holder of the Royal Military eoflue, cross-country course record. and Serreant A E Jo ~e are an invaluable · 0 Also ran· 8incle St1ck~ Shor Skin. Ta.~hbridge, Gallop1na Knight ol Glin .... 5 8 5 The Pet ...... 4 7 2 cor• Betting· 6 to. 4 BANDIT.-. to 1 Si~lestick. 8 to 1 Short Skirt, The above have arrived. Herne Hill harrier and Readiq A.C qu.arter-mu~: the o d rective for sick head­ Good ~re, 10 to 1 Chiddi.qstone, Gallopina. 100 to 8 T&th· Hare Hill • .. • . ... 5 11 13 Lueco ...... S 11 6 dge. N eclt; same. Florenti.Do • .. •.. .. 6 9 0 Green Meadow • • • • 6 7 11 A~ Aylesbury, 14th Durham Light. Infantry ~ &eQe, biliousness, de­ O-Newtoa Plate.-ALMA. '1-11 (Wal Grinal,~. 1; Badw&J ...... C 8 13 Flocon ...... 4 'I a At Caterham. Brigade of Guards 10 miles Marathon race. pression and all thoae aoSHEBVILLE. &..a {l'oJ'l. 2; LADY BI1Uf8, '1-b (D. 4 25 -MAIDElf (Apprellticel PLATE of 100 110ft.; .it indispositiOM KclteDD&t, 3. AJeo ran: BUlyeoek, 8J11l]8etrical. Bl!~"-· Paqboanaa ...... 3 6 8 Crincleain ...... 3 6 8 minor Whitelacbea.. BeWnc: 5 to 4 LadI_ BiaDI. & to 1 A~. 11 Allecro • .... ••• ... • 3 6 8 ValoDs ...... ·~... 3 6 5 C&usedbyadisordered to beK; Dubli.D ...... 3 6 8 llecale ...... 3 '6 5 2 JtasbeniHe. lD te 1 oUlera. ~ JeriPh; lluco ao.aao . .• • 3 6 8 state of the liver or 4.30-Cblb PJ&te.-LUX. v-1~ JPon. lt ouv~ a.o The above ha e arrived. l'!b,...... a· A.JALOII~ 1-8 ~ I...... • to & digestiou. Made fr~ma ~· I fO •.,...__ D to ,~.I,JIIoi. ·aort .....: 4 ...... 6 tlael'lpet •• 3 famous Doctor's priYate f prescriptioll, they hawe WOil .• world-wide ~ Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. D.\IJ.Y SKI:'fL'Il. 5AT1JRDAY, llAY : , 1Sl5.-P~e 11. "A BRIDE OF THE PLAINS" THIS SUPERB (Gold Medal) By the , Author of " "1 " The Elusive Pimpernel," "I Will Repay,"" Beau Brocacle," etc.

CHAPTER XV. (continued). MAGNETO CORSET long €nough to play into the ear of every single Bela's Contempt For His Ouests. guest his or her favourite song. •• Don't be afraid, mother," said Elsa quietly; ·• I For thu:; custom demands it. SENT (Stt Coupe, don't feel the least like crying." There are hundr-eds and hundreds of Hungarian FOR Btlc·a.,). " That's splendid," exclaimEd Bela with osten­ folk-songs, and to a stranger's ear no doubt these tatious gaiety. ''Here's Irma neni t~ng to teach have a great similarity among themselves, but to 1/ a Hungarian there is a world of differenoo in each, me something about girls. As if I didn't know Mr. Ambrose Wilaon'• Marvellous Invention, about them all that there is to know. Eb, Andor, for to him it is the \vord.s that have a meaning. "The Corset Cures," is now within the reach of you agree with me, don't you I" he added, turning The songs are, for the most part, love songs, and every woman who fills in and sends to-clay the to the other man. " We men know more about all are written in that quaint, symbolic style, full Coupon below. women's moods and little t-empers . than their own of poetic imagery. which is peculiar to the Magyar language. · From the moment when you put it on you begin mothers d?. Wbatf Now, Irma neni, take your to feel a ceaseless stream of Magnetic Power daughter mto the house. There is a clatter of When we remember that in the terrible revolution of '48, when these same Hungarian peasant lads permeating. your whole body from head to heel dishes and bottles going on inside there which is who composed the bulk of Kossuth's followers The joy of New Life, New Health and New Vigour very pleasant to the stomach. Miss Klara will fou~bt against the Austrian Army, and subsequently thrills through ~very nerve. You feel a differen' you h?nour m~ by accepting my arm 1 Friends, agamst the combined armies of Russia. and of woman. Your outlook upon life is different- come .m all, \~,11 you W All those I mean whom Austria, when we remember that throughout that brighter, happier and more hopefuL my w1fe that 1s to be has invit-ed' to her l~st girl­ hood's entertainment. terrible campaign they were always accompanied Think for yourself what it means to be by their gipsy bands, we begin to realise bow great thoroughly healthy, supremely vigorous, " Irma neni, do l-ead the way. Elsa looks quite a part nat1on al music plays in the national spirit always to enjoy life, not for one hour~ pale for wa.nt of food-she had her breakfast very of H~ngary. The sweet., sad folk songs rang in the not for a day, but for always. I want early, I su.ppose, and got tired dressing for this fighting lads' ears when they fell in their hundreds you to send for one of my Magneto ~reat oc~as1on. Andor, you shall sit next to Elsa before the superior arms and numbers of their Corsets, and join the vast and increas­ 1f you like. . . . You must have lots to tell her. powerful neighbours, they inspired them and urged ing army of happy wearers of this most wonder- Your !ldventures among the cannibals and the lions them, they helped them to win while they could, ful invention. - and tigers. • . • Eh f . • • And Irma neni shall sit and t<> yield only when overwhelming numbers ne:~:t to you on the other side, and don't let her finally crushed their powers of resistance. Gipsy Remember that my Magneto Corsets are Nature's ~av~ more w.ine than is good for her. Whew 1 but musicians fell beside the young soldiers, playing to Remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago 1t 1s hot already l Come along, friends. By them until the last the songs that spoke to them thunder, Klara, but that is a fine hat you have of their village, their sweethearts and their home. Nervous Troubles, Mind Wandering, Loss of Will got on.'' · And the sweet, sad strains rang in the ears of the Power, Involuntary Blushing, and scores of ~e talk:~ on very V his heart must what my Corsets can do for you? m.any adverse comme~ts to go round among his break under it, be loved to hear the gipsy musician fnends. B.ut he was m a mood not to care. He softly caressing the strings of his violin as be was determmed that everyone should know and see played close to his ear the sweetest, saddest melody "On Approval." COUPON. Post To-day. that he was the master here t.o-day just as he among all the swe€t, sad melodies in the Magyar m~ant to be mast~r in his house th:oughout the tongue. It begins thus: To Mr. AMBROSE WILSON (Cors2t D2pt. 12), years to come. L1ke every . self-enriched peasant, t h_; attach~d. an. enormous Importance to wealth, " A Maroa '"ize folyik csendesen! " Vulcan Bous2. 56. Ludgate Bill, London, E.C. and was mclmed t.o have a contempt for " 'fhe waters of the Maros flow sluggishly-" the. less fortunate folk w·ho had not risen out of Simply write your FULL name and address on a the1r humble sphere as he had done. and it speaks of a broken-hearted lover whose This is the Ambrose sweetheart belongs to another. Andor had never Wilson Magneto piece of paper, fill iJ&I" your co1"fect measurements, Thu is the . Andor'a Foreboding. cared for it before. He used to think it too sad, Corset. pin coupon to paper and post it to me at once. Charming Effect H1s wealth, he thought, had plaC€d him above but now he understood it; it was attuned to his it produces. ev~ryone else m Marosfalva, and above the un­ mood, and the soft sound of the instrument helped Please send me a " Magneto Corset " on a ppro,·al. I. enclo~e ls., and if 1 do no' immediate! wntten laws of traditions and proprieties which are him to keep his ever-growing wrath in check, even return Corset I will pay you the balance of 4s. lld., e1ther m one sum, or by weekly instal of more ae~ount in an Hungarian village than all while he was watching Elsa's pale, tearful face. menta of la. She had made pathetic efforts to remain cheerful, 1he. codes framed by the Parliament which sits in Size of waist ...... Bu!t...... Hips Bud~pest. He was. proud of his wealth, proud and not to listen to Klara's strident voice and of h1s educatwn, his book-learning and knowledge loud, continuous laughter. Bela had practically NOTB.-Fore·i~~.. ~~·d·C~lonioJ Orders must be acco~panied by tltt full omour:f··~~;j"l~: .. ·~d: of t~e world, and reckoned that these gave him confined his attentions to the J ewess, and Elsa tried extra to pay postage. the nght to be a law unto himself. His naturally not to show how ashamed she was at being so openly dO?lineer.ing ~nd masterful temperament com­ neglected on this occasion. She should have been }Jleted lus cla1m to be considered the head man the queen of the feast, of course; the bridegroom's of ::\farosfalva. thoughts should have been only for her; everyone's .The Hungarian pea s~mts ar.e ready enough w eyes should have been turned on her. Instead of gne deference \vherd deference is exacted but which she seemed of less consequence almost than l1a.ving given it, their cordial friendship dies 'away: anyone el'je here. If it had not been for Andor, Th.ey acknowl~dge a sccial barrier more readily, who sat next to her, and who saw to her having something to eat and drink-it was little enough, L. & N. W. and UNDERGROUND RAILWAYS. per~a.ps, than any other peasantry in Europe, but havm~ once acknowledged it, they will not admit God knows 1-she might have sat here like a. that e1ther party can stand on both sides of it at wooden doll. one and the same time. Something of the respect which Eros Bela de­ So now, though Eros Bela was flouting the local manded as his own right encompassed her, too, The Connecting Link traditions and proprieties by his attentions to already; the cordiality of the past seemed to ha •e KJara Goldstein, no one thought of openly oppos­ vanished. She was already something of a lady; ing him. EYeryone was ready enough to accept "ten's asszont" (honoured madam) she would be his actions, as they would those of their social styled by a:nd by. And this foreknowledge, which , supetiors-the gentlemen of .A.rad, the Pater, my she was gradually imbibing 'vbile everybody round THE EXTENSION OF THE BAKERLOO Jord the C<>unt himself- but they were not ready her made merry, caused her .almost as much sad­ tQ accept his cordiality nor to extend to him their ness as Bela's indifference towards her. It seemed LINE TO WILLESDEN JUNCTION .simple-minded· and cpen-h€arted friendship. as if all brightness was destined to go out of her I L& N.W.R.) The presence of the Jewess did not please them­ life after to-day, and it was with tear-filled eyes that \NEW STATION IS NOW OPEN she was a stnnger and an alien; she looked like she looked up now and again from her plate and a creature from another world with her tight skirts, gazed round upon the festive scene before her. This extension affords direct connection, \Jia high-heeled shoes and huge, feathered hat. No A Feast Of Oood Things. Willesden junction, between all L. & N. W. R. one felt this more keenly than AndOl', whose heart Stations, including the Residential Districts had warmed out~de s pite its pain-at sight of all The whitewashed schoolroom, where on ordinary in his fn!!nds, their nat10nal costumes, their music, working da-v s brown and grimy little faces were Middlesex and Hertfordshire, and all Bakerloo Line their traditions-all of which had heen out of his wont to po're laboriously over slates and books, Stations. Ask for Illustrated "Country Homes" life for so long. presented now a very lively appearance. He felt that Kl3.ra's presence on this occasion Two huge trestle tables ran down its length, anrl Booklet at any L. & N. W. R. or Bakerloo Station was in itself an outrage upon Elsa, eYen without thirty guests were seated on benches each side of PASSENGERS IN BOTH Bela's conspicuously unworthy conduct. Elsa, with these. The girls in all their finery wanted a deal of her tightly-plaited hair, her balloon skirts, and sitting room, with their starched petticoats standing ALBERT H. STANLEY DIRECTIONS CHANGE GUY CALTHROP bare neck and arms, looked ~, shamed 'beside this out over their hips; their bare arms and necks Maaari111 Director AT WILLESDEN JUNC- Geaeral M~~n~i« fashionable apparition all made up of billowy lace shone with the vigorous application of yellow and clinging materials. . soap· and the smooth hair, fair and dark, had an Uedeqroand Rai!waJt TION (NEW STATION) L & N. W. R. Andor cursed beneath 1113 breath, and ground additional lustre after the stiff brushing which jt his heel into the dust in the impotency of his had to endure. The matrons wore darker skirts rage. He tried to remember all that the Pater I llad said to him half an hour ago about forbear­ and black silk handkerchiefs tied round their ------~------·-----­ ance and about God's.will. where~~~wd~inabow~~~~n;~tn~-1~------• ribbons fluttered and beads Jingled, and the ..:- Personally, Andor did not altogether believ~ that men had spurs to their high boots which gave a I it was God's will that Elsa should be married to pleasino clinking when they clapped their heels Enjoyable Restful & Invigorating Holidays a man :who would neither cherish her. nor app:e­ togethe~. Overhead, hung to the ceiling, were ciate her as she deserved to be; a~d 1t was w1tb festoons of bright pink paper roS€s and still IF SPENT IN THE a heart weighed down with forebodmg a;s well as brighter ~reen glazed calico leaves; the tables were I with sorrow that ht) followed the weddmg party spread w1th linen cloths, and literally threatened to into the schoolhouse. break down 3-mder the weight of pe:vter dishes ~lled I with delicacies of every sort and kmd-home·k1lled CHAPTER XVI. 1 A meat and home-made sausages, home-made bread 1 and bome-gr.own v.:ine. The Magyar ~asant i~ an epi­ . i.A.TMUM · u.rSHII\E-BRACL.~G AIR. Elsa's Humiliation. cure His nch soil and excellent climate gwe h1m But e ·en the bridegroom's unconventional and the best of food, a..nd though, when t~mes are hard, AN IDEAL HOLIDAY RESORT. Jeprehensible conduct bad not the power to damp he will live read1ly enough on ma1ze bread and for long the spirits of the guests. pumpkin, he knows ho~v t~ enjoy .a good spread (.A. JlENNAIJG , Advertisiag Board, DOUGLAS· By the time the soup bad been ~aten and the when rich friends prov1de 1t for hrm. GUIDES FREE • or. 27, Imperial Buildiags, Ludgate Circ:us, E.C. glasses filled with wine the noise m the school­ And Eros Bela had done the feast in style. room bad already become deafening, and no person Nothing was stinted. You just had to sit down of moderate vocal calibre could have heard himself and eat your fill of roast veal or roast pork, of Bpeak. The time bad come for everyone t<> talk at fattened capons from his farmya!d or. of fogas (a ED · TE A D :~oP:•:t g~ :oJT· PUBLICATIONS. B ..., WHY.P.AY SHOP PRICES! 11\KA.TRIM;O.'IAL GAZET'.l;E, old~t, quick~t. ('t~a~ &J?'d at the top of his or her voice, for no one to listen, kind of pike peculiar to Hun~anan nvers), o~ of Newest Patt.erna in Metal e.nd Wootc from 3d , 6d 8d. 100 • MM. T~~LKING PARROTS on month's tri.a.I, my ri! k. FuJl ~ had already begun his roun~ of the twDl bd' l .J ,. • -u.'-oowol,EY'S~ TJ.pi t , J, ~trY. II:. t; nlars J)Of;t f ~.-P:-. Ht A JJar et;, ~v·c mnl>e t.ftb)e5, pau«ing for a d1ile behmd ev-ery .:!hau- JUSt JJoot Ptll~b.-(Adrt.' Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. Fag' 12.-DAILY SKETCH,!;_ TURDAY, ~AY 15, 1~1~. BEST War Pictures. Illustrated SUNDAY HERALD for EXCLUSIVE PICTURES. • ~ Th p· t Paper for the week-end ••~ t~~ , II ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY HERALD. It • u there that you get the latest and th~ b:st. Be ETC H · . f ur copy on Sunday by orderma1t Now. ~a=~~~Ru ~-~-s-~-=-W-~-Y-~-~~----- UREPAPER 11~~c~er~~;o;r;o~~==~~~~~ i'elephones-8 Lines-Editorial and Publishing-Holborn 6512. BRITAIN'S BEST PlOT • · ~MffiS COMMffi~ONAffiKj 1 ~~ ~PU~T~TI~NG~OU~R~A~L=m~N~E~N~EM~ffi~S=U=N=DE=R=L=O=CK~~=D=~~~~]

. l The work of interning. the thousands of Germans who have not been naturalised commenced in London yesterday. Every consid~~ation was ~hown the aliens,. who were more often than not taken to the camps in taxi-cabs. Our photograph shqws a sea captain about to enter the Carpenter's-road camp, Bow.-(Daily Sketch Photograph.)


As the customers drive up she opens the door. ~he ~irl con_:~.mis_sionaire. is the late~t developmen-t of t~e war. Here s! e is outside Harrod's yesterday. Many commis­ stonatres are actmg as mstructor m the Army, and It has been found impossible to find men to take their places _ (Daily Sketch Photographs.) ·


A private of the Black Watch wearing the new The dog always accompanies the regiment when it goes out marching. Yesterday, as it went down the Brom. t ~ waterproof hat w":-b • . the mascot was seen to e carrymg· 1ts· mt'dd ay rations.· N o o ther dog dared to challenge its possession.-{Dailgp on-roa AU\; ts now bemg served out b 8 to our forces in France.

Printed and Published by E. HUJ,TON and 00.. LlMlTED. Shoe Lt.ne. LotMton. and W"nby 0 l'tml, llaDC~. -8ATUJ1DAY, VAy 15, 1915.