Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. DAILY SKETCH, SA.'l'Ulm.AY, MAY 15, 1915. BRITAIN'S MUDDLED METHODS WITH ALIENS.<seePages.> ETC GUARANTEED DAILY NETT SALE MORE THAN. 1,000,000 CO~IES. No. 1,929. LONDON, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915. £Registered aa a Newspaper.] ONE HALFPENNY. [A GRIM FlOUT FOR THE TRENCHES IN THE CARPATHIANs.JI 0 h th h 0 t ra her ran the risk of the soldier. His pictures were taken in an Austrian trenc}.l at the moment when the RussianS were ~ take these ..re~ar~le ph~tograpths Ae f . og rseen replying by rifle fire to the Russian attack. On the right-hand corner can be seen a wounded Aqstrian. Below tlttacking hotly. In e t~~J~c:r!ou!de;sr:~~fs ~eing attended to behind the firing-line while the fight goes on.-(Daily Sketch ExclusiYe Photographs.) SATURDAY, ~lAY 15, 1915. Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. f'a:~ ::. DAIL~ SKETCH. DEGRADING THE KAISER. 1WHAT ABOUT "PAPER" ENGLISHMEN? GERMANS TAKEN AWAY Banners Of Enemy Knights Taken IN MOVING-VANS. Germany's Plot To Protect Her Spies In Britain In War Time­ From St. George's Chapel. Dangerous Men Not Touched By Asquith's Edict. Hundreds Surrender Voluntarily NO PUBLIC CERE~IONY. 1;-.; THE HoL·sE oF Co~nw ·::; o.' \\"ED "ESDA v _TIGHT :- And Are Sent To Internment. After morning service yesterday St. George's Sir E. Carson : Does tlze right liOn. gentleman require tlzem to sign a statement Chapel, ·windsor, ' as closed to the public, and EARLY 30,000 IN LONDON. ~aying tllat they hat•e renounced allegiallce to tl1e German Emperor? . , to the removal of the banners of the Kaiser, Mr. McKenna: I 11'ill inquire furtlzer znto tlze actual statement which they lzat-e Austrian Emperor, and other foreign Knighta of " Smart Young Fellows" Under sign: I am no~ sure that there is any statement in that precis~ form of words. to the Garter whose names have been struck off the S~r H. Dal:zel: Is it not tlze case tllat a German naturallsed here can app 1Y. ht roll by the King was proceeded \\ith in the cour.. e Armed Escort At Soutben d• Germany and get denationalisati~ papers? I 11a1'e often seen tltem. Does tile ng TiL :\let;opolitan Police began yesterday to lzon. gentleman not ask for tlwt before lie naturalises tlum? of the day. The banner , surcoats, sword , and other ?"'al w·ith Ge1·man and Austrian aliens in London Mr. McKenna I will inquire furt!ler into tlze actual steps taken. in accordance \Yith the new Government scheme-- (From a Legal Correspondent.) eomes a ·• paper" Englishman;_ yet. lle has never accoutrements were taken down under the direc­ tion of Sir Alfred Soot~ Gat~y.' the Principal c1) .·r o mtem all ah~n· enern1-t-s· (not natura 1·lSe d) I .\ G"erman doe' uot cea:ioe to be. a Gt>rman · lost h'1s G erman natw· nalitv-he"' 1s still a German.b ,., a f r ~ ,.. ~ G - · fact can only cease to €COtne Garter King-of-Arms .. 1·o deciSIOn ba yet been rom r LO 5<>, nor tloes he lose his uatiouality b~'ause he ba 1 • erman, m. ' • , · rtificate of dis- •2• To '1 "J'"'"t tho· e o"er• n11.11·•n .. "' aae · k · German b~· the sue ot a specla1 ce arrived at as to the disposal of the banners. · u "-'• " < w.u.. e ' Ita ~e n out uaturahsatwn pa ers .J • d · · trative • . IDllllS The stalls of the R-0yal Knights w-ere dis­ 3, To expatriate alien women and chil(lren; ' J:i . d l . .. E r ~, · 1 d charge drawn up by !he supenor a -.!'.uh1C'et to a neal to an Adviso Committee. e can r.op us ng 1 _uattonu.tt~ an authority of the home State. mantled, but there was .no kind of. ceremony r . tlw> 1 .~l _1 Pt . .h h ry . become a complete German agam by a btnglej How illany narurali~ed Gennans m country 11nd nothino· in the nature of degradation, as this ~· n e 1unure<1 of t ose w o surrendered m London . ·p, 1 :yesterday \Yere oent to Sou_thend at four o'clock and stroke of the pen. h3ve vbtained !!UCll n certlJJ?ate nsiderable is not provided for in the rites of the Order. 0 wert> placet! on board :1. east of the pier. The German Government, l>ith that thorongh- 1 Qur . tohk me into A suggestion has been made that the German ~lup ~!any A.~1bas.saJor ~t Be~lm 8 ~ of, tlle'll \\·t>re 'martly-dress.ed young men. ness which has charaderisetl al1 its actions in l pams to rnterpret tllls ne"' law '~h ~s ~~ excure Black Eagle on Banbury Cross should be I 14 ? 1 I hey w re e~corted bv n::giments quartered in the . operation on January 1, 19 • so eJ e h obliterated. 'lhe eagle was placed tl1ere in 1885 1-014t1 an•l !:he :,oldiers "with fixed bayonets \ ·all·ed preparmg fo1· th1s war, bas antw1pated a state · f•:r the Home Se~retary or o1her _mem be~ ~f t e on either :irl~. Full 'c?mpanies were at the h~aJ j of thing whi~h now exjst;:, in thb eom:try, and Cabinet who plead, ignorance of 1 ·.~s pronslOns. to commemorate the marriage of the Kaiser'. father ''"ith the Princes Royal of England. and, r\ear~o~. t11~ process1on . prepared for 1t. I -. .--.CHEllE IS WORKED. A~ ' 10 : -Mle:-~. ~ne of the busy West End pohce- j lt has alwavs realised that a. German might be HOW THE !S f>t;tt~o.o - J,ust of1 _:ic_c~Jilly, 60 a_li~ns, .of _all cl.asses, able to do t;nor~ good to the F:::.tberlan_d by tald11g Gennaa natio:nalit~:, · J•e puin~ed ?ut, is _not pre ~-He't 1~lenh::he, \Oluntar~l) befme nndday.lout naturah:satwn papera~ and prrtrwlwg to be au!, . , n. foreign natwnahty 1s acqmred A PROBLEM TO FACE AFTEa 11 105 1 A~ ~1 Y arn,·ed they were detamed, and were sent Englishman, than by remaining a simp)e Gennan. 1 J .w ~l~~ la'' . or a fm·eign ;:)tate merely OJ. lll haltbes to one of the internment camps. 1 And it has made the way easy by a special Act of: bu~ ~r ~ '"of -es~den;e 'settlenient, Ol' birth with· THE WAR. d b' h G t l' d · lea:son 1 · ' 'd f DROVE OFF SMIL.ING P arl .lament, nn er w 1c ermaf!S ua ura 1se. m a. I hi· that State, and in or?er _to t:>tOVl e . or D 111 •. 11 " tlJ or . d. · foreign countJ·y can be orne tierrnans agam on 1 cases ,rllei·e a foreirrn natwnahty 1s acqmred St WbJ.Cb Must Be Taken I '"' e lll mug an or mary CO\"erec1 \an r . ' ' . "' . b· . ire- eps drew up oubide ~he stati~m. Shortly afterwards a.jI app lC:ation. • solely tc~th ~ ~·~ew . to meetmg . tLSw::l~;~q~all Of_<:H or _mere f•t the pnsoners came out of the THE GF.IBI.AN PLOT. ments, etc._ lt ls _law .do'~? ~ft a u c• uirin()' a Before It Is Too Late Jl01d.' ,- ~tatJoo . AecOJJl)Jallyiug tllem \\'a" a police· '. I c.· . •'n ~ • • I .. not_lose bt~ n~tlO:::lalJty lt_ eore a 1.-. ::> fl ... • Jnftr f·:tor. I 1hl!' Act ,G...1man lmpeiJal aod N~te- a-tonadt,.~ fore1o-n natwnahty he obt~ms _the pemnsslO_n ° Onlec:s prompt actwn i taken there will b . (i· . h . Law) was onlv passed on J uh- 22, 19b. h 11"' th 't'1 e~ to retaiJl h1s German nat10na- ~ . e a 1 Y one tne\ got uo mto the Yan carryma 1 u d 't a· t' (t · l t e ome au on " • grave economJC cnsiS after tho declarat10u ef witll them bag~age of nti·icus sizeq fro~1 a laro-~ n er I erman na wua 1 Y IS 1os- llty. ,_ . ortmanteau which re uired mo ~'en to lift i o~ (11 By dlscttarg~.. _ . bur Ambassador hit the o_ail on t~~ hea?- y<hen peace, Ill \VhlCh women will suffer m? t of all. a SJJ•3. ! kit-bacr q t t C2) By the acq&HSitlon of a .toretgn n~tumallty. lle talked of "business rcqwrements, for ~t IS for You say, "''\'by trouble about th1s now-why ~mile- piay:d on the faces of most of them, and m:~ ~:~i!f~:·'::":h:' a'!!~·~~~f~es~rvu;e. Ill busin~ss ~equi~eme~ts ,T that bGermansl beco;n~ not wait until we hare won?" But if the prob- the;· appeared_ to be quite coutent. ~\lark this section:- . naturahsf'd .m thls countr}-not ecause t ley w... n llem is not tackled in time it may not be possible Late::: a stru;lar load left Bow-st,.~t tat" n , . to be Englishmen. · to t kJ "t t 11 :Man . ~ these also bad nJl n . - s lO : A l_le.rson uoes _not lo~e lll~ nat10nahty 1f,_ befon! I .. TLe new law," he says, ·• provides that all per- ac e 1 a a . th -•lJ0 • ~ ;) . b · , h . du. tarb11 Y sur. rendered, aeqmrmg: a fore1gn n~t10naht:r, !Je _has apphecl for, I ho have lost their German nationality 'Ihis is the ·dew of Mr.
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