


held in Robinson Hall, Lolworth on Thursday 27th April 2017, at 8.00 pm.

Chairman: J. Short Clerk: J.E.F. Houlton Also present: District Councillors Roger Hall & Bunty Waters; County Councillor Lynda Harford. 19 parishioners

1. Apologies Carol Churcher, Becky Palmer, Eric & Jen Wakefield, Paul & Diana Jones, Fiona Corbett, Bryon & Frances Bache, Luanne Hill, Darren Chamberlain

2. Welcome to Newcomers - none

3. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Chairman; John Short Vice Chairman; Steph Chamberlain

Proposed by John Houlton Seconded by Alex Sutherland Unanimously elected

4. Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 24th November 2016

Adoption of the minutes of the meeting held on 24th November 2016 was proposed by Dame Veronica Sutherland, seconded by David Cressey and unanimously agreed. Accordingly, they were signed as a true record.

5. Matters arising

a) Table tennis table: Ongoing. The Chairman has sourced four paving slabs. b) Speed limit: the Clerk has circulated two posters drawn by Lucah and Thea Bewick encouraging people to drive slowly. A flier was suggested by Irene Pearson, as were posters of a size visible to those in speeding vehicles. County Cllr. Harford agreed to investigate cost of posters. c) Damage to the verge on the small green: the application to the South Local Highway Improvement Panel for funding to provide kerbing was unsuccessful. Robert Pearson generously offered to place 2

three concrete blocks to deter further damage and to provide some top soil to repair the existing damage. d) Streetlights: Cllr Harford reported a projected cost of £226.52 +VAT to replace each lamp together with further unquantified costs to install them and remove the existing ones. It was agreed the potential savings in running costs and bulb replacement did not merit the replacement expense.

6. Junior Club Since our Christmas party, the club has had a quiet term. We are looking forward to more club nights now that the evenings are lighter, and the children can play games on the green. All are welcome to come along, and if anyone has an idea for a club night activity please get in touch with Fiona Corbett. Fiona Corbett

7. Correspondence

A14 to Improvement Scheme A written report was provided by Bob Pettipher, Stakeholder Manager of the Integrated Delivery Team. Further night time closures are anticipated until work on speed and lane restrictions is completed. Speed cameras are working to enforce the 40mph limit through the narrow lanes. Some construction work at the junction will be brought forward and work has commenced on the construction of the new junction next to Hill Farm cottages. There may be “seed” funding from outside the scheme budget for investigating a 4G network adjacent to the carriageway throughout the scheme but the internet cabinet will only be moved the edge of the new highway boundary.

Broadband Installing an additional new cabinet and the required fibre connection nearer to the village will cost in the region of £250,000 + VAT. Derek Hill, the village’s broad band champion, was thanked for his efforts and it was agreed that further meetings/correspondence were unlikely to result in improved performance.

Overhanging vegetation in Robins Lane A letter has been received from Estate Management, University of Cambridge, acting on behalf of Trumpington Farms requesting overhanging vegetation and trees are trimmed to allow farm vehicles access to Yarmouth Farm.

Balfour Beatty Streetlights Protracted correspondence with South Cambs. District Council and Balfour Beatty has convinced them that we have nine streetlights and not ten.


8. Tree Officer’s report All the fruit trees in the meadow have been pruned. One dead apple tree has been replaced. Carol Churcher will weed kill around the base of the trees in the next few days. Following discussion about harvesting the fruit, it will be advertised it is available to anyone who wished to pick it.

9. Planning Applications

S/2255/16/FL Replace roof tiles with Slate and render Wall with Plank Cladding & Brick “slips” and enclosing of Car Port. 2 The Green. Approved 16/12/2016

10. Town Acre Charity Income from the annual rents will be spent on maintenance of the allotment area. £ 11. Financial Report The Financial Report was presented by the Chairman. Adoption of the report was proposed by Gill Coe, seconded by Steph Chamberlain and approved unanimously. The meeting then approved the i) Annual Governance statement 2016/17 for Lolworth Parish Meeting ii) Accounting Statements 2016/17 for Lolworth Parish Meeting, proposed by Derek Hill, seconded by David Cressey and approved unanimously

Thanks were expressed to Michael Fisher for once again carrying out the audit with no charge.

12. District Councillors’ report

District Cllr. Bunty Waters summarised the District Councillors’ annual report – see appendix 1.

13. County Councillor’s report

County Cllr. Linda Harford thanked everyone for their support. Her written report is attached as appendix 2.

14. Any other Business

a. 50th Anniversary of ; celebrations on July 1st. b. Milton Country Park “ParkLife 2017”. Sunday June 25th 10.00 – 17.00 c. Progress on the construction of the A14 is being recorded monthly by a local drone enthusiast. Google “A14 Swavesey drone” to watch on U-tube. 4

d. David Cressey reported a need for awareness following recent harassment of elderly people by individuals touting for work. The Clerk described the “Safe and Well visits” offered by Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service and will ascertain whether they are willing to give a group talk. Jim Allen offered free advice to villagers on fire protection. Volunteers will be sought to form a contact list as part of emergency contingent planning. e. “Operation Hunter” a burglary and crime prevention awareness event, will be held on 10th May at the Church of St Peter & Paul, Park Street, Dry Drayton starting at 5.00pm

15. Date of the next meeting

Thursday November 23rd 2017 at 8.00 pm

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.28 pm

Signed Date