


held in Robinson Hall, Lolworth on Tuesday 10th April 2012, at 8.00 pm.

Chairman: G. Corbett Clerk: J.E.F. Houlton Also present: District Councillors Bunty Waters and Roger Hall; County Councillor John Reynolds. 20 parishioners

1. Apologies

Louise Milbourn, Sigrid and Pat Disley, Paul and Diana Jones, Derek and Luanne Hill, Debbie Lowther, Eric Wakefield, Fiona Corbett

2. Welcome to Newcomers none

3. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman

Chairman; Ged Corbett Vice Chairman; Steph Chamberlain

Proposed by John Houlton Seconded by Liesa Clarke Unanimously elected

4. Minutes of the previous Meeting held on 22nd November 2011

The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd November 2011 were signed as a true record.

5. Matters arising a) Village website. www.lolworthvillage.com has been revised and is updated on a regular basis. Advertising has been obtained to defray some of the running costs and more space is available. The webmasters are open to suggestions and would be happy to receive photographs.

b) Village Sign The sign is anticipated to be ready by mid-summer.

c) Defibrillator The Trustees of Robinson Hall are to be asked to consider the feasibility of having a team of volunteers to act as key holders in order that access is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


d) Second seat on the village green A seat has been purchased for £62 and is currently being renovated. It will be sited adjacent to the children’s play area.

e) Friends of All Saints Church, Lolworth Charitable Trust The Clerk reported he has yet to circulate a questionnaire

6. Junior Club

The Junior Club has been relatively quiet over the winter months, although it continued to meet monthly on Friday evenings.

A fundraising Pudding Evening was held in March, which was a great success and well attended. Thanks were expressed to all who made puddings, contributed, and attended on the night. £203 was raised, which will enable the Club to continue running activities for the children.

Plans for future events include a children's tea party and games on the Green to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee in June, a summer party and barbecue in July, and a sponsored walk in September.

7. Correspondence a) Parish Paths Scheme

b) SCDC Housing Strategy Consultation

c) County Council Passenger Transport Service Bus subsidies and the Cambridgeshire Future Transport project

d) SCDC Staying independent, safe and well Adult social care road-show to visit libraries

e) HM Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Picnic at Burghley House, Stamford, on Wednesday 13th June 2012. The Clerk reported nominations for two people who play a part in the life of the Lolworth were sought by balloting every household. 23 ballot papers were returned out of 59 delivered and 14 people were nominated. Those with the most votes were John Houlton and Terry Smith.

8. Tree Officer’s report The Tree Officer reported five trees have been planted on the green under SCDC’s Parish Planting Scheme. Thanks were recorded to those who have “adopted” a tree to ensure it is adequately watered during the coming months.

Plans are continuing to plant a community orchard on the present flower meadow this Autumn. A potential site has been identified to avoid the allotments and flower meadow. 3

9. Planning Applications

S/2493/11 Change of Use of Units from Use Class B1 to Use Class D1. Units 6-9, Hazlewell Court, Bar Road, Lolworth (Parish of ), , Cambridgeshire, CB23 8DS Plans approved

S/2273/11 Domino UK Ltd New Workshop and Production building with associated administrative office, staff facilities, car parking service yard and landscaping. 21, Trafalgar Way, , Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 8TU Plans approved

C/11/17/066/03 Mr T Daniel Bright Haven 15% crown reduction on mature horse chestnut with a TPO Approved

S/1681/11 Mr Edward Coe, Martins, Robins Lane, Lolworth Non-Material amendment to alter fenestration and increase length of bedroom wing by 300 mm.

S/03888/12/OL Northstowe The application is for up to 1,500 dwellings, a primary school, a mixed-use local centre (including a community building and shops), leisure, community, residential institutions, cultural, health and employment provision, a household recycling centre, formal and informal recreational space, and associated infrastructure works.

In addition, a Development Framework has also been submitted. This covers the entire Northstowe site and will provide a policy framework within which the Phase 1 application will be determined. Although it has been given a reference number (S/0390/12) the Development Framework will not be determined as a planning application.

Concerns were expressed regarding: i) the need to upgrade the A14 and resolve its future before significant construction commences ii) the need to dual Hatton’s Road and construct associated cycle and footpaths iii) the need to actually deliver infrastructure rather than just planning it, particularly if the second phase is delayed iv) the lack of ambition given this is supposed to be an exemplar development of modern living 4

v) potentially inadequate education and health facilities vi) unclear off-site energy generation plans vii) unrealistic expectations on the ratio of walking and cycling to the use of motorised transport

10. Town Acre Charity Nothing to report

11. Financial report The Financial Report was presented by the Chairman and approved unanimously.

12. District Councillors’ report District Councillor Roger Hall highlighted a number of issues including a) SCDC has frozen its Council tax for the second year running. Additional savings will be required but front line services will be protected. b) SCDC has borrowed £205 M repayable over 30 years to fund the building of council houses in villages as well as Cambourne and Northstowe. c) Land for development up to 2030 has been identified. No proposal for development between Lolworth and Bar Hill has been received. d) The Localism Bill has been passed but many directives have yet to be communicated to Councils. e) SCDC’s policy remains that the rural character of the district must be preserved while attracting high quality business and jobs.

13. County Councillor’s report County Councillor John Reynolds provided a written report. Highlights included a) Cambridgeshire hosts A14 Conference b) Consultation on new strategy to reduce domestic abuse & sexual violence c) Busway smartcards upgrade d) 9.9M bid for drought damaged roads e) Transport Scheme needs more drivers f) Installation of solar panels on the County Farms Estate g) Successful bid for £1.7M Better Bus Area Fund


14. Any other Business a) recent local burglaries; - high value cars have been stolen by taking keys from properties. Double locking of UPV doors is recommended to prevent crowbar leverage.

- suspicious activity can now be reported on-line. Visit the 'Operation Twist' page of the force website www.cambs.police.uk or email [email protected] b) County Council matters; - guided bus; questions were asked about the potential cost of litigation. The trial date has been set for January 2014, which is beyond the next County Council elections.

- Dr Milbourn thanked Cllr Reynolds for highlighting the inadequate slip road from the village onto the A14 . - Cllr Reynolds agreed to ascertain who owns the verges between the A14 and the 30mph speed limit signs at the entrance to the village. Passing places have been created through repeated driving on the verge and these have now become difficult to use in wet weather. A request to harden them with road planings has been made. - c) litter around Cambridge Services was raised again. The Highways Agency employs SCDC to litter pick twice a year. Co-ordination between flailing the verges and litter picking could be improved.

- 15. Date of the next meeting

Tuesday April 10th 2012 at 8.00 pm

There being no other business, the meeting closed at 9.25 pm

Signed Date