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[email protected] I OMEN BUDGET <•- » 1 9 9 1 - 1 9 9 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE PREMIER AND CABINET VICTORIA < r REFERENCE WOMEN'S BUDGET WOMEN'S POLICY CO-ORDINATION UNIT 19 9 1-19 9 2 DEPARTMENT OF THE PREMIER AXD CABINET VICTORIA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Women's Budget 1991-92 was prepared by the Women's Policy Co-ordination Unit, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, from entries provided by government agencies in August 1991. The Unit welcomes readers' comments on the report, and will endeavour to accommodate recommendations for improvement of the Women's Budget 1992-93. Address all enquiries and requests for copies of this document to the Women's Policy Co-ordination Unit, Department of the Premier and Cabinet, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne 3002. ISSN 1030-3189 FOREWORD The 1991-92 Women's Budget demonstrates the Government's continuing commitment to improving the status of women. Despite economic constraints, Ministers have ensured that programs and services for women will operate effectively in 1991-92. Priorities for the Government continue to be policies and programs that improve women's safety and security; increase women's access to education and training; remove barriers to more equal participation by women in the workforce; meet the child-care requirements of Victorian families; and ensure that the particular health needs of women are met. In 1991 the Government introduced to Parliament amendments to the Crimes (Sexual Offences) Act to reduce the stress experienced by complainants in court cases where sexual assault is alleged, particularly complainants who are children or people with intellectual disabilities.