Review: Florian Illies, 1913, the Year Before the Storm Author[S]: J.S. Crockett Source: Moveabletype, Vol
Review: Florian Illies, 1913, the Year Before the Storm Author[s]: J.S. Crockett Source: MoveableType, Vol. 7, ‘Intersections’ (2014) DOI: 10.14324/111.1755-4527.062 MoveableType is a Graduate, Peer-Reviewed Journal based in the Department of English at UCL. © 2014 J.S. Crockett. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY) 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 1913, THE YEAR BEFORE THE STORM, by Florian Illies, translated by Shaun Whiteside and Jamie Lee Searle. The Clerkenwell Press – ISB 978 1 84668 951 2 In the rolling hills just south o+ the little village o+ Neu,ille St Vaast, in Northern Fran.e, is a War Cemetery. Here, tightly pa.ked, thousands o+ sim0le granite crosses stret.h as far as the eye can see. othing can pre0are the visitor for the s.ale o+ the pla.e, which is only in.reased by the realisation that ea.h cross carries two names, one on ea.h bran.h, and then another two on the other side. In total the small commune o+ Neu,ille St Vaast holds the remains o+ 44,833 German soldiers, four to a gra,e, as well as 12,210 Fren.h, and 1,567 British and Commonwealth soldiers – and that4s not .ounting the thousands whose bodies were ne,er found. Su.h are ines.a0able reminders o+ the cost o+ the Great War, the best possible e,iden.e o+ a tortured age.
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