
14 6

lmlil Tne critical journal ol too lkitish Sc~nce f[tion Aswcia1ion

1981 Revisite~ Science versus fiction langlor~ Remle~ Reviewing ·s front line Pl US 8 0 0 k fl ! Vi! WS and l ! 11 ! IS VfCTOR 1· 4 ·6 OCTOOrntNOVfMBER 1988 ~------0 N------T f N T s 18 mm,ow. Se!Hc• Uctum altd scl•nce fae1: , Ult.-dbyPau l llnuld wlly...:bawkvardt..:lf•llows? Thaal\dofGlhon'acybar•paca Hqueoca. Co"'P t on ralurns. s11 ..11rbar11 al l'lla baat wmus The ll el,sh TIK'lU• Arthur I Marlin - or la It ll yrcldln7- i.uc ol.1 hoov, Mortin K. Grnnbarg I Ch ar in G. W1ugh plu11 yet aonon pol1ttca,oyberp1111k •t•J ([dsl - llTI'IIIC 8t.AST'S A. A. Altan nlo- AllC OIFTHEDl£Afll Gragory 8-nford - ti ALIDf'L£5H 1D D. G. Cc:.ptCK'I-SCDDOEl' S GNIE - COVER S T O RY - 0 . 0 . c - pton - 11.D IO l'Ll,TS TU IIOklUG Ul"llll TD Uil B1POH Philip I . Did - l!Cl IJID T1IE GLI INIIIG Dovtd"-1"11ett llllll ... Glbtlon- llll4 LISAO'IEIIDIIVE uplalu tH Jlenesla of Us - Htbolcgy QI .,.. Wyn,.. Jon.. - TE LIVES C1F CMRl5"R>Pllf.ll CIU.n Tanllh Lee - T1E 100C CIF THE 0~ T1nl l hLH -T1EIOOC (F tlE8EAST 11 Oort• LeHl"I - TE Fim CHILD SC lDCI I SICWCIP!CTU l1n l'lcDoneld • 09"11E OltEAN5 G

U a1

! lllTOR UVUi.YS liDl10R PkODIJCT IO• ED ITOR PRODOCTJOI ASSlST.lllTS IM • ld f ll.vntt Paul l i • c• .1d 1£arr1et ~ 1111"14 ci.s- Saad}' a.- Qan::a a..n

Pl!JTED ST : PDC Cc,p7pr 111t. l1 Jlffrl N P--...g1,GuJldlard, S11rn7 GUI UP

IDl!OR!il .»DRESS: o... 1c1,Bu-r11tt.23~fl•ldload,Croydaa , Sl!Tre7 CI02VD Tel:0J-~!!0!l

Tli IEPJ.: n,. 1¥tt1P Sclaacll ,So;Ua J.• eoc iaUa• l• eort:IOIJ?'OaS: Good lrtic..lN ITI 1 l war a wut.ad. Ul llSS ...1-,- argHIIIUOO, foraed lo 19'5, • ll..1c:• a1a • u:, •Wit 'Ila typad. dallbl.-•paced a. a.a aide cf tM pa-pu-. HHr-•: 1.20 I IITf-, 13!!1 black 1114 •bU.1 C&•• ra-rudy artwa,-11: "1tlil Ill -, IJ.r) , Par d.at11l1 , •ri te ta: Jo•.,. ll.l.u, ISP.& Kubv'l.1p lt~. J.11 u,q11lr l • cm rata, ..t. 11%.N ud 1pec:lal s.crewy, :s3 n..-... 1111 load. llartllpDDl. c1.... i.Dd TS2e lllrUHta u:i U.. J'\ibl1c:lty IIU3fl": n. ... VDDd , l l'rl.&TJ !IV, CVSJ. : Cy Cllaw ta, 1424! VUlred, Dlltrolt, U 4!213.) 1-, l&:rllll illl. Cl1•1dca, J.nm 1&21 1QJ. .

J.lJ op1.a1C• II" IJl]N'NNd hi •ecta:r 1n Uosl of tk lldJ•JdlJI CGRtrJwtcrs Vlid ...t aat ht t&tn to ~u ~ -111 .l)l111s1 S\111t1 fimu ,4mm11u 110- tll UHcr or tk ,S,J, UC. t .,.a,.,.. Jlr::ltJ •C.tal.

• BSPJ. Lt.d. 196& vtCl'OI 146 OctobeTIWoYaber" 19&3 [U I TO RI Al DAVID VBARRm

OU CU 'T CIT AYJ.T ,iOl BC IIIC! FICTIOI .UD PllU.S'I' at a ufe dlateoo., !or • y pouatl•l grandchildren ti.- 41,-, l ot. tbt -t r;,I .,. wou ld wa11t to - the K !Htl•ta Ull ,_ ti's • lrudJ •Ur-tad; It'• bUI; ll"S Ybut ... atgllt aaa•U•• W&llt u,a, c:bolc:e. But J,cunl,I­ v ltb ... l ov. l at 111 tU poulbl..-lvtun. l ow . U•ta, pollUctau, u,a, pu- IIHt to J OII u, the How would I, « you, f"I U beings Ira. uon.r pub, a ll ani llk•l:, to rUu to U.!ags 111 .cte11c:e world ectually cait.actad ,_? Ye"Wa bND. r Hdlng lbout It tlCttllNII ter••· or - Sf aad tropes Ill far dacadM: U IIJ of 11• ...... ,,-1tUD about It But tbt! tllelr - atort•. -~ • lld COll..,...,tll;IIIA, Vbu-,­ reeJH:,of It? low would"" r.acU a.,., vould "11 cope? u,. public acc,ipu.ac. or rNpect.lblllt7 of u,a, P""'· it ¥e'n auppoNid to be tH - v llo, becaUN OI our can't ba doubted tluot Sf Hd 1Ht.M)' Id- '-" 111.J'Ut­ r-Mdlag u tter, blca,... o! t.ba • art. of ,-,pl,..-. ,re ratad U. public a U1CI .,blcb ea-,. to rud wlllot.,. do, 111ca... we...., reed l.aoll n 14...,.,_latas, n. C•H•,,:ry'a S-b robm.a 111 tba po• -1111• _,,1r1os, an auppaNd to ba rMHt, contry, c. ltJ, ai.r.tt, offtc. al>d • ..t..-. ... 1'1111171 rngtag tel~ Tl,e athoc:ta Ill tilt. pl- of 111• an I r.-cl r• <:HtlJ tUt SI' t'NIH:r'"S, proportlml• llJ, aro, ra,r ..-• rNllatlc: U.1 111 a 117 SP Ill• ..-1.ag atan,ll.1ps tar ...,.. «-pUcal ot sucb -i,l-11.Md ir para....-..! t.aUag cH, f171n,g or doi:ttag Tlle ~ld ..J' be _,-., ~ H IIFOI, ISP ud • -gtc U.a U.. rl!• .ll• cler ot luga,lt ..,.,but ... ,Bl,CHSpHlt U.. popul.lUOD ti dtd• 't - • •7 aocio---co.o• to;--Ult.ell­ It's oh7 to NJ u1. 1• ft,;:tloo, 1• -~ • .., -=tval ...1,..1 •: u .. d.::l• t•• a-lter-loa s lgllt aci....117 IIOt IICIDft •1111 Ill- • M Cllltli:9, but to u,e tt rwl dl•b.lr"bs be -=-- .,. ar• ff ~. br.it _. otUr ren.oti If -• It IICl"H- /lvbna• et M ; It fr-igllteas - wtU Its •117lloll7 Ma aucli Uguraa, I'd be le\U-Nttod to - tff • .J pat.a11t1allt1• Is tllt• baca- ....tag _,..Oded our dlsbellet to ~t ,or • ..7 SP UM 01 tH ~ &Od 6011, 1-.. .--d, UM! tbno II Uctu•.... - c:a• 'i: acc:apt tba• I• fact? I• It gl.,.. ...,.t ott tfftr- nu•1-• ,,.... u:i.o, gmtn1 " "" baca..., ...... tllaugllt tbea tllrougll son tUII your avenge Sp11u111l J .... J,,!Jlldlad Ill Oi:tobar- I"'· or " "II ~glflll Joe, • ad - f•llac:IN II tlle• ? ,. It 111ca.- ...... • an rlr• t ortltttod Ille i-lrtll Ill Aprtl 19el, 11:r "Ilea Ar• s trcnig 11• tur•ll7 aceptlcal, or l at• llactual, or vhat? flr• t Ml foot upon the l oan 111 Jul7 J9e9. Jlla1.r Uctlm,­ , jlldgtng orgn1Ntl11Hof tba Arthur C Clarke Avard ). Tht! wblcb eanUln& lnterv1awa With • a.ny of till pol1tlcal afld tltll vaa "flctton tato Sci•-= Ila.king Scl•n01 flctlOD 111l1tery a111d11 be.hind SDI.) York", Speakers Included Prafnaor AUce Cole11an, on JG SF wrttu• .Ind rud1ra sboold have a •peel.al ability Ballard'• Ht8b R1.. • ad har r --,.cll lntll aoctal t o •ee tbe fut~re, •everal pm;•lble futllrN, and bov we br&udown In blgh- rlse •tatN; Gw711etb Jen• 011 tbe 11&e 111gbt get tbere. Tet tbere have. bNn • nu• ber ot racotnt of Sf tropet, by 110n-SF wrttera; Tia lllldberg, a c:c• puter 1Jtudi"" of J1111t tbl&, 150•• good, so• e bad, datie wltb DD r•aareber a t theC..ntral Landon Polytecbalc,on aoftware 1nvolvea1nt at all fro• tbe SP co:•• unlty . Row,._,,. C..e wo,... , and • 7•-U on aottvara •lruaes.: G.orgt T11naar (011 ta c.N Vcrld CIIIT , 1966, '7.95) Iii a coll-.ctlon of ISSIIY6 tape) OD bla book Th SU Hd Su..• er, the Cl.lrh .lvard aut>•HUO ta "!'&ace 2010-, a conu,st aponaor-9d by th• wlniar; a.clel!Cf vrttar Dr Jolan Grlhbtn crlttclatng Ute OriatUI> S:iuce JfOIIJUJr. Sa•e alla,,, i-oe foll-it.g booll ; and llcb•el VUII•- ot tlle Sctanca • IIMll• oa hOV' n11el1N1r boloca..st; •o• e a11gg-• t bow "lbe ...,perpow<>rs • lgbt to llltlrMt k:ld• la eclan-=-, be1nfl..-:toedbyotffrcou11tr1.. ,.aa•ahow~c:m,1.11.g A fa&ett>atlng cczflll"UCI - blrt I was bitterly Ira• a change of C.OIIKlou• HS&. All tlaeN Ideas lul­ dl.lNlppota\1111 wttli Ua tunaout , then wen fevtt tluln !!iO -1' naau,ed In daptb ID SI', and I VDU!d be aurprl- 1f people Unclllding tlie lplNlk.... ) rattling around II tH !CA uny Of the writer-a luld lot ball t11fluanced, CDGKl-17 1.heaue. Okay, U. Chall.gtq: of t.ha Giard wu gotog 011 or 1J11bcor:a.c10u• l7, by Sf ldus: but ao~ of Ue • -117 JuStoutaldetlle ICA,alldtlle l al90n h lld.ala~t v.as ecmu-1butor•1s tn:1• tbeSFworld. ultag pl- at tu ••.• e tt• e ; but whare ...,.. all tb• A aare &eholarly f11turolog1cal approech I• Uken 1>7 people v bo tan airily • bout t ile •1galltcea01 at &I"? Paul llavhn, Ja.• e,s Ogilvy alld Patotr Sc.bweru ot till! tbll could bi• U ,lm' an1111al lntarnatlonal COlll..-.ince, lutur.. r-.ch graup at Stanford Reaurcll IHtllute, ID with radlc: aDd TV co,,erage alld a book of tlaa ;,.per• SevH Taaarn,,,s 1Banta•, 11162, t.J.95 >. Tb•y patllt sevea pr... ntad . It could bi hlgbly 111t1ueu1al. But 11. voa't equally un~lai.11le ptct11rN of tbe aeu . •te1111i11.15 beunt... S'l'rudersUhtb•tr0ubl•tc participate. fros vu1cus pol1ttc1l, econo111c 111d aoc11l t rend& 111 tbe lt'a vital for u• - wrltlrli and rNdus cf Sf - USA: tbey conclud.11 that tb• only .. 1abl1 futurl! 16 • to uplcre tbe lnter-hcea betwffn SF and "tbe rul vortd•; pluralist co11bln1ttan ol tbe best of tbe Rlgbt, tbe Left WI baYI a eontr1butlon lo •aka. But It'• up to Ill lC and tbl •transfor••ttonal" (.,hat wa • tgbt call Green/J e w ••k• It. l o-one else Will ••k 116 to; w1'11e-n thlt .I.gel , Tbefr bibliography cltn Br11nner'a Tb• Sl/e,,p Laak otune11oogb. lJp, General Sir Jolin llacllett's Tbe Tb:lrd ~arl d Var, Hd a So vby do- II tnc:lude • JNlf) find lt •odlfflcult nu• lllr ot fu.ly f1111l11r t.exts by .cleace wrttars such to draw 11elaaoe flctlon a • d .-allty together? SF t s H Barry Co• ltODet, Jolan Grlbbl• and AlTln Tofller. But oftendenlgrate.da&-=aplatflctlon:•r• ve juataacaplag aurely tltere -Ii tar • are pote11tlal.ource • aterl•l lnSJ' froa ,....l.lty? Do ... only l"INld It tor -,oy.Ht1 0- I• ttselftlulttlieycDUldlulve4rawnon?' lt wor,.l, 111111ethlng • are Uaa.n that? SP, Uh all flctton , ViPJco• e to • :, Varld WIS e !!BC TV serlN v blcb lar;t abould halp ,_ to vaderstaMI and cape wltll "l:l"fda11111! 7Nr atte11pted to foretell tl>a aarl7 21st ce11wry aacl.O­ In the r...t world; unlike 01.lau rlct!OD, It •llould alao eo::m0:• 1c dtec:t.a of taday-. 1nforaatton tecb11ol"!7 Hlpreedy,-forthefutunor,dan! INylt,tar a lter­ rnol11t1011 . l tried to pers.....ie Paul Crtwacnk, the prod­ nate rsallttes. Chle l•tt•r tlila i- ausg•ta t.lals ts -• to consult John Bnmau or or other vhatc7bupunk'sall • bout; ltHybi,butlf•llt.. onl7 Sf v rltl!rS who Uve • pKlallaed ID er.actly tlits; to at • saall put of tt. Gearj• tuner AlMI. Jab.I Gr111b1a oflar lNlit !lave one ol the9 111 tbe flal dlsc:UAIOII progn.11111. thalrld-lat.1r1Dlbl.lll-. Ila d.Jdn't, and tile Nrl•...... ,1.117 the dlSCll&SlOD, SP - am,., SF - I• dolag !ta JDb: vhat._ perbaps auflereclblldlyfDr1t t.c:Uag I• our owta rNpoc,M, ao.u- a,,,n 1ua1.. 11e u, our owa Vhy don't t1on·SF wrtters aad r-rcbers on the lndlvldlWII and collective poalt1veact1011. 111t11r e tblnk to con&ult "tha upertn", people who make Or dOWI! J... t lNYe It toaverycne•l-? l l l R s I .s.£11EJ;J.L LETTERS RESFOIDl,G TO VlH IJIERE H£LD 1oa that • loager pl- would """ lleell -ar to follow ave,-asl.O.dtoprwpan,Ul1!INIIINrl7 - upia•.atlona; at tff t.laaar1• -r• SOMWllt brl-1 alld tweauseof•.11,Dfer•U0111•"dcm,r.alM011101, TIie I Haded furt.ller •laborat1011 to Atlafy •}'NU that I'd .... Ulll!J"'li -UppHlJl.8 UIJs u .. ror • lwpp!er gr.. pllll 1-ir -...1.11.g. • ..t eoohatng w.. tlMI NlltlDII of ,..._, • c.a• p1Jl.8 110JJda7 Ill Fr•-· t•• l'dfltr re.ta la CDDDeetlOII Wltll ....ppr95,91Ag working c1- aalllt­ 17 •frer tbe F•JrpoN eoa-,,u011 ,...,.Joi:, la• , l'rejllatdone[Mta • t •&• tevel•DdthoJglatlaa .,aa weeke.11d at en,,rwa, w, atber rawuJers, ... pntty9c:,1t.la1ngofU.e "tyrraay"wblcb-.praadabarrlble :rou tffn IIU"l :,eart>. Rue• ber, tbl - avperstttlon agato5t •11 IIIJ>Ollattan and lnprovuent" thl• you vrH., 11/r..,- rw/JJq V-.ctor, I.be • ore 1111•1:, ward91. Havelblaaal• lld? 1'11 be •bJe tl> 1.llclud• JOUr Jenar Jn tb• out I'• a,.,., Haber a11d l • pr--.i by Ut • agulD.. . I iuue. LIit 's sure vJt.b • new •nt»r: .ad think ti,-, tttle•Df tbt BSFA 1•• llttl11 Inaccurate, thoogil ; "1:let.ller yov'v1 bHn J11 tll1 IJSFJ. 31 d.a,-. or .,l ther1-• tobl!)ulltH • ucbfantasyasSP. Perhllpa r•rs, yoor CO••tot• e,.. always v•lco• 1 .• 11orepeaplawooldJclnlltbayrul1sed thl1. •lf•Tl>I WI! dould r1nue Ur• BSfJ. "1.ba RrJttsb ScJIP...:W FlCUOJI ~ P1111t..11y J.ssocJauo.r, • - l U (IIOfl all,,_ to Mt up tff hgllab dl• torttcm • • tM Brlt111.b Ti..te a ay va U be Npecta to t11e11111v•rsa tilt w• do prlaal • yt.b . Vor.t of all wH tb• lla tbat t11a u-nurlaa aot yet tnD" , t bt we .,. yat b&r• tJ - pact. Tben a 1y cave • ytll 11,,.. 011. 111. t.ht1 EDgllsll u.&g1l1aU011 - It Uv• be force& It wcrk tbat acieac• can not y1t du.I vlth. on 10 ti•• Yaish 1• agl.11.0.tla11., • 111.c:1 !t is tlla Valall. wll.o But •oft Jl"'P like ll t1 rl111-ayat1c11• end larot-trlp& continue to tell t be lageod11. In tact, lt &T OIM 111 ..-.JK dt&tnct frOII an:, pc:,a• lblllty of lurnlng aoaetbl1115 • bout bl,c:aueo, the Eagllab • 011.ucl>y tr!ld to aogllclff .l.rtll.ur la tM•· Llk.,..lse thy cover ov• r and obecure rul bl1tor7 OTder tobuttr-cla1.1111 totbeC.ltlc DU!Ofla , lta.... a and tbl real • Jthclogy. By a ll a una publlsb it U 1°" tbatthatcultunl w1r tsat1llragll>g. thlnt th.It raad..-. v !ll llia It. But do please alao publl&bt.li.ls raply ,

•TM Rrtracta ...,.. pt.11>11•11--, t.c:• 1151'. a s ,wtai:1, .1.,-11., 1,or1.1ier.t tc ..•rg• DD FH~I ....,.,._, 111• IIUUJn~U•Ttb<>lOfflt:al "f.-c:ta" a bart • ,rddu C.11'1 •1• 1• .IIOt ~ r:s, JT u..eto ~1ttalrr• l• nll'JJ1116vnrtb• m.t,,,,-l•J u-. Ht CNt as tJNrlT I.II /OlJ v /U 1a C.,ffn:, Asba-. artltl• I• ~ (f1rSO Boot o f llulln. Tb pout .11bovt tbe coal&r11nc»s aJ>d ~ . sc /.11r a• I c:.11.11 -• I I tUt Ua:, are pnpared to coHlder all ••,-eta of tile • erJJ11 s yti>e1<; tba J.11t1r a.xretJm,s ar. am 111 an:, ""1 conJder-ed "lll• t wlcal ", l>ut •r• .11tlldJl'd for >tll• t tlley sllOf' of U,a utur. ..d functJon oJ •rt"· .10""4/ 1• cJ1!S lfl8 ta be r• YN1lf18 .11 •1> 1dd-u,,tl1•, If 1""' r-..d th Jlrst 11Jrtr.-c:t, /DU wHJ - tbat T.um I • l>el"8 ...., Irr sury-taJJJ/16 ~. Hd act for d lrllUltorJ' pu~ .. ftNr J&ttu l • pJJ__ 11111 po1.llt ta - d• ~ cJ..rJ1111RJ~art's art1d1,vlllcbsere.se. t YAS A BIT SVll'IIS!D TH.U TOO IJ C1.UDED l&TUl.ll '1101 tbat • odWT> T.arot uv.p J• a&• ara .:,a OOJs oJ ~:: ~11,: =~:~~ ~ J~:~~~:1,~i:;: .. :. :~:-~ :ri:1:t.t:,pe• I Dlltber a p:t1cfas oor trip• 1.llllf" c.o r.e J OOUt 1e1.. l . ....t 116 alaadlag • • fac t la '"''Y • ucb If/ Of'D /&&JJ/16 co tba rat101M1 ll• t .11ppro&cll DpHtoq11Ht10fl, 1°" favour 11 tbet, l>T H• •1a pll•tlc eird""J.,.. TIie flrat point to note 1• tblt •11er111,• l• a purely H/ tllere J• • dns•r o/ JosJl\8 ;,,;,s-Jl>le b.ll>Jff llt.enry c.-.at1 1111. , Vels ll legend apu ka , not ol lflrlln l>ut vbH r •Ject1ns U • ada.ltt8dly surl'.:, blltb ...u.,- .~ Of ll yrdd!D lalao s pelt Jl.erddlnl. Tllera ar• rahr1110ff t.D at 1-,.t two dUferHt • u of U1U w.• e, 111 lact . TIie Jly rddln In t11• Yelall .lrthllrl&n legHda becJIH lterlh only Wbl!II tbe l oruna teat up t.11- t.alN, Tllay cllanged tile ..-- bee.a,.. a yrddt• 51:1W>d• ton • ucb Itta Ula Praucb vwd lor Qlt. llly a .... lagy : a • Englin unalatar of. lT llSI rs BUI C • SPOILSl'ORl •n I ASl TIit PO IIJ Of uy, • Sl.livo• tc t.ala v btcb 1-'IC'luded. a ch&r.-c:Ur ._.11ac1 putU.11g •11AprtlPoolart1ct1:1• r J H of :,o,,. 11Uf'el1?1 - I codd11't cara 1- • bout v h&tllff Laa n,., f.-ct u.at "" i..,.., a • u JJ11 eollfer•-• r• U.U o.-i.•.or»&11't V?"ltte11abollt - dter • II.Erlc tll.&a DIie &bout K/rdd111 or l anldt11, 1Dd.1ca;a tlwlt UDR --• IN bad Y.. plra •tart- publlaUd 110 1t W•H't 110 \ nvoh•ed ara • or• tnt.ar-t.ed 1• tlle flct1Cllllt tlwla l.JI aay --, bt:rarra, Ul t tad• of cel&brltl- ba"" Ud bed t.-c:ta tbat a tgbt lie bilbiad tba tlCUOI>, 'Otcb would bo bolltapubltaliad Juat t.c&.....,the1 .1r• ca l1brtu- . fl••· l.t tba7 dlda't alao c l&la to be n•ullag IIO&II The part that ••IIO)'• d u WH w.1atU1g t wo Up "li1ddan tnilh", Haw c:.1111 JOU billle"e peopla wbo cl.Iii& t.o • w a pa V?"ltillg t o Jot•=• t o anquln wblcb IHUM know bidden tn,tlia, but Ignore tbOH bHIC tn.itba which conw111• d tbe ._.111,c "il!Httee• bJ Ben lilt.on nlerred to aay • erlous res.arch will revul? 111 D&¥1d Qarnett"• Introduction. l • nJoy lilton'• writing !n 1117 c• M , it Is IU&IJ t llat llyrddln orlgl.,,.. 117 and coaecl7 and.,.. lntr lgl>Rd ... and dluppotnted whe11 rz 1 tnforaad • etbat "ltw•a • aanttobe • Joll:e•, PT9• ua•bly ::11;~10:-r:.t~:..llu.~he~"'~:d•u: -~l~t- t11!..~·aa:;~~ tbe whola tblng was • bo,u ? I auppoa• I should b_.,,e He l a aot tffre In the at.or\N about .U-tbur la Tbe rM ll&• d llln fraa Ula • baurdtty of tha othar .._ 1 notloa• d but I ll,k l.a•,.cl Cl'l'Rr tb... rMdlag It Oll UNI ::.::~""~: ~:~=-fr1!~•~..!t r:.:~ id' :::. :-,.: tr.1111 •nd unl it• tbu, tbot toc:1 ..1on of Blum .,.. not addeclt.otbalegndofRoblollood, a1-urd • l oc:e ha ta, fir-at .1..:1 fara •ost, a •rlter VII.at of Ula Tuot? T&rClt ,;.anis are • ff• llt"• hlt: old 1 u,-d elect UMd la lta.ly for --•1 trw1pn,g ._.,r,1 g•-• t- bl.7t•:d~:1.!"~~ ..• l:1:t 1;,.,;:1r~ ~ 11!: ::. ':;:! whi ch n e atilt played today. TN uua~ a n _J\151 U.t: at t.bl~ .., -,•ct!~ rMdU'S a t otliar ti.a- -p•cla l­ UJ"ds th• t tn.i•p otbu UJ"da In tbe g&•N . lt'a • ucb ly c:ouJller-Jng t11e11enaral l._l of dlstart.1011,o• IHI011 lit• Vhtst or Bridge, arc.pt tbat there • r e a •t of RDod dawnrlgU UN pn¥alant In •od•n joo.,r:n• li.s - I • Mn,.,. get aaovgh of tbl"' aort at thing lll tbe papara par••;:::1t':::. 1~a~!" :::: :::·,or dt•t .... tlDll bilfora 9 1 9 u,a late 1Mb cantury . U l urllar ra ferHcn to tbe• are ~:1r:io!- 1:~::tt D:,:~~ia~nfa;:t," !en~b&;t;I~~ •rtlcle t.o tbdr.,.. H playing card&, Thy bac:• H popula r for •lcwif-.Dlea fer tba ..Ua •al • tad , but ,,iu, no deeper "politics• I• 0 th• t bra•cb of • Dr.I} pll.Uosopby dMlllll! a41nlfic•1101 . 4a for tho aodUiad er ..,...tared• ffrstoas vltb U.. at• t• ar aoctal Df'l!aa1•• • - a vkole" - V11 U.,. - these i..,.,. no ba&is at a ll, bayaad Ule ta-.gl-• tlOI> of "the aclenoo dMllng v tU. U.. fora, orpau.• 11011 &ad thoaa v l>o 4r• w UN1a . U.11 U.19 I• ,,.--.i, wltll - • ay ad.at•i.tn,Ur:s, of • s t.at.a ar part of--·-• t .stlttl) I I C . ~ } If you don' 1 g<'I any other book this year. g;'t this one. New Pathways • .. Philip K. Dick 11;(//s~~'.~e;:~:;:,.'.'! t:tut1gled him out for ~-"'·~ '- This first edition is the third in the critic.illy a.:::claimed thematic trilogy. that also • • , includes Dr Adder a nd Tht' Glos~ Htmimer. ., " • SPECIAL EDITION, SO LO OUT • le TRADE EDITION ; £!0.95. DEALERS DI SCOUNT 35% ( STOCKS LOW) \e TWO BRILLIANT BY ONE OF THE FI NEST AN D MOST ..- • INFLUENTIAL WRITERS IN THE GEN RE : ~ t 1/o/"',,, :r~,:~.:.::~:,... ~ ~ I . . .. 1miq11,' l'/.11011 . ln1erzone er~(t Published in a limneJ ed111on of 1000 rnpies. of which :!50 comprise the special edition. These are bound in cloth anJ include a previously unpubli~heJ stol) entitled: Gray Gho:,1· A Remi11i:in·1u·e They are signed .ind numbered. • SPECIAL EDITION : f27.5U. 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• fll fll llOl llOl I I ho o UJCUI ratbar ratbar \ , , tb • n•ulystsoflClffpUl n•ulystsoflClffpUl tradltl011,ecb.alleng1 tradltl011,ecb.alleng1

Tllo Tllo for for 1h11 1h11 Cl Cl .. .. l\o.lOlt'

OI IIOI IIOI I CNtllftltl pr • , , - crlpt11' • • • r tbr tbr tbn tbn d-.crlpt1¥1, d-.crlpt1¥1, a a for for Ulllf KlO KlO

ano ano thlr thlr Tlltn Tlltn C H t t lor lor • ll'lt ll'lt COIIUftllll COIIUftllll tb

t t a ucb ucb nf nf I I 111>.at 111>.at 010 010 Us Us IPIII IPIII been been out out bf! llf\ llf\ utd utd I U H H I I ebout ebout cyberpunt cyberpunt I• I•

not l J h , , TIii! TIii! 1061' 1061' I I PORT& IT IT POJIT POJIT ll!Y ll!Y Jl cfl!lGH cfl!lGH I ISS'IS ISS'IS Sl!EIIS Sl!EIIS TO TO 81! 81!

u,. u,. i i .. .. F1 , , r1\ r1\ lNT lNT [ IN IN lo, lo, no • \ \ rd rd I I 610 610 1 111 1 • • OU\ OU\ ! ! .. .. lll[l~lf lll[l~lf , ,

• quote bauld bauld rud : :

quote quote sb01.1ld sb01.1ld Pastor Pastor ll eaoller eaoller la la I I 1'144 bellua bellua ; ; th th full full

• it it 1, 1, gro w ing ing troager . . Jlad Jlad I I It It laterNUag laterNUag • tb t t you you

pll & t t BdttDrl • l l pred!CtlOII • S S r al1Hd . . Cen • orsbt p p 11"• 11"• and and

• V JTIITlll!PJ.SSI &l>dsour I GOFCUUS1!2& llotusl llotusl Y ESllB!IIEPliSTOl'TOOI ESllB!IIEPliSTOl'TOOI

tlon• • arpl.aa . • • - £4 £4 Lafferty. Lafferty.

tl tl ladlc • • t t th tba tba cyberpunks cyberpunks • • doa't doa't "rlt ¥err ¥err • ar ar cl

• b.ardly b.ardly • nows nows 117body 117body IN IN • • ore •b.at •b.at tba tba •11t •11t ta ta • ust ust

f.., f.., • ords ords trrtag trrtag • to to %Jll..a1n %Jll..a1n .. .. • 11 t t It It Js. Js. TU TU fact fact tb.at tb.at

- • • 11ti.,Uo.igblt.llp • r ectltloaersh. • ¥1 pllladqui.a pllladqui.a

• J J • now now doa't doa't • t t • tbe tbe • •b so-c lnd-blg,w1ng11> 11. 11. 1'1 llad llad • • 'cyb rpunk' rpunk' Cbroat.a • • ! ! Proatoft1aatr • ¥ l1tlut! l1tlut!

• w lll lll century ba ba tbe tbe on on wont wont nd-SU!lleyc • • tb. subj .pelgt1lngforta la$t la$t ct : : • • • , , 111i. Y bta bta

quot1Dg quot1Dg tla...::.al• tla...::.al• fn,a fn,a • bis bis • • • c • l • ttar, ttar, locil: locil: ad ad bad bad ot ot In In tbe tbe to to tH tH Hla Hla a a • • a lddla lddla bop tblot tblot tb• tb• tbls tbls 19tb 19tb

• llltar stlDg . . y y bowing bowing aot aot • R So So • 01.1ld 01.1ld 111HgbtHed 111HgbtHed • Obj 1 1 ct ct position position to to • 1111 1111 ti>• ti>• (a1'(1lut1011 • r7 I I political political

• • • f lt lt t.bat t.bat R.ay' • ca: autll autll "CYld "CYld • • •b,l>don •b,l>don • • 111' 1 1 fa be be ¥ lid lid hl•• hl•• th th 011 011 spot, spot, lid lid t>aea.- tbH , , • • fro our our

tab tab bubbl,, bubbl,, wltll wltll nuer nuer 1- bl• bl• tll tll hc)UBIOII. hc)UBIOII. Hell Hell • o f f be be •g 111,,t 111,,t • • ln? ln? DD DD MCODd MCODd Ul ...... • radl nougbts, nougbts, c l sb01.1ld sb01.1ld I I

• • • • daplnrable daplnrable tat1 tat1 • of of ff trs trs - I I falt falt I I •l>01.1ld •l>01.1ld • pa pa parb Nt•rlallM Nt•rlallM In In • l>d l>d tht!n tht!n arploda arploda Into Into • • tr tr tbla tbla • like like

flrsttobepubl1shlld1Dth1scountry1aDYWIOy flrsttobepubl1shlld1Dth1scountry1aDYWIOy futura • 7 7 Tb.at Tb.at .. .. tbey tbey n­ to to • r• r• ll ltlld ltlld tb• tb•

ti.., ti.., tbey tbey

• 11 01,1ldao • dCYbtter cyberpu11t, • 11dt11 0110Hl b7R1y,tb11 b7R1y,tb11 pa.at pa.at look look "llolrrow • • • • • fro pacun• pacun• the the " long long par of of tb e e

Having Having • publl • b d d lY lY Jeter'11 Jeter'11 •) •) /JN!J> /JN!J> • • An, s, s, But But 00¥ I I bald bald l1beller Clll Clll - didn't didn't ba ba NJ NJ tb.at tb.at tr011 tr011 -Js tbe tbe • s s

v v l • c ited ited l.l l.l Lafferty"" Lafferty"" on• on• Paopl• Paopl• like, like, of of the the t11fl\llllDON1 for for UHple, UHple, . . Sbell•J • •

IIIUlrNt11111tb.a11 IIIUlrNt11111tb.a11 l'dntl ctp,,ted . . to to tbe tbe l a aort • quo, quo, l l sutus sutus U¥er U¥er a cbl•¥111! cbl•¥111! • .11ytl,t11g , ,

DIii, tbo.igbt " " I I . . Tbough Tbough prD¥• prD¥• thlll thlll • did did to to tb• tb• 11on-Ntablle11. ta ta • 1111t on on ba ba , , tr • .,.lt.oryv01.1ps .,.lt.oryv01.1ps 11ti1 cb cb cling cling

days days a lgH lgH be be tbCIMI tbCIMI be be - DY DY to to d-.crlbe d-.crlbe l cUIGll'S cUIGll'S ptapl• ptapl• bel~glag bel~glag J.ITICLI! J.ITICLI! 01 01 CTB ERPUH "OIi "OIi : : I OT OT GOD GOD UO!KEI UO!KEI

at at all - . . 1 1 .. .. Jba Jba c:o • • • b tgbt tgbt • -!US -!US plalll plalll about about In In thou. thou.

Jloni 91 n n ,i.e11t 11 1 - , , • • • hy hy •• • ""' • • • SO..,t/lOOlln , , ••o" ••o" l a lh IA2 IA2 , , ,_,. ,_,. h,rb,,p1b•11ould Ar1!uatblatt11u11a

• 11't•btba-11tb7 11't•btba-11tb7

us= us=

111,,t 111,,t • perblop11 perblop11 be be w ould ould upport upport tbe tbe JlDgol&s . . 1'178 1'178

• • d•fllltloa d•fllltloa l111d' 0f 0f -1 -1 .. .. ! !

•till •till t.pori.nt t.pori.nt t.od.ay . . Tb• Tb• fools fools a.bauld a.bauld ru • • d d l!ng­ Jl

C ypruallaah • • d • a:tal • .lf actll l11t.lo • to;ou11try•blcb re re

blstarl&11a blstarl&11a AT!" wa.lld wa.lld • • • that that Britain's Britain's c:qul•lUDD c:qul•lUDD of of

u,. u,. •orld •orld p nd nd • rlods rlods tf1'5> I ll ll It" It" . . Of Of COUrH, COUrH, ...... ,. ,.

• lOD ble ble .octal .octal c011e<1r11. c011e<1r11...... 1lalt.-l 1lalt.-l • • to to ot ot pertlc11lu pertlc11lu pert

aoaetblnl! aoaetblnl! • blcb blcb • • l 11gl111d 11gl111d Ji

defll, N N Ha Ha 11Arrow 11Arrow • fa b­


»caUH »caUH also also It It •01.1ld •01.1ld • ..,ant ..,ant n n support1r111 support1r111 IMl"1! IMl"1! -Js.; -Js.;

• • Bucon f l ld ld

• • r- pb7sic,tJ pb7sic,tJ bl tl f t, t, 110-ou 110-ou • • auld auld blov• blov• d.ar.d d.ar.d upport upport

• • l ow ow • • lfJI • • lagle11d lagle11d • h d d J J bl llltb0Mld.ay • 1'1e 1'1e

~: ~:

• . . --Y• --Y•

• " N p . . upportar upportar • • llu couft•ld 1;,f 1;,f ' policy policy in in

baea,..,efta r11t •tng " blua t ertngpetrtat • for • Jt11go",tbe Jt11go",tbe

a.a, a.a, FHIH!Sa FHIH!Sa aad aad •• •• Jia.gol&.a, Jia.gol&.a, • • Jtqol I l11terNt111g l11terNt111g

or- prt1><:1pl• " " • ••u •pl• •pl• t11elud• t11elud• lt lt barba r tsa.cr•t111-

rUII rUII or or prac:uce•: prac:uce•: or, or, 011 011 •1•wa •1•wa -Ju: -Ju: •u pr pr .. .. 111g 111g • • sw.te, sw.te,


"[ l • Dri•• ,1, W yd4\11"'9,Cl o,y OCll115i OCll115i

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u .aa Jud.• Jud.•

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• • dvertt • lag lag BSFA BSFA po9t.er po9t.er

tbe tbe

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c tb• tb• • for for !lloJJc.- I I .IDd .IDd II 1 1 IS IS • • so so P:ratNt.tDt P:ratNt.tDt

l1telde11t,,1i7, l1telde11t,,1i7, I I can't can't Und Und 11 Ucb Ucb • -S HIH HIH appaar •tet •tet ad ad It It ...,,..,011 ...,,..,011 notber notber JacJud• JacJud• • •tba •tba T T c.a-e c.a-e tb

ja,;Jud11J8 ja,;Jud11J8 co11 co11 8""W"'-11ta- .. .. 1cm 1cm ., JtJt JtJt . • •

.P.. .P.. • • cm,tJ11.- • ., Jtb Jtb or-eend dei.lJ • c:.-, c:.-, on, . . Aoeb Aoeb of of

aadeoutoftff • , , world world In In " btcb btcb n , , politi • cs cs htlrfartag htlrfartag our our ll•es ll•es w ltb ltb

tbe.-.fore tbe.-.fore cut cut of of pl'teot pl'teot • • nd nd ore ore ci..p- bacoslDC bacoslDC I• I• 110 110 110 110 political political oney oney to to It,. It,. a eraly. eraly. be be ra&pollN ra&pollN tll tll I I

Poltttcs Poltttcs • trl1lled trl1lled !fact !fact they they 01.1r 01.1r • . . lh• lh• bava bava a t t beca,,- • a ll ll arou -11 -11 leval U U for for d d ,...,.. ,...,.. l'ectnr l'ectnr a nd nd an, an,

ht.rferlog ht.rferlog v illi illi •, •, the the • Vin.& Vin.& Tb a re re IIOt IIOt teUf'' of of be lDII lDII H d1callJ d1callJ COUrH, COUrH,

drll!• drll!• Vlllcb Vlllcb •• •• , , ,1g11Ulca11t17 ,1g11Ulca11t17 ot ot d•l•7 d•l•7 the the o;be o;be •Ill •Ill OIIMt OIIMt lagl sl • ata AlCEi AlCEi . . • b But But 7 7 •bo&e •bo&e taad.an:1 7 7 V by, by, ll rs rs

arg11e arg11e ebollt ebollt palHta • • , , Dtbl!T Dtbl!T tal cbup cbup ¥1 • 1DD 1DD nd nd CQ paal• paal• loug-a•ali&bll loug-a•ali&bll tb ey ey • au o;t o;t ba¥1 ba¥1 cwtaln cwtaln ta11darde ta11darde gr gr


• ,re ,re being being delayed delayed Alll6 Alll6

by by b&t b&t


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• " are are /~t /~t • :• :• ~ ::.pe:"~rss•i~tcbu ::.pe:"~rss•i~tcbu s s

b told told

tbe tbe

yo.,,.., yo.,,.., ofpollt!ce ofpollt!ce • 111 111 tr Ul • • ror ror edJcJor. edJcJor. n wdrug sto sto

"tbl "tbl peNIOMl peNIOMl Is Is

poUtlcal", poUtlcal", 11at..,.11kng•1tulste. 11at..,.11kng•1tulste. T o o gh1 gh1 notl>•r notl>•r uaaple uaaple Buttbeu,bo., to to

•• n y~pleare y~pleare

"political" "political" I s s c11111011 c11111011 to to • ucll ucll tblnl tblnl Tile Tile v be• be• ldu ldu ccmoe Is Is Hu Hu pt pt H H 1111ually 1111ually 111 111 11 185f!d 185f!d out, out, ao ao • tb • any any do do t t

" · ·

• progr- till till despite despite pedaots pedaots dlct1011arl•, dlct1011arl•, tut tut •!Id •!Id

also , , the the fhtn fhtn

lor lor 1h11 1h11 .,,ol11tl011 .,,ol11tl011 .. w [ Ill Ill JU. JU. . . of of I U•• U•• nd nd \ht! llagll•II llagll•II t t UI UI ftO-CM ftO-CM lnguag•, lnguag•, hH hH v 10 10 blcll blcll • ~ u t t ou\ ou\ for for

Mn.,., Mn.,., I I wblcb wblcb 110l 110l has has lr teDdad teDdad 10t 10t ,mion to to ut debasoi debasoi , , H the the I I word I I lcollC

tllh l< l< ) )

tllilll< tllilll< Jlll Jlll pub.ape pub.ape hglud hglud I• I• Tllta Tllta partr partr U.hlllog U.hlllog \My \My 1111 1111 ot ot lor lor \ht \ht pol1ttca. pol1ttca. ltllll: ltllll: lffllUllll lffllUllll 1 1\d 1\d I I did did IIOl IIOl I Ptll Ptll s s Ola\ f f f f l l T T T T R R l f l l R rather tMn so• e uroe-ant cry ol victory, U • r9Sult, notorious for dollig) hilt bacause your content de• a11ds lt'1's ) the crltle&l Ila.lid that be applle& graspa at straws. Styla Por •u• ple, It aee11s to • e tha t th• • od.er1> Nnsawunda (bi-tech gla.a) , "street-cndlblllty• (&.aylng "fuc:t" a lot, ha& less todo witch stars than with conle• plationaP<' but al60 drug,; and gaural lowHf•>, content (co• putera, UJ>tlrlence of th• t•• eD.Se co• ple><1ty of tbtl bu•a" ...,tware), revolutionary ideology <.aialnterpntu,g Sterl­ env1ron• e11.t . lo doubt tbere ant otber wa,- ot e.-prega lng ing'• COll • ent ab<:oJt Hatnleln being OD tba u11e aide of this than tbraugb low-llf11 chanctere in the bowt1 l s of tbebarrlcades:standlngupforl11dl•ldualfr..:l<111agai11st th• society, !•• •reed In their own •pacific cultures. but tyr anny) . In fact, the • aJarcrltuil ba11S•-11 tobe that 1a one way. llow does on• ucpr -• this ••ct101>? a. whether th• wrltlr cl•1Jls to bave bff11 writing cyber­ lluge, ust, bu• ungou& , stupe11.dous? How ebout sqL111ndr....,., punt or not; b. whether they W.ve bNn publ1a bed po11t­ bologlou&, Raanar mq""? l ew word& tor new things. HCI" Gib6on or not. If they deny beU1g cyber punks, then tlult e bolrteyberpuok:' e1<<:ll>CIH the•, and H thJ were wr tUng er publlo;bed beforetbepbra,;e,.a11colned,tbatc:ou11t.fl lb... aut. It .SO.a 1Dt-UJ18 palate b.,,., wbJc.l> la p,,rt all a • ects of that smug N • l-"llterery• tredlt1011.11.ll• t tie J " w1tb • :, edHorieJ UJs J.-s.,.. •1 ••1" attitude towards SI' tlult cyllllrJ>llllk apec:lflca.lly ..,t,. Dtlt tba wor th rdc:,l>erpc,Itl" I& tbat I've to defeat t.e. by defining lt.s root& and produc:t 11> t•r:a• seen very J1ttl• t1vld t111Ct1 of 1t exa• IItl"lf tbe olpop--culture. Jtw,an cm,dltJOD - ·u, big n , •. TbJs is Wlt}', So what la thec7blirpu1>k cha.ll•Dge? I bliWIYe It. Iii on refJ~tJrm, J would1J't calJ Pb11ip I{ Dlclr "" this, the COll.5U• er aociety, tecbnologlcal cultur• sll.d ur-c1b,upud; wrltM": aJJ his autur-alitz, global ca• pluity that we livt! 111 l• ll.Ot nfleci..d !1> raU1JTUeI1 eaead 111 ltseJf, .,,saf~•worll many or tll.a SF futur• world" we read about. Ve an fez his •eUpby&lcaJ u qulry. 5urroonded bytechll.ology,theday-to-dayproduc:tof the cro,;a-fer-tlllsatlo1> of ecie11c• and marketing, a.11d what we lt right, and •Finally, e Wf//lJ-de&eTVeoll sl•p on UI• wr:ISt represent6agreaterengage• e1>t.,lththt1futurethatw• far P,uJ t11ld • yseJt:•• live lo than, for eu• ple, to l• aglne • single entrepreneur taking • an to tbe st.an, th• way Heinlein wrttea It, or to beco• e luvolved with tbl expllcatlon of ant1-grav1t7a1>dPTLtr• vel(po;eudo-sclenceguff?). \ Drlygll Hcuu , 5 Loflr Rc,ad, Kl rro, , " iddlnu HA2 OOA Cyberpuntcld• & tobetbe • oder nSP. I• ther eeuc:h a tbing es • odero SP? Obviously things have changed THERE ARE TIII ES VHEI A R£VltttR'S J:IO'iLl!DGR OF HOV AID sin,,. th• lCt1a&lng po"er thn entire Defence Oepart• ents reviews 111 ru,- ot Garry lilwortb's letNt no•el, CJoud­ ulied toha,,.,011 thaonebaOcl.aDd on theotber,th1DHSS roclr, I cr 1ngea. a t the way 7au'd built <>Pe p1ec. ot l• onlynowbeglnnlngtocruoputeris•. SSTsar111afailure, tnforsation - that a n •arlter Hrsl on nf CJoudn:r/rwas there lsool y Oll<11&pacestatlon, paopl• stlll starvto 11> written while the author was at 1111.lversity - into a India; hilt there are wr1 s 1~ca1culator11, TVs 111 al11ost neat,andco• pletely • lstalien,crit1cal theorytcexpla111 everybo• e, l• 11e0&elyco11plex • ""lcequip11ant. Vbt1tber both tll.11 stre11gtbs a nd tbe wMkn.-• es of tbe . I you call it cyberpunk or not, lt -•s to • 11 that tb• re can verify thU Garry began worll on CJoudroclr wblle be •ust bf! a "• odern" SF, written by the paople who w• re wasatll11.i•er<ybecausel r sadtbefl1"6tdrdlshcrtly borntothl&fuhre, • ndbreaklng wlththetradltlo0eof a fter be flll lsbed it - In 111&1. Tou ...,, when Garry tbooe who c:a• e before Vbether or not 1t bas been bec:a• ea U111.-ersl t y student be wee not the !nnperle11.Clld written yet, tba queat1011 tbat lleValgh i;eea1& to be youth youbav•l••gined. ... h• waaurrled,w1tb t " ogrowa 1ddresslog, la Irrelevant. childr en, t wo car eers behind bl• a lready, and tbl! I would • ub• tt, fur-th.er, that u11der tbe gutsa of puhUi;bed autll.or of uny books including TlleSoasl>frdsof crltlcal (sclent!!lc?) r18aJr, llcV.1gh bas written a Pain, Tllsatre of' Tf• e&.altJts, Ge• Jitl God, and ID So11tary. wholly uns y• patbetlc article tUt entirely • lt1HS tbe So your fantasy of tb1 experlaoced writer 110111<1.ing th• e•Sl!nooot "tbecyberpunk 11niteatd'. lie basbecou hu ng daring but t• • ature "ort of his early youth 111 Jus t upc11tbehypeth1t.,17peopl11',;bralnsusedto •e1%eup that .•. a fantasy. It's th UH booll, of course, fros the wbentheyaaw "1&b1t" onthepage. Vooldberatl>ertha t Slllle wrltu, no • alter ho., • any year& It tool< to e• erge SP n • aln virtuous and retreat to so• e cloistered place In Its final fona, but it tscl•ar fro• O,,vld's r eview wbere the knCl"ledgubl• can gather to study a nd ualuat• t•J'd been going to say .. .• and " Oil ref111<;tlon It •• kH It? The reality liitbatabugenu• bero!SPtrapplng• sensethattb!s l a a r ewrltl11.gofa1>sarly .,orll: ... "l tbat and the• es have beco• e oomaon Go-,ledge tbrougb fll• 6, a raadu"a belle! about when and bow It was wrlttfln c:a.11. none of which • ates the effort to •xplaln ho., thing• 1111ll:• a • aJor dUhr• nce In Jlo,, • text IS read, •o I did work (technological literacy- our • U8penalonofdlabel­ wanttoi;etther11Cord,;,tr• lght. lefd~notrequlreapolog1astortbegadgetaJ . Tbeyare written for tbe grand s weep, the striking L• ag.,., the ~TlladfOU for correctJIIB us, LJse. T'd Jile to archetypal conflgurauons !vilitonary auinslty); for apologJ!le ·to Carr1 for Ule • :ISUIJdenrtand:113$, ua11ple, TM"• 1aator - a co11acle11celess tiller android •nd for tbe o,ay it •U"" our n,vf""!I •p~r sent back 1n tl• ecaUGes &oce everyday • aybea ID a big p,,tro.nts1n5. 1 also apo1aa1sr: to V01Ctor A• erlcan ctty. An yon• who I& not • lddle-aged, • lddle­ ,..,.d..,... fez our can,Jes&aass 11' relytns or, wb11t class, wblte, A• erlcan, or • ale, li:11.ows Just what slz,i cf O'tber pt!Dple told us, r•tl>er tllu clleclri"8 de book wo,..ld be needed t.o describe all the asau11pt1011s this facte f'oroun;eJ•esbefore wrlt11'!fOUrrev1ews !• plies. f!ct1onal technlqoe, "ell, howc:ao you deal wlth 011r • ist.u11doesaot, llow11ver,detr•ctfra11 tl>e anyofthl s ,.lthoutcbOOlilng • styleto&ult,notbecau• e to 1:;tll-~ l>ttll•ve, Carr:, oo wl&b to uDTerry Pratchett In which Granny Weatherwax (of Equal Rites) returns with two fellow witches in a story packed with kings, daggers, crowns, storms, dwarfs, cats, ghosts, spectres, apes, bandits, demons, forests, heirs, jesters, tortures, trolls, turntables, general rejoicing and divers alarums. Novem ber (\0.95 by The long awaited sequel to : a brilliantly original journey to the land where myths began. With frontispiece and chapter decorations by Alan Lee. October £6.99 (large format paperback) (11.95 (hardback) GOLLANCZ TH[ MORNING AfT[R TH[ Y[AR B[f OR[ DAVID GARNETl I 1~7 TU.I£ YUE TlliEE TEAR'S BliST Sf OOI.LiC1- e111-• d .l»t!rlca11l:ed,J-11.I ltw011ldhl'dlfflc..ltto I0119, edited bJ 0.....ld A Yo llbft.1• , Terry Carr Hd t-;,upwltt .... er-ynewDOV11l:butltlaatlllpo•slbleto i.ro...,. Do,i,01•, v111 c11 r.prlaud • tori• fn:a 1PM. reood.....,r-y- • toryltltl•publlslled. l boi.lgbt U1ca all ud ""'d -t ot U.. star!- 111 There llJ"e 1111" Ollly tour ,...-1ca11 Sf •-gazj1>e5· U..flrsttw0,alU.auglll1W¥tr dld!,• tuomdto ildll6, J.&1 lDJJ, J.s!a,....,.- • ad F.sF 8ut Li...• ani "llf'T 1!11l• ht115 tff Dmol• COIIOICtlCJII . It wH Ju&t toobi,S- dt1ftc..lt to find, • nd -t of lHlr ..1 .. an, sow by Uh • oat ll0\'9l• ar.. suh&crlpttoo lalrltalll,-lltffspect.all.st • bapacarry n,...... -. 10 • tori .. 111 u. Yolllll!i•, 11 111 tff 'ff'rJ r- cop!•. 1 " •- 111 Porb!ddu Pl• Dl:'t la Lmdoo • Carr, and 21 111 U. bot• 10 (rl t.MM wen, d11pl:!.ca~. rev sooth.a ago, wbn I ~ __. Htl11g U they had vucb • H Iit t~ vu a tot.al of 3a dlftunt stories. U>e pr..,la... aoaU.'s F.sF. "lo,• c:• H tH nply, . ,.• ...., St11 01 0,,- hn;t •ppaanod Ill coll-=:tlau. er a11U.01~-. &nld .o the d.ne cf AIIU!D,J aver•g• lH • a• t • torlN pu • .ontll, b.lt tblllr !II-st p,,bllcalloa WH recor'ded co U.& c:opyrtgll.t OIIIJ • ppur• bt-acmthly A11• lff y.r. febnallrJ FASF published tho -t &tori• durlll8 tlwl year. 11.arcb J.aarJD,J " • torlN April J. a• lqJ 64 ,.,,J.siaov-. ..64 • m~:y ;~• .:.,::--~:.:~b!::.~ !~.--~~!• t!:\11:: Vblch ls • t.atalof:1/7'1'. Aad tbt .. ,.,.t forstart- boohi, to be publl• lled qulcUy, • oat of tbe • torus were 1!1'. O.nJ v• ... 11, publl•- a ecuple of storl• - •ch cbou,n )oag botfar• tH • no ol tb• year . •In out of IS$U1!, 1114 theni .,.. ell tbe or1g111• 1 • ntbolaglH H veil Vollbel•'• Nlec:tlOII, far ua• pl •, Vl'tl! frm, tbll! ••g•~ Tbl& 1• Ju&t tbe USA . Tbc-e'e • Isa lrltela, whtcil L• st I.,_ Jnuary H I , Febr11ary CH, «.rcb l2l , April 13), llay year •Nnt l11Ur:ane • Dd tllrN ntbolggl ..: TaJ,s frua •11; a11d U1-a latKt d• tlld • tar7 va• fro• Augu• t . Sept.e.a­ tbe ForbJdden PUIHt, Otbe EdeH a lld Ue Gollerttt/Sll11d•:, tier, October, lov•• bllr , DK,i• bar? l oc:llaace. nep,,tter11 ru- SF Cmop• UUOD ST.OrJN- of the t"o other e11tlwl09les "H •t• llar, eltllour:b 11at ao c• ll lt • total of 500 • torl•-

lt • llbeg111!nepub, t be V.ll!11~11,Febn,e.ry 4 tb THE ORBIT TEARBCXJI( IS DiSIGIID AS ll• RE TKAI S!II PLY A John J• rrold h• d Ju•t beco• e tbe 1111w • clen<:il coll•etlonot sbort •torle• ,noHtter bow good. they ere. fiction ..ittor • t futur• 111d be w•- te lkl11r; ebout bls The book !!Vee up to Its tltll ID tbet It provides a pllln!I, the t tnd of bookl IHI hoped to publish. Re s111111nry of the JUr ln ..::tence tlctlon, a r ecord of the 1111ntloned tha.t he would )lte to r,prlnt nu of the TN.r "s events of 1987: tbe a wards, tll1 dutbs, the llgbts. It Be5tcollect1ons. That was when Jhltdthe !du. llan7 • 11 also tnelud.. ert!cl- by t wo •• Jor ac: l• nc• f i ction IOU SH•• grNt Ill • pub, Ill feet • o• t of tbH do - autbor ltlee. • ltbougb th• • orn!ng 1fter ,tbey11111111llydon't. Buttbe John Clut,.l• one DI th• • oat rHpect•d • nd lnfluen­ nut d.ay, Ulson,-• ..i Ju• t • sgood. . tl1l critics of tbe fl• ld, • 11d bl pro.,1d• • survey of all I hlid 1lre1dy started • n • ntbol09y for Spbeni. tbe ugnlflc111t novel• cf ltll?, l or• ally, I lld11lt, I ltart!n Fletebu bed • steel • - to adlt I collection of new • Vfft. herythlng had been publlsbadbefor-e, and wtde- • Dddeep therllforetbe • tenderd w011 ldbe • uebbtgherth• nth• tof Brian Udi•s, •• the Nylng goa• , 11eedl!I no Introduc­ ti>• • anu• c rlpt• J v•• rec.l,.lng - • IMI I vould11't ne..i to tion. lie ta the godfather o1 lrttl&b SF. For nine ye1r s wr1u nijactlon letter• tor Uieo- I didn't 1111•- b sy ... he 111d llan-y K• rrlsoa •dltad • 11ntller rNr,.- Bes! 51rlH. Jwroteup1propo6• lfortbeentbol09ylDNl1. lnbtsov11u111q.. s1:yle. Publt• !i.er• c• 11 wort fast when they " • nt to, 1,.,.,.,..,,.. Even 11 you••• r-• d •ll tte ugulnN • lld • 11tllolcg­ wblch IS why ll 01:llJ 1.ooll t wo am,tlls Alld Futuni Un !:;, tbNe twa • rtlcl• • lane ar• worth U.. pr1ce of tbe =~:: .:!t!aa~l apwd h arder to publl$11. t.he book ll• elor- s orel•ct•• 11dllgur• I USED TO BUY A.IALOC £fill 11. 0IITII I IISED TO BUJ FYE:IIY Aocordlng to Loew, the.-. "ere IGZf> __, Sl'/1.orrnrl SI' ugube ..,ery SOIIU Tb• t va• •-ore tbal 20 years Fa11u,,;y boot• publl• IHl11 the IIJJd Cards series, edit«! by Oeorse IUt tic.stsl, but at lu.st -• to be dotos 11.11 bNt by llartln, bonkni en J'nusy - the boots an all about publlshl-"S so• e 1nle first storr f roa th• first YClu• a , Tunk ~-t..cli for .lirl.• ov'5 and F~F, whtcll b.<>waYer. esUbltshes Ula ..rt• but COIIUIH 110 IIUC:11 bet....,n u.n pro.-tded n .. , out ot tbe 12 start• I ch,.,. supubu-o. TIils ls !Iowa.rd Valdrop.. "lblrty U IIU't.N Onr fr:,r u.. rurbaat; 0.DI pro,,LdDd t vo • are, Hd lDterffJlle Br-vayl'" wUcll 1• taehidld In tile 7•rboor, al>d tile one lwo--tlllrd&ofU.QlllteDta,tHnfora,C&HfroaU.. bcoll. a l.o reprints Va l4rop'a aanot.atlans, ,1 fasclutlll,! ..gaii!M!S - 111• 1.!U !!Ito all UM! ..,_ 'fOl"t ..111cll wHt lato u., two of tll05e storlN wm, Ula !Ma · •Jiu.IN: ht --,. ll w-pby .. "hebe.I 111 t.o,,e" a11d late VJlbal• .. "foranr tN flul two a.tr:,rlN are t.a.u11 fn>II 0tJter Edeas. Toun.,1.11,..• . Lt.. tutti•._ "TIie VOJDd• • IMI Garry Ul...,.-U,'a •11un1erera Wa lt'. Illa v .11y . U.- Vfl"a tile UrdNt etorles to dl«aa, bee.a,,_ tbey are batb by friends cf a 111a, &ut ~i.cd~d:~~- ~• good HOUSb .-..soa for i,xc}u1!1111 tbu

HALJ'OJ' TKE STOi!SS IIAVE ALIIIADT B.EEI IIEITIOI ED THE et her• ar•: Joutlln C..rroll'• "J'rtancl 's Best Jlan• - Ula -•• the leastsctentlflctloul (toquct 11 A•utn&) •tor7 111tb1boot,uc:eptthat 1tllas 11 r ealst111g tnthe- er - t.l U ; "A5a11ta• b7 PaYl dl l'lllppo - wllo le •one ct to• cr""''• brlght.a,;;t sur• ta tbl Sf flr• aH11t• and IIH ~II stories cur rntl J' sold a nd awaiting p.,hltcatlon: ".Haaga a Supu-trots• by J'ellir C Gnt&cbalt - wba hH t.aa Vrlt!RS for 20 J' ..ts, but U s flr• 1. ..1. I• •till avut111g pwbllcatlim ln 1111-'s Last DNperate VfsloH IISJc:r, RJcllard ladray'a "Ooo:li,y. llouatoll SU-Nt, Goodbye• - wb1c.b J'OU U•• all r ..d 1.1 J.,~ Ilana J!.111dall's "Lepldat"J' 11.!llt.s" - U. •oat "tradttloul Kluc:e tlctloa" story 111 U. wbale 'IOhrH; and "li·Tld.et to •-• lalld" by Dia Sl• a011S- a'l'letu• •td l'• ....., happy Wlth...... ,thlngaboutt.be 7Nrboot. hceptforllflethl.1,!: • ynaa1ootlla c0¥"ersllouldbe l•n:er

tiOlt!JG Al .llTIIOLOGT u; E.O.SY , JUST CHODSI YOUR FAVOUR­ Ha storin, thn J)\'bllsh thH. l nt~OO.,Ct;on Oovld S GP, P"rt· VTIU lb l11trod...ctl011,tbe5UII ...., of llle,-r,aad 11:oc:hellnl.ova POI.""""""' ll•• btographtei. t,g,lnt.11 P Ol fi1ipp0 Vbat c:a11 you ..)' to H 111trod111;t!,;• 1? • en • uch. Lq:,!doU ~~~ ~re.::-...-~-- wu//!!:_ tbe•. I !Iopa JOU do.• l'\rder.-sVoll( 6crr11l,l....-t.h Tturt11rtin.itas,,.....er...... ,1 t,t:,,,,,rdVolcrq> Vut about tbe ..,... ..,? A list of fact& ud t15- TNArnototed11tbo',I HiwcrdVal,t-op 11~. ol>lt... nes nd pri.-, ellbough ,...fd for rafuaDCe Mt...... a u.ae: "A Vrlter dated April.I wa• 1>cr11 111 --·· 11nd now lives 111 ---·, 6/be Is t he author of the navels-···,-··- n d-·--,and won a Hu,;01 Mel>ul1 fer br/hlr; story···•.• lt waa a lsola poruntto Tff art,Jt Scleaoe Jllc tlcm f..,.bor::lt lldtt.ed h7 Dll..td wlll be publl• lted bJ l'utun DC set tbt! btcss rllJbt, I've alway• found 11011-flct.ton • uch s c..--tt I Dl'nber lO, "ll"'fc:noal , s:M'ipp, £4 .99. harder toWTlte tbaa flc;tton. bacauscvtn fiction you can KAll IEVER KURD OP TIIE lllUUTIOH L SCIJllCE POLICY era 1poatui.ttn.g that tHra wil l lad- be on.I 111d 1111 Fc,ulld.Atlon uun 1 llNrd lUt TN SH Hd Sva•u had 1l vltb gat1.11t1cally l• poaalbla • oaaura, talapetba 111d , \.I.tu UIIS , ..r .. .lrtllur C Clarh ...... rd . Ill floCt, 1 lauly, 11vord-awl11&1Dg Aaazooa. Istill t- pr.:1- llttl• •bcalt It but vtU Cfft.ai.lllJ' llov NII)' Stai-IN do 7011 red WIICUlll.llg tba DMr u ... 1.0 Uad aut • ar•. btoc&IIN tH title 90Ulld• Ute futur.11,be....:IIIIQglC1lfaalll011C1111tHladle&ll011eoftlle 0..1 at H arga111 ..uo. .. 11.1c11 NII- 111 - t.hlr,p ~!!r-.0..11911 , .... •!Id tllDN few.,...... 117 too tta ld tbat I ball... • h H4 -ld lite 1.0 - pvt ta1.0 prM:t.lc.. Tl,e uo. cd tH N • ll,ar OIi 11 1 .... IN&, "1lwl Prac--­ Yllat I a• gettlflg It le tilts· ...,1-C publlabeS u,­ Ucal AppllcatloH of kt•- Jlct1C111•, Ml bellt; Tl•glag ate~t.a ta a - v td-17 ..- by aclaace. HcUcm ,..,. u, • 7 ...-.. To nplalll w~ 7. lat - rud • aMlrt ~--g•: t11 • 70V• ClOIIIIU"}',t\VHupto-\Oprod-•-•l111 loOCClf"da- v illi • J _., CNN. TU r-lt vu TN SN · u. 111 ~ of cw•JIICCJ• --•lfT Nd dlractl7 to lH poat-lloloca""t SCl[NC[ AN • T A GAtllUIIG U Tll tlstlml Of' GOITElU'OUJ:T Uta tllla • 11•- • r , \lie Artbut C Clarff Award for A1948 wu p.--111111 to tit.II publl• Nra of TN S.. aD4 &r..11u, .111.&lldlDgl11fortllea11tllor,Gearg• l'llnulr. r,.,..,,.,.. wesa't p,-lll bee:•- N 11¥• ID J.1011tr1.lia . Butll•• Ht.11lo11g.11n.11ud101.ap• wltll Ua lboughtscm SCl[NC[ f ICTION tb• avardud Illa •l..,aragardlag tb• r6laof Klanc• ID K!Hce llc.etlOD Kia d•cl• IOI to &I.a)' It bo•• wa• I v lH Olla - W.4 Ila arpra•• -d tbDN thought.II 111 p1rso11. &011..- GmRCI TUIHl!'S dl'VVR C CLUU AY.utll ACCBPT­ 0III • lgbt we ll !lave bopped bl• on th 110M As It 111, I .__ apaac:b • tTE&ed tile .....1 duty Df SF •• 110•1d to of!ar • )' ow11 •l1twa on th• rUa of ac1a11Cf! ln writers, K l1111tlflc •rtr.11polat1011. Scl• Dce <• od &CIU01t IICtlon to Vactor, In th• bop• of tllldlng out If SPI ..,..JUlr Johll Gribbin r • epcmd• bl!lov, It l11 • eor 11111 tbllt 1aout01 11t1tp. I~~~! h~~ yaars T~;:~r,.i;.:1~:11:!at!~ . :~d!'lt• ~t: =~;;a~~ !--,,.,-,,,:,••'"'"'""''°"'~"•"'• ""~"'•"'p>•"'""''":,~=:,:-.~,":.,'::,T, ~. ':,••"'»':':,o::", 7-,u~O- lng tbe a11t1r1 gH,.. tor It• l •ll~r• to prowlde "ac:l• ntU- er•) protKllllg tbat 1 • ...-toua acl.1111t!IIC pYllllc.euon• lc" eccountaof tb• probl• aafacl11g •1nk1n.d. • 11dtllin,lly sbouldnot atooptOdlSC11Mlng • uc:ll,rubb111ll T!Mi,.c!11ev• • IHlllg out OIi .1111 oppart11111t7 to acluc:.• t• l.ba -~dled l• tUt ll>lrlt b.na bean praclNI)' 110 latter• ID pnlH Ol ••- to ti>• polllt vbar• tb.117 ll111g oll UloUr ch.lllDS 111d tbe a&gUIM'• policy of ra,wlevtn.g Sf So, tb• .iltDr 1..11 rlM up In rabt,lltDD apl11at u.• t • rrlbla UIIDgS tb.llt 1 n, tor••r- -.lit.or of Vtctar, b7 lb• va71 llr,ree,uu, to • w•p doaa to tb•• Rt• ldN of good Sf 111 J;a4, or &-a- I"' a:ucb atuU fro• It.a pegN 111 ..-poae,, to public ,,_r, VorJd Ila """ avard- WIH1Dg booll Is .11 gl-7 tale of &11 U C1D1. Of tJr,a vrttars c.,oiitrlbutllll ...ell ,...laws to ow• rpoput.t-.1 vorld wjU rllll•, - lapplq .,.._ tbs tllat --,;ail-•, .1111d nrc• igl)' dlu.gTNlllg w!lb \lie wtaws of Sll111• of Jl&Ua,r- • Aa)'CIIII• wlu) US wat.cbad ••J.sb~ ~ l- l1tt• r-wrllffS I waa dallgllted to IMMI of tlle • -y we ll rt:gard tllta a• tH 1-t ,_ to pr•IM u,., avl.nl of t11,• ArUur- G Glarta .,,-1•• to G• org• Tuniar-'• grHIIINlm• ltftKt - but 1·11 lat lb.et pua ,. r~ s., booll, Ill U.. --·- ~ tntll I rMd IU Ul• t It -Id •:.4 .51m..,. tlllr• JS.II"\ ree,117 aa7 KlftlC• 11..Uo• • t all: gl" N aa• altlo• to s._. tN• d-• will, alld to Pff'&- lt t • a ll set•- fact. at ~ -t -u-.11palat1011 fn. uadA tba adlu;•- of tlla ff1'DI' of 111• vay• low c.erwll7 , 7 pr-u lJ'• ad•. PDl1t• lc n, propa.galllia It U)' bl - but ~ Vfl'a d.a• Md n • "beat" Sf -1 ol lb& ,-i- :t U I'd .....,_ 1111• of tba Judg••, It woul da't ..... go,. • sD.llf cert.atal7 1• aot Utllougll tloff• ua -117 .. s ,U)' at •• S1 IWll"d , lit a l0111 CIDI. burlag Clarh .. - opt.Ill- oo tllal ac:on N t.llara lrit _.la publlall,ad ucll So - 4- tlla Kl• K • 11 sctaace llct.1c• 1 uttar, ,-r, •-• oo It.a ova t• r a a ot varalDg • ellout uapl-- Tllat r• tbar d•paads OD. tlla llctlo• Tarry PT• td1-.tt's ••t fvt..1r• It CH't lu:lld • a.-.1111 to 1111 Glbiioa Birt • DIK"Wtrla• -ls, s plffldld tllo.gll tM)' are, v tU ...,.,. tlla ,,_.._ u. ..a Is cart.a1• l7 a prDWOCltlW• Head a lld .?O • un,1ee topl11.g111..,., v hat.Ter happu• . ,-rsandabUDdr.dye,on;.• ller•are-aftbe• : IIIIINd:,e• : Butb<1V'? , fHCir.,.,aba..eEUect hd Ul• Is tlM flll• l • A• lllllg of tU _.I, tlM ,°"1"populat1011 bottoa llH,a• t .. Ta~ss• y: , fll•la1lurttoprodox:eadurableeco,,a.1cu-,y llec:A-of It• l1a!ted Uinur• ofoU1ce.11ogover.,.. , icolcgtc• ld~r•d.attm1 N"llt Hl• t• or e,,• r 11.aa uclai.d tll• t could pl.Ill •guut , O....-otr1atllf'• tll.e tn1l7 NMClq -,•cu of tba ltrt11r• It could -t up l-- ~ • lublllt7 to prod...:• a pll.Ui,aop•J of lhlag to bNp orWd.7 lroup• - • 1111 - Its~ r-efll• II fulllilDg .,1t,uplmt.. tacboolcglcalcll.• nl•· 11.ec•,_ o1 ._ 0'lb• r "'l!nlt balldald C01UltH11t . Tkre an, othrs. but Uler• 1• a U • lt 1.0 v b.at 0111 Solt lstlieanu,aapeople v bo •,.tt.. •-deavare r•tkr ordlur7 bJ<>ll1 can balllll• n • single aowel. and ol what Is bltng dOM 1.0 cur pl• 11,11t ud ult1ut• l7 to ti,_ were • 7 dotce• • THy were quit• ellOUlb tor tile _,_. 01117 n °""'"'b• l• IDg ..... cf p,,bllc OplnlOD d.eplctlOII al e1111t or 111,... ••.)Cir ca.arac:ur-s • tniggllng can ftro. Ktla:> Ill n ar• wMra Barry JOIIN, lb• A•t• tor ul• taIIOII la a 11• tloa of w1)1U7 lluct... ttng WHtHr nlln l 1nt• t.• r for ScieJ1C<1 , ha• ad• lt\41d tba rl8U- af COfldltlOfl•, ..)ling le.cap•• t.11ffipi.d ~. uar­ •J at• ta• • nt th.at tber • an, 110 ~ 111 Ula l utur. tot.a) autc.a ttaa a nd a 10¥an.• a11t drl"II to • 11rd.n,m; Sool=iaror l• t • r va • u&tpro• at• •ot1• 111tb1fut11re. devlc.. to • .,.rt drc,,,111ag 111 u1aol11bl1 problH•, Yb•t111r Of" 11Dt such 1 11 orgul&aUOII u tH !SPF c.11 ladelt frNl7that lchc.e awor•e•caaaacenarto, Ila•• •n)' llfKt I do not h ow, but It sound• lib• a Ml In tbe yur• .?041-2Del, Hd cbOlle It daltbent1l7. ! r •asoubl•"'9gt11ohg. have a lrff.dy • a l d that foraca• ttag tbt fuhr• l• 1.• p068· J. r Kpcn• t bl• Kle11cefletla11.cenal•opl ay1t• part. lbll, IC "bat I h•e said Ill tba aoval I• tbt•: R,..e• ber Br••• I •" W-orJda11.d Jll4.f? lllth• r wa• a anat lcbody care• about t he f uhn a nd w1 wUI JlllY lor ww-t Ill a rt but tbllr l dH• II.av• becllH part Cl 20th nctcarlna. centur yeultur• . Sueht• paetscanblaall1aga1n. V. talk about lu .. l ng a better w11rld tor 11W" cbHd­ Tll• SM 41nd Su•• er 11 an atte• pt at It, tho.rah I ren buldcn•tglua tlnber '• da• D for tb•arandchlldren. don't rully up«t to •cbl eve th l• J)llCt of Huxl• y er Th rM•OZI fOI'" lbl• 11eal•cl I• • l• pl•= Ye ar• ta:> Orwall.bt.ttber11reothers wbocansural7doltbetter. bu• 7 • 11r•1¥l11g fro• day to day to plan beyond u1rgu­ l only bop,a they wlll. c1... I call tt t.11d.ald plau.111.g. hd If anybody v btn"" that th17 don't Ilka """al• Tbf • ltuat1on w1Lll g0Yert1.H11ta and 111.• 111111uutve with• • -11•,l1tU.a• drownwha11tba •Mrl••• ,a&tt b,xu .. is ••u var11e . ottall u,17 cauot Uik• 11•ces&ary will. livery-• ! worth ltsHltha•-• tblnl tc&ay •c-Uo11181111• tdlsa•tra.add«a7 ll.ec• 11• 11 todo • o wClllld So•-• ay It loudl)',-•subtl7,bultb•7H7 It And 1l -lll•••tbrow11o.rtofolflceby1111lKtor1UiUl•tva11ts ls-rlytoolat• for • ubtlaty. tobl.-.._,rada11daaa.ttld11-,aotw.or-row. J. 11d TM tutu.-. I• .-...Jo.la.g cs 11• al•o• t uastappabl)' - lit.at Include• I n< n • tcHr, v bo Ila• blx:.ed th• odd• alld Kine:• flcUo;m , wbld should Ila a v ar• aDd 'l'o::II , ~ .,.l tii,t, ceruu,l k"aQVs - far she • u• t nDt dOl511'1c-•toU... llOtlced. .ls U.a7 wauld •ay ID ~1"'ttar-• wbar-elsp• 11t..,... of • 7 1--111• cbtldllood. "Ce\ tbl flq•r cart. rear • ob! n.1r11'•• Jobtodo.• f/1# hlllilf r u,,,, A.,rd, for l/1# NII ST ..,.,, . , IN ,,,,u,w f tlf, II Jll!JiN 1•1•1/r bf fl(/ftJ,-Ull'<'H • f IN Wrf, UV klllll

i proll.l• n coacarllng tH t•• Kllat. llm1n Of huaallklDd , ,;,_ , . tbea • o • IOC.lo tffblttti" But, sp-• tlq-•• trdlladbu1. 1>011.·pr•1:Usl11g ac:lntlst, I •• quit• 11.appy to accept f astutban1t1Htr• .,.llftbat1• -ryto • H•tbe ~r~. wllNlacf tblplotsorau11d. Ybalr• t- • 7--=1.iitlflc ba<:klM I• " bq • \IC.II ~okll• Is pr... nt.a as plau• tbl• •-tr,pclatlOl yet or co• • u11le.at111g wlUI tals patblc draaOIUI, U wa doa'1c 110 1 11 ~~:~beca~~l 1~ n= oi:-~r~ ~c:rc!~d: ~ :: ~~ w::::::, ~11 °:o ~:.,.,t';i:,~,_=.;~,!:~•tby•-~:: •Ir by bu• n K\IT!tl@S, DO datbt that Ice cap• will • •lt bf the dragons. tbaa th boo• !Lu failed . bc,o,a9tt l.• pecc- H • n • ult , •nd 110 d011bt tbat - 1.... 1. " 111 rise, a bll It.• --=1 •11tUtc pedigrN. lloodllll ..lhourne aad. bop•1ully, v - • 111118 1(711• llaogu,t Yh• ra d- tut 1.... TH SN a nd 51.ts• ff" Sa• o, way aw• y. JIH, flct!011 1116 ID U.. deacrtptlOII of tba buau bllow lb• top o1 dleJ• IOII two. It 1•:. Ind-, good to He r-• poa• ,e 1.0 Lllls thTNt. Coaitrut tlll• Wit.II, •-7. Orw,11 SF •ddr-• l•g n • l problu.,i. But lct'S •al S• t c.rrl..:I Soatt CarOt •Uilld 11p lO ••ry C:106" 1-p•cttoa, """ gtytq It of wlllcb -t _,,lnl!SU would ntgUG as p,,r• fa 11ts&7. •wards Vlllcb t.h U.. gl- off the DIN •-IA\ad vnll Or will Gr-a IA• r'S Blood M.-Jc, wbara Ula &•Htlc •"Ill•- tba • Mard Ftct!OII that .-..Uy grip• t.lla r-• r I• worth "rlag Is 11accmfortabl7 dose 1.0 tH po•• tbllltl16 bae1"8 .....,. at t .11• ""P"IIM of •cn,p.,1- KIIDtltK Inherent ID UIStlf18 t.:.IIIIO)Q&J'• JU p1• ..lblllly ol Ulo, • ccw-aey; sclatUlc ac:cur•cy I• •at • ucll good II t11e .:ls..:. varlK Ira• booll: t o ~ ; wbat • at•- • boot flcllOfl t• tl• lO grip wortbwbll• I• DOt Ula pl• •lll.llttJ of t.11• science 1t c:aat- JlJM fl//#/11 W II 1111 11~1"9 •rJll"r} u,,,llht -IUtlot1 lfJI AIDS . but bow goad tbe wr1t1ne; ,.. J. good •tory wlUI _, If . ,11111,; lfl.l>(I ,ut,oa WIIIJI! ,,, •~1\og "" ,,,, , SF bell1•1ble people f • c!Dg r •• l pr-obln• w111• ....ry tl• e . H•ll, lloub!t ,hl'\#1 (to-•nrt,n • ltfl ' '" "" a.o.a "-• Sutnl11t II tUt boob 11.appens to d•al With g• 1111lne selentl11c r•r1lflf NJ/Ori • Ill .. puOJJll>M ~T f.111 , aa Ill 1¥,1,~r JCU v lll dell- I.Mt t.bls stptUcaat17 Utl.C pl- has • DI pra• INlll.,_ p~ la Ula beg: • fou'd ba """" •oa Peyu;,,i (WM) VIUI lit• Alld..-. Boot Co pertMr Rod 111-.- Js IlnlU:H Dn.goa ,.,_, D£UlllDln 4-pm-stelJ NI- Ga Ulls U.e v ber, IHI .-.IIM!I I v­ _,,.,. galllf to Ullet at a goad OH. TN acm,d ebotCI!' .... -SU PtntN of u. Blood .bterotd", batag lll• Utl• UBI m • S:.IU.IH • plCl!""apar•ttc •JIOClf I a i.o pllbllllbe,1 yun; a.go, a !MI vllld, t• a lso 11at featll:racl h Ula bOol,: ••• tovc I - 'I"" u ... a sup~ nr s.,u paro,dr M'W, fNturl",f C:C..lc ""'""t ._ a.1--. ,,,,_ '••t ,,... loots -plcl-11 Jlb •11 aJMo~. Tcu cae't tnat ti.e.e •11&8ras• . n .. tautN t1tl• I •tole fra. u,-i. t..Gt.1111, .,___,,,,., turoad out 1.0 be boob7- !UffilJIJ1DI trapped - 1l rMrTaag.. UI "lNbta.11• J.• tor l ac lala­ ea.11, W at.arUod N • parocltc La••••• 111 • "'f'J Mrly and MYC" to ba nprlUMI tala called •&1111rge al S pace", but - by U• l1111rn or flttb atary llalA!lll .,.. btl"! 1.-ed to polrl tu• •t •II aoru. at supn-t.::hologlcal, u.111•1rse• bust1111 SF 11rltU11 111 tba J..ulqr or p<»t-J.oaJqr aixla. l 1111 ..... GCJII , tH aort at atary that'& bu.ad 011 • d.a!t s pacvl1tlo11 nportad In ,.., Sc,JeirUst aad 111& to bl written alld pub­ llahd In 1baut tlv. • laut... betar a the natton t• hastily nu-llDIII evtctad fro• th• auaten • 111slons of r ..pecubl1 ph,-..t c-s. Ah. I •uapa,ct tlO•e of tlla otbar plw:.• to Dnganblker • re 6.,.•r•Jls.d parods- t oo - tJ1• Bro tll•rs - Gr1•• • tfi 1• about tba vbola :f1tJry tal• trad/tJao, !be untnat borror • O'l'd waadulllg vllt • Straight SF/FaaU.,- story by iufl)'DD INHRVIEW vould bt Ill••· ••T rwrrett9d a.1-1,:a,s? l'a anlq • ,.., •utllan for • ~Ible MC-4 WITH col11CUC111, v lr,t,:lr, v UJ probably ba callld 5eJr l'ir.111eS e tc. Tb• pr-tit baoll:? la U.. bltacl1ag cla.rlt7 of Ulld&lght, I v lsb I'd dw.11lt DD Ue sort at grott7 • ora l lutn,etlm, Pt...-. llltJw:my kNJIS UOVtag 1.a - J'OU DO", C>09 Cl bl.S OAVIO dl• wtttad but •"llr IICI vortlly lluoe9 d.llbltlag llfftll.llr It vas v lchd a lld. dac:.111 U ul 1.0 d!Sl"I- bt•-11 • • a tree vbH tH bonla of lulKlble bog.lly• H v u altar bl• • alld decldt11g that h~fort.11 be wHl practt .. IIO aare su;b lANGfORO ! •• oral dacaptto• a. Alld I balf-11tsb I'd axuactad tb.11 ...... 1 <:Cattr•7 plK• tn:m Its nic:H Ill t lla htrod11ella11 HID UIGFORD, HCJ',I DID ma CDW.E to 't •Dru.d-­ dra1a• v bo are ba.-.17 relr,ut to Ule plot, aDr•aoo ud bNrlfl& tbe l'rH• " o,bolly Judtcroua •ad U•pt tJtJ• Th Dn,gon.lllter-'s G11 !dt1 to BAttl•H•ld Covnnt at Dune-. Edge: Od,-HJ' Two? Wall Vould 1ou conssder y~Jf tnlJuenc«J r,y tile utJr/c.,J rr•dlfion• of Ar/.stopllues, 5.,ut ar L Rd "''JJ • plJt I.be rf1T61lt1•7 GH p,u t•JJ - tb• ...,..r al pUla& pubJJsl:ed? A-w:H a dra60DS ... Js tut v bar• a. ~ u•e 01 I• tH peat-var aust.ar1t7 m U.. lr,jlla. a all .,.... frm? Europe still groaHd IUldff llS I••·- llangc,,o...- aJld • M It dow1 to sya,;bn:mlctty. Dnlakn DragCIII ,.,._ • 1ll!OII SF v rltffll .,.,r• still busily u-lag "ra41WI g=• Lt4 (tlwl "d.MIUH• l a a reel brurtbrllllg~, t:i.Jllg ON al troa Ulalr ..._.-1pu •tld laeert.hg ·•taale bWtar'" ... • tba vord• a,p~l7 for-bl.ddH 11, a BrttJ.ab COllpanJ eblld VH bon It vas .,ltllaut tM f•l11te9t lallltng at ,....) caH ht.II bahl v1tb a laud. Spurt8f belor-a I'd ht. •- llterar7 dest1117 tllat the JQUtb.ful Dsvtd u ..11Md Ul&t brlel s k it. v bose i.ct of drqo1 .abr1at7 l.lngtoni tlr.t toot llold o f • CHJCIII alld. t..gu to gll•p,ra -IH!d. t.a• p•Ddftltl)' tt1rrttable..• u,. • ll>d-..baDCIDg posslb!..lltl• of •Ucklag It up bis Spedlq of JosobrJ•tT t t.111• a • bll!llly CC111trl~ nas,e Soaa. v lO • tnng" pr-,;:ac:1t7 ,. Jtllk Q.f 0. art ,.. lllt ...... 1-..r$ put JG (tr ~ u .t• of rJll• IJJJ• • • "'ltb ,nr~• ,,._ C..n - uu sas•UJ18 l•"tflll"811 celled a,oUJ1uJt7I, I IIOUca '1111 about tbe 000k a bit t,Oot~ ~ler.bly - for •~ ..,,,. ol tH star/- fNture b.ln; or p.,1¥, e"o U. ,..,,._. - va•wt • •ntlotll~ O• tHJ•. lfoo.rcoc: 11 •po.of "TH lfad Gods' Dire/etc.•. tbe tit!• Ilsa bee11 brtllt.ant17 luted Ira. a c:rl Ucal U yN , I caa - JDU l11suted tlllt Ugbl J c:011trlv..i apeKb•C\J••-, I put together 111 1~4. and at cou.-- llak to Jud ~p t o • 7 tot.ally out-at·c:oat.en. nHrk tb• t "O• elet\l' w11 very nNrlJ publlsbed In l e" llorld6 Qwrr­ tor... ttv1 SI' l all""nc.a of Jolla t or• u ? Ul1a's equ1ul- -1,. KllerJ BaileJ aad U tblntJ Gb1rlNPl1tt persuaded 111t r-rcll. CQ11Slsted of liste111ngtoolf:IGoanSbowr1c­ IN ta abort.a It and u~• \t funn11r, nd I VH Ill set ordlbf!;• Ind stNltag tff )(Jiles , V1 vnitl 1lt1n1.ate scenes to IMp aboard tlte , .,,, lforJds baadv1g011 to baco- a l e,, of tbls "orld•lluokll1g Utenry crlt1q111, Hd lill re&ult v,.,. writer- v!U. lot. of..,,., dnt(IS alld ntrop7, v hn, IIIQ . .. d.c,ldedly Ddd , p,artly beausa l£ YID •ae:t »• DIYl1' fol ded IHt.. d I bid taw.uty..,-•1ad y ...-. forcyber­ t..11 quH• M fWIDJ H Splh ll! lllgan, Hd p,1rtl7 becalSI punt - Ml, dnigs and lS-232 c:mi• u:nteatlon• 1-'ltarfaoa (111.,_ tllll II I pltf1ll lboort lfb!Cb I " l-nl 111 WDU)d-be parod!stal lllH llldD't aetian, ,-d, TH lforJd Qf l uJJ-A. '"""""IIIT,-•1>ou11cyberpud:;,.rody'! So r.bJs Ul1Jl8 dJd 8•t fJr,J.sbei u • cc,JJ1tu-1Uaa. ltlJbllll-n boat I tayed v lU.lA• ld11ofaBtll TN, but U 11a pu.Md. Co11tl11e<1'UI n1M uo. tell, t.H G!bllaa Mrotc fntas,. and got H f,r u the fln,t atit­ 11a1.,..... dwl11d l ld ~1rds Its belt d ..tb, IN l s1-" Tben for Vagt .-poof fnn, I rvllbll' ol bype CIYIIIMtlOH and -e l'HSOD I llJ.d ,md..- lM bed. cardboard bollN, I eo.ild OD.I)' find CQplfl of • T ...... - . Tllia1a1-.llat1lyledtoaaatllar,_folb1tof " tldaafor­ v111 •ae:t perodlsta llt«r COIIStnoetlng I clllatlc but vai111l7CC111Dll:ledstorylDOUTa11thor'slal• lt.abl1 H aDer- , 1t wlll ba • •d• ...... 11D • IICb aore CCIIYl111;tng u JOU tbea go tltro,,,gll Ind en.. gut IYel'"J OU.Ir -Ill. 6sp«J•llT, pull1p,5, tie a,,_. tuJJ ar old eo.,i, $1ioo, Jok•'1 l oea•• nt. Uter long • IDUlftOf ritVIIIOII, I ended up vttb v lllt 1ppun, l a Dr-1aa,,J1 U er. (Al.o, of eo.iru, v ttb a d ..tb tbr.. t fros ,U lan .> la b11• aie to tba -.CD!ld title Ill YI D Vogt .. H r les. Tbe l'IVlJS tJ/ lull-A, 1t'6 ~lled "Thi Spew11 of I on- ~ . Be v araed: Juat H Jolin V C1 1 pbell used to wa rn people, t bt! s orn l lll! lft• r you "ve finis hed "Spewn• l ta b ldden trutbs will nacb crlt!Cll 11a11 ln J0<1r forfbnln 110d convey t ba d.a.ullng, 11n 1ur1a­ bust1ag !nn1r 11eu1ng, vblcb will be tblt you ba ve • blngoYer . Tblt'squtt,anOl'!'b, H,veT°"CODll de~lllrDl/18 S'pH61f16 ar ,0011-sequJtlU"I, '""" coa. T°" dose to ;raur •Wper.d0411 Hter, ry paJus to ;,.rodf1D8 otbar SF apoaf an A•J•111' detective story r•tffr tNa Illa SF? for11s? Yut -- v bfre .-,-,- 1U.DLng- Br.•. TllloJ: :,a.1. Da-.-Jd L.e,,,gttrd! !:~t~=r=:t=.;c.;£ ;~== ..,::: :,a1:01:te1 ______::.6 A:.:V~l::,N..;R:,:A:.:l.:.f -..;D::.D:.:D:.:D:..

11tr,111uUe "Sector .-iar-y GeoenJ•... pu-od:,, "11Jcb ,. '"'7 -rJ:,. FOUMDRTIOM ., "''" ,~~ .,, ""' , ,, ..-ldant. Je&. &MldK,·~ ~ .. blgar tb.111 ..-·-...... lfberMs :,DIIJT Jliu,& for U ..,.., ri:gt Jso"t. n.t's THEReYIEWOFSCIENCEFlCTION •JJ tbls /11 Ue ed11-Jid8UUJEII 1 ton: Ult pl- 1»1"8 • to.-• er coJJ11>creu011 - d,t,rar tblt • J&U ba? It's • longlsb story, d.ltu,g bee t ta • 1 .,.,. Vltb tba. Ox.ton! 11u ...... 1ty Sf Gr oup. 111. tba 19701, OUSfG atal­ 1n ,.,fifin11,esnofpubloaoion, FOU NDATIONh.. niablo>hod • v art .UIID Scott a nd I drunt e11.ly 1grNC1 that v a s bDUld =~~-•p,oblbly e ne w ICIH, plot d..,toe or • u co•lol! ID With a gun e very "C,,,,11 nU<11o bcfarond•••y th1-vfr • ct1.11llyq11lte a1tesHDM. Bria• Ald1N, J.(.; . Ballanl,Gn 1..-,lklllanl, Tbet doasn•t • t ezid to VID Jqrt'lf tbl/"d 1nd 11u,;;:1l Darill 8ris, Jolla C11uc, Jlld.ant C.•prr, l,t.r aUwt hll-A Tbree. 1tllleb by VIT tJ/ ucltlOB c.ll• Grecal.a• 1 1"8 plat 1l,,c ~n•ld'eNI. Br11tt S,crliml, lt1t1•t1e1 fn;m TH lfar-Jd gr 1 1111 - A, aucb u ta• r~t­ u.. Tanlc, lu W••-..., ....,7 ..,.,... . •ble 11,.,• ber- of tl.11- !ts b r o Gllbut ~. v bln Dot Uitlng •cor-t1eo-~1., 1c pa.-• (doa•t Mt >.... 1ltiie:r bol,IDd111dg•g!!ed.arco• J11lled.far-uce.llntplatr-MSOll5 ta bind end g.,,; ot.11.u people. Ii.,.... vond..-.i ebollt tbe FOUNOATK>N it publi,t,,d 11>ttc l>md , J<. ~ R....J.. fNt,,.Jw.,, RMI z..fS. UkewleeU... ~t111tn:Jducttosbyll• rl• a lUl.8oa, ,~..,_ ,.,..tbi:iusb tta l• cil a utllatlclty . THE WORLD OF FANTASY AND HORROR £2 .50 Issue 3 Hellbound plus Clive Barker David Gemmell GuyN. Smith Stephen Laws Neil Jordan Alan Moore and Book, Movie, Video Reviews also Super Fiction. On sale 20th October. 011 )ltlCH IIPLUEICi liS.VlE\IEJIS REAU\' HAVE OJ THE •uoc:- of a boot lfi deb6t.abl•; r,iadus •ddlct..i to Hti.dly DO'l'•ll- DaD liOl!ru.rlO&, for ~t.ance, wlll rort out tbetr •011ey for Spell cf tbe Dnsoasword, or 5"ard of tH Spelldr-saa, or whatever thls """'Ir'• • ubllt•ru .e d• plop,e11t of eo&lly faalltar cltcbt ... AND PASS THE happt,11• to be called, trre&pecttVe5atlve n,vleW'& fr011 tbe right source • tght even be a poo,ltlve reco•• endatlon; The llasp Pactary probably wouldn't have baod bait Its tnltlal l• p,u:;t without •11 tb06e vltrloltc co•• enta so 11lN1ully quoted on the cover of the paperbolct edition. AMMUNITION But OU rev i ew really l• critical, l1terally a aklng or brelllrlng tbe boo«, and tbat 'li the one the public never geta to -· A aasa-aartet p

Thi v11l-worn patb to the To• b ot the 0ntnown Jovel ha• been trodden by countless feet al"'rt fro• would-be authOI"• of Grut Literature, .l11ong tile • OGt frPe &a.• 11 . Th good 01• US of A I• thraat•ned by co• ale llbenl fellov-tnvelllng p1nio faggot acuabag&, or ~elbead ca• el-fucting li:,eran­ l an 1unda• ant.al!st aeu• bag&, v ho vant to pull the plug on Vh1n • p11rcel arri ves fro• tile publisher, tbe eager the tot.II:, wcmderf ul Star Vars project, and only one ruder be81na thl procll'&& of triage; otherwl6" knovn a& good ol' r.-l- blood.-l A• er ican patriotic hero c,,n battle &&Yill.!I tbe • 0111t proal&lng for la&t , as a p,1ycbolcgka l through tresendoua odd& to toil the.. . He eventua.lly bribe t"only on1 • ore bloody space • a r lnes boot, then I llit>CCeed&, upholdi ng all t he t rue A111e ric,,n nlues, l1ke can read tbl good &h!f"l, or a ov1 ng the 1t06t • 1ndless­ gu nning dovn a nyone wbo dl&agrees with hi•, and nplng loot1ng to tile botto• of tbe s tack \anything w1tb •Drag­ • ny woa111 who happen to cross bis path. The "science• on•, •Sword" or "Sp<'ll" In tbe title, a map 1n the front, Is 1111ually given In g r eat expository ch unks of techno­ or an 1uthor bto aentloning a da y Job with TSil, Other babbla, r ipped bleeding fr<>11 O• ni edltor lallli about the poi nters ln tbl triage p r ocess are tbe covering lett ers epace ahuttl•; you know, t.be ones full o r phrase& lite tro111 1g1nta d l gHtlbl• lu• p,i:, &0 th• author Cilll g•t It out of tbe llact l , 111d the condition of the pag"6 and spine when t h• vay quietly a nd back to tbe l• portant &tuff, lite rape actual A111ertc,,n edition ot I booi: t urns up. Dog-ear ed and • urd,r, . pagK 1nd • cnci.-l apine • ea n every other publisher in Closely 1llted to tbi& Is tbe s pace 111 arlnfl novel, '• turned thia one dov n a lready: th1s tact 111 v hlch l a prstty 111 ..ch the s• ae, only ln space, e nd with probably llgnlflc,,nt. I got one receotly tbat, Judging by lli ll• y alien ecu• bags standing ID t or the knee-Jerk hau the condition •nd the copyright date, had been c ircula ting ob~t • of redneck harica, Hter a couple of these you • Ince 1~60 It only tooi a fe11 page& to real!H why. be8ln to long for th• l•Jl"<'C"ble liberal Hnslbllltles of So whit • aku It through t he net? llore to the point, Htl nl• ln 's Star• llJp Troopers, what do rHdtn look tor Jn a booi that aaies t be 11 •ct• And Oen thlre a re t h06e ldentlklt fantasy trllogl~ lvely enth""" about !t when they pas!I It on to aoaeone v !tb • aps l n the front, 111 which 1b&olutely notblng further up the decl&lon-aatlng proces&, instead of Just bappen• at 1•• 1!1>51! length, and v her• everyone 6?""kS In reecUng for anoa.,r body bag? • Ollt a s a11111r atr ange, u; tbough not understand they By llld large, It'& the &a• I! &Ort of tblng lie look • J'llta" the • u111t1g of. lor 11b1n w1 do • aagazloe revl.,.,, or ln a published ...,... Of COIIT99 not everytblng ls && bad as tbese horrid ...i,'ve •bellN out ac,ae of our ovn • oney for. Good wr l t­ archetypa. Tbe vaat aaJorJt:, are sla ply adequa.te, the lng. "•II rounded cU.racters, a well co.nstructed &Dd skil­ literary equl¥1lent of an ll fl coffee table, s.bunud aside fully pae@d plot, that sort of thing. So• ethlng tUt to C011tl11ue their lonely ody&sey 1TOU1>d tbe puhllshen' 11&U111ly • H U a 15111ft thu• bo; down tr<,- ae ts blatant :!!= t:!• ,the pressure oi the • arglnally betur stu1f alllll!N• of tbe &Ort perp<'trlted by tbe autbor of tbe nov• l wb1cb. for tbe ....te of decency, wUl be nterrN to Yhat UkN tbl job bearabla la the one book ln hereatter • !• ply II& Tbe DIily Boot So Bad I Got Pald A t wenty tbat &bin• out trOlll the rest. Tbe one book ln &onus Por l!• ading It. t wenty t hat dla&ecta tbe human ccndltlon wlth a &calpel Tbe OnJy Book Md all the hall• mris o f so• et bl ng of wtt. pr... nt1ng char1cter 1G you c,,re about and feel !or atunnlnsly awful 11ven at th11 trlagfl stage: a t•n page Th• 01>1 booi: 1~ t wenty you Write your r e port on t1n1ns " ynopsl• oi th• foll.,.,lng pr ojected e ight volu• es, another v1tb1ntb118l&111,urglnsyourl!ditortobuy two or thrN pag" ol t he a uthor expldnl D! hDtl Til e Otlly Th• n , In tha ne>< t pared, there's a lett•r agr..,ln)!; Baoi w• • ao 111 uch better than all this d.,.,n-• a r ket with your H-Hnt, telling you ho., a uch everyone Jn stuff It superficia lly rese• bled, bec.lu&e the off!~ enjoyed t he book too, but polntln~ out It w• • b.15-(1 on • Jtblc !• ages •nd " "" tber •fore Gnat regretfully thlt tbare"s no 11arht fer this sort of thing , Literature, • nd • nou to t h• •Hect tMt It 11a5 only• And be1UdN, they've ju,;t blown th&ir budg<>t on a Pl•re flrst drdt and could probably be changed entirely U Anthony trilogy. there w1 a sore aoney In that Sub• ls&lon,s fro• the It'• ealled Sword m till' Dragonspell, and 1t's got ag111c y blndl1ng this 11onu11ental work of Great Literature, aaps tn the front, BO O K A[Vlf WS --Edited ~y Paul Kincaid--

NTnl X: B£ASTS - IH• r A•laov, ltartln TIIH Gr? return r..- 11,, prlu. llyU.lc BHsts UI IRobln....,,19&&, l'3pP,D.501 not u l• p.-Hsl-, duplta Its acre F....,.AST .W..- TO€ GIElTS - lol>wl Sllverber& I Nart tn K Gr-.l>wg ;~~en:, •::1:u!"~r:°~"u:-1 ,~:.,.c:-1- '--====~--~ liobln.on, 193&, 431 pp, U .95l Ru!Mff'J>lf"IC\I_.. God'• r1.. • by C.L Koor•: 8.-.dbury 's Asl.,, • an , • sd> lzophrenk P.,-lsl.,,, II AL IDI FUSI - GrogOI'")' Benford "llo•e-c-1ng• ru1,,...11,e; hi• re• llr or glrl, a go• bl lng A1111dcan, and the Arc IGoll1ncz, 1988, 280pp, tllS,J supernalura l,o CJncludlng"••plrn); wi,d or the title , • croe.tur, frc:a !5 -spoco lovl-,tbyJohnOrlbbln Hoorcod'$ £irlt uory, •11,igs tn Derk· called lnshleout who Is tr1lr,g to go t nus• n ... a,n lhrN f airy tal" .nd bad 1n tovllore ltu•-rr.. In the four vhlat1kal slorln - th• best Is Big a.ng, who ropes In the oth... pro­ TILISCOUB:llOlf lS()f(EFOITIIE:CONN­ L Sprague 0. C-p's dellghlful "lb-­ l•gont.s t s lo holp It. olssour 11 .. 111 prolN.bl)' be • vchdts­ thing In the R11la1", s boll t a Hr• atd Gone.,-olheda)IS,ltH-s,wt.wl cu1Md durlnt; Allortc:.n colllg1 courMS anltr.d In • swl-1118 contHl, Of UM! Sf writ.,.._., ad•ltoltd t o lltrl with 0t1 • ool rn 111.or,ture. But It doesn't r • aalndar,thee•callentonas aral'oe's , fo lrl7 ordinary s ituation bafor• repr.....,t , uh.- Benford or tho g..,..., -rh Nn q>M of tha R..:I Dutt,•, A, l• unchln.8 Into stuH roqulrlng 1v1porr- at their b.nt. ll lsgood,j,:>urney• on Hurltl'S .,.he Wootan of tha Wood", end 1lon of dl1ba llef . ... ttanaslo 1tarts off SF,worl• enllk1 n lhlrthanlnsplred . t1rsulaleGuln's aabll!l"""•utopls ,9The .. tth obout!5p,,j! HOfetlO<..ll!hpsoudo­ Thoproblta 11 lhotllenford Isa Ones Who Wa lk Awa y free Ollaln" , • s hH Tho ucopllon1 prov• \hi rule. Jn , f our of which aro from tho 19801 , baen a tear awoys!nc, lhe•g• of 11l1 ll~en ho glvn hJ1,1el f roo• , H ln "To It shorn with tho other on\hology • whan he "n caugh t Hlllne: drugs to the Stor• lng Gulf",• po• l·holocauat profi,rancoforwh!111yondfolry t.eln, pro1t1tu111. ,., an adol11cont hi hH s t ory 5Mylng ho11ag1 t o tho Aau!can duplkatlng Sturgee --• vhlch Is consld.,.ablo eppoel lng toatudentlo!SF. Thoytoll ltlvo s port...,., frlY11lou1ly slid with The outl,or's l• agtnatton 11 very you roughl1vtion, vh..-o,a.nd vh)'Hch • OU ftn.iin Uan Hot.h's ..., , qualllt , visual.Ills prose ls-tln111ldl1 story wn writ!.,, And UNI)' sh- you vory A• .,.k:onof(ort wllh • eta phora but oftan ON"ldlltd by an author conscJ.ously struggling to or gru1or IJOphlsllaitlon ..,.. U.u. lka n c,11 In dlscrlptfons of find , • tylo, trying a little bit or ~g•l_. 11,rtln's deep ly o llogorlail lha1k7,) l havonodoub1h1'1 • ••Jor Wlllla• F1ulWr ond I s• ldgeon of The "Tho lco Du1on•. • nd T1nlth LN's SF ,.,,.Jten lho publtshor"s __,IIOtl e fht; Yorbr to -- whet f its. Tou can subtle account of , n tnqul• lllvo wri­ prowtous 11ov1J, lledht, wl'l lch I Shall find blll and plll'Cff of ldeu . .. -n ter hrn,d toston, ln '"TMGM1on•. \ool O\lt for. I would not ha.,, • ltoMld H styln, lt!ot later crappld up In loblnlon • ro In thebuslnn• of U.11 ll shllWI that U--o .,., no r ules ""'ls,ond o cur1-11ory,"Ro latlv­ rop;rlnl antholQ!LH end f'ant.11y All- for novol ...-ltlnf! Alt.noslo pulls out Lsttc EH , eu~. vllldl rHdl 10, a rlp- ANNOUNCING THE FIRST PUBLICATION FROM

_Drunken 84 Suffolk Street, Birmingham Bl ITA JOragon England fress Tel: 021-643 5999

DRUNKEN DRAGON PRESS is pleased to announce its firsr publication - THE DRAGONHIKER'S GUIDE TO BATTLEFIELD COVEN ANT AT DUNE'S EDGE: ODYSSEY TWO- aco!lection of hilarious parodies from David Langford, twice winner of the coveted . THE DRAGONHIKER'S GUIDE TO BATTLEFIELD COVENANT AT DUNE'S EDGE: ODYSSEY TWO

David Langford

Contents Author's Introduction Guest Introduction by H*rl*n Ell .. s*n "X:mthopsia" P"'" "'rs Anth*ny · "Tales of the Black Scriveners" Is,.,.c As*m*v "Look at it This Way" L*w>l"s C*rrl"ll ''The D_i,sg~;ji~r ~:;J;.1:·F;.. ~k a;;:t::t Gr*mm "The Thing in the Bedroom" W*ll**m H*p* H*dgs*n "The Gutting" A N Horrorauthor "The Mad God's Omelette" M»ch""* l M**rc*ck "Jellyfish" D*m*n R*n~n "Lost Event Horizon" EE Sm,.th (attrib) "The Spawn of Non-Q" A E 0n V*gt "Outbreak" J"m*s Wh*te First Edition - Published September 1988 Standard Hardcover Edition (ISBN: 0-947578-01-3) £9.95 De-luxe Edition - limited to 100 copies bound in bonded-leather and with marbled endpapers, numbered and signed by the author (ISBN: 0-947578-51-X) £24.95

Availab& in USA /rom:- DREAMHAVEN BOOKS AND ART, 1300 4th Street South E:.i.st, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414, USA.

Trade discounts are available on application. B 0 0 K s off of Poul Md•r1<>n's T•u z.,.o, but Ln t•re1t'?Oo the cher act•rsac\ In a "f'lnleruque". Th• f.,.-•.,. upl.,.-11 efter..,,lchllenfordeuurnu•"-l'lad bel!evebl• " IJ? Can lhlly hev• ulsted confueton• ,and ••rglngs. of !d-tlty noi ~,on.clou•ly .-e-• bered that work btfore and a ftar the ••.,Is ln 1h11 and loc1I• lndu.:ed by 1uburbon u:,lfor· •nyn.,. durlns !he procn••or writing noul?ThHe ere the polnll lhll 111ot- atty - the " IUtl• • en" trapped as In • ..u,by the colncldenc" &nclcfll'ltln­ tld• •tory, lchdldn'thelpC-ge llMrl•an• =k .::::sr::. gencl" of hebltandenvtr-on• -nt. The sued ror p1-gler! .. t,y U.. o ..n..-. of La:inatt Is o ..11t1h, u.a.,ghtt-1. l1ttw lwls 1d1• -lonof fantasy In thecopyrlghton"'lle'sSo Flne• ) laaetur•, ... 11-a eanlng ••n who n•...,. which 11- and .ou:,d1 1nd dt•logu• Most of • 11, In A llfll> F/HI, will unde.-1toodhlsparent1.Klsflr1tvlslt , .. 1 becl.,1rd1 •l\d for.,1rds. . Ill dra­ eppeel to the Hplt'Jnc writer tr, Ill to th-• In 17 y.....-1 II told 1n 1h11 ••tlcc foc;u.1 l11he lnterpr111ttanof1 olu1.l!WIOl,l'l,how • 11oodaclant~t no••I. Hl1 alsc.onc•ptlcrui, his a lsun-­ photograph «>eap1uJ1llng the subject- c.n turn hlnself lhto • co.pet.nt dentendlngs, his bela ted rHIIMttcn 1-ly cyclic _..,t about ..t>lcll 1 ..0 writer hen If - aren't • II H good of lhll lo.,.peopfflbua foreadloU-­ fru•tr•led 11 .... hi... hinged " t th• .,1sclenc• u8enford,wec.N1ie...... • bulld 1 1tory which Jsg.-lpplng,elo­ t,,i,...1 of Ndl ..-10--c-lc place lie lo! froa hi• • u11ple. Va id! out for• qu•nt ind •.. On second tl,c,ught• I per...,l,lq..,..ll_a_t thenati,r• ..-on•t gl.,. • c-onclualon becau.. the or •that r-1• 1nd "the pettellled". Tou o~d~.. ~ ra,,hr ::;:kl. :::-:t ..,":',!!. word I VH going to UH 11•- too thll\ll "hilt! )'OU r 11d and l"'l!h • uch .....y. It Is ., lnl•lllgent book, ~or too~hc~fu~u~u ~ SCIIDOD'SCAME-D.G.Co"pton r~~ps Illa A.IDTEOLDIMUIIC • Philip I Diel ~~~=~:. • ttractlllelrallentlon 0Uu1,treted by l'aul De-,.r, £d:~.!; (3':7$pp, ICollana, 19&6, Ulpp. L1 951 Rul-.1 by S.,J.., M,;lllebb 11••1-,I by P1ul Klnc1ld

OIi!: TIIOUGHT F\.Ot.ttll DITO ICT Jlt!IO AS I Ill nE IUD·60&DICI: 11"5-'TTHEl!EIGIIT read U.ls baol why had toaplm, .­ ofhlspou..-.. Asucc-slonofsuJ>ft'b It SF'? Could It !'IOI tqually wall h•,,,. naval• 1trN• ed out, Including • any or t.e.n a ncn-gWll"9 novel? /11. lhl• a h11 but ll•rtfan TUI..-Sllp, 111.- 17v..., qufllllon • ,_111ed •~Iffy,.. .,.,. , St~I• or ,..,_, Eldrfld!, If,:,,,; 1141 1 re .. , ...., should • II- to 11,,g• r? 1'H for Leu YHr, ni. Z.p Gun , Do And­ ltta.Sclancafl,;tl11<1qllt, etbast, rofds ar-.• of £1..:lrlc SJtaep 1t ...,. to he.,. all lha a!u..,u of • good In thl1 parlocl of fr1nded activity o,etnstrn• naval With all Ula acGf)•, ll11the wrol.eh11onechlldr-,'1book, !u5lnollan and e11cll-ffll lhatSl'llu ~t~!"~~ to offer. Bad SI' ao•• tl.11H hH lll-t1ln­ ,_ .... ~h•thf•~•~• t~': not at • 1!on hut !ad1 bHlt ch,rnterlwllon, au• vrltlng for chlldr..,. Th• book I« getting ow1y .,lt.h U only because vary un•....,, one • oaenl too sh1ple ,.,.,...,,. enjoys the n,r,tnl Idea, no • Yfflfor o pre-teenaudlenc•.then••t 11u1ar h­ ro, Jot!on5h!p wttn hie parents and guage • nd flit 11enn•r 1ulthlsaudl- their rel1t(on1hlp .,,u, Heh oth•r Th!• does not require 1ny sclencs D.O . COMPTO!I SAYS IN HIS IMTROO\ICTIOII ~~=a l::~::~~- a:utth!"':ul:~:rtc::: ftctlonel ele1Hnt1. It would hove bettn that he "dartll propoH" this volume to engrOIIHd In vha t • u1t hl!lve fell l!ke ponlbl• lo hav• edded 1uch t1l11Hnt1 Xaroelna es being no\ No••re erc11ne Just onother book, •Ml lost trocll of u window dressing Ct.he cowboys In an•ract•, tout 1 ori1 thlng tha t "eight .,hoh•wnwrltlngfor, space tC>Ucr.lbutCo11ptonr.n not. In­ evm t,., e fun n ad," H certainly La : -'nd that, of courH, LI precl1•ly stud h• ha5wrltten a novel. e lbe!t • fun tppared by utrlngancy. wh al a ekes this. 1,uc.h a fHclnat!ng and Lainett ltvH In a near, near­ Th• two ploy1, though ruurncted rro11 dellg:htful find, It btlongs 1qu1r1ly ldyllk futur,, • 1oclU~ where the before h!• SF n0v• l1, • •• prognost!c a11ong 111 thoH othu books of the Cordwe!11•rendStraubdevlc•h11coup• of the11 , n.. r adio play In vdH•n 801, full of the hmlllar obsnslon1 led blnh con trol with H~u•l pln1 ... r • fora, h• clalu, a ll""'• aular visual· andp1rcept1on1. bringing• dru\lc hll In the birth J1lng than llsge or TV lull. Perhop1 In an o~ar-populetad future, the r a te,•11dautoaatton tu,1 freed people \rue;yet • uchlaaglne t!v••ffort • uat pra11ura1 11ee.n th•t no pets. ,re al!­ fro., worklni 111 the tlllt FrH ti.,. go Into ••• ding 1crlpt1 whir• uttlng1 °""'· At Ol'MI point robot l""ts er• Is orttn 1!'1'111 ln tht Ga:11t11, l!kt u .. and dtr-1cUons. cen only be ecoust!c­ 1uggHttd In pa11ln11, 11 though Did co11•od!ty J1ar~•t or lr•n1port which slly •lg:nalled. As for l• eg-,hl• dog .,,1 •keadr ll'>aplng hll thoughts f~ wo,ro,onc•don•forre1land a reh.,.• howling, tro ln .,hlstllng and chro.,.llc Do Androids But no-one far,IJlar don•forfunandexcllt..en t Thellke-­ ICllt!I evoke a ura l aH10f"!H chiefly, with hll vork could doubt that reality llhood of fret.Hfe.Hsy andg]Of"IOUS EH«'ltlll vt1uel l1.. g11 , 1uch II the 11 pr•fer1ble to lllu1IOl'I, flHh and SU In our aoc la!y Wlch ti bulldtn.!; pivota l photosr• ph In TftH 0,,--urw, blOOO to 1t•ul1cr1, end " hffl IUct's pet .,el11 ege lnstthefear1orAIDSl1not ••• built frOIII d0!$crlptlv•and ellu· c• t 11 dtsnivered the r•• tly h.n no r•!evant to the story, any • or• lllan 1 11.,.ruiU•• but I.Cl e11lgra1t to Plow-­ tho, pro!>abtllty of any ST ICffllflo ::.:~ =~~:=-:~; ::~.,-;r... ~::fc._. ••,.•• Pl-I There lh•y encounter• co• l'1!5toi-n,t11ouih•crtttc-.ed •tty «1couragn a frN'do• of play Wole •-s•rl• of typically Dtckle,n to bell- JI we1 •.,._,H of~ w!U, 1111• a,d «ftSCIOUltlHI; ,and }n weird rrHtur-, r,any of U,~11. lite boo~ tha t the ...clat y Coaplon prnent1 HW'Clltng this to.pion ucell Wubs, • !reedy f111lllar And ll'IW"• Jl' kk 11 unllk• ly to occu.-. AHlr a ll, U.. F Certain clldwd legs. ere vHful au11 cootbe t Iha • lgh\1 Glb1aung that i:loes llend f..- Fiction Wh ich 11 not for vorh on the bord.,... of peyc:ho­ tiu-.....,dt11ent In thisoncepeecef11l to HY Uiat fiction c1nn1;11 and ooes Jogtcal fentny end rHlila. Vhll• land It ls11l• pl• tal1,bul vlthln nothav1.o• elhlngrHland M1nlngful recognl1tng Iha true originality of It Did ha1 • NMgtd to .,.. _ co• pl•• to ..y • bout....,.socl•tyoranyolher U.. play• atld their dlstlncllvthu-r tdeu and unupecttd parcsptlori1. It I'd t.~ A Tt.irntrw off W lllndi Pvt ••P not be •lntag:e, but It's certainly ::i!:~!b~t ".:.1~• ci:: ~k ;,•:.~:~ ~oed 'T..rl-u• .. , end Tl- Crpoeur• ...,..lhan;.,11-r« U..collector1. B a a K s .....-ed U..trou wlllM1.k>J'lhl•-· chlldhood, th• Tw.. tw, R•lllad llorlM NCltA LISA ow:m>IM - \lllllul Clbscn tut If ,-,,,._.,,cw- bron M w ground, • •• fully dHc•lbed, their H IIIW>c• tGollana, 198&, Ulpp, !10.951 and eoc.it z.r-o uc•v•ted It r ..-111..-. tw,vtngonlybNnhtnted•ttn pr..-k>us 1•"'-NbyP• ull:lnc•ld Ulen #ONJ Lt- 0,,,.,,-d,-Jw, ju1t Jl.,• ps ~ tntolll•u.. bole, nowaboulth••lze 1:., l•u:. be.;.o:: :-1. w: 11 ~~ or e gre••. Glblorlha"edlbl• tal­ book, e llhollgh I thlnl w• ,;an .. rely IT'S AU HERE, tva'ITIIIHG l'OIJ'Vt ent, M dl1pl•ysc Ith..-•• tout he does •1tpect not qulta • or• of the use, ah••Y• thought belon111 In• qberpunk not 1lr•ldl II. V• will not •- a no.,.I . Adventvr,tt; lncyber1pece: char­ 11-..-1n11 or tha t t a lenl until h• • ct..-swhoarepl"5!1td ln;brendn.,,ff d1rnloti.adofr lnan..,d!r..:tlon. for •v.,-ythlng and &Hrythlng labelled with th brand; a ll pcw..-ful corpor­ atlooa; Ja panese C\ll l ural raferancea: city s!eH.e: e r>d e crl- story to tie Tl(£ LIVES OF CIIIISTOP'Rlt Hall togeth...- , 11 \lllelll Glbaor>._ third Diana llynne Jonu end flfle!novel Jnhl• cvt,.rspece -..q-­ rtt.thu..,, 19ea, 2s2pp,!&.9'l u,ence lsve,y auch •or10f U..sa• e . R•vl..,•db)'Kaureen,orter TIMI fl.-.t t wo flOY411• Charted• "l•ld .rid believable fut11n, lll-lnetad by tti. ele11an t fantHy or cyNrSpllc• • But ONE 01' THE l'IOSr J.TTIACTJVE OGAUTIES by C-1 Zen, there -• little ....,11,. or Dien• Wynne J-.• wor• ts Its original lO rat.,., II lO Uie J..,.I of aatter-of-fecuw.s. n,. • 1tlalwit• ol TIEIOOIOFTED&IIIIED· TanlthLff "'---· ..-.:I ...... Ulan that 11.g lc ls not c-• a,tad upon for a uch C229pj>J ,,_ LIH OvsrdrJ.,. r.. la ltk• • .-..... oru.cti..,thll!aS511• ptklnbetngW1 TE a:,oc 0/F THE f£AST • T1nllh Le• turn lO overly r ... 111ar terrllory . .,...... ,.,_. Is II.Ir.• Ulls, 1..-.ly II ls U 96ppl llolhlna•urprls.su• . lle~~h perr..:117 no,.. , f,w ...... , HCond per­ fllnwln, 19118, !6.95 eechl • bout U... • onllty .,r,d the tKhnoJ.ogy son to ba • witch, m,d _ln..,tl)' •-• l..-levedbyMlkeChr ls1le of tllls vorldthet..i...U..Hdprm­ lbl• 111,t then •hould be• gov•m• ent lltut.e Nona Is described es tooling d•parteant spet:lflc,lly d9dk•led lo like theS• nHIH• lst• rAngl• Nltdt• ll regul1Ur13 the UH of Wlld'\Crart. 'TAHrTII LEE'S TWO ll'EW aoo~s SIIAP.E THE we upe,:t dkty work end • ub• tltullon. Tha t1hel....,proc...istopo.lr.•fun a t city or Parady• , a colourful t°"n The 11y• tery Is why, gt,,.,. the tech­ UI• e lnl1try •ti• hH ctH\9<1 ls typ-­ so• - wh-,•vagu•I)' ln£urof>1 Th•tU.e nolot1Y ll>et rebuilt Turn.,. Pa p•...,nl of • p• rt!l•I, but t hat physica l sl111larlly In ti>• Hnl with• g•ntl• co••dy, • oal 1pparen1 very •lallar, "or-Id. 'Thi cher•ct•n, p!ec•- We know that wh.,. • coa•los• wt.n .,.,_ shift• to • • au,r or deedly h..-v.. •. viii be f•atllar t o Lee'• body looHly ldaltlrl.d u Th• Count H•ICM1,nus, an • pprooch that Nls r ..ders : fla• boyant, hot~blooded, ond M d plugged Into lhls •-J ing ..atrh• brou,aht hlr """Y fan•, • fHlf tntlud­ H Oiie, with e he bll of beco• lng Is .,_IJ-,..-1<1 for .,.r. kNplng Into lh• ed. I • • plMsfll t o r9POrt that her ln•o~ ~.::,~~~~ u,,-.., ht.ndaof SlldBerv-JUl•solutlonto ..IH\ -1, J1I. LI- of Clvf•I~ w:~~ U.. • ystary 11 .. with U. loos and Olanl, ""'· brouahl U\99 .. tw in 11tor1-, wltb onl)' Paredrs tn couion. other WIIHtlS or q,ti.-sp1c1 V!lh Ulit qual!tlft\.O•newpes.lr...... llorl• the, wort rl4Rlf"lebly ... JI, rtnalpartofa51tquanc•sudluthls n.. subtitle, Tl>e CM ldhood ol • IU-.h Lff'• prOH occ:aslDN>lly ug• U.. aoll¥atlon Is to ll• oH loosa Cl\rnlo• antl, glvH tha cl"9 lbll ... und« Ill• -lghl of oc-cult 1\griUlc· ....S.anduplatn;butlherlWHetlOUllh •re bet.Ir. In f,mtll•r t•rrltory, d-llng onca;but ln•ll lllrff.,.,.usesen In the oU.r boob r..- ua to und• r­ with the boyhood ,:,f lhltedtobetlff,eybuspac• ..,.,.,, .. tn n.. lfo8lclf1Ft• of C.,,.-0,,a, takes • • y\hologlcal t.tng. • !! ocl, didn't nffd to be HplalMd. Jl'ollllng Vffdl lfHi, and notabl)', Charallti Llf•. vuplr• or ffaon, and t•lla of 111 r .. 11tyn•wls tntroduc-,llnUll•novel, Th• young Christoph..-, 110r• or Jen adva,tur.. pong:h11•""" n,. 111• Is 110 the! ti>• P-9 llvH th<1fln1!r•"1!•llngof th•ayt.taryof thet knod the wh o le,:,( llevro• a11cer er• ...... 1-1, ht bl,c011H th• word of eacl'I •tor)' - hen's the point , VI• and Cou,1 Zero Into• coc: ked h•t. Chr-toaiarn:I. Uw chl•f anong wltch9s -.1obeHyln1!i, henlswhatyou Gib- Is, •t Int, ffll-lnttng U..1 N>d ..gldaM , to be grooeed for th• .....-. -111ng for . As• •et1ull 111 .. M un rtng 111 .. chqu .., lane and r6]1Mh-anh• !sold..- lut hlseduc-­ storJ- .rt Ilk• occul t IHt..:tln nu..-.c.. , .... u..lq~etopo-w..-ful allc,r\ la co•pllcued I>)' a protracted n-lswlthnodtltectlv, dfKI, .... f,w the plot, we g•t U,., hunt r..- • • yst.-lou• ..uggl..-, end The SKond, hov•_,., follows one r .. u i.. • •tce,:,f fourat,wJn unrol­ his fl'l9ftdJlhlp wlth • LlvlngGodd-• lludus wlcU•• of the ••on. Th ll It, It of so•• of Ill n•rr• tt•• drive, 110 -ln,g dllooUl , but wants lo -k n(uge 1,uppond to gt.-, 11.1 a r .. 11ng for 111 .. the! UIOUflh th..-• ara b9tll•• and In • e:lrls' t.o.rdtng s dlooJ. And anct.nt evil U..d-onr•pr....,11, and bodlHgolore, the1torydoe1no1n,sb Chrlsloph..-'• • agkal eb\lHy la only Ill• L• portanc• of ftnel ly ..orct1tn.g •h-M\llllhe ..••• .... or• •l•asness. fully rHllffd Mhffl he r•IIOVH Ula It, but th.. lnck ar focus on onyof All of which!• not to 11y thot 11111 lllv..- brei;e frOII hll \HUI, 1 11,,.,r th• huo,ans Involved aell"II w• dan ' t t• a hd book . Jr, 10,0.tiow, you hove being tM one Ullf\s which l111pedn h\1 r•• ll)' cer• wf>Dt tM d•- d0111 t o avold•d •ii contact w!UI cy~•rp,..nk up power. It U)'• 111uch for th.. a uUlor'• UIH , Th• d•an's own history lseuch l o no" th.., you ere or• In for • very skill Ule t this dot01 ••k• i>-rfect ..or• IM•rHt\ng and we g•t slot or u cltlng bltofnl•nc• fiction. And If •-•nd ..-.,,u••lr r•llonsJ. lhat, but wh.., Lee g•ll •o\lfld t o ) Ye•, and th• rMOar'• t og1thltrtobuy ahuge c-,try~ Mdlone ld regularly dlsplays an aye for !nt...-nt v iii llk-lM depon.e ld'• c!...-..t ref• rance thy chlldr.n • nd • re.iabllng l'louH tion.. no ponlblllty of doubt. Vh ld'I polllts on ..._.Jean wrl t ars of lhe Than hn. tMFlftll Child • ..-rlY". vould b• f fne If l.eHlna had • fir• 1960s, such as Zalamy, D• lony m,d Unplsnnl>d . wivan led, tl'I• pr•r 11 rtpon th• society 51'1e A vlU\erlnaly s11 .. ..-b• r11, but"" hu • power of ht• n•n ey I• dlfOcult. 111u.1n ta aonttts dHpl ..., but MIi dou.n•t . She o ffacl• own to lV lsl ••tabllshed theHS Into hit hH •pnlnltd Ill• brother-. ara, to clHplH th• ljsnoranl, the lny and ..,_u,1ngd1rr..-.... tan<1•1range. ln •trangll>d • dog • nd Ulll>d tlle hally the Hlf lndul11ent . Those fell!n11s lh!!Htla• • v•sllould111-thanl 1for cat In daspentlon lie !s peeled off a bound Ill thJ• boot. lie Ill the 'SF •--11 a..-c1-. and for the -•r11• nc• to an lnstltutlon, bul llarrl• l,11ullty co• 11un1ty ar• us•d to our !!rind old or o newBrltllh..,.lta,r of proalH . ,t t his ebdlt1tl«1 of responsibility, U 91.er"S Vrlllna g1rba,!e In !h1lr old f• leh" ht11 ho1u. Under th• prenur• ag1 . Puhaps It l•opproprlat1, \her.-. of the 1 1len In th• lr a ld• t lh• h • lly rore, Iha\ It fall• t o an Sf critic t o colla ps• s A• h• 11 ro"9 up uo proc• H ny that th!• I• e bad, nnty llHle dncrlb• d with ad11lrabl• aconoay ) 8en bGOl, wholly unworlhy of Dlll of the flndahls nleh1tandeY11n anelementof but wr it•.-. a live tod, y. fMTl leadership and 1uthor! ty Hlong ,oc­ lety's drop outs: while DaYld 1nd llarr­ let._ dree11 of h1pplnen lln In ruins. It ts lH1pttn11 to see .n 1lleg,ry DPDIE tlEAJIIS - Ion PlcOoneld for lha tn, olllty of t>our1111<1H , c;lY!l- fllatltu,19&8,ZZ0pp, l 3.50) 1.. d nlues to respond to u,, e.nlMI Revl-•dby lol4rtln llellw v llhln aan, or u,e a lien In •oclet,: or e••n fOf' th• d•11....,.•te a tate of Tlla­ tcher's BrU.aln. Ln•~ clalas st.ply lAJI MdXlHAUI IS Alt ooom. A TOUMG ~ .,_FEJU.l..E. l'(:.£ -R-•ry .l n.n-011 toll, veplaeed on••li4m•ln a cant..­ lrltl9h ..,.lier vhobu • .O. 1 sue~ porary envlron..,,t IOtld played out th• o r .. 111ng hlsstort• to th•A•wlc.an rCruclbl1 , 196&, IIZpp, 0.951 .-nu1t1ngcm,lllct, tho"I!'> I thl1u!.,.,. • agntn•• • Thls "erlld coUacllon of Rewl-.i by O.vld V, 8..-reu ls Ming di•~-- lien Isn't !n­ 10 short s to.-l• s g l.,... •Bood lndlc­ llerently evil,,.,_, an acdd..,tal r.-. • tlon..,,y, and couldprO¥SO.-• Ups IUTfa,;tn;soflhen....de.-thallnour for other esplrtng ..,.,ten WHEM I FIRST 2tAO LA\IUMCE OUIR£U. '5 !!llflH llabotc-lheunv lllll'll!•lttt. Four-of thestort"flnt,ppearld ~ Joan c195 , , tnm fro.• 19th of • socl• ty whld'I c:annot cope with In Isaac A.at..,... .. SF ll98AZ tn., _, la­ canturyGreell.noveUJ,...,,.et•d• Ills WIC-P"'oalstng "'othti"nns• . Apn.­ Hcll.ata polot.,. to his style, end th• y dayvrll1ancweltodo.,_llce I.OU.. •l•lst lc conc:l""'lon a t " • rlance with &rWl 'I lullf bad • llher. ,,_ t11le Story vondo• rful ayth, H Du~ll'11 dull r...­ the OJ>Ualu of her previous ...,,.1,_a Hals vlth • young boy._ reco...,,. froa derll'll! f•lls to do. If I....,. do, - She luvu the end of this ehort lil VU• I•. tlld In vJth hltl unv llllng­ of • y u Jor aourcu v iii be thlsdet­ noul open Ila don't find out vhet nffs to • ccept 0,1 O.•th or hi• feu-..r­ • tledstudyorth• hl•torlcalrecor d•. bltco-• s of Ben, David or Harriet; sore •l the hands Df lltrTDf°l9lS. loth II Thebaslc•yth ls: e9Ulcl!fltury Hr!OU9l)', we don't r-lly care. For and "Vl,.o ld l•, e bout • prOOlt to lhe En!!llsh or GerlUN'I WOllDn bee•- Pop• , • a , thll book h lll>d on an uotlonel oul.err-ch.. or the solar •r•te11 11nd but aft.- 211 ~ ..,. unupe,ctldly 11•­ ,e.,•l. I cwld find no ~)'"'-p&lhy for Iha duth and •ub'leq....,,t unplH...,,,t b lrth In the11ldclleofaprocn•lon In B 0 0 K s 11011• and , In -t v.rslon1, dlad or wHII. , dlsorgenlud and de!IOl" ellud, H rlsn fer •bov• It. A v c.-d of pr-else. .... Ullad ror hw biUphHy. In -· hue lhelr eudleticff. So.. ,_ ,.,.._ • Lao , for Su••n Shweni•s axc1 llC1t ver•I- du1ar,.1pe1lr.wllh h ... - or r .. 1.,1u7 ts nead•d to bring bed the rnalrig story, of I.he English U> lghl cond-,,t--n.tledlu splrlluallty and purpoM to llf•. It ls 1won, 1.0rea• ln for uv.. yurs w! th Butlather1u,y(octu1 ] bll1 l 1 l0 vllll•on••uchtelllllglsl• llllgple.c:e •" Arabi"'" • .,.chant al h• vo lts for the 11yth? The Pitnto.1 _,.gu1 nol , I tb• t l...., Uer-dr1eas"-dr--• . ,,..,.ofh11rensom,1nd1!&0far the dtaegr-, but th•lr .. tnly utlc-ul­ The ,iarntlve of lennU.,..., llf• publishers' tntelllgant pro•l& lon of e ru...-dl •••• the book• delight to end that of her "•tgbbour• andnlat­ bnlc bibliography touching on •-1 rud, es .,,.)l u • valuobl1 taxi , They lYH ts tnterspar-..d with H trecl• Hpatllof lslullt CtJllurlO n,• lne the 1ut1,..,H c l1y or ,..,.. ,, fro• I.he a yths \old by the Ta llen. tuts: look , 1 the vauMn l o•• the ThlH •lllpUnl talff i,..,, ralewltllca c1n hrln: • ah I rndnatlng though to the • .,.,ts th• t occur . U ls brief dtg, ..,1on lnlo • 1llotl1r l yun-­ througl, thH,e a )'ths wid the strang• AT WlffDl'S BD - Robert Sllvarberg t lne ayth, and eno\her Into _ _, W>O atrecles tha t happan a round i,.,. that fGolllfflCZ, !Me, 404 pp, t!l .951 h,,.eposed11 1onb;U,., tel11quld. Jennifer tr!- to rn.olw• h« conflict le•l-.1 by L .J . Hurst lool 11 Pope Joan In (lcllm, and hw 1>11- aar,!pula tlon and frN will. tnf)..ncoioaT,rot CTheP•~-1. But Tba riarra tlv• Is vrlttan In • th1yf111 1ntothelr1tf>Olgl•lng1ul• rudable and peer style vhldl wicoor­ Tll lS tsGOODSTtlff, ASEMll..£SSMIXT­ denn f1rg ,.,,. r••d . Set lo lhl s.ytng-n.t llor'J' •• - certa inly • • rthHlrKll.writter, lnsaal1-rlypa , verp h r h1tur•, parl'taps a a llllon r...... -lt, .,..., but H vu ...... SO..btltdly hueU..rtngofauthC1tlcltrendland peers frae. now . E.or th hes changed. purelrr•entlon"The\la scopa of Mdlng the aun. and long periods of ,.,,... lO occ.pt thet thellaaanC.th-­ the plot aay bl llDtted. but lhffe Is g lac l• Uon. A Hall pan or u.. pl.,,.1 ollcOl11rthcoukl....,.r_,.lle bl1lwl• n5out toprtSffllaaor1f1vovr• bl111~ct. probt,bl)' 1ppr•clat1 .....-• on • HCond or lhelr cocoo, rar lhl flrat 11- It's , 1..,unrort \#la ll U...l they orlhlrd rudlng. do,-.,1rer.,.10J-, Morris._~ In shOl"l, [6',qU.­ ngun npellllou1ly but cm1•tnclngl7. -~~~=--~~~ I Ing Ille the - lh1l Histed.,...,,. fro• • ud! U...... IOUl'c• • ttorrle l al ~ their r •<:ords anc• geHtng ro,'"d • My or deult• U OII, but thtl troop find mi,ny tt•• hl1lortco l dlarcto.s coapl•t•ly 1A von. 19e&.258pp. 13.501 yura ou t of the t<>coon - It ls an • !Hherstudy. Ru t•Wl'db)'M.,ure,er,Port..- \nYelllg• tlon of tb1 n• w world and o f Kev ina uld that, thelr book Is 1111 ch• n cter1 wl\hln the group. [vol­ hr • or• lnt.,.esllrig and better vrlt­ \ltlon, •uto\ lon, manufacture hev1 l•" a n.cl, dHpLi.. ll•oa- lm11 end <, Robert Jrwln, sprlng toalnd, o lthough furrad, a"d whlle tantac led lh ing.: tha quality of wr iting thul tnsplrllcl writhe ublc,uStou1ly, U>•1p·!lh l!fe UIIQUEJl(:IIAll.J! FIRE · Rechel Pollack hu bNn v1rl1ble. Sunn Shwa rtz hu hu dlseppeared - but Silverberg IC..nlury, 19!& , S90pp , Cl l ,95 hlrdbec1 , now token \hit !dee of 111 1 fr•• tng tlnrly 1n}oys Ills de•trlptlon'I. t: 5 .95paperbeclll llory, end of ta lH told IOpoH thll Th• book II plottltd In tha uns" Revl1wedbyllarbtlr1 0ovtH tta•, "'1d \l'lltd ll os tharot,on d'ltre that Hverol dlscoverJ,u, rev• letl.,.,. - -~------1 for this n... anthology. lt I• c..,hlrlly or,d t otntroph11 11ove It e lOT15, con be a .,c,t h1presslve • sse• bly, by 1111 for, ...n end lat•r have s lgn!ftconce. THIS l!OOt IS HARD TO CATEGORISE. I ..quelly t11 pras lY• array of wrtt•fl, The flrll btg r1v1latlon, • quarter or would ca ll !t neither SF nor F'u,i..1y, Inc luding tucll l UDtn er!es ae T•nlth th• wey through . t a•• I I o •urprlM perhapt, surrHIIMI I• nearer th• mar l . Lee, Gen• ',/o!f1. Andre Merion and ondoplea1urelnth• wey llwesdon1. Larry lllv.,, 1'1 well n n ...er wrllers Sewer el SSherbarg \h.,.,s rltftppeer - ::;::I =\~cl~~= :;~;loa':i'dly r:::.i: Ille Es ther Frle,'"er, Harry Turtledove th• t• portonc1or lnll•ecyondcoupl­ telling. TheN lnfl\lentH u" be le.I and Judith Terr Th• starlff • • Into.In lng,for ln1t1r,c•,or therulnofctv­ 1n tinquM>O'!el>Je Ftr. • conslstantly high stonderd, vhl lst Slls1 llona. but \hap • rlt put to good The plot le ba1lcelly e s tnlght­ ringing l.hrough UHi! vllol• gu\l t of "'•• o,n,j • r e not 1l1pl1t repetlllon'I. forv ..-d tal• or Iha nine aon tl\s ln subjKt.s JOU a!ght ..,pect froa -• They 1111.,. • role 10 play tr, I.he lenni r... Mud...... life betWHl'I u,,. Inspired by theAnblen/illght•. Th..-e ~ conc•-ptlon and birth of her daughter u•p1'"nty ofdJIN\9, goodendbad. and plott~O.Ctff!Hllon I• batlff Ve lerle. Velerle ts e sp,Klel babp, he,­ IOl'lough c.allphs, prtnc.. end wnlra lo ti•• V1 /enUn1 bODh. e lthougr, I grew e conc•'Pllon Is U. rHull of • alrange kHp •nyonahappy. Mllg lc eboundtl, good lttll• tired of llrHh lhlO U,OW-ll-a ll drH• her •olhar had on the O.y of ln1Yltably tr!,.,., ow• bod, but not kid who beco•n she••" to the tribe TruUI. The setting ls Po~l•e-pal• In e ll tha slarl- are u st• pl• end H Th• rl11 of peH • g• llr~h hH to Nev York Ste Ur. but this ls en berla s 1r11ghtfoi-ward H lbls VO\lld suggHt undRrgo..,..10,,erused vh..-e df' ...1, • 7U.., • lrKIH end rlt· And thare Is..,.. huaour. Ellz.abeth I hllv• not oulllrllOd th• aeln ue l • r•..., tnt•grel ~rt of life n... Scerb-Ww• story of th• bOD\ - u,e troop's T11ler-s, • eysterlous group who tall bll"! a nolebl11lUl•pla. All ln11l, • adYWllurH I will 1..... 1M plH'IU.-1 lh•grH t • yth• lobug11udlencesar.:1 nlldylng coll•<:Uon which re•1 tna or nadlng tit• lo pou ,u 1,/ln!..,.'!I; tnwok• .,.lrd occur-rencn, he.,. blco.. cl.,_tollslnsplre. lklnTlt • tttaas U>d-aedgood ln o l•Oltue,ywey SPECIALISTS IN SCIENCE FICTION, FANTASY& SUPERNATURAL FICTION ~I[[TirnfilI~JEi 84 SUFFOLK STREET · BIRMINGHAM B1 1TA ENGLAND Tel: 021-643 1999

1Mr••• /11e t '" h"r--=-'.t- • fr,.....,raJ•-Ulyc.1do,r.• Clltfcwd D s,- ~. OfJ-PLlffl . JU Ida . 1 UOrt1 . UU!0 . 9!1 J u • - h u d 1115" . • • • • 11,.. JJ "" ff 1_,.u Sud •· ior Cor• • ;iatt•, tu: IUDIOCCll'DT OIi- I•• 11.,,,4,;_, cop,at.,.,rcvrrutac.,.,.... . •n-r ... l.t!IIOII • t D.. S.p l UUll . 9!1 HA BO CO YF B S 0.,.,,1 .. Ada• . 1111 um; Dill JU•JIU 0, Ill SCtlt.. tn Uo. ln a aSt a blelcwd. ilPIIIOF Flll . 111 ld • . •O..•Octll • Jolll O)'!) Saqu l to t h .. u ... 1 -tMIIU DIil HlllDW!UD. CO.a S.pl • t•Ull . 115 l•h koko, A PUUI Of er, JI J hr r lsoft, ltc. 3Upg• , UUIO . ~ S,-:.t • l • dJIIOO • H.-1.teOIJ!ld coplH, • 11•.-i. DUONrod a odollp;: • MO (511.15.(lO P A PEBB A f;JfS koH lndf h ld, TIii SiC~iT LIU Of IDUSU. Flrat ido . lrlu UdlU II lllo•ld Vl nHr.,..a , l'lllLIOII Tlill llPIU . M1&tor7 Sl>orto lro o lrTIIZOJi, 0 11111, ate , tOua S.pl l3J U l.115 at acluc• flctlo • . llh &l ra tad . I JUd . 95 1r.rr7 ~nl &et• lluc~• •••ti.RUr'i U.SYllSI • .;o11•cuoa IDh ...... nll IIA.J \lltO l'ULLi'.D OOVII THI., r:ia . 95 l;n1ory , ....o. CU SJ:T IIVU lllLll . ~ of nv Ill UOa enroll , liOIEai OI' rlli 11)(111 , .... I_ lor World Z.hu7, Volt•. He . •O.• ou, 1, 1u1.w.. h•t••Jl,.rd . 111.U . ~ Seel, I. CUlhr. LORDS Of" tu: IUIOll DAIi . JU u ..,,. taat...•y ,-.., ... C.rroll, an,1.c 1• FUQ . l•l 14 • . 1,1 , 10. ~ Nrl•• • 111'2 . lr.i lrlhr C Cl<>rh ..... i;. .. u, l u , Clti.llll ...... - lo - J l ClulMr . PIJULi IJJ l"WI 11U.Dll • l I IUZ 9J • -Jor HI • ..:rip<.., 07 C,u1r7 i... . 1 , u11.~ l lchel ec,..,y. U9G Ill 1;10111 .. ,. ..,..el u .:,,:,.. ;,: ~ru HqH.C:• Uld Dub. ll.UJl&t5 Sl.ll!Xlilli • IT UT fllCI l W. l a acU o• ­ S.p l t.Jl.t:10. 11!1 &d•utun Mrl- . 1 ua .w Dl,vld Udlep, Dlllll LO•ll OF UUIID I rot l ... f.lle Clu'Utophr bua D •-rt lolduoc• t..S. I , ot W lOEJS 11 OrllU•I ... loe, llOm-cock, • ...,,_, _ _ llollor u & •-S..p'ZaJ UILIO . O!o nt Udl-, I$ llot1- -.-.,-. 11 1-u, , .. uu i... . c..,..1• Jo- , n c 1 110 ')(I a.7-,114 I hi .. , FAUii Till . l llw• Oc.o llarJ Cuti• , U.:IU'l I.ICU . COi.DU Vlt CUUIO uqt111111Ll . 99 Clu'l1topur fowL • r. MXlf'\IOILII l•t icfn , .. llrl-. u,1.1,. Or nn• 1sUIDR roe.,,. t T rt hlRf 5[1GHJ Pl 1917' llh2 . ~ Dn!G W-11, UST S\lllllll 01 POYlif. 1&1 Ida . tobar1 )looulou. ltla.f.lL UIWD 111 ..N.-.nl Mu II.al naval i.orrJ ILorrl-, UTUU t0 EDEi . )rd le IM OoHlwlll1>1 /idea 10..aDctO I 11/t.3 .~ lrlloa, . ""PII• · CO..eOcll UIUl.115 StaphD rua, TILi Ollll J'll\lil I! TIii GUISI.LICHI VlU ull c ol our 1llntr~tlon• by licbnl Ybaoiu. 131 .&.6 ~ la-• H•rt,.tt. UUJTIO. IU Ed~ l.•rr7 Jlvaa, TIil SIOU JUG . S.qu1l lo tNI lltJCUI. :·~~:.w =~~=~-fdltloo 11a•e<1, ••IObered -"" t~11i4;~: hrr7 Pratcbau, lllRT. Dl •~..,rJd .. . lUa. THli Hlllllil DI' THi so , . Jrd '" rH W'1ot-r ;;f r.11• 11t>r1.ru110a1 - 1apl 1a1,su .., l>IIIPOf aTIIUCilli:S IIJ,1.2 . 115 IIChrd t:.dre7, lll TIIOPHACl. lat lilrdconr t0t..rtSll.,_ri..r1, S'TUOl'CTl'SUS l)JLll.119 t I I.Ul•ttJ. UST (JJ UIICNUt . l•I ld1 . UILI0 . 115 ~:~:::,::!:e.r::..~·~:u;:UI.IIT Of' llHUD I~ I~~~ • ~l~J J".r11101 - llaltld to "lSO allpc•- <;apln. ucll coauu1111 -'• <1<1<11t10...,l • torr •114 • -1..- •rllcl• bJ :iL~'.n~Dltel~D om V&rH. s.11.~• I lo m 1111,0.~~~-1:: GeM Voll• - s1, ... <1 bJ LaH1rt7 Hd 1/olU . Ult.3, . 00 l•-• llptru Jr ., ?IE SfU.T 11ft IIIL2 . Q9 Do•" 1.-o,..1...-d, TH DhGOfl!IUJL"i> Cifllll lO HmlFIIU) brrr hru...... ,.. ICHT OF 1u:11111u• 1 21 u ~ CO'IUUl IT DUJi'S IDGE, CXIJSSH TWO. let U• ,at I <>f 'ii1 ~;::.~•~B!;: •J: . II.ICl.1111:DIll TVII.IGWT. •o 1a ~l:t:.:•:: ·"" h•h•J ,~,olll••- St•• •hrd U\UOII llUl -9' S,-:la l /f,f/r t <>• I IIO coplH OIIIJ _ ... 111 -d lu Val-, WOU8 Of Hin.al . l ~ltl . 9' CoHI• v11111 . I.UICDU·s DR.UIIS &.:! ~ !:~~:d. •• ..,_ll •nlld ...,.,.... ~'~:!.u·;: Ill ca ... Wolh , TU IIITl 0, T1[E nv SIii s.q .. 1 t o t N ••au, acclal•d ...,...,, U•ll"Slr•aar1.. 121 « 99 tnlh i.... tll IUJI (If" JU DI.D Eii ..... m 1(1(1( (If" !"Ii lust . l&l LID :? -h•• a &llpc.>N ll•Uad to2'5$ •lg,Mr• altcwll J• uu Iara U rH §<111-'r• Ulll:,.1.LJ. 100 .....-.11 toaa .1101 q.1.,.., lnlner , 1u1-.-. - ... llr• cffU llollor• CH prlc-. . Ad" vp r.11~ ~ "•:r• ,. ,. .,,., Cont .. ttM, r11r .. ,d, 118r dJ. 118rr1- , llold • toc:11. x,1..,n11. l.e•1lord. •i.u, r1 .. n. S.utom, SN" , Stabluard, Tlll•J. ';'",t:~/::,-:.:~1i1 tolJo,,ua , T\fb•. Wolu. 11)-lla. etc . 1 2 10 . 00 I uUt - , o, . "2 uuu - dOp. 3 - I Op 4 MalU • u . 20 hrry l'r1tcMtt. VTIII SISTUtS. 1."t ld1 . UV OU voLu- ta ~v:~..;:!r:: ; T to n r - u .95. o w 1.1: • ,1.Uo Dtac....rldHtlu . (0. • J ov~ C31l!O.~ 0 0 Joto.rt Sl lvatba r1, IT VUTiit'S EID . ~:;•; ~!~~?o J ~ ~~\; ~~2.;./ • .~\": ,~ .' ~:••1~•· ., J•; IS1herber 1 , rnsictETSILIIIER . lit Eda. l 9 ta 24 - d . 50. 2, to JO - ( 0 . 9') ' OU ••