NATIONALIST MOVEMENTS in the MAGHRIB a Cornparative Approach
Research report no. 78 Hassan Sayed Suliman The Nationalist in the Maghrio A comparative approach Scandinavian Institute of Mrican Studies, Uppsala Research Reports Below you will lind a list of Research Reports published by the institute. Some of the reports are unfortunately out of print. Xero·copies of these reports can be obtained at a cost of SEK 0:50,- per page. 1. Meyer-Heiselberg, R, Notesfrom Liberated Afdcan 24. Nellis, John R, The Ethnic Composition ofLeading Department in the Archives at Fourah Bay College, Kenyan Government Positions. 26 pp. Uppsala 1974. SEK Freetown, Sierra Leone. 61 pp. Uppsala 1967. (OUT-OF 15,-. ISBN 91-7106-079-0. PRINT) 25. Francke, Anita, Kibaha Farmers' Training Centre. Impact 2. Not published. Study 1965-1968. 106 pp. Uppsala 1974. SEK 15,-. ISBN 3. Carlsson, Gunnar, Benthonic Fauna in African 91-7106-081-2. Watercourses with Special Reference to Black Fly 26. Aasland, Tertit, On the move-to-the-Left in Uganda 1969 Populations, 13 pp. Uppsala 1968. (OUT-OF-PRINT). 1971.71 pp. Uppsala 1974. SEK 15,-. ISBN 91-7106 4. Eldblom, Lars, Land Tenure - Social Organisation and 083-9. Structure. 18 pp. Uppsala 1969. (OUT-OF-PRINT) 27. Kirk-Greene, A.H.M., The Genesis ofthe Nigerian Civil 5. Bjeren, Gunilla, Makelle Elementary School Drop-out War and the Theory ofFear. 32 pp. Uppsala 1975. SEK 1967.80 pp. Uppsala 1969. (OUT-OF-PRINT) 15,-. ISBN 91-7106-085-5. 6. M~berg, Jens, Peter, Report Concerning the SOlI Profile 28. Okereke, Okoro, Agrarian Development Programmes of lnvestigation and Collection ofSoil Samples in the West African Countries.
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