Entry Modes for Franchise Expansion: The Case of Morocco Dr CLAUDE NEGRE Associate Professor of Management sciences Visiting Professor at Iscae and Mundiapolis University Universiy of Haute Alsace 32, rue du Grillenbreit F-68008 Colmar cedex France Telephone: +33 (0)6 13 13 21 11 Fax : +33 (0)3 89 20 65 85 Email :
[email protected] Dr SALOUA BENNAGHMOUCH Associate Professor of Economics Head of Commerce department Visiting Professor at Mundiapolis University Universiy of Haute Alsace 32, rue du Grillenbreit F-68008 Colmar cedex France Telephone: +33 (0)6 73 87 54 71 Fax : +33 (0)3 89 20 65 85 Email :
[email protected] Presented at the Economics and Management of Networks Conference (EMNet 2013) (http://emnet.univie.ac.at/) Robinson Hotel and University Ibn Zohr Agadir, Morocco November 21-23, 2013 1 ABSTRACT Academic literature on international franchising focuses on market selection (Alon Shoham, 2010) and especially in emerging countries (Welsh, Alon, Falbe, 2006), entry modes (Alon , 1999) and standardization / adaptation concern (Kaufman, Eroglu, 1999). The case of Morocco seemed particularly interesting to study both in terms of its attractiveness that it seems to exert on international franchisors and its franchise development modes. The Franchise has been registered for fifteen years among alternatives of networking development of businesses on Moroccan territory and this in most sectors of trade and services. This article illustrates, from existing literature, a contrast of franchising in Morocco and highlights a strong influence of the number of brands of foreign origin located mainly in master franchise but more often developed domestically through wholly-owned chains and a strong geographic, urbanite and capitalistic concentration.