Two Hundred and Seventy Narayeverniks Had One Hundred Years Worth of Enjoyment at the Party of the Century
We danced, we ate, we bid, we danced some more! Two hundred and seventy Narayeverniks had one hundred years worth of enjoyment at the party of the century. What a wonderful culmination to our Centennial year! Thank you to all! NARAYEVER NEWS JANUARY, FEBRUARY 2015 TEVET, SHVAT, ADAR 5775 NARAYEVER NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, accessible to those with mobility issues. We have talked about more space for children's programming, for adult Just one year ago, at the beginning of 2014, I don't think programming of all sorts, for teaching, for a rabbi's any of us really foresaw how much we would accomplish study, and for badly needed office space. during our shul's Centennial. Yet now that we have come to the end of the year, we can see that from the Throughout this past year, a new task force has been installation of beautiful new pew cushions, through to hard at work reviewing the possibilities for expansion the presentation of our historical exhibit, the publication and accessibility. The group has looked closely at both of our Centennial commemorative book, old ideas and new ones. and a fun and haymishe family celebration Now we want to hear from the at the end (and much else along the way), it congregation. What, if anything, do the was a deeply involving, community- members of our shul community want to building set of events. do? Are we ready to make a commitment Thanks again, by the way, to everyone who to an accessible, enlarged space? And if so, contributed to the success of our entire what kind of plan would make sense for us? year of programming.
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