Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations*

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Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations* Directories Lists Obituaries National Jewish Organizations* UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Community Relations 499 Cultural 504 Israel-Related 512 Overseas Aid 524 Religious, Educational Organizations 526 Schools, Institutions 538 Social, Mutual Benefit 549 Social Welfare 551 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 555 Women's Organizations 556 Youth and Student Organizations 557 Canada 557 COMMUNITY RELATIONS AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). The Jacob Blaustein Building, 165 E. 56 St., AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). NYC 10022. (212)751-4000. FAX: (212) PO Box 9009, Alexandria, VA 22304. 750-0326. Pres. Bruce M. Ramer; Exec. (703)836-2546. Pres. Alan V. Stone; Exec. Dir. David A. Harris. Protects the rights Dir. Allan C. Brownfeld. Seeks to ad- and freedoms of Jews the world over; vance the universal principles of a Ju- combats bigotry and anti-Semitism and daism free of nationalism, and the na- promotes democracy and human rights tional, civic, cultural, and social for all; works for the security of Israel integration into American institutions of and deepened understanding between Americans of Jewish faith. Issues of the Americans and Israelis; advocates public- American Council for Judaism; Special In- policy positions rooted in American de- terest Report, (WWW.ACJNA.ORG) mocratic values and the perspectives of *The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Web site addresses, where provided, appear at end of entries. 499 500 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK., 2000 Jewish heritage; and enhances the creative Campus, 1515 Locust St., Suite 703, vitality of the Jewish people. Includes Philadelphia, PA 19102. (215)772-0564. Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Center for FAX: (215)772-0566. E-mail: CJCS. Human Relations, Project Interchange, [email protected]. Jerusalem of- William Petschek National Jewish Family fice Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. Center, Jacob Blaustein Institute for the Dir. Gen. Zvi Marom; Chmn. Bd. of Advancement of Human Rights, Institute Overseers Michael Rukin. Worldwide on American Jewish-Israeli Relations. policy-studies institute devoted to the American Jewish Year Book; Commen- study of Jewish community organization, tary: CommonQuest; AJC Journal, (www. political thought, and public affairs, past AJC.ORG) and present, in Israel and throughout the world. Publishes original articles, essays, AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). and monographs; maintains library, Stephen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 archives, and reprint series. Jerusalem St., NYC 10028. (212)879-4500. FAX: Letter/Viewpoints; Jewish Political Stud- (212)249-3672. E-mail: pr@ajcongress. ies Review. org. Pres. Jack Rosen; Exec. Dir. Phil Baum. Works to foster the creative sur- CENTER FOR RUSSIAN JEWRY WITH STUDENT vival of the Jewish people; to help Israel STRUGGLE FOR SOVIET JEWRY/SSSJ develop in peace, freedom, and security; (1964). 240 Cabrini Blvd., #5B, NYC to eliminate all forms of racial and reli- 10033. (212)928-7451. FAX: (212)795- gious bigotry; to advance civil rights, pro- 8867. Dir./Founder Jacob Birnbaum; tect civil liberties, defend religious free- Chmn. Dr. Ernest Bloch; Student Coord. dom, and safeguard the separation of Glenn Richter. Campaigns for the human church and state; "The Attorney General rights of the Jews of the former USSR, for the Jewish Community."Congress with emphasis on emigration and Jewish Monthly; Judaism; Inside Israel; Radical identity; supports programs for needy Islamic Fundamentalism Update, (www. Jews there and for newcomers in Israel AJCONGRESS.ORG) and USA, stressing employment and Jew- ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI ish education. As the originator of the B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, grassroots movement for Soviet Jewry in NYC 10017. (212)885-7700. FAX: (212) the early 1960s, possesses unique archives. 867-0779. E-mail: [email protected]. COALITION ON THE ENVIRONMENT & JEWISH Natl. Chmn. Howard Berkowitz; Natl. LIFE (1993). 443 Park Ave. S., 11th fl., Dir. Abraham H. Foxman. Seeks to com- NYC 10016-7322. (212)684-6950, ext. bat anti-Semitism and to secure justice 210. FAX: (212)686-1353. E-mail: coejl@ and fair treatment for all citizens through Dir. Mark X. Jacobs. Promotes law, education, and community relations. environmental education, advocacy, and ADL on the Frontline; Law Enforcement action in the American Jewish commu- Bulletin; Dimensions:A Journal of Holo- nity. Sponsored by a broad coalition of caust Studies; Hidden Child Newsletter; Jewish organizations; member of the Na- International Reports; Civil Rights Re- tional Religious Partnership for the Envi- ports. (WWW.ADL.ORG) ronment. Bi-annual newsletter, (www. ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- COEJL.ORG) LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 7800 Northaven Road, Dallas, TX 75230. (214) COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- 369-3313. FAX: (214)373-3186. Pres. FORM JUDAISM (1953, joint instrumental- Marlene Gorin. Aims to stimulate higher ity of the Union of American Hebrew standards of professional practice in Jew- Congregations and the Central Confer- ish community relations; encourages ence of American Rabbis). 633 Third research and training toward that end; Ave., 7th fl., NYC 10017. (212)650-4160. conducts educational programs and sem- FAX: (212)650-4199. E-mail: csarj@ inars; aims to encourage cooperation be- Wash. Office:2027 Massachu- tween community-relations workers and setts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. those working in other areas of Jewish Chmn. Judge David Davidson; Dir. communal service. Leonard Fein; Dir. Religious Action Cen- ter of Reform Judaism, Rabbi David CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES Saperstein. Policy-making body that re- (1970). Temple University, Center City lates ethical and spiritual principles of Ju- NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 501 daism to social-justice issues; implements INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS (see UNION resolutions through the Religious Action OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS Center in Washington, DC, via advocacy, OF AMERICA) development of educational materials, and congregational programs. Tzedek INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE FOR THE REPATRI- VShalom (socialaction newsletter); Chai ATION OF RUSSIAN JEWS, INC. (1963). 2 Impact (legislative update). Fountain Lane, Suite 2J, Scarsdale, NY 10583. (914)683-3225. FAX: (914)683- CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR 3221. Pres. Morris Brafman; Chmn. AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS James H. Rapp. Helped to bring the situ- (1955). 633 Third Ave., NYC 10017. (212) ation of Soviet Jews to world attention; 318-6111. FAX: (212)644-4135. Chmn. catalyst for advocacy efforts, educational Ronald S. Lauder; Exec. V.-Chmn. Mal- projects, and programs on behalf of Russ- colm Hoenlein. Seeks to strengthen the ian Jews in the former USSR, Israel, and U.S.-Israel alliance and to protect and en- U.S. Provides funds to help Russian Jewry hance the security and dignity of Jews in Israel and the former Soviet Union. abroad. Toward this end, the Conference JEWISH COUNCIL FOR PUBLIC AFFAIRS (for- of Presidents speaks and acts on the basis merly NATIONAL JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- of consensus of its 54 member agencies LATIONS ADVISORY COUNCIL) (1944). 443 on issues of national and international Park Ave. S., 11th fl., NYC 10016-7322. Jewish concern. (212)684-6950. FAX: (212)686-1353. E- mail: [email protected]. Chmn. Steven CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH Schwarz; Sec. Dr. Steven Stone. National ORGANIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 420 Lex- coordinating body for the field of Jewish ington Ave., Suite 1731, NYC 10170. community relations, comprising 13 na- (212)808-5437. Chmn. Ady Steg & tional and 122 local Jewish community- Clemens N. Nathan; Sec.-Gen. Warren relations agencies. Promotes understand- Green. A nongovernmental organization ing of Israel and the Middle East; in consultative status with the UN, UN- supports Jewish communities around the ESCO, ILO, UNICEF, and the Council of world; advocates for equality and plural- Europe; cooperates and consults with, ad- ism, and against discrimination, in Amer- vises, and renders assistance to the Eco- ican society. Through the Council's work, nomic and Social Council of the UN on its constituent organizations seek agree- all problems relating to human rights and ment on policies, strategies, and programs economic, social, cultural, educational, for effective utilization of their resources and related matters pertaining to Jews. for common ends. JCPA Agenda for Pub- lic Affairs, (WWW.JEWISHPUBLICAFFAIRS. COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGANI- ORG) ZATIONS (1947). 823 United Nations Plaza, NYC 10017. (212)557-9008. FAX: JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1934). Atran (212)687-3429. Ch. Cheryl Halpera; Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 21 St., Exec. Dir. Dr. Harris O. Schoenberg. To NYC 10010. (212)477-0707. FAX: (212) promote the purposes and principles for 477-1918. Pres. Morton Bahr; Exec. Dir. which the UN was created. Avram B. Lyon. Serves as liaison between the Jewish community and the trade COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN union movement; works with the U.S. and CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., international labor movement to combat Rm. 310, NYC 10016. (212)689-2015. anti-Semitism, promote intergroup rela- FAX: (212)684-7694. Pres. Louis Weiser; tions, and engender support for the State 1st V.-Pres. Melvyn Birnbaum. Supports of Israel and Jews in and from the former merit system; encourages recruitment of Soviet Union; promotes teaching in pub- Jewish youth to government service;
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