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! Get fist pain relief Bufferin Acts twice as fast as aspirin! Doesn't upset the stomach! Here's how Bufferin acts twice as fast as aspirin Buflerin or aspirin tablet enters stomach here. No tablet or powder can give you relief from pain until the Neither Buflerin nor pain-relieving ingredient enters the bloodstream. Bufferin, any pain-relief product being antacid, opens the stomach valve speedily* gets into the can relieve pain while Therefore Bufferin acts t f bloodstream Uric* as fast as aspirin! twice as fast to relieve pain. And Bufferin won't upset your stomach as aspirin often does, because Buflerin is antacid. COM PARA TitfE > MOUNT Of SUA SERIN ANl ASPIRIN ABSO*£ ED tN THE BLOQOSTA BAM IFFERtN A \ ASfi/R/N >---""" TIME OF ABSORPTION Clinical studies prove that people who took Bufferm had more pain-relieving ingredient actually in the bloodstream in ten minutes than those people who took aspirin had in Opening trap door of twenty minutes. That's why Bufferin acts twice as fast as stomach speedily, aspirin to relieve pain. Buflerin enters the bloodstream twice as fast as aspirin, relieves pain twice as fast. Because Buflerin does not upset the stomach as aspirin often does, many doctors recommend UufTerin for prolonged, as well as occasional, dosage. Bufferin is scored for easy breaking when half doses are indicated. For headaches, neuralgia, and ordinary muscular aches and pains, remember Bufferin for fast pain relief! Ask your phy- sician or dentist about Bufferin. Get Bufferin from your druggist. Carry the 12-tablet, pocket-size package. Keep the economical 36- or 100-tablet package in your medicine chest. IF YOU SUFFER FROM ARTHRITIS OR RHEUMATISM, ASK YOUR PHYSICIAN ABOUT BUFFERIN Bufferin is also available in Canada. LIFE LIFE in published weekly by TIME Inc.. 540 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 11. III. Printed in U. S. A. Entered as second-class matter November 10. 1030 at the Postomce at Chicago. Volume 31 Aug. 13.1951 I1L under the act of March 3, 1879. Authorised by Post Office Department. Ottawa. Canada, as second-class matter. Subscriptions S0.75 a yoar in U. 8. A.: S7.25 in Canada. Number 7 ! — — . » LIFE TO SHAVE WITH Better for your dog than Eiutoh-in-Chief Henry R. Luce President Roy R Larsen Editorial Director... John Shaw Billings BOARD OF EDITORS PLEASURE... Daniel Lonewell Chairman' Edward K. Thompson Managing Editor Mailland A. Edey I A wist ant Sidney L. Jame* Managing Editors J use a John Osborne Editorial Page Charles Tudor Art Director Fillmore Calhoun. Robert T. Elaon, Emmet .1. Hitches. Joseph KaMner, Philip H. Woottoa, Jr. STAFF WRITERS Noel F. Busteli. KolK-rt Coiifihlan, Ernest Havemann. Charle* J. V. Murphy. Win- throp Sanceant. Robert Wallace. Richard I,. Williams. PHOTOGRAPHIC STAFF Ray Mack land . PirrntE Editor Akhiwtants: Frank J. Sehenwhel. Robert Drew. Marearet Bourke- While. Cornell Capa. Ed- ward Clark. Ralph Crane, Loomis Dean. John Domini*, David Douglas Duncan. Al- fred Einenstaedt, Eliot Elisofnn, J. R. Kyer- man. N. R. Farbiuan, Andrea* Feininuer. Albert Fenn, Friit Ooro. Allan (!rant. Ber- nard HolTman. Yale Joel. Mark Kauffman, Dmitri Kessel. Wallace Kirkland, Nina Ix*cn. Thomas McAvuy, Francia Miller, Ralph Morw. Carl Mydan*. flonlon Parka. Michael Itouincr, Walter Sanders. Joe Scherschel, Oeorjee Silk, George Skndditifi, 41 W. Eugene Smith. Howard Soeluirek, Peter Stackpolc. Hnnk Walker. ASSOCIATE EWTORS William P. Gray, Sally Kirkland. Kenneth MacLeinh. Tom Prideaux. ASSISTANT EDITORS ...the only Oliver Allen. Herbert Brean, Earl Brown, Robert Campliell. Tom Carmichael, Gene Cook. David It. Dnuman, William Jay Gold. " Ralph (iravcM. Mary HainiiLsn. (teorite razor that Hunt, Richard W. Johnston. Patricia safety O'Connell, Roy Rowan. Dorothy Seibor- litur. Marshall Smith. Claude Stanunh. John Thome. Martcit Varna, Loudon Wain- the wriitht, Robert Wernick, A. B. C. Whipple, always gives you Warren Young. RESEARCH STAFF Marian A. MucPhail .... Chief that's Assistants: Jo Sheehan. Patricia Beck, shaving edge Honor Fit ipn trick, Mary Leatherhec. Valerie Vondennuhll. Rki'Oktkhs: Barbara Ballou, Mar>' Eliza- beth Barter. Marjtaret Batwett, Mary H. exactly right (or you Cadwalader. Barbara DL'Vson. Beatrice Dobie. Mary Doolev, I-aura Ecker, Phyllis Feldkamp. Gertrudis Febu. Helen Fennell. No ordinary, mass-produced Basset hounds—fawn /or their high intelligence andfriendly disposition Jean Ferris*, Timothy Foote Nancy Genet. Doris Gvlflinucr, Robert Ginna. Patricia blade is good enough, when it Graves, Terry Harnan. Dorotliy Hawkins. Jaerpiclvn Hinds. Helen Hodues, Patricia comes to your tough beard. With Dogs naturally crave meat. PARD gives your dog all the Hunt. Patricia Johnson. Philip Kunhardt Jr.. Scot Lcavitl, Jeanne LcMonnicr, Geral- the Rolls Razor you're sure of And it's good for them. good meat proteins he craves, dine Lux, Helena Malinowska. John Mer- smooth, easy shaving comfort chant. Richard Men,- man Jr.. John Mullikcn, But they need other food plus all the vitamins and min- Mary Ellen Murphy. Grayce Xortbcross, every morning. Eleanor Parish, Anal*' I Simpson, Kathleen elements too, which meat erals he must have! With Shortall. Jane Smith, Jeanne Stahl. Gabrielle Blade keenness is your decision Staub, Mar'.'nn i Thompson. Martha Tur- in needs nothing alone does not provide PARD, your dog ner. Virginia UmeQ, Jane WiUnn, . with a few quick strokes of the amounts. more, he can get nothing better Copy Keadkhh: Helen Dcuell (Chief), Ber- balanced, adequate nice AdeUon. Irraine Barry, Hilda Edaon. hollow ground Sheffield blade Dorothy Illson. Clara Nicolai, Virginia on the built-in strop (or hone, Sadler. Rachel Tuekvntutn. necessary) you give your PICTURE BUREAU when Dorothy Hoover Chief blade the custom-made sharp- -. Alma Efjjnoitoa (lihrary), Natalie K . k Jane Bartels. Barbara Brewster. Man,- Can*. ness your beard and skin require. Bettv Doyle, Margaret Gold«uoth. Jennie guesswork. Hart, Ruth Utter, Maude Milar. Helen No Rounds. Margaret Sargent. forgetting to buy blades IAYOU7 No more Michael Phillip*. Bernard Quint, William with the Rolls Razor. Get your Gallagher. Hihle Adelsberger. Matt Greene, Earl Kersh. Anthony Sodaro, Frank Stock- first clean, comfortable shave man. Alfred Zincaro. tomorrow morning . and enjoy NEWS SERVICES U.S. AND CANADtANr Ijiwrenee t^ay bourne a lifetime of shaving pleasure. (General Manager). In'ne Saint. Milton A complete balanced food Or»*hef«ky. Jean Snow. Bur«out Washing- ton: James Sliepley. James Truitt. DiU Brinkley. Edward Kern. Jane Rieker, David containing all these ingredients Zcitlin; CmCAOo: Edwin C Heinke, James L. Crider Jr.. Charies Cbamplin. Ruth Den- ill, Eileen Lanmiette, George Shiras; Los Anqeles: Ben Williamson. Frank Campion, John Brynon. Jane Estes, Stanley Flink. Virginia Horn, Barbara O'Connor; At- lanta: William S. Howland. Coles Phiniay; Boston: Jeff Wylie, Will Lang; Dallas: William Johnson, Norman Rons; Denver: Ed Ogle; Detroit: Fred Collins. Donald Wilson; San Fhanc:Ibco: Alfred Wright; Seattle: Jerry Hannifin; New York: HuImtI I.. Schwann: Ottawa: Samuel G. Welle*. < Irare Brynolson; Montreal: James R. ConaM; Toronto: Rotiert Park- er. Frank McNaughton (Special Corre- spondent). FOREIGN: Manfred Goitfried (Chief of Cor- respondents). Eleanor Welch. Donald Burke. Bureaus London: Hillis Mills Gene Farm- er, Monica Hornc. Joann MeQuiston. Ron XL Raynolds: Paris: John Stanton. John Jen- BeaotiNt] kisson. Matbilde Camaeho. l>-e Eitingon, Dora Jane Hamblin, Nathalie Kotchoubey; packaged in Una. BOSH; Erie GiMw. Para Knauth. Robert Lobar: Rome: Thomas Doaier, John Luter; salin-lineu tase. JoiiANNKsBL ho: Alexander CamplM'll: Mid- ONLY $15.00, no luxury tax. dle East: James Bell; New Delhi- James Burke; Bvnokok: Dean Brelis: Sinow-ore: John Dowling: Hong Kong: Robert Neville; Tokyo: Hugh Moffett. John Dille. Dwight Manin; Mexico City: Martin O'Neill; Panama: Philip Payne; Rio pi Janeiro: The FineH Name in Shaving Fnvnk While; Buenos Aires: Frank Shea. Andre La guerre (Special Correspondent) PUBLISHER ttuzA&j dcy jood&fo rnafet Andrew Heiskell SWIFT PARD ! ROLLS RAZOR ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Clay Buckhout 338 Marlinon Avenue, l\ew York 17, V Y. 1 AIR RAID WARNING SYSTEM —The Bell System is providing nationwide communication facilities for defense at the request of military authorities. The photograph shows aircraft movements being mapped in a Civilian Defense "filter" center, as reports from strategic observation posts are received by telephone. The Telephone Is a Vital Link in Civilian Defense The Nation's air raid warning system is just one of many ways in which the Bell System is spending millions of dollars to help make this country strong and safe. Civilian Defense is based on quick com- munications and the telephone is a vital, indispensable link in it. Defense is our No. 1 job and we are giving it first call on new construction and facilities. We know you would want it that way. BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM NKN6-2N7-J5S6 Co jtenal ! . LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Excitiiuj new COVER DOUBLE FALSE TEETH Sirs: Nebraska's version of "Mary Free- man" (Life, July 23) had just come from a swim in the Elkhorn River when her phone began to ring and her corre- spondents began to chant that they B«ATH decorator touch had seen "her picture" on Life's cover. No"D««URE The Clansman , distinctive new General Electric Kitchen Clock, sets a new style note with all the glamour of colorful, popular plaids! Quite a similaritv (ahnve), don*t you think? She's Miss Barbara Birming- ham, a senior ut Duchesne College, Omaha. Carholl W, Stewart O'Neill, Neb. • Life's Mary Freeman passed her big 1951 test in the National A.A.U. outdoor meet held July 2.">- 29. She placed first in both the 100- You know what Mr. R. means— meter and 200-meter backstroke, it's a wonderful feeling to know that missed placing first in the 300-meter you're not offending friends with medley by .8 of a second. —ED. Denture Breath. And it's great when CICERO'S DISGRACE your plates feel clean and cool and their Sirs: fresh— from Polident bath.