Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Izmir Metro A.Ş. Buca Metro Line

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Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Izmir Metro A.Ş. Buca Metro Line *OFFICIAL USE ONLY Izmir Metropolitan Municipality and Izmir Metro A.Ş. Buca Metro Line Project Non-Technical Summary April 2021 Buca Metro Line Non-Technical Summary April 2021 *OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1. What is this document? This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) document provides an overview of the proposed Project and presents a summary of relevant potential environmental and social issues and impacts related to the construction and operation of the proposed Buca Metro line Project (“Project”). Appropriate measures to mitigate the key adverse environmental and social impacts that may arise during construction and operation of the Project are also presented within this document. 2. The Project Summary The metro system in the City is presently primarily an above-ground metro system carrying 240,000 passengers daily presently, with 182 carriages and, a 20-kilometer network and 17 stations network. The existing system comprises one line which starts from Fahrettin Altay station in the southern part of the metropolitan area and runs towards the northeast to end at Evka-3 in Bornova. A 7 km extension from Narlidere station to Fahrettin Altay district which will be below ground is currently under construction. The proposed Buca Metro line is the third major expansion and the fifth phase of the Izmir Metro Network development. It comprises a 13.3 km long line with 11 stations, 6 km of depot tunnel, and a total indoor area of 80 thousand m2. The line will be an underground metro line with the stations and tunnel having an average depth between 30 to 45 meters below ground level. The line will start at Bozyaka and there will be 11 stations namely Bozyaka, Ucyol, Zafertepe, General Asım Gündüz, Şirinyer, Buca Municipality, Kasaplar, Hasanağa Bahçesi, Dokuz Eylül University, Buca Koop, and Çamlıkule station. The Buca Metro line will meet with the second stage line along F. Altay-Bornova at Üçyol Station, with the İZBAN line at Şirinyer Station. The system will allow unattended train operation, although it will not operate in driverless mode. The Buca District is one of the oldest settlements in Izmir and is among the fastest-growing counties in terms of population growth. According to the last census, it was the fastest-growing district at the metropolitan level in 1990, with an increased rate of 97% compared to 1980. The Project is expected to result in safer and more reliable transport services for about 350,000 passengers per day and will help to reduce traffic congestion and noise pollution. The new Buca Metro line, together with its integration to the existing network, will replace high-carbon modes such as private cars and minibuses, thereby reducing air pollution, with the abatement of emissions of c. 22,626 tCO2e, 57,193 tNOx and 902 tPM per year (starting in 2026), resulting in 45,7 percent reduction in GHG emissions compared to current conditions. The metro construction is expected to start in 2021 and will take approximately 4 years to complete. The Project will cross under state owned lands in residential areas and so will not require acquisition of private lands or resettlement due to land acquisition. It is not located within any biodiversity or nature reserve areas or national parks. Details of environmental and social impacts and mitigation measures are provided below. 3. Project Finance The Project involves an overall expected construction investment of 648 million Euros (excluding value added taxes), of which 497 million Euros are related to the civil works and the remaining 151 million Euros concern Engineering and Maintenance. The final construction investment cost will depend on the final negotiation between the City and the Construction Contractor. Buca Metro Line Non-Technical Summary 1 Nisan 2021 *OFFICIAL USE ONLY The City has obtained all the necessary approvals from the central government to include the Project in the National Annual Investment Program (“NAIP”) for making the Project eligible for foreign financing. Subject to approval by their respective authorities, the following international financial institutions are considering providing long-term finance to the City for this project: • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD”) • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), • Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and • Other Lenders 4. Who are Project owners? The parties of interest for the planning, tendering, construction, and operation of the metro lines are Izmir Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), Izmir Metro A.S. (IM), Construction Contractor, and Owner’s Engineer. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality (IMM): IMM has the authority to: • Develop and implement the metropolitan transportation master plan, planning and coordinating transport and public transport services; and • Carry out public transportation services within the metropolitan and for this purpose to establish, build, operate, or to allow operation the necessary facilities IMM therefore will develop, implement the tendering process for the planning, design, and construction of the proposed metro line. IMM will appoint an Owner’s Engineer to monitor the construction process in line with the contract specifications agreed with the main Construction Contractor which will be selected through a procurement process in line with Lender requirements. Izmir Metro A.S.: Izmir Metro A.S. (“Izmir Metro”, “IM” or the “Company”) was established in 2000 as the municipal metro operator. It is owned by IMM and incorporated as a joint-stock company. Assets of the rail system (e.g. vehicles, station equipment, etc.) are owned by the City, whilst these assets are operated by the Company. The roles and responsibilities of the Company and the City in building and operation of the metro system are defined by a lease agreement signed in 1999 for an indefinite period. According to this agreement, IM has the authority to undertake public transportation services tasks including operating and having operated on and above ground with rail, trackless, mobile machinery on behalf of IMM. Therefore, the Project will be constructed under the responsibility of IMM and operated by IM. 5. Public Transportation System in Izmir IMM has prepared the first Izmir Transport Master Plan in 2007 with the latest revision being in 2019. Studies were based on traffic studies, surveys, transportation network physical data, and complementary preliminary research, theoretical and technical studies. Research and studies were made by IKBNIP 2005 (Izmir Regional Urban Land Use Plan (https://mpgm.csb.gov.tr/izmir-manisa-planlama-bolgesi- 1-100.000-olcekli-cevre-duzeni-plani-i-82265)) decisions and forecasts, current and projected Buca Metro Line Non-Technical Summary 2 Nisan 2021 *OFFICIAL USE ONLY population data, and current and projected land use data. The Izmir Transport Master Plan was developed, with 2030 as a target year to finish the planned works. The modal priority hierarchy was stated as 1. Pedestrians, 2. Bicycles, 3. Public Transport, 4. Private Vehicles, and 5. Car Parking. Short-term visions of the plan were stated as urgent traffic reorganization plans, pedestrian-bicycle-traffic circulation plans in the city center, intersection reorganization projects and signalization plans, public transport rehabilitation plans, paratransit rehabilitation plans, and parking lot planning. The long-term vision of the plan (2030 target) is a comprehensive transport plan by urban land use plan and decisions, comprising plans for the railway system, roadways, waterways, bicycle, and pedestrian plan; all well-integrated with inter-urban transportation. Izmir public transport system is a multi-modal system, organized with multiple inter-connected transport modes (walking, cycling, bus, railway, and ferries) controlled in a single center. Izmir Transport Centre offers online information regarding trip planning, available parking spots, bus-tracking, real-time bus data, road accidents and constructions, and others. There is an online platform controlled by the Izmir Transport Centre through over 10.000 smart devices. The public transport network makes up IZBAN, Izmir METRO, Tram, ESHOT, IZULAŞ, IZDENIZ, and BISIM. IZBAN rail system is a single line connecting urban and suburban areas in the north-south direction. Izmir Metro operates in the east-west direction of the southern side of the gulf with expansion under construction towards the west and new line plans towards the land interior. There are two tram lines in operation: Karsiyaka tram line (northern side of the gulf) and Konak tram line (southern side of the gulf). Further on, ferry connections for passengers and cars provide a direct north-south gulf connection. The network is completed with the bus connections, ensuring a comprehensive transport system. Currently, there are 5 major interchange stations in the network are Egekent, Bostanli, Haklapinar, Konak, and Fahrettin Altay. The extension of the current metro system and further integration of the metro system with existing transport modes, and connecting city bus services, is in line with the Izmir Transport Master Plan, enabling the provision of frequent and efficient services to Izmir residents in a way that is fast, reliable, comfortable, and environment-friendly, providing an alternative to the use of cars. 6. Izmir Metro System The present Izmir Metro network consists of three stages as described below: Stage 1: Establishment of 11.6 km long network with 10 stations between Bornova and Ucyol. Stage 1 network commenced operation in May 2000. Stage 2: 5.5 km extension
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