THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Tone 3 THE FIFTH DAY OF JULY SYNAXIS OF THE HOLY NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS OF AND ALL RUS’ (Tranferred from June 27): Venerable Father Andrei, Metropolitan of ; New Hieromartyrs Nikolai, Exarch of Volhynia and won- der-worker; Gregory, of Stanyslaviv; Josaphat, Bishop of Peremyshl and ; Theodore, Bish- op of Mukachevo; Nikita, first Exarch of Canada; Vasyli, Bishop of Lutsk and elder of Winnipeg; Grego- ry, Bishop of Peremyshl; Ivan, Bishop of Stanyslaviv; Simeon, Bishop of Stanyslaviv and passion-bearer; Leontii, exarch of Russia; Clement, abbot of Univ; Severian, Joachim, and Vitaly abbots of Drohobych; Ivan and Zenovii the crucified, hieromonks and passion-bearers of ’; Andrew, Roman, Nicholas, Petro and Oleksiy and confessors of Lviv; Emilian, pastor of prisoners at Majdanek; Hieromartyr Nicholas and his cantor Volodymyr, passion-bearers of Stradch; Venerable Mothers Olympia, and Tarsy- kia of Khyriv, nun-martyrs; Righteous Josyf the Confessor, patriarch. JULY 5: Venerable Athanasius of Mt. Athos (1003) and his six disciples. Uncovering of the relics (1422) of Venerable Sergius of Radonezh (1392). Martyr Anna at (304). Martyr Cyrilla of Cyrene in Lib- ya, a widow . Venerable Lampadus, monk, of Hirenopolis (10th c.). St. Morwenna, patroness of Morwen- stow, England (6th c.). Synaxis of 23 Saints of Lesbos. Hieromartyr Stephen, bishop of Rhegium, disciple of the Apostle Paul, and with him Bishop Suerus and the women Agnes, Felicitas, and Perpetua (1st c.). Martyr Athanasius, deacon of Jerusalem (451). Icon of the Mother of God “Economissa”. WELCOME! Today’s Divine Liturgy is sung primarily in English, next week in Ukrainian. You are asked to participate in mind and spirit to the best of your ability. ВІТАЄМО! Літургія сьогодні співається переважно англійською мовою, наступного тижня українською мовою. Співайте Богу нашому! AT THE BEATITUDES we allow for 10 verses: Resurrection - 6; New Martyrs and Confessors ODE III - 4. 10. From paradise did You drive our forefather Adam, who had broken Your command- ment, O Christ; but, O Compassionate One, You caused to dwell therein the thief who con- fessed You on the cross, crying out: “Remember me, O Saviour, in Your kingdom!” 9. With the curse of death did You condemn us who had sinned, O Lord, Bestower of life; yet having suffered in Your flesh, O sinless Master, You have granted life unto mortals who cry out: “Remember us also in Your kingdom!” 8. In rising from the dead, You have raised us up from the passions with Yourself through Your resurrection, O Lord; and all the power of death have You destroyed, O Saviour. Where- fore, with faith we cry out to Thee: “Remember us also in Thy kingdom!” 7. O You who as God grant life, by Your three days in the tomb You raised up with Your- self the dead in Hades, and as One Who is good You have poured forth incorruption upon all of us who with faith ever cry out: “Remember us also in Your kingdom!” 6. Risen from the dead, O Saviour, You first appeared to the myrrh-bearing women, cry- ing out: “Rejoice!” and through them You announced Your resurrection to Your friends, O Christ. Wherefore, with faith we cry out to You, “Remember us also in Your kingdom! ” 5. Moses, stretching out his arms on the mountain, prefigured the Cross and thus con- quered Amalek. And, receiving it with faith as a mighty weapon against the demons, we all cry out: “Remember us also in Your kingdom!” 4. Remember, O Lord, the dreadful torments which the new martyrs suffered for You, who have now sprouted forth; and accept their entreaties for our salvation. 3. O righteous Judge, You have opened the kingdom of heaven unto the confessors of the Church of Rus’. Hearken, O Lord, unto their righteousness, and give ear unto their supplica- tion for the salvation of our souls. Glory ..., 2. O most divine Trinity, return us from our captivity! We know that sin and suffering has increased more than ever before; yet grace has shone forth in the struggle of the new saints, who also entreat You, O thrice-holy God, for the salvation of our souls! Now & ever ..., 1. Gather the dispersed; raise up the faint-hearted; unite your scattered flock and put an end to the divisions of the Church, O gracious and most pure Virgin Mary, entreating Christ the Saviour, with the holy new martyrs and confessors, for the forgiveness and salvation of our souls. TROPARIA and KONDAKIA Troparion of the Resurrection - Tone 3 ехай веселяться небеснії, нехай радуються земнії,* бо сотворив владу рукою своєю Господь, * подолав Нсмертю смерть - первенцем - мертвих став, * з безодні аду ізбавив- нас, * і подав світові ** велику милість. et the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice,* for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm.* He trampled death Lby death, - He became the first-borno f the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades** and granted great mercy to the world. Troparion of the Temple (Prophet Elias) - Tone 4 he glorious Elias,* angelic in body, pillar of prophets, sec- ond herald of Christ,* by sending grace upon Eliseus from Ton high* dispels disease, cleanses lepers and overflows with healing** for those who honour him. Troparion for the New Martyrs and Confessors - Tone 4 holy hierarchs, pastors and teachers * you countless new martyrs and confessors, * men, women and children, * Oflowers of the spiritualmea dow of Rus’, * who blossomed forth wondrously in time of grievous persecutions, * bearing good fruit for Christ in your endurance: * entreat Him as the One Who has planted you, * that He deliver His people from god- less and evil men, * and that the Church of Ukraine be made steadfast through your blood and suffering, ** unto the salva- tion of our souls. Kondakion of the Resurrection- Tone 3 ou rose from the tomb, O compassionate Lord,* and led us out from the gates of death.* Today Adam exults and Eve reYjoices,* and the prophets together with the patriarchs* un- ceasingly acclaim the divine might - of Your power. Kondakion of the Temple (Prophet Elias) - Tone 2 Prophet and seer of the mighty works of our God,* Elias greatly renowned* by your word you stopped the rain Oclouds. * Pray for us to the only One who loves mankind. Glory... Kondakion for the New Martyrs and Confessors - Tone 2 new martyrs and confessors, who by your confession fin- ished the course of this earth, * receiving boldness through Oyour sufferings : * beseech Christ Who strengthened you, * that we also may receive the gift of courage from God in the hour of trial. * For you have shown the way to salvation unto us that venerate your struggle, * for neither tribulation, prison, nor death could separate you from the love of God.

Both now... Theotokion - Tone 6 ndaunted patroness of Christians,* O steadfast interme- diary with the Creator,* turn not away from the suppliant Uvoices of sinners,* but in your kindness come to help us who cry out to you in faith. * Be quick to intercede, make haste to plead,* for you are ever the patroness of those who honour you, O Mother of God. PROKEIMENA Sunday Prokeimenon - Tone 3 Psalm of David 46 Sing to our God, sing! * Sing to our King, sing! verse: Clap your hands all you nations; shout unto God with a voice of rejoicing.

Prokeimenon II of the saints - Tone 4 Psalm of David 15 In the saints that are in His earth has the Lord been wondrous; He has wrought all His desires in them.

EPISTLE Romans 6:18-23 RETHREN, having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of Buncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves of righteousness for holiness. For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. What fruit did you have then in the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Український переклад: раття, звiльнившись же вiд грiха, ви стали рабами праведности. Кажу за людським мiркуванням­ задля немочi плотi вашої. Як вiддавали ви члени вашi в раби нечистотi i беззаконню на беззаконня, Бтак нинi представте члени вашi в раби праведностi на освячення. Бо, коли ви були ра­ба­ми грiха, тодi були вiльнi вiд пра­ведности. Які ж плоди ви мали тоді? Такі, яких тепер самі соро­ ­митесь, бо кінець їхній — смерть. А нинi, коли ви звiльнилися вiд грiха i стали рабами Боговi, маєте плiд ваш на освячення, а кiнець — життя вiчне. Бо вiдплата за грiх — смерть, а дар Божий — жит­тя вiчне у Христi Iсусi, Господi нашому. then for the New Martyrs - ROMANS §99 8:28-39

ALLELUIA Tone 3; Psalm of David 30 verse: In You, O Lord, have I hoped; let me never be put to shame. verse: Be unto me a God to defend me, and a House of refuge to save me. and of the New Martyrs, in Tone 4; Psalm of David 33 verse: The righteous cried, and the Lord heard them, and He delivered them out of all their afflictions. GOSPEL Matthew 8:5-13 T THAT TIME, when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him, saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented.” And Jesus said to him, “IA will come and heal him.” The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man under au- thority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour. Український переклад: той час, коли Ісус увійшов у Капернаум, приступив до нього сотник, благаючи його словами: “Господи, слуга мій лежить дома розслаблений і мучиться тяжко.” Ісус каже до нього: “Я прийду йУ оздоровлю його.” Тоді сотник у відповідь мовив: “Господи, я недостойний, щоб ти ввійшов під мою покрівлю, але скажи лише слово і слуга мій видужає. Бо і я теж підвладний чоловік, маю вояків під собою, і кажу цьому: Іди, – і йде, а тому: Ходи, – і приходить; і слузі моєму: Зроби це, – і він робить.” Почувши це Ісус, здивувався і сказав тим, що за ним ішли: “Істинно кажу вам: Ні в кого в Ізраїлі я не знайшов такої віри. Кажу вам, що багато прийде зо сходу й заходу, і засядуть з Авраамом, Ісааком та Яковом у Царстві Небеснім, а сини царства будуть викинуті геть у темряву кромішню, де буде плач і скрегіт зубів.” І сказав Ісус сотникові: “Йди, хай тобі станеться за твоєю вірою!” І видужав слуга тієї ж години. Then for the New Martyrs - MATTHEW, §36 10:16-22

KINONIKON Sunday Communion Verse: Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. Then for the New Martyrs and Confessors: Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous; praise befits the upright. RIGHTEOUSNESS In today’s Epistle Lesson St. Paul speaks about our becoming slaves of righteousness rather than slaves of sin. David Horrell commenting on Corinthi- ans in “Solidarity and Difference” argues that St. Paul ad- vocates a righteousness which is Christ centred. He says instead of arguing for one’s rights, those who are in Christ must adopt the Christ-like attitude of giving of themselves for the good of one’s brothers and sisters in Christ. Thus for St. Paul righteousness “is not a matter of knowledge but of love.” Righteousness consists not so much in knowing the Law as in loving the neighbour.

TODAY’S COMMEMORATION: THE SYNAXIS OF THE HOLY NEW MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS OF UKRAINE AND ALL RUS’ Today’s commemoration has been transferred from June 27th, the anniversary of the Glori- fication (canonization) of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Greco- in the 20th century. A BRIEF HISTORY: Stalin’s attack on the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church (UGCC) began immediately af- ter the first occupation of western Ukraine in September 1939. This occupation was in -ac cordance with the Soviet-Nazi Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and lasted until June 1941. In this period all UGCC property was confiscated, and schools and hospitals were nationalized. Church publications and religious organizations were forbidden, religious educational insti- tutions and presses were closed, the activities of religious congregations were limited, brutal atheist propaganda and mass terror, and the deportation of a peaceful population began. “It is absolutely clear that under the Bolsheviks we all felt destined for death; they did not conceal their intention to destroy, to strangle Christianity, to erase its smallest traces.” From Metropolitan ’s letter to the nuncio, Rotti, of August 30, 1941. Second Assault The prospect of the return of Soviet power to western Ukraine after the defeat of the Ger- man Army on the Eastern Front led the hierarchy and faithful of the UGCC to fear for the fate of the Church. All too painful were the still fresh memories of the violence of the Com- munist regime against the conscience of the faithful during the previous Soviet conquest of less than two years. “The Bolshevik Army is approaching … This news fills all the faithful with fear. Everyone … is convinced that they are destined for certain death.” – From a letter of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky to Cardinal Tisserand on March 22, 1944. Liquidation by the State Immediately after the Red Army returned to western Ukraine in the summer of 1944 the previous limitations imposed on the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church were renewed. But the great authority possessed by the whole Church and its head, Metropolitan Andrey Shep- tytsky, forced the state during the first period to avoid direct confrontation. The war with Nazi Germany was finishing, and the spiritual father of the Church and the people, Servant of God Andrey, passed into eternity in the odor of sanctity on November 1, 1944. Then the Soviet security services prepared a special plan “for detachment of parishes of the Greek-Catholic (Uniate) Church in the USSR from the Vatican and their subsequent uni- fication with the Russian Orthodox Church.” This plan carried out Stalin’s direct order and received his praise. On April 11, 1945 with no proof of guilt, Metropolitan Josyf (Slipyj), Hryhorii (Khomyshyn), Nykyta (Budka), Nyikolai (Charnetskyi) and Ivan (Liat- yshevskyi) were arrested. Soon after that the Bishops of Przemsyl, Josaphat (Kotsylovsky) and Hryhory (Lakota), about 500 priests all over western Ukraine, in addition, almost all eparchial officials, professors of the Theological Academy and seminaries, the most gifted pastors. With the combined efforts of party and government structures, the police organs and the corrupted “Orthodox” hierarchy, by means of open terror and false demagoguery, the “liq- uidation of the union” was proclaimed in 1946 in western Ukraine in the so-called “Lviv pseudo-Sobor [“Council”]” and in 1949 in Transcarpathia. Regardless of the persecution, the authorities were not able to break the will of the bishops and to convince one of them to renounce his Church for a career in the Church of the “regime,” the corrupted Russian Orthodox Church. “…Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death … At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Matt. 24: 9-14 Light in the Catacombs Stalin’s death in March 1953 and Khruschev’s “thaw” began a new period in the way of the cross of the UGCC: the catacombs. The main protagonists of this period of the Church’s life were the bishops, priests, monks, nuns and faithful who had returned home from the camps and exile. Having survived unspeakable physical and moral tortures, they encountered a different western Ukraine: bloodless, frightened by the terror, deceived by the atheist-com- munist ideology, but in spite of all that it was still alive and waiting for the resurrection. These people who knew how to preserve in their hearts faith in Christ and faithfulness to their Church became little islands around which the gradual renewal of Church structures began. Thanks to the unbending character of the martyr bishops, the perseverance of the and the faithfulness of the laity, the UGCC survived the period of official “liquida- tion,” organized the underground and gave birth to a new generation of Church leaders. For almost half a century it was the largest illegal Christian community in the world and at the same time the largest organism of social opposition to the totalitarian system of the USSR. “And so take up every divine weapon so that you can stand fast during the storms and, over- coming everything, survive. Stand up, therefore, girding your thigh with truth and clothing yourself with the armour of justice … But above all take in your hands the shield of faith, with which you will be able to defeat the fiery arrows of the Evil One. And take up the hel- met of salvation and the spiritual sword, which is the word of God.” – From a letter of Met- ropolitan Josyf (Slipyj), written in exile, February 17, 1961. SOURCE: “Church of the Martyrs – Biographies of the 20th century Martyrs”

OUR CHURCH’S MARTYRS AND CONFESSORS OF THE 20TH CENTURY From a Homily by His Eminence Borys (Gudziak), Metropolitan of Philadelphia he Holy Church raises up the New Martyrs and Confessors of the 20th Tcentury as examples of holiness, as heavenly friends of the Lord, humble figures of mortal human beings. Yesterday they lived among us or among our parents in our native cities and villages, bravely fought with the greatest tyrants of human history, against wrongs and injustices done to their brothers and sisters. They also struggled with their own imperfections and with the simple worries of daily life. Their presence in Ukraine was and now is, in- credibly, still felt. They walked our streets and rode on our roads, sat on our episcopal thrones and heard our confessions. They gave lectures at conferences and re- ports from their professorial chairs, and studied in our Theological Academy and seminaries. Most likely, they never anticipated a martyr’s death and crown. Now their figures are strangely close, visible. Through them holiness itself is closer. They bring heaven closer to us –– heaven, where they have glori- ously found their place at the hand of the Almighty Father and Our Creator. And the land on which they walked only yesterday has itself become holier, receiving their hot blood and tortured bodies. Walking on this same earth we feel the grandeur of this holiness and the depth of this drama which they lived through and to which the Lord can call you and me. Finally, we were all called long ago- to love our neighbour, forgive our ene- mies, feed the hungry, tend to the wounded, comfort the weary, give hope to the hopeless and die to self in order to live for others. Today, there is no lack of opportunities to dedicate yourself to God. Through these blessed and martyrs, whom we are honouring today, the Lord has shown us that for us mere mortals, who are neighbours, fellow workers or students, relatives and family members or just friends, for us such accom- plishments are possible. God reveals Himself always and everywhere: in the quiet of a monastic cell and in an inspiring sermon in church, among the Siberian snows and in the burning oven of Majdanek, in the joy of mother- hood and in the cries of an orphaned child ... Will we be able here and now, and then tomorrow and elsewhere, to respond to this appearance of our Lord? Are we ready to give witness to Christ in everyday life or, God forbid, in the face of mortal danger? We hope in the Lord that this is so. And our first step in this direction is our joyful celebra- tion of these abundant blessings which have come to us through the solemn glorification of the new martyrs and faithful servants of God. Let us be glad with them and with certainty follow in their footsteps!