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Crossroads-From-Rusto.Pdf TRANSCLUSION LIBRARY Series editor: prof. Aleksander Mikołajczak CROSSROADS FROM RUS’ TO… Polish Historical Society Branch in Czestochowa Institute of History of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa General History Chair of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University History and Architectural Reserve "Stara Uman" Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Humanities Studies at Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy CROSSROADS FROM RUS’ TO… Edited by: Rafał Dymczyk, Igor Krywoszeja, Norbert Morawiec TRANSCLUSION LIBRARY Series editor: prof. Aleksander Mikołajczak Częstochowa-Humań-Poznań 2015 TRANSCLUSION LIBRARY Series editor: prof. Aleksander Mikołajczak Tytuł serii/Title of series: Rozdroża/Crossroads Tom 2/Volume 2 From Rus’ to… Redakcja/Edited by Rafał Dymczyk, Igor Krywoszeja, Norbert Morawiec Recenzje wydawnicze/Editorial reviewers: prof. Aleksander Trygub prof. Tadeusz Srogosz Korekta językowa/Proofreading Ludmila Zagoruyko Ph.D. Projekt okładki i skład tekstu/Cover design and typesetting: Kamil Kacperak W projekcie okładki wykorzystano obraz "Mocarze" (oryg. ros. Богатыри) Wiktora Wasniecowa © Copyright by Polish Historical Society Branch in Czestochowa Institute of History of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa General History Chair of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University History and Architectural Reserve "Stara Uman" Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Humanities Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University The original (reference) version of this publication is electronic edition ISBN: 978-83-931115-9-6 TablE of CoNTENTS Introduction .......................................................................................................... 9 anna Czerniecka-Haberko BETWEEN POETIC ELATION AND THE TRAUMA OF THE PAST. IVAN THE TERRIBLE IN THE HISToRICAL WRITINGS oF ADAM MICKIEWICZ. ................................ 11 Natallia Slizh TRANSFORMATION OF THE BURGHER MENTALITY: THE CASE oF HoRoDNA (16th – 17th CENTURIES). .............................. 23 Nataliia Sinkevych SACRAL past, ANCIENT SAINTS AND RELICS – THE REMEMBRANCE oF KyIv RUS' IN HAGIOGRAPHICAL TEXTS AT THE TIME OF PETRO MOHYLA. ..................................................................................... 35 Tatiana Tairova-Yakovleva UKRAINE Hetmanate, MoSCoW AND GRAND DUCHY LITHUANIA: FIGHT FOR WHITE Russia (1654–1659). ........................................................................................ 45 Dmitry A. Redin THE “IMAGINED STATE” OF PETER THE GREAT AND STATE MANAGEMENT CULTURE IN THE PERIOD OF HIS REIGN. ................................................................... 57 Paweł Krokosz FROM THE TSAR’S RESIDENT TO THE LITTLE RUSSIAN COLLEGE. THE PROCESS OF THE LIquidatioN oF THE UKRAINIAN AUToNoMy UNDER PETER THE GREAT. ......................................................................... 69 Valeriy lastovskyi ORTHODOX CHURCH AS AN INSTRUMENT OF RUSSIAN PRESSURE IN INTERNATIONAL relatioNS at THE END oF THE 18th CENTURY .................................. 83 agnieszka Czajkowska JóZEF APoLINARy RoLLE (1829–1894) – WRITER AND ARCHIVIST. ....................................................................... 91 Norbert Morawiec DogmatizatioN oF RUTHENIANISM/RUSSICISM. THE METAPHOR OF UNION IN THE HISTORIOGRAPHY oF THE So-CALLED “SCHooL oF MIKHAIL KoyALovICH”. ......... 103 Witold bobryk CONSTRUCTING THE ORTHODOX RUTHENIAN (RUSSIAN) CHARACTERISTICS: THE PoLICy oF THE SovIET state Towards THE GREEK CATHOLIC ORTHODOX CHURCH IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ACTION CONDUCTED IN THE DAYS oF PRE-REvoLUTIoN RUSSIA ................................................................. 125 aleksander Smoliński UNIFoRMS AND INSIGNIA oF RANK oF THE PoLISH ARMy’S 49TH HUTSUL RIFLES REGIMENT IN 1937–1939. A CoNTRIBUTIoN To THE SERvICE oF UKRAINIANS IN THE ARMY OF THE SECOND POLISH REPUBLIC AND TO THE HISTORY OF POLISH MILITARY COSTUMOLOGY. .......................................................................................... 137 Renata Rozbicka THE MASS MURDER OF THE POLISH POPULATION IN voLHyNIA IN 1943 IN THE oPINIoN oF THE „Gazeta WyBoRCZA” PUBLICISTS in the years 1995–2005. ........................................................................... 165 olha Morozova PoLISH vISIoN oF UKRAINIAN PRoBLEMS oN the pages oF the „New Ukraine“ .................................................... 189 CROSSROADS FROM RUS’ TO… INTRODUCTION We are all aware that the historical research of the early 1990s was characterized by an unusually optimistic approach. At that time it was commonly believed that the fall of the Iron Curtain would encourage the historians of Eastern and Central Europe to embark on scientific cooperation and facilitate a dialogue that would lead to creation common characteristics, evaluations, concepts and interpretations. The analyses that were carried out – along with a broader methodological-historiographic reflection on numerous thematic fields – led to the articulation of new topics, the multiplication of the scope of research enquiries, and the liberalization of accessible narrative forms. ‘New’ methodologies of classic/non-classic historiographies, reinterpretations of national/confessional historiosophies had another consequence. Namely, they developed an urge to search for their intentional/unintentional authors. As a result, the ‘new’ historical reflection was interdisciplinary, international, trans-religious and open to ‘diversity’. However, today’s academic disputes resemble presentations rather than discourse. Despite of a great number of international societies, textbook boards, interdisciplinary conferences, conventions and ‘round tables,’ scientists seldom work out common historical views that would be accepted by all. It seems worthwhile then considering the reasons for these research fluctuations, the methodological context, and searching for political/ideological catalysts. The following collection of study papers Crossroads. From Rus’ to… shows the way of constituting modern nations evolving from the legacy of Kyiv Rus. The authors are looking for historical mechanisms of building up of contemporary nationalities of Central and Eastern Europe: Russians, Belarussians, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, etc.; they observe the ‘dimensions’ of the Russian society, try to understand its mentality and unique identity. At the same time, they ponder upon historiographic discourse that obligates historians, and notice that scientists of many nationalities, who may interpret the same events in different ways, may claim a historical legacy. Their different interpretations would make them claim their exclusive rights to a given legacy. Such claims are particularly visible these days, when East and Central European nationals are looking for their identity. By creating their own ‘tradition’ – making up a ‘noble’ past – they want to emphasize differences between themselves and others, and their possessive instincts ascribe to the old (politically tested) historiosophies. The following volume may hardly be a comprehensive study – it rather announces broader research. However, we do believe that at the time of 9 intensifying conflicts and fear of aggression our reflections would contribute to the intellectual discourse. The discourse, which will show us the cultural roots of modern phobias determining the existence of individual societies of Central and Eastern Europe. you are welcome to read it! Rafał Dymczyk, Igor Krywoszeja, Norbert Morawiec 10 CROSSROADS FROM RUS’ TO… anna Czerniecka-Haberko Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa bETWEEN PoETIC ElaTIoN aND THE TRaUMa of THE PaST. IVaN THE TERRIblE IN THE HISToRICal WRITINGS of aDaM MICKIEWICZ In the vision of the past presented by Adam Mickiewicz, the aspect of the mutual influence between the nation and chosen individuals occupies a very important place. Thus, an outstanding individual shapes the spirit of the nation, but this very individual is shaped by “the spiritual works of the community where they emerge from”1. This relation was depicted by Adam Mickiewicz who drew from the example of three tsars: Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great and Catherine the Great. Andrzej Wierzbicki described these rulers as ”dangerous and might.” They ”manifested their presence in history in an exceptional way, enlarging Russia’s territory and steering its politics in the direction of Europe”2. Therefore, the history of the nation belongs to an individual. An individual’s fate is living history, the expression of historical experiences. Mickiewicz attributed an exceptional significance to eminent individuals embodying the nation’s historical mission. The historian presented his thesis among all giving the example of Ivan the Terrible and his life3. Mickiewicz presented his image of Ivan the Terrible in his book entitled The History of Poland and during his lectures at Collège 1 E. Kiślak, ”Rosja w projekcie etycznym Literatury słowiańskiej”, [in:] Prelekcje paryskie Adama Mickiewicza wobec tradycji kultury polskiej i europejskiej. Próba nowego spojrzenia, M. Kalinowska, J. Ławski & M. Bisior-Dombrowska (eds.), Warszawa 2011, pp. 197–198; M. Saganiak, ”Natchnienie w prelekcjach paryskich,” [in:] Prelekcje paryskie Adama Mickiewicza wobec tradycji kultury polskiej i europejskiej…, p. 96. 2 A. Wierzbicki, Groźni i wielcy. Polska myśl historyczna XIX i XX wieku wobec rosyjskiej despotii, Warszawa 2001, p. 46. 3 E. Kiślak, op. cit., pp. 197–198. 11 Anna Czerniecka-Haberko de France4. Studying the text ”A Note on the Way of Writing Polish History” of 1840, one may conclude that the description of Polish history by Mickiewicz is an
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