
Ill : d ' I I 'coool8203 .. • ... ,, . • • 12 APR 1972 • }.~;r ;( I/.. )("'


The American revolutionaries have already started a propa- ganda •campaign designed to insure a big turnout of protesters for the Democratic National Convention to b~_jle~d July 10-13 at Miami Beach. Rennie Davis, one of the "Chicago 7" has declared that 40,.000 nonvio- lent antiwar cJemonstrators will participate in the demo~tstrations next July. The People 1s Coalition also known as the Florida People.'s Platform Coalition, is the self-proclaimed state-:.wide group organized to coordinate demonstrations· during the Democratic National Conven­ r...o tion. Jack Lamont, news director•of Miami Beach radio station WBUS­ •. J•.. FM and a member o£ the coalition, h~s stated that the FPC is an anti­ sexist, anti-racist and anti-imperialistic

The FPC is proposing two days .of nonviqlent detnonstrations. A meeting of the steering committee of the FPC was held at the Univer­ sity of Miami, Col'al Gables on ZS March. Approximately ZS individ­ uals attended, representing such Florida cities as Tampa, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, St. Petersburg, Gainesville, and Miami. The meeting. ;~ .... was reportedly dominated by the Miami contingent who insisted that all . actions be peaceful and nonviolent.

The following activities were tentatively decided upon by the steering co~mittee:

lZ July- -A rally will be held from 10 a.~· to noon at Bayfront Park in downtown Miami. Following the rally, participants will disperse throughout the city to hold ·teach-ins and distribute literature from door-to-r:Joor. 13 July--At lZ noon there will be an assembly in 13~tyfront Park and at 3 p.m., following a short rally, participa~ts will mar«h to the convr.ntion site in Miami Beach. At • 6 p.·m. another rally will be held at. the convention. site which will include speec-hes, music, and distribution of food. r-1.., . .J. ~- ...... -tf~ ,.. ~-' -c, ...... I,l ~ -<.•'l ., . ,· . ...,....,...... --[(r /.t ... -

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• When the democratic candidate for president is announced, attempts wi:U be made ~to have him appear at the rally, at which time l~-"i...: he will be confronted with the Peoples Platform. The platform . r•. l'!l'- de~nds that the Democratic Party nominee pledge to end the Within Z4 hours after taking office, .Pull all U.S. • troops out of lndochina·no later than April Z9, ·1973, and withdraw American support from South Vietnam:.& anti--Communist govern­ ment._ ·l"::.... i: ~~.,(- ~- .... £~ .?"' ... -~ -~~~-,. ·'7-~ ,r·· -~ ;:l-

The Peoples Party (a coalition of groups including .· "' . . . ~· ·peace and Freedom Party and the New Party} will hold its national .y,- ·nominating convention a few days after the close of the Democratic National Convention in mid-July. The"'Peoples Party has nominated Dr. , pediatrician and peace activist,. as a stand-in presidential candidate and , former Washington, D. C. School Board president as vice president,. pending a convention de­ cision. The PP has four sites under consideration for this summer's national convention and they are Kansas City, Miami, St. Louis, and San Diego. Bob Kunst conventio~ coordinator has recommended Miami but there are several political and logical considerations - which favor a St. Lou~s convention. Kunst· has based his argument on the following four assumptions: Disillusioned, delegates will walk out of the Democratic Convention and jciin the PP Convention: the street people demonstrating in Miami will attend the PP Convention: one or more unsuccessful candidates will offer to be the PP candidate and: members of the press Will stay in Miami to cover the PP Con­ (;ii4 ·. ... ·.. vention~ .

The ad hoc committee for a St. Louis convention has taken· issue with Kunst's arguments. This committee feels that there is no reason to- expect a mass· defection of democratic delegates.· In 1968 when the New Party made ·an effort to recruit delegates to help form a fourth party one delegate actually lent support. On Kunst's second point, the committee does not foresee the street people being financially able to stay an ad.ditional four or five days in Miami. A democrat seeking the PP nomination would have to agree to help build a fourth party to support the platform which the com.mittee docs not (oresee. With reference to. the pre~;s, the committee b'lievcs th~ press will cov.,r-r.the PP Convention only if it mcritR national attention.

St. Louis allegedly has offered facilities for the PP Con­ vention. Many state representatives have indicated they will not come to .Miami and possibly this could result in SP,litting t~e ~p down the mtddle. Z- . .,.c.t~-. ·~< 1- f 'A''.L~-.,._

0 ...... f .. " ' ..• • t ... i ...... I I IJI ___~--..!J'I.:...I ""''__,~ ---·------iii • CALENDAR OF TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES

Astedsked items are either repo1'ted fo1' the first time, or con- ~\~ tain additions or changes to previC?usly reported activities.

*13,14,15 April, Ottawa, Canada The Coalition for Oppo~ition of Nixon's Vi§it, rt!portedly consist­ ing of Z3 differe.nt radical groups, is planning various demonstrations d~rin~ President Nixon's propos~d visit to Canada.

•Some .of the organizations involved are the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), the Canadi~n Liberation .Movement (Conl­ munist Party youth [l1'0up). the Vietnarit Moratorium Committee, the Quebec Committee Against the War in Indochina, the Montreal branch of the Young Socialists (Trotskyite group), the Vietnam Mobilization Committee and the Students for a Democratic Society-Worker Student Alliance (Progressive Labor Party youth group).

Demonstrations are planned "ior the U.S. Consulate offices in Toronto and Montreal on April 13th and 14th. A small protest is sched­ - uled !or the U.S. Em~assy in Ottawa at 4:30 p.m. on April 13th,and a large demonstration i's to commence at Z p. m: _on ~p~il lS_th whi~h w!ll. J include a mass march to Parliament Hill. 11 ~~· 1.1 · t·, :,· ?f " ) I l ~f' 1. Ji.. ~--,~ -~i.:.-;:j: ... ?l /"'.i'J/1 :J -~l - 1~((:/!1) *14 April, Nationwide Students for a Democratic Society will reportedly sponsor demon­ ~ strations throughout the United States on April 14th at Ethiopian Con­ sulates. The demonstrators are protesting the usc o{ Ethiopian troops at the University of Haile Salassie, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, during February of this year.

An alleged ISO students were killed and I,, 500 arrested during a student uprising. In the absence of Ethiopian consulates, demonstra­ tions are to be held at U.s. Government buildings. c..,:· I ~'._•-r'.. ,.._ ···t·. ·• , ..• , ·•, ... ~ (' ,,.., J ,.z,'"' _,_)_ .. *IS April, Nationwide. The Peoples Coalition Cor Peace and Justice, the Wa.r Resisters League, and the War will sponsor local demonstrations across the country proter:;tinJ; the use of tax money for continuation of tJire war while pr·essing doRlestic needs are ne~lected.

The PCPJ has announced plans for antiwar demonstrations in ~;::~~ -~ ·.·

. ------·-- .. -----··-·-·· lcooo1s2o3 .. -.....---._ __ ·- • Washington,. D. C. April 15-16. The ciemonstrations are b(!ing organiz(!d on Jln emergency basis to protest the escalation of U.S. bombing iri North Vietnam. Plans call for a march on April 15, to Lafayette Square, where a mass sit-down will take place. ·

Demonstrators who stay over April 16 will be able to participate in "~A•orkshops on future antiwar actions. Participation is expected to be light in view of th~ short lead time for publicity. . · .. ,'\) ,.,.~l_; " .L( ~ c~.. ,. :? .2 s:: 16 ApFil, St.· Louis, Missouri " 'the Young Workers Liberation League, the St. Louis Committee to Free Angela Davis and the Black Youth Alliance will sponsor a con­ ference on the trial of Angela Davis. Tbe conference will be held in the Sheldon Memorial Building, 3648 w·ishington Avenue at 3 p.m. on the above date. The program will include the "trial" of President N.ixon and Governor Reagan for conspiracy against Miss Davis, musical enter­ tainment, speeches and a panel discussion of the increasing repression against the people. The film, ''Angela Davis, Portrait of a Revolutionary" ~ .. will be shown. The sponsors believe ,there are many misconceptions about ~-": '· the case and urge all to come who have questions. J... ' 4 \c ;•l-.( C. 1'[, •.• 7:J_ . ,IV !•·· " /" "' - '::17 April, , New York The War Tax Resistance, an affil.iate of t:l)c Peoples .Coalition .Cor Peace and Justice.• has scheduled a vigil with leafletting at the New York City Internal Revenue Service Building, J 2.2.. Church Street, from J 1 a.m. to 2. p.m. The purpose of the above demonstration is to pro­ test the cost of the war in southeast Asia. /-· . z,,~{. ~ ,?.J.• 1 ! -rt!.j-., . rl'' '"} / 17 April--2.0 May, Nationwide ' '. The War Resisters League has recently announced a "spring calendar o{ peace actions" for April and May. These demonstrations are to be supported by the VVA W, PCPJ and various GI ~roups. The events for the forthcoming demonstrations are as follows:

17 April-- A-demonstration to protest the use of the tax dollar for the war is planned at the Alameda Naval Air Station, Alameda, . Z6 April--Antiwar demonstrations arc plnnn<:d