A Link Between Th Tic Nations

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A Link Between Th Tic Nations A LINK BETWEEN TH TIC NATIONS No. 1 1 7 Spring/Summer 2 0 0 2 € 3 -0 ® Stg£2 „S0 Alba 9 SNP Talking Independence ... s Reunification of Brittany Campaign ... • Gymdeithas Returns to Roots ... 9 Gaeltacht Commission Report... • Gael Taca . ManninM ^ ■ 'V 1 « Policies Devastating for Manx Mafion ... • Housing Crisis - Inter-Celtic Meeting . • Greater Inter-Celtic Political Action? . .. ¡& W -----J ' ALBA: C O M A N N Breizh CEILTEACH • BREIZH: KEVRE KELTIEK • CYMRU: UNDEB • É V w S CELTAIDD • ÉIRE: CONRADH CEILTEACH • ? KERNOW: KESUNYANS KELTEK • MANNIN: 1 ^ * 0 CELTIC IEAGUE COMMEEYS CELTIAGH a' Ghaidhlig Mhanainneach. D li fliosgail an Riadhaltas Manainneach ( ‘s e Fo Chrun Shasunnach a tha ann) sgoil Ghaidhlig Mhanainneach coltach ris an aon sgoil « i A lb o Ghaidhlig a ilia againn... an tc ann an Glaschu. Dh'fhosgail iad an sgoil seo sa bhaile beag Ballaeotlier faisg iir priomh- bhaile an Eilean... .Dubhghlas. "An uiridh." sgriobh Michael Russell choir, "rinn mi mo dhieheal Achd ur an A’ Phortagail, an t-Eilean Fhoghlaim Albannach a leasaehadh. Bhiodh sin a' toirt ceartas do pharantan air son tea­ gasg fhaighinn air son na cloinne aca ire mheadhan na Gitidhlig ma hhios an aireamh Mhanainneach agus ar canain fhreagarrach. "Iongantach ri radh. sa Pharlamaid againn dei rinn na partaidhean eilc uch rinn iad bhb- A ir a' mhór chuid 's ami (ha Alba cho mór robh feileadh-beag orni "Radi larsaing air a' tadh an aghaidh a' bhile! Carson? Chan eil ris a' Phortagail a' thaobh feurainn. A di. phàirc oirnn agus chi sibh an Eaglais fhios againn. bhon a gheall na Lib-Demich bhon nudi rubli Fuudach nan Gaidbeali aims Albannach!" arsa ise. agus na Laboraich gum bhiodh iad math agus a' Phortagail tha deich inilleaii neuch a' Cui fhìrinneach. bha eaglais nach robh ro tialaidh do ar canain. Chi sinn na geallaid- fuireach san dùthaich sin. ach an seo chan oil mhór an sin agus sgrìobhte ann an iarann, hean aca siia gairmean fliollaiseach, no ach cóig millean ann an Alba. "Eaglais Albannach" sa Bheurla. A d i bha manefesto, aca aig am an Taghatih Mhoir no rim iri Poi Scott gun robh Alba mar gnn gacli sunas aii a' hhord sa Phortagaileis;. General Election." robh i aims an aon leabaibh le ailbhean (de­ nocini sinn gun do dh'fhalbh na h- Feumaidh sinn na geallaidhean sin a thoirt pilano... Se sin ri rcdh Sasainn. bho a tha ì Albannaich iomadach hliailhna air ais. Ach -11 gu buil, Feumaidh sinn a bhidh sabaideadh sa cho mór is cho laidir. Mata, bn choir dhuinn chunnaic sinn gum biodh seirhheis ann air Pharlamaid Albannach agus air feadh na h- ginn bheil a' Phortagail aims an aon seòrsti Diardaoin feasgar. bhon a bha a' Chaisg a’ Alba gun stad. gus am bi a h-uile sgoil air leabaidh còmlila ris an Spaimi. dlùthachadh oirnn. feadh Alba a teagasg ire na Guidhlig. 0 cliioim ghoirid. aims a' bhaile Cascais. a An deidh na seirbliis thuirt ani ministear. 0 chionn ghoirid. rannsaich an t-A rd tha ri taobh na niara, mu Huchead mile à "A li. chi mi ginn bheil Albannaich nar Ollanih Die Maclain. Oilthigh Sruibhle. a h- Lisbon, chunnaic simi taisbeanadh sa phairc measg. Bithidh difir mor an t-seirbiieis seo sa uile euspair sna bhun-sgoilteaji far an robh far an robli gach leabhar a bhiodh c leach le­ Phortagaileis an aile Bearla." teagasg gu tur sa Ghaidhlig agus dearbh e sna sgoiltean o clieann gu ceann na Portagail. "Tha sinne a' dol chini an l-seirbheis gun robh iad a' deananih fada nas fhearr na Cm nadarrach. bha ludid leagaisg air gach Ghàidhlig. a' chanain Albannach. ann an ail fheadhainn far an robh teagasg ire Beurla. taobh. mar sheilleanan timcheall air poii- Eaglais nani Manach Liath. DunEideann!" bhon a bha arcanain a’ brosnachadh an ean- mheala. Ihreagair sinn. chainn aca. 1 hachair sum air imiaoi-teagaisg mu leth Thàinig Di-Domhnaich agus dh'iari Chuala sinn ceist. De mu dheiJhinn paran- chiad bliadlma a dh’aois. Bhon a bha mo eildear oirnn. sa Bheurla. un eeann-teagaisg tan aig nach eil facal Ghaidhlig agus iadsan fhcileadh-beag orín, thuig i gu grad gun robh sa Ghàidhlig. durachdaeh a' chlann aca a chuideachadh? mi nani Albannach. "Chu bhiodh neaeh gar tuigsinn ach a’ Mata, dh'fboillsich Roinn an Fhoghlaim Is e lath mo . ihroin nacli d'thug Bonnie bhean againn," thuirt sinn. DunEideannach da leabhar aig coig not aig Prince Charlie ' Am Prionnsa) buaidli air na “ Coma leat. an leugh sibh an eeann-tea­ gach aon. 'S e sin... “ A chiad latha” agus am Sasunnaich. Ràinig e Derby cho làisg ri gaisg anns a' chànain Albannach, mas e bhur fear eile “ Latha trang“ . Fon Wendy Laird air Lunnain... mi shealhhach... direach ini- toil e. Leughaidh neach e sa Phortagaileis as (0131) 469-3328 no WWW shealbhach.” tuirt i. bhur deidh." [email protected] agus ma "Chan e. "arsa an sgriobhadair. "bha e gun Chord ar cànain, Ghàidhlig, ris a' bhios tu air lorg fiosrachadh mu thimeheal fheum... mi-chomusach. direach mi - chomhthional anabarrach math ged nach do teagasg tre na Gaidhlig ann an DunEideann. chomasach!” thuig iud facal dhith idir. fdn Norma Martin air (0131 ) 469-3307. “Mi-shealbhach... nii-sliealbhach." arsa “Bu chòir dhuinn a bhi taingeii." arsa am Chan eil na Portagailich a' teagasg ach tre ¡se."Mata." fhreagair sinn. "bhiodh Alba cho pears'eaglais. ' “ s urrainn dhuinn Portagaileis na Potagaileis sna sgoiltean aca... eadhon saor ris a" Phortagail nan robh e air stad aig bruidhinn. faieinn. eisdeachd. leughadh anns Derby.agus bhiodh ar cànain cho iìiidir ri gach àite agus TV is raidio anns ar canain fad nuair a tha iad ag ionnsachadh Beurla. Portagaileis an diugh." an lutila. Chan eil an fheadhain a' bruidhinn Fagaidh sinn Michael Russell coir leis an fhaeal deireannach.... Feumaidh na h- “ Co-dhiii. cha robh uch aon ard-sgoil air na canain Albannach cho fortanach idir. 'S Albannaich comrag fada nas cruaidh air son feadh Lisbon uile gu leir far an robh iad a" fheudar dhuinn a bhith taingeii don leagaisg ire Portagaileis nuair a fliair sinn ar Tighearna." cothrom Gitidhlig ionnsachadh' saorsa air ais. Direach air an latini sin. bha Gun teagamh, chaidh teagasg air feadh na Gilleasbuig MacMhuirichCillt-ashuig gach sgoil eile a' teagasg tre Spainnis. oir Portagail tre na Portagaileis agus cumaidh an Lachlainn '¡lleasbuig bha sinn air ar ceann sac luid h leis an Spaimi. ” Riaghaltas tuie ris a' chànain aige gu dùrach- arsa ise. daeh. SUMMARY "Dìreach mar a tha Alba ceannsaichte le Ach. tha difir mór mór eadar teagasg anns Much o f this discussion is taken up with Sasunn agus a' chànain Shasunnach aca.” a' Phortagail is an riaghaltas Portagaileach anecdotes about experiences on the m ain­ fhreagair sitili. agus staiti na cànain Albannach againn filili land of Portugal and its offshore island rtf Bliadlma no lillà an deidh sin. bha sinn is an riaghaltas Albannach againn. Madeira. There is news front the Isle of Man. amis an edemi Portagaileach d'ani b'ainm Sgrìobh Michael Russell, fear-labhairt followed by an update o f our language. Madeira, sa phrìomh-bhaile Funchal, san SNP a thaobh an fhoghlaim. sa phuipear. Thereafter the much respected Micael Avenue Arriaga, oir bha sinn air lorg na h- ‘‘Ali t-Albannach" (12.9.01).... Bha meas Russell. SNP spokesman on education, tells oifis-turaschd. An deidh iliìosrachadh mor aige air an Eilean Mhanainneach. o f Ills experiences in the Scottish Parliament, fhaighinn, chunnaic am hoireannach gun Gedcho beag’s a iha e. tha e a' cùmail tuie ris where he found, to his dismay, that the three Gaelic in the M a ss M e d ia Scottish Executive “Murdering Gaelic” Broadcasting The BBC Alba website is particularly compre­ hensive, containing information online The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Gaelic broadcasting, unlike Gaelic educa­ Gaelic radio, a news website, bulletin boards, and Sport, Mike Watson MSP who tion, seems to be on the verge of a major programme listings, children's pages and a also has responsibility for Gaelic has expansion at present. Following the recom­ Gaelic learners course. A number of websites revealed that the Scottish Executive mendations of two Government funded are also operated by the Gaelic agencies. The have no plans to legislate for Gaelic reports on Gaelic television, the Scottish largest and most significant of these sites or to significantly expand funding for Executive and UK Government are giving are operated by Cli - the New Gaels the language. serious consideration to their recommenda­ (www.cli.org.uk), the national Gaelic In an interview with the Scotsman tion that a digital Gaelic television channel resource centre An Storlann (www.stor- newspaper, Watson said “I see be established. At present Gaelic television iann.eo.uk) and the Gaelic books' council Gaelic at the very heart of Scottish programmes are shown on the BBC and on (www.gaelicbooks.net). The definitive Gaelic culture" (Scotsman 20/2/01). In the the Scottish and Grampian I TV companies is that o f Sabhal Mor Ostaig same interview, however, the minister but are often relegated to poor time-slots (www.smo.uhi.ac.uk), the Gaelic medium ruled out the possibility of a Gaelic where few people can see them. college on Skye. Sabhal Mbr's website is the language act or of the implementation Gaelic radio has seen significant expansion oldest Gaelic website and contains a great of most of the key recommendations in recent times. The national Gaelic radio deal of information about all things Gaelic of the Scottish Executive commis­ station BBC Radio nan Gaidheal (RnG) has and minority language related with exten­ sioned ‘‘Revitalising Gaelic" docu­ recently been given a comprehensive web­ sive collection of links.
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