GILL, Quintin Bennett Personal Parliamentary Profile
GILL, Quintin Bennett Personal Born:Born: 27th27th November 1959,1959, Blackburn, Lancashire ParentsParents:: A B Gill and E L Gill (née Cain) EducationEducation:: Dovecliff Grammar School, Burton upon Trent;Trent; Royal Navy 1977-81;1977-81; UK L A SocialSocial Services Departments 1983-89;1983-89; Suffolk College CQSW 1989-911989-91 FamilyFamily:: Married to Joy Marie (née McCaffrey) 1989,1989, 3 daughters Laura, Emma and Alison Career:Career: IOM Government, Department of Home Affairs Probation Officer 1990-95;1990-95; Personnel Office Welfare Officer 1995-96;1995-96; Department of Health and Social Security Social Worker 1996-20011996-2001 Public Service:Service: Port St Mary Commissioners 2001-02,2001-02, TA (3(V) StaffordshireStaffordshire Regiment) 1984-90;1984-90; Trustee: Relate (IOM) 19991999-date,-date, IOM Alcohol Advisory Service 2001-date;-date; Vice Chairman: Southern Befrienders PublicationsPublications:: Co-compiled-compiled `Tynwaldballs'‘Tynwaldballs’ -– a collection of quotes and gaffes from the Manx parliament Interests:Interests: Family, walking, Manx dancing, Everton Football Club Parliamentary Profile Member of the House of Keys 2001-112001-11 Parliamentary Career Member: DepartmentDepartment of Home Affairs 2002-042002-04 and 2005-06,2005-06, Department of Education 2002-05,2002-05, Department of Tourism and Leisure 2006-09,2006-09, Department of Trade and Industry 2006-08,2006-08, House of Keys representative on Manx Heritage Trust 2002-06,2002-06, Public Lottery Trust 2002-06,2002-06, Department of Local Government
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