1 Austerity and Anti-Austerity: the political economy of refusal in ‘low resistance’ models of capitalism1 David J. Bailey Department of Political Science and International Studies, University of Birmingham
[email protected] and Saori Shibata Leiden Institute for Area Studies, Leiden University
[email protected] 1 This article presents a summary and analysis of findings from fourteen cases of austerity proposals in two countries (Japan and the UK). For reasons of space we discuss here only the summary findings, alongside the more interesting cases that illustrate some of the key findings. However, we present each of the narratives in full in a website that accompanies the article, thereby allowing both transparency and replicability. The website is available here: https://antiausteritylowresistancecapitalism.wordpress.com/. Earlier versions of the paper were presented at the CPERN mid-term conference 2014 (Vienna) and 2016 (Ljubljana), EISA Annual Conference 2015 (Sicily), BISA-IPEG Annual Conference 2015 (Manchester), Warwick New Directions in IPE 2015, SPERI conference 2016, Colloquium on European civil society, politics and democracy (University of Jyväskylä 2015), Leiden Political Economy Group 2016, and the Workshop on Resistance and Alternatives to Austerity, Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA) at De Montfort University 2016. We are grateful for comments from André Broome, Ian Bruff, Phil Cerny, Mònica Clua-Losada, Adam Fishwick, Niilo Kauppi, Nicholas Kiersey, Markku Lonkila, Phoebe Moore, Len Seabrooke, Liam Stanley, Wanda Vrasti, and Matt Watson. The four anonymous reviewers each provided extremely helpful and detailed comments, and Hugh Ward assisted us enormously in his editorial guidance. All remaining errors are our own.