Contract YOU'RE IN THE ARMY NOW —By Here Ficklen THE SPIRIT (Keep up with Tbt Spirit’s war au trim* to The Sunday Star's sarnie beak.) —By Will Eisner Winning i r ^ 4 By THE rOCR ACES. YOU'VE aor A MMM— MS wwy suu, lSvv«LL,COJROBNTJALLV, MMAMVt-nUi — (Dwrld Bruct Barnitone. Merwln D rSPIRIT!! say, LOT OP NBB.VE 5 MUST SB ON spiarr.ocpal\ £m ~ Howard — A Meter Oewald Jacoby and ABf CO ULD YOU LIT YOU -YOU A Bid CASE/ BIS WL00WN6 FOB tomomow Schenken. world’s leading team-oi- WHAT YOU) ^ ^ — —ea— «A7» TO NIGHT IS TH1 SPAJN6 SJUlff four. In yen tors ol the system that DOING IN < MB Ml YOUR OUTLAW- ER-- BESIDES /✓£*£ \ I has beaten every other system In L HOLLYWOOD* ) UST OP MISSING THAT 15 — ME USUA.U.V COULD you \ TABS TO 1 X SHALL. DOLES* YOU UP *4 existence.) PBRSONS *1 TICHNICALLY E > HELPS LET AN OLD PAL— J THE SPBIN6 1 TMB MOST BSAUTtAUL I law//* IB— IN ON THIS / BALL TO- I GOWN •••THEN HA.mAII SHALL Ljhe — Unusual Defense V_ CABE-OL' MOBBOW J\ AM MOVA YOU B BANDAGES N»HT OL' I TMB SIGHT , I'LL WILL J to make l PAL-* {1 WAGES.. It is usually good tactics PBlGHTEN BOOIS KACLLOPP A declarer ruff, but to prevent duiymy vJ^slV "*■*)II TO from ruffing. In today’s hand East OttACTM/f_ properly elected to ignore that gen- eral principle. East dealer. Both tides vulnerable. A 10 5 PAK97 OQJ9852 *9 I'_ ^ AQ984 AKJ73 Ml T>»* I -*q v V »M Ti'Niv a 7? 84 2 ^5 w E Trademark Applied OAK7 adventures are a The Star's colored comics 063 Wo OAKY DOAKS For U. 8. Patent Office (Oaky’s regular feature af Sunday —By R. B. Fuller A q 76 4 A A 1085 3 r a A A 6 2 WHAT BAD NEWS I-IT'5 L-LIKE -THERE'S A (WAMT ON THE HE'S SCARING PEOPLE— WELL, WHY VOUR MAJESTY, WITH 7? Q J 10 6 3 } DOESN'T; ( DO NOU THIS, YOUR *> LOOSE IN THE PROVINCE OF somebody do ' VDUR PERMISSION 111 0 104 BRING, GIANT# AND BUSTING HOUSES -, l 1 O SOMETHING ABOUT , 4KJ2 VARLET?, M-MAJESTY- WLDAUA/r* mru AND WRECKING TOWNS- SOMETHING//j (t SPEAK GIANT/ The bidding: AND UPROOTING TREES- —^THAT East. South. West. North. \ UP/ AND— 1* 17? Pass 47? AND- \ Pass Pass Pass OH, IT'S A spade opening lead would have 3 -/O' AWFUL/ led to an easy set. but West nat- jaTfeas and urally opened the four of clubs, "Who the heck has been chewing gum?" East took the ace and shifted to a low spade. South took the spade ace at once and cashed the club king, CROSS-WORD PUZZLE discarding dummy’s losing spade. the four of diamonds, HORIZONTAL. Then he led | playing the jack from dummy. 1. To burn. 19. Noisy 30. Vastness. 42. To fore- mm of dia- teJ East won with the king 6. Direction. dispute. 33. Jest. ordain. monds and looked around for a way 21. 45. Six. 11. Coarse Spanish 34. To to defeat the contract. It looked as cigar. article. depart. 46. Mudworm. though dummy would be good after 12. Poem by 22. To frighten. 35. Poetic: Hin- 48. Cubic meter. one more round of diamonds, and Vergil. 24. Thus. dustan. 49. Spanish hero. South would thus lose only one club 14. consume. 25. Unusual. 37. Certain. 50. To Cherry-red. DINKY DINKERTON (Don’t mitt Dinkerton's hilarious adventures in the colored comic section on Sundays. I Art Huhta and two diamonds. The only chance 15. Group of 27. Before. 38. Molten lava. 52. Distributes. —By Ot shutting out the diamonds lay in three. 28. Pronoun. 39. Essence. 54. To postpone. rSTVCK CLOSE TO U5M INCOME 'iOO vjavt. oorr i ruffing down the dummy so that 17. Girl's name. 29. To pursue, as 41. Part of 55. Approxi- ON,^ HE GOES ! BETj 'GVP-THE PEEPS* 1 MEN! I (THERE South could not return to dummy 18. Article. "to be." mates. BET1 ABOUT GET A PARACHUTE game. HEBE —WE DOsTT J\ \ LETS GO/ !j after drawing trumps. y TWO VERTICAL. HAVE TO LOOK biO Acting on that hope. East returned .FURTHER FOR THE LYNCHES/ a low after winning the dia- 1. Posture. 8. Printer's 28. Nook. 38. Star-shaped spade THIEF! mond king. Dummy ruffed with the 2. Folding bed. measure. 29. Chines# figure. seven of hearts and returned the 3. Symbol for 9. Born. ^-T^AnOKlO measure. 39. To anoint deuce of diamonds. East wavered, silver. 10. To amuse. fearing that South might have no 4. Measure of 111. Oceans. 31. Earth ♦0. Frees. more diamonds, but finally put up capacity ; 13. Valley. goddess. 43. Existence. 32. the ace and led the king of spades (var). : 16. To encourage. PrepAtion. 44. Pertla. Dummy had to ruff with the nine of 5. Egyptian unit 19. Inflicted. 33. Leaped. ! 47. Crude metal. hearts and now It was impossible for of length. 20. Learned. 36. Ship's , South to make his contract. 6. Spanish | 23. Protection. cranes. 49. Centtr. : He made a good try by cashing dance. 26. Archaic: 37. Levantine 51. Whether.. the heart king and returning the 7. To stagger. i About. sailing vessel. 53. Note bf scale. queen of diamonds. When East fol- lowed suit, South had to ruff with i b 14 I? the ten of hearts to shut West out. [21 i*~| ]« Ji» South could have ruffed his last club at this but could not have re- point, r1 turned from dummy without setting [u-5-3-| up a trump trick for West. Instead, u 5 5S kno SPUNKIE (There’s always a full quota of adventure and fun in the colored comic section of Ike Sunday Star.) Byrnes South led a trump to dummy’s ace, """" —By Loy hoping for a 2-2 break. When trumps li failed to break, South had to lose jt» JMDO TREACHEROUS CURVES, AN4Y FROM THE CROWOED CAPITAL, REP PUSHES HtS «H> OP905 WS DOOR *5 ELMCE »CX- another trick. ST” 23 J4 s“ » RIG 70 THE OWC VMLE RACING TOWARD HIM, UNSEEN, ROARS ANOTHER RUSE TRUCK -PKWS «5 EYES OFF THE A>© JUSTASBSONP —■ _ //A r. were Ja- Yesterday you Oswald CANT STOP POR and. with neither coby’s partner LIGHTS OR AW* §ide vulnerable, you held: nzzzizzBtzzij WHAT 30 31 31 THING PISE WITH * AK74 t? a TMIf HAUL* J8 33 3 S“ «KQ10 wfo* * A J74 37 40“ The bidding: fichenken. You. Burnstone. Jacoby. 43 44 Pass (?) 41 « MS Anrwer—Bid one club. With four- 46 47 ** eard suits in both clubs and spades. j||| It is almost invariably better to bid ^^4* 53 clubs first. 50 51 52 Score 100 per cent for one club, 70 STRAIGHT FOR EACH OTHER., THEM ^ per cent for one spade. 30 per cent 54 5 TECS SCREECH AW THE TRUCKS SW1N6 for one no-trump. r*6T NTH A HAIRS BREWTH BETWEBI 'EM Question No. 1,016. 5-W>| Today you hold the same hand, BO (Bo it tout tx interesting—just es human—in the colored comic section ef The Sunday Stnr.) —By Frank Beck and the bidding continue. LETTER-OUT You. Burnstone. Schenken. Jacoby. \ m TV* MAR I* 00*43 TO < V Tftnc IS AUMBTS B0ASTM6 to LONC.TMX— COM Pass 1* It? Pass Letter-Out pnd put It pwar. CUT DOWN ON CANNED 006 } ABOUT THE BfO BONES HE ( f Ml MAU.Y HAi A f-f Pass (? > 1 SPORTIVE I tPOOO AND MEAT PD BITTER J r» BETS. I HAVE NT POUND A J Lwnopper What do bid? (Answer tomor- I UP A OF DECENT SIKO ONE YET. rmm.J \ you — ■*■ Rumf RESERVE S | J row.) L PONS9. MEM,HEM. 1 KNOW ) \ I GUESS THU ONE ■ L«tt*r-Out tot lent pelts. * ■ VHERf TRJX HAS A (Released by the Bell Syndicate. l*e.) ^ m™- 2 PASSER 2 r^~T~l The Four Aces will be Blessed to an- rj-tPEVDORWD. trom if a «wer letters readers stamped Letter-Out and it mean* vfcm It Is In- <3-eentl. sell-addressed envelope csmt from closed with each communication ad- 3 DRIVELED dressed to the Four Aces, cere of The 3 Evening Star. If you uesire the pocket outline of the Four Aces' system of Letter-Out and ther parted nunarp. contract bridge, send with your request to the Four Aces, care of The Evening 4 DISTURBER 4 Star, a stamped (3-cent). self-addressed, iarre-siie envelope and you will receive an outline without any charge Letter-Out pod thtr cent Is rltir, m 5 PARAPET 5 Take Word for It My Remove one letter from each wo*d and rearrange to apell the word FRANK COLBY. By j called for In the last column. Print the letter in center column opposite l the word from which you have removed it. If you have "Lettered-Out” Aspirant ! correctly it is South African open country. Noun. One who aspires to hold ]JbL an elective office. Answer to LETTER-OUT. Yesterday’! else in the colored comic section.) Frank Wead and Russell Keaton Letter-Out FLYIN' JENNY (Flyin' Jenny files every Sunday —By Nine out of ten will mispronounce (H) HURTLES—SUTLER (a small trader). this word it ^ "AS-puh-r'nt,” making r THAT* twyoWQ LAP rjfwwv, cMito, \ jurr *au suggest a popular painkiller in tab- (U) REBUKERS—BERSERK (he goes mad). vounS'w/ But x'M WWAT’Rf >OU rWoirUJK** ^ let form. But “AS-puh-r’nt” Is out- (T) LEATHER—HEALER (what you want when 111). VOOW' TO 'OUR side the of L Brmw voucxw £ USV'OROKw/ttfP pale dictionary respecta- (C) CASERN—SNARE (catch). v— blUty. “Naughty, naughty,” says ^po'w/^4 Mr. Webster. (H) HARPIES—PRAISE (reward). Incidentally, an aspirant to of- fice does not become a candidate Benny, Allen, Molly and Jim Jor- today. Send a ■♦■wiped (1-eeat), (KAN-di-dalt) until he has been dan, Fields, Hope, Astaire, Cantor, •elf-addreeeed enretope to Frank nominated for election. Will Rogers, to name but a few. Colby, in ear* ef The I renin* Aspirant should be accented on Star. A* for free FXOWEK the second syllable, which rhymes Free Flower Pamphlet. Ton’ll Pamphlet. Pleaae make m yenr with Be as- by, my. sure,to say: want my pamphlet that fives the return enrelope beam a 2-eent PY-r’nt. correct pronunciation of more ■tamp. (Capitals indicate syllables to be than 200 flowers, shrubs, etc. (RelMMd br Th« aradUete. hu.) accented.) Invaluable to gardeners, flower lovers. All names are given In How Did It Start? easy phonetic spelling. Supply is Macon: What is meant by the limited; will not be offered after expression "Legitimate Stage?”—J. F. M. TViM* any Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle day* tHougHti Answer: The expression is old in go off • 1-0 show business. It first designated drifting I euwot do % tkind 1 (Watch for Mutt and Jeff’s laughable escapades in the colored comic section of The Sunday Star,) Bud Fisher the literary drama, such as Shake- MUTT AND JEFF —By speare’s plays, as opposed to the TK« %ir tk&ftV filled f melodrama or the farce. Later, it wrtK Uimi in I nil WHAT AM I RVNNlNtf) served as a term to distinguish be- la filUd FOR? MV NAME r* tween any spoken play and musical witk 4nimi comedy or vaudeville, especially the in apring. nUSNV JOM£S?J latter, for In the first days of vaude- ville. ‘legitimate” actors held them- nw selves icily aloof from vaudevillians, whom they regarded as “creatures of the music halls, beer gardens and variety shows.” a rise in m Despite spectacular pub- lic favor, vaudeville did not long endure. But It did give us some of th« most famous theatrical names: UNCLE RAY'S CORNER —Cobegos and 'Flying Foxes' trouble. The am There is an animal in the Dutch little animal I MO East Indies which has been a puzzle thinking of lives in Australia. It Is to scientists. It has a length of not a true mouse, but Is about the about 18 Inches ahd on its body is same size. It has fur like that of a aof£, short fur. Most of the time it 7*^- mouse. It also has nearly the same spends in the trees. It is active at shape, except for the skin folds at night, not during the daytime. FLYING the sides which make the “wings.” ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. Scientists have been puzzled* be- FOX "Flying mice” of Australia live In cause this animal does not seem to trees. They feed chiefly upon leaves, GRACEFUL GERTIE ha1* any close relative. buds and berries. The Island of ■ YEAST LIKE THE ' Sometimes it is called a “flying Ceylon and other YOU'RE A STREAMLINED |KNOW ABOUT VITAMINS... BUT WHAT5 GROCERY CARRIES.' AND FLEISCHMANNS IS DELICIOUS I lands SWEETIE, ! YEAST? r———' leqtfir," but the name of ‘‘cobego’’ around the Indian Ocean AND MISTAKE.' BUT YOU L THE B COMPLEX? £ FLEISCHMANN'S TO TAKE THIS NEW WAY- IN TOMATO •AT REST NO WERE, fl is preferred. It is not a true mem- | have "flying foxes," also known as A IN A GLASS SURE RUN-DOWN AND r ONE BIG 1 RIGHT! I LIKE JUICE! MASH CAKE DRY B ben of the lemur family. Perhaps “fruit bats.” They are overgrown ITS FRONT-PAGE NEWS! ITS THE f FLEISCHMANN'S > V SKINNY A WHILE BEST IN TO WITH A FORK, AOO A LITTLE TOMATO th* be6t we can do is to say, “A bats. Those found In Ceylon have GROUP OF VITAMINS SCIENTISTS ARE TALKING BECAUSE, ADDITION | IT HAS OTHER j STIR TILL BLENDED. FILL I roteego is a furry animal, about the bodies as much as a foot long and x^V M5ST ABOUT.’ LACK OF IT KEEPS THE B COMPLEX, JUICE, MILLIONSA4 of a house and it has the their as much as four SOURCES ARE NATURAL VITAMINS NOT FOUND IN ANV / f UP THE GLASS AND sis# cat, spread wings 8EL0W PAR. ONLV ^ DRINK...Jagg® i a PQVpr of gliding through the air.” or five feet. P^^IIItit^founoout -—v SOURCES, LIKE YEAST, OTHER YEAST. COSTS ONLY A twice day. rsn—rpaHP® MJ II 11 HAD A*VITAMIN IT'S « Cpbegos live in dens# forests. (For Nature taction of your terasbook.) y \ FEW PENNIES. MIGHT STREAM-, SWELL/ X k j ] PBPfi make noise which sounds like J/xSS*> \ B COMPLEX l LINE YOU UP A They If you wish a copy of the leaf- gj m

S Boys and Girls, Read The Junior Star Every Sunday :• 584!