COMPLETE OVER 5.000 Coverage in Newt o»d People in Springfield Circulation - - - Read . It In the Sea Read the Sun Each Week

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER SPRINGFIELD. N.J.,-THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 OFFICIAL NBW8PAPEB VOL..XXIV—No. 25 BOROUGH Or MOUNTAINSIDE TOWNSHIP OF BPHINGFULD 10* A COPY. $3.50 BY THE YEAR Brave Hazards Daily LISTEN PTA President Cancer Drive Police Promotion Delayed Supported by In Township At Stormy Town Meeting; Residents Next Weekend Marshall Refuses to Vote Dammig's Stand Volunteer List TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS On Sidewalks Of Workers Told CLOSE FOR EASTER Democrats Say Lieutenant Gets Approval By J. LFocht Township nchoolK will close today (Thursday) for (he Position Is Not Necessary Enthusiastic indorsement Final plans were made for Easter Vacation. Supervising of the stand taken by Alvin the 1949 cancer fund appeal Principal Benjamin New-., A motion calling for the promotion of Sergeant Wil- FRIENDS!! Pairimig, o president of the at a meeting of the general Hwnnger has announced that liam Thompson to the post of lieutenant in the police de- Springfield o Parent - Teacher committee Tuesday night in they will reopen on Monday, partment was lost by a two-two vote last night at one of the Association, that the safety Town Hall. Joseph L. Focht, April 25. This will give all stormiest meetings of the Township. Committee in recent Next week's ncwrfpaper will of Springfield children is the committee chairman of the school children and instruc- months. Mayor Marshall failed to break the deadlock on tors a ten-day Easier holiday. the question between RepublicattS7tOTd~Dehibcrats by refus- carry quite a story on the re- direct concern of the Town- Springfield Committee for Many children will spend the sults of an Industrial survey made ship Committee, has been the American Cancer Society ing to cast his ballot until he could further investigate. given by a number of town- tikne on the local play areas —Pointing out that the governing by a committee of the Chamber told the group that the drive while others are expected to board had just unanimously ship residents following pub- will be conducted over the take motor tripp with their NEW ROTARY HEAD of Commerce . . . now being stud- lication of his stand last week adopted an ordinance which ied by chamber loaders, the re- weekend of April 22 to 25. parents. created the post of lieutenant tho in the Springfield Sun, it was Mrs. Frederick Sylvester will mayor said thero presumably was port lists cloven potential sites for learned today. Prior to its be co-chairman. somo reason for failure to approve industrial concerns ."all of meeting last night there was The committeo chairman said tho promotion. With tho motion which, of course, brings to mind no reaction to the association that tho group will endeavor to top Rotary Will Hold being presented on two occasions * that famous radio statement of president's blast by the gov- the 52,200 goal established for thi by Police Commissioner Albcrt~G. erning board. township. He warned that only Binder and seconded by. Road Com- last summer, "We don't want in- cooperation and team-work among missioner Frod A. Brown, both Re-*1 dustry because Springfield Is an Queried about tho suggestion by Old Clothes Drive' tho Township Committee that tho all committee memfiers can make A travelogue in color, "All publicans, dissenting votes were oasis for jangled nerves" or some- the campaign successful. He point- cast by Firo Commissioner Francis association conduct a survey which ed out that tho welfare of Spring- Around Arkansas," was seen by thing to thai effect! would have as Its objective the members of the Springfield Rotary J. Keane and Finance Commis- .solicitation of support of residents field residents Is the group's prin- sioner Georgo M. Turk, Democrats. cipal concern and pointed out that Club at Its luncheon meeting Tues Thc_mnyor indicated ho wanted an The garret' in tho town hall on whoso property sidewalks would (Photo by Bob Smith) day noon ln~the~~Hltchln~Post~Inn7 bo constructed, Mr. Dammlg said cancer control Is one of the im- additional week to studjrall phases ntill contain* the WI'A clothes A scene on Mountain where tiny school children portant steps in this consideration. Route 29. The f Him, arranged "by involving the promotion. Tho ses- we mentioned previouttly in this that the association, is neither, A are exposed to the hazards of traffic because there are no Charles Mayer, club treasurer, was pressure nor a political group and Announcement was mado that sion finally was adjourned untlt column . . .it seem* iomeone sidewalks there on which to walk. The situation has existed Hans Deh will assist Herbert A. provided by tho Kswo Standard Oil next Wednesday night. that fundamentally introduction lof Co. for years despite the protests of the Board of Education Kuvln in the business drive. Mrs. -" Ono of the bitterest doiatesr,ln • • brought attention to the Kiibjeot an ordinance to provide the necdea Robert Roos, convention chair- sidewalks and eliminate the danger and the Springfield Parent-Teacher Association. The Town- Janes . Phillips and Max Sherman ho recent history of the governing at u Township Committee meet- wcro listed to replace Mrs. Robert man, announced a tentative list of board took place between ' Binder ing a month or NO ago, but it wns hazard to child .en walking—"to ship Committee is considering an ordinance for construc- school is the function of the tion of sidewalks in the danger area. Meanwhile Spring- W. Marshall and .Mra.-Daniel Maid- speakers for the International Con- and Keano as the former recom- before the days of the sound Township Committee. field children daily walk along more than a dozen streets ling Jr., as leaders in their respec- vention June 12 to 16 in New York mended Thompson's promotion. -system—and—the_tesult—is—uifc T-ho-associatlon's-cxocutivo—com- tive division's. City, headed by Trygve Lie, sec- Keane said that ho had not boon at-the-mercy-of-fast-driving-motoristsr-— —; — Tho following block captains retary-general of tho United Na- consulted as a rriejnbcr of the known . . . perliapn if the Red mittee is scheduled to meet Tues- day evening. It is expected a deci- wore announced: First district, tions, Governor Thomaa E. Dewoy pollno committee. Binder replied Crows or a service club or two Mrs. D. Cool, Mrs. H. Morrison, and others. CHARLES RBMLINGKR, newly that Keano had stated publicly In sion will be made as to whether its Cop Nabs Bandit January that he was not accepting sont a representative to the gov- members believe the group's by- Lions Club Show Mrs. Charles Hlllmayc, Mrs. T. Ludwig . Stark, ' international elected prcsldent.of the. Springfield erning body'H next meeting. It laws give it sufficient authority to Dougherty, Mrs. Leslie" Joyner; service chairman, reported a sec- Rotary Club, will be inducted along committeo assignments and that, . wouldn't bo long afterward that operate in the manner suggested Within13 Minutes District 2, Mrs. Wilbur Shustor ond drive for old clothing to be with .other new officers at ccre- ho had not boon notified that ho by the Township Committee, Mr. Frank Stockel of 222 Atlantic Mrs. S. S. Cagglano, Mrs. J. P, sent overseas for European-relief, monios-slated tor-August. He will had changed his mind. Several some poor kid in urope would Will Be Sellout betlv^porte^ times after Turk joined the attack ' have ii sweater or n pair of Dammlg pointed out. A. program of ETgBt 1U5U or succeed-Mllton-Keshon, the club's the county jail today awaiting Barr, Mrs. A. W. Little, Mrs on Binder, Mayor Marshall urged pants!! The project has been hanglni Broadway entertainment will fea- for an additional shipment. A meet- first president. Remlingor, whose tho three commlttecmen to stop fire for many months. Tho initia- turo the third annual show of the Grand Jury action after he wae Frank Ronkovltz, Mrs. J. Ballard; ing of the directors, and Inconr business is hearing aids, resides arrested lost week by Radio Pa- District _?i_Mrs. _ Janics Chalmers; name calling and keep to the issue. According to one of the metro tive first wns taken by the Board Springfield Lions Club to be held ing officers for the year beginning with his wife and family at 230 During the discussion before and of Education which asked the gov- Friday evening, Ajpril 20, at the trolman Otto Sturm thirteen min- Mrs. Jacob Baler, Mrs. Walter July 1, will bo held Monday night Riverside drive. polltan dallies,' birds rather thnn utes after the latter had-recoived- Doby,_Mrs.—A^-Watkins and Mrs following a five minute recess birdies have been attracting at- erning board to pass an ordinance Roglonal High School auditorium, r at tho home of Milton Kcshen, which was called to permit the " soaking mandatory the construc- it was announced today by Region- a call from Police Headquarters C. S. Quinzel. club president. tentlon recently on thi* 4th hole at Also District 4,-Mrs. Stuart Rog- police committee to confer no gov- Baltusrol Golf Club . . it all tion of sidewalks ~along several al School Commissioner Raymond •Stockel—was--identified by a erning board member questioned v county and municipal highways Forbes, goneral chairman of the Now York couplo who forced his ors, Mrs. Richard Homer, Mrs. B Municipal Census v started when the club drained Gray, Mrs. T. Hellman, Mrs. W. Thompson's qualiflcktlortg. Keane; -' most of the water from a pond on used by the children. arrangements committee. way into their car as they w«i! despite tho fact that he had voted Since that •• tlmo members have leaving tho Howard Johnson iayton, Mrs. Honry C. McMullen; Whalen Addresses tho course ... with littlo water Jerry Toman, one of tho hlg'hest District 5, all workers; District 6 for the ordinance creating the post, left, tadpoles, • mlnnowi: and gold- discussed tho improvement but ac- ranking masters of ceremonies on Restaurant, Route 29, robbed them Nears Completion expressed belief It wasn't neces- tion never was taken beyond the oC their, cash and forced them to Mrs. R. H. Tltlcy, Mrs. R. K. fish became concentrated in Broadway, will be in char'ge of the Thompson, ,Mrs. B. T. Hubortl, Mrs Democratic Club Completion of tho first phaso of sary. Ho admitted that Thompson small area . . . a floi/k of birds conversation state. Former Mayor acts. In. addition he will take a give him a rido to Mountain ave- Regular monthly mooting of tho was a capable suporior officer. Wilbur M. Solandcr urged his fol- nue. '...,- J. King, Mrs. R. Anderson, Mrs. G. the municipal census being con- arrived at • tho pond and found turn with his own act which has '. Wiley, Mrs. P. G.'Morz, MrsfL. Springfield Democratic Club was Binder pointed out that Thompson low members of the committee to T(iey told police that Stockel ducted, by Police ..Sgt.. Albert Av : ' '^ /:./'.. •each 'day: they. made a hit In. scores of ^New York !.. Bclstler, Mrs. E. J. Schonk Mrs held Monday evening at the..Bal- had been appointed, to the -depart- . ,, would \vadc into Uie SHKIIOW water take ' action but none respondeil, night spots and theaters; appeared from'the bushes near tho r tusrol, The eesaion was Sorgo for the Police Deportment mpnt in 1021 and had been pro- apparently,, fearing that, the step W. Schramm, Mrs. W. Agast, Mrs '.r;_..-;. .'J;hey-.'havo fajlerl_to return, Another, high spot on' the pro^ restaurant as they ro-entored their F,. Stahl, and Mrs. A. H. Bolstlor; attended by '55'members' including shows that thero aro 1,433.persons motod to sorgcaht in 1931. He said "howisvorr and club personnel be- might :have political; reporcussions .gramftwlU • be a -hu»idl!lno",(ibtraotiO(n •oar. -'i^ho ooupjo, -JWr. and •"Mm" 13"new memDors; After tYio regu- ho liad servod' as acting chief on at tho polls. Many observers agree directly from a long run at tho Maurice Slcgel of 250 West Eighty- District 7, Mrs. Kenneth to Norris In the first Slstrldt, the sergeant lieve the supply of fish has been Jr., Mrs.TT~WIIliam Plain, Mrs. lar business meeting, which ln». reported today. The department several occasions and had proved exhausted,. with Police Commissioner-Albert Latin Quarter, famous Broadway fifth street, said that tho Eliza- eluded tho naming of a full corp to be capable, conscientious and G. Blndor who rocontly fyjld other Robort Bailey, ' Mrs. Charles W. night club. In addition the audi- beth man got in the car and or- Hansman, Mrs. William Wagner: of workers to man tne polls at the conducts the census in order that competent. He strcssod the nocd of — Township Committee members that ence will sec "The Make-believers," dered them to drive off. When primary, plans were discussed it may check with election regis- "Hot G.O,P. Primary Battle 'only a miracle or just luck has District 8, Mrs. W. Charles, Mrs. H. second in command. At present tho top headillner from Irving Ber- they reached Hillside and Moun- lorsaky, Mr. J. Clark, Mrs. W. concerning tho fall program of trations r) as compiiod by—the LooniK an Three Enter KUCB" ... provented a tragedy with children lin's famous motion, pietu're, "This tain avenue ho ordered the Slcgcla Barn Dances. The dates alroady there* arc-throe sergeants in the that wan the leading headline being exposed to vehicular traffic Grampp, Mrs. R. Watklns, Mrs. L. county clerk for use on Election department ranking below-Chlef.M. Is the Army," a trio which drew to pull over to the curb and took Buckley, Mrs. A. Andrew, Mrs. C. secured for these affairs, which are In Tho Sun one_year ago unil it day after, day." top billing at RKO theaters in $20 In ensh and some change from to bo held at the Old Evergreen Day. Chase Runyon. Tho chief "recom- hud reference to Fred Brown, Al _: Roberts, Mrs. J. Carney, Mrs. B, mended Thompson for tho promo- New York for many months. Other" The couple. Yuckman, Mrs. E. Zolta, Mi's. S Lodge, were announcod as. Sep- Sgt. Sorgo Bald that thero ore tion. Tho lieutenant's salary will Binder und Art Handville . . . attractions will Include "The Oliv- Tho Slcgels said he then threw tember 30 and November 4. ~But this year the nituatlon Is Bannarmer, Mrs. P. _Vltello; Dls a total of 374 homes and twenty- be $4,060. Stress Importance ers," a bevy of attractllvo chorlnea the keys of tho cat' on the back trlct 9, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mr. , G. Edward L. Whelan, Chairman of ono streets- in-the.-district._He_cx-_ entirely different . . . Tuioiiay'B and dancers from raddo, motion sqat nnd walked off In tho direc- Brenn, Mrs. J. Leonardls, Mrs. W. pressed belief that the population The governing board voted throe primary menus little if anything pictures, and television shows. tion of Mountlnsldc. Sturm made the Union County Democratic to ono to accopt the recommenda- locally and all tho big guns here Of Primary Voting Potz, Mrs. W. Miller and District Committee, addressed those pres- for the second district will be tion of the Planning Board to re- Engel Hershey, chairman of the the arrest as tho •Elizabeth man 10, Mrs. M. Cavanaugh, Mrs. J. ent and compllmontod the local similar. Howovcr, he expects both are waiting for November. The importance of votlhg In the ject the application of six residents ticket committee, has announced wns walking along Mountain ave- Bennett, Mrs. H Chcsslcr and organization on its progress and tho third and fourth' districts to of Mountain..avenue to rezone the coming primary election was the that'there aro less than 100 tickets Mrs. D. Maidllng.. be larger, ho said. Seems to us Springfield's March nue. what he termed continued fight south side of that street northeast keynote • of the Republican Club remaining to be sold. Herbert Ra- Arraigned before Magistrate for good government in the best Among tho five streeta which of Dimes campaign ended as of meeting Monday evening.. Repub- of Hillside avenue from A residen- vin has reported that the poster Honry C. McMullen, Stockel watf Interest of the peoplo of Spring- have tho largest number of resi- tial to business. Turk's voto was several weeks ago however, licans were nffordod the opportu- painting contest-conducted at Re- ordered ficnt to the county jail field. Wholan stressed that no we still know of one place where nity to meet first hand both local Cub Pack Meeting dents are South Maple avenue in opposition with tho mayor not gional High School has-been com- I ponding Grand Jury action. Police longer should any voter bo timid with slxty-olght homes and 250 voting. ~a~contalner of coins remains un- and County candidates at tho well pleted. The judgca will announce I said tho money was found in his In announcing his or her intention ' collected!-! attended session in Legion Hall.. residents; Meteel avenue with Commissioner Keane reported the winners shortly, he said. Tim- pocket. He claimed he used a Marked by Awards of being associated with tho Dem- fifty-seven homes and 181 per- Brief talks were given by Fred- that at present thero Is not suffi- othy J. Sheehan also has revealed wooden stick as a "gun" which he Once again tho outstanding fea- ocratic Party, with Its record of sons; Linden a.yonue with flfty- cient funds appropriated for the > Your columnlHt Imd the last erick-Hnndvllle and Walter Bald- that all Lions will wear bouton- poked In Mrs. Slcgcl's back. ture of the monthly Cub P*ack laugh a week ago when The Sun achievement and accomplishment .three homefl and 206 resldonte; suggested new fire whistle. Tho win, unopposed for Township nleres"on the evening of tho show mooting this week was the award- that has been beneficial to the Battle Hill avenue with forty-four published a story and picture Committeo nominations In Tues- project will bo hold over probably presentation. Ing of advancement badges. The general public, regardless of party homoo and 17B- persons and Wash- to next year, ho said. • ... on the proponed~gromHit breaking^ dayV primary. Doors of tho high school will be following were awarded: affiliations. By this declaration ceremonies for Moi-rln avenuo'n List Requirements^ ington avenue with twenty-seven —An-ordlnanco providing for the Ton candidates, were-preacnt-or- openod at 7 o'clock. The audltor- Wolf Badge, William Charles, ho~salcl, a voter •"wouldTecolve-tho homes and 88 persons. a&W_slxty-fwm!!yrgwd«" apart- mm opened—halLon nour Richard Anderson, Raymond honest regnncfc of his followmon paving and curbing of Bryant ave- ment- project • .. we've—been for—the/-General "-Aadembi^"-They- TalWPostcrs al!rv"ertTsTrig"tn"g7ih'Sw'- For RremaiuEosC Hockman, Jolirf rather—tlian—an—attitude • of^_con nue—from Baltusrol way to the ' ridiculed, heckled and honed for were G. Clifford Thomas, Florence aro being shown at tho First ,Na- Several volunteer firemen are —Vinoent—Martini,—Eat- double—figures In homes—wercr- —our prediction that the apart- P."T>wger, 'L. Thomas-Daub, Wey- tempt. WTiolan said tnc~~type or Centor-street, eleven housea, 44 duced. Hearing date was set for -tionnl~Bank, In storos and at stra- expected_ia_aj)pjy. fqr_tho post of_ -Winters; Boar Badges', Vincent candidates the Democratic Party Ap~rfr~277~Tho co3tr~of~$3;280-will- ment would-'lieeome-iU'mility .-,-, THun^Steongrafe, Donald Macltey, tegic points throughout the town- fireman in the paid firo depart- Clntiulnna^ Jay Leer-Lion Badge; rcsldento; Clinton avenue, eight- nK a matter of fuot, our critics Homer Wilder, Richard Moaer, .offers—to—the-.people from the een homes, 80 residents; Colonial bo assessed against property own- ship. ment following publication of an Rogor Weiss, Kenneth Brassier, gubernatorial candldato, Elmer rs. don't know how CIOHO thcy~wcre— Irene CJrTffln, Frod~Shepard, and advertisement in several news- Seth Brown. terrace, sixteen houses and 04 to being right! Grovor Grupe. Wone, on down tho lino to tho residents; Morrlfl avenue from James A. Callahan of 414 Moun- ELAINE COMISKEY papers last week. Applications Gold Arrow, Vincent Clnqulnna, looal candidates, "wo can bo as- H«rry E. King was the only aro being received by Fire Chief Jay Leo,.Seth Brown, Alfrod Bow- Washington to Mountain avenue, tain avenue, commenting on tho CAPPED AS NURSE surod of a glorious victory In the twenty-four homes and 13t> resi- onglneer's estimate of $18,000 for No, despite our support frj>m be- present freeholder In attendance. Charles Plnkava. Application man, Richard Gagglano, Richard fall," Other candidates for the throe po- MISH Elaine Comlskey, daughter forms may bo obtained at Fire Dawltlns, Thomas oDohorty, Ed- dente; Mountain avenue on the construction of sidewalks on ginning to end for the apurtmont, John Fltzpat'i'lck and Charles loft side of Clinton-avenue, eight- streets used by school children we do not have any .inside connec- sitions who spoke wore Kenneth of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Comis- Headquarters. ward Kent, Ralph Llndeman, Jay 1 Malr, Fre-d Haley, and Ogden key of'33' Rose avenue, recently 'Smith,- Sam • Wronsky, Vincent Kunzman, tho Freeholder candl-r een homos and 00 residents, and told the committee that a total of tions as far us the rentals are oon- Applicants mint be citizens of dates, running with George Turk throo miles of • sidewalks would corned . . . wo suggest you con- Beatty. wag capped as a student nurso at the country and residento of the Martini, Pat Winters, John Deck- Oakland avenue, twelve houses Candidates for State Committeo, capping exercises at tho Overlook er, Joo Beebo, Kevin Sullivan/ Wil- wore Introduced and spoko briefly and 34 rcsldonts. have to bo constructed. He esti- tact the owners and stop bothering township for tho pnet two years. In regard to tho""cTtmpalgn that mated tho cost at "at least $B2,- Harvey Whltcomb, William Seor Hospital School of Nursing, Sum- bur Layng, Kenneth Schroodor, this newspaper, please. No- person who has boon convicted the Democrats nro waging 000." land, and Helen Glaosor spoko. mit. of a ctimo Is eligible. Applicants Harold Starr. Tax Collector Charles H. Huff, throughout tho county and out- The appointment by tho Recrea- Here's one hot off the griddle Tho ceremony marked tho com- must be at least 21 years old and Silver Arrow, Vincent Clnqulnna, lined their qualifications for tho tion Commission of Edward Ruby candidate for reelection, was also pletion of six months of training not more than 30. Ex-Servicemen Jay Lee, Seth Brown, John Deck- . , . John Kulp, organization present. offices which thoy seek. Turk OUR POLICE as recreation supervisor was con- ,Hepubllcun election board mem- In the three year course at the have ago exemptions .equivalent er, Kevin Sullivan, Jamej Allen, thanked the candidates for their firmed. He will rocolvo $60 a month ber for tho pnHt IB or 20 yearn, Plans for a card party on Mon- fichool. According to tho achool of to their period of «ervlce. John Allen, Curtis Morz, Kenneth vlolt and their appurcnt Interest In CHIEF gay* oxcept July and August when ho day, May 16, were announced. nursing tradition the studenta re-' Registrants muflt a"pply for a Schroodor and Robort Mann. him been told he'x through be- Richard Homer Is In charge of tho local organization. will bo paid $100 a month. cause, ho signed the iietitloiiN of coivod lights for their candles physical examination on submit- On Sunday, April 24, the Cubs arrangoments. (torn the older students and to- will meet at the Town Hall at Tho meeting was presided over Do you live a charmed life? Herb Kuvlii and Tim SJhechun ting their applications. A copy of by Harold J. Kelly, tho club prcsl- Probably most of tho victims of WOMEN WILL HOLD ... no much the hotter, Niiyn gether they repeated tho Florence the birth certificate must bo fllod 11:30 a. m., to hike to Watchung CITIZENS" LEAGUE Nightingale Pledgo which has Reservation. dont, who announcod that hereafter fatal traffic accldonta last year John, "ciMMe now I'll have time 1 with the applications. Military meetings will bo highlighted by thought they did I Thero is a ro- JOINT MEETING to get out and work for them, WILL HEA RSPEAKER long been a' symbol of the aims of discharges must bo presented to The next pack mooting will bo tho nursing profession. on Friday May 6 at the James various forms of entertainment luctanco on the part of those who Tho Women's Society for Chrlo- too." John Ware, Jr., exocutlvo di- the chief, under tho regulations and asked all old nnd new mem- drive or walk to realize, and ac- rector of tho Now Jeroey Branch established by the Townshlpi Com- Caldwdl School. Tho theme of tlan Servlco of thi Mothodlst' tho month will bo a lawn decora- bom to continue their splendlf copt, a personal responsibility for Down in Union they're having of tho UnJted World Federalists, EASTER EGG HUNT mlttoo. efforts to secure1 additional work- truffle safety. Church will hold a joint mooting An Kastor Kgg Hunt wljl bo tion. tho political battle of the century will be tho principal speaker to- A similar situation oxlsta' with ers for "our cause." Just why the average person of the afternoon and cvonlg groups as usual . , , scores of'Springfield tijght (Thursday) at a mooting; of held Saturday commencing at the pollco department whero tho Tuesday, 8 p. m., in tho church. 10:30 a. in. on tho playgrounds SELECT RESIDENTS fools that Joo Doaltos, who Itf kill- oyoB are centered on the neigh- the Cltlzenw Loague nt Town Hall, same requirements have,been es- KtrMMAOK HAW, ed or injured in a traffic acci- boring .town in connection with Tho session has boon announced at Wontz and Edgowood avenues tablished for aspirants who must FOR DUTY ON JURY The Public Welfare Department Henry C. Oh, of Korea, a student dent, is some ono special—«omc of Drew University, will speak Tuesday's primary the-outs by Louis W, Plgnolet, prosldeht 'Under the sponsorship of tho Bal- present their applications to Chief Among tho township residents of tho Womons Club will hold a tusrol Civic Association. Tho group 1 dne marked by Destiny.for mis- on "Korea Today." A graduato of have accused the Inn of all sorts of the League. of Pollco M. Chase Runyon. At Miloctod for duty during tho re- rummage salo on Apr ! 21 and 22 fortune—Is a mystery, of mismanagement, but It's our Waro will dlscu&s u resolution Is compowod of residents of Hill- present there aro thirteen mom- mainder of tlic January session at the Shelter House, Taylor Park, Aoyama Gakuln Theological Sem- 1 Hide, Mapos, Romer, Edgowood, bors In the department including Tho best way to lower tho odds inary, Toyko, ho served us secre- prediction the Ins wll stay . .' . Introduced by former Awsembly- of the 1010 term aro Robort N Mlllburn, from 0 a.m, to B p.m. against yourself- Is to remember they've given tho" town swell gov- mun Joseph L. Brcscher, when he Wonts and Mountain avonuos. IS. four superior officers. An addi- Street, 500 Mountain-avenue; Mrs tary to tho Methodist's /Mission of- J. Schnell, recreation •dlroctor, of tional patrolman will be named. FHATKUNITV MKMBKll ' that when you're behind tho ernment and have been responsible was a member of tho lcglwlaturo, Bridget Tappln, 41 Maple avenue \yheol of your ear you're llko a fice in Seoul, Korea; was uppolnt- for its current high standing . . . which was paused rocontly. Tho the association, will bo In charge. Tho present personnel of tho f Iro and Mrs. Ellzaboth R. Krohenbuhl, James H. Lovoll Jr., of 133, Short oil associate pastor of tho Central H, R. Wonborg, association presi- department Included the chief and Hills Ave., Sprlngflold, hius boon rolling powdet- keg with a lighted F. Ed B. .might bo the big boss, meusuro favors world government! Mil Linden avenue, They were an- flWe, Methodist Church. Seoul, in 1042, but ho knows his business and Is He also will describe what can be dent, has announced that the egg two firemen. The Township Com- nounced by Sheriff Charles E. ((lodged to Beta Sigma of Thota and served'as Interpreter for the hunt will "he open to children of mlttoo him authorized an addi- Chi, national social fraternity at "IT CAN HAPPIflN TO YOU" Is tho kind of a guy Springfield done locally to foster the world Ay res and William A. Bourdon, no Idle figure o( speech. U.S. Army in 1046. Jthould hav« had yearn ago. government niovonient. all ages. Prhea will be uwardod. tional fliemun. jury commissioners. Lehigh University. Pago Tt_ THE SPRINGFIELD SUN", THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949 10:<5 a. m., Worohip. Antlit-ms: "The scientific unity which St. Rose P.T.A. "Wnkir Up, My Glory," Barnby; t-xlhtt, between God and man miibt Troth Announced REGIONAL Hl-LITES Elects M+sr-Gates "The Lord U Ruwn," Stulia; Ser- hi- wrought out In life-practice, a>id by Barb Kormer mon: "The World'a Gri-atest God'» will mutt be . universally On Birthday New*.." done." (p. 202) Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Brereton of Church Notes 3:30 p. m., Service of Infant Baueball and track tire well un- few weblos. Good luck, girls! The Presbyterian Church Uhlp. Sermon topic for the day: Baptisms. 36 Clinton avenue. New Provi- "Now and Forever." der way now, with thru.- bast-bull A number of choir students will Bruce W. Evans, Minister ADULT RIDING UNIT , dence, announced the engagement Kainon scheduled for th'y week and attind the'dross rehearsal of thu New members will be received of their daughter, Lee, to Frank- « • <* ut thu 11 o'clock service. Grace Lutheran Church FORMED IN SUMMIT mixt, urid two track r.ieets on the Montclair Operottu Club which On Easter morning there will be lin T. Boyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. 7 Ticket* arc 'now available for "Tlie Little Church In the Valley" Organization of an adult riding HK'-ndu for next week. On Tui'jT will ),n -hold this cumins Tuesduy. identical services at 0:15 and 11 Vauxhal) road and Hobart >treet group to begin riding April 19 has J._ A- Bpyce of Berkeley Heights, day of this wi>tk we piuyod a base- Thi.-lr performance will be the the Mother imd Daughter Baiuiutt a, m. The sermon topic will be sponsored annually by the Aleth<.-a Union, N. J. been announced by T. N. Tully, at a birthday dinner last week ball game with Plngry Prep, but operetta "The Count of Luxem- j 'Thu Nativity of Hope." The director of troops, Watchung Bible Clasj> and the Women's • • • In Mks Brcruton's honor. -as of the time that I am writing bourg," Sacrament of I3nptUm will be ob- Kvv. ML von Spreckelsen Stables, Glenslde avenue, Summit. Servi-ee Club. The ?ffalr will be Miss Brereton waa graduated thi.s, the scon: Is «ti!l unknown. Something which herf been lack- fltrved at the early service. Special held on May 6th this year. Mem- Sundoy School 9:15 a. m. The group will meet for a season On Saturday a game with Ro»i;lle Ing from the annual'Spring Con- choir under ' the direction of bers of either organization will-be Church Service 10;30 a. m, of eight rides, TUlly said that In- from Summit High School. Mr. Park will be played ut home, and cert for the past fow years it the Charles H. Sills will be: "Now glad to, supply tickets to those Holy Week service* at Grace struction is now being given to Boyce, who was graduated from more than 400 members of the' on Tuesday of next week there mule chorus, Thin group has been God be Praised," Vulpius; 'The who ere planning to go. Lutheran Church are to be held Regional High School, served as revived and Is r MlasOUlbrlch took a trip the Parent Teacher'* Club of St. Elizabeth.- Transportation wj(l 1 Holy Communion (Choral) end thnt It was tops, The- cast was Into New York recently to tho leave tho CHurch at 4:45 a. m. and First Church of Christ, EASTER DAWN SERVICE Rose of Lima School In Short Hills. sermon. wonderful and' everything went Good Housekeeping Institute. A following the service, rolls and hot 11 a. m. Church Nursery for Scientist jmioothly undor the guidance of P.A.D. trip was scheduled for this Mrtf. Gate* was graduated from chocolate will be. served at the children jyhoso parents, wish to 292 Springfield Avenue 6 A. M. Miss Mac. Later there was a week to attend the Stock Market Potfldnm State Teachers College' In Manse. attend tho 11 o'clock service. Thla cast party at Johnny Sippell'a Summit, N. 3. in New York, but waa cancelled Potsdam, N. Y., later receiving her The spring meeting of the Eliz- group Is op°n to pro-school^ kln- which put the perferk finishing at the last minute. 11 A.M> - Sunday Sdrvlce. degree in education from Now abeth Presbytery will meet In dergartenand first through third 11 A.M. - Sunday School touch on something that will be A school In Kettle Hollow, Union York University. She headed the : remembered for a long; ~time—to- Motuchen on Tuesday beginning grade youngsters. Wednesday Evenin= g - Testimonial County,—IenneaHc_e has been. "prlmary"dcpnrtment in Yorkto.wn at 2 p. m. Delegates from our iir come." adopted by our chapter of the Na- IN FRIBERGER PARK Heights;' , N.' Y., and I supervised church will be Herald A,_Jones St. James Church Reading Room Open to the Public Arletto ftloore,,..Ed Tyjcw.skl and tional Honor Society. This has playground activities In northern and William R. Richardson. At Springfield, Dally 11 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. ! UNION CENTER .Ed Kuffner-spent April 2 iri Phila- been made possible by the many nml central New York Stnte. Iri this meeting the Rev, Evans,will • • * Also Friday Evening 7:30,- 9:30 , delphia as contcstents'ln a'French contributions students made to addition «he has been active for K bo Installed as Moderator of^tfie"I—Sunday Masses: And Wednesday Evening After contest which wns hold there. The this 'organization. ^ number, .of years with the Girl Preflbytery. 7:30 a. m. Service, to 10. F.M. competition was between public Scouts In Springfield, and Is at The Sunday School will meet 8:30 a. m. w • • and private schools from New REGIONAL STUDENTS present their" training chairman on Easter Morning at the hours 5:30 a. m. < Christian Sclenco LOSHOM Sermon JOj-jiey, New York anfl Pennsyl- TO LEAD DISCUSSION Mrs. Gates has had a large and of 9:1R. and 11' iicfc'm. A special •• 10:30 a. m. "Doctrine of Atonement" . Is the vania. Arlette won a third prlzo Betfcy Danenhq.ur, Phyllis Smo|j» varied experience^ In working wltl nursery will be conducted at 9:1IJ 11:30 a. m. ^ subject for Sunday, April !7. ' *'•"' FISHING LICENSE ISSUEC . bronze medal In the writing con- ley, Given Wcnman and Leonard parents, teaehero', and children in for tho benefit of parents t Sunday School Class, 4 to 8 p. m., Golden Text: "John, seeth Jesus test. Doolan, students at Regional High schools and related organizations. ing church. ' • '' Monday. coming unto hlm§> and salth, Be- FISHING SUPPLIES • High School Class, 7 to 8 p. m., hold the Lamb of God, which For . last u week's assembly we School, will iead discussion groups At tho March meeting, Dr. Leon saw the movie entitled "18th Cen- at tho afternoon session of the Springfield Methodist Monday^ ' taketh away the sin of tho world." JPENN,' OCKAN CITY, SHAKESPEAKE Small, school phyalclan, addressed (John 1:29) • tury Life ln~Wllllamsmirg, Va."' Eleventh Annual Conference of 150 parents on the subject of "Our REELS, 1VJONTAGUE, SOUTH BEND and ••$.• This week there will be no assem- tho Union County Youth Welfare- Church St. John's Lutheran Sermon: Passages from the Children's Health." Immediately ttev. C. A. Hewitt King James version of the Bible bly due to the beginning' of our Council at Rahway High School-; following ffili talk, classrooms Easter vacation on "Fviday. on April 28th. Church Include: wero opened for parents and Holy Week Service* Beeclnvood ltd. and DoForest Avc. "Wherefore seeing We also are •- Bach Brown and Ashaway All-State Vocal tr-y-outs were Danclng-ln-t4ie-gymnaslum will friends to obsorve the children'^ Maundy Thursday. A Candle- held list Saturday. Those com- Summit compassed about wlllr'so great a Spinning Reeli and Equipment "»"' '"»« «"•<< 'i follow tho discussions. Dinner will work and discus , problems In- light Communion Service which s peting from Regional wero Rpse- Rov. W. S. Illnraiui, Pti.D. cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside . 1 . ' . . . linen you be Served In 'the cufeteria at formally with tho teachers. will memorialize with beautiful RiiKobuHu, Solt BllllB, BUU, Gloves, C(C. ccluglit a jhli? marle Schowald, Nancy Knauas, 8 p. m. . every weight, and tho sin which A surprise program hns been symbolism the Institution of the Thur.iduy, 8 p. m., Holy Com- "Ursula Burger and Lorcriz. The evening session will start doth so~enally~boset~us; and lot us planned for the April 25 meeting to Sacrament of Holy Communion. munion and Reception of Mem- Tho results won't bo known for a at 8 p. m. In tho Sudltorlum. run with patience the raco that Is Be hold in the school auditorium Good Friday. A Community ber«. Anthem: "Tho March to Cal- set before us, Looking unto Jesus at 1:30- p.m. The subject: "Grow- Union Service bringing together vary," Maunder; Sermon: "The the author and flnlshor of our SENTRY AUTO STORES ing Up" will be the topic .of! a the congregations of tho Presby- Scpulchcr-twd Tender Sorrow." faith;";_(H«br. 21:1, 2) Correlative 69 MAIN ST. MILLBURN 6-4277 noted educator.- terlaTi—and—Methodist Churches. Good Friday, 2 p. m., One Hour passages from "Science and Health First Church of-Christ, Scientist To be held In the "Methodist Devotions on" the Seven Words 1 OPPOSITE PAKK 292 Springfield Av.enuo. Summit, N. J. with Key ' to tho Scriptures" by UPSAT..A CHOIR PKOGHAjll Church. The speaker of the ever from the Croa.s. Contralto Solo: Mary Baker Eddy Include: A branoh 01 THE MOTHER OHXJROH,; THE FIRST OHPBOH OP nlng wIM be tho Rev^ Albert AI- l7Ho wns Despised?' Holndal; Mrs. CHRIST SCIENTIST. In Boston. Mass. p^ ; |"Tliiger~6r the Cr prcaont_ a special Good Sunday Sarvlco, 11:00 A. M. Sunday School. 11:00 A. M Church. 8 p. m., Holy Communion. A-n- Wednesday, MootlnK. 8:1S P. M. evening program over tho NBC them: "God~sO~Loyed"thc^World;" Reading Room, 340 Springfield Ave. Opon dally 11:00 to 4:30 oxcopt network: from 11:30 D.m. to mid- All the above services will begin Stalner; Sermon: "The Request Sunday and Holidays; also Frldny evenings 7:30 to 0:30 and night. The Choir of seventy voices at 8 o'clock. for the Guard." . . after tho Wedncoclny mooting. Is under, tho direction ^of Gladys Easter Sunday Ens'ter, 8 a. m., Holy Communion. Grlndeland. 9130 a. m. Church School. 9:30 a.m. Early Service of Wor- Anthem: "LUHcs.... of the Dawn," ship. Parents may attend this Mnrryott; Sermon: "Early In tho ELECT service together while the chil- Morning." dren are In their classes. 9:30 a. m., Slides on tho Resur- 11:00 a. m. Iart(rS5rvlc

Republican Candidate for .

: ; i : L /';'•.'/..; .'• ". : 3 YEAR'TERM • \;° r"- - u" PRIMARY DAY ,^ TUESpAY, APRIL 19TH GOOD-LOOKING GLASSES Polls-OpenJ-A.Jl.-to-8-P.M.— PERFECTLY FITTED LEVER 21-A ASK YOUR EYE PHYSICIAN Slopan-ja for BEATTY —I'uld for by Oiimpuliiii Committee

OP THI 5c to $1.00 5c to $1.00 Ml MAIN ST., EAST ORANGE, N. J. 144 SPjtlNGFIELD AVE., SUMMIT, N. J. VARIETY BOUGHNER'S VARIETY STORE STORE 248 Karris Ave. Mi. 6-0733 Slmforismm£me

VOTE FOR Wcstfnghauie JTRATOVIJIOH LINER 1V6—A TABLE-TOP . TIUVISIOH RkllVIR rROVIDIKG THfc IBT IN SIOHr AND SOUNb and Toys . Big, "farhily^size"Tif;iquate'iticli picture i *. RICHARD G. unusually sharp, clear image made possible by a full-size television chassis of 24 tubes plui COOOANUT CREAM EGGS DELICIOUS EATING. FOR. 3 rectifiers and picture tube t.. glare-proof glass 4 or. 10c each JELLY EGGS cover protects tube face* reduces flnhoylhg — highlights and shadows^cmised-by-rooln-lighjlng COVERED— -30c_lb.-: GENERAL ASSEMBLY .-.-.-Sltnplified tuning for the kind of reception —DECORATED CHOCOLATE llldhbli 5c each MARSHMALLOW RABBITS the contemporary marines, designed to DECORATED CHOCOLATE 10c compliment your finest furnishings. CREAM RABBITS HOLLOW MOLD plui Inirollal/on, awntr tmrvltm polity, and tiltrol Tm* $32S.OO ^''^Sj-L 10c CHOCOLATE EGGS DECORATED CHOCOLATE 15c - 35c - 69c CREAM RABBITS HOLLOW MOLD CHOCOLATE STANDING RABBITS • • 5c ' ' An all new Television Set YELLOW MARSHMALLOW 35c CHICKENS SITTING RABBITS 35c 2 for 5c ROOSTERS WHITE MARSHMALLOW 35c CHICKENS MAKIR 6> WORLD'S flRST RLRCTRONIC TILCVISION 2 for 5c \Vc'Stllighoiise [ilolieered and developed" finest possible reception . .•. deslghcd FOIL WRAPPED EGGS Easter Napkins StRATOViSlON. today's most talked /or the most cllscriitillirttlng . . . yet 15c pkg. about inc'ans o( television broadcasting, priced low enough te meet evt'n the assorted flavors 5c And to keeji pace with this significant tilulient quality competition I Easter Table Covers advance in electronics, WestlnghoUle Mofe new sets {nslfdtorhloU Due af« 25c each now announces a great new line o( tele- coming Soon. Metal Decorated Easter Eggs Easter Cups vision receivers — engineered for rh« 10c and 25c v 15c pkg. III THIS* AU NIW WlJTlNOHOUSI TIUVISION SITJ AT VOUR WESTINOHOUSS DtALEBJ TODAYI Metal Egg with Rabbit Easter 81' Plates Dick Moser is a community leader, head of Summit 15c pkg. CommunUu Chest, former Y.M.C.A. Director, able lawyer, World War II veteran. Wooden Duck Carts licfjular Republican. , SPRINGFIELD RADIO 29c each Gay Easter'' Vote /or Dick Moser for Assembly. Baskets Colorful Easter Baskets PULL LEVER 12-A ON PRIMARY DAY, and RECORD SHOP Filled with'. to fill at home Novelty TUESDAY/APRIL 17, 1949 268 MorrU Avenue r\ .• 20c to 79c each Toys and Cellophane'Grass 1 Delicious I'ltld for by <)II>II|»IIK» Committee TiihKvisiov in: '^UAPTrtny 10c pkg. Candies ' THE SPRINGFIELD SUN, THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1949 the twuni v'-nino dubs Chisholm-Kun+z PEOPLE WE KNOW guest for a month, the Jatter's WOMEN TO STAGE _HO.ME KROM TRIP L'cal Woman Calls in tin; district for tin- ,innual .spring aister;—Mrs: Valgh zrW'llliams or Mr. andMrs. Robert G. Smith' confluence on May 'i'.l ;-t the- Clio By VIRGINIA BBEBE North Weymouth, Mass. DRAMA FESTIVAL Spring Cbnference Clubhouse, 12K Fifth HVI mil.-, (.-list, Wed Saturday of 14 Henwhaw' avenue, have re- Fhon. Mil] born t-0SU-*_ Tin- Urania—Festival of the turned home after a motor trip Mrs. Muuricr M. Hntti-n, of rto.sclle. The Clio and Civic clubs The Methodist Church Was the Miss Nancy Compton, a fresh- Ming Dottle Keith, daughter of Bruce and James Suffery, of 7 Seventh District will be held Mon- Sprinufii'lil, Fifth District vict- of Roselle and Rosdl" Park will man at Montclair Teachers College Mr. and Mrs, John Keith, of 77 Tower drive, were hosts last week through North Carolina and Vir- setting Saturday afternoon for the day,. April 18, In the Woman's Club ginia. Mrs. Preston Smith, a guest pn.-sidi-nt of the New Jersey State be the hostess units. marriage of Miss Muriel Chlsholm, Is spending her spring vacation Sprlngbrook road, will visit her to their cousin, Arnold Keenan, of of Glen Ridge. Four Clubs will I'Vilorutlon >A Worm-n a Clubs, has Opening at 10:15 a. r.i. the morn- daughter of Mr. and Mrw. Herbert at thd homo- of her parents, Mr. parents during her Easter vacation Belmont, Mass. at their home over tho winter enter: the Woman's Club of Rose- months, returned this week to her ' Issued tin; vail to officers . and ing program will include the fol-L. Chisholm of-52 Ketler_strett, and Mrs. F. W. Compton of 24 Mol-Miss Keith It, a freshman at \Ves( land, The Woman's Club of Mill- lowing: Invocation by Ri.v. Albert to Arthur W. Kuntz, Jr.. son ofter avenue, and Is entertaining one Liberty College In West Liberty LADIES AUXILIARY burn, The Contemporary Club of home in Bridgewater, Mass. H. Frost, rector of St. Luke's Epis- M>. and Mrs. Kuntz of 166 Park of her classmates, Miss Florence W.Va. Miclak of Elizabeth, for a few days. PLANS INSTALLATION Newark and The Woman's Club of copal Church, Hoselle, greetings place, Irvington. The Rev. C. A. Installation of officers will be Flemington. Judges will be Mrs. - Card Party by Mrs. Edward B. Allen, presi- Hewitt, pastor, and the Rev. C. F.During theJattcr-part of her vaca- Mius Peggy McMullen is visiting tion, Miss Compton will be the held at the regulai* monthly meet- George Martin of Summit, former A card party, sponsored by the dent of Clio Club; 11 talk on "Books Peterson, of Jersey City, offici- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ing of the Ladies Auxiliary, Battle State Drama Chairman, Mrs. Rosary and Altar Society of St. ri~fcifrc" by Mrs. J. Hi'Ssell Free- ated at the double-ring ceremony house guest of Mlsa Ginger Grif- McMullen, of 27 Molter avenue, fith, at Lavallettc. Hill Past, Number 7883, at the Bverard Kcmpshall of Oranford, Jaraw "Church will- bo held Fri- man, state chairman of literature; at 5:30 p. m., and a reception fol- during herTSaster vacation. Over home of Mrs. August Hatterslcy, representing t he New Jersey day, April 22, at 8:15 p.m. at the talk, "What Constitute.: a Gar- lowed at the Chlsholm home. the weekend, Miss McMullen will of 152 Meiael avenue, on Tuesday 1 rectory. Door prizes will be den," by Mrs. Walter Harder, Theater League, and Mr. John Douglas Hall, son of Mr. and the house guest of one of her8:30 p. m. Frankhuscr of New York, actor, awarded. state gardon and conservation Mrs. Raymond Glaspell of Eric, E. E. Hall of 249 Short Hills ave-classmates, Miss Connie Kynett, in chairman; "Convention Notes" by Pa., was honor attendant for her Drexel Hill, Pa. On the following Pkuis for the cake and food sale, producer and director, a represen- sister, whose bridesmaids were nue, will return next week to to be held at Pinkava's Garage tative of the American National Mrs. Joseph H. Griskiil. chairman Vlnalhaven, Maine, where he will weekend, Miss McMullon, who has 1 Mrs. Charles A. Mu'ndy, 46 Mea- of tlif Federation convention, and Mrs. Edna England of Union, sis- spend the summer with his brother boen appointed to servo as the page on Saturday, April 23, starting at Theater and Academy. dowbrooks Roud, Short Hills, solos by Miss Shirley DuPont, ac- ter of the bridegroom, and Miss and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrso.f Mrs. Lillian Berncr, • the Na- 9 a. m, will be completed. Tickets may be obtained from Seventh District Drama Chairman. companied by Mrs. Earl R. Snave- Molly Selunder of Springfield. David Hall. Douglas will motor as tional Secretary of the CAR, will ly, Mrs. Lymiin H. Ware, district Rudy Glavasich of Berkeley far as Portsmoutbrwlth Bruce Gci- attend the convention of the Chil' Springfield's music chairman, will be in charge Height was best man and John ;er, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. dren of American Revolution in of .singing. and Arthur Lanterman of Irving- ., Most Modern ton, cousins of the bridegroom, Gclger, of South Springfield ave--Washington. Luncheon will be .served at noon, ushered. reservations for which are to be Mr. arid Mrs., James P. Haggeft Fountain and The brlde^ given in marrlage_by_ and family, of 194 Morris avenue, made with Mrs. Curtis ^.Sehnorr, —M'lss—Joan-Homer, a freshman will leave Monday to spend a :f^ of -111 Rark place, Rosille Park. ' her father, wore a govjn of bro-at Temple Unjyersity ih Philadel- Luncheonette &, caded ta'ffeta,-dfsl£ned ^Ith a scal- days in Cambridge, Md., with rel- Highlights of the afternoon pro- phia, arrived home Wednesday atives. . ' gram, wi! llnclude, reviews' of cur- loped neckline and Illusion yoke. night to spend her .Easter vacation Varied nshorlnrirnt of KHIHJ- Tent plays" by Mrs. A. Barton Hor fingertip veil was draped from with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. David McCarthy, son of Mr. and widhiiK, Koupii and drink* at ecu- Cross, state drama chairman; _a_ a coronet of orange blossoms and C. Homer, of 69 Scverna~Tivenue. Mrs. Edward J. McCarthy, of 45 jflio carried roses and stephanotls. nominal prices—plenty of room. talk entitled "No Man Is an On last Saturday evening, Miss Saltcr street, is a guest for scv Island" by Mrs. R. Pnlmer.Moore, . The honor attendant, gowned In Hornor attended the Dental Stu- eral days in S,cranton, Pa., at the former member'.of.Minnesota State Nile green taffeta fashioned like dents' formal dance in Philadel- home of Paul Schroeder, one of his _. ©THE NEW Federation of Women's'Clubs and the bride's, carried talisman roses phia. ^ classmates of Pennington School. "Just Any Day," play by the drama and wore a wreath of matching The latter part of his spring vaca- and music departments of Clio flowers~in~'h~er~hair. The brides- Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ferguson, of tion will be spent with his parents Club. maids wore identical gowns in em-41 Sevcrna avenue, were host and enilcl-gfeen, wreaths in their hair, hostess to members of their bridge Mrs. S. V. Rlcketts, of 194 Morris COMMUNITY and carried yellow roses. club last Tuesday evening. Their avenue, is recuperating In St. Turn Your Scrap Mrs. Chisholm, mother of the guests included: Mr. and Mrs. BLuke'. s Hospital, Bethlehem, Pa. * Into bride, chose a gown of dusty pink H. Fox, of 45 Brook street;- Mr. Miss Ruth Tltloy will visit her SHOPPE -for-her-daughter'fl wedding. With and Mrs. . E. F. Swishor, of IB parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Ralph Tlt- CASH Marcy avimue; Mr. and Mrs. Henry 247 MORRIS AVENUE it .she wore flower* In her hair fjj of 29 Bryant avenue, over WE BUY A1X and; a corsage of rftiks. Mrs. Kuntz Beyer, of Short Hills; Mr. and Mrs.Easter- wookend. Miss -Tltlejo Is »O» SCRAP METAL wore a nlle green gown, orchid ,HH- Joseph Moulton, of Mlllburn; and junior at^ Trenton Teachers' Col- Jlircntinv cards—vomplntu iiHsort- sessories and matching corsuge. Mr. and Mrs. George McGrath, of ege. • innnt of liliiKli7,incH, plllstic toys AND IRON Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz left for a Short HUls.-Prlor to the evening of —double Kay- Jiuts—-SJchrafIt's OPKN SATURDAY wedding trip following the cere- bridge, the club members enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall, of 24!) dinner at the Cannon Ball Inn. chocoluteK. "' MAX WEINSTEIN mony, the new Mrs. Kuntz in a Short Hills avenue, have as a house gray suit, pink accessories and & SONS orchid ..corsage. They will reside LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 2I2G Morris Ave. Union, N. .1. RUSSEt'S at the Park avenue address upon LEGAL NOTICE Jane Logan Ice Cream Unionville 2-82S6 <' BOKOIIGK-OE-MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. return. Suimnury or SynopiiU of 1048 Audit Report of Borough of Mountuhisklo Both the bride and groom _arc As Required by R.S. 40:4-2. • ' • COMKINIil) COMPARATIVE BALANCK SHEET MEN'S SHOP graduates of Regional-High School. DECEMBER 31ST DECEMBER 31ST Mrs. Kuntz is employed in the of- ASSETS fices of James Caldwcll School, YEAR 1048— .? YEAR 1947 275 Morris Avenue "At Coast to Coast Prices" Howe seen them in LIFE and her husband Is associated Cash ... * 34,005.30- $37,044.53 - with father at A. W. Kuntz, Taxes and Tux Tltlo Llonii - 11,457.07 7,312.83 Now see them "In Person"! Property Acquired by Tax Tltlo Won Co., Berkeley Heights. Liquidation - 22.92S.00 23.475.00 Ausonnmont aml'AiiScaamont Llnnu Receivable . 301.27 381.27 Accountu Rocolvuble - .- • - -— 21,751.25 12,441.30 Pieldtttono Picnic Doforrod Ohnrgos to Futurn Tuxatlon—ponoral 14,400.00 15,150.00 JTIES Harry Rothlieborgcr of 196 So.Deforred Charges to SuccoodlnK Yoar'a Roycnue 000.00 Springfield avenue was elected . Total Anseta •-.-- —- — $106,T10.n5 $96,404.03 president of the Flcldstone Club by SHIRTS at its regular meeting last week, L1AI1ILITIES, RESERVES, AND SURPLUS Plans were completed for a Dec- Notes Payablo » 14,500.00 i 6,000.00 in the new pastel shades Appropriation Rosorvc.i ., 15,507.58 5,073.46 Beau Brummel oration Day picnic for—members Accounts Payablo and Other Liabilities •__ . 2,050.22 • 857.04 1 and their families, to be hold on Improvsmont AuthorlzatlonK . :_' 6,808.05 16,740.00 stripes, white WATER-HEATERS Statutory and Special .Funds 1,244.25 1,228.75 Sunday, May 29 at Farcher's Rdsorvo for Cortain Asuots Rcoolvablo -— 4o,4BiK9 ~33;800.60 These arc ilic^famous automatic witter heaters that 31,104.58 Manhattan CANNOT rust or corrode. .They have the tank of Grove, Union. • " Surplus - •: 26,024.20 gla.fs-fusctl-to-stccl . . . sanitary mid rust-free as a Total Llnbllltlcs, Resorvcn is Surplus ..$10fl,710,05 $96,404.03 $3.65 clean drinking ^lass! Superba All over America, hundreds of thousands oi fami- In 1900 Summit had only two manufacturing industries; a silk COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATION AND SURPLUS— to lies are enjovinj? clean automatic hot water from CURRENT ACCOUNT Permagfas water Heaters. Never any tank rusr . . . mill and an ice plant; The silk Revenue no corrosion dirt . . . always abundant hot waier mill employed 400 workers. YEAR 1948 that's aparklinR CLEAN! ^ " Surplus Revenue Appropriated- : -•-$ 15,000.00 $1 - $2.50 $4.50 Come in and see these all-moiiernvf'Mct heaters Ourront Rovonuo (Cosh Basis) _v.^_. 154,416.76 today- Sec for yourself] more than a doxen reasons why they give you completely satisfactory hot-water Total .Rovonuo v : $100,416.76 $142,178.08 service that you've never known before. BMEKELEH Expenditures • . THE GLASS-FUSED-TO-STEEL TANK Appropriations : $"70,878.06 KANT ORANGE... N. A Looal School Tax * 50,088.11 CANNOT RUST OR CORRODE1 . V 22 Prospect St. " RtiBtoHoTHlgh Bchop] Tax 10,464.31 KNOX HATS Oranco '.1-I2«8 'County Tax -.„.' '- ' 10,145.12 Doforrod Ohargor. Incurred"Ourrcntly~;~v-T-'^.-- 000.00 •; •• ••• NW Xork'-Mv '•:• •"- •• -' -"• • "'•• '-J^" •••>••»'•••• - -t SluiJ la SJiul 4'2O Lexington Av«. Total ExpondlturcR .'.' — $161,375.60 $131,800.05 SMITHway Whlto-Plnliu, N. V. Automatic 80 Grand St. Surplus Irom Oporatlons $ 8,041.16 $ 10,278.13 Proparo now lor a preferred Add: TJnoxliondod Balance Prior Yoar's Appro. 1,003.52 3,654.02 The finest Made Water Heaters _Hocrotnrlul ponltion. BcrKoley truln'od uccrotarles aro UBSO- Total Surplus from Oponitlon &. Additions t 0,044i68 4 13,033.05 clntod with a wldo variety ol Deduct: Roaorvo for Protected Chock „ . 25.00 AS IOW AS $122.00 business' organizational CdllMon tor hleh nohool Krad- Amount Addod to SurpluB Rovonuo . _—_-$ 0,010.68 $ 13,033.05 llntoH uml jnllflrcc women. Din Add: Doforrod Charges In Abovo Expenditures :: tlnculahoi:. fiwulty. Eflcc (Incurred Currently) 000.00 Plaoomont Sorvlcr. CataloKUt). Surplus Rovonuo: ^~~ $8.50 !o $10 RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Wrlto tor Bullotln. Balanco Janunry 1st - ,.. 31,043.56 22,110.51 MS Morris Aye. Ml. 8-01B8 Springfield, N. J. Now tnrm h'PKlnn JIIIW 21 Sub Total •-, $ 40,063.24 $ 36,043.56 Loss: Appropriated In Current Budgot —. 15,000.00 5,000.00 Balance Docombor 31nt — ' $ 25,063.24 $ 31,043.30

RECOMMENDATIONS • • . Combination Spinning •Thu.t dollnquont iaxca receivable be Investigated with view of enforcing C/tta. collection or authorization of cancellation of uncollootlblo ltonm. Interwoven /ucq *That rovonuo accounts receivable of prior yoaro bo collootod forthwith. •That of forts bo mndo to soil or othorwlsa bring foreclosed tax tltlo Uono Special back Into tho tax ratabloK of-tho Borough. PAJAMAS •That tax tltlo llenit bo foreclosed to obtain tltlo to proportion. "That Improvomont ordinances bo drawn with moro enre and attontlon as to amount authorised and down paymontn appropriated. " SOCKS by The makers''of tlie famous $ •That a full tlmo offloo for tho administration of nil offlolal business of tho Borough bo not up and maintained. 28.95 •That all remissions und cancellations of tuxes bo authorised by Borough Manhattan Shirts Council. ... That tho Summary or Synopsis of Audit Report bo published as roqulrcd by R.S. 40:4-2. . ••..••,.••.....,. That-rocelpts-be-tmnsmlttecl to tho Borough Troauuror ivnd deponltod wlth- TROUT In-forty-olght hours as roqulrcd by statutes.. 55c - $1.25 That prcnumborod duplloato typo reoclpts bo used by all dopiirtmonts and $3.95 to $7.50 officials. . , ROD AND REEL That a ForooloHcd Property Iiomlstor bo Installed and maintained. —-Resolution HhoiiltL_l3Ji. propared authorising oanoollatlon of unexpftnded balances of Oapltnl Improvoinontr^cnthorliaatlons whloh havo boon fully com— BAIT CASTING plotod and paid • ' "Rppoatod from-provlouii your. - . . _McGREGOR ' Tho ubovo summary or synopsis was prepared froiii tho reporfc-of audit of —tho-Borough pf_Moimti>lnnldo County of Union for. the oalondar yoatJ!)40,-l'hls RODS AND REELS —report ofTiudlt, nubmlttod by Simuiol Frocdmnii to im-tlUat the BoroUKh-Clorlc'ii offlcp olid, may bo lnupooted by any-Interested person. Sportcoats MANSC •_ • BQBBRTXAINQ Fees—$24.00 = FLIS-S SaltWater $22.50 RODS SHORTS LINES AND REELS For The MCGREGOR SLACKS BASEBALL BATS THIS WEEK ONLY! EASTER HOLIDAYS 95c-$1.50 Planet Jr. Garden Plow $13.95-S18.95 AND GLOVES $10.95 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF EASTER PLANTS SPECIAL SPECIAL Lilies Calceolaria HICKOK Cuff Links, Tie Bars. Wallets and Belts Tilt-Top Darra-James Til-Top Darra-James Hydrangeas Cineraria 7" Table Saw 8" Table Saw All the latest styles Axaleas . Bleeding Heart Aluminum $29.95 Aluminum $34.95 Martha Washington Geraniums' Tulips Gardenias • Hyacinth FOR LATE EASTER SHOPPERS WE DELIVER FREE ANYWHERE AND ANYTIME Climbing and Bush Roses Daffodils Combinations STORE HOURS ARE THURS.. FRI., SAT. 9 A. M. TO 9 P. M. Assorted Cut Flowers Corsages SPRINGFIELD HARDWARE Easter Novelties RUSSEL'S & PAINT CO. MOUNTAIN FLORIST MEN'S SHOP MATHEW FUCHS, Prop. "At Coast to Coast Prices'" 269 MORRIS AVE. 275 Morris Avenue Ml. 6-0877 SPRINGFIELD, N. J. 657 Mountain Avenue , Mi. 6-0398

1/ Paga 4 THE SPRINGFIELD SUN, THURSDAY. APRIL 14. 1949 "It cannot be explained by LETTERS charge^ of political, wasteful Compulsory Health Inkuraiice Local Chamber President spending on the part of school dls- Kdltdr, Sun: tricta. Looal school taxes have Our Social Security administra- Heads State Commission been rising in Republican, rural, More state aid for schools from newly Introduced Into the 1949and suburban communities, and in tor in Washington has openly Democratic city communities. The j stated that the idea of- Compul- non-property taxes seemfl the only Legislature by Senator Frank S. way to brake the rise in local Farley (Atlantic). Senator Far- one logical explanation of the in- sory Health Insuranco is a thor- school taxes, Leonard E. Btst, new ley's bill provides a $25 per pupil creased tax effort made by all ESTAliUBHKD SEPTEMBER 27. 1929 oughly American system but, as preaidc-ni of the Springfield Cham state aid distribution in addition kinds of district** is that they have Published ovury Thursday at usual, he falls to state its origin ber of Commerce, told the Educa- to the Pascoe Act Aid. It would made a great effort to provide edu- J08 Morris Avenue. Springfield, N. J. cational facilities for their chil- by the 8PBIKOPIKLD PirBMSHINO COMPANY or its cost to the taxpayer. tional Planning Commission of Increase state aid about $6,000,000 New Jersey In Trenton recently. dren during an Inflationary period. TELEPHONK: MILLBURN 6-1218 A picture of the multimillion- over the amount recommended by ^eet was named as chairman of Governor Drlscoll in his budget •The increases that have been Official newspaper of tho Township of Springfield and Borough d dollar waste and duplication in the •Mountainside. Subscription rates by mall postpaid: Ono year, $3,60, the Commission for 1949, and Jo- message. made in etate aid over the past Government's Medical Services has three years have^been more than six months, $1.75, payable In advance. Single copies ten cents. seph J. Maslello, Jr., of Pateraon, "In their effort to meet the ef- been outlined in the recent report was made secretary. Best la a wiped out by the rising costs of ICAVMOND BELL, Publisher \ ~ of the Hoover Commission. The re- fects of inflation on school coats," everything the achooU need—from member of tho Summit Board of Beet told the Commission mem- Entered as second claw matter October 3, 1031, at the- Poat OHio«. port states that in 1948, more than Education and President of the teachora to pen points. Further In- Bprlngflcld. N. J.. under an Act of March 8. 1870. • 14 Federal Agencies spent about bers, "local school districts have crease is needed if local taxes are Federated Boards of Education of been increasing their local taxed. $1,256,000,000 for health and medi- Union County. not to continue rising." cal services, with tho government An Increase of 60 per cent in total Representatives from fifteen school costs from 1939 to 1947 has LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS The Easter Seal taking care of 2-1,000,000 persons in counties attended the Planning a Jvarylng_dogre(; ral)9.Ut_one_aixth resulted in an Increase of 47.3 per L = Commission meeting; Plans were cent in local school dlstriot tares TOWNSHIP OP SPRINGFIELD What does the Easter Seal mean to you? Do you know of the nation's population. COUNTVOF UNION made to support Senate Bill 145, for the same period; The impact that the pennies,you pay for these colorful little stamps will Tho Commission points out that of Inflation upon school costs is Applications will bs received up to and Including April 30th, 1049, by help to make life happier and more .productive for hundreds as a result of duplication und wasto Indicated bytho increaso In local Charles PlnKava, Chief of Plre Depart- of tax monies, a similar condition district taxes from $95.2 million ment of the Township of 8prlngfleld, of crippled children and adults throughout INlew Jersey? •• would hold in tho event of a com- List Regional as In the County of Union, by male resl- In 1946 to $118.9 million in 1947—donts of said Township for appoint- For one month, ending Easter Sunday, .April 17, the pulsory health Insurance becauso an lnqcease of 2l_per cent in one ment of Fireman. Application forms annual Easter Seal Sale is being conducted throughout our anything the Federal Government Dark Horse Team year. may bo obtained at Fire Headquarters. controls. Is shot through and Baseball observers have listed Applicants must be citizens of the state by the New Jersey Chapter of the National Society, for "Even these figures do. not show United States and residents for two through with politics. Thus tho tho Regional High School Bulldogs (^) years In tho Township of 8prlng- the cxtremo • financial difficulties Crippled Children and Adults. The money derived from the- people are not benefited and tho as the dark^horse team ol the *rleld:~~~No person Bhall be appointed a great many school districts have who^hoa been convicted of a crime In taxpayers are mulcted. Union County Conference. The sale of the Easter Seals will be used during the coming-year had in~ oporatlng their ichool* volvlng moral turpitude, or who Is less feeling among many of fche so-call- than twenty-one (21) or more than to extend and improve a statewide program aimed at helping Tho President, in his state of tho since 1939. Figures for some typi- thirty (30) years of age. (Ex-service- ed experts Is that Regional with a Union message, asked Congress to cal New Jersey communities are men huvo certain age exomptlons). physically handicapped people of all ages, whether they were pitching potential -as good as any All applicants rnunt npply for phys- enact a Compulsory Health Insur- even moro impressive. crippled by accident, by disease, or by birth. ance Law whlcli if adopted, would in the county could come out o.i top lcnl oxamlnatlon upon submitting "Livingston and Union, both fast nppl'lcntlon. Although the New Jersey Chapter was organized as bo the first .step toward a system of what may be a dog-race all tho A copy of birth ecrtlflcate must be of Socialized Medicine. way. rowing communities, have moro filed with application. Military dis- recently as January, 1948, it is already doing a vast amount than ...doublod_,th'olr. school taxes charges and service records must be If «ych an insurance program is Based on practice sessions the presented to the Chief of Fire Depart- , of work to supplement the services of governmental and from 1939 to 1947. Salem City spent ment. ' effected there is little doubt but Rogional squad is being rated Ifl over lMi times more money on- By direction of the Township Cnm- private organizations, and in providing many types of help that the full regimentation of the the good-field, no-'hlt class. With sahools in 1947 than It did'1^1939. mlttoe of the Township of Springfield because of other activities at the In tho County of Union. for crippled people heretofore available from no other medical and eventually 'the allied tHo exception of Cy Wnnslaw, 1K0- Montclair has maintained one of Dated: April 6th, 1049. — agency. The Chapter works closely with the physicians as professions will shortly follow. school. pound Garwood hurJcr-outfielder, the finest school systems in tho R. D. TREAT, GIRL TRAINING thero Is no man on tho team who Cleric of the Township represented by The Medical Society of New Jersey, and with Advocates of Socialization mulct; Btate by taxing Itself 90-p'or-cont of Springfield, In the ridiculous 'claims that 300,000 per- .The last meeting of the Training gives any indication of breaking moro for schools in 1947 than it • County of Union. ' ' • many other professional.groups! sons die annually because of' lack SCOUT Class was held on March 30 at the_any fences.' Ho is slated to bat flri did in 1939. _. April 7-14-21 • •' Foes—*12.4B Experts in speech therapy have been furnished in five of medical care. However, they fall Methodist Church. Miss Shirley the cloan-up spot and will probably TO CREDITORS Paulson concluded her course with "It io difficult to attribute the to mention poor housing, poor food, Corner play in right field when not on the ncreased effort made by theso dis- ESTATE OF LOUISA MILLER, Deceased clinics in our state which serve crippled children; occupa- a talk on Fly Up Ceremonies for mound. Originally Ruy Gallszow- Pursuant to the order of CHARLES lack of proper clothing, .shortago By Anne Sylvcutor tricts to any one factor. Wo get tional therapy workshops have been opened in three hospitals, of, doctors and a lack of hospitals Brownies and the Court of Awards; skl, two-year lcttcrman, was listed A, OTTO, JR., Surrogate of tho County Mrs. J." 3.- 'Gates/acting chairman, the same picture In every section of Union, mado on the seventeenth one each in the north, south, and central portions of Newand public, health facilities in the as the regular night fielder but he of the State, in wealthy districts dny of March A.D., 1949, upon tho ap- rural areas. Those are deficiencies TROOl* ACTIVITIES thanked Miss Paulson in behalf of decided not to play ball this year. plication of tho undersigned, as Ad- Jersey. Again, the Chapter has supplemented the services of tho Girl Scout Association for her and relatively poor ones—from ministratrix c.t.a. of tho estate of said which would bo wisely corrected Troop -1—Mrs. P. llurly conducted Regional by the time It faces Montclair with assessed wealth of decoaaod, notice U hereby given to the three full-time training units devoted to rehabilitating cerebral :Imo and effort In giving this 'series creditors of nald deceased to exhibit by the Federal Government through this meeting in the absence of Mrs. Pingry School hi the opener next $13,829 per pupil to Monroe In to the subscriber under oath or af- palsy patients. Several surveys have shown that one of the a .program of ln_tclllgont_thinjjjng of six lectures. Mrs. ,T. Kennedy, H.JYum:e._Zhe_clilldron made Uieir president, presented pins to the fol- week Is expected-to have n mound Gloucester County with assessed rlrmntlon their claims and demands most serious needs today is for morti far.iiirifts anri ftcrvicp.s.lnstesvd~of robbing the .taxpayer _nt_ staff that should insure It of a wealth of $2,052 per pupil. It la aKalnst tho estato of riald deceased moro of his home piiy.ienvclope. mothers' Easter presents which lowing new lenders: Mrs, M. within six montluf from the date of for cerebral palsied children. Special services of various |Ki7iV!in, Ml'K—T. Shroba and Mrs. P.number of victories In-low-scoring true in relatively settled commu- said order, or they will* be forever were yellow crepe paper daffodils nities such as East Orange and bnrrod from prosecuting or recovering' kinds areprovided for hundredsof individual crippled patients. In a recent report, the Research I-liuly. The following received cer games. Last year the team broke the itmt against the subscriber. lii paper cups made up to look like oven in «, fourteen game schedule. In rapidly growing communities There are so many worthy agencies asking us to con- Council for Economic Security tiflcatr-K for 12 hours training: Mrs. LILLIAN YAEGER. states, "The system of paying for plants. W. Thompson, Mrs. T. Shroba, In 1947, the first year of Regional such as Livingston. It la true In. Administratrix, c.t.«. tribute to their support these days that it is almost impossible large cities such as Newark, and BOHMID * BOURNE, Attorneys, nicdiunl euro does not in itsolf iip- Troop 8—The meeting day of thi:) Mrs.—H-Kern, Mrs. R. Allon and lxiseball, the team, facing competi- 382 Springfield Avenue, to tell which are most deserving. Few agencies indeed bring ponr to play a major role In tho troop-was changcd_to Saturday for Mrs. I?.. Hill. Refreshments were tion, not on a par w,lth that ot last In small communities ^uch as Clark Summit, N., *. health of a nation, therefore ono year, won ten out of fifteen. Township. — iMar. 24-31-Aprll 7-14-21—onWJw " more hope and comfort to the most tragically unjortunate just last week. They met- at Mrs. nerved at the close of these pre- Fees— $13.00 people than the Easter Seal which helps the crippled children should bo careful In assuming that W. Meyer's home and-went out insentations. Among the members of tho tho adoption of any sysj^m will of and adults in our midst. ' the woods behind her house to~gct LKAttEKS MEETING inoimd squad, In addition to Wan- Itself make for a decided improve- kindling, tinder and fuel. They saw, are Frank Chorntowy, Ken ment In the health indices," Mrs. W. Meyer announced the made two different typo of flrea, next meeting would bo held on Belliveau^_flndz_ Carl Post Chor- — It docs point out that better re- namely the topee and log cabin ulewy and Belliveaiu are primarily sults might bo expe'eted by develop- Monday, April 18, at 8 p. m,, at type. Mrs. Meyer demonstrated the Mrs. Wmr-T-hompson!s-homo-at 20.1 fast-ball hurlers. The latter is a ing and expanding modioal facil- uso of the Buddy Burner and actu- southipaw. Chornlewy hae devolop- ities, oliSninatlng economic and so- Morris avenue. The' speaker will be TOM DAUB ally fried an egg with it. The chil- Mrs. Mildred L. Rullson, nature ed a good curve and a fair change cial inequalities botween races, and dren-were entertained with a West- of. .pace ball in addition to his fast Mayor of Garwood by paying moro attontlon to living supervisor, of the' Trallside Mus- cm Him ontelevision afterwards. ball which is hde . principal stock standards, nutrition" and other fac- eum. AL SMITH Mombor of Railway .Valley Troop 99—Tl\i— s troop mado Eas- In trade. Joint SoWor Mooting tors which directly affect tho L1EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS JlCJVlth.-Of .tho people. ter baisleets \ffrom construction WansaiW may give Chorniewy Mombor of Intor-Munlcl|>al~- paper .and filled thorn with jelly AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN iompetltion for tho spot of No. 1 Group for Bottor Rail Service Tho medical profession agrees beans and candy chiekH. They had ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR- hurler on the squad. Although he whplohoartodly with such a visitor observing their activities DINANCE TO RECIUIJATE BUILD- enn't match cither the right hander Express And Trucking Service Former Prosldfonr of a pro- INGS, REMOVAL, CONSTRUCTION, " gram but it disagrees with Its bo"- In preparation for taking charge of REPAIRING, ALTERING, OR RE- or Bclllvcau the Garwood votoran Board of Education MODELING OF ANY BUILDING of-hlgh school-awd summer-league lng dono by a compulsory method a Brownie troop in the fall. She OR STRUCTURE 15RKCT13D OR TO Pair President of AFL Local such as Is bolng rocommended by was Mrs. Ti Shroba and her little BK ERECTED IN THE BOROUGH ball has an edge in control and has Shdre Deliveries*-Lighf Moving girl was with her. . ' OP. MOUNTAINSIDE: TO • REGU- a greater variety of stuff. His best Exempt Fireman tho vast bureaucracy, represented : LATE THE INSTALLATION OP OIL |n_JWashlngtQn__by_thoJEederal_Sc-. —Troop 12—TIICHC girls made n . BURNERS: TO PROVIDE FOR THE offerings Is a curve that breaks off curlty Administration. Tho Admin- very constructive item at their APPOINTMENT OP A BUILDING at tho knees—^generally a hard ,. raHE£CT.OR:..-TOiPBESCRlni3 HIS.,,, . for hlg-h-BohooI ba!tters-tar hit? ,~~~~~-,: fc,- -.,,-,*.._•--- for Assembly «.- istration would- he&efy. happy to meeting, "it "consisted ofii, POWTSRS AND DUTIES: T6 FIX . LEVER «A "Lot out another hole in Its belt" box which they covered with wall- THE PENALTY (.FOn VIOLATION Frank Vicondose. is shaping up Pold1 for by Campaign Committee OP THIS nUILDING CODE." to -accommodate moro pap-suckers papor to hold their supplies, such ADOPTED APRIL 13, 10.T7. . as the regular center fieldcr.-PJtch- arid oxtond the l.dea of Soenlism, as scissors, pencils, crayons, etc. BK—I-T ORDAINED 13Y THIS MAYOR ors who are not on. the mound will thus stifling the democratic rights AND COUNCIL OP THE BOKOUQH probably be in right and loft. Post Troop l'l—Not to be outdone by OP MOUNTAINSID1S: of|vtho popple by regimenting Pub- played a' reserve role In the out tho other(:,troops, those girls mado 1. 'Article XXIII, Section'3. LATH- lic Health in an unflexlblc, un- ...... '...., ,,-v. tnoh. ING. AND PLASTERING, of tho orcll- field last year. Al Sawyer, a south- lovely sewing baskets for nanco of which this ..-ordinance Is American system. mothers for Eastor. They were nmcmlntory, In hereby nmondod to road paw, la expected to havo tho edge Write your congressman request- made of painted coffee cans which n.n foil own: on other first baec candidates with SECTION :!. LATHING AND PLAS- Belllveau giving him competition. NOW READY FOR YOU:ing him to ponder over the results had drilled holes In them to fasten TERING: AH aliul partitions or of federal extravagance before ac- spools of thread to; They wore wnll piivtltlon.s Khali foiv lnthed nnd Jerry Fosta probably will bo «t pliuitorocl from tho floor to tho coll- short-stop and either Post or Joe 275 Short Hills Avenue cepting Stato Modicine. Ho ropre- trimmed with bins binding and rick iiiK, and all colllnRft s'hnlt bo lathod TELLS YOU HOW TO WHATfc THE sents you nnd public opinion al- rack. The girls WIHII to thank Miss ami pliuitored, provided tlmt approvpd Wanko. will be

' OA1UOS CARNIVAL The game carnival, py - "the •"•••Ii'oyo~Cliuib=wH"=rlwr"hcJ"d~no»t Friday and Saturdayt-AprM 22 "ariff 23, at tho Methodist Churchr On ".Friday from 4 p. m., and on Sat- urday, from 2 to 0 p. m., games OH Classic Her-Mast- awl movies will be highlighted, Schenley club members or nit the carnival. Pork & Tllfonl Seagrams Industrial Wiring Prized Surprise ! HAVE YOU TRIED Wilson Electrical Maintenance. Mt. Venion • Carstairs HOW TO SAVE ^House Wiring THAT PERENNIAL By INSTALLING Canadian Club 1 HOW TO A MODERN G. E. Lamps EASTER WINE V.O. INC^ASE COMFORT AUTOMATIC Fresh Cut Spring Bouquets Kiiisoy AND TEMPERATURE Appliances FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE CONTROL Philadelphia AND STILL Corsages Kitchen and Attic Fans DINNER TABLE— Paul Jones CUT HEATING Sold and Installed PM COSTS 'VIRGINIA DARE" Old Taylor Potted Plants ooooo Vat 69 tcd-Whlfa WINK Fleisclnnanns You'll b« dtneued how »roublo-ffee, Imperial .MSK US ln«xpan»iv«( and convenient hard coal can really bel This booklef.l. LANCASTER 98 . 1/5 gal. rree copy yow key (o the surost< Readiest, heaithi«t heat «t th« iowo»t cost! Call Early and Get Your Delivery Early Call us for your copy now I ELECTRIC WILFRED WEBER, Prop. FUEL SALES CO. SERVICE Liquor Store MILTON'MILTON BILLETS , Prop. "Spvcializinp in All Skcs of Quality Anthracite" 23 Alvln Terrace CRYSTAL STREAM FLORIST Opposite The first National Ualik 679 Morris Avo. Springfield, N. J. Springfield, N. J. PROMPT FREE DELIVERY Route 29, Springfield, N. j. Millburn 6-0626 South Orange 2-0200 Millburn 6-0880-1 Mi. 6-0039 246 Morris Ava. Mi. b-1621 THE SPRINGFIELD SUN. THURSDAY. APRIL 14, 1949 clas we painted nice big bunnk-ti room made by the eighth grade Wenberg, 'Frances Jahn, Martha peared in the Journal bouts. TwoNew Jersey state fairgrounds Sun- dressed like girls and boy*. students. Stop in and see them. Kinch and Patricia Mathews. of them have won decJalons giving Grude Eight Regional Boxer day, May 1, official AAA entray Wo enjoyed "The Patterson Trio" Martha Klsch, Eltii.inrc Klcile, thla area a batting average of 687. blanks were amlled this week to in the assembly on Wednesday The:" superb pre.sentaliori~~bf the Virginia Gregory""•"Boa" Boiles, Boxing observers herfi-_CQnalder Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, di- car owners and driver* in every School News morning and 'The Mikado" given Frances Jahn and Kurt Rahi Scores Victory that an excellent showing in.view section' of the United States. by the eight grade girls on Thurs- rected by our very capable music kamp joined the 11)0 percent club of the high caliber of competition day afternoon. teacher, MisB Harris, was due toin spelling lust week. Another Regional High School An official sanction for the boxer scored a cleancut triumph being faced. Billy Ryberg came to our class many factors. The speaking parts Sylvia Feldmuti, Carole Matzelc, speed meet was Issued lute last JAMES CALDWELL fun to do. We wish holidays wouk iifi well as the singing were handled In the second session of the Eliza- week to Sam Nunls, prominent come more often. this wetk from Byram Townaliip David George, Judith Summis, beth Daily Journal Diamond Gloves AUTO RACES SLATED Eastern promoter, who directed Kindergarien School. We hope he will like it by her. Miss Harris' excellent se- George Hnupt, Billy Lynn, Dorothy La&t Week we heard three mil lection or characters, the loyalty Boxing Tournament at the Eliza- T OSTART MAY 1 the recent lnagura) half mile track The Kindergarten class observed with us. Augtnstciii, Thomas Keane and beth Armory last week. Dwlght several birthdays this week— slclans in assembly. We oskec and cooperation of the cast and With the Eastern inaugural mile speed events at tho Reading (Pa.) "We had e birthday purty for Elizabeth Huber ure hi the 90 per Doolnn was the hard-punching en- track auto races scheduled at the Fairgrounds. Charles Smith, Charles—Knowles, them if they had a few minutes tc the untiring assistance of many cent club in spelling for the week. Wyn Zimmer. His mother sur- eighth graders behind the scenes trant in the 135-pound novice class Glenn Nicholas and Richard Buck, hear us sing our visitors song. Wi prised us with home-made cup GKADK 6 who was the third Regional glove sar. On one of. the birthdays, Mr. contributed ' to Its success. This >were so pleased to bo able to sing cakes, dlxlo cups and lolly-pops. item really concerns the last group Howard Mason o'lfcbrated a artist to show his wares. Ncls came In with the recorder. birthday on April 12. Doolan's opponent was Joe Bara- Aa «oon as we finished eating the to visitors, for We learned the song Many of our class are out with mentioned, for the glory of the early in the Fall. the measles, and we want to tell others was made evident at the In our study of China, Mrs. tino, a clever boxer who repre- We would be pleased to ice cream we got the rhythm In- yo_uall-Uiat we' hope you will soon Lucius,'the seventh glade substi- sented the Elizabeth Police Ath- struments and ho recorded several Richard Slebert Is back from th< afternoon and evening perform- NOW MAY BE be well and back with ua again. — ances" on April 7th. tute, brought In many things to letic League. Both boye( resorted appraise your property selections. It was fun to hear our- hospital and we are happy to hay make our study more^intcrestlng. to boxing during the first two. selves. Grade Three Joan Smith and Emily Sacco t him in class again. were on hand every second to assist Mrs. Lucius has travoled through rounds with both demonstrating for you without any ob- Grade* One Last week Mrs. Flemer's class China and Japan. considerable respect for the other's Grade* One and, Two took a walk behind the High School the actors as needed. Lolan Beers ligation. We are getting ready for Easter. punching prowess. It was only THE TIME-~ This week in Art Class we made to find some signs of nature for never left his post as light direc- Tho sixth grade gcoiriiiph'y class when the bell rang for the final We made baskets of brightly col- Easter boxes. We painted oatmeal, our Nature Corner. We found many tor. Paul DeBorjois managed the has a surprise they arc- working; ored paper and then added green round that both gave up boxing pabllim or cereal boxes and fas-Interesting pieces of granite con- stage curtains with expert effici- on right now.—It will bn complete and threw punches,from all angles or purple grass. We are also go- tened- pretty bunnies on them. taining mica, bird ne3ts and skunk ency* • _ and ready to show to all classes realizing that the decision hung TO SELL ing to dye eggs. This is a lot of After Easter we will use them in cabbage. It was fun to Identify The performers assisted by John and PTA-mombcrs m the end of on the last two minutes. our rooms at home for snips and ouch—other's things when we re-Keith and Paul DeBerpols worked this month. ~~ 1 very hard and many hours con- GltADE 7 The'- Regional boy showed that scraps. Wo have been learning turned to our room. • ho packed the hurder wallop and eongs and poems about.Easter, We Easter and its true meaning, structing, painting and , erecting W_e. still have our now substitute at the final bell he had Baratlno THAT HOUSE OR LOT .have read some stories about Eas- spring flower booklets, Indian pot- the backdrops. They certainly did from Chatham—Mi's. Lucius. virtually helpless against the ropes. ter, too. Barbara Geddcs has writ' a splendid job. Five members of tho Archery- There waa no question as to the tery end the coming play arc some * Tho success of any undertaking ten a nice poem. of the present interests of Mrs. _Club went on a trip to Bow Cratt winner. Grade Two depends upon cooperation and the with Mrs. Lucius. Each of the AUSTINS Rider's class. All this in addition eighth.graders proved the mean- Three Regional boys have ap- One day this week in our clos members took a picnic lunch and to greater stress on—arithmetic ing of the term. we made baskets for the Red Cross fundamentals and spelling help had a ilnc tiriieTThooo who went to give to the soldior« at Lyon -Special Cla»K wore: Herbert Helmbuch, Warren NOW make a full school day. This week seemed to be a week on Easte-r Sunday. The Red Cross " Grailo Smith, Howard, Mason, Russell STILES SOFT Real Estate and Insurance will fill them with candy before of plays and musical programs. We Pfltzlngcr and Donald Rosaclutt presenting them. Miss Friedman's class is study- enjoyed tho. Poterson Trio in As- WATER SERVICE ing about New Jersey. They have Wo ure glad to welcome Dolores AVAILABLE Another day we made favors t sembly, the high school play Dch buck to- school after a three- be given to the soldlors at Lyons made a product map of. the state "Ddar Ruth" on Wednesday and week absence. « Water Softening „ Springfield Office « by tho Red Cross. . Including dairy products, fruits the "Mikado" in the James Caid- J We may' buy Miss Gucrin un- Specialists 206 Morris Avc, Springfield Ml. 6-4450 When Mrs. Moscr came to ou and vegetables, poultry, clay and well Sohool on Thursday. We ot'hor corsugc for being so nice to sand. .painted the clay animals we made us! Rentals—Sales-Service last week. Watch for them in a The "Klevntorlzed'V Miss Deravlaux's clos has just -.o.loreK Deh and Nuncy Batallle Rock Salt and High Quality IMMEDIATE finished studying about tho courses town store window. •: h:;.. ./rthduvs In April. Union Office -, BABY BUTLER and events of the American Revo- * GKADK 8 Soap Povoilcr Delivered SAFETY CHAIR lution. Sevoral figures have caught RAYMOND CHISHOLM Mr. .Houglund has oomo to our Phone Su. 6-5802 1338 Morris Ave., Union Unvi. 2-3089 DELIVERY 'our Imaginations — Nathan Hale KINDERGARTEN *>• - for hie heroism. How surprised Evoryday wo look In tho closet very heiptul. some of tho class were to find that and ace If our Illy bulbs tire grow- — We onjoyed the Reg.wiul Senior he had beon a sohool teaohcr. I ing, Nothing has happened yet. play "Dear Ruth." Everyone es- RENOMINATE do not think we shall forget his Mrs. Mackle, our substitute pecially liked Bunny Wdltman, AT NEW Immortal words—"1 regret that I teacher, was out sick last week. John Slppell, Joun Nash and JSddie- have only ono life to give for my We made a big Easter picture. Lconard. ":vT country". We pasted on flower* and birds "Tlie Mikado" was vefy well given Some of the boys did voi-y well and bunnies. -Wo colornd in the by the Culdwnll School. We think Donald D. Mackey LOW PRICES when they read Patrick Henry's grass and the sky. tho mombers of the cast and Miss REGULAR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE immortal speech before tho class. Wo learned a new song called Harris deserve a lot of crodij:. In- Patrick Winters read with a great cidentally, we were quite happy to NOT SOM) deal- of expression. Ricky Gln-tler 'The Inxy-Wlnxy Spider." FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY—- Dorset $1520 IN STOKEH GUADK I have several mcmbcri* of the nABV BUTLER put a lot of fire into his reading. Chtaholm orchontra piny for the Is sold only Grndo Flvp Patty Boyton and Janet Rawlins throueli author- celebrated ' their seventh birthday performance. ' Devon $1595 ized agencies. TluTboy.i in our class arranged lnst week. Janet wont to tho circus Tlio—Pntciaon. Trio visited otir • Experienced Legislator Ijttiirn about tlin Kr.KVATINO HABY for themselves a secret^trlp^tb'tno for her birthday. We enjoyed hear- luisombly last week. They played HUTI.KK SAFETY CHAIR AND Greatest Show on Earth. We • Chairman of Municipal Aid Committee ~7 TAIILK, the only feeding; table with -oluwo-Saturd&y bc-citut'c this trip" ing about It. " planor-violin-und-cellor When the nil thcKo desirable features. Barbara Savage brought si coco- classes, marched out of assembly, -Jt._Au.lustnbln (22" to SO" In height) was for mon only. Tho tlckots • Chairman of Corporations Committee arrived on Thursday morning for nut to school for us to ace. We are Guy Selandor played the piano. chromed aluminum logs. The' members oC the Trio became Hall & Fuhs, 2. , Ponlllvo bolt safoty grip on lees. the big event—a Masonic show In roadlng about monkeys and coco- • Member of Aviation, Military Affairs and ..3. Seat prows with child. Storting tho Newark Armory. Wow! A nuts in our Number Stories books. quite interested, in Guy's stylo of from reclining position for a two t The llttlo monkoy In our books got playing. Hoagy Carmlchiibl? Unfinished Business Committees u mo. months old Infant, seat adjusts to major catastrophe was barely meet all baby's seating requirements. avoldl'd. "Pecos Bill" raced down hit on the head with a coconut. The R. C. Midgets wefo defeated • World War II Veteran •1. Ilomovablo scat and safety strap Route 20 with the v/rpng tickets. Wo are sure it must have hurt, by the "J. C. Cardinals by a score converts enslly Into an automobile him. Some of us had never seen of 28-23. You must .udmlt wo're Route 29 sent. Our money was refunded but there wore/ no tickets available for a coconut" boforo. We want to getting bettor! Wo iihpo to win BABY SAFETY SERVICE, INC, April Oth. Bus rovorsatlona were; thank Barbara for bringing one to ono gamo-soon. Guy Selander and , Eighth Position on Assembly Line—No. 10-A Mountainside, N. J. all Speedwell Avo,, Morrlstown, N. J. school. IMcaso send Information describing cancelled. The cirous went on John Weber were high scorers for the Now "Elcvatorlzad" Baby Butler. without us. GRADES 1-2 the Midgets. They Moored sevelT ASSEMBLYMAN PRIMARY DAY - Aprill9, 1949 West. 2-4600 points apiece. Alvln Tucsnak was Name We are planning another trip. The class in very pleased with This time we will noflet anyone^ tho now work tables. next high with fou# points. Joe DONALD D. MACKEY Paid for by Campaign Committee Address else buy our tickets'. Wo will not Moat pooplo aro back to school Schaffornoth scored three and City cancel our_hua_reservatlons; but In again. Wo-hope—Ronald Barz will Terry Davis scored two points. spito of difficulties wo will go to noon bo back. the circus. No ill luck will con- Wo are making things for Eas- , quer this time. Wo aim to acetor. Suuun Wllaon and Barbara ' -4» ~" niat~8ircuS' ancfnbt WExtpyiSirT baskets onTdls« Grndo Sixth play In Springfield center. The girls In tho ulxth -grade GllAMS 2 Science Class made vJ&ither pro- Ffom. our oaiom.oi1 In March, phet dolls of crepo papor, soake<( we found we.had two snowy days NEED REPAIRS? In Cobalt Chloride solution. When and two rainy days. All of tho rest SEND HER the—w_e.athor ls_falr tihe dolls are wore sunny. Wo hopo all of April dressed in beautiful blue dresses will bo just as nice as March.—- IMMEDIATE SERVICE ON ALL CARS, FROM but let It become rainy or damp We wore very happy to have and behold their dresses aro-a- all the children In school for one , A MINOR TUNE-UP TO A COMPLETE OVER- lovcly pink, . *• . day. Our attendance has been j In health we made pictures to very bad. We hupe wo have very I HAUL—A NEW—OR RECONDITIONED EN- Illustrate the basic seven foodrlngneld, Westfleld. $5.00 WE have listings for desirable building perience, capable of handling full part-time solicitation of BUbsorlp- ELECTRIC ironer, $25; rofrlgorator, 4 minimum. J. Proctor, 176 South S. E. & E. G. HOUSTON, Realtors plots or acreage In Summit or vici- On % acre. Beautifully landscaped payroll, roports, etc. Keply Box Sen, tlons, should call the Npws-Rocord, OU. ft.. $30. OHatham 4-3639. Call H. Scott, Mlllbum 6-0890 Street, Now Provldonco.. SU 6-6462-M. nity. Also listings for residential or land, Mlnnlslnk Road. Most sought- Summit, N. J. "' BOuth Orange 2-3253. after looatlon In Short Hills. Ex- LIVING room chairs; mahogany tables; 360 Springfield Ave. SU .6-6464 commercial property. Call Joseph F. coptlonal construction; floor layoub DECORATIVE Wooden Wagon and FISH prepared for Passover, 25o apiece. Church, Broker. SW 6-0417. WORKING housekoopor, 35-50 years of- rugs; linens, other things. SU Carriage Wheels. $10 each. Delivered' adapted for 6 or 7 spacious room*. age. WagesJI40. Sleep In. Must be Homo catering 'of evory type. Rea- Evenings SU 8-1968-M EMPLOYMENT WANTED /4 aore —rooms are On nrst floor. Second floor able old home, furnished. 0 rooms, pornon. Colonial Rest Nursing Home, day A. M. an, experienced With children. STORY ic CLARK spinet. Full key plot, beautifully planted. Homo has —has'gpaoe-for two moro rooms. Full 2 baths, porohcs.-lorge-grounds, 2 car 99 Morris avenue, Springfield, N. J. MICHAEL CATILLO garage. May 1st to Oct. 1st. $1,000. Ml ...6-1014.. SOuth Orango 2-B017. RUGS—Orlontal Llllhan 6x0. Kurdis- < piano. Mahogany finish. Like new. living room, dining room, kltcncn, basement and attached garage. Large tan 4x6. Hamadon 4x6. Kxcellont $450. South Orange 2-4040, or South Export Landscapor—Gardener music room, and porch. 5 bodrooms lot. Franklin School. Everything in Loaso considered In Ootober. But COUNTER girl for store- Steady work. BURROUGHS 2100 bookkooplng ma- condition. S.H. ,7-3412. Orango 2-7089. 393 Melroso place. Trimming, Roplantlng, Carotaklng. and' 2-bathSr stoam heat, motor stok- oxcellent condition. Can be bought references requlrod. Adults only. Box No oxperlenco necessary. B. L. chine oporutor. AIKO clerical and as- 12 Lafayotto Avo. Summit 6-2083-W, or. 3 car garage. for less than $13,000. Ask R. W. 127, MlUburn Item,-Mlllburn,-N. J. Schlosser, 2 Walnut Stroct, Summit. sistant bookkeeping. Golf Club and HOOVER, largo, with attachments. Per- UPRIGHT piano. »75. Call Summit Stafford. foot condition, $20. Mlllburn 6-4312. 31—MOVING—STORAGE JOBS-BECK-SCHMIDT CO. ,-, SU 6-3200. Jobbing experience. $1 an hour. Part 6-1403-W. 44—SPRINGFIELD GOOD salary for cxpo*iunced maid to time considered. MI 6-0643 after ELECTRIC roaster with broiler. Per- PIANO, Mchlln Orand, Rood condition MOVING—STORAGE-reaBonable: re- Realtors GLEN-OAKS AGENCY sloop In. Plain cooking, light house- .0:30 P. M. Or all day Saturday. fect condition. S.H. 7-2335. Reasonable- qhatftam 4-5127-J frigerators moved, piano hoist. Dally 51 Union Place summit (1-1021 MORRIS AVE. BUSINESS PROPERTY kooplng. Must llko children. Phono WASH, strotoh curtains. 50 contspalr. trips to N Y. O LIBERTY STOR- Realtors Incomo property. Cornor lot zonod for STEINWAY GRAND PIANO. Rosewood. AGE CO.. Ma. 2-4868. Nights Essex Attractive frame dwolllng. Entrance business. Opposite new post office lo- - MAdlson 6-0970. SU 6-0440-R. BARGAINS! 7 ft. $700. S. H. 7-2786. hall, living room, library, dining 40 Beechwood Road SU 6-2025r 0205 HOME FREEZER, 4 cubic ft; popular 3-6789. cation. 6 rooms for ownor and 2 conr KITCHEN HELP. Sundays from 3-0. WOMAN with 5M. year old child would THREE-QUARTER-SIZE VIOLIN, case room, kitchen, 5 bodrooms, 2 baths, OLDER typo home In Brayton School vontont apts. with space in front for make; now; list $240; sacrifice $175. LIGHT trucking, L. Gautblcr, 08 lavatory, oil heat, recreation room, 2- section'. 9 rooms, bath,-hot-alr heat, Call SU 6-3095. llko Job where sho may havo her Wringer washer, pump and tlmor; and bow. $35. Ml. 6-1425...... stores. Fastest growing buslnoss sec- child with lior. SU 6-3049-M. GLENSIDE AVE., SUMMIT, N J. car garage plot 75 X about 200. Prlco $12,500. tion In this aroa. Investigate GIRL, genoral offlco routine .Including popular make; now; list $160; nao- TRUMPET, good condition, reasonable stonographlo work. Phono for Inter- SU 0-6054-R. BAKER Si McMAHON WILL caro for child while, mother rlflco $125. Vnouum Cloanor; upright prido. Call Summit 0-1423. JOBS-BECK-SCHMIDT CO. JOBS-BECK-SCHMIDT 201 Morris Avonuo Sprlngneld, N J. view. Chatham 4-5727. " "" works. SU 6-7408; typo; popular make; now; lint $53; LIGHT TRUCKING Realtors MI. 6-4450 sacrifice $30. 11—DIKDS & PETS H. O SEARLES & SON8. 204 Morrt. Realtors SECRETARY. Must bo oxperloncod In RESPONSIBLE WOMAN will baby-sit 51 Union Placo SUmmit 0-1021 51 Union Place SUmmit 6-1021 all phases of secretarial work and bo any ovonlng. Call S.-H. 7.-2220. GEDDIS IRISH sotter puppies Tnree months avonuo Springfield. Ml. 6-0700-W ' oapablo of assuming responsibilities. old. of the famous Hlgglns breed- TWO FAMILY—4 and bath eaoh floor. COLONIAL brick. *nd framo. Center -61-WHIPPANY LAUNDRY WANTED. Exporloncod. At 312 Springfield Avo., Summit, N. J. MOVING and Trucking; closed van - hall. Seven large rooms. Living room Age 28-38. Write Box 100, caro of Iniv Whlppany 8-0246. G. R. Pflstor; Wostflold 2-2372. v, Nice lot. (No garage). Adequate Summit Herald.' homo. Unlonvlllo 2-3260. MIRROR. O. G. typo. Original glass, with stone flroplaco. Two tllo baths. WHIPPANY AND HANOVER COOKER Spaniel Puppies. Black. 3 grounds for proposod. garage and Tile kitchen. Threo bedrooms. Lava- OIL BURNER MAN, veteran. Rocont oxccllont condition. 52"x22". Price LIGHT THUOKING- drivoway. Automatlo stpkor _ Steam Homos choice home sites, acreage. EDIPHONE OPERATOR, oxperlenced, $45. S. H. 7-3412. monthB. Biro. OH. Mlstor Try-Oobr REASONABLE RATES „ L tory on first floor. Oarago attached. for well established office. 5 day week. vocational school graduate Nood field Buff-malcsrblack fomalos. 0 months. h o a t. Franklin School zone. Large lot near schools. Ton minute THOMAS A. ROGERS - exporienco, Sorvlco, ropair, installa- CARL SOHOENER CALT7SO 2-8.115 $5,000 cash-down paymont required. Excellent working conditions. Reply LEFT hand corner Iron onamoled nlnk $60 up. Fiiiohor, Old' Farm Road, walk to shopping center. Summit 6- Route 10, Whlppany. WHlppany 8-10M) P. O. Box 369, Summit, N. J. tion. Ml. 6-0516-R. with drnln-board. Phono SUmmit 6- Borkoloy Heights. FAnwood 2-5450. GENERAL Light Trucking, local or Subjoot to possession undor now rent 5227-J. _ 1 1640. shore. Sponco, Un. 2-90IU-J. control law. Full prlco $13,700. OOOKand general house workor. Sloop CURTAINS to bo done at homo at re- BABY CHICKS Shown by appointment only through HEAL ESTATE WANTED in. Good-roforonccs required. Phono duced prlco. SU 6-5232. FRIGIDAIRE, 6-oublo fcot. Good con- PULLORUM cloan, Rhode Island Reds, — Z-SUMMIT VICTNITY S. H. 7-3776. dition. $50. SU 0-6311. , •• . Now Hampshire Rods, R.R.X.. Sex SUMMIT REALTY'CO:— WANTED—In the Oranges; Maplewood, COOK-butler-chauffour. Male. Vlxpori- Hero Is a home Idoal for an omployco Short Hills. Summit. Chatham, etc.— FINISHER on draperies. Rapid sewor. oncSd. Call after 5 o'clock. Summit EASY Wnshor rcoont modol with link, Whlto Leghorns, on order L.J HENgY ENGELS 330 Broad Streot SUmmit 6-3036 of Bell "or Air Reduction Laboratories;- 6-5871-R. Whirl dryor and automatic timer. SIMMS, 17TH'-voland Stroet, Caldwell painting & Decorating Contractor.' LISTINGS - SALES - APPRAISALS —Pleasant working conditions. 5 day : WE WANT your orfor. This colonial, 6 rooms, bath, stoam hoat, largo porch, MANAGEMENT - INSURANCE week. On 72 bus line noor station. Roasonablo. Call SU 6-1402 beforo (1-1222. -:--—. • Export Color Styling—Pino Paper- WOMAN wants to bo a companion or 10 a. m. or aftor 6 p. m. hanging. contor hull homo has charm. Living garageV DONALD W. WILLETT, Realtor Betty Telfer, 521 Mlllburn Ave., Mill- roador. Wrlto box 197 c/o Summit room, dining room, Icltchon, iava- CANARIES, oxoollont slngoru, largo se- 802 Pennsylvania Ave.. Union JOBS-BECK-SCHMIDT CO., 25 Halotcd St., East Orango, N. J. burn, N. J. S. H. 7-2440. Herald. RUG, Karastan, OxfS, American Orlon- -. loction. Ahio ready hons. MI 0-1855-W. tory, nun porch. Socond floor; 3 Phono OR 3-2023. Eves.. OR 5-5294 tal wine background in excellent Unvl 2-1246 bodrooma, 2 tiled batlir,. Two bed- Realtors RELIABLE porson wanted to sit eve- BABY SITTER. High Sohool-Junlor de- GOLDEN Hamatora, tho wondor animal rooms, bath, third. Automatic hoat;' SI Union Plnce SUmmit tl-1021" nings with two well-behaved chil- sires work as baby nlttcr ovoitlngs condition. Call botwoon 3 anil 5. D McORAY palntorl paperbanger SUmmit 6-3255-W. for pots, laboratory and brooding & decorator' Su H-5317-M attachod Karago. Lot 05 x 146. Ask- WANTED TO RENT dren. 50o an hour. Reforonccji neces- and Saturdays. Aluo available dferlni: stock. Rosovlllo Hamstorlos, 11 North ing S17.000. sary. S. O. 2-1178. Eastor vacation—April 16 to 25. Bost ESTATE^Qas Range. Stainless Stoel 11th Stroot, Nowark, N. J. HUm- SCHMIDT and Landwehr. Painting, references. Phono Ml. 6-4183-R. HOLMES AGENCY. Roaltors -GARAGE__or.. parkings space for oar. YOUNG LADY, file clerk, typist, gon- Tllblo Top. SU 6-6340. boldt 2-0387. paperhanglng and decorating. Call Near R.R. station. Call collect KI- Union 2-7108 45 Maplo St. ' Summit 6-1342 PANORAMIC VIEW eral offlae workrState ago, oxporlonoo, DOMESTIC WORK, South , Orango LARGE CONSIGNMENT TO BE SOLD EASTER bunnies and rabbits. CaiFsu ilorado 5-7044. Manhattan _ references, salary desired. Box 22, aroa. Student. April 14-25. South PUBLIC AUCTION 0-5300-M. 752' SprlnRflold Avo., Sum- PAINTER and paperhangor wants FRANKLIN SCHOOL ~ ' AND Nows-Rocord, Maplewood. Orange 3-0733. •. Friday, Aprll...22 — 10 a.m." mit. work. Intorlor and oxtorlor Work. Attractlvo modern contor hall brick BELL LAB. employee doslrcs 3-4 or 5 colonial, slato roof, 1st floor Includes HIGH ELEVATION room apartment, vicinity of Summit. SALESGIRL to work on newstand. at Workmanship—guaranteod, Rcanon* PRACTICAL NURSE will caro for " 273 Mlllburn Ave, Mlllburn, N. .T. able. Fred Plopor, 1 Sprlngflold laundry and lavatory; 2nd floor, 3 bod- Ront about $50; call Essox 3-0789. Apply In porson at Union Nows mother and baby or children In their CHIHUAHUAS rooms, 2 tiled baths; 3rd floor, 1 roomn stand. Summit Station. See Mr. Bird. {In ca:ic of rain, sale will bo hold Avonuo, Sprlngflold, N. J. Mlllburn ARE only two of tho Highlights of this IS THERE ANYONE who will ront an homo. Summit 6-1556-J. noxt day) BEAUTIFUL, tiny, uwoot~ oroaturco. 6-O700rE._ . . .. and bath; hasomont rocroatlon room; moat desirable custom-built brick unfurnahod two or throo-bedroom SALESLADY for permanent-position in Domestic and orlontal rugd, china, Hoalthyr- homo rained. All "colors, 2-onr attachod garago. A Good Buy at and framo colonial. Plrnt floor has home to a man who wants to accopt _ gift shop. Brown's " Book Shop, 434 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES lamps, glass, kitchen utonsllu, old short and long haired. AKC rc(dn- PAINTING—PLASTERING $27,000. - • • entrance hall, living room with flro- a position In tho Summit area? The Springfield Ave.. Summit, N. J. powtor, prints, paintings, brass, wash torod. J. M. Fornandcz, 647 Eighth PAPERHANGING EDWARD A. BUTLER, placo, dining room, kitchen with nood Is great, tho time Is short. Ex- GROVE Employment Agonoy—Plaoe- Brnnrt«,,i ..yijtoi-liin <_nhn1r» .ntiSS*:. nf. Avo., near ,42nd^,St;v" Now York. EIHJTABHS^Aid- -well* -established. ' "ni»rfrrBjreclalistBr£cfl(>42-yo«er x 5-70887^ ' ^ v ¥ _coUpaikUiiBi64, B Summit offlco wants a. middle-aged drawors, garden furniture, bric-a-brac, : Horald" Ing superior domestic holp'to subur- and othor. itoms tod numoroun to Off Souson PrlooB. * Best Materials 7 Booohwood Road Summit 6-6040 4a^^ox typist—small amount of lotter writ- ban resldonts. 1979 Springfield ave- PALOMINO and Sorrel niuldlo horses. FORMER Short Hills family want to ing—who is Interested In augment- montlon. Goods can bo soon beforo tho Goldlngs. summit 0-0424. BOB FABRICATORS baths Gas hoat, 2-car garage. En- nue, Maplewood. sale. tire property is—excollontly main- ront with ' option of purchase, 3 ing a small salary by tolophone soil- 2182 Morris Avenue Union, if. 3' BRAYTON SCHOOL . bedroom, 2 bath house. Juno occu- ing on commission basis. Real bp- SOOTTS Employment Agency. 421 Es- Salo conducted by Theo. Gonoruttl, SERVICES OFFERED tained. Location most oonvonlont to pancy Box No. 125, c/o Item. sex Street, Mlllburn, Mlllburn 6- Ml. 6-1765. Call Unlonvllle 2-3686 Murray Hill, Summit and Route No. portunlty and pleasant working con- 1 ditions. Ploase provide such Infor- .onr. Serving Short Hills, Mlllburn, Francis L. Mlnard,- Auctioneer. 21—ACCOUNTING PAINTING and Paper-hanging done Six rooms, bath, powder room, garage, 20. jYOUNG business couple to bo marrled- mation you would think would en- Summit, Maplowood, Tho Oranges. Light lunch will bo served on the reasonably by day or contract. Act 100 ft. lot. ABklng $17,300. ln Juno need small apartment, to Domostlo Jobs avallablo with rofer- premises ACCOUNTANT bookkeeper. Bookkoop- now I S. Klrsoh, 97 Aldlno St., Nowark. W. A. MoNAMABA, Realtor complete pliingnnxCTllonV roforonccs. able one to determine whother or not Ing sorvlco, accounting, taxes. Do- a personal Interview should follow. encos. - WAverly 3-7229. W, A. MoNAMARA, Kealtor 37 Maplo Stroot summit 6-3880 Call after 6 p. m. SUmmit 0-3324-R. DORMEYER Electric Mixer. Powor- pondablo, roasonablo. Part tlmo. MI Eves., Sun. SUmmit 6-7900, 7027-R- Box 200, Summit Hcrr.ld, Summit, COMMERCIAL and domestic help Ohof modol with boater ejoctor. Llko 0-0600-R. PAINTING and Paporhanglng dono at SUmmit 0-3800, 7086. 7027-It WANTED 2 or 3-room apartmont prof- N. J. served. Land of Nod Employment now. Roasonablo. SU 6-0164. your convenience Estimates cheer- MEMORIAL FIELD AREA 3A—BERKELEY HEIGHTS orably In Summit area. Two adults. ACCOUNTANT BOOKKEEPER. Book- fully glvon. 'Call Blgolow 8-6726. STEADY, year-round employment. Agonoy, 68 Main Stroot, MAdlson Brlok Colonial—Contor hall, living SU 6-1754-J. 6-26507—No .charge to employers. BROADLOOM RUG, 9 x 21 Vj, Mohawk keeping aorvlco. nooountlng, taxes, -George Wahl. • . NEW bungalow In best rcHidontlal sec- Good working conditions. Corby's. Grovosneur, rose. Used two months. Dependable, reasonable. Part time. room, opon porch, dining room,.mod- tion; living room, kitchon, • thrpe ELDERLY woman deslros aBBBmwoda- Enterprise Laundry.-Ino. ' --- OARRINGTON Employment Agency— Reasonable. Phone Chatham 4- Ml. 6-0000-R. Painting and_Papnr_hanglng. Interior orn kltcftort, lavatory, throo bedrooms, bedrooms, bath. Oil burner; Brceio- tlons suitable for light housekeeping and • exterior. * Good wbrkmanshlp. one bath. Oil heat, attached garage. GIRLS for assembly and bench work. 67 Maple Avenue, Vaux Hall, South 5659-B." • -way. and attached garago; approxi- by May 16. SU 6-0421-M. Orango 2-0409. Specializing rollable 22-A—AUTOS FOR Reasonable. All In excellent condition, inspect" mately .90 ft. frontage; convontent Write Box 201 o/o Summit Herald. 1946 SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, 6 OUblo thru TWO BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen domestlo holp. Couplos, day, full, GEORGE KOCH7 to school, station and Bell Labora- and bath for couple, with ono child. WANTED—Girl for-clorlcal work. High part time workors, oto. foot. Saorlflco. Must sell—moving out Herk-Driv-UR-Self System MOUNTAIN, WHITEMORE tories. $131000. SUmmit 0-5848-M. sohool graduate or equivalent. Ohat- of town. SU 6-0553-M. Passemgor' oars and trucks to hire. PLAINFIELD 4-0788 Millburn or vlolnity prof erred. Call J. Frank Connor, Ino. License* & JOHNSON, Realtors 1 to 3 p. m. S. H. 7-3161. — ham Trust Company. FOR SALE 8A—MACHINERY 3B—BEDMINSTER DRIVE IT YOURSELF 85 Summit Avonuo Summit 6-1404 URGENT, 3-4 rooms. Veteran, wife, HELP-WANTED—Male I—ANTIQUES AUTHORIZED DEALERS, Worthlng- INSURANCE PROTECTION one child. Maplowood vicinity. RO- ton' pumps, »lr compressors, Sture- 85 Piano St., corner-James Bt, W. DE LANGE OP COURSE WE HAVE! JUST OPENED nello 4-2115-W. THB WH1FFLETREE—Antiques bought vant blowers, Westlnghouse, Cen- Newark, N, J. • HO 'j-2200 Idoal land subdivision, 1V4 to 10 aore and sold. Tel. Su. 0-1720 or Bu. 6-1911 , tury, U. S." Eleotrlc motors: oom- parcols in restrlotod aroa. Ono mile to COLORED WOMAN wonts 3 or 4-room ' SALESMAN 785 Springfield avenue. Summit. ploto stock pumps, air cdmpresson, 23—CARPENTERS Painting, Decorating. Interior and apartment In Millburn, Summit, or Exterior, JUST THE RIGHT HOUSE FOR Par Hills station. Good .roads. Priced AUTHENTIC antlquo Govornor Wln- pulleys, motors, rang, blowers, unit FRED 8 T B N G E h, . CARPENTER; from $600 to $1,000 por aero. Vaux Hall. S. H. 7-3571-J. SALARY OR DRAW OPEN hoators, lighting plants, gas engine*. ropalrs. alterations, screens, cabi- YOU at a price you'll bo willing throp dosk; built In. 1700; family Call SU 6-4247 for Estimates. THE VILLAGE REALTY REPINED WIDOW wishes unfurnished holrloom.—HAckottstown 270-R. Fairbanks, Moore and Goulds well nets, etc. Lot me do your imal) No Obligations. to pay whether it's $14,B00 or $76,- three-room apartment and garage. PLUS pumps; a pump for every need; also Jobs or any Job. Call UNlonvllle ANTIQUES, china, glasswaro, furniture, 2-6632, 1273 Grandvlow Ave., Union. 000. We have a fow extraordinary ASSOCIATES Soloot neighborhood botweon Chat- automatic : electric Water heaters State Highway 32 Basking Ridge, N. 3. ham and Oranges. Chatham 4-884DW. tin, pewtor, sllvor, oto. Tel. BEr- General Eleotrlo Equipment Co., IBS buys at $21,000 to $37;000-airtd over. COMMISSIONS PAID EACH nardsvlllo 8-1352. LOUIS MELLUSO WANTED; HOUSES TO PAINT. O. B. BErnardsvllIe 8-1212 or 1213 T rooms. Veteran, wife, 1 Mulberry street MI 2-5029.' ' Carpentry, altoratlona. Cabinet work. TIME YOUR CUSTOMER PAYS Whlto~Jr., Paintor and Dpoorator. Where tne intrinsic value Is far child. Summit or vicinity SU 6- Z—BtCYCLES .^—MISCELLANEOUS FrCo oBtlmates. Chatham 4-5080. 21 Edgar" St., Summit. SUmmit 6- above the salo price. Give me a 4—BERNARDSVILLE . 3200. •US (THIS MAY BE. FOR YOUR SCHWINN balloon tlrc», Jpraotlcnlly.. -OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 1193-R, Free Estimates. , . inn.w AP.r>fnm,T.w-MT.—tm% of repro- •now, Streamlined. Fully equipped: GEORGE OSSMANN chanoe to prove thja to YOU. — WANTED by young professional cou- LIFETIME) • — —-oral kinds •J . CARPENTRY MA—PIANO TUNING • duction cost. Georgian Colonial plo, garago apar.tmont or similar de- Phone SU 6-7741-R. homo ot-ohjht-Unusuaily large rooms. OVERHEAT) TYPE DOOR CO. Remodeling, Ropalrlng, Cabinet Work. PIANOS TUNED .__ tached housekooplng quarters. Sum- PLUS BOY'Sbicyolo in fair odnHIUdn."Blze Recreation Rooms and Ban. Porfeot condition, nowly docoratod mit vicinity. Call Dr. Graomo, SU_ 1366 Springfield Ave., Irvlngton. N. J. Reginald Belcher. Oburoh organist throughout. Three modern baths, 6-350O, 9-5 NUtley 2-2324 evenings 28. Prloo $12.00. Call SU-6-3033.— Phono Essex 8-5800 • Additions and tuner. 35 years. Morrlstnwn OBRIG, Realtor —~Mttrburri~6-123J : •4-54S3- , -31 Mnpln ntrmt. _Z. BUmmlt 6-0435 tiled powder room. Five—acres on and wcok-ends. . PERMANENT CAREBR~WIT CHAIN drlvo girl's bicycle, Excellent LANDSCAPING Materials. topsotl. •corner, 600 ft. frontage. Unexcelled ^.condition, pn i.mi: 24—CONTRACTORS If no answer, SUmmit 6-5B68 or FURNISHEU D • i ONE OF THE LARGEST-LIF'E= humus, poat- moss.-seeds. - *ortUI«sor. 3»—tlPHOLSTERlNG location. Steam heat (oil), double garage"" desireddi . Mlddlo-agedBeirtle —r;graUKATTOE COMPANIES ENGLISH blcyclo, oxoollent condition. -lime.—Belgium BJooks, etc. APPO- BUILDER-and-«uuieral-contraotor, home =ONE5PP-THOSE GOOD —.garago.—£xlao-$40,000.—Ownor, BEr- mnn. Wrlto O. E.-Hoywood, Route Just overhauled. -Now- brakos. Very LITO'ft-flB-Maln Bt., Springfield. ropalrs, alterations and rooflngj-tyer*~ —FOR_UP-HOLSTERING= nardsvlllo B-0ltl7-Br — -.-- 2, WnBlpuit,' Cunn. or call WEstport roasonablo torms. Best offor SU fl- N. J. - ^^non.-P.flllttorBIirMIL8r0624, days. MI Repairing slip covers; oustom work at BUYS YOU HEAR-ABOU-T- 8—CHATHAM •2~5W2 PLUS 8602. . ROOK SALT DELIVERED 8-1247-J, ovonlnKS. lowest prices. Call Elizabeth 3-0411~or- Wavorly 8-3333.— . ^TOO-LATE ~AH.TIST,_single, WISHES ~TO JRENT GIRL'S-28" Columbia Bloyole $25. S.O. 100 and 50 lb. baKar—float) powder. "•'• 24-A—nitfeti S MAKING ... ATTRACTIVE 9-room Dutoh Colonial studio, garago apartmont or large 2-0307. -M-ltn-drums. SUmmit 8-5001 R. * L. DECORATORS house, two bedrooms, bathroom, COMPLETE TRAINING AND SEAMSTRESS, dressmaking, altera- BUt here It Is—well designed Btone room with bath in Summit or vici- 1147 Liberty Ave. Hllltlde, N. J. and framo Colonial. A large living large living room, dining room, kitch- nity. BU 0-0393. ALL EMPLOYEE BENEQTIT S—CLOTHING GARDEN TRACTORS—New and usod. tions. Hand and machine sewing. en, on first floor; four bedrooms, two A complete' line of Bolons tractors South Orange 2-4786. CHAIRS caned. Rush seating. All room, tiled science kitchen, breakfast PLANS THE ROBIN Hood Shop, 3 Taylor room, powder room, open porch, three bathrooms, sun poroh on seoond YOUNG veteran and expectant wife from $135. Power motors $00.50 up. kinds of material. Charles M. Loo, floor. Two-car garage % aare In naed 3 or 4 room apartment urgent- streot, Mlllburn sells lined clothing We specialize 'on parts and. service DRESSMAKING^Altoratloni). At horn* bedrooms, colored tile bath with ntall of bettor quality toil every mombor or In prlvato homes. Unlonvllle 3- 75 Court St. Opposite Plane, Newark, restricted neighborhood, near schools ly Reasonablo rent. Good roferonceH. STATE EDUCATION AND BUSI- for Jacobson Powor Mowers. N, J. shower, gas heat. Excellent location of tho family. MlUburn 6-4120. Mer- 8170. . • for children, aohool and supervised and station, $28,000, by appointment Call SUmmit 6-1584-J. Auk for Jo* NESS EXPERIENCE. chandise takon on consignment. 8TORR TRACTOR CO., only. p. O. Box 104, Chatham. soph Farley, 469 South Ave. Westflold 2-1202 DRESSMAKING ALTERATION8 Summit Decorating Co. play near-by. Inspect any time. Just Box 188 c/o SUMMIT HERALD BOY'S white suit. Size 7-8. Porreot Opposite Inspection Station Dresses, $0, up. Coats, $10. Suits, $18. reduced to $22,500. Excellent financing. NURSE WISHES two-room unfur- Complete decorating service. nished apartmont, bath, In Maple- condition. Worn once. Phono MI H" Shootrook $43.50 M Also curtains, drapes made; South Paper hanging and plostorlng. 12—FLORHAM PARK SALESMAN — Montgomery Wnrd re- 0-4317. Orango 2-0855. Wood. Box 21, Nows-Record. quires the services of it commission 210 No. TKooflng J $6.45 So. Exteriors, spray or brush painting. JOHN H. KOHLER, OHARMIN.G bungalow, built for com- YOUTH'S tuxodo, $15. Two sport coatu, Oloar Oak ^...24',io ft, DRESSMAKING, alterations and mak- We' do all necessary repairs. fort, convenience and economy; 5 2 OR 3 furnished rooms In Spring- imlosmnn In major appllanoos. Wo Realtor field area for couple. Mi. 8-4430. furnluh doflnlto loads. Jlpply 19-3S $5 caoh. SOuth Orange 2-0440. 2-Panol Doijrs $8.08 to $0.50 ing draperies. Mrs.' M. Hlcswa, 326 Insured, b»ndod, references. rooms, fireplace, tiled bath; 2nd floor Dlmonslon $100.00 por M ft. Mlllburn Avonuo. Mi. 6-0092-M. . 360 Springfield Avenue SIT 6-3223 SUmmit 6-6550 summit 6-4616 Watohung Avo., Plalnflold, N. J. BOY'S tuxodo, ulzo 36. Regular $6.00. unfinished; 1 car Rarago attachod; ONE room for ront, 330 Main street, %" Plyacore 22c per ft. lnsulatod; stoel sash; air condition- Chatham. Gentleman preferred. Chat- HELPER for shipping department. SHort Hilln 7-2350. 25—KLECTRICAti 49—WASHING MACHINES.. REPAIRS 1. 6 room modern Colonial, bath and Tolophone Mllllngton 7-0555 lavatory,. $17,000. ing, gas furnaco; bendlx washer; lot ham 4-3446. VVrlto Box 108, care of Summit Horald. GIRL'S Spring and Summer dresses, ELECTRICAL Installation! repaired. IRVINGTON REFRIGERATION CO. 75x150; taxes about $145, SEE this COMBINATION DOORS Essex 3-0155 3. 8 room Colonial, 2 baths, needs TEACHER, sovon yours In Summit i'OUNG MAN, fllo clerk, typist, goiioral nl/.en 4 and 5. Perfect condition. SU h. Parsll, Jr., 0 Perry Place. Spring- some 'ropairs, $17,000. attractive bargain lit $16,000. 6-0081. STORM SASH field; Mlllburn 0-1023. Guaranteed repairs on all wasbera A. J. HARMAN & SON, Realtors school, and two lulultu. nood four or offlco work. State ago, experience, 3. Modern 7 room Colonial, 3 baths, five rooms. Can furnish now gas references, salary desired. Box 23, FULL DBB33 SUIT, u\lte 30; shoes, size LUMBER MILLWORK 26—FLOORING . $10,000. 2(1 Green Ave. Madison 8-0448 stove and rofrlgeratpr. SU 6-4469-M. News-Record, Maplewood. OFFICES FOR RENT 4. 8 room Colonial, 2 -bithl, lavatory 7. Only worn fow times, owner re- Cedar Pickets, Plywood, Shootrook,- REPLACE old floors with parquet unlisted Army. SOuth Orange 3-1364. and den, $22,000. 13-A—GILLETTE. YOUNG man, good education. Full or Flooring, Shingles, SoroenH, Shutters, blook or atrip floor. Beauty '— Per- SUMMIT 5; 8 room English, 2 baths, maid's REAL ESTATE FOR RENT part time. Receiving and delivering. 4A—WKEWOOD Mouldings, Knotty Pine, Cedar Lining, manence — Low cost Installation, IN modern building, center of town, room and bath, $27,000. Good appoaranco and utrong. Knowl- Kttahon & Cornor Cablnoto, Insulation, Floors Banded and roflnlsned. second floor front, over Kresgo, Sum- TOP OP LONG HILL . , . View on 2 SUMMER cottages for light housekeep- odgo of typing desirable; L. H. Nolto FIREPLACE wood, 24".-18", hard Ma- Doors, Hardware Formica. mit. 800 square loet. H. McK GLAZEBROOK sides; corner lot; % acre; 8 rooms, 2 ing on beautiful Deor Isle, Maine. R. J. Powoll ' Mlllburn 6-0084-J tile baths, stall showor, lavatory Co. SU B-3088. soned. Idoal Gardens, Springfield. HILTON Established 1020 B. E. 41 E. G. HOUSTON, Wrlto J. E. Knowlton, 2 Exeter Rd., Ml. 6-1007. 360 Springfield Ave, Summit 8-6464 MARGARET G. RUNYON first floor, oak floors, cedar closet, Short Hills, N. J. 12) BTEADY yoar-round employment. SCREEN & LUMBER CO. 28A—HOUSECLKANINa 332 Springfield Ave, fireplace, oil burner; attached gar- 4-B— FERTILIZER Good working conditions. Corby'n 5170 Springfield Ave., VaUx Hall, Nf. J. OFFICES for rent, center of town, all SUmmit 6-6050-6051 age; 22 minutes to Newark on Laok- NICELY furnished holme (3 bedrooms). Kntorprlso Laundry, Inc. WALLS. CEILINGS, RUGS AND conveniences, single or double of- awanna. Kalnon ownor, Lons< Hill rd Adults preferred. 6 months or long- OHIOKB1N manure—Most fo«*jiour fer- PHONE UNIONVILLE 2-7108 UPHOLSTERY tilizer money. Two bushel bosketn fices. All outside rooms. Apply IS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY er, beginning June 1. Ront $125 plus WANTED; SALESMAN - ESTIMATOR. • Open Sunday A, M. Cleaned by machine Maple Street, summit. LONG HILL ROAD; lot 115x200; Is Thoro may be only ono man In all 35o. CHatliam 4-0648. . THE WALLMASTER WAY -floor-living room with opon fire- Utllltll'.i. ' I PAOHYSANDRA. $7.00 a hundred. Call of Union County for this opportu- 4C— No muss, streaks, odor or noise WE^HAVE available In Chatham, N. J t room house, 2 acres, lnoludlng place, dining room, kitchon, dinette, SUMMIT REALTY COMPANY- nity. SU 6-1570. Call ORango 4-3325 for oatmiata 1000 foot very deslr'ablo' olfico space lavatory and bedroom; 2nd floor 4 J33O Brond Street BUinmlt 6-3038 OKRANIUMS; Av.aleus rtul all types or In new building and several hun- corner lot, 3 grueuhouBcs, fully It is far moro than Just a Job. A busi- BALEI 10ft to 40% off on irons, toast- equipped, Sacrltlco iialo, $14,000. largo bedrooms, and 2 tllod bath- DELIGHTFUL Hummer homo on Lone- ness opportunity for the right mini, flowering Hhrubs. Keiuionnblo. Call J. WILLIAMS, window washing and dred feet of warehouse space In ud- rooms; stall shower; ample olosotn: Charles Noron. SU 6-1076. era, Juloers, pressuro cookor, vacuum cleaning, B. O. 3-3568. 2311) MlTlburn Jaoont building. Also complete Ware- kin Boy, lloothbay Harbor, Maine. 7 12 month steady Income from esti- oloanor, radios. Chatham Appliance Ave. .Maplewood. • CLARENCE D. LONG •team heat (oil); largo enclosed porch rooms, modern, For August. Phone mating and contacting our custom- house services to offer to doslrable overlooking magnificent view; built- S—FUBNITUKB Co., 168 Main Stroot, Chatham. tenant. Phono OHatham 4-7744. 333 Springfield Avenue * Montolalr 3-1230. . . orj for tho newest and finest typo of GIRL Wants house cleaning work by SUmmit 6-5386-5205 in 1-oar garage. Prloo $18,000. sum- combination Storm Sash. Aluo the TWO end tables and oooktall table, MEN'S Kroydon golf clubs; Lolaa csm- day, Unlonvllle 2-3063. mit 6-5454. 1 OAU GARAGE. Cornor Whittlngham bluo gloHM topii, $10. Good condition. ora, rango flndor, Weaton exponuro Oftl«o Spuco Available Dow Kuyser Sun screens made of all 2»A—LANDSCAPE OAHDENINO OPEN FOR INSPECTION Terrace and Wlttkop Place. $10 aluminum, Twin sliding and self 27 Walnut Strnot, Summit. motor, small Hector Ions f 1.0-7.3 cm, MODEKN, second floor olfloe, suit- month. Ml. 0-1581. largo Hootor Ions f 4.B-13.5, Loltji able for profesalonal or similar busi- 79 WEST END AVENUE Z6A-MORRISTOWN VICINITY storing. MOVING, Spinet donk, dining and bod- LANDSOAPE-Gardoner. Modtutt GARAGE for ront. Ro.monablo. IB Wlf-" Spuolul commission allowances on sales flndor, Ions extonslon tubeu. In ex- prices." Top soil, trucking. Call Bu. ness, will soon be available In now , THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, room sots, dark rose broadloom contrally located building In Bprlng- AND SUNDAY 2-5 p. m. OOZY 6 room dwelling, only 1 year 11am St. SU 0-3216. of appliances from our sales rooms 14x22. Other items. SUmmit 6-3031. collent condition to uottlo ostato. 6-2207. old; 5 minutes walk from Convent In Summit, N. J. ItDUHOlHlblo. Phono SU 6-5833, nold. Write Box O, Sprlngfleljl Sun, Springfield, N, J. Living room, fireplace, dining room, Btatlon. Oil heat (air conditioned) 2 year Haifa Experience desirable. Call PORCH furniture. Six cushion Bunt- TWO whool carrying trailer. All Water- TREE SERVICE modern, kitchen, attached garago. DIAMOND APPRAISERS for nppotntmont Summit fl-0006 or ing Kllder, Two-wooden hoop chairs. tiled kitchen, tile bath, 2 bedrooms; proof construction. Also girl's bl- Landscape — Gardening — TopuolT 2nd floor utudded for * 2 additional To settle estate, asking price $18,000. Write to Eastern Fuel Co., Summit, Phono S.H. 7-3300. oyole. Priced bunt offer on' either 30 0-1553-R. CEMETERIES Make offer. OFFICIAL Diamond Appraisers, Sidney bedrooms; 1 oar attached garage. T. Holt,. Est. 1881, MA 3-2139. 7WI N. J. . . • NINE-plecn dlnntto sot. Dunoun Phyfo one. Phono HU 6-1648. _*iud»capo gordonor, fulr prices, export, Large plot. Thla house Is in spotless JAMES ,J. DEMPSEY mahogany. lSxoelloiil (londltlon. 16 GREENLAWN MEMORIAL PABK Morrlstown's Active Broker Broad street (Market): take el to OOMPLETR set Lnnox clilna; oithor '.reiis romovod. Mlllburn 6-4226-U, lit. Airy Road, HFD condition. Tastefully decorated and oth floor. Help Wanted Male and Female Puiioun Btreot, Mlllburn. only t! yours old. Owner has been K5 Park Place MorrUtown 4-2651 sot of «lx or elglit. Ulue Treo pat- A. J. OAl'OltABO. Trucking, landaoap- Basking Ridge, N. J. Tel. Bernardsoille B-0922-0107-M triiuSforrod and doslrcs IMMEDIATE OOUPL1CS, cooks-butlers; uooks, tnnlda, OHAHMING, Victorian sofa; newly up- tern, now; pre-war prices. CHnthum »lng. gonoral contracting, gardonlng. ACTION. Asking $15,500. Offers given 27—MOUNTAINSIDE FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED etc. Caretakers, gardeners, .farmers, holstored In bluo. Siuirlnoo. Call 4-4046-M. " I Topsoll Si manuio. 2174 Springfield Member—National Cemetery ' SHort Hllla 7-2702. , consideration. milkers, office, commercial, steno., REASONABLE, Nolneless portable type- Ave., Vauxhall, Unvl. 3-2007-J, • RESTLAND nnd GRAOIELAND. Wll TWO NICE LOTS, built-up BOOtlon or FURNISHED BOOM, bath; with, near typist, bk., Industrial, also select htilp BOOKOAS1S, muliniiuny, Two doom. Hlx writer, 32' HXtotmlnn ladder, 10' Hcuf- OLENBUOOK LANDSOA1M5 BEBVioB Boll a 4-gravo plot In uao)i cemntnry EDMONDSON, Realtor Blroh Hill Hoad. 75 x 150, ouch. Wll Kiirage. Single, younit oxnoutlve. supplletl, Nowrimrk'n Agency, Wash-' .nliolv™. Miipluwooil Furniture He- fokl with lronji, 6 ou. ft, 1'rlgUlalre TItlSIS WORK - PKRMANENT DRIVES or divide. $70 per grave. No nuenta. 3112 Kprl»Kll«ld Avenue sell ono or both, ttoiistmable. No Mnpiewond, Omimt'.s prufort'od. MAr- lngton St., Morrlstowu 4-3600. - storcrs. BOuth Orungo 2-7025. MI B-O37O-J, 08 GLBNBIDE AVE. BU li-6034-H SOuth Orange 2-7U07. SUmmit 6-7073-0O09 agents. South Orange 3-7607. kot 3-0451, Ext. 15. 0-5. THE SPRINGFIELD SUN, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1949

HELP WANTED—FemoU WANTED TO BUY been doing hl« conditioning In the BTAUPH—Collection*, icoumuUtlon*. Yunkve camp until now. Hu looked WORKING housekeeper for family of 3 old . tuvtlopM 6i correspondent* Easter Egg Hunt udllllB. Good living quarters. No ob- Market Loses Two, Bears Break Camp so good pitching ugalnat major Jecilon lo husband w''.h oul&ldti posi- wanted (or highest tub .prices Will MOUNTAINSIDE tion. H. H. 7-3331 iifUr-^p.miJrhui*- oall A. Brlnkoun. 810 Carletoa league coinputltJun J.hut many ob- diiy und u)l duy Friday. road, Westfleld. \ Slated Saturday Lead Is Reduced ierveru believed thu Yanks might ANTIQUES. Furniture,, china. glow, SERVICES HELD FOR For Homeward Trip keep him for tho £ua&on. SERVICES OFFERED tunps. Copper Kettle, 017 uonto- MOUNTAINSIDE - An Eitster Springfield Market'* lead was Avenue. Sprlngfleld^-ohoTt- H11U T- further reduced in Monday night's The big news for Bear a^ Buddy Hasuett'k boya will b» 41—CESSPOOL CLEANING W42-W. We' buy »nd sell. We sjso fathers Run Show MRS. M. E. DURLING HUH hunt, »pon«orc'd by the Civic bowling tournament when IU team the club broke camp to start thu home this week-end to mgago Jer- buy utstea. MOUNTAINSIDE — V u nt r a I trip home last week-end WHO the J Council, will bo held Saturday from lost two game* toBednariks Palht- ney City in a thrm'-gumo exhibi- WE PAY CASH (or your Used furnl- .services for Mi .s. Mury Emma return of Duano Plllettu to the 4 10:80 a. m. to noon m the grounds tion serlt'H which will wind up the ture._«ntlqilM, silver, book*. hr ?-*. At PTA Meeting Durling, 70, widow of William Dur- om. In wjeond place upot, only two Newurk roster by the parent New EXPERT —braor paintings, works of art, etc. of the Mountainsldo School In giimta behind the leading Murkut, prt<-«»oaBon training campaign. OEOBOE'S AUCTION ROOMS MOUNTAINSIDK-ITA «Mu:v» llnK, and mother, of Miba Grace York YajikBoa, la 7 Bridge Tavern, which took SANITARY OliaaPOOL 83 8UMM1T AVE. presented a musical program M. Durling of Onlc Tree court, were Houtu 2lT MM. Elmer Hoffarth In The Beam have been looking The teama will play in Ruppert Tel Summit S-099S t JJnree closo games from Jimmie's BEE VICE We will buy your attic contents Thursday evonlng at the annual held Tu<*day ut 2:30 p. m. in the chairman. for eomo bolstering in tho pitch- Stadium, Newark, cm Saturday, Holcombo Funeral Home, Flu EMO Service. Hershey Ice Cream CESSPOOLS AND HKPT1C TANKS WE PAY highest cash prices (or any- fathers' night, It is expected that approximate- ing department and the right hand afternoon at 2:30, In Roosevelt thing Antiques, china, silver, brlc- 1 ington. The Rev. F._O. Hathaway dropped the odd one to Rlalto fireball hurler from California IB Stadoum, Jorsoy City on Sunday- CLEANED. REBUILT, a-brao paintings, rugs. Your attlo Thr<-p sfintr " were «ung by A. W. of the Stockton Presbyterian ly 350 children will attend, includ- Barber Shop und these two toams contents' our specialty RouerLs, _M. Edgorton Nt-wcomb, is bound to provide plenty of it. afternoon at 2:00 and then wind SUMMIT AUCTION ROOMS Church, officiated. Interment wan ing those of pre-sehool age. Four uro tied for third' place, three A. C. Patterson, L. K. Bc«ch, Wal- areas will be maTked off In age- Although formnlly the property of It up with a contest at Gab«s CARL GULICK 47-49 Summit Ave. in Mt. Pleasant Ci-metery. games from-the lead. Loglon won the BSars all spring, Plllette has 8UmnUt 8-J118 ter H


8 PROFESSIONAL BROADWAY HEADLINERS Bigger and Better Entertainment Than Last Year No Reserved Seats Get Tickets Early Sell-out Indicated ADMISSION-$ 1.50 (Inc. Tax) TICKETS OBTAINABLE FROM ANY CLUB MEMBER APRIL 14, 1949 THE SPRINGFIELD SUN SECOND SECTION Paga I More Than Two. Out of Five Think Prospecting for Antiques Truman Is DoingGood Job, Poll Finds By KENNETH FINK a. r. r. Ho o ix doing a poor job. World War n DlreeW, The New Jersey Poll Veterans 3»* 4T • I a. r. r. No o r 21-29 yean i3% 41 T 3 Democrats 83% 28 4 5 This week—Tuesday, April 12— 30-44 year* 38% 42 13 T 28% 43 20 • Independent* 28% 48 IS Harry S. Truman completed foui* 45 years and over 42% 35 14 9s Today's findings do not neces- years service as President of the Labor union members and man- sarily Indicate how New Jersey ual workers also express more ap- United States. voters would cast their ballots in proval of the way Harry S. Tru- an election. His one man campaign for the man is doing his Job than do white- Presidency last fall and hLs spec- collar worker*. tacular "upset", victory are now his- O. F. T. No O Onion members, 52% 35 8 5 tory. • Manual workers 48% 38 10 T .Whlte-coW At the present time, despite the workejs 35% 4S IB T BRITISH- ?act that much of Mr. Truman's Throughout the atate, women SCOTTISH program Is having "tough sledding" appear to be leaa Impressed.—;— in the hands of the 81st Congress, ' a. v. B.No'o DELICACIES few In this state Women 38% 34 14 12 y (12%) think the Men 44% 41 11 4 ' COLIN McKILL AB might be expeciea most en- SCOTCH MEAT PIES 14c President is do- II. P. SAUCE 3JC ing a poor job in thusiastic supporters of Mr. Tru- Kelller's Imported Shortbread the White House. nan are Democratic Party- Mem- and Cake $1.69 Today, the bers. JSvcu. though Republicans IMPORTED CANDIES vldence considerably leas ap- Price Lint Sent on Request great bulk' of BIGELOW 8-Z5Z4 New J e rs ey proval of the way the President Is folng his .job in the White House, 16S ELIZABETH AVE. j voters are of the pp. Sears-Roebuck, Newark .opinion that our- only one in five (20%) thinks he. chief executive is dolpg either a "good" or a "fair" job. May We Serve You? JOHN A. MENDEI.SOX, (abovoK antique dealer on field, seems to bo interested in the drugstore Indian Survey findings reveal Big City Morris avenue, Springfield, shows a customer in front of Theodore Generutti's shop in Millburn Residents, Young Adults, Manual SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 1 an old bocr stein, one of the many items picked up Only'about 40 drugstore Indians are in existence to Workers, Labor Union Members, In his ceaseless rounds In search of old,—saleable day. Generutti picked two of them up last summer and Members of tho Democratic IMPROVEMENT LOANS , articles. Young Herbert Drolshagen, (right) Spring- while vacationing in Party to be the President's strong- est admlrero. MORTGAGE LOANS Then theij; was the time he gave Report on Our When New Jersey Pol! reporters Save by Mail —"Free Folder on Request his wife money, with explicit direc- asked a cross-section of the state's tions to buy hersolf a fur coat. Collectors Eternally Hope voters: _ , What did flhe come' back with?—e silver creamer. Municipal Governments "Do you think President Tru- INVESTORS SAVINGS Extremely Rare man Is doing agood jofo, a fair Job, , AND LOAN ASSOCIATION To Discover 'Golden Nugget' or a poor job in th** White House?" Millburn Office Union Office Brick ChnrcrwOffleei It seems Mrs. G&neruttl had gbiife The replies were: «4 Main Street 9S4 Stuyveaant Ave. 28 Washington Place COAD- hope of finding the "gojden nug- to an auction first and seeing a EDITOR'S NOTE: Ono of tho two forms. One provides for non- Aaieti Over J7.000.000.00 get" that keeps them happily silver creamer, which she recog- proposals for modernlailnK the partisan elections in the spring, ... . ' • , % • Professional antique deal- searching* . Good job ._ 42J 1 nized as extremely rare, bought It governmental structuro#'of New 1 while the other continues the Fair job 30 ers have been likened to'pros- For the most port, dealcra make- Instead of tho coat. Jersey's municipalities, tut en- presort plan of elections In the Poor job 12 pectors for gold. Scouring j^helr livelihood selling brac-a-brac Genorutti thinks that there are compassed In the Report of the fall in which political parties and miscellaneous-, items. Every only about 10 or 12 6f these cream- No opinion ' 7 the countryside near and far State Commission on Municipal figure. once in R whileithc "golden nugget" em In existence. The original was Government, Is dlscuwied-in tho A majority of big city residents for old and saleable articles, —those who live in.Newark, Jersey they hope eternally that the unexpectedly comes along and a made In 1732 forlhe Duke of Kent article below, which Is part of Tho administrative authority is SHOP SMITH FIRST! strike is made, but flcldom. by John Stoddar, famous English the series appearing , in this concentrated in the mayor. There City, Trenton, Elizabeth, Paterson, next try will net them a rare "There's always something now silversmith. newspaper. This article dis- la no '.'passing the buck." To in- and Camden like the way Harry S. find. in this buslnesa," says Mr (5sn- Collectors, unlike most business cusses tho Commission's pro- crease the efficiency of municipal Truman Is handling his job. In The suburban area Is liberally eruttl, who still .speaks-with the men, .often seem to collect simply posed "strong mayor-council" business, the mayor has under him general, the bigger tho New Jer- FOR dotted with antique shops, filled accent of his native country, Aus- for the love of collecting with lit- plan. a qualified business administrator. sey community, the more its in- to overflowing with, bric-a-brac, tria. A former musician and music tle thought for Immediate demand. Tho administrator has considera- habitants approve of Mr. Truman^ furnituro and miscellaneous items teacher, ho collected no a hobby There Is no urgency In this busi- Taxpayers would have an annual ble responsibility for the budgct- "labors. — FAMOUS BRAND of the near and distant past, some at flrat, then gave up music turn- ness, for the longer an item re- fall pre-vicw of the now year's personnol and purchasing and a. P. p. Noo of little value, some collec'tors' tax picture in their municipalities Rural residents 2B% 43 18 11 Ing his avocntlon into a vocation. mains in tho shop, tho more valu- heads a department of administra- Towns 2500-24,990 40% 34 15 11 Items,—but all tho result of this His wife and partner hns been able it becomes. ' • '' • under the. muxftr-council plan tion, which must meet specified 25.000-99,000 42% 42 • B 7 endless search by dozens of collec- collecting ever since she was seven. Ervln W. Lubonau, owner of an proposed for use In New Jersey standarda,__ 100,000 nnd over 52% 38 9 1 tors. Full of Surprises antique shop in Springfield, for by the State Commission on Younger votcra—thosd* between BROADLOOMS . A council of five memboc? is Thorc Weems to bo a fascination Instance, who has been at, this oc- Municipal Government. the ages of 21 and 29—indicate to this. tradoT"Most collectors earn To provo that collecting is full oleotod. Tho council i» given tho cupation ever since he was a small neceesary authority to keep ah moro~bollef that the President is • Ft. * If Ft Width* ZZ- no more than a modest living, but of surprises of ib own kind, Mr. This plan is Included in tho doing a good job than do oldor Gonorulttl moved over to a chest boy, saya: adequate check on the mayor^and W« have aver IO many pattern* to chooaa from they feel that collecting Is fun; Commission's recommendations voter's. World War n veterans as~ ... all In popular clear-toned colon. Youil of drawers. «nd took out a email "People are always amazed at after a year of study to Increase all of tho executive functions. It love the effect of this elowlnt, rich, hljh- thai they wouldn't keep at their the quantity of material. I have a group are not quite so much im- plled broadloom. Come* In floral leaf, tone- box. Inside was a smail gold tooth- the efficiency of local government selects tho municipal olerk and •vocation; If it weren't also a hobby. collected^ but tliey forgot that I pressed with Mr. ,Truman's efforts on-tone and decorator de*lgn>. Bring your pick used by the gontle folk of an- in this State., . ' passes on appointments. room measurement! and order to your heart's Yd. "Funny BUHUICHH" have been «t it for a long time." as are young people in general. content this wonderful, value-fnl. all -wool other generation. In the "strong-mayor and coun- Council may select a municipal broadloom! I I "Collecting is a funny business," ''I never know such a thing ex- As a result of this life-long col- I ,j Theodore Gcncruttl, owner of a lecting, ho claims to havo one of cil" plan, each spending agency comptroller. A comptroller or- : isted, and I've been In the business would bo rcquirod to publicly somo other person must be ap- Odd Named Students f ,1 Millburn antique shop, observed. for" a long time. I expect a col- the finest collections of pistols In "You never know when you arc this area—some 200 In all. Also, •justify Its requests for appropria- pointed to liccp strict check on Lead the Flunkouts lector to pick It up any day now," tions long before the ovorall budg- .all finances. . . • FIBER RUGS going to run across an artlolc said Generutti, obviously pleased over the period of years, he has lively Cool Colon •worth 50 cents or 8© thousand dol- come Into ownership- of a few cars ots, but the taxpayers Jnuat con- A majority of council can de- Children with -names-llkoPei- beautiful New Design! with his discovery. clval or Opholla havo more to fw.i AU Slztm lars." . " . which might bo considered of an- sider a whole budget In ono eve- crease the budget. But It .takesNa Generutti ran across another ning, and usually after It Is too- than the jibes of. nclghborhocr It wasn't long ago that Generutti tlquo vintage as far aa this type -two-thirds voto to .Increase the Open WeAnuiay Keening TiH 9—AM Oaf surprising "golden nugget" In a late to do anything about It. budget proposed by the mayor. klda, declare psychologists. picked up three engravings for painting ho purchased some time of locomotion goes. Included are Complete line of Asphalt and Rubber Tlk $1.50 each. A short .time later a a 1910 Stanley_Steamcr,. a .1914 Under tho Commission's mayor- Liko the other proposals of the Out'of 3,320 students, studied b; ago. When he bought thlfl paint- psychologists at Harvard Unlver- ' colleutor._came Into his shop and ing;, he an Id, he thought there Ford, a 1909 Maxwell roadster and council plan, tho mayor mutflrrc- State Commission on Municipal offerod-hlm-$750 for one of them. a 1010 Maxwell touring car. Then quire all department heads to sub- Government, the council-mayor elty, those with unusual names, might be more than merely-the were have a "special ex- That, of course, Is a rare clr- _m,ed,locrTow Jersey's Outstand- WIN masts. For economy ing Citizen for 10_48J>y the Adver- tising Club of Now Jersey,^ — Announcement of tho-club's an- nual soloctlon was mado recently you cant beat by President John - C. Wllllami!: Award ComnilUco Chairman "Frcdorlok-Hr Groeir •— COLORABEr "Dr. Walwman has brought great honor to~Now Jersey «nd to Rutgord, tho Stato University for walls of New Jersey," Groel aald in an- nouncing tho club's choice. "Through his remarkable and and woodwork extremely valuable contributions to microbiological research, particu- larly In tho discovery and dovolop- ment of streptomycin, thla New Joroey scientist has made a 'bril- liant and trigniflcant contribution Your least expensive decorative improvement is a to the life of the nation and of the good wall paint.. especially if it's A-D COLORADE world. by Hockenjos, This self-priming, processed "Furthermore, quite lately Dr. oil flat paint comes in soft pastel tints or J < Waksman and his associates have deep, rich colors to fit any color scheme. discovered a . new drug whloh, Try one of these smart colors this Spring, when tests have been completed, you'll love it. may prove to be an even more ef- fective aid to medical science than streptomycin Itself. The now drug has been named 'neomyclh.' EXPERIENCED ADMINISTRATOR "All mankind owes him a vast SUPERIOR SCREEN PAINT BRUSHES FOR EVERY PAINTING NEED debt of gratitude as one of the Im- This protective paint gives new life to You can find any kind of a brush you mortal saviours of human life. Dr. your screens. They'll look better r _ need at Hockenjos. "SPRED" rn 7 c Waksman Is 'both a gfoat scientist too. Dark green $1.00 Black.. •){) 4" Wall brush is only .... *24? and a great educator, his pro- ROBERT L. ADAMS • flclohoy In the teaching art attest- od to by the host of young men and young women who have boon stimulated, encouraged, and So well FOR GOVERNOR taught under his learned but most human guidance." COLOK/KI) WAX HOUSE OF GOODc^Z. PAINT - Have you mot tho wax that Is •r . REPUBLICAN PRIMARY APRIL 19th 15 I'urk l'l., MO '1-1583 • Open Fri. Eve.' tinted to match your furniture? The wax comes In mahogany, wal- Other stores located In nut and maplo tones. Uso It often, PAID FOll BY CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Nr.WARK • UVING70N > KHRNV • UlimtH • PUIHtlUD but sparingly. Let tho wax dry MONTCIAIK • EAST ORftNOE • MTtHSON • MOHRISIOWH • NEW IWINSWICK thoroughly and polish well. Page APRIL 14. 1949 Incidental Infopmation-on Spring CATCHING UP THE TEEN-ACER SUMMER —• WITH 1 CAMPS "<•¥ » LOOKS AROUND THE WORLD By BBYNA LEVENBERG (or Girls By GREGORY HEWLETT Editor's Note: Bob Agrnan, previous author of the Teen-Ager Falling_ Waters Camp;12 to 16 In Berkshire foothills on large dairy column, has found it Impossible to continue his weekly column (arm: 1400 July 1st to Aug. 31st. $200 It is high time for the New Jersey Senate to change its half season. Ridtner tennis, swimming, rules of procedure so that a stubborn minority may be unable Hue to the pressure of other duties. His place has been taken camplDK trips, etc., under supervision. - by Bryna Levenberg of Linden, a student at Linden High Limited 15 Klrls. BverythlpK Included to block the will of the majority. In tuition. References required. That is no new idea as far as this observer is concerned, School. Jean Brackett Beach, Chatham, N. Y. but It ifl apropos today as we look back at the first session It is generally agreed that most things done in moder- CAMP WONPOSET of tho 1949 Legislature—and par- For boys, 7 to 14. 44th season. 100 miles ation are harmless. An alcoholic beverage, for example, (rom N.Y.O. Everything a boy can wish ticularly at the blocking of the create regional health boards. Th« taken under the right circumstances, by the. right people, is (or. Write (or booklet. . confirmation of Spencer Miller, Jr., Legislature also failed to repeal a PL. 8-1083 acceptable. But are we teen-agers the right people? I am Robert 8. Tlndale. 145 E, »?nd St.. N.V.C. as »tat« highway commissioner. 1946 law which made It possible inclined to believe not. However I don't feel that I'm.being A, half dozen Republican* were for Burlington County to acquire prudish. Read on and see if you^on't agree with me. CAMP SKYCREST responsible for thU Ignoring of the two Delaware River bridges in that "Th» Camp of Tomorrow" notorious $12,000,000 deal. Within the past few weeks. Aptitude Testing. Learn Radio, Eleotrio- wishes of their own .party leader, seventeen year old* who held a Ity, Auto-Mechanics, Photography, Wood Governor Drlscol], and of the peo- '• On the plus side, the Legislature newspapers published an—account and Metal Work. 40 Boys, . «-l«T adopted a new civil righta bill ban- drinking party out In California. Separate program (or Juniors. All sports. ple. But they were able to win of six Dartmouth boys who were Pee $3J5. Pocono Mts. Dr. F. S. Brown, ning discrimination In all public at e fraternity' drinking; party One boy became Bojylplently drunk, 1 Hillside Ave., Great Neck. N. Y. Tel. their show-down with the Gover- places as well as in employment; G. N. 2-6618 nor only because of the-way the when they recalled, a grudge they he stabbed two girls to death. two measures requiring referenda held. against—ft—iellow—cjassmate.- ;—Re^her shocking, isn't it, espe- Senate operates. this fall'— one on a $108,000,000 EAGLE'S NEST FARM The full 3enate, In other words, iving the boy« complete benefit cially when you realise that both •Episcopal Diocese of Newark bonu9 for World War H veteran* of the doubt, let us say they mere- these appalling deeds were com- Qlrls' Camp—June 27th to August 25th never had the opportunity to vote and the other on a $25,000,000 con- Boys' Gamp—August 3rd to September on the appointment In open serf- ly wanted to "rough-up" their vic- mitted by youths who were reared 3rd. ASM—Girls' Damp—8 to 17, Inclu- struction program at etate Institu- tim; But because of the effect of sive; Boys' Oamp—8 to 17, Inclusive. olon. If such a vote i hhave tions; a compromise bill upplng in- what la known as "socially fa- Feos—$26.00 9er week; lefts by season the alcohol on their sensory nerves, vorable" condition^. Is an evening Dlr. Canon Leslie, Dep't 40, 24 Rector been taken, Miller would have been minimum teacher salaries -from all power of reason loft, these __ St,, Newark 2, N.j. ' confirmed, probably by a 18" to, 6 $2,000 to $2,200 a year, and a re- of so-called fun worth the risk of vision of the racing laws which youths; the result?-4he death of DOMINICAN CAMP rote. SPBlNGTiME IS THE TIME for , many things. war with that notorious pest of the summer season- one boy, who, incidentally, had not possible tragedy? . Here Is the way It worked: The Included a county referendum re- When one stops to think ~albout Catholic Onmp. resident chaplain, 7-17 quirement in connection with any Cherry blossoms bloom in Branch Brook Park.Ex- the mosquito. Incidentally, tho weather bureau re- been drinking, and the lives of yrs. S age groups, Kelleys Island, O.. on appointment by Governor Drlscoll tension while on another sector of the Spring front, ports that Spring so far is 2.9 degree warmer than seven boys and their families sof- it, drinking doesn't make any ono Lako Erlo. DIHcrent, Individual, 1KB- was sent to the Senate on January new tracks. lasting Influence, «U sports, $150, eight "'» mosquito fighters have already started their annual usual. ously effected. It Is hardly con- more adult; it takes more than weeks. Catalog. 7A and referred to the judiciary Also on the plus side, from tho ceivable that these boya would- liquor to make a mature person. Sisters of St. Dominic, Adrian, Mich. committee. Threo of the four GOP white cherry blossoms and yellow no troublo at all in reaching the In fact once the glamour and Governor's standpoJnt was the By Jcffery .Ttune» have committed euch a deed had senators on that committee, along forsythia. suburban area. sophistication wear off, an ado- with Democratic Senator O'Mara Senate's refusal to go along with they not been under the influence r-CAMP BLACK POINT-] an Assembly bill restoring retail "Spring," quoth-the bard, "turns 2.500 Tree* As for a forecast on the mos- of liquor, ye.t drinking parties at lescent looks downright ridiculous of Hudson, approved the appoint- 1 with a glass of alcohol held con- I On.I,ak£' George In the Adirondack!! ment, but It was never released price-fixing of milk, and the pass- the young man's fancy to lighter Origin of the collection dates quito front this' year, Mr. Eager Institutions of higher learning are I The Real Camp for the Real noy 6-13 ago of thrco of live measures put- things." . tho rule, not the exception; ask spicuously in hj« hand. You may| Hero your son can en- from committee becauso It was Im- back to 1927, when Mrs. Felix FUld, was somewhat hedgy. laugh at or feel sorry for some one Joy n rost(ul vacation, possible to get unanimity In the ting-"lntb~effect his ambitious pro- •Orange, donntecLthe money for Its any college student. participate In all land gram for slum clearance and low- The calendar .Indicates that Can: Never Tell who is drunk. You may feel that & water sports. Com- Republican caucus—the all-impbr- cost housing. " " . spring Is now some threo weeks establishment. In 1028, a nucleus Too Far Awayf what you do is your1 own business.. ploto sports program at tant, all-GOP group which decided of 2,500 trees was secured. the boys level. Small Tho three bills passed permit tax of age. It was not surprising, "You can never tell about the Do you feel that college Is still I agree with you, everyone has a group Insures Indi- the life or death of every measure. Another symptom, of spring, al- vidual Httontlon. Cata- exemptions up to 50 years for cor- i . . • too far away to worry you? Very right to live his own life; but when Because six senators held out thcrefore-to learn that last week, beit less colorful, was also noted log: against Miller In the caucus,'there- taln housing that replaces slums, the dainty 'p'"k jiasd white blos- moB'qulto," he Bald. "It all depends woll then, lct-me-toll-you-wJiat-lMip-- 4fc-oomes-to-taklng another's life— Thomas F. Baker, 550 W. 157th S(< last week. The Mosquito Commis- that is everybody's business. *— New York City AUrtubon 3-6331T"* fore, tho appointment was bottled provldo that vctoratis may- buy soms on some 2,!i00 Oriental chorry homes they occupy which wore sions of both Essex and Union on the weather." ponod to a group of sixteen and "up In committee and allowed to trees In Branch Brook Park, cau- Counties reported that their an- And speaking of the weather, we die' there. built under tho 1D44! veterans' hous- ing law, and permit limited divi- tiously presented their delicate, nual warfare had already begun checked with Frank Gemmlll, To us that looks like an un- dend corporations to clear sjum or finery tbitko public. • . . . on the notorious peat of the sum- chief weather Newark NEW PROVIDENCE BU3 democratic' system of~ueclding mer—the mosquito.. blighted aroao and ccWtruct hous- According to Carl P; Wlttc, park airport. ' ' the affairs of state. tiktt tho ing projects. Still to be" acted on horticulturist,- this week should George_W _Eager, superintend- rules of tho U. S. Senate, which t , While ho had no figures compiled are bills providing a referendum In bring forth tho blossoms In tholr ent and—secretary of the Essex for April, he reported that March LinrJen-Kew Providence also permit" minority control, a November on a $100,000,000 bond Easter best—weather permitting/ County Mosquito Commission, in- change Is needed and needed Issue and. giving the State Housing this year was 2.9 dogroes warmer The main display, which has formed us that his mosquito fight- than average, with a mean tem- badly. "Authority power to administer the often been compared to lfcTworld ing crew already had begun to Tho stubborn six, Incidentally, housing program. perature of 4214 degrees. BUS ROUTE famous counterpart at Washing- clean the 100 miles of ditches in The warmest March, ho recalled, were therie: Harold W. Hannold of A special session to act on these' ton, D. C., follows the windings of the Newark meadows. Ho said he Gloucester, Frank S. Farley of At- was in 1915 when the mercury West Union-Transport Co., Inc. extra housing bills will be called Second River, dividing line be- hopod to have the work finished toppod an average of 50.6 degrees. lantic, J. Stanloy Herbort-of-Mon- by Drlscoll In May. by June. mouth, David Young m of Morris, tween Newark and Belleville, The coldest March wari In 1940 Box4'22, SCOTCH PLAINS, N..J. Politics Takes Over through Branch Brook Park. Although the Newark, meadows when the thermometer dipped to W. Stcelman Mathls of Ocean, and ROUTE SERVICE CHARTER BUSES "Aifrod B. Llttell of Sussex. Farley, One reason for the Legislature's • In post years, park authorities may scorn too distant to be of any an average of 30.4 dogrces. Most Young and Mathls arc up for re- "rush to adjourn last Friday was to havo estimated that as_many as Importance to suburbanites, Mr. noteworthy, this March has been election this year. ~ havo a few days to devote to things 100,000 persons a day have viewed Eager claimed that tho mosquitoes, tho driest on record. Only 1.95 political before tho primary elec- this annual fantasy of pink and aided by favorable tall winds, havo Inches of rain fell last month. Balance Sheet tions nexk Tuesday. . It was not only__on the Miller 'On that day, Governor Drlscoll appointment that Governor Drls- will get the first test of his accom- coll ran head-on Into non-coopera- plishments as he seeks renominn- tion among Ms own party menibors tlon from Now jore(oy|£ Republic- In the Senate. ans. His opponent is Robert L. Serving ... The Senate killed his proposal Adams, Somerset County froehold- A PIECE OF \ 1 for Increased unemployment com- or, wh0LJs_backed by such GOP Linden pensation and temporary disability old-timers as George Strlngfcllow, New Providence Clark VI benefits, his plan for unemploy- former U. S. Sonator Albert Panwood 1 1 YOUR MIND A bus service connecting New ment compensation for all work- Hawkes, and George C. Warren, Providence and intermediate points Scotch I'Jnlnn ers, tho measure providing for ap- former fish and ganio big-wig. with Linden has been announced Berkeley polntmont of the state commis- It looks from here as If Drlscoll By KARL PIATZER, Pnyohologlst by Elwood J. Van Allen, president sioner of education by the State should win thle one with relative Murray Hill Board.of Education, and a bill to of the West Union Transport Co., ease, And it's our perefonal view An ambulance driver at the Orange MemoriaT Hospital Inc. of Scotch~Plalnfl. The new New that ho deserves-a—winning vote is back on the job-again. BehincTthat bald statement lies a route was Inaugurated April 4. Providence - . -Wo Repair and Install '•__ • of confidence-from his ow'n party. noteworthy story. •" " '• - °±;~i. •;•••.. : :\ ; -•:-• ••" The schodulb calls "for 3C dally trips on weekdays and about 30 AUTO, HOUSE LOCKS _, The best way to u?o hiimus from •:Mv. William -J1 . Bradley, has driven an ambulance for 0 your compost pile is to coyer seeds. thehpspital" during the~pastT42 years.-In-thattime7lie:has dally trips.on wcok-ends.'Tho new ~^^Subject"lo CIiiiiiBefwithout Nolice Maplewood Key Shop line serves Boll Laboratories, Air 1014 Springfield Avenue Mix it with good top soil and «md driven 20,000_p a 11 c n t s almost uro• thcy-ahould-onjoy In our com- Ma»le.wood,N._J to give a porous mixture which a quarter o tf a m 1 1 - pany. Reduction as woll as Bonnie Burn WEEKDAY OPERATIONS South Orange 3-S09Z will not form 8. crust. Tho deeds llon miles. Prior" to tho begin- Is Fortunate Sanatorium, and connects with 14 — Lawn Mowers, Nnwti Sharpened — can easily penetrate this cover. ning of this year he had never onco Mr. Bradley Is a fortunate man. bus lines and threo railroads. LINDEN TO NEW PROVIDENCE NEW PROVIDENCE TO LINDEN taken off a day of sick leave. To- He has found a work ho believes Among tho towns the now line ward tile ond o[ January he col- New Boir~Borleoloy Scotch In, something in which ho sees connects are: New Providence, Prov. Labi. Hts. I'lsi. Fanwood Clark Linden OB. 4-8002 lapsed at the ambulance garage himself contributing to all human- 'Berkeley Heights, Scotch Plains, and had to jbo hospitalized himself ity. The thought has kept him on Fanwood, Clark Township- and 5:30 5:55 6:05 6:19 6:23 6:35 6:51 MONUMENTS with a serious respiratory ailment. the job and both-physically and Lindon, 6:32 6:37 6:47 7:ol 7:05 7117 7:33 Durlriig his entire illness he thought 6:50 6:55 7:05 7:19 7:23 7:35 'mentally well Tor the past almost Tho route begins at Springfield only of the time, when, fully re- half-century o! wrvrk. But n,H of 7:41 7:55 7:50 8:11 8:27 MARKERS covered, ho cduld get back to his ayenuo and South str'cot,- New- 8:30 -8:35 8:45 8!59 9:03 9:15 9:31 us can bo as lucky. All of us can Providence" Borough, south on 9:15 9:20 0:30 0:44 9:IS 10:00 ' 10:16 jo bof driving 111 people to got thelook past the routine clomenta lnr s:58 - io:oi) (Garage) hospital attention they needed. Now South street to Mountain avenue 5:30 5143 5:48 Cemetery lettering herent In any jab, wheth6r In the to PlalnfJold' avenue, Berkeloy 6:00 6:14 6:24 6:20 10:45 10:50 11:00 11:14 11:18 11:30 11:46 he Is doing his work onco .more, homo or In the outside world, and 6:30 6:48 11:40 - 11:45 11:55 12:09 12:13 12:25 12141 Heights to Park avenuo at the 7:11 1:23 7:27 7:41 Duplication Work -and he- Is' happy In it. relate our work to that lar'ger ob- lllB 1:23 1:33 1:47 1:51 '2103 Berkoley Heights railroad station,- . 7J40- 7:52 7:56 8:10 8:20 8:25 His has been and is a successful Jectivo which Is tho goal of our 8:01 8:13 -8:17 8:35 8:40 2:0$ 2:10 2:20 2134 then west on Park avomie . to 9:00- 01)6 9128 0:32 9:4e 9:56 2:54 2:3B 3:io' 3126 life. I care not how much nor lives. Tho worker is not working 0:40 10:08 10:12 Mountain avenue to Plalnfiold avo- 9:56 10:26 10:36 10:41 3:20 3:25 3S35 3MK 3:52 4:04 4:20- how little the inati earns. It mat- just to turn out e, certain produc- nuo to Bonnie Burn road to Route J0!25 " 10:41 10:53 10:57 11:11 11:21 11:26 tion each day; he will feel haipplor . 12:13 12:31 12:43 ' 12:47 1:11 1:16 4:11 4116 4:26 4:40 4:44 4:56 5:12 OTTO W. LARSON ters neither how much nor how 20, Scotoh Plains. 12:55- 1:11 1:23 1:27 1:51 1:56 5:10 5:20 5:33 5:37 5:49 6:05 3:13 little he has boon able to accumu- If he realizes the part his work 2123 z:39 zisi 3:08 5:25 5:35 5:49 6:08 6:20 6:36 Forty Yearn of Continuous Service plays In turning out a •product that It will continue south on Park ^3!30~ "3:58" 4:00 late in tho bank. Tho point is avoriue and Martin avonue, Fan- 3!35 3:51 4:03 4:07 4:21 4:31 4:36 6:41 6:46 .6:56 7:10 (Oaraifc)- that thls.inan. h«fl. found an .occur., Is making it easier for people- to - 4:25 4)41 4:53 4:5V 5:21 . _7:20 _ ..-7:3b.. ,.8:oo_ 13 Woodland Terrace Livingston 6-0956 wood, to Rarltan road toLa'keevc- 6!12 .rag-.:. llvo and enjoy their lives. Tho — S:40 • 5:58 6:08 6:28 6:36 6:41 8:oo 8:05 8:15 8:29 8:45 o:ol patlon In whloh ho f-eols useful, In 6:10 6:28 .. 6:38 6:42 6:56 7:06 7:11 housowlfo Is not just—cooking, nue and to Palisade avenuo, Clark 0:25 0:30 9:40 9:54 9:58 10:10 10:26 whloh he fecb able to help people, Township. Then eastward . to in 6:50 7:os- -7:51 in which ho finds himself fulfilling cleaning, and washing each day; 8:20 8!36 s:52- o:o6 9:16 9:21 10:lS 10:20 10:30 10:44 - 10:48 11:00 11:16 PallBadfl-avonue to Central avenue, o:lz 0I2S 9139 9:43' 9:56 10:06 10:11 12:00 12105 12:15 12120 (Garage) a worth-while dbjcctlve. Having sho Is making It passible-through 10:40 101SB 11:08 llilz 11:28 11:38 11:41 to Valley road thon to Stiles stroot, 12:35 12:40 12148 1:00 (Garage) that ho is -happy arid successful, -these-tasks to send happy, healthy 11:34 ll:S0 12:02 12:08 12:20 12:30 12:35 "children out' Into a_-worltJ-whlch Linden. From Stlleg street the rlthout It-he would Joel hls_llfe route-oontlnues to Blistabeth avc- FOR YOUR COMPLETE COMFORT... futile. ' they lncrcaslnBly-fechiiblc—to face SATURDAY, SUNDAY and HOLIDAYS qtid conquor; she is comfortlngand AH Must Work vanla, z " • Scotch BerkelejtrHell New' • -"New -Uoll_Bcrkcley Scotch ~ ~ standing behind—her—man- in Tils" Fanwood I'll. •~XSbl^ Linden -AH oTTlJtrhave jobs 'whlcYjwe ~d~6lrig--hcr share to 3us operators, according to Van Linden Clark rrHtar -~t«bs._Erov. . Prov. ~ JHts,___£!• Fanwood dark must do, ' The Tjualncasman goes build a better world in the next Allen, will atop on signal from Wtl_ —8130 6144 6:54 8:59 7:10 7:15 7125 7:39 —7 :43-- ):55 Hill to his plant, the professional man 7:30 7:44 7184 7:59 8:10 8:15 8:25 8:39 8:43 8:85 o:ll With attention to every detail genoratlon by her work for her passenger* in the open 8:15 s:31 8:43 8:47 9101 9:ll 9:16 9:20 9:25 9:35 9:49 9:53 10:05 10:21 ' to his office, tho factory worker children. Each ineal she cooks, country where Intersecting streets 9:15 9:31' 9:43 9:47 10:01 10:11 10:16 10:20 10:25 10:35 10:49 10:53 11:08 11:21 to his machine, and the housewlfo are far- apart. In more thickly 10:25 10:41 10:53 10:27 Jlill 11:21 11:26 11:45 11:50 13:00 12M-1 12:18 12:30 12:46 1 eaoh dish sho washes, Is another 11:40. 11:58 12:08 12:12 12:26 12:36 12:41 13:45 12.-50 1:00 1:11 (Gnragc) for your comfort, both of Smith to her dishes, We must do that brick In the structure she is Ibulld- populated Section* stops will be 12:50 1106 1:18 1:22 1:36 1:46 > 1:51 .1:00 2:05 2:15 . 2:21) 2:33 2:45 .1:01 work, whether wo like it or not. made only «t lntertoctlons. The 3:05 3!21 3:33 '3:37 3:51 4:01 4:06 1:10 4:15 4:.'e5 4:39 1:43 4:35 3:11 Ing. 4:40 4:58 5:08 5:13 ' 5:J7 5112 5:32 5:40 5:50 li:02 6:18 Some of us go to our dally work Bonnie Burn stop will be made at S:l» 5:31 8:43 5:47 6:ol 6:11. 6:16 6:25 6:30 6:39 ^ 8,-J3 • «:57 7:09 7:25 and Smith's complete funeral 1 unwillingly. It becomes, drudgery Wo can all bo happy In our work, the aldo entrance.In New Provl- 6:20 (1:36 , 6:48 6:52 . 7:06 7:10 7:rl ,7:25 71'JO 7:39 7:53 (OllrUKC) 7:29 . 7:4,1 7187 8:ol 8:14 8:19 - 8:23 8S28 ' 8!3« 8:52 .»:56 l):08 • !i:24 and routine. We r'osont the -neces- wo can all bo happy in our life, ao donoe Township. 9:15 9:29 9:39 9:44 ' 9:50 9:55 10:05 10:19 10:23 10:35 10:31 homes are scientifically equipped sity whloh drives 'us to that wdrk, long1 no wo relate thnt work, that < n:34 n:5o 10:02 10:06 10:20 lo:25 10:30 10:35 10:45 10:59 11:03 11:15 l):3l 1 Ono New Jersey father solved ll:oo 11:11! 11:28 11:32 11:46. 11:56 12:00 12:04 12:09' 12:18 12:31 (Onrage) cwvy other men who have Inher- life, to tho larger goal which all of 11:45 12:01 12:13 12:17 . 12:31 12:41 12:46 12:511 •12:55 l:0K (GnraRe) ited enough money to onafolo them us need—tho ibotterment of man- this problem by attaching the with controlled heating and air- to Vise above the nooesslty of earn- kind. youngsters' record player so that ing a livelihood. The housewife It played through tho tfamlly radio, SCHEDULE OF PARES sees other women with less Intel- Urns leaving tie "adult" reoord conditioning equipment which 4 Zone Point! Zone ligence, I-cx» education than she, Records Stimulate machine to more experienced No. 0 7 8 9 who havo maids, ifur coata, lelsuro hands. Less talonted fathers may SprlnKlloliI Av. & South St., New Providence lloro find ill easier to purchase a small '• to maintains an unvarying comfort- time, while ehe Is still tied down Interest in Music .15 .20 .20 .25 .23 .30 .35 .35 to household tasks, She grows om- machine which Junior caw wind Mountain Av. & Ulumond Hill lid,, New Providence Boro- 1— ointl play himself or olso teach XownshlD Lino bltterod,.desplacs her husband fo; In Young Children Mountain Av. it Diamond Hill lid., New Providence Boro- able temperature Summer and not being olble to afford tho of chlldron this year Junior how to use the family ma- Townshlp Line 2— ,10 .15 .15 .20 .20 .25 .30 .35 1 chine oaretolly. to urlpjj which the othor womc: .will 'be Introduced to now records Pl&lnfleld Av. & Horse Shoe ltd., New Providence Township husband'* can give mudo especially for tho enjoyment Some of the recorda present Plalnfleld Av. & Horse Shoe lid., New Provldonce Township Winter. nags at her children becauso they at boys and girls. Brlnfflnp; Snow beautifully adapted works of the to 3— .10 .15 .20 .20 .25 -.30 .30 unconsciously itand 'botwoon her White, Plnocchlo, and a host of m&stora. One of the ntoro- famous Park Av. Si Mountain Av., Scotch Plains classical works which h&a won the Park Av. it Mountain Av., Scotch Plain* and the freor, easier life she onco other playmates into tho homo to 4— .10 ,15 .15 .20 .28 .30 Icnew and would like to havo onco together with-favorite songs from hearts of thousands of children in Fmiwood Railroad Station more. • . Mother GOOMJ not only Is dollBht- Prokoflert'd "Potor and tho Wolf." Fanwood Hallroad Station fill to children, but to adults as Not 'only do attractive- records to • . »— .10 .1.1 .15 .20 .25 SMITH In this attitude of resentment prosont a rich, oulturat heritage, Marltlne (Park) Av. & Uarltan lid., Scotch Plains SMITH AND well. ' . Marlthio (Park) Av. Hi Ituritiili ltd., Scutch Plains lies danger. If tho hostility Is While there IJS considerable but they also help sttmulato am to . «— 10 .18 .20 .20 FUNERAL DIRECTORS turned outwafd It erects u wall be- range In tho coat af these records, appreciation of music In children. Lake Av. & Palisade Av., Clark Twp. i tween oneself and oiieV) frlondsand It IM interesting to note tho growth Lojke AV. Si Palisade Av., Clark Twp. Tamlly, If, as may usually happen, to . »— .10 .18 .15 415 MORRIS AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, N. J. 160 CLINTON AVENUE In popularity of the unbreakable, Rarltan Av. ft. Contra) Av., Clark Twp. wo are Hshamed to admit oven to, records which sell for twenty-five TIPS OF STEMS Hurltun Av. Si Central Av,, Clark Twp. (NEAR SHORT HILLS AVENUE) NEWARK, N.-I. . ouraolvwi the oiivy, discontent, fu- cents apioco. Only tho tips of stems on Now .10 .15 , . ' MIUBURN 6-4282 •BIGELOUI 3-2123 tility, boredom and ffiuitratlon wo An objection frequently hoard Zoaland'splnaoli should be out for Valley Rd. Si Htlle* tit., Linden foci, tho hostility turns Inward, and use. Now tips will' grow, so that Valley Rd. & Stiles St., Ltndon £ ..60T«TAHDINi that they dmt't wish their a few plants will supply tho ovor- Wither way robs no o^'hupi'lncis to the family r« ogo fiimlly with greonn all »um- TEAR OUT FOR READY REFERENCE and robs our families of the j)luou- ortl player. mor long. v >kPRTEH4Tg949 ANNUAL POPPIKH wed may be broadcast whenever Annual poppka should be town the boil can be loooened an inch or where they are to grow, and their ar,-deep—witrT Suburban Gardening S.P.T0WNSENDC0. ATLAS iSSXSS PENCE Manufacturer* of OUR SPRING STEEL FLEXIBLE TOWNSEND Plant Now BLADE IS NOW A V AIL ABLE! Thi; Preuknuu! >^ce, at Pimlito near Baltimore, Md., is one of the Lawn Mower Parts Thin tested and proven blade enables your prevent mower to three great eastern utake horse FORBES punb easier, ntay sharp and last longer. races. Your Suburban Garden LAWN MOWERS PROTECTION Repaired & Sharpened AHo. Oula iUk hn prated, dJdraa, a«kj By Alexander Forbea ond propwty. KM* mapoaua a*, awfa PERENNIAL SUBURBAN LAWN MOWER EXCHANGE Pick-up Service dMiioB li»s and bonDUi Do km. Utf SPEEDEX SALES CO. Perhaps the finest flower display you can have in your abo lor IraKMloMt o>4 larfmtrlal au. ,, Sates and Service T. n. WOODRUFF, Prop. garden comes from a well planned perennial border. Peren- W Broughton Ave., Blooniiield ATLAS FENCE COMPANY PLANTS Bloomfield 2-3387 1060 BROAD SI 78 Millburn Ave., MNIburn '_ SO. 2-8644 Now Located at nial plants are those which live and bloom from year to year. THAT BLOOM PROM POWER HANI) MOWKK8—GARDEN TRACTORS— 315 Main St.. MADISON Each has its own special flowering season; some are very YEAR TO YEAR <;ARDEN TOOLS, SHARPENING AND REPAIRS (Next to Cedarpost Supermarket) long lived, others last only a few years and certain varieties 1'lione: Madison 6-2606 hhav e definite likes and dislikes Luwnmowers Khurpi'nL'd and repaired. Over 350 varieties BrlKKii & Stratton service on power which must be recognized. But mowers and tractors. like mast other garden efforts Flower Beds in Everything for Your Garden including shade and the »ucces« of your perennial "Speedex — the Beit for Leu" borders depends upon the oare Front Beautify Join th» family of good gardener*, whoie evuy gar- rock garden plants. and attention you give to them. dening need Is oared for by South Mountain Nurnerle*. To properly, locate the plants Our Landscape Contracting division can build you a Large, heavily rooted, Modern Homes prize-winning garden, just plant a few shrubs, or you FLOWER AAAA1 FARMLAND TOP SOIL in «n environment they en- well established in S joy la of the utmost importance. When a new house has been bujlt can buy a package of marigold seeds in our sales- SCREENED Si UNSCREENED without a basement, so that the room. Regardless of what your gardening needs are, or 6 inch pots. Bloom IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Many require en exposure to full sunlight, some like a half shaded, floor is just a step above ground you can fill them better and more_reaBonabIy at South splendidly this year, F. ARMANDO locetlon "ahcl^others revel~ln 'tBe~ Jevel.-a-dtfferent-typs'-of-plantljigr —Mountain:—MI our evergreensTshrubs, fruit trees, etc S1IO W BLOQMEDELD, JST. J. shade. Perennials offer you a great L» required from the conventional are raised In this soil and climate so that you-wlll b« Many at 45c each, EDISON 8-901B variety of colors and the plant "foundation planting." a assured successful growth. ' 3 for $1.20, $4.25 dox. LARGE VARIETXQF habits range from the two or tlyee- The purpose if a foundation oK'at 50c each, 3 inch ground covers to stately planting, which 'consists, of a belt SOUTH MOUNTAIN NURSERIES . -for $1.35, $4.75 doi. . plants like -delphinium or holly- of shrubs or evergreens alqng.the Landicape Contractor! • ••' ' For Beauty and Privacy hocks' with a height of six and of- foundation line, 1« to "tie the house JSflJtflllburn Avenue, Millburn, N. J. Gallltrdla EASTKK PLANTS to the ground." It raises a green Anemonr Geum ten seven feet. 1 •* Vaux Hall and Rldgewood Roads Anbli Hollyhock. belt to the level of the floor , In »fT Telephone Millburn 6-1330 Asteri Lilies AND . . Perennials Hold Much Interest Ilaby'j nrenth Luplnei The growing of perermiaT flowers feet bringing the house lower. . OPEN SUNDAYS Campanula Phlox With the low-iet new homes, Candytuft Platycodon is extremely interesting. By work- Carnation Poppln CUT FLOWERS Ing with them occasionally you now so numerous, the. lawn pro- Chrysanthemum Prlmroiea vides the green belt, slnoe It I* so Columbine * Pyrf thrum will gradually come to know the Day Llllea -BudbeckU plants better and to understand close to the floor level. Thero Is Delphinium Scablosa no room for a foundation planting. Dlanthui Sftdum their Indivldua^necds. When these Dlcentra Thermopalg CORSAGES AND BOUQUETS If one is' made, It will not i New Jersey orjnnlwi- 'seeds that might be »own In the tlon, employing: New Jersey re«l- THE WRIGHT STOKE PEERSON'S MILL autumn or as soon an the surface OF UNION 697 Valley Street dents and we have served New South Oranga Z-6080 of tho soil could be scratched In 1049 Stuyvaunt At. UNIonvllU 1-0H1 cool healthy comfort Screened the spring. • • • Jersey property owners success- GEORGE G. SALMON Some gardeners sow their aeods fully for IV years. Our reputa- HAINE'S FARMS 41T Valley 9t, S. O. 'broadcast. My prefefenc«, with tion In this Held Is unsurpassed. 440 Chestnut Street South Orangre 2-1900 TOP SOIL plants that can be readily trans- Thousands' of references are UNlonvllle 2-1823 MAPLECREST Trio Hunter Attic Fan draws cool, fresh air into your' $£.00 per planted, is to prepare a aeedibed available in New Jersey—not In HARDWARE COMPANY and sow In rows, as the young homo, blows hot, stalo air out. Usod successfully in %3 yard some distant State. SVM1U1T 11B1-S9 Springfield Ave. Well-Rotted MANURE plants can be oared for more easily. S. O. 2-888S - . finer homes and loading hofols for many years. Get Of course, such things as the pop- Our work is GUARANTEED Also HYPER-HUMUS PIEKSON'S, Inc. K. M. WIDERKEHR complete details about homo cooling with the tried plqs, cornflower, larkspur which do FOR 8 YEARS without addi- not transplant readily ere best 181 Springfield Avenue 28H Parker Ave. tional charge—a one-year guar- So. Orange 3-8080 and proven HUNTER Zophair Attic Fan. I. F.FEINS sown whore thoy are to stand. Summit «-4Ml antee Is worthless. HANOVER See us today • ZU0 Morris Ave., Union. 0U00MBKKS OLtMU For Information oi* Kroe In- 1M W. BALDWIN CO. Floral Avenue FORBES SALES GARDEN UNVL 2-3500 AH cucumbor« will climb if they spection and Advlcer-OAIjI-i are do so. SUmmlt 6-0073 Route 10 IMMEDIATE QUICK WHippany 8-0373 cool entertaining comfort DELIVERY INSTALLATION Low monthly payment uudur Title 1, PIIA TERMITE SUMMIT PAINT M1LLBVRN * For cool comfort all summer Protect Your Home & HARDWARE CO. BUNCHER'S HARDWARE Control Bureau 3S9 Springfield Av«. 320 Millburn Avenue install a HUNTER Zephair ATTIC FAN the ANCHOR way! Mdmnilt 8-0218 Mlllbum 6-0776 Come In or call An Anchoi1 Clmln Unk Fence ke«p< out 1 Locust Street JOHN SCULLY SOUTH MOUNTAIN trc»piH««r« uml nnlmull. Keap« children B9 Summit Ave. NURSERIES from limbing Into truillc, Protect, houie ' Roselle Park, N. J. 110 Mlllbum AVc. ^MI. e-UJ9 •ml uurden.' Completely Initalled nt SKJmmit 8-22SH-W , LONERGAN'S 5A- in«i;i:/1: COMPANY modcat co»t. And p^yrncnt-out-of-lnconio Telephones! terma m«y l>e arranged to iult your con- . Millburn Ave. venience. Al«o Iron Picket and fctntlo LINDEN Millburn 6-0302 2440 Morris Ave., UNION Phone UNionville 2-1645 Wood Krnce. WE ERECT VOOR rtMOB KOxelle 1-NHZ. SOVTH ORANGE KITCHEN FANS ALSO SOLD AND INSTALLED 2306 MORRIS AVE. or ADDALIA'S FLOWER UNION ANCHOR FENCE GEORGE G. SALMON 1 SHOP Wl'i SKHVirW AND REI'AIK AJX MAKKS OK' A'I"I'I() TANS lTnl<>uyu> 't-itriS ' .DU. of Anahov Post ProduaU. Ina. •m Valley St. 11K Si. GoorKc's Avenue South Orange 2-1900 Linden 1-2044 , .WestfUld 2-19BT APRIL 14, 194* Begins Second Y«ar of operation. Under tb* personal direction of Mlaa Doris, the shop The Sued* Doll Shop, 32 A North claims to b« the only store In th« Fashions Created for Tall Girls THE CLOTHESLINE Harrison Street, East Orange, this state exclusively specializing In By Muriel W. Shonnard year Is celebrating \la Second yi»r suode apparel. J EDITORS NOTE: With this thing leas definitely labeled. On Issue, Miss Muriel Shonnnrd be- - the other hand, they are pretty gins a, regular column of interest) enough to make you feel glamor- to suburban women. Hiss Bhon- ous at a gala luncheon or tea but nard, a resident of Mont- tailored enough to be right for clair, has had wide experience travel or city wear; pretty enough in the field of fashion, botii aa too, to be worn as America's fa- • designer and reporter. vorlU coatume, the two-piece Truly In tune with the budding dress, without needing to lean on promise of Spring, the new suits the props of hat, furs and gloves are as gay and charming aa a for completeness. Weld of daffodils. Of course, there Aa a further attraction, they ore are the usual assortment of neat- kind to figure -faults, depending ly tailored classics in pin stripes, on how they are handled. The men's wear worsted or gabardine horizontal ways with color manip- —eJwayi good In a timeless sort ulation, such as yokes or eklrt of way but not very exciting. And and jacket contrast, will do nice then there are the new ways with things for tall-folk* while verti- suits which demonstrate that If cal treatments, will perform their ono/color or fabric U good, two pleasant subtraction for the ma- are better. tronly ' figure. And" as if .all They're calling them "compose" this weren't enough, compose or "tone-on-tone" sulto and are suits offer a happy method of res- The Brilliance of characterized by an infinite va- cuing last year's suit from the Tropical Sea Colors riety of techniques for combining f the back of the closet, Captured in two tones of a color In the gab-for the thrifty-minded, needle- ardine*, Including yoke and pock- wise woman. . et detail. " Fabric dUoa go In for texture contrast, putting a flard- Accessory Suggestlong •urfaced wool with a soft wool Whether accessories are a prob- and oornetlmes adding stripes'or. lem, doponds on which color plaids for good measure. scheme you adopt. The brown and A nice example of this type la beige combinations will be no a dress and jacket ensemble from trouble at all as every possible 9 one of our leading designers that shade of both tones Is available Sehottenteld s tops a camisole dress of gray green in matching shoes, handbags, hats 72 SPRINGFIELD AVE. (at Higli St.) NEWARK 3 gabardine with a jacket of shark- and gloves. It will be other colors Open Wed. & Fri. Evea to 9 P. M.—Sat. to 6 P. M. skin worsted delicately striped in that may prove difficult. &EW JERSEY'S FLOOD COVERING DEPARTMENT 8TOItE yellow, white and pink on a gray Even if you could match your green background. cherry or marine-blue suit with ., Good and Had Points shoes, hat and so forth, the effect Delightful as thoy are, howoyer, would be a bit overwhelming. Go- they have bad aa well as good fea- Ing Into a third color will be easier, tures. They will bo difficult to ac- and prettier. For bright colors, cessorize and they are earmarked such as the family of reds, neutral '1940". Since a suit is a major in- colors—black, gr'ay, or beige, will vestment, It would bo well to con--be best but you might acoeasorlzc "Don't suffocate on hot. sidor both points when looking at your gray, mauve or soft-green them. suit with clear, bright colors THREE SAMPLES of a New York designer's fash- FLAT DRAPES and soft gathers give flattery to If you really care whether some- such as red shoes, hat, and hand- ion* specifically created for the tall' girl. Above, a summer silk (center). Above, for town or country, a one recognizes last yoar's suit, bag with a grayrsult, or green rainy days!" with mauve. play dress, plus stole, fitted for those with extra black linen dress with low cut neck and ooln dotted maybe you'd bottor stick to some- long frames. bodice cuff. • ing was hold at Grand Raplda MM_.., No New— Easter—Suit? Pert Up July 1931. Decorator* from all over INeW the United State* came to help Your Home and You start the Institute. The first step Makes Good Use Your Old Clothes for Parade taken was to calfe mass meeting By BETTY TEUFEB tlons, their alms, Ideals and to elect a general chairman. The Of Sea Food Porhaps this It the time when be safor with a more conservative Short HIUs methods of work. - Slnoe-thcee-ln- plan-wastopattern-tho-Institute "yqu~are-dreamlg-of—a~new—suit hat-of-good-styl8-and-becomlng- Some~cUcnts have asked about qulriea have been made by a after tho American Institute of With only one seaport, Ports- for Easter, but know that It's an ness. Choose your hat so that It Is 1 mouth, tho state of New Hamp- the various decorator' ) organlza- goodly number of people, a dis- Architects and many prominent lmpo3slbllltyrMan.y budgets won't In keeping with the style of your shire, still makes good use of sea suit. !••••••••••••••••« cussion of these groups may be o' architects wore there to wish us Include such expenditures. Don't woll. The first president was in reclpea. Boiled fish, more be dlsheartonod, you-can still look A new blouse can do much to Interest to many. There aro thrco William Moore of Chicago. popular-in-Now-Bngland than else- chic and pretty If you do some pork up your suit. Most blouses HEADQUARTERS Important organizations In the met- where, Is also served in New planning, says your county home are crisp and frilly this year. They The names of the states were Hampshire. Portsmouth cooks ropolitan area (1) The Decorators placed on placards which were agont. give that dressed up look. You will (or dress it up. in aspic with «hrlmp First give last years suit or coat need to decide which color you Clut> of New York (2) the Ameri- hung on the walls of the large as- for added color. will want to accent. The navy sembly hall and , decorators at- an extra good pressing. A now hat »**• can Institute of Decorators, and ' ASPIC OF PISH always gives last year's clothes and White combination is very KIDDIES-FOOTWEAR (3) the American Designers Insti- tending wore asked to moot ac- popular this year. If . you are -oordlng-to-stateSr-Each-waatoform- 3 cups very str6hg""b"rofi a lift. The high fashion this year 1 teaspoon gelatine in hats calls for much veiling and planning to use~Navy~ah"d~whlte7 Why suffocate on stifling hot,) a committee and make plans for keep all of your accessories In DoooralOrs Olub of New York organizing chapter In the state —2-tablespoons cold water many flowers and ribbons. You'll rainy days when you can get all th4] a 2 slices raw carrot olther: navy or whlto. Navy and This olub Is the earliest group represented. I oe the lone represen- beige are also being featured thla fresh air you want without fear of water damage? With of docoratora in New York. Tho 2 peppercorns tative from New Jersey was given 1 pound shrimp Trimmings May year. Tho pink bolge is more flat- Hunter Windows you can have rqjn-proof, draft-free venti-j requirements for membership aro thedlrectlons for organizing a Now tering than the yellow beige. Per- vory exacting. To thls-grouplhave 2 cups boiled fish lation the year round, regardless of the weather. Jersey chapter with tho suggestion •7i cup mayonnaise "Date" Clothes haps a belgo blouse and an all that I begin work as soon as pos- 1' bunch water cress beigo or navy and bloge hat will Ask fora free demonstration in your own home fo Joy. Sea sible. . When you are buying a new give your suit this year's fashion 2 sprigs tarragon, chopped dress, do you consider the trim- for yourself the window that gives you controlled ventila-j On my return homo I called upon note. 1 tablespoon chopped chlvea mings in terms of length of wear? lion, saves you Vs of your fuel bill, eliminates maintenance SELF my colleagues for assistance and salt So often the garments which Shoes this year are being shown by autumn We had Interested hang in th» wardrobe are those In all colors, .You'll find apft grays, costs, and saves jyou time and troublei— .tabasco ...... , ...... beiges, as well as bright'reds and SSTARTERS enough docoratora to attend a Soali gelatine Ini cold water; heat. which.. are outdated., because Of meotingf at the Robert Tiyat Hotol' greens'.-'Be careful however/With r tho^rothtothabolllnglnt' In \Nowark? HoweverJ we foun d7 colorecF-sHoes.•- One^desIgner^h'aBr UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY; FIRST PAYMENT NEXT FAtt •__L-••••'•••" son. It highly with salt and tabasco, says your.Assoclfljte Home Agent. that, of the "trained decorators In and dissolve the gelatine In It. Sot. Take buttons for Instance. This said "never use more than two or NO DOWN PAYMENT New Jersey, not enough Wero In- aside to cool. Toko «. fish mold and' e'prlng, buttons aro being used In at tho most, three spots of color." belonged such top flight decorators terested to fOMn_a separate chap- In each of "tho eyos put a round every conceivable spot. Thoy defi- With navy suit wouldn't a bolge FOOT as Blale Do Wolf (now Lady tor. It was then decided that all blouse, hat and gloves be more slice of carrot In the middle of; nitely Bpell "Spring 1949.". Con- interesting than belgo shoes. Use DEVELOPERS Mondl), Mlsa Nancy McClelland, docorators practicing north of which has been Inserted a whole sider how these buttons will look COMFORT SPECIALTIES CO. "famous foT her designs In wall- Trenton would become affiliated peppercorn. (This can be done by in the spring of 1950. Porhaps navy shoes and bag and you'll not papers and Mrs. Gertrude Gheen with tho New York chapter and only bo moro smartly dressed, but SUITE BOS—SHERATON BUILDING making a hole In the mlddlo of they'll date your dress or suit as will got more sorvlco from the Robinson of Ghoen Inc. Member- thoso south would meet with tho the carrot slice with an lco pick.) last year's. Will you be able to 11 HILL STREET NEWARK. N. J. ship Is- very'exchwlvo and by in-Philadelphia group. Since thoso Line the mold with, ahrlmp which remove the buttons without spoll- navy shoos. TODDLE vitation only. A few decorators early daysjho A. I. D. has grown have been boiled In highly sea- lng-the lines of tho garmont? whose work Is outstanding are. In- tromondouslyr ~ soned court bouillon and then Cuffs too, are this year'e* fashion vited to join' etyjh year. shelled, being careful to arrango Until tho beginning of A. I. D. note. Vory often they can be re- HOCS F*rom members of this group and them to reprosont tho scales of the moved without spoiling tho design. there were few schools seriously flail. Pill the mold ujt with large from the same typo of club In teachtag Interior decorating. Usu- However, if on exaggerated collar The Chicago camo the idea of a na- plooes of the bollod nsh (scrod, sea and cuffs aro Important detail in ally interior decorating wa» in-bass or trout may be used) and HARRISON tional organization, and, it was oluded only as a port of the gen- a garment; it would bo difficult to COLONIAL LIFE INSURANCE through their'efforts, determina- pour In enough of the .broth to eliminate them next year.. oraUart course orina short course" eomo to tho top of the mold. Sot BROTHERS tion and onthusiasm that-—the After July 1081, however, many Lot's go back to buttohs again. COMPANY of AMERICA American Institute of Docorators In the refrigerator to congeal and Besides being functional, buttons BAST ORANGE: colleges in all parts of the country chill thoroughly. Wash and pick vraa formed; wroto this organization inquiring may be decorative. -Thoy may be BS1 Main Street American Inntltute of Decorators over the water cress carefully^ Information concerning the train- chop and combine with mayon- used to emphasize certain lines. MONTOLAKRl (A. I. D.) . . Ing of oompetant decor'atorn. -nalflertarragonrand-chlvesi-.ienson- For oxample, a long row of .buttons —Undprtho~spo*rsorshlp-of"Varlbtirs" down—the-center-front-of-a dreas~ MO MloomflcM Ave. American Designers Institute highly with salt and tabasco. Un- furniture manufacturers a meet- jnpld-the.llsh-onto.a.ohlllod-ijlattor- give a long, slenderizing lino. But- •••••••••••••••••B! .—Some-doc orator* -Jhav«—special- ond pass a bowl of the herb may- ized In a particular -branch of de- onnaise with It. pookot flap on a skirt will pro- signing such CM patterns for wall- duce a •'broadening effect. Home Office, East Orange, N. J. paper*, fabrics, carpetaTUKjothers —<3onsldertoo,^the-type-of-button.- In furtilture—form*. Because of — TONGUE Foncy buttons are best usedjwlth Mario .their desire-to b*Iaaaoclated^with._lii_iaip _tonEnie or ham stock plain-fabrics of a a They—lose their significance on a othoriThavlng creating ability-they- ~V> oup brown sugar of "December 31, 1348 have selected A, 1. D. as their clubr Yi cup soodloss ralrilnfl, chopped prlntod_fabrlc.TPlaiiu.b~uttons look '"'» *«> HUNTER & CO., INC. eratoly slow oVcn 328 V. 2% hours. 1010 Stnyvenunt Ave. Serve with hard or liquid sauce. UNION UNVli 3-1142 APRIL 14, 1949 Paga S Myth of Easter Dolls, Ducks, Wheelbarrows for Easter Toys Fish for Small Fry and Family Too Bunny Stems from By MAKION MeCARKOU, Meal pltinnlng can be a problem Egyptian Legend aumutimes when there are small By BETTY ANN BROWN fry in the family. With Barter only four dayi e- Either it means preparing two way, suburban shops are now well different menus, one for the chll filled with toy* for the younger dren, one for the grown-ups, or else it's a matter of figuring out a sin- fry.-oll of JKhlch, according to cu»- gle menu that will be equally appe tom, will be deHvirted on Sunday tizing and diet-right for all. And morning by the Beater Bunny. either way, It takea a lot of time. A» uaual there seems to be'a Rice and Salmon Casserole: Com- plentitude of the customary dyed bine lhi c' pre-cooked rloe, % tsp. suit and 1% c. water In saucepan. egga, ohocolate cream egg», doll*, Bring to a full rolling boil. Remove decked out In rabbit uniforms and from heat,, cover, and let stand 10 ducks. mln. But also out of the Bunny's bag Melt 2 tbsp. butter or margarine thla year will come toys of more in saucepanr Add 2 tbsp. flour, 1 than merely a seasonal nature, ' tsp. salt and dash of popper. Grad- For Instance thore U a rubber- ually add 2 c. milk and cook, stir' wheeled toy chest, which looks and ring constantly, until thickened •ounda much like the Jce cream and smooth. man't wagon. Among other things, , Arrange alternate layers of cook- it has a bell that jingles as It ed rice, drained~and~flaked salmon trundles along and, the producers (using 1 c. or a TO, oz. can), 1 c. Bay, It can be used to cerry the canned • peas, drained, and tho _tot's toys from place to place. Also cream sauce In a greased lto qt. baking dish. Sprinkle Vt. c. grated Jn the line of mobile equipment, FISH DISH WHICH CAN BE made up all together, then Adapted to Is % '.falr-nlied wheelbarrow, big American cheese on top. Bake In moderate pyen (350 F.) 20 njln., or suit both young and adult tastes is this loaf, served plain for the chil- enough for the tots' to ride ijt yet dren, with a tomato curry sauce.on tho aide for the older folka. light enough, the producers claim, until brown. for the youngster to push by him- If children are so young that you self. The barrow also does double don't want to give them even duty." When filled with water, It sprinkle of cheesc-put-theirs In provides a mjnlature pond for separate small baking dish, _and floating-toys.—More-ln-the-Kaster simply add the cheese to, the dish in- vein la a duck, which when wound tended for the rest of the family. up, trundles along the floor1 with 1 FIBER RUGS Fish Loaif , Drain and flake any two progeny following bohlnd. cooked or canned fish to amount of 2 c. Combine 1 egg, % c. mllk,.9i •" MILL REJECTS AND SLIGHTLY IMPERFECTS, The myth (jf the Easter Bunny, A liIGHT liITTI/K WHEELBARROW in which to carry toys to the c. soft j>read crumbs, % tspV salt, according to historians, sterna from KEADY FOB THE EAgTUK PARADE Is this young man and his girl. REVERSIBLE SUMMER RUGS! Park or playground would be, a welcome gift from tho Easter Bunny. Vt. tsp. peppcrt 1 bbsp. lemon Egyptian legend in which the hare Mr. Duck is ready, too, and waving hl« hat to the Missis to tell her to o •' * . hurry up. " Holds water, too. julco, 3 tbsp, miinced parsley and •was the symbol of tho moon. Slnco 3 tbsp. chopped green pepper; COLORFUL AND,: PRACTICAL. the date of Easter is determined add fjsb. Ploflp mixture in greased iby the moon- the connection have to add extra water when you loaf pan and bake in hot oven^ ' THEY ARE WONDERFUL BVYSU evolved between the festival and Efficient Method cook them over a low fire. Thla Is (300 F.) for 30 mln. ,, . • tho hare. In this country, how- an advantage because spinach. re- Careful Washing Will Prolong ovcr, due to the dearth of hares, Told for Washing tains more of Its mineral content For the adults, to pour over ffsh rabbits were substituted for the when cooker in a tfmall amount of loaf, prepare original oymbol. water. Life of Your Table Service , Tomato Curry Sauce: Turn one 9>xl2> Spring Greens 8-M. can. tomato sauce Into sauce- ^Because of their valuable vita- H your dished are chdpped, histre- dJshes aibsonb both food and dish- Incidentally the dispute over the How many times do you ,wosh pan. Fill can with water and add to min and mineral contont, greenn* water and can. become unsanitary date for Easter was settled by spinach? Five times? Ten times? les»i marred or scratched—blame sauce. Add 1 medium-sized onion, REG. 14.95 - - - - - Constantino1 in 325 A.D., when he are essential In the dally diet. How- aa well as ugly In appearance. "No matter how often I wash ever, if youjwant your family to the dishwasher! —• finely chopped; 1 tart cooking ap- referred the problem to certain Chance the water frequently so spinach, I 'han't seem to get all tlv enjoy greens, you must prepare Tho life of talblo service can be ple, finely chopped; 1 bay leaf, wise men. They—came-up with that It- Is clean at all times. • Rub- grit out," complains a New Jersej and serve them In an attractive greatly lengthened If homemokers crushed; 2 tibep. butter or mar- the solution which Is still in use ber gloves are good Insurance 9 xlS, reg. 22.95 .".... NOW 9.95 homemaker. way. would keep certain things In mind garine; Vi tsp. ginger. Add 2 tsp. today; that Easter should fall on against chapped, red hands and F.or those of you who have thi while they aro washing dishes, salt to 1 clove garlic, mlncod, and the first Sunday jitor the first You might try "making a rame- damaged fingernail polish. same trouble with splnaoh or othc says Mrs. Doris Anderson, exten- rub together with flat side of 12 x 15, reg. 29.95...... NOW 14.95 full moon after the' 21st of March. greens, your. County Home Agon kin of spinach wlth_cheeso and Avoid putting- -sUverwiatfo and spatula until'garldo and salt arc eggs as suggested by the' State sion specialist in home .management AH clear? Just to clarity any suggests a method which may cu at Rutgers University; dishes lm the samo pan because the rubbed to a paste. Add to sauce. WHILE - THEY -.'LAST! your washing timo In half. University specialist Jn the follow- silver may make a mark~on tho Add 1 bbsp. curry powder and sim- confusion that muy still exist, ing recipe: Bore are some tips on dishwash- Easter this year Is April 17. Remove the roots and large stem surface of the dishes whilch in hard mer gently 20-25 mln. Strain. ends and put the leaves 1n a pan Greens with Poached Eggs and ing which may help you: to remove. Steel wool or harsh of warm water. Instead of pouring Orated Cheese To preserve the lustre and! the scouring powder may scratch tho OPENING TODAY! the wfttor.offjtho_lcavcflv_pjok_the_ 1% pounds greens decoration of your dishes, wash glaze-or- remove the colors. ly. Cover and cook IB minutes thorn soon after using with a mild longer. leaves from the pan of jwater. By 1 tablespoon butter or other fat Careful rinsing is important, too. Maplewood *Thrif t Shop soap or mild synthetic "detergent. Stir a llttlo of tho hot mixturo 1912 Springfield Avo., Maiilcftood this method, you are etfuro to re- Salt, popper Dishes left for a few moments In a Vinegar, lemon or salty foods can Into the slightly beaten egg yolko; South Orancc 2-4348 ' move the sand and grit. 5 eggs pan of waiter -40 degrees F. general- lnjuire'gold, silver or delicate colors add to remaining hot mixture in Used Clothing, Furniture, Shoes, etc. Wash In at least two more Va oup grated cheese ly have fewer "bn Don't bo afraid to let your dishes with meringue made from egg PARKING ALWAYS small amount of water. Molt tho jn find that instead of scraping dry in a drainer. Air drying is whites and res6rvcd7Bugar. Bake SAT. 'TIL 6 • IN OVR OWN AVTOPARK fat and pour over the drained dishes It la easier to rinse them sanitary and saves time. However, In a 325 F. oven about IB minutes New wallpaper designs from the... greens which have boon cooked under the ifaucet using a vegetable dry the silver by hand. or until lightly browned. until tender. Place-a layer of tho brush. Tho brush can be used for If you do not have a dish drainer greens In ajfiallow pan. Break the washing bhe d!shes too. _ v r u puib your dishes on a rubber^., mat eggs and drop them In ncrits Uso cold water on dishes which or towel to avoid Ibreaklrig-and formed by the groons, sprinkle held starchy foods, oggs or chipping. If dlshes^must bo wiped, with the grated choose and the milk. Use warm water"on those uso two tea towlcs, one in eaich crumbs 'which have been mixed which ..have boon, covered with hand. .-,..• .'.-.• .•-.-." ::.•/.•: •..;•;•: WALLPAPER STUDIO and seasoned with salt'and a llttld syrup and fat. If there Is a combl- '. a...,, ....; ' ,. , j'| ,„„ | : •.'Decorator's patterns ^ mitll . the . 'eggs are. «et~aiid "tfie with cold water and then with hot. crumbs a light brown color. Ram- Use a brush when you rinse silver at prices ekins may be usod with ono egg and place the pieces, handles up- Consideration you can afford In each, A moderato ovon, 380 de- right, in a deep bowl of warm grees, must be 'maintained until water." In-Buying Eggs eggs are sot and tho crumbs a Plenty of water Is essontlal for do- Price Is not tho only considera- Available at any Hockenjos Store. golden brown color. Consult Mrs. Mabel Marsh, our ing a good dishwashing job. Have tion when buying eggs, reminds Your County Home Agent. interior decoration •Xpert, about tho water as foot as your hands can these delicately colored, distinctive WOOD ASHES stand* but remember—that sudden Special attention should be paid Ashes of wood, soft coal and hard changes in temperature aro harm- to tho marking of grade and date designs. They are priced to appeal on tho egg carton. Grado -A—la lo_the thrifty home-maker.' It may coal arc all valuablo to loosen ful to dishes. Don't use warm_wa- ter for washing and boiling water usually preferred for poaching or cost less than you imagine. heavy clay soil, but it ie best to lot soft coal ashes weather for a sea- for rinsing—It may caiuso "crazing" cooking in tho wholl but Grade B with Mrs. Mabel Marsh Joes not obligate you in an son, to get rid of toxic substance*,'. (cracks on the surface). Glazod Is just as satisfactory for scram- bling, baking and cooking. Both grades offer the samo food vajue, but B eggs cost less per Blue Horizons for Spring dozen. Size In eggs refers1 to the weight. Thoso marked "large" weigh not WAUPAPERc^STUDIO loss than 24 ounces to tho dozen 653 Central Avenue, East Orange , —or In other words, a pound and Oilier stores located In. a half. It only takes 2/8 of- a NEWARK • IRYINGTON . KEARNV . EUZMETH dozen of large^eggs to moke a PltlNFIELD . M0NTCUIR. EAST ORANGE . PATEMON pound. MonmsrowN • NEW, BRUNSWICK So. If you buy large eggs at 60 conta a dozen,-actually -you are paying only ut tho rate of 40 cents" a pound, Eggs aro a good-sourco-of-pro- €d TO YOUR TASTE tein and should be used at least once a / Suburban linft'x for J, ) l.'iirj remaining MiRiir, pornstaroh and 393 CENTRAL AVENUE, EAST ORANGE U1.UK HOttlZON IS the Rose Gudorman title of this straw braid bon- wilt In top of a double bailor, Stir OR 4-4414—7714 net In heavenly blue, smothored with blmi dahllaa, lilacs, and tuff eta In wntov, Coolc over builliig water ribbon, • - until thickened, stirring constant- APRIL 14. 1949 Pago 9 hoUiN3 two refrigeration iii Desert Romance Community to Get with individual evaporative ton- denaors. The annex i« of the name Let's Go to Hie Air Conditioning briok Colonial design as the rest jMovie$ Tonightl Pleasure BouncLPage Walter Reade's Community of 4he. building. ' Theater, Morristown, will be com- Unlike the ordinary air condi- WALTER READE'S pletely air conditioned for the tloning aystem which uses wuter coming Summer season. from an specially drilled well as THEATER-RECREATION DININC-NITE SPOTS Installation ,pf a new chemically- a cooling agent, the Community * MOVIE GUIDE* controlled air conditioning equip- Thcater'a system utilizes Freon. ment to cool, dehumldlfy and cir- l[piii|ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBiniHa iiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiili llilllllli culate the air. wns announced to- day by Walter Reade. The cool- PHONE M. 9.7010 ing plant."which will provide ap- DflLflCP Pictures, Plays and People proximately 128 tons of refrigera- ONE BIG MONTH tion, completed by May 15 In "Yellow SUy," we find Gregory By Paul Parker and ready to operate the moment It would seem that there Peck on horseback as leader of a soaring temperatures require aid Thurbeen an unusual number band of fortune seekers, whose ac- in keeping patrons cool and com- April of western films visiting the tivities are somewhat outaidc the fortable, he stated. screens of suburban thea- limits of the law. The distaff side 13 in A two-story brick addition to THE THEATRE DISTINOWE ters lately. One of the most of the cast i» handled by Anne recent is a trivial piece en- Baxter. — the theater has been erected to thru*" Motion titled, "Yellow Sky." Our objection to this particular May ViclureB It'jj not that we bear a grudge western is that, the script wrltere, Now to Sat. Sun. to Wed. 11 against westerns as a group, riome wherever possible avoided short- "JOHN I.OVES Clark Gable Now Thru Sat. Walter Pidueon have been quite excellent, but this cuts if there was a longer alter- GREGORY PECK and Anne Baxter are romantically teamed for the MARY' •'COMMAND • one at least seems to offer very native in sight. The actors, as first time in "Yellow Sky," western drama at the Maplowood theater. Jack Carson DECISION" Gregory Peck •NORTHWEST Also "FLAXY little. well a» the, audience therefore, STAMPEDE MARTIN" Anne Baxter must endure a lengthy, unexciting NOW PLAYING — "YELLOW SKY" trek across waterless salt iflatabe- "LITTLE WOMEN" fore the film settles,down to some- Supporting Players in "Song of NEWSREEL (in tvchnW.oior) — al»o — THEATRE T what indifference cases. MAIN A PAR, REX LTNDA SlarrinK HARRISON DARNELL pneo the show doe* get going, In Juno - Peter a ghost town," named "Yellow Norway'.Have Wide Experience ALLVSON +. -LA\V1'X)KD "Unfaithfully Yours" Sky," li ponderously reveals a Margaret O'BRIEN Whon "Song of Norway" openi and-Sullivan company, and he has SATURDAY MATINEE change In the character of the Elizabeth TAYLOR band's leador, Mr. Peck. at the Paper Mill Playhouse in played key roles in hiore than 30 Kiddies' Easter Show Mlllburn, April 18, attention will musical revivals. In "Song of NEXT ATTRACTION Feature The only two inhabitants of the naturally be focused on the lead- Norway," he adds a no*v role, that "YELLOW SKY" town, Anne Baxter and her be- ing roles; those played by R'ose- of an Italian opera imprcssario. "TAKE ME OUT TO whlskered grandfather, it seems, marlo Brancato, John_Elliot Davis Play^Two Roles DAVIDNIVEN • TERESA WBIGHT THE BALL GAME" Plus 10 Color Cartoons have discovered a. sizable gold vein LYN K^YEB • FARLEY GRANGER Cunningham and Virginia Oswald. FREE. Photo of Anne In the' vicinity. Peck and com- Playing two roleo Is ^io hardship Baxter to each child — But much of the success of the to Albert Bergh, who will hold the pany,., once, they have recovered"* 1 from their trip across the salt-flats, production will be dependent on distinction of being the tonly na- TIM HOLT "Unfaithfully Yours" become Intent upon procuring a the supporting players, that seldom tive Norwegian in the cast of will not be shown Sat. Matinee —^P/u» 2nd HIP— mentioned, group of"aot"dr5~wKo"ttr "Song of Norway." He can also portion, of this find, forceebly, if 6IM SMU8MRS TVOW THRU SATURDAY Sun., Hon., Tuet. NEWTARZAN necessary, from two prospectors. offect tie any production togetHfer, boast of being related'tb thegfeat ADVENTURES! often spelling the difference be- Ole Bull, a, Norwegian legend In .2 Academy Award . Pictures -JOHN GAIL ' The upshot of the whole affair WAYNE r RUSSELL BGMRKfMMMUGW' tween success and failure. — himself. • In' addition to portray- QUAINT, YET MODERN^ In One Show!!! . 1 is that Mr. Peck, because of his ing Father Nordraak, ho will enact interest in Mls» Baxter, docideti Upon_thc shoulders of Tom Bate, IT'S DIFFERENT — RELIABLE - ENJOYABLE "TREASURE OF « 'Wake of fhe Red Witch 1 Dorothy Jay, Robert Eckles, John the eminent Henrlk Ibsen. In per- 5 ABBOTT & OOSTEIXO that after all honesty is the beat fecting the latter fole he has made LUNCHEON • TEA • DINNER • COCKTAILS SIERRA MADRE" policy. He turns his back on his RoTand Hogue, Albert.Bergh, Da- COCKTAIL HOURS 3 t<3»5- 'SiiirriiiR 'TWEXICAN HAYBIDE"~ vid Thimar and Chan Engel—upon a complete study of the life of the notorious friends and paet, even great Norwegian playwright i'o the WALTER & JOHN HUSTON going so far as to return a bit of the shoulders of these seven rests — pltlH — Starting Wednesday point that he will be Ibsen on the ON I). 8, ROUTE 202 the gold—he_had previously robbed much of tho responsibility for a .TANK WYMAN in "LETTER TO S WIVES". 1 Paper Mill stage. A veteran of Between Bornnrdsville from a bank. successful production of "Song of •\JOHNNY BELINDA" The Fighting O'Flynn Norway." World War II, Bergh has had ber <&d George L'~ Mlt Thd Restaurant • KAVOKH FOR h,ld_when?j(econd hand pitssea you Is otherwise possible. Without Kaufman, stands up'woM through Morrlstown, Open* at 11:30 A. lit. need ubout two honor tricks with the years as one of our best Aimer- f this device when clubs is fhc Every Day to SortnTl'ou a fair five card suit. The requlre- agreed suit you can't take a chance , lean plays. In this production, tho Tfe Cfjtcken Parr jnente remnln the same when sec- quality was there—the feeling of ROUTE 6 Little Falls oti bidding four no trump with Ing; messenger Doys, telephone LUNCHEON — DINNER ond hand overcalls your partner's the Barrymore familp was quite and othor bells;'food norvcd at dll Totowa Boro 4-0891 only one ace In your hand, be- AFTER THEATRE SNACKS opening bid, provided your «ult le cause If partner responds five dia- GLORIA GRAIIAME sings on the screen for tho first time in "A evident. Helen- Itempshall, star- hours; noisy arguments—ell hard -.. (Clan-d O'n MomUiyi) of lower rank than your partner's. monds, showing one ace, you will Woman's Secret," In which she shares top, honors with Maureen O'Hara ring as Fanny, had a role which to keep in check. This director Private Rooms for Banquets-Parties be forced to bid six clubs With and Mclvyn Douglas. And those In the know claim her voice is as Is one of tho best-loved on tho handled It expertly:' He deserves S80 NORTH AVE. two aces out against you. Hence good as her figure.. modern stage; It requires wit, sar- a great deal of oroait for his pro- (Near Morris Ave.) the necessity for the artificial bid casm, tempered with good-nature; duction." , UNION ' HSTCHIN' of five hearts. Tho-eonvcntlon Is pathos bordering orL, tragedy ^'but UNVL. 2-8170 ng'desirable In a duplicate match Route 29, Uiuon to bid five of tho lowest unbld SOUTH WEST not touching It; and with It all, ault when partner's response to to got the extra points for a no 1 club much common sense. Mrs. Kemp- 1 1 heart YOU WILL ENJOY YOUR tho four no trump call showa you rump contract. Wo hud never 1 spade pass shall'a Interpretation movod her EASTER DINNER $1.25 up do not have enough aces to bid seen the convention used except 4 clubs pass audience. Julie was played by sl*m. Since this call forces part- as stated in our answer, bufriion .4 spades Pass, Violet Bldwell, with dignity and FASTER DINNER Specializing in Weddings & Banquets ner- to bid five no trump regard- getting Mr. Stout's Interesting let- 6 opades..*' double charm. Her rolo ~cajled for utter less of his distribution, you must ter we~did~a little belated research pass t. 'bewilderment with the family prob- bo prepared to play the hand at and found that-Mrr-Stout-oouldn't NORTH EAST lems,. Gwen, her daughter, was Manhattan Serenade™ Fri.-Sat.-Sun, that contract. This part of tho be rlghtcr on both points. LILLIAN RROWN at the Hammond Organ double pasfl played by Marlon . _W«lec, who, Blnckwood is used -onJy—when You might not agree with the 3 spadM pass SUNDAY-DINNER MUSIC UNTIL 9 P. M. clubs or diamonds Is tho agreed bringing a feeling of reality to the bidding of today's hand, which is 4 diamonds pass part, gives promise for things to No Cover 9 DANCING NIGHTLY ••• No Minimum suit. It Isn't needed -with the mar nfriini Marling s |t occurred, 5 hearts jora." a pass come. Dan HarVat, playing oppo- but you must agree that South did pass pass site Gwcn as Perry, played with a all rlghj with the play. Wo are Indebted to- Brevoort • The opening lead of tho king of sincere, nure and easy touch. To- Stout of-Short Hills for calling S. ,1 10 8 2 diamonds was won with the ace gether, they presented n nice pic- our attention to two errors in th H. A J 10 fi -i" and two rounds of clubs played, ture of youthful love. ROUTE 24 — CONVENT STATION, N. J. answer. (J) Tho signal to com- O. A'8 S dummy shedding i clJamonaT "Allan Whitney, the director, can pel partner to bid five' no trump C. 3 South continued with tho queen lie well pleased In the success of okioN sour AU CUUHH—raocrg LBOI S. K 9 ' S. 7-6 4 of clubs, West throwing a heart, does not have to be the lowont un- this fast-moving comedy, with Its rtlET MIONON—CHICKEH DANVE bld emit—It can bo nny unbld'sult. H.K 8 75 2 N H. Q 0 and dummy's lest diamond was complications of noisy doings; peo- Our Facilities Avallahla for Wedding; Banquet* and ParlU» (2). The convention can be used D. K Q J 6 W E B.109 7S ditched. A small club was ruffed MORRISTOWN 4-40M with the majors or no trump as C. 8 2 S C. J. 10 !i 4 In dummy, West discarding an- pie and animals, coming and go- NEW LARftE DUMONT TELEVISION S.AQ-fT3 othef heart, and then the jack well as the mlnprs, this often be- 1 the four of diamonds was trumped II. 3 of spades was finessed, losing to in dummy and South reentcred his D. 4 2 tho king. West got out with a hand with dummy's last trump, heart which was won In dummy Jersey Peach.Blossoms C. A K Q D 7 fi pulled the outstanding trumps and It's Always Party Time At, WE ARE NOW OPEN! With North-South vulnerable, the with the ace.. Then a heart was took, tho 'last two tricks with the Two Weeks Ahead of Time ruffed with SouthVYfvc of spades, Heady to give you tho best in service and equipment. —Because of summer tempera- bidding went: . nine and scvon of clubs. —— CLUB Reduce Your Score—Play Regularly al the tures along tho Jorsoy shore, Now Jersey's extensive peach orchards 1664 Stuyvesant Avenue UNION. N. J. CfeESCEfflT GOLF PRACTICE FAIRWAYS wore in full bloom by April 3. ..It scorns likely now that apple PresentlnK __liSTAHr.lSlli:i) 1!) YKARS Weekly Crossword Puzzle . The Fluent Outdoor Coif School In the Kant blossoms will bo out by the 15th. • PRIVATE LAIttiU SHELTERED BOOTHS The annual Peach Blossom Fes- MEL and hit HAWAIIAN! GEORGE MAIN, fnsfrucfor tival at Hammonton was held Sun- HORIZONTAL VERTICAL day, April 3, two weeks ahead of 1—Symbol of 2235 Springfield Avc. (rw M_cl_w_oil) Vaux Hall, N. J. GO—Ironwood 97—Portable 1—Hoath 44—Decorative 84—Harmon- Sunday Afternoon Cocktail Time, HP. M. schedule. Motor cavalcades toured maternal C MILES PROM BROAD AND MARKET orPegu stove 2—Frightful- paving ized in 15 miles of blossom eccnery with love 52—Roosting > 08- Whir) giant slab color SANDWICHES • STEAKS • CHOPS UNlonvlllo 2-31S9 free transportation provided those B—Liliaceous DAY or NIGHT ... " -!.' RAIN «r SHINE place 99- Compul- 3—Ratify 45—Of birds 87—Arctic who by train or bus. herb • of swift sion 4—Variety 46—Shelf 89—Insect 10—Imperial S3—Chaff-like 101—Method of of 49—Range 92—Depictors 15—Station bract building gypsum 51—Kind of 94—Moldiest 19—S-shapcd 55—Of clinging walls 5—Nonpareil tenon 96—Downward EASTER SUNDAY DINNER • -molding'" -: ' '•plants" -:*•'• -102'A.dmihlil-: B—Foment (Carp.) ' •curvature 20—Manila 7—1 T of plant FULL COURSE from »U8. Served from 1» Xoon ' --(;--.-(,•.••?---•:. -• Rpgcrvsrlont • Aooepted ——"••=^'^-T-~~=^F^ 21^=Sunrmon »8"—Recant" 'forth Charger 108 Negative 10—Sucking 98—Moist 22—Regiment 61- •Deceiver 109 Typogra- flsh 100—Aspersed in Turkish 63- •Tarry pher 11—Nightfall, foodstu 1 103—Low army 61- •Recapture 111—:Footed poetic store 105—-Distress 23—Vocal 66 •Localized vase 12—Goat 60—Tithe 107—Land 24—Disport vector 112—-Of-thC e antelope 61—Screen measure 25—Worth "68—:Illuminat- chest 13—Of the 62—Cancel 109—Drudges 26—Coating ing oil 116—Runner for same 65—Exclama- 110—Amount of 27—Banish 70- •Pass snowTficlds kind tion of assessment _29—Plant _ ' 72- At no time 117--Per acre 14—Salad triumph 112—Ago yielcling ~ 74- •Lineage 122- -Efflclcnt plant 67—Dogma 113—Central ' edlble 75- Glass-botUi -123- -European 15—Phrase- 69—Dry, of American Choice ahoots 79. Staircase . shad ~ ology wines tree Madison 6-12T 2 • Wine, ana 31—Contradic- •post 125- Consumer 16—Potpourri .71—Increase 114—Intimation Lobster tion in 81- Cutting 127- Presently". 17—Carolled in degree 115—On shield- Sea Food 54 Main St. Madison ««*".'. termsor 85- Whig of 128- Acerb 18—Shipshape 73—Qualm ed aide iddns houso * 129- Durable • 28—Channel, 75—Hold back H8r—Area at Open l» 1 A. M. —— 33—Pester 86—Lower- ivood shallows 76—Gladden baso of 34—Oblirjue priced 130- Pitfall 30—Gainsay 77—Adhered bird's bill 37—Pulpy 88—Machinc for 131- Walked 32—European closely HO—Wind fruit cutting lawn 132- Places mint 78—Chest over 38—StaW- D0- -Bntreat golf ball 38—Quit sound Adriatic EASTER SUNDAY - - house 91- •Dark gray ' on cone 36—Winged 80—Informa- 120—Appear Dinner Served 12 to 7—No Reservations Fresh Shrimp Coclitull , Italian Suliiml Chopped Chicken Liver 42—Trite 93- •Intrigue 133- Irascible -38—Skip Wr, Guianawood 1347 tion large and Necessary '. ClwvryKtomi CluniH Imported, AnchovlflH ~ Chilled Tornntn tliilce 43—Calumny . 94- Sworn to, .39—Maxim - ' 82—Stay for ... Indistinct 47—Stulm for ship- secrecy Crnh MnaijConktull . In Oil Rluo, Point Oyster* 40—Guide 83—North 121—Limits Luncheon Weekdays 12 to 2 48—Public building 135- Edible 41—Affection -Long European 124—Rested Dinner 5:30 to 8 attestor 95- tubers 43—Sow bug language 126—Cuckoo. .. I'HA X'miKomnw Double i'lintmilerc Fresh Mushroom Soup —• THE GEORGIAN Celery * Olives 1 2 i 4 s 7 B 9 - lo II - •11— is 14 ic 16 17 —^RESTAURANT Ohlcknii-Rloe Pilaw ,(2.80) 15 2O 21 — Z2 Corner Ctitremont and North Mountain Avet. .::.;.•• 39.3a— 4, MO.3-118& MONTCLAIR Cured Ilultoil Ham—Pineapple Snuoo-(3.BO) 2i— —— 2!».._ 2S Milk Foil Vcnl Chop—FoMKtlero (S.2K) So SI m52. u 1f Z7 Hrollnd Sprinff I.11111I) Chops on TnnNt (Z.7K) i Lovelier than you remembered U HVeNh Brook Trout—Snutn iBnlle Meuniere (2.J8) 53 1S4 i6 57 Deep fka, Scallop*—Lolmtcr—Shrimp n la Newhiirff (2.K0) THE 1 % 1 41 42 m44 Ah %At. Grilled QuirNtrmim Swordflnh—Mlrubenu (2.00) 38 4o FARMSTEAD Spaghetti—Meat Halls (l.BB) WHIPPANY 4a 49 So mSI I«roll«

Coffee Tea Doml-TiiRHe loz. |o& IO4. lob lo* ior YE OLDE VILLAGE INN % 13U.SOUTII ORANGE AVE.—NEAR THE CENTER log no It) Y SERVED FROM 12:30 TO 9:30 SOUTH ORANGE Y//< % 4,1 IIX m 114 miii> 116 117 lift 119 121 us Served from CHILDREN'S PORTIONS SERVED 12:30 TO 7:30 1 % U2. \TL 12 until 8 IZ4 IZG 127 '2.25 nESERVATlONS — MILLBURN 61724 I2U w. W) ISO Plil HOME-COOKING 1 IBZ \m lU I&VJ Make Reservations Early—Phone So. Orange 2-9768 Page 8 APRIL 14, 194? Spring Sprucemp for Beauty, Safety Right Touch and Timing New Phone Soon to Appear in Public There art two reasona for spruc- A new telephone Instrument, the ing1 up both irujide and outride the like of which may soon be seen In Reduces Home Garden Toil this area, with better hearing and house when aprinK <;omea around § One li< to make- things look speaking qualities, an Improved Though many predict that culti- soil crust, to insure aeration of the dial and a volume control for its nice; the other U to make them vators on the farm may soon be •oil. »afe._ ringer la in final *tages of devel- entirely replaced by sprayers, using But with the right touch and tlm- opment et Bell Telephone Lab- Last year, /Ire losses in this weed-killing chemicals, cultivation ng, this once wearisome garden oratories. country—most of thtm prevent- Is far from oubmoded in the ama- task can now be done as easily as able—reached a staggering -J711 - teur garden. There Is no practical sweeping the floor. The research Incorporating new scientific 1H.000. What they will add up to substitute for the cultivating tool scientists, in fact, Say that the se- principles, new technical art in ap- In killing weeds and breaking the cret of correct cultivation ia to take plying them and new materials, |/ -_. by the end of this ye«r will d<*- pre-production models are still un- pflvd on ""how conscientious every It easy. Cultivation should begin as soon as the young plants begin dergoing tests. It la expected that individual 1« about hunting out to grow. several thousand of the new sets and eradicating flre hozarda in any will be manufactured this year end place under hie control. Don't Work At this stage. If the soil between plants is stirred, it will be found to Installed on, a trial batfis. So-^begln your spring upruce-up be full of tiny white sproute, which While nearly all of the more •right in your own home; continue Soil When are weeds, beginning to develop. than '100 separate parts making up it outdoors, in the y«rd; carry It One easy stroke of a sharp hoe or the set are of entirely-new design, beyond your own Immediate prem- cultivating toolwill destroy scores the new telephone will be com- ises toinclude organizing a neigh- It Is Wet of them before they have begun to pletely interchangable with tele- borhood project to clean up vacnnt Working the soil(when It Is too compete with the vegetable plants phbnes now In use and when the lots in which, children play, to wet may cause permanent damage for available plant food and water. new set Is connected with one. of eliminate accident-causing debris to the soli. Just the other day, on As long as weeds are killed in1 in- current design, users of both tele- and breeding "places for flies,moa - a housing development, I saw, bull- fancy, cultivation will be easy, but phones will benefit. quitos and other disease-bearers. dozers working over wet solU that will be sown to grass. Home own- once.they are allowed to begin sub- SJajor objectives in designing Twelve different suggestions for stantial growth, not only do crops the new te'Iephono were to provide, your spring clean-up are listed by ers'who will have to maintain these lawns will be seeking advice in e suffer, but work will increase, and as economically as possible, better tho 3<7atlonal Board of Fire Under- the care* of the garden may be-all-Vound Service. An important writers In a folder titled "Clean year or two, when the grass • fails to grow well. come a chore. feature ^Is a novel "equalizer" A NKW TELEPHONE IN^TRCIVJENT with better hearing and speak- Up; Don't Burn Up." Copies of the It la seldom necessary to stir the which automatically adjusts the ing qualities, an improved dial and a volume control for its ringer is folder may be had by writing your To find out if the sol! Is fit to ground deeper than one Inch. This sound-level to compensate In part In final'stages of development "-'at Bell Telephone Laboratories. In- request to the Board at 85 John dig, turn over a spadeful or a'fork- is sufficient to kill young weeds, for the distance between the tele- corporating now scientific principles, new technical arfc-4n-applylng street, New York City 7. ful aaid hit It a whack. If It breaks without disturbing the roots of tha phone and the central office. them and new materials, pre-production models arc still undergoing, apart in fine pieces it is usually Among the suggestions, one vegetable plants. It also breaks the The dial on the nejv sot has the tests. It is expeqted that severul thousands of tho new sots will be of which are pictured here, tire dry enough to dig. Or loosen one soil crust, and allows air and water manufactured this year and installed on a trial basis. spot" about 8 Inches deep. Take a numbers and letter prefixes out- those which urge you to get rid to penetrato readily. side the finger wheel and. is sloped of all rubbish in attic, cellat, handful of the soil end squeeze it Deep cultivation will dry out the into a ball; Then hold the arm out at a lower angle, affording better and placed in the vaults of Federal closets afid garage; destroy paint soil, and may disturb the surface visibility. and oil. cleaning rags or put them level and drop the ball of soil If It roots of young vegetable plants, Storage. and never go head, and dig or plow. cultivation does good. ticularly pleased with the new. In- played an alr«of intense love for SLIPCOVERS put pennies behind blown-out Digging is hard work, so do only strument's ringer tone, which te the both lower pitched and more the precious and beautiful but also Created ones; avoid flammable liquids such a small part of the. garden at a space between rows, those which a singular distaste for. household as gasoline, benzine and naphtha; time, starting where the earliest grow in the row Itself must bo resonant than that now in use. By EXPERTS 1 The unlque'^volume control wil order and system. Collectors clean and check ell heaters and planting Is to be done. pulled when . tiny. ^ Thiis requires Open Evenings By Appointment hWe Cfepalr work done; clean soot permit the subscriber to adjust the dreams, from delicate' miniature First spread the well-rotted hand work, and le'always tedious, loudness of tho ringing tone to furniture of Dresden China to ex-, ojlt of pipes and chimneys and manure or compost that does so but If attended to promptly it takes t ..check them, 'or creeks and holes; little time, and onco tho vegetables suit his needs. At its loudest, the quieltcly wrought Chandeliers, were much to keep the soil in, good phy- tone carries further than the pres- stacked and piled In confusion slcaj condition. A complete com- have become well csablished, hand ent one; when muted, it Is softer. MOOD painting and renovating now; mercial fertilizer should be used weeding wjll be unnecessary. everywhere, presenting a forniiid- watch outside flres If you're burn- PRECAUTIONS SUCH as this may save life or property damage, ac- at the rate of about 2'/j pounds to Free air'circulation in the soil Weight of; the new telephone's ablo nightmare for the Visceglla -^liiteript^ Decorators - Ing trash in the yard; keep a small handset—the transmitter and the Bros, in the initial staged. How- oordlng to tho-National -Board of Fire Underwriters. Lust year flre 100 square feet. Spread half of has been proved to be a vital factor V1453 'Springfield Av<\. ' home flre extinguisher handy and this amount on the soil before dig- In th,e growth of plants. In proper- receiver and the handle on which ever, the Visceglla report, tho be sure It's filled according to in- looses reached a total of $711,114,000. ging. Spread an equal amount of ly porous soil there is a complete they are mounted—has been re- whole operation was swiftly ac- structions on the label. Jlme if it ia needed—and for vege- change oE air tolTdepth of eight duced 25 per cent. Slightly smal(er than earlier models, It te designed complished and without the slight- tables lime Is recommended each Inches every hour. When the soil est damage. year. Pulverized llmostonctnay be becomes1 compacted'and crusted on to provide a bettor fit to, the head spread over the whole garden. If the surface, this exchange is seri- All parts savo those in the hand- Prospecting for flot are mounted orTtho base, with (Continued from Pago 1) Family Life Today you are 'using hydrated lime, ously hampered. Crust formation TVB always wanted one for my- though, spread only as much as can bo checked by various meth- the housing serving only as self." '" ~ By JAMES WALTERS thore were aome fundamental can bo dug under in one day. As odsrincludlng tho application of a cover. This arrangement is ex- y SpeolallstrhrHuman Relations •number ideas that he did not un- with fertilizer, spread before, dig- mulch, ,pr by growing a living pected to facilitate manufacture. „ And a* for the Indian relics, David know about his grade In dorstand? ,, ' • ging halt the,' required amount. mulch of foscuo grasses. But lack- Installation and maintenance. MY SAVINGS Lubonmi »ojd a case of~100~toma->. English long before report card Before paronfcs can help, th«y As the soil is dug, this will" bo Ing a mulch, frequent shallow cul- faawkirlastrgummer. time. must know the "why". David's thoroughly mixed with the lower tivation Is necessary, especially The public," he observed gagely, There were times whon he act-' toucher knew tho answer—David part of the dug soil. after every rain. •Vlll buy most anything arid every- ually brought his English book simply didn't see the importance All Love Diamonds thing.11 home—not that he intended read- of_arithmotlc. But for tho number After diigglng, spread the re- -6dm That this business of collecting Ing It—but there was always the of parents who do find out from served . portions of fertilizer and But Few People la no easy jdb wu» pointed put by hope that he might "absorb" some tho teacher, ten others never lime and work them in with the Watch for Tent ...and are INSURED! John Mondelson, another Spring- of Its culture. After all, his. knew rake when Iovcllng. field antique dealer. mother and daddy never scorned Why not have report carde that Deep rooting of plants Helps Caterpillar; It Know Them Well Those who guide this Small sums, set aside each week, or '^Collecting Is on all day Job to read any of the books which give parents a oluo as to what them survive during the summer. Everybody loves diamonds,' bu $60,000,000 institution larger amounts up to $5,000, will give with me," he said. "Moat week- were lined up impressively on tho their jobs are?—It is agreed that ,Dlg the aoll deep to provide good DIRECTORS "m'osfpcoplc' know very little abou you such earnings in New Jersey's days I oover a portion of my .terrl- bookshelves. a united effort of parents and drainogo so tho roots—can pene- Comes in Spring them. John I. Backer teachers is a step in tho right trate, and have available for \ho Frank Brlicov largest, insured Savings and Loan. tory within a &b mile radius of Every kind of report card, The' tent caterpillar is the flr«t The first thing for the prospec Springfield, following leads and whether "progressive" or not In- direction an (ar as providing intel- roots a supply of plant food at tnat leaf feeding tree insect to attract Jamas M. Cavanagh A Carteret account is the financial tive diamond buyer to do, accord David Cronnalm cluea on possible antiques. It makes volves the problem of describing lectual oxporionccs -for-the child lower depth. attention In tho spring! standby of 40,000 thrifty families. is concorncd. Many parents want ing to tho Jewelry Industry, is to William E. Hock.r * good eight hour day." tho child's activities. _The.smalLcaterplllars_when they pick out a retail jewolor whom ho " Dr. Harry G. Hollar — AlthoUBhihefe's aToroTlegwo?lr —But there is another question. to-help but they don't know'HOW. first hatch are inconspicuous and New account! Invlfd Rainmakers Used knows and In whom ho hos'ton- Jamas V. IQOV by mail or Ip person. to collecting, - the best dealers, Is meroly a description onough? Shortly after tho problem with the damage thoy do is tfcarcolyno - fldenoe.—^The—jeweler not only Frank C. McManu'i (Mendelson says, are the onca_who For example, when David had arithmetic, tlje-problem of David's ticeable, but a careful observation knows diamonds, but ho know? James K. Msldrum iknow antiques bcst-- as simulating rain to bring raln^ iass the entire branch and trunlt moffd Is the gem's quality of dls eald, "But, daddy, you never read perslng light 'or.'dividing it lntt literature, you don't know how Tools of tho trade generally w'crc surfaco of the tree. Dr. Bromley has one very Im- colored raya, Colorless diamonds DULL It Is". twigs, branches, trees and wooden are the richest In this flashing of David's farther realized then contraptions m contrast to the dry portant word of advlco to home owners—never . try to burn these prismatic hales. that it was his job to make llter- Ice and juggernauts of tho air Tho clarity of a diamond refers aturo "fun" for David. So through utilized by Nature's. helpers today. wobs In tree crotches. You may cause far moro Injury to_the_troo^ to Its freedom from noticeable book after book with a very tired For Instance, in old RussTa, a ^r fls- daddy, David trackod the foot- trio was__requlrcd to go Into an than • the caterpillars. Haws, Instead, he propose^ «,h early Buros. Diamonds In which no flaws, prints of Robinson Crusoe, giggled olaiborato production ' when rain 1 1 through tho funeral of Tom Sawyer Wfas wanted. Ono bearded gout spraying ms soon as the webs bo can be soon under a glass thai and Huck Finn, lived Inside the would bong a kettle with a ham- gin to form. magnifies ten times are considered Tent caterpillars winter over In commercially perfect. whale-wlthPlnocchlo, and sat be- mer to imitate thunder; another Another most Important point t neath a mushroom with Alice m would- whack two firebrands to- egg masses on the twlga. An egg 1 mass is black in color, looks like consider whon buying a diamond Wonderland., gether to -imitate Ugihtniirig, and is the out of ri Some literature continued to be tho third, the chief "rainmaker," a bump on a twig and-gllsiens_la the sunlight. Each'mass contains 62 square Inches of dull to David, but not all. The would sprinkle w"a,tor around with 1 happy ending Was; of course, that a bunch of twigs. at least 300 Insocte. The tiny cater- thrilling/television - pillars 'have hatchod ™out~~lnslde Packing Problem ra^ (each*or' was extremely Central Amorlcati Indians had_| pleased with his progress. hg last summor, but thoy their wizard of precipltathftrwhlchr waltr~for~the first warm spell _in Given to Movers Cultivating the Karrimi -not ouly~benoflt>rtirroUiic« Maturu Onlutm and n'et each one in a hole made FLOWERING SHRUBS POTTED FLOWERS Tho K'mallor nets, jiovn un Inch with a dibber. Do not (111 tho hole,, EVERGREENS New! Incrensen deep, will produce multure onions but meroly •cover tho roots at the size 3X. Fits In two months, much quicker than bottom with .Mirth and lot th^ hole any 10" sot. Columbia Road, opp. Morristown Airport Needs no special you can grow them from wood. U.w 1111 nuiirully. In rich soil the leulis installation. tho liirgor flctrt for griton onions, will-grow to a diameter of tin Inch W« Deliver—Vliono MIUUHOU (I-1 til I-It «nd plant thorn doopora, us much as or mor*.