Appendix 1: Library Lists

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Appendix 1: Library Lists Appendix 1: Library Lists CATALOGUE OF BOOKS POSSESSED IN 1491 BY THE FRANCISCAN FRIARY ATYOUGHAL From: James Coleman. 'A Medieval Irish Monastic Catalogue,' Bibliographical Society of Ireland 2. no. 6 (1925): 111-20. Quinque missalia. atque tria alia missalia. Legenda bipartita. Quinque psalteria. Duo gradualia nova. Istud martirilogium cum generalibus rubricis. Necnon antiquam martirilogium. Unum grande antifonarium. Una Biblia tripartita. atque alia parvae quantitas. Opusculum bonaventurae. Legenda Aurea. Diadema Monachorum. Item qui dicitur 'Mamotractus Liber.· Item qui dicitur 'Papias.· Liber concordantium. Nicholaus de lira super vetus et novum testamentum. Monitia ejusdem super sac ram scripturum. Summa Astexani. Liber qui dicitur vita Christi secundum Ledulfum. Epistolare Jeronimi. Magister Istoriarum. Racionale divinorum. Bonaventura super sententias. Epistolare beati Gregorii papae. Tractationes de Gersono. Istoria ecc1esiastica. Breviarium de temps. nee non psalterium in uno volumine. Speculum istoriale secundum Vincentium ordinis predicatorum. Una pars Psalterii. Apologia pauperum sancti Bonaventurae. Liber Recomendaconum secundum scripta ordinis. Liber qui dicitur Petrus de aurara. artis versificatoriae. 145 146 The Reformations in Ireland Flores francisci. Quatuor Evalgelistae glossati. Bartholomeus de proprietatibus verum. Petrus de tharacum super secundus (of St Thomas Aquinas). Ezechiel glossatus. Liber devotus, in quo continentur multa suffragia sanctorum, necnon Richardus Heremita. Expositiones regularum theologicarum. Unum volumen in quo continentur parabolae Salamonis, Libri sapientiae, canticorum, Ecclesiastes, Ecclesiasticus, necnon quidam grammaticus tractatus artis versificariae. Secundus Secuniae sti. Thomae de Aquino. Thomas in prima parte summae. Thomas in tertia parte summae. Magister sententiarum. Compendium theologiae. Postille super Marcum et epistolae paula ad Romanes. Apparatus quondam summa Remundi fris Stephani de bany, ministri hybemie. Philosophicus in mutis tractabus et specialitur in quinque libris topicorum. Summa de virutibus. Postille super Danialem secundum Nicholaum de lira. Postille super Y sayam prophetam ad Ezechialem prophetam. Penitentiarum Magistri bartholomei. Summa Magistri godfridi domini papae subdiaconi. Liber quartus sententiarum et qauedam sennones. Quidam libellus in quo continentur multa vocabula compendiosa. Summa de virtutibus. Incipiunt: Sermones Apt. ad Predicationemfaciendum Sermones beati bernardi. Sermones leonardi de Utino. Sermones dominicales pertotum annum. Diversi sennones in uno derelicto libello. Sermones januensis super evangelia dominicalia. Sermones, Roberti de licio. Sermones dominicales Magistri Jacobi de Iosanna. Appendix J 147 Gregorius in Moralibus. Summas fratris Remundi. Gregorius in dialogo. Summa qui dicitur centiloquium quondam fratris Johannis Wabergen ministri hybernie. Quidam juridicus liber super decretales collectus. Quidam libellus qui dicitur secundum Albertum speculum, et textus libri Job. Liber decretalium. Quidem liber qui procedit super omnia vocabula obscura saerae Scripturae a genesi usque sapientiae. Apparatus Magistri Johannes de authon super eonstitutiones oetoboni. Quidam caternus pro arte musica aptus. Libri philosophica declarat per magi strum Walterum Burley, neeno termini philosophiae cum octo libris physicorum. Summa disciplinatis et xii abusiones c1austri. Discipulus ad magistrum. Tractatus de miseria condition is humanae editus ab Innocentio papa tertio, cum qui bus istoriis provinciae hyberniae. SEQUUNTUR libri juris canonici: Decretum gratiana cum suo apparatu. Decretales cum additionibus. Panormitanus. Sextus liber decretalium. Dominicus super sextum. Sanctus Bonaventura super quatuor libros sententiarum, simul cum texto, in duobus voluminibus, impressa in papiro. SEQUUNTUR libri quidam pro usu Maurieii Hanlon: Unum breviarum, missale, et diumale. Summa Angelica, sermones jacobi de voragine. Sermones Roberto de Iicio. de laude Sanctorum. Sermones viginta dominicales. Preceptorium Nider. Boecius. Confessionales Antonini. Sanctus Thomas de compendo. Breviloquium Sancti Bonaventurae. Dorpili super sententia. 148 The Reformations in Ireland Bibliotheca, quattuor nov is sima, Pectorale passionis vel ali us Iibellus de passione, omnes impressione in papiro. Haec sunt nomina Aliorum Iibrorum, 1523. Speculum minorum. Liber meditationem sancti Bonaventurae cum ali us meditationibus. Cronicus geraldinorum. Gerson in parvo volumine. Sennones disciplini. Breviarum. Missale. Biblia. Vita Christi secundum Bonaventura. Breviarium romanum. Quatuor novissima. Missale et quidam Iiber devotiones et declarationes. Sennones Pauli Wan de tempore. Sennones Michaelis lochmayr de festis. Sennones thesauri novide tempore et festis. Sennones per alium de tempore et festis. Sennones de Iicio de tempore. Decretales. Missale parvum de impressione. Actus beati Francisci. Antidotarius animae qui fuit per lohannem Paule. Parvus liber manuale. Liber miseriae condition is humanae. Quodlibeta Thomae de Aquino de impressione. Boecius. Preceptorium Nider. Summa vocabulorum cum expositione in lingua teutonica. Gesta Romanorum. Tres tractatus Bonaventurae. Missale de impressione. Sermones quondam Richardi Flemeng ... contra. Appendix 1 149 LIBRARY LIST OF THE EARL OF KILDARE From: John T. Gilbert, 'MSS of His Grace, the Duke ofI.einster,' Ninth Report of the Royal Commission of Historical Manuscripts, Part 2 (London: Stationery Office, 1884),288-9. Hec sunt nomina librorum existencium in libraria Geraldi, Comitis Kildarie (c. 1510). Hugo de Vienna super iiij Evangelistas. Tria voluminia Cronice Anthonini. Tria voluminia operis Sanctae Anthonii cum glosa. Quatuor partes Nicholai de Lyra. ugo de Vienna super psalterium. Jacobi Locher opera poete laureati. Opus Comelii Vitelli poete. Virgilis cum iiij commentis. Tabula utillissima super Lyra. Juvenalis cum glosa. Theodulus cum commento. Dyalagus Sancti Gerogii. Boecius de Consolatione Philisophia. Virgilis cum glosa. Therencius. Fasciculus Temporum. Liber Cronice in pergameno. Accidens. Portiforium. Liber Alexandri deauratus. The Cronicles of England in Frenche. A French hoke in parchment. The trye of battails. Parte of the Bible in French. The Cronicles of Fraunce in French. Maundvile in French. Lalas damour de viegne. I.e Brevier dez Nobles. I.e quatre choses toutz cestz ou un lyver. I.e Tryumph de Damez. A boke of Farsses in French. 150 The Reformations in Ireland English: The Polycronicon. Bocaas The Fall of Princes. Arthur. The Siedge of Troy. The Cronicles of England. The feetis of annes of chyvalry made by Christyn de Pyce. Irish: Saltir Casshill. Saint Beraghan's boke. Another boke wherein is the begynnyng of the Cronicles of Irland. The Birth of Christe. Saint Kateryn's Lif. Saint Jacob his Passion. Saint George his Passion. The Speech of Oyncheaghis. Saint Feghyn his lif. Saint Fynan his lif. Brislagh my Moregh. Coucullyn's Actes. The Monkes of Egiptes lif. Foilfylmey. The vii Sages. The Declaracion of Gospellis. Saint Bernarde' s Passion. The History of Clan Lyre. The leching of Kene his legg. Cambrensis. Boks remayning in the lyberary of Geralde FitzGerald, the xv day ofFebruarii, Anno Henrici, viij.xvii. (A.D. 1525-6). Furst: Latin Bokys Hugo de Vianna super librum Mathei. Hugo de Vienna super Psalterium. Tria voluminia operis Sancti Anthonii. Tria voluminia Cronice Anthonini. Diallogus Sancti Grigorii. Tabula utillissima super Liram. Ueirgilius cum glosa. Jacobi Locher Philomusi poete epigramata. Appendix 1 151 Opus Cornelii Vitelli poete. Virgilius, cum quatuor commentarius. Vocabula Juris. Juvenalis cum glosa. Theodatus cum commento. Boecius de Consolatione Phylosophye. Ortus Sanitatis. Therencius. Fasciculus Temporum. De Diversitate A vium. Liber Cronice in pergameno. Liber Alixandre Maugne. Ordinale. Summa Angelica. Caliopinus. Ortus vocabulorum et medulla gramatici. Comentaria Sesaris. Vegesius. Uthopis Mori. Hympni Andree poete. Novum Testamentum. Cambrencis de Topografia. Laurencius Valla. Biblia. Cronica Cronicorum. Yett: boks in the liberary - Item, French boks: Scala Cronica, - in Kyldare. Frossart iiii voluminis. Anguiran ii volumis. Lez illustracions de Gaule et singularites de Troy. Lanncelott du lake, iii volumis. De la Terre Saincte. Ogier Ie Danois. Larbre des Bataillis. Ung autre libre en France is en parshemyn. Ung partie de la Bible. Leis Cronikis de France. Mandavile. Lalace damore devine. Le Brevier des Nobles. 152 The Reformations in Ireland Le Catir Chosis en ung volume. Le Triumph des Dames. Ung liber des farsis. Le Legent de Touts Saincts. Leze triumphis de Petrarke. Le Geardyn de Plesance. Le Romant de la Roise et Mathiolus. Ung abreviacion de la Bible. Le swonge de virgi... Ercules. Enchiridion. Vincent Istoriall. v volumis. La i. volume de la Biblia. Saynt Austen de Civitate Dei ii volumis. Polipomen Saint Jerome en parchement. Les Croniques de la Grande et Petit Bretaine. Lemethamorphoze. Josaphus de la Battaile Judick. Oraste in ii volume. Le Graunte Boece. Le ii et iii decade de Titus Livius. i Cronicke de Fraunce. en parchement. Les Commentaris de Sesar. Yet: Boks. - Englysh Boks Furst: Polycronycon. Bockas. - Arthur. The Sege of Thebes. The Croniklis of England. Cristian de Pise. Camberens. The Distruccion of Troy. The Sege of Jerusalem. The Enaydos. Charlamayn. The Sheperdis Calendar. Gesta Romanorum. Troillus. Caton de Senectute et de Amicisia. The Ordre of the Garter. The Kyng of England his answer to Lutter. Appendix J 153 The Sege of the Roodis. Littilton
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    Provided by the author(s) and NUI Galway in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite the published version when available. Title "The Given Note": traditional music and modern Irish poetry Author(s) Crosson, Seán Publication Date 2008 Publication Crosson, Seán. (2008). "The Given Note": Traditional Music Information and Modern Irish Poetry, by Seán Crosson. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Publisher Cambridge Scholars Publishing Link to publisher's version Item record Downloaded 2021-09-26T13:34:31Z Some rights reserved. For more information, please see the item record link above. "The Given Note" "The Given Note": Traditional Music and Modern Irish Poetry By Seán Crosson Cambridge Scholars Publishing "The Given Note": Traditional Music and Modern Irish Poetry, by Seán Crosson This book first published 2008 by Cambridge Scholars Publishing 15 Angerton Gardens, Newcastle, NE5 2JA, UK British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Copyright © 2008 by Seán Crosson All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. ISBN (10): 1-84718-569-X, ISBN (13): 9781847185693 Do m’Athair agus mo Mháthair TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements .................................................................................
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