VOL. LXXXII, FASC. 164 2013/II


Charles Libois S.J., L’École des Jésuites au Caire dans l’Ancienne Compagnie. 355

Leonardo Cohen, El padre Pedro Páez frente a la interpretación bíblica etíope. La controversia sobre “cómo llenar una 397 brecha mítica”.

Claudia von Collani, Astronomy versus Astrology. Johann Adam Schall von Bell and his “superstitious” Chinese Calendar. 421

Andrea Mariani, Mobilità e formazione dei Gesuiti della Confederazione polacco-lituana. Analisi statistico- prosopografica del personale dei collegi di Nieśwież e Słuck (1724-1773). 459

Francisco Malta Romeiras, The emergence of molecular genetics in Portugal: the enterprise of Luís Archer SJ. 501

Bibliography (Paul Begheyn S.J.) 513 Book Reviews

Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile et alia, Missions d’évangélisation et circulation des savoirs XVIe- XVIIIe siècle (Luce Giard) 633; Pedro de Valencia, Obras completas. VI. Escritos varios (Doris Moreno) 642; Wolfgang Müller (Bearb.), Die datierten Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek München. Textband und Tafelband (Rudolf Gamper) 647; Ursula Paintner, Des Papsts neue Creatur‘. Antijesuitische Publizistik im Deutschsprachigen Raum (1555-1618) (Fabian Fechner) 652; Anthony E. Clark, ’s . Catholic Martyrdom during the Qing (1644-1911) (Marc Lindeijer S.J.) 654; Thomas M. McCoog, “And touching our Society”: Fashioning Jesuit in Elizabethan England (Michael Questier) 656; Festo Mkenda, Mission for Everyone: A Story of the Jesuits in East Africa (1555-2012) (Brendan Carmody S.J.) 659; Franz Brendle, Der Erzkanzler im Religionskrieg. Kurfürst Anselm Casimir von Mainz, die geistlichen Fürsten und das Reich 1629 bis 1647 (Frank Sobiec) 661; Robert E. Scully, Into the Lion’s Den. The Jesuit Mission in Elizabethan England and Wales, 1580-1603 (Roberta Grossi) 663; Fabrizio Capanni, Anna Santucci (eds), L’Abate Luigi A. Lanzi tra filologia classica e letteratura religiosa. Atti del IV Convegno di studi lanziani, Corridonia (MC), Teatro “Giovan Battista Velluti”, 14 novembre 2009 (Roberta Grossi) 665; Simona Sperindei, Francesco Maria Riccardi (1697-1758). Un Monsignore fiorentino nella Curia romana (Lydia Salviucci Insolera) 668; Ana Carolina Hosne, The Jesuit Missions to China and Peru, 1570-1610. Expectations and appraisals of expansionism (Matthieu Bernhardt) 670.

Index 675 Bibliography on the History of the 2013

Paul Begheyn S.J.

I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (), Géza Bikfalvi (Budapest), Clemens Brodkorb (München), Ad Dudink (Louvain), José García de Castro SJ (Madrid), Yasmin Haskell (Crawley WA, Australia), Yannick van Loon (Louvain), Robert Maryks (New York), Thomas McCoog SJ (New York / London), Gianfranco Miletto (Heidelberg), Paul Oberholzer SJ (Basel), Gabriel M. Verd SJ (Granada).

For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please turn to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www., a review of theological research.

You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to:

Paul Begheyn, S.J. Institute of Jesuit Studies Singel 448 1017 AV Amsterdam The Netherlands

General Index I. The entire Society

A. General history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-4 2. Historical works 5-32 B. Special history 1. 33-46 2. Institute 47-67 3. Spiritual Exercises 68-71 4. Spirituality 72-85 5. Pastoral activities 86-89 6. Cultural activities 90-128 7. Polemical writings 129-134 514 Paul Begheyn S.J.

II. Countries A. Africa 135-140 B. America 141-223 C. Asia 224-297 D. Europe 298-552

III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 553-1103 Complementary list of persons 619 Index of authors 620

I. The entire Society

A. General History

1. Auxiliary sciences 1. L. Grzebień (ed.), Encyklopedia wiedzy o Jezuitach na ziemiach Polski I Litwi 1564-1995, Kraków, Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno- Pedaogogiczna “Ignatianum” Wydawnictwo WAM, 2004, 882 p. 2. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2011’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 561-712. 3. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus 2012’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 599-711. 4. ‘Bibliografía Ignaciana’, Manresa 84 (2012), 371-398.

2. Historical works 5. I. Ianuzzi, ‘Mentalidad inquisitorial y jesuitas: el enfrentamiento entre el Cardenal Silíceo y la Compañía de Jesús’, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna 24 (2000), 11-31. 6. L. Vilela Souza & M. Massimi, ‘Il desiderio dell’oltremare nelle litte- rae Indipetae: le condizioni psicologiche per l’azione nella narrativa di giovani gesuiti del sedicesimo secolo’, Memorandum 3 (2002), 1-17. 7. P.J. Carvalho da Silva, ‘Medicina do corpo e da alma: os males corporais e o exercício da palabra em escritos da antiga Com- panhia de Jesus’, Memorandum 5 (2003), 55-68. 8. E. Missio, ‘A dissimulação como virtude entre os jesuitas da Con- tra-Reforma’, Memorandum 9 (2005), 121-131. 9. F. Motta, ‘Il mito delle origini nella storiografia della Compagnia di Gesù’, Rivista Storica Italiana 117 (2005), 5-25. 10. L. González-Quevedo, ‘Os primeiros jesuítas: mística, compa- Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 515

nheirismo e missão’, Convergência 41 (2006), 589-600. 11. A. Novinsky, ‘Conversos jesuítas e a Inquisição’, in J.A. Escu- dero (ed.), Intolerancia e Inquisición, 3 (2006), 149-160. 12. M. Sievernich, ‘Mission der Jesuiten’, Zeitschrift für Missionswis- senschaft und Religionswissenschaft 90 (2006), 163-164. 13. A. Álvarez Bolado a.o., Jesuitas: una misión, un proyecto, Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2007, 221 p. 14. M. Friedrich, ‘Archive und Verwaltung im Frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Das Beispiel der Gesellschaft Jesu’, Zeitschrift für Histo- rische Forschung 35 (2008), 369-403. 15. B. Chédozeau, ‘L’Histoire et l’anthropologie humanistes des Jésuites (XVIIe siècle)’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 93 (2009), 697-728. 16. S. Kiechle, Die Jesuiten: Wissen, was stimmt, Freiburg, Herder, 2009, 127 p. 17. V. Napolitano, ‘Phantomatic presences and bioreligiosity: on the Legionaries of Christ and the Jesuit Order’, Postscripts 5 (2009), 293-316. 18. F. Rurale, ‘Ordini religiosi e inquisizione tra Cinque e Seicento’, Studia Borromaica 23 (2009), 467-488. 19. J. Mesnard, ‘Mythe janséniste et mythe jésuitique dans l’Europe d’après la Réforme’, in R. Baustert (ed.), Le jansénisme et l’Europe, Tübingen, Narr Verlag, 2010, 305-324. 20. A. Campillo Meseguer, ‘Del gobierno del alma al gobierno del mundo: el nacimiento de la Compañía de Jesús’, Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 5 (2011), 31-57. 21. G.L. McKevitt, ‘The gifts of aging: Jesuit elders in their own words’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 43/3 (2011), 41 p. 22. M. Rastoin, Du même sang que Notre Seigneur. Juifs et jésuites aux débuts de la compagnie de Jésus, , Bayard, 2011, 310 p. 23. C. Anfray, ‘Les Jésuites de Quinet: Un événement littéraire? Réflexions sur une réception complexe’, Romantisme 155 (2012), 123-134. 24. G. Brüntrup a.o. (eds.), Unheilige Macht. Der Jesuitenorden und die Missbrauchskrise, , Kohlhammer, 2012, 202 p. 25. A. Campana, Shakespeare and the Jesuits: ‘To Fight the Fight’, Campbell CA, FastPencil, 2012, 394 p. 26. A. Cnockaert, ‘Jésuites dans la vie de Mère Teresa de Calcutta’, Telema 1/12 (2012), 57-69. 27. P. Endean, ‘Mary Ward and the Jesuit myths’, The Way 51 (2012), 59-77. 516 Paul Begheyn S.J.

28. C. Fleming a.o., ‘The Jesuits: From markets to Marxism; From protection to social progressivism’, Romanian Economic and Business Review 7 (2012), 7-22. 29. B. Geger, ‘The first companions: The continuing impact of the men who left Ignatius’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesus 44/2 , (2012), 1-38. 30. S. Kiechle, Jezuité, Praha, Grada, 2012, 93 p. 31. J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los Jesuitas. Religión, política y edu- cación (siglos XVI-XVIII), 3 vols., Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2012, 1906 p. 32. P. Shore, ‘Mano a mano: Jesuits & Calvinists (1635- 1700)’, One in Christ 46 (2012), 58-71.

B. Special History

1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 450, 510, 539, 558, 672, 762, 825, 992.

33. P.A. Fabre, ‘Ignace de Loyola en procès d’orthodoxie (1525- 1622)’, in S. Elm a.o. (eds.), Orthodoxie, christianisme, histoire, Rome, École française de Rome, 2000, 101-124. 34. G. Fantola, ‘Soggiorno di S. Ignazio di Loyola a Vicenza’, Realtà Vicentina 14 (2003), 28-29. 35. B. Grom, ‘Ignatius von Loyola und die Psychologen’, Stimmen der Zeit 224 (2006), 68-80. 36. U. Strasser, ‘“The first form and grace”. Ignatius of Loyola and the of masculinity’, in S.H. Hendrix & S.C. Karant- Nunn (eds.), Masculinity in the Reformation Era, Kirksville MO, Truman State University Press, 2008, 45-70. 37. C. Barnao, ‘Ignazio di Loyola e Carl Rogers per la formazione degli osservatori partecipanti e per la conduzione di ricerche «centrate sulla persona»’, Studi di sociologia 47 (2009), 151-166. 38. P. Begheyn, ‘A lost letter of Ignatius to Prince Philip of (1546) recovered’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 276-279. 39. R. García Mateo, ‘Ignacio de Loyola: contemplación y misión’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 15-46. 40. G.M. Verd Conradi, ‘Vascuence y castellano en San Ignacio de Loyola’, Archivo Teológico Granadino 74 (2011), 151-204. 41. R. García Mateo, ‘Spiritualität und Macht bei Ignatius von Loyola’, Geist und Leben 85 (2012), 232-250. 42. P. Goujon, ‘L’affectivité chez Ignace de Loyola: L’école du désir’, Christus 233 (2012), 104-111. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 517

43. E. Howells, ‘Spanish and religious renewal: Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, and ’, in J.A. Lamm (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, 422-436. 44. G.M. Verd Conradi, ‘San Ignacio de Loyola y el soneto “No me mueve, mi Dios, para quererte”’, Archivo Teológico Granadino 75 (2012), 99-166. 45. O. Walker, ‘A dialogue across : and Igna- tius of Loyola’, The Way 51 (2012), 123-134. 46. H. Witte, ‘Benedictus en Ignatius over individu en gemeenschap’, Cardoner 2012/3, 1-13.

2. Institute 47. J. Nadal, Comentários sobre o Instituto da Companhia de Jesus. Ed. Armando Cardoso, São Paulo, Edições Loyola, 2004, 62 p. 48. W.E. Stempsey (ed.), Jesuit education and the , Worcester, College of the Holy Cross, 2004, 113 p. 49. M. Friedrich, ‘Archive und Verwaltung im frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Das Beispiel der Gesellschaft Jesu’, Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 35 (2008), 369-403. 50. J.M. Martins Lopes, ‘Ratio Studiorum, um modelo pedagógico’, in Ratio Studiorum da Companhia de Jesus (1599) - Regime escolar y curriculum de estudos, Lisboa, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2008, 43-67. 51. W. Decock, ‘Jesuit freedom of contract’, Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d’Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review 77 (2009), 423-458. 52. M. Miranda, Código Pedagógico dos Jesuítas, Lisboa, Esfera do Caos, 2009, 296 p. 53. F. Markus, ‘Archives as networks: the geography of record- keeping in the Society of Jesus (1540-1773)’, Archival Science (2010), 285-298. 54. A. Coello de la Rosa, ‘El estatuto de limpieza de sangre de la Compañía de Jesús (1593) y su influencia en el Perú colonial, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 45-93. 55. M.S. Giese, ‘An die Grenzen gesandt - und dann? Kirchlichkeit und Grenzexistenz in der Sendung der Gesellschaft Jesu’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 149-164. 56. D. Kowalczyk, ‘La missione della Compagnia di Gesù alla luce del decreto 3 della 35a Congregazione Generale’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 165-177. 518 Paul Begheyn S.J.

57. C. Lowney, ‘Wat leiders uit de eenentwintigste eeuw kunnen leren van jezuïeten uit de zestiende eeuw’, Streven 78 (2011), 910-921. 58. P. Oberholzer, ‘Kommunikation und Administration in der Alten Gesellschaft Jesu’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 581-597. 59. M. Rastoin, Du même sang que notre Seigneur. Juifs et jésuites aux débuts de la Compagnie de Jésus, Montrouge, Bayard, 2011, 310 p. 60. M. Ruiz Jurado, ‘El espíritu misional de la Compañía de Jesús a la luz del cuarto voto “circa missiones’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 47-60. 61. U. Valero Agúndez, El proyecto de renovación de la Compañía de Jesús (1965-2007) Bilbao, Mensajero, 2011, 362 p. 62. F. Alfieri & C. Ferlan (eds.), Avventura dell’obbedienza nella Com- pagnia di Gesù: teorie e prassi fra XVI e XIX secolo, , Il Mu- lino, 2012, 267 p. 63. F. Alfieri & C. Ferlan, ‘Storie di obbedienza negoziata’, in F. Al- fieri & C. Ferlan (eds.), Avventura dell’obbedienza nella Compagnia di Gesù: teorie e prassi fra XVI e XIX secolo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, 7-17. 64. F. Álvarez de los Mozos, ‘Nairobi 2012: Experiencia de comunión y envío. Lectura de la 70 Congregación de Procuradores de la Compañía de Jesús’, Razón y fe 266 (2012), 281-291. 65. M. Friedrich, ‘Organisation und Kommunikationsstrukturen der Gesellschaft Jesu in der Frühen Neuzeit / Organization and Communication in the Society of Jesus (1540-1773)’, in K. Koschorke (ed.), Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsge- schichtlicher Perspektive / Phases of Globalisation in the , Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2012, 83-103. 66. L. Giard, ‘Les choix de la Ratio studiorum publiée en 1599’, in A. Deneef & X. Rousseaux (eds.), Quatre siècles de présence jésuite à Bruxelles / Vier eeuwen jezuïeten te Brussel, Bruxelles, Prosopon, 2012, 17-27. 67. G. Mongini, ‘Le teologie gesuitiche delle origine. Lo spiritua- lismo radicale come matrice comune del dissenso e della fedeltà all’ortodossia’, in F. Alfieri & C. Ferlan (eds.), Avventura dell’ob- bedienza nella Compagnia di Gesù: teorie e prassi fra XVI e XIX seco- lo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, 19-47.

3. Spiritual Exercises See also 1047. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 519

68. M. Luirard, ‘Quand les femmes reçoivent et donnent les Exer- cices’, Christus 236 (2012), 484-494. 69. S. McCarthy, ‘Climate change and the Spiritual Exercises’, The Way 51 (2012), 7-18. 70. M. Rotsaert, Les Exercices spirituels. Le secret des jésuites, Bruxelles, Éditions Lessius, 2012, 96 p. 71. N. Standaert, ‘The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola in the China mission of the 17th and 18th centuries’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 73-124.

4. Spirituality 72. A. van Campen, Van beeld tot beeld. Een spiritueel-hermeneutisch onderzoek naar de verbeelding op de geestelijke weg in de ignatiaanse spiritualiteit, Utrecht, Katholieke Theologische Universiteit, 2000, 147 p. 73. H. Alphonso (ed.), La “Conversazione Spirituale”. Progetto Apostolico nel “Modo di procedere Ignaziano”, Rome, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2006, 84 p. 74. C. Gleeson, The front page: everyday Ignatian spirituality’, Adelaide, ATF Press, 2011, 176 p. 75. J. Haers a.o. (eds.), The Lord of friendship. Discernment and mission in Ignatian spirituality, Oxford, The Way, 2011, 246 p. 76. J. Glyn, ‘Justice: An Ignatian perspective’ The Way 51 (2012), 55-64. 77. G.K. Goulding, ‘‘Take the same’ - but differently: Mary Ward’s appropriation of the Ignatian charism’, The Way 51/3 (2012), 43-58. 78. F. Heiding, Ignatian spirituality at ecclesial frontiers, Oxford, n.p., 2012, 279 p. 79. B. Hidalgo Sánchez, ‘Espiritualidad dominicana y jesuita en la extirpación de idolatrías’, Ciencia tomista 139 (2012), 227-231. 80. G.W. Hughes, ‘Ignatian spirituality’, in P. Tyler & R. Wood (eds.), The Bloomsbury Guide to Christian Spirituality, London, Bloomsbury, 2012, 147-158. 81. B. Jansen, ‘Besluitvorming in de nieuwe parochies. Ignatiaanse onderscheiding der geesten als middel tot vitalisering’, . Internationaal Katholiek Tijdschrift 37 (2012), 185-195. 82. B. O’Leary, ‘‘Hither I must come to draw’: Mary Ward and the Ignatian Constitutions’, The Way 51/3 (2012), 29-41. 83. T. Witwer, ‘Die Identität des Jesuiten: Wesensmomente des “Gefährte Jesu-Seins”’, Geist und Leben 85 (2012), 221-231. 84. A. Catellani, ‘Before the preludes: Some semiotic observations on vision, meditation, and the ‘fifth space in early Jesuit spiritual 520 Paul Begheyn S.J.

illustrated literature’, in W.S. Melion a.o. (eds.), Ut pictura meditatio. The Meditative Image in Northern Art, 1500-1700, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012, 157-202. 85. A. Udías, ‘Jesuit scientific tradition and Ignatian spirituality’,Lo Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia 10 (2012) III, 207-219.

5. Pastoral activities 86. V. Serafin, Pedagogia Inaciana e os novos sujeitos históricos, Florianópolis SC, Edições Catarinenses, 2006, 202 p. 87. C. Baretta & V.C.M. Denora (eds.), Pedagogia ignaziana, Milano, San Paolo, 2007, 203 p. 88. I. Azkuna, ‘El colegio de los jesuitas’, Letras de Deusto 40 (2010), 175-187. 89. R. Po-Chia Hsia, ‘Jesuit global missions and confessional conflicts in the Early Modern World’, in K. Koschorke (ed.), Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsgeschichtlicher Perspektive /Phases of Globalisation in the History of Christianity, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2012, 170-182.

6. Cultural activities 90. C. Brunetto, ‘Due lettere gesuitiche sul teatro nei collegi’,Dioniso 3 (2004), 238-243. 91. B. Majorana, ‘Lo spettacolo della parola’, Dioniso 3 (2004), 228-237. 92. M. Desprez, ‘Iezusu kai engeki no kigen to dokujisei: Cinquecento jidai [The origin and the uniqueness of Jesuits’ drama]’, Etudes de langue et littérature françaises 57 (2008), 429-449. 93. M. Molina Sánchez, ‘La edición de textos dramáticos jesuíticos: peculiaridades y problemas’, Florentia iliberritana: Revista de estudios de antigüedad clásica 19 (2008), 221-240. 94. B. Roling, ‘Ausblicke: Jesuitenmetaphysik und esoterische philosophie’, in his Locutio angelica. Die Diskussion der Engelsprache als Antizipation einer Sprechakttheorie in Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, Leiden, Brill, 2008, 647-678. 95. C. Bicks, ‘Staging the Jesuitess in a game at chess’, Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 49 (2009), 463-484. 96. B.U. Münch, Geteiltes Leid. Die Passion Christi in Bildern und Texten der Konfessionalisierung. Druckgraphik von der Reformation bis zu den jesuitischen Großprojekten um 1600, Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2009, 487 p. 97. G. Randle, Dar razón de Dios: Un modo teológico ignaciano de proceder: Aproximación a la teología fundamental desde la experiencia Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 521

conflictiva discernida en la fe. Complemento..., , Editorial San Benito Press, 2009, 136 p. 98. P.F. Campa, ‘Devotion and onomasiology: the impresa of the Society of Jesus’, in P.F. Campa & P.M. Daly (eds.), Emblematic images and religious texts. Studies in honor of G. Richard Dimler, S.J., Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2010, 1-28. 99. B. Filippi, ‘Le corps suspendu: le dans le théâtre jésuite’, Littératures Classiques 73 (2010), 229-239. 100. M.M. Fragonard, ‘Morts en , morts en service de charité: la mémoire de l’ordre jésuite’, Littératures Classiques 73 (2010), 191-214. 101. L. Grove, ‘Jesuit emblems and catholic comics’, in P.F. Campa & P.M. Daly (eds.), Emblematic images and religious texts. Studies in honor of G. Richard Dimler, S.J., Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2010, 253-272. 102. S. Muneroni, ‘Teatro la Fragua and the legacy of Jesuit theatre’, Ecumenica. Journal of theatre and performance 4/2 (2010), 7-24. 103. E. Boysse, Le théâtre des Jésuites, Genève, Slatkine reprints, 2011, 370 p. 104. E. Costa, ‘Musica e gesuiti. Dal carisma degli inizi alle sfide della storia’, La Civiltà Cattolica162/3 (2011), 373-384. 105. T. Culley & C. McNaspy, ‘Music and the early Jesuits (1540- 1565)’, in P. Vendrix (ed.), Music and the Renaissance, Farnham, Ashgate, 2011. 106. W. Daddario, ‘“A public of one”: Jesuit discipline in the theatre of the world’, Ecumenica. Journal of theatre and performance 4/1 (2011), 13-26. 107. J.P. Gay, ‘Doctrina Societatis? Le rapport entre probabilisme et discernement des esprits dans la culture jésuite (XVIe-XVIIe siècle)’, in S. Icard (éd), Le discernement spirituel au XVIIe siècle, Paris, Nolin, 2011, 23-46. 108. R. Kuttner, ‘Jesuit values & alternative dispute resolution: Parallels and challenges to alternative dispute resolution scholarship and education’, Journal of Religion & Society 13 (2011), 18 p. 109. E. Oy-Marra & V.R. Remmert (eds.), Le monde est une peinture. Jesuitische Identität und die Rolle der Bilder, Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 2011, 251 p. 110. F. Sánchez Barea, ‘The financing sources of the Jesuits’ colleges in the Modern Age’, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011), 2938-2942. 522 Paul Begheyn S.J.

111. S. Tita, ‘Patronage of a theme: the Jesuit apotheosis’, Economics, Management, and Financial Markets 6 (2011), 61-72. 112. I. Arellano, ‘Theatrical elements in Baroque festivals (The Jesuit celebrations in the Golden Age)’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 47-56. 113. P.R. Blum, ‘Cultivating talents and social responsibility: Aims and means of early Jesuit education’, in his Studies on early modern Aristotelianism, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2012, 325-333. 114. G. Bogel, ‘Cura personalis: The school library through an Ignatian lens’, Knowledge Quest 40 (2012), 46- 50. 115. G.J. Consolmagno, ‘Studio delle stelle e virtù teologali. L’esperienza di un astronomo’, La Civiltà Cattolica 163/3 (2012), 258-270. 116. J. Eickmeyer, Der Jesuitische Heroidenbrief: Zur Christianisierung und Kontextualisierung einer antiken Gattung in der Frühen Neuzeit, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2012, 933 p. 117. F. Euvé, Mathématiques, astronomie, biologie et soin des âmes: Les jésuites et les sciences, Bruxelles, Editions Lessius, 2012, 150 p. 118. M.D. García-Borrón, ‘Importancia de la lingüística para los misioneros jesuitas desde los primeros tiempos de la orden, y su entronque con doctrinas y métodos de diversas épocas y regiones’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 57-69. 119. L. Giurgevich & H. Leitão, ‘Para um estudo das antigas bibliotecas jesuítas: catálogos, inventários e listas de livros’, Brotéria 175 (2012), 161-168. 120. J. Herczog, ‘Il sacro esperimento nel segno dell’accomodazione ovvero il ruolo distinto della musica nell’evangelizzazione gesuitica’, in S. Nanni (ed.), La musica dei semplici - L’altra controriforma, Roma, Viella, 2012, 319-336. 121. F. Kónya, Kép és szo. A barokk jezsuita irodalmi emblémáról és elözményeiröl [Image and word. About the Baroque Jesuit literal emblem and its antecedents], Keresztény Szó 23 (2012), 1-5. 122. S. Lang, Bilder zur Mission: Die jesuitische Literatur und ihre Illustration, Petersberg, Michael Imhof Verlag, 2012, 495 p. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 523

123. void 124. P.J. Lynch a.o., ‘Values of exemplary Jesuit college graduates’, Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal 1 (2012), 43-64. 125. J. Menkhaus & A. Faist, ‘Appropriating Ignatian solidarity through contact and ’, Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal 1 (2012), 106-114. 126. A. Poncela González, ‘Aristóteles y los jesuitas. La génesis corporativa de los cursus philosophicus’, Cauriensia 6 (2011), 65- 101; also in R. Hofmeister Pich a.o. (eds.), sin fronteras en los límites de las ideas, Cáceres 2012, 75-111. 127. R.F. Taft, ‘From polemicists to promotors: The Jesuits and the liturgical traditions of the Christian East’, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 78 (2012), 97-132. 128. A. Udías, ‘Jesuit scientific tradition and Ignatian spirituality’, Lo Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia10 (2012) III, 207-219.

7. Polemical writings 129. F. Bugliani Knox, The eye of the eagle. John Donne and the legacy of Ignatius Loyola, Oxford etc., Peter Lang, 2011, 342 p. 130. C. Cuttica ‘Anti-Jesuit patriotic absolutism: Robert Filmer and French ideas (c. 1580-1630)’, Renaissance Studies 25 (2011), 559- 579. 131. M. Inalva Galter, ‘Reflexões sobre as críticas aos jesuítas no século XVIII’, Acta Scientiarum. Education 32 (2011), 199-204. 132. U. Paintner, Des Papsts neue Creatur: Antijesuitische Publizistik im deutschsprachigen Raum, Amsterdam / New York, Rodopi, 2001, 573 p. 133. M. Vita Romeo, Le retentissement des Provinciales en Italie, Paris, Nolin, 2011, 196 p. 134. J. Wolffe, ‘The Jesuit as villain in nineteenth-Century British fiction’, Studies in Church History 48 (2012), 308-320.

II. Countries

A. Africa

Congo (Democratic Republic of) 135. H. Vinck, ‘Manuels scolaires conservés dans la Bibliothèque des Jésuites à Kimwenza et en Belgique’, Annales Æquatoria 22 (2001), 433-435. 136. A. N’teba Mbengi a.o., Comme l’or qu’on affine. Florilèges et 524 Paul Begheyn S.J.

perspectives à l’occasion du jubilé d’or de la Province d’Afrique Centrale de la Compagnie de Jésus, Kinshasa, Ed. Loyola, 2012, 400 p.

Ethiopia 137. M.C. Navarrete, ‘La respresentación jesuita de los etíopes del siglo XVII desde las Cartas Annuas’, Memoria y Sociedad 10 (2006), 85-106. 138. V. Böll, ‘Die Jesuiten und die fehlgeschlagene Katholisierung der äthiopisch-orthodoxen Kirche / The Jesuits and their unsuccessful attempt to catholicize the Ethiopian Orthodox Church’, in K. Koschorke (ed.), Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsgeschichtlicher Perspektive / Phases of Globalisation in the History of Christianity, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2012, 157- 170.

Mozambique 139. S. Duarte, ‘Jésuites et Comboniens au Mozambique (1940- 1975). Aportuguesamento [lusitanisation] ou respect des cultures locales?’, in H. Didier & M. Larcher (eds.), Pédagogies missionnaires. Traduire transmettre transculturer, Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2012, 303-316.

Zimbabwe See also 986.

140. M. Ruzivo, ‘African agents of the Gospel message and expatriate missionaries. A cultural exchange in the production of knowledge in Zimbabwe with special focus on the Jesuit Catholic missions’, in U. van der Heyden & A. Feldtkeller (eds.), Missionsgeschichte als Geschichte der Globalisierung von Wissen. Transkulturelle Wissenaneignung und -vermittlung durch christliche Missionare in Afrika und Asien im 17., 18. und 19. Jahrhundert, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2012, 359-368.

B. America See also 400.

141. K. Moore McAllen, ‘Rethinking frontier paradigms in Spanish America: Jesuit mission art in Northern ’, in R.W.F. Cooper a.o. (eds.), Shifting Borders, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007, 10-24. 142. T. Krasowska, Muzyka barokowa w redukcjach jezuickich [Baroque Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 525

Music in the Jesuit reductions], Lublin, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2010, 180 p. 143. N. Levinton, ‘The microregion: space and time in the cartogra- phy produced by the interaction jesuitical-guarani’, Anuario de Estudios Americanos 67 (2010), 577-604. 144. L. Szarán, ‘Musikalisches Universum und Erbe der Jesuiten- missionen in Südamerika (17. bis 18. Jahrhundert)’, Weltmission Heute 70 (2010), 223-234. 145. A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, , Bellaterra, 2011, 336 p. 146. R. Krüger, ‘Un esloveno-argentino rehabilita a los creadores del barroco guaraní. Darko Sustersik y sus investigaciones sobre las imágenes guaraní-jesuíticas’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 345-351. 147. R. Krüger, ‘El significado ecuménico de las misiones jesuíticas de guaraníes’, in IV Jornadas-2010. Estudios e Investigaciones. Artes Visuales y Música. El arte de dos siglos: balance y futuros desafíos, Buenos Aires, 2012, 525-540. 148. S.V. Vera, Música y misión. La música como medio de evangelización en las reducciones jesuíticas (siglos XVII-XVIII), Buenos Aires, Agape Libros, 2012, 194 p.

Argentina 149. C.A. Page, La estancia jesuitica de Alta Gracia, Córdoba, Universidad Católica de Córdoba / Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2000, 230 p. 150. E. Maeder & R. Gutiérrez, Atlas territorial y urbano de las misiones jesuíticas de guaraníes. Argentina, Paraguay y Brasil, Sevilla, Junta de Andalucia. Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Historico. Consejeria de Cultura, 2009, 114 p. 151. S.A. Cirvini, ‘Las órdenes religiosas en espacio urbano colonial - Mendoza (Argentina). El caso de la Compañía de Jesús’, Hispania Sacra 64 (2012), 623-652. 152. N. Levinton, Arquitectura de la Companía de Jesús en Buenos Aires. La creación y el paso inclemente del tiempo, Bueno Aires, Contra- tiempo Ediciones, 2012, 288 p.

Bolivia 153. E. Jordá, ‘El templo misional histórico de San Ignacio de Mojos (s. XVII-XVIII). Nueve años de restauración (1994-2002)’, Anuario 526 Paul Begheyn S.J.

de la Academia Boliviana de Historia Eclesiástica 17 (2011), 211-242. 154. A. Menacho, ‘Crónica del colegio del Sagrada Corazón (1941- 2000)’, Anuario de la Academia Boliviana de Historia Eclesiástica 17 (2011), 243-259.

Brazil See also 150, 259, 840, 861. 155. F.A. Aymoré, ‘Ciencia Amazónica. Zu den Wisenschaftlichen Leistungen Zentraleuropäischer Jesuiten im Kolonialen Brasilien’, in R. Decot, Expansion und Gefährdung. Amerikanische Mission und Europäische Krise der Jesuiten im 18. Jahrhundert, Mainz, Philipp von Zabern, 2004, 19-40. 156. R. Silveira Wrege, ‘Conflito e ambigüidade entre Jesuítas e Protes- tantes no Brasil-Colônia através da depredação dos prédios esco- lares da Companhia de Jesus’, História da Educação 9 (2005), 159-172. 157. M.R. Celestino, ‘Tirando frutos de uma vinha estéril: acordos e adaptações do projeto jesuítico no Brasil (1580-1620)’, Tempo 11 (2006), 177-184. 158. M.M. Villegas Jaramillo, ‘Protección del patrimonio cultural de las Misiones Jesuíticas de los Guaraní. Intervenciones en los sitios arqueológicos misioneros de São João Batista y São Lourenço Mártir’, Apuntes 19 (2006), 98-113. 159. V. Jaeckel, Von Alterität, Anthropophagie und Missionierung: der Einfluss der Jesuiten auf die kulturelle Identität Brasiliens in der Kolonialzeit (1549-1711), Stuttgart, ibidem-Verlag, 2007, 248 p. 160. E.S. Souza, ‘D. José Botelho de Mattos, arcebispo da Bahia, e a expulsão dos jesuítas (1758-1760)’, Varia historia 24 (2008), 729- 746. 161. L. Costa, ‘A arquitetura dos jesuítas no Brasil’, ARS (São Paulo) 8 (2010), 127-195. 162. C. Osswald, ‘Jesuítas no Brasil - séc. XVI’, Brotéria 170 (2010), 135-146. 163. R.M. de Almeida Martins, ‘Tintas da terra, tintas do Reino: Arquitetura e arte nas missões jesuíticas do Grão-Pará (1653- 1759)’, Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas 6 (2011), 630-631. 164. R. Najjar, ‘Para além dos cacos: a arqueologia histórica a partir de três superartefatos (estudo de caso de três igrejas jesuíticas)’, Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi: Ciências Humanas 6 (2011), 71-91. 165. L.F. Medeiros Rodrigues, ‘As “livrarias” dos jesuítas no Brasil Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 527

colonial, segundo os documentos do Archivum Romano Societatis Iesu’, Cauriensia 6 (2011), 275-302. 166. A. Ferreira Jr. & M. Bittar, ‘Artes liberais e ofícios mecânicos nos colégios jesuíticos do Brasil colonial’, Revista Brasileira de Educação 17 (2012), 693-751. 167. L.F. Medeiros Rodrigues, ‘As “livrarias” dos jesuítas no Brasil colonial, segundo os documentos do Archivum Romano Societatis Iesu’, in R. Hofmeister Pich a.o. (eds.), Ideas sin fronteras en los límites de las ideas, Cáceres 2012, 285-312. 168. V. Miranda Cardoso, ‘Cidade de São Sebastião: o Rio de Janeiro e a comemoração de seu santo patrono nos escritos e ritos jesuíticos, c.1585’, Revista Brasileira de História 32 (2012), 15-37. 169. N. da Silva Gonçalves, ‘La rotta missionaria dell’occidente. L’inizio dell’attività dei gesuiti in Brasile’, La Civiltà Cattolica 163/3 (2012), 232-244.

Canada See also 835, 836.

170. K.E. Lawn & C.R. Salvucci (eds.), Women in New : Extracts from the Jesuit , Bristol PA, Evolution Pub., 2005, 335 p. 171. M. Welton, ‘Cunning pedagogics: The encounter between the Jesuit missionaries and Amerindians in 17th-century New France’, Adult Education Quarterly: A Journal of Research and Theory 55 (2005), 101-115. 172. S. Li, ‘Les jésuites canadiens français et leur mission en Chine, 1918-1945’, in his Chine, Europe, Amérique: Rencontres et échanges de Marco Polo à nos jours, Laval, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2010, 329-354. 173. E. Friant, ‘“Ils aiment bien leur chapelet”: le discours jésuite sur la transmission du religieux aux Hurons par l’objet de piété (1634-1649)’, Études d’histoire religieuse 77 (2011), 7-20. 174. M.C. Pioffet, ‘De l’Ancienne à la Nouvelle France: Le rayonnement de la Gallia Christiana dans les Relations des Jésuites’, Littératures classiques 76 (2011), 155-166. 175. R. Brodeur, ‘Les propositions catéchétiques des premiers Jésuites et de l’ursuline Marie de l’Incarnation auprès des Amérindiens du Canada: de l’élan missionnaire à l’épreuve du langage’, in H. Didier & M. Larcher (eds.), Pédagogies missionnaires. Traduire transmettre transculturer, Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2012, 147-159. 528 Paul Begheyn S.J.

176. J.F. Palomino, ‘Cartographier la terre des païens: la géographie des missionnaires jésuites en Nouvelle-France au XVIIe siècle’, Revue de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec 4 (2012), 6-19. 177. L. Pelletier, ‘Les Jésuites de Sudbury vers 1960: une mutation difficile’,Revue du Nouvel-Ontario 37 (2012), 13-81. 178. H. Westra, ‘Les premières descriptions du Canada par le jésuite Pierre Biard. Du témoignage oculaire à sa réécriture’, Tangence 99 (2012), 9-17.

Chile See also 704.

179. B.K. Aracena, Singing salvation. Jesuit musics in colonial , 1600-1767, Ann Arbor, UMI, [2007], 346 p. 180. J. Alonso Asenjo, Teatro colegial colonial de jesuitas de México a Chile, Valencia, Universitat de Valéncia, 2012, 288 p. 181. A. Schnoor, ‘Mehrstimmig, aber im Chor. Jesuiten und Erzbistum in Pinochets Chile, 1975’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte 106 (2012), 413-433.

Ecuador 182. J. Menkhaus, ‘An Ignatian retreat amidst the poverty of Ecuador’, The Way 51 (2012), 83-93.

El Salvador 183. B. Almudena & C.P. Blum, ‘The road to Spain: The Jesuit massacre and the struggle against impunity in ’, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology18 (2012), 96-100.

French Guyana 184. E. Barone Visigalli & P. Michel, ‘Les habitations jésuites de Saint- Régis et Maripa en Guyane’, in D. Bégot (ed.), Le sucre, de l’Antiquité à son destin antillais, Paris, Les éditions du Cths, 2000, 103-120. 185. D. Donet-Vincent, ‘Les Jésuites et le bagne de Guyane’, Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 80 (2000), 397-407. 186. E. Barone, ‘Les jésuites dans la région de Roura’, in S. Mam-Lam- Fouk & J. Zonzon (eds.), L’histoire de la Guyane, Matoury, Ibis rouge Éditions, 2006, 483-507. 187. V. Bigot, ‘L’habitation Loyola dite du Moulin à vent d’après les sources archivistiques: la transmission du passé colonial en Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 529

Guyane Française’, in S. Mam-Lam-Fouk & J. Zonzon (eds.), L’histoire de la Guyane, Matoury, Ibis rouge Éditions, 2006, 599-617. 188. Y. Le Roux a.o., Les jésuites et l’esclavage. Loyola. L’habitation des jésuites de Rémire en Guyane française, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2009, 281 p. 189. E. Barone-Visigalli, Histoire et archéologie de la Guyane française. Les jésuites de la Comté, Matoury, Ibis Rouge Éditions, 2010, 365 p. 190. R. Verwimp, Les jésuites en Guyane française sous l’Ancien Régime, 1498-1768. (Espace outre-mer), Matoury, Ibis Rouge Éditions, 2011, 339 p.

Guatemala 191. R. Bendaña Perdomo, ‘La Compañía de Jesús en siglo XIX’, Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala 81 (2006), 169-212.

Mexico See also 180, 736.

192. E. Penagos Belman, ‘Investigación diagnóstica sobre las misiones jesuitas en la Sierra Tarahumara’, Cuicuilco, Escuela Nacional de Antropologiá e Historia 11 (2004), 157-204. 193. R. Kuri Camacho, ‘La des-ilustración en la Nueva España: las consecuencias de la expulsion de la Compañía de Jesús’, in M.A. Pena González (ed.), El mundo Iberoamericano antes y después de la Independencia, Salamanca, Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia, 2011, 259-278. 194. M.C. Torales Pacheco, ‘Diversidad, unidad e identidades el la Provincia Mexicana de la Compañía de Jesús’, in A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2011, 167-183. 195. P. Chenillo Alazraki, ‘Liberalismo a prueba. La expulsión de “extranjeros perniciosos” en México durante la República Restaurada (1867-1876)’, Revista de 72 (2012), 377-408. 196. A. Roberti dos Reis, A Companhia de Jesus no México: educação, bom governo e grupos letrados (séculos XVI-XVII), São Paulo, USP, 2012, 280 p.

Nicaragua See 638. 530 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Paraguay See also 150, 720, 839.

197. R. Carbonell De Masy, ‘Le piante medicinali della Provincia Gesuitica del Paraguay’, in M. Breccia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.), Erbe e speziali. I laboratori della salute, Roma, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2007, 85-88. 198. R. Dürr, ´Paraguay als Argument. Die europäische Debatte über Freiheit und Gehorsam im 18. Jahrhundert´, in D. Bussiek & S. Göbel (eds.), Kultur, Politik und Öffentlichkeit. Festschrift für Jens Flemming, Kassel, Kassel University Press, 2009, 68-83. 199. F. Fechner, ‘Söldnerführer und Feldgeistliche. Kriegserfahrungen von Jesuitenmissionaren in Paraguay vor dem Hintergrund der „Geistlichen Eroberung“ und des Guaraníkriegs‘, in F. Brendle & A. Schinding (eds.), Geistliche im Krieg, Münster, Aschendorff, 2009, 405-425. 200. A. Fiori, ‘Il mito delle missioni del Paraguay nell’Ottocento’, Clio. Rivista trimestrale di Studi Storici 45 (2009), 473-487. 201. R.H. Jackson, ‘The Post-Jesuit expulsion population of the Para- guay missions, 1768-1803’, Revista de História Regional 13 (2009), 134-169. 202. P.C. Hartmann, ‘Oberdeutsche Jesuiten im Jesuitenstaat in Paraguay (1609-1768), ín P.C. Hartmann & A. Schmid (eds.), Bayern in Lateinamerika. Transatlantische Verbindungen und interkultureller Austausch, München, Beck, 2011, 99-116. 203. C.A. Page, ‘Un intento en defensa del patrimonio jesuítico o una excusa para extirpar su memoria. El caso de la iglesia jesuítica de Asunción’, Historia Unisinos 15 (2011), 294-305. 204. J.L. Cincunegui, The Jesuit reductions of Paraguay. A fascinating adventure which endures in time, Madrid, Society of Jesus & Headline, 2012, 48 p. 205. R.H. Jackson, ‘Social and cultural change on the Jesuit missions of Paraguay and the Chiquitos mission frontier’, The Middle Ground Journal 4/5 (2012), 1-39. 206. V. Venkataraman, ‘“Fictional missions”: Representations of Jesuit encounters in Paraguay’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionary enterprise. Assimilations between cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 305-317. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 531

Peru See also 54, 393, 555.

207. P. Guibovich Pérez, ‘Libros antiguos en la Universidad del Cuzco. La “Biblioteca de los Jesuitas”’, Historica 24 (2000), 171-181. 208. A. Coello de la Rosa, ‘Vectores de santidad jesuita en la Lima del seiscientos’, in A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2011, 61-85. 209. T. Hampe Martínez, ‘Aportación de los jesuitas a la cultura virreinal: el Colegio de San Pablo de Lima (1568-1767)’, in A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2011, 247-289. 210. L. Brewer-García, ‘Bodies, texts, and translators: Indigenous breast milk and the Jesuit exclusion of mestizos in late sixteenth- century Peru’, Colonial Latin American Review 21 (2012), 365-390. 211. A. Maldavsky, Vocaciones inciertas. Misión y misioneros en la provin- cia jesuita del Perú en los siglos 16 y 17, Sevilla, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas / Lima, Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos Universidad Antonio Ruize de Montoya, 2012, 466 p.

United States 212. R. Oslin, Tales from the Boston College sideline, Champaign IL, Sports Publishing L.L.C., 2004, 200 p. 213. R.W. Scholla, ‘Fides quaerens iustitiam socialem: A Jesuit law school perspective’, Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 37 (2004), 1209-1233. 214. G.L. McKevitt, ‘Italian Jesuits in Maryland. A clash of theologi- cal cultures’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 39/1 (2007), 1-52. 215. R.A. Binzley, ‘Ganganelli’s disaffected children: the ex-Jesuits and the shaping of early American Catholicism, 1773-1790’, U.S. Catholic Historian 28 (2008), 47-77. 216. B. Birnbaum (ed.), Founding fathers. Six Boston College presidents and the university they built, Chestnut Hill MA, Linden Lane, 2008, 105 p. 217. W. Frijhoff, ‘Jesuits, Calvinists, and natives: Attitudes, agency, and encounters in the early Christian missions in the North’, de Halve Maen 81 (2008), 47-54. 218. T.H. O’Connor, Ascending the heights: A brief history of Boston 532 Paul Begheyn S.J.

College from its foundation to 2008, Chestnut Hill MA, Linden Lane, 2008, 88 p. 219. J. Mack, ‘Osage mission: The story of Catholic missionary work in Southeast Kansas’, The Catholic historical review 96 (2010), 262-281. 220. B.A. Cook, Founded on faith. A history of Loyola University New Orleans, New Orleans, Loyola University, 2012, 291 p. 221. E.C. Fernández, ‘Jesuits in the U.S. Southwest during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: agents and chroniclers of cross-cultural ministry and history’, in M.J. Rozbicki & G.O. Nedge, Cross-cultural history and the domestication of otherness, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 83-102. 222. M. McAvoy a.o., ‘The influence of the Ignatian pedagogical paradigm on instructors integrating it into undergraduate courses in the college of professional studies at Marquette University’, Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal 1/2 (2012), 82-105.

Venezuela 223. J. del Rey Fajardo, Los Jesuitas en Venezuela. 5: Las misiones germen de la nacionalidad, Caracas, 2007, Universidad católica Andrés Bello, 2007, 984 p.

C. Asia See also 387, 478, 489.

China See also 71, 172, 257, 275, 283, 329, 556, 565, 568, 617, 621, 832, 848, 852, 880.

224. I. Landry-Deron, ‘Les mathématiciens envoyés en Chine par Louis XIV en 1685’, Archive for History of Exact Sciences 55 (2001), 423-463. 225. C. Jami, ‘Teachers of mathematics in China: the Jesuits and their textbooks (1580-1723)’, in L. Saraiva (ed.), Scientific practices and the Portuguese expansion in Asia (1498-1759), Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2004, 79-112. 226. C. von Collani, ‘Parishes, priests and lay people Christian communities as described in the Neue Welt-Bott’, in N. Golvers & S. Lievens (eds.), A lifelong dedication to the China Mission, , Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, 2007, 669-704. 227. C. von Collani, ‘Inventory and classification of the most important documents concerning the Chinese rites Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 533

controversy’, in M. Woesler (ed.), Recht und Gerechtigkeit in China, Bochum, Bochumer Universitätsverlag, 2007, 109-150. 228. C. von Collani, ‘From accomodation to a Chinese ’, in P.C. Wang (ed.), Contextualization of . An evaluation in modern Perspective, Sankt Augustin, Institut Monu- menta Serica, 2007, 13-45. 229. H. Chen, ‘Image and : Jesuit vision in seventeenth-century China’, Chinese Cross Currents 5 (2008), 84-93. 230. M. Ollé, ‘The Jesuit portrayals of China between 1583-1590’, Bulletin of Portuguese - Japanese Studies 16 (2008), 45-57. 231. P. Torres, Les batailles de l’empereur de Chine. La gloire de Qianlong célébrée par Louis XV, une commande royale d’estampes, Paris, Musée du Louvre / Le Passage Paris-New York Editions, 2009, 155 p. 232. A. Dudink, ‘The Chinese Christian texts in the Zikawei collection in Shanghai: A preliminary and partial list’, Sino- Western Cultural Relations Journal 33 (2011), 1-41. 233. I.M. Pina, Jesuítas Chineses e mestiços da Missão da China (1589- 1698), Lisboa, Centro científico e cultural de Macau, 2011, 489 p. 234. G. Poumarède, ‘Du Levant à Chine: retour sur l’origine des Lettres édifiantes et curieuses des missionnaires jésuites’, in M. Agostino a.o. (eds.), Les religions et l’ (XVIe-XXIe siècles), Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 321-345. 235. S. Li, ‘Les jésuites et l’image de la France en Chine aux 17e et 18e siècles’, in P. Servais (ed.), Entre Mer de Chine et Europe. Migrations des savoirs, transferts des connaissnces, transmission des sagesses du 17e au 21e siècle, Paris, Academia, 2011, 41-58. 236. Z. Ben-Dor Benite, ‘Western Gods meet in the East: Shapes and contexts of the Muslim-Jesuit dialogue in Early Modern Chi- na’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55 (2012), 517-546. 237. M. Cams, ‘The early Qing geographical surveys (1708-1716) as a case of collaboration between the Jesuits and the Kangxi court’, Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 34 (2012), 1-20. 238. J.A. Cervera Jiménez, ‘La estrategia de la Compañía de Jesús para introducirse en China: La astronomía Europea en la di- nastía Ming a través del Chonzhen Lishu’, in J.M. Urkia (ed.), XI Congreso SEHCYT, San Sebastian 2012, 327-335. 239. M. Cigola, ‘The influence of the Society of Jesus on the spread of European mechanical knowledge in China in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries’, in T. Koetsier & M. Ceccarelli (eds.), History of mechanism and machine science 15 (2012), 69-82. 534 Paul Begheyn S.J.

240. C. von Collani, ‘Westliche Wissenschaften und Technologie: der Einfluss europäischer Jesuiten am Kaiserhof’, in C. von Collani a.o. (eds.), Glanz der Kaiser von China. Kunst und Leben in der verbotenen Stadt, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012, 30-36. 241. T. Flichy, Stratégies chinoises: le regard jésuite (1582-1773), Paris, Economica, 2012, 100 p. 242. N. Golvers, Libraries of Western learning for China. Circulation of Western books between Europe and China in the Jesuit mission (ca. 1650 – ca. 1750). Vol. 1. Logistics of book acquisition and circulation, Leuven, Ferdinand Verbiest Institute, 2012, 679 p. 243. N. Golvers, ‘Reconstructing Western book collections in the Jesuit mission in China (ca. 1650-1750): The evidence of book inscriptions and testimonia’, in R. Faesen & L. Kenis (eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773, Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 213-234. 244. N. Golvers, ‘‘Savant’ correspondence from China with Europe in the 17th-18th centuries’, Journal of Early Modern Studies 1 (2012), 21-42. 245. M. Laven, ‘Jesuits and eunuchs: representing masculinity in Late Ming China’, History and Anthropology 23 (2012), 199-214. 246. M. Laven, ‘The role of healing in the Jesuit mission to China, 1582-1610’, in M.L. Stig Sørensen & K. Rebay-Salisbury (eds.), Embodied Knowledge: Historical Perspectives on Belief and Technol- ogy, Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2012, 67-76. 247. R. Malek, ‘Das Christentum und seine Manifestationen in China: Versuch einer Typologie’, in: I. Amelung & T. Schreijäck (eds.), Religionen und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in China, München, Iudicium, 2012, 90-128. 248. M. Sievernich, ‘Der Gelehrte und Staatsmann Xu Guangqi (1562-1633) und die Chinamission der Jesuiten’, China Heute 31 (2012), 111-118. 249. N. Standaert, ‘The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola in the China mission of the 17th and 18th centuries’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 73-124. 250. G. Xu, ‘Aristotelian theory of earthquakes introduced by the Jesuits in China’, Zhongguo keji shi zazhi [The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology], 33 (2012), 473-484.

India See also 694. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 535

251. E. Koch, ’The influence of the Jesuit missions on symbolic representations of the Mughal emperor’, in his Mughal art and imperial ideology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001, 1-11. 252. J. Velinkar, ‘Eminent Jesuits on the Fishery Coast (1542-1660)’, in K.S. Mathew a.o. (eds.), The Portuguese and the socio-cultural changes in , 1500-1800, Panaji, Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, MESHAR, 2001, 529-544. 253. C.J. Borges, ‘Dealing with the socio-cultural environment in Goa: Jesuits of the 16th-18th centuries’, in K.S. Mathew a.o. (eds.), The Portuguese and the socio-cultural changes in India 1500-1800, Panaji, Institute for Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, MESHAR, 2002, 373-399. 254. J. Velinkar, ‘Jesuit educational in sixteenth century Goa’, Divyadaan 13 (2002), 59-72. 255. C.J. Borges, ‘The college of St. Paul and Jesuit education in Goa’, in H. Castelino (ed.), Issues in Jesuit Education, Anand, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 2005, 1-14. 256. M.C. Osswald, ‘Culto e iconografías jesuíticas en Goa durante los siglos XVI y XVII: el culto e iconografía de San Francisco Javier’, in San Francisco Javier en la artes: el poder de la imagen, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra / Javier, Fundación Caja Na- varra, 2006, 235-253. 257. M.E. Ponce-Alcocer (ed.), Cartas desde India y China de los misioneros jesuitas. Siglos XVII-XVIII, Ciudad de , Universidad Iberoamericana, 2007, 207 p. 258. H. Didier, ‘Muslim heterodoxy, Persian Murtaddun and Jesuit missionaries at the court of King Akbar (1580-1605)’, The Heythrop Journal 49 (2008), 898-939. 259. S. Anagnostou, ‘“Pedra cordial de Goa” und “Triaga Brasilica”. Zur Ordenspharmazie und Krankenversorgung im portugiesischen Kolonialreich des 16. bis 18 Jahrhunderts’, in C.F. Telle & J. Telle (eds.), Pharmazie in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2009, 27-45. 260. H. Didier, ‘Les jésuites auprès du Grand Mogol Akbar (fin XVIe siècle): une mission chrétienne atypique auprès d’un souverain musulman atypique?’, in B. Heyberger & R. Madinier (eds.), L’Islam des marges. Mission chrétienne et espaces périphériques du monde musulman XVI-XXe siècles, Paris, IISMM -Karthala, 2011, 17-43. 261. A. Okada, ‘The representation of Jesuit missionaries in Mughal painting’, in N. Vassallo e Silva & J. Flores (eds.), Goa and the 536 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Great Mughal, Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / London, Scala Publishers, 22011, 190-199. 262. M.C. Osswald, ‘El cotidiano de los jesuitas en la India’, in V. Maurya & M. Insúa (eds.), Actas del I Congreso Ibero-asiático de Hispanistas Siglo de Oro e Hispanismo general, Pamplona, Servicio de Publ. de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011, 501-511. 263. A. Nunes Pereira, ‘Renaissance in Goa: Proportional systems in two churches of the sixteenth century’, Nexus Network Jour- nal 3 (2011), 373-396. 264. K. Schatz, ‘Optionen und missionarische Prioritäten in der Bombay-Mission der deutschen Jesuiten (1858-1916)’, Studia missionalia 60 (2011), 389-407. 265. S. Abreu, ‘Contribution of Jesuits to higher education in Goa: Historical background of higher education of the Jesuits’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 9-21. 266. P. Calia, ‘Religion et action dans l’espace public en Inde: Le cas de l’action sociale des jésuites auprès des populations tribales du Sud du Gujarat’, A Contrario 18 (2012), 37-60. 267. L. Cohen, ‘Los primeros jesuitas frente a los renunciantes en la India (1549-1570): descripciones y ambivalências’, Lusitania Sacra 25 (2012), 83-100. 268. J. Kalapura, ‘The legacy of Francis Xavier: Jesuit education in India, 16th-18th centuries’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 914-111. 269. I.G. Županov, ‘“I am a great sinner”: Jesuit missionary dialogues in Southern India (sixteenth century)’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55 (2012), 415-446.

Indonesia 270. R.H. Barnes, ‘The grooming of a Raja’, Indonesia and the Malay World 37 (2009), 83-101. 271. R. Madinier, ‘Espoirs abangan: les missionnaires chrétiens et l’islam javanais, 1808-1945’, in B. Heyberger & R. Madinier Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 537

(eds.), L’Islam des marges. Mission chrétienne et espaces périphériques du monde musulman XVI-XXe siècles, Paris, IISMM -Karthala, 2011, 231-265.

Japan See also 660.

272. H. Fuess, ‘Deutsche Jesuiten in ’, Japanstudien 17 (2005), 83-108. 273. J. Baskind, ‘“The of the Zen school”. Fukansai Habian’s Myōtei Mondō and his Christian polemic on Buddhism’, Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 39 (2012), 307-331. 274. D. Caldevilla Domínguez, ‘Japanese rulers in the Jesuit correspondence, 1573-1605: A case of public affairs in the XVI century’, Journal of Asia Pacific Studies2 (2012), 294-321. 275. W. J. Farge, ‘Adapting language to culture: translation projects of the Jesuit missions in Japan and China’, in M.J. Rozbicki & G.O. Nedge, Cross-cultural history and the domestication of otherness, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 67-82. 276. N. Kouame, ‘Quelques remarques concernant trois débats ayant opposé Jésuites et Japonais à l’aube du siècle chrétien du Japon (1551-1569)’, Histoire & Missions Chrétiennes 22/6 (2012), 35-54. 277. D. Massarella (ed.), Japanese travellers in sixteenth-century Europe. A dialogue concerning the mission of the Japanese ambassadors to the Roman Curia (1590), London, The Hakluyt Society, 2012, 481 p. 278. J.P. Rubiés, ‘Real and imaginary dialogues in the Jesuit mission of sixteenth-century Japan’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55 (2012), 447-494. 279. N. Steiner, ‘Globales Bewusstsein und Heiligenverehrung - Spuren eines weltweiten Kults der japanischen Märtyrer von 1597 / Global consciousness and veneration of saints - Vestiges of an cult of the Japanese martyrs’, in K. Koschorke (ed.), Etappen der Globalisierung in christentumsgeschichtlicher Perspektive / Phases of Globalisation in the History of Christianity, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2012, 135-156. 280. H. Vu Thanh’, ‘Entre accommodation culturelle et maintien de la tradition éducative: les établissements scolaires jésuites au Japon (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)’, in H. Didier & M. Larcher (eds.), Pédagogies missionnaires. Traduire transmettre transculturer,Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2012, 277-290. 538 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Korea 281. M. Lackner, ‘Jesuit mission in Korean studies: A response to Eun-jeung Lee’, in V. Krech & M. Steinicke (eds.), Dynamics in the history of religions between Asia and Europe: Encounters, notions, and comparative perspectives, Leiden, Brill, 2012, 217-221. 282. J. Lim, ´Western astronomy vs. Korean geography: Intellectual exchanges between a Korean and the Jesuits as seen from Yi Kiji’s 1720 Beijing travelogue’, in L.M. Ribeiro Saraiva, Europe and China: Science and arts in the 17th and 18th centuries, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co, 295-309. 283. I. Yeo, ‘[zhuzhiqunzheng, the Jesuit translation of western medicine and its influence on Korean and Chinese intellectuals]’, Ŭi Sahak 21 (2012), 251-278.

Lebanon 284. Y.H. Mouawad, ‘L’enfance des chefs. L’éducation au collège secondaire des Pères Jésuites à Beyrouth (1875-1914)’, in B. Delpal a.o. (eds.), France-Levant: de la fin du XVIIe siècle à la Pre- mière Guerre mondiale, Paris, Geuthner, 2005, 191-210. 285. Y.H. Mouawad, ‘L’enfance des chefs. L’éducation au collège secondaire des Pères Jésuites à Beyrouth (1875-1914)’, Archaeology & history in Lebanon 2 (2005), 62-82. 286. R. Chamussy, L’USJ. Portrait d’une université. Entre tradition et modernité, Beyrouth, Presses de l’Université Saint-Joseph, 22007, 184 p. 287. C. Verdeil, La mission jésuite du Mont-Liban et de Syrie (1830- 1864), Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2011, 504 p. 288. J.A. Lane, ‘Westernization, advertising, new fashions … and Jesuits!’, in his The dispora of Armenian printing 1512-2012, Amsterdam, Special Collections of the University of Amsterdam / Yerevan, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia, 2012, 191-209.

Macao See also 627.

289. P. Lage Reis Correia, ‘La Compagnie de Jésus à Macao et en Asie Orientale. La transmission du christianisme dans les “espaces de frontières” (XVIe siècle)’, in H. Didier & M. Larcher (eds.), Pédagogies missionnaires. Traduire transmettre transculturer, Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2012, 261-276. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 539

Mariana Islands 290. A.V. de Viana, ‘‘Filipinos’ and other non-Spanish missionaries during the early years of the Mariana mission 1668-1673’, Philippiniana sacra 46 (2011), 565-594.

Philippines 291. M.A.C. Cuyegkeng (ed.), Revisiting our roots, facing our future, Quezon City, ADMU- Office for Mission and Identity and Organizational Development, 2002, 223 p. 292. J. Gorriz i Abella (ed.), Pedro Chirino, History of the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus: Volume I, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2009, 359 p. 293. J. Gorriz i Abella (ed.), Pedro Chirino, History of the Philippine Province of the Society of Jesus: Volume II, Quezon City, Ateneo de Manila University Press, 2010, 465 p. 294. A.F.B. De Castro, ‘Jesuit linguistic battles, ca. 1898-1932. Language, power, and the Filipino soul’, Philippine Studies 58 (2010), 111-146. 295. E. Descalzo Yuste, ‘Las crónicas oficiales de la Compañía de Jesús en Filipinas en el siglo XVII: Pedro Chirino y Francisco Colín’, in A. Atienza López (ed.), Iglesia Memorable. Crónicas, historias, escritos a mayor gloria. Siglos XVI-XVIII, Madrid, Silex ediciones, 2012, 275-290.

Sri Lanka 296. P.G. Gomez, Sketches of Jesuit work in Sri Lanka, 1893-1990, Kohuwala, Sri Lanka, Tisara Prakasakayo Ltd., 2009, 400 p.

Syria See 287.

Vietnam 297. P.P. Huôn, History of the in Viêtnam. Tome I (1533-1960), Long Beach CA, Vietnamese Redemptorist Mission, 2002, 974 p.

D. Europe

Austria 298. E. Fulton, ‘Mutual aid: The Jesuits and the courtier in sixteenth- century Vienna’, in M. Crăciun & E. Fulton (eds.), Communities 540 Paul Begheyn S.J.

of devotion: Religious orders and society in East Central Europe, 1450-1800, Farnham, Ashgate, 2011, 171-196. 299. A. Kernbauer, ‘Styria: Education and science in the 18th century’, Transylvanian Review 20 (2011), 35-62. 300. M. Koller, ‘Die Architekturfarbe im historischen Stadtbild und heute. Freyung und Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz in Wien’,Österreichische Zeitschrift für Kunst und Denkmalpflege65 (2011), 414-436. 301. S. Tilg, ‘Innsbrucker Sonderwege im Jesuitendrama des 18. Jahrhunderts?’, in C. Meier & A. Kemper (eds.), Europäische Schauplätze des frühneuzeitlichen Theaters: Normierungskräfte und regionale Diversität, Münster Rhema, 2011, 137-152. 270. A. Fleckl, Die barocken Bauten des Jesuitenordens auf dem Gebiet des heutigen Österreich: eine Analyse der Pläne der Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Marburg, Tectum-Verlag, 2011, 140 p.

Belgium See also 135, 551, 571, 610, 664, 666, 806, 828.

302. T. Coomans, ‘L’église Saint-Jean-Berchmans du Collège Saint- Michel (1908-1912), au cœur d’un projet pédagogique et identitaire jésuite’, in B. Stenuit (ed.), Les collèges jésuites de Bruxelles: histoire et pédagogie (1604-1835-1905-2005), Bruxelles, Éditions Lessius, 2005, 399-430. 303. K. De Jonge, ‘The first Jesuit schools in the Southern Low Coun- tries 1585-1648’, in K.A. Ottenheym a.o. (eds.),Public Buildings in Early Modern Europe, Turnhout, Brepols, 2010, 307-324. 304. X. Dusausoit, Les Jésuites dans la ville. Les collèges jésuites en la société belge du XIXe s. (1831-1914), Bruxelles, Le Cri, 2011, 922 p. 305. R. Mannaerts, Sint-Carolus Borromeus. De Antwerpse jezuïetenkerk: een openbaring, Antwerpen, vzw Marie-Elizabeth Belpaire / vzw Toerismepastoraal Antwerpen, 2011, 128 p. 306. V. Peuckert, ‘“Ara lunae: une quérelle imprimée ...”’, Bulletin trimestriel de l’institut archéologique du Luxembourg-Arlon 87 (2011), 31-33. 307. G. Proot, ‘Die Reglementierung des Schultheaters der Jesuiten in der Provincia Flandro-Belgica (1575-1773)’, in C. Meier & A. Kemper (eds.), Europäosche Schauplätze des Frühneuzeitlichen Theaters. Normierungskräfte und regionale Diversität, Münster, Rhema, 2011, 313-334. 308. A. Smeesters-Lelubre, Aux rives de la lumière. La poésie de la naissance chez les auteurs néo-latins des anciens Pays-Bas entre la Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 541

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France See also 174.

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Hungary 416. G. Tüskés & É.Knapp, ‘Magyar történelmi tárgyú iskoladrámák a német jezsuita színpadon [Hungarian historical dramas at German Jesuit stage], Irodalomtörténeti közlemények 111 (2007) 343-387. 417. A. Molnár, ‘The Turkish mission (“Missio Turcica”) der Gesellschaft Jesu im Osmanischen Ungarn’, Acta orientalia 61 (2008), 135-145. 418. I.M. Szaniszló, ‘Esterházy Miklós megtérése és a nagyszombati jezsuiták misszios munkája Sopronnyéken’ [La reconversion de Miklós Esterházy et l’activité missionnaire des jésuites de Nagyszombat à Sopronnyék], Egyháztörténeti Szemle 9 (2008), 87-92. 419. G. Bánkuti, ‘Jezsuita ellenes koncepciós perek Magyarországon 1945 után’ [The conceptional proceedings against Jesuits in Hungary after 1945. Past and Future], in Múlt és jövő. A magyar jezsuiták száz éve (1909–2009), Budapest, METEM, 2009, 175-190. 420. Z. Biczó, ‘A győri jezsuita akadémia alapítása és a Ratio Educationis (1777) hatása’ [The foundation of Jesuit Academy of Győr and influence of Ratio Educationis (1777)], Jog, állam, politika 1 (2009) 2, 163-176. 421. G. Bikfalvi, ‘A 100 éves Pesti Jézus Szíve-templom története’ [The 100 years history of Jesus Heart Church in Budapest], in Jezsuiták Magyarországon és a világ más részein [Jesuits in Hungary and other parts of world], Budapest, METEM, 2009, 9-37. 422. G. Bikfalvi, ‘Jezsuita embermentés és a jezsuiták mártíromsága a Holokauszt idején’ [Jesuit humanity and martyrdom of 552 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Jesuits in the time of Holocaust], in Jezsuiták Magyarországon és a világ más részein [Jesuits in Hungary and other parts of world], Budapest, METEM, 2009, 161-187. 423. K. Csiszár, ‘Az első magyar jezsuita fundáció kísérlete a rend 1814-es visszaállítása után’ [The attempt of the first Hungarian foundation of the Jesuit order after the restoration in 1814], Studia Theologica Transsylvaniensia 12 (2009), 37-66. 424. A. Molnár, ‘A jezsuita rend a 16. századi Magyarországon’ [The Jesuit order in 16th century in Hungary], in Lehetetlen küldetés? [Impossible mission? Jesuits in Transylvania and Upper Hungary in 16th-17th century], Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2009, 17–28. 425. A. Molnár, ‘A homonnai jezsuita kollégium. Lehetetlen küldetés? [The Jesuit college of Humenné]’, in Lehetetlen küldetés? [Impossible mission? Jesuits in Transylvania and Upper Hungary in 16th-17th century], Budapest, L’Harmattan, 2009, 95-146. 426. A. Lakatos, ‘Jezsuita oktatás-nevelés Kalocsán (1860–1948). Múlt és jövő. A magyar jezsuiták száz éve (1909-2009) [Jesuit education-formation in Kalocsa. Past and Future. 100 years of Hungarian Jesuits], Budapest, METEM, 2010, 75-93. 427. F. Szabó, Jésuites hongrois sous le pouvoir communiste, Bruxelles, Lessius, 2012, 399 p. 428. Krisztussal a határokig / With Christ on the frontiers. A magyar Jezsuita rendtartomány apostoli terve 2012-2020 / Pastoral plan of the hungarian Jesuits 2012-2020, Budapest, Hungarian Province of the Society of Jesus, 2012, 71, 45 p.

Ireland 429. M. Cronin, ‘Catholicising fascism, fascistising Catholicism? The Blueshirts and the Jesuits in 1930s Ireland’, in Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions 8 (2007), 401-410. 430. B. Bradley, ‘‘At school together in Conmee’s time’: Some notes on Joyce’s Clongowes Jesuits’, Dublin James Joyce Journal 3 (2010), 1-18.

Italy See also 34, 133, 277, 634, 687, 711, 733, 763, 884.

431. A.R. Capoccia, ‘Per una lettura delle Indipetae italiane del Settecento: ‘indifferenza’ e desiderio di martirio’, Nouvelles de la république des lettres 1 (2000), 7-44. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 553

432. A. Tanturri, ‘L’effimera presenza gesuitica a Teramo e Città S. Angelo’, in M. Spedicato & O. Mazzotta, Tracce di storia. Studi in onore di Mons. Oronzo Mazzotta, Galatina, Panico, 2005, 81-113. 433. M. Breccia Fratadocchi, ‘Se avrail’orto con la biblioteca nulla ti mancherà. Il Giardino dei Semplici al Collegio Romano’, in M. Breccia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.),Erbe e speziali. I laboratori del- la salute, Roma, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2007, 205-229. 434. S. Capodimonti, ‘La spezieria del Collegio Romano’, in M. Brec- cia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.), Erbe e speziali. I laboratori della salute, Roma, Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 2007, 89-94. 435. L. Salviucci Insolera, ‘L’ultima grande visita al Collegio Ro- mano di Pio IX. Documenti inediti’, Archivum Historiae Pontifi- ciae 45 (2007), 39-95. 436. L. Salviucci Insolera, ‘L’Archivio della Pontificia Università Gregoriana: storia e documenti’, in M. Breccia Fratadocchi & S. Buttó (eds.), Erbe e speziali. I laboratori della salute, Roma, Ponti- ficia Università Gregoriana, 2007, 81-84. 437. R.M. Dal Mas, ‘Valore del monumento e progetto in tre edifici bellunesi. Collegio dei Gesuiti, “Crepadona”, Villa Dolglioni- Dalmas’, Dolomiti 32/4 (2009), 43-51. 438. A. Barzazi, ‘I gesuiti iberici in Italia tra libri e biblioteche’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 337-353. 439. S. Di Bella, ‘La sublimation de la violence sacrificielle dans la dramaturgie jésuite sicilienne: Scammacca et la ronde mystique’, Littératures Classiques73 (2010), 241-253. 440. M. Cipolloni, ‘“Formazione”, “meccanismo” e “cause politiche”: storia, struttura e comparazione delle lingue nelleRivoluzioni del teatro musicale italiano di Arteaga’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 609-621. 441. R. Danieluk, ‘Documenti dell’Archivio Romano della Compagnia di Gesù sulla presenza e attività dei gesuiti nelle Marche tra XVI e XVIII secolo. Possibilta di ricerca’, Studi Maceratesi 44 (2010), 163-191. 442. A. Ferri, ‘Gesuiti portoghesi ed ispanoamericani ad Imola nel secoli XVIII-XIX: nuove fonti documentarie’ in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 541-564. 443. N. Guasti, ‘Il tema americano nelle strategie culturali dei gesuiti 554 Paul Begheyn S.J.

spagnoli espulsi’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bo- logna, Clueb, 2010, 411-449. 444. E. Marchetti, ‘Bartolomeo Dal Monte e i gesuiti espulsi aBo- logna’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, CLUEB, 2010, 211-227. 445. M.M. Morales, ‘Riflessioni su un corpo malinconico. Esempi di scritture dall’esilio’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.),La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 391-409. 446. G. Olmi, ‘Sulla presenza e rimarchevole attività dei gesuiti spagnoli espulsi nel ducato di Parma e Piacenza’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali,Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 509-539. 447. M.G. Tavoni, ‘Libri per un “viajante erudito”: Juan Andrés e le biblioteche pubbliche’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La pre- senza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, cul- turali, Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 367-389. 448. M. Tosti, ‘La fucina dell’antigiansenismo italiano. I gesuiti iberici espulsi e la tipografia di Ottavio Sgariglia di Assisi’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali,Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 355-365. 449. B. Filippi, ‘Zum Verständnis der cose sacre. Funktionen und Verwendungsweisen des Italienischen im Theater der römischen Jesuiten im 17. Jahrhundert’, in C. Meier & A. Kemper (eds.), Europäische Schauplätze des frühneuzeitlichen Theaters: Normierungskräfte und regionale Diversität, Münster Rhema, 2011, 245-254. 450. M. Ruiz Jurado, I luoghi di Sant’Ignazio di Loyola a Roma, Gorle, Editrice Velar, 2011, 142 p. 451. D. Bonosi, ‘Carlo Gaudenzio Mignocchi. La decorazione “a tem- pera” nel collegio gesuitico di Trento’, in R. Pancheri (ed.), An- drea e Giuseppe Pozzo, Venezia, Marcianum Press, 2012, 111-139. 452. K. Comerford, ‘Jesuit Tuscan libraries of the 1560s and 1570s: Bibliotheca non-yet Selecta’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 515-531. 453. L. de Finis, Mille anni di studi classici in Trentino, Trento, Temi, 2012, 527 p. 454. J. De Landtsheer, ‘Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) and the Jesuits in Rome’, Neulateinisches Jahrbuch 14 (2012), 167-199. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 555

455. O. Logan, ‘Jesuit pulp fiction: The serial novels of Antonio Bresciani in La Civiltà Cattolica’, P. Clarke & C. Methuen (eds.), The Church and literature, Rochester NY, The Boydell Press, 2012, 385-396. 456. B. Majorana, ‘Musiche voci e suoni nelle missioni rurali dei gesuiti italiani (XVI-XVIII secolo)’, in S. Nanni (ed.), La musica dei semplici - L’altra controriforma, Roma, Viella, 2012, 125-154. 457. C. Nieto Sánchez, ‘Los jesuitas y el colegio hispánico de Bolonia: El juramento constitucional de 1820’, Estudios eclesiásticos 87 (2012), 51-66. 458. H. Sproll, ‘Zwischen Augustustheologie der Kirchenväter und politischer Theologie der “Romanità”: Carl Schmitt, Erik Peterson und die Diskurse in der Civiltà Cattolica 1922-1943’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte 106 (2012), 189-218.

Lithuania See also 485, 546.

459. K.H. Neufeld, ‘The Jesuit Province of Lithuania – 1608’, in Jè- zuitai Lietuvoje (1608-2008): gyvenimas, veikla, paveldas. Jesuits in Lithuania (1608-2008): Life, Work, Heritage, Vilnius, Lietuvos Nacionalinis Muziejus, 2012, 29-36.

Luxemburg 460. J.M. Kreins & J. Birsens, ‘Les jésuites luxembourgeois et l’expérience missionnaire dans le monde aux XIXe et XXe siècles’, in A. Neuberg, Le face-à-face des dieux: missionnaires luxembourgeois en outre-mer, Bastogne, Musée en Piconrue, 2007, 111-130. 461. P. Schiltz, ‘Die Beziehungen der Jesuiten und Benediktiner beschrieben von zwei Chronisten aus Echternach’, Bulletin de liaison des anciens de l’Athénée Luxembourg 27 (2009), 5-9.

Malta 462. E. Buttigieg, ‘Knights, Jesuits, Carnival, and the Inquisition in seventeenth-century Malta’, The Historical Journal 55 (2012), 571-596.

Netherlands See also 307, 308, 310, 316, 323, 324, 328, 333, 662, 809. 556 Paul Begheyn S.J.

463. L. Roggen, ‘Celebration time. The Imago primi saeculi Societatis Iesu and its Dutch translation as part of the festivities of 1640 commemorating the Jesuit orders’s centenary’, in S. McKeown (red.), The international emblem. From incunabula to the internet, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010, 170-200. 464. P.H.A.M. Abels a.o. (eds.), Ignatius Walvis, Goudsche en andre daartoe dienende katolijke kerk-zaaken (1525-1712), Gouda, Historische vereniging die Goude, 2012, 661 p. 465. P. Begheyn, ‘Voor kerk en maatschappij. Het voormalige Canisiuscollege in Nijmegen’, in Jan Jacobs e.a., Aan plaatsen gehecht. Katholieke herinneringscultuur in Nederland, Nijmegen, Valkhof Pers, 2012, p. 457-471. 466. P. Begheyn, ‘The archives of the Dutch Jesuit Province’, in R. Faesen & L. Kenis (eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773), Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 255- 259. 467. P. Begheyn, ‘A new inventory for the archives of the Old Society of the Dutch Jesuit province’, in R. Faesen & L. Kenis (eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773), Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 261-268. 468. G. Boomsma & R. Camps, ‘Van de Houtlaan naar het Mariënburg. Een bijzondere schenking van het Archief van de Nederlandse Provincie der Jezuïeten (ANSI) aan het Regionaal Archief Nijmegen’, Jaarboek Numaga 59 (2012), 127- 137. 469. G. Vanden Bosch, ‘Saving in the Dutch vineyard: The Missio Hollandica of the Jesuits (1592-1708)’, in R. Faesen & L. Kenis (eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773), Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 139-151. 470. K. Davids, ‘In the shadow of Jesuits: Vossius and geography’, in E. Jorink & D. van Miert (eds.), Isaac Vossius (1618-1689) between science and scholarship, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2012, 189-206. 471. H. Fennes, Van stof ontdaan. Katwijkse onthullingen in foto’s en teksten, Katwijk, Astrid van der Valk, 2012, 104 p. 472. E. van der Heijden, Sint Hippolytuskapel Delft 40 jaar, Delft, Sint Hippolytuskapel, 2012, [24] p. 473. J. van der Heijden, Kombi, een Maastrichts jeugddocument, [Maastricht, De Limburger, 2012], 172 p. 474. H. Nota, ‘Ameland en de Jezuïeten’, De Amelander 3 (2012), 7-9 475. H. Oudshoorn, ‘Veertig jaar dwarsverband’, Cardoner 2012/3, 14-20. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 557

Poland See also 1, 507, 546, 619.

476. J. Starnawski, Pisarze Jezuiccy w polsce (wiek XVI-XIX) in Klasycy jezuickiej historiografii [Jesuit writers in (XVI-XIXth century)], vol. 4, Kraków, Wydawnictwo WAM, 2007, 624 p. 477. S. Feinauer, ‘Mehr als zwei Lesarten? Der Jesuitenorden in den Historiographien zum “Thorner Blutgericht” von 1724’, Zeitschrift für die Geschichte und Altertumskunde Ermlands (ZGAE). Beiträge zur Kirchen- und Kulturgeschichte des Preussenlandes 55 (2011), 110-122. 478. L. Grzebień, ‘The of the Asian missions in sixteenth to seventeenth century Poland during the period of Re- Catholicisation, Monumenta Serica 59 (2011), 177-189. 479. J. Konior, ‘Intellectual, spiritual and missionary background of the Polish Jesuits in the seventeenth century’, Monumenta Serica 59 (2011), 191-204. 480. J. Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, ‘The first generation of Jesuits in Poland and the development of missions’, Monumenta Serica 59 (2011), 205-213. 481. J. Mikrut, ‘Die Anfänge der Jesuiten im Königreich Galizien- Lodomerien nach der Wiedereinführung des Ordens, insbesondere in der Diözese Tarnów in der Wirkungsperiode des Bischofs Thomas Gregorius Ziegler’, Studia missionalia 60 (2011), 355-387. 482. void 483. D. Galewski, Jezuici wobec tradycji średniowiecznej. Barokizacje kościołów w Kłodzku, Świdnicy, Jeleniej Górze i Żaganiu [Jesuit Baroquization of medieval churches in Poland], Krakow, Universitas, 2012, 360 p. 484. R. Lolo, ‘Działalność szkół jezuickich w Pułtusku od XVI do XVIII wieku. Powstanie kolegium jezuickiego w Pułtusku’ [Activity of Jesuit schools in Pułtusk in the 16th-18th centuries. Formation of the Jesuit college in Pułtusk], Nasza Przeszłość 117 (2012), 315-336. 485. K. Puchowski, ‘Kolegia szlacheckie tetynów, pijarów i jezuitów a reformy edukacyjne w Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów doby Oświezcenia’ [Theatine, Piarist and Jesuit noble colleges in light of educational reforms in the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth in the Age of Enlightenment], Nasza Przesłość 117 (2012), 301-313. 486. A. Reglińska-Jemioł, Formy taneczne w Polskim teatrze Jezuickim 558 Paul Begheyn S.J.

XVIII wieku [Forms of dance in the Polish Jesuit theater of the eighteenth century], Poznan, Poznanskie, 2012, 552 p. 487. B. Wizimirska, Opowieści falenickie: o letnisku, rodzinie Szaniawskich oraz o jezuitach i ich dzie lach [Tales Falenica: a summer resort, family Szaniawskich and the Jesuits and their works], Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Akademickie Sedko, 2012, 200 p. 488. A. Mariani, ‘L’insegnamento delle scienze nelle scuole dei Ge- suiti polacchi. Fra popolarizzazione e applicazioni pratiche (1740-1773)’, History of Education & Children’s Literature 7 (2012), 319-339.

Portugal See also 442, 726.

489. C.J. Borges, ‘The Portuguese Jesuits in Asia: Their economic and political networking within Asia and with Europe’, in N. da Silva Gonçalves (ed.), A Companhia de Jesus e a missionação no Oriente, Lisboa, Broteria, 2000, 203-224. 490. G. Marcocci, ‘Inquisição, jesuítas e cristãos-novos em Portugal no século XVI’, Revista de História das Idéias 25 (2004), 247-326. 491. M.S. de Carvalho, ‘Em torno da recepção do pensamento de João Duns Escoto no Portugal Quinhentista: o caso dos Jesuítas de Coimbra’, in Boni (ed.), João (1308-2008). Homenajem de scotistas lusófonos, Porto Alegre, EDIPUCRS, 2008, 129-148. 492. T. Müller, Die Jesuitin von Lissabon. Historischer Roman, Berlin, Rütten & Loening, 2010, 453 p. 493. R. Cabral, ‘Os Jesuítas e a Universidade de Coimbra’, Brotéria 175 (2012), 177-180. 494. C. Casalini, Aristotele a Coimbra. Il Cursus Conimbricensis e l’educazione nel Collegium Artium, Roma, Anicia, 2012, 290 p. 495. F. Malta Romeiras & H. Leitão, ‘Jesuítas e Ciência em Portugal. V. Os colégios de Campolide e de São Fiel e a implantação da República’, Brotéria 174 (2012), 425-440. 496. J. Pereira Gomes, Jesuítas, ciência & cultura no Portugal moderno, Lisboa, Esfera do Caos, 2012, 349 p.

Romania See also 631.

497. G. Bikfalvi, ‘Vitás kérdések a jezsuiták kolozsvári Báthory- Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 559

egyetemének alapítása és működése körül’ [Unsettled questions about the foundation and function of Jesuit Báthoty Universitaty in Cluj], in Jezsuiták Magyarországon és a világ más részein [Jesuits in Hungary and other parts of world], Budapest, METEM, 2009, 82-95. 498. C. Peters, ‘Jesuits, confessional identities and landlordships in God’s Transylvanian vineyard, 1580-1588’, in M. Crăciun & E. Fulton (eds.), Communities of devotion: Religious orders and society in East Central Europe, 1450-1800, Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, 2011, 197-226.

Russia See also 868.

499. M. Inglot, ‘Rapporti tra gli esiliati e la Compagnia in Russia: alcune indicazioni per la ricerca’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La presenza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi: aspetti religio- si, politici, culturali, Bologna, Clueb, 2010, 495-508. 500. M.J. Nunes de Albuquerque, ‘Les missions pédagogiques des collèges catholiques à Saint-Pétersbourg au XVIIIe siècle’, in H. Didier & M. Larcher (eds.), Pédagogies missionnaires. Traduire transmettre transculturer, Paris, Éditions Karthala, 2012, 123-135. 501. S. Pavone, ‘Dissentire per sopravvivere. La Compagnia di Gesù in Russia alla fine del Settecento’, in F. Alfieri & C. Ferlan (eds.), Avventura dell’obbedienza nella Compagnia di Gesù: teorie e prassi fra XVI e XIX secolo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, 195-225. 502. G. Schuppener, ‘Die Jesuiten im Bildungswesen Russlands vom 17. bis zum 19. Jahrhundert’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte 106 (2012), 585-609.

Slovenia 503. J. Dolinský, ‘Geschichte der Theologischen Fakultät während der Leitung durch die Gesellschaft Jesu (1635-1773)’, in A. Hološová a.o., Die Tyrnauer Universität im Licht der Geschichte, Kraków / Trnava, Ústav dejín Trnavskej University v Trnave, 2012, 61-80. 504. A. Hološová a.o., Die Tyrnauer Universität im Licht der Geschichte, Kraków / Trnava, Ústav dejín Trnavskej University v Trnave, 2012, 493 p. 505. R. Marsina, ‘Die Philosophische Fakultät der alten Tyrnauer / Trnava Universität in den Jahren 1635-1777’, in A. Hološová a.o., Die Tyrnauer Universität im Licht der Geschichte, Kraków / 560 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Trnava, Ústav dejín Trnavskej University v Trnave, 2012, 45-60. 506. J. Šimončič, ‘Die Tyrnauer Universität in den Jahren 1635- 1777’, in A. Hološová a.o., Die Tyrnauer Universität im Licht der Geschichte, Kraków / Trnava, Ústav dejín Trnavskej University v Trnave, 2012, 33-44.

Spain See also 102, 443, 446, 448, 547, 577.9, 901, 932.

508. J. Velilla Iriondo, ‘El colegio y la iglesia de los Jesuitas en Lekeitio: de Lucas de Longa al influjo de Loyola’, Ondare. Cuadernos de Artes Plásticas y Monumentales 19 (2000), 339-348. 509. M. Vincent, ‘Gender and morals in Spanish Catholic youth culture: A case study of the Marian Congregations 1930– 1936’, Gender & History 13 (2001), 273-297. 510. J. Ramos Domingo, El programa iconográfico de San Ignacio de Loyola en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca: Ribadeneira, Rubens, Barbé, Conca, Salamanca, Publicaciones Universidad Pontifica, 2003, 220 p. 511. F.L. Rico Callado, ‘Las misiones interiores en la España Postri- dentina’, Hispania Sacra 55 (2003), 109-130. 512. F.L. Rico Callado, ‘Las misiones populares y la difusión de las prácticas religiosas postridentinas en la España moderna’, Obradoiro de Historia Moderna 13 (2004), 101-125. 513. M. Coll Moscardó, ‘De la discordia a la comunión: el Dr. Sardá y los Jesuitas (1882-1907)’, Anthologica Annua 53-54 (2006-2007), 11-290. - Also published separately by Instituto Español de Historia Eclesiástica in Roma. 514. J.I. González Montañés, ‘El teatro de los Jesuitas en Galicia en los siglos XVI y XVII’, TeatrEsco. Revista del Antiguo Teatro Escolar Hispánico 2 (2007), 20 p. 515. P. Esther Jiménez, ‘Los jesuitas en la corte de Margarita de ’, in J. Martínez Millán & M.P. Marçal Lourenço (eds.), Las relaciones discretas entre las monarquias hispana y portuguesa: las casas de las reinas (siglos XV-XIX), Madrid, Polifemo, 2008, 1071-1120. 516. M.V. Játiva, La biblioteca del colegio de San Esteban de los Jesuitas de Murcia, Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2008, 284 p 517. J. Martinez Millan, ‘Las problemas de la Compañía de Jesús en la corte de Felipe II [La desobediencia del padre Fernando de Mendoza]’, in R. Franch Benavent & R. Benítez Sánchez-Blanco Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 561

(eds.), Estudios de historia moderna en homenaje a la profesora Emilia Salvador Esteban, Valéncia, Universitat de Valéncia, 2008, 345-372. 518. J. Sebastián Lozano, ‘Emblemas para una emperatriz muerta. Las honras madrileñas de la Compañía por María de Austria’, in R. García Mahíquers & V.F. Zuriaga Senent (eds.), Imagen y cultura. La interpretación de las imágenes como historia cultural, 1, Valencia, Biblioteca Valenciana, 2008, 1453-1462. 519. A. Marín Fidalgo, ‘Aspectos históricos y arquitectónicos sobre el colegio de los jesuitas de Cádiz’, Temas de Estética y Arte 23 (2009), 451-493. 520. M. Ruiz Maldonado, El Aula Magna de la Universidad Pontifica de Salamanca. Antiguo General de Teología del Colegio Real de la Compañía de Jesús, Salamanca, Publicaciones Universidad Pontifica, 2009, 203 p. 521. A. de Solis, Los dos espejos. Historia de la Casa Profesa de la Compañía de Jesús en Sevilla durante sus dos primeros siglos 1550- 1767, Sevilla, Fundación Focus-Abengoa / Compañía de Jesús de la Provincia de Andalucía, 2010, 492 p. 522. J.A. Asenjo, ‘Über das humanistische Schultheater der spanischen Überseegebiete’, in C. Meier & A. Kemper (eds.), Europäische Schauplätze des frühneuzeitlichen Theaters: Normierungskräfte und regionale Diversität, Münster, Rhema, 2011, 335-368. 523. A. Classen, ‘Jesuitas alemanes en España de camino al nuevo mundo: Contacto y conflicto entre culturas’, in B. Raposo & I. Gutiérrez (ed.), Estereotipos interculturales german-españoles, Va- lencia, Universidad de Valencia, 2011, 45-56. 524. C. Pérez González, ‘Komik und Sprachgebrauch im spanischen Jesuitentheater’, in C. Meier & A. Kemper (eds.), Europäische Schauplätze des frühneuzeitlichen Theaters: Normierungskräfte und regionale Diversität, Münster, Rhema, 2011, 255-274. 525. I. Pozo Martínez, ‘Un manuscrito jesuita del siglo XVIII sobre la hacienda de Santa Inés (Caravaca)’, Murgetana 62 (2011), 59-98. 526. J.I. Catalá Gorgues, ‘La polémica sobre el hombre terciario y su expresión en la Valencia de comienzos del siglo XX’, Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina et de la Ciencia 64 (2012), 63-96. 527. L. Conde Pérez de la Blanca, ‘La biblioteca del colegio de San Luis Gonzaga en el Puerto de Santa María (1901-1961)’, Revista de Historia de El Puerto 49 (2012), 35-78. 528. C. Ferlan, Dentro e fuori le aule. La Compagnia di Gesù a Gorizia e nell’Austria interna (secoli 16.-17.), Bologna, Il mulino, 2012, 390 p. 529. R.A. García Lozano, ‘La obra benéfico-docente de la Compañia 562 Paul Begheyn S.J.

de Jesús. El Colegio Menor «San Alfonso Rodríguez»’, Miscelánea Comillas 70 (2012), 225-240. 530. J. García Ocón, ‘El Secretariado de los Colegios S.I. de España y su Boletín, Avance’, Miscelánea Comillas 70 (2012), 503-516. 531. M. Hermoso Cuesta, ‘Francisco Rizi en la Biblioteca Histórica Complutense “Marqués de Valdecilla”’, Pecia Complutense 9 (2012), 96-114. 532. J.M. Jimeno Jurío, Colegio de la Compañía de Jesús en Pamplona: datos para un estudio económico (1575-1769), Pamplona-Iruña, Editorial Pamiela, 2012, 496 p. 533. P.W. Manning, ‘Repentance and departure from the Society of Jesus in the seventeenth-century Province of ’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 89 (2012), 699-723. 534. C.A. Martínez Tornero, Los colegios de los jesuitas en la comunidad valenciana tras su expulsión de 1767, Valencia, Institució Alfons el Magnànim / Diputació de Valencia, 2012, 160 p. 535. M. Murphy, Ingleses de Sevilla. El Colegio de San Gregorio, 1592- 1767, Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla, 2012, 269 p. 536. R. Porres Marijuán, ‘Propriedades eclesiásticas en una ciudad aduanera: los jesuitas en Orduña, 1689-1767’, Hispania Sacra 64 (2012), 309-343. 537. J. del Rey Fajardo, ‘La enseñanza del Castellano en el Colegio San Francisco Javier de Mérida, 1628-1767’, Actual Investigación 71 (2012), 29-62. 538. B. Rodríguez Caparrini, ‘Alumnos españoles en el internado jesuita de Beaumont (Old Windsor, Inglaterra), 1874-1880’, Miscelánea Comillas 70 (2012), 241-264. 539. C. Tejera Pinilla, ‘El frontal del triunfo de San Ignacio y San Francisco Javier de Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz): un ejemplo de la influencia del arte oriental en la iconografía jesuítica’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit missionary enterprise. Assimilations between cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 277-294. 540. A. Udías, ‘Matemáticas en los colegios jesuitas en España en los siglos XVII y XVIII’, in J.M. Urkia (ed.), XI Congreso SEHCYT, San Sebastian 2012, 301-308. 541. A. Udías, ‘Conclusiones matemáticas en los colegios jesuitas de Madrid, 1704-1762’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 551-579. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 563

Switzerland 542. B. Dumons, ‘Exils jésuites, réseaux romains et mémoires “blanches”. La naissance d’une fraternité politique au collège Saint-Michel de Fribourg (1827-1847)’, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Religions- und Kulturgeschichte, 106 (2012), 51- 64

United Kingdom See also 25, 538, 644.

543. C. David, St. Winefrede’s well: A history and guide, Llandysul, Gomer Press, 2002. 544. L. Lux-Sterritt, ‘Mary Ward et sa Compagnie de Jésus au féminin dans l’Angleterre de la Contre-Réforme’, Revue de l’histoire des religions 3 (2008), 393-414. 545. T.W. Pritchard, St. Winefrede, her holy well and the Jesuit mission, ca. 1650-1930, Coulsdon, Turner / Bridge Books, 2009, 423 p. 546. J.A. Lenaghan, ‘The sweetness of Polish : sixteenth- century British Jesuit exiles to Poland-Lithuania’, Reformation 15 (2010), 133-150. 547. B. Rodríguez Caparrini, ‘Alumnos españoles en el internado jesuita de Beaumont (Old Windsor, Inglaterra) 1869-1874’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 151-250. 548. J. Graffius, ‘The Stuart in the Stonyhurst collections’, Recusant History 31 (2012), 147-169. 549. B. Rodríguez Caparrini, ‘The relations of Beaumont College (Old Windsor, England) with the British monarchy (1861- 1908)’, Catholic Historical Review 98 (2012), 703-725. 550. C. Vinnicombe, ‘Recusancy and regicide: The flawed strategy of the Jesuit mission in Elizabethan England’, Penn History Review 19 (2012), 25-42. 551. M. Whitehead, ‘The Jesuit collegium Sancti Francisci Xaverii in South Wales and the South-West of England and its links with the Low Countries, ca. 1600-1679’, in R. Faesen & L. Kenis (eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773, Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 197-211. 552. J. Wolffe, ‘The Jesuit as villain in nineteenth-century British fiction’, in P. Clarke & C. Methuen (eds.), The Church and literature, Rochester NY, The Boydell Press, 2012, 308-320. 564 Paul Begheyn S.J. III. PERSONS

Acosta, José de (1540-1600) 553. G.M. Verd Conradi, ‘Juan de Acosta, S. J., un semiseudónimo del Cardenal Juan de Lugo, S.J.’, Archivo Teológico Granadino 67 (2004), 227-229. 554. M.L. Rivara de Tuesta, ‘José de Acosta (1540-1600), humanista y científico’, Pensamiento Latinoamérica 46 (2006), 9-34. 555. R.J. Morgan, ‘“El rey justo engrandece y levanta a la patria”: La actividad diplomática europea del Padre José de Acosta como extensión jesuita y su experiencia misionera en el Perú’, in A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2011, 291-310. 556. A.C. Hosne, ‘Lo deseable y lo posible. La visión y representación de China en la obra de José de Acosta’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 82 (2012), 481-514. 557. F. del Pino-Díaz, ‘Las historias naturals y morales desde Acosta y el concepto de evolución natural y cultural’, in J.M. Urkia (ed.), XI Congreso SEHCYT, San Sebastian 2012, 287- 299.

Acquaviva, Claudio (1543-1615) 558. P. Lécrivain, ‘Les missions de l’intérieur, un ministère privilégié de la Compagnie de Jésus, sous Ignace de Loyola et Claudio Aquaviva’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 195-214.

Acuña, Cristobal de (1597-1670) 559. M. Livi Bacci, ‘Un gesuita colto e attento descrive l’Amazzo- nia e riferisce al re’, in his Amazonia: l’impero dell’acqua 1500- 1800, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, 98-113.

Aguilon, François (1566-1617) 560. A. Ziggelaar, ‘The life of François de Aguilón’, Strabismus 19 (2011),168-174. 561. A. Ziggelaar, ‘The publication of the Opticorum Libri Sex’, Strabismus 20 (2012), 37-41. 562. A. Ziggelaar, ‘The contents of the Opticorum Libri Sex’, Strabismus 20 (2012), 84-104. 563. A. Ziggelaar, ‘The impact of the Opticorum Libri Sex’, Strabismus 20 (2012), 133-138. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 565

564. A. Ziggelaar, ‘Theories of binocular vision after Aguilón’, Strabismus 20 (2012), 185-193.

Aleni, Giulio (1582-1649) 565. P. de Troia, ‘Giulio Aleni: La cultura occidentale trasmessa ai Cinesi’, Sulla via del Catai 6 (2011), 44-57.

Amiot, Joseph-Marie (1718-1793) 566. N. Yoko, ‘Jyuhasseiki zaika Iezusu kaishi Amiot to Manshu go’ [in Japanese; Jean-Joseph-Marie Amiot (1718-1793) and the Manchu Language], Toyo Gakuho 93 (2011), 29-53. 567. N. Yoko, ‘Iezusu kaishi Amiot no mita Kenryu tei to Shincho kanryo’ [in Japanese; Emperor Qianlong and Qing officials in the eyes of Jesuit Amiot], Chugoku: Shakai to Bunka 26 (2011), 107-123. 568. N. Yoko, ‘The Jesuit Jean-Joseph-Marie Amiot and Chinese music in the eighteenth century’, in L.M. Ribeiro Saraiva (ed.), Europe and China: Science and arts in the 17th and 18th Centuries, Singapore, World Scientific Publishing Co., 2012, 81-92.

Anchieta, José de (1534-1597) 569. L. Rodrigues Vianna Peres, ‘La vigilancia cristiana y la piedra angular de Javier. Reflexiones sobre Francisco Javier y José de Anchieta’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 195-220.

Andrés y Morell, Juan (1740-1817) 570. M. Gioia, ‘Libri per un “viajante erudito”: Juan Andrés e le bi- blioteche pubbliche’, in U. Baldini & G.P. Brizzi (eds.), La pre- senza in Italia dei gesuiti iberici espulsi. Aspetti religiosi, politici, culturali, Bologna, CLUEB, 2010, 369-389.

Arendt, Joseph (1885-1952) 571. J.M. Kreins, ‘Au coeur du mouvement syndical chrétien de Belgique. Pensée et action du père Joseph Arendt sj (1885- 1952)’, in A. Deneef & X. Rousseaux (eds.), Quatre siècles de présence jésuite à Bruxelles / Vier eeuwen jezuïeten te Brussel, Bruxelles, Prosopon, 2012, 449-464. 566 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Arriaga, Rodrigo de (1592-1667) 572. P.R. Blum, ‘ on immortality as a response to ’, in his Studies on early modern Aristotelianism, Leiden / Boston, Brill, 2012, 217-226.

Arrupe, Pedro (1907-1991) 573. I. Iglesias, Misionero. Breve semblanza de Pedro Arrupe, Santander, Sal Terrae / Bilbao, Mensajero, 2010, 213 p. 574. M. Campbell-Johnston, ‘Pedro Arupe remembered’, The Way 51/4 (2012), 77-89.

Auger, Émond (1530-1591) 575. F. Kurris, ‘Le Narré dans la vie du Père Émond Auger: traité ou document humain (1530-1591)’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 533-550.

Azevedo, Inácio de (1527-1570) 576. M.C. Osswald, ‘O martírio de Inácio de Azevedo e dos seus trinta e nove companheiros (1570) na hagiografia da Companhia de Jesus entre os séculos XVI e XIX’, Cultura 27 (2010), 163-199.

Baegert, Jakob (1717-1772) 577. M. Pacheco Albalate, ‘El Puerto de Santa María de mediados del siglo XVIII según el jesuita Johann Jacob Baegert’, Revista de Historia de El Puerto 47 (2011), 49-85. 578. M. Sievernich, ‘Indigene Alterität im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Der Missionar Johann Jakob Baegert SJ (1717-1772)’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 257-275.

Balbín, Bohuslav (1621-1688) 579. L. Richter (ed.), Der Briefwechsel zwischen Bohuslav Balbín und Christian Weise (1678–1688). Lateinisch-deutsche Ausgabe, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2010, 339 p.

Balde, Jakob (1604-1668) 580. ‘Jakob Balde’, Große Bayerische Biographische Enzyklopädie 1 (2005), 93-94. 581. V. Lukas a.o. (eds.), Christus und Cupido. Embleme aus Jacob Baldes Poetenklasse von 1628, Regensburg, Schnell & Steiner, 2012, 252 p. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 567

Balthasar, Hans Urs von (1905-1988), Jesuit until 1960 See also 925.

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González, Tirso (1624-1705) 695. E. Colombo, ‘«Even among Turks» - Tirso González de Santalla (1624-1705) and Islam’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesus 44/3 (2012), 1-41. 696. E. Colombo, ‘In virtù dell’obbedienza. Tirso González de San- talla (1624-1705) missionario, teologo, generale’, in F. Alfieri & C. Ferlan (eds.), Avventura dell’obbedienza nella Compagnia di Gesù: teorie e prassi fra XVI e XIX secolo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012, 97-137. 697. J.P. Gay, Jesuit civil wars: Theology, politics and government under Tirso González (1687-1705), Farnham, Ashgate, 2012, 336 p. 698. B. Joassart, ‘Thyrsus González et Michelangelo Tamburini, Gé- néraux de la Compagnie de Jésus, et les Bollandistes d’après les archives bollandiennes’, Analecta Bollandiana 130 (2012), 151-181.

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Marañon. Gesuiti alla conquista spirituale del Grande Fiume’, in his Amazonia: l’impero dell’acqua 1500-1800, Bologna, Il Muli- no, 2012, 75-88.

Haimhausen, Karl (1692-1767) 704. M. Müller, ‘Pater Karl Haimhausen und die bayerischen Jesuiten in Chile im 18. Jahrhundert’, in P.C. Hartmann & A. Schmid (eds.), Bayern in Lateinamerika. Transatlantische Verbindungen und interkultureller Austausch, München, Beck, 2011, 195-236.

Hallerstein, Auguštin (1723-1780) 705. M. Saje (ed.), A. Hallerstein - Liu Songling: the multicultural legacy of Jesuit wisdom and piety of the Qing dynasty court, Maribor, Association for Culture end Education Kibla, 2009, 379 p. 706. S. Južnič, ‘Building a bridge between the observatories of Petersburg and Beijing: A study on the Jesuit Auguštin Hallerstein from present-day Slovenia, celebrating the 310th anniversary of his birth’, Monumenta Serica 60 (2012), 309-406.

Hanisch Espíndola, Walter (1916- ) 707. V. Maino, ‘El padre Walter Hanisch y la formación de investigadores’, Revista Universum 15 (2000), 435-446. 708. J. Pinedo, ‘Walter Hanisch, descubridor de Juan Ignacio Molina’, Revista Universum 15 (2000), 451-454.

Havens, Arnold (1540-1611), Jesuit until 1586 709. B. Hartmann, ‘Arnoldus Havensius als auteur van de Historica Relatio’, in his De martelaren van Roermond in het kader van de politieke en kerkelijke situatie van hun tijd, Oegstgeest, Colomba, 2009, 56-70.

Hazart, Cornelis (1617-1690) 710. J. van Gennip, ‘Cornelius Hazart S.J. and the Jansenist controversies, 1682-1690’, in R. Faesen & L. Kenis (eds.), The Jesuits of the Low Countries: Identity and Impact (1540-1773, Leuven, Peeters, 2012, 177-196.

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Hervás y Panduro, Lorenzo (1735-1809) 712. N. Hernán Perrone, ‘Una mirada a la comunidad de jesuitas americanos expulsos a través de las obras de Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro S.J. (1735-1809)’, História Unisinos 16 (2012), 106- 117.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889) 713. N.H. MacKenzie & C. Phillips, A reader’s guide to Gerard Manley Hopkins. Second edition, Philadelphia, Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2008, 277 p. 714. D. Egan, ‘Hopeful Hopkins’, Studies. An Irish Quarterly Review 101 (2012), 315-322.

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Hurtado, Alberto (1901-1952) 718. J. Gavin, ‘“True charity begins where justice ends”: The life and teachings of St. , S.J.’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 43/4 (2011), 39 p.

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Ibáñez de Echávarri, Bernardo (1715-1762), Jesuit until 1745 720. J.L. Narvaja, ‘Bernardo Ibáñez de Echávarri y su Reyno Jesuítico del Paraguay’, Stromata 68 (2012), 195-219.

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Izquierdo, Sebastián (1610-1684) 722. C. Ortiz de Landázuri, ‘El arte combinatorio del “Pharus scientiarum” de S. Izquierdo, 350 años después. Entre el clasicismo y la modernidad’, in J.M. Urkia (ed.), XI Congreso SEHCYT, San Sebastian 2012, 309-326.

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Keynes, George (1628-1658) 726. N. Golvers, ‘Addenda to the prosopography of the “foreign” indipetae-mathematicians in Portuguese SJ colleges (II): P.W. Kirwitzer, S.J. and G.B. Keynes, S.J. in Portugal’, Archives Internationales d’histoire des sciences 60 (2010), 429-436.

Kilsdonk, Jan van (1917-2008) 727. P. Valkering (ed.), Dag jongen van licht. Pater Jan van Kilsdonk s.j. Toespraken bij het afscheid van homoseksuele mannen, Nijmegen, Valkhof Pers, 2012, 303 p.

Kircher, Athanasius (1602-1680) 728. M. Waddell, ‘The world, as it might be: Iconography and probabilism in the Mundus subterraneus of Athanasius Kircher’, Centaurus 48 (2006), 3-22. 729. H. Siebert, Flucht, Aufstieg und die Galilei-Affäre. Drei Jahre im Leben des Athanasius Kircher. Eine Mikrostoria (1631-1633), Norderstedt, Books on Demand, 2008, 116 p. 730. T. Pangrazi, La “Musurgia universalis” di Athanasius Kircher. Contenuti, fonti, terminologia, Firenze, Olschki, 2009, 208 p. 731. M. Fatica, ‘Athanasius Kircher, Ermete Trismegisto, i geroglifici Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 583

egizi e i caratteri cinesi’, in Adorare caelestia, gubernare terrena. Atti del Colloquio Internazionale in onore di Paolo Lucentini, Turnhout, Brepols, 2011, 507-542. 732. J. Glassie, A man of misconceptions. The life of an eccentric in an age of change, New York, Riverhead Books, 2012, 333 p. 733. N. Lallemand-Buyssens, ‘Les acquisitions d’Athanasius Kircher au musée du Collège Romain à la lumière de documents inédits’, Storia dell’Arte 133 (2012), 103-125. 734. K. Vermeir, ‘“Bent and directed towards Him”. A stylistic analysis of Kircher’s sunflower clock’, in O. Gal & C.M. Raz (eds.), Baroque Science. International Archives of the History of Ideas, New York, Springer, 2012, 47-75.

Klein, Wilhelm (1889-1996) 735. F.J. Steinmetz, ‘Nur die Liebe ist eindeutig: Wilhelm Klein SJ (1889-1996)’, Glauben leben 5 (2011), 231-233.

Kostka, Stanisław (1550-1568) 736. V. Reyes, ‘San Estanislao de Kostka y San Luis Gonzaga: ejemplos de virtud para la juventud mexicana’, in A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2011, 119-131.

Laínez, Diego (1512-1565) 737. F.A. da Cruz Correia, ‘O Padre Dom Gonçalo da Silveira no imaginário missionário do Padre Diogo Laínez’, Brotéria 175 (2012), 229-244. 738. F. Gómez Camacho, ‘Diego Laínez y la teología moral en el mundo económico del siglo XVI’, Estudios Eclesiásticos 87 (2012), 697-715. 739. M. Martín Galán, ‘El adamantino Diego Laínez, S.J., converso e hidalgo’, Celtiberia 106 (2012), 53-72.

Lallemant, Louis (1588-1635) 740. D. Salin, ‘Discernement spirituel et mystique chez Louis Lallemant’, in S. Icard (ed.), Le discernement spirituel au dix-septième siècle, Paris, Éditions Nolin, 2011, 47-58.

Lancilotto, Nicolao (c.1515-20-1558) 741. J. Persels, ‘A curious case of ethnographic cleansing: The first 584 Paul Begheyn S.J.

French interpretations of the Japanese, 1552-1555’, L’Esprit Créateur 48 (2008), 45-57.

Lanzi, Luigi (1732-1810) 742. F. Rurale, ‘Lo spazio culturale romano nella formazione di Luigi A. Lanzi’, in Atti del IV Convegno di Studi lanziani, Corridonia (MC), Teatro “Giovan Battista Velluti, 2009, 43-62. 743. R. Danieluk, ‘La formazione religiosa di Luigi A. Lanzi nella Compagnia di Gesù’, in F. Capanni & A. Santucci, L’Abate Luigi Antonio Lanzi tra filologia classica e letteratura religiosa,Macerata, Edizioni Simple, 2010, 27-41.

Lefeuvre, Jean (1922-2010) 744. Y. Camus, ‘From oracle bones to DVD. Jean Lefeuvre (1922- 2010): Jesuit, lexicographer, sinologist’, Chinese Cross Currents 8 (2011), 139-146.

León, Miguel de (1737-c.1807) 745. R. Aubert, ‘Léon, Miguel de’, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 658.

León, Pedro de (1545-1632) 746. M.L. Copete, ‘De la escritura de la misión a la cultura politica. Saberes contextualizados en el “Compendio” (1619) del misionero jesuita Pedro de Léon’, in C. de Castelnau-L’Estoile a.o. (eds.), Missions d’évangélisation et circulation des savoirs, XVI- XVIII siècle, Madrid, Casa de Vélazquez, 2011, 351-374.

León, Salvador de (c.1580-1649) 747. E. Zaragoza, ‘León, Salvador de’, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 661.

Léonard, Jean-Pierre (1889-1985) 748. R. Aubert, ‘Léonard, Jean Pierre’, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 688-689.

Leonardelli, Annibale (1625-1702) 749. R. Aubert, ‘Leonardelli, Annibale’, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 690. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 585

Leone, Giovanni di (1673-1750) 750. R. Aubert, ‘Leone, Giovanni di’, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 734.

Leonhardt Hoffmann, Karel (1869-1952) 751. R. Aubert, ‘Leonhardt Hoffmann, Karel’,Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 740.

Leoni, Pietro (1909-1995) 752. V. Poggi, ‘Leoni, Pietro’, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastique fasc. 182 (2012), 743-746.

Lessius, Leonardus (1554-1623) 753. T. Van Houdt, ‘Leonardus Lessius over oorlog en vrede’, Streven 79 (2012), 867-876.

Lonergan, Bernard (1904-1984) 754. G. Whelan, ‘Importanza e attualità di B. Lonergan’,Civiltà Cat- tolica 159/III (2008), 370-381. 755. T.J. McPartland, Lonergan and historiography. The epistemological philosophy of history, Columbia, University of Missouri Press, 2010, 214 p. 756. P.D. Brown, ‘“Aiming excessively high and far”: the early Lonergan and the challenge of theory in Catholic social thought’, Theological Studies 72 (2011), 620-644. 757. I. Coelho, ‘Religious and expression in Lonergan’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 39-64. 758. V. Danna, ‘The development of ’s of science’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 65-92. 759. P.M. Figueroa Turienzo, ‘La cuestión de los fundamentos en la ética de Lonergan’, Teología 49 (2011), 79-109. 760. C. Jacobs-Vandegeer, ‘Living in the artistry of God. Bernard Lonergan’s interpretation of Thomist volitional theory’, Method. Journal of Lonergan Studies, n.s. 2 (2011), 163-186. 761. A. Kennedy, ‘Integrating history into : Christopher Dawson and Bernard Lonergan, SJ’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 127-152. 762. R. Liddy, ‘Ignatius, Lonergan, and the Catholic university’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 153-170. 763. W. Mathews, ‘Influences of the Gregorian University on 586 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Lonergan: 1933-1940, the accidents of life’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 249-276. 764. M. McLaughlin, ‘Lonergan and interreligious dialogue - testing Lonergan’s philosophy of religion: the case of Sri Aurobindo’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 193-207. 765. T. McPartland & G. Shields, ‘Lonergan and process philoso- phy’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 209-248. 766. H.A.M. Mooney, ‘Following the back of God: a reflection on Lonergan’s notion of mystery’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 277-290. 767. W. Murnion, ‘Lonergan’s The Incarnate Word and The Triune God: experiments in theological method’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 303-375. 768. N. Olkovich, ‘Beyond radical particularism. A Lonerganian response to S. Mark Heim’s ‘pluralistic inclusivism’’, Method. Journal of Lonergan Studies, n.s. 2 (2011), 89-121. 769. P. Oslington, ‘Lonergan’s reception among economists. Tale of a dead fish and an agenda for future work’,Method. Journal of Lonergan Studies, n.s. 2 (2011), 67-77. 770. H. Pottmeyer, ‘Bernard Lonergan’sAnalysis Fidei of 1952 - the transition from classical to concrete method’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 377-384. 771. G. Rota, ‘The historicity of consciousness and the of the person’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 399-420. 772. G. Sala, ‘Lonergan on the virtually unconditioned as the ground of judgment’, Lonergan Workshop 22 (2011), 457-482. 773. M. Sharkey, ‘Heidegger, Lonergan, and the notion of ’, Method. Journal of Lonergan Studies, n.s. 2 (2011), 17-44. 774. M. Vertin, ‘The notion of a Lonergan enterprise’, Method. Journal of Lonergan Studies, n.s. 2 (2011), 203-225. 775. D. Coghlan, ‘From individual judgements to collective action. Lonergan’s wheel as a framework for ethical conversations’, Theoforum 43 (2012), 69-84. 776. P.M. Figueroa Turienzo, ‘La cuestión de los fundamentos en la ética de Lonergan’, Revista Teologia 49 (2012), 79-109. 777. P.M. Figueroa Turienzo, ‘El desarrollo de la noción de autoapropiación en el pensamiento de B. Lonergan. Una respuesta a la nueva regulación del sentido que demanda la cultura moderna’, Stromata 68 (2012), 147-179. 778. C.Y. Kim, ‘Bernard Lonergan and Raimon Panikkar on faith and belief’, Journal of Dharma 37 (2012), 257-274. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 587

Lopez de Priego, Antonio (1730-1802) 779. M.d.C. Aguilar Guzmán, Testimonio de un jesuita poblano en el amargo camino del destierro: Antonio Lopez de Priego (1730-1802), Puebla (Mexico), Ediciones de Educación y Cultura / BUAP / Trama editorial, 2012, 341 p.

Lubac, Henri de (1896-1991) See also 647, 921.

780. M. Fédou, ‘Henri de Lubac et la spiritualité chrétienne. Mystique et mystère’, Christus 236 (2012), 466-474. 781. M. Figura, ‘L’extension catholique selon le premier ouvrage de Henri de Lubac, Catholicisme’, Communio 37 (2012), 33-48. 782. J. Kiliyanany, ‘Henri De Lubac’s Vision on Universal Salvation’, Malabar Theological Review 7 (2012), 74-82. 783. A. Nichols, ‘Henri de Lubac: Panorama and proposal’, New Blackfriars 93 (2012), 3-33. 784. W.L. Portier, ‘What kind of a world of grace? Henri cardinal de Lubac and the council’s christological center’, Communio. International Catholic Review 34 (2012), 136-151. 785. J. Rust, ‘Political of the Corpus Mysticum: Schmitt, Kantorowicz, and de Lubac’, in G. Hammill & J. Reinhard Lupton (eds.), Political theology and early modernity, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2012, 102-123. 786. R.D. Young, ‘A soldier of the Great War: Henri de Lubac and the patristic sources for a premodern theology’, in J.L. Heft & J. O’Malley (eds.), After Vatican II: trajectories and hermeneutics, Michigan, Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2012, 134-163.

Lyere, Adriaen van (1588-1661) 787. V. Hunink, ‘De Latijnse Mariken’, Jaarboek Numaga 59 (2012), 15-21. 788. J. Joosten, ‘Twee sporen van Mariken van Nieumeghen. Aantekeningen bij een nieuwe vertaling’, Jaarboek Numaga 59 (2012), 23-39.

Maiorica, Geronimo (1589-1656) 789. B. Ostrowski, ‘The rise of Christian Nôm literature in seventeenth-century Vietnam: Fusing European content and local expression’, in W. Wilcox (ed.), Vietnam and the West: New approaches, Ithaca NY, Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, 2010, 19-39. 588 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Manca, Raffaele (1693-1741) 790. A. Valenti, ‘Un processo interrotto di beatificazione: il gesuita Raffaele Manca (1693-1741)’, in B. Pellegrino (ed.), Ordini reli- giosi, santi e culti tra Europa, Mediterraneo e Nuovo Mondo (secoli XV-XVII), II, Galatina, Congedo, 2009,483-493.

Manickam, Valliappa Subramaniam (1944-2012) 791. A. Benniamin & C. Fraser-Jenkins, ‘Obituary: The Rev. Father Dr. V. S. Manickam S. J. (1944-2012)’, American Fern Journal 102 (2012), 236-239.

Mariana, Juan de (1536-1624) 792. E.C. Graf, ‘Sancho Panza’s ‘por negros que sean, los he de volver blancos o amarillos’ (DQ 1.29) and Juan de Mariana’s De moneta of 1605’, Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 31.2 (2011), 23-51.

Mariátegui, Francisco Javier (1741-after 1812) 793. A. Astorgano Abajo, ‘Un jesuita expulso sangüesino rebelde: Francisco Javier Mariátegui, el ex jesuita oprimido’, Príncipe de Viana 252 (2011), 181-252.

Márquez, Pedro José (1741-1820) 794. J. Gutiérrez Haces, El P. Pedro José Márquez, un erudito mexicano en la Italia del siglo XVIII, Mexico, Cuadernos del Seminario de Cultura Mexicana, 2010.

Martín-Baró, Ignacio (1942-1989) 795. M. Brinton Lykes, ‘One legacy among many: The Ignacio Martín-Baró Fund for mental health and human rights at 21’, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology18 (2012), 88-95. 796. J.M. Chávez, ‘The university for social change and the legacy of Ignacio Martín-Baró, S.J.’, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 18 (2012), 68-76. 797. S.C. Ouellette, ‘Symposium on the life and work of Ignacio Martín-Baró: Introduction and reflections’, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 18 (2012), 62-67. 798. N. Portillo, ‘The life of Ignacio Martín-Baró: A narrative account of a personal biographical journey’, Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 18 (2012), 77-87. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 589

Martínez, Diego (1542-1626) 799. A. Coello de la Rosa, El pregonero de Dios. Diego Martínez, SJ, misionero jesuita del Perú colonial (1542-1626), Valladolid, Uni- versidad de Valladolid, 2010, 396 p.

Martini, Carlo Maria (1927-2012) 800. J. Abad a.o. (eds.), ‘El cardenal Martini (1927-2012), pastor, guía y luz de una Iglesia naciente’, Razón y fe 266 (2012), 275-280. 801. G. Costa, ‘Festeggiare i 50 anni del Concilio, con nel cuore’, Aggiornamenti sociali 63 (2012), 647-654. 802. G.P. Salvini, ‘Un ricordo personale del card. Carlo Maria Mar- tini’, La Civiltà Cattolica163/4 (2012), 41-51. 803. B. Sorge, ‘Carlo Maria Martini, un’eredità da non disperdere’, Aggiornamenti sociali 63 (2012), 830-839. 804. A. Tornielli, Carlo Maria Martini. Il profeta del dialogo, Milano, Piemme, 2012, 288 p. 805. A.M. Valli, Diario di un addio. La morte del cardinale Carlo Maria Martini, Milano, Àncora, 2012, 101 p.

Martini, Martino (1614-1661) See also 622, 626.

806. N. Golvers, ‘Martino Martini, S.J., his stay in the Jesuit college of (1654) and the production of his “Novus Atlas Sinensis”’, in A. Deneef & X. Rousseaux (dir.), Quatre siècles de présence jésuite à Bruxelles / Vier eeuwen Jezuïeten te Brussel, Brussel, Prosopon / Leuven, KADOC, 2010, 127-139. 807. L.M. Paternicó, ‘Martino Martini and the first grammar of Mandarin Chinese ever written and published’,Chinese Studies 29 (2011), 229-266. 808. S. De Peuter, ‘Martino Martini’s Jesuit cartography of the Middle Kingdom: some historio-carto reflections on then, in- between and now’, Brussels international map collectors’ circle. Newsletter 14/39 (2011), 16-24. 809. P. Begheyn, ‘The contacts of Martino Martini S.J. with the Amsterdam printer Joan Blaeu’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 219-232. 810. F. Masini, ‘Novus Atlas Sinensis’, Review of Culture 33 (2012), 7-15.

Mascardi, Nicolás (1625-1673) 811. V. Pineda, ‘Rhetoric and the writing of history in early modern 590 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Europe: Melo’s Guerra De Cataluña and Mascardi’s Ars Historica’, European History Quarterly 42 (2012), 6-28.

Mascarell, Vincentius (1660-1730) 812. C. von Collani, ‘Salvation or condemnation?: Vincentius Mascarell’s ‘Apologia’ in the Chinese rites controversy (1701)’, International Journal of Sino-Western Studies 3 (2012), 89-113.

Masen, Jacob (1606-1681) 813. S.A. Tóth, Jacobus Masenius poétikája [La poétique de Jacobus Masenius], Szeged, Gradus ad Parnassum, 2008, 246 p.

Mattingly, John Baptist (1745-1807) 814. P.H. Mattingly, ‘A Maryland Jesuit in eighteenth-century Europe’, Maryland Historical Magazine 107 (2012), 141-154.

Mayer, Rupert (1876-1945) 815. H. Rumschöttel, ‘Pater Rupert Mayer: Rezeption, Verehrung und Kult nach 1945’, Bayernspiegel 5-6 (2012), 7-15. 816. M. Stumpf, ‘Eine Ausnahmepersönlichkeit hinterlässt frühe Spuren: Pater Rupert Mayer im I. Weltkrieg’, Bayernspiegel 5-6 (2012), 16-18.

Mello, Anthony de (1931-1987) 817. A. da Silva a.o., A Jesuit confluence: Ignatian psychospirituality. On the occasion of the 25th death anniversary of Tony de Mello, Anand, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, 2012, 167 p.

Ménestrier, Claude François (1631-1705) 818. S. Rawles, ‘‘Le modèle d’un héros achevé’: The engravings of Menestrier’s medallic history of Louis XIV’, in A. Adams a.o. (eds.), Le livre demeure. Studies in book history in honour of Alison Saunders, Genève, Droz, 2011, 221-234. 819. A. Adams a.o. (eds.), A bibliography of Claude-François Menes- trier. Printed editions, 1655-1765 , Genève, Librairie Droz, 2012, 516 p.

Meyere, Lieven De (1655-1730) 820. Y.A. Haskell, ‘Early modern anger management: Seneca, Ovid and Lieven De Meyere’s De ira ibri tres (Antwerp, 1694)’, International Journal of the Classical Tradition 18 (2011), 36-65. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 591

Mierlo, Jozef van (1878-1958) 821. A. van Dijk, ‘“o Bloeiend wonder van de bronzen perelaren...” Over de poëzie van Jozef van Mierlo’, Nieuw Letterkundig Magazijn 30/2 (2012), 1-8.

Molina, Juan Ignacio (1740-1829) See also 708.

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Pozo, Cándido (1925-2011) 871. L.M. Mendizábal, ‘A la memoria del P. Pozo’, Toletana 25 (2011), 487-491.

Pozzo, Andrea (1642-1709) See also 599.

872. G. Leone, ‘Il successo di Andrea Pozzo in Sicilia: il caso della “finta cupola” quadrilobata nella chiesa di S. Marco a Enna’, I Beni Culturali, tutela e valorizzazione 11/6 (2003), 39-44. 873. F. Quiles García, ‘Andrea Pozzo en la periferia. El caso español’, in F. Farneti & D. Lenzi, Realtà e illusione nell’architettura dipinta. Quadraturismo e grande decorazione nella pittura di etè barocca, Firenze, Alinea editrice, 2006, 107-118. 874. P. Cruciani, ‘La chiesa gesuitica di S. Martino a Fermo: un in- Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 597

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Vieira, António (1608-1697) 1072. F. Lévi, ‘La prophétie et le pouvoir politico-religieux au XVIIe siècle au Portugal et en Hollande: Vieira et Menasseh ben Israël’, in A. Redondo (ed.), La prophétie comme arme de guerre des pouvoirs, XVe-XVIIe siècles, Paris, Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2000, 433-445. 616 Paul Begheyn S.J.

1073. J. van den Besselaar, António Vieira. Profecia e polêmica, Rio de Janeiro, VERJ, 2002, 506 p. 1074. S.B. Schwartz, ‘The contexts of Vieira’s toleration of Jews and New Christians’, Luso-Brazilian Review 40 (2003), 33-44. 1075. H. Didier, ‘La fin des temps selon História do Futuro et Clavis prophetarum de P. Antonio Vieira’, Eidolon 78 (2007), 53-66. 1076. C.M. Miranda Urbano, ‘O padre António Vieira e a Companhia de Jesus’, Islenha. Revista de Temas Culturais das Sociedades Insulares Atlânticas 43 (2008), 89-101. 1077. S.L. Menezes, ‘Escravidão e educação nos escritos de Antônio Vieira e Jorge Benci’, Diálogos 10 (2010), 215-228. 1078. A.P. Banza & M.C. Pimentel (eds.), Uma jornada Vieirina em Évora, Lisboa, Universidade Católica, 2011, 112 p. 1079. R. Coimbra Gonçalves, ‘A visão do gentio brasileiro na Clavis Prophetarum do Padre António Vieira’, in A. Coello de la Rosa & T. Hampe Martínez (eds.), Escritura, imaginación política y la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina, Barcelona, Bellaterra, 2011, 313-329. 1080. B. Machado dos Santos, ‘A missão como representação: os je- suítas no Maranhão e Grão-Pará através das cartas do Padre Antônio Vieira’, Plura: Revista de Estudos de Religião 2 (2011), 118-135 . 1081. S. Dimas, ‘Salvação e condenação eternas no pensamento escatológico do Padre Antonio Vieira’, Itinerarium 58 (2012), 143-157. 1082. M. Garcia, ‘Teologia e política: Acerca do Sermão de S. José, pregado pelo P. António Vieira, na Capela Real, 1644’, Brotéria 175 (2012), 169-176. 1083. S. Kirk, ‘Sor Margarida Ignácia’s apologia a favor do Reverendo P. António Vieyra: An eighteenth-century reply to Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s carta atenagórica’, Colonial Latin American Review 21 (2012), 267-291. 1084. J.M. Reverte Coma, El Padre José de Anchieta y la formación del Brasil: Vida y obra de un tinerfeño en la creació, Madrid, Museo del Professor Reverte Coma, 2012, 301 p. 1085. C.A. de Seixas Maduro, As artes do não-poder. Cartas de Vieira, um paradigma da retórica epistolar do barroco, Lisboa, CFUL, 2012, 592 p.

Vieira, Francisco († 1619) 1086. K. Igawa, ‘A Portuguese father Francisco Vieira S.J. and the Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 617

state affairs in 16th century Asia’, in A Presença Portuguesa no Japão nos seculos XVI e XVII, Lisboa, Sandra Marques, 2006, 85-89.

Viscardo y Guzmán, Juan Pablo (1748-1798) 1087. N. de Ribas, ‘La «déterritorialisation» européenne du jésuite Viscardo y Guzmán ou la reconstruction affective du terri- toire peruvien’, Pandora: revue d’etudes hispaniques 10 (2010), 33-50.

Volk, Ludwig (1926-1984) 1088. C. Kösters & P. von der Osten, ‘Ludwig Volk (1926-1984) - ein katholischer Zeithistoriker’, in R. Lambrecht a.o. (eds.), Kräftig vorangetriebene Detailforschungen. Aufsätze für Ulrich von Hehl zum 65. Geburtstag, Leipzig & Berlin, Edition Kirchhof & Franke, 2012, 27-56.

Vos, Jan De (1936-2011), Jesuit until ? 1089. E. De Maesschalck, ‘Jan De Vos (1936-2011)’, Tijdingen uit Leuven 153 (2011), 57-64.

Walsh, Edmund (1885-1956) 1090. M. Patulli Trythall, ‘Edmund A. Walsh S.J. and the settlement of the religious question in Mexico, 1929’, Archiuvm Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 3-44.

Xavier, Francis (1506-1552) See also 256, 268, 539, 569.

1091. I. Arellano & D. Mendonça (eds.), Mision y aventura: San Francisco Javier, sol en Oriente, Madrid, Iberoamericana / Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, 2008, 324 p. 1092. X. Añoveros Trías de Bes, ‘Bibliografía publicada con motive del V centenario del nacimiento de San Francisco Javier’, Príncipe de Viana 252 (2011), 343-371. 1093. H. Fernandes, ‘The spirituality of dialogue in the light of the missionary activity of St. Francis Xavier’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 85-112. 1094. A. Adde, ‘Apuntes sobre la métrica en el Coloquio de la conquista espiritual del Japón hecha por San Francisco Javier’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary 618 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 23-31. 1095. C. Marin, ‘François Xavier (1506-1552) entre l’Inde et la Chine au risque de la rencontre’, Histoire & Missions Chrétiennes 23 (2012), 9-33. 1096. C. Mata Induráin, ‘Una epidemia de peste, un milagro javeriano y una villa agradecida: la zarzuela anónima San Javier grande en El Hito’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 125-144. 1097. S. Mishra, ‘The miracles of St. Francis Xavier in San Francisco Javier, el Sol en Oriente, a Jesuit comedy’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 145-153. 1098. L. Namjoshi, ‘The virtues of workers as prescribed by Saint Francis Xavier and the qualities of volunteers according to Swami Vivekananda’, in I. Arellano & C. Induráin (eds.), St Francis Xavier and the Jesuit Missionary Enterprise. Assimilations between Cultures / San Francisco Javier y la empresa misionera jesuita. Asimilaciones entre culturas, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2012, 169-177.

Xavier, Jerónimo (1549-1617) 1099. A. Camps, ‘Persian works of Xavier, a Jesuit at the Mogul court’, in his Studies in Asian mission history, 1956-1998, Leiden, Brill, 2000, 33-46. 1100. J. Flores, ‘Two Portuguese visions of Jahangir’s India: Jerónimo Xavier and Manuel Godinho de Erédia’, in N. Vassallo e Silva & J. Flores (eds.), Goa and the Great Mughal, Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / London, Scala Publishers, 22011, 44-67. 1101. H. Didier, ‘Jerónimo Javier, un navarro en la India’, in V. Maurya & M. Insúa (eds.), Actas del I Congreso Ibero-asiático de Hispanistas Siglo de Oro e Hispanismo general, Pamplona, Servicio de Publ. de la Universidad de Navarra, 2011, 147-158. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 619

Zimmermann, Carlos (1871-1950) 1102. F. Malta Romeiras & H. Leitão, ‘Jesuítas e ciência em Portugal. II. Carlos Zimmermann S.J. e o ensino da microscopia vegetal’, Brotéria 174 (2012), 113-125.

Zurstraβen, Hermann (1823-1991) 1103. K.H. Neufeld, ‘Hermann J. Zurstraßen SJ: (1823-1881)’, Waredorfer Schriften 41/42 (2012), 137-148.

Complementary list of persons 2013 Benci, Jorge (1650-1708) 1077 Binet, Étienne (1569-1639) 1038 Chirino, Pedro (1557-1635) 292, 293, 295 Cobos, Cristóbal de los (1553-1611/14) 642 Colín, Francisco (1592-1660) 295 Frölich, Vilém (1634-1709) 1045 Gonzaga, Luigi (1568-1591) 736, 901 Hueber, Balthasar (1703-1774) 1020 Kirwitzer, Václav Pantaleon (1588-1626) 726 Lugo, Juan de (1583-1660) 553 Nobili, Roberto de (1577-1656) 873 Papenbroek, Daniel van (1628-1714) 711 Ribadeneira, Pedro de (1526-1611) 510 Silveira, Gonçalo da (1526-1561) 737 Strasser, Melchior (1711-1779) 1020 Tamburini, Michelangelo (1648-1730) 698 Visdelou, Claude (1656-1737) 628 628 620 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Index of authors 2013 Abad, J. 800 Azkuna, I. 88 Abels, P.H.A.M. 464 Baciero Ruiz, F.T. 1030 Abreu, S. 265 Balari Zanotti, J. 657 Ackermans, J.E.A. 583 Balla, L. 665 Adamczak, A. 895 Bánkuti, G. 419 Adams, A. 819 Banza, A.P. 1078 Adde, A. 1094 Baretta, C. 87 Aguilar Guzmán, M.d.C. 779 Bargiacchi, E.G. 669 Aguilera Hernández, A. 933 Barnao, C. 37 Alba-Koch, B. de 659 Barnes, R.H. 270 Alfieri, F. 62, 63, 993 Barone Visigalli, E. 184, 186, 189 Allsop, P. 852 Barros Fernandes, E. 639 Almeida Martins, R.M. de 163 Barthet, B. 372 Almudena, B. 183 Baskind, J. 273 Alonso Asenjo, J. 180 Batlogg, A.R. 918, 920 Alphonso, H. 73 Bautista Lucas, E. 921 Altamore, A. 999 Begheyn, P. 2, 3, 38, 310, Álvarez Bolado, A. 13 465-467, 809, 1057 Álvarez de los Mozos, F. 64 Bella, S. Di 439 Amado Aymoré, F. 861 Bendaña Perdomo, R. 191 Anagnostou, S. 259 Ben-Dor Benite, Z. 236 Andereggen, I. 1029 Benniamin, A. 791 Anderson, M.B. 823 Besselaar, J. van den 1073 Anfray, C. 23 Bicks, C. 95 Annaert, P. 309 Biczó, Z. 420 Añoveros Trías de Bes, X. 1092 Bigari, C. 877 Antier, J.J. 1050 Bigot, V. 187 Antonucci, D. 854, 1058 Bikfalvi, G. 421, 422, 497 Antunović, I. 919 Binaghi, R. 896 Apollonio, S. 845 Bing, W. 855 Appuhn-Radtke, S. 384, 385 Bingel, M. 386 Aracena, B.K. 179 Binzley, R.A. 215 Arellano, I. 112, 1091 Birnbaum, B. 216 Astigueta, D.G. 684-686 Birsens, J. 460 Astorgano Abajo, A. 793, 931, Bittar, M. 166 932, 934-937 Blum, C.P. 183 Aubert, R. 745, 748-751 Blum, P.R. 113, 572, 607, 677, Ayala, J.M. 938 851 Aymoré, F.A. 155 Bocci, C. 618 Ažić, J. 919 Bogel, G. 114 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 621

Boileau, R. 585 Camps, R. 468 Böll, V. 138 Cams, M. 237 Bom, E. De 998 Camus, Y. 744 Bonosi, D. 451 Canavesio, W. 898 Boomsma, G. 468 Capoccia, A.R. 431 Borges, C.J. 253, 255, 489 Capodimonti, S. 434 Borja Gómez, J.H. 658 Carbonell De Masy, R. 197 Borque Soria, E. 937 Carlucci, G. 996 Bosch, G. Vanden 469 Caro Dugo, C. 992 Bösel, R. 878, 879, 897 Carolino, L.M. 613 Boswell, G. 867 Carrafiello, M.L. 850 Bourdin, B. 603 Carvalho da Silva, P.J. 7 Boysse, E. 103 Carvalho, M.S. de 491 Bradley, B. 430 Casalini, C. 494, 869 Breccia Fratadocchi, M. 433 Castro, A.F.B. de 294 Brelot, C.I. 374 Castro, M. 615, 616 Brewer-García, L. 210 Catellani, A. 84, 831, 1037 Brinton Lykes, M. 795 Cattoi, D. 899 Brito Vieira, M. 1024 Celestino, M.R. 157 Brodeur, R. 175 Cemus, P. 1019 Brodkorb, C. 410, 411 Cerman, I. 358 Broggio, P. 838 Černy, K. 356 Brown, P.D. 756 Cervera Jiménez, J.A. 238 Brückner, W. 1017 Chalaye, G. 1046 Bruneel, C. 311 Chamussy, R. 286 Brunetto, C. 90 Chávez, J.M. 796 Brüntrup, G. 24 Chédozeau, B. 15 Bugliani Knox, F. 129 Chen, H. 229 Burrows, W.R. 674 Chenillo Alazraki, P. 195 Buttigieg, E. 462 Chevalier, J.F. 367 Cabral, R. 493 Chicangana-Bayona, Y.A. 840 Caldevilla Domínguez, D. 274 Chmelewsky, M. 681 Calia, P. 266 Christie, D. 645 Callewier, H. 312, 313 Cieślak, S. 619, 1040 Calvaresi, E. 954 Cigola, M. 239 Campa, P.F. 98 Cincunegui, J.L. 204 Campana, A. 25 Cipollini, M. 440 Campbell-Johnston, M. 574 Cirvini, S.A. 151 Campen, A. van 72 Clarke, J. 961 Campillo Meseguer, A. 20 Classen, A. 1000, 1002 Camps, A. 1099 Cnockaert, A. 26 622 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Coelho, I. 757, 1010 Dekoninck, R. 315, 316 Coello de la Rosa, A. 54, 145, Delfosse, A. 317 208, 799 Deneef, A. 318 Coghlan, D. 775 Denora, V.C.M. 87 Cohen, L. 267 Descalzo Yuste, E. 295 Coimbra Gonçalves, R. 1079 Desprez, M. 92, 366 Colin, H. 692 Dettman, I. 388 Coll Moscardó, M. 513 Dias Loureiro, C. 680 Collani, C. von 226-228, 240, Díaz Blanco, J.M. 1064 387, 617, 620, Díaz Moreno, J.M. 842 812, 966 Didier, H. 258, 260, Colombo, E. 643, 695, 696 1075, 1101 Comerford, K. 452 Dietz, F. 717 Consolmagno, G.J. 115 Dieuleveult, A. 3 62 Cook, B.A. 220 Dijk, A. van 821 Coomans, T. 302 Dimas, S. 1081 Copete, M.L. 746 Dimler, G.R. 715 Corsi, E. 880 Dockery, S. 656 Costa, C. 162 Dolan, F.E. 683 Costa, E. 104 Dolinský, J. 503 Costa, G. 801 Domínguez Arranz, A. 933 Courtois, L. 666 Donet-Vincent, D. 185 Cristellotti, M. 900 Doyle, D. 922 Cronin, M. 429 Doyle, J.P. 1028 Cruciani, P. 874 Dreyfuss, P. 953 Cruz Correia, F.A. da 737 Duarte, S. 139 Csengei, A. 1071 Dudink, A. 232, 989 Csiszár, K. 423 Dueñas García de Polavieja, I. Culley, T. 105 638 Curcio, G. 881 Dujardin, V. 319 Cuttica, C. 130 Dumons, B. 542 Cuyegkeng, M.A.C. 291 Dungen, P. Van den 320 Daddario, W. 106 Dürr, R. 198 Daly, P.M. 715 Dusausoit, X. 304, 321, 322 Dalzell, T. 582 Egan, D. 714 Danieluk, R. 441, 621, 743 Eickmeyer, J. 116, 412 Danna, V. 758 El Alaoui, Y. 642 David, C. 543 Endean, P. 27 Davids, K. 470 Esther Jiménez, P. 515 Daxecker, F. 994 Euvé, F. 117 Decock, W. 51, 314 Fabre, P.A. 33, 983 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 623

Facchin, L. 882 Fountain, C. 641 Faesen, R. 323, 324, 1039 Fragonard, M.M. 100 Faist, A. 125 Fraser-Jenkins, C. 791 Falk, T. 389 Frère, B. 325 Fanning, B. 1063 Frey, K. 391 Fantola, G. 34 Friant, E. 173 Farge, W.J. 275 Friedrich, M. 14, 49, 65 Farina, J. 1049 Frijhoff, W. 217 Farneti, F. 883 Fuentes Lázaro, S. 903 Fastiggi, R. 1022 Fuess, H. 272 Fatás, G. 939 Fulton, E. 298 Fatica, M. 731 Fumaroli, M. 360 Favreau-Linder, A.M. 870 Gagnon, F.M. 836 Fechner, F. 199 Galewski, D. 483 Fédou, M. 780 Gallagher, D. 632 Feinauer, S. 477 Gallego Gallego, A. 942 Feldberg, M. 678 Gamer, M. 602 Fennes, H. 471 Garcia, K.N. 826 Ferlan, C. 62, 63 Garcia, M. 1082 Fernandes, H. 1093 García-Borrón, M.D. 118 Fernández, E.C. 221 García Hernán, E. 611 Fernando, L. 955, 1012 García Mateo, R. 39, 41 Ferreira, A. 1 66 Gautier, P. 326 Ferrer Benimeli, J.A. 940 Gavin, J. 718 Ferri, A. 442 Gay, J.P. 107, 697 Figueroa Turienzo, P.M. 759, Geger, B. 29 776, 777 Gehr, J. 392 Figura, M. 781 Gennip, J. van 699, 710 Fikenberg, A. 390 Gerber, S. 413 Filippi, B. 99, 449, 884 Gesiak, L. 1011 Fillebeen, G. 373 Gevers, L. 327 Finis, L. de 453 Giacomelli, L. 885 Fiore, V. 901 Giard, L. 66, 328 Fiori, A. 200 Giese, M.S. 55 Fladerer, 668 Gioia, M. 570 Fleming, C. 28 Gispert-Sauch, G. 824 Flichy, T. 241 Giurgevich, L. 119 Flores, J. 1100 Glassie, J. 732 Foolen, A. 689 Gleeson, C. 74 Forniés Casals, J.F. 941 Glüsenkamp, U. 393 Fortuna, A.M. 902 Glyn, J. 76 624 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Gnip, J. 847 Haskell, Y.A. 652, 687, 820 Golvers, N. 242-244, 329, Hauke, M. 923 622, 726, 806, Havlík, J. 1045 1068, 1070 Hegger, S. 587 Gomez, P.G. 296 Heider, D. 1025 Gómez Camacho, F. 738 Heiding, F. 78 González-Ayesta, C. 1032 Heijden, E. van der 472 González Fernández, F. 952 Heijden, J. van der 473 González Montañés, J.I. 514 Henryot, A.H. 369 González-Quevedo, L. 10 Henryot, F. 369 Gorriz i Abella, J. 292, 293 Herczog, J. 120 Goujon, P. 42, 368 Hermans, J. 853 Goulding, G.K. 77 Hermans, M. 330, 331 Graf, E.C. 792 Hernán Perrone, N. 712 Graffius, J. 548 Hidalgo Sánchez, B. 7 9 Graney, C.M. 981 Hill, B. 1033 Grimminger, C. 3 94 Hiraoka, R. 660 Groesen, M. van 662 Hofer, A. 924 Grom, B. 35 Hoffmann, S. 398 Grove, L. 101 Hollywood, A. 646 Grund, C. 395 Holmes, P. 1016 Grzebień, L. 1, 478 Hološová, A. 504 Guasti, N. 443, 663 Holubová, M. 357 Gudmundsson, G.F. 1041 Holzer, V. 588 Guerriero, E. 586 Höpfl, H. 333 Guibovich Pérez, P. 207 Hosne, A.C. 556 Guiderdoni-Bruslé, A. 629 Houdt, T. Van 753 Guillaumin, J.Y. 374 Howells, E. 43 Guillemont, M. 839 Huber, H. 609 Gutiérrez, R. 150 Hubert, R. 925 Gutiérrez Haces, J. 794 Hughes, G.W. 80 Hacker, A. 967 Hunink, V. 787 Haegele, V. 375 Huôn, P.P. 297 Haers, J. 75 Huys, P. 716 Hagen, C. 396 Ianuzzi, I. 5 Hageneder, O. 725 Ide, P. 589 Hála, J. 1060 Igawa, K. 1086 Hampe Martínez, T. 145, 209 Iglesias, I. 573 Hartmann, B. 709 Inalva Galter, M. 131 Hartmann, P.C. 202 Inglot, M. 499 Hartmann, S. 397 Jackson, R.H. 201, 205 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 625

Jacobs-Vandegeer, C. 760 Kowalczyk, D. 56 Jaeckel, V. 159 Krasowska, T. 142 Jami, C. 225 Kreins, J.M. 460, 571 Jansen, B. 81 Krüger, R. 146, 147 Játiva, M.V. 516 Kuang-tai, H. 969 Jirousová, F. 1051 Kuchar, G. 1013 Joassart, B. 334, 698, 711 Kuhr, I. 590 Jonge, K. De 303 Kuri Camacho, R. 193 Joosten, J. 788 Kurris, F. 575, 837 Jordá, E. 153 Kusterer, H. 414 Jowers, D.W. 926 Kuttner, R. 1 08 Judo, F. 335 Laborie, J.CV. 984 Junhyoung, M.S. 832 Lackner, M. 281, 970 Južnič, S. 507, 706 Lafuente Nafría, M.B. 825 Kádár, Z. 6 71 Lage Reis Correia, P. 289 Kajanski, E. 623 Lagerlund, H. 1033 Kalapura, J. 268 Lakatos, A. 426 Karner, H. 904 Lallemand-Buyssens, N. 733 Kenis, L. 324 Lamarca Langa, G. 943 Kennedy, A. 761 Landry-Deron, I. 224 Kerber, B. 886 Landtsheer, J. de 454 Kernbauer, A. 299 Lane, J.A. 288 Kiechle, S. 16, 30 Lang, S. 122 Kieven, E. 887 Laurent, M. 364 Kiliyanany, J. 782 Laven, M. 245 Kilroy, P. 376 Lawn, K.E. 170 Kim, C.Y. 778 Lázár Kovács, A. 846 Kirk, S. 1083 Lécrivain, P. 558, 864 Klein, N. 601, 920 Lee, E. 971 Knapp, E. 416 Lefsrud, S. 591 Koch, E. 251 Leinsle, U.G. 866 Koehler, K. 1006 Leitão, H. 119, 495, 1102 Koláček, J. 1021 Lenaghan, J.A. 546 Koller, M. 300 León Tello, F.J. 944 Konior, J. 479, 956, 988 Leone, G. 872 Kónya, F. 121 Lesur, J.M. 363 Kopp, J. 676 Lethen, H. 701 Koss, N. 968 Leventopoulos, M. 370 Kösters, C. 1088 Lévi, F. 1072 Kouame, N. 276 Levinton, N. 143, 152 Koupil, O. 673 Levy, E. 888 626 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Li, S. 172, 235 Manning, P.W. 700 Liddy, R. 762 Manzanza, A. 1048 Lim, J. 282, 962 Marani, G. 963 Liming, S. 972 Marchetti, E. 444 Lin Jinshui Dai Guoqing 957 Marcocci, G. 490 Lindeijer, M. 636 Mariani, A. 488 Lindorff, J. 852, 856 Marín Fidalgo, A. 519 Littger, K.W. 399 Marin, C. 1095 Livi Bacci, M. 559, 703 Marina Barreto, L.G. 915 Lochbrunner, M. 592 Markus, F. 53 Logan, O. 455, 630 Marsina, R. 505 Loir, C. 336 Martín Galán, M. 739 Lolo, R. 484 Martínez Millán, J. 31, 517 Loon, Y. van 1009 Martínez Montesinos, D. 860 Lowney, C. 57 Martínez Tornero, C.A. 945 Loze, P. 337 Martins Lopes, J.M. 50 Luca, M. De 905 Maryks, R.A. 1043 Lucas, E.B. 927 Mas, R.M. Dal 437, 906 Luirard, M. 68 Masini, F. 810 Lukas, V. 581 Massarella, D. 277 Łukaszewska-Haberkowa, J. Massimi, M. 6 480 Mata Induráin, C. 1096 Lusala lu ne Nkuka, L. 640 Mathews, W. 763 Lux-Sterritt, L. 544 Matteucci, A.M. 907 Luyten, J. 338, 339 Matthys, J.C. 828 Lynch, P.J. 124 Mattingly, P.H. 814 Machado dos Santos, B. 1080 Mayer, W.R. 635 Mack, J. 219 McAvoy, M. 222 MacKenzie, N.H. 713 McCarthy, S. 69 Macovei, C. 830 McKevitt, G.L. 21, 214 Madinier, R. 271 McLaughlin, M. 764 Madrigal Terrazas, S. 1005 McNaspy, C. 105 Maeder, E. 150 McPartland, T.J. 755, 765 Maerten, F. 340 Medeiros Rodrigues, L.F. 165, Maesschalck, E. De 1089 167 Maino, V. 707 Meier, J. 1020 Majorana, B. 91, 456, 1004 Menacho, A. 154 Maldavsky, A. 211 Mendizábal, L.M. 871 Malek, R. 247, 958 Mendonça, D. 1091 Malta Romeiras, F. 495, 1102 Menezes, S.L. 1077 Mannaerts, R. 305 Menkhaus, J. 125, 182 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 627

Merriam, S. 1003 Murphy, J.B. 1034 Mesnard, J. 19 Murphy, M. 535 Mettepenningen, J. 995 Murua Bereciartua, X. 1052 Meynard, T. 973 Muzj, M.G. 605 Miazek-Męczynska, M. 624, 974 N´teba Mbengi, A. 136 Michel, P. 184 Nadal, J. 47 Mignini, F. 959, 964 Najjar, R. 164 Miguel Marín, J. 682 Namjoshi, L. 1098 Mikrut, J. 481 Napolitano, V. 17 Miletto, G. 633 Narvaja, J.L. 720 Miranda Cardoso, V. 168 Navarrete, M.C. 137 Miranda Torres, C. 653 Navarro, V.L. 946 Miranda Urbano, C.M. 1 076 Nebgen, C. 400 Miranda, M. 52, 1067 Neufeld, K.H. 459, 667, 1103 Mishra, S. 1097 Nichols, A. 783 Missio, E. 8 Nicolaidis, E. 1068, 1070 Misson, J.S. 326 Niessen, W. 702 Mochizuki, M.M. 833, 834 Nieto Sánchez, C. 457 Molina Sánchez, M. 93, 985 Noordegraaf, J. 688, 690 Molnár, A. 417, 424, Nota, H. 474 425, 631, 670 Novinsky, A. 11 Mongini, G. 67 Novotný, D.D. 724, 1023 Monta, S. 1014 Nunes de Albuquerque, M.J. Mooney, H.A.M. 766 500 Moore McAllen, K. 141 Nunes Pereira, A. 263 Moore, B. 647 O’Collins, G. 841, 1053 Morales, M.M. 445 O’Connor, T.H. 218 Morgan, R.J. 555 O’Leary, B. 82 Morrisey, T. 990 Oberholzer, P. 58, 401 Motta, F. 8, 1065 Okada, A. 261 Mouawad, Y.H. 284, 285 Oliveira e Silva, P. 1035 Moulis, P. 661 Olkovich, N. 768 Muller, F. 341 Ollé, M. 230 Müller, M. 361, 704 Olmi, G. 446 Müller, T. 492 Ondruš, R. 723 Münch, B.U. 96 Opdebeeck, B. 342 Mund, S. 868 Orléans, P.J. d’ 1069 Mundt, T. 396 Ortiz de Landázuri, C. 722 Muneroni, S. 102 Oslin, R. 212 Munhoz Ohara, J.R. 648 Oslington, P. 769 Murnion, W. 767 Osswald, C. 162 628 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Osswald, M.C. 256, 262, 576 Pina, I.M. 233 Osten, P. von der 1088 Pineda, V. 811 Ostrowski, B. 789 Pinedo, J. 708 Oudshoorn, H. 475 Pino-Díaz, F. del 557 Ouellette, S.C. 797 Pioffet, M.C. 174 Overmeire, D. Van 654 Pitrun, B. 1008 Oyaneder Jara, P. 822 Po-Chia Hsia, R. 89 Oy-Marra, E. 109 Pociūtė, D. 992 Ozog, K.S. 1007 Podevin, B. 365 Pabel, H.M. 634 Poggi, V. 752 Pacheco Albalate, M. 577 Pohle, F. 381, 403 Page, C.A. 149, 203 Poinard, R. 377 Pagli, P. 991 Polanco, R. 593 Paintner, U. 132, 402 Polenghi, S. 849 Palomba, S. 604 Ponce Cárdenas, J. 672 Palomino, J.F. 176 Ponce-Alcocer, M.E. 2 57 Pancheri, R. 908, 909 Poncela González, A. 126, 1036 Pangrazi, T. 730 Porres Marijuán, R. 536 Parish, R. 600 Portier, W.L. 784 Paternicó, L.M. 807 Portillo, N. 798 Patsch, F. 916 Potocic Matkovic, V.M. 3 55 Patulli Trythall, M. 1090 Pottmeyer, H. 770 Pavlík, J. 359 Poucet, B. 371 Pavone, S. 501 Poumarède, G. 234 Pelletier, L. 177 Praag, P. van 614 Penagos Belman, E. 192 Prensky, M. 987 Pereira Gomes, J. 496, 859 Pril, W. de 1062 Pérez Gómez, A. 721 Pritchard, T.W. 545 Persels, J. 741 Proot, G. 307, 343, 344 Peset, J.L. 947 Ptitsyna, N. 999 Peters, C. 498 Puchowski, K. 485 Peters, S.F. 606 Puente-Ballesteros, B. 1059 Peuckert, V. 306 Put, E. 313, 345 Peuter, S. De 808 Quaghebeur, T. 346 Pfeiffer, H. 889 Quiles García, F. 873 Phillips, C. 713 Radler, C. 649 Piazza, S. 910 Rahner. K. 914 Pigozzi, M. 599 Ramos Domingo, J. 510 Pilette, M. 664 Randle, G. 97 Pimentel, M.C. 1078 Rapp, J. 404 Pina, I. 857 Rastoin, M. 22, 59 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 629

Rawles, S. 818 Ruiz de Santiago, J. 975, 976 Reglińska-Jemioł, A. 486 Ruiz Jurado, M. 60, 450 Remmert, V.R. 109 Rule, P. 626 Renczes, P. 928 Rumschöttel, H. 815 Renn, J. 997 Rurale, F. 18, 742, 875 Reverte Coma, J.M. 1084 Rust, J. 785 Rey Fajardo, J. del 223, 537 Rust, J.R. 1015 Ribas, N. de 1087 Ruzivo, M. 140 Ricci, G.R. 948 Saje, M. 705 Richardson, C.M. 890 Sala, G. 772 Richmond Ellis, R. 848 Salas, V. 1028 Richter, L. 579 Salin, D. 740 Rico Callado, F.L. 511, 512 Salmon, J. 1049 Ricousse, F. 661 Salvini, G.P. 802 Riera Palmero, J. 949 Salviucci Insolera, L. 435, 436, Ries, R. 382 879, 892, 911 Rivara de Tuesta, M.L. 554 Salvucci, C.R. 170 Roberti dos Reis, A. 196 Samerski, S. 383 Robertson, R. 380 Sánchez Barea, F. 110 Roca De Amicis, A. 891 Sander, J. 406 Rodrigues Vianna Peres, L. 569 Schaber, J. 913 Rodríguez Caparrini, B. 538, Schatz, K. 264, 415 547, 549 Scheitler, I. 407 Rodríguez Gutiérrez de Cebal- Schelkens, K. 348, 1062 los, A. 612 Schemmel, M. 997 Roegiers, J. 347 Schiltz, P. 461 Rogers, T. 986 Schneider, B. 1018 Roggen, L. 463 Schnoor, A. 181 Roldan-Figueroa, R. 865 Scholla, R.W. 213 Roling, B. 94, 405 Schuppener, G. 502 Rolshoven, M. 862 Schwartz, S.B. 1074 Romsics, I. 1060 Seamon, E.B. 827 Ronig, F. 382 Sebastián Lozano, J. 518 Roshi, H. 676 Seguró, M. 1031 Rosner, E. 625 Seidel, J. 1047 Rota, G. 771 Seixas Maduro, C.A. de 1085 Rotsaert, M. 70 Sena, T. 627 Rouleau, F. 681 Sequeiros, L. 977 Rousseaux, X. 318 Serafin, V. 86 Roux, Y. Le 188 Serrano Pinto, M. 855 Rubiés, J.P. 278 Sgarbi, M. 1026 630 Paul Begheyn S.J.

Shank, J.B. 644 Szarán, L. 144 Sharkey, M. 773 Taft, R.F. 127 Sheldrake, P. 650 Tanturri, A. 432 Shields, G. 765 Tavoni, M.G. 447 Shore, P. 32 Tejera Pinilla, C. 539 Siebenrock, R.A. 925 Teuffenbach, A. von 719, 1061 Siebert, H. 729 Thackeray, F. 1056 Sievernich, M. 12, 248, 578 Thompson, R.H. 1001 Silva Gonçalvez, N. da 169 Tilg, S. 301 Silva, A. da 817 Tita, S. 111 Silveira Wrege, R. 156 Torales Pacheco, M.C. 194 Šimončič, J. 506 Tordoir, J. 350 Škarek, L. 863 Tornielli, A. 804 Smeesters-Lelubre, A. 308 Torres, P. 231 Snaet, J. 349 Tosti, M. 448 Sorge, B. 803 Tóth, S.A. 813, 1042 Soukup, P.A. 843 Trémolières, F. 629 Sousa Silva, V. de 594 Troia, P. de 565 Souza, E.S. 160 Tropia, A. 1027 Souza, S. D’ 693 Tucker, T. 1055 Spiriti, A. 893, 912 Tùskés, G. 416 Sproll, H. 458 Tyn, T. 917 Standaert, N. 71, 249 Udías, A. 85, 128, 540, 541 Starnawski, J. 476 Vaeck, M. Van 675 Steiner, N. 279 Valenti, A. 790 Steinmetz, F.J. 735 Valero Agúndez, U. 61 Steinmetz, M. 929 Valkering, P. 727 Stempsey, W.E. 48 Valli, A.M. 805 Stevens-Arroyo, A.M. 1054 Vanderpelen, C. 353 Stock, A. 844 Vanpaemel, G. 351 Stoffel, J.F. 637 Vasconcelos de Saldanha, A. Storch de Gracia y Asensio, J.G. 858 950 Velilla Iriondo, J. 508 Strasser, U. 36 Velinkar, J. 252, 254 Strinati, F. 679 Venkataraman, V. 206 Stroom, G. van der 691 Vera, S.V. 148 Štrukelj, A. 596 Verd Conradi, G.M. 40, 44, 553 Stumpf, M. 816 Verdeil, C. 287 Suenens, K. 610 Verdoy Herranz, A. 951, 982 Szabó, F. 427, 846 Vermander, B. 978 Szaniszló, I.M. 418 Vermeir, K. 734 Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 631

Vertin, M. 774 Wynands, D.P. 379 Verwimp, R. 190 Xu, G. 250 Vetö, E. 597 Yang, H. 965 Viana, A.V. de 290 Yeo, I. 283 Vigueras Cherres, A. 930 Yoko, N. 566-568 Vilela Souza, L. 6 Young, R.D. 786 Villagrasa, J. 584 Zanlonghi, G. 894 Villegas Jaramillo, M.M. 158 Zaragoza, E. 747 Vincent, M. 509 Zaragoza Reyes, V. 736 Vinck, H. 135 Zenger, R. 409 Vinnicombe, C. 550 Zeron, C. 984 Vita Romeo, M. 133 Zhao, H. 960 Vregill, B. de 655 Ziggelaar, A. 560-564 Vu Thanh, H. 280 Županov, I.G. 269, 694 Waddell, M. 728 Walcher Casotti, M. 876 Walker, O. 45 Walsdorf, H. 378 Waltner, A. 979 Wang, S. 959 Wardega, A.K. 858 Warkentin, G. 835 Weis, F. 829 Wellbaum, S. 598 Welton, M. 171 Westra, H. 178, 608 Whelan, G. 754 Whitehead, M. 551 Wiest, J.P. 980 Williams, M.R.F. 1044 Wilson, J. 352 Wimmer, R. 408 Witek, J.W. 628 Witte, H. 46 Witwer, T. 83 Wizimirska, B. 487 Wolffe, J. 134, 552 Wolfteich, C. 651 Wong, F.C.H. 1066 Wuillaume, L. 1038 Wymeersch, B. Van 354