ARCHIVUM HISTORICUM SOCIETATIS IESU VOL. LXXXII, FASC. 164 2013/II Articles Charles Libois S.J., L’École des Jésuites au Caire dans l’Ancienne Compagnie. 355 Leonardo Cohen, El padre Pedro Páez frente a la interpretación bíblica etíope. La controversia sobre “cómo llenar una 397 brecha mítica”. Claudia von Collani, Astronomy versus Astrology. Johann Adam Schall von Bell and his “superstitious” Chinese Calendar. 421 Andrea Mariani, Mobilità e formazione dei Gesuiti della Confederazione polacco-lituana. Analisi statistico- prosopografica del personale dei collegi di Nieśwież e Słuck (1724-1773). 459 Francisco Malta Romeiras, The emergence of molecular genetics in Portugal: the enterprise of Luís Archer SJ. 501 Bibliography (Paul Begheyn S.J.) 513 Book Reviews Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile et alia, Missions d’évangélisation et circulation des savoirs XVIe- XVIIIe siècle (Luce Giard) 633; Pedro de Valencia, Obras completas. VI. Escritos varios (Doris Moreno) 642; Wolfgang Müller (Bearb.), Die datierten Handschriften der Universitätsbibliothek München. Textband und Tafelband (Rudolf Gamper) 647; Ursula Paintner, Des Papsts neue Creatur‘. Antijesuitische Publizistik im Deutschsprachigen Raum (1555-1618) (Fabian Fechner) 652; Anthony E. Clark, China’s Saints. Catholic Martyrdom during the Qing (1644-1911) (Marc Lindeijer S.J.) 654; Thomas M. McCoog, “And touching our Society”: Fashioning Jesuit Identity in Elizabethan England (Michael Questier) 656; Festo Mkenda, Mission for Everyone: A Story of the Jesuits in East Africa (1555-2012) (Brendan Carmody S.J.) 659; Franz Brendle, Der Erzkanzler im Religionskrieg. Kurfürst Anselm Casimir von Mainz, die geistlichen Fürsten und das Reich 1629 bis 1647 (Frank Sobiec) 661; Robert E. Scully, Into the Lion’s Den. The Jesuit Mission in Elizabethan England and Wales, 1580-1603 (Roberta Grossi) 663; Fabrizio Capanni, Anna Santucci (eds), L’Abate Luigi A. Lanzi tra filologia classica e letteratura religiosa. Atti del IV Convegno di studi lanziani, Corridonia (MC), Teatro “Giovan Battista Velluti”, 14 novembre 2009 (Roberta Grossi) 665; Simona Sperindei, Francesco Maria Riccardi (1697-1758). Un Monsignore fiorentino nella Curia romana (Lydia Salviucci Insolera) 668; Ana Carolina Hosne, The Jesuit Missions to China and Peru, 1570-1610. Expectations and appraisals of expansionism (Matthieu Bernhardt) 670. Index 675 Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2013 Paul Begheyn S.J. I am grateful to the following persons who have helped me in putting together this bibliography: Nicoletta Basilotta (Rome), Géza Bikfalvi (Budapest), Clemens Brodkorb (München), Ad Dudink (Louvain), José García de Castro SJ (Madrid), Yasmin Haskell (Crawley WA, Australia), Yannick van Loon (Louvain), Robert Maryks (New York), Thomas McCoog SJ (New York / London), Gianfranco Miletto (Heidelberg), Paul Oberholzer SJ (Basel), Gabriel M. Verd SJ (Granada). For a more detailed bibliography on spirituality, please turn to the annual bibliography in the Spanish journal Manresa and to www. ignaziana.org, a review of theological research. You are invited to send new titles, corrections and suggestions to: Paul Begheyn, S.J. Netherlands Institute of Jesuit Studies Singel 448 1017 AV Amsterdam The Netherlands General Index I. The entire Society A. General history 1. Auxiliary sciences 1-4 2. Historical works 5-32 B. Special history 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola 33-46 2. Institute 47-67 3. Spiritual Exercises 68-71 4. Spirituality 72-85 5. Pastoral activities 86-89 6. Cultural activities 90-128 7. Polemical writings 129-134 514 Paul Begheyn S.J. II. Countries A. Africa 135-140 B. America 141-223 C. Asia 224-297 D. Europe 298-552 III. Persons Persons in alphabetical order 553-1103 Complementary list of persons 619 Index of authors 620 I. The entire Society A. General History 1. Auxiliary sciences 1. L. Grzebień (ed.), Encyklopedia wiedzy o Jezuitach na ziemiach Polski I Litwi 1564-1995, Kraków, Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno- Pedaogogiczna “Ignatianum” Wydawnictwo WAM, 2004, 882 p. 2. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the History of the Society of Jesus 2011’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 561-712. 3. P. Begheyn, ‘Bibliography on the history of the Society of Jesus 2012’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 81 (2012), 599-711. 4. ‘Bibliografía Ignaciana’, Manresa 84 (2012), 371-398. 2. Historical works 5. I. Ianuzzi, ‘Mentalidad inquisitorial y jesuitas: el enfrentamiento entre el Cardenal Silíceo y la Compañía de Jesús’, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna 24 (2000), 11-31. 6. L. Vilela Souza & M. Massimi, ‘Il desiderio dell’oltremare nelle litte- rae Indipetae: le condizioni psicologiche per l’azione nella narrativa di giovani gesuiti del sedicesimo secolo’, Memorandum 3 (2002), 1-17. 7. P.J. Carvalho da Silva, ‘Medicina do corpo e da alma: os males corporais e o exercício da palabra em escritos da antiga Com- panhia de Jesus’, Memorandum 5 (2003), 55-68. 8. E. Missio, ‘A dissimulação como virtude entre os jesuitas da Con- tra-Reforma’, Memorandum 9 (2005), 121-131. 9. F. Motta, ‘Il mito delle origini nella storiografia della Compagnia di Gesù’, Rivista Storica Italiana 117 (2005), 5-25. 10. L. González-Quevedo, ‘Os primeiros jesuítas: mística, compa- Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 515 nheirismo e missão’, Convergência 41 (2006), 589-600. 11. A. Novinsky, ‘Conversos jesuítas e a Inquisição’, in J.A. Escu- dero (ed.), Intolerancia e Inquisición, 3 (2006), 149-160. 12. M. Sievernich, ‘Mission der Jesuiten’, Zeitschrift für Missionswis- senschaft und Religionswissenschaft 90 (2006), 163-164. 13. A. Álvarez Bolado a.o., Jesuitas: una misión, un proyecto, Bilbao, Universidad de Deusto, 2007, 221 p. 14. M. Friedrich, ‘Archive und Verwaltung im Frühneuzeitlichen Europa. Das Beispiel der Gesellschaft Jesu’, Zeitschrift für Histo- rische Forschung 35 (2008), 369-403. 15. B. Chédozeau, ‘L’Histoire et l’anthropologie humanistes des Jésuites (XVIIe siècle)’, Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 93 (2009), 697-728. 16. S. Kiechle, Die Jesuiten: Wissen, was stimmt, Freiburg, Herder, 2009, 127 p. 17. V. Napolitano, ‘Phantomatic presences and bioreligiosity: on the Legionaries of Christ and the Jesuit Order’, Postscripts 5 (2009), 293-316. 18. F. Rurale, ‘Ordini religiosi e inquisizione tra Cinque e Seicento’, Studia Borromaica 23 (2009), 467-488. 19. J. Mesnard, ‘Mythe janséniste et mythe jésuitique dans l’Europe d’après la Réforme’, in R. Baustert (ed.), Le jansénisme et l’Europe, Tübingen, Narr Verlag, 2010, 305-324. 20. A. Campillo Meseguer, ‘Del gobierno del alma al gobierno del mundo: el nacimiento de la Compañía de Jesús’, Eikasia. Revista de Filosofía 5 (2011), 31-57. 21. G.L. McKevitt, ‘The gifts of aging: Jesuit elders in their own words’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesuits 43/3 (2011), 41 p. 22. M. Rastoin, Du même sang que Notre Seigneur. Juifs et jésuites aux débuts de la compagnie de Jésus, Paris, Bayard, 2011, 310 p. 23. C. Anfray, ‘Les Jésuites de Quinet: Un événement littéraire? Réflexions sur une réception complexe’, Romantisme 155 (2012), 123-134. 24. G. Brüntrup a.o. (eds.), Unheilige Macht. Der Jesuitenorden und die Missbrauchskrise, Stuttgart, Kohlhammer, 2012, 202 p. 25. A. Campana, Shakespeare and the Jesuits: ‘To Fight the Fight’, Campbell CA, FastPencil, 2012, 394 p. 26. A. Cnockaert, ‘Jésuites dans la vie de Mère Teresa de Calcutta’, Telema 1/12 (2012), 57-69. 27. P. Endean, ‘Mary Ward and the Jesuit myths’, The Way 51 (2012), 59-77. 516 Paul Begheyn S.J. 28. C. Fleming a.o., ‘The Jesuits: From markets to Marxism; From property protection to social progressivism’, Romanian Economic and Business Review 7 (2012), 7-22. 29. B. Geger, ‘The first companions: The continuing impact of the men who left Ignatius’, Studies in the Spirituality of Jesus 44/2 , (2012), 1-38. 30. S. Kiechle, Jezuité, Praha, Grada, 2012, 93 p. 31. J. Martínez Millán a.o. (eds.), Los Jesuitas. Religión, política y edu- cación (siglos XVI-XVIII), 3 vols., Madrid, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, 2012, 1906 p. 32. P. Shore, ‘Mano a mano: Baroque Jesuits & Calvinists (1635- 1700)’, One in Christ 46 (2012), 58-71. B. Special History 1. Saint Ignatius of Loyola See also 450, 510, 539, 558, 672, 762, 825, 992. 33. P.A. Fabre, ‘Ignace de Loyola en procès d’orthodoxie (1525- 1622)’, in S. Elm a.o. (eds.), Orthodoxie, christianisme, histoire, Rome, École française de Rome, 2000, 101-124. 34. G. Fantola, ‘Soggiorno di S. Ignazio di Loyola a Vicenza’, Realtà Vicentina 14 (2003), 28-29. 35. B. Grom, ‘Ignatius von Loyola und die Psychologen’, Stimmen der Zeit 224 (2006), 68-80. 36. U. Strasser, ‘“The first form and grace”. Ignatius of Loyola and the reformation of masculinity’, in S.H. Hendrix & S.C. Karant- Nunn (eds.), Masculinity in the Reformation Era, Kirksville MO, Truman State University Press, 2008, 45-70. 37. C. Barnao, ‘Ignazio di Loyola e Carl Rogers per la formazione degli osservatori partecipanti e per la conduzione di ricerche «centrate sulla persona»’, Studi di sociologia 47 (2009), 151-166. 38. P. Begheyn, ‘A lost letter of Ignatius to Prince Philip of Spain (1546) recovered’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu 80 (2011), 276-279. 39. R. García Mateo, ‘Ignacio de Loyola: contemplación y misión’, Studia Missionalia 60 (2011), 15-46. 40. G.M. Verd Conradi, ‘Vascuence y castellano en San Ignacio de Loyola’, Archivo Teológico Granadino 74 (2011), 151-204. 41. R. García Mateo, ‘Spiritualität und Macht bei Ignatius von Loyola’, Geist und Leben 85 (2012), 232-250. 42. P. Goujon, ‘L’affectivité chez Ignace de Loyola: L’école du désir’, Christus 233 (2012), 104-111. Bibliography on the History of the Jesuits 517 43. E. Howells, ‘Spanish mysticism and religious renewal: Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, and John of the Cross’, in J.A. Lamm (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Christian Mysticism Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, 422-436. 44. G.M. Verd Conradi, ‘San Ignacio de Loyola y el soneto “No me mueve, mi Dios, para quererte”’, Archivo Teológico Granadino 75 (2012), 99-166. 45.
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