
ANTimicRoAL AGINTs AND , June 1974, p. 582-588 Vol. 5, No. 6 Copyright () 1974 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A. Mechanism of Silver Action on Burn Wound Infections CHARLES L. FOX, JR., AND SHANTA M. MODAK Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Departments of Microbiology and Surgery, New York, New York 10032 Received for publication 1 February 1974 The role of silver and sulfadiazine in the mechanism of action of on burn wound infections was investigated. Silver, but not sulfadia- zine, was bound by bacteria. Sulfadiazine did not act as an antibacterial agent in low concentrations, but exhibited specific synergism in combination with subinhibitory levels of silver sulfadiazine. The efficacy of silver sulfadiazine is thought to result from its slow and steady reactions with serum and other sodium chloride-containing body fluids, which permits the slow and sustained delivery of silver ions into the wound environs. In this circumstance, a relatively minute amount of sulfadiazine appears active.

Although silver sulfadiazine (AgSD) has re- chloride, DNA, human serum, and broth. The ceived wide-spread acceptance as a topical synergism of AgSD and SD is also shown. The agent to control bacterial infection, especially in observations may account for the unique ef- burn wounds (2, 6-9, 13-15, 19, 20), and is now ficacy of topical AgSD in preventing and treat- approved by the Food and Drug Administra- ing infections and may help elucidate its mech- tion, its mechanism of action is uncertain. anism of action in burns and infected wounds. This compound was prepared to combine the oligodynamic action of silver with the antibac- MATERIALS AND METHODS terial effect of sulfadiazine (7). Subsequent the Silver sulfadiazine was prepared as described pre- studies (9) showed that antago- viously (7). nist para-aminobenzoic acid (PAB) did not Radioactive silver salts. The radioactive silver nullify silver sulfadiazine inhibition, and that salts were prepared by reacting the sodium salts with the silver moiety combined in vitro with both "°AgNO, obtained from the International Chemical DNA and bacteria. The sedimentation coeffi- and Nuclear Corp. The silver salts thus prepared had cient of DNA isolated from AgSD-inhibited a specific activity of about 1.0 mCi/mmol. bacteria was found to be higher than that of Radioactive sulfadiazine. This was kindly sup- normal DNA (22). Subsequently, Carr and plied by Fred Williams of the Radiological Services Rosenkranz (4) reported that AgSD became Group of Iowa State University as Na"SD. The bound to the cell membrane and that Ag35SD prepared from it had a specific activity of 1.0 suggested mCi/mmol; the Na3"SD was also used as such in some the resulting membrane damage 'caused the of the experiments after dilution to the same specific bactericidal action observed. The failure of PAB activity. to block growth inhibition and the relatively low Bacterial strains. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa concentration of AgSD required made the role strain used in most of our experiments was obtained of the sulfadiazine uncertain. This was studied originally from Donald P. Dressler with the designa- by experiments with "0AgSD and Ag35SD tion WHTG no. 2. This is highly virulent to both rats which showed that the AgSD dissociated, that and mice and was used in our previous studies (9, 11, Ag alone became bound to various components 16). The Staphylococcus aureus strains were isolates within the cell and that the inhibition of bacte- obtained from hospital patients. rial growth was related quantitatively to the DNA solution. Calf thymus DNA (Worthington- Biochemicals) dissolved in 0.005 M NaNO, and binding of Ag to microbial DNA (16). dialyzed against 0.005 M NaNO,, was used in all the This communication indicates the probable experiments. roles of silver and sulfadiazine and compares Preparation of Sephadex column. To 100 ml of the reactions of AgSD, less effective silver water, 5 g of Sephadex G-100 with a particle size of 40 sulfonamides and other silver salts with sodium to 120 um (Pharmacia Fine Chemicals) was added 582 VOL. 5, 1974 SILVER SULFADIAZINE ACTION ON BURNS 583 gradually and stirred to obtain a uniform suspension. though as much as 20% of the II0Ag was taken The suspension was then heated in a boiling water up (see Table 6, ref. 8). bath for 8 h and stored at 10 C. Columns of 20-cm Inasmuch as the solubility of SD in water is length and 0.5-cm diameter were prepared with this Sephadex and washed several times with water. only 0.5 gmol/ml, these considerably higher (Note: When a column of 20-cm length and 0.5-cm concentrations needed for bacteriostasis were diameter was used, up to 0.2 umol of free silver was attained by virtue of the fact that the pKa of retained on the column while the bound silver [Ag- sulfadiazine is 6.1, and at pH 7.0, most of the DNA complex] passed through the column. Accord- drug is in the form of NaSD (10). Significantly, ingly, at no time did the samples loaded on a column the available H+ has been exchanged for Ag in contain more than 0.2 gmol of silver.) AgSD and this solubility transformation cannot Separation of Ag-DNA complex on Sephadex. occur (except with decomposition) at extremely The DNA solution was mixed with the desired low or high pH. amount of AgSD or AgNO, and incubated at 37 C for 20 h. The reaction mixtures were then centrifuged at Studies indicating the dissociation of 8,000 rpm for 10 min, and portions of the clear AgSD prior to binding with DNA. The dis- supernatant were passed through the column. Elution sociation of AgSD has been further confirmed was done with water, and 15 tubes, each containing 2 by studying the binding of Ag and SD to DNA ml of eluate, were collected. All tubes were read at by three different methods. X260 nm in a Beckman DU spectrophotometer, ana- (i) Equilibrium dialysis. The binding to lyzed for radioactivity, and the separation pattern DNA of radioactive sulfadiazine from Ag35SD was determined. Inasmuch as the binding of silver to and Na3SD and of radioactive silver from DNA shifted and increased the ultraviolet (UV) "0AgSD was studied by using an equilibrium absorption of DNA (12), accurate measurement of DNA for calculating the Ag/DNA ratio of the complex dialysis technique. The results depicted in was done by using the specific diphenylamine reac- Table 2 show that no SD became bound to DNA tion (3). either from Ag35SD or Na"SD; in sharp con- Radioactivity measurements. The radioactivity trast, almost 25% of I °Ag from 1°AgSDI became of "'Ag was measured in a well-type scintillation bound to the DNA. detector with a 1-inch diameter (thallium activated) (ii) Separation in Sephadex column. The sodium iodide crystal connected to a Nuclear-Chicago elution pattern of Ag83SD-DNA complex is 720 series counter. The radioactivity of "'S was shown in Fig. 1. The DNA was eluted in tubes 2 measured by using an Aquasol scintillator in a Nu- to 5 and carried no radioactivity from 85SD; the clear-Chicago 720 series liquid scintillation counter. SD was eluted in tubes 6 to 11, and these contained all the radioactivity. The elution patterns of 110Ag-DNA com- RESULTS plexes from I"°AgSD and I10AgNO8 are shown in Binding of sulfadiazine from Na"SD by Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. During in- TALE 1. Binding of sulfadiazine by Staphylococcus hibition with AgSD, no bacterial binding of SD and P. aeruginosa treated with sodium sulfadiazinea occurred. Inhibition by NaSD, however, re- quires considerably higher concentrations of Concn Pseudomonas Staphylococcus drug and utilizes a different mode of action, of drug Growth Growth namely, PAB antagonism, and binding of SD (Mtmol/ml) (OD) % Uptake (OD) % Uptake might occur. The inhibitory concentration of sulfadiazine (SD) for Pseudomonas and Staph- 0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.008 0.9 0.005 ylococcus and the binding of 3"SD by these 2.0 0.95 0.010 0.9 0.005 organisms is shown in Table 1. For both orga- 5.0 0.40 0.075 0.58 0.05 nisms 5 ,umol/ml was partially inhibitory and 15 10.0 0.30 0.10 0.40 0.08 Amol/ml was completely inhibitory. It is seen 15.0 0.15 0.80 0.15 0.40 that even at this high inhibitory concentration the binding of 35SD was negligible for both a A 50-ml amount of early log phase cells (0.15 OD) Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus. was distributed in 250-ml Erlenmeyer flasks contain- amount of Although the binding at the inhibitory con- ing the desired Na'5iSD (radioactivity in each flask corresponds to 500,000 counts/min) and centration was less than 1% of the amount of incubated at 37 C on a shaker. After 3 h, the flasks drug present, this represents a 100-fold increase were removed and the cells were collected by centrifu- over the minute uptake when inhibition did not gation, washed twice with sterile broth, and then with occur. In contrast, during inhibition with AgSD water. Then the radioactivity in the washed cell mass (0.1 umol/ml), no SD uptake occurred al- was determined. 584 FOX AND MODAK ANTIMICROB. AG. CHEMOTHER.

Fig. 2. These solutions or suspensions were SEPARATION OF 1"AgNO3-DNA and 10AgSD-DNA mixed with DNA in the ratio, Ag/DNA-P = 1. COMPLEXES ON SEPHADEX The DNA eluate in tubes 2 to 5 carried the 2.4 110Ag radioactivity, with no radioactivity in the SD region (tubes 6 to 10). The DNA reacted 2.0 with soluble 110AgNO3 acquired more radioac- E C tivity than DNA reacted with slightly soluble 0 (9 1.6 °AgSD. N (iii) UV absorption of DNA. If AgSD binds o 1.2 as an intact molecule to DNA, the UV absorp- z tion of AgSD-DNA complex is expected to be m4 greater than the. AgNO3-DNA complex of the o .8 same Ag/DNA ratio. This was studied by com- cn paring the UV absorption of Ag-DNA complex 4 from AgNO3 and AgSD. DNA was mixed with 0.41 AgSD or AgNO3 at different Ag/DNA-P ratios and incubated for 20 h. After centrifuging, the 0 2 4 6 8 10 UV absorption of the supernatant was read FRACTION NUMBER FIG. 2. DNA solutions (35 lAg/ml) were mixed with TABLE 2. Binding of silver and sulfadiazine to DNA "'AgSD or "0AgNO8 (silver/DNA-P = 1.0) and by equilibrium dialysisa incubated for 20 h. After centrifugation, a portion of the clear supernatants was loaded on a Sephadex Radioactivity associated column. R.A., Radioactivity. Compounds with DNA (% of total radioactivity) against 0.005 M NaNO,. Sulfadiazine absorbs strongly at X260 nm, and therefore Na35SD 0 each super- Ag35SD 0 natant was analyzed for free, unreacted sulfa- "0AgSD 25 diazine. The supernatants were passed through Sephadex columns, and the eluates containing a Dialyzing bag contained 3 ml of DNA at a the free sulfadiazine were analyzed by the Brat- concentration of 300 jig/ml. Dialysis was carried out ton-Marshall colorimetric method (1). The for 20 h against 200 ml of 0.5 umol of the above OD260 measured for the DNA-AgSD mixtures compounds in ammoniacal solution per ml, pH 8.0. was then corrected by subtracting the OD260 (Total radioactivity corresponds to 500,000 counts/ calculated for free sulfadiazine based on the min.) The radioactivity of the solutions inside and colorimetric analysis. When AgNO3 was used, outside the bag was measured. this correction was unnecessary. As shown in Table 3, the UV absorption of the SEPARATION OF Ag35SD-DNA COMPLEX Ag-DNA complex formed from AgSD was simi- ON SEPHADEX lar to that formed from AgNO, at the lower 1.00 _ 500 Ag/DNA-P ratios. The UV absorption of the

DNA !%SD DNA was not increased by either silver com- E.8 400 E pound until the Ag/DNA-P ratio in the reaction mixture was about 0.25. cv ~~ ~ ~ ~ lC .60 300 0 At this ratio the Ag-DNA complex formed wI from AgNO, showed an increase in absorbance, ir >~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and higher ratios showed proportionately greater increases. (This agrees with the report of F:~~~~~~~Jensen and Davidson [12] which indicated in- creased absorbance at a ratio of 0.26 or above.) However, the Ag-DNA complex formed from 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 AgSD showed no such increase until the Ag/ FRACTION NUMBER DNA-P ratio reached 1.0. This difference in of FIG. 1. DNA solution (35 was mixed with absorbance the two silver salt complexes was j;g/ml) to Ag "SD (silver/DNA-P = 1.0) and incubated for 20 h. found be due to differences in the Ag/DNA After centrifugation a portion of the clear supernatant ratio of the complex itself, determined by Seph- was loaded on a Sephadex column. Symbols: OD, adex column separation as explained in Mate- -,radioactivity. rials and Methods. The complexes resulting VOL. 5, 1974 SILVER SULFADIAZINE ACTION ON BURNS 585 TABLE 3. Effect of silver binding on ultraviolet absorption of DNA AgSD AgNO3 Ag/DNA-P Binding OD2. after Binding in reaction ratioa corracer Increase in ratioa Increase in mixture (Mmol of OD2.0 cofeaction OD caused (Amol of OD2,0 OD caused Ag/100 mg absorption" by Ag Ag/100 mg by Ag of DNA) abopinof DNA) 0 0 0.68 0.68 0 0 0.68 0 0.125 22 0.88 0.66 0 38 0.67 0 0.25 33 1.0 0.67 0 64 0.71 0.03 0.5 48 1.15 0.68 0 96 0.79 0.11 1.0 60 1.23 0.70 0.02 120 0.81 0.13 aThe binding ratios were estimated from the II0Ag taken up by the DNA. 'Free SD determined in the supernatant as described in Results. from AgNO, attained consistently higher Ag/ REACTION OF SILVER COMPOUNDS DNA ratios than those from AgSD, doubtless WITH SERUM due to the greater solubility of AgNO,. % Unreacted Thus, all three experimental methods indi- ,^n-1( cated that AgSD dissociates upon combining RK#S ;g~~oo AG SULFACYTOSI NE 30S...... with DNA, and that the SD moiety does not combine. . Reactions of silver salts with sodium chlo- ride, nutrient broth, human serum,DNA, and bacteria. These reactions were studied to visu- alize the clinical experience in complex wound SULFADIAZINE exudates. 2 AG NITRATE Silver sulfadiazine and other silver salts were ; AG AG URACIL¢~~~~~~~AG incubated with 0.01 M NaCl, nutrient broth, tw v-%"-A>-_;;;--;*; human serum, DNA, and bacterial suspensions, O "',*.8t.5 20 40 and at intervals the cations and anions released HOURS into the supernatant were measured. The per- FIG. 3. Human serum was incubated with 10 gmol centage of silver salts unreacted after incuba- of each silver salt. At the intervals designated, por- tion with serum for various time intervals is tions were removed and centrifuged, and the clear supernatants were analyzed. Silver was determined shown in Fig. 3. The reaction rates of these by "0Ag counts and sulfonamides by the colorimetric silver salts in the presence of the other test procedure (1). The amount of compound used was substances were similar to the patterns depicted taken on 100%. in serum and hence are not shown here. The silver salts of sulfanilamide, uracil, and nitrate collected. Portions (corresponding to 0.1 umol of reacted almost completely within 15 min. Ag silver based on actual counts and specific activ- sulfacytosine, Ag , and Ag sulfam- ity of "0Ag used) were taken from both these erazine reacted very slowly, but silver sulfadia- supernatants and sediments to determine the zine reacted at a moderate rate which continued binding of silver by bacteria. For this purpose so that 20% still remained unreacted after 40 h. each fraction received 5 ml of early log phase Binding of silver by growing cultures of cultures (0.4 to 0.5 OD) and all were incubated Pseudomonas containing the supernatant for 3 h. The tubes containing the silver salt and sediment fractions of serum reacted with residues were then given a preliminary centrifu- silver salts. To simulate further the conditions gation at 2,000 rpm for 5 min, after which the existing in wound exudates, silver sulfadiazine residues of unreacted silver salts were dis- and other silver salts were incubated with carded, and the supernatants containing the normal human serum and were subsequently bacteria were pipetted off. These supernatants exposed to bacteria. The serum-silver salt mix- were again centrifuged, at 8,000 rpm for 10 min, tures were centrifuged after incubation, and the and the silver uptake was measured on the supernatants (containing drug in solution) and sedimented bacterial cell mass by counting the sediments containing undissolved drug were associated radioactivity. 586 FOX AND MODAK ANTIMICROB. AG. CHEMOTHER. The tubes incubated with the silver salt TABLE 5. Synergism ofsilver sulfadiazine and sodium supernatants were handled in the same way, sulfadiazine against P. aeruginosa except that the preliminary centrifugation was unnecessary. Compounds Effect on Compounds (pmol/ml) Effect on The bacterial binding of silver from the (ismol/ml) growtha AgSD NaSD growth supernatants and sediments of the various siI- ver salts reacted with serum are shown in Table AgSD 0.004 + 0.001 0.5 + 4. The bacteria bound similar amounts of silver 0.001 0.6 to of all 0.006 + _ -from the supernatant fractions (15 18%) 0.008 + the silver salts. The bacterial binding from the 0.01 _ 0.002 0.1 + sediments was higher; the maxima (74 and 83%, 0.002 0.2 + respectively) were attained with silver nitrate NaSD 0.002 0.4 and silver sulfadiazine. 0.002 0.6 - Synergism of silver sulfadiazine and so- 0.2 + 0.002 1.0 dium sulfadiazine against Pseudomonas aer- 0.4 + uginosa. The combinations of AgSD and SD 0.5 + 0.004 0.1 + 0.004 0.2 + used are shown in Table 5. When the inhibitory 0.6 1.0 - 0.004 0.4 - level of SD was reduced from 0.6 to 0.4 ,um/ml, 0.004 0.6 - inhibition was restored by adding 0.002 um of NaST 0.004 1.0 - AgSD per ml. When the level of AgSD was 0.025 + 0.006 0.1 - reduced from 0.01 to 0.002 um/ml, inhibition 0.05 + was regained by adding 0.4 Mm of SD per ml. 0.1 _ 0.008 0.025 + When the concentration of AgSD was reduced 0.2 - 0.008 0.05 + from 0.01 to 0.004 Mmol/ml, inhibition was 0.008 0.1 regained by adding 0.4 Mm of SD per ml, a AgSD NaST sub-inhibitory concentration. These data sug- gest that 1 Mm of AgSD per ml can be substi- 0.002 0.025 + tuted for by 50 Mm of SD per ml or vice versa. 0.002 0.05 + Thus, a sub-inhibitory amount of NaSD (0.4) 0.002 0.1 _ becomes inhibitory upon addition of a non- 0.002 0.2 _ inhibitory amount (0.002) of AgSD. Likewise, a 0.004 0.05 + sub-inhibitory level of AgSD (0.006) becomes 0.006 0.05 + inhibitory upon addition of approximately one- a +, Growth; -, no growth; NaST, sodium sulfa- sixth the inhibitory level of NaSD. In contrast, thiazole. The inoculum was 0.2 ml of 1/2,500 dilution a sub-inhibitory (one-half inhibitory level) of an ovemight Trypticase soy broth culture in 5 ml of amount of sulfathiazole could not be substi- broth containing the drugs. The cultures were incu- bated for 20 h. TABLE 4. Binding of silver from residual and supematant fractions of serum reacted with silver tuted; this suggests that the synergism observed salts by growing culture of Pseudomonas is specific for sulfadiazine. Percentage of silver bound DISCUSSION Silver salts to the bacteriaa The dissociation of AgSD during inhibition of Residue Supematant bacterial growth has been described (16) but to Silver sulfanilamide 52 15.0 determine the role of each constituent, confir- Silver sulfacytosine 40 14.5 mation by other experimental methods is essen- Silver sulfamerazine 58 14.8 tial. It is now clear that no significant amount of Silver sulfathiazole 54 18.5 SD entered the bacterial cells (either Pseudo- Silver nitrateb 74 16.8 monas or Staphylococcus) even during inhibi- Silver chloride" 76 15.0 tion by the much higher concentrations of Silver sulfadiazine 83 15.5 NaSD. It is thus unlikely that SD entry in the cell occurs at the lower concentrations used for aThe percentage of silver bound to the bacteria was calculated using the initial "0Ag counts in each AgSD inhibition. residue and each supernatant as 100%. It was further found by three different ° Handled in dark to minimize rapid decomposition methods that silver-DNA complexes formed and darkening in light. from AgSD and DNA in vitro contained no SD. VOL. 5,1974 SILVER SULFADIAZINE ACTION ON BURNS 587 TABLE 6. Effectiveness of various compounds as the sulfonamides (10), and possibly of the other tested against Pseudomonas infection in mice (30% compounds also, would appear to contribute burn) importantly to the differences in the antibacte- Compound No. of mice Mortality rial activity of their silver salts. To estimate the obtainable silver ions on the Untreateda ...... 132 88.2 wound surface when these different silver salts Ag penicillin ...... 40 100 were used, the bacterial binding of silver from Ag cephalothin (Keflin) ...... 30 100 the supernatant and sediments of human serum Ag colistin ...... 20 100 Ag ...... 40 100 reacted with these compounds was measured. Ag aminobenzoate ...... 20 100 Considerable amounts of AgSC, AgSM, and Ag nitrobenzoate ...... 20 100 AgST remained unreacted in the sediment; the Ag salicylate ...... 30 70 uptake from these compounds was much less, Ag ethylene diamine tetra- presumably because of their slow dissociation acetic acid (EDTA) ...... 20 100 rates, hence the non-availability of silver ions. Ag fluorouracil ...... 40 73 The maximum silver binding was obtained from Ag sulfathiazole ...... 20 40 AgNO, and AgSD. With AgNO,, the sediment Ag ...... 20 65 may constitute precipitated silver proteinate Ag sulfamerazine ...... 20 90 Ag sulfasomidine ...... 20 60 and silver chloride which are capable of releas- Ag ...... 20 100 ing free silver ions and producing the character- Mafenide HCl or acetate istic black staining. (Sulfamylon) ...... 70 74.5 The similarity of binding from the superna- Silver sulfadiazinea ...... 144 25.6 tants of all these compounds suggests that any Silver nitrate (0.5%) ...... 100 67.5 large amounts of silver released were precipi- Silver sulfacytosine .20 90 tated as silver proteinate and AgCl and re- Silver sulfanilamide ...... 20 77 mained sedimented. In the case of AgSD, the Silver uracil ...... 20 90 sediment consisted mostly of unreacted silver Sulfadiazine sodium (1%) ...... 50 80 Sodium chloride (4.9% solu- sulfadiazine. Thus, silver sulfadiazine func- tion) ...... 20 90 tioned as a reservoir of obtainable silver in the Ointment base ...... 20 65 wound. This slow liberation of silver ions does not cause the rapid and extensive depletion of a These have been compared in numerous subse- chloride ion experienced with continuous silver quent experiments (11) with larger numbers of mice nitrate solution soaks, and hence systemic elec- and rats. trolyte withdrawal is avoided (2, 8). Since only a small part of the silver in AgSD reacted with Thus, although SD does not appear to func- the chloride, protein and other constituents tion chemically in the bactericidal action of of body fluids, enough was available to be AgSD, in infected burns in animals this com- acquired by microorganisms, so that many pound proved superior to the many other silver were killed and their growth inhibited. The cor- compounds prepared and tested. All the silver respondingly low level of sulfadiazine proved compounds listed in Table 6 showed strong innocuous and practically no silver was ab- antibacterial action in vitro, but proved ineffec- sorbed. (2, 9). tual in vivo. However, it is not proposed that this differ- It seemed plausible that this efficacy of the ence of availability of Ag from the precipitate SD combination with Ag might be due to a represents the complete picture of what occurs difference in dissociation and/or reaction rate in the wound; but it may represent the trend of under physiologic conditions. To explore this the reactions taking place. possibility, the reactions of various silver salts The unique role of SD is further illustrated by with sodium chloride, nutrient broth, DNA, the synergism experiments with AgSD, which bacteria, and human serum were studied. Most sulfathiazole could not mimic. of the compounds either dissociated completely with rapid removal of all silver, or else dis- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sociated only slightly without appreciable re- Fred Williams of the Radiological Services Group of Iowa lease of silver over a period of time. AgSD, on State University kindly supplied the Na" sulfadiazine. Don- ald P. Dressler kindly supplied the rat virulent pseudomonas the contrary, showed a moderate initial dis- designated WHTG no. 2. We are grateful to John Stanford for sociation, with continual release of silver over editorial assistance and suggestions. the time observed. The ionization constants of This investigation was aided in part by the John A. 588 FOX AND MODAK ANTIMICROB. AG. CHEMOTHER.

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