an Educator’s Guid e

INSIDE • Connections to Education Standards • Introduction to Moons • Glossary of Terms • Classroom Activities Table of Contents Photo © Michael Malyszko Photo © Michael

For the Teacher

About This Guide...... 4 Connections to Education Standards...... 5 Show Synopsis...... 6 Major Themes: Moons as Diverse Worlds...... 8 Major Themes: Moons as Part of a System...... 9 Delving Deeper: Earth’s Moon...... 10 Delving Deeper: Moon Formation...... 11 Delving Deeper: Exploration and Spacecraft...... 13 Glossary of Terms...... 17 Online Learning Tools.

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classroom activities

Grades 3 – 5...... 25 Grades 6 – 8...... 27 Grades 9 – 12...... 29

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Table of Contents Page 2 FOR THE TEACHER

About This Guide • Connections to Education Standards • Show Synopsis • Major Themes • Delving Deeper • Glossary of Terms • Online Learning Tools

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 3 About This Guide

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 4 Connections to Education Standards

The general education standards that are explored in this show are listed below.

National Science Education Standards

Grade Content standards Grade Content standards level level All Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry 5 – 8 Transfer of energy Understanding about scientific inquiry Structure of the Earth system Science as a human endeavor Earth in the solar system K – 4 Light, heat, electricity, and magnetism 9 – 12 Motions and forces Characteristics of organisms Interactions of energy and matter Changes in the Earth and sky The origin and evolution of the Earth system Understanding about science and technology

Grade Conn te t standards level 3 – 5 The water cycle The Earth in the solar system States of matter 6 – 8 Earth’s history

The Earth in the solar system 9 – 12 Matter and energy in the Earth system Earth processes and cycles Heat and heat transfer

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 5 Show Synopsis

Phobos and Deimos, the two tiny moons of Mars, orbit the planet in a matter of hours. Image © Museum of Science

When you imagine the solar system, you often think of the Sun and its eight planets. Maybe the asteroid belt or a comet. But what about moons? What do they contribute to the whole system, and what do they look like? Our Moon is certainly visible from the Earth—we’ve even traveled there! But there are more than one hundred known moons throughout the solar system, orbiting five of the other planets and even some of the asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects.

Our Moon has been a constant source of wonder for humanity. Formed from a violent collision early in our solar system’s history, the Moon has contributed not only to Earth’s stability, but possibly even to the conditions making our planet habitable for early life.

Galileo Galilei was the first true explorer of moons, and his discovery of ’s four largest moons radically changed the study of astronomy. Since then, the rise of new technologies has allowed humanity to scout the solar system for more moons, and their discoveries have turned up many surprises.

For example, moons are incredibly diverse in both appearance and dynamics. Jupiter’s moons run the gamut from Io’s volcanic inferno to Europa’s icy subsurface oceans.

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 6 Show Synopsis (continued)

Moons are also vital parts of the solar system. Their gravity and interactions govern phenomena such as and planetary ring structure. Their influence can be felt on any scale.

Perhaps most intriguing is the exploration of moons that could support extraterrestrial life. Titan’s liquid oceans of ethane and methane and Europa’s vast subsurface water oceans are prime targets for this study, and encourage us to reevaluate just what conditions are suitable for life.

The discovery of moons orbiting asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects like Pluto shows just how vast and diverse our solar system really is. With these revelations, it is exciting to wonder where humanity’s curiosity and imagination will take us next.

Io, one of Jupiter’s large moons, is covered in active volcanoes. Image © Museum of Science

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 7 Major Themes: Moons as Diverse Worlds

Not all moons are dry, dusty, cratered worlds like our Moon. Each has a unique history and relationship with its planetary partner, and some have actively evolving surfaces. Some notable examples are:

Io Io • Orbits Jupiter • Strong tidal forces contort crustal rock, creating lots of heat • Over 400 active volcanoes

Europa • Orbits Jupiter Europa • Liquid ocean under icy crust • Tidal forces provide heat to warm the ocean and prevent freezing

Titan • Orbits • Second largest moon in our solar system—larger than Mercury! Titan • Has a thick atmosphere • Has lakes and rivers of liquid methane and ethane, which undergo a cycle similar to the water cycle on Earth

Enceladus • Orbits Saturn Enceladus • Geysers at south pole erupt icy particles which may contribute to Saturn’s rings

Triton • Orbits Neptune

• Retrograde orbit suggests it was likely captured from the Kuiper Belt Triton • Has active geysers that erupt plumes of nitrogen and dust

Charon • Orbits Pluto

• About half the size of Pluto, causing the two objects to orbit Stryk; Titan and Enceladus Images Courtesy of NASA/ Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Ted Europa of Arizona; Io Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/University Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/USGS JPL/Space Science Institute; Triton a point in space outside Pluto itself (the barycenter) • Locked in synchronous orbit with Pluto

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 8 Major Themes: Moons as Part of a System

Even though they are individual worlds with varying histories and circumstances, moons are vital parts of the systems they inhabit. For example, tidal forces work on a primary and its satellites at all scales. In the same way that the Moon’s gravitational pull generates Earth’s tides, the combined gravity of Jupiter and its moons creates tremendous tidal heating to fuel the volcanoes on Io. The tidal pull of this system also provides sufficient heat to warm subsurface oceans on Europa and other Jovian moons.

On a smaller scale, shepherd moons like Saturn’s and use their gravity to interact with nearby objects, such as the particles making up Saturn’s rings. Their influence leaves gaps and sharply defined edges in the rings.

Earth’s Moon exerts a constant, steadying effect on several of our planet’s motions. Some systems, however, are set up for less stable outcomes. For example, some of ’s moons are doomed to future collisions (which could create more moons!). On any scale, it is clear that moons are more than passive bystanders in the solar system.

Planets and Their Moons: (as of December 2012)

Mercury: 0 Venus: 0 Earth: 1 Mars: 2 Jupiter: 66 Saturn: 62 Uranus: 27 Neptune: 13 Io Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/University of Arizona; Europa Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Ted Stryk; Titan and Enceladus Images Courtesy of NASA/ Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Ted Europa of Arizona; Io Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/University Image Courtesy of NASA/JPL/USGS JPL/Space Science Institute; Triton

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 9 Delving Deeper: Earth’s Moon

A view of Earth rising behind our Moon. Image © Museum of Science

Why is Earth’s Moon Important? Without the Moon, life on Earth might be very different, or it might not have come to exist at all! The most important influence of the Moon is tidal force. But tides accomplish more than just the rise and fall of the oceans—they can affect the motions of the entire planet.

• Slowing of the Earth’s Rotation Billions of years ago, the young Earth could have had a day as short as 9 hours. However, the Moon’s gravitational pull on Earth’s tidal bulges has slowed the Earth’s rotation significantly over time. Without this calming influence, the Earth would be subject to faster winds and more devastating storms.

• Stabilization of the Earth’s Axis Without the Moon, the tilt of the Earth’s axis would vary wildly over time. The most direct consequence of this wobbling is that the Earth would constantly undergo dramatic changes in climate. Some scientists theorize that the stability the Moon brings to Earth’s axis has allowed complex life to evolve and flourish on the planet.

• Tides and Nutrient Mixing Our daily tides act like a mixing spoon for marine ecosystems, stirring rich sea life from the ocean bottom toward the surface to interact with fish and other creatures. Without this mixing, ecosystems would suffer, which might have larger implications for global phenomena like the carbon cycle.

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 10 Delving Deeper: Moon Formation

Moon Formation Processes Moons can be formed by several very different processes:

• Co-formation: These moons formed out of the early solar nebula, at the same time as their corresponding planetary body. Their orbits tend to be in the same direction as the spin of the primary. Examples include Jupiter’s Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede.

• Collision: These moons formed later in the solar system’s timeline, when one or more objects collided and broke into smaller pieces. Collisions can occur between objects already in orbit around a primary, between objects “wandering” through the solar system, or even with the primary itself. Examples include Earth’s Moon and Jupiter’s Himalia.

• Capture: These moons often formed elsewhere in the solar system but were captured by the primary’s gravity after a chance encounter. Their orbits are often retrograde, or backward in relation to the spin of the primary object. Examples include Mars’s Phobos and Deimos, and Neptune’s Triton.

The Formation of Saturn’s Rings Astronomers believe that Saturn originally formed without a set of rings. Instead, the formation of the rings is best explained by the destruction of a large moon that got too close to the planet. When an object crosses the of a larger body, tidal force will be strong enough to tear the smaller object apart. Billions of years ago, this large Saturnian moon would have crossed the Roche limit, at which point its icy crust would have been ripped apart. The resulting particles went into orbit around the planet, creating the bulk of today’s visible rings. The rocky inner core of the moon crashed into the planet too quickly to be torn apart itself.

Saturn’s rings were formed from the destruction of a large moon. Image © Museum of Science

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 11 Delving Deeper: Moon Formation

Formation of Earth’s Moon Scientists agree that Earth did not originally form with the Moon we have today. The leading theory about our Moon’s origin suggests that a Mars-sized body collided with the young, molten Earth. The Moon was then formed out of the resulting debris. Over billions of years, the Moon’s surface evolved as lava flows cooled into the dark maria and countless collisions littered the highlands with craters.

Scientists believe our Moon formed after the young Earth collided with a large planetary body early in the solar system’s history. The resulting debris from the collision coalesced to create our Moon. Image © Museum of Science

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 12 Delving Deeper: Exploration and Spacecraft

Galileo was the pioneer of moon exploration and discovery. But with the rise of spacecraft and digital imaging, our ability to find and study moons has improved exponentially. Our information has increased as a direct result of humanity’s effort and endless imagination.

Galileo and His Telescope Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) discovered the first evidence for moons around another planet on January 8, 1610. Observing Jupiter with a telescope, he noted several bright dots near the planet. From night to night, these dots changed their positions relative to Jupiter, allowing Galileo to eventually conclude that they were, in fact, in orbit around the planet. Prior to this discovery, astronomers believed that everything orbited the Earth. Jupiter’s Galilean moons (Io, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede) heralded a significant shift in the study of astronomy.

A view of Jupiter and its four largest moons, as seen from Earth. This is similar to how Galileo may have observed them through his telescope. Image © Museum of Science

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 13 Delving Deeper: Exploration and Spacecraft (continued)

Pluto Has Five Moons! Until 2011, astronomers knew of three moons in orbit around tiny dwarf planet Pluto: Charon, Nix, and Hydra. Then, in June 2011, the Hubble Space Telescope discovered a fourth moon. Designated “P4,” this moon is estimated to have a diameter between 8 and 21 miles. Almost a year later, in the summer of 2012, Hubble spotted a fifth moon. “P5” has a diameter between 6 and 16 miles. Scientists believe that Pluto’s moons are fragments from a collision between Pluto and another large Kuiper Belt object billions of years ago.

Dwarf planet Pluto has at least five moons, two of which were recently discovered.Image © Museum of Science

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 14 Delving Deeper: Exploration and Spacecraft (continued)

The Galileo spacecraft approaching Jupiter. Continuous improvements in technology have allowed humans to explore the solar system in incredible detail. Image © Museum of Science

Spacecraft: Moon Hunters Spacecraft—past, present, and future—contribute significantly to the study of moons in our solar system. Their ability to travel makes it easier to identify small moons and also to examine surface features. Some especially significant missions and their targets are listed below:

Planetary object studied spacecraft name years of operation Luna series 1959 – 1976 Apollo program 1961 – 1972 Moon Clementine 1994 Chang’e series 2007 – current Chandrayaan series 2008 – current LRO/LCROSS 2009 – current Mars Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 2005 – current Asteroid belt Galileo 1989 – 2003 Voyagers 1 and 2 1977 – current Jupiter Galileo 1989 – 2003 Juno 2011 – current Voyagers 1 and 2 1977 – current Saturn Cassini 1997 – current Huygens 2004 – 2005 Uranus 1977 – current Neptune Voyager 2 1977 – current Kuiper Belt objects New Horizons 2006 – current

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 15 Delving Deeper: Exploration and Spacecraft (continued)

Landing on Titan The Cassini spacecraft, launched to Saturn in 1997, carried along a very important passenger: the Huygens atmospheric entry probe. Supplied by the European Space Agency, Huygens detached from Cassini on December 25, 2004 and landed on Titan on January 14, 2005. The probe transmitted data about the moon’s atmosphere during its descent, and continued to beam information from the surface to Cassini for 90 minutes. From pictures sent back by the probe, it appeared to have landed in a plain strewn with pebbles of water ice.

Titan was targeted for a landing because of evidence of oceans of methane and ethane on the surface. These oceans made Titan the only other solar system body known to have a surface with standing bodies of liquids.

Artistic interpretation of a methane lake on the surface of Titan. Image © Museum of Science

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 16 Glossary of Terms

Barycenter: The center of mass around which two planetary bodies orbit. In the case of the Earth and the Moon, the barycenter is inside the Earth. In the case of Pluto and one of its moons, Charon, the barycenter is in space, between the two.

Kuiper Belt objects: A collection of small, icy objects orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune. Pluto, the largest of these objects, has at least five moons.

Maria: Dark regions on the Moon’s surface, where lava once flowed and then cooled.

Moon: A celestial object that orbits a planet or smaller body, such as a dwarf planet or asteroid.

Primary: Refers to the dominant gravitational body (whether a planet, asteroid, or Kuiper Belt object) around which a moon orbits.

Retrograde orbit: An orbit that is in the opposite direction of the primary’s rotation.

Roche limit: The distance within which a celestial body will be pulled apart due to the tidal force of the larger body it is orbiting. Within the Roche limit, the tidal force of a primary will overwhelm the gravitational force needed to hold a moon together, tearing it into small pieces that will continue to orbit the larger body.

Shepherd moon: A small moon associated with planetary ring systems. The gravity from the moon affords a sharply defined edge to the rings.

Solar nebula: The rotating, disc-like cloud of gas and dust surrounding the young Sun, from which all objects in the solar system were formed.

Synchronous orbit: An orbit that occurs at the same speed at which the parent body is rotating. Satellites in synchronous orbit may appear to remain stationary in the sky.

Field Trip Guide Teacher Tip Field Trip Guide

Download Field Trip Guides! Use these handy activity sheets for chaperones and students to make the most of their day at the Museum. Download them before your visit:

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 17 Online Learning Tools

These websites are intended to provide access to further information about moons.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Education and Public Outreach Click on “Education + Outreach”

Cassini Solstice Mission Education and Public Outreach Click on “Education”

Galileo Mission Education and Public Outreach Click on “Education”

Cassini-Huygens Mission Webpage Click on “Missions” and choose “Cassini-Huygens”

Voyager: The Interstellar Mission Webpage

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • For the Teacher Page 18 CLASSROOM ACTIVITIES

Grades 3 – 5 • Grades 6 – 8 • Grades 9 – 12

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Classroom Activities Page 24 Classroom Activities (Grades 3 – 5)

The following activities are designed to help you introduce your students to the concept of moons in the solar system. Use them before your Museum visit to maximize your field trip experience.


Craters are found on celestial bodies throughout the solar system. Though they are the scars of explosive collisions, they can also tell us a lot about the history of the object they impact. For example, surfaces with more craters are known to be older, while surfaces with relatively few craters are younger and have been more recently resurfaced by processes such as erosion or volcanic activity.

This activity features a classic technique of crater-making in the classroom: students drop items into flour covered by a thin layer of cocoa powder to create and observe “craters.” These materials make it easy to study the physics and anatomy of crater formation. Try adding the following changes to the experiment to test further hypotheses:

1) Drop objects of different sizes from the same height. Do the crater sizes change? National Standards 2) Drop objects of different masses from the same height. Do heavier objects make bigger or deeper craters? • Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry 3) Drop the same object from a variety of heights. How does the • Underst anding about crater change with increasing heights? scientific inquiry 4) Try dropping the same objects into sand instead of flour. • Science as a human endeavor Do the craters’ sizes or shapes change in different materials? • Light, heat, electricity, and magnetism • Characteristics of organisms •

The water cycle • The Earth in the solar system • States of matter

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Classroom Activities Page 25 Classroom Activites (Grades 3 – 5)

BEFORE YOUR VISIT Activity 2 Impact Paintings index.shtml

Students work in pairs to create and interpret cratered landscapes, estimating age and the order of events. This fun activity combines art and science to test the scientific method.

Teacher Tip

Ask your students these guided questions related to education standards:

• Do you think all moons in the solar system look like our Moon?

• What makes something a moon?

• Why might larger planets have more moons?

• Do you think all moons are round like our Moon?

• What can craters tell us about a moon?

• What tools would you use to discover or study a moon?

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Classroom Activities Page 26 Classroom Activities (Grades 6 – 8)

The following activities are designed to help you introduce your students to the concept of moons in the solar system. Use them before your Museum visit to maximize your field trip experience.


Craters are found on celestial bodies throughout the solar system. Though they are the scars of explosive collisions, they can also tell us a lot about the history of the object they impact. For example, surfaces with more craters are known to be older, while surfaces with relatively few craters are younger and have been more recently resurfaced by processes such as erosion or volcanic activity. This activity features a classic technique of crater-making in the classroom: students drop items into flour covered by a thin layer of cocoa powder to create and observe “craters.” These materials make it easy to study the physics and anatomy of crater formation. Try adding the following changes to the experiment to test further hypotheses: 1) Drop objects of different sizes from the same height. Do the crater sizes change? 2) Drop objects of different masses from the same height. Do heavier objects make bigger or deeper craters? National Standards 3) Drop the same object from a variety of heights. How does the • Transfer of energy crater change with increasing heights? • Structure of the Earth system 4) Try dropping the same objects into sand instead of flour. • The  Do the craters’ sizes or shapes change in different materials?

Activity 2 Earth’s history Learn about Gravity and Tides • The Earth in the solar system

This interactive program allows students to see the effect of tides on the orbiting Earth-Moon-Sun system, as well as to test scenarios such as the Earth having a second moon. There is also a teacher version of the site available, with further activities and worksheets.

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Classroom Activities Page 27 Classroom Activites (Grades 6 – 8)

BEFORE YOUR VISIT Activity 3 Impact Paintings index.shtml

Students work in pairs to create and interpret cratered landscapes, estimating age and the order of events. This fun activity combines art and science to test the scientific method.

Teacher Tip

Ask your students these guided questions related to education standards:

• Do moons only go around planets? What else in the solar system can they go around?

• What would a moon need to support life?

• How do we study moons?

• Why might larger planets have more moons?

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Classroom Activities Page 28 Classroom Activities (Grades 9 – 12)

The following activities are designed to help you introduce your students to the concept of moons in the solar system. Use them before your Museum visit to maximize your field trip experience.


Using images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC), students can assist NASA scientists with their research. Tutorials show users how to mark craters on high resolution images of the Moon, and their contributions help improve computer algorithms and mark interesting features for study.

Activity 2 Orbits of Jupiter’s Moons and Kepler’s 3rd Law

Students use images of Jupiter’s Galilean moons to find their orbital periods and orbital radii, and find a “constant” relationship between orbital period and orbital radius to arrive at Kepler’s 3rd Law.

National Standards rTeache Tip • Motions and forces • Interactions of energy Ask your students these guided questions and matter related to education standards: • The origin and evolution of the Earth system • How can we tell the age of a moon’s surface? • • What can craters tell us about a moon?

• How does our Moon affect the Earth?

• What would a moon need to support life? Matter and energy in the Earth system • Could we have tides without the Moon? • Earth processes and cycles • Heat and heat transfer

Museum of Science, Boston • Moons: Worlds of Mystery Educator’s Guide • Classroom Activities Page 29