Journal of Co-Operative Accounting and Reporting ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE NOVA SCOTIA CO-OPERATIVES 1. George Karaphillis (corresponding author) Abstract Email:
[email protected] Nova Scotia’s co-operative sector has a rich George Karaphillis is an Associate Professor as well history going back to the 1860s but detailed as Director of the MBA in CED Program, Shan- knowledge of the role of the sector in the econ- non School of Business, Cape Breton University. He omy is limited. In this paper, we estimate the received his MBA from Virginia Tech. and his B. Eng economic impact of co-operatives and credit from McGill University. George is presently heading unions, including GDP, income, employment, a research project with the Social Economy and Sus- and taxes using the input-output economic tainability Research Network, on financing the social model. This analysis will provide the direct, economy. indirect and induced economic impacts of co-operative enterprises operating in Nova 2. Alicia Lake, Student, Shannon School of Scotia using data from 2011. We also exam- Business, Cape Breton University. ined the separate impact of co-ops in urban Alicia is a graduate of the MBA in Community Eco- versus rural regions. This paper will demon- nomic Development program at Cape Breton Univer- strate the significant contribution that co-oper- sity. She holds two bachelor degrees from CBU, one ative enterprises make in both rural and urban in Community Studies and one in Political Science, communities across Nova Scotia. as well as a diploma in Public Administration and Management. For the last several years Alicia has been Key words: economic impact, co-operative enter- actively involved with various housing projects and prises, Nova Scotia issues in the region.