Agenda item 3 TOWN COUNCIL

Shire Hall Agincourt Square Monmouth NP25 3DY

Tel: 01600 715662 Email: [email protected]

Minutes of the Planning Committee held via BT Telephone Conferencing on Tuesday 17th August 2021 at 6pm

Present: Cllr E Bryn Cllr A Dewhurst Cllr J Gunter Cllr J Treharne Cllr R Smith Cllr S White

P. Morgan (Town Clerk/ RFO) C. Williams (Administration Officer) 1 member of press and public

49/P/21 Attendance and apologies for absence To confirm attendance and receive apologies for absence.

No apologies were received.

50/P/21 Declarations of Members Interests and Dispensations To receive declarations of interest in items on the agenda.

No declarations of interest were recorded at the meeting.

51/P/21 Minutes To confirm and sign the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20th July 2021.

It was resolved to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 20th July 2021 as a true record.

52/P/21 Public Participation To receive questions from members of the public for a maximum of 10 minutes. (During this time of remote meetings any members of public who wish to speak or ask a question must email their request by the end of the working day before the meeting. The Chairman, may at his/her discretion, agree that a member of the public wishing to speak on an item can do so when that item is reached on the agenda.)

No requests to speak were received from members of public.

53/P/21 New Applications

A. DM/2021/01210 Householder Proposed construction of an external deck linking the first floor level to the garden to the rear of the property.

Planning Minutes Tuesday 17th August 2021 Location: Pomona 15 Cornford Close Monmouth NP25 3NT Recommendation required by 11th August 2021

Councillors noted that it was not clear from the plans whether the lower area would be a new paved area or remain grass and, as a result, concerns were raised regarding the potential impact on water run-off. Concerns were also raised regarding the neighbours’ view but it was noted that nothing had been reported by neighbours. Councillors welcomed the efforts to encourage biodiversity.

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2021/01210 with the condition that consideration is given to the SuDS needs should the lower deck of the garden be a hard surface.

B. DM/2019/01300 Reconsultation Erection of 1 no. Replacement Detached Dwelling and 5 new Detached Dwellings. Provision of new access road. Amended domestic curtilage to existing dwelling house and all associated external works. Location: Woodmancote Highfield Road Osbaston Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 3HR Recommendation required by 16th August 2021

The Chair told Members that previous comments from the Committee were not included on the portal and that he had addressed this with the Planning Officer. Councillors noted the comments recorded by Natural Resources (NRW) and Welsh Water with particular concerns raised about the drainage issues. It was noted that the Applicants have not fully addressed the issue of foul water run-off. Councillors agreed that, whilst they had previously approved this application, the new information from Welsh Water and NRW regarding the drainage issues and phosphates meant that the Committee were not content to re-approve this application.

It was resolved to recommend refusal of application DM/2019/01300 on the grounds of insufficient drainage for the application and the issue of excessive phosphates raised by Welsh Water and NRW.

C. DM/2021/01240 Householder Single storey extension to rear of existing dwelling. Location: 8 Berryfield Park Monmouth

Planning Minutes Tuesday 17th August 2021

Monmouthshire NP25 3DQ Recommendation required by 17th August 2021

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2021/01240.

D. DM/2021/01242 Householder Two storey extension to rear of property. Single storey extension to side/rear of property. Replacement porch canopy, Timber cladding to first floor external walls. Location: Perinton Highfield Road Osbaston Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 3HR Recommendation required by 17th August 2021

It was noted that there were no issues raised by neighbours and that the bat survey was sufficient. Councillors discussed the increase in hard-surface and it was deemed that water run-off would need to be taken into consideration.

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2021/01242 with the condition that the Applicant consider the SuDS needs.

E. DM/2021/01208 Planning Permission Renovation of shopfront. Location: The Malthouse 10 - 14 St Mary's Street Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 3DB Recommendation required by 20th August 2021

Councillors welcomed the application and were excited about its potential. Councillors congratulated the Applicants on their research into the building.

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2021/01208.

F. DM/2020/00736 Reconsultation Proposed extension. Location: Monnow Lodge Osbaston Road Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 3AX Recommendation required by 20th August 2021

Councillors noted that the plans are much reduced and, therefore, the Committee’s previous concerns regarding pressure on the drainage system

Planning Minutes Tuesday 17th August 2021 would no longer be applicable. It was noted that there was no bat or tree survey and it was questioned whether these would be needed. Councillors welcomed the conversion of the lodge into a potential family home.

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2020/00736 with the condition that an updated bat survey is undertaken.

G. DM/2021/01273 Householder Installation of outdoor swimming pool. Location: Salts Lodge Ancrehill Lane Monmouth NP25 5HS Recommendation required by 25th August 2021

It was noted that the pool was close to the river and so concerns were raised about any potential accidental spillages from the pool into the river and contamination from any chemicals used (particularly in times of flood). It was noted, however, that the elevation of the pool should negate any concern regarding potential cross-contamination.

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2021/01273.

H. DM/2021/00770 Reconsultation Convert conservatory to room, new utility to side and detached garage. Location: 4 Lancaster Way Osbaston Monmouth Monmouthshire NP25 3BE Recommendation required by 31st August 2021

Councillors assumed that the application was sent for re-consultation following neighbour’s comments. Councillors noted that 8 neighbours were given the opportunity to comment and that only one neighbour provided a comment but with little information.

It was resolved to recommend approval of application DM/2021/00770.

54/P/21 DM/2021/00706 Old Coach House, New Dixton Road, Monmouth, NP25 3PP To consider any updating information provided to Monmouthshire County Council Planning Department in relation to application DM/2021/00706.

Councillors considered the amended plans placed on the MCC Planning Portal on 9th August 2021 and noted the terrace is now a “covered terrace”. It was commented by Councillors that neighbours were unlikely to have had the opportunity to consider these amended plans. Councillors felt that the plans were still unclear.

It was resolved to defer consideration of application DM/2021/00706 until a re-

Planning Minutes Tuesday 17th August 2021 consultation notice was issued by MCC.

It was agreed that the Administration Officer would email the Planning Officer to ask whether a new notice would be issued in due course.

55/P/21 Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) Consultation (deferred from 20th July 2021) To discuss and agree a response to the RLDP Preferred Strategy Consultation.

It was agreed that each member would submit their own response to the consultation. The closing date was noted as 31st August 2021.

56/P/21 Action Summary To consider and update the Planning Committee Action Summary (attached).

The Action Summary was updated as follows:

Local Development Plan- The consultation will close on 31st August 2021.

Enforcement Matters- No update.

Dilapidated Buildings- The owners of Yummies are to submit a planning application but this had not yet been submitted. It was noted that 20A Monnow Street is part of MCC’s regeneration of Monnow Street plans. It was also agreed that the Administration Officer would contact Monmouth and District Chamber of Commerce to see if the owners of empty buildings could be encouraged to improve the appearance of their windows to make the street more appealing.

Place Plan- An email is to be sent out to councillors in the near future regarding the Place Plan.

Monnow Bridge Coping Stones- The Chair had received an email from a local resident regarding the coping stones. It was agreed that the Administration Officer would email MCC Heritage, again, conveying the Committee’s dismay and frustration at the lack of response to date.

Approved application DM/2021/00028 6 Monkswell Close- No update.

57/P/21 Items for Discussion at Next Meeting To agree any future items for discussion.

No items for discussion at future meetings were agreed.

58/P/21 Date of Next Meeting The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 7th September 2021 at 6:00pm.

Meeting closed: 19:10

Planning Minutes Tuesday 17th August 2021 Agenda item 6 Planning Committee Action Summary Updated: 02.09.2021 Ongoing ITEM ACTION WHO PROGRESS Items

30.03.2021: No update from recent meetings 06.04.2021 No update 13.04.2021 Preferred Strategy is being prepared by MCC and consultation will commence June 2021. 27.04.2021 No update as all progress as paused due to elections. 11.05.20201 No update Local 25.05.2021 Workshops have reconvened 08.06.2021 No update 22.06.2021 RLDP workshop held this week to discuss the preferred 30.03.2021 Development Cllr Treharne Ongoing Plan strategy which, if passed, will go out to consultation in July. 06.07.2021 Consultation has opened and will be open until 5th August 2021. 20.07.2021 The Committee is to consider the documents out for consultation at the meeting on 17.08.2021. 17.08.2021 It was noted that the closing date for the consultation is 31st August 2021.

30.03.2021: Cllr Treharne to obtain an update from MCC Planning Officer, A. Jones. 06.04.2021 No update 13.04.2021 No update 27.04.2021 Planning Officer has a meeting with Yummies owner.11.05.2021 No update 25.05.2021 Confirmed breach of Cllr Treharne/ Enforcement planning in respect of internally lit signage and air conditioning unit. Administration Ongoing 30.03.2021 Matters The Planning Officer for MCC confirmed that the signage and menu Officer boards were not a breach. 08.06.2021 No update 22.06.2021 No update. 06.07.2021 No update. 20.07.2021 No update. 17.08.2021 No update. 30.03.2021: Email update received from MCC Officer, A. Longford but Dilapidated no progress due to COVID 19 06.04.2021 No update 13.04.2021 No All members Ongoing 30.03.2021 Buildings update 27.04.2021 No update 11.05.2021 No update 25.05.2021 No update. 08.06.2021 A meeting has been arranged between MCC and the agents of 20A Monnow Street. 22.06.2021 No update. 06.07.2021 Planning Committee Action Summary Updated: 02.09.2021 No update. 15.07.2021 A further email sent to A. Longford requesting an update on matters. 20.07.2021 Responses received from A. Longford regarding progress being made with 20A Monnow Street but concerns regarding phosphates are causing issue. 17.08.2021 It was noted that Yummies are due to submit a planning application. It was also agreed that the Chamber of Commerce should be contacted to encourage shop owners to improve the appearance of windows on the high street. 06.04.2021 It was agreed to email Head of Planning at MCC to ascertain whether MTC could begin the process of having a Place Plan and whether it could coincide with the RLDP. 13.04.2021 No response received from MCC to date. 27.04.2021 MCC confirmed that it is not too late to develop a Place Plan for Monmouth. 11.05.2021 It was agreed to refer the matter to Full Council on 24.05.2021 to engage all Councillors in the matter. 25.05.2021 It was confirmed that Full Council had agreed to the set up of a Working Group and that requests for membership were to be sent to the Town Clerk. 08.06.2021 The first meeting of the working group was confirmed for 05.07.2021. 06.07.2021 The first working group meeting 06.04.2021 All members Ongoing Place Plan was held on 05.07.2021 and it was agreed that Planning Aid Wales would be consulted to consider the need of a Place Plan for Monmouth. 15.07.2021 A meeting with Planning Aid Wales has been arranged for 20.07.2021 with the Chair of the Committee and the Town Clerk/RFO to attend. 20.07.2021 The Chair of the Committee attended a meeting with Planning Aid Wales to consider the next steps. The date of the next Working Group is 3rd August 2021. 03.08.2021 It was agreed to invite the CEO of Planning Aid Wales to a Full Council meeting to further discuss the benefits and processes involved in undertaking a Place Plan. 17.08.2021 The Chair confirmed that an email will be sent in due course about the Place Plan. Planning Committee Action Summary Updated: 02.09.2021 08.06.2021 Letter to be sent to Cadw and MCC Heritage regarding the missing coping stones on the Monnow Bridge. 22.06.2021 It was noted that a response had been received from Cadw but not MCC. Monnow 06.07.2021 No response from MCC has been received. 15.07.2021 A further email has been sent to MCC regarding a response to the 08.06.2021 Bridge Coping All members Ongoing Stones committee’s initial email. 20.07.2021 No update. 17.08.2021 The Administration Officer is to send a further email to MCC Highways. 02.09.2021 An email has been received from Cadw regarding the coping stones. Cadw have received a complaint about a further coping stone missing and so have chased MCC. Approved 22.06.2021 Letter to be written to Planning Officer to question the application absence of key aspects of the Town Council’s recommendation in her DM/2021/00028 report. 06.07.2021 The Administration Officer has not yet contacted 22.06.2021 All members Ongoing 6 Monkswell the Planning Officer but will do before the next meeting. 15.07.2021 Close Email sent to the relevant Planning Officer. 20.07.2021 No update.

17.08.2021 No update.