November 2020

Aley Green Pepperstock Slip End Woodside

Greetings to all our readers. Firstly, my thanks to Editors’ Notes Matt for producing such an excellent magazine last month. It was good to be able to sit back and let someone else take over. I am sure you will all agree he did a great job. The Committee welcomes him to the Team! Since I last edited an issue of the magazine, the weather seems to have changed. We had many walks and days out on dry (sometimes warm and sunny) days over the past few months but suddenly things have changed, We welcomed Autumn with several days of pouring rain! My husband collects weather data and commented that in 2 or 3 days in early October we had significantly more rain than in the whole of September! In fact it measured over 90mm then and it has continued to be wet since! You will see that the Parish Council is reminding Central Beds Council that we have issues with flooding around the Parish. Maybe the puddles will recede one day! (see photo of me, contemplating the “river” on the road near Woodside, plus others opposite—care should be taken driving in water!) Our diary pages are still significantly empty. Many people are still resorting to technology to continue their business, Church services, fitness regimes or other clubs and groups, I know some Scouting groups have been using Zoom and social media. Clubs have met online or put pictures on facebook. The Book club keep in contact via WhatsApp and have had a few socially distanced outdoor meetings. However, the weather is against us all as it becomes colder and the darker evenings draw in. What would we do without our technology? What do you think? Does it help us or does it make us less sociable in the long term? We have had more items submitted for the magazine recently which shows that people are attempting to make the best of what they are able to do. We may not return to “normal” for a while but be reassured that there are always those around us available to give support if we need it! Above all there is always HOPE! Alison Wilson

2 Slip End Parish Christmas Biscuits 2020

Our parish has a Christmas Gift tradition started by Slip End Parish Council many, many years ago whereby any of our residents within the parish who are over the age of 65 and have lived here for 5 years or more receive a tin of biscuits. This tradition is now run by the Community Projects Group and we need to start getting our distribution list up to date.

Please bear in mind that to be eligible for your Christmas gift you need to have lived in the Parish for 5 years or more and have reached the age of 65. Only one tin is given per couple.

To help us keep the CPG list up to date, if you are newly qualified, please contact Simon Patterson on 01582 419 487 or email: [email protected]

Please note that by responding to this advert you are giving CPG permission to hold your data for the purpose of receiving Christmas Biscuits. For a copy of the Parish Councils data protection policy please see the Slip End Community web site.

3 Parish Council Update The latest Parish Council Meeting was held on Monday 5th October as a virtual Zoom Meeting. Two Planning Applications were discussed this month: a) CB/20/03096/TDM – Land opposite MCDaid Screeding – Telecoms Mast, 25m high and associated cabinets and equipment. It was agreed that we should object to this Planning Application on the grounds of: 1. The site is in the Green Belt 2. It was not in the Neighbourhood Plan 3. The mast will be an eyesore at the entrance to the village. It was felt that a mast situated in the wooded area opposite the Church would be the best alternative option. b) CB/20/03135/FULL – Ashtree Paddocks, Woodside Road – Demolition of two existing stable blocks, removal of a touring caravan and erection of a single-storey prefab dwelling. It was agreed that the Parish Council would support this Application.

Crawley Playground The no parking sign is now up. There have been reports that bikes have been ridden down the ramp despite signs saying bikes are banned. A notice to this effect will appear on the Parish Facebook page. The hanging baskets have been taken down, our thanks go to Andy & Debbie Prothero for their watering skills throughout. Councillors felt it would be nice if the troughs and baskets were left up for longer next year. The hanging basket contract has one more year to run, at which point the Parish Council will need to decide whether to continue with the project. We have still not heard back from CBC regarding costs for a village parking scheme. The Parish Clerk was asked to contact them again. CBC has admitted the speed table in Woodside Road has been installed in the wrong location and will be moved. Our Parish Council website is now compliant with recent accessibility legislation. Grove Road flooding was discussed again. The Parish Clerk will write to our Ward Councillors regarding this and the flooding at the top of Woodside Road, Mancroft Road, the dip in Markyate Road and under the bridge at Church Road.


New Grass Cutting Contract for Slip End Parish Council

Slip End Parish Council is responsible for cutting certain grassed areas throughout the Parish, as well as the Crawley Playground.

The 3 year Contract for doing this work is now up for renewal, with work commencing in Spring 2021.

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in bidding for this Contract they should contact the Slip End Parish Clerk by email [email protected] or by telephone on 01582 526594 on weekdays between 9.00am and noon.

All Bids need to be received by the Parish Clerk on or before the 14th December 2020

For any Bidders that would like to walk around the sites covered by this Contract a Parish Councillor is available and may be booked through the Parish Clerk.

Lawnmower Image courtesy of

5 Richard Gurney & Son Hydrotech Plumbing Contracting Services Your local plumbing and heating engineers: Longview, Road, Markyate • Boiler breakdown and servicing • New Boiler installation Tree Surgeons & Fencing Specialists • Landlords gas safety certification Hedge Trimming & Tree-stump removal • Gas fire installation and servicing Wood Chippings (good for mulching) Logs for Sale • All gas and plumbing work undertaken • Fully insured Tel. (01582) 840407 • Free quotations Established 1970 - Fully Insured MARKYATE based company 01582842889 07932796632

P H SERVICES CAR & MOTORCYCLE REPAIRS Need a reliable PHILIP HALL MECHANIC Window & 4 Servicing 4 Bodywork Carpet Cleaner? 4 Tyres 4 MOT UNIT 3 MANOR ROAD GARAGE We operate in the 4 Computer Diagnostics CADDINGTON Slip End area Office: 01582 722251 For free quotation Mobile: 07769 734417 contact us on Damaged bikes wanted for Cash Nationwide collection 01462 629302 e-Mail: [email protected] 07970 406 926

10% Discount with this voucher!

Problems Karen Jordan with your 07970487338

PC or Grass Cutting Apple-mac? Weeding Strimming For expert advice & trouble shooting General Tidying call Tony Glynos, 458353 or 07792 653264 [email protected]

PILATES IN SLIP END JOHN SAUNDERS & SON Tuesday morning, Peter Edward Hall 9.30am Incorporating E. Franklin & Co. Wednesday evening, Slip End School 7.30pm

All ages & levels catered for. Come & try, first FUNERAL DIRECTORS class free. 48 Duke Street, High Town, Luton

Introducing the Pilates Reformer Machine. Ideal % 731696 for rehabilitation after injury or surgery. Perfect for sport specific training, Pre & Post Day & Night Service Natal & general fitness. Monumental Services For more information contact 07811343566 or Members N.A.F.D. email:- [email protected] Prepaid Funeral Plans available

6 Remembrance

Remembrance honours those who served and serve to defend our democratic freedom and way of life. Remembrance Day is an opportunity to unite across faiths, cultures and backgrounds to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth, as well as the broader sacrifices of the civilian population, and the suffering of all affected by war. In Slip End the focal point for many has been the Sunday Service at St Andrew’s church which includes a minute’s silence for those named on the War Memorial inside the building. We ae usually joined by representatives of the Parish Council, Central Beds, and the village’s uniformed groups. Often the service is standing room only. As a result of Covid 19 restrictions, we have had to rethink the service this year. If you wish to attend please email Julie Taylor on [email protected] or telephone 07841 482119 to let us know so we can ensure that there is room to accommodate you safely. Alternatively you may wish to: Decorate your window with poppies Stand on your doorstep for a minute’s silence at 11 am on 11th November. Watch the service at the Cenotaph on television. Share on social media the names/photos of those in particular you wish to remember at this time. Make a donation to the Royal British Legion (more information at www, Prayer for those who have died on active service O God of truth and justice, we hold before you those men and women who have died in active service: As we honour their courage and cherish their memory, may we put our faith in your future; for you are the source of life and hope, now and for ever. Amen.

7 Butterfly Funerals is run by Teresa and Peter who have been in the funeral service business for over 30 years. During that time they have gained a first class reputation for professional quality combined with a caring and compassionate approach to family and friends of the departed.

Services include:

 24 hour call out 7 days a week

 Traditional funerals To find out more or just have a discussion on what you need to do after a bereavement  Bespoke funerals Pre-paid funerals please call 01582 968130  Green funerals or visit our website:  Memorial consultants

39 Elm Avenue, Caddington  Chapel of Rest Luton LU1 4HS  Home visits

Caring with Compassion  Flowers

 Custom wills

8 Wedding Congratulations Long standing Slip End resident Janet Crawley was married to Mark Yelland on 18th September at Aley Green Methodist Church. She has sent us some photos and some information. Mark and I lost our partners through Cancer, we both cared for them at home. We then found each other through Jiving class. I was a Parish Councillor for 12 years. I helped start the youth club, Village Day and the Chatty Club and raised money for various projects in the village. I also started and commissioned my own charity playing in care homes. ( Our Wedding was a little unusual due to Covid restrictions, also my step son, Mark (my late husband Steve Crawley’s son) gave me away. We had a wonderful service with Lucy Lock singing. We are heading for a retirement apartment on the Algarve Thankyou to everybody at Aley Green for making the wedding possible and beautiful. Janet (Parish News wishes them well in their new life together!)

9 Road Closures The Parish Council has forwarded us information about 2 temporary road closures. Details of suggested diversions were included. Most residents will be aware of alternative routes they can follow if they use these roads regularly. We have included the maps of the suggested diversions for reference. TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE NOTICES 1. Road: West Hyde Rd, Hyde (from junction with Luton Rd to no 124) Reason: Carriageway Pre Patching This road closure will take place between the dates 2nd November 2020 and 15th February 2021 between the hours of 0730-1800hrs Diversion Suggested diversion via Lower Luton Rd and Airport Way…

2. Road: London Rd, Hyde (from approx. 50m north from Newlands Rd to junction with West Hyde Rd) Reason: Carriageway Pre Patching This road closure will take place between the dates 2nd November 2020 and 15th February 2021 between the hours of 0900-1530 Diversion: Suggested diversions are on main roads via East Hyde / Lower Luton Road etc or via Harpenden / St Albans .

10 Airparks Update - Airport Transport

Airparks reported to the Parish Council that they have been impacted by the lockdown and many changes have been made to the way they operate.

The site gate is constantly manned now as holidaymakers have to park their own cars, and their documentation has to be scanned on arrival. This means that it is unlikely that street parkers can just wander in and hop on a bus.

Residents of the Parish can get on a bus at the Grove Road bus stop but should show either a driving licence or utility bill as proof of residency.

Buses are departing on an "on demand" basis when they have sufficient passengers, so there is no regular interval service at the moment.

Face masks must be worn before getting on a bus.

1st Woodside Brownies While I am writing this, I am thinking of two songs:- “When will I see you again” Hopefully the answer to this will be:- “We’ll meet again” in January; that is if everything goes to plan! The girls still receive a card on their birthdays so they are not forgotten.

Wise Owl

11 New version to in- sert


12 Aley Green Methodist Church What strange times we are living through, but we are coping by helping and supporting each other. It was lovely to be able to worship in our little chapel again in September. Elisabeth (Bibbings) our friend and Lay Worker led our Harvest Festival service on the last Sunday in September. Seventeen of us gathered no singing, no cup of coffee, no chat and no hugs! Social distancing was observed and we enjoyed being together to celebrate harvest. There wasn’t the usual grand display of fruit and vegetables, this year we asked for just tinned and packet goods for the Luton Foodbank. Over 200 items were donated along with £50 in cash. The staff at the Foodbank were very pleased to receive our gifts since, due to the pandemic, more and more people are turning to Foodbanks for help. Our minister Rev Nigel Bibbings led our communion service on October 11th. All sorts of rules and regulations had to be followed and new ways of working sought, we must accept change if we are to move forward. The service was quite moving and it was good to see each other. We are still collecting bras, inhalers, stamps and post cards for charities. The bras go to Africa to help women keep safe. Vic and Gil have just sent a further 200 off ~ keep collecting. This Christmas will also be very different, we hope to be able to have our Christmas tree and displays albeit in a scaled down way. Our preserves make lovely Christmas gifts and we plan to have our usual range of goodies. Full details next month. Keep Well ~ Keep Safe ~ God Bless

From all at Aley Green Methodist Church

13 ART - Sunflowers This year The SAA (Society for All Artists) want to invite people across the UK to paint or draw a sunflower and upload the image to create a permanent memorial to those affected by the virus. They chose the sunflower because of its positivity, for the way it turns to face the sun, looking forward to more optimistic times. The giant sunflower was also worshipped by the Incas whilst sunflower seeds were placed at the graves of those who had passed. This flower is also linked to values such as loyalty and longevity.

It is the aim of The SAA to invite everyone to take part; the young and old, amateur and professional artists and to create an art-based memorial to show how every person who has died during this time, is not a number but a special individual.

As a member of The SAA I wanted to contribute to this project and so the final session of my Spring class (only completed in September!) was to produce paintings to submit to this project. Well done to my loyal class, a great night, all your paintings will be submitted. Debbie Prothero

14 Slip End Village School

Now that we have settled back into the rhythm of our school term our attention has turned to what we can continue with and adapt to this new way of learning. We are keen to continue being a school that is part of the community. We managed to support three of our usual start of the year celebrations with raising money for two important charities and our third learning about other cultures. We raised £150.71 for Genes for Jeans and £191.09 for Macmillan – bringing cake to school for a snack wasn’t too hard and both were celebrated with minor adjustments to our approach. The school council constructed of children from Y1-Y6, are now planning for themselves how they would like to support Children In Need. This is usually planned by the children and so allows them to consider the changes that need to be made. We have been made aware of some concerns regarding how our parents are parking on the roads close to our school. We apologise for the inconvenience caused to our neighbours and will continue to work alongside our local residents and Slip End Parish Council where necessary. This half term our federation planned a Harvest Festival supporting both our local churches and the foodbanks. We safely collected goods in school and transferred them to the Church. Across the federation the children took part in a virtual celebration that we hope to share with you on our social media and website. Helen Brind Head of School

15 Harvest Due to the current restrictions we were unable to have our normal Harvest Festival at St Andrew’s Church but the congregation offered many bags of dry goods, tins, pasta etc. There were also some plants on display that were given to Parishioners who had been recently bereaved. The flower team had done some beautiful arrangements at home and they were displayed on the windowsills, entry and at the front of the church St Andrew’s had decided once again to respond to the Bishop’s Harvest Appeal which this year will be Supporting Tearfund’s initiatives in Nepal, where community Bee Keeping is being encouraged. All the donations were taken along to the Luton Food Bank on the following Monday and they were gratefully received by the volunteers. Slip End Village School was also having its own Virtual Harvest Festival, with Rev Cathy Pullinger giving an online presentation, and each child had been asked to take in one item which would be donated to the Food Bank. Sue Briggs also see photo on page 15

16 Peter Charles Blessing 1935 –2020 Parish News would like to send condolences to the family of Peter Blessing who sadly, but peacefully passed away at his home in Claydown Way, Slip End on 12th September. Peter’s funeral was held at The Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Westbourne Road where he had been an integral part of the Church and the Parish Centre. After the service he was buried at The Vale Cemetery in Luton. Peter leaves his wife Jane, his 5 children, 17 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Peter was born on the 8th December 1935, in County Leitrim, Ireland. He was the eldest of 3 children, his sister Jo still lives in Leitrim but sadly his brother John passed away in 2013. In 1959 he left his home in Ireland and travelled to London where he quickly immersed himself in the thriving Irish community around Cricklewood. Peter loved dancing and it was at one such dance that he met his future wife Jane whom he married in 1962. Peter and Jane moved to Luton to set up home in Ashburnham Road and were soon blessed with their children Patrick, Michael, Mary, Peter and Elaine. Peter was always proud of the country of his birth demonstrated by his devotion to the Leitrim Association Beds and Herts over many years. Peter worked for the Luton Bus Company starting as a Conductor, then a driver followed by becoming an Inspector and eventually working for the Superintendent helping with recruitment and complaints. He said that working for the bus company was really like the old TV programme “On the buses”. In 1979 the Blessing family moved to Claydown Way, Slip End where he soon became an integral part of the Slip End community. Many people will recall passing Peter’s house where he would enjoy engaging them in everyday chit chat often throwing in a funny story but always having a smile on his face. Peter will always be remembered as being a gentleman, a family man and a good friend and neighbour. RIP Peter.

17 18 Gardening Notes by Russell Sprout

At the time of writing the weather isn’t conducive to getting out in the garden to do those tidying up jobs for the winter, hopefully by the time you are reading this it has improved long enough to get them done.

Ventilate the greenhouse on sunny days if you still have tomatoes ripening but close them in the afternoon to help keep in some heat. Alternatively, pick your tomatoes and bring them inside to ripen off. White fly can be a problem at this time of year so fumigate with a HCH smoke or spray to eradicate this problem.

Clear up any fallen leaves and add them to the compost heap, or use them to make your own leaf-mould, (but do check that they don’t have black spot). Roses planted this month will get off to a good start but only plant them as deep as the old soil mark on the stem. Climbing and rambling roses need to be planted at least fifteen inches away from a wall to avoid lack of water to the roots. Lift tender plants like fuchsias, begonias and geraniums, and bring inside to over-winter if you haven't already done so.

Check chrysanthemums left in the soil for water logging and insert a fork to it’s full depth to aid drainage, stools taken in over winter should be kept moist but not wet. Gladioli corms can be cleaned up any time during the winter and discard any that are diseased and try to grow gladioli in a different position each year to stop dry rot, fusarium rot and botrytis. Continue to plant border carnations and pinks during mild spells and complete planting tulips and hyacinths as soon as possible. Check dahlia tubers for drying out and if they appear shriveled soak them in tepid water for the night. Remove any parts of the tubers that start to rot with a sharp knife and dust them with flowers of Sulphur.

If you have a pond finish preparing for winter by removing old leaves and thinning oxygenating plants. Leave foliage on marginal reeds and rushes as a protection against severe weather. Protect the pool against falling leaves by covering it with small-mesh netting. Overhaul pumps used for waterfalls and fountains, removing submersible types from the water and storing them in a dry place.

Blackcurrant bushes will require some of the old wood removing but leave as much new growth as possible, treat gooseberries in much the same way. If you are planting fruit trees, then prune back by about two-thirds of the young shoot straight afterwards. Prune blackberries, raspberries and loganberries cutting out all this year’s fruiting shoots and tie in new ones and cut out any weak ones. Continue digging as ground becomes vacant and leave for the frosts to break down over the winter. Don't be too zealous, remember that wildlife need somewhere to overwinter and don't forget to check that bonfire for hedgehogs before you light it!

As most of you will know Luton Hoo gave notice to close the allotments this September but due to the Covid pandemic we asked for it to be deferred to next year and they have agreed, so they will now close at the end of September 2021.

19 A Message from St Andrew’s I was fortunate to get away for a week in Devon in September. I stayed at a Christian retreat house near Exeter where I was able join in the daily prayers of the community, enjoy walks in beautiful scenery, and socially distanced company outside in the sunshine. It was all a bit strange as they had just reopened with all their covid security in place but nevertheless I felt blessed in many ways. One of the particular blessings was the use of the library there and some of the books I was able to read. (Books all carefully quarantined after use.) One of them was by a Medieval Christian woman known as Julian of Norwich. Julian was born in 1342 and spent the latter part of her life as a recluse at St. Julian’s Church in Norwich. She lived at a time when there was much suffering. The plague which was truly terrible, killing about half the population of England, was just beginning. She was anxious about many of her friends and very troubled by the sin and wrongdoing in the world. She seeks God’s answers and he gives her a series of revelations which she then spends the rest of her life contemplating. She writes about them in what is believed to be the first book in English written by a woman: Revelations of Divine Love. Throughout her writings she speaks of God revealing himself to her in love. She writes often about how gently he speaks to her. How he is like a mother as well as a father. How he reassures her again and again that although there is suffering and sin in the world, in the end - all will be well – from the perspective of eternity. She sees Jesus on the cross and feels his suffering and yet that suffering seems very sweet to Him, and to her. This is because it is a suffering that was born of love, it was a suffering that showed a solidarity between God and the suffering of ordinary people, it was a suffering that did not draw back but went to the final place – the place of death. That death made room for resurrection and so In Christ, one with Him, in the end “All will be well.” This is perhaps Julian’s most famous quote: All will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things will be well. God doesn’t give any answers to her many questions except to come to her in love. In the light of that love she is reassured. That I suppose is the invitation of faith - to believe in God’s goodness even though we don’t understand what he is doing or why? It is an invitation that he gives to all of us and he will help us to respond to it when belief doesn’t seem straightforward.

20 Here are a couple more quotes to finish with. “For we are so preciously loved by God that we cannot even comprehend it. No created being can ever know how much and how sweetly and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of his grace that we are able to persevere in spiritual contemplation with endless wonder at his high, surpassing, immeasurable love which our Lord in his goodness has for us.” “He that made all things for love, by the same love keepeth them, and shall keep them without end.” God Bless, Cathy

St Andrew's Church—Dates for November November 1st 10.30am: Informal Communion – All Saints Day November 8th 10.30am: Morning Praise - Remembrance Sunday – Help and Deliverance November 15th 10.30am: Holy Communion – Parable of the Talents November 22nd 10.30am: Morning Praise – Christ the King November 29th 10.30am: Morning Praise – Advent – The Coming of the Son of Man If you are unable to join us in person for any of our services this month, we will be holding a Zoom service every Sunday at 11.30am on the same theme as the actual service – all are welcome at both.

Little Stars Currently Little Stars is not running but we will put a notice in the Parish News when the Wednesday sessions resume.

21 22 Doggy Days Alyssa Alyssa ’ ’ss Beauty Mobile and Home based Beauty Doggy Days – Day Care & Overnight Boarding Therapist Doggy Days – Walking & Taxi service Competitive Rates. Full Insurance and CRB Contact me on: Call/email: Colleen on 07973-282568 07931623673 [email protected]

Claydown Way, Slip End Facebook—Alyssasbeauty Instagram—

Hair & Beauty Salon NEIL SHEPHERD

Ladies & Opening Times PAINTER & DECORATOR Gentlemen Mon: 9 –3 Also: Garage, loft, cellar, shed and Tues: 9-5 01582 722801 Closed garden clearances Easy Parking! Thurs: 9-7 07860 93 93 93 43B Elm Avenue, Caddington Fri: 9-6 Sat: 8-3 No obligation estimates & quotes Find us on facebook

Chiropodist A. McClelland State Registered Pest Control Home visits Evening & Weekend appointments For fast response call Keith Appleby BSc (Hons), MChS, SRCh Mobile 0777 494 8415 or office 01582 872158 Telephone: 01582 873136 email: [email protected] If you would like to

advertise, please contact Jo Moss 01582484373 or [email protected]

Do you need a space to advertise your business?

23 CADDINGTON W.I. Like all the organisations locally we have had to cancel our monthly meetings. It has been a long time since we all met up and I hope you have all kept in touch one way or another. A phone call can bring a lot of pleasure to someone. It was the group 65th birthday on the 29th of September. Valerie's daughter Beth made cards and these were delivered to all our Members. At our quiz evening, we all sang Happy Birthday with a small cake and candle. Our committee has been having Zoom Sessions to keep us ticking over. We have had a lot of correspondence via email and have tried to keep members up to date with these. There are courses on Zoom for us to join in if we want to. We have already had a very successful quiz evening. I was surprised that 35 questions and answers could be achieved in just 40 minutes. A big thank you to Valerie Dallinger for organising this. This month we have a bingo session and hopefully another quiz for November. All fees have been halted and anyone wishing to join can do so very economically at £10.75p until next April. the benefit you get from joining now is a W I Life magazine regularly, correspondence about Zoom courses, places to visit (for later on), stories from other members, and of course anything going on locally with us. Please contact Presidents Linda Edwards on 01582 737036 or Joanne Sherwood on 07779 674899 for more details. Ladies, you are all welcome. We are definitely NOT Jerusalem and Jam!!! Linda Edwards

Also included here is an obituary (sent by Linda) for a long standing WI member. SHEILA COLEMAN Sheila sadly passed away on the 4th of May 2020. She was greatly respected in Caddington. Her daughter Janet said, “Sheila was born in Luton. My parents met during the war at the Electricity Works probably at a dance. They were keen dancers all their lives. He was an electrician and she was a secretary. They married at All Saints Church, Beech Hill in 1946. We lived in Farley Hill when Janet was 3 then Helen and Doug were born. They moved to then to Caddington in 1963 where Stuart was born. They bought the greengrocer in Manor Road where they both worked and met most of the Village shoppers. She must have joined the Caddington Women's Institute about this time. She went on to be President, Treasurer, and Secretary at various times. When the shop was demolished they took on the Grocer’s Shop where Spice is now. After

24 several years they gave up the shop, and Dad went back to engineering while Mum worked as an accountant. They moved to No. 5 Dunstable Road. When they retired they enjoyed lots of holidays and Dad enjoyed his allotment and Mum was a keen sewer, She was also a member of the Flower Circle and enjoyed sewing at the Bracken Club. She was also a regular churchgoer. Dad died in 2004 but Mum continued to get out and about and see her many friends. Unfortunately, she tipped over in her mobile scooter in 2008 and this really shook her confidence. After this, she didn't go out much but was pleased to have visitors and a chat. Due to the Covid-19 family and friends were unable to visit for her last few weeks but she was wonderfully looked after by her Carer Pat. Sheila had 7 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.” Hopefully, the family will be able to have a proper memorial when the country gets back to some sort of normality. Some of the local villagers may remember Sheila and all have our little stories about her. I remember her making card and material boxes and doing cross stitch. Our thoughts are with the family - Gerald and Sheila were well-liked in the Village. Linda Edwards


Planning applications submitted within the Parish since 15th September 2020

Application CB/20/03096/TDM submitted 2nd September 2020 Land opposite MCDade Screeding, 90 Front Street, Slip End . LU1 4BW Installation of 25m high mast supporting communication apparatus and 9 no. equipment housing cabinets at ground level all within proposed fence compound and ancillary works thereto. Decision: Not yet decided.

Application CB/20/03135/FULL submitted 22nd September 2020 Ash tree Paddocks, Woodside Road, Woodside. LU 1 4DJ Demolition of two stable blocks, removal of touring caravan and erection of one single storey detached fabricated dwelling, new parking layout and boundary treatment. Decision: Not yet decided

Application CB/20/03407/PAES submitted 25th September 2020 Cobblers Gold, Mancroft Road, Aley Green. LU1 4DG Prior approval for the enlargement of dwelling house by construction of additional storey, construction of first floor 2605mm Decision: Not yet decided

For further information on applications visit www.central >view planning applications. If you wish to comment on an application email: [email protected]

25 Photography Group We will publicise details of programme once we are able to get up and running again. To find out more about us, please contact Parish News or Andy Prothero via email:- [email protected] A selection of the month’s photos: - Topic “Tools” (next time “Arches”)

26 Business “as usual”... We asked if any local businesses or organisations wanted to tell us how they have changed things since restrictions began. Many Churches, Scouting and Guiding and other activities moved to online versions or onto social media. I have been part of Zoom rehearsals for choir and I know someone who was been doing ballet classes via Zoom (in a very small kitchen!). Andrea Gregory sent us this item to show how she continued her Pilates classes to help with fitness in difficult times. (Ed) “Slip End Zoomers” - (Pilates with a difference!) I have been teaching Pilates in the village for many years. When we went into lock down last March we started doing the classes online through Zoom. It was a difficult time for all and I wasn't sure whether people would enjoy being home alone on their mat!! Well guess what, we are still online and almost everyone is still logging in each week! I am so proud of everyone who has continued their Pilates journey. It has been even more important during this time for our fitness and our mental health. We have laughed at the dog wandering through the room, people disappearing for a few minutes when their food delivery arrives, clapping for the carers in the middle of a class and people joining us from their homes abroad. It's not too late for you to join in, it's safe and fun and we always have a chat after class. Email me at [email protected] or call on 07811343566 Regards, Andrea.

SANTA CLAUS IS ON HIS WAY We are hoping that Santa Claus can still pay his annual visit to the villages in mid December. Current restrictions may mean we will have to make some changes to the way we usually organise our journey around the streets. Please keep an eye out in the December Parish News for dates, times and arrangements for this year’s Covid friendly Santa Float We are always looking out for elves and helpers to accompany Santa’s float. If you could help, please let Santa and Mrs Claus know by leaving a mes- sage with Jill on 07958587595

27 LADACAN Update—on the subject of Airport Expansion (The group that campaigns against expansion of the Airport) Information has been received about further expansion plans and consultations. This is an extract from the information received. Other changes (flight paths) have also been mentioned on local news. Luton Airport’s operators have decided this is the right time to launch a consultation on how they should recover from the downturn... Even though flight numbers are predicted to take until 2024 to recover… The suggestions include aiming to…. break through the 18 million passenger limit which was democratically agreed in 2013 and legally signed up to by all parties, and expected to hold until 2028. The Council has not yet called a planning meeting to decide the last application because of COVID-19 restrictions, so the Airport has included that same request in its current proposals, as well as wanting to change four other Conditions. This is a non-statutory pre-application consultation in which they test reaction and refine the application itself. Generally it’s seen as a chance for us to register opinions. The Airport has set up a website at from where you can access the relevant documents. For more information see

A few Autumnal colours are beginning to show!

28 Samhain – The Festival of the Dead

Due to there being no magazine in August, last months article on Mabon and this months on Samhain have been published one month later than the month in which they fall. The last one, Yule will appear in Decembers issue. This festival is celebrated on the last day of October and is actually the start of the pagan festivals and the beginning of the new year. It is a fire festival and as a fire festival was seen as a key point in the changing seasons and a time to burn the old and start anew. According to the eighth century monk Bede, this month was called Blood Month as it was a time when the animals would be slaughtered, salted for storage to feed the family over the winter months. Bonfires or Bonefires were lit and people danced around and jumped over as it was believed that it would drive out evil spirits and demons. Samhain literally means “first frosts”. It was a key point in their year, the ending of the old and the start of the new. It was believed that at this time the veil between the world of the living and the dead was at its thinnest. This also was a time to celebrate and make peace with the ancestors. Halloween which is believed to derive from All Hallows Eve or All Saints Eve superseded the old traditions and became a time to dress up as ghosts and ghouls and to reflect on those who had passed away during the previous year. In England, from the medieval period, up until the 1930s, people practised the Christian custom of souling on Halloween, which involved groups of soulers, both Protestant and Catholic, going from parish to parish, begging the rich for soul cakes, in exchange for praying for the souls of the givers and their friends. In Scotland and Ireland, children disguised in costume and going from door to door for food or coins was known as guising. It is also recorded that in Scotland in 1895 that masqueraders in disguise carrying lanterns made out of scooped out turnips, visited homes to be rewarded with cakes, fruit and money. The modern “Trick or Treat” with hollowed out Pumpkins is, unfortunately, an American import. John Larsen


Aley Green Sexual - 1 Total – 1

Pepperstock Burglary - Residential – Dwelling – 1 Theft if not classified elsewhere – 1 Theft from vehicle other than a motor vehicle – 1 Total – 3

Slip End Theft if not classified elsewhere – 1 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery - 1 Total – 2

Woodside Sec 4 POA Fear or provocation of violence - 1 Total – 1

Caddington Interference with a motor vehicle – 2 Theft of a motor vehicle – 1 Theft if not classified elsewhere – 1 Owner or person in charge allowing dog to be dangerously out of control – 1 Unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle – 1 Possession of offensive weapon without lawful authority or reasonable excuse – 1 Racially or religiously aggravated intentional harassment, alarm or distress – 1 Total – 8

(Information from Parish Council)

30 31 Diary - If you would like your events included, please contact the Editor

Until restrictions are lifted, we do not know which future activities to include… We will update you as soon as we are able.

November Mon 2nd Parish Council Meeting - via Zoom (Contact Clerk if you wish to join) December Mon 7th Parish Council Meeting - via Zoom (Contact Clerk if you wish to join) TBA “Santa” will hopefully be visiting our streets again this year! January Mon 4th Parish Council Meeting - via Zoom (Contact Clerk if you wish to join)

Some regular activities have been hoping to restart from January... Organisations will confirm if and when they are able to do so.

Parish News Online For those who like to read magazines on tablet / screen:- Parish News can be found online at:- and where historical copies can also be found.

Bin Collections— November

Orange bin/ Green bin – Fri 6th, 20th Nov, 4th Dec

Black bin and Glass - Fri 13th, 27th Nov

Garden Waste collections be suspended from Monday, 7 December 2020 until Friday, 26 February 2021 inclusive. The last collection date for our area will be on Friday 4th Dec. Collections will resume again from Monday 1st March 2021.



Services:- Good Neighbour Scheme: 07513 37 24 15 Shop at the Crossroads 401069 Mon - Fri 7.00 to 21.00 Sat 7.00 - 21.00 - Sun 7.30 - 21.00 Slip End Garage Markyate Road, 456888 Doctor Caddington Surgery 725673 Doctor Markyate Surgery 841559 Schools: Slip End Village School 720152 Manshead 679400 Caddington Village School 726058 St Mary’s Catholic Primary 602420

Churches:- Tennis 733253 FoSELS 0789 6037853 St Andrew’s Church Runners Peter Baber ( P TA) Women ’ s Institute Rev. Cathy Pullinger— 07587 89260. 737036 vicarage 480391 Slip End Veterans or 07425 148046 Football Wayne Leslie Chatty Club Jean Turner 01582 Wardens: (see football) 421304 or Cathy Rose 01582 Steve Baird 738205 457362 Susan Wiltshire 727000 Community:- Aley Green Methodist Gardening Club 423622 Book Club (look for Church. Minister: Dance Classes facebook group) Rev Nigel Bibbings [email protected] Senior Steward: Photography Group Slip End Parish Ann Meader 733668 countrygardensAP@outlook Community is now on .com Facebook as well as at Sport:- Brownies 723109 and Bowling Club Beavers 07956 833488 412506 Cubs & Scouts 418014 Darts League TBC Allotments 736892 Football Friendship Club 517042 or 07515687160 TBC Ann (07753 [email protected] 635654) or Sharon (07469 Pepperstock Archers 931204) 615216 Playgroup/Pre-school Email [email protected] 724888 (Lee Prebble) S.E.A.D.A 414796

Items for the next issue (December) to us by 15th November (Editor — Matt) Adverts by 10th please Any delivery problems? Contact Alan Buttery at 1 Claydown Way (01582 724527), [email protected] Anything interesting to report about village activities, photos, holidays, etc. Please contact us, letters and e-mails are encouraged. Views expressed by our contributors are not the Editors’ own. Articles should be sent by the 15th of the preceding month to the Editors - Alison Wilson, 23 Claydown Way or Matt Freeman 20 Crawley Close or e-Mail [email protected] Advertising queries to Jo Moss 01582484373 or [email protected] Parish News is grateful to our advertisers for their contributions. Please support them.

Printer - Jiffy Print, Luton 34 YOUR PARISH COUNCILLORS

Clerk to Parish Council — Peter Segal 526594 (9am to noon weekdays) [email protected]

Paul Cooper - [email protected] 07703 599006 (Chairman) Sarah Minnighan - [email protected] 07868 742904 (Vice-chairman) Carol Beeton - [email protected] 405597 Carol Brennan - [email protected] 453049 Trefor Hooker - [email protected] 07773 159275 Simon Patterson - [email protected] 07767 615714 Paul Shaw - [email protected] 07957 188947


Fly Tipping (CBC) 0300 300 8000 [email protected] Road issues:- Police 101 Aircraft noise 395382 Airparks 393321 Water leaks 0800 3765325 Cold Calling 0345 4040506 Out of hours noise 0300 300 8098 Street Lighting 0300 300 804


Your Central Beds Councillors MP’s Contact details Rachel Hopkins

Her local office is located at: Contact 3 Union Street Luton LU1 3AN For advice surgery appointments details call 01582 457 774 Cllr Kevin Collins Cllr Eddie Perry

[email protected] [email protected] SLIP END PETER EDWARDS HALL & PLAYING FIELD VILLAGE HALL Ideal for children's & adult's parties, meetings, etc. Your Village Hall Kitchen facilities with catering service available for Dances, Receptions & Parties Available for various sports activities Facilities for the disabled Excellent sports changing facilities For bookings contact Facilities for the Disabled [email protected] For Bookings: please contact [email protected] or Gill Plummer on 01582 723109 .