Soups and Salads

Ukrainian - Vegetarian borscht with pompushka ______$11 Okroshka with or Kvas - Chilled with diced vegetables and Russian bologna ______$11 Svekolnik - Chilled beet soup with cucumber, potato and radish topped with scallions and dill______$11 Vinegret – Diced roasted red beets, potatoes, carrots with sour pickles, red onion, sunflower oil and chopped scallion ______$11 - Mélange of roasted vegetables, pickles, hard-boiled eggs and a touch of mayonnaise ______$11 Heirloom Tomato Salad - Red onion, cilantro, dressed in olive oil ______$11 Roasted Vegetable Salad - Roasted eggplant, bell pepper, carrots, onion, cilantro, garlic and olive oil. Topped with village, mozzarella cheese and walnuts. ____ $11


Blini with house cured salmon ______$18 Blini Veal – Served with sour cream ______$18 Blini with Red Caviar 50 grams ______$29 Blini with Black Caviar 30 grams ______$115

Bottomless Mimosas Every Sunday


Handmade Veal – Russian dumplings topped with herbs, butter and served with sour cream ______$15 Handmade Potato Vareniki – Russian dumplings filled with sautéed onions and served with sour cream ______$15 Handmade Cheese Vareniki – Russian dumplings filled with village cheese ____$15 Sardelki with Pshennaya Kasha – Russian Knockwurst Sardelki and _$14 Potato and Veal Zapekanka – Traditional Russian casserole (includes mixed green salad) ______$12 Homestyle potatoes and sunny-side-up egg – with black toast ______$11 Chicken Schnitzel – Served with Tomato and cucumber salad ______$16 Cabbage Pie – Two slices of homemade cabbage pie ______$10 Veal Pie – Two slices of homemade veal pie ______$10


Rhubarb Pie – Russian-style pie with ice cream ______$8

Backed Apples – Vegan dessert stuffed with dried fruits, nut and honey ___ $8

Cherry or Cheese Varenniki – Traditional Russian dumpling ______$8

Cottage Cheese Zapekanka – Cottage cheese casserole with raisins _____ $10

Bottomless Mimosas Every Sunday