National Report Germany

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National Report Germany Work Package 4 Multilevel “Arenas” for Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion National Report Germany Norbert Petzold, Dorothee Spannagel, Katharina Zimmermann CETRO Jean Monnet Centre for Europeanisation and Transnational Regulations Oldenburg (CvO University of Oldenburg) Deliverable D4.2 FP7 project ‘Combating Poverty in Europe: Re-organising Active Inclusion through Participatory and Integrated Modes of Multilevel Governance’ Grant Agreement no. 290488 Coordinating Organisation: Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (CETRO) This project is funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programm 1 Contents Tables and Figures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Foreword .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Section A: The Europe 2020 Anti-poverty Arena ...................................................................................................................... 8 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2 The background ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.1 The national “model” to fight poverty .................................................................................................................. 12 2.2 Supranational-national relationship within the social inclusion OMC .................................................................. 14 2.3 Problem pressure ................................................................................................................................................... 16 3 An iterative process: the European Semester and anti-poverty strategies ...................................................................... 20 3.1 Europe 2020’s genetic moment ............................................................................................................................. 20 3.2 The three Europe 2020 cycles: Planning, reporting, recommending, negotiating ................................................. 24 The first cycle: 2010-2011 ............................................................................................................................................. 24 The second cycle: 2011-2012 ........................................................................................................................................ 26 The third cycle: 2012-2013 ............................................................................................................................................ 29 4 EU2020: actor participation and integrated actions to combat poverty .......................................................................... 30 4.1 Actor Participation ........................................................................................................................................................ 30 4.2 Policy integration .......................................................................................................................................................... 33 5 Europe 2020 and the local dimension of anti-poverty policies ...................................................................................... 34 6 Europe 2020 and the fight against poverty: Towards a multi-level, multi-stakeholder and integrated arena ................. 39 7 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Section B: The peer review meetings ....................................................................................................................................... 45 1. Introduction: short outline of the selected peer review meeting .................................................................................... 45 2. The peer review in “context”: the links with European and domestic agendas .............................................................. 45 2.1. Description of the policy/practice under review.................................................................................................... 45 2.2. Relevance of the topic at the EU level .................................................................................................................. 46 2.3. The domestic context (Germany) .......................................................................................................................... 47 2.4. Participating country mix ...................................................................................................................................... 49 3. The participants: motivations and expectations ............................................................................................................. 49 3.1. The drivers behind the organisation of the meeting: host country’s motivations and expectations ....................... 49 3.2. Germany’s motivations and expectations .............................................................................................................. 50 4. The peer review meeting ................................................................................................................................................ 52 4.1. Agenda and main issues discussed ........................................................................................................................ 52 4.2. “Tenor” of discussions and roles played by participants ....................................................................................... 54 4.3. Main conclusions of the meeting .......................................................................................................................... 54 4.4. The peer country delegation: attitudes and overall opinion about the meeting ..................................................... 56 5. The “consequences” of the meeting ............................................................................................................................... 57 5.1. Outcomes at the EU level ...................................................................................................................................... 57 5.2. Outcomes at the domestic level (Germany) .......................................................................................................... 58 6. Concluding remarks ....................................................................................................................................................... 59 References ................................................................................................................................................................................ 60 2 Tables and Figures Table 1: Old and new unemployment protection and minimum income schemes in D .......... 13 Table 2: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Germany 2007-2013 ........................................... 18 Table 3: EU2020 indicators on poverty and social exclusion .................................................. 18 Table 4: Long-term unemployment as share of total unemployment 1995-2012 .................... 19 Table 5: Working UB II beneficiaries ...................................................................................... 19 Figure 1: Unemployed in % of the dependent civil labour force in Germany 1950 - 2010 ..... 17 Abbreviations AI Active inclusion UB II Unemployment Benefit II Arbeitslosengeld II ALMP Active labour market policies BA Bundesagentur für Arbeit Federal Employment Agency BMAS Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Federal Ministry of Labour Soziales and Social Affairs BMFSFJ Bundesministerium für Familie, Federal Ministry of Family Senioren, Frauen und Jugend Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth BMWi Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft Federal Ministry of und Technologie Economics and Technology EAPN European Anti-Poverty Network EU European Union FWA Freier Wohlfahrtsverband Free Welfare Association GWA Deutscher Verein für öffentliche German Association for und private Fürsorge Public and Private Welfare LTU Long-term unemployed NRP National Reform Programme NSR National Social Report NPM New Public Managment OMC Open Method of Coordination SGB VIII Sozialgesetzbuch VIII Eighth Book of the Social Code 3 4 List of interviews Interviewee Abbreviation Place, date Free Welfare Association 1 FW1 Berlin, November 2012 Free Welfare Association 2 FW2 Berlin, November 2012 Free Welfare Association 3 FW3 Berlin, November 2012 Free Welfare Association 4, FW4 Berlin, November 2012 National network of the EAPN FWA Consortium FW5 Berlin, January 2013 Free Welfare Association 5 FW6 Berlin, November 2012 German Association for Public GWA Berlin, November 2012 and Private Welfare Local Authorities Telephone interview, January 2013 Federal Ministry of Labour and BMAS 1 Berlin, December 2012 Social Affairs Federal Ministry of Labour and BMAS 2 Berlin, November 2012 Social Affairs Federal Employment
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