United Nations A/63/188–S/2008/504

General Assembly Distr.: General 31 July 2008 Security Council Original: English, French and Spanish

General Assembly Security Council Sixty-third session Sixty-third year Item 105 (c) of the provisional agenda* Elections to fill vacancies in principal organs: election of five members of the International Court of Justice

Curricula vitae of candidates nominated by national groups

Note by the Secretary-General**

Contents Page

I. Introduction ...... 2

II. Curricula vitae ...... 2

Ronny Abraham ...... 2

Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh ...... 5

Sayeman Bula-Bula...... 7

Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade ...... 16

Miriam Defensor Santiago ...... 24

Christopher John Greenwood ...... 34

Maurice Kamto ...... 41

Rafael Nieto-Navia ...... 46

Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf ...... 54

* A/63/150. ** In accordance with the Statute of the International Court of Justice, the Secretary-General requested States parties to the Statute to provide nominations to the Court from national groups by 30 June 2008. The present document could not, therefore, have been prepared at an earlier date.

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I. Introduction

The Secretary-General has the honour to submit to the General Assembly and to the Security Council the curricula vitae of the candidates nominated by national groups for the elections to fill five vacancies on the International Court of Justice. The elections will be held during the sixty-third session of the General Assembly. The list of nominated candidates is contained in document A/63/187-S/2008/503. The composition of the Court and the voting procedure to be followed in the General Assembly and in the Security Council are set out in a memorandum by the Secretary-General (A/63/186-S/2008/502).

II. Curricula vitae

Ronny Abraham (France)

[Original: French]

Born on 5 September 1951 in Alexandria, Egypt. French nationality Judge at the International Court of Justice since 15 February 2005

Diplomas and other qualifications

Diplôme d’études supérieures de droit public (diploma of advanced studies in public law), University of Paris I (1974). Diploma of the Institut d’études politiques of Paris (1973). Graduate of the Ecole nationale d’administration (1976-1978).

Previous official national positions

Administrative Tribunal Judge (1978-1985 and 1987-1988). Assistant Director of the Office of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1986-1987). Maître des requêtes (1988-2000), then Conseiller d’Etat (since 2000) at the Council of State; Government Commissioner within the judicial system (1989-1998). Director of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1998-2005).

Academic positions

Professor, Institut d’études politiques of Paris (until 1998). Associate Professor, University of Paris X-Nanterre (1997-2003). Associate Professor, University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (public international law, human rights) (2004-2005).

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International activities and experience

As head of the Office of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1998 to 2005, acted as legal adviser to the Government in the areas of general international public law, European Union law, international human rights law, law of the sea and laws on the Antarctic. From 1998 to 2004, representative of France in many cases before international and European courts, as follows:

International Court of Justice

Legality of Use of Force (Serbia and Montenegro v. France). Hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures, 1999, and on preliminary objections, 2004. Certain Criminal Proceedings in France (Republic of the Congo v. France). Hearings on the request for the indication of provisional measures, 2003. Legal consequences of the construction of a wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, request for an advisory opinion (written statement of the French Republic, 30 January 2004).

European Court of Human Rights

Court of Justice of the European Communities

International arbitral tribunals: Tribunal established by France and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on the question of the tax situation of pensions paid to retired UNESCO staff members residing in France, award made on 14 January 2003; Tribunal established by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the French Republic in the case concerning the audit of accounts in application of the Additional Protocol to the Convention concerning the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution by Chlorides, award made on 12 March 2004 Member and Chairman of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts for the Improvement of Procedures for the Protection of Human Rights (member 1986-1998; Chairman 1987-1989); Chairman of the Joint Consultative Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (1994-1998); Member of the French delegation to the General Assembly of the United Nations (1998-2004); Head of the French delegation to the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly (1998-2004); Head of the French delegation to the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (2002, 2003, 2004); Head of the French delegation in the working group responsible for drafting the United Nations Convention on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property (2004);

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Head of the French delegation to the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (1998-2005); Chairman of the Commission (2002-2003).

Other activities

Member of the Board of the Société française pour le droit international. Member of the European Group of Public Law. Member of the Editorial Board of the Annuaire français de droit international.



Droit international, droit communautaire et droit français, Hachette, 1989.

Articles, notes, communications and arguments

“Les magistrats des tribunaux administratifs et des cours administratives d’appel”, Revue française de droit administratif (RFDA), 1988, March-April, No. 2. “Compétence des juridictions internes pour interpréter un traité international”, Actualité juridique droit administratif, September 1990, p. 621; Revue générale de droit international public, 1990, p. 882. “L’applicabilité directe de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme devant la juridiction administrative”, Revue universelle des droits de l’homme, 1991, September, vols. 7-9. “Les incidences de la Convention européene des droits de l’homme sur le droit constitutionnel et administratif des Etats parties”, Revue universelle des droits de l’homme, 1992, vols. 10 and 11. “Commentaire des articles 25 et 46 de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme”, in La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, L. E. Pettiti, E. Decaux and P. H. Imbert, eds. “La réforme du mécanisme de contrôle de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme; le Protocole no 11 à la Convention”, Annuaire français de droit international, 1994, p. 619. “Les principes généraux de la protection juridictionnelle administrative en Europe: l’influence des jurisprudences européennes”, Revue européenne de droit public, vol. 9, No. 3, autumn 1997. “La notion d’effet direct des traités internationaux devant le Conseil d’Etat”, Recueil Dalloz, 1998, jurisprudence, p. 15. “Les normes du droit communautaire et du droit international devant le juge administratif français”, presented at the symposium of the Société française pour le droit international held at Bordeaux, Ed. Pedone, Paris, 2000. “Les procédures incidentes devant la Cour internationale de Justice”, presented at a workshop of the Faculty of Law of the University of Rennes I, Ed. Pedone, Paris, 2001. “La France devant les juridictions européennes”, Pouvoirs, 2001, No. 96.

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“Le rôle du jurisconsulte au Ministère des affaires étrangères”, presented at the symposium of the Société française pour le droit international held at Geneva, Ed. Pedone, Paris, 2004. “Le principe du contradictoire devant les juridictions internationales”, presented at a symposium organized by the University of Paris I, Ed. Pedone, 2004. “Droit des immunités et exigences du procès équitable”, presented at a symposium organized by the University of Paris XII, Ed. Pedone, Paris, 2004. “La Cour internationale de Justice, juge constitutionnel?” in La Charte des Nations Unies, Constitution mondiale?, presented at a symposium organized by the University of Paris X, Ed. Pedone, 2006. “L’application des traités internationaux et l’office du juge des référés administratifs”, in Mélanges Labetoulle, Ed. Dalloz, 2007. “L’articulation du droit interne et du droit international”, in La France et le droit international, Cahin, Poirat, Szurek, eds., Ed. Pedone, 2007. Numerous arguments submitted to the Council of State, published in, inter alia, L’Actualité juridique droit administratif, the Revue française de droit international, the Revue générale de droit international public and the Revue critique de droit international privé.

Awn Shawkat Al-Khasawneh (Jordan)

[Original: English]

Member of the Court since 6 February 2000; Vice-President of the Court since 6 February 2006 Born in Amman on 22 February 1950. Primary and secondary education at the Islamic Educational College of Amman. University education at Cambridge University (Queens’ College) history and law, postgraduate studies in international law. M.A. LL.M. (Cantab.). Joined the Jordanian diplomatic service in 1975. Second Secretary, then First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Jordan to the United Nations in New York (1976-1980). Ministry of Foreign Affairs with special responsibility for international organizations and international law (1980-1985). Head of the Legal Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1985-1990). Seconded to the Royal Court (1990). Ambassador (1992). Adviser to the King and Adviser of the State on International Law with the rank of Cabinet Minister (1995). Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court (1996-1998). Member of the Jordanian Royal Commission on Legislative and Administrative Reform (1994-1996). Chairman of the Jordanian National Group on the Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (1998-2006). Representative of Jordan at 19 sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations (the Sixth (Legal) Committee) (since 1976). Jordan’s alternate representative on the Security Council (1981-1982). Member of most Jordanian

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delegations to meetings of the Arab League, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries and the Organization of the Islamic Conference held in the years 1980-1988. Member of, and Legal Adviser to, the Jordanian delegation to the peace negotiations in the Middle East (1991-1994). Representative of Jordan at the following conferences and committees in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law: Ad Hoc Committee on the Drafting of an International Convention against the Taking of Hostages (1977-1980); United Nations Conference on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties, Second Session (1978); United Nations Conference on Succession of States in Respect of State Property, Archives and Debts (1982). Chairman of the Drafting Committee at the United Nations Conference on Treaties Between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations (1986). Rome Conference on the drafting of a Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (1988). Member of the Arab International Law Commission (1982-1989). Member of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1984-1993). Chairman of the Sub-Commission (1993). Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the human rights dimensions of forcible population transfer. Chairman of Commission IV, UNESCO General Conference (1993). Member of the International Law Commission (1986-1999). Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (since 1999). Member of the International Law Association, Chairman of the Committee on Islamic Law and International Law since 2003. Member of the Board of Editors, Palestine Yearbook of International Law. Member of the Council of the Centre of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Lectured and participated widely in academic seminars at various universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, London, Geneva and universities in Jordan. Publications: three reports on the human rights dimensions of forcible population transfers, to the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities (1993-1997); “General Principles and Methods for Executing a New Convention”, in Environmental Protection and the Law of War, London, New York (1992); “The International Law Commission and Middle East Waters” in Water in the Middle East: Legal, Political and Commercial Implications, London, New York (1995). Honours: Istiqlal Order, First Class (1993); Kawkab Order, First Class (1996); Nahda Order, First Class (1996) (Jordan). Légion d’Honneur, Grand Officier (1997) (France).

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Sayeman Bula-Bula (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

[Original: English]

Professor at the University of . Former Judge ad hoc at the International Court of Justice (2000-2002). Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (2001-2013).

I. Personal status

Place and birth date: Ebonda (Congo), 31 August 1950. Matrimonial status: Married and father of two (2) children. Profession: University Professor. Other professional activities: Expert-Consultant of different governmental, non-governmental and international organizations.

II. University education

PhD in International Law, University of Louvain, 1986. Licensed (Bachelor of Art in Law), , 1976. Third Undergraduate Diploma in Law, University of Kinshasa, 1973. Bearer of many different Certificates.

III. Professional experience at the national level

A. Administrative authority

2002-2004 President of Anti-corruption Commission (2002-2004).

B. Academic authority

1995 Administrative Secretary-General (1995-1996). Member of the Managing Committee, in charge, ad interim, of the offices of the Academic Secretary-General and the Chancellor (October 1995 and March 1996).


Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Kinshasa, in charge of organizing the theoretical and practical teaching activities: member of the management staff of the faculty, in charge, ad interim, of the Dean (1994-1995).


Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Law, University of Kinshasa, in charge of the implementation of course programmes (1988-1994).

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C. Professor at the University of Kinshasa


Professor (1998 to present); Full Professor of Public International Law (1992-1997); Associate Professor (1988-1992); Assistant (1976-1980).

D. Consultancy


Consulting legal adviser at the Ministry of Petroleum (2007).


Legal consultant to the Ministry of Energy for the drafting of the Agreement Protocol on scientific collaboration between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Universities of Miami and Syracuse of the United States of America, in the establishment of the Geosciences Project in the Lakes Edouard-Albert-Tanganyka (GEOLEAT) (1998-2001); component of the International Decade for East-African Lakes Programme (IDEAL) (1993-2003, July-August 1998). Legal consultant to the Ministry of Petroleum Industry Development, in charge of studying the delimitation of the maritime borders of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (July 1998). A registered expert of the World Bank for the third project — Water-, World Bank Credit (1989), ZR Supply for the drafting of a water code in Zaire (1989-1994).

IV. Professional experience at the international level

A. International expert


Panel Member for Arbitration of disputes related to natural resources and environment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (2003).


Member of Permanent Court of Arbitration (The Hague, 2001-2013). Member of Special Arbitral Tribunal for the Sea Fisheries (2001-2013).


Judge ad hoc at the International Court of Justice, Arrest Warrant Case (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium, 2000-2002) (April 2000).

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Member of Special Arbitral Tribunal for Protection and Preservation of the marine environment appointed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 20 January 1999.


Coordinator of the “Promotion of the Rule of Law” programme of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the Republic of Haiti (1997-1998).


Coordinator of the project “Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law”; Chair, OHCHR and international humanitarian law programme, Military Academy of Bujumbura (1996). Coordinator of the International Humanitarian Law Seminar for military officers organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva, 27 July-3 August 1996). Coordinator of the International Humanitarian Law Seminar for the High Command of the Togo armed forces, organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Lomé, 20-27 October 1996).

B. Learned societies


Member of National Council of Science and Technology, Kinshasa (2007).


Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the African Yearbook of International Law (The Hague, 2002).


Member of the African Society of International and Comparative Law, London (1993-2000). Co-founder and member of the French-speaking network “Réseau de droit de l’environnement”, Montreal, Canada (1992 to present).

C. Membership in other associations


Member of the Wilton Park International Association, London (2003 to present).

D. International scientific activities


Participant at the symposium on multiple parties, multiple problems, Permanent Court of Arbitration, The Hague (10-11 May 2007).

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Guest of honour, Seventh International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, Lucknow, India (8-11 December 2006).


Guest of honour, Sixth International Conference of Chief Justices of the World, Lucknow, India (9-13 December 2005). Panel speaker at the 784th Wilton Park Conference on Promoting Good Governance and Development of Conflict-Affected Countries; the Role of Parliament and Government, Wilton Park (June 2005).


Participant at the Foreign Office Conference (Wilton) on Countries in Post-Conflict Situations (September 2003). Coordinator: Foreign Office Conference (Wilton) on Justice in Africa (August 2001).


Leading speaker at the conference “Perspectives on Peace in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo”, organized by the Southern Africa Committee, Brussels Centre of African Studies of the Free University of Brussels and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (2000).


Speaker at the Fourth World Symposium on the Thoughts of Muammar Al Ghadafi, “The Green Book”: “The International Community Crisis at the threshold of the twenty-first Century”, Tripoli (29 November-3 December 1999). Coordinator: regional workshop on the enforcement of the capacities of sciences of the sea and sustainable management of coastal and marine resources, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Côte d’Ivoire, Kinshasa (23-26 February 1999).


Participant at the colloquium on the “Intervention of a foreign media of peace in areas of conflict: what legitimacy?”, Hirondelle Foundation, Cartigny, Geneva (3-5 July 1998). Delegate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the thirty-fourth summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), Ouagadougou (2-10 June 1998). Principal coordinator of the joint seminar on “Anarchical conflicts”, organized for the Permanent Representatives to the Security Council of the United Nations and OAU, Addis Ababa (30-31 March 1998).

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Leading coordinator of the panel on the “Legal structures for improving compliance with the rule of law in Africa”, proceedings of the ninth annual Conference of the African Society of International and Comparative Law, Abidjan (August 1997).


Participant at the seventh annual Conference of the African Society of International and Comparative Law on the “Regional Integration: the Answer to Africa’s Economic Problems?”, Johannesburg, South Africa (August 1995). Participant at the assessment meeting on the “Environment law project”, Louvain- la-Neuve, Belgium (September 1995).


Leading coordinator of the seminar-workshop on “Children and conflicts in Central Africa”, Kinshasa (November 1994). Speaker at the sixth annual conference of the African Society of International and Comparative Law on “The OAU and Africa in the year 2000: resolution and protection of displaced persons”, Kampala (September 1994). Participant at the assessment meeting on the “Environment law project”, Louvain- la-Neuve, Belgium (June 1994).


Speaker at the fifth annual Conference of the African Society of International and Comparative Law on “The United Nations system and the new world order”, Accra (September 1993). Participant at the assessment meeting on the “Environment law project”, Louvain- la-Neuve, Belgium (1993).


Coordinator of the fifth African Regional Seminar of Humanitarian Law, organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Yaoundé (November 1992). Participant at the seminar on the creation of a French-speaking network on environmental law, Montréal, Canada (August-September 1992).


Ambassador and member of a group of 10 Congolese personalities in charge of coordinating the World Campaign of IRCC for the protection of war victims, Kinshasa (November 1991). Coordinator: Central Africa: second regional seminar, organized by ICRC, Kinshasa (April 1989). Coordinator: Central Africa: first regional seminar, organized by ICRC, Kinshasa (March 1988).

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Participant at the European Conference on “The new law of the sea and the environment in the European context”, organized by the European Commission, Brussels (January 1983).

V. Publications and scientific works

A. Law of the sea and the environment


The Odyssey of the Law of the Sea in the Abyss, Liber Amicorum Mohammed Bedjaoui; The Hague, Kluwer Law International, 1999 (in French).


Institutions of Forests Management in Zaïre, Colloquium of the Network “Law of the Environment”, Limoges, France (November 1994); Law, Forests and Sustainable Development, Brussels, Bruylant (1996). Misfortune of Guinea Golf Fishing Committee, Regional Integration: Solution to Africa Economic Problems of Africa?, proceedings of the eighth annual conference of the African Society of International and Comparative Law, Cairo (2-4 September 1996).


The New Law of the Sea in the Economic Context of Zaïre, Brussels, Bruylant (1992).


The Europe of 1992 and Its Involvement on the Euro-African Cooperation in the Maritime Domain, Communication at the International Seminar on Europe of 1992 and Africa, Kinshasa, University of Kinshasa (5-8 November 1990).


The Land-Locked States and the Law of the Sea, Lecture, University of Bangui, Central African Republic (26 January 1989).


The New Law of the Sea in African perspective, Lecture at the Kinshasa University (17 May 1988). Water Quality Norms in Comparative Law, Communication at The First National Symposium on Water Quality Norms, National Committee of Water and Improvement Action, Kinshasa (9-14 May 1988).

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B. International peace law and international security law


Liber Amicorum Marcel Lihau (Editor), Kinshasa, University of Kinshasa Press, 2006. Judgement of 25 November 2005 of the Court of Appeal of Dakar concerning the lack of jurisdiction in the extradition of Mr. Hissène Habré, Review of African Law, No. 36 (October 2005). The Banning of Anti-Constitutional Governments by the African Union?, African Yearbook of International Law, vol. II (2003). Criminal Immunities and Inviolability of the Minister for Foreign Affairs in International Law: Principle-Character-Exceptions-Limits-Sanctions, Arrest Warrant Case of 11 April 2000, Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgian Kingdom, International Court of Justice, Judgement of 14 February 2002, Kinshasa University Press, Bruylant, Brussels (2004). The Pretoria Agreement of 31 July and the Protocol of Luanda of 6 August 2002 concerning the settlement of the armed conflict against the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Annals of the Faculty of Law, vol. XI-XXVII (2004).


Separate opinion joined to the judgement of 14 February 2000 concerning the arrest warrant case of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), International Court of Justice (2002).


Dissenting opinion joined to the order of 8 December 2000 concerning the arrest warrant of 11 April 2000 (Democratic Republic of the Congo v. Belgium), International Court of Justice (2000). Second “Onusation” of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, “Perspectives of peace in Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo”, proceedings of the conference of 28 October 2000, organized by Southern Africa Committee, Brussels Centre of African Studies, Free University of Brussels and the Vrije Universiteit, Brussels (unpublished) (2000). Contribution of Syrte Agreement of 18 April 1999 to the settlement of disputes in the Great Lakes region, Proceedings of the fourth World Symposium on the Thoughts of Muammar Al Ghadafi, “The Green Book and the Crisis of International Community at the Threshold of XXIth Century”, Tripoli (29 November-3 December 1999) for the International humanitarian law course at the seminar for the fiftieth anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Kinshasa, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, University of Kinshasa Press (1999). The Syrte Agreement of 18 April 1999 for the settlement of disputes in the Great Lakes region, Keynote, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, vol. 11, No. 3 (October 1999).

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International Criminal Court and its relationship with the United Nations Security Council, Africa and the challenge of globalization on the eve of the new millennium, proceedings of the eleventh annual conference, Harare (2-4 August 1999). Inaugural lesson on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year of the public universities of the Congo, Academy of Fine Arts, Kinshasa (1999). “Universalism and regionalism in human and people’s rights”, Faculty of Philosophy, Saint-Pierre Canisius, Kinshasa, Loyola Edition (2000).


“Anarchical conflict in question”, Review of African Law, Brussels, No. 7 (July 1998). “The uncertain role of civil society in the settlement of internal conflicts: Law- abiding States in Africa at the edge of the year 2000: What perspectives?”, Proceedings of the First African Legal Days of Brussels, Katholiek Universiteit, Brussels, 25-26 September 1998. “Revisited Humanitarian Interference Doctrine”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, vol. IX, No. 3 (September 1997). Introductory remarks on the constitutional Act, Haïti, The constitution of 1987 and human rights, proceedings of International Colloquium of 28 and 29 April 1997, Port-au-Prince (1998).


Child Humanitarian Umbrella, Interdisciplinary Review of Human Rights, vol. I, 1995.


“Is it useful to establish an African jurisdiction mechanism of disputes settlement?”, proceeding of the African Society of International and Comparative Law Proceedings (1993). “The Interference Idea in the Light of the New World Order”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, vol. 6, No. 1 (1994).


“The Legal Order: Test Against Realities”, African Journal of International and Comparative Law, vol. 5, No. 1 (1993).

VI. Principal courses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries


Public International Law Course, Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit Brussels (October 2000).

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Public International Law Course, Faculty of Law, University of Kinshasa (1988 to present). Human rights course, Catholic Faculties of Kinshasa (1990-1993). International Humanitarian Law Course, Faculty of Law, University of Kinshasa (1988 to present). Law of the sea course, Faculty of Law and Economic Sciences, University of Bangui, Central African Republic (1988-1990).

VII. Honours


Acknowledgement of the active participation and valuable contribution at the Seventh International Conference of the Chief Justices of the World, Lucknow, India (7-12 December 2005).


Honorary diploma of “Pacifist Trainer”, issued by the Congolese Network for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights and Academic Liberties.


The Best Africanist Certificate, issued by the Africanist Club of the University of Kinshasa.

VIII. References

H.E. Mr. Mohammed Bedjaoui, former President of the International Court of Justice (The Hague), retired (Algeria). H.E. Juiyong Shi, former President of the International Court of Justice (The Hague), Judge at the International Court of Justice. H.E. Gilbert Guillaume, former President of the International Court of Justice (The Hague), retired (France). H.E. Dame Rosalyn Higgins, President of the International Court of Justice (The Hague).

Kinshasa, 26 October 2007

(Signed) Sayeman Bula-Bula

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Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade (Brazil)

[Original: English]

Born in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 17 September 1947.

I. Academic background

PhD in International Law (1977), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, with the thesis on “Developments in the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in International Law”. LL.M. in International Law, University of Cambridge (1973); LL.B. in Law, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil (First Prize in Civil Law, 1969). Diplômé of the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg, France, 1974); Certificates of the Research Centre of the Hague Academy of International Law (1974) and of the Seminar of the United Nations International Law Commission (Geneva, 1975), among various others.

II. Academic distinctions

Yorke Prize, awarded by the Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, in 1978, for the author’s PhD thesis. Doctor Honoris Causa, Central University of Chile, Santiago (2003). Doctor Honoris Causa, Catholic University of Peru, Lima (2003). Doctor Honoris Causa, of Paraguay (2004). Doctor Honoris Causa, National University of La Plata, Argentina (2005). Professor Honoris Causa, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima (2001). Professor Honoris Causa, University of the Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia (2006). Prize “Isidro Fabela”, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City (2003). Prize “José Bonifácio de Andrada”, Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro (1999). Prize “Fausto Alvim” of Academic Excellence, University of Brazilia (1999). Prize “Pontes de Miranda”, 2002-2003, Brazilian Academy of Juridical Letters, for the book “O Direito Internacional em um Mundo em Transformaçäo” (Rio de Janeiro, 2002). Prize “Destaque 2002”, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2002). Annual Award of the American Society of International Law, Washington D.C. (2007). W. Friedmann Memorial Award, Columbia University (Columbia Journal of Transnational Law), New York (2008).

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III. Published academic works on international law

1. Books

“International Law for Humankind: Towards a New Jus Gentium — General Course on Public International Law — Part I” (volume 316 del “Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droit International”, The Hague, 2005). “International Law for Humankind: Towards a New Jus Gentium — General Course on Public International Law — Part II” (volume 317 del “Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de Droits International”, The Hague, 2005). “Co-existence and Co-ordination of Mechanisms of International Protection of Human Rights” (volume 202 of the “Receuil des Cours de l’Académie de Droits International”, The Hague, 1987). “The Application of the Rule of Exhaustion of Local Remedies in International Law”, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983 (book based on the Ph.D. thesis of the author). “Repertório da Prática Brasileira do Direito Internacional Público” (Brazilian Digest of International Law, volumes I to VI), Brasilia (1984-1988). “Princípios do Direito Internacional Contemporâneo”, Brasilia, University of Brasilia Press (1981). “O Esgotamento de Recursos Internos no Direito Internacional”, Brasilia, University of Brasilia Press, 1984 (1st ed.) and 1997 (2nd ed.). “A Proteção Internacional Dos Direitos Humanos — Coletânea de Ensaios”, Rio de Janeiro, SBERJ (1988). “O Direito Internacional e a Solução Pacífica das Controvérsias Internacionais”, Rio de Janeiro (1987). “Direito das Organizações Internacionais”, 1st ed., Brasilia, Escopo Ed., 1990; 2nd ed., Belo Horizonte, Ed, Del Rey, 2002; 3rd ed., Belo Horizonte, Ed. Del Rey (2003). “A Proteção Internacional dos Direitos Humanos — Fundamentos Jurídicos e Instrumentos Básicos”, São Paulo, Ed. Saraiva (1991). “A Proteção dos Direitos Humanos nos Planos Nacional e Internacional: Perspectivas Brasileiras” (ed.), San José of Costa Rica/Brasilia (1992). “Direitos Humanos, Desarrollo Sustantable y Medio Ambiente/Human Rights, Sustainable Development and the Environment/Direitos Humanos, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Meio Ambiente” (ed.) San José of Costa Rica/Brasilia, IIDH/BID, 1992 (1st ed.) and 1995 (2nd ed.). “Direitos Humanos e Meio-Ambiente: Paralelo dos Sistemas de Proteção Internacional”, Porto Alegre, Ed. Fabris (1993). “La Protección Internacional de los Direitos Humanos en América Latina y el Caribe” (Presented to the Regional Meeting of Latin America and to the Caribbean Preparatory of the Mundial Conference of Human Rights), San José of Costa Rica, IIDH/CEE/Ministério de Relações Exteriores e Culto de Costa Rica (1993).

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“A Incorporação das Normas Internacionais de Proteção dos Direitos Humanos no Direito Brasileiro” (ed.), San José of Costa Rica/Brasilia, IIDH/CICV/ACNUR/CUE, 1996 (1st e 2nd eds.). “Tratado de Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos”, vol. I, Porto Alegre, Ed. Fabris, 1997 (1st ed.) e 2003 (2nd ed.); vol. II, Porto Alegre, Ed. Fabris, 1999; vol. III, Porto Alegre, Ed. Fabris (2003). “A Proteção Internacional dos Direitos Humanos e o Brasil (1948-1997): As Primeiras Cinco Décadas”, Brasilia, University of Brasilia Press (Series Humanities), 1998 (1st ed.) and 2000 (2nd ed.). “O Direito Internacional em um Mundo em Transformação”, Rio de Janeiro, Ed. Renovar (2002). “El Derecho Internacional de los Direitos Humanos en el Siglo XXI”, Santiago de Chile, Editorial Jurídica de Chile, 2001 (1st ed.) and 2006 (2nd ed.). “La Nueva Dimensión de las Necesidades de Protección del Ser Humano en el Inicio del Siglo XXI” (in co-authorship with Jaime Ruiz de Santiago), San José de Costa Rica, ACNUR, 2001 (1st ed.) and 2002 (reimpressăo) and 2003 (2nd ed.), 2004 (2nd ed.), and 2005 (3rd ed.), and 2006 (4th ed.). “El Acceso Directo del Individuo a los Tribunales Internacionales de Direitos Humanos”, Bilbao, University of Deusto, Espanha (2001). “El Futuro de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos”, (in co-authorship with M. E. Ventura Robles), San José of Costa Rica, Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 2003 (1st ed.) and 2004 (2nd ed.) and 2006 (3rd ed.). “Doctrina Latinoamericana del Direito Internacional”, vol. I (in co-authorship with A. Martínez Moreno), San José of Costa Rica, Corte Inter-American Court of Human Rights (2003). “Doctrina Latinoamericana del Direito Internacional”, vol. II (in co-authorship with F. Vidal Ramírez), San José of Costa Rica, Inter-American Court of Human Rights (2003). “Bases para un Proyecto de Protocolo a la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos, para Fortalecer Su Mecanismo de Protección”, vol. II, San José of Costa Rica, Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, 2001 (1st ed.) and 2003 (2nd ed.). “Las Tres Vertientes de la Protección Internacional de los Derechos de la Persona Humana” (in co-authorship with G. Peytrignet and J. Ruiz de Santiago), México, Ed. Porrúa/Univ. Iberoamericana (2003). “Pareceres dos Consultores Jurídicos do Itamaraty (1985-1990)”, vol. VIII, Brasilia, MRE/Federal Senate (2004). “A Humanização do Direito Internacional, Belo Horizonte/Brazil, Ed. Del Rey (2006). “Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: Esencia y Trascendencia (Votos en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos — 1991/2006)”, México, Ed. Porrúa/Universidad Iberoamericana (2007).

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2. Monographs, articles, chapters of books

More than 480 studies, including: contributions to books and periodicals, monographs and reports, and articles published in several of the main reviews or journals specialized in international law of numerous countries: “Archiv des Volkerrechts” (Tubingen, 1977); “International and Comparative Law Quarterly” (London, 1976 and 1979); “Revue Belge de Droit International” (Brussels, 1976); “Jahrbuch fur Internationales Recht” (Kiel, 1979 and 1982); “Revue des Droits de sciences diplomatiques et politiques” (Geneva, 1977 to 1984); “Nederlands Tijdschrift voor international Recht” (Leiden, 1977); “Rivista di Diritto Internazionale” (Milan, 1978); “Revue des Droits de l’Homme” (Paris, 1976 and 1977); “Cahiers de Droit Européen” (Brussels, 1978); “Cambridge Law Journal” (Cambridge, 1977); “Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur öffentliches Recht” (Vienna, 1978); “Annuaire français de Droit International” (Paris, 1987 and 2000); “Indian Journal of International Law” (New Delhi, 1976 and 1978); “Philippine Law Journal” (1978); “Malaya Law Review” (Singapore, 1976); “Anuario Jurídico Interamericano” of the OAS (1982); “Cursos (VIII, IX, XII, XVII, XVIII y XIX) de Direito Internacional Organizados pelo Comité Jurídico Interamericano da OEA (1981, 1982, 1985, and 1990 to 1992); “Revista del Instituto Interamericano de Direitos Humanos” (San José, Costa Rica, 1986 to 1998); Serie “Estudios Básicos de Direitos Humanos” do Instituto Interamericano de Direitos Humanos (1994 to 1996). Serie “Estudos Especializados de Direitos Humanos” of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (1996); “Revista Brasileira de Estudos Políticos” (1981, 1982, 1985, 1987 and 1990); “Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional” (1985, 1990 and 1993-1997); “Revista de Informação Legislativa do Senado Federal” (1979 to 1988); “Revista Arquivos do Ministério da Justiça” (1979 to 1998); “Estudos Internacionales” (Santiago de Chile, 1981 to 1983, and 1995); “Revista de la Cancillería de San Carlos” (Bogotá, 1991); “Mundo Nuevo” (Caracas, 1982-83 and 1989); “Anuario del Departamento de Direito de la Universidade Iberoamericana de México” (1984, 1992 and 1995); “Revue générale de droit international public” (Paris, 1990); “Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Direito Internacional” (Brasilia, 1985 to 1998); “Anuario Argentino de Direito Internacional” (Córdoba, 1987-1989); “Hague Yearbook of International Law” (Haia, 1990); “Yearbook of International Environmental Law” (1991-1993); “Asian Yearbook of International Law” (1994); “Recueil des Cours de l’Institut International des Droits de l’Homme” (Strasbourg, 1988, 1991 and 1993-2007); “Chinese Journal of International Law” (Beijing, 2007); “Japanese Journal of International Law and Diplomacy” (Tokyo, 2006); “Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme” (Brussels, 2008); and numerous others; chapters of books and collective works in several countries (e.g., Brazil, Costa Rica, Argentina, Mexico, Uruguay, Chile, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Colombia, Canada, Germany, United States of America, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Japan, Malta, Kenya), and of various international institutions (e.g., OAS, United Nations, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, ICRC, UNHCR, UNEP, United Nations University), among various others; and several book reviews, prefaces and presentations.

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IV. Academic/teaching experience

1. Permanent teaching

Professor (Full Professor/Professeur Titulaire) of Public International Law at the University of Brasilia (since 1978) and at the Diplomatic Academy Rio Branco of Brazil (since 1979).

2. Teaching at The Hague Academy of International Law

Lecturer at The Hague Academy of International Law, 2005 session (course published in vols. 316 and 317 (2005) of the Hague Academy’s Recueil des Cours); Lecturer at The Hague Academy of International Law, 1987 session (course published in vol. 202 (1987) of the Hague Academy’s Recueil des Cours); Lecturer at the twentieth external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (Bogotá, 1989); Lecturer at the twenty-first external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (Santiago de Chile, 1991); Lecturer at the twenty-fourth external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (San José, Costa Rica, 1995); Lecturer at the twenty-seventh external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (Montevideo, 1998); Lecturer at the thirtieth external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (Mexico City, 2002); Lecturer at the thirty-third external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (Lima, 2005); Lecturer at the thirty-sixth external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2008); Co-sponsor, as Judge of the Inter-American Law Court of Human Rights and Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, of the twenty-fourth external session of The Hague Academy of International Law (San José, Costa Rica, 1995). Participant in the 1974 session of the Research Centre of The Hague Academy of International Law (certificate awarded).

3. Teaching at the OAS Inter-American Juridical Committee’s Courses

Lecturer at the annual courses of International Law organized by the OAS Inter-American Juridical Committee (Rio de Janeiro, sessions of 1981, 1982, 1985, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007).

4. Teaching at the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg)

Lecturer at the annual study sessions of the International Institute of Human Rights (Strasbourg, France, sessions of 1988, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007).

5. Teaching at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (San José, Costa Rica)

Lecturer at the Interdisciplinary Courses of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (sessions of 1986, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007); academic coordinator of specialized courses and seminars of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, in Costa Rica and Brazil; lecturer at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights in several countries.

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6. Visiting professorships

Visiting Professor (“Cátedra Simón Bolivar”) at the University of Los Andes (Mérida, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1981 and 1982); Visiting Professor at the Institut des Hautes Études Internationales, University of Paris-II (Panthéon- Sorbonne, sessions of 1988-1989); Visiting Professor at the University of Ferrara, Italy (1983 and 1986); Visiting Professor (elected by the Congregation) of the University of Lisbon (1993); Visiting Professor at Columbia University (1st semester 1998); Visiting Professor at Tulane Law School, Tulane University, New Orleans (1st semester, 1999); Visiting Professor at the Universities of Seville and Deusto (Bilbao, Spain) (1st semester, 2002); Visiting Professor at Washington College of Law, American University (May/June 2003, 2004, 2006); Visiting Professor at the Autonomous University of Madrid/Foundation Ortega y Gasset.

7. Other teaching positions

Lecturer at the Institute of Public International Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki, Greece (1988 session); Lecturer at the III Euromediterranean Courses on International Law (Castellón, Spain, 1999 session); Lecturer of the International Committee of the Red Cross, humanitarian law seminars in Hong Kong, China, and Macao, China (1996); Lecturer at the University of Nottingham, Centre for Human Rights, United Kingdom (2002 inaugural lecture). Lecturer (between 1982 and 1999), at the Universities of Toronto, Externado de Colômbia (Bogotá), Quito, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Simon Solivar (Caracas), Milan, Salerno, Turin, Segovia, Warsaw, George Washington University (Washington, D.C.), American University (Washington, D.C.), de Chile (Instituto de Estudios Internationales, Santiago), and the main Universities of Brazil (in Brasília, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Pernambuco, Paraíba, Ceará, etc.). Lecturer (between 1982 and 2007) at various institutions, including the Italian Diplomatic Institute (Florence); Institute Artigas of the Ministry of External Relations of Uruguay (Montevideo), Diplomatic Academy Antonio J. Quevedo of Ecuador (Quito), Diplomatic Academy Andrés Bello of Chile (Santiago), Diplomatic Institute Manuel María Peralta of Costa Rica (San José, Costa Rica), Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales, Bueno Aires. Participant (between 1982 and 2007) in seminars organized, inter alia, by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London), Instituto Universitario Iberoamericano de Estudos Internacionales, Madrid, Polish Institute of International Relations (Warsaw), Canadian Council on International Law (Ottawa); Royal Institute of International Relations (London); American Society of International Law (Washington, D.C.), Max-Planck Institute for International and Comparative Law (Heidelberg), Academy of European Law (Florence). Lecturer at the External Courses (Training of Diplomats) of the Brazilian Diplomat Academy Rio-Branco in Suriname, Cape Verde and Gabon; Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations (1979-1983) and Coordinator of the Graduate Course in International Relations (1985-1986) of the University of Brasilia. Participant, invited as lecturer or rapporteur at numerous international congresses or symposia of international law in several countries.

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V. Professional experience

President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (elected 1999, re-elected 2002); Vice-President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (elected 1997); Judge of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (elected 1995, re-elected by acclamation 2000); former Judge ad hoc of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (two cases, 1990-1994). Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (elected unanimously, 1994-1996). Member of the Board of Directors of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (elected 1988-1991, re-elected unanimously 1991-1994, re-elected unanimously 1996 at the end of term as Executive Director); External Legal Adviser to the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (1991-1994); delegate of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights to the regional meeting of Latin America and the Caribbean preparatory to the United Nations World Conference on Human Rights (1993) and to other “satellite-meetings” for the Second United Nations World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993); Head of the Delegation of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights to the Central American Conference on Peace and Development (Tegucigalpa, 1994). Legal Adviser to the Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (1985-1990); Deputy Head of the Delegation of Brazil to the United Nations Conference on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations (Vienna, 1986); Delegate of Brazil to the Second World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993); Special Envoy of the Minister of External Relations of Brazil to Chile for Questions Pertaining to Human Rights (Santiago, 1993-1994); Delegate of Brazil to the twenty-fourth General Assembly of OAS (Belém do Pará, Brazil, 1994); Delegate of Brazil to the fourteenth General Assembly of OAS (Brasilia, 1984); Delegate of Brazil to the Conferences on the Latin American Parliament (Cartagena and Lima, 1987); Delegate of Brazil to the Joint Meeting of the Contadora Group and the Group of Support (Cartagena, 1985); Head of the Delegation of Brazil to the United Nations Conference on the Code of Conduct for Transfer of Technology (Geneva, 1983); Legal Adviser to the Delegation of Brazil to the Sixth Conference of the Brazilian-French Mixed Commission of Demarcation of Limits (1981). Expert of the United Nations and Lecturer in the United Nations global consultation on the right to development as a human right (Geneva, 1990); Member of the Group of Senior Legal Advisers to UNEP (Nairobi, 1990-1992), participant of the meetings in Malta (1990), Nairobi (Jan. and Sept. 1991), Geneva (March and July 1991), Beijing (1991), Rio de Janeiro (1991-1992), Nairobi (Sept. 1992); Member of the Advisory Committee of Experts in International Environmental Law of the United Nations University (1984-1987), participant at the meetings at The Hague (1984), Rio de Janeiro (1985), Strasbourg (1986), Goa, India (1987). Adviser of UNDP for its project of advisory services to and modernization of the foreign offices of Latin American countries (1988 — Chile, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Guatemala); Adviser of UNEP for the elaboration of the project of environmental legislation of Sao Tome and Principe (1992); Member of the Group of Jurists of the Comisión Sudamericana de Paz, entrusted with the elaboration of the first draft of the Treaty of Zone of Peace in South America (Brasilia, August 1989, and Montevideo, June 1990).

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Member of the Commission of Jurists of OAS for Nicaragua (1993-1994). Member of the Commission of Senior Legal Advisers to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for the final evaluation of the process of the International Conference on Central American Refugees (Mexico City, 1994); Legal Adviser to the Council of Europe in the case concerning the 1995 Minsk Convention on Human Rights (1995). Member of the Commission of Advisers to UNESCO on the Right to Peace as a Human Right (participant of the meetings of Las Palmas, Spain, Feb. 1997, and Oslo, June 1997). Research supervisor for the project on humanitarian law and customary law, of the International Committee of the Red Cross (1997). Arbitrator, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (2006-2008). Director of the Brazilian Journal of International Law (published every semester: Director since 1985); Co-Director of the Brazilian Journal of Human Rights (since 2001); Brazilian editor of the International Legal Materials (Washington/American Society of International Law, since 1981); Member of the Editorial Council of the Review “Arquivos” of the Ministry of Justice of Brazil (1987-2002); Member of the Editorial Board of the Brazilian Journal of International Politics (since 1993); Member of the Editorial Board of “International Newsletter” of the University of São Paulo, Brazil (since 1997).

VI. Prizes and other distinctions

“Heleno Fragoso” prize for human rights, awarded by the Brazilian Bar Association/Paraná (Curitiba, 2000). Prize “World Citizenship”, awarded by human rights non-governmental organizations in Brazil (Brasilia, 1998); Yorke Prize (University of Cambridge, 1978); “Comendador” of the Order of Rio-Branco, Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (1990); Great-Cross of the Order of Rio- Branco, Ministry of External Relations of Brazil (2001); Great Medal of the Order of “Inconfidencia”, Ouro Preto, Brazil (2001); Honours, University of Salerno, Italy (1984); Honours, International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg (1988); Honours, Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, Costa Rica (1997); Decoration of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (Caracas, 1999); Prize “Pontes de Miranda”, “Academia Brasileira de Letras Jurídicas”, 2004; Great-Cross of the Order of “Paz Soldán”, Ministry of External Relations of Peru (Lima, 2005).

VII. Membership in scientific and professional associations

Member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law (elected in 2004); Member of the Institute of International Law (elected at its Strasbourg session, 1997); Elected member of the Committee on the Enforcement of Human Rights Law of the International Law Association (London); Elected member of the International Council of Environmental Law (Bonn). Member of the Boards of Directors (elected and re-elected) of the Inter- American Institute of Human Rights and of the International Institute of Human Rights (San José and Strasbourg, respectively); Elected member of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (San Remo).

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Permanent Member of the Brazilian Society of International Law; Associate Member of the Asociación Argentina de Derecho Internacional; Elected member of the Societé Française pour le Droit International; Permanent Member (elected, 1994), and former rapporteur (1996), of the Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional; Member of the American Society of International Law; Member of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and of the Indian Society of International Law; Member of the Association des Anciens Auditeurs of The Hague Academy of International Law. Member of the Advisory Board of the Asia-Pacific Council on Human Rights Studies (New Delhi, 1998); Member of the International Council on Human Rights Policy (London, 1997); Member of the Steering Committee of the Project on International Courts and Tribunals (New York/The Hague, 1998-2001). Honorary President of the Brazilian Institute of Human Rights; Member of the Brazilian Bar Association; “Professor Homenageado” (elected by the students) of the University of Brasilia, “Professor Homenageado” (elected by the students) of the Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil (1st Semester of 2002) and of the Tuiuti University of Curitiba, Brazil (2nd Semester of 2002); “Professor Homenageado” of the Diplomatic Academy Rio Branco (1999 and 2006). Member of the Academina Mineira de Letras Jurídicas; Member of the Academia Brasileira de Letras Jurídicas.

VIII. Languages

Fluent in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese; passive knowledge of Italian and German.

Miriam Defensor Santiago (Philippines)

[Original: English]

Professional profile

Law doctorate graduate (University of Michigan, United States), with record of outstanding and exemplary success in political leadership and administrative management in the Philippines and Asia. Creative problem solver in the national bureaucracy with ability to drive revenue growth, resolve conflict, improve morale and consistently exceed policy goals. As a prominent lawyer, excelled in all three branches of Government — executive, legislative and judicial. An academic for some 10 years.

Political leadership

Named by Australian magazine website one of the 100 most powerful women in the world in 1996. Ranked a very close second in the controversial 1992 Philippine presidential elections. Elected senator in 1995 for six-year term; chaired Senate committee on constitutional amendments and revision of laws. Elected senator in 2004; chair of foreign relations committee; energy committee; joint congressional power commission; and legislative oversight on Visiting Forces Agreement. Member, Commission on Appointments.

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Administrative management

Laureate of the Magsaysay award for Government Service, also known as the Asian Nobel Prize, “for bold and moral leadership in cleaning up a graft-ridden government agency”. As immigration commissioner, successfully fought corruption in spectacular crusade reported by international media. Hands-on government manager with solid success in planning and executing administrative reform. As trial judge, won various awards for integrity and efficiency.

Political marketing

Proven ability as agrarian reform secretary (cabinet member) to recognize and capitalize on agrarian reform as market trend and assume bottom-line responsibility for strategic planning. Broad knowledge of marketing disciplines in persuading landlords to accept agrarian reform, including research, promotional planning, event planning and advertising.


Decisive team leader with extensive experience recruiting and hiring administrative staff, mostly fresh graduates; for professional work in the executive, legislative and judiciary; developing talent; and creating effective training programmes, notably Senate summer internship.

Academic reputation

Listed in the 2000 United Nations roster of eminent and highly qualified experts in international law. Author of some 30 books, mostly on law. Taught part-time international law, constitutional law and remedial law for some 10 years at the University of the Philippines.


Highly persuasive communicator, particularly on television, with remarkable presentation and persuasive skills. Adjudged by Metro Manila media as winner of 1992 televised presidential debates. Well able to develop productive relationships with colleagues, public and staff at all levels. Wrote popular opinion column in leading newspaper and later in Sunday magazine.

Work experience

2004-2010: Senator, Republic of the Philippines Chair, Committee on Foreign Relations; Chair, Legislative Oversight Committee on the Visiting Forces Agreement; Chair, Committee on Energy; Chair, Joint Congressional Power Commission; Vice-Chair, Committee on Finance; Member, Commission on Appointments. 1992-Present: Senior Partner, Defensor Santiago Law Firm.

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1991-Present: President and founder, People’s Reform Party. 1990-Present: Chair and founder, Movement for Responsible Public Service. 1995-2001: Senator, Republic of the Philippines Chair, Senate committee on constitutional amendments and revision of laws; Member, Commission on Appointments; Member, Senate Electoral Tribunal. 1994: Opinion columnist, “Gadfly”, Today newspaper. 1992: Presidential candidate. 1989: Secretary of Agrarian Reform Chair, Presidential Agrarian Reform Council Executive Committee. 1988-1989: Commissioner of Immigration and Deportation. Member, Board of Directors: 1988-1989: Public Estates Authority; 1988-1989: Philippine Retirement Authority; 1988-1989: Ninoy Aquino International Airport Authority; 1989: Land Bank of the Philippines. 1985-1988: Opinion columnist, “Overview”, Philippine Panorama Sunday magazine. 1976-1988: Professorial Lecturer, College of Law, University of the Philippines. 1983-1987: Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Court, Branch 106, Quezon City. 1981-1983: Legal Consultant, University of the Philippines Law Center. 1982: Legal Consultant, Philippine Embassy, Washington, D.C. 1979-1980: Legal Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva. 1970-1980: Special Assistant to the Secretary of Justice. 1977-1979: Member, Board of Censors for Motion Pictures. 1972-1975: Opinion Columnist, Philippines Daily Express newspaper. 1971-1974: Professor of Political Science, Trinity College of Quezon City.


1976: Doctor of the Science of Law (Barbour Scholar and DeWitt Fellow), University of Michigan. Requirements (except publication), fulfilled in six months, with “A” average. 1989: Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, Centro Escolar University. 1989: Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, Xavier University, Ateneo de Cagayan de Oro.

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1989: Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, University of San Agustin. 1975: Master of Laws (DeWitt Fellow), University of Michigan, with “A” average. 1996: Master of Arts in Religious Studies (cand.), Maryhill School of Theology, Quezon City. 1969: Bachelor of Laws, cum laude, University of the Philippines. 1965: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, magna cum laude, University of the Philippines. Finished in 3 1/2 instead of 4 years, with an average grade in the last semester of 1.1. 1961: Valedictorian, Iloilo Provincial National High School: Awardee, All-Around Girl Medallion. 1957: Valedictorian, La Paz Elementary School.

Post-doctoral studies

2000: Visiting Law Fellow, St. Hilda’s College, Oxford University. 1999: Visiting Fellow, Lauterpacht Research Centre for International Law, Cambridge University. 1998: Paris-Geneva Summer Program in International Law, sponsored by American University. 1997: Summer Program in Law at Oxford University, sponsored by Florida State University. 1996: Summer Program of Instruction for Lawyers, . 1985: Graduate, California Judicial College, University of California at Berkeley. In the practical courtroom test, American judges gave her the highest grade of 33 out of 35. 1984: Fellow, seminar on judicial writing and caseflow management in the trial courts, Institute of Judicial Administration, Quezon City. Top-notcher of examination in judicial writing. 1978: Fellow, UN/UNITAR Programme in International Law, The Hague, Holland and Brussels, Belgium. 1978: Fellow, External Session of The Hague Academy of International Law, Tokyo, Japan. 1972: Fellow, Academy of American and International Law, Southwestern Legal Foundation, Dallas, Texas.

Papers and conferences

Papers delivered

“A Democratic State and Governance in the 21st Century: A View from East Asia”, II Global Forum on Reinventing Government, Brasilia (29 May 2000). “Guidelines for Reporting by Governments on the Implementation of the Global Program of Action, on the Progress Achieved in Meeting the Goals and Targets for

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the Years 2003 and 2008”, 42nd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna (17 March 1999). “Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism”, 53rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York (12 Nov. 1998). “Philippine Intellectual Property Laws, A Review in Light of the GATT”, Conference on International Economic Transactions, Sponsored by the Indonesian Bar Association, Jakarta (24 April 1996). “Women Business Lawyers: Meeting the New Political and Economic Challenges in Asia”, Conference of the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (Women Business Lawyers’ Group), Singapore (4 Dec. 1995). “The ‘Gap’ in the International Protection of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, Victims of Conflicts”, International Congress on Respect for International Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy (7 Sept. 1995). “Toward Radical Humanism in a Meta-Technological Society”, Global Convention on the Restoration of Morality and Humanity, Kyung Hee University, Seoul (5 Sept. 1995). “Asian Perspective: The Promotion of International Refugee Law as a Factor in Conflict Prevention”, 19th Roundtable on Current Problems of International Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy (31 Aug. 1994). “What Does the Law Say?” Symposium on Equipping Southeast Asian Women Managers for the 90s, Kuala Lumpur (6 March 1991). “Corruption Prevention Strategies in Developing Countries”, Keynote Speaker, Fourth International Anticorruption Conference, Sydney, Australia (13 Nov. 1989).

Papers published

1. “The Status of IRRI as an International Organization in National and International Law”, Philippine Law Journal (Feb. 2005). 2. “Some Issues of Immigration Law in a Developing State”, Michigan Journal of International Law (1989). 3. “CID: The Philippine Experiment in Fighting Graft”, Career Executive Journal (1989). 4. “Family Reunification for Refugees: The Philippine Context”, Lawyer’s Review. 5. “Arrest and Search: Guidelines for Policemen” Criminal Justice Journal (1986). 6. “The Supreme Court Applies ‘Clear and Present Danger’: But Which One?” Philippine Law Journal (1985). 7. “Criminal Procedure in the Juvenile Justice System”, Criminal Justice Journal (1984). 8. “The ‘New’ Equal Protection”, Philippine Law Journal (1983). 9. “Identifying the Political Offender”, Philippine Law Journal (1981).

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10. “Promotion, Dissemination, and Teaching of International Refugee Law: Towards a New International Social Order”, Philippine Law Journal (co-author) (1980). 11. “Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts”, Philippine Law Journal (1979). 12. “Procedural Aspects of the Political Offence Doctrine”, Philippine Law Journal (1976). 13. “The Archipelago Concept in the Law of the Sea”, Philippine Law Journal (1974).

Conferences and programmes

Head of Delegation, 13th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, Ha Long City, Viet Nam (2005). Delegate, Third Session of the Consultative Assembly of Parliamentarians for the International Criminal Court and the Rule of Law, Wellington, New Zealand (2004). Fellow, Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, China (2002). Keynote Speaker, Island Conference on Public Administration, University of Guam (1992). Fellow, Williamsburg Conference, Chiangmai, Thailand (1990). Fellow, International Visitor Program, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles (1989). Fellow, Special Visits Program, Sydney and Canberra, Australia (1988). Chairperson, 13th Roundtable on Current Problems of International Humanitarian Law, San Remo, Italy (1988). Philippine Delegate, INTERPOL General Assembly Session, Nice, France (1987). Secretary-General, ASEAN Women Judges Conference, Manila (1987). Fellow, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California (1985). Philippine Delegate, First International Seminar-Workshop on Managing Delay in the courts, Manila (1983). Chairperson, Second Philippine Goodwill Mission to Taiwan Province of China (1968). Philippine Delegate, First Southeast Asian and Australasian Law Students’ Seminar, Singapore (1967).

Books (Mainly college textbook series: 1999-2003)


Civil Code Annotated Constitution Annotated Corporation Code Annotated Election Code Annotated

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Insurance Code Annotated Local Government Code Annotated National Internal Revenue Code Annotated Penal Code Annotated Rules of Court Annotated (2d. ed.) Tariff and Customs Code Annotated Constitutional Law, Volume 1 — Political Structure Constitutional Law, Volume 2 — Bill of Rights The 1973 Constitution International Law, With Philippine Cases and Materials and ASEAN Instruments International Law (co-author)


History of Philosophy, The Great Philosophers Political Philosophy, Theory and Issues in Politics Philisophy of Religion, Western and Eastern Religions Moral Philosophy, Theory and Issues in Ethics (in progress)


International Relations (2d. ed.) Politics and Governance Christianity vs. Corruption At the Turn of the Century: National Policy Issues in the Philippines Cutting Edge: The Politics of Reform in the Philippines Where Angels Fear to Tread: Politics and Religion How to Fight Election Fraud How to Fight Graft


Inventing Myself: an Autobiography A Frabjous Day and Other Stories The Miriam Dictionary

Professional awards

A. Interntional and national

“The 100 Most Powerful Women in the World”, The Australian, 1996 http://wisdom.psinet.au/~kabu/100mpw.html

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Magsaysay Award for government service, 1988 Magsaysay Awards Foundation TOYM award for law, 1985 (The Outstanding Young Men), opened to women 1984, Philippine Jaycees TOWNS award for law, 1986 (Outstanding Women in the Nation’s Service) Philippine Lions Gold Vision Triangle Award for government service, 1988 YMCA Philippines Republic Anniversary Award for law enforcement, 1988 Civic Assembly of Women of the Philippines Golden Jubilee Achievement Award for public service, 1990 Girl Scouts of the Philippines Celebrity Mother Award, 1991 Gintong Ina Awards Foundation

B. Universities

Diamond Award for excellence in the legal profession, 1993 University of the Philippines Portia Sorority Professional Award in law, 1988 University of the Philippines Alumni Association Award of Honor, 1990, 1991 and 1993 U.P. Women Lawyers’ Circle Most Outstanding Alumna Award, 1997 University of the Philippines Visayas Outstanding Alumna Award, 1991 Iloilo National High School Alumni Association, Inc. Most Outstanding Alumna Award, 1991 La Paz Elementary School, Iloilo City Award of Achievement, 1988 Centro Escolar University Graduate School Alumni Association People’s Service Award, 1990 University of the East College of Law Student Government Award of Commendation, 1990 University of Manila Achievement Award, 1989 Angeles University Foundation Brown Visiting Fellow Award, 1988 Trinity College of Quezon City Outstanding Achievement Award, 1990 Martinez Memorial Colleges Award of Outstanding Recognition, 1988 Iloilo National High School

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C. Churches

Award of Excellence in Public Service, 1988 Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches Award of Recognition for public service, 1988 Roman Catholic Archbishops and Bishops of Manila Woman of the Year Award, 1988 Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines Woman of Destiny Award, 1991 Philippine Independent Church Zambales Diocesan Council

D. Government agencies

Centenniel Award for politics and legislation, 1998 National Centenniel Commission Award of Distinction, 1999 Presidential Agrarian Reform Council Distinguished Achievement Award, 1986 National Police Commission Leadership Award, 1988 Philippine Ports Authority Award of Recognition for Best Agency Productivity, 1988 Government Productivity Improvement Program Council Outstanding Ilonggo Award for good government, 1989 Iloilo provincial government

E. Civic groups

Woman of Distinction Award, 1988 Soroptimist International of Greater Manila Integrity of Profession Award, 1988 Soroptimist International of Quezon City Award of Distinction, 1988 Zonta International of Baguio City Outstanding Public Servant Award, 1989 Rotary International District 378 in Quezon City Special Award for Outstanding Achievement, 1990 Joint Rotary Clubs in Pasay City Award of Recognition, 1988 Joint Rotary Clubs in Tarlac Province Outstanding Achievement Award, 1994 Rotary Club of Cabanatuan City Award of Distinction, 1989 Rotary Club of Roxas City

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Award of Honor, 1988 Federation of Filipino-Chinese Associations of the Philippines Outstanding Young Woman of Iloilo Award for law, 1984 Ilang-Ilang Jaycees and Iloilo provincial government Golden Cross Achievement Award, 1990 10th Battalion Combat Team Peftok Veterans Award of Distinction, 1988 Girl Scouts of the Philippines, Iloilo Chapter Distinguished Public Service Award, 1988 Barangay U.P. Village Senior Citizens Organization

F. Foreign Groups

Award for International Cooperation, 1989 U.S. Customs Service Achievement Award, 1991 Iloilo Association of Guam Medal of Honor and Woman of the Year Award, 1989 Foundation of Phil-American Medical Society of New Jersey, Inc.

G. Media

News Personality of the Year Award, 1988 ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation Top Ten Newsmakers Award, 1996 Bulong Pulungan sa Westin Philippine Plaza Award of Recognition, 1988 Community Publishers-Editors Association of the Philippines Award of Recognition, 1988 Rizal-Metro Manila Tri-Media Association, Inc. Woman of the Year Award, 2000 Sun-Star Iloilo Public Service Award, 1991 Pambansang Unyon ng Mamamahayag sa Medya

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Christopher John Greenwood (United Kingdom)

[Original: English]

MA, LL.B (Cambridge); Professor of International Law, London School of Economics.


Wellingborough School, Northamptonshire Magdalene College, University of Cambridge BA (Law) 1976, 1st Class honours LL.B (International Law) 1997, 1st class honours Whewell Scholar in International Law M.A. 1981


Fellow of Magdalene College, Cambridge, 1978-1996 Lecturer in Law, University of Cambridge, 1981-1996 Professor of International Law, London School of Economics since 1996


Called to the Bar by Middle Temple, 1978-1979 (Bencher, 2003) In practice at the English Bar since 1985 Queen’s Counsel, 1999

Specialist in Public International Law. Appointed a Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (CMG) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, June 2002. Counsel before the International Court of Justice in Libya v. United Kingdom (Aerial Incident at Lockerbie) ICJ Reps., 1992, p. 3; ICJ Reps. 1998, p. 3; Advisory Opinions on Nuclear Weapons, ICJ Reps. 1996, pp. 66 and 226; Case concerning Legality of Use of Force (Yugoslavia v. United Kingdom), ICJ Reps, 1999 (continuing); Congo v. Rwanda (discontinued 2000) Congo v. Rwanda (No. 2) decision on Provisional Measures of Protection, July 2002 (continuing); Nicaragua v. Honduras (continuing). Counsel before the European Court of Human Rights in Bankovic v. Belgium and Others, (Grand Chamber) 11 Butts. HRLC 435 (2001), Kingsley v. United Kingdom (Grand Chamber) 35 EHRR 177 (2002), Azinas v. Cyprus (judgment in Grand Chamber pending). Counsel before ICSID arbitration tribunals, the United Nations Compensation Commission, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and other international tribunals. Expert witness called by United States of America in Loewen v. United States of America (NAFTA Ch 11); award in favour of the United States of America issued on 26 June 2003 (www.naftalaw.org). Counsel before the English courts in R. v. Bow Street Magistrate, ex parte Pinochet (No. 1) [2000] 1 AC 147, [1998] 3 WLR 1456 and (No. 3) [2000] 1 AC 147, [1999]

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2 WLR 827 (House of Lords); Holland v. Lampen-Wolfe [2000] 1 WLR 1573 (House of Lords) and [1999] 1 WLR 188 (Court of Appeal), Kuwait Airways Corporation v. Iraqi Airways Co. [1999] CLC 31; [2001] 1 WLR 429; [2001] 3 WLR 1117 (Court of Appeal) and [2002] 2 AC 883 (House of Lords); Re P [1998] 1 Fam Law Reps 1027 (High Court and Court of Appeal), Lonrho Exports Ltd. v. Export Credits Guarantee Department [1999] Ch 158 (High Court), Caglar v. Billingham [1996] STC (SCD) 150 (Commissioners of Income Tax) and other cases. Counsel before other courts: Braswell v. Minister of Finance (CA Bermuda, 2002); Financial Services Commissioner case (Supreme Court and Court of Appeal, Gibraltar, 2003). Member Arbitration Tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, Larsen v. Hawaiian Kingdom (2001). Member, Panel of Arbitrators, Law of the Sea Convention; Panel of Arbitrators, International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. Expert witness on international law in arbitrations and proceedings in Canada, New Zealand and the United States.


Essex Court Chambers, 24 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3EG (Tel: 020 7813 8000; Fax: 020 7813 8080) Clerk: David Grief. Law Department, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE (Tel: 020 7955 7250).

Former positions

Fellow, Magdalene College, Cambridge 1978-96 Director of Studies of Law, Magdalene College, 1981-96 Tutor, Magdalene College, 1989-96 Dean, Magdalene College, 1981-87 University Lecturer, University of Cambridge 1981-96 Various visiting professorships

Societies and committees

Member of the Editorial Committee of the British Year Book of International Law, the Year Book of International Humanitarian Law and the Journal of Conflict and Security Law; Member of the Council, British Branch, International Law Association; Member of the American Society of International Law since 1979, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law, the Society of Public Teachers of Law.


Books and pamphlets

The International Law Reports (vols. 51-124 and continuing) Joint editor with Sir E. Lauterpacht QC, since vol. 82.

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Command and the Laws of Armed Conflict (1993) Pamphlet published by Strategic and Combat Studies Institute for the Ministry of Defence. The Kuwait Crisis, Basic Documents, vol. I (1991) Joint editor. Forthcoming: The Modern Law of Armed Conflict (Oxford University Press). Oppenheim’s International Law, vol. II (Longmans).


1. “State Contracts in International Law”, British Year Book of International Law (1982). 2. “The Relationship of Ius ad Bellum and Ius in Bello”, Review of International Studies (1983). 3. “The Concept of War in Modern International Law”, International and Comparative Law Quarterly (1987). 4. “International Law and the United States Air Operation against Libya”, West Virginia Law Review (1987). 5. “Nationality and the Free Movement of Persons in Community Law”, Year Book of European Law (1987). 6. “Reprisals and Reciprocity in the Modern Law of Armed Conflict”, in M. Meyer (ed.), Armed Conflict and the New Law (British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 1989). 7. “The Nuclear Weapons Issue in European Courts”, in M. Cohen and E. Gouin (eds.), Lawyers and the Nuclear Debate (University of Ottawa Press, 1988). 8. “Self-Defence and the Conduct of International Armed Conflict”, in Y. Dinstein (ed.), International Law at a Time of Perplexity (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989). 9. “Twilight of the Law of Belligerent Reprisals”, Netherlands Year Book of International Law (1989). 10. “Terrorism and Protocol I”, Israel Year Book of Human Rights (1989). 11. “The Administration of Occupied Territory in International Law”, in E. Playfair (ed.), International Law and the Administration of Occupied Territories (Oxford University Press, 1992). 12. “Iraq’s Invasion of Kuwait: Some Legal Issues”, World Today (March 1991) (also published in German in Neue Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht). 13. “Military Manuals and the Development of International Humanitarian Law” in M. Bothe and T. Kurzidem (eds.), National Implementation of International Humanitarian Law (Nihjoff, Dordrecht, 1990).

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14. “Decisions of British Courts on Public International Law in 1989”, British Year Book of International Law (1989) [This article is primarily a critique of the International Tin Council litigation in the English courts]. 15. “The Customary Law Status of the 1977 Additional Protocols”, A. Delissen and G. Tanja (eds.), Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts (Martinus Nihjoff, Dordrecht, 1991). 16. “In Defence of the Laws of War” in R. M. Hinde (ed.), The Institution of War (Longmans, London, 1991). 17. “Neutrality at Sea”, in I. Dekker and H. Post (eds.), The Gulf War 1980-88 (Martinus Nihjoff, Dordrecht, 1991). 18. “The New World Order or Old? The Invasion of Kuwait and the Rule of Law”, Modern Law Review (1992). 19. “Is There a Right of Humanitarian Intervention?”, World Today (February 1993) (also published in German in Europarchiv). 20. “The International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia” International Affairs (1993). 21. “The War Crimes Act 1991”, in H. Fox and M. Meyer (eds.), Effecting Compliance (British Institute for International and Comparative Law, 1993). 22. “Customary International Law and the First Geneva Protocol of 1997 in the Gulf Conflict”, in P. Rowe (ed.), The Gulf War 1990-91 in International and English Law (Routledge, London, 1993). 23. Chapters 1 and 2 in D. Fleck (ed.), Handbuck des Humanitaren Volkerrechts in bewaffneten Konflikten (1994), published in English as D. Fleck (ed.), The Handbook of Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts (Oxford 1995). 24. “Considerations of International Law” (with Hugh Mercer) in B. Eichengreen and R. Portes (eds.), Crisis? What Crisis? Orderly Workouts for Sovereign Debtors (1995). 25. “The United Nations as Guarantor of International Peace and Security 1945-95: A United Kingdom View”, in C. Tomuschat (ed.), The United Nations at Age Fifty: A Legal Perspective (1996). 26. “The International Court and the Use of Force”, in A. V. Lowe and M. Fitzmaurice (eds.), Fifty Years of the International Court of Justice (1996). 27. “International Humanitarian Law and the Tadic Case”, European Journal of International Law (1996). 28. “Protection of Peacekeepers: The Legal Regime”, Duke Journal of International Law (1996). 29. “The Advisory Opinion on Nuclear Weapons and the Contribution of the International Court to International Humanitarian Law”, 37 International Review of the Red Cross (1997). 30. “State Responsibility and Civil Liability for Environmental Damage caused by Military Operations” in Grunawalt, King and McClain, Protection of the

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Environment during Armed Conflict (1997) (US Naval War College Studies, vol. 69). 31. “Current Issues in the Law of Armed Conflict”, Singapore Journal of International and Comparative Law (1997). 32. “Jus ad bellum and Jus in bello in the Advisory Opinion on Nuclear Weapons”, in Sands and Boisson de Chazournes, International Law, the International Court of Justice and Nuclear Weapons (Cambridge University Press in Autumn 1999). 33. “A Critique of the Protocols” (on the 1977 Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions) in Durham and McCormack (ed.), The Changing Face of Conflict and the Efficacy of International Law (Kluwer, 1999). 34. “The Development of International Humanitarian Law by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia”, Year Book of United Nations Law (1998). 35. “International Humanitarian Law and the United Nations Military Operations”, Year Book of International Humanitarian Law (1998). 36. “The Law of Weaponry at the Start of the New Millennium”, in L. C. Green and M. Schmitt (eds.), Into the Millennium: The Law of Armed Conflict (US Naval War College 1999). 37. “Rights at the Frontier: Protecting the Individual in Time of War”, in Rider (ed.), Law at the Centre (1999); the 50th Anniversary Lectures of the Institute for Advanced Legal Studies. 38. Report on International Humanitarian Law published under commission from the Netherlands Government as part of the Centenary of the First Hague Peace Conference, published in F. Kalshoven (ed.), The Centennial of the First International Peace Conference (Kluwer, 2000). 39. “International Law and the NATO Intervention in Kosovo”, Memorandum to House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee, HC Paper 28-II (1999-2000), reproduced in 49 ICLQ (2000). 40. “Belligerent Reprisals in the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia” in Fischer, Kress and Luder (eds.), International and National Prosecution of Crimes under International Law (Berlin, 2001). 41. “International Law and the Conduct of Military Operations: Stocktaking at the Start of a New Millennium” in Schmitt (ed.), International Law across the Spectrum of Conflict: Essays in Honour of Professor L. C. Green (US Naval War College 2001). 42. “International Law and the ‘War against Terrorism’”, International Affairs (2002). 43. “Humanitarian Intervention: The Case of Kosovo”, Finnish Year Book of International Law (2000).

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44. “The Applicability of International Humanitarian Law and the Law of Neutrality to the Kosovo Campaign”, Israel Year Book of Human Rights (2001). 45. “Pre-emptive Force: Afghanistan and Iraq”, San Diego International Law Journal (2003). 46. “War, Terrorism and International Law” (to be published in 2002-2003 Current Legal Problems). 47. “The Use of Force against Iraq” (Proceedings of 2003 RIIA Defence Conference, CD Rom). 48. “Questions of Jurisdiction: NATO, its Member States and the Kosovo Conflict” (to be published in Bristol University Comparative Law Conference Series). 49. “Terrorism: The Proper Law and the Proper Forum” (to be published in United States Naval War College International Law Studies 2002). 50. “The Law of War” in M. Evans (ed.), International Law (Oxford 2003).

Case notes and shorter articles

1. “Conspiracy to do the Impossible” (DPP v. Nock) Cambridge Law Journal (1978). 2. “The US-France Air Services Arbitration”, Cambridge Law Journal (1979). 3. “Intention to Steal” (A-G’s refs Nos. 1 and 2 of 1979), Cambridge Law Journal (1980). 4. “The Iranian Hostages Case”, Cambridge Law Journal (1980). 5. “Causation and Credit Card Fraud” (R. v. Lambie), Cambridge Law Journal (1981). 6. “An Englishman’s Castle Revisited” (McLorie v. Oxford), Cambridge Law Journal (1983). 7. “Free Movement of Workers in EEC Law and English Law”, New Law Journal (1983). 8. “Long-Term Contracts between States and Foreign Companies”, Business Law Review (1983). 9. “Contracts with Foreign States: Sovereign Immunity and the Act of State Doctrine”, Business Law Review (1983). 10. “European Community Law in 1983”, All England Annual Review 1983. 11. “Freedom to Provide Services in EEC Law: Two New Cases”, Business Law Review (1984). 12. “Procedural Problems of Litigation against a Foreign State”, Business Law Review (1985). 13. “European Community Law in 1984”, All England Annual Review (1984). 14. “Public International Law in 1984”, All England Annual Review (1984).

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15. “International Law, Rules of Engagement and Air Warfare”, The Hawk (Journal of the RAF Staff College) (1985). 16. “European Community Law in 1985”, All England Annual Review (1985). 17. “European Community Law in 1986”, All England Annual Review (1986). 18. “Constitutional Reform in the EEC” (the Single European Act), Cambridge Law Journal (1987). 19. “Directives — Time to Retire” (Marshall v. Southampton Area Health Authority), Cambridge Law Journal (1987). 20. “Public International Law in 1987”, All England Annual Review (1987). 21. “European Community Law in 1988”, All England Annual Review (1988). 22. “Public International Law in 1988”, All England Annual Review (1988). 23. “The Royal Navy’s Armilla Patrol” (1988), Proceedings of the American Society of International Law. 24. “European Community Law in 1989”, All England Annual Review (1989). 25. “Put Not Your Trust in Princes — The Tin Council Appeals” (JH Rayner v. DTI), Cambridge Law Journal (1990). 26. “The Tin Council Litigation in the House of Lords” (JH Rayner v. DTI), Cambridge Law Journal (1990). 27. “European Community Law in 1990”, All England Annual Review (1990). 28. “Is Britain at War in the Gulf”, Solicitors’ Journal (1991). 29. “European Community Law in 1991”, All England Annual Review (1991). 30. “Effect of Directives in National Law” (Marleasing and Francovich), Cambridge Law Journal (1992). 31. “Recognition of States — Routine Acts” (the “Cyprus potatoes case” in the CJEC), Cambridge Law Journal (1995) (with A. V. Lowe).


Articles in the Times, the Independent and other national newspapers and in Strategic Comments and Strategic Survey (published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies). Expert witness in Channel 4 programme: “Waldheim: A Case to Answer?” (1988). Approximately 200 television and radio interviews on international law for the BBC World Service, BBC Radio, BBC Television, CNN, ITN, Channel 4 and other companies. Approximately 60 book reviews in various journals.

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Maurice Kamto (Cameroon)

[Original: French]

Born on 15 February 1954 in Bafoussam, Cameroon. Degree in public law, Faculty of Law of the University of Yaoundé (1979). Diplôme des hautes études internationales et d’études supérieures des communautés européennes (graduate diploma in international studies and advanced diploma in European Community studies), Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales (IEHEI), Nice (1980). Diplôme d’études approfondies de droit public fondamental (diploma of advanced studies in basic public law) and diplôme d’études approfondies de droit international (diploma of advanced studies in international law), Faculty of Law, Nice (1980). Diploma from the Institute of Public Administration, Paris (1982). Doctorat d’Etat (doctorate) in law, Faculty of Law, Nice (1983). Thesis prize awarded by the Faculty of Law, Nice (1983). Prize awarded by the Académie des sciences d’outre-mer (1988). Agrégation (higher education teaching certificate) awarded by the French Faculties of Law (1988). Admitted to the Paris Bar in 1997. Commander of the Order of Valour (Niger). Knight of the Order of Valour (Cameroon). Knight of the Order of Academic Palms (African and Malagasy Council on Higher Education). Member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations. Associate member of the Institute of International Law. Minister Delegate to the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Justice of Cameroon (December 2004-present). Professor at the University of Yaoundé, the University of Ngaoundéré and, since 1994, at the University of Yaoundé II. Professor at the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon and at the National School of Administration and Judicial Studies. Associate professor at the University of Douala, the University of Dschang and the Catholic University of Central Africa. Visiting professor at the University of Bordeaux I, France (1990), the University of Limoges, France (1991, 1992, 1993, 1994), the University of Nice, France (1992), the University of Dakar, Senegal (1995), the Université du Littoral, France (1996) and the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas (1998). Researcher at the Academy’s Centre for Research on International Law and International Relations (1991). Taught courses at The Hague Academy of International Law during its external session in Abidjan, 25 November to 6 December 1996. Lecturer in the French Department of The Hague Academy of International Law, July/August 1997. Visiting professor at the summer school of The Hague Academy of International Law, Public International Law Department, taught course on the will of the State in international law. Member of the entrance examination panel at the Institute of International Relations of Cameroon. Member of the entrance examination panel at the National School of Administration and Judicial Studies. Member of the examining board for the Agrégation (higher education teaching certificate) in public law and political science, November 1993 in Cotonou, Benin, and November 1995 in Lomé, Togo. Founder and Director of the Centre for Studies, Research and Documentation on International Law and the Environment, a non-governmental organization (1980). Founder and Director of the Study and Research Centre on International and Community Law of the University of Yaoundé II (2000). Founder and Co-editor of the Revue juridique africaine (1988). Co-editor of the Revue de législation et de jurisprudence camerounaises (1989). Founder and Editor of the Revue lex lata

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(1994). Founder of the Revue africaine des sciences juridiques (2000) and of the Revue africaine d’études politiques et stratégiques (2001) of the University of Yaoundé II. Member and First Secretary of Cameroon’s National Committee for Human Rights and Freedoms. Member of the Scientific Board of the Centre for Legal and Political Studies of the African Diaspora of the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. Member of the Group of Experts of the Environmental Law Centre of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in Bonn, Germany. Member of the Environmental Law Network Committee at the Université des réseaux d’expression française, Paris, France. Member of the Commission on Environmental Law of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Member of the Société française pour le droit international, the Société française pour le droit de l’environnement, the Association Henri Capitant, France, the International Law Association, United Kingdom, the International Commission of Jurists, Geneva, Switzerland, the Institut international de droit d’expression et d’inspiration françaises, France, and the African Society of International and Comparative Law, United Kingdom. Member of the International Law Commission of the United Nations since May 1999 and Vice-Chairman of the Commission in 2000. Special Rapporteur on the topic of expulsion of aliens. Associate member of the Institute of International Law since 2005.

Activities before the International Court of Justice

Co-agent, counsel and advocate for Cameroon before the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria. Counsel and advocate for the Republic of Niger before the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the Frontier Dispute (Benin v. Niger). Counsel for Guinea (Conakry) in the Diallo case (Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo).

Activities before other international courts

Co-arbitrator at the Arbitration Court of the Paris International Chamber of Commerce in the following cases: Ethiopia Amalgamated Ltd (Ethiopia) and Allied International Marketing Corporation (United States of America) v. National Bank of Ethiopia (Ethiopia). Counsel and advocate for Cameroon in the Lafarge case before the Cameroonian courts and the Arbitration Tribunal of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, United States of America. Counsel for the Scemar company before the Arbitration Court of the Paris International Chamber of Commerce in Scemar S.A.R.L. v. Dragages S.A, 1994. Member of the United Nations Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission for the implementation of the ruling of the International Court of Justice of 10 October 2002 in the case concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria. In that capacity, served as head of the Cameroonian delegation to the Sub-Commission on Affected Populations, as head of the Cameroonian delegation to the Working Group on the Maritime Boundary, as a member of the Sub-Commission on Demarcation, as a member of the Working Group on Withdrawals and Transfers of Authority in the Lake Chad Area and as a member of the Working Group on Withdrawals and Transfers of Authority in the Bakassi Peninsula. Consultant to the National Investment Society in State of Cameroon (SNI) v. Kloner (1986), submitted for arbitration to the International Centre for Settlement of

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Investment Disputes. Expert for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on the legal aspects of the establishment of the Regional African Satellite Communications Organization. Principal ITU expert on the reform of the legal and institutional framework for telecommunications in Mali (1996), Rwanda (1996), Mauritania (1997), Burkina Faso (1997), Guinea-Bissau (1998) and the Comoros (1998). Expert involved with the project for the harmonization of company law in the franc zone (1993). Consultant to a number of international organizations, including the Regional African Satellite Communications Organization, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Bank of Central African States and the World Bank. Member of and legal adviser to the Cameroonian delegation to the United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court (member of the Drafting Committee), July 1998, to the first session of the Preparatory Commission for the International Criminal Court, New York, 16-26 February 1999, and to various sessions of the United Nations General Assembly.

Principal publications in the field of international and comparative law*


La volonté de l’Etat en Droit international, Recueil des cours de l’Académie de droit international de La Haye (Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law), vol. 310, 2004. Droit de l’environnement en Afrique, EDICEF, Paris, 1996. L’OUA: Rétrospective et perspectives africaines, Paris, Economica, 1990 (co-author). Pouvoir et Droit en Afrique Noire, Essai sur les fondements de constitutionnalisme dans les Etats d’Afrique Noire Francophone, Librairie générale de droit et de jurisprudence, Paris, 1987.


“La Communauté Économique des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale, une communauté de plus?”, Annuaire français de droit international, Paris, vol. XXXI, No. 2, 1987. “Transfert de Technologie et Perspectives Internationales de Développement en Afrique subsaharienne. Quelques réflexions”, Afrique et Développement, Addis Ababa, vol. XII, No. 2, 1987. “L’accession de la Namibie à l’indépendance”, Revue générale de droit international public, Paris, July-September 1990. “Le territoire du Cameroun et le Droit International”, report to the fortieth Congress of the Association Henri Capitant, 12-16 February 1990, in La Maîtrise des Sols, Travaux de l’Association Henri Capitant, Economica, Paris, 1991.

* This bibliography does not include my work on domestic law, administrative law, constitutional law and national environmental law.

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“Les tentatives de règlement non juridictionnel du différend territorial Tchado- Lybien à propos de la Bande d’Aouzou”, Revue juridique et politique indépendance et coopération, 1991. “Le droit international des ressources en eaux continentales africaines”, Annuaire français de droit international, Paris, 1991. “Les Communautés Européennes et les sanctions internationales”, research report for the International Law Research Centre of The Hague Academy of International Law, summer session 1991, published in the Revue africaine de droit international et comparé, London, vol. 7, No. 3. “Le mécanisme de l’OUA pour la prévention, la gestion et le règlement des conflits: l’esquisse d’un nouvel instrument régional pour la paix et le sécurité en Afrique”, minutes of the Nice symposium, in Arrangements régionaux et sécurité collective, vol. XV, No. 2, 1996 . “L’ONU et l’assistance électorale”, paper for the symposium of the African Society of International and Comparative Law (ASICL), London, 1996. “Pauvreté et souveraineté dans l’ordre international contemporain”, in Mélanges en l’honneur du Doyen Paul Isoart, Paris, Pedone, 1996. “Les actes de l’Organisation”, paper for the symposium held on 23-25 November 1994 by The Hague Academy of International Law, minutes published by Martinus Nihjoff, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1995. “Les Cours de Justice des Organisations africaines d’intégration économique”, paper for the Cairo symposium of ASICL, 1996. “Le contentieux de la frontière maritime entre la Guinée-Bissau et le Sénégal”, Revue générale de droit international public, September 1997, No. 3. “Droit au développement des Etats? Retour sur le droit au développement au plan international”, Revue universelle des droits de l’homme, vol. 11, Nos. 1-3. “Le matériau cartographique dans les contentieux frontaliers et territoriaux internationaux”, in Liber Amicarium Mohammed Bedjaoui, London, 1998. “Le choix des sujets pour le développement progressif et la codification du droit international par la CDI et ses méthodes de travail”, paper for the United Nations symposium held on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the International Law Commission, New York, 27 and 28 November 1997. “Le colloque des Nations Unies sur la codification et le développement progressif du droit international”, Annuaire français de droit international, 1997. “L’intitulé d’une affaire portée devant la C.I.J.”, Revue belge de droit international, 2002. “Les origines de la déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme”, report to the international symposium held on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and organized by France’s National Consultative Commission on Human Rights, Paris, September 1998. “Responsabilité pénale de l’Etat et responsabilité pénale de l’individu”, paper for the symposium held to mark the fiftieth anniverary of the Convention on the

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Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide by the Vittoria network, Université de Sceaux, Jean Monnet Law Faculty, December 1998. “L’application des contre-mesures dans le temps”, in Droit de la responsabilité de l’Etat, Nanterre International Law Centre, to be published by A. Pedone. “Mondialisation et droit”, Revue Hellénique de droit international, 2002. “Charte africaine, instruments internationaux de protection des droits de l’homme. Constitutions nationales: articulations respectives”, in Instruments internationaux de protection des droits de l’homme et droits nationaux, edited by Jean François Flauss, Brussels, Bruylant, 2004. “The compatibility of the OHADA treaty with the substantive rules for regional organizations of the World Trade Organization”, Africa’s regional report to the International Law Association, 2001. “Commentaire de l’article 9 de la Convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traités” in La Convention de Vienne de 1969 sur le droit des traités. Commentaire article par article, edited by O. Corten and P. Klein, Brussels, Bruylant, 2007. “La nationalité du navire en droit international”, Mélanges Jean Pierre Queneudec et Laurent Lucchini, Paris, A. Pedone, 2004. “Une troublante ‘immunité totale’ du Ministre des affaires étrangères”, Revue belge de droit international, January 2003. “Les interactions de la Jurisprudence internationale et des jurisprudences nationales”, paper for the symposium organized by the Société française pour le droit international, Lille, 11-13 September 2002, La juridictionnalisation du droit international, Paris, A. Pedone, 2003. “Regard sur la jurisprudence du tribunal international du droit de la mer”, Revue générale de droit international public, 2005, No. 4. “Valeur humaine et construction d’un ordre public international”, Mélanges Abdelfatah Amor, 2006. “Le droit des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes: entre fétichisme idéologique et glissements juridiques”, October 2005, to be published in Mélanges Edmond Jouve. “Le rôle des ‘accords et arrangements régionaux’ en matière de maintien de la paix et de la sécurité internationales à la lumière de la Charte des Nations Unies et de la pratique internationale”, Revue générale de droit international public, 2007. “Les conventions régionales sur la conservation de la nature et des ressources naturelles en Afrique et leur mise en œuvre”, Revue juridique de l’environnement, France, 1991, No. 4. “Fleuves et lacs internationaux africains et problèmes écologiques: Aperçu des problèmes juridiques”, paper for the international symposium on the future of rivers, organized by the French Ministry of the Environment and the National Scientific Research Centre at the Faculty of Law in Poitiers, from 23 to 26 September 1991, published in Environmental Policy and Law, Bonn, Germany, vol. 21, Nos. 5 and 6, 1991. “Les nouveaux principes du Droit international de l’Environnement”, Revue juridique de l’environnement, France, No. 4, October-November 1992.

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“La désertification: Aperçu écologique et esquisse pour une convention sur les zones désertique, arides, semi-arides et sèches-humides”, in Droit de l’environnement et développement durable, edited by M. Prieur and S. Doumbé Billé, Limoges University Press (PULIM), 1994. “Les forêts, patrimoine commun de l’humanité et droit international”, general introductory report for the Limoges symposium of 7 and 8 November 1994 on law, forests and sustainable development, minutes published by Editions Bruylant, Brussels, 1996. “Singularité du droit international de l’environnement”, in Les hommes et l’environnement, en hommage à Alexandre-Charles Kiss, Paris, Frison-Roche, 1997. “Esquisse d’une ‘doctrine’ du patrimoine national d’intérêt écologique mondial”, paper for the symposium on environmental law heritage organized by the “Thermales de Riom” Association, Riom, France, September 1998. “La mise en œuvre du droit international de l’environnement”, general introductory report to the symposium on the implementation of international environmental law at the national level, scientific workshop organized by the Environmental Law Network of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, Yaoundé, March 2001, Limoges, PULIM, 2003. “Les Etats africains riverains de l’Atlantique et la protection des tortues marines”, paper for the Bucharest symposium of the Environmental Law Network Committee of the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, September 2002, Revue roumaine du droit de l’environnement, No. 1, 2002. “L’espèce protégée en droit international de l’environnement”, Mélanges Michel Prieur, 2008. “Le statut juridique des traités signés entre les représentants des puissances coloniales et les monarques indigènes africains en droit international”, Mélanges Jean Salmon, Brussels, Bruylant, 2007. “Les moyens de preuve devant la Cour internationale de Justice à la lumière de quelques affaires récentes portées devant elle”, paper presented to the symposium organized by the International Court of Justice on 10 and 11 April 2006 in The Hague on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the Court, German Yearbook of International Law, 2007.

Rafael Nieto-Navia (Colombia)

[Original: English/Spanish]

Born in Bogotá (Colombia) on 5 February 1938. Married, four children. Former Appeal Judge in the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (17 November 1997-16 November 2001) and Judge of the Yugoslavia Tribunal (3 December 2001-5 December 2003). Formerly judge and President of the International Arbitration Tribunal, Argentina vs. Chile for the definition of the frontier between Benchmark 62 and Monte Fitz- Roy (1991-1995).

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Formerly judge (1982-1994) and President (1987-1989 and 1993-1994) of the Inter- American Court of Human Rights. Member of the Colombian National Group of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague since 1988. Justice of the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court of Justice, Colombia (1980-1984). Member of the Advisory Commission for Foreign Relations (1982-1986).

Academic formation

Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá), Doctorate in Law and Economics (1962). Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá), (external sessions in The Hague Academy of International Law) (1969). Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) Securities (1971). Universidad de Buenos Aires (external sessions, The Hague Academy of International Law) (1972). Fundaçao Getulio Vargas (Río de Janeiro), (Organization of American States, Interamerican Juridical Commission) International Law (1974).

Academic experience

Profesor Distinguido de Derecho Internacional Público en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Javeriana (1962-1997). Has lectured at Universidad de Santo Tomás (Bogotá) (1966), Instituto de Derecho Internacional y Diplomacia de la Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano (Bogotá) (1974-1976); for a graduate course in international law at Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá) (1975); at Universidad Nueva Granada (Bogotá) (1979-1981), at Universidad del Rosario (Bogatá) (1986-1990) and in the Faculty of Political Science of Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá) (1985-1991).

Other academic activities

Lecturer in Negotiable Instruments at Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (Bogotá) (1977-1997). Lecturer and guest speaker at Centro de Estudios Colombianos (Bogotá), at Academia Diplomática of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Bogotá), at Escuela Superior de Guerra de Colombia (Bogotá), at Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies (USA), Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (San José, Costa Rica), at the OEA-CJI course in International Law (Río de Janeiro), at Instituto Internacional de Derechos Humanos René Cassin (Strasbourg, France), at Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), at University of Texas at Tyler (USA), at Universidad de Lomas de Zamora (Buenos Aires, Argentina); at the Council of Europe (Strasbourg); at Instituto Colombiano de Administración (Bogotá); at Universidad Ibero- Americana (México); at Pontificia Universidad de Salamanca (España); at Universidad Externado de Colombia (Bogotá); at the Institute of International Public Law (Salonika) and at the Institute of International Humanitarian Law (San Remo).

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Institut de Droit International American Society of International Law Centro de Estudios Colmianos Colegio de Abogados Javerianos (honorary member) Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional Academia de Historia de Bogotá (permanent member) Asociación Argentina de Derecho internacional


Papal Order of St. Sylvester (Holy See) (Commander) Order of San Carlos (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) (Grand Cross) Order of Francisco Miranda (Republic of Venezuela) (First Class)


Member of the Colombian Government commission for the organization of the IV Congress of Instituto Hispano-Luso-Americano de Derecho Internacional (1962). Member of Subcommission I for the Study of Concordat Problems, Colombian Episcopal Conference (1972-1973). Principal Delegate to the II Latin American Savings Congress (Guatemala, 1966). Director of the International Politics Section (1968-1971), Co-Director of the Political Section (1971-1982) of Revista Javeriana (Bogotá). By Decree 1757 (16 July 1984) the Colombian Government appointed him to the Commission for Constitutional and Legal Affairs, which drafted a Constitutional reform (1984-1985). Former President of the Centro de Estudios Colombianos and Director of Revista CEC (1982-1984). Member of the InterAmerican Electoral Advice and Promotion Center Consultative Council (San José, Costa Rica) from 1984 and of the InterAmerican Human Rights Institute (San José, Costa Rica) from 1983 to 1995. Vice-President of the InterAmerican Human Rights Institute (San José, Costa Rica) (May 1992 to June 1994). Representative with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary of Colombia at the IX Summit of the Governments of the Non-Aligned Countries (1989). Representative with the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary of Colombia at the XLIV General Assembly of the United Nations (Commission VI) and the Security Council (1989). Participation representing the Inter-American Court at the General Assembly of the OAS 1985-1994.

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Member of Comité d’ Honneur pour le 25e Anniversaire de l’Institut International des Droits de l’Homme. Feature writer for the Colombian newspaper El Siglo (1975-1997). Member of the Board of Editors de “The Global Community, Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence” (Oceana).


La Doctrina de Monroe, Presecia Histórica (Tesis), Bogotá (1962). El Pensamiento Político del Libertador (editor), Bogotá (1983). Introducción al Sistema Interamericano de Protección a los Direchos Huanos, Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos — Editorial Temis, San José — Bogotá (2nd ed., 1993). El bien común, published by Instituto Juan Pablo II, Bogotá (1989). Derecho Internacional Público — Lecturas (Selection by Rafael Nieto-Navia), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (1990). La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: su jurisprudencia como mecanismo de avance en la protección de los derechos humanos y sus limitaciones, IIDH, Series for NGOs, No. 2, San José, Costa Rica (1991). Estudios sobre Derecho Internacional Público, Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá (1993). La Corte y el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (editor), InterAmerican Court for Human Rights (San José, 1994).

Other publications

La Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre la Convención de Viena sobre el Derecho de los Tratados, en: Derechos Humanos en las Américas, Libro Homenaje a la memoria de Carlos A. Dunshee de Abranches (OEA [ed.] Washington, 1985). La Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en: XI Curso de Derecho Internacional, OEA-CIJ, Washington (1984). La Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en: 1 Revista IIDH, San José (January-June 1985). El Golfo y San Andrés, en: Revista Credencial, Bogotá (November 1987). Comentarios al Discurso del Papa en la Casa de Nariño en: Hacia la Civilización del Amor, Instituto de Estudios Sociales Juan Pablo II and Centro de Estudios Colombianos (editores), Bogotá (1987). La Constitución Colombiana y los Tratados Internacionales, en: OEA, Anuario Jurídico Interamericano (1985). La Subjetividad Internacional de la Iglesia Católica a la luz del Derecho International Vigente, en: Matrimonio, Educación y Paz en Colombia, Secretariado Permanente del Episcopado Colombiano Sección de Universidades, Editorial Andes, Bogotá (1988).

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Derechos Humanos ... pero también deberes, en: 11 Ciencia Política, Bogotá (II Quarter 1988). La democracia como marco del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos, in: Revista IIDH, Special issue, San José (May 1989). Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en: La Convención Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Cuadernos de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Series 2, No. 9, Montevideo (1989). Los intríngulis de a Constituyente, en: Revista Credencial, Bogotá, November (1990). La actualidad de intermediación en el negocio de seguros, en: Fasecolda, Memorias de la 2a. Convención Nacional de Seguros, Cartagena (3-5 October 1990). Democracia y derechos humanos, en: Papel Político No. 11, Bogotá (December 1990). Los títulos valores según el derecho incorporado y la ley de circulación, en: Bolsa de Bogotá (ed.) Títulos Valor (June 1991). Democracia y bien común como marco para los derechos humanos, en: Revista IIDH, No. 12, San José (July-November 1990). Derechos Humanos en la Constitución colombiana de 1991, en: Constitución y libertad, DHIAC (Mexico, 1991). Concordato y Constitución, Revista Futuro Colombiano No. 28 (Bogotá, April-June 1993). Los Casos contra Honduras en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en: 84/86 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Direito International (Brasilia). Comentarios sobre las Libertades y algunos Derechos Humanos contemplados en la Nueva Constitución Colombiana, en: Juan Carlos Castro Lorie (compiler), Tribute to Prof. Eduardo Ortiz Ortiz (Colegio Santo Tomás de Aquino, Universidad Autónoma de Centroamérica, San José, 1994). La Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, en: Rodolfo Cerdas Cruz y Rafael Nieto Loaiza (compiladores), Estudios Básicos de Derechos Humanos I, IIDH- European Commission (San José, 1994). Las Medidas Provisionales en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: Teoría y Praxis, en: R. Nieto (ed.) La Corte y el Sistema Interamericanos de Derechos Humanos (San José, 1994). Prologue, en: Mario Alejandro Quintero y Federico Andrés Torres (Comp), Colombia y el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (2 Vol.), Universidad Externado de Colombia-Cipe (Bogotá, 1994). La Función Judicial Internacional, en: 19 Revista I.D.H. (San José, January-June 1994). The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in: Thesaurus Acroasium, Vol. XXVI, Institute of International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki, Sakkoulas Publications (1994).

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Aplicación por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de las Normas de la Convención de Viena sobre el Derecho de los Tratados sobre Interpretación en Diversos Idiomas, in The Modern World of Human Rights, Essays in Honour of Thomas Buergenthal (IIDH; San José, 1996). Un problema puntual de la Constitución colombiana. Los derechos a la igualdad y a la propiedad y la expropiación sin indemnización, en: Amicorum Liber Héctor Gros Espiell, Personne Humaine et Droit International. Vol. I (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1997). Jurisprudencia en materia de Delimitación Marítima, en: Liber Amicorum in Memorium of Judge José María Ruda (Kluwer, Netherlands, 2000). (With Barbara Roche): The Ambit of Powers under Article 25 of the ICTY Statute: Three Issues of recent Interest, in: R. May et al., Essays on ICTY Procedure and Evidence in Honour of Gabrielle Kirk McDonald (Kluwer, United Kingdom, 2001). Prefacio al libro Derecho Internacional Público Contemporáneo de Juan José Quintana (Bogotá, 2001). Comentarios a los Tribunales Internacionales para Ruanda y la antigua Yugoslavia, 13 Revista de Derecho Público, Ediciones Uniandes, Bogotá, December 2001. International Peremptory Norms (Jus Cogens) and International Humanitarian Law in: L. C. Vohrah et al. (eds.) Man’s Inhumanity to Man, essays in Honour of Judge Antonio Cassese (Kluwer, Netherlands, 2003). Introductory Remarks on the Establishment and Operation of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, in: Estudios de Derecho Internacional in “Homenaje al professor Ernesto J. Rey Caro” (Drnas-Lerner Editores, Buenos Aires, 2002). Introductory Note to the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia from July 1999 to December 2001, in: The Global Community, Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (Oceana, New York, 2002). Introductory Note to the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the year 2002, in: The Global Community, Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (Oceana, New York, 2003). Orbita Geoestacionaria, la Ilusión Perdida, in: 70 La Tadeo, Relaciones Internacionales, Entre lo global y lo local (Bogotá, July-December 2004). La OEA y su efectividad en las relaciones interamericanas, en: José Ramiro Velásquez Jiménez (ed.), Charlas Americanas, 500 años después, Ediciones El Americano (2nd Ed., Bogotá, 2004). Instituciones Interamericanas, en: José Ramiro Velásquez Jiménez (ed.), Charlas Americanas, 500 años después, Ediciones El Americano (2nd Ed., Bogotá, 2004). Introductory Note to the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the year 2003, in: The Global Community, Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (Oceana, New York, 2004). Introductory Note to the Jurisprudence of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia for the year 2004, in: The Global Community, Yearbook of International Law and Jurisprudence (Oceana, New York, 2005).

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Aspectos internacionales de la demanda contra la despenalización del aborto, in: Universidad de la Sabana, 9 Persona y Bioética, no. 1. Aspectos internacionales de la protección al derecho a la vida: Exigencias del bloque de constitucionalidad, en: Ilva Myriam Hoyos (ed.), La Constitucionalización de las Falacias (Temis, Bogotá, 2005). Prologue in: Cuerpo de Generales y Almirantes en retiro de las Fuerzas Militares y Acore, Bajo el fuego de las presiones, Bogotá, April 2006.

Monographs published in Revista Universitas, Faculty of Law, Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá)

Población y territorio de Colombia en comparación con los demás países del mundo, No. 17 (December 1959). Evaluación de la Alianza para el Progreso, No. 22 (July 1962). De la Socialización en la Alianza para el Progreso y otras Observaciones, No. 24 (June 1963). Observaciones sobre el Problema Chino-soviético, No. 25 (November 1963). El Reconocimiento de los Gobiernos de Hecho, No. 27 (November 1964). Del Derecho Internacional Aéreo al Ultraéreo, No. 31 (November 1966). La Concepción Soviética del Derecho Internacional, No. 33 (November 1967). Acuerdo de Integración Subregional del Grupo Andino, su caracterización y algunos aspectos jurídicos y estructurales, No. 38 (June 1970). De la Nulidad de los Tratados por Violación del Derecho Interno de los Estados en la Convención de Viena de 1969, No. 43 (November 1972). Las Reservas a los Tratados Multilaterales en la Convención de Viena de 1969, No. 46 (June 1974). La Subjetividad Internacional de la Iglesia Católica, No. 49 (November 1975). El derecho Imperativo (Jus Cogens) a la Luz de la Convención de Viena sobre el Derecho de los Tratados de 1969, No. 52 (June 1977). Apuntes para un Estudio sobre “El Libro Blanco de Nicaragua sobre el Archipiélago de San Andrés y Providencia” No. 61 (December 1981). Análisis histórico, jurídico y político del Conflicto de las Malvinas, No. 63 (November 1982). El Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, No. 65 (November 1983). La Política Internacional Colombiana, No. 66 (May 1984). La Jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, No. 67 November de 1984. Revista IIDH, Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, San José Costa Rica, No. 1 (January/June 1985). ¿Soberanía en la Órbita Geoestacionaria? Una propuesta alternativa, No. 69 (November 1985).

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La Constitución Colombiana y los Tratados Internacionales, No. 71 (November 1986). La ley, la justicia y la guerra en Santo Tomás de Aquino, No. 73 (November 1987). Realidad de los Derechos Humanos en América Latina, No. 75 (November 1988). Derecho Natural y de Gentes en la Escolástica Tardía Española, No. 78 (June 1990). Democracia, Elecciones y Derechos Humanos No. 81, November 1991. (Repr. en Constitución y Libertad DHIAC, México, 1991 y en VI Boletín Electoral Latinoamericano, IIDH-CAPEL, July-December 1991). Teólogos y Filósofos Salmantinos y los Derechos Humanos de los Naturales No. 82, June 1992. (Repr. Revista IIDH, San José, No. 15, January-June 1992). Aplicación por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos de las Normas de la Convención de Viena sobre el Derecho de los tratados sobre interpretación de Convenios en diversos Idiomas, No. 88 (June 1995). Los Estados de Excepción y la Constitución Colombiana de 1991. No. 91 (December 1996).

Monographs published in Revista Javeriana (Bogotá)

La Doctrina de Monroe, No. 269 (October 1960). Kennedy, Derrota del Prejuicio, No. 271 (February 1961). La “Nueva Frontera” de Kennedy, No. 272 (March 1961). De la Buena Vecindad a la Alianza para el Progreso, No. 277 (August 1961). Castro y el inconformismo, No. 278 (September 1960). La reunión de Consulta de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores, No. 282 (November 1962). Primer año de la Alianza para el Progreso, No. 284 (May 1962). IX Reunión de Consulta de Ministros de Relaciones Exteriores, No. 307 (August 1964). Nuevos Derroteros de la Alianza para el Progreso, No. 302 (March 1964). Las Explosiones Francesas, No. 327 (August 1966). La Declaración de Bogotá, No. 329 (October 1966). Nixon ¿Confrontación o negociación?, No. 351 (January-February 1969). El Status jurídico de los Territorios insulares de San Andrés y Providencia, No. 356 (July 1969). Hacia la Solución del Problema Político Europeo, No. 362 (March 1970). El conflicto de los Monjes, No. 366 (July 1970). La Plataforma continental submarina, No. 368 (September 1970). Pacto Andino y Mercado de Capitales Extranjeros, No. 372 (March 1971). El Congreso Comunista Mundial, No. 374 (May 1971).

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El Acercamiento Nixon-Mao, No. 378 (September 1971). La Organización de Estados Americanos, No. 395 (June 1973). El Encuentro Nixon-Brezhnev, No. 397 (August 1973). La Subjetividad Internacional de la Iglesia Católica, No. 398 (September 1973). Los Derechos Colombianos en el Canal de Panamá, No. 441 (February 1978). El bien común en la doctrina social católica, No. 544 (May 1988). Reflexiones sobre la Reforma Institucional, No. 564 (May 1990).

Lectures published in Revista del Centro de Estudios Colombianos (Bogotá)

¿Ha fracasado el Acuerdo de Cartagena?, No. 13 (June 1977). La Inversión Extranjera y la Colombianización, No. 15 (April 1978). Problemas Internacionales de Colombia en la actualidad, No. 25 (March-April 1980). Análisis jurídico del Conflicto de las Malvinas, No. 36 (June 1982). Relaciones internacionales: Colombia-Venezuela-Nicaragua, No. 33 (September 1981). El Conflicto Centroamericano, No. 39 (December 1984). Reformas concretas a la Constitución Nacional (Propuesta), No. 53 (November 1990).


Spanish, English, French (reading and comprehension: good. written: fair).

Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf (Somalia)

[Original: English]

General Counsel of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Judge ad hoc at the International Court of Justice. Member of the Institute of International Law. Founder and General Editor of the African Yearbook of International Law. Founding Member and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the African Foundation for International Law. Author and co-author of a number of books and numerous articles dealing with various aspects of International Law.


Docteur ès sciences politiques (International Law), Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva (1980).

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Laurea di Dottore in Giurisprudenza (Dr. Juris), Faculty of Law, Somali National University (1973). Certificate, Center for Studies and Research in International Law, Hague Academy of International Law (1974). Post-Graduate studies in International Law and Relations, University of Florence, Italy (from 1976 to 1977).


English (fluent), French (fluent), Italian (fluent), Arabic (good knowledge) and Somali (mother tongue).

Experience in intergovernmental institutions

United Nations Judge ad hoc at the International Court of Justice (case concerning certain questions of mutual assistance in criminal matters, Djibouti v. France).

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Legal Adviser and Director of the Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs (from March 2001 to present).

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Assistant Director-General and Special Adviser on African Affairs (from March 1998 to February 2001). Acting Manager Director, Country Programmes and Funds Mobilization Division (from August 1997 to March 1998). Legal Adviser and Director of the Legal Service (from August 1994 to March 1998).

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Representative and Head, New York Office of UNCTAD (July 1992-July 1994). Senior Liaison Officer, United Nations Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries, New York (1992-1994). Head, Legal Policies Section, Technology Programme, Geneva (July-June 1992). Legal Officer, Technology Division, Geneva (December 1981-June 1988).

United Nations Transition Assistance Group, Namibia

Liaison Officer in the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Adviser to the Commander of the United Nations peacekeeping forces (May-June 1989). Deputy Regional Director and Electoral Supervisor (Ovambo, Namibia) (August-December 1989).

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Academic experience

Lecturer, International Law, Faculty of Law Somali National University (from 1974 to 1980) and Chairman, Public Law Department (from 1976 to 1978)

Responsible for the teaching of public law and international law in the faculty of law. Advised government on international legal matters. Member of various government advisory bodies on legislation. Responsible for the supervision of the staff and management of the resources of the department.

Assistant Professor, Faculté de Droit, Université de Genève (from 1981 to 1983)

Responsible for the teaching of a seminar on public international law at the Faculties of Law and Political Science.

Visiting lecturer on public international law and international economic law at the following universities and academic institutions

University of Siena, Italy, March and April 1984. Institut universitaire d’études du développement, Geneva (Switzerland), February and March 1984. University of Florence (Italy), March and April 1985. University of Milan — Bocconi (Italy), April 1990. International Development Law Institute, Rome (Italy), May 1990, May 1991, May 1992 and October 1995. University of Turin (Italy), June 1991 and June 1992. UNITAR Fellowship Programme in International Law, the Hague Academy of International Law (Netherlands), 1993, 1994, 1996 and 1999. Thessaloniki Institute of Public International Law and International Relations, 2004.

Other academic and professional activities

Founder and General Editor, African Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire Africain de droit international. Member of the Academic Council of the Doctoral School of International Law, University of Paris 1 (Sorbonne), France. Member of the International Curatorium of the Thessaloniki Institute of Public International Law and International Relations, Greece. Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Asian Yearbook of International Law. Barrister, Supreme Court of Somalia, since 1974.

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Experience in multilateral negotiations (as Government representative)

Somali representative to the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (1975-1981). Member, Somali delegation to the Afro-Asian Legal Consultative Committee (1975 and 1976). Member, Somali delegation to OAU Summit (1974) and Arab-League Summit (1976).

Adviser to multilateral negotiations and organs (as international official)

Expert Adviser, UNCTAD negotiations on a Draft International Code of Conduct on the Transfer of Technology (1982-1985). Expert Adviser at the United Nations negotiations on a Convention on Biological Diversity (1990-1991). Expert Adviser and UNCTAD Representative at the GATT Uruguay Round Trade Negotiations on TRIPS (1989-1991). Legal Adviser to the Industrial Development Board and General Conference of UNIDO (1994-1998). Legal Adviser to the International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Trieste, Italy) (1994-1997). Legal Adviser to the Executive Board and General Conference of UNESCO (2001- present). Legal Adviser to the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Committee and to the World Heritage Committee of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural Natural Heritage (2001-present). Legal Adviser to UNESCO negotiations on the following conventions: Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, International Convention against Doping in Sport, Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression (2001-2006).

Professional affiliation

Member, Institute of International Law (Institut de droit international), Geneva. Founding Member, African Association of International Law. Founding Member and Chairman Executive Committee, African Foundation for International Law. Member, Commission on Environmental Law, IUCN (World Conservation Union). Member, Société française de droit international.

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Legal Aspects of Trade Preferences for Developing States: A study in the influence of development needs on the evolution of international law, The Hague, Nihjoff Publishers (1982). Intellectual Property and International Trade: the TRIPs Agreement (ed. with C. Correa), Kluwer Law International, 1998; 2nd Edition (2007). International Technology Transfer: The Origin andAftermath of the Draft United Nations Code of Conduct (ed. with S. J. Patel and P. Roffe), Kluwer Law International (2000). Standard-setting in UNESCO/L’action Normative de l’UNESCO (ed.), UNESCO Publishing and Nihjoff Publishers [English and French editions] (2007). The Legal and Institutional Framework of the African Union/Le Cadre juridique et institutionel de l’Union Africaine (ed.) (forthcoming) [English and French editions]. African Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire Africain de droit international (Founder and General Editor) vols. I-XIII, 1993-2005, Kluwer Law International y Nihjoff Publishers (London, The Hague, Boston) [English and French editions].

Articles and special papers

“The legal status of mercenaries in the law of armed conflict”, in A. Cassese (ed.), The New Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts (1979). “Towards a new legal framework for marine research: Coastal state consent and international co-ordination”, Virginia Journal of International Law, vol. 19, No.2 (1979). “Preferential treatment as a dimension of the right to development”, in R. J. Dupuy (ed.), The right to development at the international level, Hague Academy of International Law (1980). “Differential and More Favourable Treatment of Developing Countries in International Trade: The GATT Enabling Clause”, Journal of World Trade Law (1981). “L’elaboration d’un code international de conduite pour le transfert de technologie: Bilan et perspectives”, Revue générale de droit international public No. 4 (octobre-décembre 1984). “The legal framework for stable, remunerative and equitable commodity prices in international trade”, in D. Dickie and E.U. Petersmann (ed.), Foreign Trade in the Present and a New International Economic Order, University Press, Fribourg, Switzerland (1988). Chapter on “Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights”, in Uruguay Round, Papers on Selected Issues, United Nations, New York (1989). Chapter on “Transfer of technology”, in M. Bedjaoui (ed.), International Law: Achievements and Prospects, UNESCO, Paris (1992). “Intellectual Property Protection and International Trade: The Exhaustion of Rights Revisited”, World Competition, vol. 16, No. 1 (September 1992) [in collaboration].

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“Technology and Genetic Resources in the Biodiversity Convention: Is Mutually Beneficial Access still Possible?”, in BIODIPLOMACY: Genetic Resources and International Relations (ed. by V. Sanchez and C. Juma) (1994). “International law and Sustainable Development: the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity”, African Yearbook of International Law, vol. II (1994). “Intellectual Property Protection in the Countries of Africa”, International Journal of Technology Management, vol. 10 (1995). “Reflections on the Fragility of State Institutions in Africa”, African Yearbook of International Law, vol. II (1994). “The Role of the Legal Adviser in the Reform and Restructuring of an International Organization — The Case of UNIDO”, Collection of Essays by Legal Advisers of States, Legal Advisers of International Organizations and Practitioners in the Field of International Law, United Nations, Office of Legal Affairs (1999). “Developing Countries and the Multilateral Trade rules: The Continuing Quest for an Equitable Playing Field”, Liber Amicorum for Prof. Georges Abi-Saab (2001). “Le Conseiller Juridique d’une organisation internationale face à la pratique”, Société française pour le droit international, Colloque de Genève, La pratique et le droit international, Paris, Editions Pedone (2004). “Government Collapse and State Continuity: The Case of Somalia”, Italian Yearbook of International Law, vol. XIII (2003). “The Right of Intervention by the African Union: A New Paradigm in Regional Enforcement Action”, African Yearbook of International Law, vol. 11 (2003). “The UNESCO Declarations on Bioethics: Emerging Principles and Standards of an International Biolaw”, N. Boschiero (ed.), Bioetica e Biotechnologie nel Diritto Internazionale e Communitario (2006). “La coordination des actions dans le systeme des Nations Unies”, Colloque, La Charte des Nations Unies, Constitution Mondiale?, Université de Paris X-Nanterre (2006). “Cultural Rights as Collective Rights in International Law”, lectures delivered in summer 2004 at the Thessaloniki Institute of Public International Law and International Relations (2006). “UNESCO Standard-setting Activities on Bioethics: Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick”, F. Francioni (ed.), Biotechnologies and International Human Rights, Hart Publishing (2007).

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