
Open Astron. 2018; 27: 35–43

Research Article

Ulrich Heber*, Andreas Irrgang, and Johannes Schaffenroth Spectral energy distributions and colours of hot subluminous

https://doi.org/10.1515/astro-2018-0008 Received Nov 22, 2017; accepted Nov 30, 2017

Abstract: Photometric surveys at optical, ultraviolet, and infrared wavelengths provide ever-growing datasets as major surveys proceed. Colour-colour diagrams are useful tools to identify classes of and provide large samples. However, combining all photometric measurements of a star into a spectral energy distribution will allow quantitative analyses to be carried out. We demonstrate how to construct and exploit spectral energy distributions and colours for sublumious B (sdB) stars. The aim is to identify cool companions to hot subdwarfs and to determine atmospheric parameters of ap- parently single sdB stars as well as composite spectrum sdB binaries. We analyse two sdB stars with high-quality photo- metric data which serve as our benchmarks, the apparently single sdB HD 205805 and the sdB + K5 binary PG 0749+658, briefly present preliminary results for the sample of 142 sdB binaries with known orbits, and discuss future prospects from ongoing all-sky optical space- (Gaia) and ground-based (e.g. SkyMapper) as well as NIR surveys.

Keywords: stars: early type -subdwarfs - Techniques: potometric 1 Introduction companion, and to quantify interstellar absorption from UV flux depression. Here we shall not address light variation but restrict Optical photometry and spectroscopy provide the obser- ourselves to colour-metric properties of hot B vational basis for astronomy. Ongoing large photometric (sdB) stars. Several investigations of hot subdwarf stars surveys provide a huge amount of photometric measure- have made use of single-epoch photometry. With the ad- ments in several optical passbands, which can be used vent of the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satel- to identify candidate hot subluminous stars, though spec- lite, crucial information to study hot stars arose. Early at- troscopy is needed for proper spectral typing. However, tempts to analyse SEDs of sdB stars were carried out by optical photometry is much more than a mere target se- Heber et al. (1984); Heber (1986), and Aznar Cuadrado lection tool. Time-series photometry (light curves) are a & Jeffery (2001) by combining low resolution UV spectra crucial ingredient for of pulsating stars from IUE with optical photometry. Colour-colour diagrams and to identify compact binaries from eclipses, reflection combining infrared and optical magnitudes are important effects, and ellipsoidal variations. Single-epoch observa- tools to identify composite objects, such as sdB stars with tions, however, provide crucial information as well. Spec- F/G/K companions (e.g. Stark & Wade 2003; Green et al. troscopic distances rely on at least one measured apparent 2008). . Ultraviolet and infrared surveys, when com- Subdwarf B stars are core burning stars of half bined with optical photometry, allow us to construct broad a solar mass and in the Hertzsprung Russell diagram they spectral energy distributions (SED), which can be used form the extreme . Because radial veloc- e.g., to determine the of a star, to ity surveys have shown that the fraction of close binaries identify an infrared excess hinting at the presence of a cool amongst single-lined (SB1) sdB stars is as high as 50 %, evolution plays an important role in the Corresponding Author: Ulrich Heber: Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte formation of sdB stars. About 30% of the sdB stars show & ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; Email: ul- composite colours, that is they have companions of spec- [email protected] tral types F, G, or K. In many cases the companions to SB1 Andreas Irrgang: Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte & ECAP, University of systems have been found to be white dwarfs, but low mass Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; Email: [email protected] Johannes Schaffenroth: Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte & ECAP, main-sequence stars (spectral type M) and brown dwarfs University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany; Email: jo- have been found as well (see Heber 2009, 2016, for re- [email protected] views). Because it is often very difficult to clarify the nature

Open Access. © 2018 U. Heber et al., published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License 36 Ë U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars

u v b y of the companions from optical data alone, broad SEDs are 1 the method of choice to constrain the companions’ prop- 0.8 erties and constrain their nature. 0.6

We describe a method to construct broad SEDs by 0.4 Filter response combining measurements in various photometric systems 0.2 2000 3000 4000 5000 8000 10000 15000 20000 30000 4000050000 from the ultraviolet to the infrared in Sect. 2. Synthetic Wavelength [A]˚ photometry for various photometric systems are calcu- 1 J H K W 1 W 2 lated from grids of appropriate model atmospheres (Sect. 0.8 3). An objective method to derive various parameters from 0.6 observed SEDs is presented in Sect. 4 and preliminary re- 0.4 sults are discussed in Sect. 5. We conclude with an outlook. 0.2 2000 3000 5000 7000 10000 1500020000 30000 50000

Figure 1. Response function for optical (Strömgren, top) and infrared 2 Constructing observational SEDs (2MASS and WISE, bottom) photometric systems. Synthetic SEDs 3 are plotted as Fλ λ . In the top panel a single SED is plotted, while The SEDs of the program stars were constructed from pho- for the bottom panel a composite SED is used. Both are scaled for comparison to the transmission functions. tometric measurements, ranging from the ultraviolet to the infrared, collected from literature. To eliminate the steep slope of the SED we plot the flux density times the wave- son), while the infrared is usually represented by five wide- 3 length to the power of three (Fλ λ ) as a function of wave- band filters (J, H, K, W1, and W2). length throughout this paper.

2.2 Ultraviolet fluxes from IUE spectra 2.1 Photometric data The IUE satellite provided UV spectra for two wavelength The visual range is covered by SDSS (Alam et al. 2015) and ranges; the short (SW, 1150-1975Å) and long (1910–3150Å) APASS (Henden et al. 2016) data as well as magnitudes and wavelength range. Each spectrograph offered both high colours in the Johnson-Cousins, Strömgren (see Figure 1), and low resolution modes, with spectral resolutions of and Geneva systems, which are collected using Vizier as 0.2 and 6 Å respectively, as well as two entrance aper- well as the Subdwarf Database¹ by Østensen (2006). tures each, a small circular aperture with a 3 arcsec diam- Ultraviolet fluxes are important to constrain the at- eter and a large rectangular aperture of 10 by 20 arcsecs. mospheric parameters of a hot subdwarf and were ex- We discarded spectra at high-resolution as well as those tracted from observations by the International Ultraviolet taken through a small aperture, because the flux calibra- Explorer (IUE), available in the MAST² archive. tion is less accurate than that for the large-aperture, low- Infrared photometry is of particular importance for bi- resolution spectra. Because we have to combine them with nary systems that contain a cool companion because an IR broad and intermediate band optical and infrared pho- excess is expected. Available infrared data were taken from tometry, we defined a suitable set of filters to derive UV- ALLWISE (Wright et al. 2010; Cutri & et al. 2013), 2MASS magnitudes from IUE spectra (see Figure 2). Three box fil- (Skrutskie et al. 2006), and UKIDSS (Lawrence et al. 2007, ters, which cover the spectral ranges 1300–1800 Å, 2000– see Figure 1). 2500 Å, and 2500–3000 Å, are defined to extract magni- The photometric datasets are inhomogeneous, both tudes from the IUE spectra. The box filters were designed with respect to bandwidth as well as to accuracy. Ultra- in order to avoid the boundaries of the SW and LW wave- violet spectra from IUE cover the wavelength range from length ranges because of the increasing noise level, and 1150Å to 3150Å at a spectral resolution of 6 Å. The opti- the region around the Lyman-alpha line because of the cal spectral range is covered by several filters, both narrow contribution by interstellar gas absorption. The mid-UV fil- band (e.g. Strömgren) and wide-band (e.g. Sloan or John- ter was designed to include the UV absorption bump at ≈ 2200Å of interstellar absorption (see Figure 3), which is im- portant to determine the interstellar reddening parameter E(B-V). 1 http://catserver.ing.iac.es/sddb/ 2 http://archive.stsci.edu/ U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars Ë 37

0.004 1 0.003 unreddened 0.8 factor

3 box

λ E(B-V)=0.15 · 0.002 reddening law f 0.6

0.001 (arbitrary units) 0.4 3 λ 0 · λ

1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 F 0.2 Wavelength [A]˚ 0.004 0 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 50000 box 0.003 box Wavelength [A]˚

3 Figure 3. The impact of interstellar reddening on SEDs of a B star for λ

· 0.002 moderate interstellar reddening by E(B-V)=0.15 mag. The reddening f law is from Fitzpatrick (1999). 0.001 Fitzpatrick (1999, see Figure 3). The final expression to cal- 0 2000 2500 3000 culate a synthetic magnitude, therefore, reads as Wavelength [A]˚ ∞ ⎛ 2 ∫︀ −0.4A(λ) ⎞ Θ rx(λ)10 F(λ)λdλ ⎜ 0 ⎟ Figure 2. Box filters to convert IUE low resolution spectra toUV magx = −2.5 log ⎜ ∞ ⎟ (2) ⎝ ∫︀ ref ⎠ magnitudes. One box is placed in the wavelength range covered 4 rx(λ)f (λ)λdλ by the short wavelength camera (SWP, upper panel) and two in the 0 ref regime covered by the long wavelength cameras (LWR/LWP, lower + magx . panel).

3 Synthetic SEDs and colours 3.1 Grids of synthetic SEDs and colours

We aim to model the observed SEDs and colours of single The magnitude magx of an arbitrary photometric pass- band x is defined as sdB stars or SB1 binaries, as well as composite spectrum ∞ systems consisting of a hot subdwarf and a late-type main- ⎛ ∫︀ ⎞ rx(λ)f (λ)λdλ sequence star. ⎜ 0 ⎟ ref magx = −2.5 log ⎜ ∞ ⎟ + magx (1) ⎝ ∫︀ ref ⎠ rx(λ)f (λ)λdλ 0 3.1.1 SEDs of hot subdwarf stars where rx(λ) is the response function of the filter (see Figure 1 for examples) and f (λ) the flux at the photon-counting Subluminous B stars are known to show peculiar chemi- detector. The flux of a reference star (usually Vega) f ref is cal abundance patterns (Heber 2009, 2016) characterized needed to set the zero point of the filter to a predefined in general by depletions of light metals (C to Ca) and en- ref magnitude magx . richment of heavy metals by very large factors with respect The stellar flux at Earth f (λ) can be calculated from the to solar composition. However, star-to-star scatter is large. model flux at the stellar surface F(λ) and the angular diam- Naslim et al. (2013) suggested an average abundance pat- eter of the star Θ(= 2R* /d), which is two times the stellar tern, which we adopted for the model calculations. For the radius R* divided by the distance, from which we obtain elements not listed in Naslim et al. (2013) the reference f (λ) = Θ2F(λ)/4. abundance is solar (Asplund et al. 2009). To account for interstellar extinction, the synthetic In order to synthesize the SED of a hot subdwarf star flux is multiplied by a reddening factor 10−0.4A(λ). The ex- a grid of model atmospheres was calculated using the tinction in magnitude at wavelength λ, A(λ), as a function ATLAS12 code (Kurucz 1996) with effective temperatures of the colour excess E(B − V) and the extinction param- ranging from 15000 K to 55000 K and surface eter RV = A(V)/E(B − V) (defaulted to 3.1) is taken from from 4.6 to 6.2. The helium abundance was fixed to a low 38 Ë U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars

box 1.2 box box

z= +1 1 z= 0 z= 1 −

3 0.8 λ · λ

F 0.6

0.4 (arbitrary units)

0.2 3 λ · λ

0 F 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 λ [A]˚

Figure 4. Model SED for different (scaled typical sdB pattern from Naslim et al. 2013). The UV box filters are marked by 2000 3000 5000 7000 10000 15000 20000 30000 50000 horizontal lines. Note that the flux depression is strongest in the Wavelength [A]˚ shortest wavelength box filter. Figure 5. Synthetic SED for a composite-spectrum sdB binary. The

sdB model (blue) is computed with ATLAS12 for Te=30000K. The value of one hundredth the solar abundance and the loga- flux distribution of the cool companion (red) is taken from the rithmic ”metallicities” z are scale factors with respect to PHOENIX grid for a Te=5000K (Husser et al. 2013). the abundance pattern of Naslim et al. (2013). The syn- thetic spectra cover the wavelength range from 300 Å to 3.1.3 Combining SEDs of sdB and cool stars 100 000 Å (far UV to mid infrared). The logarithmic metal- licity z is allowed to vary between −1 and +1 (a tenth or ten In order to combine the spectra of the two components, the times the typical composition of a ). Please surface ratio S needs to be determined. This adds another note that iron and nickel are the dominant absorbers and parameter, from which the angular diameter of the com- have the greatest influence on the z because panion Θc can be derived. they have many absorption lines in the FUV and their ab- solute abundance is high. As demonstrated in Figure 4, the metallicity essentially effects the UV spectral range, most significantly the short wavelength UV box filter. Hence it 4 Photometric analysis might be possible to derive the metallicity of the sdB if such methodology UV measurements were available. Recently, several improvements have been imple- To facilitate objective and efficient photometric analyses, mented in the ATLAS12 code (Irrgang, in prep.), the most we have developed a grid-based fitting routine. It is based important of which is the treatment of high series members on χ2 minimization tools provided by the Interactive Spec- of the and ionized helium line series, following tral Interpretation System (Houck & Denicola 2000) to find Hubeny et al. (1994). This is of particular importance to the global best-fit in the multi-parameter space. model the Balmer jump. The six parameters considered to model SEDs and colours of the sdB stars are

3.1.2 SEDs of cool stars – the angular diameter, Θ sdB – the effective temperature, Te sdB For cool stars a grid of PHOENIX models calculated by – the surface , log g Husser et al. (2013) is used ³. The synthetic SEDs cover – Helium abundance, log(n(He)/n(all)) the wavelength range from 500–55000 Å. The parameter – ”Metallicity” z (scaled typical abundance pattern range is confined to effective temperatures between 2300 K (Naslim et al. 2013)) and 12000 K, surface gravities between 2 and 5 dex, and – the interstellar reddening parameter, E(B-V) the helium content is set at the solar value. Adopting the canonical mass for the sdB star, we also derive the stellar distance.

3 http://phoenix.astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de/ U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars Ë 39

4.1 Composite spectra 5.1 HD 205805 – a benchmark single sdB star In the case of binary stars we may observe a composite spectrum, which increases the parameter space by the pa- HD 205805 is one of the brightest sdB stars and, therefore, rameters describing the companion as well as the surface ample photometric measurements are available for the op- ratio S of both stars. tical regime including Strömgren indices, in particular the Hβ index. Ultraviolet spectra have also been observed by – Effective temperature, Tc e IUE as well as infrared fluxes. HD 205805 is one of a hand- – Surface gravity, log gc ful of sdB stars that have such good photometric data cov- – Metallicity, [Fe/H] erage and, therefore, provides our benchmark for SED and However, usually the surface gravity and metallicity of colour fitting. the cool star is unconstrained. Therefore, they were kept High resolution optical spectra taken with the FEROS fixed to log g=4.5 and 1/10 solar metallicity. spectrograph at the ESO 2.2m telescope also became available through the ESO archive. We analysed five FEROS spectra using an updated version of the grid of 4.2 Determination of uncertainties synthetic hydrogen and helium spectra calculated from metal-line blanketed LTE models described by Heber 2 Uncertainties are derived from the χ statistics. The param- et al. (2000), The resulting atmospheric parameters are eter under consideration is increased/decreased – while Te=25114±214 K, log g=4.96±0.09, and a helium to hydro- all remaining parameters are fitted to account for possible gen ratio of log(nHe/nH)=-1.93±0.03 by number. 2 correlations – until a certain increment ∆χ from the min- The SED fit and the corresponding confidence mapfor imum χ2 is reached. The value chosen for ∆χ2 determines the error estimation of Te are shown in Figures 6 and the confidence level of the resulting interval. For instance, +463 8, respectively. The resulting parameters (Te=25338−423 K, 2 ∆χ = 1 yields single-parameter 1σ uncertainties. log g=5.21±0.21) are in perfect agreement with those de- The photometric data were compiled from various rived from spectroscopy. The metal abundance parame- sources and, thus, are quite inhomogeneous, in particu- +0.17 ter (z=0.09−0.28) points to a normal sdB composition for lar with respect to the stated uncertainties. The following HD 205805 consistent with the metal abundances derived strategy was employed to cope with this: (i) Data flagged by Geier (2013). in catalogs as uncertain and obvious outliers are omitted. (ii) Magnitudes and colours without given errors are as- signed typical uncertainties of 0.05 and 0.025 mag, re- 5.2 The composite spectrum sdB binary spectively. (iii) To account for systematic shortcomings PG 0749+658 (e.g. in the system response curves, synthetic SEDs, or cal- ibration of the data), a generic error of 0.015 mag is added The sdB star PG 0749+658 was classified as sdB-O by Green in quadrature to all observed values. (iv) Eventually, all un- et al. (1986). A spectral analysis of the optical spectrum certainties are rescaled by a common factor to ensure a re- resulted in an effective temperaturee T =24600K and sur- 2 duced χ of 1 at the best fit. face gravity log g=5.54 (Saffer et al. 1994). Its composite na- ture was realised by Allard et al. (1994) from BVRI pho- tometry and the faint companion was classified as spectral 5 Results type K5.5, but no significant variations were found (Maxted et al. 2001; Aznar Cuadrado & Jeffery 2002). We present preliminary results for two sdB stars, the ap- Aznar Cuadrado & Jeffery (2001) determined the ef- parently single HD 205805 and the composite spectrum fective temperatures for both components from the SED c sdB binary PG 0749+658. These stars were chosen because to be Te=25050±675 K and Te=5600±300 K, while Aznar extensive, high-quality photometric observations in all rel- Cuadrado & Jeffery (2002) analysed the composite spec- evant wavelength regimes are available. trum of PG 0749+658 and derived similar temperatures c Te=25400±500 K and Te=5000±500 K. The correspond- ing gravities were found to be 5.7±0.11 and 4.58±0.24 for the sdB and the late-type companion, respectively. Heber et al. (2002) derived a considerably lower effective temper-

ature of Te=22000 K for the sdB component from the opti- 40 Ë U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars

0 BT 6 m1 5.5 VT V c1 5 H box py r

) box − 2 4.5 box b y Å i 1 − s

2 4 Hβ − 3.5 J U − B erg cm 2

− 3 −

(10 B V

3 2.5

λ H f V − B 2 K − 1.5 W1 V1 B W2 1 U − B 0.5 G − B 0.05 (mag) x B2 − B m 0 − -0.05 B1 − B model , x

m -0.1 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 50000-0.025 0 0.025 − λ (Å) mx,model mx (mag)

Figure 6. HD 205805: Fit of the SED (top panel) simultaneously with available colours. Residuals are shown in the right hand (colours) and lower (fluxes) panels as magnitudes.

0 1.4 H

J K 1.2 V − I

) z 2 1 Å

1 i − g W1 − s V r V R 2 − 0.8 y erg cm 2 box W2 − − box B V 0.6 box (10 3 λ f 0.4 m1

0.2 b − y

0.05 (mag) x

m c1

− 0 model , x

m -0.05 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 50000 0 − λ (Å) mx,model mx (mag)

Figure 7. Same as Figure 6 but for the composite spectrum of PG 0749+658. The bump in the H band is caused by the onset of H− absorp- tion. U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars Ë 41

12 datasets are less complete. Hence we can not expect to 5.8 achieve similar accuracy for the parameters derived from sdB 10 SED fitting, in particular the surface gravity log g will 5.6 likely be unconstrained as well as the metal abundance parameter z when no IUE data are available. Because of

)) 8 2 their large systematic uncertainties, FUV and NUV fluxes − 5.4 from the GALEX mission are not sufficient to replace UV

(cm s 6 magnitudes from IUE (Kawka et al. 2015).

g 5.2 Using mock dataset we shall investigate the quality re- log( 5 4 quirements for observed photometric datasets to derive at- mospheric parameters to be conclusive. 4.8 2 6.1 The sample of sdB binaries with known 4.6 0 24000 26000 280000 0 orbits 2 Teff (K) ∆χ

Figure 8. HD 205805: Confidence map for the fit shown in Figure 6. Kupfer et al. (2015) and Kawka et al. (2015) compiled a list The contour lines refer to single parameter uncertainties of 68%, of close binary sdB stars with known orbits and studied 90% and 99%, respectively. Single parameter 1 σ uncertainties are their properties (see Figure 9). ∆Te=400 K, ∆log g = 0.2 dex.

Table 1. Results of the analyses of the SED (see Figure 7) of 0.1 PG 0749+658. 0.09

0.08 T [K] log g z Θ/10−11 e 0.07 +555 +0.19 +0.29 sdB 23250−391 5.290−0.23 -0.16−0.57 2.53±0.07 0.06 comp. 4805±59 4.5* -1* 10.7±0.4 0.05 * fixed value 0.04

0.03 cal SED and attempted to resolve the binary spatially using 0.02 the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 on-board the Hub- Relative number of systems ble Space Telescope, but found it to be unresolved to a lim- 0.01 iting angular separation <0.2” which, at a distance of 580 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 pc, translates into a separation < 116 AU. Ohl et al. (2000) Minimum companion mass [M ] ⊙ determined metal abundances from FUV spectra obtained Figure 9. Companion mass histogram of the sample of sdB binaries with FUSE and showed that the sdB is somewhat metal with known orbits (Kupfer et al. 2015). Systems with poor in comparison to the typical sdB abundance pattern. companions are depicted in light grey, those with M-dwarf compan- The fit of the observed SED of PG 0749+658 is shown ions in grey, and systems for which the nature of the companion is in Figure 7 and the resulting parameters are listed in Table unclear are marked in black. Adapted from Kupfer et al. (2015). 1. The resulting temperatures of both stars are lower than those derived from spectroscopy. The resulting gravity of We restrict ourselves to the single-lined spectroscopic the sdB is consistent with the spectroscopic one derived binaries. Because the companions are unseen, they could by Saffer et al. (1994) to within error limits, but lower than be white dwarfs, low mass main sequences stars, or sub- that of Aznar Cuadrado & Jeffery (2002). stellar objects. From light variations (reflection effect or el- lipsoidal variations) and the mass function, the nature of the companions could be inferred only for about half of the 6 Outlook sample (Kupfer et al. 2015). Hence, we embarked on an analysis of their SEDs in HD 205805 and PG 0749+658 are amongst the best cases, order to better constrain the nature of the companions. both in terms of available data quality and wavelength cov- We compiled available photometric data from the data erage. For most of the other known sdB stars, available archives and constructed the SEDs as described in Sect. 2. 42 Ë U. Heber et al., SEDs and colours of sdB stars

The sample contains 142 stars. Twenty-six are reflection ef- field Infrared Survey Explorer, which is a joint project fect systems, hence the companions are normal stars, but of the University of California, Los Angeles, and the Jet were excluded from the study because of their light vari- Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology, ability. Kupfer et al. (2015) suggested that 52 stars host a funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis- white dwarf companion. We could model the SEDs of 50 of tration. This publication makes use of data products from them by a single synthetic SED, confirming the white dwarf the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project nature of the companion. However, two binaries showed of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Pro- infrared excess and were modelled with a composite SED. cessing and Analysis Center/California Institute of Tech- The companions are most likely main-sequence stars. For nology, funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- the sixty stars for which the nature of the companion was ministration and the National Science Foundation. This unclear, we were able to reproduce their observed SED research has made use of the NASA/ IPAC Infrared Sci- with a single synthetic sdB one, but ten binaries require ence Archive, which is operated by the Jet Propulsion Lab- a composite SED, indicating that the companion is likely a oratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract late-type main-sequence star. In the case of the former bi- with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. naries, additional modelling is required to possibly clarify the nature of their companions. Details will be reported in a subsequent publication. References

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