
White dwarf and hot sub dwarf binaries

as p ossible progenitors of

type I a Sup ernovae

Christian Karl


White dwarf and hot sub dwarf binaries

as p ossible progenitors of

type I a Sup ernovae

Den Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultaten

der FriedrichAlexanderUniversitatErlangenN urnberg


Erlangung des Doktorgrades

vorgelegt von

Christian Karl

aus Bamberg

Als Dissertation genehmigt von den Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultaten

der UniversitatErlangenN urnberg

Tag der m undlichen Pr ufung Aug

Vositzender der Promotionskommission Prof Dr L Dahlenburg

Erstb erichterstatter Prof Dr U Heb er

Zweitberichterstatter Prof Dr K Werner


The SPY pro ject

Selection of DB white dwarfs

Color criteria

Absorption line criteria

Summary of the DB selection

The UV Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph

Instrumental setup

UVES data reduction

ESO pip elin e vs semiautomated pip eline

Derivation of system parameters

Denition of samples


Followup observations

Radial velocity measurements

Power sp ectra and RV curves

Gravitational redshift

Quantitative sp ectroscopic analysis

Stellar parameters of singleline d systems

Stellar parameters of doubleline d systems

Pro jected rotational velocities

Metal abundances of sdB

Doublelined white dwarfs

Systems analyzed from their radial velocity curves alone




Systems that cannot b e solved from their RV curves alone

HE a system solved through an additional sp ectral analysis

WD a system in need of an additional sp ectral analysis i


White dwarfs with M dwarf companions

WD alias RR Caeli




Singlelined systems

White dwarf primaries





Sub dwarf B primary








Sub dwarf O primary




Peculiar ob jects

PN G alias EGB a central of a

WD a white dwarf with a p eculiar H prole

Stars with small RV amplitudes








Conclusion and outlo ok


Outlo ok

A Selected DB candidates from the Hamburg ESO Survey


B Followup campaigns

B Campaigns at the DSAZ m telescop e

B Campaigns at the ESO NTT

B Campaigns at the ESO VLT

B Campaigns at the WHT and INT

C Radial velocity measurements

D Equivalent widths measurements

E List of abbreviations

List of Figures

Sp ectrum of a type Ia Sup ernova

Lightcurve of a type Ia Sup ernova

Progenitors of type Ia Sup ernova

Sample UVES sp ectrum of a rich DA white dwarf

White dwarf distribution

SPY detection probability as a function of orbital p erio d

DB selection Color criteria

DB selection Signicance threshold

DB selection Cuto criteria

The UV Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph

Sample UVES CCD exp osure

UVES reduction pattern

Order denition for UVES sp ectra

Overlapping unblazed echelle orders

The ripple problem

Reduced UVES sp ectrum ESO pip eline vs our own semiautomated pip eline

RV determination by means of MIDAS ts

RV curves of a single and a double lined system

Massradius relation for white dwarfs

Evolutionary tracks for DA white dwarfs

Evolutionary tracks for sdB stars

Sample mo del ts of doublelined systems

Analysis of a doublelined system

WD Observed line prole

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Line shift within one night

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Sample mo del atmosphere ts

WD Observed line proles

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum iv


Sample UVES sp ectrum of a white dwarf with an M dwarf companion

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

WD Emission lines

WD Splitted Balmer lines

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HS Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HS Observed line proles

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

Analysis of singlelined systems

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HS Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

Sample UVES sp ectrum of an sdB star

Sample mo del t of an sdB star

Determination of the

Pro jected rotational velocity v sin i


WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

WD Metal abundance pattern

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Metal abundance pattern

HE Post RGB evolutionary scenario

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Metal abundance pattern

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Metal abundance pattern

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Metal abundance pattern

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Metal abundance pattern

Sample UVES sp ectrum of an sdO star

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

PN G or EGB T log g diagram


PN G or EGB Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

WD Observed H line proles

WD Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

HE Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum

Best t RV curves


P M Diagram for i


P M Diagram for i

List of Tables

Followup observations

WD System comp osition

HE System comp osition

WD System comp osition

HE Results of the mo del atmosphere analysis with fitsb

WD System parameters and derived results

WD System comp osition

HS Scenarios

HE Scenarios

WD Scenarios

WD Scenarios

HS Scenarios

WD Scenarios

WD Metal abundances

WD Scenarios

HE Metal abundances

HE Scenarios

HE Metal abundances

HE Scenarios

HE Scenarios

HE Metal abundances

HE Scenarios

HE Metal abundances

HE Scenarios

HE Metal abundances

HE Scenarios

HE Scenarios

HE Scenarios

HE Scenarios

PN G or EGB Scenarios

WD Scenarios

HE Scenarios vi


WD Scenarios

WD Scenarios

WD Scenarios

WD Scenarios

WD Scenarios

HS Scenarios

A Selected DB candidates from the HES

C Radial velocity measurements

D Equivalent width measurements

E Abbreviations



Die vorliegende Arb eit b eschaftigtsich hauptsachlich mit der Analyse Weier Zwerge und unter

leuchtkraftigerB und O Sterne in Dopp elsternsystemen Dab ei soll anhand der Beobachtungs

daten vor allem geklartwerden ob die untersuchten Systeme mogliche Vorlaufervon Sup ernovae

des Typs Ia darstellen

Sup ernovae des Typs Ia SNe Ia spielen eine Schlusselrolle in vielen Bereichen der mo der

nen Astronomie Sie sind die wichtigsten Pro duzenten von Eisen im Universum und dienen

als Standardkerzen auerdem zur Bestimmung extragalaktischer Entfernungen In letzterem

Falle wird davon ausgegangen da alle SN Ia Explosionen ahnliche Lichtkurven insb esondere

gleiche absolute Maximalhelligkeiten aufweisen Aus der tatsachlich auf der Erde gemessenen

scheinbaren Helligkeit kann so auf die Entfernung geschlossen werden in der die b eobachtete Ex

plosion stattfand Derartige Messungen ermoglichten es den Astronomen in den letzten Jahren

den Wert der Hubblekonstanten mit bisher nie erreichter Prazision zu b estimmen Dar uber

hinaus ergab en sich die ersten Hinweise auf ein b eschleunigt expandierendes Universum

Trotz ihrer herausragenden Bedeutung ist no ch immer nicht zweifelsfrei geklart wie Su

p ernovae vom Typ Ia entstehen Als sicher gilt da es sich b ei einem SN Ia Ereignis um

die Explosion eines Weien Zwerges handelt der eine kritische Masse uberschreitet Diese ist

wahrscheinlich die sogenannte Chandrasekharmasse M welche die Maximalmasse eines


Weien Zwerges und den Ub ergang zum Neutronenstern charakterisiert Allerdings kann sich

ein Weier Zwerg dieser Grenzmasse nur annahernwenn er als Komp onente eines Dopp elstern

systems Masse von einem Begleiter erhalt Die genaue Art dieses Dopp elsternsystems va

die Natur des Begleiters ist allerdings no ch nicht eindeutig geklartund Gegenstand aktueller

Forschung Bisher werden zwei Szenarien favorisiert

Im sogenannten Single Degenerate Szenario b esteht das Dopp elsternsystem aus einem

Weien Zwerg und einem Hauptreihen o der Riesenstern Von Letzterem ndet ein kon

tinuierlicher Massen uberstrom auf den Weien Zwerg statt bis dieser seine kritische Masse

erreicht und in einer Sup ernovaexplosion vergeht Dieses Szenario ist konform mit der An

nahme da jede SNe Ia Explosion eine genau denierte absolute Maximalhelligkeit b esitzt

Im sogenannten Double Degenerate Szenario ist der SN Ia VorlauferTeil eines aus zwei

Weien Zwergen b estehenden engen Dopp elsternsystems Dieses kann durch Gravita

tionsstrahlung Drehimpuls abgeb en was schlielich zu einem Verschmelzen b eider Sterne

f uhrt Ein derartiges System gilt als Sup ernovavorlaufer falls b eide Komp onenten in

nerhalb einer Hubblezeit T fusionieren und deren Gesmatmasse die Chandrasekharmasse


uberschreitet Nach diesem Szenario sind auch sehr viel massereichere Sup ernovae denkbar

die leuchtkraftigerwarenals bisher angenommen

No ch ist nicht geklart welches der b eiden Szenarien der Realitat am ehesten entspricht

Denkbar ist auch da b eide relevant sind Um ab er Typ Ia Sup ernovae auch im jungen Univer

sum als Standardkerzen nutzen zu konnenm ussenEntwicklungseekte b er ucksichtigt werden

Daher ist es unbedingt notwendig zu ermitteln wie wichtig der Beitrag des Double Degenerate

Szenarios f urdie Bildung von Sup ernovae des Typs Ia tatsachlich ist

Sup ernova Ia Progenitor SurveY Um diese Problematik naherzu analysieren wurde das

SPY Pro jekt ins Leb en gerufen siehe Napiwotzki et al a mit dem Ziel das Dou

ble Degenerate Szenario durch Beobachtungen zu uberpr ufen Eine groe Anzahl moglicher

SN Ia Kandidaten manche eigens f ur SPY aus dem HamburgESO Survey HES selek

Very Large Telescop e VLT der Europaischen S udsternwarte Europ ean tiert wurde am

Southern Observatory ESO b eobachtet Der UV Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph UVES und

eine selbstentwickelte halbautomatische Reduktionsroutine lieferten ho chaufgeloste Sp ektren

anhand derer nach Weien Zwergen mit variablen Radialgeschwindigkeiten gesucht wurde Bei

der untersuchten Weien Zwerge wurden Geschwindigkeitsvariationen gefunden die auf

einen unsichtbaren Begleiter hindeuten der mit dem im Sp ektrum sichtbaren Hauptstern den

gemeinsamen Schwerpunkt umlauft der untersuchten Ob jekte waren sogar dopp ellinige

Systeme deren Sp ektren direkte Anzeichen eines Begleiter aufweisen Bis dato waren nur sechs

solcher Systeme b ekannt Insgesamt konnte mit den neuentdeckten Systemen die Zahl der

b ekannten Weien Zwerge in Dopp elsternen mehr als versiebenfacht werden

Parallel zum Survey wurde b egonnen die gefundenen Systeme am m Teleskop des Deutsch

Spanisches Astronomisches Zentrum DSAZ am ESO VLT am New Technology Telecscop e

William Herschel Telescop e WHT nachzubeobachten und auf ihre NTT der ESO und am

Eignung als mogliche Vorlaufereiner Typ Ia Sup ernova hin zu untersuchen

Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arb eit wurden sowohl mogliche SN Ia Kandidaten aus dem

HES selektiert Kapitel als auch eine neue und verbesserte Reduktionsroutine f ur UVES

Daten entwickelt Kapitel Hauptziel war es ab er Nachbeobachtungen am DSAZ und NTT

durchzufuhren und zu analysieren Kapitel bis

Besonders sechs dopp ellini ge Systeme sind hervorzuheben deren Sp ektren b ereits R uck

schlusseauf die Bewegung b eider Komp onenten des Dopp elsterns zulassen Daher konnte durch

eine Analyse der Radialgeschwindigkeitskurven das Massenverhaltnis M M b eider Kom

prim sec

p onenten b estimmt werden F urvier der Systeme konnten zusatzlich Unterschiede in den Gravi

tationsrotverschiebungen der Einzelsterne dazu genutzt werden deren absolute Massen und die

Zeit t bis zu deren Verschmelzung zu b estimmen Diese Metho de funktionierte allerdings nicht


f urdie verbliebenen dopp ellini gen Systeme da sich deren Rotverschiebungsdierenzen als nicht

aussagekraftigerwiesen Um die Zahl der freien Systemparameter weiter einzuschranken wurde

deshalb eine quantitative Sp ektralanalyse versucht eine Untersuchungsmethode die bislang

nur auf Einzelsterne angewandt wurde Da es sich b ei Sp ektren dopp ellini ger Systeme um eine

Ub erlagerung zweier Einzelsternsp ektren handelt erforderte diese Analyse die Entwicklung eines

neuartigen Programms F urHE gelang mit dessen Hilfe schlielich eine Sp ektralana

lyse allerdings nur da aufgrund der Ahnlichkeit b eider Komp onenten weitere freie Parameter

eliminiert werden konnten Das letzte dopp ellinige System WD bleibt dagegen no ch


Vor allem WD erwies sich als ausgezeichneter SN Ia Vorlauferkandidat Beide

Komp onenten des aus zwei Weien Zwerge b estehenden Dopp elsternsystems werden inner

halb einer halb en Hubblezeit zu einem Ob jekt verschmelzen das die Chandrasekharmasse

uberschreitet Damit erf ullt WD als eines von nur drei Systemen alle Kriterien die

vom Double Degenerate Szenario an einen moglichen SN Ia Voraufergestellt werden Im Rah

men des SPY Pro jektes wurden dar uber hinaus no ch zwei weitere Systeme gefunden welche die

Qualikationskriterien nur knapp verfehlen Den Anteil der im Double Degenerate Szenario

erzeugten SNe Ia konnenzwar erst Mo dellrechnungen exakt b estimmen ab er b ereits jetzt d urfte

aufgrund der gefundenen Beobachtungsergebnisse klar sein da dieses Szenario als moglicher

wenn nicht gar entscheidender Weg zur Bildung von Typ Ia Sup ernovae angesehen werden mu

Zu den b ereits b eschriebenen dopp ellini gen Systemen wurden no ch weitere einlinige Sys

teme untersucht deren Sp ektren keine zweifelsfreie Analyse der Bewegung der zweiten Kom

p onente zulassen Denno ch ergab en Radialgeschwindigkeitsanalysen f ur dieser Systeme ein

deutige Ergebnisse f ur die Bahnparameter wahrend f ur die verbleibenden neun Systeme auf

grund des vorliegenden Datenmaterials keine eindeutigen Losungen gefunden werden konnte

F ur Letztere sind deshalb no ch zusatzliche Beobachtungen notig um eine Aussage uber ihre

Systembeschaenheit treen zu konnen

Unter den eindeutig gelostenSystemen stellten sich drei als Weie Zwerge mit M Haupt

reihensternen als Begleiter heraus die somit nach dem Double Degenerate Szenario nicht

als Typ Ia Sup ernovavorlaufer in Frage kommen Die ubrigen Systeme konnten nur uber

ihre Massenfunktion weitergehend untersucht werden Diese Funktion verknupft die Massen

M und M b eider Komp onenten eines Dopp elsternsystems mit dem Inklinationswinkel i

vis invis

Wahrend sich die Massen M der sichtbaren Komp onente entweder durch eine quantitative


Sp ektralanalyse b estimmen o der aus Evolutionsrechnungen ableiten lassen bleibt die Inklina

tion i unbestimmt da ihre Festlegung auer f urBedeckungsveranderliche kaum moglich ist Die

einzig weitere Moglichkeit der Inklinationsmessung bieten b esonders enge Systeme b ei denen

die Sternrotation durch Gezeitenkrafte wie b eim Erde Mond System mit der orbitalen Bahn

b ewegung synchronisiert ist Mit Hilfe des Dopplereekts kann aus den Sp ektren die pro jizierte

Rotationsgeschwindigkeit b estimmt und durch Vergleich mit der Bahnbewegung schlielich auf

den Inklinationswinkel geschlossen werden Diese Metho de wurde auf sechs unterleuchtkraftige

B Sterne des Samples angewandt deren schmale Metallinien sich b esonders gut f ureine derartige

Analyse eignen Die Auswertung ergab allerdings nur f ur HE sinnvolle Werte Bei

den ubrigenOb jekten stellte sich entweder die Annahme gebundener Rotation als falsch heraus

o der es zeigte sich da die Messungen der Rotationsgeschwindigkeiten aufgrund der nicht genau

b ekannten sp ektralen Auosungder Beobachtungsdaten nicht zuverlassiggenug waren

Wegen der Unbestimmtheit der Inklination wurden die Dopp elsternsysteme zunachst unter


der Annahme maximaler Inklination i untersucht Da diese Annahme in den Mini

malmassen der unsichtbaren Komp onenten resultiert werden die wirklichen Massen stets unter

schatzt In diesem Sinne ergibt diese Annahme das strikteste Auswahlkriterium f ur eventuelle

SN Ia Kandidaten Zwar werden p otentielle SN Ia Kandidaten moglicherweise nicht erkannt

ab er auch keine ungeeigneten Systeme als solche fehlklassiziert


Des Weiteren wurden die Systeme unter der Annahme eines Inklinationswinkels von i

untersucht Dieser Winkel ist der statistisch wahrscheinlichste Wert der Inklination und liefert

somit auch die wahrscheinlichste Begleitermasse


Wie sich zeigte konnte b ei den einlini gen Systemen weder unter der Annahme i no ch


i ein System gefunden werden das sich als SN Ia Kandidat eignet Vier der untersuchten


Dopp elsternsysteme konnten allerdings f urWinkel kleiner als die Voraussetzungen erf ullen

und als SN Ia Vorlaufergelten Die Perioden der ubrigenzehn Systeme sind jedo ch zu gro als

da selbst der massereichste Weie Zwerg M M no ch innerhalb einer Hubblezeit

invis Chandra

mit der sichtbaren Komp onente verschmelzen konnten

Als Neb enpro dukt der Radialgeschwindigkeitsanalysen wurden chemische Haugkeitsmuster

der untersuchten Sterne b estimmt F urf unfder untersuchten Ob jekte decken sich die gefundenen

Haugkeiten mit denen normaler unterleuchtkraftigerB Sterne Nur HE el durch

seine ungewohnliche Titananreicherung auf Solche p ekuliarenHaugkeitsmuster wurden nur

b ei drei anderen Ob jekten b eobachtet verstanden sind sie allerdings no ch nicht

Bislang sind erst etwa aller von SPY gefundenen Dopp elsterne nachbeobachtet und

analysiert Allerdings zeigen b ereits die in dieser Arb eit erzielten Ergebnisse deutlich da das

Double Degenerate Szenario f ur die Entstehung von Typ Ia Sup ernovae eine wichtige wenn

nicht sogar entscheidende Rolle spielt Dar uberhinaus wird SPY nach Abschluss aller Nach

b eobachtungen ein statistisch vollstandigesulimitiertes Beobachtungssample liefern anhand

dessen wichtige Entwicklungsparameter der Dopp elsternentwicklung kalibriert werden konnen

In diesem Sinne tragen alle gefundenen und analysierten Systeme gleich ob SN Ia Vorlaufero der

nicht zum b esseren Verstandnisenger Dopp elsterne b ei

Das SPY Pro jekt wird in Kapitel detailliert erlautert Kapitel b eschaftigt sich mit der

Selektion Weier Zwerge aus dem HamburgESO Survey die im Rahmen von SPY b eobachtet

werden sollten Kapitel stellt den f urden Survey verwendeten Sp ektrographen UVES und

die daf ur neu entwickelte Reduktionsroutine vor Die Metho den zur Analyse der gewonnenen

Sp ektren werden in Kapitel nahererlautert wahrend die Ergebnisse in den Kapiteln bis

diskutiert werden Schlubemerkungen und ein weiterfuhrenderAusblick nden sich im letzten



Sup ernovae of type Ia SNe Ia play a prominent role in many astrophysical environments and

their use as cosmological to ols is b eing pushed to redshift and b eyond The nature of their pro

genitors however remains a mystery which represents a ma jor limitation b oth for understand

ing the astrophysical phenomena in which SNe Ia are involved and for their use as cosmological

prob es In one of the two p ossible scenarios the SN Ia results from the merging of a binary

comp osed of two white dwarfs exceeding a critical mass most likely the Chandrasekhar mass

M However previous searches for binary white dwarfs double degenerates have failed


Sup ernova Ia to pro duce a statistically signicant sample to test this scenario Therefore the

Progenitor SurveY SPY was prop osed at the Very Large Telescop e VLT of the Europ ean

Southern Observatory ESO This pro ject was a large sp ectroscopic survey of white dwarfs

with the UV Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph UVES The purp ose was to observe more than

white dwarfs which would provide a denite test of the double degenerate or merger

scenario The targetlist was comp osed of already known ob jects selected from various catalogs

as well as newly identied white dwarfs eg rich DB white dwarfs from the Ham

burgESO survey A selfdeveloped semiautomated reduction pip eline provided us with high

quality sp ectra to search for radial velocity variations an unambiguous hint for binarity

Followup observations were started parallel to the survey in order to obtain radial velocity

curves for the most promising merger candidates found by SPY These followups were done with

Deutsch Spanisches Astronomisches Zentrum DSAZ the ESO New the m telescop e of the

Technology Telecscop e NTT the ESOVLT and the William Herschel Telescop e WHT

This thesis addresses the target selection from the HES chapter and the reduction

pip eline for UVES data chapter The main part however deals with the results of the

followup campaigns done at the DSAZ and the NTT chapters to In the course of these

observations a total of binary systems have b een observed and analyzed in order to test

whether they qualify as SN Ia progenitors ie whether the total mass is larger than M


and they merge in less than the Hubble time T due to radiation


Six of these systems are doubleline d already revealing evidence for a companion in their

sp ectra Thus the radial velocity analyses provide information not only ab out the motion of the

primary but also of the secondary This oers the p ossibility to derive all orbital parameters

as well as the masses of b oth comp onents The highlight is the detection of the doubleline d

system WD This white dwarf binary has a total mass ab ove M and will merge


in less than a Hubble time Therefore WD fullls all criteria dened by the merger

scenario to qualify as a SN Ia progenitor Along with another SPY ob ject see Napiwotzki et

al a and the sub dwarf B sdB plus white dwarf binary KPD Maxted et

al c WD is the third system supp osed to pro duce a SN Ia event In addition

the SPY ob jects HE this thesis and Karl et al and HE Napiwotzki

et al are only b elow the limit The relevance of the merger scenario is therefore

strongly enforced all the more if one considers that only ab out of the radial velocity

variable ob jects found by SPY have b een analyzed so far

In addition to the doublelined ob jects singlelined systems are analyzed as well For

we derive very accurate orbital solutions whereas for the remaining systems the solutions

are still ambiguous and more observations are needed to solve them denitely Moreover three

systems show evidence for a companion and are therefore not suited for a SN Ia

precursor according to the double degenerate scenario

For the remaining ob jects we determined the masses of the visible comp onents via quanti

tive sp ectral analyses and evolutionary calculations eg the massradius relation resp ectively

whereas the masses of the unseen comp onents are estimated from the mass functions f To


solve this equation denitely however the determination of the the inclination i is crucial

The inclination angle can b e determined most easily in the case of eclipsing binaries However

our systems are not known to b e eclipsing Nevertheless assuming tidally lo cked rotation we

compared the orbital motions of six sdB stars with their sp ectroscopically derived pro jected

rotational velocities v sini in order to estimate upp er limits for i at least Unfortunately this


metho d yields plausible results for HE only We conclude that either the remaining

ob jects do not rotate tidally lo cked or the determination of v sini was not accurate due to


insucient information ab out the instrumental prole

Since the inclination i is still indetermined we estimate the most likely system comp ositions


from their mass functions and the statistically most probable inclination i whereas the


companions minimum masses are derived for i The latter inclination results in the

systems minimum masses and is therefore the most conservative criterium to select probable

o o

SN Ia candidates Although the analysis yields neither for i nor for i a probable


SN Ia candidate four systems could pass the criteria if their inclination angles are b elow

For the remaining ten binaries however the merging time t exceeds the Hubble time even for


the most favorable scenario Thus these systems certainly do not qualify as SNe Ia precursors

Besides the search for SN Ia candidates the sample of white dwarf binaries discussed in this

thesis will improve our understanding of close binary evolution Simulations of stellar p opula

tions forming double degenerates need several input parameters which describ e the formation

of stars and the outcome of close binary interactions in particular common

envelope ejection Some of the crucial parameters are only weakly constrained by present the

oretical calculations and thus it is essential to calibrate them empirically Once the analysis of

all double degenerates found by SPY is completed our binary sample will provide a uxlimited

nearly complete sample as an ideal lab oratory for this task

As a spin o we determined metal abundance patterns of six radial velocity variable sdB

stars The derived abundances for ve of the ob jects are considered to b e normal whereas for

one the sub dwarf HE an overabundance of titanium was measured HE

is only the fourth sdB star with a p eculiar abundance pattern that has b een discovered The

existence of these sup ermetalrich sdBs are without an explanation by theory so far


The SPY pro ject

SPY is the Sup ernova Ia Progenitor SurveY an ESO large program carried out at the VLT to

test the double degenerate DD evolutionary channel for the formation of Sup ernovae SNe of

type Ia

Sup ernovae

Sup ernovae mark the violent termination of a stars life in a thermonuclear explosion According

to the shap e of their lightcurves and their sp ectral app earance they can b e divided in two main

classes and a large number of sub classes

Sup ernovae of type I I

show evidence for hydrogen within their sp ectra

have highly diverse lightcurves

Sup ernovae of type I

show no evidence for hydrogen within their sp ectra cf gure

have almost uniform lightcurves cf gure

However due to their sp ectral app earance type I SNe are sub divided into Ia Ib and Ic and

even these subtypes show p eculiarities in their abundance patterns and lightcurve characteristics

eg SN G SNbg or SN T see Li et al and Branch et al


SNe Ia are b elieved to b e the prime pro ducers of iron in the universe Furthermore the absolute

of SNe Ia is well dened at M Figure and Branch et al


They are therefore used as an imp ortant to ol for cosmological distance determination The

role of SNe Ia as cosmological standard candles are fortied even more by Phillips when

he found an empirical relation b etween the decline rate of their lightcurves and their absolute


Distance measurements from SNe Ia allowed the Hubble constant H to b e determined with

high accuracy SN Ia studies have also provided the rst evidence for an accelerating expansion


Figure Type Ia SN mo del sp ectral energy distribution for solar and solar metalicities

Sup erp osed are transmission functions for standard passbands from left to right is U B V and

R The gure is taken from Hoich et al

of the universe ie Riess This astonishing result was recently conrmed by

WMAP investigations of the cosmic microwave background Wright Moreover Riess et

al and Leibundgut set b etter constraints to the density parameter and the

cosmological constant by the means of SN Ia observations Yet the kind of stars that pro duce

SN Ia events remain a mystery eg Livio


Host for SNe of type I I Ib or Ic are spirals and irregulars containing young stellar

p opulation whereas SN Ia can b e observed in all types of galaxies even in ellipticals with old

stellar p opulation only

The rapid evolution of SN Ia lightcurves see gure gives a hint on the nature of SNe Ia

precursors since they are dominated by the decay of the radioactive material synthesized in the


explosion This is mainly Ni halflife sitting on the top of a decay chain leading to Co


halflife and nally to stable Fe Due to the fact that massive progenitors would b e

able to hold back the rays pro duced by the radioactive decay the precursors of SNe Ia must

b e lowmass compact ob jects The only candidates fullling the criteria therefore are white

dwarfs To explo de however a white dwarf has to b e forced into a density and temp erature

regime where carb on and oxygen burn explosively and disrupt the star This happ ens at masses

near or ab ove the of M where the electron degeneracy no longer

stabilizes the star against the At this p oint the white dwarf has either to collapse into

a or explo de as a SN

Since no physical pro cess is known leading to such conditions in a single white dwarf the

SN Ia precursor must b e part of a multiple system with matter b eing transferred from a com

panion to the white dwarf until the Chandrasekhar mass limit is reached Although there is

little doubt with regard to the white dwarf the denite nature of the progenitor system remains

unclear Two main scenarios exist that dier by the type of the donor star

In the socalled single degenerate SD scenario the white dwarf is accompanied by a regular

star as mass donor either a main sequence star a sup ergiant or a helium star Whelan Ib en

The system p ossibly app ears as a Munari Renzini a sup ersoft

Figure Lightcurve of a typical SN Ia Branch et al The horizontal axis shows the

time given in days b efore and after maximum brightness

Xray source van den Heuvel et all or a recurrent Hachisu Kato Although

we know that white dwarfs accreting from a nondegenerate companion do exist we dont know

whether such systems exist in sucient numbers to account for the observed SN Ia frequency

nor whether the white dwarf grows enough to reach the critical mass for ignition

Contrary to the SD scenario the white dwarf s companion is another white dwarf in the

socalled double degenerate DD scenario Ib en and Tutukov Close double degenerates

radiate gravitational waves that cause the orbit to shrink due to the loss of energy and angular

momentum until the system eventually merges To qualify as a SN Ia progenitor however the

initial separation of the system has to b e close enough that the two white dwarfs will merge

within a Hubble time and the combined mass has to exceeds the critical mass Because we know

that most stars end up as white dwarf remnants and that a ma jor fraction of stars are in binary

systems double degenerates must b e common among white dwarfs Nevertheless we do not

know if there exist enough double degenerates able to merge in less than a Hubble time and

pro duce a SN Ia event

Figure illustrates b oth evolutionary channels for SN Ia formation

The solution of the SD vs DD dilemma is of great imp ortance for assessing the role of

SNe Ia in a variety of astrophysical situations and p erhaps even more imp ortantly their

eectiveness as accurate cosmological prob es

Surve Y

Several systematic radial velocity RV searches for double degenerates have b een undertaken

starting in the mid s Among investigated white dwarfs however only double

degenerates were indeed discovered and their p erio ds determined Marsh but none of

them qualify as a SN Ia precursor The absence of a SN Ia precursor in the sample of double

degenerates is not surprising considering the fact that theoretical predictions assume only a

few p ercent of all double degenerates to b e SN Ia progenitors Ib en et al Nelemans et

al In order to provide a denite test of the DD scenario we therefore have to overcome


the lack of a statistically signicant sample of white dwarfs b eing checked for radial velocity


The purp ose of SPY was to check more than white dwarfs for radial velocity vari

ability by the means of highresolution sp ectra Therefore we prop osed to use the ESO VLT

UT telescop e Kueyen equipp ed with the Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph UVES

cf section to do this Our program takes advantage of those observing conditions which are

not usable by most other programs like bright mo on bad seeing and clouds and therefore was

conducted in service mo de by ESO sta astronomers SPY kept the VLT busy even when other

programs could not b e carried out During the four years that SPY was running we used as

much as of the time at the UT every year

Figure shows a typical example of a hydrogenrich DA white dwarf s sp ectrum taken

with UVES A characteristic feature of DA white dwarfs are the broad sp ectral lines caused

by the high densities in their atmospheres Obviously these broad lines are very illsuited for

radial velocity measurements However deviations from the lo cal thermal equilibrium LTE

pro duce sharp nonLTE cores of the Balmer lines esp ecially of H which allow very accurate

radial velocity determinations This feature is not present in white dwarfs of sp ectral types DB

and DO without hydrogen but helium in their atmospheres The use of several helium lines

however enables us to reach similar accuracy as for DA white dwarfs

To obtain a suciently high signaltonoise ratio we restricted our input sample to ob jects


brighter than B mag Moreover only ob jects at qualied for SPY due to

the lo cation of the VLT on the southern hemisphere Suitable DA candidates have b een drawn

by Ralf Napiwotzki from an up to date version of the McCo ok Sion Catalogue the

HamburgESO survey Wisotzki et al Reimers Wisotzki Christlieb et al

the HamburgQuasar survey Hagen et al the MontrealCambridgeTololo survey Lam

ontagne et al and the EdinburghCape survey Stobie et al Kilkenny et al

In addition Norb ert Christlieb and I selected helium rich DB white dwarfs from the Hamburg

ESO survey cf chapter A map of all known white dwarfs observed and unobserved by

SPY fullling the SPY criteria is shown in gure

In order to detect radial velocity variations among the input sample we to ok at least two

exp osures of each ob ject at random ep o chs separated by at least one night Radial velocity shifts

of these survey sp ectra were evaluated by the means of a crosscorrelation based on a test

see Napiwotzki et al a The great advantage of the pro cedure is its exibili ty which makes

it an easy task to apply it to measure radial velocity shifts in stars of dierent sp ectral types

Balmer lines for DA white dwarfs He i lines for DBs He i i and metal lines for DOs and so

on The accuracy of this pro cedure is ab out km s Since merger precursors typically have

orbital velocities of km s or higher we are running only a small risk of missing a SN Ia

progenitor Figure displays the detection probability on this basis as a function of orbital

p erio d

Promising candidates are observed within our followup campaigns in order to derive the

system parameters denitely chapter

Figure Possible evolutionary channels for SN Ia formation via the double degenerate DD

and the single degenerate SD scenarios Napiwotzki et al The evolution starts with

two main sequence MS stars The more massive star b ecomes a and its envelope is

ejected in a event In the double degenerate scenario the second MS star also

evolves to a red giant with a second common envelope event The result is the formation of a

close binary of two white dwarfs If this double degenerate system is close and massive enough

it will merge within a Hubble time due to gravitational wave radiation and will pro duce a SN

Ia event In the two variants of the SD scenario the secondary lls its Ro che lob e while i close

to the main sequence or as a red giant RG or ii as a Hestar after another common envelope

phase Mass is b eing transferred to the white dwarf and increases its mass until the critical mass

limit is reaches At this p oint the white dwarf will explo de as a SN Ia The picture is taken

from Napiwotzki et al


Figure Sample UVES sp ectrum of a hydrogenrich DA white dwarf The upp er three panels

corresp ond to the blue channel and to b oth parts of the red channel covered by dierent CCDs

The lower panels show the H and H line cores For more details on the UVES instrument and the data reduction we refer to section and the references therein


Figure Distribution of all known white dwarfs south of and brighter than V

Squares and triangles indicates SPY observations while dots are unobserved ob jects The yellow

band indicates the p osition of the galactic disk The gure was taken from Napiwotzki et al

Figure Detection probability as a function of p erio d for SPY ob jects black line A Monte

Carlo simulation of the detection probability as a function of orbital p erio d was p erformed

for a sample of ob jects gray line The simulation takes into account ep o ch dierences

b etween exp osures and measurement errors on a starbystar basis The results for the sample


are coadded Dips of the eciency curve at eg P corresp ond to typical time intervals

b etween exp osures gure by R Napiwotzki priv com


Selection of DB white dwarfs

Apart from the hydrogen rich DA white dwarfs our survey intends to observe white dwarfs of

all sp ectral types However up to July only DAs were selected from the HamburgESO

survey HES Christlieb et al Thus Norb ert Christlieb and I p erformed a DB selection

in August by means of mining the HES data base of ob jective prism sp ectra

DB white dwarfs display strong He I absorption lines over a wide eective temp erature

range which are readily detectable in the HES ob jectiveprism sp ectra The strongest line

is He I A which is lo cated in a sp ectral region where confusion with absorption lines of nor

mal stars is avoided We therefore implemented algorithms for detecting that line in HES sp ectra

section The sum of the equivalent widths of H was successfully used by Christlieb et

al for the selection of DAs and it can therefore also b e used to reject them from the sample

of DB candidates section However the rst step in the selection of DBs is a separation

from nondegenerate stars by means of color criteria section

Color criteria

U B and B V colors as well as the Stromgrenmediumband c can b e determined

directly from HES sp ectra as has b een describ ed in Christlieb et al The average

measurement accuracies of these colors in the HES are mag mag


and mag for a large variety of ob ject types covering the total HES magnitude range



DBs can therefore b e roughly separated from nondegenerate stars like eld horizontalbranch

Atype FHBA stars or mainsequence turno stars by means of color criteria We explored

the b ehavior of these stars in colorcolor diagrams using a sample of ob jects of known

type describ ed in Christlieb et al and known DBs from McCo ok Sion and

Friedrich et al present in the data set presently used for the exploitation of the stellar

content of the HES that is a set of overlapfree HES sp ectra with SN from

HES plates Hereafter we refer to this data set as the stellar HES

We have chosen conservative color cuto criteria such that almost all DBs of our test sample

are included see gure that is





Figure DB preselection in colorcolor space and c versus Balmer line sum feature space

Solid lines adopted selection b ox


We veried with U B B V colors and c indices derived from a grid of synthetic DB sp ectra

Ko ester privcom that no DB in the eective temp erature range T K


is rejected by our criteria The lowest values measured on that grid are U B

B V and c That is a DB in the ab ove mentioned temp erature range will not

b e rejected by our color criteria unless one of its U B B V colors or its c color index as

measured in the HES sp ectrum are in error by more than and resp ectively

Absorption line criteria

As can b e seen from gure it is p ossible to separate DBs from the main sequence and

Horizontal Branch HB stars and form AGNs but not from DAs and sdBs by broad and

mediumband colors alone Therefore additional sp ectral prop erties have to b e used that is

absorption lines

Detection of He i A

We used three variants of the line detection algorithm describ ed by Christlieb et al

and a line index for detecting He i A in HES sp ectra However the helium lines of DB

white dwarfs are weaker than the Balmer lines of the DAs which makes feature detection and

consequently candidate selection more complicated for DBs

We t the He i A line by a Gaussian simultaneously with the continuum which is

approximated by a straight line in a A wide region centered on the line It was found

that the stability of the t critically dep ends on how close the start value for the p osition of the

line is to the real p osition The wavelength calibration zero p oint of the HES sp ectra derived

from an astrometric transformation b etween DSS I direct plates and HES plates is accurate to

A at A allowing to predict the p osition of the He I line with this accuracy We

used two dierent metho ds to further improve the start value a the x p osition of the global

ux minimum in the A wide t region is used and b the x p osition of the global ux

minimum in a small region around the predicted line p osition is used

It is imp ortant for the candidate selection to distinguish real detections from fake detections

due to noise We apply two criteria to do this First the detected line is required to have a

fullwidth at half maximum FWHM broader than the minimum FWHM of the crossdisp ersion

prole h as measured during the extraction of the HES sp ectra Second the p osition of the

line as determined in the t must not deviate more than from the predicted line p osition

where is the uncertainty in x direction caused by the astrometric transformation b etween

DSS I direct plates and HES plates

In a third variant of the t metho d we t the He i i A line simultaneously with He i A

which improves the stability of the t for hotter DBs The same rejection criteria as ab ove are


Finally we compute a line index by comparing the integrated ux in two continuum bands

neighboring He i A A and A with the integrated ux in a band

centered on the line A False detection are rejected by means of signicance

threshold as a function of a HES internal magnitude cf gure with the help of a brake

nding algorithm Wisotzki et al used this algorithm for the selection of UVexcess ob jects


Figure Signicance threshold for the He I A line index as a function of a HES internal

magnitude on one HES plate The threshold is determined with a brake nding algorithm

Balmer lines

Figure Adjustment of the cuto criterion for the Balmer line equivalent sum

The algorithm for measuring the equivalent widths of stellar absorption lines is describ ed

in Christlieb et al The authors used balmsum the sum of equivalent widths of H H

successfully for selecting DA white dwarfs in the HES Here we use this feature for rejecting non

DBs from our sample As can b e seen in gure there is a balmsum region in which DBs as well

as DAs is present and it is therefore a priori unclear which cuto value of balmsum one should

choose However a quantitative evaluation of the exp ected completeness and contamination of

the sample in dep endence of balmsum can guide the choice

We dene the quality Q of a selection as completeness rate minus contamination rate This

yields Q for a selection with completeness all DBs of the test sample selected

and contamination One can regard the selection with the highest Q as the optimum and


we have indeed adopted the corresp onding balmsum cuto value of A see gure This

choice yields



The balmsum cuto was applied applying the three color criteria and the He i A

line detection criteria Note that the ab ove estimates for completeness and contamination are

only valid if the relative fractions of DBs and nonDBs in this subsample of the test sample are


Summary of the DB selection

A star enters the raw candidate sample if its HES sp ectrum fulll all of the three color criteria

if the sum of equivalent widths of H H is less than A and if the He I A

line is detected by at least one of the four detection metho ds describ ed in section Detected

means in case of the three variants of the t algorithm that the line t has not b een rejected

b ecause of to o small FWHM or deviating line p osition and in case of the line index it means that

the line index value must b e larger than the signicance threshold applicable for the sp ectrum

These metho ds worked very well for our test sample presented in section for which

out of the DBs were rediscovered Applying the pro cedure to the complete HES a set of

raw candidates were selected By means of visual insp ection of the prop er ob jectiveprism

sp ectra ob jects were nally not rejected as false candidates and by means of an even

stricter by eye classication criterium out of the candidates were classied as very

likely DB white dwarfs These ob jects are displayed in table A in the app endix

In the course of our SPY pro ject we observed of the selected ob jects totally However

it had turned out that our criteria are also sensitive to sub dwarfs of the sp ectral types O and

B Thus from the highresolution UVES sp ectra cf section it b ecame obvious that of

the observed ob jects were in fact sdO and sdB stars showing weak Balmer lines only Lisker

classied these heliumdominated ob ject as HesdBs and HesdOs


The UV Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph

For our SPY pro ject more than high resolution sp ectra were taken over the course of

four years using the Ultraviolet Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph UVES at the VLT Figure

shows a picture of the UVES instrument mounted at the Nasmyth B fo cus of the UT Kueyen

telescop e of the VLT at Paranal Observatory Chile

Figure The Ultraviolet Visual Echelle Sp ectrograph UVES at the Nasmyth B fo

cus of the UT telescop e Kueyen of the VLT picture taken from the UVES webpage



Figure Sample raw CCD image of a typical UVES observation Displayed here is the lower

part of the red arm Within the individual echelle orders the bright skybackground and its

typical absorption lines can b e seen b eneath the more intense star sp ectrum In the lower left

corner there are some bad rows on the CCD

Instrumental setup

The setup used for our SPY pro ject op erated the instrument in dichroic mo de using Dichroic

No at central wavelengths of A in the blue and A in the red Nearly complete

wavelength coverage from A to A with only two small A wide gaps at A and

A is achieved A x binning was used to reduce read out noise and a wide slit to

minimize slit losses The wide slit reduces the resolution to R A at H or

b etter if the seeing discs were smaller than the slit width Exp osure times were to minutes

dep ending on the brightness of the targets The SN p er binned pixel A of the extracted

sp ectrum is usually or b etter Figure shows an example for a raw CCD frame For more

details on the UVES instrument see DOdorico and the UVES manual DOdorico et


UVES data reduction

For most of the nights a complete set of calibration frames were taken for each arm in addition

to the science frames These calibrations include multiple bias and at eld exp osures as well

as an order denition ateld a ateld exp osure taken with a very small slit and a ThAr

calibration frame

ESO provides a sp ecial UVESpip eline based on MIDAS pro cedures to carry out the data

reduction Although the outcome of this pip eline was of go o d quality in most cases some

sp ectra show artifacts of varying strength eg a quasip erio dic pattern in app earance similar to


2D science frame

Bias correction Bad pixel correction Cosmic ray correction Interorder BG correction

2D corrected 2D FF science frame frame

Order extraction

star sky 1.5D FF frame


1.5D sky−corrected 1.5D shifted science frame FF frame

Order merging WL calibration

1D merged & FF corrected spectrum

Polynomial fit

Test not minimized chi^2 test

Test minimized

Normalization by DC WD

Fully reduced


Figure Schematic diagram of the reduction pro cess according to our selfdeveloped semi

automated pip eline An explanation of the individual reduction steps in more detail is given in

the text

a fringing pattern see gure for example Nevertheless the pip eline reduction was extremely

useful for a fast selection of radial velocity variable ob jects for followup observations see b elow

For a more accurate data reduction however we developed our own set of pro cedures This enabled us for example to determine stellar parameters by the means of sp ectroscopic analysis


Ko ester et al with high accuracy

Our selfdeveloped semiautomated program is based on MIDAS routines already used in

the ESO pip eline However our pro cedure diers from the pip eline sequence and it enables me

to intervene the reduction at crucial p oints to handle problems Figure gives a schematic

overview ab out the reduction pro cess in our selfdeveloped pip eline In more detail the individ

ual steps displayed in this diagram are

Bias correction

To correct the oset caused by dark current we computed a two dimensional master bias from

the bias frames taken in each night Subsequently this master bias was subtracted from each

science frame

Cosmic ray correction

To purge the two dimensional science frames from cosmics rays we compared each frame with

a smo othed frame of itself Therefore each row was ltered by the means of a three pixel wide

median to create the smo othed template After that we compared this template to the raw

science frames Pixels that dier by more than dened by read out noise and gain of the

CCD from the smo othed frame are substituted by the median value Since the echelle orders

on the CCD are nearly horizontal the lter used for the template works in the same direction

as the disp ersion The sp ectrum itself is therefore unaected by the pro cedure

Bad pixel correction

As can b e seen from gure are the CCDs used in the UVES instrument not p erfect but show

several defect columns and rows To correct these bad pixel we therefore substituted their

values by values of neighboring pixels

Order denition

To get an idea ab out the p osition of the echelle orders on the CCD a Houghtransform was

p erformed for a sp ecial order denition ateld taken in the same night as or close to the

science frames This order denition was essential for the determination of the interorder back

ground from the science frames later on and for obtaining the disp ersion relation from the ThAr

calibration frame

Interorder background correction

The interorder background was computed from the echelle raw sp ectrum in the sampling space

pixel to pixel Background values were estimated at reference p ositions b etween the orders and

interpolated by a bivariate p olynomial Afterwards the correction was carried out by subtraction

of interorder background from the science frame

Wavelength calibration

The echelle orders of a ThAr calibration frame were extracted at the CCD p ositions sp ecied

by the order denition routine An automatic line identication was done and the disp ersion







420 440 460 480 500 520 540

Position [pixel]

Figure Vertical cut through a two dimensional UVES sp ectrum The order denition

ateld is overlayed to the normal science frame Using plots like this we estimated the oset

relative to the order denition frame and the windowsize for the extraction of the star and the


relation was determined for each order Line tables for two sky windows and for the ob ject

window of the detected orders result Each window has a width of pixels or

Sp ectrum extraction

Since we were interested in an optimized data reduction we extracted the sp ectral orders not

at the full slit window but at a smaller one to increase the SN ratio Windowsize and oset

relative to the order denition frame caused by refraction were determined for each observa

tion individual ly by the means of a vertical cut through the two dimensional CCD frame cf

gure Since the oset is less than pixels the wavelength calibration done previously is

still suciently accurate and can b e assigned to the extracted echelle orders later on

dimensional The extracted orders are stacked into a single data le which we call the

data set

Sky background correction

The sky background was extracted at a CCD p osition ab ove and b elow the stars sp ectrum

As for the extraction of the sp ectrum oset and windowsize had to b e determined individuall y

for each observation from vertical cuts similar to the one displayed in gure The extracted

skybackgrounds were merged and subsequently weighted relative to the prop er sp ectrum by

the means of the windowsizes Finally the weighted skybackground is subtracted from the

extracted stars sp ectrum

Flateld correction and the ripple problem

The general purp ose of the ateld correction is to correct for pixel to pixel variations However

it was also used in order to correct the wavelength dep endent sensitivity of the instrument as







4960 4980 5000 5020 5040

Figure Three overlapping echelle orders extracted from the lower part of the red arm Since

they are not ateldcorrected yet they still show a blaze eciency distribution In order to

avoid edge eects and to increase the SN ratio the dashed parts are cut of b efore we merged

the orders

well Dominated by the grating eciency the instruments sensitivity function is mainly a blaze

distribution which can b e describ ed by a sinc function The shap e of the blaze distribution can

b e seen from gure where three overlapping echelle orders are displayed b efore the ateld

correction was done

To do the blaze correction we merged all ateld frames to create a single master ateld

which was afterwards corrected for the master bias Out of this dimensional master ateld

we extracted echelle orders at the same p osition and with the same oset as we did for the

science frame Subsequently the echelle orders of the stars sp ectrum were divided by its prop er

ateld order

Even though this ought to correct for the instruments sensitivity sometimes ripple features

remained in the wavelength calibrated and merged sp ectra This problem is very similar to the

ripples pro duced by the ESO pip elin e

A close insp ection of these features shows that each ripple corresp onds to a individual echelle

order The describ ed ateld correction will not rectify the blaze function very accurately The

reason for the remaining sp ectral trend even in the corrected orders seems to b e a dierence

in the gradient of the ateld and the sp ectrum cf upp er panel of gure To get rid of

the ripple problem we therefore tried to match b oth gradients by shifting the extracted ateld

relative to the extracted stars sp ectrum cf lower panel of gure

Even a small shift of ab out a few pixel will heavily reduce the ripples By iteration we

determined the optimum shift as can b e seen from gure The ateld was shifted within a

range of to pixels in steps of pixel The resulting sp ectra were subsequently checked

by tting a secondorder p olynomial function to a wavelength region where no sp ectral lines are

exp ected in DA white dwarfs Since this t was done by means of a test the gives an idea

ab out the ts quality Scanning the values for the full shift range of to pixels we

determined the b est shift


Figure The cause of the ripple problem The oset b etween the extracted ateld and the

star is displayed schematically on the left hand side while the right hand side shows three fully

reduced and merged echelle orders as an example for the result of the ateld correction done

for the prop er gradients on the left Gray shaded wavelength regions mark the overlap b etween

two neighboring orders The upp er panels displays a large shift of several pixels that results in

a ripple problem like the one apparent in some of the ESO pip eline sp ectra The lower panel

displays a ateld that is shifted but now matched the stars sp ectrum In this case the ripple

problem is small

Calibrating the ob ject sp ectrum

After the b est ateld shift was found and the corrected for a wavelength calibration of the

dimensional science frame was p erformed This was carried out by the means of the disp ersion

relation found previously

Order merging

The merging pro cess was done by an algorithm that computes a weighted average in the over

lapping region of adjacent orders The normalized weight was a linear ramp b etween and in

the overlapping region

To avoid low SN and artifacts caused by the echelle blaze function at the CCDs edges

however the b oundary regions of the echelle orders were cut o b efore merging the orders cf

gure Since the overlap of the orders is large enough the loss of information was a small price payed for an increased quality of the merged data set



Finally we normalized the resulting stars sp ectrum by means of a sp ectrum of a white dwarf of

sp ectral type DC Since this kind of star shows no lines at all in the optical wavelength range

the DCs sp ectrum was smo othed until no feature noise p eaks cosmics artifacts and so on

but the continuum remains The resulting smo othed sp ectrum was used as the ux distribution

by which the science sp ectrum was divided to b ecome normalized

ESO pip eline vs semiautomated pip eline

Although the ESO pip eline provides a reduction quality sucient for a fast detection of radial

velocity variability among the survey ob jects the ripples that b ecome obvious for some sp ectra

are a handicap for a quantitative sp ectral analysis as p erformed by Ko ester et al

Our selfdeveloped pip eline on the other hand handle the ripple problem very well by

shifting the ateld relative to the science frame To do this the b est shift is determined by

iterative means A disadvantage compared to the ESO pip eline however is the semiautomated

nature of our pip eline Therefore in preparation for the extraction pro cess the windowsize and

the oset relative to the order denition ateld has to b e determined by eye cf gure

This has to b e done for the stars sp ectrum as well as for the skybackground However this

disadvantage is counterbalanced by the great advancement in reduction quality as can b e seen from gure




0.5 ESO UVES pipeline

0 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600




0.5 self-developed pipeline


4800 5000 5200 5400 5600

Figure A comparison of the two reduction pip elines for UVES data The upp er panel of

the gure displays the result of the UVES pip eline provided by ESO Ripples pro duced by this

pip eline are obvious The result of our selfdeveloped semiautomated pip eline is displayed in

the lower panel The improvement concerning the ripple problem is great although the ateld

was shifted by only two pixels relative to the ob ject


Derivation of system parameters

Only double degenerate mergers with a total mass ab ove the Candrasekhar mass limit and within

a merging time less than the Hubble time qualify as SN Ia progenitors While the systems total

mass results straight from the masses of the individual comp onents the merging time deduced

form gravitational wave radiation is a function of the individual masses and the systems p erio d

Landau Lifshitz


t P



In this equation the merging time is given in years whereas the masses are in solar units and

the orbital p erio d in hours

To answer the question whether or not a double degenerate qualifys as a SN Ia precursor

we have determine the system parameters and in particular the orbital p erio d and masses of its

comp onents Therefore we used a variety of astronomical techniques that are presented within

the next sections in more detail

Denition of samples

From the full set of candidate systems discovered by the SPY pro ject we dened two subsamples

Sample one was constructed to search for SN Ia progenitors and sample two for obtaining a

statistical complete uxlimited sample in order to test binary evolution theory

The most probable SN Ia precursors are systems with short p erio ds and large radial velocity

RV amplitudes and unambiguous binaries Therefore we checked our survey for the most

promising merger candidates doubleline d systems b oth white dwarfs visible and double

degenerates with radial velocity variations of km s and more up to km s This

sample contains ob jects

An additional sample was a magnitude limited one comp osed of double degenerates with

V In order to test binary evolution theory it is imp ortant to avoid observational

biases ie by selecting against long p erio d and lowamplitude systems as is done in

in the rst sample Thus the second sample will improve our understanding of double

degenerate p opulation dramatically Sample two contains stars totally


Ob jects of b oth samples were subsequently reobserved in the course of followup campaigns in

order to derive their p erio ds and RV curves denitely For a singlelined system this nally

yields the mass functions f If the system is doublelined the mass ratio of the comp onents


can b e determined

Radial velocity curves

Followup observations

The followup campaigns were p erformed at the European Southern Observatory Chile ESO

either at Paranal using UVES at the VLT UT or at La Silla using the New Technology Telescope

NTT equipp ed with the ESO Multi Mode Instrument EMMI Additional observations were

done at the m telescop e of the Deutsch Spanisches Astronomisches Zentrum DSAZ at

Calar Alto Spain equipp ed with the mediumresolution TWIN Sp ectrograph TWIN at the

Cassegrain fo cus Our data set was complemented by sp ectra taken with the IDS or ISIS

instrumentation mounted at the Wil liam Herschel Telescope WHT op erated by the Isaac

Newton Group of Telescopes ING Spain Table gives an overview of all followup runs

For more details on individual observational sites the prop er instrumentation and the reduction

techniques we refer to section B in the app endix

Radial velocity measurements

Radial velocities of the individual observations are determined by calculating the shifts of the

measured wavelengths to lab oratory measurements Therefore we p erformed a simultaneous t

of a set of mathematical functions to the observed line proles using the ESO MIDAS package

Unless otherwise noted we concentrated on the H line for the t pro cess b ecause of its sharp

and well dened nonLTE line core A linear function was used to repro duce the overall sp ectral

trend a Lorentzian to mo del the line wings and a Gaussian for the innermost line core The

central wavelengths of the Lorentzian were xed to that of the Gaussian for physical reasons

Although we were mainly interested in double degenerates some ob jects observed within

the followup campaigns were sub dwarfs of the sdO and sdB subtype or white dwarfs with a

M dwarf companion These ob jects show not only hydrogen absorption lines but have a more

diverse sp ectral app earance than DA white dwarfs Thus we usually used the Helines namely

at A and at A for radial velocity determination as well as H whenever analyzing

Herich ob jects Due to the fact that Helines are much shallower and more narrow than the

lines from the Balmer series only a linear function and a single Gaussian were required for the

tting pro cess

In the case of a white dwarf system with an M dwarf companion the Balmer series of the

white dwarf is overlayed by strong emission features pro duced by the dM The innermost core

of the white dwarf s absorption line is hardly visible making a t dicult or even imp ossible

Thus we usually can not determine the white dwarfs motion However b oth comp onents are

clearly visible in some outstanding cases like WD cf section The same set

of functions used for single lined white dwarfs can easily repro duce the dMs emission feature

as well as far as the Gaussian is tted in emission and decoupled from the Lorentzian This

pro cedure nally yields very accurate radial velocity measurements for the M dwarf companion

Some examples for ts to the observed line proles of dierent kind of systems can b e seen from gure


Table Followup observations done of candidates identied by the SPY pro ject The rst

column lists the date of observation while in the second the used telescop e and instrumentation

is shown The last column displays the participating observers

Date Telescope Instrument Observer

March DSAZ m TWIN R Napiwotzki EM Pauli

July DSAZ m TWIN R Napiwotzki C Karl

Octob er ESO VLT UVES R Napiwotzki

Octob er ING INT IDS G Nelemans T Reerink

February DSAZ m TWIN C Karl T Lisker

June ESO VLT UVES R Napiwotzki

August DSAZ m TWIN C Karl S

September ESO NTT EMMI C Karl

Octob er DSAZ m TWIN C Karl S

November ESO VLT UVES R Napiwotzki

January ING WHT ISIS G Nelemans P Gro ot

February ESO NTT EMMI C Karl

March ESO VLT UVES R Napiwotzki

March ING WHT ISIS G Nelemans R Izzard

April DSAZ m TWIN C Karl S

May DSAZ m TWIN C Karl S

July DSAZ m TWIN C Karl S

August ING WHT ISIS G Nelemans M Montgomery

January ESO NTT EMMI C Karl

S Servicemode carried out by a sta astronomer at Calar Alto and the author via internet

Gijs Nelemans from the University of Cambridge provided additional radial velocity mea

surements derived from IDS and ISIS sp ectra These measurements were done by means of the

MOLLY routine Marsh et al

Power sp ectra and RV curves

In preparation for further analysis all measured radial velocities as well as the times of obser

vation have b een barycentrically corrected As reference the time of the middle of exp osure is


The p erio d search was carried out by means of a p erio dogram based on the Singular Value

Decomposition SVD metho d A sineshap ed RV curve was tted to the observations for a

multitude of phases which were calculated as a function of p erio d see Napiwotzki et al b

The dierence b etween the observed radial velocities and the b est tting theoretical RV curve

for each phase set was evaluated in terms of the logarithm of the sum of the squared residuals

as a function of p erio d This metho d nally results in the datasets p ower sp ectrum which

allows to determine the most probable p erio d of variability see Lorenz et al

From the b est t RV curve corresp onding to the most probable p erio d the ephemeris the

systems velocity and the semiamplitude were derived Figure shows two examples for RV


Figure RV determination by means of MIDAS ts a Results for a single lined DA white

dwarf WD b Doublelined white dwarf HE c The M dwarf plus white

dwarf system HE The white dwarf can not b e tted for this ob ject but it can for

WD d Panels e and f display the ts of the H and Hei A for the sdB star

HE Results for the sdO HE can b e seen from g and h Note that the central emission in panel g is caused by a nonLTE eect in the of the sdO star


Figure Best t RV curves In the upp er panel the RV curve of the single lined system

HE is displayed whereas the double lined system HE can b e seen in the

lower panel

curves The upp er panel displays the b est t RV curve of a single lined system from which the

mass function f can b e derived


M sin i PK





invis vis

The lower panel however displays the RV curve of a double lined system The mass ratio of

b oth comp onents can b e computed from the ratio of the radial velocity semiamplitudes


sec prim


sec prim

Gravitational redshift

In the gravitational eld of a star with mass M and radius R a photon suers an energy loss

which results in a redshift


v GM GM g



c Rc c

Thus the measured radial velocities of white dwarfs are always a combination of the intrinsic

stars velocity and the gravitational redshift z due to the high surface of white dwarfs To correct for this eect we have to obtain the stars mass and radius from other metho ds






0 0.5 1 1.5

Figure Massradius relation of white dwarfs according to Eggelton published in Truran


For doubleline systems however the gravitational redshift oers the p ossibility to derive

the masses for b oth comp onents For some of these systems it b ecome obvious that the system

velocities of the individual comp onents do not match In other words due to

prim sec

dierent gravitational redshifts


sec prim


c c R R

prim sec

This equation enables us to estimate the redshift as a function of white dwarf mass Due to

the fact that the mass ratio is also given by the RV curve equation only one combination

of masses can fulll b oth constraints for a given massradius relation However if the surface

gravity is low eg for sdB and sdO stars or if the masses of the comp onents are equal z will

not b e measurable

The mass radius relation of white dwarfs

It has b een shown by Chandrasekhar that for white dwarfs a massradius relation

holds Mo dern evolutionary calculations for white dwarfs result in accurate massradius re

lations Blocker et al Woo d for dierent hydrogenenvelope masses However to

utilize these tables the eective temp eratures and the surface gravities of b oth comp onents have

to b e known Whereas it is straight forward to determine T and log g for singlelined systems


via sp ectral analysis see eg Ko ester et al doublelined systems are more dicult cf

section Therefore we had to use a general massradius relation derived by Eggelton rst

published in Truran Livio for doublelined systems The advantage of this relation is

that it do es not dep end on stellar parameters This relation is displayed in gure

In order to compare Eggeltons massradius relations with relations derived by Blocker et

al and Woo d we compared the masses determined by means of dierent distri

butions with each other We found that the masses derived from the dierent relations agree to


Figure Mass determination of single and binary DA white dwarfs Temperature and

gravity determined from mo del atmosphere analysis of the UVES sp ectra Ko ester et al

and priv com are compared to co oling sequences of white dwarfs Blocker et al for a

range of masses The gure was taken from Napiwotzki et al a

each other within the error margins and thus we conclude that the discrepancies b etween them

are insignicant which justies our use of Eggeltons relation

Quantitative sp ectroscopic analysis

A direct approach to estimate the mass over radius ratio MR of the ob jects is by determining

their stellar parameters T log g and n by means of a quantitative sp ectral analysis Sub

e He

sequently the stellar masses can b e estimated by comparison of the sp ectroscopically derived

temp erature and gravity to evolutionary calculations like the tracks computed by Blocker et

al for white dwarfs gure

For sub dwarf B stars appropriate computations were done by Dorman et al cf

gure Their evolutionary tracks were evaluated for single star evolution However sdB

stars can also form in the course of evolution of close binary systems by mass transfer Han et

al calculated evolutionary sequences for sub dwarfs in binary systems for twelve parameter

sets The masses range from M to M but all distributions p eak near M

which corresp onds to the canonical mass of sdB stars Therefore we adopt M M


throughout this study Nevertheless accurate stellar parameters were determined in order to

determine the pro jected rotational velocities and subsequently the systems inclinations angles

cf section


Stellar parameters of singlelined systems

By means of sp ectral analyses Detlev Ko ester from the Christian Albrechts Universitatin Kiel

evaluated T and log g for a large sample of singlelined DA white dwarfs from SPY Ko ester et


al and priv com Recently Ralf Napiwotzki priv com completed this sample for DA

white dwarfs brighter than mag The sub dwarf B stars were analyzed by Thorsten Lisker

Lisker et al and the sdOs by Alexander Stroer

Stellar parameters of doublelined systems

The sp ectral analysis of a doublelined system is more complex than for a singleline d system

b ecause the sp ectrum of the former is always a sup erp osition of two individual sp ectra This

problem is sometimes circumvented by assuming that the results of a simple singleline d mo del

t is representative for the average parameters One p ossibility would b e to estimate the mean

gravity and individual temp eratures of the comp onents of the analysis of individual sp ectra

taken close to conjunction and quadrature phases eg HE in Napiwotzki et al

However this approach can only b e applied if b oth comp onents have quite similar parameters

A direct approach would b e to disentangle the observed sp ectrum by means of deconvolution

techniques into the sp ectra of the comp onents Subsequently these sp ectra could b e analyzed

by tting synthetic sp ectra developed for singlelined white dwarfs to the individual line pro

les Such a disentangling pro cedure has b een developed by Simon and Sturm and was

successfully applied to main sequence doublelined binaries However it has not b een tested






45 40 35 30 25 20 15

Figure Mass determination of single sdB stars Temperature and gravity determined from

mo del atmosphere analysis of the UVES sp ectra compared to evolutionary tracks Dorman et

al for a range of masses Our own determinations are marked as black dots whereas

parameters derived by Likser et al are indicated as gray crosses


for white dwarfs for which the wavelength shifts caused by orbital motions are much smaller

than the line widths of the broad Balmer lines Therefore we chose a dierent approach for

our analyses Ralf Napiwotzki developed the program fitsb Napiwotzki et al b which

p erforms a sp ectral analysis of b oth comp onents of a doublelined system fitsb is based on

a minimization technique using a simplex algorithm The t is p erformed on all available

sp ectra covering dierent sp ectral phases simultaneously Thus all available sp ectral informa

tion is combined into the parameter determination pro cedure An application of the program

fitsb to the known system HE Napiwotzki et al yielded encouraging results

Napiwotzki et al b In the following study fitsb was also applied to HE

section A detailed description of the program and an evaluation of its p erformance will

b e given by Napiwotzki in prep

Pro jected rotational velocities

The rotation of a star causes a broadening of the sp ectral lines due to the Doppler eect

However the rotational axis is usually not p erp endicul ar to the line of sight and thus we can

only determine the pro jected rotational velocity v sin i by means of a sp ectral analysis In


combination with the p erio d P and the stellar radius R however we can therefore estimate the

unknown inclination i if we assume b ound rotation caused by tidal lo cking

v P




Whereas the p erio d is usually well dened by the p ower sp ectrum the radius has to b e estimated

from a massradius relation by means of the stellar atmospheric parameters T and log g This


M R relation is based on evolutionary calculations like the Blocker tracks for white dwarfs

Blocker at el For sdB stars the canonical mass is adopted and the radius follows from



g R

R g

White dwarfs can b e analyzed for v sin i from the NLTE core from the H line as has


b een shown by various studies eg Ko ester et al Heb er et al Karl et al DA

white dwarfs display no other sp ectral lines b eside the Balmer lines Sub dwarf B stars however

show helium and metal lines in addition to the Balmer series

Metal abundances of sdB stars

The b estsuited lines are narrow metal lines eg the Mg i i doublet at A and A or

the N i i lines b etween A and A Thus the metal rich sdB stars are the b est candidates

for a study on rotational velocities

In order to derive v sin i we therefore determined metal abundance patterns for six sdB


stars and calculated synthetical line proles for these ob jects Finally the pro jected rotational

velocity was estimated by comparison of the synthetic and the observed line proles The

inclination of the sdB systems or lower limits were computed thereof see section


Doublelined white dwarfs

The sp ectra of the socalled doublelined systems reveal sp ectral features arising from a compan

ion This may either b e a displaced Balmer absorption line in the case of a DADA system or an

emission line of a M dwarf companion in the case of a DAdM system In any case tting these

features provides additional information ab out the system Figure shows typical examples

for doublelined systems In the upp er panel the DADA white dwarf system HE

is displayed whereas the DAdM binary WD can b e seen in the lower panel In the

following chapter we concentrate on white dwarf systems DADA while white dwarfs with M

dwarf companions will b e discussed in the next chapter






6540 6550 6560 6570 6580 6590







6540 6550 6560 6570 6580 6590

Figure Doublelined systems The upp er panel displays the DADA white dwarf binary

HE and the lower panel WD a DAdM system Note that the last system

displays two emission lines one from the M dwarf and the second one most probably from a

hot DA white dwarf


Obviously the p erio d has to b e the same for b oth comp onents of a binary system Therefore

once the p erio d is determined by any means we can compute RV curves getting the ephemeris

the system velocity and semiamplitude for the primary as well as for the secondary

In order to form a binary system the origin of the ephemeris for the two comp onents have

to dier in phase by In some cases the system velocities derived from the RV curves

are inuenced by mass dep endent gravitational redshift For a given massradius relation the

redshift can b e computed as a function of white dwarf mass cf section and since the mass

ratio is also given from the RV curve only one combination of masses can fulll b oth constraints

With information ab out the absolute masses of the comp onents we can compute their sep

aration from the third Keplerlaw The total separation b ecomes




prim sec



According to the individual masses the distances of the comp onents from the barycenter can

b e computed to b e




prim tot


sec prim

and similarly for the secondary The orbital velocities result from the systems p erio d and the

distances from the barycenter according to






Finally the inclination angle can b e computed from a comparison of the measured semiamplitudes

derived from the RV curve and the orbital velocities calculated from equation to b e



sin i



Usually no sp ectral analysis was p erformed for doublelined systems due to the diculties

mentioned in section The comp onents of HE however were found to b e quite

similar with no measurable gravitational redshift dierence This ob ject could b e

analyzed by means of the fitsb program package cf sections and

Systems analyzed from their radial velocity curves alone

The following systems are analyzed without having use of a quantitative sp ectroscopical analysis Figure displays the approach for analyzing these systems in a schematic way


RV curve

Κ P Gravitational Redshift 1,2

∆γ = ο

M /R − M /R M /M M−R relation 1 1 2 2 1 2

Α M tot 1,2

Α 1,2

v 1,2


t Μ

M tot

Figure Analysis of a doublelined system schematic





The McCo ok Sion catalogue classied WD as a DA white dwarf Moreover

it b ecomes obvious from the survey sp ectra that this is a doublelined system and therefore

WD b ecame a highpriority ob ject for our followup campaign Observations were

done during our September run at the NTT and again at the VLT in November of the

same year

Radial velocity curve

Both comp onents of WD lo ok suciently dierent in terms of sp ectral app earance

as can b e seen from gure We assign the stronger H line prole to the comp onent called

Figure Observed H line prole and tted curve of WD

the primary henceforth while the weaker one b elongs to the secondary However the weaker

H line was hardly visible in some of the sp ectra For this reason we excluded ambiguous

ts to the observed line proles from our analysis and concentrated on RVmeasurements from


the primary for the determination of the systems p erio d The resulting p erio d of

h m s

is unequivocal as can b e seen from the p ower sp ectrum displayed in the lower panel

of gure The upp er panel of gure shows the b est t RV curves and yield to the systems

velocities and the semiamplitudes For the primary we derive km s and a


RV semiamplitude of K km s The ephemeris for the time T dened as


the conjunction time at which the star moves from the blue shifted part to the red shifted part

of the RV curve is



The corresp onding results for the secondary are km s K

sec sec

km s and




Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

RVs of b oth comp onents of WD as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves

RVs measurements b elonging to the primary are marked as lled symbols while op en symbols

indicate data b elonging to the secondary Squares are used for ESO VLT observations and

triangles for observations from the ESO NTT Lower panel Power sp ectrum of WD

Since tting the secondary was not unambiguous in all cases the displayed p ower sp ectrum was

calculated using only data b elonging to the primary However for physical reasons the p erio d

has to b e the same for the secondary The inset shows the region near the main p eak in more



Both ephemerides dier by in terms of HJD T This corresp onds to

which is close to as exp ected for physical reasons

System comp osition

Since WD is a doublelined system we can derive the mass ratio from the semi

amplitudes of the RV curve to b e M M The system velocities de

prim sec

rived for the comp onents diers by km s due to the mass dep endent

gravitational redshift Combining it with the massradius relation we compute the masses

to b e M M and M M resp ectively Both comp onents are separated by

prim sec

A R only thus WD obviously underwent phases of strong binary interac


tion in its history The distance from the barycenter and the resulting orbital velocity for the

primary is A R and v km s Corresp onding results for the secondary are

prim prim


A R and v km s The orbital velocities yield an inclination of i as

sec sec

can b e seen from comparison with the radial velocity semiamplitudes The merging time of the

system can b e computed from the orbital p erio d and the comp onents masses to b e t Gyrs m



This system is a very exciting one as its total mass M is likely to exceed the Chan

drasekhar limit As it also will merge in less than a Hubble time WD is a very go o d

candidate for a SN Ia progenitor Note however that the RV curve of the secondary lacks some

crucial data p oints esp ecially at see gure to fortify the semiamplitude and the

system velocity Therefore the masses derived for b oth comp onents are somewhat uncertain

Although WD qualies as an SN Ia precursor within the error margins of M M

prim sec

and cf table additional observation will b e necessary to improve the RV curve and

conrm the very imp ortant result

Table System comp osition for WD

Determined from RV curve

km s


prim sec

P d

Deduced parameters










t Gyrs


SN Ia precursor yes yes yes yes yes





HE was rst observed in the HamburgESO survey and classied to b e a hydrogen

rich DA white dwarf by Christlieb et al Furthermore from the highresolution survey

sp ectra taken in August two H line cores b ecome obvious As a result of this outstanding

sp ectral app earance we deduced HE to b e a doublelined system comp osed most

probably of two white dwarfs Followup observations were carried out in January and

November at the ESO VLT The campaign was complemented by observations done at the

ESO NTT during the September run

Radial velocity curve

Since b oth H line proles lo ok very similar there is no way for HE to discern the

comp onents by visual insp ection only However to b e able to p erform a radial velocity analysis

we have to assign the observed lines to the primary or to the secondary

Therefore we computed the separation of the comp onents rst and tted sine curves for a

range of p erio ds to the measured RV dierences and determined the value for each p erio d

Doing this we pro duced a dierence power spectrum indicating the quality of our RV t as

a function of p erio d This way we got a rst estimate of the p erio d of the system and were

subsequently able to identify the individual comp onents unambiguously for all of our sp ectra

This enabled us to compute a power spectrum for each individual comp onent To assign the

observed absorption lines to the primary and secondary unambiguously however we computed

a dierence power spectrum rst not using the absolute radial velocities but the RVdierences

of the comp onent This way we estimated the systems halfp erio d and derived nally the p erio d


Subsequently indep endent analyses of b oth comp onents yield individual power spectra This

d d h m s

metho d nally results in a p erio d of for the primary and the secondarys

p ower sp ectrum results in the same p erio d as it should b e for a binary system We nally

coadded the values of these p ower sp ectra creating a combined p ower sp ectrum representing

the whole system As can b e seen from the lower panel of gure the p erio d is quite well


dened Only one alias at still remains The upp er panel of gure shows the b est

t RV curves For the primary we derive km s and K

prim prim

km s The ephemeris is



The corresp onding results for the secondary are km s K km s

sec sec





Both ephemerides diers by in terms of HJD T or by


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

RVs of b oth comp onents of HE as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves

RVs measurements of to the primary are marked as lled symbols while op en symbols indicate

data of the secondary Squares are used for ESO VLT observations and triangles for observations

from the ESO NTT Lower panel Combined p ower sp ectrum of HE

Table System comp osition for HE

Determined from RV curve

km s


prim sec

P d

Deduced parameters










t Gyrs


SN Ia precursor no no no no no

Equation runs to sin i


System comp osition

From the semiamplitudes of the RV curves we calculate the mass ratio of HE

to b e M M Due to the fact that b oth RV curves also diers by

prim sec

km s in terms of system velocity we can use the mass radius relation for white

dwarfs to derive the masses of the individual comp onents For the primary the analysis re

sults in M M while the secondary has M M The orbits are A R

prim sec prim

and A R resp ectively Therefore the white dwarfs in the HE system are


separated by A R From the size of the orbits and the p erio d orbital velocities can


b e computed v km s for the primaryand v km s for the secondary By

prim prim


comparison with the observed radial velocity amplitudes we derive an inclination of i

Although the total mass M is only b elow the Chandrasekhar limit the large

merging time of Gyrs rules it out as a SN Ia progenitor candidate


WD +



WD was selected from the the Mc Co ok Sion catalogue to b e a DA white

dwarf Thus the ob ject was observed twice in August in the course of our survey

From b oth highresolution sp ectra double absorption line cores b ecame obvious which were

clearly separated from each other by km s and km s resp ectively Being doublelined

WD b ecame a highpriority ob ject for our followup campaigns and was reobserved

in July and February at the DSAZ Additional data from January were obtained

at the WHT and provided by Gijs Nelemans

Radial velocity curve

The sp ectral sp ectra of b oth comp onents is very similar and thus we cannot distinguish them

by visual means only Therefore we analyze the system in the same way as we did it in the

case of HE see section First of all we computed a dierence power spectrum

from the radial velocity dierences derived from each observation By means of this we could

estimate the halfp erio d of the system and subsequently assign the observed absorption lines

to the comp onents Although there is no reason to favor one comp onent in front of the other

we call one of them the primary and the other secondary further on just to b e consistent with

previous discussions

Analyzing the radial velocity data sets of primary and secondary indep endently we computed

individual power spectra However the most likely p erio ds derived from these p ower sp ectra

d d h m s

slightly dier For the primary we found the main p eak at P


d d h m s

while the highest p eak of the secondarys p ower sp ectrum is at P


Moreover b oth p ower sp ectra also show aliases at the p erio d favored by the other comp onent

In some cases a visual insp ection of the corresp onding RV curves could help to ruled out aliases

However for WD this metho d do es not work b ecause neither RV curve show clearly

outliers Thus we can explain the discrepancy b etween the p erio ds only by means of insucient

data Esp ecially radial velocity measurements based on the mediumresolution sp ectra taken at

the DSAZ have relatively large error margins which may b e a reason for the problem Better

observations are necessary in order to derive the systems p erio d b eyond doubt

The lower panel of gure displays the combined power spectrum created by coadding

the values of the individual power spectra Both p eaks discussed ab ove can b e repro duced

d d d

as well as three aliases at P and The strongest p eak however


is at P corresp onding to the primarys p erio d The upp er panel of gure

shows the b est t RV curves for this p erio d and result in the most likely systems veloci

ties and the semiamplitudes For the primary we derive km s and


K km s Its ephemeris is




The corresp onding results for the secondary are km s K km s

sec sec


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

RVs of b oth comp onents of WD as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves

RVs measurements of to the primary are marked as lled symbols while op en symbols indicate

data of the secondary Squares are used for ESO VLT observations and circles for observa

tions from the DSAZ Data provided by Gijs Nelemans are marked as diamonds Lower panel

Combined p ower sp ectrum of WD





Both ephemerides dier by in terms of HJD T or by consistent with

exp ectation

System comp osition

From the semiamplitudes of the RV curves we calculate the mass ratio of WD to b e

M M Due to the fact that b oth RV curves also diers by km s

prim sec

in terms of system velocity we can use the mass radius relation for white dwarfs to derive the

masses of the individual comp onents For the primary the analysis results in M M


while the secondary has M M Therefore the primary is most probably a white dwarf


with a CO while the secondary has a core made of helium The orbits are A R and


A R resp ectively Therefore b oth white dwarfs are separated by A R in total

sec tot

From the size of the orbits and the p erio d we compute the orbital velocity of the primary to b e

v km s and v km s for the secondary By comparison with the observed

prim prim


RV amplitudes we derive the inclination to b e i


Table System comp osition for WD

Determined from RV curve

km s


prim sec

P d

Deduced parameters










t Gyrs


SN Ia precursor no no no no no

Neither the systems merging time of ab out Gyrs nor its total mass of M M


qualies WD for b eing a SN Ia precursor


Systems that cannot b e solved from their RV curves alone

HE a system solved through an additional sp ectral analysis



HE was discovered by the Hamburg ESO survey as a p otential co ol white dwarf and

therefore was included in our SPY pro ject From the rst survey sp ectrum taken in December

we found HE to b e a doublelined binary system consisting of two DA white

dwarfs The H line cores of b oth comp onents were separated by A in the discovery sp ectrum

corresp onding to a large radial velocity dierence of km s Therefore we observed the

system during our followup observations for the SPY pro ject at the Calar Alto Observatory

th th

Spain From July to July a total of medium resolution sp ectra were obtained

with the TWIN sp ectrograph at the m telescop e Figure shows a sequence of six H

sp ectra taken at Calar Alto Observatory during two hours The observed sp ectra are plotted as

well as the tfunctions used for RV determination The rapid change of the sp ectral app earance

due to the orbital motion is obvious Our followup campaign was supplemented by sp ectra taken

with the Isaac Newton Telescope INT and by the two SPY sp ectra taken in December


and Octob er The INT set of data used for our analysis was taken on Octob er to


Octob er on La Palma Eight sp ectra were taken with the Intermediate Disp ersion

Sp ectrograph IDS

Radial velocity curve

Both comp onents are very similar but the blue shifted one in gure is slightly deep er and

broader This comp onent is called primary further on However sometimes it was dicult to

do an unambiguous identication of the comp onents esp ecially near conjunction phases and in

some sp ectra with relatively low SN ratio and of lower resolution from Calar Alto and La

Palma Thus we computed a dierence power spectrum rst in order to estimate the systems

p erio d Thus we were able to allo cate the observed line proles denitely to the primary and

the secondary resp ectively cf section

Subsequently an indep endent analysis of b oth comp onents yield individual power spectra

d h m s

b oth showing outstanding p eaks at An insp ection of the phased RV curves

created using p erio ds corresp onding to other p eaks in the p ower sp ectra allowed us to rule out

aliases b ecause of one or more strongly deviating radial velocity measurements This way

the p erio d corresp onding to the main p eak of the p ower sp ectrum remained as an unambiguous

solution for the primary as well as for the secondary exactly as it should b e for a binary system

Finally adding the values of the two individual p ower sp ectra we pro duced a combined power

spectrum for the whole system gure

To derive accurate orbital parameters for HE we used in a nal step the program

fitsb developed by Ralf Napiwotzki cf section and Napiwotzki et al b In a fashion

similar to the metho d describ ed in Maxted et al a a simultaneous t of all sp ectra was

p erformed Two mo del proles one for each star consisting of a combination of two Gaussians


Figure Sp ectra of HE taken at the m telescop e of the Calar Alto Observatory

during one night The observed sp ectra are as well plotted as the ts The JD is helio centric

corrected and computed for the mid of the exp osure

for the line core and a Lorentzian for the line wings were tted The p osition of each prole is

determined from


RV K sin

primsec primsec primsec


Free parameters are the mean velocities including gravitational redshift of each comp onent

the pro jected orbital velocities K the zerop oint T and the p erio d P plus

primsec primsec

the parameters dening the line proles The nal ephemeris of the system for the time T

dened as the conjunction time at which the primary moves from the blue side of the RV curve

to the red one ie the primary is closest to the observer is



Also from the RV curves see Fig of the fitsb analysis we found the semiamplitude of

the primary to b e K km s km s whereas for the sec

prim prim

ondary the semiamplitude is K km s km s The mass

sec sec


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

RVs of b oth comp onents of HE as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves

RVs measurements of to the primary are marked as lled symbols while op en symbols indicate

data of the secondary Squares are used for ESO VLT observations circles for observations from

the DSAZ and diamonds for data obtain at the INT Lower panel Combined p ower sp ectrum

of HE

ratio can b e computed from the ratio of the semiamplitudes to b e M M ie

prim sec

the masses of b oth white dwarfs are identical within the error limits As in the cases of the former

doublelined systems the dierence of gravitational redshifts can b e measured from

prim sec

If this dierence is non zero we obtain an additional constraint equation which allows to solve

for the individual masses However since the masses of b oth comp onents of HE are

very similar the redshift dierence is zero within error limits Hence we cannot solve for the

individual masses from the radial velocity curve alone The required additional information

however will b e obtained from a quantitative sp ectral analysis describ ed in the next section

Sp ectral analysis

Since in the case of HE mass estimates from the RV curves alone are imp ossible we

had to rely on a mo del atmosphere analysis Because this system is doublelined the sp ectra

are a sup erp osition of b oth individual white dwarf sp ectra Thus we used the program fitsb

Napiwotzki et al b which p erforms a sp ectral analysis of b oth comp onents of doubleline d

systems see section

A large grid of synthetic sp ectra for DA white dwarfs computed from LTE mo del atmospheres

with a co de describ ed in Finley et al was used for the analysis A simultaneous t of

the Balmer lines H to H UVES sp ectra or H to H TWIN sp ectra was p erformed We


Table Results of the mo del atmosphere analysis with fitsb The error limits include the

uncertainties of orbital parameter determination

comp T K log g M M




did not include the INT sp ectra for the mo del atmosphere analysis b ecause these sp ectra cover

only the H range For details refer to Ko ester et al and references therein The mo del

sp ectra were convolved with Gaussians with FWHMs corresp onding to the resolution of the

observed sp ectra

The total number of t parameters stellar and orbital is high Therefore we xed as

many parameters as p ossible b efore p erforming the mo del atmosphere analysis We have kept

the radial velocities of the individual comp onents xed according to the radial velocity curve

presented in the previous subsection Since the mass ratio is already accurately determined

from the radial velocity curve we xed the gravity ratio The remaining t parameters are

the eective temp eratures of b oth comp onents and the gravity of the primary The gravity

of the secondary is adjusted according to the primary value during the tting pro cedure The

surface gravities also determine the relative weight of the two mo del sp ectra from the radius

obtained from the massradius relation of Benvenuto Althaus The ux ratio in the

Vband is calculated from the actual parameters and the mo del uxes are scaled accordingly

The individual contributions are up dated consistently as part of the iteration pro cedure

Strong NLTE cores are present in H and H which cannot b e repro duced by our LTE mo del

sp ectra In principle these lines are imp ortant for the temp erature determination esp ecially of

the co oler and fainter secondary However due to the large NLTE eects we had to exclude H

completely and the core of H A The nal t results are summarized in table and a

sample t is shown in Fig The t of the line cores is not p erfect even after excluding H

The parameter which is most sensitive to details of the tting pro cedure is as may b e exp ected

the temp erature of the fainter secondary If eg we include the wings of the H line we increase

T of the secondary by almost K while the temp erature of the primary and the gravity


are only mo died within the error limits Thus while the temp erature of the secondary is less

well determined than that of the primary the basic prop erties of the HE system

are reliable Both comp onents have identical masses M M M but dierent

prim sec

temp eratures K vs K White dwarf masses were computed from the mass radius

relations of Benvenuto Althaus with thick hydrogen envelopes M M


This result do es not dep end much on the choice of a particular mo del computation From the

thick envelope co oling sequences of Woo d we derived virtually identical results M

and M resp ectively However since the HE system is the result of a common

envelope evolution it is not clear which envelope layer is the correct one Using the thin envelope

mo dels M of Benvenuto Althaus as the other extreme would yield slightly lower


masses M and M resp The resulting sum of masses of the HE system

is M The error limit for the sum of masses is smaller than exp ected from a simple

combination of the individual errors b ecause the mass errors of the individual comp onents are partially anticorrelated


Figure Sample Mo del atmosphere ts of HE phase sp ectra taken at dierent

phases The discovery sp ectrum taken with the UVES sp ectrograph and two TWIN

sp ectra and

System comp osition

The separation b etween b oth white dwarfs is quite small only R Thus HE

obviously underwent phases of strong binary interaction in its history From the size of the orbits

and the p erio d the orbital velocity can b e computed to b e kms The comparison with the


observed RV amplitudes allows us to determine the inclination of this system as i This

system will merge within Gyrs due to gravitational wave radiation Although the merging time

of HE is less than a Hubble time the systems total mass of M will not qualify

it for b eing a SN Ia precursor Nevertheless the critical mass limit was missed by ab out

only and thus HE is close to the region where such progenitors are exp ected

For a more detailed discussion of HE we refer to the pap er of Karl et al


WD a system in need of an additional sp ectral analysis



Being classied in the Mc Co ok Sion catalogue to b e a DAB white dwarf WD

entered our SPY pro ject This classication implies that He i lines are present in the sp ectrum

in addition to the Balmer lines The survey sp ectra were taken in Octob er and December

reveal two H line cores as well as He i at A Moreover it b ecame obvious that the H

line cores changed p osition from one exp osure to the next cf gure For this reason we

6540 6560 6580

Figure Observed line proles for WD and tted curves The change of the line

p ositions is obvious

classify the system to b e a binary comp osed of a DA white dwarf with a DB companion rather

than a DAB star a scenario already suggested by Bergeron et al However no p erio d

was known so far for WD and thus we carried out followup observations in order

to solve the systems ephemeris In addition to the survey sp ectra three mediumresolution

sp ectra were taken during the September run at the NTT and highresolution sp ectra

at the VLT in November

Radial velocity curve

In order to measure radial velocities we p erformed a simultaneous t of b oth H line proles

within the ESOMIDAS context The He i line was excluded from the radial velocity determina

tion due to its broad line prole Sample ts can b e seen from gure It b ecomes obvious

from the sp ectra that the H line proles of b oth comp onents are very dierent in terms of

linedepth and width Therefore a simple by eye classication was sucient to allo cate the

observed line proles to the individual comp onents

As we did the cases of the former doublelined systems we tted in the rst instance the

radial velocity sets of b oth comp onents indep endently The resulting p ower sp ectra are very

d h m s

similar b oth yielding the same p erio d of Combining these p ower sp ec

tra we obtained the combined power spectrum of gure representing the complete binary

d m

system Although an alias at that cannot ruled out which diers by only from


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

RVs of b oth comp onents of WD as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves

Data p oints b elonging to the DA white dwarf are marked as lled symbols while op en symbols

indicates DABrelated data Squares are used for VLT observations and triangles for observa

tions done at the ESO NTT Lower panel Combined p ower sp ectrum of WD The

inset displays the aliases near the main p eak

the main p eak This however is less than the typical exp osure time even for VLT data and

is therefore insignicant from the discussion that follows From the t RV curve based on the

DAs data set we derive a systems velocity of km s and a semiamplitude of


K km s cf upp er panel of gure The ephemeris for the DA is




Corresp onding results for the DAB are km s and K km s


resp ectively Its ephemeris is




Both ephemerides dier by corresp onding to which as in almost p erfect

agreement with exp ectations

System comp osition

The mass ratio computed from the the RV semiamplitudes is M M


Due to the fact that is equal to zero within the error margin km s

however an analysis by means of the RV curves only is not p ossible for WD Thus


we have to p erform a quantitative sp ectral analysis by means of the fitsb program in order to

determine masses by comparison of the derived stellar parameters T and log g with evolutionary


calculations cf section This however is much more dicult than for HE

section b ecause the comp onents are so dissimilar This is b eyond the scop e of this thesis

and has still to b e done

If we adopt km s the resulting masses are very low ie M and M

resp ectively and can b e ruled out b ecause the corresp onding sin i according to equation

would need to b e larger than unity Even if we assume the largest the resulting total mass

M is b elow the Chandrasekhar mass table Despite of the merging time b eing lower

than the Hubble the system do es not qualify as a SN Ia progenitor candidate

Therefore we conclude that the derived parameters in particular are not dened accu

rately enough As in the case of HE we would need an additional sp ectral analysis

to solve the system denitely

Table System parameters and derived results for WD The input parameters

massratio and are varied by multiples of their error margins The assumed combination

of the prop er parameters are displayed in the columns one and two whereas derivated output

parameters are shown in columns three to seven

Determined from RV curve

km s


prim sec

P d

Deduced parameters










t Gyrs


SN Ia precursor no no no no

Equation runs to sin i


White dwarfs with M dwarf


The main intention of SPY is the search for p otential SN Ia precursors by means of checking

double degenerates Obviously binaries comp osed of a white dwarf and a M dwarf are not

double degenerate and thus do not qualify as SN Ia progenitors Nevertheless these ob jects are

interesting with resp ect to the study of binary evolution Therefore we observed three WD dM

systems in the course of the followup campaigns in order to create an unbiased sample of white

dwarfs in binary systems

A sample sp ectrum of a white dwarf plus M dwarf binary can b e seen from gure

Figure Sample UVES sp ectrum of the white dwarf plus M dwarf system WD

see section The weaker blue shifted emission that can b e seen in H and H is due to a nonLTE eect in the DAs photosphere


WD alias RR Caeli



Classied as a DA white dwarf in the McCo ok Sion Catalogue WD was

implemented within our SPY pro ject and observed twice in November in the course of

the SPY pro ject However molecular absorption bands and two emission lines in the Balmer

series b ecomes obvious from these survey sp ectra as can b e seen in gure According to

the sp ectral app earance of WD the system has to b e classied as a hot DA white

dwarf and a M dwarf companion This classication is consistent with a previous study done

by Bruch et al Followup observations for WD were done in February

at the ESO NTT and in March at the ESO VLT

Radial velocity curve

Some sp ectra lack the weaker DA emission feature seen in gure b ecause of low SN ratios

andor low resolution of the sp ectra From the H emission lines however we were able to deter

mine radial velocities for b oth comp onents for all but one VLT and for three NTT observations

see gure

The analysis was carried out the same way as for HE cf section By tting

the radial velocities of the DA primary and the dM secondary indep endently we computed

a single p ower sp ectrum for each comp onent We nally merge b oth data sets by coadding

the values derived from the individual power spectra By means of the combined power


spectrum pro duced this way cf lower panel of gure we determined a p erio d of

h m s

The inset displays the region around the main p eak in more detail revealing some

aliases While we can not rule out any alias by visual insp ection of the prop er RV curve however

all of them are within a time interval of less than seconds For the white dwarf we nally

derive a systems velocity of km s and a radial velocity semiamplitude of


K km s The ephemeris is




The corresp onding results for the dM are km s K km s and

dM dM




Both ephemerides dier by corresp onding to which is in almost p erfect

conformance with theory

System comp osition

According to the RV curves we found the mass ratio to b e M M while the


system velocities diers by km s However the gravitational redshift of the

M dwarf companion can b e neglected compared to the redshift caused by the white dwarf

Therefore equation and the massradius relation yield M M The companions


mass of M M results from the mass ratio Thus the companion is most likely a M


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities of b oth comp onents of WD as a function of orbital phase and tted

sine curves Data p oints b elonging to the M dwarf are marked as lled symbols while op en

symbols indicates DArelated data Like within the previous gures squares are used for VLT

observations and triangles for observations from the ESO NTT Lower panel Combined p ower

sp ectrum of WD The inset displays some of the aliases near the main p eak

dwarf see Drilling et al Both comp onents of the WD system are separated

by A R which means the white dwarf is at A R from the barycenter and the

tot WD

M dwarf at A R From the orbital velocities of v km s and v km s

dM WD dM


we compute an inclination of i Due to the radiation of gravitational redshift b oth

Table System comp osition for WD

Determined from RV curve

km s



P d

Deduced parameters









comp onents will merge in t Gyrs but WD will not pro duce a SN Ia event


b ecause the the dM is not degenerate This would b e a single degenerate scenario

Comparison with previous results


The p erio d of estimated ab ove is in almost p erfect agreement with the p erio d of


derived by Bruch et al by means of a lightcurve analysis However their analy

sis yields M and M for the white dwarf and the M dwarf resp ectively M M


which can denitely b e ruled out by our own analysis




The McCo ok Sion catalogue classied WD as a DAO white dwarf Vennes et

al however found the DAO b eing only one comp onent of a quadruple system comp osed

of a wide doublebinary In the course of the SPY pro ject the DAO was observed twice at

the VLT in Octob er and November From these highresolution sp ectra emission features

b ecome obvious in the Balmer series and for He i and C i i lines see gure The Balmer line

emission b elongs to the M dwarf companion as do the emission lines which b ecomes obvious from

radial velocity measurements We also found variation of the line strengths For instance the H

emission feature has W A at while at the line strength is W A only

In a system with gravitational b ound rotation this can b e understo o d if the dMs hemisphere

facing toward the white dwarf is heated by the hotter DAO companion We conclude that this

is the most probable scenario for WD






3600 3800 4000 4200 4400

Figure UVES sp ectrum of WD taken at The DAO absorption sp ectrum

is overlayed by the dMs emission lines

Vennes et al already found the H emission prole to b e split We detect the same

feature for the entire Balmer series as well as for some of the stronger Hei lines like A

Figure shows H and H emission for example The physical reason is most probably a

selfabsorption eect in the dMs heated atmosphere

WD was also observed during the January NTT run

Radial velocity curve

From the observed emission lines we estimated a set of radial velocities for the dM companion

d h m s

From the p ower sp ectrum calculated by means of this data set we obtain

for the most probable p erio d Though our result is already close to the p erio d given by Vennes

m s

et al P we can improve our analysis if we merge Vennes data set with our own

d h m s

This way the p erio d b ecomes more accurate or The ephemeris is




6540 6560 6580 4840 4860 4880

Figure UVES sp ectrum of WD taken at The splitted emission feature

in H right and H left is most probably due to selfabsorption in the dMs atmosphere

Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities of WD as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares

are used for VLT observations triangles for observations from the ESO NTT and diamonds for

data taken from Vennes et al Lower panel Power sp ectrum of WD

Over a course of years this ephemeris diers from Vennes result by less than

P The systems velocity derived from the b est t RV curve upp er panel of gure is

km s and the radial velocity semiamplitude is K km s

dM dM

System comp osition

Vennes et al derived a white dwarf with a mass of M M M and a


o o

M companion of M They found the systems inclination to b e i

For more details on the dMDAO binary we refer to Vennes et al They also give a

short discussion ab out the second binary of the WD quadruple system


HS +



This ob ject was classied as a white dwarf from the HamburgQuasar survey Thus it entered

our SPY pro ject and was observed twice at the VLT From the UVES sp ectra taken in July

however strong emission lines sup erp osing the H and H lines b ecame evident Thus

we reclassied HS to b e a white dwarf plus M dwarf binary Moreover a radial

velocity shift of ab out km s was measured from the survey sp ectra Thus the system was

reobserved in the course of our followup campaigns in August at the DSAZ and in March

at the VLT

Radial velocity curve

By means of tting the emission feature of the M dwarf we obtained very accurate radial

velocity measurements Figure shows the resulting p ower sp ectrum and the b est t RV

d d h m s

curve We derive a most probable p erio d of a systems velocity of

km s and a semiamplitude of K km s for the M dwarf Its

ephemeris b ecomes


System comp osition

Although the RV curve lo oks normal at rst glance we derive a very large mass function of

f M Following Drilling et al we assume a M dwarf with a canonical mass


of M for the visible comp onent Thus we derive the minimum mass of the companion for


an inclination of i to b e M M Even if we adopt the lowest p ossible mass of


M for the M dwarf the companions mass is still M A companion as massive as that

has to b e either a main sequence star a neutron star or a black hole These ob jects however

are inconsistent with the sp ectral app earance of HS indicating that the companion

is a white dwarf as can b e seen from gure

The inconsistency of mass function and sp ectral app earance is caused by the large value

of f We therefore conclude that either the p erio d or the radial velocity semiamplitude are


falsely determined There are still more observations necessary to solve HS

Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HS Upp er part Measured RVs

as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve Squares are used for VLT observations and

circles for observations done at the m telescop e of the DSAZ Lower part Power sp ectrum of HS





0.4 3800 4000 4200 4400




6400 6500 6600

Figure Observed line proles of HS The displayed wavelength regions are


extracted from a UVES sp ectrum taken in March the The dMs emission line sup er

p osing the H prole is obvious as well as the higher Balmer lines of the white dwarf companion


Table Scenarios for HS Note that the nature of the companion is inconsistent

with the sp ectral app earance of HS which suggested a white dwarf companion

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i M M no MS NS or BH


most likely i M M no MS or BH


max i M M no MS NS or BH


most likely i M M no MS or BH





HE was selected from the HamburgESO survey by Norb ert Christlieb to b e a

white dwarf and thus entered our SPY pro ject The survey sp ectra of HE taken in

August however reveal not only the Balmer series but also emission features that are

characteristic for a M dwarf companion Not b eing a double degenerate system HE

was nevertheless reobserved in the course of our followup campaigns b ecause of a large radial

velocity shift of more than km s evaluated from the the survey sp ectra Since the strong

emission line of the M dwarf can b e easily tted within the MIDAS context the DSAZ data

taken in August result in very accurate radial velocities

Radial velocity curve

d d h m s

Our analysis yields an unequivocal p erio d of P or From the b est t

RV curve displayed in the upp er panel of gure a systems velocity of km s

and a semiamplitude of K km s can b e derived The systems ephemeris is


System comp osition

We have no information ab out the motion of the white dwarf but ab out the M dwarf companion

only To estimate the white dwarf s mass from the mass function f M we assume the


M dwarf to b e of sp ectral type M with a mass of M Drilling et al The maximum


inclination of i yield to the white dwarf s minimum mass of M M Orbits


and orbital velocities can b e computed from equations and to b e A R and v

dM dM

K km s resp ectively Corresp onding results for the white dwarf are A R


and v km s Therefore the total separation of the stars according to this scenario is





For the most probable inclination of i however we derive M M for


the white dwarf The orbits are A R and A R resp ectively Orbital ve


lo cities of v km s and v km s Therefore the systems separation b ecomes




We conclude that the white dwarf in the HE system is most probably a DA

white dwarf with a CO core Table


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities of HE a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are

used for VLT observations and circles for data based on DSAZ observations Diamonds mark

radial velocity data provided by Gijs Nelemans Lower panel Power sp ectrum of HE

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no low mass WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra


Singlelined systems

Most of our ob jects are singlelined rather than doublelined systems Thus only the systems

mass function equation can b e derived This however is an equation of three unknown

parameters Without additional information to set further constrains on the systems we cannot

solve for them

Nevertheless by assuming that the observable comp onent has a canonical mass we can

decrease the number of free parameters by one Thus we estimate a white dwarf s mass by means

of comparing its stellar parameters T and log g with evolutionary calculations by Blocker et


al cf gure For sdBs and sdOs we assume canonical masses of M The last

free parameter can b e eliminated by means of xing the systems inclination The statistically


most probable inclination angle is i which yields the most probable mass for the invisible

comp onent A lower limit for the comp onents mass however can b e derived by assuming the


maximum inclination value of i The complete sequence of analyzing a singlelined system

is displayed in gure in a schematic way

In section we discuss radial velocity variable singlelined systems with a white dwarf

primary Systems with an sdO primary are discussed in section whereas sdB systems are

discussed in section

White dwarf primaries

A typical UVES sp ectrum of a hydrogen rich DA white dwarf can b e seen from gure

Most of the DA white dwarfs presented in the following chapter are already analyzed by Detlev

Ko ester by means of a quantitative sp ectral analysis Ko ester et al and priv com of the

SPY sp ectra For these ob jects we estimated masses of the visible comp onents by comparison of

the determined stellar parameters T and log g with co oling sequences of white dwarfs Blocker


et al cf section


Spectral Analysis RV curve

log g T v sin i P Κ eff rot 1

f M

Ρ i M−R relation 1

Μ Μ 1 2

Μ P 1,2

A 1,2

v 1,2

M t

tot M

Figure Analysis of a singlelined system schematic





Being classied as a DA white dwarf in the McCo ok Sion catalogue WD

was observed twice in July at the VLT A shift of km s was found from the H line

proles In order to solve the system we carried out followup observations at the ESO VLT in

Octob er and November and at the ESO NTT in September

Radial velocity curve

The resulting p ower sp ectrum displayed in the lower panel of gure shows an unambiguous

d d h m s

p erio d of while the upp er panel of the gure shows the b est t RV

curve computed for this p erio d We derive a systems velocity of km s a radial

velocity semiamplitude of K km s and an ephemeris of


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve Squares are used for

ESO VLT observations and triangles for observations from the ESO NTT Lower panel Power

sp ectrum of WD


Sp ectral analysis and mass determination

WD is one of the ob jects already analyzed by Detlev Ko ester in order to derive stellar

parameters cf section By comparison of these parameters T K and log g


with evolutionary tracks by Blocker et al we estimated the white dwarf s mass to b e



System comp osition


Assuming an inclination of i the mass function of f M yields a minimum mass


of M M for the unseen comp onent The separation b ecomes A R Based

comp tot

on this scenario we computed the orbits and orbital velocities by means of equations and

For the visible comp onent we derive A R and v K km s whereas


the corresp onding results for unseen comp onent are A R and v K km s

comp comp

resp ectively


However the systems most probably inclination is i which yields the compan

ions most likely mass of M M The separation b ecomes A R and the

comp tot

white dwarf s orbit A R v km s For the unseen companions we compute


A R v km s to b e most likely

comp comp

Although the unseen comp onent is most probably a white dwarf with a CO core neither

scenario discussed ab ove will quality for a SN Ia precursor In b oth cases the merging time as

well as the systems total mass are insucient as can b e seen from table The table shows

in addition the inclination angles yielding a total mass equal the Chandrasekhar mass and the

most massive white dwarf companion of M resp ectively

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra


WD +



WD is classied as a DA white in the McCo ok Sion catalogue and was

analyzed for radial velocity variability by Maxted et al However they observed the

system twice and found a radial velocity shift of km s only RV within the error

limits therefore they concluded the system to b e non variable We reobserved the system

in the course of our SPY program to check this result Two survey observations were done in

January at the VLT given a much larger radial velocity shift of km s Follow up

observation from the NTT run in April and May provided a data set accurate enough for

a radial velocity analysis

Radial velocity curve

The p ower sp ectrum displayed in gure is not unequivocal since a large number of aliases

can not b e ruled out see inset of gure These aliases are concentrated in a time interval


of centered on the main p eak However for our purp oses a p erfect determination of the

p erio d is desirable but not necessary Using the highest p eak of the p ower sp ectrum we derive

d h m

the most probable p erio d s The system parameters derived from the b est

t RV curve are km s for the systems velocity and K km s for

the radial velocity semiamplitude The ephemeris of WD is


Sp ectral analysis and mass determination

Ralf Napiwotzki priv com determined the stellar atmospheric parameters of WD

to b e T K and log g Thus we estimated a mass of M M by means

e WD

of the Blocker evolutionary tracks cf gure

System comp osition

The mass function computed from these parameters is f M Using the mass we


estimated ab ove for the visible companion we derive the minimum mass of the unseen companion


to b e M M for i The companion is therefore most likely a late type main


sequence star The separation of the two comp onents b ecomes A R which yields the


orbits of the comp onents For the white dwarf we compute A R and for the unseen


comp onent A R The orbital velocities determined by means of equation are


v K km s and v K km s resp ectively

WD comp


The most probable system comp osition however results for an inclination of i

The companions mass b ecomes M M which makes it a CO core white dwarf


The orbits are A R for the visible white dwarf and A R for the unseen

WD comp


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for

ESO VLT observations and circles for observations done at the DSAZ Diamonds mark data

taken from Maxted et al Lower panel Power sp ectrum of WD The inset

shows the region near the main p eak in more detail

companion Thus the systems total expansion b ecomes A R Orbital velocities of


b oth comp onents can b e computed to b e v km s and v km s resp ectively

WD comp

As can b e seen from table WD will not qualify as a SN Ia precursor due to

its large merging time Even for the most massive white dwarf companion of ab out M the

merging time will still exceeds the Hubble time

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra


HS +



HS was selected from the Hamburg Quasar Survey to b e a DA white dwarf The rst

survey observation was done in June followed by another VLT observation in April

Though we found a radial velocity shift of only km s from these sp ectra the exp ected radial

velocity semiamplitude seemed to b e very small and therefore we exp ected HS not

to b e a SN Ia candidate Since it is sucient bright the system was reobserved in July

at the DSAZ in order to create an unbiased sample of double degenerates for probing binary

evolution theory

Radial velocity curve

d h m s

The p ower sp ectrum yields a most probable p erio d of but the result is

d d d

not unambiguous There are some aliases at P and that can

not b e ruled out by visual insp ection of the corresp onding RV curves The p ower sp ectrum of

HS is displayed in the lower panel of gure while the upp er panel shows the b est


t RV curve computed for the most probable p erio d of The ephemeris is


The system velocity and semiamplitude derived from the RV curve are km s

and K km s resp ectively

Sp ectral analysis and mass determination

Like WD HS was sp ectroscopically analyzed by Detlev Ko ester By

means of this results T K and log g we estimated a white dwarf s mass of


M M from the tracks of Blocker et al


System comp osition


Assuming an inclination of i we determined the companions minimum mass to b e

M M Thus the white dwarf circles around the barycenter at a distance of


A R and at a orbital velocity equal to the semiamplitude K The companion is


at A R from the systems barycenter at an orbital velocity of v km s

comp comp

The total separation of b oth comp onents b ecomes A R



For the most probable inclination of i however the companion has M M


A R and v km s Orbital size and velocity for the white dwarf are

comp comp

A R and v km s yielding A R for the systems total extend

WD WD tot

The companion of the visible white dwarf is most probable a massive However


for a systems inclination b elow the companions mass exceeds M which is the minimum

mass for central hydrogen burning Thus a late type M star can not b e ruled out either Table summarizes dierent scenarios for HS


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HS Upp er panel Measured

RVs of HS as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve The data p oints are


phase according to the most probable p erio d of Squares are used for VLT observations

and squares for observations from the DSAZ Lower panel Power sp ectrum of HS

Table Scenarios for HS

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no typical CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra


WD +



WD was rst detected to b e a radial velocity variable white dwarf by Saer et

al However since it is found in the McCo ok and Sion catalogue this sys

tem was indep endently observed at the VLT in May in the course of the SPY pro ject

The rst survey sp ectra already reveal an unequivocal radial velocity shift of ab out km s

conrming the variability found by Saer et al Additional mediumresolution sp ectra

were taken with TWIN at the DSAZ in March and July and in February The data

set was complemented by ve highresolution sp ectra taken over the course of at the VLT

Radial velocity curve

The resulting p ower sp ectrum is displayed in the lower panel of gure The unambiguous

d d h m s

p erio d of P is obvious From the b est t RV curve we derive a systems

velocity of km s and a radial velocity semiamplitude of K km s


Maxted et al has already found a p erio d of and a semiamplitude of km s for

WD which is in almost p erfect agreement with our own analysis The ephemeris of



Sp ectral analysis and mass determination

The sp ectral analysis p erformed by means of our highresolution UVES sp ectra gives T K


and log g Ko ester priv com Therefore we estimated the white dwarf s mass to b e

M M Although these results diers slightly form a previous study of low resolution


sp ectra Bragaglia et al T K log g and M M we rely on our

e WD

own results for the ongoing discussion

System comp osition


For an inclination of i the mass function of f M results in the companions


minimum mass of M M The separation of the two comp onents is A R

comp tot

Orbit and orbital velocity of the visible white dwarf can b e computed from equations and

to b e A R and v K km s Corresp onding results for the companion


are A R and v km s

comp comp


For the most probable inclination of i however the mass function yields a companion

with a mass of M M and a orbit of A R v km s According

comp comp comp

to this scenario the distance of the white dwarf to the barycenter can b e computed to b e

A R v km s This results in a total separation of R R

WD WD tot

On the basis of these results we conclude that the unseen companion in the WD

system is most likely a CO core white dwarf Although the systems total mass reaches the


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for VLT

observations and circles for data based on DSAZ observations Lower panel Power sp ectrum of



Chandrasekhar limit in the case of the i scenario its merging time is to o large to qualify

WD as a SN Ia precursor Gyrs and Gyrs resp ectively cf table

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra


Sub dwarf B primary

Subluminous B stars are generally considered to b e core heliumburning stars with thin hydrogen

envelopes of less than M and total masses of ab out M In the Hertzsprung Russell

diagram they p opulate a very narrow area which lies on the blueward extension of the horizontal

branch the so called Extreme From there they evolve directly to the white

dwarf graveyard without reaching the previously b ecause their thin

envelope cannot sustain hydrogen shell burning According to standard stellar evolution theory

however sdB star should not exist Their detailed evolution is still unclear and several scenarios

are still under debate cf Han et al Figure shows a typical example for an sdBs

sp ectrum taken with UVES

Although not b eing degenerate sdB stars are immediate progenitors of white dwarfs and

thus promising ob jects with resp ect to our search for sup ernova Ia precursors The only likely

SN Ia progenitor according to the merging scenario known so far is not a double degenerate but

h m

the sdB plus white dwarf binary KPD Maxted et al c Its p erio d is

which yields a white dwarf companion of at least M which is almost certainly a white

dwarf Since the sdB will evolve directly to a white dwarf and merge in less than Gyrs with

the companion KPD is indeed a very go o d candidate for a SN Ia event However

this result is still discussed since evolutionary calculations show that KPD will form

a ONeMg white dwarf rather than a SNIa precursor Ergma et al

Unlike white dwarfs sdB stars display a large variety of metal lines in their sp ectra These

lines can b e used in order to estimate the pro jected rotational velocities v sin i from quan


titative sp ectral analyses of the ob jects cf section Finally the systems inclination i

themselves could b e derived from equation by means of P and R The analysis has b een

p erformed in three steps

Creating high SN templates

In preparation for further analysis a high SN template was created for each ob ject rst For that

purp ose all available UVES sp ectra were weighted by their SN ratio and shifted to lab oratory

wavelengths Subsequently they were coadded in order to increase the SN ratio of the template

Atmospheric parameters

Although Lisker et al already determined stellar atmospheric parameters for sdB stars

by means of the SPY sp ectra we p erformed an indep endent analysis by means of the high SN

coadded UVES templates Eective temp eratures T surface gravities log g and helium


abundances n log n n were determined by tting simultaneously each observed hy

He He H

drogen and helium line to a grid of synthetic mo del sp ectra Therefore a pro cedure developed

by Napiwotzki et al based on Saer et al was used The mo del grid was comp osed

of metalline blanked LTE mo del atmospheres Heb er et al with solar metal abundances

Figure shows a typical t result

For each line the continuum level was determined and normalized to one in order to compare

it to the synthetic sp ectrum The H line was never used for the parameter determination

b ecause its line core is sensitive to nonLTE eects and thus a LTE mo del has to fail repro ducing

the line However H was kept in the plot for examining p ossible deviations from the mo del H line


Figure Sample UVES sp ectrum of an sub dwarf B star HE see section

Metal abundance patterns

The equivalent widths were measured by means of tting Gaussians to the high SN templates

within the MIDAS context see Herrmann The central intensity and the fullwidthat

halfmaximum FWHM were adjustable parameters which were subsequently used to compute

equivalent widths Results can b e seen from table D in the app endix

Thereafter mo del atmospheres were generated with the ATLAS co de of Kurucz

using the atmospheric parameters derived ab ove and solar abundances These mo dels were used

to calculate curveofgrowth for the observed metal lines Blends from dierent analysis were

omitted from the analysis Finally the abundances were determined from a detailed sp ectrum

synthesis by means of LINFOR using all metal lines

The atomic data used for this analysis were taken from the lists of Wiese et al

Kurucz Ekb erg and Hirata Horaguchi

Closely connected to the determination of metal abundances is the measurement of micro

scopical turbulences in the stars atmosphere These turbulences broadens the observed sp ectral


LINFOR was originall y developed by Holweger Steen and Steenbok at Kiel University It has

b een enhanced and maintained by Lemke and was recently mo died by Przybilla For a description see



7 He I 4026 He I 4472 log g = 5.32 He I 4922 6 log (He/H) = -3.21 He I 5016

He I 5876 5






-40 -20 0 20 40

Figure Sample mo del t of an sub dwarf B star HE see section

lines due to the Doppler eect However if a sucient number of lines of one ion over a wide

range of strength is measured the microturbulence can b e estimated Lines at the at part of

the curveofgrowth are very sensitive to whereas lines at the linear part are insensitive By

varying a dierent slop e of the linear regression tted to the determined abundances versus

the equivalent widths results Figure demonstrates this eect on the example of the oxygen

abundances determined from the O i i lines of He A vanishing slop e of the linear

regression is the means to determine the value of

Pro jected rotational velocity and inclination

Using the LINFOR program package we computed synthetic sp ectra over a small wavelength

range In order to do this we had to consider the previously determined parameters T log g


n and These proles were subsequently folded with an adopted rotational velocity and


tted to the observed line proles given by the template The quality of the t was estimated

by means of a test This way the b est t and the prop er pro jected rotational velocity was

derived An example for the determination of v sin i is shown in gure for HE rot






7.2 0.5 1 1.5 2






0.5 1 1.5 2

Figure Determination of the microturbulence for HE by means of the N i i

results Values of kms upp er panel and kms are applied lower panel For kms

the slop e of the regression line vanishes as exp ected if the choice of is correct

5000 5000.5 5001 5001.5 5002 5002.5

Figure Determination of the pro jected rotational velocity v sin i for the sdB star


HE The lines used therefore are the N i i lines at A and A re

sp ectively was adopted





Classied as a DA white dwarf in the McCo ok Sion catalogue highresolution UVES

sp ectra were taken of WD in July for the SPY pro ject From these sp ectra

however it b ecame obvious that WD is a sub dwarf B star rather than a white dwarf

Moreover a radial velocity shift of km s was measured although a previous study by Bra

gaglia et al derived no variation for this ob ject from low resolution sp ectra Since the star

is bright and varies at a suciently large radial velocity amplitude we included WD

into our followup campaign Numerous observations were done at the VLT Octob er and

November the DSAZ m telescop e August and Octob er and the NTT Septem

b er The data set was complemented by WHT observations done in Octob er and in

August done by Gijs Nelemans

Radial velocity curve

The lower panel of gure shows the resulting p ower sp ectrum with the main p eak at

d d h m s

The b est t RV curve for the main p erio d can b e seen from the upp er

panel of gure We derive a systems velocity of km s a radial velocity

semiamplitude of K km s and an ephemeris of


Sp ectral analysis

A total of nine highresolution UVES sp ectra allows a more detailed analysis of the visible

comp onents of WD By means of a sp ectral analysis an eective temp erature of

T K a surface gravity of log g and a helium abundance of n was

e He

derived The helium abundance however is b elow the lower b oundary of the used mo del grid

and thus only an upp er limit can b e determined These results are in almost p erfect agreement

with the stellar parameters derived by Lisker et al from the survey sp ectra only

The coadded sp ectrum furthermore reveals lines of several ions N i i O i i Mg i i Al i i i Si i i i

and iv S i i i Ti i i i and Fe i i i The abundances derived for these ions are shown in table and

displayed in gure with resp ect to the solar value Regarding prior studies eg Edelmann

WD shows no p eculiar abundance patterns except for the unusual titanium

abundance The curveofgrowth of nitrogen oxygen and iron are consistent with

A detailed analysis in order to determine the pro jected rotational velocity by means of the

Mg i i doublet yields an upp er limit of km s for v sin i only This result is not astonishing


b ecause former studies eg Edelmann already showed that singlestar sdBs are usually

slow rotators The same however can b e exp ected for sdB stars in wide binaries without tidal

lo cking like WD


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve Squares are used for

ESO VLT observations triangles for observations from the ESO NTT and observations done at

the DSAZ m telescop e are marked as circles Lower panel Power sp ectrum of WD

Table LTE metal abundances for WD The ion is given in the rst column n is

the number of lines used for the analysis and log is the derived abundance

ion n log

N i i

O i i

Mg i i

Al i i i

Si i i i

Si iv

S i i i

Ti i i i

Fe i i i

System comp osition

The mass function of f M results in a minimum mass of M M for the

m comp

unseen comp onent assuming a canonical mass of M for the visible comp onent and an


inclination of i The total separation b ecomes A R which means the vis


ible sub dwarf is at A R from the barycenter whereas the unseen companion is at


A R The orbital velocities of b oth comp onents are v K km s and

comp sdB





C N O Mg Al Si S Ar Ca Ti Fe Zn

Figure LTE abundances with error bars for WD relative to solar values dashed

horizontal line Abundances derived from single ionized ions are marked as op en circles from

double ionized ions as lled circles and from triple ionized ions as lled triangles

v km s resp ectively



However the most probable value of the inclination is i which gives a companion

mass of M M and a systems total separation of A R Orbital size and

comp tot

orbital velocity of the sub dwarf b ecome A R and v km s resp ectively The

sdB sdB

corresp onding results for the unseen companion are A R and v km s

comp comp

Based on the results derived ab ove we nally conclude that the unseen comp onent is most

likely a white dwarf with a CO core comp osition The system however will not qualify as a

SN Ia precursor b ecause its total mass will neither exceeds the Chandrasekhar mass nor will it

merge within a Hubble time as can b e seen from table Even for the most massive M

white dwarf companion the systems merging time will not b e b elow a Hubble time

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra





Being selected from the HamburgESO survey HE was observed twice for SPY at

the VLT in April These sp ectra revealed helium lines at A and A and therefore

the star seemed to b e a sub dwarf rather than a white dwarf A classication that was conrmed

later on by means of a quantitative sp ectral analysis Nevertheless a large radial velocity shift of

ab out km s b ecame obvious as well and therefore the star was a very promising candidate

for followup observation However its lo cation in the southern hemisphere rules out most of the

observational sites used for SPY followups only the ESO telescop es qualify for reobservation

In fact HE was reobserved at the ESO VLT during our runs in Octob er in

November and in March

Radial velocity curve

The p ower sp ectrum derived for HE is unambiguously and yields a p erio d of

d h m s

P From the b est t RV curve that can b e seen in the upp er panel

of gure we estimated a systems velocity of km s and a semiamplitude of

K km s The ephemeris b ecomes


Power sp ectrum and b est t RV curve for HE can b e seen from gure

Sp ectral analysis

HE was observed times at the VLT providing a large number of high quality

sp ectra yielding a coadded template with an SN ratio of A quantitative sp ectral analysis

results in very accurate stellar parameters of T K log g and n which

e He

are consistent with the results of Lisker et al

We found sp ectral lines of C i i N i i O i i Mg i i Si i i i S i i and S i i i and Fe i i i The abundances

derived for these ions are shown in table and shown in gure with resp ect to the solar

value As can b e seen from this plot HE shows no unexp ected p eculiarities among

its abundance patterns but lo oks like an ordinary sub dwarf B type star The curveofgrowth

analyses of nitrogen oxygen and iron reveal no hint for microturbulence Thus we assume

further on

A detailed analysis in order to determine the pro jected rotational velocity by means of the

N i i lines b etween A and A results in v sin i km s


System comp osition

Assuming a canonical mass of M for the sdB the radius of the star b ecame R cf


equation For b ounded rotation this nally yields a systems inclination of i by

means of comparison of the computed rotational velocity with the measured one However the


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve All measurements are based

on ESO VLT observations Lower panel Power sp ectrum of HE

Table LTE metal abundances for HE The ion is given in the rst column n is

the number of lines used for the analysis and log is the derived abundance

ion n log

C i i

N i i

O i i

Mg i i

Si i i i

S i i

S i i i

Fe i i i

mass function of f M results in M M for the companion which therefore

m comp

has to b e a black hole The separation b etween the sdB and the black hole b ecome A R


and the orbital size and velocity of the sdB are A R and v km s resp ectively

sdB sdB

Although a sdB plus black hole binary is not imp ossible it is still unlikely In order to discuss

the evolutionary status of HE in more detail we therefore adopted a p ostRGB evo

lutionary scenario for HE instead of the usual p ostEHB evolution cf the discussion

for HD in Heb er et al Thus we derive a mass of M by means of comparison

of the stars p osition in the T log g plane with evolutionary track computed for p ostRGB e





C N O Mg Al Si S Ar Ca Ti Fe Zn

Figure LTE abundances with error bars for HE relative to solar values dashed

horizontal line Abundances derived from single ionized ions are marked as op en circles from

double ionized ions as lled circles and from triple ionized ions as lled triangles

evolution This can b e seen graphically from gure Thus the stars radius and subse


quently the systems inclination change to R R and i The companions mass


however is still M M which means the companion has to b e a neutron star therefore


For the p ostRGB scenario the separation of the system b ecomes A R whereas the


orbital size and velocity of the sdB are A R and v km s resp ectively

sdB sdB

Both scenarios exemplied ab ove results in very massive companions In the following

we abandon the assumption of b ounded rotation and discuss the nature of the companion

for the maximum and the most probable inclination angle Assuming the sdB star having a


canonical mass of M the companions minimum mass computed for i b ecomes

M M which is either a low mass Hecore white dwarf or a late type main sequence


star The separation of the system can b e calculated to b e A R and the orbital pa


rameters for the comp onents are A R and v K km s for the sdB and

sdB sdB

A R and v km s for the companion resp ectively

comp comp


The most probable inclination however is i which yields M M for the


companions mass Thus the companion is again either a low mass white dwarf or a late

type main sequence star The orbital parameters for the comp onents are A R and


A R for the orbital sizes and v km s and v km s for the orbital

comp sdB comp

velocities The total extend of the system is A R


Table summarizes the results of dierent scenarios for HE







45 40 35 30 25 20 15

Figure Position of HE in the T log g plane and comparison with the low


mass evolutionary tracks computed by Drieb e et al for p ost red giant branch p ost

RGB evolution These tracks represent the evolution of stars whose hydrogenrich envelope

was stripp ed away by a companion during the rst red giant branch phase The remaining mass

is to o low for the ignition of helium burning and the star will eventually b ecome a low mass

white dwarf with a helium core

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

b d rot p ostEHB no black hole

b d rot p ostRGB no neutron star

max i no Low mass WD or late type MS

most likely i no Low mass WD or late type MS

M M yes massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra





HE was selected from the HamburgESO survey by Norb ert Christlieb priv com

to b e a hydrogen rich DA white dwarf The highresolution sp ectra taken in the course of

SPY however reveal that this ob ject is in fact a sub dwarf of sp ectral type B Although one of

the survey sp ectra was of low quality only a radial velocity shift of more than km s was

estimated Thus HE was reobserved in January at the WHT in February at

the NTT and in March at the VLT

Radial velocity curve

d h m s

From the p ower sp ectrum a p erio d of P results whereas the sys

tems velocity was determined to b e km s and the RV semiamplitude to b e

K km s The ephemeris of HE b ecomes


Power sp ectrum and b est t RV curve can b e seen from gure

Sp ectral analysis

HE was observed eight times totally at the VLT Even after discarding the low SN

survey observation seven highresolution UVES sp ectra remain to b e coadded in order to obtain

a high SN template By means of a sp ectral analysis we derive T K log g and


n which is in almost p erfect agreement with the results of Lisker et al based


on the survey sp ectra only

Furthermore we identied sp ectral lines of the C i i N i i O i i Ne i i Mg i i Al i i i Si i i i

S i i i and Fe i i i ions The abundances are shown in table in more detail In addition

gure displays the derived abundance patterns with resp ect to solar values The derived

neon abundance is regarded as an upp er limit b ecause the equivalent width measurements yield

values only slightly ab ove the detection limit However the two lines are among the strongest

lines exp ected in the Nelinesp ectrum The microturbulence was deduced from the curveof

growth of the N i i and O i i lines to b e km s

The pro jected rotational velocity was determined by means of tting synthetic line pro

les to the Nei i lines A A A A and A Thus

v sin i km s was derived


System comp osition

From the pro jected rotation velocity a stellar radius of R R was determined for an


assumed canonical sdB mass of M cf equation Thus the inclination b ecomes


i The mass function of f M yields a companions mass of M M

m comp

Therefore the companion is a neutron star or black hole The separation of b oth comp onents


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve Squares are used for

ESO VLT observations and triangles for observations from the ESO NTT Data taken at the

WHT are provided from Gijs Nelemans and are marked as diamonds Lower panel Power

sp ectrum of HE

Table LTE metal abundances for HE The ion is given in the rst column n is

the number of lines used for the analysis and log is the derived abundance

ion n log

C i i

N i i

O i i

Ne i i

Mg i i

Al i i i

Si i i i

S i i i

Ar i i

Fe i i i

is A R The orbital velocity of the sub dwarf is v km s and its orbital size

tot sdB



Like in the case of HE we alternatively consider p ostRGB evolution for

HE By means of comparison of the determined stellar atmospheric parameters





C N O Mg Al Si S Ar Ca Ti Fe Zn

Figure LTE abundances with error bars for HE relative to solar values dashed

horizontal line Abundances derived from single ionized ions are marked as op en circles from

double ionized ions as lled circles and from triple ionized ions as lled triangles

with the evolutionary tracks in a T log g plane we derive M M This yields a

e sdB


stellar radius of R R and subsequently an inclination angle of i From the


mass function a companions mass of M M can b e derived which indicates a high


mass white dwarf companion The systems total expansion b ecomes A R whereas orbit


and orbital velocity of the sub dwarf are A R and v km s Corresp onding

sdB sdB

results for the white dwarf are A R and v km s Although the systems


merging time is close to the Chandrasekhar mass limit the system will not qualify for a SN Ia

precursor due to its large merging time

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

b d rot p ostEHB no neutron star

b d rot p ostRGB no massive WD

max i no low mass WD or late type MS

most likely i no COcore WD

M M yes most massive WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra


In addition we also want to discuss the situation if rotation is not tidally lo cked to the orbit

Assuming a canonical sdB mass for the visible comp onent of HE and an inclination


angle of i we derive a minimum mass of M M for the companion Thus it


is either a late type main sequence star or a low mass white dwarf The systems separation

b ecomes A R Both comp onents are at A R and A R resp ectively

tot sdB comp

Their orbital velocities are v K km s and v R

sdB comp


For the most probable inclination of i however the invisible companion b ecomes

M M which is most likely a CO core white dwarf The separation of the system


can b e computed to b e A R In this scenario the sdB circles around the barycenter at


A R v km s whereas the companion is at A R v R

sdB sdB comp comp

An overview ab out dierent scenarios for HE is given in table





HE was missclassied to b e an DA white dwarf from the HamburgESO sur

vey Christlieb et al and thus entered our SPY pro ject These sp ectra did not only

show evidence for a large radial velocity shift ab out of km s but furthermore reveal that

HE is an sdB star rather than a white dwarf Nevertheless in order to prob e binary

evolution theory by means of an unbiased sample the star was included into our followup cam

paigns Observations were carried out at the WHT in January by Gijs Nelemans and at

the VLT in March by Ralf Napiwotzki

Radial velocity curve

Radial velocity measurements are based on the H line since there is no evidence for helium

in HE Figure shows the resulting p ower sp ectrum and the b est t RV curve

d d h m s

A p erio d of P a systems velocity of km s and

a semiamplitude of K km s can b e derived As can b e seen from the inset


of gure an alias at P cannot b e ruled out This alias however is only at


P s to the main p eak corresp onding to a relative error for the p erio d of ab out

The ephemeris of HE is


Sp ectral analysis

We did not p erform a sp ectral analysis for HE b ecause no additional highresolution

sp ectra have b een taken and thus we refer to the results of Lisker et al This study yields

T K log g and n

e He

System comp osition

By means of the mass function we can estimate the system parameters for a given scenario


Assuming a canonical mass of M for the sdB and an inclination of i the mass

function f M results in M M for the minimum mass of the unseen

m comp

companion Sub dwarf and companion are at A R and A R resp ectively

sdB comp

from the barycenter The systems total extension b ecomes A R The orbital velocities


of the comp onent is v km s while the sdB has a velocity equal to the radial velocity




The most probable comp osition for the system results from an inclination of i The

companions mass b ecomes M M The separation of the comp onents increases to


A R whereas the orbital velocities decrease to v km s at A R and

tot sdB sdB

v km s at A R resp ectively

comp comp


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for VLT

observations and diamonds for data provided by Gijs Nelemans Lower panel Power sp ectrum

of HE

The results for the companions mass yields the conclusion that it is either a late type main

sequence star or a very low mass Hecore white dwarf Table summarizes dierent scenarios

for HE

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no low mass WD or late type MS

most likely i no low mass WD or late type MS

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra





This is another ob ject missclassied as a white dwarf from the HamburgESO survey The rst

survey sp ectra taken in July already reveal the true nature of the visible comp onent in the

HE system which is an sdB star Although not a white dwarf a radial shift of ab out

km s made HE a promising ob ject for followup observations Thus the system

was reobserved at the DSAZ in February and during all runs in April May and


Radial velocity curve

The highresolution UVES sp ectra reveal weak He i A and He i i A lines however

no helium lines can b e seen in sp ectra taken with the TWIN instrument due to low SN ratios

Thus the radial velocity measurements were done by means of the H line core

Figure shows the resulting p ower sp ectrum of HE The outstanding p eak

d d h m s

corresp onds to a p erio d of P The b est t RV curve displayed in

the upp er panel of the gure yields a systems velocity of km s and a semi

amplitude of K km s The ephemeris of HE b ecome


Sp ectral analysis

Our sp ectral analysis was based on a template created from three survey sp ectra and yields

T K log g and n This is in go o d agreement with the previous study

e He

of Lisker et al except for the helium abundance where a dierence of n


b ecomes obvious

Although the SN ratio of the template was sucient no sp ectral features except

for the Balmer series He i A He i i A Mg i i A and probably Si iv A

were detected Nevertheless we p erformed a metal abundance analysis in order to derive upp er

limits at least Therefore the line detection limit was estimated by means of measuring fake

absorption from the noise level The average noise level in terms of equivalent width was

subsequently assumed for those lines that are predicted to b e strongest in sdB stars As a

reference the study of Edelmann was used Table summarizes the results of our

study and gure displays them with resp ect to the solar value Due to the lack of suitable

metal lines neither the microturbulence nor the pro jected rotational velocity v sin i could


b e derived

System comp osition

From the semiamplitude and the p erio d we compute a mass function of f M


Supp osing the sdB to have a canonical mass of M and the systems inclination to b e


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for VLT

observations and circles for data based on DSAZ observations Lower panel Power sp ectrum of


Table LTE metal abundances for HE The ion is given in the rst column n

is the number of lines used for the analysis and log is the derived abundance

ion n log

C i i

N i i

O i i

Mg i i

Al i i i

Si iv

S i i i

Ar i i

Fe i i i


i the minimum mass for the unseen companion b ecomes M M Both com


p onents are separated by A R The orbits and the orbital velocities can also b e


computed For the companion we found A R and v km s while the

comp comp

corresp onding results for the sdB are A R and v K km s

sdB sdB


The most probable inclination of i however yields a slightly dierent system com

p osition Now we compute the companions mass to b e M M Whereas the or






C N O Mg Al Si S Ar Ca Ti Fe Zn

Figure LTE abundances with error bars for HE relative to solar values dashed

horizontal line Abundances derived from single ionized ions are marked as op en circles and

from double ionized ions as lled circles

bit of the sdB increases to A R v km s the orbit of the companion

sdB sdB

shrinks to A R v km s Finally the systems total expansion b ecomes

comp comp

A R for this scenario


According to the results for the companions mass we conclude that the unseen star in the

HE system is most probable a white dwarf with a CO core Dierent scenarios for

HE are summarized in table

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no most massive WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra





Like the other sdB stars discussed in this chapter HE was missclassied from the

HamburgESO survey as a DA white dwarf From the UVES sp ectra taken in August

however strong helium lines b ecome obvious and thus the star was reclassied to b e a sub dwarf

B rather than a white dwarf Despite of this HE b ecame part of our followup

campaigns b ecause of its large radial velocity shift of ab out km s found from the survey

sp ectra The observations were carried out at the VLT and the NTT in June resp ectively in


Radial velocity curve

Within the highresolution UVES sp ectra a large number of He i lines can b e seen eg at

A A A AA and A The observations done at the NTT however are

restricted to the wavelength region centered on H Thus no helium lines can b e seen in the

mediumresolution sp ectra taken with EMMI

Figure lower panel displays the resulting p ower sp ectrum that reveal an outstanding

d h m s

p eak at P From the b est t RV curve shown in the upp er panel of the

gure a systems velocity of km s and a semiamplitude of K km s

could b e derived The systems ephemeris b ecomes


Sp ectral analysis

By means of highresolution UVES sp ectra a template with an SN ratio of ab out was

created The sp ectral analysis p erformed thereof results in very accurate stellar atmospheric

parameters T K log g and n A comparison with Lisker et al

e He

yields an almost p erfect agreement b etween the two studies

The sp ectrum reveals a large number of sp ecies N i i S i i S i i i Ar i i Ar i i i Ca i i i Ti i i i

and also two lines we allo cate to Zn i i i The abundances derived for individual ions are shown

in table Figure displays them with resp ect to solar values It b ecame obvious that

the pro cess elements Ar Ca Ti and Zn are enriched similarly to the p eculiar sdB to

UVO Edelmann The microturbulence was estimated from the curveofgrowth

of N i i lines Thus km s was determined

In order to derive the pro jected rotational velocity we tted synthetic line proles to our

template Concentrating on the strong N i i lines b etween A and A the b est t results

in v sin i km s rot


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities of HE as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares

are used for VLT observations and triangles for data based on NTT observations Lower panel

Power sp ectrum of HE

Table LTE metal abundances for HE The ion is given in the rst column n

is the number of lines used for the analysis and log is the derived abundance

ion n log

N i i

S i i

S i i i

Ar i i

Ar i i i

Ca i i i

Ti i i i

Fe i i i

Zn i i i

System comp osition

Assuming the sdB to have the canonical mass of M we can estimate the stars radius to


b e R R For b ounded rotation this yields an inclination of i


From the mass function of f M we deduce a companions mass of M M

m comp

which is most probably a massive CO core white dwarf The systems total extend can b e

computed to b e A R Orbit and orbital velocity for the sdB b ecomes A R

tot sdB





C N O Mg Al Si S Ar Ca Ti Fe Zn

Figure LTE abundances with error bars for HE relative to solar values dashed

horizontal line Abundances derived from single ionized ions are marked as op en circles from

double ionized ions as lled circles and from triple ionized ions as lled triangles

and v km s resp ectively Corresp onding results for the companion are A R

sdB comp

and v km s Although the systems total mass will exceeds the Chandrasekhar limit


it will not merge within a Hubble time and therefore not qualify as a SN Ia precursor

Like for the previous systems we want to discuss the case of unbound rotation as well The


maximum inclination of i yields the companions minimum mass of M M


which indicates either a late type main sequence star or a low mass white dwarf The sep

aration of b oth comp onents b ecomes A R and the orbits are A R and

tot sdB

A R resp ectively The orbital velocities can b e computed to b e v K km s

comp sdB

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

b d rot p ostEHB no massive white dwarf

max i no low mass WD or late type MS

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra


and v km s



For the most probable scenario however we assume an inclination of i This

results in M M for the unseen companion which is a hint for a white dwarf


The orbits are A R and A R resp ectively and the orbital velocities are

sdB comp

v km s and v km s Thus the systems separation b ecomes

sdB comp

A R Dierent scenarios for HE are summarized in table






Like the previous ob jects HE was selected from the HamburgESO survey as a DA

white dwarf and subsequently entered our survey By means of visual insp ection of the rst

UVES sp ectra taken in August however it b ecame evident that HE is a sdB

star rather than a white dwarf Nevertheless the ob ject was included in our followup campaign

b ecause of the radial velocity shift of ab out km s that was determined from the survey

sp ectra Therefore additional medium resolution sp ectra were taken during our August

run at the DSAZ

Radial velocity curve

d d h m s

From the p ower sp ectrum of HE we derive a p erio d of P


as can b e seen from the lower panel of gure The inset reveal some aliases at P

which are nearly as likely as the p erio d dened by the main p eak However the relative error

caused by these aliases is less than and will therefore not inuence the further discussion

From the b est t RV curve displayed in the upp er panel of gure a systems velocity of

km s and a semiamplitude of K km s was derived The

ephemeris of HE b ecomes


Sp ectral analysis

Due to the fact that HE was observed at the VLT only in the course of the survey

our template used for the following analysis relys on two highresolution UVES sp ectra only

A quantitative sp ectral analysis done by means of the coadded highresolution sp ectra results

in the stellar parameters T K log g and n These parameters are

e He

almost consistent with the results derived by Lisker et al who measured T K


log g and n


Despite a low SN ratio of of the coadded sp ectrum N i i S i i i and Ar i i lines b ecomes

obvious For these lines abundances were derived whereas for C i i O i i Mg i i Al i i i Si i i i and

Fe i i i upp er limits were determined by means of the noise level see HE section

The results are summarized in table and displayed with resp ect to solar values in gure

The microturbulence was estimated from the curveofgrowth of the N i i lines to b e

km s Moreover in order to obtain the pro jected rotational velocity we tted the

observed N i i lines in the sp ectral range from A to A to synthetic proles From the

b est t we estimate v sin i km s rot


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for VLT

observations and circles for data based on DSAZ observations Lower panel Power sp ectrum of


Table LTE metal abundances for HE The ion is given in the rst column n

is the number of lines used for the analysis and log is the derived abundance

ion n log

O i i

N i i

O i i

Mg i i

Al i i i

Si i i i

S i i i

Ar i i

Fe i i i

System comp osition

The radius computed for a canonical mass of M is R R However for b ounded


rotation this results in sin i equation unless the star has a mass of M for

which sin i b ecomes unity or more Therefore a tidally lo cked scenario can b e ruled out for


o o

Nevertheless we want to discuss the case of non b ounded rotation for i and i





C N O Mg Al Si S Ar Ca Ti Fe Zn

Figure LTE abundances with error bars for HE relative to solar values dashed

horizontal line Abundances derived from single ionized ions are marked as op en circles from

double ionized ions as lled circles and from triple ionized ions as lled triangles

as we did for the previous systems The mass function b ecomes f M Assuming a



canonical sdB mass of M for the sdB and i we determine the minimum mass of

the companion to b e M M Because b oth comp onents have almost the same mass


their orbits and orbital velocities are quite similar The orbits are A R whereas


the orbital velocities b ecomes v K R The total separation of the comp onents


is A R



The most probable inclination of i yields M M for the unseen compan


ion Orbits and orbital velocity of the visible sdB star are A R and v km s

sdB sdB

resp ectively For the unseen comp onent we estimate A R and v km s The

comp comp

systems total extension b ecomes A R


Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra


Based on the masses determined ab ove for the unseen companion we conclude that it is most

likely a white dwarf with a CO core Table gives an overview ab out dierent scenarios for



Sub dwarf O primary

Sub dwarfs of the sp ectral type O are hot stars with eective temp eratures that ranges from

ab out K up to K at logarithmic surface gravities of log g From

their sp ectra broad Balmer lines b ecome obvious accombined by He i i absorption Mo ehler et

al The helium abundances varies b etween n Stroer Moreover


Herich sdO stars HesdOs show a large variety of metal lines like carb on nitrogen oxygen

neon magnesium and silicon

Some sdO stars were classied as DA white dwarfs from the HamburgESO survey Christlieb

et al and thus entered our SPY pro ject The true nature of these ob jects however b ecame

obvious by means of visual insp ection of the highresolution UVES sp ectra taken at the VLT

cf gure Nevertheless the survey sp ectra also reveal some highly radial velocity variable

ob jects among the sdO stars

In the following section the result of our analysis for three sdO stars is presented

Figure Sample UVES sp ectrum of an sub dwarf O star HE see section





Selected to b e a DA white dwarf from the HamburgESO survey Christlieb et al

HE was observed ve times in the course of our SPY pro ject However from the

sp ectra not only the Balmer series but also a strong Hei i absorption line at A b ecome

evident Thus we classied HE to b e either a DAO white dwarf or a sub dwarf of

type O Since a large radial velocity shift of ab out km s was detected from the survey

sp ectra HE was reobserved in the course of our followup campaigns Observation

were carried out at the ESO VLT in June and March and at the NTT in February

Radial velocity curve

From the sharp well dened Hei i line we made very accurate radial velocity measurements Our

d h m s

analysis results in an unequivocal p erio d of The p ower sp ectrum can b e

seen in the lower panel of gure whereas the b est t RV curve is displayed in the upp er

panel This RV curve gives a systems velocity of km s and a radial velocity

semiamplitude of K km s The ephemeris of HE is


Sp ectral analysis

Recently a mo del t to the observed sp ectra resulted in T K log g and


n Stroer The visible comp onent of HE has to b e a sdO rather


than a DAO white dwarf b ecause of the low surface gravity

System comp osition

The mass function of f M allows a more detailed insight in the HE system


Assuming the sdO to have a canonical mass of M we compute a minimum mass for the


unseen companion of M M for an inclination of i The systems total extend


b ecomes A R Sub dwarf and companion are at A R and A R

tot sdO comp

resp ectively from the barycenter Whereas the orbital velocity of the sdO is equal to the radial


velocity semiamplitude for i the companions velocity b ecomes v km s



The most probable comp osition for the system results from an inclination of i The

companions mass b ecomes M M The separation of the two comp onents increase to


A R whereas the orbital velocities decrease to v km s at A R

tot sdO sdO

and v km s at A R resp ectively

comp comp

For b oth scenarios the companion could b e either a low mass white dwarf or a late type main

sequence star Infrared photometry could help to distinguish b etween these options Therefore


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for VLT

observations and triangles for observations done at the ESO NTT Lower panel Power sp ectrum

of HE

we checked the MASS database Unfortunately the listed error margins are to o large to b e

useful see Stark Wade

Although a late type main sequence star cannot b e ruled out the system companion is

probably a lowmass white dwarf with a helium core This means HE is indeed a

double degenerate system but it will not qualify as a SN Ia precursor due to its low total mass

and its merging time exceeding the Hubble time cf table Even for a M white dwarf

companion the most massive white dwarf p ossible the merging time would still b e larger

than the current age of the universe

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no low mass WD or late type MS

most likely i no low mass WD or late type MS

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra




HE was observed for SPY in July at the ESO VLT As in the former case of

HE cf section the survey sp ectra show not only narrow Balmer lines up to

H but also the He i i line at A Therefore we classied HE to b e a sdO star

in agreement with the most common classication system describ ed by Mo ehler et al

This result is in go o d agreement with an older study by Kilkenny et al classifying

HE alias PG to b e a sdBO star

The survey sp ectra reveals a radial velocity shift of km s Nevertheless b eing brighter

than mag HE qualied for our subsample two and thus entered the followup

program Sp ectra were taken at the DSAZ in February and April at the ESO NTT

in February and at the ESO VLT in March The set of radial velocity measurements

was complemented by data provided by Gijs Nelemans These measurements are based on WHT

observation from January and March

Radial velocity curve

d d h m s

Our radial velocity analysis results in an unambiguous p erio d of as

can b e seen from the p ower sp ectrum in the lower panel of gure The upp er panel of

the gure displays the b est t RV curve A systems velocity of km s and a

semiamplitude of K km s were derived The ephemeris of the visible comp onent

of the HE system is


Sp ectral analysis

A sp ectral analysis p erformed by Stroer results in T K log g and




System comp osition

From the systems parameter we compute the mass function to b e f M Assuming a



canonical mass of M for the sdO and a inclination of i the minimum mass of the

unseen comp onent b ecomes M M Orbit extension and velocity for the companion


are A R and v km s resp ectively The corresp onding results for the sdO

comp comp

are A R for an orbital velocity equal to the radial velocity semiamplitude The total


expansion of the system b ecomes A R



For the most probable inclination of i however we derive M M


A R and v km s The results for the sdO are A R and

comp comp sdO

v km s which means that b oth comp onents are separated by A R totally

sdO tot

From the companions masses derived ab ove we nally conclude that it is most likely a white

dwarf with a CO core As in the case of HE the systems merging time is many

times larger than the Hubble time and thus HE will not qualify as a SN Ia progenitor

cf table


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve Squares are used for VLT

observations triangles for observations taken at the NTT and squares for observations from the

DSAZ Data provided by Gijs Nelemans are marked as diamonds Lower panel Power sp ectrum

of HE

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no CO core WD

most likely i no CO core WD

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra





Selected from the Hamburg ESO Survey by Norb ert Christlieb to b e a DA white dwarf Christlieb

et al HE was observed in April and May and once more in June and

in April From the sp ectral app earance however it b ecame evident that HE

is not a white dwarf but a sub dwarf of type O cf gure panels g and h The sp ectra

reveal moreover radial velocity shift of km s which b ecomes obvious from measurements

done by means of the He i i lines at A Thus followup observations were p erformed at the

ESO NTT February at the VLT March and at the DSAZ February and

May in order to solve the systems RV curve

Radial velocity curve

d h m s

The radial velocity analysis results in an unambiguous p erio d of or The

prop er p ower sp ectrum can b e seen in the lower panel of gure whereas the upp er panel dis

plays the b est t RV curve The systems velocity and its semi amplitude are km s

and K km s resp ectively The ephemeris of the visible comp onent is


Sp ectral analysis

A sp ectral analysis of the highresolution UVES sp ectra results in T K log g


and n Stroer


System comp osition

From the systems parameter we compute the mass function to b e f M Assuming a



the minimum mass of the canonical mass of M for the sdO and a inclination of i

unseen comp onent b ecomes M M Orbit extension and velocity for the companion


are A R and v km s resp ectively The corresp onding results for the sdO

comp comp

are A R for an orbital velocity equal to the RV semiamplitude The total extend of


the system b ecomes A R



For the most probable inclination of i however we derive M M


A R and v km s The results for the sdO are A R and

comp comp sdO

v km s which means that b oth comp onents are separated by A R totally

sdO tot

The companion is most probably a late type main sequence star Thus HE is not

a double degenerate system and will therefore not qualify as a SN Ia precursor Nevertheless a

double degenerate scenario and even a SN Ia precursor can not b e ruled out denitely b ecause


for a very low inclination of i the companions mass is M and the systems merging

time b ecomes less than a Hubble time cf table


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

radial velocities as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve Squares are used for VLT

observations triangles for observations taken at the NTT and squares for observations from the

DSAZ Lower panel Power sp ectrum of HE

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no late type MS

most likely i no late type MS

M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra


Peculiar ob jects

PN G + alias EGB a central star of a planetary nebula



Not a white dwarf but the central star of the planetary nebulae PN G EGB is an

immediate precursor of a white dwarf Mendez et al derived T K log g


and n the central star of the nebula CSPN Figure Napiwotzki displays


this ob ject in a T log g diagram The dashed lines mark p ostRGB evolutionary tracks com


puted by Drieb e et al cf gure Therefore EGB is the result of p ost RGB

evolution as b ecomes obvious from the diagram

Over the course of three years we obtained more than sp ectra of this ob ject taken at

the ESO VLT and ESO NTT as well as at the m telescop e of the DSAZ The sample was

complemented by data taken at the WHT in Octob er and in January

Radial velocity curve

The sp ectra reveal lines from the Balmer series as well as He i at A and the He i i line at

A No hint for any other element can b e found even not in the highresolution sp ectra

taken at the VLT using UVES Thus we tted all available helium lines as well as H in order

to determine the radial velocities From the p ower sp ectrum displayed in the lower panel of

d d h m s

gure we deduce a p erio d of either There are some aliases however

that we cannot rule out by visual insp ection of the prop er RV curve The most signicant of

d d d

these aliases are at and From the b est t RV curve displayed

in the upp er panel of gure we derive a systems velocity of km s and a

radial velocity semi amplitude of K km s The ephemeris of EGB is


Figure T log g diagram of hydrogenrich DA and DAO white dwarfs squares and


hydrogenpo or ob jects triangles like PG stars DO white dwarfs and OHe p ostAGB

stars CSPNe are encircled Also plotted are evolutionary tracks of p ostAGB stars solid lines

p ostRGB stars dashed lines and p ostearlyAGB stars dotted lines The gure is taken from


System comp osition

From gure we can estimate the mass of the sdB binary to b e ab out M The


mass function of f M and an inclination of i yield the minimum mass of


the companion of M M The systems total extend computed by means of equa


tion b ecomes A R Thus the planetary nebulas central star is at A R

tot CSPN

v K km s whereas the unseen companion is at A R

CSPN comp

v km s



The most probable inclination of i however gives M M and A R

comp tot

Orbit and orbital velocity of the visible companion b ecome A R and v km s


resp ectively Corresp onding results for the companion are A R and v km s

comp comp

We nally conclude that the companion of the central star is most probably a brown dwarf


If the systems inclination is b elow however also a low mass M late type main

sequence star would b e p ossible The systems comp osition is very similar to AA Dor a well

known sdOB plus brown dwarf system cf Rauch Rauch Werner but the p erio d

is much larger Table summarizes dierent scenarios for EGB


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for PN G or EGB Upp er panel

Measured RVs of PN G alias EGB as a function of orbital phase and tted sine

curve VLT observations are marked as squares circles indicate m DSAZ data and triangles

are used for data taken at the NTT Diamonds represent RVdata provided by Gijs Nelemans

The observations were done at the WHT Lower panel Power sp ectrum of PN G The

inset shows the region near the main p eak in more detail

Table Scenarios for PN G alias EGB

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra

WD + a white dwarf with a p eculiar H prole



Because this ob ject is classied as a DA white dwarf in the actual version of the Mc Co ok

Sion Catalogue WD entered our SPY survey Four highresolution sp ectra

were taken at the VLT revealing a radial velocity shift of up to km s Thus WD

was reobserved during our DSAZ runs in August and Octob er and in April and May

The data set was complemented by four sp ectra taken at the NTT in September

Variable H line prole


Figure displays ve mediumresolution TWIN sp ectra taken in August and their

b est mathematical t It seems that the shap e of the H line prole is temp orally variable

Up to now it is not clear if this timedep endent sp ectral app earance is due to observational

constrains or based on a real physical pro cess Although an unresolved doubleline d system can

explain at line proles like the top and b ottom ones of gure this scenario can b e ruled

out b ecause even the highresolution UVES sp ectra show no hint for a companion except the RV shift






6540 6560 6580

Figure Observed H line proles of WD and their b est mathematical t results

All displayed sp ectra were taken in the night th to th of August at the DSAZ m

telescop e equipp ed with the TWIN instrument The HJDs can b e seen on the left


Radial velocity curve

If we include all available RV measurements into our analysis we derive a p ower sp ectrum that

d h m s

yield to This result however is not very convincing b ecause of the large

number of aliases in the p erio dogram Moreover a large number of observed data p oints match


the b est t RV curve insuciently Therefore we checked the quality of the mathematical t

used for the radial velocity determination and classied all sp ectra by this means This was

done by a visual insp ection In order to improve our analysis we discarded subsequently all data

p oints classied to b e insucient This however includes also radial velocity measurements

based on p eculiar at H line proles

The resulting p ower sp ectrum and RV curve are much more unambiguously than the previous

ones computed for all data p oints Moreover no outliers remains within the RV curve The

d h m s

systems most probably p erio d is or as can b e seen from the lower panel

of gure From the b est t RV curve upp er panel of gure we estimate the systems

velocity to b e km s and the semiamplitude to b e K km s The

ephemeris b ecomes


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for WD Upp er panel Measured

RVs as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curves Squares are used for VLT observations

and circles for data based on DSAZ observations The triangle however marks an observation

done at the NTT Lower part Power sp ectrum of WD

Sp ectral analysis

Detlev Ko ester priv com already analyzed WD in order to obtain stellar atmo

spheric parameters His study results in T K and log g Therefore we estimate


a mass of M M for the white dwarf from the Blocker tracks cf gure


System comp osition


The mass function of f M results for an inclination of i in the companions



minimum mass of M M Its most probable mass is M M for i

comp comp

The orbits are quite similar for b oth scenarios A R and A R resp ectively

WD comp

The systems total separation b ecome A R Orbital velocities of the white dwarf


o o

are v K km s i and v km s i resp ectively The


companions velocity is nearly constant for b oth scenarios at v km s


Due to the masses found ab ove for the unseen companion we conclude that it is most

probable a brown dwarf Table gives an overview ab out the scenarios discussed ab ove

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M yes massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra


Stars with small RV amplitudes

Although it is unlikely to nd a merger candidate among stars that show small radial velocity

amplitudes only we nevertheless reobserved these ob jects as backuptargets in the course of

our followup campaigns In addition they are useful in order to build an unbiased sample of

double degenerates for probing binary evolution theory eg Nelemans et al For this

purp ose it is imp ortant to avoid observational biases ie by selecting against long p erio ds and

low amplitude systems Our observations are a the rst step toward this sample

The analyses of ob jects with small radial velocity amplitudes is dicult and not straight

forward as it has b een shown for WD section The following section will

concentrate on these systems Therefore we will discuss HE as an example in more

detail whereas ob jects with similar characteristics are shown in an overview

HE +



Being classied as a white dwarf from the HamburgESO survey HE entered our

SPY pro ject and was observed at the VLT in September and at the VLT Although

the rst UVES sp ectrum was nearly useless due to a very low SN ratio it b ecame obvious

that the ob ject was missclassied since HE is not a white dwarf but a sdB star

Regardless of the bad quality of the rst UVES sp ectra a radial velocity shift of ab out km s

was determined by a rst analysis of the sp ectra Therefore HE was reobserved

during our July run at the DSAZ The routine used to determine the radial velocity shifts

from the UVES sp ectra however was improved recently and thus the former shift was corrected

to km s

Radial velocity curve

In the course of our analysis we found that the determination of the system parameters was

not simply straight forward Some of the followup observations yield sp ectra of very low SN

ratios This results nally in large errors of the radial velocity determination The resulting

p ower sp ectrum and RV curve are therefore equivocal with a large number of aliases and outliers

resp ectively We found that the semiamplitude is in the same order of magnitude than some

of the error margins Thus we excluded all data p oints with error limits as large or even larger

than the semiamplitude Data p oints lying clearly outside the radial velocity range covered by

the RV curve were discarded as fake measurements as well

Figure shows the b est results for HE derived this way For these p ower

sp ectrum and RV curve however we had to discard data p oints totally As can b e seen from

the lower panel of the gure even this is not an unambiguous result b ecause some aliases still

remain We can also not rule out that HE is not variable at all A straight line

instead of a timedep endent sinefunction ts the observed data p oints also very well as can b e

seen from the dashed line in the upp er panel of gure Results of all RV measurements

even the discarded ones are given in table C Although the variability is not given for sure

d h m s

the b est result derived by the metho d describ ed ab ove yield a p erio d of or

The system parameters obtained by means of the b est tting RV curve are km s

and K km s The most probable ephemeris is


Sp ectral analysis

By means of a quantitative sp ectroscopic analysis of the second highresolution sp ectrum taken

at the VLT Lisker et al determined the stellar parameters of the visible comp onent to

b e T K log g and n

e He


Figure Best t RV curve and p ower sp ectrum for HE Upp er panel Measured

RVs as a function of orbital phase and tted sine curve solid line Squares are used for VLT

observations and circles for observations done at the DSAZ The dashed line marks the average

radial velocity of km s Note that this velocity diers slightly from the systems velocity

derived by means of a sinet Lower panel Power sp ectrum of HE The inset

displays the region around the main p eak in more detail

System comp osition

Assuming a canonical sdB mass of M the mass function of f M yields



a companions minimum mass of M M for an inclination of i The most



probable mass for i is the same due to the small mass functions Deviations are placed

at the third decimal Thus a probable companion if it really exist is most likely a brown dwarf

Table Scenarios for HE

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M M yes massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra

Thus the sdB is lo cated almost in the systems barycenter whereas the companion circle at an

orbit of A R Its orbital velocity is v km s

tot comp

Except for the unlikely case of p ole on view this system do es denitely not qualify as a SN Ia

progenitor The maximum inclination for a M neutron star companion for example is


b elow Table summarizes the scenarios discussed ab ove for a probable binary


WD +



Being classied as a DA white dwarf in the Mc Co ok Sion Catalogue WD

entered our SPY pro ject and was observed twice at the VLT with UVES In addition four

mediumresolution sp ectra were taken at the NTT during our January run

Radial velocity curve


The p ower sp ectrum derived from these six data p oints formally results in a p erio d of or

h m s

The b est t RV curve gives a systems velocity of km s and a very

small semiamplitude of only K km s Its ephemeris b ecomes


However within the error margins almost all individual RV measurements are consistent with

each other as can b e seen from gure Therefore it is p ossible that WD is not

radial velocity variable

Sp ectral analysis and system comp osition

Detlev Ko ester determined T K and logg for WD Thus we estimate


a mass of M M by means of the Bocker tracks Table summarizes the most


o o

imp ortant characteristics for WD assuming i i the minimum mass

main sequence star companion and the most massive white dwarf companion

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M no massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra




Also selected from the Mc Co ok Sion Catalogue the UVES survey sp ectra reveal a

radial velocity shift of ab out km s only Nevertheless the initial VLT observations were

complemented over the course of two years by additional observations taken at the NTT the

DSAZ and at the WHT

Radial velocity curve

However we found no unambiguous p erio d from the resulting p ower sp ectrum and therefore a


non variable scenario can not b e ruled out for WD The most probable p erio d is

h m s

or From the b est t RV curve given in gure we estimate a semiamplitude of

K km s and a systems velocity of km s The ephemeris b ecomes


However six data p oints with error margin up to three times larger than the derived semi

amplitude had b een discarded

Sp ectral analysis and system comp osition

Detlev Ko ester determined T K and logg Because of its high surface gravity


however the star lies outside the range of the tracks by Blocker at el cf gure

Thus we have to extrap olate in order to derive the mass of the white dwarf M M



Table summarizes the most imp ortant characteristics for WD assuming i


i the minimum mass main sequence star companion and the most massive white dwarf


Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M no low mass WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra





Maxted et al a already found this system to b e RV variable Due to the fact that no

p erio d was known so far we to ok additional sp ectra in order to solve the system parameters

Two observations were done in the course of SPY at the VLT one at the NTT in February

and two more during our March run at the WHT

Radial velocity curve

The additional radial velocity measurements based on these observations did not result in

an unambiguous solution for the p erio d and the RV curve Figure displays the b est t

d h m s

RV curve derived for the most probable p erio d of A semiamplitude of

K km s and a systems velocity of km s can b e derived The ephemeris



The RV variability found by Maxted et al a seems to dep end heavily on the data p oint

at km s After discarding it however the radial velocities can also b e tted very well

by a straight line Thus the systems variability is not for sure at all

Sp ectral analysis and system comp osition

The sp ectra analysis p erformed by Detlev Ko ester yields T K and logg Thus


we determine the white dwarf s mass to b e M M Table summarizes the most


o o

imp ortant characteristics for WD assuming i i the minimum mass

main sequence star companion and the most massive white dwarf companion

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M yes massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra

WD +



For b eing classied as a DA white dwarf in the Mc Co ok Sion Catalogue WD

entered our survey and was observed twice at the VLT The maximum radial velocity shift found

was only ab out km s Nevertheless followup observations were done at the DSAZ in April

and May

Radial velocity curve

d h m s

We found a p erio d of The b est t RV curve displayed in gure gives a

semiamplitude of K km s only Therefore we cannot rule out denitely that the

system is not variable at all The systems velocity we derived by our analysis is km s

The ephemeris is


Sp ectral analysis and system comp osition

Detlev Ko ester derived T K and logg Thus we estimate the white dwarf s


mass to b e M M Table summarizes the most imp ortant characteristics for


o o

WD assuming i i the minimum mass main sequence star companion

and the most massive white dwarf companion

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M yes massive CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra


WD +



WD is classied as DA white dwarf in the actual version of the Mc Co ok Sion

Catalogue and thus entered our survey From the survey sp ectra taken at the VLT

a small radial velocity shift of ab out km s b ecame obvious Nevertheless the ob ject was

reobserved as a backupob ject during our followup runs at the DSAZ in

Radial velocity curve

The p ower sp ectrum of WD reveals a large number of aliases that are almost as likely

d d h m s

than the main p eak at or Moreover these aliases are not concentrated but

rather scattered over the full range covered by the p erio dogram Thus the resulting p erio d is

equivocal and a non variable scenario cannot b e ruled out either Nevertheless the most likely



The b est t RV curve can b e seen from gure This yields a systems velocity of

km s and a semiamplitude of K km s Although the RV

curve lo oks not so bad seven RV measurements have b een discarded b ecause of large error


Sp ectral analysis and system comp osition

By means of a quantitative sp ectral analysis Detlev Ko ester determined T K and


logg Thus we estimate the white dwarf s mass to b e M M Table sum


o o

marizes the most imp ortant characteristics WD for assuming i i the

minimum mass main sequence star companion and the most massive white dwarf companion

Table Scenarios for WD

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no brown dwarf

most likely i no brown dwarf

M M no minimum mass MS


M M no CO core WD

tot Chandra

M M no most massive WD

invis Chandra

HS +



One of the few ob jects selected from the HamburgQuasar survey HS reveals a radial

velocity shift of ab out km s from the survey sp ectra For a denite test of the apparent

variability we reobserved this ob jects during our July run at the DSAZ

Radial velocity curve

Some sp ectra have a very low SN ratio Thus we classied all data bye eye prior to our

analysis and discarded those radial velocity measurements based on insucient sp ectra The

d h m s

resulting p ower sp ectrum yields a most probable p erio d of or This result is

based on an outstanding p eak of the p ower sp ectrum No striking alias b ecomes evident from the

p erio dogram However sp ectra were discarded for the reasons mentioned ab ove and thus the

analysis is based on the remaining ones only From the b est t RV curve gure we derive

a systems velocity of km s and a semiamplitude of K km s


If we try to improve our rst bye eye classication go o d and p o or quality by means of

a third in b etween category we found that the results change dramatically Therefore we

conclude that we need more observations with a go o d SN level in order to test the systems

variability denitely

Sp ectral analysis and system comp osition

The stellar parameters derived by Ko ester priv com are T K and logg This


yields a dwarf s mass of M M from the Blocker tracks cf gure Table


o o

summarizes the most imp ortant characteristics HS for assuming i i

the minimum mass main sequence star companion and the most massive white dwarf companion

Table Scenarios for HS

i M M M t SN Ia

vis invis tot m

Scenario deg M M M Gyrs prec nature of companion

max i no low mass MS star

most likely i no low mass MS

M M yes low mass WD

tot Chandra

M M yes most massive WD

invis Chandra



Figure Best t RV curves of WD WD WD WD

WD and HS Squares are used for VLT observations triangles for NTT

observations and circles for observations done at the m telescop e of the DSAZ Diamonds are

either data p oints provided by Gijs Nelemans priv com or taken from Maxted et al b

The dashed lines mark the average radial velocities Note that these dier slightly from the

systems velocities derived by means of a sinet


Conclusion and outlo ok


In this thesis results are presented from followup campaigns of radial velocity variable white

dwarfs and hot sub dwarfs discovered in the course of the SPY Sup ernova Ia Progenitor SurveY

pro ject

Sup ernovae of type Ia SN Ia play an outstanding role for our understanding of galactic

evolution and the determination of the extragalactic distance scale In one of two p ossible

scenarios SNe Ia result from the merging of two white dwarfs double degenerates in a close

binary system via gravitational wave radiation According to this scenario a system qualies

as a SN Ia precursor if its comp onents will merge in less than the Hubble time T T and


their total mass exceeds a critical mass limit which is most likely the Chandrasekhar mass at

M M However theoretical mo del calculations predict that only white


dwarf systems fulll these criteria see eg Ib en et al Nelemans et al

The intention of SPY is to fortify the double degenerate or merger scenario for the evolution

of SN Ia events by observational means Thus more than white dwarfs were observed for

SPY at the VLT Very Large Telescop e and degenerate stars were identied to b e radial

velocity RV variable SPY is the largest pro ject searching for radial velocity variations among

white dwarfs The number of examined systems was quintupled and the number of known

double degenerates increased by a factor of seven Most imp ortant are socalled doubleline d

systems already revealing evidence for a companion in their sp ectra Only six of these ob jects

were known b efore SPY started

In parallel with the survey followup sp ectroscopic observations have b een started to obtain

radial velocity curves from which p erio ds P and RV semiamplitude K have b een determined

Both parameters are crucial for the determination of the merging time t and the total mass


M of a binary system which are the criteria to decide whether or not the system qualies as


a SN Ia precursor First results were presented by Napiwotzki HE Napiwotzki et

al b and HE Napiwotzki et al In this thesis we discussed additional

radial velocity variable systems found by SPY In order to derive their radial velocity curves

these ob jects were reobserved over the course of three years with to m telescop es

Six of the observed ob jects are doublelined systems Thus radial velocity analyses provide

information not only ab out the motion of the primary but also of the secondary This results

in the mass ratio M M In addition we made use of the dierent gravitational redshift

prim sec

of the comp onents to determine the masses of the comp onents of four doublelined binaries


Figure System parameters p erio d P and masses M of the systems discussed in the


chapters except for WD see text and The masses of the unseen companions of

the singlelined systems op en symbols are estimated from the mass function for the exp ected


average inclination angle of i In addition KPD Maxted et al is

marked as an op en diamond HE and HE Napiwotzki et al b and

resp ectively two binaries discovered in the course of SPY are marked as well a newly

discovered SN Ia precursor candidate Napiwotzki et al a The shaded area in the upp er

left part of the plot marks the region where SN Ia precursors are exp ected

as well as their merging time The remaining systems were in need of additional sp ectral

analysis by means of a mo del t However this is usually complicated for doublelined ob jects

b ecause their observed sp ectra are always a sup erp osition of two individual white dwarf sp ectra

Nevertheless a mo del t was p ossible for HE b ecause b oth comp onents are quite

similar Therefore the number of free tparameters could b e reduced For the last system

WD this turned out to b e imp ossible to do with the sp ectral analysis to ols at hand

In addition to the doubleline d systems we analyzed a sample of singlelined ob jects

classied as radial velocity variable from SPY For we derived very accurate orbital solutions

whereas for the remaining systems the solutions are still ambiguous and more observations are

needed to solve them denitely

Since these systems are singlelined radial velocity analyses reveal less information than for

doublelined systems Only the mass function could b e derived which is an equation of three

unknown parameters The masses M and M of the two comp onents and the systems

vis invis

inclination angle i In order to set further constrains to this equation we have to determine

the masses of the visible primary comp onents For the white dwarf primaries this can b e

done with the aid of the massradius relation and a quantitative sp ectral analysis For sub dwarf

sd B and O primaries we assumed a canonical mass of M predicted by evolutionary



Figure The same as in gure but for an inclination of i for the singleline d


calculation Subsequently we derived the most likely system comp ositions out of the mass


functions and the statistically most probable inclination i Figure displays our

results for the doublelined systems from section as well as for the white dwarf primaries from

section the sdB primaries from section and the sdO primaries from section The

shaded area in the upp er left corner marks the region where SN Ia progenitors are exp ected

according to the merger scenario Whereas the total masses for the doublelined systems are

determined lled symbols results for the singleline systems op en symbols are not due to

the uncertainty of the inclination At least the minimum masses of the unseen companions


and thus the minimum masses of the systems themselves can b e derived if we assume i

gure The displayed symbols are therefore lower limits only

We want to highlight WD a binary system comp osed of two DA white dwarfs

merging in less than a Hubble time Since the total mass of the system is sup erChandrasekhar

within the error margins the system will most likely explo de in an SN Ia event Thus it is

one of the most promising SN Ia progenitor candidates known so far b esides a further binary

discovered in the course of SPY Napiwotzki et al a and KPD Maxted et

al c The latter system however is a sub dwarf plus white dwarf binary rather than a

real double degenerate and thus some doubts have b een raised if it really qualies as a SN Ia

precursor see Ergma et al For WD the error margin is still somewhat large

and thus more observations are necessary in order to improve our result

As can b e seen from the gure and three SN Ia precursor candidates are known

so far and two additional systems HE and HE are only b elow

the limit Therefore the relevance of the merger scenario is strongly enforced all the more if

one considers that only ab out of the radial velocity variable ob jects found by SPY have


b een reobserved and investigated as probable SNe Ia precursors up to now Mo del calculations

have to examine whether or not the fraction of sup erChandrasekhar SN Ia events pro duced via

the merger channel is signicant enough to challenge the role of SNe Ia as standardcandles

for cosmological distance determination

Simulations of stellar p opulations forming double degenerates need several input parameters

which describ e the formation of stars stellar evolution and the outcome of close binary interac

tions One rather uncertain ingredient for the formation of double degenerates is the parameter

governing the outcome of the common envelope CE evolution This parameter is dened


as the fraction of orbital energy released in the orbital contraction which is used to eject the

envelope Since this parameter is only weakly constrained by present theoretical calculations

it is essential to calibrate empirically A precise knowledge of is essential for our un


derstanding of the results of common envelope evolution namely cataclysmic binaries very low

mass and very high mass white dwarfs and close binary central stars of planetary nebulae Once

the analysis of all double degenerates found by SPY is completed our binary sample will provide

an ideal lab oratory for this task

Outlo ok

Our analysis for HE HE HE and HE did not allow

us to prove that the invisible companion is a white dwarf A late type main sequence star

cannot b e ruled out This uncertainty could b e solved by searching for p erio dic light variations

b ecause main sequence companions may give rise to reection eects whereas white dwarfs are

to o small to show a measurable reection see eg Heb er et al and Maxted et al c


This metho d however will only work for close binaries P . at intermediate inclination


angles i & Thus HE is probably not suited for such an analysis b ecause of

its large p erio d Nevertheless photometric monitoring of the remaining ob jects is urgently need

to rule out main sequence companions

Since the rotation of close binary systems can b e assumed to b e tidally lo cked to the or

bital motion we investigated the pro jected rotational velocities for six sdB stars This oered

the p ossibility to set constraints to the systems inclination angles and therefore via the mass

function to the masses of the unseen companions However it had turned out that only for

HE M yields a reasonable value For WD and HE this could


b e explained by their rather large p erio ds and separations Their rotation is most likely decou

pled from their orbit therefore HE HE and HE however

d d

cannot b e explained this way since their p erio ds are in b etween P Thus

we nally conclude that our determinations of the pro jected rotational velocities are insucient

b ecause the resolution of our sp ectra was not known for certain Observations with optimum sp ectral resolution are needed to improve this study

App endix A

Selected DB candidates from the

Hamburg ESO Survey

Table A Selected DB candidates from the HES The Name is given in the rst column

whereas the co ordinates are displayed in column two and three Columns four to seven list

the in the V band and the B V U B and the Stromgren c colour indices

Comments are given in the last column

Name V B V U B c comments







HE Friedrich et al

HE Sion et al




HE Sion et al




HE Friedrich et al




HE Sion et al




Name V B V U B c comments













HE Friedrich et al



HE Friedrich et al



HE Friedrich et al










App endix B

Followup campaigns

Table gives an overview ab out all followup campaigns p erformed in the course of our SPY

pro ject so far In addition the telescop es instruments setups and techniques used in order to

obtain and reduce the data are describ ed b elow in more detail

B Campaigns at the DSAZ m telescop e

We p erformed followup runs totally at the Deutsch Spanisches Astronomisches Zentrum

DASZ at Calar Alto Spain Over the course of nights medium resolution sp ectra were

taken with the TWIN sp ectrograph at the the m telescop e Since this instrument allows to

observe in two wavelength ranges a dicroic mirror divided the incomming light at A For

the blue arm we used grating T while T was used in the red Both gratings have

linesmm resulting in a disp ersion of Apix The wavelength coverage range from A

to A in the blue at a medium resolution of A In the red part the wavelength scale

ranges from A to A at a mean resolution of A

The data were reduced with a semiautomated program based on a set of standard routines

for long slit sp ectra from the ESO MIDAS package A two dimensional bias correction was

done for the ob ject data as well as for the dome ats After ateld correction the sp ectra

were extracted from the two dimensional images with resp ect to the sky background Finally we

p erformed the wavelength calibration using ThAr calibration sp ectra taken at the same p osition

of the telescop e and extracted at the same pixel space on the CCD as the ob ject sp ectra For

the purp ose of normalization we observed at least one DC white dwarf each night Since these

sp etral type do es not show any lines in the observed wavelength range normalization could b e

done easily for the DC and thereafter assigned to the sp ectra of the remaining program stars

The exp osure time typically range from minutes for bright stars V mag up to

minutes or more for fainter ob jects V mag Ob jects with outstanding sp ectral app earance

like double lined DAs are given a longer exp osure while stars showing strong features ie

emission lines are less exp osed

B Campaigns at the ESO NTT

Over the course of three runs we had a total of nights of observation at the New Technnology

Telescope NTT with the ESO Multi Mo de Instrument EMMI Long slit mediumresolution


sp ectra were taken in REMD and BLMD mo de resp ectively

We used two dierent setup In the red grating No covers a wavelength range from A

to A at a disp ersion of Apix and at a resolution of R Two MITLL CCDs of

x pixel totally and m pixelsize were used as detectors This setup was used for

ob jects who ose most interesting feature is the H line ie DA white dwarfs or white dwarfs

with M dwarf companions

A second setup optimized for the blue region used grating No centered on A The

wavelength scale ranges from A to A at a disp ersion of Apix and a resolution

of R The detector was also a MITLL CCD but of x pixel only This setup

was used for observing H as well as the He i and He i i lines at A and A resp ectively

ie for sdB and sdO stars and for DB and DO white dwarfs

Exp osure times varies b etween and minutes dep ending on luminosity and sp ectral

app earance of the target For data reduction purp oses the ESO MIDAS program already used

for DSAZ m data was mo died to match NTT conditiones For more details on the data

reduction we therefore refer to section B

B Campaigns at the ESO VLT

Between and we carried out a total of followup runs for nights at Paranal

observatory Like for the survey observations UVES at the UT Kueyen of the Very Large

Telescope VLT was used to obtain highresolution sp ectra of adequate SN The instrumental

setup was nearly the same as for SPY except for a smaller slit width A to slit

optimized for seeing conditions was used instead of the larger slit used in the survey For

more details on the sp ectrograph and the data reduction we refer to section

B Campaigns at the WHT and INT

In Octob er we had nights at the m Isaac Newton Telescope INT equipp ed with the

Intermediate Disp ersion Sp ectrograph IDS We used the mm camera and RR grating

for a disp ersion of Apix from A to A at a resolution of A The sp ectra were

reduced using the overscan bias level and a tungsten at eld with standard IRAF tasks using

optimal extraction Horne To p erform the wavelength calibration CuAr and CuNe were

taken at the same p osition of the telescop e and extracted at the same place on the CCD as the

ob ject sp ectra This typically gives a rms scatter less than A

In the course of we also observed nights at the m William Herschel Telescope

WHT equipp ed with the doublearmed mediumresolution sp ectrograph ISIS We used the

instrument with a A dichroic and a slit In the red channel grating RR was

centered on A giving the sp ectra a mean resolution of A The disp ersion on the

MARCONI CCD k k m was Apix In the blue arm grating RB was

centered on A yielding to a mean resolution of A and a disp ersion of Apix The

detector was a blue sensitive EEV CCD of k k m The ISIS data reduction was p erformed in the same way as for the IDS data

App endix C

Radial velocity measurements

Table C Radial velocity measurements for all program stars

Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s
















Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s








VLT conjunction


Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s

NTT conjunction



VLT conjunction










Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s





hardly visible

NTT hardly visible

hardly visible


hardly visible

hardly visible



hardly visible








Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s







Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s





PN alias EGB




Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s








Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s










Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s

















Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s













Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s









Maxted et al





Maxted et al a


Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s










Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s










Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s














Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s


















Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s











Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s
































Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s






















Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s









Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s













Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s















Run mid HJD RV RV

primary secondary

km s km s



conjunction Only one comp onent is visible in the doublelined sp ectra We therefore assume that this observation was b e

done at conjunction The measured RV were used for b oth comp onents

a This data p oint lies clearly outside the b est t RV curve and was therefore discarded as an outlier from the nal analysis

b The sp ectra has a low SN ratio which makes the comp onent hardly visible Thus the data p oint was discarded from

the nal analysis

c The measured RV errors are larger than the RV semiamplitude We therefore discarded this data p oint from the nal


d Visual insp ection of the MIDAS t reveals a p o or t quality We therefore discarded this data p oint from the nal analysis

App endix D

Equivalent widths measurements

Table D Equivalent width measurements for sdB stars WD



Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

C i i

C i i i

N i i


Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

O i i


Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

O i i i

Ne i i

Mg i i

Al i i i

Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

Si i i

Si i i i

S i i

S i i i


Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

Ar i i

Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

Ar i i i

Ca i i i

Ti i i i


Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

Fe i i i

Ion W mA

Mult A logg f


Ion W mA

Mult A logg f

Zn i i i

App endix E

List of abbreviations

Table E Abbreviations


Systemic velocity


Microturbulent velocity




A Angstrom

A Distance from barycenter

A Systems total separation


AGB Asymptotic Giant Branch

AGN Active Galactic Nucleus

Al Aluminum

Apr April

Ar Argon

Aug August

b d rot Bounded rotation

BH Black hole

C Carb on

Ca Calcium

CA Calar Alto

CCD Charged Coupled Device

CE Common Envelope

CNO Carb on Nitrogen Oxygen

comp Companion

CSPN Central star of a planetary nebula

CV Cataclysmic Variable



DA Hydrogenrich white dwarf Degenerate type A


DAO Very hot hydrogenrich white dwarf Degenerate type AO

DAZ Co ol hydrogenrich white dwarf Degenerate type AZ

DB Heliumrich white dwarf Degenerate type B

DBA Heliumrich white dwarf with traces of hydrogen Degenerate type BA

DC Co ol white dwarf wit no sp ectral features Degenerate type C

Dec December

deg Degree

DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

dl Doublelined system

dM M dwarf

DO Very hot heliumrich white dwarf Degenerate type O

DSAZ DeutschSpanisches AstronomischesZentrum

EC EdinburghCape

EHB Extended Extreme Horizontal Branch

EMMI ESO Multi Mo de Instrument

ESO Europ ean Southern Observatory

f MassFunction


Fe Iron Ferrum

Feb February

FWHM Full Width Half Maximum

g Gravity

G Gravitational Constant G dyne cm g

Gyrs Gigayears



H Hydrogen

He Helium

HE Hamburg ESO

HeMS HeliumMainSequen ce

HesdB Heliumrich sub dwarf B

HesdO Heliumrich sub dwarf O

HES Hamburg ESO Survey

HJD Helio centric corrected Julian date

HQS Hamburg Quasar Survey

HR HertzsprungRussell

HRD HertzsprungRussellDiagram

HS Hamburg Schmidt

i Inclination

IDS Intermediate Disp ersion Sp ectrograph

INT Isaac Newton Telescope

invis Invisible comp onent

Jan January

JD Julian Date

Jun June

Jul July

K Radial Velocity SemiAmplitude

K Kelvin

km Kilometer

KPD KittPeakDownes


LTE Lo cal ThermoEquilibrium

M Mass

M Chandrasekhar mass M


M Total mass


Mar March

max Maximum

Mg Magnesium

MIDAS Munich Image Data Analysis System

MS Main Sequence star

n By number

N Nitrogen

n Logarithmic helium abundance log n n

He He H

Ni Nickel

NLTE NonLo cal ThermoEquilibrium

Nov November

NS Neutron star

NTT New Technology Telescope

Oct Octob er

O Oxygen

P Period

PG Palomar Green

Q Quality

prec Precursor

prim Primary

R Radius

RGB Red Giant Branch

RV Radial velocity

RVV Radial velocity variable



S Sulfur

sl Singlelin ed system

SN Signal to Noise

sdB Sub dwarf B

sdO Sub dwarf O

sdOB Sub dwarf OB

sec Secondary

Sep September

Si Silicon

SN Sup ernova

SPY SN Ia Progenitor Survey

SVD Singular Value Decomp osition


T Eective temp erature


T Hubble time


t Merging time


TAEHB Terminal Age Extended Extreme Horizontal Branch

Ti Titanium

UV Ultra Violet

v Orbital velocity

v sin i Pro jected rotational velocity


vis Visual comp onent

VLT Very Large Telescope

WD White Dwarf

WHT William Herschel Telescope

y Year

ZAEHB Zero Age Extreme Extreme Horizontal Branch

Zn Zinc


Benvenuto OG Althaus LG MNRAS

Bergeron P Lieb ert J ApJ

Blocker T Herwig F Drieb e T et al in White dwarfs eds J Isern M Hernanz E

GarciaBerro Kluwer Dordrecht p

Bragaglia A Greggio L Renzini A DOdorico S ApJ L

Bragaglia A Renzini A Bergeron P ApJ

Branch D Fisher A Nugent P AJ

Branch D Tammann GA ARAA

Bruch A Diaz MP AJ

Chandrasekhar S An Introduction to the Study of Stel lar Structure University of Chicago


Christlieb N Wisotzki L Reimers D et al AA

DOdorico S ESO Msngr

DOdorico S Kap er L Kaufer A UVES user manual Do c No VLTMANESO

Dorman B Ro o d RT OConnell RW ApJ

Drieb e T Schonberner D Blocker T Herwig F AA

Drilling JS Landolt AU in Al lens Astrophysical Quantities th edition ed Arthur

N Cox AIP Press Springer New York

Edelmann H PhD Thesis Friedrich Alexander UniversitatErlangen N urnberg

Ekb erg JO AAS

Ergma E Fedorova AV Yungelson LR AA L

Finley DS Ko ester D Basri G ApJ

Friedrich S Ko ester D Christlieb N et al AA


Hachisu I Kato M ApJ

Hagen HJ Gro ote D Engels D Reimers D AAS

Han Z Podsiadlowski P Maxted PFL Marsh TR MNRAS

Heb er U Drechsel H stensen R Karl C et al AA

Heb er U Edelmann H Lisker T Napiwotzki R AA L

Heb er U Napiwotzki R Reid IN AA

Heb er U Reid IN Werner K AA

Herrmann M Zulassungsarbeit Friedrich Alexander UniversitatErlangen N urnberg

Hilditch RW Kilkenny D LynasGray AE Hill G MNRAS

Hirata R Horaguchi T Atomic spectral line list Department of Astronomy Kyoto

University and National Science Museum

Hoich P Wheeler JC Thielemann FK ApJ

Horne K PASP

Ib en IJr Tutukov AV ApJS

Ib en IJr Tutukov AV Yungelson LR ApJ

Karl C Napiwotzki R Heb er U Dreizler S Ko ester D Reid IN AA submitted

Karl C Napiwotzki R Nelemans G Christlieb N Ko ester D Heb er U Reimers D


Kilkenny D Heb er U Drilling JS SAAOC

Kilkenny D ODonoghue D Ko en C Stobie RS Chen A MNRAS

Ko ester D Dreizler S Weidemann V Allard NF AA

Ko ester D Napiwotzki R Christlieb N et al AA


Kurucz RL Proc of the Symposium of the IAU edsB Barbuy A Renzini Kluwer

Dordrecht p

Lamontagne R Demers S Wesemael F Fontaine G Irwin MJ AJ

Landau LD Lifshitz EM The Classical Theory of Fields Pergamon

Leibundgut B ARAA

Li W Filipp enko AV Treers RR Riess AG Hu J Qiu Y ApJ

Lisker T Diploma Thesis Friedrich Alexander UniversitatErlangen N urnberg


Lisker T Heb er U Napiwotzki R Christlieb N Han Z Homeier D Reimers D


Livio M in Type Ia Supernovae Theory and Cosmology Cambridge Univ Press p

Lorenz L Mayer P Drechsel H AA

Marsh T NewAR

Marsh T R Dhillon V S Duck S R MNRAS

Maxted PFL Marsh TR MNRAS

Maxted PFL Marsh TR Moran CKJ a MNRAS

Maxted PFL Marsh TR Moran CKJ Han Z b MNRAS

Maxted PFL Marsh TR North RC c MNRAS L

Maxted PFL Marsh TR Moran CKJ a MNRAS

Maxted PFL Marsh TR Heb er U et al c MNRAS

Maxted PFL Burleigh MR Marsh TR Bannister NP b MNRAS

McCo ok GP Sion EM ApJ

MendezRH Kudritzki RP Herrero A Husfeld D Groth HG AA

Mo ehler S Richter T de Bo er KS Dettmar RJ Heb er U AAS

Munari U Renzini A ApJ L

Napiwotzki R AA

Napiwotzki R Green PJ Saer RA ApJ

Napiwotzki R Christlieb N Drechsel H et al a AN

Napiwotzki R Edelmann H Heb er U Karl C Drechsel H Pauli EM Christlieb N b


Napiwotzki R Ko ester D Nelemans G et al AA

Napiwotzki R Christlieb N Drechsel H et al a ESO Msngr

Napiwotzki R Christlieb N Drechsel H et al b in From Twilight to Highlight ed W

Hillebrandt B Leibundgut Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelb erg p

Nelemans G Yungelson LR Portegies Zwart SF Verbunt F AA

Pauli EM Napiwotzki R Altmann M heb er U Odenkirchen M Kerb er F AA

Phillips MM ApJL L


Rauch T AA

Rauch T Werner K AA

Reimers D Wisotzki L ESO Msngr

Riess AG Filipp enko AV Challis P Clo cchiatti A et al AJ


Saer RA Bergeron P Ko ester D Lieb ert J ApJ

Saer RA Livio M Yungelson LR ApJ

Simon KP Sturm E AA

Stark MA Wade RA Aj

Stobie RS Kilkenny D ODonaghue D et al MNRAS

StroerA Diploma Thesis Friedrich Alexander UniversitatErlangen N urnberg

Truran JW Livio M ApJ

van den Haeufel EPJ Bahttacharya D Nomoto K Rappap ort SA AA

Vennes S Thorstensen JR Polomski EF ApJ

Whelan J Ib en IJr ApJ

Wiese WL Fuhr JR Deters TM Atomic transition probabilities of carbon nitrogen

and oxygen a critical data compilation eds WL Wiese JR Fuhr TM Deters American

Chemical Sco ciety for the National Institute of Standards and Technology Washington DC

Wisotzki L Christlieb N bade N et al AA

Wisotzki L Ko ehler T Gro ote D Reimers D AAS


Woo d MA in White Dwarfs Proceedings of the European Workshop on White Dwarfs

Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelb erg New York p Wright EL New Astronomy Review


First of all I want to express my gratitude to my sup ervisors Ralf Napiwotzki and Uli Heb er for

setting the stage for this They oered me the opp ortunity to do my PhD on a promising and

inspiring eld of astronomy by joining the SPY consortium Without their continuous supp ort

and encouragement their shared talent and knowledge and the vast amount of time sp ent on

me and even patience I guess the last years would b e more stress and less pleasure

I want to thank the SPY consortium as well Esp ecially Gijs Nelemans who generously

shared radial velocity data for several stars Norb ert Christlieb for four wonderful weeks of

collab oration in Hamburg and Detlev Ko ester for doing all the sp ectral analysis

Many thanks also to all my colleagues in the Dr Remeis Sternwarte who made the institute

more than a simple working place I want to thank Irmela Bues for her steady interest in my

work and for many useful comments made over the course of the years I appreciate the supp ort

of Horst Drechsel who never refused me when I was confused by my computer or needed advice

how to handle astronomical problems Thank you Rainer Sterzer for the help with all the

little computer problems and for the countless hours you sp ent on teaching me how simple

life could b e My work also b eneted from Norb ert Przybillas generous assistance who was

at hand whenever help was needed I am grateful to Siegfried Falter Markus Ramsp eck and

Heinz Edelmann for all the inspiring discussions ab out Astronomy and more Furthermore I am

thankful to Heinz for all the useful tips and tricks ab out how to handle computers I appreciate

our native sp eaker Simon OToole who kindly agreed to read through my thesis and saved the

reader from my crimes against his mother tongue Thanks a lot to the rest of the Remeis

Team Alex Stroer EvaMaria Pauli Martin Altmann Michael Bauer Sabine Mohler Stefan

Nesslinger Thorsten Lisker and Zorica Salomon for contributing to the nice atmosphere in our

go o d old institute I also want to mention Edith Day for all the administration work she did

during the last years

I am grateful to all the astronomers I have met during the last years By means of countless

discussions on conferences workshops meetings and seminars I discovered how exceptional

astronomers can b e Sp ecial thanks also to Klaus Werner for b eing a referee for this thesis and

to the sta of the Calar Alto Observatory Spain and the la Silla Observatory Chile for the

help supp ort and valuable assistance during my visits

I made extensive use of NASAs Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service ADS the

SIMBAD database op erated at CDS Strasb ourg France the Digital Sky Survey DSS and

the LEO EnglishGerman Dictionary httpdictleoorg

This work was supp orted by the Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft DFG under grant

Na In addition I gratefully acknowledge several travel grants to the Calar Alto obser


Thanks go also to all my friends who backed me over the years Thank you for b eing friends

And last but not least I want to thank my family who never lose faith on me Thank

you Mum and Dad Brother and Sister and you to o little nephew for b eing my eye of the

Hurricane all the time This work is dedicated to you

Curriculum Vitae

Name Christian Anton Karl


Geburtsort Bamberg

Staatsangehorigkeit Deutsch

Beruf Diplom Physiker Univ

Familienstand Ledig

Konfession Romisch Katholisch

Anschrift Mainstrasse


Beruicher Wertegang

Grundschule Doreins

DientzenhoferGymnasium Bamberg

WS WS Studium der Physik an der UniversitatBayreuth

SS SS Studium der Physik an der FriedrichAlexanderUniversitat

ErlangenN urnberg

Sptember Diplompr ufung in Physik

Seit Oktob er Beschaftigungals Wissenschaftlicher Mitarb eiter

und Anfertigung der Dissertation an der

Dr Karl Remeis Sternwarte Bamberg

dem Astronomischen Institut der

FriedrichAlexanderUniversitat ErlangenN urnberg