
minzoku shintô Concepts of the (ego)

Svarga (Mt Meru) (8 / world)

Yamadutas / Bhoomi (servants of (freedom from (earth) (judge) (samsara) Yama) samsara)

Vedism Hindu (1500 BCE) (500 BCE) (7 Loka / world)

Sanskrit — liturgical language 4, 7, 21, 28 depending on text

Siddhartha India Gautama 3 vehicles of Mahāyāna — Viet,Chn,Kor,Jpn Great Vehicle Theravāda — SE Asia Elder Monks Vajrayāna — Tbt, Mngl Tantric

Buddhism (600 - 400 BCE) (essence)

Western karma ( ( - 136) punishment by personification of bad karma (samsara) Buddhism) (8 w/16 subhells)

Sukhāvatī (freedom from samsara)


1 of 6 minzoku shintô Concepts of the Afterlife

Shamanism Mongolia (Tengerism)

Shamanism (Pre-Bonpo) earth land of the dead

India Tibet (700 CE)

Buddhism reincarnation (700 CE) rebirth

Naraka Shinje Dewachen karma (Hells - 272) (relief from karma) (stages) (Yama) (16 w/16 subhells)

gshin rje Nirvana Dmyal-wa (sinners / servants (extinguished ego) (Hindu ) of Shinje)

gdon ‘dre Buddahood (demons)

2 of 6 Folk Religion minzoku shintô Concepts of the Afterlife (Shendao) Mogui / Mogwai reincarnation Yaogaui — JP yôkai (demons)

10 on the rim Shamanism 100 million each Yang Jian (Wuism) (Hell) (this world) (capitol) 18 levels

8: 136 hot 16: 272 hot & cold Yin Jian Yama 84,000 Ancestor (under world) (ruler) India Reverence (100 CE) (heaven) Horse-Face 6) Buddhist Hells Ox-Head (naraka) (guardians)

Buddhism rebirth nirvana China (100 CE) karma Samsara (essence) 1) devas (liberation) 2) 3) manusya 4) tiryag 5) 5) hungry ghosts 6) naraka (preta) Tibet Daoism 10 Yama kings natural world Daoist Hells (1300 CE) (judges)

4) animal Pure Land (tiryag) reincarnation ancestors Western Heaven (ego) (relief from karma)

3) human (manusya) Xītiān / Jile / Ānle Tian (heaven)

2) demi-gods (asuras) Confucianism merge w/Dao filial piety (Ruism) ancestors

1) heavenly (devas) concerned with this world 3 of 6 Ancestors minzoku shintô Concepts of the Afterlife

Okhwang (sky gods) China (375 CE)

Shamanism Folk Religion Korea (Muism) Next Life (Shindo)

India (525 CE) Jiha (earth gods)

Buddhism Western Iseung reincarnation (375 CE) Pure Land Jeongto (this world) rebirth (relief from karma)


Jeoseung Sang (10 - Mt.Seokhyo underworld gods) (blessed)

Ji-Ok Dark Realm (Hell) (sinners)

Yeomna (yama)

Yongwangguk (5 - ocean gods)

4 of 6 Ainu minzoku shintô Concepts of the Afterlife (Siberian) uwa - upper

Shamanism Tibet (rinne) (miko) naka - middle (1300 CE) (aka smasara) 1) tendô gokuraku / anraku 2) nindô 3) ashuradô 4) chikushôdô Western spring-come soko - lower 5) gakidô Pure Land fall-return 6) jigokudô China (relief from karma) (476 CE)

Ancestors location mountains & reincarnation nirvana karma (specific place) beyond the sea rebirth (liberation)

India Japan (625 CE)

bukkyô osore-zan sanzu no kawa tengoku (550 CE) this world (mountain datsueba meido (heaven) gate to Hell) keneô

Korea (550 CE) tokoyo-no-kuni * jizô jû-ô (eternal land) sai- no- kawara (10 judges)

shugendô †

takama-no-hara gozu & mezu jigoku (high plain of hvn ox-head (64,000+ Hells) - amatsukami) horse-face

jukkyô ashihara no shintô * tokoyo foreign land (Confucianism) naka-tsu-kuni utsushiyo kunitsukami (this world) eternal youth under sea

long life underground raijin concerned with great wealth in heaven (ruler) shikome this world yomi-tsu-kuni dokkyô ( - brother) (8? hags of yomi) pleasure beyond sea (Daoism) darkness? † mountains

soko-no-kuni repeat until 16 hells enma-o ne-no-kuni merge w/ Dao (8 hot / 8 cold) (ruler) (land of roots) 5 of 6 minzoku shintô Concepts of the Afterlife

Funeral Buddhist shintô Customs

higan shinsosai shi-e NOT done on Spring / Fall funeral rites impurity taboo words shrine grounds Equinox (12) kokufujô

ihaido ihai renaming reiji 3 days for 49 days for mortuary hall mortuary tablet the dead mortuary tablet attending funeral immediate family

Imperial family some shintô wake done sôgi / sôshiki salt for shintô priests priest will many won't in home (funeral) purification traditionalists perform funerals

dealing with funeral done the spirit not in temple the body

family grounds / cremation cremation & public / Buddhist 99.9% burial Cemetaries

rituals on the rituals on the burial 1st, 7th, 49th 10th & 50th day &100th day

1st, 3rd, 7th, 13th 1st, (2nd), 3rd, 17th, 22nd, 27th, periodic 5th, 10th, 20th, 33rd, 50th, 100th rituals 30th, 50th, 100th years years

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