
Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2021;49(2):155–169 eISSN:1578-1267, pISSN:0301-0546

Allergologia et immunopathologia Sociedad Española de Inmunología Clínica, Alergología y Asma Pediátrica COP U B L I DO C A T I ON N S www.all-imm.com

REVIEW OPEN ACCESS Acute in children and adolescents: A systematic review and a practical algorithm by the Italian Society of Pediatric and Immunology

Gian Luigi Marsegliaa, Sara Mantib, Elena Chiappinic, Ilaria Brambillaa, Carlo Caffarellid, Mauro Calvanie, Fabio Cardinalef, Claudio Cravidig, Marzia Duseh, Alberto Martellii, Domenico Minasij, Michele Miraglia del Giudicek, Giovanni Pajnol, Diego G. Peronim, Maria Angela Toscan, Amelia Licaria, Giorgio Ciprandio,* aPediatric Clinic, Pediatrics Department, Policlinico San Matteo, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy bPediatric Respiratory Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Catania, Catania, Italy cInfectious Disease Unit, Meyer Children’s Hospital, Department of Science Health, University of Florence, Florence, Italy dPediatric Clinic, Mother-Child Department, University of Parma, Parma, Italy eOperative Unit of Pediatrics, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy fPediatric Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria “Policlinico-Giovanni XXIII, Bari, Italy gASST-Pavia, Pavia, Italy hDepartment of Pediatrics, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy iPediatric Unit, ASST-Rhodense, Garbagnate Milanese (MI), Italy jPediatric Unit, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano, Reggio Calabria, Italy kDepartment of Woman and Child and General and Specialized Surgery, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy lDepartment of Pediatrics, Allergy Unit, University of Messina, Messina, Italy mPediatric Clinic, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy nAllergy Center, Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy oAllergy Clinic, Casa di Cura Villa Montallegro, Genoa, Italy

Received 2 June 2020; Accepted 4 November 2020 Available online 1 March 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract acute cough; The current systematic review presented and discussed the most recent studies on acute cough acute cough in pediatric age. After that, the Italian Society of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology elaborated relievers; a comprehensive algorithm to guide the primary care approach to pediatric patients, such as algorithm; infants, children, and adolescents, with acute cough. An acute cough is usually consequent to adolescents; upper and is self-resolving within a few weeks. However, an acute children cough may be bothersome, and therefore remedies are requested, mainly by the parents. An acute cough may significantly affect the quality of life of patients and their family. Several algorithms for the management of acute cough have been adopted and validated in clinical practice; however, unlike the latter, we developed an algorithm focused on pediatric

*Corresponding author: Giorgio Ciprandi, MD, Allergy Department, Via P. Boselli 5, 16146 Genoa, Italy. Email address: [email protected] https://doi.org/10.15586/aei.v49i2.45 Copyright: Marseglia GL, et al. License: This open access article is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). http://creativecommons.org/ 156 Marseglia G L et al. age, and, also, in accordance to the Italian National Health System, which regularly follows the child from birth to all lifelong. Based on our findings, infants from 6 months, children, and adolescents with acute cough without cough pointers can be safely managed using well-known , preferably non-sedative agents, such as and/or natural com- pounds, including honey, glycerol, and herb-derived components. © 2021 Codon Publications. Published by Codon Publications.

Introduction acute cough to promote evidence-based therapy for pedi- atric patients in primary care. A diagnostic algorithm for Cough is a vital neuromediated reflex that evolved to acute cough has also been developed to offer a practical enhance airway clearance, protect the upper airways from guide for all healthcare professionals. obstruction, and expel chemical and mechanical irritants.1 The cough reflex is evoked by noxious stimuli, which, detected by receptors and ion channels primarily distrib- Treatment of Acute Cough uted throughout the larynx, pharynx, esophagus, trachea, and pulmonary parenchyma, stimulate polymodal vagal Historic drugs for the treatment of acute cough nerves afferent (C-fibers and A-δ fibers) to the somatosen- sory cortex devoted to cough. Following the transmission Based on their site of action, antitussive drugs are com- of afferent signals, the cerebral cortex elaborates a spe- monly classified into peripheral and central agents. cific response resulting, first, in the urge to cough and, suc- Peripheral antitussive drugs act outside the central ner- cessively, in cough reflex.1 vous system (CNS) via the suppression of one or more vagal Based on its duration, cough is classified into acute if sensory receptors. Central antitussive drugs, entering the it lasts less than 4 weeks and chronic if it lasts longer than CNS, exert their effects directly on central reflex path- 4 weeks.2 ways for cough. However, this classification does not imply Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs), mainly sus- that peripheral drugs cannot have a central activity and tained by viruses, account for acute cough in up to 90% of vice versa.9 A summary of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) cases. Exposure to irritants (such as aerosols, pollutants, focusing on acute cough treatment in pediatric patients is and tobacco smoke), allergens, cold, and/or dry air may presented in Table 1. also cause acute cough.3 An acute cough is a symptom that is usually benign and self-limiting, with an average duration of 14 days; it can resolve in 50% of cases within 10 days and Peripheral antitussive drugs in 90% of children within 25 days.4,5 Epidemiological data show that acute cough affects approximately 35% of pre- H1-receptor antagonists school children at any given time, resulting in significant As suggested by in vivo models, H1-antihistamines or his- morbidity and representing a widespread health problem in tamine H1-receptor antagonists appear as effective anti- childhood.6 In older children and adolescents, acute cough tussive drugs mainly due to their properties, including episodes tend to be rarer and short-lived, consistently with modulation of histamine H1-receptor, the lower impact of respiratory over time. mechanisms, reduction of histamine release, and inhibition Acute cough is responsible for more than 50% of new of transient receptor vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) receptor activa- patient attendance in primary care and hospitalization, tion. However, in contrast with these findings, there is cur- with significant implications for the patient’s family and the rently no firm evidence of clinical efficacy on acute cough pediatrician. Acute cough also has a relevant burden from suppression in the pediatric population. In a systematic a pharma-economic point of view.7 As symptomatic treat- review collecting three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) ment is the mainstay of therapeutic management of this focused on antihistamines and evaluating their efficacy in usually benign and self-limiting complaint, a “do-it-yourself” the treatment of acute cough, Smith et al.10 showed that approach and the use of over-the-counter (OTC) antitussive antihistamines were no more effective than in drugs are surprisingly widespread. However, there is a stark reducing cough frequency and sleep-related outcomes. A contrast among the evidence of efficacy/safety and exten- significant risk of adverse effects was also recorded in chil- sive clinical use of drugs for acute cough. Many of the avail- dren receiving antihistamine compared to those receiving able therapies are currently recommended based on custom placebo. and traditional practice or supported by randomized clinical Taking advantage of the effects of α-adrenoceptor ago- studies of insufficient quality. Consumers spend billions of nist, which causes vasoconstriction of mucosal blood ves- dollars on OTC antitussive drugs per year, suggesting the sels, the antihistamine- combination has also degree of suffering experienced by patients, and overall by been proposed as a treatment of acute cough in children. their parents, with acute cough as well as a “personalized In this regard, two RCTs, involving 155 children, compared approach” to the disease with a “personal” conceptualiza- antihistamine-decongestant combinations with placebo tion of the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of their illness.8 and revealed that brompheniramine/phenylpropanol- To clarify the management, the Italian Society of amine administration was no more effective than placebo Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (SIAIP) provided a prag- in reducing the number of children coughing. Moreover, a matic update of the current and new treatment for the higher proportion of children experiencing adverse effects Acute cough in children and adolescents 157 (Continues) more frequent in the and groups: treatment arms, including placebo arms: treatment common in treatment group: in treatment and placebo group: Safety Adverse effects were Drowsiness Irritability No differences between No differences between Drowsiness Sleepiness Adverse effects were more Sleepiness Adverse events were rare bith Sleepiness stool Loose Hyperactive was noted among promethazine, dextromethorphan, and placebo. was noted among , dextromethorphan, and placebo. was noted among treatment group and placebo group was noted among treatment group and placebo group Results No superior benefit No superior benefit Not stated No superior benefit No superior benefit

8-hourly 3 days) for mg(5 6- to 8-hourly for 3 days) kg, single dose) dose based on age) 3 days) 3 times 3 for daily kg/d days) ml as (2 mg/5 maleate needed every 4 hours) Phenylpropanolamine- as needed every 4 hours) ml 3 timesmg/5 for daily 2 days) 2 days) 2 days) Interventions Promethazine mg/kg (0.5 Dextromethorphan Placebo mg/ Diphenhydramine (1.25 Dextromethorphan single (a Placebo twice for daily mg/kg/d (0.05 Chlorpheniramine mg/ (0.35 Brompheniramine ml mg/5 hydrochloride (12.5 Placebo Brompheniramine (4 maleate Phenylephrine ml 3 times mg/5 for (5 daily Propanolamine ml 3 times mg/5 for (5 daily Measures score above and adverse effects children and their parents above and adverse effects Primary Outcome Cough frequency score sleep score Child’s score sleep Parental vomiting Post-tussive Composite score of the frequency Cough Sleep disturbance in Composite score of the Parent assessment Parent questionnaire Parent questionnaire score Physician Diagnosis URTIs* URTIs cold Common URTIs URTIs years years Age of pts 1 to 22 years years 6 to 11 years<5 6 months to 5 6 months to 5 143 120 59 96 100 N. pts et al. 2012 et al. 2004 1990 et al. 1997 1991 Authors Bhattacharya Paul et al. Sakchainanon Clemens et al. Hutton et al. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on antitussive drugs pediatric on population antitussive for with cough. acute trials (RCTs) Randomized clinical

decongestants combination Table 1 Investigated drug Antihistamines Antihistamines 158 Marseglia G L et al. not specifically stated frequent in the dropopizine group sedation common in the Vicks group: VapoRub arms treatment Safety Adverse events were reported: Somnolence was twice as Dextrometorphanrevealed induced sedation No relevant adverse events Adverse effects were more Burning sensation of the skin Burning sensation of the eyes Burning sensation of the nose No differences between was noted among levodropropizine and superior in reducing severity and frequency cough intensity significantresolution rate superior than in reducing cough petrolatum cough for severity no treatment all for outcomes placebo Results Not stated Significant improvement No superior benefit Levodropizine was Both medications reduced Levodropizine higher had Levodropizine was Vicks VapoRub was over Vicks VapoRub was over Significant symptom reductions honey in all groups compared to Dropropizine 3 days for 3 days menthol, and eucalyptus) Interventions Levodropropizine 1 week for Levodropizine 4 weeks for vs. Levodropropizine Levodropizine Dextromethorphan for t.i.d. Levodropizine Clorepastine-codeine No treatment For 6 days Levodropizine Antibiotics Combination them of Vicks VapoRub (camphor, Petrolatum No treatment Eucalyptus gr) honey (10 Citrus gr) honey (10 Labetiae gr) honey (10 gr) Placebo (10 Measures quality awakenings due to cough cough of and type of cough sleep quality Primary Outcome Not stated Nocturnal sleeping frequency Coughing Number of night Severity and frequency Cough intensity Resolution rate Severity, frequency, Nocturnal cough Congestion Sleep difficulty Cough frequency Cough severity cough Bothersome andChild parental cough productive cough due to various causes recurrent/ slightly recurrent cough associated with URTI caused by URTI cough Diagnosis Not stated Asthmatic Non- Non- Acute cough Acute cough URTIs Nocturnal years Age of pts and 12 0.5 2 to 8 years years 2 to 14 years 0.5-11 years 0.1-14 years 0.4-14 years 2 to 11 1 to 5 years 12 138 433 180 330 77 254 300 N. pts 1991 1995 al. 2010 2012 Authors Tamburrano 1989 et al. Fiocchi et al. Banderali et Kim et al. De Blasio Zanasi et al. Paul et al. Cohen et al. Continued. Table 1 Investigated drug Levodropropizine Menthol Honey - food Acute cough in children and adolescents 159 (Continues) common both in honey and dextromethorphan: the treatment were not registered and 6 patients respectively reported reported adverse effects among groups Adverse effects were more Hyperactivity Nervousness Insomnia Not investigated Adverse events related to Mild digestive symptoms in 5 Adverse events were not Adverse events were not No significant difference in reductions in honey group reductions in honey group coughnight-time scores reductions in Polysaccharide-resin- and honey group ml doses, (5 4 8 days) for times a day, group honey-flavonoids was more effective in improving outcomes all reduction in plus amoxicillin group in cough score in group symptom spontaneous severity scores in treatment group Significant symptom Significant symptom Significant and day- Polysaccharide-resin- Significant cough Significantreduction Significantreduction in

dose) single dose) single dose) flavonoids and honey(5 ml doses, for 4 times a day, 8 days) flavonoids and honey(5 ml doses, for 4 times a day, 3 days) 2 days) 7 +/- (for 2 days) 7 +/- (for days) 10 for daily 7 days) for daily Honey dose) (single Dextromethorphan (single No treatment Honey mL, single (2.5 dose) Dextromethorphan mL, (2.5 Diphenhydramine mL, (2.5 Polysaccharide-resin- Placebo Polysaccharide-resin- Carbocysteine Erdosteine plus amoxicillin Placebo plus amoxicillin Letosteine (25 mg 3 times Placebo mg twice (1600 Placebo cough scores scores severity Nocturnal cough Sleep quality Nocturnal cough Sleep quality and night-time Day- frequency Cough Cough severity Quality of sleep Cough (primary), Polypnea Rhonchi and rales Body temperature Cough score symptom Spontaneous Nocturnal symptoms Illness duration of 7 days or less due to URTIs URTIs Acute cough Acute cough URTIs Acute febrile URTIs months stated 12 to 18 years to 18 12 to 6024 3 to 6 years years 2-5 Not explicitly years 2 to 12 and older12 139 158 150 105 102 378 40 2007 al. 2010 2014 2017 2007 1989 2012 Paul et al. et Shadkam Canciani et al. Cohen et al. et al. Balli Nespoli et al. Albrecht et al. made of complex natural substances (Grindelia, Helichrysum, andPlantago honey) Medical device Erdosteine Mucolytics 160 Marseglia G L et al. adverse effects among groups: adverse effects among groups: stated) Safety No significant difference in Drowsiness Diarrhoea Hyperactivity No significant difference in adversemild effects (not was noted among treatment groups was noted among treatment groups Results No superior benefit No superior benefit 3 days) 3 days) salbutamol childrenfor under 7 years; ml 3 10 Interventions Dextromethorphan ml as mg/5 single dose for (15 Codeine ml as mg/5 single dose (10 for Placebo Dextromethorphan plus 5 ml 3 times mg/ml daily (1.5 times older for daily children) Placebo Measures Primary Outcome Parent questionnaire score Cough Cough frequency Cough severity due to URTIs Diagnosis Night cough URTIs 12 years 12 specifically stated Age of pts months18 to Not 57 50 N. pts 1993 1991 Authors et al. Taylor Korppi et al. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on antitussive drugs pediatric on population antitussive for with cough. acute trials (RCTs) Randomized clinical

Table 1 Investigated drug Dextromethorphan * URTIs: upper respiratory tract infections. Acute cough in children and adolescents 161 was reported in the active treatment group than in the pla- adolescents (2–14 years old), to compare levodropropizine cebo group.11,12 with dropropizine for the treatment of non-productive cough.20 Both medications were found effective on cough, Local but dropropizine caused twice somnolence. Kim evaluated Local anesthetics, including lignocaine, lidocaine, and ben- 77 children (6 months to 11 years old) with non-recurrent/ zonatate, are locally delivered to the airways where, by slightly recurrent cough accompanied by acute or chronic blocking sodium (Na)V+ channels in sensory nerves, they bronchitis in an RCT double-blind study.21 This trial com- attenuate capsaicin-induced cough in humans. However, pared levodropropizine with dextromethorphan adminis- their effects are also associated with oropharyngeal anes- tered for 3 days and found that levodropropizine was more thesia that causes an increased risk of aspiration of airway effective in reducing the severity and frequency of cough. secretions and food.13 De Blasio, in an observational study conducted on 433 chil- Nebulized lidocaine has been proposed as an effec- dren and adolescents, evaluated the effectiveness of levo- tive antitussive in the treatment of acute cough resistant dropropizine or central antitussive agents (/ to conventional therapy. Concentrations ranging between codeine) in reducing acute cough associated with URTI also 1% and 4% have proven to be efficient. Nebulized lidocaine in comparison with no treatment.22 Levodropropizine was also appears to be well tolerated by patients with minimal more effective in the resolution time than central agents. adverse effects, such as dysphonia, oropharyngeal numb- Zanasi et al. conducted a prospective observational study ness, and bitter taste.14 in 330 children and adolescents to compare levodro- , a long-chain polyglycol derivative, is propizine, antibiotics, the combination of both, or no treat- a nerve conduction blocker that, by inhibiting afferent ment, to treat acute cough caused by URTI23 and found vagal fibers from pulmonary stretch receptors located in that levodropropizine was more effective than antibiotics the bronchial tree, exerts an antitussive effect. Currently, in reducing cough. Currently, levodropropizine is indicated it has been adopted by oncologists for the treatment of for short-term symptomatic treatment of acute cough both refractory cough in children older than 10 years old. in children older than 2 years and adults.24 Benzonatate is administered orally and absorbed sys- temically with an onset of action of 15–20 min and with Menthol a 3–8-hour duration of action.15 The recommended dose is Produced by the peppermint plant Mentha x piperita, 100–200 mg every 8 hours as required, with a maximum l-menthol is the most biologically active isomer used as daily dose of 600 mg. Although cases of seizures cardiac an antitussive drug. The activity of menthol is through a arrest have been attributed to benzonatate use, its side specific receptor called transient receptor melastatin 8 effect profile is considered as relatively benign.15 (TRPM8), a member of the transient receptor potential family of nociceptors, mainly located on afferent sensory Levodropropizine neurons and acting by blockade of sodium channels.25 Levodropropizine is a non- agent whose peripheral Moreover, the antitussive activity of menthol is also medi- antitussive action results both from modulation of the ated by the activation of nasal sensory afferents as opposed airway sensory nerves and inhibition of the release of to those pulmonary.26 Although this popular topical prepa- the neuropeptides from C-fibers.16 The lack of a central ration has been used in adults and children for more than a depressant action by levodropropizine has recently been century, clinical evidence regarding the activity of menthol confirmed by Mannini et al.17 in a clinical study assessing from RCTs is very sparse and no clinical studies have been the effects on the respiratory responses to a standard conducted by the modern standard. The evoked cough was

CO2 re-­breathing testing. Unlike , levodro- reduced in children by inhalation of menthol vapor but not propizine did not affect the hyperventilatory response to significantly when compared with placebo.27 hypercapnia, demonstrating the absence of depression of the central mechanisms involved in the genesis of respi- Honey ratory rhythm, thus supporting the peripheral action and Honey, a supersaturated sugar solution, is a cheap, popular, favorable safety profile of levodropropizine especially in and safe demulcent cited by the World Health Organization children. (WHO) as a potential treatment for URTIs-associated cough In a meta-analysis collecting seven RCTs focused in children.27 Due to its viscosity, honey increases saliva on levodropropizine and evaluating its efficacy in the production and swallowing, thus sending an irritative stim- treatment of acute cough in children, Zanasi et al.18 ulus to the cortical neural network also interfering with showed that levodropropizine was an effective antitus- the cough reflex. Additionally, honey shows several proper- sive drug with statistically significant better efficacy out- ties such as anti-inflammatory, , antibacterial, comes when compared to central antitussive drugs (e.g., and metabolic activities.28 codeine, cloperastine, and dextromethorphan) in terms Accumulating evidence supports the beneficial effects of reducing cough frequency and intensity, and sleep-re- of honey for symptomatic relief of nocturnal URTIs- lated outcomes. In particular, five studies investigated associated cough, in reducing cough duration and severity, the role of levodropropizine in children and adolescents, and in improving sleep quality for both children and their as reported in Table 1. Fiocchi et al. evaluated asthmatic parents.29-31 In their systematic review, Malesker et al. sug- children (2–8 years) in an RCT placebo-controlled study.19 gested that honey may offer more relief for cough symp- Levodropropizine, administered for 5 days, significantly toms in children older than 1 year when compared to no improved the quality of sleep. Banderali performed a treatment, diphenhydramine, or carbocysteine, but its effi- large RCT double-blind study, including 258 children and cacy is lower than dextromethorphan.32,33 162 Marseglia G L et al.

Medical device composed of complex natural “active” ingredient of the cough syrup, although it does substances not have any known pharmacological actions. Glycerol is also viscous and acts as a thickening or bodying agent in A new category of cough products is that of substance-based cough syrups. Finally, glycerol has lubricant and demulcent medical devices; they exert their primary effects with a properties that make it capable of forming a soothing film physiological and non-pharmacological mechanism. over mucosa, decreasing friction between moving surfaces, Moreover, honey, when administered in addition to and relieving pain and . Glycerol administra- specific substances, such as resins, polysaccharides, sapo- tion has not been associated with adverse effects, except nins, flavonoids, and sugars, appeared superior also to the in very high concentrations when a dehydrating effect is placebo in the treatment of cough persisting more than apparent.38 7 days.34 Specifically, 102 children aged 3–6 years, randomly To the best of our knowledge, only one randomized, assigned to the treatment group and placebo group, experi- placebo-controlled, double-blind, efficacy and safety study enced a significant improvement both in day-time and night- was performed to investigate the efficacy of glycerol in time cough scores and, interestingly, severe adverse events adult patients suffering from dry cough.40 The authors or other safety reasons were not recorded in the treatment reported that the group receiving filmogen glycerol showed group.34 In light of these findings, the authors hypothesized a significant decrease in the mean scores of dry cough that honey, although not showing specific pharmacolog- severity and frequency, throat pain, irritation, swelling, ical properties, can act effectively as a mechanical bar- and redness when compared to placebo.40 rier limiting the injury caused by external micro-organisms No data are available in the pediatric population and irritants on the upper respiratory tract mucosa, inhibit affected by acute cough; however, although at present the stimulation of nerve endings, and exert an indirect RCTs are required to determine the efficacy of glycerol as anti-inflammatory action, resulting in the recovery of the a cough treatment in children and infants from 6 months, damaged tissue. Probably, these effects may be potenti- several health authorities, such as the World Health ated by the components present in the product, including Organization and the Medicines and Healthcare products Grindelia, Plantago, and Helichrysum, which exert anti-­ Regulatory Agency, promote the use of cough syrups con- inflammatory and cytoprotective adjunctive effects. This taining glycerol.41,42 It is plausible that glycerol’s effective- compound contains a polysaccharide-resin-honey polymer; ness in improving acute cough depends on pathophysiologic thus, this syrup may exert a marked antitussive activity as mechanisms similar to honey. Both compounds exert a rel- confirmed by a randomized, single-blinded, multicenter evant demulcent activity. study.35 This trial included 150 children with acute cough due to URTI; patients were treated with this honey-based Mucolytics and expectorants polymer or carbocysteine for four consecutive days. The Erdosteine is a homocysteine analog currently used in polysaccharide-resin-honey syrup induced a more rapid and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease treatment because greater improvement in all measured parameters, such as of its peculiar activities on bronchial secretions and posi- nocturnal and daytime cough, and quality of sleep for both tive effects on bacterial adhesiveness.15 Additionally, due children and parents. to its abilities to influence consistency and enhance Generally speaking, children receiving honey showed no mucociliary function, erdosteine has been successfully or minimal risk of adverse effects such as abdominal pain, tested both in animal models and humans as a mucolytic nausea, and vomiting, which are common unspecific side drug.43 Pivotal studies documented that erdosteine was effects recorded also in placebo groups.36 However, honey able to significantly reduce , inhibit pro-in- administration is not recommended in children younger flammatory mediators release and restore the beta (ß)2-ad- than 1 year for a high risk of infantile botulism.37 renoceptors functions.44,45 The clinical effects of erdosteine in addition to treatment in children with acute Glycerol cough were demonstrated by Balli et al.46 In a multicenter, Glycerol, also known as glycerine or glycerin, is a color- randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled trial, 158 less, odorless, viscous liquid that is found naturally in all children with URTIs were randomized to erdosteine plus cells in the form of triglycerides and it occurs naturally amoxicillin treatment (n=78) and placebo plus amoxicillin in most products of fermentation.38 Due to its properties (n = 80) for 7 ± 2 days. The efficacy parameters were cough of lubrication, demulcent activity, and sweetness, glyc- (primary), polypnea, rhonchi, rales, and body temperature. erol contributes up to 85% of the benefit of cough syr- The erdosteine group showed a significant reduction in the ups.39 The humectant properties of glycerol are due to the severity of cough when compared to placebo. Moreover, presence of three hydrophilic alcoholic hydroxyl groups in neither adverse events nor adverse changes in laboratory its chemical structure that can attract and bind to mol- parameters were observed in the treated group.46 ecules of water, and, additionally, to exert a plasticizing Widely prescribed for treating acute cough, carbo- effect preventing drying out mucosal dryness. Moreover, cisteine (S-carboxymethyl L-) and N- because of its hydroxyl groups, glycerol shows solubility are mucolytics thought to reduce mucus viscosity due to characteristics similar to aliphatic and this justi- their ability to increase the concentration of chloride in fies it as a very common and useful solvent for cough med- airway secretions, reduce airway tachykinins, and also icines. It has been reported that the major effect of cough decrease cough reflex hypersensitivity.46 syrups is related to the intrinsic properties of the syrup is a muco-regulating drug that acts on rather than the active ingredients, and glycerol, usually at the formation of mucus by modifying the composition 0.75g/5 mL concentration, can be considered as the only of secretions in the bronchial glands and restoring the Acute cough in children and adolescents 163 physiological characteristics of viscosity and elasticity by literature data do not support the efficacy of codeine in restoring the right balance between mucin proteins.47,4 8 the treatment of acute cough, as current evidence finds Changes in mucus rheology improve the mucociliary func- codeine to be no more effective than a placebo for acute tion and promote antibiotics diffusibility during chronic cough in the pediatric population.10 bronchitis.49 Moreover, as codeine is metabolized into in Furthermore, carbocisteine has shown an anti-adhe- the liver by cytochrome P450 2D6 (CYP2D6), the safety sive action against viruses and bacteria, Specifically, car- profile of codeine raises greater concerns, especially in bocisteine was able to inhibit respiratory syncytial virus CYP2D6 “ultra-rapid metabolizers” patients who convert infection by reducing ICAM-1 expression,50 and to alter the codeine to morphine at a faster than normal rate, report- surface structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae, resulting in ing high serum morphine levels and a higher risk of devel- a decrease in attachment.51 oping toxic effects such as life-threatening respiratory However, the evidence for antitussive activity of muco- depression. In this regard, post-marketing studies revealed lytics is limited and the RCTs published on mucolytic drugs 9 fatal cases and 41 serious cases associated with codeine do not meet the stated quality criteria both in children and administration in the pediatric population.58 In July 2015, adults. Moreover, when cough severity has been reported the FDA warranted codeine-containing medications to treat as an outcome measure in placebo-controlled trials, no and colds in children younger than 18 years of age significant clinical effects have been demonstrated neither because of the potential for serious side effects, including for carbocisteine nor N-acetylcysteine.52-54 slowed or difficult breathing.59 Specifically, only one trial involving 40 children and comparing the mucolytic letosteine with placebo has Non- been identified by Smith et al. in a systematic review.10 Dextromethorphan Due to its binding to N-methyl-D- Letosteine significantly decreased the symptom score with aspartate (NMDA) receptors in the brain, dextrometho- a good safety profile.55 rphan HBr(+)-3-methoxy-17-methyl-morphinan hydrobromide Fever, bronchospasm, and gastrointestinal disorders monohydrate, the dextro-isomer of methyl are adverse effects frequently reported after oral admin- ether, was thought to be effective for reducing acute istration of N-acetylcysteine. When administered in com- cough; however, due to the lack of proof in the pediatric bination with , erythromycin, and tetracyclines, population, its clinical efficacy is currently questioned. N-acetylcysteine can also inactivate them.15 Four double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled stud- Guaifenesin (or glyceryl guaiacolate), ipecac, terpene ies in pediatric patients (n=327) affected by acute cough hydrate, and ammonium chloride are expectorants most did not report a significant effect of dextromethorphan in frequently prescribed to patients with acute cough. By reducing cough frequency, impact on the child or paren- influencing the cholinergic innervation of airway mucous tal sleep, and parent-recorded symptom scores.10 Moreover, glands, they promote an increase in the volume of bron- when compared to placebo, dextromethorphan was fre- chial secretions; however, because vagal stimulation also quently associated with numerous reports of serious irritates the gastric mucosa, nausea and vomiting are adverse events, such as dystonia, , and bullous common adverse effects. In their RCT involving in 378 mastocytosis at standard doses and psychosis, hallucina- participants with URTIs, Albrecht et al.,56 by comparing tions, ataxia, somnolence, peripheral neuropathy, cerebel- extended-­release guaifenesin with placebo, did not report lar degeneration, and death at higher doses.10 Furthermore, significant differences in daily cough as well as in total the potential for accidental overdose and abuse of dextro- spontaneous symptom severity scores among two groups. pushed investigators to review the efficacy and its metabolite modulate the and safety of antitussive drugs containing dextrometho- activity of mucus secretion through the induction of hydro- rphan, especially in the pediatric population where there is lytic depolymerization of mucoprotein fibers.57 However, a paucity of studies.60 scientific data on their use in acute cough are very sparse. Studies in the pediatric population have been performed Originally developed as a muscle relaxant only without a control group or an active comparator in due to its anticholinergic properties, caramiphen edisylate an open design.10 There are no studies that have identified shows central antitussive effects when administered orally, outcomes with the use of expectorants in the pediatric although not consistently. In the adult population, three population, although their use is approved by the Food and double-blind controlled trials confirmed that caramiphen Drug Administration (FDA) in children and adults.10 was antitussive but less effective than codeine.61-63 Due to the lack of consistent evidence about its efficacy, the FDA removed caramiphen from the market.15 Central antitussive drugs: opioids and non-opioids Carbetapentane or Usually administrated Opioids in combination with guaifenesin and H1-receptor antago- Codeine Numerous preparations containing codeine, as a nists, carbetapentane 2-[2-(diethylamino)-ethox­ yethyl-1- single agent or in combination with other active molecules, phenylcyclopentanecarboxylate] is commonly used to treat are available for the symptomatic treatment of acute cough acute cough. Probably, it exerts its antitussive activity for children older than 12 years without compromised mainly in the CNS by binding to sigma, kappa, and mu-opi- respiratory function. Codeine, also called methylmorphine, oid receptors.64 To the best of our knowledge, no studies of is a weak opioid that, acting directly on the cough cen- carbetapentane or pentoxyverine as a treatment in acute ter in the medulla, suppresses the cough reflex. However, cough were identified in children.15 164 Marseglia G L et al.

New drugs for the treatment of acute cough Gamma-aminobutyric acid B (GABAB) A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in receptor cough reflex has allowed new potential therapeutic tar- By acting on neuronal pathways influencing cough reflex, gets to be identified, such as channels/receptors expressed Lesogaberan, a peripherally acting GABAB receptor , by airway sensory nerves, as well as to expand the thera- has been proved to be effective in reducing - peutic range currently available in the treatment of acute evoked cough in a preclinical model but not in humans.79 cough. Sodium cromoglycate In patients affected by cancer and angiotensin-con- Purinergic receptors verting inhibitor-induced cough,80,81 inhaled sodium cromoglycate revealed a positive antitussive effect, pre- Purinergic receptors are adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP)- sumably through the G-protein-coupled receptor-mediated activated ion channels commonly expressed on airway reduction of C-fibers activity. In a randomized place- sensory afferent nerves. Particularly, the subtypes P2X bo-controlled trial, where high-dose cromoglycate (PA101) receptor has recently attracted the attention of many was delivered via eFlow nebulizer, a reduction in cough researchers as a promising drug target. Gefapixant, was observed only in patients with idiopathic pulmonary previously known as AF-219/MK7264, is a P2X3 receptor fibrosis but not in chronic idiopathic cough subjects.82 antagonist shown to cause a 75% reduction in cough fre- quency when compared with placebo at high doses (600 Central neuronal receptors antagonists mg bd); however, all enrolled patients were experienc- Central neuronal receptors have recently been proposed ing taste disturbances such as hypogeusia and dysgeusia.65 as an attractive strategy in the treatment of cough. Successively, a phase 2b trial revealed that gefapixant Neurokinin receptor antagonism 1 (NK 1) and alpha (α)7 was effective in reducing cough frequency also at lower acetylcholine receptor agonism, previously developed for doses (30–50 mg) with less taste disturbance.66 Large- chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and schizo- scale phase III trials on adults with refractory cough are phrenia, respectively, were shown to play a role in the CNS ongoing to evaluate both the cough-modifying effect and in evoking cough. Clinical data on their effects on cough safety of P2X3 therapy.67,68 Currently, frequency are still awaited.83, 84 RCTs on its use in the pediatric population are still not available. Discussion Transient receptor potential receptors Initially discovered in Drosophila in the 1960s,69 transient Despite the scientific knowledge regarding neurophysiolog- receptor potential (TRP) channels are a family of cation ical pathways involved in cough reflex having significantly channels expressed on airway sensory afferent nerves, advanced in recent years, the diagnostic and therapeutic epithelial cells, and smooth muscle cells,70 and directly management of acute cough still remains nebulous and activated by multiple stimuli such as temperature, light, contradictory. Aiming to provide clarity on disease man- pressure, osmolality, and pain.71 The TRP channel can be agement, we performed an updated review about the scholastically divided into six subfamilies of which TRPV1, therapeutic management of acute cough in the pediatric TRPV4, transient receptor ankyrin 1 (TRPA1), and TRPM8 population and proposed a diagnostic algorithm to offer a are of particular interest regarding cough reflex. practical guide for the pediatrician (Figure 1). TRPV1 is a polymodal channel expressed on C-fibers sen- As viral URTIs are the most common causes of acute sory neurons and induced by temperature, pro-inflammatory cough, up to 90% of cases do not need to be treated. No mediators, acidity, and capsaicin. Two compounds (SB-705498 curative (antiviral) treatment is available, and antibiotics and XEN-D0501) have been tested in RCTs performed in adult have repeatedly been shown to neither improve symptoms patients with chronic cough and, although a significant reduc- nor prevent complications, thus resulting in them being tion in capsaicin-induced cough reflex was detected, both ineffective in patients without preexisting lung disease.15 TRPV1 antagonists failed to reduce cough frequency.72,73 Taking these considerations into account, children with TRPV4 is an osmosensor whose activation has been asso- acute cough without cough pointers can be safely man- ciated with the release of ATP and P2X3 receptors activa- aged using a “wait, watch, review” approach, consisting of tion.74 The efficacy of TRPV4 has been tested in a clinical parental reassurance and close clinical observation. trial with the TRPV4 antagonist, GSK2798745, but it was A pathologically excessive cough commonly causes stopped early as the interim analysis suggested a lack of significant complaints both to the patient and the whole efficacy.75 family; thus, investigating the reasons of parental anx- Activated by irritant chemicals, TRPA1 has been demon- iety and offering reassurance are crucial in the manage- strated to evoke cough reflex both in in vivo models and in ment of acute cough. Providing parents with information humans via the inhalation of cinnamaldehyde.76 However, a and educating on expected illness duration might reduce with the TRPA1 antagonist, GRC 17536, failed anxiety, additional consultations, and the need for OTC to test its efficacy on cough frequency.77 use.85-87 In this regard, it has been demon- To date, the evidence for an antitussive role of the strated that whether parents are insistently requiring med- TRPM8 receptor, activated by cooling compounds such as ication prescriptions and/or the physician perceives that menthol, icilin, and eucalyptol, is inconclusive.78 the child’s parents expect one, there is an increased risk Acute cough in children and adolescents 165

Acute cough lasting less than 4 weeks

Detailed history Clinical cough presentation

Absence of Systemic* and/or Pulmonary* red flags Presence of Systemic* and/or Pulmonary* red flags Wa“ it, watch, review” Evaluate parental concerns Evaluate enviromental exposures

Infections Environmental/Occupational Episode of choking Exacerbation of pre-existing condition

To eliminate environmental exacerbating factors as far as possible is

URTIS LRTIs without risk If risk of Immediate antibiotic + Review of complications complications back-up prescription pre-existing condition Inhaled foreign body or systemically very unwell If systemically Immediate antibiotic very unwell

Referto Adviseon: specialist •The usual course of acute cough Refer to specialist •Why antibiotics are not prescribed •Managing symptoms with self-care •When to seek medical help (symptoms worsen rapidly or significantly, do not improve after 4 weeks, child becomes systemically very unwell) Chest-X-ray Lung function testing

Do not offer an Do not routinely offer antibiotic an antibiotic

Systemic* Neonatal Digital clubbing Failure to thrive Use of me dications Palatal Fever Pallor Sweating Dehydration Features Redflags onset of or dru gs abnormalities suggestive of cough immunedeficiency Pulmonary* Chestpain Daily moist or Hemoptysis Abnormal cough Tachyc ardiaHypoxia/cy History of previous Dyspnea/tachypne Chest shape Adventitious lung Redflags cough characteristics anosis lung disease or a/ and chest wall sounds predisposing causes Respiratory distress deformities

Figure 1 Flow chart of acute cough assessment for children. URTIs: upper respiratory tract infections; LTRIs: lower respiratory tract infections. that an ineffective medication will be written. Thus, the be reserved for patients who are seriously ill and/or who child’s parents should be correctly informed on the cause need them.95 and course of the disease in order to appropriately eval- In parallel, it is equally important to record information uate medication prescription. Despite a number of evi- on environmental exacerbating factors, such as exposure dence-based guidelines and systematic reviews published to tobacco smoke, and clinical history, as well as cough more than a decade ago, which do not recommend phar- quality. It is crucial to attempt to eliminate environmen- macological treatment of acute cough in children,88-91 a safe tal exacerbating factors as far as possible. In children, and effective antitussive therapy remains a significant area fully immunized whooping cough and influenza are less of unmet need.92 Most cough suppressants used in adults common. In URTIs, coryza and fever usually precede the present an unacceptable risk–benefit profile for pediatric appearance of cough; if URTIs symptoms, except cough, use because of the potential for excessive sedation (nar- last for more than 10 days, acute rhinosinusitis should cotics as codeine and ), dextromethorphan, also be suspected.96 An episode of choking suggests an and first-generation antihistamine or hyperstimulation inhaled foreign body. The acute cough could also be indic- (pseudoephedrine and phenylephrine).89,92,93 Furthermore, ative of other conditions such as bronchiolitis, whooping although nonpharmacological, supportive care with anal- cough, , and . Although it is a benign and gesics, hot beverages, lozenges and honey are commonly self-limiting illness, the physician should not miss that up used by many pediatricians, unfortunately these strategies to 12% of children with acute cough can experience com- are often ineffective (90). Since cough is frequently a highly plications, even if it is commonly mild and easy to treat. distressing symptom with a significant impact on children’s Otitis media is the most common complication, followed by and parents’ sleep and daily activities,22 when symptomatic and vomiting, and rash. About 5% of children can cough treatment is indicated to avoid a detrimental effect report bronchitis or pneumonia. Hospitalization is required on well-being and quality of life of children and parents, in 1–2% of cases. Although there is sparse evidence regard- peripherally acting antitussives such as levodropropizine ing the predictive value of signs and symptoms in children should be preferred for the favorable efficacy and safety with acute cough, studies have reported that children with profile and risk–benefit ratio.24,94 Moreover, an unnecessary chest sign and fever show a probability of complications prescription antibiotic therapy, also contributing to drug of 18% and 28%, respectively, while children with neither resistance development as likely to cause side effects, will chest signs nor fever have a probability of complications 166 Marseglia G L et al. of only 6%.95 Taking these considerations together, when Authors’ contributions: This study was a collaboration the child appears otherwise healthy or shows features of between all authors. an underlying disease, such as finger clubbing, failure to Acknowledgments: not applicable. thrive, chest wall deformities, adventitious lung sounds, and palatal abnormalities, or when symptoms worsen rap- idly or significantly, the patient should be referred to a References specialist and subjected to chest X-ray and, if older than 5 1. 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