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U.S. Weather Bureau Office, Miami, Fla.

1. GENERALSUMMARY spondvery well withthe composite chart for atverage Twelvetropical cyclones,six of hurricaneintensity, departures from nornml for seasons of maxinlum tropical developedover tropical Atlantic waters during 1964. cycloneincidence inthe southeastern as This is the largest number since 1955 and compares with developed by Ballenzweig [a]. an average of 10during the past three decades. The September was aneven more active month and cor- centers of four hurricanes penetrated the mainland of the respondencebetween Ballenzweig'scomposite chrt and United States, the largest number to do so since the five theobserved values was better, particularly south of in 1933. There have been only four other years with four latitude 40' W. According toGreen [3] thesubtropical or more since 1900; four in 1906, 1909, and 1926, and six High was abnornlallystrong and displacedslightly in 1916.While none of thefour renching the mainland northwardfrom normal (favorable for in 1964 wits :L majorhurricane at the time of , formation) while the 700-mb. jet was slightlysouth of three-Cleo, Dora, and EIi1da"were severe. normal (unfavorable). The long-wave position fluctuated was struck by three hurricanes in addition to back and forth from the Rockies and Great Plains east- dyinghurricane Hilda and one tropical cyclone of less ward and the tropical cyclonesexperienced considerable than hurricane intensity; thus ended an unequalled rela- difficulty in penetrating the westerlies. During the major tively hurricane-free period of 13 years from 1951 through hurricanemonths in 1964 the long-wavetrough failed 1963. Duringthis period Florida experienced three to remain along the enst coast of the United States for hurricanescompared with a norlml expectancy of 11.7, any sustained period, nncl when there its amplitucle was and only one nmjor hurricme (Donna) compared to n very weak, in strong contrast to the hurricnne seasons of normal of 3+. 1962 and 1963. The tropicd Atlantic atmospherewas unstable through- In October at 700 mb. thelow-latitude \vas out the sunlnler and fall with numerous disturbances and locatedin the Gulf of Mexiconear longitude 90' W. depressions.One reached tropical storm intensity early from the 1st to the 5th, and Hilda recurved just east of in June and another in late Julg,no but storm of hurricane its axis [4]. By themiddle of October a long-wave intensity was noted until August21. There was a tropical positionalong theeast coast of theUnited States had cyclone on the chart on all but two days from August20 becomeestablished which crtusecl therecurvnture of throughOctober 4. With the exception of Florenceall Isbell over southern Florida. nloved or recurved west of longitude 60' 17. (fig. 1). The Statisticson casualties and clamage for the 1964 number of huwicane days \vas 46, whichin t,he past 11 hurricane season are shomn in table 2. It isinteresting gears was exceeded by 49 in 1961 and 56 in 1955 (table 1). to note that as much as $500 million hurricane clamage was considered an active month from a can occur in the United States in :L single season without tropicalstandpoint. According toPosey [I] the 700-~nb. any major hurricane. mid-latitudewinds in the Northern Hemisphere were quitezonal. A negative height arlomaly band ahost TABLEl.-Hztrricane days - encircled the globe to the southof a large positive anonlaly - over the Atlantic and was associated with a slight south- Yca1 - warddisplacement of the westerlies. Major long-wuve v 5 troughs were located veryclose to thewest and east coasts -

of the United States near their usual positions; however, 1954 -.-... - ._. 31 1955..". - ..-. 56 the east coast trough was weak south of latitude 35' N. 1956." ...____ 15 1957..__._. .-. 22 and during the period August 25-29, when Cleo wt~sap- 1958.". -.- - -. 35 1959.". __.... 24 proaching and moving northward over Florida, thc long 1960 .._...... 19 1961 49 wave had retrograded int,o the Great Plains. The mean 1962 11 1953 41 700-mb. height anomalies for August 1964 do not corre- 1964 4G Total"". ". - 449 *Paul L. Moore, Gilbert A. Clark, Neil L. Frank, Elbert C. IIi11, Raymond II. Kraft, - and Arnold L. Sugg. 'If two hurricanes are in existcnce on one day, this is counted as two hurricane clays.

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TABLE2,"Danaage and cas~~alties, hvrricane season1964

United States Other areas Date I Storm Damage _"Deaths Damage

June 2-11 ...... 0 $1, 000,000 0 0 July 28-Aug. 3 ...... Unnamed (T)...... 0 0 0 0 Aug. 5-8 ...... Abby (T)...... 0 750,000 0 0 Aug. 7-10 ...... Brenda (T)...... 0 0 0 $275,000 hug. 20-Sept. 5 ...... Cleo (H)...... 3 128,500,000 70,000, 000 214 Aug. 28-Sept. lG...... Dora(l1) ...... 5 253,000,000 0 0 Sept. 4-16 ...... Ethel (1-1)...... 0 0 0 Very minor Sept. 610...... Florence (T)...... 0 0 0 0 Scut. 13-25 ...... Gladvs~, (11) ...... 0 0 0 0 Sei~t.28-Oct. 5 ...... Ililda (1.1)...... 38 125,000,000 0 1,000,000 Oct. 8-16 ...... Isbell (I{) ...... 3 10,000,000 3 10,000,000 Nov. 5-9 ...... Unnamed (T)...... 0 0 0 5,000,000 __- Total ...... G(T) G(I.1) ...... 6515,250,000 217 1 $8Ii,275,000 I 49 T=Tropical storm. T=Tropical H=Hurricano.

2. INDIVIDUALTROPICAL CYCLONES althoughmaximum surface easterly winds of 50 1n.p.h. mere observed near 21 " N., 50" W. The lowest sea level Unnamed Tropical Storm, June ,%ll.-During June 2 pressure was 1011 mb. and 3, a weak tropical depression slowly developed over The next morning reconnaissance found that the pres- theextreme northwestern Caribbean just to the east of surehad dropped to 1006 mb.with asmall wind and BritishHonduras and the Yucatan Peninsula. The pressure near 22.15" N., 56.4OOW.; maximum surface original disturbance apparently moved out of the Inter- windsof 50 m.p.h. wereobserved in the northwest and tropicalConvergence Zone (ITC). On the4th, the northeastquadrants. That afternoon seconda recon- depression began drifting slowly northward and reached naissance flight found tha,tno intensification had occurred. theextreme southeastern Gulf of by the5th. The centralpressure was 2 mb. higher than in the morning During this period, maximum winds were generally 25 to and the wind field remained about the same. 30 m.p.h. in scattered . On July 30 the system persisted as it turned toward the Movingnorth-northeastward to northeastward at 15 north-northwest. A area oriented north-northwest m.p.h.,the depressioncrossed extremenorthern Florida to south-southeast was located 60 to SO mi. east of a weak the afternoon of June 6 with no significant intensification, wind circulation centered at 29.0" N., 61.3" W., at 1400 but laterdeveloped tropia1 storm intensityon the morning EST. The lowest pressure was 1012 mb. and the wind near of the 7th off the and coasts. It thecenter was less than 10 kt. However,winds up t.o thenmoved on an east-northeastward course at 15 to 55 to 65 m.p.h. were reported in the squall band. Rapid 20 m.p.h., and continued to intensify slowly. movement of the center (20 m.p.h. or more) contributed Reaching n position some 200 mi, north of by to themaximum winds observed, but the strong basic June 9, the storm changed to an easterly course around current also tendedto mask and perhaps to inhibit the 10 m.p.h. underthe influence of an intensifyinghigh development of a well-defined vortical wind field. pressuresystem to the northeast. h4aximum intensity On themorning of the 31st, thecenter waslocated was reached at this time with winds of about 60 m.p.h. some 300 mi. east of Bermuda moving toward the north- reported by ships. east.There wa,s littleorganization and central pressure On June 11 the storm turned northward and was soon remained at 1012 mb., with winds of 55 to 65 1n.p.h. east absorbed by a large extratropical Low over the Canadian of the center. During the day as the pressure dropped to Maritimes. 1008 mb., a well-defined radar band appeared northeast There was local flooding in western and in a few of the center and windsin the western portion of the circu- areas in the Southeastern States. Strong winds and hail lationincreased to 25 to 30 m.p.11. It is believed that associated with thunderstorm activity caused considerable the cyclone metthe specifications of a tropicalstorm damage in northeastern Florida. Damage in the Jackson- beginning about midday on the 31st. Some further inten- ville area was estimated in excess of $300,000, and there sification and better organization was noted on August 1 was a local windstorm near Cross City. with ships reporting windsof 45 n1.p.h. or higher; and one, UnnamedTropical Storm, July &-August 3.-During apparently in a squall, reported 80 m.p.h. A the night of July 27-28, ship reports indicateda perturba- was beginning to enter the inner portionof the circulation tion in the central Atlantic near 20" N., 45" W., which butthe center was still warm. Data were insufficient was quitelikely related to acloud vortex viewed by to describe thestorm's subsequent history completely, TIROS near14" N., 24" W. onJuly 25, and a weak but it seems likely that it did not become extratropical surfacecirculation observed simultaneously in the Cape until late on August2 near 47" N. Strong gales persisted Verdes.A reconnaissance plane dispatched to thearea aroundthe center as it moved southeast of Greenland of suspicionon the28th reported no westerly winds on the 3cl.

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Tropical StormAbby, August 5-8.-Tropical storm small-scale circulations near the center as it passed over Abby developed rapidly about 30 mi. southeast of Free- Berrnucla. Lowest central pressure was 1006 mb: on tshe port, Tex., a little before noon on August 7. Formation 9th. occurred in a weak trough whichhac1 moved from northern Post analysis of tlle storm indicates t111~tit probably Florida into the nortllenstern on the 5th. began its development in a minor trough of low pressure It then drifted slowly westwmd across the northern G-ulf, some 400 mi. west of Bernlucla on August 7. An airline with no indica.tion of development or in te~sification until cremmember recalled observing a lorn-level circular cloud it approached the central coast. formation in the vicinity of 32O N., 69' 1300 EST The storm developed under the surveilhnce of coast,al on Augnst 7, thoughthe pattern did not then appear radars at Galveston, Victoria, Lake Charles, t1nd Browns- significantlydifferent from many cloudformations ville, all of whichindicated a suddendevelopment of frequently observed. spiralbands and an eyeduring the late forenoon of Prior to the storm's passage over Bennucln, there was August 7. A reconnaissnnceplane was in thearea and no evidence from avtdnble sparse ship reports or other reported a center fis at 1115 CST. Abby wns an extremely data of the development of the storm. Not until August 8 small storm; its complete circulation at the surface was wts sufficient information avdable to substantiate that considerably less tlmn 100 mi. in clia,meter. It moved a tropical stormand not a frontal wave or local disturbance westward,averaging about 10 m.p.h., ancl crossedtlle was responsible for the conditions observed at Bermuda. Texas coast just northetrst of Matagorda about 1600 CST. FIurricane Cleo, August 20-September 5.-The distmb- Over land, Abby gradunlly dissipated ns it moved west- ance in which Cleo hter formed appears to have moved ward and lost its identity during the mornit~g of the 8th off the African coast south of Dakar as a 1010-mb. Low southwest of San Antonio. accompanied by continuous rain and thunclershowers, on Reconnaissanceaircraft estimated the highest winds August15. Later, a TIROS VI11 photographat 1044 about 85 m.p.11. (probablyan overestimate), in squalls, EST August 18 showed a cloud mass covering tlle region mcl reported a centrnl pressure of 1000 mb. (29.53 in.). from 7O to 12' N., 32' to 37' W., centeredat 10' N., The highest sustained wind reported along the coast was 34' W. At 1300 EST on the same date, the German ship 45 tn.p.h., with gusts to 65 m.p.h., and the lowest pres- Lichtenstein reported a light east mind, continuous rain, sure wtts 1004 mb. (29.66 in.).These were observed by and pressure of 1008.9 mb. (29.79 in.) at 12' N., 33.5' W. theCorps of Engineers at MatagordtL. Highesttides From this area the clistur*bancemoved west-nortkwestward were 2 to 4 ft,. m.s.1. from Matagorda to Freeport. about 16 m.p.11. until located by reconnaissance aircraft Heavy rains occurred in a. narrow belt along the storm on the 20th. track. Some of the heavy a,mountsreported were: At 0100 EST on t2he20tl1, a ship report' (name unknown) Victoria 6.14, Palacios 3.81, Pettus 5.00, Falls City 5.09, indicated the existence of a circuhtion. A Navy recon- and Pearsall 5.00 in. Therainfall \VIIS very beneficial naissanceplane that afternoon found a tropicalcyclone and only minor flooding occurred. at 13.2' N., 44.5' W., in a very early stage of development, The predomjl1antlyagricultural coastd area between with minimum pressure of lOOG mb. (29.71 in.) and a few h4atagor.h and Freeport felt the main effects of Abby. squalls up to 35 m.p.11. Damage was light, nnd no deathsor injuries were reported. The next day the central pressurehac1 cleepenecl to 993 Tropical Storm Brenda, August 7-10.-0bser~atio~~~nib. (29.32 in.)and winds lmd reachecl hurricaneforce. fronl Bermuda first indicatedthe existence of tropical The hurricane steadily intensified during the next several storm Brenda.. Duringthe morning of August8, the clays as it moved ~~~est-nortll\\~est~~~ardat 20 to 25 m.p.h., pressurebegan t80 fall, dropping from 1018 mb. a.t 0100 an unusually rapid motion for low latitudes. EST to 1008 mb. at 0800 EST. Windsincreased briefly reached Gutbdeloupe early in the after- to 45 m.p.h., with gusts to 65 1n.p.h. as the center passed noon of August 22. The center crossed theisland of overthe island. No casualtieswere reported. A small MarieGalnnte at 1137 Es'r andthe southern tip of or sptwned by the storm clamaged a Bnsseterre at 1240 EST. At Rnizet Airport, about 15 mi. commercialairliner and several privately-o\vned aircraft north of the eye, minimum pressure was 1003 mb. (29.62 and was app:trentlyresponsible for winds of 92 m.p.11. in.), and the highest wind 44 m.p.h., with gusts toS1. merbsured atop a 100-ft.NASA tower. Spiral bands In the French West Indies, Cleo caused 14 deaths and were observed on the US. Air Force raclar at Bermuda 40 injuries;destruction of thebanana crop and 1,000 after passage of the center. homes;and extensive damage to roofs, roads, and com- After passing over Bermuda, the storm drifted slowly munication lines. east-southeast,war~lbefore recurving and accelerating The hurricane center passed about 90 mi. south of St. northeastwarclahead of a cold front on the9th. The Croix, V.I. at midnight, August 23, and S3 mi. south of circulation could not be tracked north of 35' N. where Cab0Rojo on thesouthwestern tip of PuertoRico at reconnaissanceaircraft reported it had dissipated on 1300 Esrthe same day.Highest observed windswere August10. Brenda mas of minimaltropical storm 50 m .p.h. at Ham Bluff, St. Crois, and 52 n1.p.h. at Point intensity.Highest winds mere thoseassociated wit,h Tuna,, although Cleo had intensified with

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC March 1965 Gordon E. Dunn and Staff 179 centralpressure of 950 mb. (2S.05 in.),and winds had across Cuba until emerging from the northern coast eastof increasedto 140 m.p.h. The hurricane remained small Caibarienaround 0700 EST on the26th. Winds in a.nd concentrated rind destructive winds were confined to J6caro,Majagua, Tamarindo, and Florencia were es- asmall &,rea near the eye. At flightlevel theWeather timated about 60 to 70 m.p.h.,and in Jatibonico 70 to Bureauresearch aircraft measured 132 kt. (152 m.p.h.) 75 m.p.11. DamageinCuba was not serious with winds. A Navy hurricane hunter plane was badly dam- apparently only one casualty. agedon this dateand sevencrewmen injured. It was Shortly after emerging from the northern coastof Cuba, estimated that as the plane left the eye and entered the Cleo regrrined hurricane intensity and then moved on a wallcloud, the recorded wind increased by 90 1n.p.h. mildlyzigzag course north-northwestward to northward withina distance of 1 mi. No penetrationwas made of towardthe lower east const of Florida.Beginning at this dangerous hurricane on the 24th and its maximum 1030 EST, August 26, hurricane Cleo was under constant intensity on this date is unknown. radar surveillance bythe Miami and radars Cleo passed south of the ettrly on andlater by the Tampa md DaytonaBeach radars. the 24th with its closest approach about 30 mi. south of By midday, the hurricane had intensified with maximum Isla Beata, just off the Barahona Peninsula at 0600 EST. winds of 85 m.p.h. and minimum pressure around 984 mb. Seven lives were reported lost in the Dominican Republic. (29.06 in.).Throughout the afternoon and evening, As hurricane Cleo passed south of on August 24 it instrumented Research Flight Facility aircraft repeatedly veered northward momentarily, enough to move onto the crisscrossed through the storm, including the center, and southwestern peninsula. The hurricane entered land just at flight level found no winds of hurricane force in the east of the city of Les Cayes, still a very small intense westernsemicircle, andthe central pressure stable at hurricane. It cameand went within 90 to115 min. around 984 mb. Aerialsurveys indicated that severedamage extended At 0200 EST August 27, the edge of the eye moved onto only 3.7 mi. west of the center and 13.7 mi. east of the Key Biscayne. Cleo was the first hurricane to strike the center.At Les Cayes, several miles west of thecenter, greater Miami area with full force since October 17, 1950; there was no calm and the lowest pressure was 964 mb. and, indeed, the tracks from Cuba to the greater Miami From 1500 to 1535 LST the pressure fell34 mb. and by area of the two hurricanes were very similar. The lowest 1600 LST had risen 37 mb. The lowest barometer reading barometerreading in Florida was 967.5 mb. (28.57in.) at Camp Perrin, which is about 12.5 mi. inland along the in North hhami. It is estimated that maximum sustained center track, was 950 mb. winds were in the 100 to 110 m.p.h. range, with gusts to Within a short time the hurricane reached the slopesof 135 m.p.h. It is certain that Cleo intensified very rapidly the Massif de la Hotte. During the next few hours the in the 3 hr. between the time when the aircraft left the movement of Cleowas obscure. Mr.Michel A. Frhre, storm and when the eye reached Key Biscayne and several WMO representative in Haiti, believesit cont>inued north- hours later passed through North Miami. In thewestern westward and reached the north coast of the peninsula. semicircle, winds increased from less than hurricane force nearRoseaux. Evidence from reconnaissance aircraft to 100 m.p.h. or more and the central pressure fell about would indicate the greatly diffused center turned westward16 mb. (0.5 in.). This may be explained by (a) the fact along the southern slopesof the mountain range and even- that the temperature of the shallow water between the tually passed out into the Caribbean over the western tip westernedge of the and the coast is even of the peninsula. Damage in Haiti was considerable and higher than that of the warm Gulf Stream, 86" to 90" F. 192 persons were killed. vs. 83" F., and (b) as the portion of the hurricane circula- The reasonfor the sharp turn of Cleotoward the tion over land increased, the inflow toward the center also southwestern peninsula of Haiti cannot be explained on becamegreater with resultant increased lift and latent the basis of availabledata. A short-wave trough had heat from condensation. already passed eastward to the northof the hurricane and As the hurricane moved along the lower east coast of it wasunder rising heights. It ma,ybe that previous Florida,the eye continually expanded and contracted reconnaissancefixes were in error andthat the correct from a minimum diameterof 8 mi. to a maximumof 16 mi. track during the previous 12 to 18 hr. was farther north Theeye consistently moved north-northwestward for a thanreported. However, the south shore of Hispaniola number of hoursand then northward for a number of should have been on the radar scopeof the plane and the hours.The longest central calm at any reporting point reason for the error, if any, is not obvious. was 1 hr. 25 min. Cleo never regained its former intensity. However, as Themajor damage from the hurricane was felt in a a minimal hurricane, it passed over a narrow peninsula of relatively narrow strip 20 to 35 mi. wide along the eastern Cuba, eastof Cab0 Cruz, and thence moved into the GolfoFlorida coast from Miami to about Melbourne. Although de Guacanayabo. The center remained a short distance the geometric center of the eye apparently passedover off the southern coast of Cuba until it again re-entered Key and reached tjhe west side of Biscayne Bay thecoast near longitude 79" W. Cleoprobably was of at about the 36th Street Causeway, danmge was minor slightly less than hurricane intensity during the journey at nearby Perrine and Homestead andwest of Bird Road

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TABLE3.--Tornadoes in Connection with Hurricane Cleo TABLE4,"H~rricane Cleo casu,ulty anddamage statistics

1)anlage Locatioll I)eaths Injuries I):ln~age __~______-___ AUK.37 .... ? ...... Bromard County, Fla..- Considerable tree Fre~chWest Iudies ...... '4 40 $50,000, 000 and citrus damage. Dominican Republic ...... I ...... 3,000,000 Aug. 2i.... 1900...... Titusville, Fla Haiti ...... 192 15,000,000 Aug. 2i.... 2010 ...... New Stnyrua Beach, ...... Cuba...... 1 35: 3,000,000 -Fln. ". Florida ...... 0 ? 125, OCO, 000 Aug. ?9....I 0106 ...... 1 James Island, S.C ...... $5,000. Georgia...... 50.000 Aug. 29._.. 0125...... Lawtoll Bluff, S.C """ Miuor. South Caroliua ...... 1 100, 000 Aug.?9.-.. 144n ...... Laurinburr, N.C ...... id $250,000 ..."- ...... 0 17 345.000 hug. X... 0440...... Bctherea, S.C ...... Virginia ...... 3 (9 3,000. 000 Aug. 29 .... IF00 ...... Lake Murray I4 mi. NM' ...... $25,000. -___-__ of Columbia, S.C. Total ...... 217 (+) 198,495,000 Aug. 29.... late nftert!oon. Cassat, S.C ...... Aug. B.." 2130 ...... Darlington, S.C ...... 2 $3,000. Aug. B.." 13 midnight ". Timmousville. S.C ...... 'SOIIICbut number unknown. Aug. 30 .... 0030 ...... Sansbury Crossroads, ...... $5,000. cr Aug. 30 .... 0400 (approx.). Lauriuburg, N.C Aug. 31 .... 1600 (approa.). Bethel, Stokes, Bear- P90,oon. I 1 ~~~~s,N.C. Wildlife Refuge. AtNorfolk WBAS, 10.40in. of rain fell .between li00 EST August 31 and 1100 EST September 1, shatteringthe previous24-hr. record of 6.78 in. on and90th Avenue. Storm intensity north of Melbourne June 2-3, 1963.Considerable flooding occurred in the wassuch tht1.t onlyminor damnge resulted. There were HanlptonRoads area with many streets blocked and onlyisolated reports of localflooding anywherein the roadswashed out. Hundreds of homeswere flooded State. The tide did n'ot reach 4 ft. above normal in the and several aretas wereevacuated. Miami area, but was 5 ft. above normal in Fort Ihuder- Thestorm againa,ttained hurricane intensity nt sea, dale, and 5 to 6 ft. abovenormal at Pompano Beach. but ns it passedeast ofNewfoundlrtnd on September 4 There wasno serious tidal damage reported anywhere it lost its tropical features [I]. in theState. Even in Dade and Broward Counties, Nine or more tornadoes and several probable tornadoes lit.tle structuraldamage to buildingsresulted. In these were reported in connection with Cleo in Florida and the countiesthe principal damage was glass breakagein Cnroliuas (table 3). There wasevidence of a tornado in unprot,ect)edstore fronts, beach hotels and motels, and theDavie area of Browrtrd County,Fla., with a path other unprotected glass. h4any beach hot,els and motels % mi. wide and X mi. long. In one 100-acre grove, 2,400 suffered waterdamage after the windows gaveway. of 6,000 trees were uprooted. In this small area tree loss I'rincipal dimages in Florida, in addition were uprooted mnged from 5 to 40 percent., grapefruit 85 percent, navel trees,disrupted communications and power fdures in ornnges65 percent,and Valencia and other oranges 35 thesouthern sections, sandblasted buildings and auto- percent. There were other reports of twisters in Florida mobiles; overturnedparked Irircraft, and trgriculturd but none could be substnntiated. Ctxsunlties and estimn- losses. Ewrly estimatesindicate about 10 percent of t'he ted damages resulting fromCleo are given in table4. Me- oranges aud 20 tlo 30 percent of the grapefruit were lost teorological data are summarized in table 5. in Lhe IndianRiver citrus producing area, with the It has nowbecome well established thatlightning is greatest loss inthe southern sections. Total citrus rather common in the hurricane eye wall cloud whenever damage is estimatedat $9million. Total dsm:Lge from this is present. During duylight hours lightning is usuklly hurricane Cleo inFlorida to property is estimated at not noticed by observers because flashesare cloud-to-cloud $112.5 million. Apparentlythese figures donot include rather than cloud-to-ground and thunder is not audible other direct or indirect losses suc.11 as cleanup of debris, over the hiph noise level of the wind. Tn -Cleo lightning whichwould amountto several milliondollars. It is wasnoted in the wdl cloud bynumerous observers. believed that direct and indirect costs would total about Therewere some reports of "greenish" .and "pink" $125million. There wasno loss of lifeor serious injury lightning.Whether these were actual lightning or dis- in Florida and damage to small craft was minimal. chargesfrom high tension lines or transformers is not Mterleaving Florida between St. Augustine and known. During the lull at the Nationd Hurricane Center, Jacksonville,the center remained atsea a shorttime when the edge of the wall cloud was less than 1 mi. away, and then re-entered the coastline near Sa.vannah without, and perhaps direct137 overhead several thousand feet aloft, much increase in intensity. Cleo continued as n weaken- flashes were observed directly above but no thunder was ing tropical cyclone through the interior of the , heard, although it was almost normally quiet. passing out to sea near Norfolk, T7a., where it gave Some observations were made on the morningof August record-breakillgprecipitation. Very heavy rainfall de- 27 by an experienced meteorologist in the extreme north- velopedfrom the' Hampton Roads area southward over ern part of Dade County (Miami) as follows: extreme southeastern Virginia during the night of August "01 16 Esl-Occasional dim lightning apparently from 31-September 1 as Cleo moved offshore and a cold front edge northern portion wall cloud beginning at this time. approachedthe region. Rainfall amounts at several "0147 EST-Phenomenalrain. &lostof timerain ap- points exceededprevious all-time 24-hr. records. The peared as great billows of denseblack smoke, reducing largest 'reportecl storm 'total was at' Back Bay visibility to 25 ft. or less, using as reference a street light

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TABLE5,"Htcrricane Cleo, meleorological data, Aug. 20-Sepl. 5, 1964

Wind (miles per hour)

-_ " Station LOW Time Fastest OllStS (EST) mile'* (EST)


Key west...... 27 29. 72 0258 NE 22 1236 (26) NE 28 1236 (26) ...... 0. 15 Plantation Key...... 40 ...... Key Largo ...... """"" ...... 50' ...... K ey l~iscayneKey ...... 27 28.73 0215 ...... '3.6 ...... Miami N II C- ...... 27 28.74 0300 N 110' N 135- 0230* '3.6 ...... Miami W BAS ...... 37 28.71 0308 ...... 100 0311 ...... 6.80 North hliami...... 27 28.57 ...... Fort Laudcrdalo...... 27 ...... *5.0 ...... l'onlpano I3each...... 27 ...... '5.5 ...... Iiillshoro Inlet Light...... 27 28.96 0500 NE 68 0235 ...... West IWnl I~each...... 27 29.14 0842 ESE 86 0840 ESE 104 0840 Unk. 3.99 J up iter Inlet Light Inlet Jupiter ...... 27 '29.43 1030 sw 74 0850 ...... Fo rt Myers..Fort ...... 27 29.73 0430 WNW 23 1446 WNW 32 1415 ...... T Sanibel Island ...... 52 0830 ...... Clewiston ...... 50 ...... East side ...... i+$=-(jfy-.80 Tampa WRAS...... 28 29.73 0255 NNE 28 NW 33 .05 Lakeland WI50 ...... 28 29.66 0100 NE26 1342 (27) NE 40 Orlando...... 28 29.43 0130 N 32 0055 NNE 46 1930 (27) ...... Vero Heaclr...... 27 29.37 .. -. - -..- ESE 97 1515 ...... I'once de LeonInlet ...... 28 29.46 0430 NNE 62 2035 (27) ...... Jacksonville W BAS...... 28 29.58 1730 NE43 0805 ENE 44 0818 2.71 3-4

Daytona Heach WHAS...... 28 29.43 0430 E 40 0359 E 60 """"""3.82 1.0 GEORGIA St, SimonsSt, Island ...... 38 ...... NE 39 1400 ...... 5. 26 Savannah ...... 29 29.61 0356 NE34 2120 (28) NE 44 2047 (''8) ...... 6.26 \'ernonVie w ...... 2.3 8. fl3 SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston WRAS ...... 29.78 0449 SE 42 1635 ...... 5. 84 Charleston WRO ...... - -.- - -.- -. E 57 0109 ...... 2.6 4. 46 Colotnl)ia...... 29.78 1705 NNE 21 0700 NNE 28 0700 ...... 51 4. VIR 0 INIA sept.

Norfolk...... 1 29.66 0340 ._"~..~~. E 40 0035 1 11.40 Norfolk Navy...... -1- ...... 13. 32 NAS Oceana...... 1 ...... "" ~ """ ...... ESE 42 0003 ...... 13.70 LangleyAF8.- ...... 6.59

'Estinrated. **Or 1 Minntc

close by my house.During this period wind had a HjtLrricane Dora, August 28-September lB.--Hurricane consttmt 'freight-train-like' roar amplification as extreme Dora was the first hurricane of record to move inland from gustsapproached. These extreme gusts occasionally theeast over extreme northeastern Florida. The eye sounded like the mid-range of a pipe organ. These con- pnssed over St. Augustine, and Jacksonvillerecorded ditions continued until about 0330. sustainedwinds of hurricane force (S2 m.p.11.) for the "0250 EsT-st. Elmo's fire wasapparently observed first time in nearly SO years of record. and thunder heard. Some evidence of ball lightning seen. A large envelope of low pressuremoved through the Looking south-southeastward from myhouse the sequence CapeVerde area on August 28. On the 31st a TIROS of events would be: St. Elmo's fire, then ball of light, then picturelocated acloud mass 1lea.r 11" N., 41" W. The discllarge, thenthunder. This was observed aboutfour following day reconnaissanceaircraft located a tropicd times. In addition,frequent lightning was observed. storm with a central pressure of 998 mb. The storm was Occtwionnl thunder WRS hetbrd-at least 10 peals. enclosed inan envelope of lowpressure rlpprosimfitely "0332 EST-Entering north edge of eye.Between the samesize as that which had moved through tlleVerdes. 0332 and 0334 air temperature increased 3O to 4' F., and The100s-mb. isobar was about 300 diameter in wet-bulb temperature increased 1.5O F. (76.0' to 77.5'). both locations. "0354 mT-Flat calm to light airs. Frequent lightning Dora moved west-northwestward and renched hurricane in wdl cloud north-northwestthrough southeast. Four force on the 2d. It continued to intensify while gradually peds of thunder were heard from lightning associated with expanding.When over 300 mi. south of Bermuda, it one cell in wall to east-northeast of my house. turned on a courseonly slightly north of due west. It "0445 EsT-Windsouthwest freshtostror~g-from had nlissxl the troughassociated with the redeveloped hurri- radnr picture, the location of my house (plus or minus a, cme Cl.eo. At this time Dora was large severe hurricane couple of blocks)was in geometriccenter of eye.(The with a centralpressure of 942 mb. (27.S2 in.).During wind ntthe time would indicatethe wind center was this intensification there was low-level inflow. Following slightly northeast of radar center.) its turn, the inflow stopped and a gradud decrease in in- 110550 EST-Large md small trees wereobserved t.o tensity occurred for about 24 hr., centrtL1 pressure rising estend out nearly parallel to the ground in estimated 140 about 22 mb. m.p.11. gusts." HurricaneDora slowed considerablybefore reaching

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC 182 REVIEWMONTHLY WEATHER VOl. 93, No. 3 TABLE6,", meteorological data, Aug. 28-Sept. 16, 1964

Pressurc (in.) Wind (miles per hour) Date Tidc above Storm Station Sept. mean sea levcl rainfall Low Time Fastest Timc Gusts (It.) (in.) (EST) mile ** (EST)

FLORIDA Apalachicola ...... 11 29.44 0140 1416 (IO) ...... 2 MLW 0 4.95 Daytona Beach...... 9 29.04 2015 1424 \v 71 1715 7. n 9.32

Fernandina Beach...... lo 29.28 0145 2200 (9) ...... 10.0 """""" Gainesville...... 10 29.08 0700 ...... 10.74 Jacksonville Beach...... 9 ...... ""...... 84 = ...... Jacksonville WRAS...... 10 29.05 N 82 1948 (9) NE 85' ...... 7. o* 8. 67 Jacksonville, Navy- ...... IO 28.87 N 53 1832 (9) N 81 ...... Jacksonville, Cecil Field ...... 10 28.91 NE44 0555 NNW 71 ...... Lakeland...... IO 29.56 w 27 1039 IV 42* ...... 1.50 Marineland ...... 10 28.80 NW 60' 1700 (9) ...... 5.85 Mayport ...... 10 29.03 NNE 74 .___""".NNE 101 . . - - .- ...... Orlando...... 9 29.41 WSW 40 1955 ...... 5.99 St.Augustine ...... 10 28.52 STV 125' 0130 ...... 7. 10 Anastasia Island...... 10 ...... "".""" -~ """" ...... ------.- .- . 12d ...... Tallahassee...... 11 29.29 0230 N 35 1335 (10) N 44 2030 (IO) ...... 6. 11 Tampa...... 10 29.5i 0358 msm 44 2120 (12) WSW 52 (12) ...... 2.39 GEORGIA Brunswick ...... 10 29.40 0030 NE 90* .-. ------.- ...... 6.23 Rrunswick ...... 12 29.47 1iOO ...... SSW 50* ...... 13-14 MLTV 0 ...... I-Iomerville...... 13 ...... a. IO Jesup- ...... 9 ...... "" """ ...... _."""" E 50* 2000-0000 ...... 5. a1 Savannah Airport...... 10 29.6G 0014 E 37 0327 NE 53 2345 (9) 2.4 (9) 3. a1 Savannah Airport...... 13 29.51 0335 ...... s 59 Oi48 ...... Savannah Beach...... 9 29.60 I600 ...... NNE 64 li20 ...... SOUTH CAROLINA

Charleston WBAS...... 13 29.51 0542 SE 46 li04 (12) ...... 2.53 Charleston WBO...... 12-13 ...... "" """ S 4i 2018 (12) ...... 2.6 (9) 1.35 Georpetoun...... 13 29.52 OiOO SSrn 45 1430 55 1445 ...... 2.65 McClellansville ...... 13 29.54 oaoo """"" . - -..- - - sw55 2100 (12) ...... 3.00 NORTII CAROLINA Hatteras...... 13 29.50 NNE 35 0018 (14) NNE 41 0012-14 2. 5 2.52 Raleigh ...... 13 29.75 WNW25 0858 ...... 2. 75 Wilmington ...... 13 29.54 N 28 1653 N 35 1356 3.0 3.41 VIRGINIA Cape Henry...... 13 ------. "". NE 66 1231 ...... 3. 5 2.63 Norfolk, Navy ...... 13 ."" """ """"" NE69 1545 ...... Norfolk WBAS...... 13 29.74 1510 """"" NE 61 1617 """"""". 4.80 Nantucket ...... 14 29.62 NE42 N 50 1420 I. 3 2.53

*Estimated. b 115 m.p.h. beach. **Or one minute. 0 Mean low water. Anemometer failed. d Datum plane unknown. land,and consequently the winds and tides increased extensivebeach erosion, inundated many coastal com- slowly. This was fortunate, for many residents who had munities,washed out beach roads, and swept several felt that this section of the coast was immune to hurri- residences into the sea. Along the Gulf Coast between St. canesand might have remained if thehurricane had Marks and Tampa, tides ran from 2 to locally 6 ft. above moved at anaverage forward speed, were persuaded to normal(at Yankeetown) as gale force southwesterly evacuate the area. winds were sustained from the 10th through most of the Windsexceeded hurricane force along the coast from 12th. Flooding was increased by runoff from heavy rains extremesoutheastern Georgia southward Flaglerto on September 11 and 12. County,Fla. Highest sustained winds, estimated at Winds gradually diminished as Dora moved inland on its 125 m.p.h. from the southwest, occurred at St.Augustine, unusual westward course, but very heavy rainfall spread immediatelyfollowing the passage of thecenter. The over interior sectionsof northern Florida and southeastern lowestpressure on land also occurred at St. Augustine, Georgia. Thisrainfall continued in ma.ny areas during 966 mb. (28.52 in.), at 0100 EST on the 10th. The station both the westwardand eastward passages of the storm was in the eye from 0015 to 0130. Sustained winds near center.Storm totals in excess of 10in. fell over an 100 m.p.h.were reported along the coastline north of estimated lO,OOO-sq.-mi. area, and totals more than 6 in. St. Augustine. weregeneral from near Brunswick and Waycross, Ga. Thestrong, long-duration, onshore winds produced to near Tallahassee and Orhndo, Fla. The most intense unusually high tides, from5 to 8 ft. or more above normal, rainsfell in Lafayette and Suwannee Counties, Fla. on alongthe entire coast from the Daytona Beach area the12th. Mayo recorded 23.73 in. (lOth-l3th), with northward into Georgia. Tides estimated at 12 ft.2 (4 ft. 14.62in. during the 24-hr. period ending at 1800 on the higher than any previously known) swept across Anastasia12th; Live Oak had 18.62in. during the 4-day storm Island off St. Augustine, and the water level reached 10 ft. period. (See table6.) abovenormal atMayport. The caused Wind damage was extensive in coastal areas north of DaytonaBeach wit,h thegreatest destruction from St.

2 Datum planeunknown. Augustine to the Georgia border. High winds in Duval

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC March 1965 and Gordon E. Dunn Staff 183

County, including Jacksonville metropolitan area, caused 1n.p.h. south of the center but sea return and other radar massiveutility failures. Structural damage to buildings echoes indicated much higher winds to the north. waslimited to the coastd meas and to older frame Ethelmoved on course toward the west-northwest buildingsa shortdistance inland. Numerous trees were with little development during the next two days. Sparse uprootedthroughout the coastal counties, adding to data in the area indicate that the storm was passing be- damage as they fell on buildingsor across utility lines. neath a cold upper-tropospheric trough during this period, Extensive wind-induced riverflooding occurred in Jackson- a situation unfavorable for intensification. ville along the banks of the St. Johns River. Duringthis periodhurricane Dora was locatedap- In addition to flooding along lakes and streams, many proximately 575 mi. to the west and Ethel was moving poorly-drainedareas were completelyinundated in ftlster thanDora; therefore forecasters considered it northernFlorida. Damage to roads and bridges was possible that Ethel might be absorbed in the circulation extensive andseverd communities wereisolated for of the much larger snd more intense Dortx, and lose its several days byhigh waters. identity. However, on September 7, a period of intensi- Considerableagricultural damage was sustained by ficationbegan, establishing Ethel as a hurricaneand flooding of unharvested corn, cotton, and peanuts in both eliminatingthe probability of absorptionby Dora. Florida and Georgia. Damage was severe in many low- The deepening persistecl through the 10th when a central lying fields. Final storm darnage estimates me $200 mil- pressure of 977 mb. andmaximum observedwinds of lion to $230 million forFlorida; $9 million has been 100 m.p.h. werereported by reconnaissanceaircraft. reported for Georgia. The hurricane moved very slowly westward on the loth, Onlyone direct storm fatality-adrowning atLive then turned northward, and began to accelentte, with the Oak, F1tt.-has beenreported. Two Navy personnel center passing 100 mi. west of Bermucla on the afternoon died near Sanford, Fla., on September 9 when an aircraft of September 12. Gusts of about 70 m.p.h. mere reported being evacuated crashed on takeoff. Two men succumbed in the islands during the afternoon and evening and gales whilesecuring boats-one nearBrunswick, Ga., and continued during the night. another near Norfolk, Vn. Ethelmoved rapidly northeastward after passing Damageresulting from Dora in South Carolina was Bermudaand maintained hurricane forceduring the minor but rains in the eastern part of the State ranged conversion toan extratropical cyclonenear 45' N., from3 to over 8 in. Several were reported 40' W., on September 15. between1300 and 1400 EST September 12 nearGa.rden TropicalStorm Florence, September 6-IO.-Weather City Beach. conditionsreported in the Cape Verdes ancl by nearby The only significant structural damage in North Caro- shipsindicated that a strongperturbation on the ITC lina was causedby local stonns-a waterspout at Carolina was moving westward oft' French West Africa on the 4th Beach, south of Wilmington, at 0725 EST September 10, and 5th of September. On the morning of the 6th there and R tornado atHowell's Point, southwestof Wilmington, was a low pressure area, estimated at 1002 mb. (29.59 in.), about 2100 EST September 12. Heavy rainfall and tides just north of theCape Verdes.Although data were of 2 to 3 ft. above normal were reported along the coasta.1 sparse, there was some evidence of cold air aloft over the sections. surface Low. It appeared to be a very wet system but DO~R'Seffects in Virginia were confined toheavy rainfall withhighest winds probably no more than 25 m.p.11. over thesoutheastern section, tides up to about 3.5 ft. atthis time. The Low was movingnorthwestward at above normal, and downed tree limbs and awnings. about 10 m.p.11. In i\/laryland, , and tides reached Someintensification occurred later dthoughindica- only 1.5 to locally 4 ft. above normal and rainfall totaled tions arethat highest windswere never greater than 1.00 to 2.50 in. No reports of injuryor damage have about 50 m.p.h.Florence headed in a northerlydirec- been received. Only the fringes of Dora were experienced tiontoward the Azores but weakenedon thenight of in southeastern Nhsachusetts. The principal effect was September 9-10. An Air Forcetanker found only an timely,badly-needed rainfall. Amounts were near 1.00 area of squallssouth of theislands during the early in. on Cape Cod and 2.50 in. at Nantucket. No signifi- morning hours of September 10. cant darnage was reported. , September l~?4.-Aweak low pres- Hturricane Ethel, September 4-16.-The first evidence of suresystem that wasfirst observed ofl the westcoast the incipient stage of Ethel was a cloud mass observed of Africa on September 9 may have been the first indica- by TTROS near 18' N., 37' W. onSeptember 4. A tion of the distnrba.nce that later developed into hnrri- reconnaissance aircraft dispatched to the suspicious area cane Gladys. on the 5th found evidence of storm development but was On the morning of September 13, a report of 63 n1.p.h. unable to completely reconnoiter the area because of the winds and heavy rain was received from the SS Gerwi, extreme range from the operating base. A poorly-defined confirming the existence of a tropicalstorm near 15.5O eyewas located near 20° N., 45' W., with a central N., 46' W.A reconnaissance aircraft reached the area pressure of 1005 mb. A4mimum observed winds were 25 duringthe afternoon but was unableto measure maxi-

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC 1 84 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW Vol. 93, No. 3 mum winds because of darkness. Early on September 14 as it crossed thewestern tip of Cubanear Cape Sun reconnttissmceaircraft found Gladys had intensified An ton io. tohurricane force and was movingon a west-north- Hilda moved west-nortllwestw~~.rdat a11 average speed westwardcourse atabout 18 m.p.h. Gladyscontinued of 9 m.p.11. for 48 hr., and intensified steadily while in the to intensify and follow the same course, reaching maxi- southern Gulf of Mexico. Thestorm reachecl hurricane mumintensity of 945 mb.,with 140 m.p.11. winds, on force early on September 30 and reachedmaximum intensity September 17. about 350 mi. south of New Orletlns on October 1. The On September 19 Gladys turned northward in response minimum computedsea. level pressure from reconnaissance to a weakt,rough in the westerlies. A slow northward aircraft tit that time was 941 rnb. (27.79 in.), nnd winds drift continued for dmost 48 hr., until risingpressures were estimated at 150 1n.p.h. A severe hurricwe by this tothe north turned the hurricane's track back to tbe time,Hilda turned gradually llorthward on October 1. northwest.This course continued until the 23dwhen It moved northward at an average speed of 6 111.p.h.for Gladysreached its closest point to the United States, the nest two daysancl crossed the central . const some 140 mi.east of CapeHatteras. Slow filling per- about dark on October 3. Some decrease in intensity had sisted through this periodand the highest winds decreased occurred on October 2 but Hilda was still a severe hurri- to 85 m.p.h. cane when it reached the coast. As a low pressure system deepened in the Gretit Lakes As pre-hurricane squall lines moved into southeastern area Gladys turned northeastward during September 23. Louisiana during the morningof the 3d, several tornadoes The storm moved rapidly on thiscourse gradually assum- occurred. .In one at Lnrose, La., 22 personswere killed ingextratropical characteristics. During the afternoon and 200 injured.Three tornadoes in theNew Orleans of September 24, remnants of the storm passed through metropolitan area caused much damage but no deaths. Newfoundland with no unusually strong winds. After the eye moved inland the storm gradually weak- Damage from Gladys was mainlyconfined to the outer enedand moved rlorth-northeastwwd toward Baton ba.nks of NorthCarolina where high tides and wave Rouge.When the center appromhed the Baton Rouge action produced considerable erosion. mea, the stormwas forced eastward as cold air and associ- , September28-October 5."Hilda de- ated strong pressure rises moved into the circulation from veloped in an easterlywave which was moving slowly the northwest. Soon after the emtward turn, the winds westwardthrough the western . On the decreasedto less thanhurricane force. Hildn continued morning of September 28, a weakcyclonic circulation to weaken as cold air moved rapidly illto its circulation, formed just off the southern coast of central Cuba. The and the storm became extratropical over extreme southern circulation became orgmized ancl grndually intensified as . The Low continued eastward and moved into it movedslowly westward. It reachedstorm intensity theAtlnntic Ocean nearJacksonville, Fla. The rapid

TABLE7,"Hz~rrican.e Hilda, ?neteorological data, Sept. 2Z-Oct. 5, 1964

\\'inti (miles per hour) __ __ Tide Storm Station Datc above Time rainfall Time Faste: it 'I'ime MSL (It.) (in.) mile' (CS'I') (CST) (CSV Gusts Time __ " I I LOUISIAX'A OCt.

Baton Rouge ...... 4 28. 97 O"0 NE 48 23580624 (3) 69 ...... 8.88 Bogalosa ...... 4 29.25 1030 X\V GO* 1330 ...... 3. Gi Buras...... 3 29. 60 Oi45 S i5 1040 80 1040 ...... 2.11 Clinton...... 4 29.18 0425 62+ .-. - - - -..-...... 10.65 Anemometer blo\vu down. Franklin ...... 3 28.40 1810 NNE 135* I800 ...... Jeanercttc ...... 3 ...... N 75+' 1900 ...... ""~~.~. 17.71 Jcnnings ...... 3 29.34 2135 NE 67 2130 ...... 2.78 Lafayctte FAA...... 3 29.10 1958 N G9 1858 92 183s ...... 8.04 Melville...... 4 28.98 1530 xl? 95* I600 ...... 7.82 Xew Orleans \ITBAS...... 4 29.29 0330 S 40 01% ...... 3.26 Xew Orleans \VHO ...... 4 29.34 0400 \V 5? 1400 :; ...... 3.58 Oaknolia ...... 4 ...... x 60' 0900 so* 0900p:, ...... 8.98 Plaquemine ...... 4 28.96 0215 i540* 0300 ...... I 1 ...... Reserve ...... 4 29.12 0330 E 58 0200 io ...... 4.42 Thibodaux...... 3 29.18 ...... NE 100 2200 ...... 7.50 TEXAS

Port Arthur C. of E...... 3 29.57 1500 x ?9 1400 ...... 2.2 0600 ...... Port Arthur \\'BAS...... 3 29.64 1525 N 37 1203 11 ...... T Sabine, C.G...... 3 29.54 1500 N 35 0900 .".." - - AT,ABAMA Ihlohile...... 4 29.41 I630 S 30 0809 1500 I. 65 Tides ahove normal. FLORIDA

.4palac!1icola \\'Bo ...... 5 29.54 0345 NE 36 0720 8 NE 50 ;;I* ...... 7.90 Pensacola \\'BAS..-.- ...... 4 29.50 2050 x \I'44 2146 54 3. 1 3.875.03 ...... 5 29.56 0500 SS\V 27 0858 0 (4) ...... !20o".-l Tallahassce \\'BAS- 1 ...... 1......

~ *Estimated. Eastern Standard Time. **Or oneminutc

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC March 1965 Gordon E. Dlunn and Staff 185 advance of cold airinto the storm was mmifested by October 4 nttty be attributed, at least in part, to Hilcln, abrupt windshifts to the north and increasedspeeds. which movedinto the mainstreant of upper-levelwinds Thisshnrp increase in northerlywinds across Lake which had been flowing from the Gulf of Mexico up over Pontchartrain caused large waves to break and spill over theAtlantic Seaboard States for severaldays. The the seitwall dong the lake front. Flooding situationwas brought to a climaxwhen a cold front occurredbetween the seawttll andthe back levee. The approachingthe Appalachians from the northwest was highwaves on the lake caused considernble damrtge to drawn into the circulation of the dying tropical cyclone. fishingcamps and some business establishments which Rains of 5 to 15 in. fell in the southern 111oul~t:iil~sof were built out over the water and on the lake shore. TO NorthCarolina in 24 to 30 hr.,very nearly duplichng the eitst of New Orleans, the strongest windsin most areas rainsthat had fallen there5 days before.Flooding on occurred after the cold front httd passed rather thittl in the rivers and streams of the area was nmong the most severe southerly flow ahead of the .Idow. inhistory and damage wits heavy.Rainfall wrts dso Data :we scarce from the hwd-hit areasof south-central heavy in eastern NorthCttrolintL, where an estimated 4,000 Louisiana. The highest wind reported was an estinlnted persons had to leave their homes because of floodwaters. 135 m.p.11. atFranklin, Ln. The lowestpressure at There was one death in the State from the storm. Franltlin was 962 mb. (28.40 in.) as the eye of the storm Tornado activity occurred in two msas in eastern North passed over. About 100 mi. south of Morgan City, winds Carolinabetween 1600 and 2000 EST October 4. One of 120 n1.p.h. were recorded on the “Oil Driller’’ at 2300 path ran fromnear Williamston, Martin County, Itbout CST October 2. This was thepeak that the instrument 1600 EST, to Cherry, and ended new Sandy Point, rl’yrrell couldrecord. During the night “substantially higher County.The secondbegan near Fair Bluff, Columbus winds” were apparent. The eye of the hurricane passed Countyat 1815 EST, continuedto near Clsrkton, rmd during the morningof October 3, when the winds dropped endednear Penderlea, Pender County. The trncks were to 30 m.p.h., but after the eye moved toward shore the notcontinuqus, damage indicating it skipping torniLdo windsagain exceeded 120 n1.p.h. Huge waves, 50 ft. or or tornadoes. higher, litstled the rig for hours. The highest tide reported , Octobels &16.-Evidence of n new WBS an unofficial estimate of 10 ft.3 nearPoint-au-Fer. tropical disturbance appeared over the western Cuibbean Tides were 2 to G ft. above m.s.1. from the mouth of the just south of an old diffuse frontal trough on October 7. eastwitrd to Apalachicola, Fla., and 2 to However,it remained quite wetilt itnd poorly o1.g;tnized 5 ft. rbbove m.s.1. on the extreme western Louisittns and for several days and the first bulletin wits not issued until upper Texits coasts. October 10. It was namedtropical storm Jsbell at Rainfallwas excessive overmost of southeastern 2300 EST October 12. Louisittna andsouthern Mississippi.Amounts in excess Fromits inception on the 7tt1, thedisturbance was of 10 in. occurred over much of that area and considerable underneath a basicallydivergent pattern at 200 lnb., 2% flooding resulted.The greatest rainfall accumulation in situation which continueduntil after it crossed Florida. Louisima was 17.71 in. nt Jeanerette Experiment Farm, During the storm’s early stages over the Caribbeitn, the with 16.01 in. in the25% hr. ending at0900 CST October 4. upper ttnticyclone was alnlost directly above the surfilce :In Mississippi the largest storm total reported was 12.57 disturbance; but, when it beci~rnea hurricane, and dter- in. iLt hilcCornb FAA. On the 4th, 10.98 in. fell there, an wards, it moved underneath tt southwesterly 200-1nb. flow dl-time AiIississippi October 24-hr. rainfall. (See table 7.) pattern with the upper continuing to the south. In IAuisiana 37 lives were lost, primarily in tornadoes. However, it was still under an area of ma,rl

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC 186 MONTHLYREVIEW WEATHER Vol. 93, No. 3

TABLE5,"Hurricane Isbell, meteorological data, Oct. 8-16, 1964

Pressure (in.) Storm Station Date rainfall 1 LOW Timc Fastest (in.) ___(ESt') mile** FLORIDA oct. ...... 14 28.6i 0955 E 60 1011 ...... ------.- Key West ...... 14 29.49 1145 s 73 1139 S\V it3 11524 to 5 1.43 Everglades ...... 14 28.75 1820 90 ...... - - -..-. .- -. Nallles ...... 14 29.35 1830 ...... NNE1620 50 ...... 0.40 Miami \VBAS...... 14 29.54 ...... 3i li13 59 lill ...... 1. 69 Miami WBO...... 14 29.54 1805 46 """".. 63 ...... 2.28 Fort Lauderdale Airport...... 14 29.45 1918 52 2001 2001 81 ...... """""" Fort Myers...... 14 29.54 """."" NE 24 """""liOl 36 ...... T I3elle Glade ...... 14 29.07 1935 N 65 19301930 80* ...... 4.25 Everglades Experiment Station 0 b ...... 14 28.98 1930 Gi 1925 ...... 5.09 Port Mayaca ...... 14 29.35 NE 55 i0 ...... 1.55 South Bay ...... 14 ...... 4.93 Indiantown ...... 14 ...... 90 ...... Pompano Beach...... 14 29.41 1955 48 80 ...... 1. 55 Lantana Heights-...... 14 29.26 ...... 47 ...... 72 ...... West Palm Beach...... 14 29.05 2051 SSE i4 2020 ai ...... 2.38 Juno Beach ...... 14 28. 87 2128 ...... Eleven tornadoes along and near coast Iron1 Coral Gables to Eau Gallie 1530 to 2200. SOUTH CAROLINA oct. Charleston WBAS ...... 15 29.48 NE 23 095i 1.63 Charleston \\'BO ...... 15 ...... NE 32 0815 2.06 Columbia ...... 15 29.49 NE 15 1240 6. 11 Florence...... 15 29.44 NNE 23 1558 2.98 NORTI-I CAROLINA Wilmington-...... 16 29.42 1238 SM' 24 1307 SW 29 I 1256 I i60. 2.5 I'anlliw Sound ...... 16 ...... """.." 3.0 I-latteras...... 16 29.43 ...... E 36 0558 1. 52 1.0 Elizabeth City...... 16 29.44 1400 NE 45 1000 no info. Raleigh ...... 16 29.30 1349 NE 23 1115 0. 60 ...... VIRGINIA Norfolk...... 16 29.45 1430 NE 50 1119 0. 62 2.5 AIARYLANI) E I 1130 I Baltimore ...... li 29.59 1200 NE 17 0650 ...... c5.4 ...... CUBA 13 28.91 85 li30 ...... I/ Airport...... I 14 ...... i0 """"" ...... 1:I:I::::::::I:::::::::::

'Estimated. b 5min. average. *'Or one minute. c Mean low water (Ocean City). a 2% miles ESE of Bcllc Ciladc. toclimatology, a partialanswer 111ay lie inthe surface was esperiencedfrom 1615 to 1640 EST. It crossed the and low-level wind and pressure pattern. Eiwtward from peninsulaand exited in the Jupiter-Juno Beach area the old frontal trough previously mentioned, wiuds were around 2130 EST. Thisrepresented a northeitstward light and there was little evidenceof any significant inflow movement of around 20 n1.p.h. The center passed some into the depression areti during the first tllree to four days 47 mi. to the northwest of Miami where peak gusts were of its existence. On several days it few north to northwest 63 m.p.h. and the lowest pressure was1000 mb. (29.54 in.). windswere reported to the south and southeast of the Highest winds around the eye were 90 m.p.11. along both depression. It was notuntil the 10th or the 11th that Florida coasts. a gradual pattern of low-level inflow became apparent and Isbell, no longer of hurricane intensity when it entered slowintensification began. It wouldappear Isbell was theNorth Carolina coast near Morehead City, rapidly a case in which the development process was a,pparently becameextratropical as it continuednorthward toward delayed and slowed by the absence of significmt low-level Norfolk. Highest wind reported in this area wns a gust inflow in spiteof other favorable parameters. of 75 n1.p.h. at Elizabeth City, N.C., while the peak gust Isbellreached hurricnne intensity as itneared the in the Norfolk area was72 n1.p.h. extremewestern portion of Cubaon October 13. The Lowest pressure reported during the historyof Isbell was area around Guane was most affected, resulting in heavy 964 nib. (28.47 in.) when the center was southwest OS Key danmge and three fatalities. The hurricane then moved West. on a generallynorthenstward course across southern Radar indicated marked asymmetry in the precipitation Floridato near 31' N. beforerecurving northward a,nd pattern around Isbell as it approached the southwestern moving inland over coastal Nort#h Carolina and weakening.Florida coast. This proved to be thecase; no rain of In Cuba wind gusts of 70 m.p.h. occurred as far east as consequence occurred at Everglades City after the center Boyeros Airport near Havana with pressure of 979 mb. passed. Winds were considerably less in the rear portion (2S.91 in.)reported in the hurricane :ireti fartherwest. thnn in the forward portion of the storm which in turn The center of hurricane Isbell entered Florida near Ever- accountedfor the smsll storm surge. A surface low- glrLdes Cityaround 1600 EST October14 where a calm pressure wea appeared in the Gulf of Mexico some 300

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC March 1965 Gordon E. Dunn and Staff 187 mi. to the northwest of hurricane Isbell as it approached Andres Island, with pressure about 2 mb. below normal. Florida.This Low apparently resulted from an intense By 1900 EST November 5 the depression had moved to a cold 500-mb. Low that was moving slowly eastward over position northeast of San Andres where the pressure was the lowerMississippi Valley. This, in turn, apparently now 1004 mb. A plane was sent to investigate the area brought cooler and drier air into the outer circulation of on the 6th and found a minimum pressure of 1001 mb. Isbelland resulted in the asymmetry of the cloud and butmaximum winds of only 35 m.p.11. It is believed precipitation pattern. This asymmetry is not uncommon thatthere must have been smtteredstronger squalls. in late-senson hurricanes. That night several ships reported winds in the 40 to 45 The northerly turn by Isbell toward the North Carolinam.p.h. range. coast at about latitude 30” N. was caused by circulation The tropical storm moved inland over extreme north- aroundthe cold upperLow which continuedto move eastern Nicaragua and extreme northern Honduras during eastward. At least eleven tornadoesoccurred in eastern thenight of the6th. Areconnaissance plane found a Florida coastal counties from Cord Gables to Eau Grillie, centralpressure of 997 mb. over lmd thenext day. with reports of as many as 50 persons injured, apparently Thestorm decreasedsomewhat in intensity over land, noneseriously. Still anothertornado may have struck and, while it moved out to sea brieflyover the Gulf of betweenCarnestown and Ochopeein Collier County. Honduras,it wws not overwater long enough to re- Fatalities related to Isbell total three. Two persons died intensify significantly. when a 42-ft.shrimp boat was destroyed off the lower The meteorologictdservice of Hondurasreported on , and one person in the Palm Beach area diedthe storm as follows: of a heart attack while putting up storm shutters. “According toreports from the people of Caukira, Rainfall in southern Florida WRS variable, up to 5 in. water flooded the entire town and five small houses were or more, with heavy rains reported over much of South destroyed.Tides were as highas 18 feet.In the town Carolintt and eastern North Carolina. (See table S.) of Rus-Rus tt bridge was destroyed. Damageassociated with Jsbell wqin general, light. “The entire zone around Caratasca Lagoon was evacu- In Cuba there was considerable damage to crops ated in order to nvoid casualties. andcommunications lines. Jn the lower Florida Keys “According toseveral seamen from Brus Laguna, property damages totaled about $175,000, most of wllich the winds were up to 90 1n.p.h. in their area. was to telephonecompany equipment. InPalm Beach “In Puerto Castilla the rainfall was so great that the County, Fla. damage estimates (exclusive of agricultural river flooded anddestroyed the bridge. Inthe Bay damage)totaled about $700,000 about half of which Islands and neighboring cays there was also considerable resultedfrom tornado activity. Vegetable crops in the damage due to strong winds and heavy rainfall.” Everglades and Pompano meus of Florida suffered heavy Press reports indicate heavy damage from wind, rain, damage with agricultural damage in the State exceeding andsubsequent flooding innortheastern Nicaragua. $5 million. Inthe Carolinas and tidewaterVirginia, Crops, particularly bananas, were destroyed. only minor property damage was reported, caused rntkinly It is not believed thatsustained winds of hurricane by flooding of verylow areas. Considerable flooding of forceoccurred inthis storm. Maximum speeds were inlandstreams occurred mainly in South Carolina and probably around 60 m.p.h. in squalls. At 200 mb., there easternNorth Carolina. There was considerable agri- was excellentoutflow from the storm area; and, it was, cultural loss in this area with reportsreceived of extensive nodoubt, beginning to intensify fnirly rapidly in the damage to unharvestedpeanuts, particularly in north- few hours before lmdfall on the Nicaraguan coast. eastern North Carolina. Climatologically,Isbell was in its origin andpath a REFERENCES typicalmid-October hurricane. It formedquite slowly 1. J. W. Posey,“The Weather and Circulation of August 1964- near an old frontal trough in the western Caribbean md An Unusually Cool Month,” MolzthlyWeather Review, v01. then crossed Floridaon a generalnort,heasterly course 92, NO.11, NOV.1984, pp. 535-542. before becoming extratropical near latitude 35” 2. E. M. Ballcnzwcig,“Seasonal Variation in theFrequency of N. NorthAtlantic Tropical Cyclones Related to theGeneral UnnamedTropical Cyclone, November 5-9.-There WAS Circulation,” NationalHwricane Research Report No. 9, evidence of a perturbationon the ITC innorthern Washington, D.C., July 1957. Colombia and Venezuela asearly as November 1, and 3. R. A. Green,“The Wcathcr and Circulation of September heavyrains continued intermittently in the Caribbean 1984-Abnor~nalTropical Storminess,” MonthlyWeather north of Panama for the nest four to five days as the Reuiew, vol. 92, No. 12, Dec. 1964, pp. 601-606. 4. J. F. O’Connor, “The Weather and Circulation of - disturbancedrifted west-northwestward. Aweak cy- An Unusually Dry Month,” Monthly Weather Review, vol. 93, cloniccirculation was evident on the4th east of San No. 1, Jan. 1965, pp. 59-68.

Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 10:59 AM UTC