The Anglo-Saxon Coins of Harthacnut
THE ANGLO-SAXON COINS OF HARTHACNUT. BY H. ALEXANDER PARSONS. O the student who consults the two chief works of reference relating to the English coins of Harthacnut, the striking feature which presents itself is that so many Anglian types have been attributed to a reign which was one of the shortest in this country's history. The first of these works is Hildebrand's comprehensive Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Coins in the Royal Cabinet of Coins and Medals in Stockholm, 1881. The second is the Catalogue of Anglo-Saxon Coins in the British Museum, vol. ii, 1893. Both works give nine types to the reign with their varieties. It should be mentioned, however, that, from his remarks on the types, it seems that Hildebrand had some hesitation in ascribing the bulk of the different issues to England, and he clearly states that only his Types A and B are perfectly normal English types. On the other hand, in the introduction to the British Museum Catalogtie, p. xcii, it is stated that " we need not question that the types described by Hildebrand are English," although in the catalogue itself the authors indicate that one of their types, together with a variety of another, may be Danish copies of English coins, and they further exclude, altogether, one of Hildebrands types on the plea that it is Danish, p. 321. From these remarks it will readily be seen that the published English issues of Harthacnut are the subject of considerable confusion and uncertainty, and it may at once be stated that before it is possible to be constructive it is necessary to be destructive.
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