VOLUME 58 NO. 2 MAY - JULY, 2013

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the Holiness people deride the denominations that have done manner of some is; but exhorting one another; and so much away with the midweek and Sunday evening service, and the more, as ye see the day approaching. (Heb. 10:25) turned them into ball-team practice; but we need to put a finger upon our own pulse, because our own vacant seats are a vote that "once a week is enough." Be assured that God understands when we have unavoidable reasons for enouned statistician Roger Babson said, "What america having to be absent from the House of God, but many of the Rneeds more than it needs banks, railroads, and excuses people are using today won't "hold up in heaven’s industries is a return to the kind of religion that years ago court." God know the difference between the legitimate “ox stopped work on a farm an hour earlier in order that in the ditch” and the unnecesary things that keep us from everyone could go to the midweek service." assembl ing ourselves together.

What he was referring to was the values Attendance to the Mid-Week Service is of past American Leaders such as George Needful to the Health of the Soul. Washington, whose pastor said of him, "No company ever kept him away from church..." Batteries need recharging, clocks need The pastor noted that even though George Not Forsaking rewinding, cars need refueling, we feed our Washington had guests those guests bodies 21 times a week, but we sometimes "furnished no pretext for neglecting his The Assembling speak of church attendance: "once a week is God and losing the satisfaction of setting enough for me." If your soul only cries out for a good example..." Of Ourselves church attendance once a week, it is probably so weak from stavation it can't make it's needs The reason men hold such views known! The love we have for Christ, produces towards faithful church attendance , is Together love in our hearts for other Christians and we because it is one of the "vital signs" that will be drawn by love to the place of shows the health of our culture. When a assembling. A random visit to church will not culture begins to put other events above church attendance suffice for a true Christian. it shows decay within that society. National sports associations put some of the biggest games on Sunday and God created the first human soul to need this shows that America would rather pleasure self than companionship once a day. Adam walked with God in the please God. cool of the evening every day! We must have daily fellowship with God for our soul to be healthy and your Church attendace by its members is also one of the vital pewrsonal devotions cannot substitute for the midweek signs that shows the health of the church itself. We as service if it is at all possible for you to be there! God (God Give America Revival, Page 3



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THE HOLINESS MESSENGER HOLINESS THE Non-Profit Org. Non-Profit it can be done if he submits within his will. The will is the unexplainable ingredient to total stopping the evil habit. Call it "making up your mind," or "desire," or "self" or whatever you Editor/Treasurer Co-Editor/Publisher please, but behind all this is the will Rev. Ralph Cox PO Rev. Bill Parks and if the will is surrendered then the BOX 1957 Catoosa, 2110 S. 280th E. Ave “...My OK 74015 918-557- Catoosa, OK 74015 tongue is fight is won. Many have quit the battle 1455 (918) 638-3070 FAX: the pen of in what they call "their own" and they 539-664-4300 a ready called it determination or guts, but it writer.” was a surrender of the will. Email:[email protected] Ps. 45:1 ARTICLES of FAITH The natural body is so complex that it Rev. Ralph & Doreen Cox can't be fully explained and that's why The object for which it is formed is: To preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and promote a better understanding among all breth- PO Box 1957 Catoosa, OK 74015 we Christians fare so much better than ren. the world in that we have the Spirit to The Word of God alone shall be the Doctrine, Practice, and Discipline of this Board of Members: it being understood help us. Man's spirit, soul, and body that we receive it as the inspired Word of God and the Divine his is the time of year when the rule of faith and conduct. will not cooperate with God unless he We believe in God the Father Almighty. Maker of heaven Theat is on, but God told us that as submits to God's grace. The reason you and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who was long as the earth remained there would conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered see one person have so much greater under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried and be summer, so let us not complain. happiness in their Christian living than arose on the third day according to the Scriptures, afterwards Those who are in the hay business and ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand another is because they have submitted of God the Father, from whence He is come again to judge the many things that we don’t think of, are quick and dead. to all of God's working in conversion We believe in Water Baptism and that it should be blessed by the summer. The people in and in their growth toward maturity. administered to every believer according to the Scriptures given America are a spoiled lot anyway. Be by St. Matthew 3:17;28:19; St. Mark 16:15; Acts 8:36-38. We Conversion, sanctification, and the teach that the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin, and on your guard or you'll be an adopted Holy Ghost baptism is not a cure-all sanctifies the believer, thus making him or her eligible to re- Israelite complaining like a pampered ceive the gift of the Holy Ghost which is given to them that for this world, if it was, then all who obey (Acts 5:32) and the evidence of such experience shall be Gentile, and let us be sure and according to Acts 2:4. profess it would be cured of all things. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and the Commu- remember that we aren't in the Garden It is self- evident and positively nion of the saints, the Lord’s Supper and washing the saint s of Eden, but we are living on a cursed feet. We believe that divine healing for our physical bodies was obvious that they are not. As long as included in His suffering as mentioned by the prophet Isaiah earth with thorns and thistles and a the natural man is in a natural body, 53:5. It is still available to all who meet conditions and accord- ing to His will (James 5:14). host of other ills that tend to keep us then there is the chance of lapsing back We believe that all ministers should be of good report (1 busy. Timothy 3:7-12) including Pastors, Evangelists, Deacons and into the carnal self again. Elders (Titus 1:5-7); and husbands of one wife. Sanctification is real, but it isn't a We believe the Church of Jesus Christ to be a living The Creator gave man an opportunity Organism. The Body of Christ, and habitation of God through "holiness eternal security." Conversion the Spirit (Ephesians 2:20-22), and that each true believer is to have a very, very comfortable life and sanctification and the Holy Ghost a member of the Body (1 Corinthians 12:14; Acts 2:47). and he sinned and disobeyed a plain baptism are instantaneous but they are By Brother Ira J. Roberts command because he wanted his own also progressive in fact because a way. It wasn’t the temptation from the growth in grace is a fact and all things serpent only, but a desire to have their that God gives us can be improved The yearly subscription rate for the single own desires fulfilled. This is where the upon. subscriber is $6.00. Fill in the blanks below battle lines are drawn today in the life and send with subscription rate. of a man. Will the Christian follow Regeneration, sanctification, and the Name God in obedience? Following Christ is infilling of the Spirit are not personal the only way and let it be a rule in life property as is land, houses, and Address that, "the governing principle to the automobiles. One can drive a car but Kingdom of God is obedience to City he cannot steer the Holy Ghost. He Christ." comes to assist the Christian and He State Zip won't be a slave or servant. He is easily Part of the struggle ceases when one grieved and is given as a guide. CHANGE OF ADDRESS comes to the conclusion that we belong Remember now and check on this We must pay return postal rates, and it is an un- to Christ and not to Satan. When the often because it is for your progressive necessary cost to us when you do not notify us fullness of surrender is given, then the of your change of address. USE A STANDARD profit. He is a guide, you don’t guide GOVERNMENT CHANGE OFADDRESS, or a post- battle is fought differently. As an Him, He guides you. Don’t be forcing card. Give your old address as it appears on this example, take a drunkard and he says, things or bull-dozing into matters too issue, and your new address. We appreciate your "I am going to quit." Now it is true that high for you. Have you behaved cooperation.

Page 2 yourself as a weaned child? Read Psalm 131:1-2. Don’t consider verses like this too elementary for you because Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens… they definitely do apply to your sanctification, and the Spirit Gal. 6:2 can't lead you deeper if you think you have already attained. Why preach holiness to holiness people, if they already eople who have a burden for the Church and for the lost have it all. Pare rare. Those who have been acquainted with Bro I thank God for His looking out for me and for His Freddy and Sister Shirley Lester know that they have forgiveness for all the foolish things I have said and done carried a burden for Saint and sinner alike in their since I have been a child of His. I suppose some of my evangelistic ministry. I greatly appreciate the good things greatest silent soul-building experiences of my entire life that have been done at Fairland Holiness Church in revivals have been those that God has given me when He showed that they have held through the years. When I say this I me where I have been wrong in my belief, actions, and believe that I speak for many other pastors who have used opinions. My love for the church has grown stronger since them also. I've seen where I was mistaken myself. Bro Freddy and Sister Shirley Lester have another burden to I am still a believer of holiness and separation and I see bear in her being diagnosed with cancer. Many are praying more of the cunning of the world coming in now than ever, for her and we believe the Lord will help her physically. but God has helped me to get farther from it and to lead With this emotional upheaval there doesn’t also need to be others away from it than ever before. I hate this vain world the added pressure of financial difficulties. For those who but I don’t want to be a foolish fretter and an isolationist. would like to help them in this time of trouble I will provide The apostles weren't hermits neither were they clannish. some following information; the Lesters do have limited They met the issues of the day with a godly countenance Medical Assistance but it will not meet all their needs. Their and they themselves were surrendered to God's will. They prescriptions are not provided for nor are the Medical bills shook the world of mankind to the very core. God bless paid for 100%. Many of the treatments demand payment up their memory but this is our day and by the help of God front and their Medical Assistance will not pay in this there are men who are not whiners who will meet the issues manner. Therefor, Bro Freddy and Sister Shirley will have out in the open and will be holiness when the smoke of to pay a certain percentage of their costly bills, all modernism is blown away. prescriptions and the up front medical cost that many treatments demand. Gideon couldn't whip the Midianites by hiding from them, he had to come out. He got his bread (barley) in hiding but I know that many have been blessed by their ministry and his victory was won on the open field of battle. Obedience would love to help these that have given themselves to of the 300 did more than the 31.700 could have ever done. further the Gospel. If you have an offering that you would You see they began with 32,000, then 22,000 left and after like to give to the Lesters, please send it to the address that they had 10,000 and 9,700 of them didn't know how below. For those who would like to give their offering God wanted them to drink, so with some more growth in through a Church you may write the check to the faith and being taught obedience, Gideon and his chosen Lighthouse Holiness Church (this is the Church that Aaron 300 won the battle that the 32,000 would have lost. So you Brock pastors and the Lester’s home Church). The Lesters see a valuable lesson here. Three hundred men can't fight have been a blessing to the Holiness movement for many the way God wants them to with 31,700 others in the way. years and I believe that many would want to be a blessing to Gideon learned his lessons in growth by the fleece and other them also. They have carried a burden for our lost loved signs. He won the battle and later on sinned and caused ones and our Churches, now it is time for us to help with others to do so. This came about because he would not their burden (Gal 6:2). I want to thank the Holiness people continue to mature in his calling. Read Judges 8:27. Life is in advance for their generosity and concern. one of growth from conversion to the grave. We go from Fred or Shirley Lester glory to glory and grace to more grace. PO Box 276 There is no place we can stop growing. The place where we Meeker, OK 74855 stop growing is the place where we start dying. As soon as a v piece of fruit ceases to grow it starts to decay.

Thanks to everyone for your financial support. Keep me in It is easy to tell the toiler, your prayers. I am living in Florida and not able to travel so How best he can carry his pack, I will not get to see you this year at the camp meetings. But But no one can rate a burden’s weight, we will be meeting again in glory. Until it has been on his back

-Editor Ralph Cox Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Page 3 Rome was a very central part of the world the why should God use me to have a in the days of the Apostle Paul. The ministry to reach the world? saying, "all roads lead to Rome" was quite true. People would come from all over the Notice how God used their faithful- world to buy, sell, and trade in Rome. The ness. reason the church at Rome was so well known around the world is because of the Although they did not go around the “Even the travelers who would come through world preaching, their faith was known Youth… buying and selling and when they would throughout the world, how so? They Shall go back to their home country they would remained faithful to the work that God Mount Up tell of what all they had seen. This could had for them and God used them to reach with Wings have been the reason Paul wanted to go many people and in the process God as preach in Rome. If Paul could go to Rome prospered their work. In closing I would The and preach there would be a great chance like to tell you that if you stay faithful in Eagles.” he would preach to people that were from what God has given you and give your other parts of the world, and thus the very best to reach those around you god gospel message would be carried will bless it. In Mathew 25, the man who Joseph Brashears throughout the world in a very effective was given two talents took his 918-504-1797 way. responsibility and made the best he could out of it, and in the end his master said, It is good to have guest Bro. Joseph Notice how their faith became so well "Well done, thou good and faithful Brashear, to share his thoughts this known. servant: thou hast been faithful over a few month. Reo. Joseph attends the House of things, I will make thee ruler over many Prayer, in Tulsa OK, and is a student at The church at Rome had a great reputa- things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." Free Gospel Bible Institute in Export, tion because of their faith. They did not If you are faithful with what you have PA, where he his accomplishments as a hide their faith but rather shared it with God will bless it and prosper your ministry. freshman, included a 4.0 GPA and the people around them. As a result of making the “President’s List.” their faith many people were influenced. Clarence Macartney tells of a man who If you notice though, the church at Rome dreamed he was in hell. When asked to et us look at Romans chapter 1 and did not travel the world sharing the gos- give an account of what he had seen- if Lverse 8. The Apostle Paul says, First, pel, but they simply shared the gospel there were flames there, and suffering I thank my God through Jesus Christ for with those around them. I heard a man there, and wrecked and malign creatures you all, that your faith is spoken of preaching one time and he was talking to with whom he had to associate, and if the throughout the whole world. Paul is place resounded with oaths of blasphemy- young preachers. He said, "If you can't writing to the church in Rome, and in he said, "Yes, but there was something verse 8 he commends them for having a make an impact on your own community far worse than that: I was compelled to faith that is not hidden to the world don’t try to come and help me at my face my influence. I knew that I deserved around them. In verse 11, Paul mentions church. If you can't be a help to your punishment, for I had scorned and that he had a desire to see the people at pastor I don’t need you to come preach rejected Jesus Christ; but my sorest pain the Church of Rome and in verse 13, he for me." Oh how that struck my heart was to see what the effect of my life had been upon others." I don't want to live in says that he had purposed to go to Rome when he said that! The church at Rome many times but God led him another way. eternal regret for the influence I made on did not go around trying to help other The reason Paul had a desire to go and the people around me, but I want to see the Church of Rome was because he churches succeed in their outreaches or rejoice over the fact that I made a positive had heard of the impact they were having start a bus ministry for the pastor down impact on the people around me. There on the world around them. The church at the road, but they stayed faithful to their will come a day when every man will give Rome had a powerful influence in Rome. community and made an impact of the an account to God for what he has done. Paul mentions that their faith is spoken people around them. So often we think in I want to be able to stand before God with of throughout the world. What a clean hands knowing that I have done my order to have an impact on the world we testimony it would be to be able to say part to change my world for the better. I that the church today had such faith that have to travel the world and preach, but don't have to change the whole world for it was spoken of throughout the world. in all reality if you can't make an impact Christ, just my world. In the end I want on your own personal world around you God to say, "Well done, thou good and then you can't have an impact of the faithful servant." Let us first look at the state of the world as a whole. If my neighbors cannot world around them. see my faith and the people in my com- Joseph Brashear munity can't see the difference in my life

Page 4 designed the soul to need functions and services. If i church attendance more than Not Forsaking the Assembling… drive by a church and there is once a week if at all possible, FROM PAGE ONE not activiity there during the or He would not have week it is probably not a commanded us to not forsake church with vision. "...the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as Your Sporatic Attendance to the Services will ye see the day approaching." Contribute to the Downfall of Other Christians.

Our Consistent Attendance to the Services is a Proving of I have personally watched as young converts, that our Love to God. were so enthused about serving God, begin to miss the mid- week and Sunday night service because the poor attendance It's been said that the size of the crowd on Sunday of the church leaders showed a poor example. Sunday school morning reflects the popularity of the church. The size of the teacher, deacon, or songleader; your life is not worthy of the crowd of Sunday night reflects the popularity of the your position if you cannot show a good example in church pastor and the size of the crowd of Wednesday night reflects attendance! on how popular God is with the people. An unknown person listed some sobering effects of a God commanded man to keep Sunday a holy day. Christian's unexcused absence from Church: That is 1/7 of our time. God commanded that we give back 1/10 of our money. The Sabbath and the tithe are God's, they -It made some question the reality of religion. are not ours to do with as we choose. Our proper observances -It made some think I was a pretender. of these commandments show that we accept God's soverign rule over our affairs. There are few Christians really in love -It made many think that i regarded my spiritual welfare and with Christ that do not give above the tithe in freewill that of others as a matter of small concern. offering. A Christian's love for Christ may be measured in the time we devote to church attendance, above and beyond -It weakened the effect of the church service. the Sabbath. -It discouraged the brethren and robbed them of a blessing. In the Garden of Eden God knew that Adam had sinned when he didn't show up for the evening stroll. God -It caused others to stay away from church. said to him, what he says when we don't show up for church services; "Adam, where art thou" -It made it harder for me to meet of the devil.

Attendance to a Church’s Services is a Guage of the Jesus said of some religious leaders in His time, Spiritual Condition of that Church. "Woe unto you, lawyers! ...ye entered not yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered(Lu. 11:52)." This A minister dreamed he was hitched to a covered phrase well fits the modern, unfaithful church member. wagon and laboriously pulling it along. He came to a place where the mud seemed much deeper and it was with A Lack of Church Attendance Makes it Difficult for the difficulty that he moved the wagon a few inches at a time. Church to Accomplish it’s Commission. The last time he looked back he thought he saw the entire congregation pushing but the harder he pulled the more We are a body that is made up of many members with difficult it was to move the wagon. Exhausted, he went to the various skills and talents. We individuals all have a part that source of the trouble. The church members had stopped is essential to the Body. If we are not there to do our job it pushing, climbed in the wagon and were criticizing the must be thrust upon another member. It is said that in most pastor for not pulling the church along faster. churches, 20% of people do 80% of the work. Feet can’t well do the work of the hand and the ear can’t do the work of the You have quit pulling the load when you begin to eye. Poor church attendance and involvement hinders the miss your services and you contribute to the burden of the accomplishments of the church. church leaders by your unfaithfulness. If you are not satisfied with how your church is moving along, help turn the wheels An Elderly Christian lady, who was cripples with arthritis used by doing your part to turn the Wednesday night prayer to hobble to the services of the church on crutches. It was a service into a dynamo. real ordeal of pain for her. A friend of hers observed he regular and faithful attendance and asked, “how do you manage to be As the headstone in the cemetary marks the grave of at every service?” Her answer was, “My heart gets there first, the dead, so does the empty seats at the mid-week service and my old legs just follow after.” I think that really explains mark the grave of a dead church! A life filled, church with the empty seats of the church building - our hearts are not here! purpose, is seen by how it’s members attend the various BP

Page 5 London, KY Contact: Bro;. Dale Crawford 870-542- Special Services Victory Lighthouse Holiness Church 7748 or Bro. Bill Weeks 870-642-2982 Youth Camp, June 17-21 10:00 ...... Bro. J. J. West Blanchard, OK Youth Camps 2:00 PM...... Bro. Chris Roper Blanchard Free Holiness Campgounds 7:00 PM...... Bro. John Isaacs Camp Meeting, May 28-June 2 Texarkana, AR Pastor Danny Scott 606-878-9049 or No Day Service Tuesday or Wednesday Preston Hunt Boy Scout Camp Bro. Ron Hayre 606-215-5389 Day Spkr...... Visiting Ministers Youth Retreat, June 4-7 6:30 PM Thurs & Fri...... Youth Service 9:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers Night Spkr...... Bro. Davin Burnett Sapulpa, OK 7:30 PM...... Bro. Michael Touchton Chrmn. Tommy Toliver Sapulpa Holiness Camp Contact: Bro. Bobby Norman 918-693-9070 903-824-7738 Youth Camp 25-28 Day Spkr...... Bro. Alex Cooper Bristow, OK Bedford, IN Night Spkr...... Abdias Cervantes Freeland Center Shady Springs Campground Contact: Bill Parks 918-638-3070, Justin Campmeeting, June 3-6 Youth Camp, June 10-14 Rogers 918-237-2870 or Nathan Woods 10:00 AM ...... Children’s Church Day Spkr...... Rev. Phillip Webb 918-908-0025 10:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers Night Spkr...... Rev, Jonathan Brock 6:00 PM...... Youth Services Morning and Vesper Service Northfolk, CA 7:30 PM, June 3...... Br. Chris Juneau Contact: Rev. Doug Phillips 812-338- Western Holiness Youth Camp 7:30 PM...... Bro. Joey Hight 3667 or Bro. Larry Dalton 812-834-5232 June 26-29 Rev. Aaron Brock, Night Spkr...... TBA 405-830-1928 Bond, KY Contact: Bro Fred Wood Bond Holiness Campground.. 209-996-4783 Morristown, TN Youth Camp, June 11-14 Pentecostal Assembly Fellowship Meeting, Day Spkr ...... Bro. Tim Brimm Purcell, OK June 10-12 Night Spkr...... Bro. Dennis Heath Central Oklahoma Youth Camp 10:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers Contact: Bro. Brent Gabbard 606-312- July 2-5 7:00 PM...... Bro. Lynn Head 6064 or Bro. Darren Cunagin 606-438- Day Spkr...... Bro. Dwain Galiher Night Spkr...... Bro. Joey Hight Pastor Richard Crayne 2595 423-586-6494 Contact: Bro. Steve Moore v 405-527-3851 Elco, IL Sunny Hills, FL Elco Campgrounds Spirit of Holiness Fellowship Youth Camp, June 17-20 Mountain View, MO Campmeeting, June 10-14 Morn. Spkr...... Bro. Brent Gabbard Ozarks Holiness Youth Camp 10:00 AM...... Visiting Minsiters Night Spkr...... Bro. Tim Webb July 8-12 6:00 PM...... Bro. Noah Phillips Contact: Bro. Geoff Bond Day Spkr...... Bro. Philip Webb 7:30 PM...... Bro. Bill Preskitt 618-833-2362 Night Spkr...... Bro. Timothy Webb Pastor W. D. King Contact: Bro. Dwain Galiher 417-247- 850-773-2836 Russellville, AR 1055 or For Registration and rooms: Sis. Bible Holiness Campground Lisa Hutson 417-766-2144 Joplin, MO Bible Holiness Youth Camp, Faith Holiness Church June 17-21 Henryietta, OK Fellowship Meeting, June 13-15 Day Spkr...... Bro. Jonathan Brock Tiger Mountian Campground 10:00 Am...... Visiting Ministers Night Spkr...... Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft Youth Camp, Aug. 5-9 7:00 PM...... Millikin Family Contact: Bro. Mike Maxon Jr. 903-278- Day Spkr...... Rev. Shawn Stephens Pastor Larry Degonia 417-439-4449 or 5515 or Bro. Tim Brimm 479-747-2736 Night Spkr...... Rev. Tracy Boyd Hiram Price 918-5333-7325 Contact; Bro. Clayton Wagner 903-278- Shortt Gap, VA 6286 or Bro. Leon Rich 918-693-4573 Castleton, VA Gloryland Tabernacle Day and NPEA Campgrounds Youth Camp, June 17-21 Fellowship, Camp Meeting Camp Meeting, June 17-21 Day Camp for Ages 4-7 Activities begin Days Services Thurs. & Friday. Day Spkr...... Bro. Eddie Godbey at 10:00 AM Winthrop, AR Night Spkr...... Bro. Shad McDonald Youth Camp ages 8-20, 10:00 Am, Bro. Annual Campmeeting, Contact: Bro. Alvin Dovel 540-298-9695 Matthew Hale & Bro. Scott Smith May 17-22 or Bro. Ricky Gheen 540-522-1780 7:00 PM...... Bro. Jody Pascarella 10:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers Contact: Bro. Tony Hess 276-970-5730 7:30 PM...... Bro. Bill Wakley

Page 6 Sapulpa, OK Broxton, GA Athens, AR Sapulpa Holiness Camp Calvary Holiness Campgrounds Athens Holiness Campmeeting Campmeeting, June 18-21 Campmeeting, July 20-26 Aug. 8-11 6:30 PM...... Youth Service 10:00 AM...... John Gabbard 10:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers 7:30 PM...... Rev. Mike Roberts & Visiting Ministers 6:30 PM...... Youth Services Chairman: Rev. Daryl Brewer 6:00 PM...... Youth Service 7:30 PM...... Bro. Terry Guthrie 918-693-9585 8:00 PM...... Bro. Lendell Biirdsong Contact Bro. Olin Vaughn 870-583-2525 v Contact: Tommy Shrouder Connersville, IN 912-359-2564 or Fred Smith 912-359- Mountain View, MO Eastern Indiana Campmeeting 3003 Ozark Holiness Family Camp Fellowship, June 18-21 Aug. 12-16 10:00 AM...... Bro. Dwain Galiher Chatom, AL Day Spkr...... Visiting Ministers 6:00 PM...... Bro. Mike Blue Reynolds Holiness Church Night Spkr...... Bro. Dennis Heath 7:00 PM...... Bro. Joey Hight Annual Campmeeting, Contact: Bro. Dwain Galiher 417-247- Chairman Ronnie Baker July 22-26 1055 or For romms: Bro. Ronny 765-277-2914 10:00 AM...... Bro. Kevin Lloyd Wheeler 417-934-6135 7:30 PM...... Bro. Shad McDonald Savannah, GA Pastor Troy Bailey Gilbertown, AL Holy Church of God 251-847-2464 or 251-225-9171 Gilbertown Holy Church of God Campmeeting, June 24-28 Campmeeting, Aug. 12-16 Day Spkr...... Bro. Bill Preskitt Fouke, AR 10:00 ...... Bro. Jamie Holcomb Night Spkr...... Bro. Shad McDonald Fairland Holiness Church & Visiting Ministers Pastor Ryan Ralston Campmeeting, July 22-28 7:30 PM...... Bro. Kevin Lloyd 912-596-5752 10:00 AM...... Rev. Bill Parks Pastor Jamey Norman v & Visiting Ministers 251-295-1789 Ozark, AL 6:00 PM...... Youth Service Lighthouse Holiness Church 7:30 PM...... Rev.. Tim Brimm Strawberry Plains, TN Campmeeting, July 1-5 Pastor Lloyd Shuecraft Blue Springs Church of God 10:00 AM...... Visiting Minsiters 903-826-2095 Fellowship Meeting, Aug. 13-16 6:00 PM...... Youth Services Day Spr...... Rev. Bill Parks 7:30 PM...... Bro. Russell McDonald Bedford, IN & Visiting Ministers Pastor William Parr Shady Springs Campground 7:00 PM...... Bro. Randy Webb 334-774-0688 Adult Camp Meeeting, July 28 - Aug. 2 Pastor Don Ingram 865-776-1050 or Day Spkr...... Rev. Bill Parks 865-932-7603 or Kane Hauri 865-216- Elco, IL & Visiting Ministers 0714 Elco Campgrounds 6:00 ...... Youth Service Adult Camp Meeting, July 1-5 Night Spkr...... Rev. Shad McDonald Granite Falls, NC Day Spkr...... Bro. Ronnie Baker Contact: Rev. Larry Dalton 812-834- True Vine Church of God Night Spkr...... Bro. Mike Switzer 5232 Campmeeting, Aug. 19-23 Contact: Bro. Geoff Bond 7:00 PM...... Bro. Randy Webb 618-833-2362 Gastonia, NC Contact Bro. Richard Williams 704-860- East Gastonia Church of God 0236 Lumberton, NC Campmeeting, July 30 - Aug. 2 Pentecostal Faith of God Church 10:00 AM...... Bro. Bill Preskitt Melba, KY East Coast Campmeeting, July 15-19 11:00 AM...... Bro. Neil Bridges Bethel Holiness Church (Glorybarn) 11:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers 7:00 PM...... Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft Labor Day Fellowship Meeting, 6:00 PM...... Youth Services Pastor Glen Mecum Aug. 29 - Sept 1 7:30 PM...... Bro. Brandon Brockmeyer 704-263-5105 Day Spkr...... Visiting Minsiters Pastor Russell Kinlaw Sr. 910-738-2136 v Night Spkr...... Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft or 910-738-1556 Richlands, VA Pastor Davin Burnettt Richlands Tabernacle 270-705-4321 Russellville, AR Annual Campmeeting, Bible Holiness Campground Aug. 4-9 Texarkana, AR Campmeeting, July 16-19 10:30 AM ...... Bro. Joey Hight House of Prayer Holiness Church Day Spkr...... Bro. Charles Barnett 2:00 PM...... Visiting Minsiters Fellowship Meeting, Aug. 30 - Sept. 1 Night Spkr...... Bro. Mike Roberts Evening Spkr...... Bro. Don Rich 10:00 AM...... Bro. John Gabbard Contact: Bro. Mike Maxon Jr. 903-278- Pastor Ralph Horton 296-964-4124 or 7:30 PM...... Bro. Ryan Ralston 5515 or Bro. Tim Brimm 479-747-2736 276-971-6532 Pastor Dennis Heath, 903-490-3712

Page 7 Euchea, OK Bond, KY Finding the Will of God Landmark Holiness Church Bond Holiness Church Annual Homecoming, Sept. 13-15 Bond Holiness Campground any times times we struggle to 10:00 AM...... Visiting Minsiters Annual Campmeeting, Oct. 1-4 7:30 PM...... Bro. Olin Vaughn Day Spkr...... Bro. Joey Hight Mfind the will of God and a part of & Sunday, 2:45 PM Night Spkr...... Bro. B. D. Sutherland that time our struggle comes from just Pastor Floyd Parks 918-253-8374 Contact: Bro. John Gabbard 606-493- accepting what the will of God is. 6111 or Bro. Jeff Scalf 606-493-5955 Glenwood, AR There are various ways in which many Mt. Tabor Holiness Church Butler, AL seek to know the will of God. Many are Annual Campmeeting, Sept. 13-15 Red Springs Assembly faulty and cause us to err in the major 10:00 AM...... Visiting Ministers Annual Campmeeting, Oct. 7-11 decisions of our life. Someone 6:00 PM...... Youth Services 6:15 PM...... Youth Service categorized some of these ways of 7:30 PM...... Bro. Dennis Knapp 7:15...... Bro. Brent Markee seeking the will of God as following: Pastor Tommy McDaniel 870-356-4994 Contact: Pastor Jerry Turner 205-673- 2284 or Bro. Dalton Tate 251-744-4180 Defaulting: letting the events of life Dekalb, TX decide. County Line Holines Church Louisville, KY Campmeeting, Sept. 17-20 House of Prayer -Dipping: random Bible readings. Services, Wed. - Fri. 10:00 AM & Tues. Annual Fellowship Meeting, -Fri. 7:30 PM Oct. 31 - Nov. 2 -Delegating: letting others decide for us. 10:00AM...... Bro. Bill Parks 10:30 AM...... Rev. L. D. Savage (Wed. , Thurs. Morning & Fri. Night) 7:30 PM...... Rev. Randy Webb -Dreaming: asking for a vision or an 7:30 PM...... Bro. Tracy Boyd Pastor Jimmy Deckard 502-541-7781 (Tues. - Thurs Night) audible voice. Pastor Mike Maxon Jr. 903-278-5515 Conferences, Retreats, etc. -Drawing Straws. Deciding by some form of lottery. London, KY Prophecy Conference 2013, Victory Lighthouse Holiness Church Hope That Purifieth Conference Fellowship Meeting, Sept 17-21 There is a better way than these as October 31 - Nov. 2 illustrated in the following event of F. 10:00 AM...... Bro. Jamie Holcomb Will be held @ Pentecostal Highway of B. Meyer’s Life. & Visiting Ministers Holiness Tabernacle, Hamilton OH, 7:00 AM...... Bro. Curtis Teague Pastor Jerry Pascarella Sunday 1:00 PM Homecoming: Contact: Rev. Bill Finley 502-552-8596 Dr. Meyer recalls an experience which Bro. Curtis Teague www.hopethatpurifieth.org occurred when crossing the Irish Pastor Danny Scott 606-878-9049 or v channel on a dark starless night. He says, Bro. Ron Hayre 606-215-538 Branson, MO “I stood on the deck by the captain and Westgate Woods Resort asked him, ‘How do you know the Sumter, SC Pentecostal Ladies Retreat Holyhead Harbour on so dark a night as Pocolla Holiness Church Oct. 23-25 this?’ He said, ‘You see those three Annual Fellowship Meeting, Day Spkr...... Sis. Lavina Lakes lights? Those three must line up behind Sept. 20-22 Night Spkr...... Sis. Ruth Brimm Day Spkr...... Bro. Bill Houston each other as one, and when we see them Contact Sis Tricia Hight 417-255-1703 Night Spkr...... Bro. Lynn Head so united we know the exact position of or Sis Brenda Galiher 417-257-1055 Pastor Robert Hardin 803-983-8956 the harbour’s mouth.” He continued, “when we want to know God’s will there Hamilton, OH are three things which always occur -the Pentecostal Highway of Holiness NOTICE inward impulse, the Word of God, and Homecoming Campmeeting, Sept. 23-27 I have two excellent cassette the trend of circumstances. God in the Morn Spkr...... Bro. Russell McDonald duplicators made by Kingdom, heart impelling you forward. God in His Night Spkr...... Bro. Randy Webb the one touch system that makes book corroborating whatever He says in Pastor Jerry Pascarella 513-737-5184 three tapes at a time. They can the heart; and God in circumstances, be linked together. I would like to see these go to a church if there which are always indicative of His will. Hanford, CA is one out there that still uses Never start until these three things Victory Holiness Church tapes.any Istruggle will let themwith havefinding them God’s agree.” Campmeeting, Sept. 24-27 Mwillfor shippingfor the decisions costs. 30.00 of their life. Day Spkr...... Bro. Charles Barnett Many times the struggle is more about It is in this way that God hedges in the Night Spkr...... Bro. Lloyd Shuecraft us becomingContact: willing Bro. Dwain to accept Galiher that will. 417-257-1055 sincere soul so that He may not miss the Bro. Kelsey D. Villines 870-391-9548 The Will of God Someone mentioned way of His will. Page 8