CONTENTS 1.0 Abbreviations and Definitions 1 2.0 Scope and Purpose 2 3.0 PEPR Compliance Requirements 4 4.0 General Requirements 7 4.1 Environmental Governance 7 4.2 Environmental Training, Awareness and Competence 7 4.3 Audits and Inspections 8 4.4 Emergency Preparedness, Incidents and Response 9 4.5 Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation 9 4.6 Management Review 10 5.0 Documentation Requirements 11 6.0 Monitoring 17

1.0 Abbreviations and Definitions CTR Contractor / Principal Contractor CMP Compliance Management Plan (QP41.05 (obsolete, replaced by this QP50.31)) DEM Department for Energy and Mining (formerly DSD, Department of State Development) DEW Department for Environment and Water (formerly DEWNR, Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources) EA SIMEC Mines Environment Assurance EMP Environment Management Plan EMS Environmental Management System EPA Environment Protection Authority FDR Fugitive Dusk Ranking (FDR) KPI Key Performance Indicator MCP Major Capital Projects MD SIMEC Mining Development Department includes contractors working on behalf of SIMEC MO SIMEC Mining Operations MR Middleback Range(s) (Mines) NPWS National Parks and Wildlife Service – South (part of DEW at time of update) PEPR Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation. Generic PEPR (ePEPR) will apply to all exploration activities not requiring separate approval under the Mining Act 1971 (Mining Act) or conditions of the Exploration Licence. SA SS Shared Services (Environment/Stakeholder Engagement/Regulatory) SSWP Safe System of Work Process TSF Tailings Storage Facility WRD Waste Rock Dump

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2.0 Scope and Purpose

The SIMEC Iron Ore PEPR Compliance Management Plan (CMP) applies to all mining activities approved by the DEM, and contractors operating for or on behalf of SIMEC Mining Iron Ore:

Mine Development and Operational Sites: • S-SMR (Iron Duke, Iron Duchess, Iron Magnet) • N-SMR (Iron Chieftain, Iron Knight) • IBMA (including Iron Baron, Iron Prince, Iron Queen, Iron Cavalier, Iron Sultan, BSA) • IKMA (including , Iron Monarch, Iron Princess) • Ardrossan • Coffin Bay (inactive) The purpose of this CMP is to provide guidance to Employees and Contractors on documents, procedures, processes and activities adopted by SIMEC Mining in order to manage environmental compliance in accordance with approved Program(s) for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPRs).

The Plan shall be reviewed on a two-yearly basis. Current Issue Date: July 2020

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GENERAL MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS QP85.SMRO.024 Fixed Plant Environmental Management Plan QP47.OBPQ.006 Iron Baron Operational Environmental Management Plan Procedures QP46.01 Iron Knob Environment Management Plan EMP76.04 SMR Environmental Management Plan QP44.02 Ardrossan Environment Management Plan

Table 1: General Management Control

Procedure / ITEM Main Support Location Work Monitoring NO. GENERAL MANAGEMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA Responsibility Instruction Site specific construction and/or operational environmental management plan(s) shall be developed for each mining MO/MD & √ 1. operational and/or construction site which incorporates principles of the ISO14001 Standard and incorporate all EA ALL EMP CTR √ approved PEPR outcomes, measurement criteria and monitoring commitments and other legal requirements. Audits Construction and/or operational environmental management plan(s) shall incorporate a specific Environmental Risk MO/MD & √ 2. Assessment based on the principles of the ISO14001 Standard and in compliance with the approved PEPR and site EA ALL EMP CTR √ Aspects / Impacts Registers/Impact Assessments. Audits All mining personnel shall complete the SIMEC Mining Environment & Sustainability Awareness Training and ensure

ongoing communications as part of environmental management systems on site. Communication and Awareness MO/MD & 3. EA ALL √ √ Training shall provide mitigation in terms of all aspects of environmental control and management measures as CTR WI 50.005 Audits described in approved PEPR documentation. SIMEC Mining shall review and update the certified AS/NZS ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) 4. to ensure controls and management strategies presented in the various PEPRs are integrated into the site EMPs MO/MD EA ALL √ appropriately.

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Procedure / ITEM Main Support Location Work Monitoring NO. GENERAL MANAGEMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA Responsibility Instruction Scheduled regulatory compliance, EMS audits and inspections will be conducted by the SIMEC Environment Shared MO/MD 5. Services Department Representatives and actions assigned and issued to the Mining Operations and Principal EA ALL & CTR Contractor for implementation.

6. An annual PEPR compliance report shall be prepared and submitted to DEM. EA MD ALL Mining

7. An annual exploration compliance report (ECR) shall be prepared and submitted to DEM. MD EA Exploration

Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping shall be maintained which holds all current approved mine planning 8. EA MD ALL PEPR and environmental data. √ The Principal Contractor will be required to action and close-out all findings as stipulated under direction from the 9. CTR MD/MO ALL Audits inspections and audits done by the SIMEC Mines Environment Personnel and Environment Department. √

All mine site personnel shall be trained in the ‘FDR Standard Awareness – SIMEC Mining Sites’ based on the Fugitive MO/MD & 10. EA ALL √ Dust Standard (FDR Standard) QP50.68 CTR QP 50.68 All personnel involved in the clearance of vegetation must undertake ‘Vegetation Clearance & Soil Management MO/MD & 11. Awareness’ training and obtain an approved permit prior to any land clearance, soil stockpiling or soil removal EA ALL √ CTR activities (QP50.65). QP 50.65 Water Affecting Activity (WAA) permits and licences shall be granted for any activities such as interception, restriction √ 12. or diversion of, or construction on a watercourse or flood plain, or construction of ground water wells for monitoring MD/MO EA ALL or extraction or water storage in wells or pits. Audits Specific Tailings Management Plans shall be developed, the Plan shall consider findings from specialist studies Iron Baron 13. input and will define management controls, procedures, trigger levels for investigation and action, contingencies, MD/MO EA Iron Duke √ √ responsibilities and monitoring regimes related to design and operation Iron Knob The Middleback Ranges mining areas are not located in an area designated as a Prescribed Wells Area and as a MD/MO EA ALL 14. consequence, is not covered by a Water Allocation Plan under the NRM Act 2004.

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Procedure / ITEM Main Support Location Work Monitoring NO. GENERAL MANAGEMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA Responsibility Instruction The current PEPRs and site EMPs shall be issued to the Contractor as they are approved. Copies of all EMPs are 15. to be logged in the EMP Register and saved on G drive - G:/Sustainability/Environment/ENVIRONMENT EA MD/MO ALL √ ASSURANCE/Site & Contractor Management/EMPs & QPs Water maps and/or Water Balances shall be developed for each mining area. The Water Balance shall measure MD/MO EA ALL 16. fresh water usage, groundwater extraction, evaporation, dust suppression water usage, pit storage water levels etc. √

17. Program notifications shall be provided to Landholders 21 days prior to the start of each new exploration access. MD EA Exploration √ E-PEPR Community & Stakeholder MD & 18. Consultation with landholders and other relevant stakeholders shall be applied prior to any exploration activities Exploration √ Engagement EA E-PEPR Advisor Community & Stakeholder MD & 19. Notice of Entry forms shall be issued to landholders 21 days prior to entering land Exploration √ Engagement EA E-PEPR Advisor No Deviation from the approved PEPR will be allowed without written approval DEM. All minor change requests MO/MD & 20. EA ALL must be communicated and assessed and submitted to DEM by the Regulatory Team. CTR Site layout map should indicate the following: location of material storage areas; topsoil management; sewage treatment; erosion control; general waste management; provision for vehicle and plant servicing; management of MO/MD & 21. EA ALL hazardous materials, water supply; management of wild fire risk; rehabilitation. CTR Such Plans must be communicated to the SIMEC Mining Environment Assurance Manager. The SIMEC Mines Development/Operational and Principal Contractor Environment Representatives will meet on a MO/MD & 22. regular basis to discuss compliance to the PEPR conditions and any other environmental topics related to the EA ALL CTR construction and operation of the mine.

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Procedure / ITEM Main Support Location Work Monitoring NO. GENERAL MANAGEMENT CONTROL REQUIREMENTS AND CRITERIA Responsibility Instruction MO/MD 23. Regular Environment Compliance Meetings shall be scheduled for each operational mining site. EA ALL & CTR Relevant Environment KPI’s shall be developed and agreed with the SIMEC Mining Environment Assurance MO/MD & 24. EA ALL Manager and discussed at scheduled Environment Compliance Meetings CTR Environmental issues must be raised as agenda items and minuted during contractor planning and progress MO/MD & 25. EA ALL meetings. CTR SIMEC will provide access to all relevant regulators, such as DEM, EPA, or any person duly appointed by either of 26. MO/MD CTR ALL them at all reasonable times to enter upon mining premises and survey and examine the condition thereof Contractors and Operations Representatives should note that while SIMEC provides procedures, standards and MO/MD & 27. specifications, the applicable approved PEPR or PEPRs (as legal documents) take precedence above any such EA ALL CTR documents and must be reviewed and incorporated on a site specific basis.

Principal Contractors are to comply with SIMEC Site EMP specifications at relevant sites. 28. CTR EA ALL √ Specific Site EMPs are developed for SMR mines, SMR Fixed Plant, Ardrossan, Iron Baron and Iron Knob. EMPs

EMPs are to be updated as PEPRs are reviewed/approved to incorporate the most up to date PEPR Outcome and MO/MD & 29. EA ALL √ Measurement Criteria. CTR EMPs

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4.0 General Requirements All Construction and Operational Contractors are required to develop and maintain an Environmental Management System (EMS) compliant to AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015

# References AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015

4.1 Environmental Governance The SIMEC Mining Management Team is responsible to ensure that approvals are issued for all mining activities by DEM and that requirements under these approvals are met. This will be achieved by ensuring that appropriate structures are in place to implement all necessary commitments under such approvals.

Contractors and Sub-Contractors appointed to operate mining and construction sites on behalf of SIMEC Mining are required to adhere to all Approved PEPR conditions and operational licenses provided as part of the contract agreements.

The Principal Contractor will be required to develop a site-specific Construction and/or Operational Environment Management Plan (CEMP, OEMP) as stipulated under contract agreements to demonstrate compliance to all approved PEPR and AS/NZS ISO14001 requirements.

At a minimum all Major Service Contractors will be required to employ sufficient resources to monitor and implement compliance requirements under guidance of the SIMEC Mining Project Controllers, Mines Environment Representatives and the Mines Environment Department. Responsibilities under this portfolio include the following: • Environmental Risk Assessments • Operational Control - Environment Management Plans • Operational Control Procedures • Environmental Training • Environmental Inspections and Auditing • Monitoring Requirements (Environment) • Environmental Incidents and Emergency Response

4.2 Environmental Training, Awareness and Competence As a minimum all SIMEC Mining Employees and Contractors are required to complete the “Environment & Sustainability Awareness – SIMEC Mining” Training, which covers elements of environmental compliance.

The Principal Contractor will lead all environment training programmes relevant to their environment (site) of Construction and Operation as required within this CMP. The Principal Contractor will be required to develop and design a specific site environmental training procedure which as a minimum will cover the following:

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• Environment Policy • General PEPR commitments and compliance requirements • Main Contractor Construction and Operational EMP (where applicable) • Mine Hazards and Significant Aspects / Impacts (Environment) • Procedures for reporting of incidents

Specific training initiatives which should be applied:

• Toolbox talks (Include Environmental Topics) • Specific Task Oriented Environmental Training • Communication of Environmental Topics

References AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (7.2 & Competence & Awareness # 7.3)

4.3 Audits and Inspections The following type of Audits shall be conducted on SIMEC Mining Sites:

1. Internal EMS Audits 2. Environmental Compliance Audits 3. Environmental Audits and Inspections 4. External EMS Audits

Internal EMS and Environmental Compliance audits are performed for each Mining Development and/or Operational Site and their Principal Contractor(s) by the Environment Department. Determination of frequency of audits, are risk based.

The annual schedule for these audits is displayed on the Environmental Management System (EMS) SharePoint Site and will be distributed to the Principal Contractor by the Project Manager / Controller. The Project Manager / Controllers will transfer copies of such audits electronically to the Principal Contractor via e-mail.

The Principal Contractor is required to perform internal Environment Audits and Inspections within their areas of responsibility / work.

Copies of completed audits must be available to the Project Controller and the Environment Department.

References AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (9.2) Internal Audit #

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4.4 Emergency Preparedness, Incidents and Response The Principal Contractor will be required to develop a specific site environmental emergency and spill response plan. This plan must be tested periodically.

The Environment Emergency and Spill Response Plan must address the eventuality and measures to be implemented in case of Environmental Incidents, including adequate external communication. A list of persons/positions and organisations including phone numbers (Suppliers, Contractor, Sub-Contractor, Employer, local authorities, fire brigade, hospitals) shall be established for emergency environmental incident response.

The Principal Contractor is required to report all incidents to the assigned SIMEC Contractor Controller. The SIMEC Contract Controller will be required to enter such incidents within the SIMEC Environmental Incident Event Recorder (IRMS).

The SIMEC Incident and Investigation Reporting and Response procedure (QP29.06 & QP50.67) details communication structures and investigation actions once an incident has occurred as classified within QP29.06.

References AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (8.2) Emergency Preparedness & Response AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (10.2) Nonconformity, corrective action and preventive action #

4.5 Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation The Program for Environment Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR) specifies monitoring, measurements and evaluation requirements for all mining and exploration sites approved by DEM.

Detailed Environmental Monitoring and Testing Requirements for the Middleback Ranges Mining sites are developed, and captured within Site Operations EMPs.

The Principal Contractor on site is required to participate in all monitoring and evaluation activities relevant to their area of responsibility. The mines development and operational team will direct monitoring activities within specific areas. Any instructions as result of monitoring and evaluation activities will be communicated to the contractor for implementation.

SECTION D details specific monitoring and testing requirements detailing responsibilities that should be applied by the Principal Contractor under direction from the Mines Development and Operational Teams.

References AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (9 & Monitoring, measurement, # 9.1) analysis and evaluation

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4.6 Management Review Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are established to measure the degree of environmental performance of the SIMEC EMS and Compliance to the Approved PEPR Commitments.

The SIMEC Mining Lead Team review Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) applied to internal and external audits, compliance to the PEPR Commitments, number of complaints, dust emissions, water use and other applicable key areas.

The Principal Contractor will be required to supply a monthly environmental performance report to the SIMEC Mining Contractor Controller which will be communicated to the Environment Department.

KPIs related to the following shall be covered as a minimum: • Monthly Environment Incident Reporting; • Environment Audit Reporting and Tracking • Complaints • Compliance to the FDR Standard • Regulatory Non-Compliances • Training.

Other KPIs that could be specified as part of the contract for communication on a monthly basis could include the following; • Vegetation Clearance (Ha) • Topsoil Storage (Volume & Locations).

The Principal Contractor is required to develop relevant targets against KPIs reported. The monthly report will further stipulate compliance against the approved PEPR Commitments

# References AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (9.3) Management Review

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5.0 Documentation Requirements

Table 2: Principal Contractor Documentation Requirements

Name of Document Ref When / Where Comments

Environmental Governance AS/NZS ISO Displayed at main offices and site Environmental Policy AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 5.2) 14001:2015 locations Document describing all relevant processes and procedures to be implemented at the mining Before Commencement of Mining Construction and/or Operational Contract Agreement development and/or operational site as stipulated under contractual agreement. Development and/or Operational Environmental Management Plan (EMP) PEPR The plan will incorporate all relevant PEPR commitment requirements and AS/NZS ISO Activities 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 8.1) elements. Before Commencement of Mining Indicates adequate Resources and Governance within organisation to ensure Environmental Organisational Chart Contract Agreement Development and/or Operational Compliance Activities

Planning AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 6.1.2), Procedure describing the method of Hazard / Risk Identification (Environmental AS/NZS ISO Before Commencement of Construction capturing and maintaining an Environmental Aspects and Impacts Register with associated Aspects and Impacts) 14001:2015 and/or Mining Activities Aspects and Impacts Register embedded in Construction and/or Operational Environmental Management Plan 3 Months after commencement of AS/NZS ISO Environmental Objectives and Targets Mining Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 6.2) 14001:2015 Activities Before Commencement of Mining AS/NZS ISO Environment Training and Awareness Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 7.2 & 7.3) 14001:2015 Activities

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Name of Document Ref When / Where Comments


Before Commencement of Mining AS/NZS ISO Inspections and Environment Audits Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 9.2) 14001:2015 Activities

Before Commencement of Mining AS/NZS ISO Action Management and Issues Resolution Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 10.2) 14001:2015 Activities

Before Commencement of Mining AS/NZS ISO Emergency and Incident Response Plans Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 8.2) 14001:2015 Activities

Before Commencement of Mining AS/NZS ISO Incident Reporting and Investigation Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 10.2) 14001:2015 Activities Before Commencement of Mining AS/NZS ISO Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Development and/or Operational AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 9.1) 14001:2015 Activities

Management Review

AS/NZS ISO Monthly Environment Report (KPIs) Monthly for duration of contract AS/NZS ISO 14001:2015 (EMS Documentation – 9.3) 14001:2015

Operational Control Before Commencement of Mining Air Quality Management / Dust Control and QP50.68, QP50.84 Development and/or Operational Approved Operations EMP Requirement Suppression Plan Activities Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Waste Management Plan WI50.403 Development and/or Operational Activities Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Spill Reporting, Prevention and Management QP50.67 Development and/or Operational Plan (Bunding and Storage) Activities Specific Mine Site Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Erosion Control, Stormwater Management and Operational EMP Development and/or Operational Drainage Works (Surface Water Management) Activities

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Name of Document Ref When / Where Comments

Operational Control QP50.67 Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Hazardous Material and Chemicals Development and/or Operational Management Plan Activities Specific Mine Site Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Flora and Fauna Management Plan Operational EMP Development and/or Operational Activities QP50.62 Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Pest Plant and Animal Control Development and/or Operational Activities QP50.65 Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Vegetation Clearance Plan Development and/or Operational Activities Specific Mine Site Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Fire Prevention and Risk Management Plan Operational EMP Development and/or Operational Activities QP50.66 Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Soil Management Plan Development and/or Operational Activities Specific Mine Site Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Traffic and Site Access Management Plan Operational EMP Development and/or Operational Activities Specific Mine Site Before Commencement of Mining Approved Operations EMP Requirement Heritage Management and Conservation Plan Operational EMP Development and/or Operational Activities

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Relevant SIMEC Documentation for Use

Document name Doc No. Description


GFG Alliance Australia Environment Policy N/A GFG Alliance Australia Environment Policy

SIMEC Sustainability Principles N/A SIMEC Sustainability Principles

Core Environment Rules WI50.006 Rules communicated during site-wide Environment & Sustainability Awareness Training to be applied on all SIMEC Mining Sites.

Hazard Identification

Environment Risk Management – Risk QP50.57 Procedure describing the process to follow in terms of aspect, impact and risk identification (SIMEC) Registers

Training and Awareness

Environment & Sustainability Awareness WI50.005 Procedure explaining process of site-wide environment awareness training requirements Training

Audits and Inspections

Internal Environmental and Regulatory Audits WI50.505 Procedure describing the process followed during Internal Environmental and Regulatory Audits

Environment Department EMS and Regulatory N/A Schedule indicating frequency and location of Internal Audits over a 12-month period Compliance Audit Schedule

Emergency Response

Incident Investigation and Reporting QP29.06 SIMEC site wide incident investigation and reporting procedure (Level of Incident Classification)

Environment Incident and Spill Response QP50.67 Procedure stipulating spill response requirements for all sites.

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Complaints and Community Relations

Environmental Engagement & Communications WI50.008 Work Instruction outlining process to be implemented when engaging with Key Stakeholders (External Communication) Management Process

Dust Management

This procedure applies to activities that generate or have the potential to generate fugitive dust throughout the Mining sites. Must be Mines Fugitive Dusk Ranking (FDR) Standard QP50.68 applied as part of Approved PEPR Conditions where specified

Mines FDR Dust Table (Attachment A) QP50.68 Att A Fugitive Dust Ranking Table

High Wind Day Protocol QP50.70 High Wind Day Protocol – communication on weather conditions when EMP controls must be escalated

Waste Management

Waste Management WI50.403 Work Instruction specifying classification and disposal of waste from SIMEC Whyalla Sites

Land Management

Pest Plant and Animal Control Strategy QP50.62 Strategy to control key Pest Plant and Animal species identified under the areas of SIMEC Whyalla ownership or control.

Soil Management Plan QP50.66 Procedure explaining general soil management principles – stipulated as required by approved PEPR

Vegetation Clearance QP50.65 Procedure informing the process to follow if any vegetation clearance is planned

Hazardous Chemicals Management

This procedure is developed to ensure that SIMEC Whyalla minimises the risk to health of any person due to exposure to workplace hazardous Chemical Management Manual QP29.22 chemicals and safe storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals and materials

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Development and Rehabilitation

WRD Development and Rehabilitation Plan PEPR Approved under PEPR Commitments and captured in Site Specific Operational EMPs

Environmental Management Plans

Requirements vary for each Mining Area QP50.50 Contractor to be aware of SIMEC Mining Site EMP requirements

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6.0 Monitoring and Reporting

The site EMPs document all PEPR and Non PEPR monitoring and reporting requirements and responsibilities. Table 3 lists other general monitoring and reporting requirements for contractors and others that may not otherwise be captured in site EMPs.

Table 3: Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring & Reporting Commitment Notes Frequency Responsibility General Annual DEM Compliance Reports Mines PEPR Compliance Reports (as stipulated in various sections) Annual MD & EA Exploration Compliance Report Monthly Environment Report Monthly Various

Complaints Register Listing and description of complaints and responses Monthly SS

Scheduled aerial surveys Data supplied as Tiff/JPEG images. Annual (subject to MD & MO Not Ortho-Rectified for GIS. funding approval) Scheduled aerial surveys (Annual) Ortho-Rectified for GIS. Annual (subject to MD & EA availability) Construction and operational process audits As required SS, MO/MCP & CTR Regulatory compliance and ISO14001 EMS As per Annual SS audits Schedule All monitoring data is analysed and compared to As Required SS previous reports.

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Monitoring & Reporting Commitment Notes Frequency Responsibility Ground contamination investigations to be As Required SS determined if required. Incident Reporting Incident reported and recorded within 24 hours Monthly ALL

Weather monitoring Daily rainfall and high-wind data to be reviewed and recorded Continuous MO

Construction Design & Operational Management Periodic review of Construction and Operational Environmental Management During Planning MO/MCP & CTR Plans (CEMP) to ensure that sensitive areas are surveyed and controlled within Reviews with mining with EA design and protected e.g. Flora & Fauna protection construction and operational staff - Continuous Flora Vegetation clearance permits Daily Inspections to check compliance of working within approved footprint During clearance MO/MD & CTR activity Fauna Compliance to DEM guidelines and internal Abandoned drill holes are capped at completion of drilling activity Monthly MD (Exploration) procedure QP50.58 Incident reported of non-compliances Exploration Only Maintain observation register Species of interest are identified as well as fauna deaths within mining and Monthly MO/MCP & CTR Noteworthy fauna observations/sightings during exploration areas are recorded with date and location of sighting construction and mining operations Fauna death events Record all fauna road-kill events within mining and exploration areas as incidents. Monthly MO/MCP & CTR Consider recording all fauna deaths on site unrelated to road-kill as well e.g. drowning in pit water etc.

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Monitoring & Reporting Commitment Notes Frequency Responsibility Weeds & Pest Animals Feral Animal and Pest Species Species are identified and recorded with date and location of sighting in the As required MO/MCP & CTR Observation Register

Weed hygiene practices for vehicles and All vehicles and earth moving equipment shall be checked and cleaned prior to As new equipment MO/MCP & CTR equipment arrival to site, to remove seeds and soil arrives on site Topsoil Monitoring of Topsoil Stockpiles Monitor compliance to QP50.66 and Clearance permits Biannual MO/MCP & CTR Stormwater, Sediment & Erosion Storm water, erosion and sediment control Daily Principal Contractor "Site Safe" Checklists (part of Inspections) Weekly/Daily MCP & CTR

Groundwater Monitor groundwater chemical analysis Analysis for major elements and nutrients Annual SS Groundwater contamination investigations Investigations will be implemented once groundwater contamination is detected or As required MO/MD/SS suspected Specialist investigations (Groundwater, hydrogeology, hydrology where relevant) As required MO/SS

Monitor Groundwater extraction and Pit Water Groundwater level monitoring Monthly MO/EA/SS Storage Areas Water Map & Water Balance Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) General TSF Monitoring and Regular Inspection as per the Report any non-compliance to TSF management plan Weekly/Monthly MO/SS/EA applicable TSF Environmental Management Plan and TSF Operating Manual

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Monitoring & Reporting Commitment Notes Frequency Responsibility Vegetation Impact Area from sustained Aerial and ground surveys demonstrate that the vegetation impact area has not Biannual EA inundation (TSF) (Iron Duke) increased (from Sept 2013 Survey – Iron Duke)

Monitor ground water levels adjacent TSFs Groundwater monitoring bores installed around TSF facilities and mapped in GIS Weekly EA/SS/MO (Geographic Information System) Groundwater extraction wells in place and Groundwater extraction bores installed around TSF facilities and mapped in GIS Weekly MO/SS working effectively (Iron Duke) (Geographic Information System) Volumes of water extracted recorded as part of Water Balance Reporting Iron Duke TSF Specific Monitoring and Reporting Commitments Refer to Iron Duke TSF EMP QP50.48 Monitoring and reporting requirements are documented in QP50.48 Monthly MO/SS

Air Quality and Dust Management QP50.84 Dust Trigger Action Response Plan • Incident Reporting Daily MO/MD & CTR and the SIMEC Mining FDR Standard must be • Daily FDR Reporting applied to monitor and control dust events. • Increased frequency observations during high wind conditions (QP50.68) (Aim: no incident resulting in exceedance of FDR2) Continued dust monitoring, trends checked, Measure dust deposit gauges, maintain gauges Monthly SS report Dust suppression management during crushing • Inspect mechanical dust control equipment Daily MO/MD & CTR and screening • Record of inspections and reports of maintenance and breakdowns in the system. Water sprays - trains and train loader Record of inspections and reports of breakdowns in the system. Continuous / 6 Monthly SS & CTR Tracked and reported 6-monthly to EPA

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Monitoring & Reporting Commitment Notes Frequency Responsibility Visual Amenity WRD development and progressive Waste rock deposition and rehabilitation as per site works directions Weekly MO/CTR rehabilitation general Inspection Blasting and Vibration Blasting Blasting in accordance with site Blasting Procedures Each Blast MO/CTR

Vibration Ground vibration and over pressure monitoring As Required MO/CTR

Waste & Hazardous Materials Handling, Storage and Disposal Monitor and Record waste tracking As hazardous waste is removed from site As Required MD/MO & CTR

Waste Management System (General, Monitoring of integrity of waste storage, disposal and management of waste Continuous MD/MO & CTR Recyclables, domestic, inert, hazardous waste) facilities

Bunding and Hydrocarbon Storage Inspection Check integrity and compliance of all storage facilities compliance to AS 1940 & As per EMP Schedule MO/MD & CTR EPA Bunding Guideline

Septic System Inspection of integrity of system and compliance to Department of Health As per site inspection MO/MD & CTR requirements schedule

Bunding Storage Facilities Audit Annual SS/MO/MD & CTR

Public Safety Access Control to all mine sites Record and investigate all incidents of unauthorised Access As required MO/MD & CTR

Adjacent Land use and Third Party Property Damage Reporting on property damage Complaints and confirmed property damage As required MO/MD & CTR

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Monitoring & Reporting Commitment Notes Frequency Responsibility Heritage Maintain Heritage Register Heritage sites must be defined and isolated Prior to construction EA

Heritage Sites Identified and Uncovered Stop all works then report to EA if any suspected artefacts are discovered As required MO/MD & CTR

Stakeholders Landholder Consultation meetings and Contact Scheduled and Managed by the Community & Stakeholder Engagement Advisor. Six-Monthly SS All complaints will be directed to the Community & Stakeholder Engagement Advisor and meetings with landholders will be scheduled as required outside formal six-monthly meetings if requested by landholder. Regular DEM Engagement DEM scheduled meetings As scheduled SS Regular EPA Engagement EPA scheduled meetings As scheduled SS Post Closure Final Rehabilitation (Close of Mine) Photo point monitoring of WRDs and open areas are to be established at the Annual and at MO/EA closure of the dumps and open areas. completion of Removal of all infrastructure and waste materials mining/rehabilitation Monitoring Schedule to be agreed with DEM Final WRD footprint plans At Closure Closure of Mine MO

Security checks within routine programme, At Closure Inspection Schedules MO inspection of sites, reporting evidence of trespassing. Fresh Water Monitor fresh water consumption Water Map & Water Balance Monthly MD/MO

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