Great North Run Information Pack

13 September 2015 Be part of the world’s greatest in 2015

The Great North Run has earned its reputation as the biggest and best half marathon in the world. From modest beginnings in 1981 it has grown to the spectacular festival of running it is today, which saw 57,000 people take part in the event last year and the millionth person cross the finishing line of the 13.1 mile course.

Enjoy the special atmosphere of the iconic event challenge, we’d love you to lace up and run for and the famously warm welcome of the spectator- us. In return we offer a fully-supported package lined course. Follow in the footsteps of elite including training and fundraising tips. athletes like Mo Farrah and . The Great North Run is a big part of the cultural See if you can spot yourself on a recording of the fabric of the North East, but it’s a lot more than BBC live coverage. that. Over the years, through our runners’ efforts, Whether you’re an experienced runner out for a it has had a big impact on the lives of meningitis personal best or have set yourself a more personal sufferers across the UK.

To sign up visit If you have any further queries about signing up, please call us on 0345 120 4530 and ask to speak to a member of the Events Team, or email [email protected]

£25 can pay for one hour of crucial in-depth research into new and improved preventative vaccines.

2 | Great North Run The route

The 13.1 mile route for the Great North Run starts At set locations along the route you will see in Newcastle, takes in the iconic , bands, to help motivate and entertain you, charity passes by the famous International cheering points, first aid posts, drinks stations and Stadium and finishes on the sea front of South showers – everything you need to keep you going Shields – where there is a real festival atmosphere, to the end. with hundreds of supporters waiting to welcome Then, after you complete the run you can make triumphant runners, bands playing and other your way to the charity village to meet fellow entertainment. runners and celebrate with family and friends and The route requires energy, commitment and a a well-deserved drink. positive attitude, but along the way the spirit of your fellow runners, including celebrity and fancy dress runners, and the encouragement of the good-natured crowd help you keep a spring in your step.

Event Requirements

• You must be at least 17 years of age on race day.

• W e recommend training in the same running shoes that you will wear on event day.

• Previous running experience is not mandatory, but you must be prepared to dedicate the time and effort required to train sufficiently to be able to complete the race safely.

• To register for a Meningitis Now Golden Bond place you will need to pay a non-refundable £50 registration fee.

• The minimum sponsorship target is £300 per person. You must commit to honouring your fundraising target.

£45 can pay for one hour of bereavement counselling for someone who has had a family member die of meningitis; enabling them to access vital support in a time of extreme sadness.

3 | Great North Run Why support Meningitis Now?

We put people at the heart of everything we do. We exist to save lives and rebuild futures by funding research, raising awareness and supporting people affected by meningitis.

Did you know?

• Thirty people a day face the devastation of Meningitis in the UK*.

• Meningitis and septicaemia kill more UK children under-5 than any other infectious disease.

• Many are left with long-term after-effects such as deafness, brain damage and limb loss.

* Estimated annual average cases between 2000 and 2010 for all meningitis types.

Nichola Conlon took part in last year’s Great North NICHOLA’S Run for us to mark the massive milestone of her STORY daughter Evie, starting school in September.

“It was a fantastic and moving day. The crowd and the atmosphere they created all around the course was amazing and I was so pleased and proud to be able to take part for Evie and Meningitis Now. It’s so important to raise funds to support their invaluable work and raise awareness of the disease that almost robbed me of my daughter. Three years ago Evie was rushed to hospital. I was told to expect the worst and that if Evie survived she would be severely brain damaged and unable to lead a normal life. Doctors told me if she had arrived in hospital an hour later she would not be here today, £100 and I know they are not exaggerating. According to her can pay for an awareness talk at a consultant she is nothing short of a miracle. school and leave-behind information packs, to help make staff and Starting school is a massive milestone for a brave little pupils more aware of the signs and girl who has been through so much in her life already.” symptoms of the disease.

4 | Great North Run We are here to help you - FAQs

How will Meningitis Now support me? What is Gift Aid and is it included in my Following registration you will receive a fundraising fundraising total? pack, training and dietary tips, fundraising support Gift Aid is a scheme that can make your sponsors’ and guidance, a technical running top, and an donations worth more. For every £1 that is given to invite to our post-race reception marquee in the us we can claim an extra 25p from HMRC. So please charity village. encourage your donors to tick the “Gift Aid It”. Please remember that we can only claim Gift Aid if people Do I have to be an experienced runner to apply have filled in their full home address and postcode. for a Golden Bond Place? Monies claimed from HMRC for Gift Aid do not count No. Anyone can take part in the Great North Run and towards your fundraising total. many people have never run before they take up the challenge. It is a very tough physical challenge and What if I am injured and am unable you will enjoy it much better if you are physically to take part? and mentally prepared for it. We will send you a If you are awarded a Golden Bond place and are training schedule and offer you fitness and dietary injured or unable to take part in the Great North tips leading up to the event. Run for another reason, you must let us and the organisers know immediately. Following instruction £300 is a lot of money; will I be able to raise from the event organisers (Nova International) will this amount? allow you to defer your place to the following year. It is quite usual to feel a little anxious about You will need to formally accept your deferred place raising this amount of money, but don’t worry, in January of the following year. once you have made a start, fundraising has a habit of gathering speed and most people are usually pleasantly surprised at people’s generosity. Fundraising can be fun too! There are many different ways of raising money, through your family, friends and colleagues, by organising fundraising events, or by asking companies and businesses to support you. You may have to be prepared to do more than ask for names on sponsor forms, but don’t forget we will send you a fundraising pack, which includes a range of resources to inspire your fundraising

What happens if I can’t raise the pledged amount? You need to think carefully about how you will go about raising the pledged amount and your signed pledge is a commitment by you to raise that amount. There are many costs involved in running the event and therefore as a charity we need to be sure that we maximise the fundraising potential. The services that we provide rely on people meeting their fundraising targets.

Well done!

5 | Great North Run saving lives, rebuilding futures

We hope to welcome you to our team! Find out more today:

0345 120 4530

[email protected]

© Meningitis Now 2015 Registered charity number (England & Wales) 803016 (Scotland) SC037790