ScottishLeft Review Issue 111 May/June 2019 - £2.00 'best re(a)d' 'best


“It is not possible to build a democratic socialism by using the institutions of the Ancient British the way that it is not possible to induce a vulture to give milk”


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2 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 /POLITICSFORTHEMANY feedback


he theme of this issue of Scottish the Parliament. We have reflected on Thatcherism. Here, there were to be Left Review is an examination the progress made on this in our recent ‘Scottish solutions to Scottish problems’ Tof the intentions, processes and issues (100 and 107). as told the Scottish outcomes of the Labour conference in September 1999. So, in this issue, we have asked a upon the occasion of the twentieth number of left writers to reflect upon Sure, we have had some protection anniversary of its re-founding. The the issues at hand, whether from from the ill Westminster winds of referendum of 11 September 1997 a combined personal and political neo-liberalism – via limitations on voted to re-establish a Scottish reviews perspective (like current and former privatisation, marketisation, austerity Parliament with its own (minimal) tax MSPs, Elaine Smith, Alex Neil and Colin and the like - in the areas of the public raising powers. The first elections to the Fox - we also asked as provision of health, education and Parliament took place on 6 May 1999 the longest serving Green MSP (2003) social welfare as a number of the and the Parliament began sitting again but he did not respond) or from a articles point out. This shows what on 12 May 1999. The hope to see a single- issue perspective (on housing, could not have been achieved without ‘people’s parliament’ – or certainly one poverty, rail etc). If the content of these a Scottish Parliament. And yet, there is in Holyrood reflecting more progressive ‘on theme’ articles seems rather more still palpable dissatisfaction. The sense politics than those traditionally found slanted towards ‘critical’ critique than of more critique than celebration may in Westminster – was also the spur ‘congratulatory’ celebration that is result for a number of primary reasons to the founding of the Scottish Left merely because the general consensus – the aspirations were unrealistic given Review by Jimmy Reid and others like on the left is that the Parliament has the devolution settlement (with the Aamer Anwar, Roseanna Cunningham, not delivered sufficiently upon the (left) continuation of important reserved Cathie Jamieson, John McAllion and aspirations of it. Recall that one of the powers), party machinery exerted Bob Thomson (see http://www. most cited reason for having a Scottish itself in a parallel way to that found in Parliament again was not just to reflect Westminster, and the hand of neo- uploads/2017/07/SLR-1.pdf for its first and represent ‘the will of the Scottish liberalism over political imperatives has issue in October 2000). More than people’ – remember the ‘ votes strengthened since 1997-1999. These anything, Scottish Left Review sought to Labour but gets a Tory government certainly dwarf initial concerns that the establish a cross-party (and none) forum every time’ - as it was termed but also cost of building the parliament escalated for creating a progressive left agenda for to provide a shield against any future from £40m to £400m, that second home allowances for MSPs created a ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 gravy train, and that the location was Has devolution lived up to its promise? Michael Keating ...... 5 Edinburgh and not . Indeed, Red Scotland unrealised? Elaine Smith ...... 7 some argued for the parliament to Twenty years of the Scottish Parliament Alex Neil ...... 8 be built around Stirling as a central How managerialism hijacked Holyrood ...... 9 location and with a parliamentary village Scottish Parliament still to reach its full potential Dennis Canavan ...... 10 comprising dedicated, stated-owned Building democracy for the next twenty years Grahame Smith ...... 11 The campaign for a Scottish Parliament Pat Kelly...... 12 residences. Creating a constitutional moment Pauline Bryan ...... 13 Despite the strengthening of the Calling out for a democratic, decentralised revolution Maggie Chapman ...... 15 devolution settlement with consequent The parliamentary road to tackling poverty? Peter Kelly...... 16 Not yet even a half-way house: Scotland Acts of 2012 and 2016 and with parliamentary progress on housing poverty Graeme Brown ...... 17 continued demands for independence Stalled and stymied? The right to informed democracy in Scotland Carole Ewart ...... 18 from a sizeable proportion of the The Scottish Parliament and transport – transporting us into a new era? Mick Cash...... 19 electorate, it seems hard to find any Fair Work Convention inquiry into social care Lilian Macer ...... 20 lasting truth in the words of then On the : crushed by corporate capitalist culture ‘Late Night Girl’ ...... 21 leader of the (British) Labour Party, Free bus travel – fanciful idea or radical ambition? Pat Raffety ...... 23 Cuba’s post-revolution medical advances John Smith, when he told the Scottish Imti Choonara, Ollie Hopkins and Kath Campbell ...... 24 Labour Party conference in 1994 that The ship that sailed for Spain … to fight the fascists Graham Wallace ...... 25 a Scottish Parliament would represent Profit-ism: the nightmare of daydreamers Patrick Phillips ...... 26 ‘the settled will of the Scottish people’, Age, ageing and older people’s issues Bill Johnston ...... 27 much less that its creation would form Film and book reviews Jackie Bergson, Dave Sherry ...... 29 the ‘cornerstone’ of his party’s plan for Kick Up the Tabloids Vladimir McTavish ...... 30 democratic renewal within the United

3 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Kingdom. (Normally, this editorial would local elections of 2 May. But should initially rose after change ‘UK’ to Britain on account of the Theresa May go, this does not mean was elected in late 2017 nations and classes of these isles not the current Conservative government but then fell back in 2018 to the low being particularly united and because of will do similarly. Shouts of ‘General twenties with 2019 showing some polls longstanding republican tendencies. But election now!’ from the left forget the indicating support now of less than 20%. in this instance keeping the ‘UK’ serves rudimentary mechanics of how our Under interim leader, Jackson Carlaw, to remind us that Labour, in particular, parliamentary system works (for better a surprisingly strong parliamentary has a long way to go to create a ‘united’ or worse – usually worse) and that what performer, the Tories have stayed Britain and a republic). does unite the Tories and DUP, above all above 20% (and the SNP has seldom been below 40%). With a move to the Those campaigning for a Scottish else, is their hatred of Corbyn and his left in policy terms, the question must Parliament – from many different shades ilk. That may well be enough to prevent be: ‘What is it that now stops Scottish of left opinion – believed that the a general election happening before the Labour from connecting with more Parliament would offer an opportunity next scheduled one in 2022. people than it does?’ It cannot simply for ‘new politics’ to be conducted in a Of course, the situation is not helped by be the continued legacy of Labour being ‘new way’ (for example, the committee the sore arse Labour has gotten from in ‘Better Together’ (especially as that system, list MSPs elected by a new sitting on the fence so long in order does not help explain relative shifts in voting system etc etc). Others were to try balance out its messages out in support). But it might have something somewhat disdainful. To devolution, favour of not alienating or offending to do with Scottish Labour’s ability revolution was baldly counter-posed both its actual and potential ‘leave’ and to convincingly prosecute these new - and it was said the only benefit of a ‘remain’ supporters. In fact, it seems policies. While Leonard cleared out the Scottish Parliament was that it would to have ended up with the worst of right from his top team in parliament, be lessen the distance to be travelled both worlds. In the meantime, Nigel those now in his top team are not exactly to mount protests outside parliament. Farage and his new Brexit party make inundated with the necessary talent Like many things in life and society, hay while the sun shines out of the to undertake this prosecution. (The experience suggests that if the truth tensions between different forms of SNP is not inundated with talent either does not quite lie in between the two, concurrent representative democracy but that lack of talent matters more then certainly neither were particularly (referenda and parliament both based when a party wants to be a successful accurate assessments. The wipe out of on first-past-the-post) in the run up insurgent). Or it might be to do with the in the 2007 to possible European elections on 23 Scottish Labour’s continued refusal to election after its implosion in 2006 was May. So too does the SNP – albeit not countenance a further referendum on one particularly unforeseen event (even to the same extent. For the SNP, the independence. Meanwhile, Corbyn though the SSP’s policies - put into the Brexit benefit bounce seems to have has said he would not necessarily say form of parliamentary bills - on free finally come in terms of support for ‘no’ and would be guided whether the school meals, free prescriptions and free independence. Time will tell whether Scottish Parliament has a mandate to public transport continue to reverberate the eve of SNP conference poll was a pursue another referendum. That may in our polity). So too was that the SNP blip or the begin of a new trajectory. be because a future Labour Westminster would ever form the government – And, the independence supporting left government might need SNP support. which it has from 2007 onwards and should not get too excited about the But at least, it stills allows British Labour showing that the prediction from defeat of the SNP leadership on the to say there should be a democrat Labour MP, George Robertson, and then currency issue at its spring conference. right to have another referendum even shadow Scottish secretary, in 1995 that Not because Scotland not having its though it would maintain its right to ‘devolution will kill nationalism stone own currency is not important but campaign against voting ‘yes’ in that dead’ has been turned on its head. because the wording of the successful referendum. Or it might be talking amendment to make preparations as Although what does emerge from mostly in terms of ‘class’ when (working) soon as practically possible for a new the ‘on theme’ articles is common class consciousness remains so low and currency does not exactly tie Sturgeon’s agreement that the Parliament has the SNP – through being the Scottish hands. The SNP leadership will easily be barely gained a ‘6/10’, that consensus Government - still seems to have able to mould this to fit into its cautious breakdowns on how it could and should something of a monopoly on making overall approach to independence, do better. Some favour using existing anti-Tory rhetoric in Scotland. Or it might whether that be dependent upon Brexit powers or more fully using them, some be that the right in Scottish Labour is still per se, a hard Brexit or any future favour further devolution, some favour strong – see its recent Scottish Executive qualifying tests it may wish to dream up devolution within Scotland and, of election performance – and that the - Gordon Brown used the latter on the course, some favour independence. longstanding , a Euro endlessly while Labour and the SNP As we now know, the Brexit bandwagon sister to , has membership currently use them on the type of Brexit could continue to roll on until October among not much more than 5% of the and a new Scottish currency. Given the this year – or it could just as easily stop party’s 21,000 odd membership north SNP leadership’s endorsement of the shortly. Either way, it is concerning of the border. Some serious debate and neo-liberal Growth Commission report that Labour is still not clearly and discussion are needed to understand (see issue 106), it won’t just be caution consistently ahead in the polls for what exactly the problem is given that that is moulded to. a possible general election. Indeed, the left has often assumed having the Labour was not a beneficiary of the For the Scottish Parliament elections right policies is the critical and deciding hammering the Tories took in the in 2021, polling shows support for factor. 4 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Has devolution lived up to its promise? Michael Keating makes a balance sheet of the good, the bad and the not so beautiful evolution in 1999 was the opened up politics, with minor the need to look over their shoulder culmination of over a hundred parties gaining representation and, to London. There was also a change in Dyears of debate and some twenty occasionally, independents using structures, with the abolition of the old years of campaigning after the false the list system to get in. There has departments and a flatter hierarchy, start of the 1970s. Initially conceived only been one single-party majority enabling more fluid communication as a way of bringing power back from government in five parliaments. Yet between ministers and officials. There London, home rule had expanded to this has not encouraged much inter- was to be a focus on strategic objectives an ambition to do things differently. party cooperation, as opposed to the and performance. Related reforms were The ‘new politics’ that was promised annual haggling over budget details. intended to focus on the long-term and would be liberating, participative The experience of coalition government on preventive spending to stop social and representative. Repudiating the in the early years, indeed, was to close problems emerging rather than fixing hidebound traditions of Westminster, down much effective debate, as the them afterwards. Much of this impetus, Scotland would have a Parliament for policy programme was hammered out however, was later lost in the eagerness the twenty-first century. There was in advance by the party leaderships. (reminiscent of ‘new’ Labour) to always something a bit naïve about Party whipping is strict and majority embrace the latest public management ‘new politics’ though. It was to inclusive governments have hardly ever lost fads and jargon. There is much naïve and consensual but also to promote votes. Westminster, meanwhile, was talk of ‘joined up’ government and progressive policies and equality. It put becoming more rebellious even before ‘holistic’ approaches, of partnership and great faith in procedures and ignored the collapse of party discipline over co-production, which avoid important deeper questions of power and social Brexit. issues of power and genuine political inequality. Outside Parliament, political parties differences. There have, nevertheless, been have apparently had a revival: the SNP Government in Scotland is certainly advances. Holyrood has family- and Greens following the independence more accessible than in the past. There friendly working hours, shedding the referendum and Labour since the is a great deal of consultation and gentlemen’s club election of as leader. discussion with ‘stakeholders’. This ethos of Westminster. Yet the SNP, Labour and the revived has not, however, developed into the The gender balance Conservatives are centralised and broader social partnership or dialogue among SNPs was found in other small initially much better nations and regions, than in Westminster, devolved or independent. although the Concertation and proportion of women partnership in Scotland has subsequently tend to take place within stagnated at around a third. On the tightly controlled. Party conferences sectoral policy communities around, other hand, the social class balance are not allowed to debate freely or for example, economic development, has moved towards the Westminster take meaningful decisions on the great or inequality, or the environment. Too model of university-educated, middle- issues of the day. Party members elect rarely do these come together to strike class people, often coming from jobs the leaders but, thereafter, are meant to the necessary social compromises associated with politics. support the party line. and trade-offs. Instead, there is an Much faith was invested in the Preparations for devolution gave a assumption of a natural consensus, just committee system, which was intended lot of attention to the Parliament as waiting to be organised. to hold government better to account the focus of new politics. Much less Devolution has occurred at a time when and to play a strong role in scrutiny and attention was given to the executive the scope and scale of government policy development. The record here is although, in a parliamentary system, are undergoing massive change. Social decidedly mixed. Committees, like the this is where actual power lies. Initially, welfare is being transformed away Parliament as a whole, are dominated the Scottish Executive was based on from the old male-breadwinner model. by the political parties and discipline the old Scottish Office, which itself had Old, invidious distinctions between is tight. At a time when Westminster been eviscerated of much of its policy the ‘deserving’ and the ‘undeserving’ committees have started to exert capacity since 1979. Policy in the early poor have remerged as politicians manifest influence, especially where years was cautious and rather timid, and commentators on the right talk they have strong leadership, Holyrood as though ministers were conscious of ‘strivers and skivers’. The focus of committees have not progressed. of the fragility of the new institutions economic development has moved Incredibly, they have not even taken the which did, indeed, face a fierce backlash from attracting mobile multinational step of electing convenors, a reform on from sections of the press that never investment towards local capacities. which Westminster MPs insisted some accepted the change. The relationship between labour market years ago; appointment here remains in The arrival of the SNP in the renamed policy and welfare has become crucial the hands of the party leaderships. in 2007 brought a in getting people into work at a time of Proportional representation has new sense of self-confidence, without precarious employment. Westminster

5 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 to be held and most people agreed that the problem, while much less pervasive than in the past, had to be faced. The cross-party consensus in favour of immigration shows how economic needs and social liberalism can be combined and that leadership does matter – there is no evidence that Scots are naturally more enlightened on these matters. Those of us old enough to remember the old days might look back in wonder at the fact that our domestic politics was conducted in a Parliament four hundred miles away by commuting MPs – even in matters concerning only Scotland. The 2016-2021 Scottish Parliament by party MSPs We could vote for one government and policy has been more focused on would drive the tourists away from get another. Scrutiny of government punishment than empowerment. Edinburgh. was scanty and politicians, while hard- Government rhetoric in Scotland has working, were scarcely accessible. Some of the most important effects been more enlightened, as in the Devolution has made Scotland into of devolution concern things that recuperation of the old term ‘social a vibrant political community but did not happen. Scotland did not get security’ around the newly-devolved there is the feeling that, whatever its the wasteful, ideologically-driven benefits. An opportunity was lost, constitutional future, it could make experiments in marketization of the however, at the time of the Smith more of itself. National Health Service, from which Commission, for a serious review about England is trying to recover. There is not Michael Keating is Professor of Politics the right balance of powers in taxation, the frenetic competition among schools at the and welfare and employment that could (taking a toll on parents and pupils) and Director of have allowed Scotland to design a found in England, in spite of the efforts the Centre on Constitutional Change system that is both economically more of some newspapers to create league effective and socially more inclusive. tables. Universities still play the game The initial devolution settlement gave of meaningless rankings but we have Scotland almost no taxation powers. been spared the bureaucratic nightmare This has been changed in the Scotland of a Teaching Excellence Framework; Acts of 2012 and 2016. The new powers instead performance is rated in a more are still limited. Unearned income is sensitive and qualitative way. There is taxed at Westminster, the tax base is still a certain ethos of public service, reserved, as is the tax-free allowance. as educators, health professionals and Cover: Nonetheless, there are the beginnings of people in the social services are treated Nadia Lucchesi a serious debate about taxation. Having as responsible professionals rather ([email protected]) gained new tax powers, the Scottish than target-driven drones working by Proofing services: Government could not allow them to numbers – although there is a certain atrophy as had the 3p power in the amount of all that in Scotland. The John Wood and John Daly original Scotland Act. Recent changes scandalous Private Finance Initiative Communications and in income tax are small but politically (renamed Public Private Partnership organisational development: significant as they show that change by ‘new’ Labour) was rolled out in Carole Ewart in a progressive direction is possible. Scotland, leaving the next generation Claims that thousands of middle-class with massive liabilities. Partly this was Editor Email: people would decamp to the south (to because the original devolution scheme Gregor Gall face higher housing costs and university did not allow the Scottish Government [email protected] fees for their children) if they had to borrowing powers, even to invest; the pay a little more have been confronted. incoming SNP Government did not have Web: Council tax, on the other hand, was much scope to do anything about it. Tel: 0141 424 0042 frozen for years and is still based on Scotland in the last twenty years has Address: valuations set in the 1990s as successive become a more open and tolerant Scottish Left Review, governments, seared by the experience society and devolution and the debates of the Poll Tax, have failed in the 14 West Campbell Street, it provoked has a role here. The early courage to do anything about it. Millions Glasgow G2 6RX debate about the repeal of Section 28 of people who are paying too much are put the new institutions to a severe Printed by ignorant of the fact that they could win. test but they held their nerve. The There is a similar timidity on issues like Hampden Advertising Ltd, debate about sectarianism might have the tourist tax when lobbies implausibly 403 Hillington Road, G52 4BL, appeared to be turning the clock back claim that a couple of pounds a day Tel: 0141 429 1010 to the old agenda, but it probably had

6 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 ElaineRed Smith arguesScotland the Scottish Parliament unrealised? has made little progress in realising it essential tasks ordon Brown, in The Red Paper did not last as party political pressures with a world class Scottish education (1975), argued: ‘The irresistible began to emerge; with positions system. It is now in decline with a Gmarch of recent events places evolving to become more entrenched. growing attainment gap, college places Scotland today a t a turning - not of our In addition, constitutional issues have lost and learning support reduced. The own choosing but where a choice must taken precedence over policies to deliver SNP promised to scrap student debt in sooner or later be made’. He went on to a fairer Scotland. Some member’s bills 2007 but, instead, it is rising. suggest that the manifest issues at that have had success, such as my own Perhaps worst of all, child poverty is time facing Scotland were ‘our unstable Breastfeeding bill, but they need to predicted to hit the shocking figure of economy and unacceptable level of be supported by the government to 29% in 2023. The graph below shows unemployment, chronic inequalities of succeed. that it began to decline in the late wealth and power and inadequate social Likewise, the committee system was 1990s but has been on the rise again services’. supposed to operate as a second since 2010. Cruel Tory welfare policies One turning point was the referendum chamber to hold government to can be blamed but so too can the SNP for a Scottish Parliament in 1997; enabled account but doesn’t work as expected. government. With much increased by the election of a Labour Government For example, if amendments to bills powers over income tax rates, they could following eighteen years of the Tories. are passed at committee, they can mitigate the two-child cap; implement The vote was overwhelmingly in favour be overturned by the Government at the £5 top-up to child benefit and bring of a devolved parliament with tax varying Stage 3. The committees do work hard forward the introduction of a minimum powers; widely believed to be a reaction scrutinising legislation but are susceptible income standard. Free school meals to the way Scotland had been treated to pressure from whips. could be rolled out, with holiday hunger during Thatcher’s era. The belief that a Two decades on and has our parliament addressed nationally as it has been by Scottish Parliament would be a bulwark lived up to the expectations many on some Labour councils. Instead, Tory against further right-wing Tory policy was the left had at its inception of accessible austerity has been passed on tenfold by a motivating factor in the support for democracy and a more socialist the SNP to local government. This was devolution. Scotland? In terms of access, voting not envisaged by those on the left on Scotland in 1999. Indeed, initial editor I was elected in 1999 as the first MSP systems, sitting times and committees of the Scottish Left Review and my good for Coatbridge and Chryston and the there have been some improvement friend, the late Jimmy Reid said: ‘The Parliament opened with great fanfare. over the Westminster system. However, mega-rich want less public spending so Some major changes were already the issues identified by Gordon Brown that they may pay even less tax. The only visible such as the number of women in 1975 have not been resolved and it alternative is that we pay more taxes to elected. This was the third highest of could be argued they are worse. The fund the expenditure required to make any parliament in the world. However, idea that people, including those in our society more civilised. It really is women’s representation has plummeted work, would be dependent on foodbanks as simple as that. Which side are you from third in the world in 1999 to thirty (unheard of in 1999) would have been on?’ (‘Power without Principles’, 1999). second now. In comparison, Cuba, met with disbelief. And yet, the Scottish Twenty years later and the Tories are thirteenth in 1999, has now taken government is resisting legislating for a on the rise in Scotland pushing Labour second place. A critical mass of women right to food. into third place. Until we have a Labour- is important and results in progressive Homelessness on the rise, educational run Scottish government implementing legislation in areas such as domestic standards declining and child poverty socialist policies ‘for the many, not the abuse, breastfeeding and period poverty. set to dramatically increase are not few’, then we will not see the promise of scenarios anticipated twenty years ago. Initially, the expectation that this our Scottish Parliament fully realised. parliament would be different to In 2003, the Labour-led administration Elaine Smith is the Labour MSP for Westminster and would be more left- implemented the most progressive Central Region and Shadow Cabinet leaning did seem to be realised. Labour homelessness legislation in Europe yet Secretary for the Eradication of Poverty won the most seats of any party but, now our streets are sadly occupied by and Inequality. without an overall majority, entered many rough sleepers. We started out coalition with the Liberal Democrats. Former Labour MSP, John McAllion, and I Source: SPICe, 9 April 2019 https://spice-spotlight. argued at the time for a minority Labour scot/2019/04/09/ending-child-poverty-the-challenge-ahead/ administration which we felt would be better placed to drive a more socialist agenda. The system of member’s bills meant (the then sole SSP MSP) was successful in outlawing the cruel practice of poindings and warrant sales. This was achieved as he gained the support of left-wing labour MSPs. However, the prospect of more such legislation gaining cross-party support

7 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Twenty years of the Scottish Parliament Alex Neil is both proud and disappointed on the amount of left progress made hen I was elected as a prospects for promotion and career new investment in our most abundant, Member of the Scottish development. About 40% of jobs are under-used natural resource and WParliament on 6 May 1999, either part-time or temporary or in thereby help grow the Scottish economy. I was elated. This was the first ever (often forced) self-employment. We Therefore, there is much more to do. democratically elected Scottish need to do much more to address these However, without the added bonus of Parliament. As a believer in social justice shortcomings. being independent we will continue and independence, I was full of hope We have a dire shortage of skilled to under-achieve as a Parliament and that our new Parliament would deliver labour in many industries. Every year as a nation. That is why we need a for the people of Scotland. I wanted we are about 7,000 people short of the clear strategy for achieving full self- to prove that Jimmy Maxton, the ILP skilled IT workers we need to develop government. We also need to re-think MP for Bridgeton in Glasgow from the this high-paying, modern industry. We the relationship an independent 1920s till he died in 1946, was correct have a shortage of about 12,000 skilled Scotland should have with Europe. when he said: ‘A Scottish Parliament construction industry workers. We are My own view is that ‘Independence in would deliver more in five years than short of social care workers, mainly Europe’ should be re-defined. Instead Westminster would in twenty five years’. because of low pay and poor career of an independent Scotland seeking to Twenty years, later I am both proud progression. There is a shortage of re-join the European Union, we should of what the Scottish Parliament has skilled people in the oil and gas sector instead join the European Free Trade delivered but also left with a deep as well as in the medical profession. We Area (EFTA) and the European Economic sense of disappointment at our failure have a shortage of specialist teachers in Area (EEA). That way we get the benefits to deliver the kind of transformational many areas. We even have a shortage of of free movement and the single market change in the economic and social about 5,000 long-distance lorry drivers. without the downside of being in an circumstances of the Scottish people to increasingly centralised EU. These are all well paid jobs. These which I and my colleagues aspired. Part shortages represent a huge opportunity There is a huge and exciting agenda for of the reason for our failures has been to redeploy people who are in low the Scottish Parliament to pursue in its the restrictive nature of the devolution income, poor quality jobs to obtain third decade, only a small part of which settlement, coupled with the imposition enhanced levels of employment and I have outlined here. Let us deliver of austerity from Westminster. However, income and at the same time ensure on Jimmy Maxton’s mantra and show part of it is also down to our own lack of these industries can recruit the people the Scottish people that the Scottish audacity as a Parliament. We have been they need. We need a Cabinet Secretary Parliament is delivering for them. far too timid and not nearly as ambitious for Full Employment to tackle this issue or radical enough. Alex Neil is the (SNP) MSP for Airdrie and as a matter of urgency. Shotts Here we are twenty years after the We still are not doing nearly enough Parliament was established and still the to diversify the Scottish economy, pattern of land ownership in Scotland is to make it fit for the twenty first almost identical to what it was in 1999. century. For example, although Scottish Left Review The land reform measures passed by recent progress has been made, The Scottish Left Review is a non-profit making publication. the Parliament are welcome. They have Please subscribe or make a donation by going to www. our investment in research and made a difference, especially in those where you can pay by credit card development is nowhere near communities where community buyouts or by filling in your details in the form below and returning where it needs to be, compared to Scottish Left Review, 14 West Campbell Street, have taken place. However, there has to the likes of Finland and Norway. Glasgow G2 6RX not been the radical transformation Our infrastructure investment levels in the pattern of land ownership and are far better than they used to be Name control that we should, by now, have but still way below the needs of a delivered. Address modern economy. I hope that the The levels of poverty and deprivation new National Investment Bank will in Scotland are still at an unacceptable deliver a step change in the scale level and rising again. A quarter of our of such investment as well as boost Tel: children are living in poverty. A fifth of finance and credit facilities for small our pensioners and most of our disabled and medium-sized businesses. It E-mail: community are struggling to make cannot happen quickly enough. ends meet. The blame for this lies very Subscription/Donation We still have not abolished the much at Westminster’s door but as a council tax, one of the most unfair Parliament, we have not been nearly Date: taxes ever invented. We need to 211 pro-active enough in forcing change. Subscriptions: £18 (waged), £14 (unwaged), £24 (local instil new urgency into abolishing organisations), £30 (national organisations). Although unemployment levels are at the council tax and replacing Donations will be gratefully recieved. Cheques should be record lows, the quality of too many with a much fairer income-based crossed and made payable to: Left Review Scotland Ltd. jobs in Scotland is inadequate, with low local services tax. We need to You can also subscribe/donate online at wages, zero-hour contracts, and poor introduce a land tax to incentivise 8 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 How managerialism hijacked Holyrood Colin Fox says promises have been unfulfilled, challenges ducked and the poorest Scots failed n this, the twentieth the world over this entire period. capital just as ‘new’ Labour did anniversary of the Scottish Its instructions were certainly never before them because they too reckon OParliament, I find myself challenged by Holyrood. And yet until anything else is futile. reflecting on the lofty promises it they are no real, meaningful progress Who can forget the ‘red carpet’ made in 1999; politics would be can be made. treatment Donald Trump and done differently we were told, the Fundamental changes have been his billions received from Alex world’s newest legislature would few and far between in the last Salmond when a Site of Special be a ‘People’s Parliament’ with a twenty years at the postal address Scientific Interest [SSSI] in Menie, progressive policy agenda, powerful of Edinburgh EH99. Free personal Aberdeenshire was targeted for parliamentary committees would care for the elderly, free tuition for despoliation? The SNP refuse to take hold special interests to account and students, free prescriptions for the Scotrail back into public hands or serve the interests of all Scots. Those sick, free bus travel for senior citizens ensure our energy industries again promises, perhaps, predictably went - leave aside the fact they are not, of belong to the people because big awry. course, ‘free’ at all but paid for out business doesn’t approve of such Politics have not been ‘done of our taxes, no more poindings and notions. And their sycophantic attitude differently’. The same ‘special warrant sales humiliating the poor, the toward the EU today displays, above interests’ dominate today as they closure of coal fired power stations, all, a party beholden to corporate always have. I recall the academic, the new railway line to the Borders capital. Gerry Hassan, concluding after the and the Aberdeen bypass were all ‘The rainbow parliament of 2003- first 10 years that the same privileged, welcome. But the harsh truth is these 2007’ was unquestionably the elite who would have gained most had improvements are not much to show progressive, democratic high point Holyrood not existed were the ones for 20 years work by highly paid f the last twenty years. There was who had benefitted most from the MSPs and their long and expensive then a genuine political pluralism Scottish Parliament’s establishment. deliberations! at Holyrood with free thinking SSP, That remains true today, only more so. Not when one in three children still Greens and independent MSPs Holyrood may be more accessible than lives in poverty and in the same challenging the stultifying status quo. Westminster – its 400 miles closer working-class areas as twenty years Unfortunately, Holyrood today has no after all - but Tony Blair ensured the ago. Not when inequalities have socialist voices within it. Its political powers devolved were little more widened markedly. Not when slave ‘centre of gravity’ is more conservative than those held by the regional and wages and mass underemployment than at any time in the last two district authorities of yesteryear. My now stalk the land. Not when fuel decades. The challenge facing left- most vivid memory as an MSP was poverty continues to scar one of the wing opinion remains considerable. being constantly told what I couldn’t world’s energy rich nations. Not when And yet only we are likely to fulfil all discuss; the illegal war in Iraq, unjust hundreds of thousands of bright those promises made in 1999. employment practices, regressive youngsters went to university and are Colin Fox is the national spokesman taxation policies, punitive social materially no better off for it. of the Scottish Socialist Party. He security decisions – the very issues Five First Ministers took office without represented the SSP at Holyrood as most of my constituents wanted me to the slightest intention of challenging MSP for the Lothians from 2003-2007. raise on their behalf. the forces that hold back progress ‘Power devolved is power retained’ in this country. Holyrood remains Enoch Powell insisted and it is ironic gripped by a deeply conservative then that this ‘power retained’ middle-class ‘managerialism’, a became the SNP’s ‘get out of jail card’. philosophy never advocated in any They use it to justify their own insipid democratic election. record in Government claiming ‘if only Since 2007, the economically right of Holyrood had more powers we would centre nationalists have kept loyally EDITORIAL COMMITTEE do so much more.’ Such sophistry to the script, retaining, for example, Bill Ramsay cannot hide the fact that the ‘Lib-Lab’ the deeply unfair council tax they Moira Craig Lilian Macer managerialism of the first decade gave promised to scrap. They promised to Sean Duffy Gordon Morgan way to the SNP’s in the second. eradicate fuel poverty in 2011 and Carole Ewart Dave Sherry Of course, the global ‘hegemony’, abandoned that pledge too. They Gregor Gall Stephen Smellie as Gramsci famously termed it, of attacked Labour’s PFI privatisation Editor Chris Stephens finance capital and its apparently programme in opposition only to Pat Kelly Maggie Chapman Convener Bob Thomson unchallengeable strength has dictated introduce their own ‘Scottish Futures Vice Convener all the political rules throughout Trust’. They cosy up to rapacious

9 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Scottish Parliament still to reach its full potential Dennis Canavan says only independence will allow Holyrood to become a heart in a heartless world hroughout my entire political People soon came to realise that reached its full potential is because life, I campaigned for the any Parliament is made up of human of the limitation of its powers. Some Tsetting up of a Scottish beings and human beings sometimes of the most important matters Parliament, even at a time when it make mistakes. Nevertheless, over such as macro-economics, foreign was not a popular cause amongst the last twenty years, the Parliament affairs and defence are still reserved many comrades on the left. The has had many positive achievements, to Westminster. As a result, the case for a Scottish Parliament was such as the introduction of free Scottish Parliament is powerless to reinforced during the quarter of a NHS prescriptions and eye tests, stop Brexit or abolish Trident yet century I spent at Westminster, most the abolition of tuition fees , a the Scottish Parliament is more in of that time in opposition. The years more generous system of caring for tune with the wishes of the people of Tory Government from 1979 to the elderly and a start to radical of Scotland on those matters than 1997 exposed more than ever the land reform, including an end Westminster. democratic deficit of the unwritten to the feudal system, ensuring a So, the democratic deficit remains UK constitution. During those long right of access to land and more and it will continue until the Scottish years of Tory rule, Scotland was opportunities for community Parliament has all the powers of repeatedly returning a majority of ownership. None of those policies an independent Parliament, which Labour MPs. At one stage we won would have been implemented by will facilitate the introduction of a as many as 50 out of 71 Scottish Westminster which continues to radical, left-of-centre agenda. Critics constituencies but we were able treat the people of Scotland with may argue that it will not guarantee to deliver little, if anything, for the disdain. The Scottish Parliament, such an agenda but we should have people of Scotland because we on the other hand, responds more more confidence in our ability to were outnumbered and outvoted positively to the needs, the wishes win the hearts and minds of the by Tory MPs from south of the and the aspirations of the people of people of Scotland. There are some border. Even on legislation applying Scotland. on the left who try to defend their to Scotland alone, the Government Proportional representation has unionist stance by waxing eloquent frequently used its majority to foist ensured that the Parliament is about working-class solidarity and upon Scotland policies which had more representative of the people internationalism. The truth is that been clearly rejected by the people compared with Westminster’s the unity of the working-class is of Scotland and the majority of first-past-the-post system. The not dependent on the unity of any their elected representatives. This committee structure has also kingdom and true internationalism was repeatedly done on important ensured more opportunities embraces all the nations of matters such as education, housing for people and organisations to the world, most of which are and the NHS but probably the most influence the Parliament’s decision- independent. Independence is not glaring example was using the making process, including at the an end in itself but a means towards people of Scotland as guinea pigs for pre-legislative stage. However, building a better Scotland which will the imposition of the iniquitous poll parliamentary democracy is play a full part in the international tax. diminished by too much control community to help build a better world. When the result of the referendum freakery. MSPs seem obliged to toe on a Scottish Parliament was the party line on virtually every vote, Dennis Canavan was a Labour MP declared in 1997, people were even in committees, and the party (1974-2000) then an independent literally dancing in the streets. There bosses have too much control over MSP (1999-2007) were great hopes and expectations the agenda. For example, at First that this would herald a new dawn Minister’s Questions, far too much of Scottish democracy. Some people time is given to party leaders. When may have been naive enough to I was at Westminster, a hard working imagine that the new Parliament back-bench Member could get would be a panacea for all of Question Number One to the Head Scotland’s ills but they were quickly of Government. That is impossible in brought down to earth by some the Scottish Parliament and even the early decisions such as the escalating allocation of members’ debates is cost of the Parliament building and fixed on a party basis. the obstinate refusal to abolish However, the main reason why the tuition fees for students. Scottish Parliament has not yet 10 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Building democracy for the next 20 years Grahame Smith argues the Scottish Parliament has made a good start but has unfinished business

n his iconic speech at the formal experienced elsewhere. The role of our ‘the devolution settlement in its opening of the Scottish Parliament on Parliament is not insignificant in this current form is now seen to be utterly I1 July 1999, Donald Dewar described regard. inadequate to the task of protecting the Scottish Parliament as: ‘Not an end those [Scotland’s] interests. In other That said, we need to avoid lapsing [but] a means to greater ends’. The words, the status quo is broken’. into comfortable complacency. If there devolution of power to Scotland and is such a consensus, it is fragile and The British Government’s catastrophic the reopening of a Scottish Parliament doesn’t go far enough. Too great a handling of Brexit, including its was an historic moment. It offered the focus on the Scottish Parliament as the proposals to centralise rather than opportunity to revitalise democracy sole vehicle for progressive change runs devolve repatriated powers in non- and to give the people of Scotland the risk of de-legitimising other critical reserved areas, has undoubtedly placed a greater say over how they are elements of our democracy. significant strain on the devolution governed. settlement. However, to characterise 20 It is easy to forget the antipathy The biggest causality of this is, of years of devolution in such a manner towards devolution during the new course, is Scottish local government, seems designed to advance her political Parliament’s early years encouraged which has been increasingly starved objective of Scottish independence by some calamitous own goals by of funding and stripped of power. rather than to promote a fuller debate some naïve but hapless politicians. The prolonged council tax freeze, on democracy in Scotland and on how No longer. Even the Scottish Tories are the centralisation of police and fire power, economic as well as political, devolutionists! The significance and services, and the proposals to limit can be fairly distributed. the value of the Scottish Parliament are local control over education, damage We do need a fuller discussion on the broadly accepted. In devolved areas, democracy. powers that our Parliament should Scottish public services are increasingly have. The STUC, for example, would different from those in England. like to see legislative responsibility for Successive Scottish Governments employment and union rights reside have placed a greater emphasis on in Scotland. We do not demand this as social justice objectives and public an end in itself. We demand it because sector delivery. While not immune to its absence limits the impact that privatisation and the neo-liberal driven current economic and labour market policy, these features little in our public powers have on reducing poverty and policy discourse. With some notable exceptions, including the unions, a once vibrant inequality and achieving fair work and The Scottish Parliament has offered Scottish civic society has struggled to inclusive growth. the opportunity for a unique approach maintain prominence. In part, this is a However, the value of the Scottish to the challenges that Scotland faces. consequence of the reduced capacity Parliament must not be judged by An economic policy characterised by of our councils and other public bodies the powers it accumulates but by its inclusive growth; a focus on reducing to engage effectively. Genuine social effectiveness in finding solutions to inequality and increasing fair work; partnerships have been replaced in the challenges we face, solutions that curriculum for excellence and free some spheres by commissioning and advance the interests of the people tuition; free prescriptions and social contracting. of Scotland. This must include not care; the smoking ban and minimum only using the powers it has to their The Scottish media is now so focused unit pricing, are approaches shaped to fullest effect, but sharing power with upon the Scottish Parliament, reflect the demands of Scottish society. other democratic and representative and the political class within, that institutions. Our constitutional debate To varying degrees, the STUC and significant parts of our economic and also needs to focus on the role of local Scotland’s unions have exerted social life are ignored. In its early government, on the role of civic society significant influence over these and years, the Parliament consumed and how Scottish communities, and the other defining Scottish policies. We all of the knowledgeable industrial people who live and work in them, can have helped shape a broad consensus correspondents. Every industrial issue be empowered to participate fully in around the type of Scotland we want. is now viewed only through a political The nature of our policy debate around our democracy. lens. Media coverage of the STUC the workplace - the drive for fair Congress, for example, is now largely Grahame Smith is general secretary work, the valued role of unions, the restricted to the interventions by the of the Scottish Trades Union Congress positive impact of migration - is far First Minister and other prominent (STUC) removed from the current debate at politicians. Westminster. Contrast our approach to fair work and collective bargaining to Last month, the First Minister that of the Taylor Report commissioned announced a renewed constitutional by the Westminster Government. debate, with a focus on further powers Scotland has not been inflicted by for the Parliament. In her statement the rise in ultra-right populism, to Parliament, the First Minister said:

11 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 The campaign for a Scottish Parliament Pat Kelly recalls the struggle for a Scottish Assembly and how it shaped the Parliament we have today n his speech at the official opening about Scotland’s identity. Many innovative proposals were of the Scottish Parliament on 1 July discussed and implemented. Crucially, The Campaign for a Scottish 1999, Donald Dewar encapsulated the Labour Party agreed to support I Assembly had discussed the idea of the feelings of the country when he proportional representation. The a Constitutional Convention, a cross- declared: ‘For me, for any Scot, today idea of 50:50 representation of men party gathering of politicians and civic is a proud moment; a new stage on and women, initially coming from Scotland charged with drawing up a journey begun a long time ago and the STUC Woman’s Committee, was a blueprint for a Scottish Assembly. which has no end’. It was often a adopted in the scheme. The term However, it did not have the political tortuous journey, especially after the ‘Assembly’ disappeared to be replaced clout to shift the main parties towards bitter disappointment of the 1979 by ’Parliament’, and the Campaign for cooperation and felt the idea would referendum, when a majority voted in a Scottish Assembly followed suit. The be better received if it came from a favour of a Scottish Assembly but not blueprint was ready for the expected ‘representative group of people who enough to satisfy the infamous 40% Labour victory at the 1992 General were seen to be above the party threshold stipulation. The requirement, Election. The agony of a further set back battle’. This group duly produced the inserted by George Cunningham, the on the long journey to a parliament impressively written document, A Claim anti-devolution Scottish Labour MP for broke many hearts but three days after of Right for Scotland, a persuasive mix Islington South, was supported by a the election, 5,000 people responded to of historical analysis and proposals for a substantial number of Labour MPs. In a call from the hastily formed Scotland the referendum campaign that followed, Constitutional Convention. United to a rally in Glasgow. Other some Labour MPs joined the ‘no’ side. groups such as Common Cause and Shortly afterwards, the SNP, which had Democracy for Scotland added their been propping up a minority Labour ideas to the campaign. government, voted along with the Not long after Tony Blair became Labour Tories in a no-confidence motion against leader, he caused fury and accusations the Labour Government. The hostility of betrayal when he insisted that no between the Labour Party and the SNP legislation on a Scottish Parliament increased to an unprecedented level. would take place without a referendum. Some stalwarts carried on the fight More difficult to accept was a separate and only a few months after the second question about giving the Conservatives won the 1979 election parliament tax varying powers. However, and so the Campaign for a Scottish after the victory in 1997 election and Assembly was founded. Although the wipe-out of the Tories in Scotland, it shunned by the leaderships of the brought about an unusual phenomenon main parties, its supporters included in Scottish politics - Labour, Liberals and individual members of all parties, trade the SNP agreed on a joint campaign to unionists, and academics. Its objective for a ‘yes’ vote on both questions. during the first period of the Thatcher The extent of the victory - 74.3% for the Government was simply to keep the parliament and 63.5% for tax varying debate about devolution alive. powers - surprised most observers. But the Tory victories in general But it was a lesson on what a united elections of the 1980s gave impetus to approach could deliver. Other lessons the long campaign taught us was the the campaign, especially in the Labour power of groups like Scottish Labour Party. Although they won nationally, the Action to shift thinking within a major 1987 election saw the Tories reduced to party. And the grassroots, cross-party 10 seats out of 71 and only 24% of the Campaign for a Scottish Assembly vote in Scotland. This electoral decline, (later Parliament) showed what a together with unpopular policies such as Civic Scotland rushed to embrace the few doggedly determined people can the Poll Tax contributed to the argument proposals as did the Liberal Democrats. achieve if persistent. that Scotland was suffering from a The Labour Party, initially lukewarm ‘democratic deficit’. Scottish Labour to the idea, was won over. However, Pat Kelly was a member of the group Action, a left-wing pressure group, the SNP felt the Convention would which drafted ‘A Claim of Right for was formed to agitate against the Poll lead them into a ‘devolution trap’ Scotland’. He is the convenor of the Tax and to campaign for Home Rule as and refused to join. Nevertheless, the editorial committee of Scottish Left the overwhelming feeling within the Convention went ahead without the SNP Review. Labour Party drifted towards home rule. with an impressive array of MPs, MEPs, Culturally, the period was highly creative leading members of local councils, with musicians, writers, and artists churches, trade unions and minor contributing to the vigorous debate political parties. 12 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Creating a constitutional moment Pauline Bryan argues that Brexit could represent an opportunity to remake Britain in a federal mould ometimes when you ask for of councils. Rather than devolving power, without the express consent of the directions, you’re told: ‘I wouldn’t the Scottish Parliament has led to more Scottish Parliament, we have seen from Sstart from here’. That may be the central control at Holyrood and less at the repatriation of powers through Brexit best response when considering the local council level. that this may not always be adhered to. British constitution. Not having a codified When the Scottish Parliament was A referendum on independence was constitution may have some advantages established, it had a range of devolved ‘granted’ by the Cameron government, - it has allowed changes to be introduced powers including the power to vary and to succeed it only required a simple quickly when governments have to taxation. In 1999, it was probably majority. As with the EU referendum the respond to significant political pressure. assumed there would be a period of outcome appeared to be assured, but But quick fix solutions are not necessarily stability while the Parliament bedded in as the campaign went on polls showed the best. In the Britain, it has resulted and tested the limits and possibilities of that support for independence was in a piecemeal approach to devolving its powers. Following the death of Donald growing. As the gap narrowed the British powers leaving a patchwork of different arrangements in different parts of Britain. Dewar and the quick resignation of Henry government made promises of additional McLeish, there were three First Ministers powers for the Scottish Parliament. This As a result, we have ended up with in less than three years. The coalition led to the and, even the Scottish Parliament and the Welsh, governments were uninspiring and failed though no Scottish government had Northern Ireland and London Assemblies, to justify the expectations of those who maximised the use of existing powers and each with different powers. Across the had campaigned for the Parliament. This, the tax varying power had never been remainder of England, there are Metro together with the Blair government’s used, more powers were devolved. Mayors, Police and Crime Commissioners, involvement in the Iraq war and other The range of powers that the Scottish City Deals, Unity Authorities, policies, helped spread a disillusionment Government received under the Scotland Metropolitan Districts, County Councils, with the coalition of Labour and the Lib- Act 2016 included raising its own income District Councils, London Boroughs and Dems and encouraged support for the tax, rail franchising, Crown Estate in the City of London. And finally, as a SNP and, to some extent, independence. response to the Scottish independence Scotland, Air Passenger Duty, enhanced referendum, up popped English Votes control over 8 social security benefits and for English Laws (EVEL). Regardless of legislating on abortion. The Red Paper the Brexit outcome, it is important that Collective has always asked: ‘What is the Britain looks at its constitution from top purpose of a new power? And, what will to bottom, or better still from bottom to it be used for?’ It believes in powers for a top. purpose, not for their own sake. Local authorities across Britain are Constitutional experts have explained being starved of funding but also have our lack of a codified constitution as a list of statutory duties. The traditional being due to not having gone through powers excised by local government over a ‘constitutional moment’ when decades have not been safeguarded as circumstances obliged the state to is shown by the Scottish Government codify and put in writing the rules bypassing local authorities, and in the under which it would operate. Britain name of giving more powers to head had its ‘moments’ mainly during the teachers, taking more direct control 17th century before the concept of a of schools which has effectively taken constitution had been established. Unlike education out of local democratic control. similar states, the British Constitution is This follows the centralisation of the Fire based on conventions, but these are not and Rescue Service and Police Scotland. on a statutory footing and even what The Scottish Parliament’s history seemed we may think they are set in stone they The SNP government has followed in to confirm Michael Keating’s claim in can be overturned simply by an Act of the footsteps of Margaret Thatcher’s ‘Second Round Reform’ (2009) that once Parliament. For example, the Human rate capping by placing restrictions on you start down the road of devolving Rights Act could be removed or amended how much council tax could be raised powers there will be demands for more. as easily as a change to laws on shop without incurring prohibitive sanctions. The British constitution is particularly opening hours. The business rate is set by the Scottish vulnerable to these demands because Government and collected centrally. In Could Brexit be that ‘constitutional making a fundamental change only all, the powers of local government have moment’ for the British? Adjusting our requires an Act of Parliament. been diminished and councillors have constitution for the return of powers been encouraged or required by law The powers of the Scottish Parliament from the EU is not straight forward. It is to behave more like company directors could theoretically be withdrawn by the not simply a case of returning to what than political representatives. It can Westminster Parliament. While the Sewel applied in 1972 before entry. Most mean that the unelected officials have convention established Westminster crucially there was no Scottish Parliament disproportionate influence on the work would not legislate on devolved issues or Welsh Assembly at that time. What we

13 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 are seeing in the process of adjustment Congresses for support for a radical, is that the British Government is democratic constitutional settlement, immediately claiming the repatriated based on the commitment to redistribute powers centrally and it is the British power and wealth, and that takes Government that will decide what will be account of the consequences of Brexit. passed on to the devolved governments. The new settlement should move Theresa May retained control of 24 areas from the existing model, where power that are covered by devolution including is devolved from the central state public procurement, fishing, agriculture to Scotland. It should instead be a and some relationship of shared power based on environmental issues. This challenge to partnership, not hierarchy. Under this arrangement there must be common the devolved settlements and concern for minimum standards across the Britain how devolution can be safeguarded gives on human rights, employment rights, further impetus to those supporting a consumer protection and environmental more federal arrangement for the British. protection and A poll conducted last year for the that the Scottish Parliament should have Electoral Reform Society showed a clear the power to enhance but never detract majority support reform of the House from these minimum standards. of Lords. Many would argue that is long Some argue that the second chamber overdue and that a second chamber could be a mixture of elected and Baroness Pauline Bryan was appointed cannot continue to be unelected, appointed members so that people with by Jeremy Corbyn in 2018 to develop significant expertise in particular areas the Labour’s constitutional policy. The unaccountable and have among its can be given a role. The ‘expertise’ of publications of the Red Paper Collective members hereditary peers. There is the current Lords reflects the British can be found at and growing interest in replacing it with establishment and while these people this article is an abridged version of a a Senate of the Nations and Regions. are eminently qualified in their areas of chapter in its latest publication, ‘Time for Jeremy Corbyn has stated: ‘We have a interest, it doesn’t make them better a Radical Scottish Parliament’. House of Lords which is dominated by able to make a small number of people from London decisions on and the south east. I would want to see behalf of the an elected second chamber that it is vast majority of representative of all regions and nations people in the of the United Kingdom. I think that’s very, country. You very important. I think it should have an can see some electoral mandate to go with it’. of the members of the current One of the issues raised when chamber considering a fully elected House of Lords who have is that it would challenge the sovereignty wonderfully of the House of Commons. Both Houses impressive would have the same legitimacy of experience and being elected, so what is there to stop knowledge and stalemate between the two resulting who sit on the in the British equivalent of the US Tory benches government shutdown? supporting the Government’s One way to avoid this is to make the two attacks on Houses responsible for different aspects working people. of government. Without the EU providing common standards and regulations The Red Paper Collective has between the devolved Parliament and for the past 10 Assemblies that role could be undertaken years argued by a second chamber. Considering this the case for arrangement immediately raises the progressive question of how would England be federalism. It represented? A single English Parliament will campaign would raise concerns about its size in at Scottish proportion to the other parts of the Labour Party British. I suspect that it would also conferences reinforce demands for powers to be and the Scottish devolved to the regions of England. Trades Union 14 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Calling out for a democratic,

Maggiedecentralised Chapman believes new opportunities revolution are now presenting themselves n the 1980s, communist stalwart, Joe government. The only impact of the from the Westminster government. Slovo, set out a two-stage transition Labour approach to workers’ rights has In a devolved arrangement, such a Ifor politics in South Africa. First, a been to land Scottish workers with a collegiate relationship should mean that national democratic revolution. Then worse deal than they otherwise would the First Minister should be able to get a socialist revolution. This theory is of have had. the Prime Minister’s attention relatively relevance to our politics in Scotland. easily. If this failed, we might expect But, the principle of this is much more We have witnessed over five years that a Conservative Prime Minister important. It is clear that Labour’s something that comes close to a could at least be swayed by a group of approach here stems not from any national democratic revolution: who Conservative MPs elected to represent rigorous analysis of Scottish nationalism would have thought that people would Scotland’s voices. but of a mistaken belief that a queue to vote at polling stations as hegemonic nationalism (Britishness), Instead, we have seen the voices of they did in September 2014? And that especially one that maintains imperial Scotland - and those from the north of followed many months of political delusions, is somehow internationalist. Ireland, and Wales (to a lesser extent) engagement and discussion the likes It is not. We should be building a - largely ignored. For all the talk of of which we had not witnessed for genuine internationalism, not clinging the Britain being a union of nations, generations. on to these imperial misapprehensions it is clear that this is not the reality. It We have an opportunity to transform masquerading as internationalism. should now be clear to everyone that our politics again: the climate emergency Brexit was, of course, always about the

has facilitated a recognition that our Conservative Party, and its desperate I also believe that we need to give economy and politics must change if attempts to not only hold itself together, power to workers in workplaces and we are to have a liveable future. Whilst but also cling on to a dying imperial empower citizens in their communities. perhaps not being the kind of socialist past. That is where we should be focusing revolution Slovo envisaged, the winds of our prefigurative attention. It is quite However, the aspirations for Scotland change are definitely blowing in Scotland. clear that in 2014, we reconfigured from 2014 have not yet materialised In one week in April alone, we saw the the Scottish polity. There is a level of in ways many of us hoped either. As launch of three different initiatives engagement with politics that simply much as we would love to be able to for independence: the SNP’s does not exist elsewhere on this say that we are leading the world on fundraising campaign, The National’s island, and is rare in the world. This devolution of power to workplaces, we ‘10,000 steps’ campaign, and the Scottish reconceptualisation was reflected in are not. We have made some progress Independence Convention’s ‘Voices for the Brexit vote in 2016 (Scotland voting with community empowerment, but not Scotland’ civic campaign organisation. It ‘remain’, England voting ‘leave’) but is nearly enough beyond Crofting buyouts. seems clear to me that our politics will also reflected in quite different political And local authorities still struggle to gain be framed by constitutional debates for aspirations in Scotland. control over the finances they need to some time to come. provide vital services: local councils have Before 2014 political differences Two understandings of the constitutional also failed to use the move towards between Scotland and England discussion in Scotland have solidified more participatory process to engage largely stemmed from the different since the Edinburgh Agreement in 2012. citizens in democratic processes. configurations of parties: Labour One believes the desire for Scottish tacking to the right in England chasing We see a malaise in our politics because independence is nationalist whilst the ‘centre-ground’ votes from the Tories, our politics involve the Tories. But it is desire to remain part of the British while Labour in Scotland maintained clear that our problems would not all be state is internationalist. The other sees its course from the 1980s in response solved if May listened to Sturgeon. Scottish nationalism pitted against to an SNP challenge that was relatively We need to purge from our politics the British nationalism. social democratic. What happened in centralising tendency we see in many On the Smith Commission, this latter 2014 through a popular movement was parties, and which has characterised understanding was thrown into sharp that this difference in the structure of our politics since the early twentieth relief by Labour’s opposition the STUC’s party politics materialised in popular century. We need our politics to stance that union laws should be politics. It became about people’s lived become much more participatory and devolved. There are important tactical experiences of politics rather than about deliberative. We do need Scotland’s considerations in this. In its years in parties. voices to be heard. But we also need the government, Labour failed to repeal voices of our communities and workers In this context, Scotland voted, in 2016, Thatcher’s anti-union laws. Since the to be heard. quite clearly, to remain (and reform) in Smith Commission, the Westminster the EU referendum. In an incredibly tight Maggie Chapman is a Co-convenor of Government has imposed further vote overall, this, along with the remain the Scottish Green Party and a Board restrictions on unions. It was clear vote in the north of Ireland, should member of Voices for Scotland that workers’ rights would be better have prompted a collegiate response protected in Scotland than by a British

15 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 The parliamentary road to tackling poverty? Peter Kelly suggests policies without powers behind them are coming up short in the progress against poverty here are currently more than one around 30 per cent. Other long-term than the treatment of social ills. This million people locked in poverty in targets covered full employment, is a recommendation that is far from TScotland, a number that has been literacy, lifelong learning, and a plethora realised. We need only look at the slowly rising over the last few years. If of policies were introduced to help number of people in Scotland turning the predictions are correct, then we can achieve the targets. to charitable food aid to see how far we expect this to increase further still. As still need to go to prevent poverty. Since this first social justice strategy, we rightfully celebrate the twentieth we have had various revisions to the In the late 1990s, the Scottish anniversary of the Scottish Parliament, approach, usually after each Scottish Parliament inherited child poverty of these figures should make us pause. Parliament election. It would be hard around 30%. Over the next few years, Why have we not made the progress to fault the ambition of any of the rates may once again return to these that many of us would have hoped administrations over the last 20 years. levels. Whilst some of the driving forces for? Is it a lack of ambition, or a failure At the rhetorical level they have all behind this remain outside the control of policy making, or the limitations of made serious commitments to address of the Scottish Parliament, there are our powers? If we are to make greater poverty. But bold statements on the new opportunities that exist to make a progress in the future, then we must need to tackle poverty have rarely been manifest difference. begin to answer these questions. accompanied by the policies required New powers over social security now When the Parliament was re- to make them a reality. There was no exist in Scotland, including the power to established, it was seen as providing an appetite, for example, to make use top up reserved benefits. A new agency, opportunity to address long standing of the Parliament’s limited tax raising Social Security Scotland, has been set issues of social injustice in Scotland. This powers to help fund the fight against up to deliver these new powers, and participatory is committed to body would doing so in ways enable ‘Scottsh that respect solutions the dignity of to Scottish those it will work problems’. with. We have For Donald child poverty Dewar, and for legislation with many others, stretching targets devolution was a to reduce child means to an end poverty. There and no end was have been ‘more important greater efforts than the creation to address in- of a socially cohesive Scotland’. poverty and options on reform of the work poverty through the promotion regressive council tax system have been The ambitions for social policy were still of the voluntary (real) Living Wage. repeatedly shelved. high in 1999, and not just in the Scottish Strengthened tax raising powers give us Parliament. Tony Blair made his famous However, there is no question that more options to generate resources to commitment to eradicate child poverty the 2008-2009 economic crisis, and invest in the fight against poverty. in Britain by 2020 and the introduction the decision to implement a savage There has never been a better moment of the National Minimum Wage gave programme of austerity and welfare in the short history of the Scottish an immediate pay rise to millions of cuts from 2010 by the Westminster Parliament for our politicians to match low paid workers. After years of policies government, have been the primary the strategic commitments to address that saw steep increases in poverty and cause of the recent increase in poverty. poverty with the practical policy actions inequality, it was beginning to feel that We have seen important attempts we need. If we are to make good the progressive social change was on the to mitigate the excesses of some of promise of the Parliament, we must political agenda. The creation of the these changes, for example around the ensure that these new opportunities are Scottish Parliament was part of that bedroom tax, or in the creation of the taken and are taken now. change, and for many of us a central Scottish Welfare Fund. These measures challenge for the Parliament was to use have helped thousands of families, but Peter Kelly is the director of the Poverty its powers to drive down poverty. mitigation has come to dominate our Alliance. Formed in 1992, it is a network responses to poverty. of organisations working together The new Scottish Executive got to work to combat poverty and inequality in quickly on preparing its social justice Where we should have been focusing Scotland (https://www.povertyalliance. strategy, A Scotland where everyone more of our efforts over the last 20 org/index.php) matters. Published in November 1999, years is on the prevention of poverty. this strategy’s key target was the The 2011 Christie Commission set out elimination of child poverty within a the clear need for public spending to generation, which at the time was at be more focused on prevention rather 16 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Not yet even a half-way house: parliamentary progress on housing poverty Graeme Brown reviews progress on housing and homelessness since 1999 999 seems both close and very and fast after 1999. Within two years And, of course, the Scottish Parliament distant now. It’s hard to recall a sprawling housing bill dealing with is only one player. Progress on tackling 1the days when housing debate public sector housing management and fuel poverty, for example, has been for Scotland, at a parliamentary level, critical issues like fuel poverty. Another uneven because housing standards used to be squeezed into an annual few years and a companion piece on might be devolved but levers over 90-minute slot and the very, very private sector housing: repairs, housing incomes and fuel prices largely aren’t. occasional piece of legislation. By the conditions and housing sales. And so it Homelessness is frustrating because, time the Scottish Parliament came continued: new laws on private renting until recently, most aspects of welfare along there were two major themes: at over three different acts. Protection for provision are not within the scope of a practical level, a large queue of legal people facing mortgage repossession. the Scottish Parliament. Universal credit, reform which had been side-lined at Abolition of the totemic Thatcherite benefit caps and benefit reductions Westminster; and, at a policy level, a policy of ‘right to buy’. Tenement can saw the legs from under the most determination to ensure that progressive programme of Holyrood was very different reform. The worsening state of from what had come before. public finances since 2010 has hit hard on vital services like So, for many of the new MSPs advice and housing support. elected in 1999, nothing better symbolised the failures of And there is so much still to Westminster government than do. Affordability has worsened the rising tide of homelessness, over the last twenty years, especially among young law reform. Planning reform. And a both with soaring rents in a people, from the late 1980s onwards. succession of changes to law on anti- private rented sector three times larger That is why the first major policy social behaviour. than in 1999; and for would-be home- announcement of any kind, only weeks buyers. The number of socially-rented after the Scottish election of May 1999, Some of these reforms have been more homes has started to edge up for the impactful than others. Would we have was a homelessness task force. That task first time since the 1970s but this is only Right to Buy ended and new tenancy force was set up and did some ground- the start of what needs to be a long- arrangements in private renting without breaking work in updating homelessness term commitment to a bigger, better a Scottish Parliament? No way! But law and improving services for street public housing sector. if I had a criticism of the last twenty homeless people by the time it reported years, it would be the sheer rush of Looking back, Scotland is a better place in 2002. But, of course, homelessness legislation without proper pause to take since 1999 and the Scottish Parliament still blights Scotland today, to the extent stock, assess impact and consolidate. is part of that. But it is nowhere near that the current Scottish Government Sometimes I think that MSPs need to what it could be, especially for those at set up its own Homelessness and Rough be reminded that just because they the sharpest end. That is why Shelter Sleeping Action Group in 2017. Changing can legislate does not mean they have Scotland will keep fighting until there is law is one thing; changing lives is a lot to legislate. Indeed, one of the most a home for everyone. more difficult. At best, tragically, action significant commitments of the last against homelessness remains work in Graeme Brown is the Director of Shelter twenty years – the current programme progress. Scotland of 50,000 affordable homes – has not At a practical level, the bills came thick needed to go near the statute book. A call for new writers to contribute Scottish Review The tectonic plates of politics in Scotland are about to undergo radicalLeft Scottish political writing a further seismic shift. Not only is the dynamic of Britain leaving the European Union colliding with the continued demand for independence but the Tories – at Westminster at any rate - are in meltdown as Labour struggles to regain lost ground. Over the course of the next two years, these pressures will then find their expression in the Scottish Parliament elections of May 2021. New opportunities may be opening up as a consequence. Therefore, Scottish Left Review renews its call for those wishing to not only analyse these changes but also help shape them in progressive ways to get in touch with suggestions for articles – either for themselves or others to write. Drop a line to the editor with a brief outline of your suggestion. We look forward to hearing from you. Professor Gregor Gall, editor, SLR ([email protected])

17 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Stalled and stymied? The right to informed democracy in Scotland Carole Ewart says it didn’t take an FoI request to work out all is not well in the new, open Scotland

arely do politicians tell you what of us to enforce the right to access by public authorities. they really think of freedom of information held by over 10,000 public Reflecting on 20 years of the Scottish information (FoI) as it’s poor form authorities. Hundreds of thousands of R Parliament and 14 years of FoISA, CFoIS to criticise a key way for the public to information requests have been made believes: hold politicians to account. However, primarily by members of the public but Tony Blair boldly vented about FoI after also by voluntary organisations, housing • FoISA must apply to all authorities he left office in his memoirs Tony Blair: A associations, lawyers, academics, funded by the public purse, including Journey (Hutchinson, 2010): councillors, MSPs, MPs and private all ALEOs and all services publicly sector bodies. funded including those delivered by Freedom of Information. Three harmless voluntary and private organisations. words. I look at those words as I write them and feel like shaking my head till • FoISA must focus more on the duty to it drops off my shoulders. You idiot. You publish information of the type people naive, foolish, irresponsible nincompoop. want and require publication schemes There is really no description of stupidity, to be progressively, not regressively, no matter how vivid, that is adequate. delivered in detail. I quake at the imbecility of it. … Once • The process of making an information I appreciated the full enormity of the request, and the information on how blunder, I used to say – more than a to do that must follow the principles little unfairly – to any civil servant who of inclusive communication. These would listen: ‘Where was Sir Humphrey principles must also be followed when when I needed him? We had legislated pro-actively publishing information. in the first throes of power. How could More information is available at the you, knowing what you know, have Inclusive Communication Hub http:// allowed us to do such a thing so utterly undermining of sensible government?’ • Learn from good practice elsewhere Conversely, the Campaign for Freedom of such as the European Ombudsman’s Information in Scotland (CFoIS) wants to Code of Good Administrative see bold and robust FoI laws. Established Yet FoISA’ s strength has shrunk, Behaviour. failing to keep up with the fast-paced in 1984, we provided solutions to temper Given the popularity of FoI, it is clearly changes in how we transmit and Britain’s keenness for secrecy laws that here to stay. According to an IpsosMORI publish information. There have been were too often used to silence politically poll in March 2017, 94% agreed that it broken promises on adding bodies embarrassing stories. is important for the public to be able for coverage and poor practice by the to access information and 77% would The Scottish Parliament was to be ‘open, Scottish Government which prompted be more likely to trust an authority accessible and accountable’ in 1999, so enforcement action by the Scottish that publishes a lot of information CFoIS seized upon the opportunity to Information Commissioner. There are about its work. However, FoISA needs demand a robust FoI law to embed a legislative omissions and loopholes to be radically strengthened to ensure transparent and accountable culture in which require a remedy informed the public’s expectations are met on the new civil service of the Parliament by how government and parliament transparency and accountability and to and the Scottish Executive. We quickly actually operate. The good news that fulfil the original ambition of how the became frustrated at the slow pace. the Scottish Parliament has eventually new Scottish Parliament would operate. There was a proliferation of FoI laws decided to progress the unanimous globally, including in the USA and decision of MSPs on 21 June 2017 and Carole Ewart is convener of CFoIS New Zealand, with the first recorded embark on post-legislative scrutiny of and a member of the Scottish Left in Sweden in 1766 (see http://www. FoISA. Review editorial committee. For more information on CFoIS’s work, seee so it was not a FoISA operates alongside the new concept. However, it was alien Environmental Information (Scotland) to our system of government. It was Regulations (EIRSs), and both are three years before the Freedom of enforced by the Scottish Information Information (Scotland) Act (FoISA) was Commissioner through a free complaints passed, steered through the Parliament process for requestors. Free access by its champion, Jim Wallace, and it to justice makes the public’s right to took until 1 January 2005 for the right know strong and offers a model to be to be enforceable. FoISA has been a replicated elsewhere in Scotland, for game changer in enabling each one example, for breaches of human rights 18 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 The Scottish Parliament and transport – transporting us into a new era? Mick Cash argues opportunities have been missed but the struggle is not yet over

ebates around the history of the the Scottish Parliament which would further privatisation of the rail system. allow for a ‘public sector bid’ for Scotrail Scottish Parliament often raise When looking back on 20 years of the services. This merely meant that at the the question of powers, whether Scottish Parliament, it’s not only the D end of any franchise services would still it has enough, and how it has used the balance of power between the Holyrood be put out for tender but there could be powers it does have. With regard to and Westminster parliaments that a public sector bid for that service. the transport and offshore sector there we need to consider - we also have has been a lot of fog and confusion Whilst Humza Yousaf in his role as to consider the relationship with the and inaccuracies about the powers of Transport Minister seemed more European Union. When it comes to the Scottish Parliament which have not positive that such a process could transport, this is an important issue helped that debate. Take rail passengers lead to a publicly-owned Scotrail, his because the EU’s fourth rail package will services, for instance, where there has successor Michael Matheson seems soon make it compulsory for member been debate, for example, around why less keen, talking ominously of a level states to tender rail services and will the current SNP Scottish Government playing field between public and private also prohibit states fully integrating rail won’t nationalise Scotrail services or sector. The RMT will, of course, work operations and infrastructure. Similarly, why the Westminster Government constructively with the Minister, but we EU laws have been the source of much won’t devolve more powers over rail. might not be in this position if the main aggravation surrounding Scottish political parties at the time of the Smith The reality is when the Parliament was Ferry services with successive Scottish Commission had argued that the Tory first established, power was devolved to Governments using EU directives as a Railways Act 1993 (which requires the cover to tender Calmac Ferry services. allow the parliament to be responsible tendering and private operation of rail for Scotrail services. A large neo- passenger services) should no longer What is definitely the case is that the liberal snag to this was these powers apply to Scotland. Scottish Parliament has allowed for far were conditional on the continued closer and intensive campaigning and requirement for a tendering process Thankfully, Labour and the Greens lobbying of politicians. RMT successes and Scotrail services being operated by are now doing just that and with the around supporting industrial action with the private sector. So, in many ways the Westminster Government’s current political campaigning against Driver Only transfer of power was illusory and, with review of rail there is an opportunity Operation or the privatisation of Calmac the prevailing neo-liberal consensus at for the Scottish Government to be are the best examples here. The ferry that time, there was little objection from clear in its submission that it wants services are also a case in point where any of the main Scottish political parties. the compulsory franchising or bidding RMT campaigning with others saw the process for the Scotrail services to Lab/Lib coalition at that time defeated Fast forward to the Smith Commission, end. We await to see the Scottish in a parliamentary vote on the tendering and Scotland and Britain had now Governments submission with interest of Calmac ferry services, representing stomached years of rail privatisation and - but at the moment the signs are that the first time in the Scottish Parliament’s there was an appetite to at least support Scottish Ministers are more interested history that MSPs actually overturned a public alternative to privatisation. Yet in using the review to take compete the Scottish Government! again, however, there was monumental control of the nationally publicly-owned missed opportunity when it came to rail infrastructure manager, Network Mick Cash is General Secretary of the rail. All the parties on the Commission Rail. This a move that would cause more Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) at the time supported new powers for damaging fragmentation and possibly union Update from the Foundation There was a very successful launch at the Scottish Trade Unions Congress (STUC) in in mid-April of the paper commissioned by UNISON Scotland - and written by Professor Mike Danson and Dr Geoff Whittam for the Foundation - on alternative sources of funding for local government. It was covered widely in the press and media - being the front page story on the Herald on Sunday on 14 April and then in some forty other news outlets - and around 40 people attended the launch of the paper at a lunchtime fringe meeting at the STUC congress with Mike Danson speaking alongside David Ross (co-leader, Fife Council), Maggie Chapman (co-convenor, ) and Lilian Macer, convenor, UNISON Scotland. The paper is available at unison-scotland-commissioned-report-on-alternative-sources-of-funding-for-local-government/ The Foundation and UNISON Scotland will meet shortly to decide how to progress the proposals contained within the paper. In addition to publishing and launching a paper on the neo-liberalisation of universities (see other JRF advert, this issue), we shall also do similarly with one on sport in society. Later in the year, Scotland’s leading human rights lawyer and of the University of Glasgow, Aamer Anwar, will give the Jimmy Reid annual lecture (on Thursday 10 October). The venue is the Bute Hall at the university where Jimmy Reid gave his famous rectorial address on 28 April 1972. Ticketing and other details will be released shortly. Towards the end of 2019, the Foundation will also hold a public meeting in Glasgow to launch the forthcoming biography of Jimmy Reid written by Professor Alan McKinlay and Dr Bill Knox (to be published by Liverpool University Press). Again, ticketing details etc will be forthcoming.

19 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 LilianFWC Macer lays inquiry out what must happen into to improve socialsocial care and the lotcare of social care workers oday in Scotland, we see a rising executive of Alzheimer Scotland, Henry Recommending that the current tide of demand for social care Simmons, I had the privilege of being commissioning practice of hourly rate Tservices, driven by demographic one of the co-chairs of the inquiry. based non-committal competitive changes and advances in medical tenders and framework agreements The inquiry commissioned a piece technologies as people are living longer, should end. Social care providers should of research from the University of and linked to their needs becoming be commissioned based on their levels Strathclyde on how frontline workers more complex. This increase in demand of skill, expertise, understanding and and their managers feel about their is set against the context of a decrease application of the Fair Work Framework, day-to-day work in relation to the in funding for Scottish local authorities and on costs based on the right numbers FWF of effective voice, opportunity, who provide and commission these vital of staffing required and a satisfactory fulfilment, security and respect. The services. and fair income level for each member primary finding is that fair work is not of staff. Commissioners should be Social care in Scotland currently being consistently delivered in the responsible for assessing and predicting operates in a mixed market economy social care sector. Who knew? Well, the level of demand and commissioning with over 1,000 providers offering a UNISON know that we have a dedicated the right levels of staff from the provider myriad of terms and conditions within workforce who are on precarious work organisation, with no expectation that the sector. However, this was not always contracts where they have little power the provider or worker carry the risk the case. Nationally-agreed terms or influence. Women told the inquiry for working time not being required. and conditions were once the norm, they enjoy being involved in people’s Delivering fair work for social care until legislation in the 1990s opened lives and like that they make a positive workers is crucial to ensure a workforce up market-led provision in social care. difference. More than 200,000 people for the future and to ensure high quality This agenda of marketisation and work in social care in Scotland - 7.7% of social care services to some of our most competitive tendering was pivotal to the overall workforce – with about 82% vulnerable citizens. the then Conservative Government’s of them women. However, the inquiry commitment to increasing efficiency found that these workers were often on UNISON Scotland believes the social through the development of the market. zero hours contracts and expected to care sector faces a perfect storm in So, over two thirds of adult social care work excessive hours. which the impact of years of chronic jobs moved to the independent (private) underfunding has been worsened by Without a voice mechanism, workers sector, with a significant percentage increasing demand and the knock- are less able to convey their concerns of council provision being delivered by on impact of cuts to other key public effectively, challenge employers on arm’s length bodies. services. This has produced a situation poor practice or make the reality in which the needs of many of society’s This market-driven environment is of their situation visible to policy most vulnerable people are not being clearly focused upon balancing financial makers. That is why the inquiry’s first met and in which care workers are objectives and, thus, places workers and recommendation is that a new sector- almost universally underpaid and largely service users secondary to matters of level body be established in Scotland undervalued. The lack of status and money. Consequently, staff delivering with representation from across chronic undervaluing of social care is not these services have little power, choice key sector stakeholders to establish unconnected to perceptions of care as or control in their work environment. standard minimum fair work terms and ‘women’s work’. Failure to address the Ultimately, this commissioning process conditions for the social care workforce gendered dynamics of the care sector results in poor employment practices and provide the opportunity for ongoing and to challenge its significant voice that are not consistent with fair work. dialogue and agreement on workforce deficit, low pay and one sided-flexibility Some 20 years into the re-founding of matters. The first task of this body all contribute significantly to women’s the Scottish Parliament, we have seen should be to develop Fair Work First poorer quality of work and to Scotland’s both Labour and SNP governments criteria for inclusion in commissioning. gender pay gap. subject our most vulnerable in our The report found employers society to the vagaries of the market Lilian Macer is the Convenor of UNISON complained that it was hard to whilst overseeing workers’ wages, terms Scotland and a member of the Fair Work offer better employment conditions and conditions being driven down. Convention. The FWF can be found because of problems with funding or at https://www.fairworkconvention. As a consequence of concerns raised commissioning. However, the report scot/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ during the consultation for the Fair Work did recognise some positive policy Fair-Work-Convention-Framework- Convention’s Fair Work Framework initiatives in recent years that have PDF-Summary-Version.pdf and the (FWF), a decision was taken to aimed to improve the situation, notably social care report at https://www. undertake a detailed inquiry into the the Living Wage initiative. Yet, the report social care sector in Scotland. The aim concluded that low pay is a symptom of uploads/2018/11/Fair-Work-in- was to determine what was needed wider structural problems arising from Scotland%E2%80%99s-Social-Care- to implement the FWF across the the commissioning system for social care Sector-2019.pdf social care workforce. The inquiry was itself. established in January 2017 and over Therefore, the inquiry recommended the past 18 months, alongside the chief treating the problem at source.

20 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 On the frontline: crushed by corporate capitalist culture ‘Late Night Girl’ tells of the bullying behaviour at work she suffered and how she is fighting back y story with Pret-A-Manger I was a team leader of the shop floor I travelled back and forth between is very complex and long. - there is a separate leadership in the London and Germany for the funeral, MOnly in hindsight, do I think kitchen - from around 2011 onwards. running errands, investigating what I understand the extent of what I’ve Team leaders do the real work, whereas happened, brought my mum with me been through and how systemic the managers tend to sit in the office, come to London as I had to continue to work. problem of workplace bullying in profit in late, leave early, look important, I spent all my savings with all the costs driven companies can be. go to meetings etc. Team leaders and was forced to return to work. I have always worked in the food are blamed a lot while not being I had basic support from Pret as staff industry in three different countries. supported. receive a few days ‘compassionate I have worked in a hotel, wine bar, My story really starts to become leave’. But that was all. I was never canteen and various restaurants horrendous when my brother died. sat down and told what support I may and cafe chains but I have never This in itself was the most traumatic need, and was also put on late shifts experienced the stress and event in my life and I never expected which kept me from vital support from discrimination I went through in Pret. to be treated so badly with the friends as I worked when they were Only now, when I have contact with seeming intention to have me leave my off and they worked when I was off. unions (like the BFAWU) and activists, employment as bereaved employees Initially, I didn’t mind and didn’t even do I realise that this is a growing seem quickly to become something of notice, as I couldn’t sleep until the problem as a result of capitalist an inconvenience in Pret, and often in morning anyway as I was tormented globalisation and the accompanying many other companies. with shock and grief. I kept going intensification of competition. to work to keep me occupied and distracted as best as possible. Before I worked in Pret, I was an assistant manager (AM) in Caffe Nero. I approached human resources (HR) Nero was a lot of stress, but nothing informally to make a suggestion on how like Pret, and the atmosphere with to support bereaved employees. But colleagues and managers was relaxed. unbeknown to me at the time, I believe I left Nero as Pret paid better. Even as this inadvertently put a ‘target on my a new team member, I got paid more back’ and my superiors, I think with the than as an AM in Nero. I would not guidance of HR, started pursuing me have left Nero if the wage was not with little issues where I made mistakes so poor. Little did I realise that the (but my mistakes were even less than reason Pret pays a little more than its those of my colleagues). competitors is because the work is so One of several Mystery Shopper (MS) intense, incredibly stressful and with requirements is that staff have to smile, a bullying environment under poorly be friendly and show happiness all the trained management. My brother died in December time. Only recently have I learnt that But I’m used to hard work and don’t 2014 in his flat and was not found this is called ‘emotional labour’ that shy away from it. I started in Pret in for approximately six days when is forced upon low-wage workers and 2008 just when Bridgepoint, the private neighbours smelt the strong odour I have since written about it. Also, in equity investor, purchased Pret and put of his corpse. My brother was self- Pret, staff have one minute to serve forward the target to open on every employed - after having gone back to customers, one minute to serve the hot street corner (in London specifically). studies, he started his own business drink from the time of payment, are That meant a lot of managers were as an environmental advisor on green tested to see if they give eye-contact, needed, but there was not the effort energy to companies. He travelled make some polite remarks etc. The MS to really train them, and most have throughout Germany where I’m from, even times the service to the second. neither people nor leadership skills. so it was not unusual that neighbours I give a few examples with excerpts of didn’t see him much. MS comments on my website. But again, I gave Pret the benefit of the doubt, thinking in time when I moved We didn’t know for five weeks that If teams fail in any or several points, the on or rose upwards in position that it my brother died, and to make it even whole team loses its bonus. The bonus would become easier. I never expected worse, the police did not investigate system is the biggest chunk towards this bullying environment - which properly, not finding us and after a few managers’ remuneration. So, managers at first I denied was happening as it weeks just cremated him. I have written are extra strict when staff fail. I was happened in every shop I worked but it extensively about this on my blog traumatically bereaved: I even begged continued and even intensified when I ( Here, I summarise sometimes to be sent into the kitchen, was bereaved. what I went through in Pret. away from the shop floor as I was

21 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 and then fired while my dad was in intensive care, just out of a coma. CEO Clive Schlee labelled me his ‘late night girl’ due to my late night emails to everyone which then lead to my firing. I adopted that label to be a sore in his and Pret’s eyes. I confront Pret openly on Twitter and Facebook about this. Because I have never experienced anything like this in any workplace, I was so traumatized with my brother’s death and the circumstances surrounding it, I became so out-of-sync giving Pret the benefit of the doubt again and again and putting blame on myself and what psychologists call ‘Sibling Survivor Guilt’. I even apologised for a nervous breakdown after a line manager rebuked me repeatedly in front of my team. For tearing up at times and didn’t want to was unable to fight this on my own. an overview of my trauma with Pret, be seen by customers. I couldn’t afford I have collected other staff reviews I have created a ‘Mind Map’ linking to go home as I had had to spend all from employment review websites, each title to a blog entry as my blog my savings. But I was denied this with YouTube, Twitter etc and I have learnt has grown: https://www.mindmeister. the reason that I’m not used to the the hard way that, without a union, com/1194255218/my-pret-a-manger- kitchen and would be slow. Everything there is no hope of raising issues of ordeal in Pret has to be done fast. ‘Time is systemic workplace bullying. Many money’, customer circulation in and out ‘Late Night Girl’ also tweets at https:// people were shocked and disbelieving and she of shops has to flow fast, meaning the when I mentioned how Pret really is was recently interviewed on a podcast money flows fast. behind its well-polished PR facade. Only based in California where she tells her After I approached HR informally, I also the unions, activists and some from the story in more detail (see front page of requested a transfer to a shop where I press have believed me. her website: would have rotating shift patterns, as • The editor adds: my then general manager refused to The targeting I went through was give me rotating shifts as the evenings everything apart from sexual and There is a facebook group, started in weren’t as busy and the MS visited very physical violence - the typical bullying, 2011, called ‘I Hate Pret A Manger’. rarely in the evenings. I was warned both open and subtle. I was shouted And, a now former employee, when I didn’t smile by an area manager, at and, when this didn’t work, I was Andrej Stopa, helped start the Pret and was summoned into the office on excluded from leaders’ meetings, was A Manger Staff Union (PAMSU). my day off because I made some minor not given important information I He was reportedly fired in 2012 mistakes. I was sent to another area needed to do my job, and was sent to under the pretence of him allegedly and shop that had lots of problems, and difficult shops to receive a disciplinary having made homophobic remarks. in hindsight, I believe, I was sent there for failing even in little things. Pret, it See also the case of Rodrigo (in to set me up for failure. seems to me, works mainly with fear boxed graphic), another fired management. union activist. Unfortunately, I quickly became paranoid and felt I both groups are not very active was targeted. And, I think I was right The more perverse thing Pret did now. Unions like the BFAWU and because months later I applied for my was with emails after I became ill. I UNITE are continuing to try to employee file which included emails believe I was targeted in group emails unionise Pret. For more on the between HR and managers who were from my boss, in the emails I read employment practices of Pret, see brainstorming all the time what to do between HR and managers etc. I with me. I was constantly put under spiralled into ‘ill emailing’. I received a commentisfree/2018/may/30/pret- pressure in the hope I would resign. But disciplinary for the emailing but Pret people-power-sandwich-payout- I didn’t. I even declined four settlement used a Development Manager who employees and https://www. offers if I’d resign and never speak told me she had also lost her brother about my ordeal or go to court. Three in similar circumstances to my brother. news/pret-workers-want-more-for- offers were made internally and the She went into personal text messages their-smile-enough-pay-and-hours- fourth was via the Advisory, Conciliation and emailing with me because of our to-live-on-8439133.html and Arbitration Service (ACAS) when I common grief. But this confused me withdrew my Tribunal claim as my dad further and, only in hindsight, does it just died in the middle of preparing for now seem that I was being set up to the case. I could not afford a lawyer and get fired. I believe I was ‘gaslighted’ 22 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Free bus travel – fanciful idea or radical ambition? Pat Raffety shows how free bus travel can have immense economic and social advantages ichard Leonard’s keynote speech communities are being cut off from transport offers people the ability to at the Scottish Labour party services and opportunities at the whim fully participate in the economy. It Rconference in March 2019 included of bus companies without sufficient or also offers access to opportunities in a commitment to a Labour government meaningful engagement with the people employment, education, health and introducing free bus travel across affected. leisure. All recognised as important Scotland. Is this a fanciful idea or a in good mental and physical health. Unite sees municipal ownership of the radical ambition? There are also precedents for public bus network as providing social value as ownership of transport in Scotland. In 2017-2018, Scottish bus companies well as economic value and an essential Scotland’s ferry network is run by received £298m in subsidy from local component in response to these cuts Caledonian MacBrayne a wholly-owned and central Government, yet neither by increasing bus provision where it subsidiary of the Scottish Government. the Scottish Government nor travelling is needed, including the opportunity In 2013 Prestwick Airport was bought to extend services to areas of the public have any real say on how, by the Scottish Government for £1 country that have been left in so-called where or when buses are run. These as it was a ‘strategic infrastructure ‘transport poverty’ and, ultimately in decisions, ultimately, lie with the bus asset’ airport and to save jobs, and the longer term, doing so at no cost to companies and as profit maximisers Scotland’s rail network - previously fully passengers. they will pick the profitable routes and publicly owned - has also been heavily timetables irrespective of the needs Fare-free buses operate in the French subsidised by the Scottish Government. of the community, with the Scottish channel port of Dunkirk, a city of The First Minister also announced Government stepping in to subsidise the 200,000 people. There, free bus travel she was prepared to take the railways routes the bus companies don’t want. has proved an overwhelming success, back into public ownership following with a 50% increase in passenger Given the climate change challenge, complaints about the service. As in numbers on some routes, and almost there have been calls for parking levies Dunkirk, free travel could be funded 85% on others. Bus routes and bus and Low Emission Zones using the money the in our large cities to tackle Government currently this. Both have proved spends on subsidising controversial, with some concessionary travel as well local authorities saying they as the subsidy provided to will not implement a levy. bus companies to run less It is proposed that the levy profitable bus routes and would be wholly met by services. Other income could employers, but as was the be raised through improved case in Nottingham, it can job opportunities leading to increasing fleets have been extended and include (and inevitably would) be passed on levels of employment which would green buses run on natural gas. Prior to employees. Our economy functions result in increased tax revenue. Or, as is to free buses, fares raised only around 24/7, yet currently bus timetables favour the case in Dunkirk, a tax on employers 10% of the network’s €47m ($41.6m) those living in an urban environment, to assist employees travelling to work annual running costs - 30% came from working between 8.00 a.m. and 6 p.m. which is not passed on to employees. local government and 60% from a and off on weekends. Travel outwith Less car journeys would result in less public transport levy on organisations these times is often sporadic or non- wear and tear on our roads, presently and public bodies with more than 11 existent as is the case in many rural costing Scottish taxpayers around £68m employees. (By increasing the transport communities. pa. Less pollution would help attain tax slightly to account for the 10% climate change targets, ultimately Yet more and more employment needed there was no requirement to improving the country’s overall physical contracts require workers to be increase taxes for households.) Free health and, with access to social and available at night and at weekends and buses run by the public sector have recreational activities, an overall precarious and shift work often means allowed people on low incomes to travel healthier nation, reducing costs to the working out with so-called ‘normal’ further afield for work rather than being NHS. It is clear there are many ways to hours. Unite set up the ‘Haud the Bus’ constrained by their inability to afford fund free municipally owned buses. The campaign to raise awareness around, the cost of travel. The information hurdle may not be funding it but the and campaign against, the continued presently in the public domain shows desire and political will to implement it. withdrawal of so-called unprofitable the Dunkirk model is working. However, bus routes operated by private while the devil may be in the detail, Pat Rafferty is the Scottish secretary of sector bus companies, which have it is certainly a model worth further the UNITE unions. The full version of this left communities across the country, consideration. article first appeared online at Red Robin from West Lothian and Aberdeenshire in April 2019. Accessible, affordable and sustainable to the Borders, abandoned. These

23 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Cuba’s post-revolution medical advances On the 60th anniversary of its revolution, Imti Choonara, Ollie Hopkins and Kath Campbell chart the progress of healthcare in Cuba f the accomplishments of Cuba As well as carrying out routine health currently undergoing further research. could be reproduced across a broad checks such as blood pressure and heart Successful vaccines have been produced ‘Irange of poor and middle-income checks, they also monitor lifestyle and for cholera, malaria, meningitis B, countries the health of the world’s other factors affecting health. Higher hepatitis B, and many more. population would be transformed’ said risk families, for example, those with Cuba’s international solidarity is beyond the Lancet Medical Journal in 2014. In existing health conditions, or smokers, compare with their medical brigades spite of the overwhelming challenge of are seen more regularly. being sent not just across South and the US blockade, Cubans receive world For more specialist services, including Latin America, but throughout the leading healthcare. Health is enshrined adult medicine, paediatrics, obstetrics, world. Operation Miracle, a joint in the constitution as a fundamental gynaecology, dentistry and psychology, initiative from Cuba and Venezuela has human right and delivered free of patients are referred to a polyclinic seen more than 4m people have had charge. Although initially modelled on – which serves between 14 to 30 their sight saved or restored with free the NHS, its subsequent development consultorios. Patients see specialists eye surgery. has focused more on a preventative quickly – usually waiting for one week model focussing on health promotion, After the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, the –without needing to go to hospital. with community based primary care, largest contingent, caring for 40% of The primary care system ensures partly because of limited access to many the victims was from Cuba. Following communication between the family of the medicines on the world market the two earthquakes in Nepal in May doctor, the specialist and the patient. due to the US blockade. 2015, Cuba sent a brigade with their own medical equipment and a Before the revolution, Cuba had only team of surgeons, anaesthetists, three medical schools which were obstetricians, nurses and GPs. Since exclusively for wealthy Cubans. Today, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, there are 23 medical schools training 20,000 children have been treated Cubans and overseas medics. Their for radiation-related illnesses free Latin America School of Medicine, of charge in Cuba. More than 250 which educates foreign students voluntary and specialised health free of charge has seen well over cooperation workers of the ‘Henry 30,000 doctors graduate, many of Reeve’ medical brigade took part in whom go back to work in their own the struggle against Ebola in West communities. This has achieved one Africa. Cuba sent 2,400 volunteers to of the highest doctor-to-patient ratios Pakistan following the 2005 Pakistan in the world: over eight for every earthquake, who were responsible 1,000 citizens – more than double the Regional and specialist hospitals exist for treating more than 70% of those rate in the US and Britain. throughout the country for complex affected. The country has a similar life expectancy and tertiary care, but it is Cuba’s This has all been achieved in spite to the US and a lower infant mortality community-based primary healthcare of the blockade. It prevents Cuba rate: 4 for every 1,000 live births provision which has produced obtaining crucial medical equipment, compared to 5.7. Women receive a impressive results. In contrast to other particularly in tertiary care, and US- minimum of 13 antenatal check-ups developing countries, Cuba has an produced medications. The blockade during pregnancy with maternity ageing population and health problems can also impose limitations on homes caring for those with high-risk are similar to that of rich countries. The collaboration, exchange of knowledge pregnancies or social problems. Family response to these new health challenges and advances both within Cuba and doctors are the foundation of Cuba’s is huge investment in public health beyond. If the blockade was lifted, how primary health care preventative model. education around smoking, alcohol, diet much more impressive could Cuba’s They work in conjunction with a nurse and exercise – and the family doctor and health achievements be? from a small neighbourhood office nurse are key in delivering this message. Dr Imti Choonara, Ollie Hopkins and – a ‘consultario’. They also live in the Cuba’s preventative model has made Kath Campbell are activists in the community they serve. Emphasis is on world leading achievements. If the Scottish Cuba Solidarioty Campaign the family doctor knowing each family, Global South could replicate Cuba’s (SCSC, both medically and socially which is achievements, hundreds of millions scottishcuba/, extremely important in relation to child of lives could be saved each year. In scottishcuba). SCSC campaigns in health where parents have a major 2015, the World Health Organisation Scotland for the defence of Cuba, influence on child health outcomes. reported that Cuba had become the first and support its people’s rights to self- Child mortality rates (neonatal, infant country to eliminate mother-to-child determination. It holds bi-monthly Film and under-five) are all lower in Cuba transmission of HIV and syphilis. There and Discussion Nights at John Smith than in the US. have also been outstanding medical and House, 145 to 165 West Regent St, All Cuban families receive a minimum of scientific advances. Cuba has developed Glasgow G2 4RZ on 16 May, 15 August an annual visit from the family doctor. a lung cancer vaccine, CimaVax, which is and 17 October 2019. 24 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 The ship that sailed for Spain … to fight the fascists Graham Wallace explains what Glasgow’s new memorial is all about

Members of the RMT Glasgow Shipping Branch at the unveiling of the memorial (photo courtesy of the RMT Glasgow Shipping Branch). he Glasgow Shipping branch of the plaque and memorial, is an old ‘Any fool with eyes could see the RMT union recently hosted a communist from Glasgow. About 15 When the planes swept over low Tgathering of local, national and years ago, he saw Harry Secombe on They didn’t give a damn for the Union international supporters at the unveiling Songs of Praise interview an old captain Jack of a plaque and statue on the banks of in Greenock. When asked what his Spread-out across the bow. the Clyde at Broomielaw, in memory of greatest achievement was, he declared ‘And why don’t they care for the English the seafarers who ran vessels to break it was running the blockades in the flag the blockades during the 1936-1939 civil war. Frank took this on board, ran And the rules of the bloody game? Spanish Civil War. People came from with it, and approached our Glasgow Because they know that Chamberlain all over Scotland, Britain and Europe to Shipping branch. Has traded the English name. attend. Of the 61 merchant vessels sunk between ‘Has traded the name to the Japanese, It is an international memorial to 1936-1939, 29 of them were flying the Licked Mussolini’s boots, seafarers who left their home ports Red Ensign. Normally, such an action by a Let Hitler get hold of the Austrian lands from all over the world to support and foreign power would be seen as an act of For you doesn’t care two hoots. bring supplies to the Spanish people, war, and be met with force, but such was who were fighting the fascist Franco. In the appeasement mood in the British ‘We sent a wire when we got to land, Britain, they especially came from the government that they let it pass. And in Parliament next day, ports of Cardiff, Liverpool and Glasgow. Franco’s lackey got up and said The plinth features a stanza from And the people of Glasgow played their We just went there for our pay. Herbert Peacock’s 1938 poem, A Ship for part too. When the working class of Spain: ‘These are the taunts we have to bear the city didn’t have much, what little From the traitors we’ve got at home. they could spare they used to help the ‘I had a ship,’ the captain said, From the traitors who sullied the English Spanish people in the plight they faced. ‘A ship that sailed for Spain, name And if I had that ship right now We hope the memorial will be the And played second fiddle to Rome. catalyst for other memorials in these I’d sail there once again. ‘I had a ship,’the captain said, proud seafaring cities. It took us 15 ‘I’d take a story with me then ‘A ship that sailed for Spain, years to complete, but the proudest And let the people know And when I get another ship thing about it is that it’s there for all In Barcelona why their bread I’ll sail there once again.’ us of forever, especially now at a time Is fathoms deep below. when the far right and fascism are on Then, as now, and forever, no pasaran! ‘With my own lips I’d to them say: the rise again. So, it’s both a memorial The English people true Graham Wallace is the branch secretary and a warning for future generations. Want you to hold against a foe of the RMT Glasgow Shipping Branch. Frank Casey, the sculptor who designed But it’s more than the Government do.

25 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Profit-ism: the nightmare of daydreamers Patrick Phillips examine the motivation of those that play and pray for profit

ach year, thousands of books take you beyond your own life time. We have arrived at the modern world are published that demonstrate without the modern world. Profiteers edify their own illusionary how profiteers make profits but E unity with nature, thus, exploiting all The way we are forced to live today is never why. My forthcoming book, natural resources between us and an ontological crisis (which is getting Ways of Expressing, aims to answer nature. Technological progress has now worse) - because to live a transient the questions: why are profiteers so enabled Profiteers to make a profit existence is to live with the constant insistent on the making of a profit, and invisible, and in consequence, their threat of our existence. Our fight today what alternative economic-exchange is exploitation of us too. Automation and available to us now? Below are some is for the ontological right for everyone AI are enabling Profiteers to make a extracts from it: to exist. This is the urgency of this profit even faster: in less than a second. book: to understand why Profiteers are Today’s ruling-expression is that of the Hence an uninterrupted economic- so insistent on the making of a profit, making of a profit. This expression is exchange; again, so that Profiteers can without ethical consideration. We must not our own, but that of Profiteers. feel eternal in sensation. begin not only a new way of expressing, Enclosure of our common land The relationship between nature and but, a new way of becoming. made such an expression reality. It society is no longer considered to be was an act of re-capitalizing existing Profiteers are not hoarders. Today in continuity. Unity between the two landownership. Before the enclosure we see hoarding as a mental illness is being rendered obsolete. Profitism movement, many landowners were but rarely do we question enough a today is portrayed as our final end - in already making a profit. But why the Profiteer’s quest for eternal profit. that there is no more progress to be had need to make even more of a profit? We could compare a hoarder with a - and no more expressions to be lived The need to feel eternal in sensation Profiteer, but a hoarder tries to preserve out. Profitism is now not the only way, is essential to our existence. Enclosure the eternal waste that surrounds them but the way. Each day, we are forced to reorganised Time and Travel; all headed daily. live out and believe in this exploitative in the direction of the making of a quest for eternal profit. The only time In a new expression - without a ruling profit. Hence today’s global tyranny available to us now is the making of a expression - class would no longer in their quest for eternal profit to profit. exist. A way of expressing is a way of feel eternal in pleasure. This is why being, and therefore, living. We need to Profitism creates eternal waste, because In our so-called ‘modern’ society our establish a universal way of expressing - of a Profiteer’s calculated economic relationship with nature has been which includes the expression of every completely segregated. We no longer exchange. If the making of a profit was human being - in all our dreams awake. eternal in sensation, then Profiteer’s freely live out our dreams awake, nor would only need to make a profit once. intrinsically consider our essential daily Patrick Phillips is an artist, thinker, writer Because it is not how many times we relationship with nature. How close are and dreamer (https://patrickphillips. exchange that is important but the we in our daily experiences to being in blog/). He lives and works in a way in which we exchange. What they unity with nature? Never before have mountain village in Scotland. His photo make in a second takes you a month. we been so removed and disconnected memoir, The Lawyer’s Dream, about a What they make in an hour takes you from nature. Our situation today is like lawyer who started his own circus will be a decade. What they make in a day will no other situation in human history. published in 2019. Public launch of new paper: ‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’ by Jeremy Valentine (formerly Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh) 6pm-8pm, Thursday 30 May 2019 UCU Scotland offices, 4th floor, 227 Ingram St, Glasgow G1 1DA Jeremy Valentine will lay out the how, where and why of neo-liberalism now dominating the way universities are run and the purposes they are run for. Alongside Jeremy will be speaking Ann Gow, president of UCU Scotland, and Carlo Morelli, president-elect of UCU Scotland. There will be plenty of time for Q&A. All are welcome Established in 2011 by the Scottish Left Review, the Jimmy Reid Foundation (JRF) is an independent ‘think tank’ and advocacy group focussed on producing practical, policy proposals for transforming Scotland based upon analysis and investigation of the current Scottish and global political, cultural and social situation. Visit ourwebsite@ to see our policy papers and news.

26 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Age, ageing and older people’s issues Bill Johnston concludes his appeal for the left to take older people’s issues seriously This third article concerning age, ageing people and the ageing population. is a detrimental impact on pensioners and older people’s issues relates these standards of living. In fact, direct Looking ahead to the next Holyrood interrelated factors to Scottish politics attention to older people’s needs has election in 2021, the SNP should be well and suggests priorities for the left during been scarce in the Brexit debate by placed on particular aspects of older 2019. The essential argument is that comparison to the attention dedicated people’s issues, having introduced a policy and action should oppose the to trade, tariffs, internal party disputes new cabinet post of Minister for Older present neo-liberalisation of ageing, and other headline grabbers. People and Equalities in 2018 (Christine and be driven forward by a rights- McKelvie MSP). However, it will need What of independence and the present based approach rather than the current to defend its previous decade in power focus on another referendum on it? dependency model and methodology for regarding older people’s issues. The new An independent Scotland would be defining older people and their issues. Minister and the current Framework born overnight complete with its Identifying and combating ageism in exercise offer the SNP an opportunity to own population, so the approach all its forms should be a particular explain their efforts on older people and to demography post-independence target for government, political parties, equalities, thereby, creating a baseline needs to be defined in advance - unions, charities, community groups to deflect criticism. That said their ideally by showing a clear break from and socialists in anticipation of the political prospectus must offer a strategy neoliberalism towards socialism. next Holyrood election in 2021 and for ageing within an independent This is as important an issue as the campaigning around a possible second Scotland as well as a checklist for popular debates about currency, EU independence referendum. improvements under devolution. membership etc., and should be solidly The Scottish Government’s A Fairer based in existing population data. In a Scotland for Older People: A Framework paper for the Commonweal called The for Action appeared in March 2019 and Demographics of Independence: 2018 is a major statement of intent. The focal edition, Craig Dalzell summarised the point is a very welcome commitment demographics of Scottish democracy to tackle ageism and implement a so there is a common basis for analysis rights-based approach to our ageing and policy discussion about ageing. population. The list of actions described In electoral terms, he showed age is a seems more symbolic than material powerful and subtle correlate of voting and more reliant on collaboration with preference on independence. In effect existing programmes and partners than ‘older’ voters are a key segment of in breaking new ground and establishing the electorate for both pro- and anti- new change mechanisms. Equally, independence campaigners but they there is a requirement for funding cannot be taken for granted by either and budgets to be clarified to allow a side. balanced evaluation of the document To conclude, many older citizens and the possible impact of its proposals. today are those ‘Baby Boomers’ who Analysing, critiquing and if necessary The other parties can simply react to campaigned for progressive policies on proposing alternatives to the Framework an SNP stance but that would be a racism, equal opportunities, abortion will be a major task for the left during weak and disaffecting position if the rights and workers’ rights over the 2019/20. A foundation for analysis is the SNP produced an attractive offer to last forty years. They are not the challenge of linking demographic ageing older voters. The initial challenge for all anti-young people demons of right- to other major dynamics such as climate parties is to devote serious attention wing propaganda. The demographic change, technological change, and the to population demographics as an challenge for the left today is to unite economic environment and which are issue in its own right and align policies the generations to combat the divisions currently treated as separate issues in for age and ageing and older people caused by negative stereotypes and public policy. Accepting this challenge accordingly. Can we look forward to a propaganda designed to set older and is a key political and electoral task for ‘Grey Deal’ for Scotland’s older people younger citizens at odds with each reforming and managing the present to match the various ‘Green Deals’ likely other. devolved settlement and envisaging a to be on offer for the next election? Writing in a personal capacity, Bill future independent Scotland. In any case, Brexit is currently reshaping Johnston is Chair of the Scottish Seniors The 2017 general election manifestos the landscape on a basis of unstable Alliance did not come anywhere near this governance. Whatever the outcome, it ( objective, lacking even distinct sections is unlikely to benefit many older people. scottishseniorsalliance/) on older people. The Framework does So, when the impacts become clearer, not really make up for those deficiencies the grey voters may punish politicians but it is a step in the right direction and for not protecting their interests. In offers all parties a common reference the short term, no party seems willing point for their thinking about older to offer any form of mitigation if there

27 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 feedback



Rosa Luxemburg (1986), effortless, although impeccable, director: Margarethe von Trotte chemistry is created on-screen through Reviewed by Jackie Bergson their performances – each partnership therefore exquisitely manifest. his timely re-release of Margarethe von Trotte’s biographical feature Rosa experienced paradoxical worlds film about Polish Marxist pacifist, of middle-class existence and political T imprisonment throughout the last philosopher and revolutionary socialist, Rosa Luxemburg, movingly represents fourteen of her 47 short years of life. the crushed opposition to autocracy Her foresight as founder of The Red post-Holocaust, von Trotte’s erudite and fascism. Largely an existential Flag, The Spartacus League and The 1986 representation of early twentieth piece about Rosa, this important film Communist Party of Germany showed century fascism and paramilitary emphasises that her political and her far-left intellectualism, her ability to Freikorps must have powerfully social relevance today continues to be sustain humour and loyalty during her resonated – and must continue to prescient, on the centenary of her tragic darkest of times and the symbolic gift of resonate – with knowing horror. a deep red rose from her comrades are death by murder. Conveying no doubt about the all conveyed with clear meaning in the unaccountable cowardice, misogyny The unambiguous power of von Trotte’s film. female protagonist saw Barbara Sukowa and evil of those who presumed to end winning Best Actress prize at Cannes Spoken by Sukowa, more private words her life and her ideas without trace, this in 1986 for her excellent performance, from Rosa’s letters evoke the gentlest film’s telling of Rosa Luxemburg’s life which unashamedly highlights Rosa’s aspect of her soul. Images of fluffy skies remains true to events in Poland, Russia provocative, stoical activism, her depth accompany her innermost thoughts and Germany during her time. Set within of commitment to her purpose and her and hopes; the image of an overloaded a decade prior to the Brown Shirts graceful, compassionate soul. The film ox being beaten reflects her empathic becoming the Gestapo under Hitler gives voice to the meaning of social memories of deep sadness, inescapable and Himmler, the terrifying spectres of democracy through Rosa’s fiery intellect; burden and absolute exhaustion. Nazism and supremacist racism could rejecting the notion of martyrdom, Ultimately, ripples in the dark waters of not be clearer to present day and future by reason of humanity, her qualities Landwehr Canal in Berlin devastatingly audiences of this outstanding film. of passionate loyalty and quiet self- echo von Trotte’s insightful reflections Modern-day socialists will undoubtedly deprecation, her personal sacrifices and upon the callous murder of her female relate parallels to current, significant flaws and her essence as a formidable protagonist. rises in white supremacy within global political rhetoric and to facts such educator are equally brought to light. Maybe forever to be seen by some as a as that Germany’s far-right National controversial figure, evidently unbroken Socialism and democracy conveyed Democratic Party recently gained solid until her ninth imprisonment, Rosa is through recreations of Rosa’s dialogues political ground. with her comrades and remarkable latterly portrayed in deep consideration political speeches reveal the central of her comrades. Her final release from Re-mastered into 4k digital format, belief that the proletariat holds a prison signalled a critical stage in the the film’s original music retains its respected place in European society. history of workers’ fight for socialism authenticity while dating it – arguably, Shunning challenges and pity from and peace. Quieter and recovering one sole contention. Rosa Luxemburg her socialist-communist colleagues from illness, Rosa’s growing scepticism more emphatically, synergises political and her beloved, long suffering family, towards using socialism and nationalism importance and poignant artistry Rosa’s presence amongst them in the within political discourse and practice within its form and content: very highly film divulges their dedication to her, beckoned opposition paramilitaries’ final recommended. determination to crush her existence. along with their admiration of her Jackie Bergson has worked in the unshakeable endurance. It undoubtedly Rosa Luxemburg was first released voluntary sector and commercial helps that Sukowa’s fellow actors during an era when world leaders business development in technology and included her true-life husband, Daniel publicly denounced the Berlin Wall and creative sectors. Educated in and living Olbrychski, as Rosa’s soul-mate and called for its destruction – which came in Glasgow, her political and social views husband, Leo Jogiches. Seemingly to be in 1991. Post-McCarthyism and chime left-of-centre.

28 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 Henry Bell, John Maclean - released early, thanks to mass agitation in his absence, became the leaders in Scotland and around the world. In of the CPGB. But tragically his refusal

Hero of Red Clydeside, Russia, the new revolutionary workers’ to join cut him off from the most Pluto, pp256, 9780745338385, £14.99 government elected him their honorary class-conscious workers. It was the Reviewed by Dave Sherry president and appointed him Soviet one organisation, which despite its The explosion of working-class revolt consul in Glasgow. undoubted weaknesses, tried to face up to the task of rebuilding the working- during WWI produced one of Britain’s In May 1918, Maclean had been class movement in the teeth of a vicious finest revolutionaries. John Maclean sentenced to five years in Peterhead. employers’ offensive. was one and he broke from the But six months later in November the leaders of his own party to become German Revolution toppled the Kaiser Maclean’s absence isolated him from the most consistent opponent of and ended the war. Maclean was the movement and deprived the British imperialism, becoming the immediately released and Bell explains new revolutionary party of the most most prominent figure in the anti-war why: talented and courageous socialist in movement. Working independently, in Britain. He was still highly regarded ‘A snap General Election was called virtual isolation, he made a series of among the Scottish working class, as for December and the Scotland Office impressive breakthroughs echoing those was shown by the thousands who lined feared that if Maclean defeated Labour of Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Like Lenin the streets for his funeral in 1923. But Minister George Barnes in the Gorbals but unlike most of the socialist left, he sadly, his Scottish Workers’ Republican and was then unable to serve due defended the 1916 Dublin Easter Rising. Party, founded towards the end of his to imprisonment, they might face life, numbered its membership in the Drawing on earlier sources and more increased unrest on the Clyde. … The dozens and its electoral support in mere recent material, Henry Bell’s engaging Home Secretary noted Maclean had hundreds. biography explains all this clearly to the support of revolutionaries in Wales a new audience, showing the lengths and London who would see his release But this weakness cannot diminish which the British state went to counter as a triumph over the government. Maclean’s immense significance for Maclean. The account is compelling And the Scotland Office noted that ‘if socialists today; nor does it deter me and timely. It captures the essence of Bolshevik propaganda is put out in this from recommending this book. In Maclean, portraying him as a towering, country Maclean will be the leader’. his final chapter, the author argues creative figure from a momentous Nevertheless, the government decided convincingly: period in our history – an enduring that releasing Maclean was still the It is hard to imagine Maclean would figure that can speak to us today. wisest course of action to defuse the see the idea of a Scotland, independent growing protests.’ Maclean was a fierce opponent of British but still under capitalism, as any kind of imperialism who led the opposition to Maclean returned to Glasgow a hero ideal. He would, however, still see the the First World War. He was involved and the newspapers estimated 100,000 break–up of Britain as a blow against with the Clyde Workers’ Committee lined the streets to greet him, including capitalism and imperialism. Were (CWC), which spearheaded the rank many who had struck work. This was Maclean to take part in the campaign and file revolt against the dismantling of the event that later inspired Hamish for independence today it seems likely union defences during wartime. Henderson to write his John Maclean he would do so by fighting the housing It is doubtful that its leaders would March. crisis, unemployment and rising fascism – just as he did in the 1920s. have taken such a lead had it not been When, encouraged by Lenin and the for Maclean’s efforts to show how the new Third International, the Communist Dave Sherry is a member of the war served only imperialist interests Party of Great Britain (CPGB) was Scottish Left Review editorial and should be opposed by the workers. belatedly formed in 1920-21, Maclean committee and author of ‘Empire He held regular anti-war meetings at refused to join because he had major the factory gates and outside army and Revolution: A Socialist History of political differences with those who the First World War’ (2014), ‘Russia recruitment offices. would lead it and this brings me to my 1917’ (2017) and ‘John Maclean’ He campaigned against spiralling only criticism of an otherwise excellent (2014). wartime food prices. Alongside women book. like , and Henry Bell agrees with Maclean’s Agnes Dollan, he connected the great refusal to join the CPGB. In doing so he Glasgow of 1915 to the confuses the new party of 1920 and the power of the Clyde munitions workers Third International to which it belonged, and in so doing helped lead it to a with the deformed caricatures they’d stunning victory. both later become after Lenin’s death His importance was recognised by both and Stalin’s ascendancy. Stalinism was the British and Russian governments, not the heir of Bolshevism; it was its if for opposite reasons. Lloyd George’s nemesis, the gravedigger of the Russian war cabinet saw him as a dangerous Revolution. revolutionary and imprisoned him It was a mistake on Maclean’s part. repeatedly. Twice he was condemned He was head and shoulders above to lengthy terms of penal servitude for those he criticised - those who later, sedition and on both occasions he was

29 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 VLADIMIR McTAVISH’S Kick up the Tabloids

n 1999, many people were sceptical about the effect IIn 1997, the Scots constitution the new Parliament would have on the everyday life of Was rewritten by the Act of Devolution Iordinary people in Scotland. Few would have predicted ‘There shall be a Scottish Parliament’ at the time that within fifteen years, we would vote in an The First Minister Donald Dewar said independence referendum, with the distinct possibility of But alas before it opened he was sadly dead. a second before 2021. I for one did not imagine at the time the wealth of comedy material that it would inspire over Although his statue now stands in Buchanan Street in Glasgow the next twenty years. Often with a traffic cone on his head When the building opened people came from all around The Scottish Parliament has not only been a great source for humour, it has also performed the invaluable service To see what they were getting for their four hundred million pound of getting under the skin of right-wing letter-writers from the leafy suburbs. Even its very creation was making angry They flocked to Edinburgh to visit Holyrood people from Trinity (in Edinburgh) so hot under the collar But when they saw it many said ‘I don’t think it’s that good’ that they had to fire off an outraged missive to the editor The nation’s leaders gathered there to talk of The Scotsman to vent their spleen, and they’ve been Unless they had gone on holiday with Kirsty Wark doing it on a near-daily basis ever since. Each member carrying out their parliamentary role Twenty years ago, the average person in Scotland would Apart from Tommy Sheridan who – not recognise any politicians from our country unless they According to some salacious stories in the tabloid papers was - were in the Westminster government. It was impossible Allegedly down in Manchester getting his hole to make jokes about Scottish politics, because even in In 2007 election day Scotland audiences did not know who they were meant to Was set for Thursday the 3rd of May be laughing at. But it caused many people much distress and dismay It may have taken a while to get going, but once it did, the The spoiled ballot papers numbered 120, 673 Scottish Parliament changed all that. Over the past two The same as the population of Bonnie Dundee decades, it has brought us a colourful cast of characters Which the English treated with very much glee who have entertained us with their exploits in the Parliament and with their extra-curricular activities. We’ve South of the border they did laugh and did gloat had people taking holidays with BBC presenters, ministers Saying bloody Jocks don’t even know how to vote having to resign for eating pies in the canteen when they But it’s wrong to blame the entire population should have been at their work, we’ve had alleged visits to For a highly confusing system of proportional representation swingers’ clubs in Manchester and we’ve had a guy trying to set fire to a hotel. It has been more dramatic and twice 2014 was, of course, the year when the whole of Scotland as amusing as River City! engaged in the political process and we were introduced to a The 2007 Scottish parliamentary election was a watershed whole new cast of buffoons and pantomime baddies. I’m sure in the new parliament’s history. It not only delivered the I am not alone in being able to watch endless re-runs of Jim first Nationalist administration, but it also represented Murphy being pelted with eggs in Kirkcaldy. the most incompetently-run election in our history, with Where Scotland as a nation will be twenty years hence is a stunning 100,000-plus spoiled ballots were recorded. In anyone’s guess. We may be other words, enough people to make up the population independent; we may be part of an entire city failed to understand the question on the of a third-world UK, or we may ballot paper. be under twenty feet of water if sea levels continue to rise. While researching this piece (i.e. looking through my old Let’s hope we’re still laughing in joke books), I discovered this poem I wrote about it at the 2039! time, in the style of William McGonagall: Tickets are now on sale for Passions rose so high the night of the 2007 election that a Vladimir McTavish’s 2019 voter in Edinburgh attacked a polling station wielding a golf Edinburgh Fringe show ‘60 club. What a particularly Edinburgh way of making your Minutes to Save the World at feelings felt! In Paisley or Dundee, the sporting equipment The Stand’s New Town Theatre of choice would have been a baseball bat. 30 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019 ASLEF CALLS FOR AN INTEGRATED, PUBLICLY OWNED, ACCOUNTABLE RAILWAY FOR SCOTLAND (which used to be the SNP’s position – before they became the government!)

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32 - ScottishLeftReview Issue 111 May/June 2019