
COMMONTALK WEEKLY 双语周刊 04 FREE TALK 有话直说 2020年9月23日 星期三 September 23, 2020 Wednesday Quote英文名句

English Class Discipline is just choosing be- tween what you want now and what you want most. Reflections on -- Ann Vertel, psychologist 自律是在你現在想要的和最想要的 之间做抉择。——亚伯拉罕·林肯 Mona Lisa Smile (美国第 16 任总统) ▲小课堂 Vocabulary生词库 conservative ponder 女性主义电影里最让笔者喜爱的是《蒙娜丽莎的微 [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] [ˈpɒndə(r)] 笑》,这部由茱莉亚·罗伯茨主演的电影讲述了上世纪 50 保守的 仔细考虑,衡量 年代,一位艺术史老师改变一群女学生以及被女学生改 变的故事。一反往常老师总是引导者的固定思维,这部电 影的吸睛点是学生也改变着老师。这让笔者,同为一位老 Upcoming Events 师,得到了深深共鸣。四位女学生,作为那个时代女性的 活动预告 代表,在艺术、性别、家庭和自我潜能上,与老师一起探讨 摸索。中间有爱情、亲情、事业、学业等脉络穿插,高大上 的主题和具体的生活琐碎相联系,给人很真实的感觉。电 Mulan, dance performance 影最后,所有女主角的未来都未定,正呼应了电影标题, Performer: Hao Ruoqi 如蒙娜丽莎的神秘微笑一样等待解密。笔者强烈推荐对 Time: 7:30 p.m., September 26 and 27 艺术和女性主题感兴趣的观众观看。 Place: Banlam Grand Theatre

舞剧《花木兰》 表演者: 郝若琦 时间: 9月26日27日晚七点半 ne of the movies that has stuck 地点:闽南大戏院 with me over the years is Mona OLisa Smile, which was directed by and first released in The Yellow Storm, theatrical 2003. It remains a classic film for its production deep insights into art and feminism. Performer: National Theater of China The story is set in the 1950s at Time: 7:30 p.m., October 3 America's prestigious all-female Welles- Place: Xiamen Cangjiang Theater ley College. At that time, society typi- cally limited women to the role of 话剧《四世同堂》 housewife. Success was measured by 表演者:中国国家话剧院 how well a young woman could mar- 时间:10月3日(周六)晚七点半 ry. This was the lesson and the mission 地点:厦门沧江剧院 of the academically successful but con- servative college. In the film, plays the role of Katherine Watson, an art history instructor who challenges the norms of a sexist culture. The movie traces the course of several of her stu- dents, stand- ins for American women generally, and their evolution in thought and action. and decides to prioritize freedom of though she teaches etiquette, the char- The Katherine Watson character choice over marriage or a career. She acter loses her own poise and elegance touched me with her revolutionary decides that what is important is a in key moments, underscoring how idea of art. She suggests that aesthetic woman's right to control her own desti- conservative roles can isolate women standards are not immutable and that ny, regardless of whether she chooses socially. Nine, Ten, modern dance they change and evolve over time. She to be a housewife or a career woman. Mona Lisa Smile has been de- Performer: Tao Body Theater troupe explains to her students that art need Joan's story resonates with my scribed both positively and negatively Time: 7:30 p.m., October 9 not be conscribed by a single set of own belief that both tradition and the as the female equivalent of Dead Po- Place: Banlam Grand Theater standards, just like a woman's new have their strengths. The key is to ets Society, which famously starred thoughts and role in society. look into one's own heart and to nour- Robin Williams as the teacher and 陶身体剧场数位系列 ——现代舞 Even as the instructor changes ish the soul with introspection and pas- mentor of young men. While both 《9》《10》 the way her students think, so too is sion. films feature mentors helping students 时间:10月9日(周六)晚七点半 she changed by her students. The char- Other students in the film include to think for themselves, Mona Lisa 地点:闽南大戏院 acter Joan Brandwyn, played by Julia a bevy of actors who have gone onto Smile is also a critical feminist film in Styles, helps the teacher understand stardom. plays the role ways that has no analogue in Dead Po- that she should not impose her own of Betty Warren (Kirsten Dunst), Mag- ets Society. views of right and wrong upon her stu- gie Gyllenhaal plays Giselle Levy and When I first watched this film dents. It's a fascinating case study of Ginnifer Goodwin is Constance Baker. while in college, Mona Lisa Smile res- the ways in which students and teach- Each student has her own path onated with me because of its insights ers both affect each other. and journey. Constance Baker, who is into sex, gender and societal expecta- The film neatly underscores the initially shy and easily influenced, be- tions. Each time I re-watch it over the danger of iconoclasts simply replacing comes brave and chooses to pursue years, I find new insights into the film one set of standards with another set. love on her own terms rather than wait- and into own life. The film has held up This insight struck me deeply because ing for a knight in shining armor. well over time and rewards multiple I've noticed in my own life the same The ever- versatile Marcia Gay viewings. Dew, dance performance tendency to break away from one trap Harden plays Nancy Abbey, a conser- The movie's vivid conjuring of Performer: Nannan solo act only to fall into another. vative widow who teaches classical eti- the 1950s, its star-studded cast and its Time: 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., October 10 and 11 When Katherine suggests to Joan quette at the college. In the classroom, layered reflections upon the roles of Place: Banlam Grand Theater that women should opt for a career she teaches her students how to be women all make the film a must- see over marriage, Joan is initially recep- model wives and assistants. In her per- for anyone who lives in our complicat- 个性素描舞蹈剧场《一切归于晨露》 tive. Ultimately, she reflects critically sonal life, she is deeply lonely. Al- ed modern times. 表演者:囡囡 时间:10月10,11日 下午三点半,晚七点半 地点:闽南大戏院 印刷单位:厦门报业传媒集团有限公司 印刷经营许可证号:闽2017印证字354400002 号