Reported Flooded Areas - 13 November 2015
Reported Flooded Areas - 13 November 2015 42°0'0"E 44°0'0"E 46°0'0"E 48°0'0"E 50°0'0"E Impact of the Floods Estimated population as of: District Damages 13/11/2015 Affected villages (Farms, Crops, Wells, river banks, etc) Affected Displaced population population Strong winds and rains caused by the Flash Floods (2nd to 4th Nov). Damage to main ® passge of a tropical cyclone. Some of the Caluula road. Date palm groves, building and livestock villages affected include Bargaal, Tooxin, also affected by strong winds and heavy rains. Xogaad, Sayn-yar, Sayn-weyn CHAPALA cyclone (2nd - 3rdNov)and MEGH N N " " 0 0 ' Storm (8th Nov). Destruction of public buildings ' 0 Caluula 0 ° Baeeda, Olog, Alula, Murcanyo, Tooxin, ° 2 .! 2 1 such as Alula main hospital, MCHS, schools, op 1 Seynweyn, Seyn yar, Fagoora, buq, police stations and local administration offices. Bossasso, Baxda, Xoogaad, Xayslaha, Dhurbo, A number of private buildings have also been Qandala and Xaabbo, Geesaley, Afkalahaye, Gumbax, affected. Lifeline access roads are blocked. 7000 HH 4500 HH Caluula Cadaya, Xandha, Buula Xamuj, Gadaadin, Boats and fishing gear have been destroyed or Ceel quud, Tolomugge and Cel laas washed away. More than 10,000 animals Qandala villages affected op.! Zeylac affected. date palms and fruits trees destroyed .! Bossaso Djibouti or uprooted. op"/.! Laasqoray .! AWDAL Gulf of Aden Lughaye .! Ceerigaabo "/.! Berbera.! WOQOOYI Baki Iskushuban "/.! GALBEED SANAAG .! N N " " 0 0 ' ' 0 0 ° ° 0 Sheikh Ceel Afweyn 0 1 .! .! .! 1 Borama Gebiley .! Hargeysa BARI
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