ESSAY Colin Crouch on post-democracy

ONES TO WATCH Paul Magnette Jutta Urpilainen

IN NUMBERS Gallup Survey

2014, EU ELECTIONS: CITIZENSHIP IN ACTION About Queries Isaac Newton’s famous book “Opticks” concludes with a set of “Queries”. These “Queries” are not questions in the ordinary sense, but rather rhetorical questions intended to stimulate thinking. This was Newton’s mode of explaining “by query”.

No 1 / Summer 2013 / Queries is the scientifi c magazine of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies, made with the fi nancial support of the European Parliament. The Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) is the fi rst progressive political foundation established at the European level. Created in 2007 and co-fi nanced by the European Parliament, it aims at establishing an intellectual crossroad between social democracy and the European project Publisher: FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies. First published in Belgium 2012/2013 Magazine Editor of Queries: Dr. Ernst Stetter (Secretary General – FEPS) Editor-in-Chief: Alain Bloëdt Associate Editor-in-Chief: Olivier Breton Editorial Consultant: Ania Skrzypek – Journalists: Trevor Huggins, Pascal Beria, Henri de Bresson, Kathryn Hone, Jacques Docquiert. Cover Photocredits: Getty Images – Design & Production: All Contents, France Copyright © FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

Made with the fi nancial support of the European Parliament


MORE SOCIAL SECURITY through more Europe

ince the beginning of the crisis, we keep talk- To succeed, we must also enhance Europe’s democratic dimension ing about problems concerning the banks, and give European Union citizens a greater say in European affairs. sovereign debt and spread indicators. But we The European Citizens’ Initiative is not a miracle solution, but as must never forget, not even for a states (p.47) in the foreword of our inquiry “it is the moment, that this crisis is primarily very fi rst experiment in participative democracy at the level of affecting ordinary people. Our neigh- the European Union and an opportunity for people to connect Sbours. Our youth. That behind the fi gures, there are citi- with each other.” zens who will be asked to vote next year. We must also offer an opportunity to everybody to be informed This Europe, this technocratic and “austerity Europe,” risks becom- about the big issues facing Europe today. According to Paolo ing the only one known to its citizens. For all these reasons we Garimberti (p.24), “with a few notable exceptions, the media’s must engage ourselves in a true Renaissance for Europe. Yet such performance in covering Europe has considerably worsened in ambitious goal cannot be achieved without also re-launching the recent years.” Consequently, the vast majority of European citizens social dimension of the European Union. are wholly immersed in national perspectives and even with racks Nowadays, it is only at the European level that we can deal with of foreign press titles in bookshops, there is no such thing as a the issue of developing a new welfare system. This task cannot European opinion magazine. be left to national instruments, as Colin Crouch writes (p.42), “in The primary ambition of this new edition of Queries is to address order to safeguard national achievements, certain governments this historical anomaly. The second is to stimulate the debate by will see their role as limiting what Brussels can do.” going further than mainstream thinking by developing fresh ideas, To tackle this issue, we must fi rst acknowledge that there will be opening up new possibilities and delivering innovative solutions. no growth without some fundamental preconditions being met: In other words, providing food for thought. fi rst of all, the implementation of a wide-ranging European invest- ment strategy; secondly, a fl exible interpretation of what Malcolm We hope you will enjoy this new edition of Queries and join our Sawyer calls (p.23) the “Fiscal suicide pact”; thirdly, a fairer dis- online debate. tribution of resources in order to boost internal consumption; and last but not least, the development of a new growth-oriented Massimo D’Alema, welfare system. FEPS President, former Prime Minister of Italy

QUERIES — Summer 2013 3 #01 Contents 2014 European elections : Citizenship in action A Queries special report on page 26. © Corbis INPUT

P. 10 MY VIEW Simon McBurney

P. 12 ONES TO WATCH Jutta Urpilainen Paul Magnette

P. 18 ANALYSIS Bruno Liebhaberg

P. 21 COLUMN Malcolm Sawyer

More information on www.queries-feps.eu P. 22 VISION Paolo Garimberti


4 QUERIES — Summer 2013 CONTENTS © Corbis © Corbis FOCUS INSPIRATION

P. 28 FOREWORD P. 74 MEET THE PRESS Ania Skrzypek Tax Havens

P. 30 IN NUMBERS P. 78 PORTFOLIO Aurélien Renard The 150th anniversary of the SPD André Krouwel Foreword by Ernst Stetter

P. 36 ESSAY P. 86 REPORT Colin Crouch on post-democracy Renaissance for Europe

P. 44 INQUIRY P. 92 DIARY ECI: the voice of Europe FEPS & Members Foreword by Martin Schulz P. 96 PUBLICATIONS P. 56 COLUMN Dominique Wolton

P. 58 BEYOND EUROPE David Kitching

P. 62 INSIGHT Guillaume Liégey

P. 64 INTERVIEW Jacques Rivoal

P. 68 COMMENTS Views of Economists

QUERIES — Summer 2013 5 HERMÈS Directeur de publication Dominique Wolton

LA REVUE HERMÈS Depuis 1988 Plus de 1 200 auteurs 65 titres 25 € le numéro

La première revue francophone internationale consacrée à la communication dans ses rapports avec la politique, la culture et la mondialisation.

LES ESSENTIELS D’HERMÈS Collection dirigée par Éric Letonturier Depuis 2008 32 titres 8 € le numéro

Une collection de poche qui rend le savoir accessible à tous, une passerelle entre la recherche et le public.

www.iscc.cnrs.fr www.cnrseditions.fr CONTRIBUTORS


They have contributed to the Queries debates and thinking.

Colin Crouch André Krouwel Dominique Méda Ania Skrzypek English sociologist and Dutch political scientist French sociologist Senior research fellow political scientist and philosopher at FEPS Bruno Liebhaberg Massimo D’Alema CERRE Director General Aurélien Renard Ernst Stetter FEPS President, former Director of marketing Secretary General at FEPS Prime Minister of Italy Roger Liddle at Gallup House of Lords, Paul Sweeney Paolo Garimberti United Kingdom Jacques Rivoal Chair of TASC Economists’ Chairman of Euronews President of Volskwagen Network Guillaume Liégey Group France Zita Gurmai French expert in electoral Jutta Urpilainen Hungarian member of the strategy Malcolm Sawyer Minister of Finance of European Parliament, Emeritus professor , Chairperson of President of PES Women Anto Liivat of economics at the Social Democratic Lecturer at the Estonian the University of Leeds Party of Finland András Inotai Business School Hungarian economist Stephan Schulmeister Dominique Wolton and professor at the College Paul Magnette Economic researcher and Director of the of Europe Chairman of the Belgian PS university lecturer in Vienna Communication Sciences and current Mayor Institute at CNRS David Kitching of Charleroi Martin Schulz Policy advisor at FEPS President of the European Simon McBurney Parliament Actor, writer and director Founder of Complicite Vivien A. Schmidt Professor at the Boston University IR department

QUERIES — Summer 2013 7 8 QUERIES — Summer 2013 INPUT

MY VIEW ONES TO WATCH ANALYSIS Simon McBurney Jutta Urpilainen Bruno Liebhaberg P. 10 Paul Magnette P. 18 P. 12

COLUMN VISION Malcolm Sawyer Paolo Garimberti P. 21 P. 22

QUERIES — Summer 2013 9 MY VIEW

CULTURE, the fi ght for our future © Eva Vermandel

Europe’s economy and sense of identity are in crisis. We must seek help in a common culture that binds us together and helps us understand who we are.

by Simon McBurney

10 QUERIES — Summer 2013 MY VIEW

n December 18, 1994, one of the most far from being the binding institution of European unity, was one extraordinary archaeological discov- of the causes of its divisions. People’s feelings of disenfranchise- eries of the 20th century was made in ment were given a clear cause. Queen Elizabeth II, visiting the the Ardèche region of southern France. London School of Economics in the aftermath of the crash, asked: A cave, sealed off for 35,000 years, revealed “Why did no one foresee it coming?” A panel of experts could O the greatest (and oldest) prehistoric paint- only mutter that the entire community of those engaged in the ings known to man. The drawings of horses and other animals on fi eld of commerce had “lost sight of the bigger picture”. the walls were so natural, so alive, they looked as if they had been sketched today. As the British writer and critic John Berger put it: CULTURE AS RESISTANCE “Art, it seems, is born like a foal that can walk straight away. The The bigger picture. A larger vision. Curiously, that etymologically talent to make art accompanies the need for that art; they arrive hidden at the heart of Europe is, perhaps, this very idea. The origin together.” of the name Europe is, probably, from the Greek eurus, meaning May 22, 2013, by contrast, was a moment of senseless disunity. “wide, broad” and p or opt, meaning “eye, face”. Hence Euro/opte, In Woolwich, South London, two young British Muslim converts creates the wonderful image “wide-gazing”, “broad of aspect”. killed a soldier in the road. The event Yet everywhere we look there produced a response of disbelief. appears to be a narrowing of vi- David Cameron, the Prime Minister, sion, an inability not only to see announced: “This was not just an “CULTURE HAS A UNIQUE beyond borders but also to see attack on Britain, but on the British AND NECESSARY PLACE. things in the context of a wider way of life and our culture… The vision of time and place. people that did this were trying to A PLACE OF RESISTANCE.” In this climate, culture has a divide us. They should know some- unique and necessary place. thing like this will only bring us to- A place of resistance. One of the gether and make us stronger.” In fact the opposite happened. things that theatre does and has always done is to bind people There was no consensus about the causes of the killings and the together in an act of collective imagination. In prehistory, ritual immediate consequence was a knee-jerk reversion to white na- was a necessity, so you understood who you were. tionalism. Immigration was to blame. Looking at the drawings of the animals on the walls in the Chauvet cave we will never know what political system these artists and WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE EUROPEAN? their families or tribes might have had, but what we see moves Since May 22, mosques have been burnt, Muslim schools covered us. Not only because of extraordinary natural artistic ability, but in racist graffi ti, and British Muslims attacked in the street. It was also because we recognise things in common. Through the abil- a wrenching open of deep fault lines between people, revealing ity of the artists to connect with what they lived with, and to express utter confusion. What was “the British way of life and culture?” tenderness, exultation, the numinous physical presence, respect What does it mean to be British? Or to be European for that and joy, we see as they saw. We connect with them. We are, matter? And because Europe is made up not of 27 countries, but profoundly, the same. an indefi nable myriad of localities all with their own distinct cultures That these qualities speak to us over 35,000 years must tell us, (in France alone there are at least a dozen different languages), surely, that the place of culture is its capacity to do the same thing all themselves a product of waves of immigration and movements today. To join us together. To fi ght for our future. Together. dating back tens of thousands of years, what we mean by “Euro- For we are not that far, any of us, one from another. pean” is, naturally, uncertain. There are very good reasons for this uncertainty. We need look no further than the fi nancial crash of 2008 when both fi nanciers Simon McBurney is a British actor and artistic director and politicians were revealed to be out of control of this fi nancial of the theatre company Complicite. He was associate artist and political pan-European enterprise. It was clear that the market, at the Avignon Festival in 2012.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 11 ONES TO WATCH


Jutta Urpilainen, the leader of Finland’s Social , has already made her mark on domestic politics. However, she is equally at home in a European context, and has her own ideas about the challenges facing politicians and the electorate in 2014. Supporting employment through investment, fairness in the tax system and social inclusion are high on her agenda.

by Trevor Huggins

12 QUERIES — Summer 2013 ONES TO WATCH

or most people involved subsequently in Kokkola until 2003. Not surpris- Key Points in government, political ingly, education remains a subject close to her awareness usually becomes heart, and one she is anxious to defend at a time a part of their lives in their when budgets are under pressure in many EU A democrat whose late teens or early 20s. countries. “Education systems do cost the state, engagement dates back For Jutta Urpilainen, it’s part of it’s true,” she admits. “However, I believe that the to high school, Jutta F Urpilainen’s has been her earliest childhood memories. But then, as principles of equal rights to free education are the fi rst woman to lead Finland’s Social Demo- more valuable for a society and state than the climbing the rungs of cratic Party in 2008– just fi ve years after fi rst initial outlay in national budgets. Finland has one the Finnish political life, being elected to the Finnish parliament, Jutta of the leading education systems in the world, often against all odds. Urpilainen is not your usual elected represent- and it’s something we are very proud of… It is Education and a ative. Indeed, for the past three years she has also important to remember that it was defi nitely support for industry been Finland’s deputy prime minister and fi nance not the education system that caused the current are at the very core minister. debt crisis. There are better and smarter ways of her vision for the If that success is down to her ability and commit- of leading us towards a more secure and sus- reinforcement of a ment, it’s also true that SDP politics is a family tainable economy than cutting the branches on strong European Union. affair for the Urpilainens. Bringing up his family which our continent’s prosperity is sitting.” in the western town of Kokkola, Jutta’s father Kari was an SDP MP in the electoral district of Vaasa from 1983-1995 and 1999- 2003 – when daughter succeeded father on the latter’s retirement from parliament. “I remember from my childhood many moments when people would come to our house for assistance with social matters, for instance pension appeals” she recalls. “As a child, I was brought along by my parents to peace and Labour Day marches. My own political awakening, however, happened only in high school when two people close to me started taking drugs. I was quite shocked about the fact that in my small home town of Kokkola, which had a very strong feeling of community and security, young people would resort to drugs.” Along with some friends, the country’s future deputy premier drafted a municipal initiative to improve the town’s drug awareness campaign. © Ritva Välitalo – Studio Alfa ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION Given her background and later involvement in Born in 1975, Jutta Urpilainen became involved in youth and national student politics, it’s perhaps surprising student politics on in the mid-1990s, occupying senior roles in that her fi rst career was not in the political both national and European associations. She went on to join the sphere. With a Masters in education, Urpilainen Finnish delegations to UN activities, while remaining active within her followed in the footsteps of both her parents by town and regional councils. Elected an MP in 2003, she became leader becoming a schoolteacher, fi rstly in Helsinki and of the SDP in 2008 and deputy premier and fi nance minister in 2011.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 13 ONES TO WATCH

Though electoral success in 2003 was a turning though her personal beliefs and determination point, the defi ning moment in her political life are responsible for her current positions in came with the leadership contest of the SDP. politics, that broader environment has also Not only were the odds against her because of helped. “These positions have not been offered her gender, Urpilainen was also the youngest of to me on a silver platter. Instead, I have had a nine candidates for the party’s highest offi ce. fi rm belief in my own vision, through which I have Looking back, there were a number of factors gained the will to challenge older and much more behind that success. “It is diffi cult to pinpoint one experienced male politicians.” However, she also certain factor, but naturally the encouragement adds: “Amongst my male colleagues, I have always been treated fairly and equally. I have encountered only very rarely any belittling because of the fact that I am a woman. I genu- “THERE ARE BETTER WAYS inely believe that one’s own attitude counts and it is important to have the resolve to rise to the OF LEADING US TOWARDS A challenge when life presents it to you.” Certainly, there will be no shortage of challenges MORE SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY next year, when Europeans go to the polls amid THAN CUTTING THE BRANCHES the continuing fallout of the fi nancial crisis. For Urpilainen, the social, economic and political ON WHICH OUR CONTINENT’S dimensions of that crisis are all inextricably linked – and therefore require an approach that is PROSPERITY IS SITTING.” equally broad. She sees three areas in particular that need to be addressed: investment in edu- cation and infrastructure to support industry and of one’s family, collaborators and supporters is tackle the challenges of youth unemployment; of the utmost importance in any political cam- a fair tax agenda and fi nancial system, so as to paign,” she affi rms. “Having said that, even with combat tax evasion and promote more respon- the strongest support, an aspiring politician can- sible fi scal and fi nancial management; and a not succeed without a belief in one’s own abilities sustainable European economy, one that ensures and solid personal motivation to have a say and social inclusion, reduces the marginalisation of to make a difference.” those most in need and safeguards the natural environment. “It is not a particularly easy time for NO SILVER PLATTER many of the citizens of Europe,” she concedes. Despite those odds, her story is not one of a “But the European community and society must talented woman who struggled against a male remain united, engaged and vigilant in protecting gender bias to reach the top. Along with its edu- the common values and economy that Europe cation system, Finland is rightly proud of being shares… And voting in the elections next year the fi rst country in the world to give women the is one step towards a stronger progressive right to vote and to stand for election, in 1906. community.” Indeed, Finland is ranked second highest in the world for equality in the 2012 Global Gender Gap Report by the World Economic Forum, and gave two mandates to its fi rst woman president, Tarja Halonen, from 2000-2012. For Urpilainen, [ ] INFO: www.queries-feps.eu

14 QUERIES — Summer 2013 ONES TO WATCH


Paul Magnette embodies the revival of French-speaking Belgian socialism. Proud of his left-wing heritage, he claims a clear stance as well as new responsibilities for his party and its allies within the European Union. He believes the upcoming European elections off er voters an opportunity to make a break with the neoliberal austerity policies imposed on them by the failure of fi nancial capitalism.

by Jacques Docquiert

QUERIES — Summer 2013 15 ONES TO WATCH

aul Magnette’s role model prevent him from borrowing a few fashion tips Key Points is Jean Jaurès. His ambi- from these same “bobos”, as epitomised by the tion is to one day join the fi tted suit, casually knotted scarf and carefully A brilliant academic, European Parliament in groomed stubble. His offi ce is an immaculate Paul Magnette came Strasbourg and contribute white. With its Knoll furniture, it looks more like into politics somewhat P to the advent of European an upscale loft than the type of work environment by chance, thanks to his socialism. A brilliant academic, the 42-year-old people might associate with the PS Chairman love for Charleroi. is an avowed Europhile and author of a thesis on and heir of Emile Vandervelde, one of the his- He advocates a vision European citizenship. He also headed the Insti- torical fi gures of Belgian socialism in the latter of European socialism th tute for European Studies at the Free University part of the 19 century—an image Mr Magnette inspired by the Belgian of Brussels (ULB). He came into politics some- is keen to cultivate. The rise of Flemish separa- model and based on a what by chance, but also thanks to his love for tists under Bart De Wever is something he fi nds “six-pack” of reforms. the city of Charleroi, where he grew up. In 2007, worrying, but it is not an issue he is willing to He remains optimistic the leader of the Belgian francophone Socialist overplay. Mr Magnette, a Flemish speaker with about the infl uence of Party (PS), Elio di Rupo, asked him to help bring a column in De Standaard, the leading right-wing Flemish separatists. order to the socialist government of the city, hit daily in the north of the country, advocates dia- by unemployment, crime and corruption, all of logue with the other community. He also regrets which had severely damaged the reputation of that people have ignored his claims for the past the left in Wallonia. Yet Paul Magnette is quick to refute the image—which he sees as hugely misleading—of a propped-up Wallonia, facing up to a triumphant Flanders. “This is a land of labour where people understand the meaning of work, entrepreneurship, and innovation, with a truly open-minded approach,” he explains. He sees this spirit embodied in Charleroi’s Sunday market, which he wouldn’t miss for the world, and where he meets the voters who made him the city’s mayor in October 2012. A few months later, he turned his back on a ministerial career when he was unanimously voted interim chairman of the Parti Socialiste.

LET’S NOT OVERPLAY THE RISE OF DE © Parti Socialiste WEVER ABOUT Mr Magnette now divides his time between Charleroi, where he lives one week out of two Born in 1971, Paul Magnette initially chose academia over politics. with his three children, and Brussels, where he In 2007, the leader of the PS summoned him to Charleroi to help put works at the PS headquarters on Boulevard de an end to the political crisis that was paralysing the city. In spring l’Empereur and fulfi ls his role as a senator. “I love 2007, he began his ministerial career as part of the Walloon the people of Charleroi. They are a bit like the government before joining the federal government as Minister for people of northern France and are a lot more Climate and Energy, then Minister for Public Enterprises and Cities. down-to-earth than the ‘Bourgeois Bohemians’ In January 2013, he was appointed mayor of Charleroi and in Paris,” he says. His opinion does not seem to chairman of the PS.

16 QUERIES — Summer 2013 ONES TO WATCH

ten years. Yet, in his own words: “We shouldn’t parties in the run-up to the European elections give undue importance to the matter: in Antwerp, in June 2014. His six socialist reforms to “change De Wever received 36% of votes in the last elec- Europe”: a fair-trade Europe backed by social tions; the SPA socialists achieved 34%. The SPA standards; a European minimum wage; a Europe lost 5 to 6% of its voters. However, let us not that partially funds sovereign debt; a split be- forget that 80% of Flemish people still do not tween investment banks and commercial banks; want to see the country disappear.” a joint industrial policy; and a tax on fi nancial transactions. Mr Magnette believes in an amal- BUILDING ON THE BELGIAN MODEL gam of the different types of socialism: Latin, According to Mr Magnette, the Belgian model has merits worth defending; strengths that should inspire its neighbours. To begin with, he “THERE IS AN ALTERNATIVE would like to see the European left champion compulsory voting throughout the Union (the SOCIAL MODEL ROOTED system is currently in effect only in Greece and IN COHESION Luxemburg). He also believes that automatic wage indexing is the best way to protect workers. AND SOLIDARITY. ” What is more, the Belgian model symbolises a particular “art of living” and dialogue, since the Nordic, Rhineland and Labour. “We are that country’s language battles have never evolved amalgam,” he adds with a smile. The upcoming into the kind of violence seen in Spain, Italy or European elections represent a real opportun ity France. Nor is Belgium simply a tax haven for its to reorient the policies of the Union if the social- wealthy neighbours: “I agree that for the very ists are voted into power. Although he believes wealthy, we should lump together earned income it is acceptable to have tight budget controls in and capital income before taxes. That said, we a federal system, he fi nds the lack of a Europe- have a more progressive approach on taxing an Treasury, separate resources, fi scal powers, workers’ earnings than in France, for instance.” social and industrial policies inexcusable. And A realist, he defends coalition governments— he is well aware that these changes could take which the PS has been involved in for 25 years— some time to implement, “years devoted to a over the French alternating system. great campaign for the European left that must SIX LEFT-WING show people who suffer in times of trouble that REFORMS TO THE “SIX-PACK” there is an alternative social model rooted in CHANGE EUROPE Paul Magnette’s project is meant to be developed cohesion and solidarity.” To borrow an aphorism a fair-trade Europe built on a European scale: “Union citizens no longer from French singer-songwriter Alain Souchon: on new social standards believe in the liberal model. They now see fi nan- “The left disappoints on occasion. The right never a European minimum cial capitalism as a failure and Barroso’s auster- does—but only because it holds no promise.” wage ity policy as a complete disaster. They are look- a Europe that partially ing for an alternative. It is up to us as socialists [ ] INFO: www.queries-feps.eu funds sovereign debt to offer them that alternative in the shape of a separation between controls on globalization, organized convergence investment banks and and a model able to protect employment instead commercial banks of encouraging competition between workers.” a joint industrial policy To this end, he proposes a socialist “six-pack” a tax on fi nancial designed to provide a platform for all left-wing transactions

QUERIES — Summer 2013 17 ANALYSIS


It is only by reasserting its core values–in the form of policies to confront the crisis of the nation state and citizenship–that social democracy can improve our ability to “live together” within European societies.

by Bruno Liebhaberg

he pursuit of limitless posed to society by a dogmatic adherence to a freedom invariably results monetarist economic policy. in a society governed by However, the parliamentary left must do more the law of the jungle. An than just demonstrate its competence in macro- egalitarian utopia ultimate- economics. It must also prove that it is not de- T ly leads to the subjugation nying the values so integral to its past achieve- of the individual. By rejecting the former and ments: social justice, equal opportunity and civic abandoning the latter, social democracy invented duty. The policy path required to overcome the the reasonable compromise that secured its place crisis facing the nation state and citizenship must in history: it reconciled the principles of equality keep on promoting these political strategies. and liberty. But is the social-democratic model still effective THE NATION STATE in the 21st century? Have the transformations of A weak government is a boon to economic liber- capitalism not sounded its death knell? Is the alism, and social democracy requires a public social democrats’ future limited to a choice authority strong enough to protect and regulate between a woeful allegiance to economic liber- society. Now, stripped of its prerogatives by the alism and a return to an unyielding ideological rise of market liberalism, the state is weakened position that has failed to keep pace with mod- and near powerless. The time has come for the ern society? left to redefi ne public authority by formulating We are confi dent that social democracy is well answers to three key questions: What is the core suited to rise to emerging global challenges and function of government in the national economy? offer a credible alternative to neoliberal group- think. Social-democratic leaders and heads of state have already demonstrated this through “THE LEFT MUST ALSO PROVE THAT IT their efforts—which, admittedly, were late in com- HAS NOT RENOUNCED THE VALUES SO ing and remain incomplete—to foster awareness among European Council members of the danger INTEGRAL TO ITS PAST ACHIEVEMENTS.”

18 QUERIES — Summer 2013 ANALYSIS

“ IT IS INCUMBENT ON SOCIAL multiculturalism which results in divisions and ghettoization, and instead look to the regulation DEMOCRACY TO DEFEND THE SOCIAL of cultural diversity. Rather than being tempted by vote-catching patronage, social democrats RIGHTS ACQUIRED SINCE 1789. ” must heed the lessons learnt through the experiences of countries such as the Nether- To what extent does the original conception of lands, the United Kingdom and Sweden, which the nation state remain relevant today, in particu- are now paying dearly for having mistaken lar with regard to the concept of national identity “do-nothing” policy for tolerance. that is often dismissed by the democratic left, Social democracy never entertained the totali- mistaking patriotism for nationalism? How should tarian fantasy of a society of clones marching in we go about institutionalising subsidiarity in lockstep. Instead, it embraces a vision of society Europe, to ensure effective relations between sub- in which diversity is nurtured by a set of values national, national and supranational authorities? that must be shared in order for democratic Citizens’ support for a political system that seeks society to thrive. to foster a sense of “living together” in European Social democrats must take action. Now. regions, cities and suburbs is contingent on our ability to fi nd answers to these questions.

CITIZENSHIP For economic liberals, citizenship simply consists of a set of rights. Against a backdrop of institu- tional crisis, it is incumbent on social democracy to defend the social rights acquired since 1789. But it also must redefi ne citizenship to include duties. If society is nothing more than a collection of users of state-run services, it cannot be con- sidered a democracy, because the latter requires

the active involvement of responsible individuals. CERRE © Furthermore, the exercise of citizenship within ABOUT democratic societies must be founded upon a common set of values. And yet, as globalisation Bruno Liebhaberg is Director has made national communities more multicul- General of the Centre on Regulation tural, this foundation has been weakening, as in Europe (CERRE), Chair of FEPS demonstrated by the turmoil in Europe’s urban Scientifi c Council, and President communities, as well as the rise in xenophobia of Gauche Réformiste Européenne and the return of anti-Semitism, religious funda- (GRE), a pro-European, progressive mentalism and populism. think tank in Belgium. Prof. These symptoms of social crisis call for a more Liebhaberg obtained a Ph.D from realistic, humanistic approach to integration the London School of Economics policy from the left. Integration must not equate and Political Science. He teaches to a denial of cultural difference in the host at the Université Libre de Bruxelles’ society, especially in this period of rising migra- Solvay Brussels School of Economics tion. But social democracy must also avoid and Management.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 19 Europolitics, the independent online and print publication on European affairs, is proud to announce the launch, in July 2013, of its new quarterly magazine on EU policies.



The “fi scal compact” – reinforcing the to 3 percent or more of GDP (based on to invest, and the current account defi cit Stability and Growth Pact – imposes the reducing the debt to GDP ratio where that (equal capital infl ow) will secure that out- requirement for a balanced “structural” is in excess of 60 percent, a fi gure for come and lead to the economy operating budget, with penalties to be imposed on which no justifi cation is given). Imposing at potential output. It can be turned the countries that are deemed not to adhere such draconian measures, and particularly other way round and say that if that condi- to it, as well as an “excessive defi cit proce- where this is being attempted, in many tion did hold, there would be no need to d ure.” Attempting to meet such require- inter-connected countries, threatens target the budget defi cit: all that would be ments will turn the “fi scal compact” into defl ation and austerity across Europe. required would be to allow the economy to a “fi scal suicide pact”: as each country operate at potential output, and the bal- defl ates, the situation in neighbouring anced budget would follow. countries is adversely affected. THIS “ONE-SIZE- In the period 1999 (with the euro intro- This imposition of a “one-size-fi ts-all” duced as a virtual currency) to 2007 approach disregards the wide macro- FITS-ALL” (hence prior to fi nancial crisis) when the economic differences between member APPROACH Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) with its countries, notably in the current account aim of budget balanced on average had positions. There is a simple, if often DISREGARDS started to operate, the average structural ignored, national accounts relationship defi cit was 2 percent. This experience which states that budget defi cit equals THE MACRO- could be interpreted that despite the aims savings minus investment plus capital ECONOMIC of the SGP, governments were slack, and infl ows (equal to current account defi cit). more discipline on them is needed. The What the government borrows (budget DIFFERENCES other interpretation is that a balanced defi cit) is equal to what the private sec- “structural budget” was not feasible. At tor (domestic and foreign) lends. Similar BETWEEN a minimum, the advocates of the “fi scal budget defi cits across countries call for COUNTRIES. compact” need to provide some reasoning similar behaviour with regard to savings, as to why what was not achieved in the investment and current account positions. 2000s can now be achieved. From the Yet, it is well known that the national accounts relationship above, this countries differ markedly in the current There is little evidence that a balanced would involve showing why savings may be account positions. There is little reason to structural budget is attainable – it necessi- lower, investment and net exports higher think that the same budget defi cit would tates not only that the budget is balanced in the future than they were in the 2000s. be appropriate for all countries: past be- but also that it is balanced with the eco- Chasing the unachievable threatens the haviour indicates that the countries of the nomy operating at potential output. This Eurozone with a defl ationary spiral. Eurozone have differed substantially in the would imply that when the economy oper- size of their budget defi cits. ates at potential output, then savings plus The “excessive defi cit procedures” impose capital infl ow equals investment. There Malcolm Sawyer is Emeritus further defl ationary pressures requiring is little reason to think that the amount professor of economics at budget surpluses in many countries of up people wish to save, the amount fi rms wish the University of Leeds.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 21 VISION

MEDIA COVERAGE OF EUROPE: … And now the bad news?

As they prepare to vote in next year’s elections to the European Parliament, millions of people will need to be informed about the big issues facing Europe today. But are the media up to the task? Paolo Garimberti, the chairman of Euronews, talks to Queries about the challenges facing the media and European politicians.

Paolo Garimberti & Trevor Huggins

f a journalist’s job is to Euroscepticism and a lack of true leader- a group of people who many believe have provide information, ship at the top. not lived up to expectations. Perhaps sur- both accurately and with- It is a complex situation, and the stakes are prisingly, those critics include Garimberti out prejudice, how do certainly high. himself. newspaper reporters and “In 10 years’ time, we could have either of I TV news crews measure two contrasting scenarios: a failure of the DECLINING JOURNALISTIC up when it comes to European project, and a return to purely STANDARDS covering European affairs? national governments and national cur- “In my opinion, the media’s performance Not very well, according to Paolo Garimberti. rencies or, if we can educate the young in covering Europe has considerably And as the chairman of Euronews, a former generation who will be voting in 10 years’ worsened in recent years. With a few president of the RAI and a national news- time, we can recover the situation and move notable exceptions, they are less informa- paperman with a career spanning fi ve dec- towards a better Europe,” Garimberti tive, increasingly more biased, ever more ades, he is in a fair position to judge. In affi rmed. “In either case, I believe the sensationalist and take a great deal less fact, Garimberti sees a “perfect storm” media will have an important, if not decisive, care in how they gather the information in brewing for Europe amid a decline in jour- role in what happens next.” the fi rst place. For me, there has been a nalistic standards, a growing mood of That places considerable responsibility on very real decline in the social role of the

22 QUERIES — Summer 2013 VISION

media in terms of informing and, to a cer- tise quality journalism. The crisis has also tain extent, educating their readers.” made it harder to maintain a network of The reasons for that decline are wide-ran- correspondents abroad.” ging. Social, economic and political chang- es have all shaped a media landscape in THE RULE OF THE PRESS BARONS which analysis and explanation frequently However, the media are not mere victims play second fi ddle to the mawkish “faits of economic circumstance. The industry divers” of everyday life. also has to accept its share of the blame, “Firstly, there has been a generalised and notably the newspaper and TV network crisis in daily newspapers sales and tele- owners along with their foot soldiers, the vision ratings for a number of years now, a reporters. “The likes of Rupert Murdoch crisis that has led the media to seek new and Silvio Berlusconi have fostered a more

© Graphic Obsession audiences through a type of journalism that sensationalist, less informative and in- creasingly aggressive form of journalism; one focused solely on maximising sales “LIKE THE DECLINING NUMBER and, in Berlusconi’s case, supporting a pol- itical party – his own,” Garimberti contends. OF JOURNALISTS SENT TO “Even when parties in Italy such as the THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL, THE Communists or the Social Democrats had their own papers, they never plumbed such NUMBER OF ACCREDITATIONS AT low levels of quality. Then there are the journalists. Obviously, in a shrinking job THE market, journalists need to adapt in order CONTINUES TO DECREASE.” to avoid becoming unemployed – but they have their share of responsibility for ac- would once have been considered the pre- cepting to work in this way.” serve of the English tabloid,” Garimberti If the quality of journalism on Europe is no observed. “It is a trend that also applies to longer the same, though there are notable the so-called quality press, in the ratio of exceptions in the likes of the Financial space devoted to human-interest stories – in Times, neither is the subject matter. And in Key Points particular murders and other crimes – and this respect, the profi le assigned to Euro- the political and economic news.” pean politics has been the biggest loser. Media coverage “Secondly, there are the effects of Once a leading part of any serious newspa- of European news Europe’s economic crisis, though these are per or TV channel, European affairs over considerably has more pronounced in certain countries than the past couple of decades have not so decreased in recent in others. But it has only added to the much been moved to the back seat – as years. marked decline in newspaper sales and dumped in the car boot. The underlying rea- The crisis and the closure of many well-known titles, in- son for this, however, has more to do Mikhail the subsequent cluding the likes of France-Soir and similar Gorbachev than Rupert Murdoch. Put blunt- broadcasting choices papers in Italy and Spain. When I started ly, when capitalism won the argument with could be to blame. my career in the 1960s, there were half a communism in 1989, everything changed. Europe lacks real dozen evening papers in Milan, Rome, When politics no longer had the potential leaders who could Turin and Genoa. Not one has survived, to unleash a nuclear Armageddon upon the reaffi rm its identity. leaving us with fewer opportunities to prac- population of Europe, it inevitably became

QUERIES — Summer 2013 23 VISION

less of a talking point in factories, pubs and homes. As a former correspondent in East- “IN THE 1990S, WE USED TO SEND FOUR ern Europe, it is a situation that Garimberti REPORTERS TO A EUROPEAN SUMMIT. has witnessed from different perspectives. TODAY, WE USUALLY SEND ONLY ONE.” THE FALL OF THE WALL “With the seismic change in Europe that was the fall of communism, the Berlin Wall you get an international story – unless and the Iron Curtain, journalism started to something extraordinary happens. By con- change, too. In some cases it improved, trast, Euronews clearly has a focus on because the sources became richer, Europe, as seen from a European perspec- particularly for television. But in many tive. But we are an exception.” cases it worsened because it gave more importance to lighter subjects and much A FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE less to politics and economics. I was a If history and the media are part of the correspondent for six years in Moscow, and explanation for the quality and quantity of worked in Hungary, Czechoslovakia and coverage devoted to Europe, they are not Poland, and I became very aware of the the whole story. For Garimberti, what he change in the kind of copy I was being sees as a growing Euroscepticism refl ects asked to provide.” both the inability of European institutions “At the same time, the amount of space to communicate with the media and a dedicated to European affairs has been failure of political leadership. Whether it sharply reduced. In the 1980s and 1990s, is the response to the Euro crisis, or the the major dailies would each send three or reaction to events in the Middle East, and four reporters to a European summit. For notably in Syria, Europe’s politicians have Maastricht, there were six or seven of us rarely covered themselves in glory. from La Repubblica; today, they usually “Italy has always been favourable to the send a single reporter. I was the Inter- European Union but there is a marked ten- national Desk chief at La Repubblica in the dency in public opinion today to believe 1990s and we had to fi ll six to ten pages that the country’s problems and the eco- of world news every day. Now it is two to nomic crisis are Europe’s fault – with the three pages, but it is no different in the Euro crisis, a European Central Bank that other Italian papers. It just refl ects a per- is felt to be too rigid, and the weight of the ception that there is less interest among Brussels bureaucracy. This view is now readers for the major European issues being refl ected in the newspapers and I today. By contrast, there is a far greater believe it highlights a serious problem: that focus on our own backyards. Domestic the Commission and the European Parlia- politics in the Italian press can sometimes ment are incapable of communicating in take up ten pages in great detail, with little a straightforward, understandable way. or nothing being placed in a European con- Euroscepticism is gaining ground every- text. And it is the same with television, where and the response from Brussels and whether in Europe or the United States. its institutions has been incredibly weak. Sometimes you have to wait up to fi fteen However, it is also true that Europe no minutes of a main news programme before longer has the great politicians it had in

24 QUERIES — Summer 2013 VISION

“WHEN I STARTED MY CAREER IN THE 1960S, THERE WERE HALF A DOZEN EVENING PAPERS IN MILAN, ROME, TURIN AND GENOA. NOT ONE HAS SURVIVED.” © Graphic Obsession the past; the real “fathers of Europe” part of this will be whether politicians can media, it is time they start setting agendas like Jacques Delors, or the late Robert set aside their personal egoism and drop – rather than just reporting on them. “They Schuman and Konrad Adenauer. When this habit of pitching one country against need to get away from this backyard men- Delors was president of the European another. It does nothing to counter the re- tality and start putting new ideas Commission, he really spoke for the whole lentless move back to a national media for Europe themselves, rather than leaving of Europe. We just do not have this kind of agenda, and only encourages the media it all to politicians. The media are the politicians today and I cannot see any to talk about the Paris-Berlin axis, and watchdogs of politics, and it is about time younger versions coming through.” speculate whether it is moving towards a they started to bark.” In fact, that difference in ages and percep- Berlin axis with someone else.” As for the tions is not only an issue for Europe’s pol- itical elite. For Garimberti, now 70, there is also a signifi cant difference in the people who write about them. “My generation of journalists was a profoundly pro-European one, fundamentally convinced that we would take the European project forward, through the medium of newspapers,” he says. “The current generation absolutely does not share this point of view and that © DR is the big difference. We were European- ABOUT ists, they are nationalists.”

THE CHALLENGES AHEAD Paolo Garimberti’s journalistic career started with local and If it is a diffi cult situation today, what about then national newspapers in his native Italy, before being posted the years ahead? For his part, Garimberti to Moscow from 1970-76 as a correspondent and subsequently is “pessimistic” about the future of both bureau chief of La Stampa. He joined La Repubblica in 1986 as a politics and the media in Europe. However, leader writer, specialising in foreign aff airs and returned to the he is not entirely without hope, or sugges- paper as deputy managing editor after a period in charge of the tions for at least improving the situation. RAI TG2 news service. He became a director of the Espresso “Europe needs four or fi ve leaders who are Group, before being appointed as chairman of the RAI from capable of leading the others and providing 2009 until 2012, when he became chairman of Euronews. a fresh European impetus,” he says. “A big

QUERIES — Summer 2013 25 FOCUS

FOREWORD IN NUMBERS IN NUMBERS Ania Skrzypek Aurélien Renard André Krouwel P. 28 P. 30 P. 34

ESSAY INQUIRY COLUMN Colin Crouch ECI: the voice of Europe Dominique Wolton P. 36 Foreword by Martin Schulz P. 56 P. 44

BEYOND EUROPE INTERVIEW COMMENTS David Kitching Jacques Rivoal Views of Economists P. 58 P. 64 P. 68


There is now less than one year left before the next European elections. However, amidst the omnipresence of the crisis within their daily lives, these are Europeans with unsteady guideposts who are called to vote. The multiple stakes, which all have the potential to leave a terrible mark on the European “vivre ensemble,” are essentially linked to the capacity of Europe to mobilise its citizens. It is an engagement that progressists must embody, a struggle on several fronts, which Queries chose to explore.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 27 FOREWORD


Arguing for a strategy of credible prospects and partisan behaviour.

by Ania Skrzypek

uropean citizens seem to “this is the fi rst time after the global crisis”, DELIVERING CREDIBLE PROSPECTS to have lost their belief or “there will be top candidates”. All of these Politics of the last fi ve years have been that electing a Euro- are valid, but then again, they somewhat determined by the multilayered crisis. It has pean Parliament is ex- set its own rules for deliberating and de- ceptional. Throughout THE CRISIS HAS bating. The long-term perspective has E the past 34 years, turnouts been wiped out, which has undermined have been gradually declining. Next year it LIMITED THE ideologies and blurred differences is likely to drop even further because of the between parties, impoverishing all levels continuing crisis. The European Union no DEBATE TO TWO of politics, including the European one. The longer appears as a credible promise of a QUESTIONS: “WHAT crisis has limited the debate to two ques- better future. Social and economic policies tions: “what is impossible?” and “what im- seem exempted from citizens’ scrutiny, and IS IMPOSSIBLE ?” mediate exit strategy could there be?” This estranged from serving the goal of building attitude deprived the European project prosperous and fairer societies. In opinion AND “WHAT from the core meaning of its promise: polls, people declare that their focus is on IMMEDIATE EXIT working together for a better tomorrows. making it from one day to the next. They As political distinctions fade away, societies neither think that they can shape their own STRATEGY COULD divide themselves according to different lives, nor they trust politicians to do so. lines, defi ned by parties that play on nega- Why would citizens vote in 2014? Political THERE BE ?” tive messages and induce feelings of fear. families, including the progressive one, have seem politically polished. If the goal of The current European Parliament is already proposed a number of arguments, which social democracy is to inspire citizens to the most fragmented and has the largest range from traditional appeals such as “this vote and change the direction of Europe, percentage of extremist, protest and is a historical opportunity to shape Europe” more will be required. populist groups in history – and it is possible

28 QUERIES — Summer 2013 FOREWORD

“CITIZENS MAY THEN UNDERSTAND THAT IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE TO VOTE, AS THEY WOULD FEEL EMPOWERED TO SHAPE OUR COMMON FUTURE.” © Corbis that the 2014 vote may enhance this. provoked street protests in Greece, Spain, people can relate to and see top candi- The answer lies in changing the terms of and Portugal, which are recent proof that dates campaigning for. Only then will hav- the debate. Until now, progressives have there is still no consent from voters on the ing one candidate per European party entangled themselves in discussions present direction of European Union. really be an exciting exercise for voters. around austerity. It is time to break out of The problem still is that discussions on the There is a high chance that the next Euro- them. If the 2014 elections are to be future of the Union remain entrapped in pean elections will be plagued by the same signifi cant in gaining a democratic man- national contexts. It has been the case spectre that has been haunting it for the date for steering Europe towards another during each and every treaty negotiation. last three and a half decades. But there is direction, progressives must go beyond Candidates race to give answers on how still twelve months to do something about reactionary bargaining (i.e. “conservatives they plan to protect citizens against the it. The challenge to bridge between Europe cause unemployment, we will provide Union’s policies, and not how and for what and its citizens, between politicians and jobs”). Progressives must inspire a feeling purpose they envisage future cooperation voters is about bringing credible prospects of security, empowerment, and ambition on the European level. and political distinction. If accomplished, it among voters; they shall inspire a new un- The progressive tradition has always been may inspire new thinking among individuals. derstanding that Europe is still the project about commonly constructing a united They may then understand that it makes a of the future. Europe. It has always assigned primacy to difference to vote, as they would feel em- the European Parliament, as the only powered to shape our common future. UNITING FOR POLITICAL directly elected institution. To restore this DISTINCTION approach before 2014, progressives would Ania Skrzypek is a Senior research Since its founding, the European Commu- need to fi nd the courage to address and fellow at the Foundation for European nity has been accused of suffering from overcome the internal divisions that are Progressive Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in a democratic defi cit. This criticism has currently consuming them as a political political science from the University of centred on the inadequate balance of power family. The gaps between centre and Warsaw. between European institutions and the periphery, West and East, post-third way detachment of citizens from European and traditional way must be closed. One politics. This crisis and austerity policies distinctive call must be made; one that

QUERIES — Summer 2013 29 IN NUMBERS


One year before the next European elections, the question of citizen mobilisation keeps standing out as the common denominator of its multiplying stakes. Based on their latest survey, the research institute Gallup has accepted to shed a light on these voting trends.

by Aurélien Renard




Extremist, populist and Euro- shaping a convincing European narrative, benefi ts derived from the membership sceptic parties will try to capitalise in order to win back the European of their countries, if they build a credible on the growing discontent with electorate. scenario in which the Union ceases to European and national leadership, Parties may very well succeed in mobi- exist, in order to convince an electorate and on the disconnect between citizens lising voters and regain their interest if that may be tempted by the anti-Euro- and their elites. They will also attempt they can craft a discourse that creates pean refl ex. to fl ag Brussels as Franco-German turf hope while being realistic about what 1 European Parliament Eurobarometer and as a threat more than a solution. citizens can expect from the Union, if (EB/PE 77.4) Two years to go to the 2014 Therefore, the challenge for mainstream they communicate on acknowledged European elections. and pro—European parties will lie in European achievements and tangible

30 QUERIES — Summer 2013 IN NUMBERS


COULD THE PROPOSED CANDIDATE’S NATIONALITY Europeans now expect the next REFRAIN YOU FROM VOTING FOR HIS/HER PARTY ? 2 generation to have less job security, less job satisfaction, Yes, it would (a nationality was mentioned) No, it would not less secure pensions, earn lower salaries, spend less time 43% 31% with their families, and have Netherlands less comfortable housing than their parents’ generation. 39% 41% These are the key issues that Poland are currently on most Europeans’ 37% 33% mind, and they require an answer Denmark to preserve social peace and hope, 35% 42% which is a key driver of individual wellbeing. 34% 48% From now on, every European pol- France itical party will nominate a candidate to the Commission’s presidency. 33% 42% When we asked if the nationality Denmark of this candidate could refrain from voting for his party, our fi ndings showed that a Romanian candidate would be an issue for a relative ma- WHICH NATIONALITY WOULD REFRAIN YOU FROM VOTING jority of voters in Denmark, France FOR HIS/HER PARTY? 2 and Germany. The same pheno- menon was present in the Nether- The three nationalities cited most often: Bulgarian Greek Romanian lands with a Bulgarian candidate. Surprisingly, a majority of Britons 15% said that if the candidate were Bri- 13% 13% tish, they wouldn’t vote for his or her 12% 13% party. The same was true in Pol and 12% 12% and the Netherlands regarding a 11% 10% 10% 9% 9% candidate from their own country. 9% 9% In none of the countries surveyed 8% 8% would a Luxemburgish, Finnish, 7% Belgian or Swedish candidate face 5% such opposition.

2 Gallup Europe, “ EU Election 2014 countdown: 1 year to go ”, available at : www. gallup.com/strategicconsulting/162908/ election-2014-countdown-one-year.aspx Denmark GermanyFrance Netherlands Poland United Kingdom

QUERIES — Summer 2013 31 IN NUMBERS



78% 73% 68% 69% 63% 64%

Poland Netherlands Germany United Kingdom France Denmark



44% No 34% Yes 56% No 23% Yes 62% No 17% Yes

We may witness an interesting steadily declined. Many expect this in the right direction in the EU” only for paradox next May. trend to continue although it is still very a minority in every country surveyed, Indeed, even though no other Euro- early to have precise estimates regar- regardless of the political orientation of pean election has ever been as impor- ding the participation rates in 2014. the respondents. The French are the tant, since the Union is becoming the However, Gallup’s fi ndings show that least likely to say “things are going in the framework of reference for collective voters who approve of the European right direction” (17%) and more surpri- political decisions, a majority of citizens Union leadership are more likely to say singly, even those French who approve may either decide to abstain or express they would vote in these elections, if of the European Union leadership are their distrust by voting for extreme or they were to be held next week, with the more likely to say that things are going Eurosceptic parties. only exception bein the United Kingdom. in the wrong direction (42% vs. 34%). The turnout in European elections has Our survey shows that “things are going

32 QUERIES — Summer 2013 IN NUMBERS


WOULD YOU WANT YOUR COUNTRY TO LEAVE THE EUROPEAN UNION? 2 Behind this election lies the risk of a radicalization of the 55% United Kingdom electorates, with the European 25% Union becoming a European Disun- ion, which would exclusively pursue 39% Denmark perceived national interests, and 45% where populist arguments would 39% Netherlands prevail. 39% There may be a discrepancy between the European citizens’ social needs 34% France and the institutions’ perceived abil- 43% ity to fulfil them, which explains the current low level of trust. Nev- 31% Germany ertheless, when asked whether or 49% not they want their country to leave the Union, only the Britons say they 21% Poland would want out. The situation is also 55% ambivalent in the Netherlands, but in all the other countries, citizens would Yes No rather stay in the Union. Even so, the situation is very polar- ised between those who approve DO YOU APPROVE OF THE LEADERSHIP OF FRANCE AND GERMANY of the European leadership and IN THE EUROPEAN UNION? 2 those who don’t. Besides, while 54% only a minority approve of the French leadership in the European Union, 48% 46% 45% the French being even the most 43% critical, the situation looks better for 36% Germany, despite protests in Europe regularly caricaturing Angela Merkel. Therefore, even though the situation 30% 30% 29% 28% looks currently bleak for many, there 24% is still hope. 19%

United Kingdom DenmarkNetherlands France Germany Poland

Approve of: the French leadership the German leadership

QUERIES — Summer 2013 33 IN NUMBERS


One year before crucial European Parliament elections, things look bleak for the European Union. European economies are still struggling to get out of a deep crisis and dissatisfaction with the European Union is rising across the continent.

by André Krouwel

his Gallup poll in six results in a serious legitimacy problem for for a complete exit of their country from the countries shows that decision-making at the European level. latter. Yet, anti-European feelings are spread very few citizens Euroscepticism is hardest and most wide- widely across the political spectrum. Voters believe that things are spread among politically right-leaning voters. on the left are also turning against the Euro- going in the right The Gallup data clearly shows that voters pean project. A recent study published in T direction in the Euro- who position themselves right of centre are the Journal of Common Market Research* pean Union. Discontent is highest in the more negative about the direction of the identifi ed three types of anti-EU voters. The largest member countries, particularly in European Union and far more likely to vote first is the traditional pro-sovereignty, the United Kingdom and France with anti-EU voter, predominantly found on the respectively 56% and 62% of voters saying “THERE ARE right of the political spectrum, often religious the European Union is moving in the wrong and a believer in traditional values. The direction. Attitudes towards the Union had THREE TYPES OF second type is an essentially non-ideologi- already become more negative since the cally driven protest-voter, primarily motivated 1990s, yet now dissatisfaction seems to be ANTI-EU VOTERS: by the domestic context and politically asso- increasing at an ever-faster pace. This acce- ciated with either the radical right or left. The leration of Euroscepticism is - at least partly PRO- political front of EU-rejectionism is broad- - due to the referenda held across Europe ened with a third category of voter - normally on the Constitutional Treaty. These refer- SOVEREIGNTY, from the Left, who is not staunchly anti-Euro- enda provided a theatre for anti-integration pean, but who rejects what he or she parties to fully make their case to the public ANTI- believes to be the neo-liberal direction of and mobilise discontent. Despite this grow- NEOLIBERAL, the Union. Together, these groups could ing anti-European integration sentiment, the easily constitute majorities in a European majority of political elites are consistently AND PROTEST election with low turnout. more pro-EU than their voters. This ‘EU- In the United Kingdom, the Gallup poll fi nds enthusiasm gap’ is now fully exposed and VOTERS.” an outright majority that now wants to leave

34 QUERIES — Summer 2013 IN NUMBERS


the European Union. Prime Minister David become a relevant issue in the upcoming Cameron, who promised a referendum on European elections of May 2014, whereas European membership in his next term, is previously national issues dominated. With facing an uphill battle with EU sentiments the economic and fi nancial crisis deepening, turning sourer, particularly on the political a steep rise in unemployment (particularly right. Three out of four right-wing voters in amongst the young) and vast austerity the United Kingdom now want the country measures in place in most member states, to leave the European Union. These voters the Union and the Euro will become more constitute the electoral heartland of the salient. Some will argue that we need Conservative Party, and Eurosceptic parties stronger supranational institutions, while like UKIP are making strong inroads accord- others contend that we need ‘less Europe ing to the latest polls. While in other coun- and more national state’. The crisis also con- © DR tries Gallup fi nds smaller proportions of the tributes to the galvanisation of Eurosceptic ABOUT electorate willing to fully exit the Union, there political parties who will likely make substan- is very little comfort in the data for those who tial electoral gains in 2014. If they are able André Krouwel is a Dutch political still believe in European integration. Perhaps to form a more or less coherent party group, scientist, professor at the Free some solace can be found in the relative the European People’s Party could disinte- University of Amsterdam, and large number of voters who approve of the grate, as members may be tempted to join academic director of Kieskompas. German leadership. Yet, the poor perfor- a new Eurosceptic formation. In turn, this After winning the eDemocracy mance of France at the European level, with would upset the long-lasting dominance of award, Kieskompas joined forces even a majority of the French themselves the Party of European Socialists and the with political scientists from all disapproving of their leaders, shows that European People’s Party in the European EU member states to develop support for European integration is eroding. Parliament and alter the decision-making a new European-wide Voting Advice With public opinion hardening against the dynamic of the Union. It seems that – for the Application. EUVOX2014 will help EU and low levels of trust in leadership of fi rst time – there is a real and important millions of voters across Europe to the major member states – all in the context choice to be made in a European election. pick the party that best matches their of a global economic crisis with the Eurozone own political preferences, positioning in a perilous state – the European project users in the European political as a whole is under tremendous strain. landscape, and including information

There is, however, at least one positive *Nick Startin & André Krouwel, “Euroscepticism about the positions of all relevant aspect to all this doom and gloom. For the Re-galvanized: The Consequences of the 2005 French parties in these crucial European fi rst time, the European Union itself will and Dutch Rejections of the EU Constitution”, 2012. elections. www.kieskompas.nl

QUERIES — Summer 2013 35 ANALYSIS

POST-DEMOCRACY: the challenge for Europe

Changes in society, the economy and class identities are creating a ‘post-democracy’ in Europe, as elsewhere in the industrialised world. However, there are still opportunities to set a more progressive agenda. Institutional reform, a review of party structures and a more socially-oriented approach to investment could all help to move the ordinary citizen closer to the centre of European aff airs.

by Colin Crouch

he European Parliament mal democratic arena, but instead among small elections will provide gov- groups of elites – notably political and economic ernments and political par- in nature; a situation reminiscent of the pre-dem- ties with a series of chal- ocratic era. Though many different factors have lenges in 2014, not the least combined to create this state of post-democracy, T of which is how to engage there have been two driving forces: a structural with the electorate in what is essentially a change in the workforce and the rise of the mul- “post-democracy.” Let me be clear, however, tinational corporation in a globalised economy. that I use post-democratic in exactly the same way that the term “post-industrial” society is widely DEMOCRACY AND THE WORKFORCE used: it certainly does not mean there is no indus- Looking back, I would argue that strong mass try, or that people do not use the products of democracies were only made possible by a series industry. It is simply that the energy, dynamism and innovation of the economy have moved else- where; in this case, to the services sector. By the “ORDINARY PEOPLE ARE NO LONGER same token, post-democratic does not mean that Europe is home to non-democratic societies: the ABLE TO GENERATE THE AUTONOMOUS institutions are all there and they function. It is MOVEMENTS THAT GIVE SHOCKS simply that the energy and innovation in the poli- tical system are no longer to be found in the for- TO THE SYSTEM.”

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of historical accidents. One was the accident of system; that post-democratic polity is very much social classes, who were essentially created by controlled by political elites who rely on market- the Industrial Revolution and who struggled to ing techniques and market research, of which achieve inclusion into the political system as ordinary people are simply the passive recipients. citizens – and in some cases struggled to exclude The net effect of this decline in the ability to base others from that. In many societies, there was a identities on social-economic positions is that similar dynamic around the inclusion and exclu- the main terrain of socio-economic struggle sion of various religious identities. These strug- enjoys very little popular energy. gles were at times violent and horrifying. How- ever, they eventually gave way to a set of EXCEPTIONS TO IDENTITY LOSS compromises whereby such identities were That said, I also recognize that a number of accepted and a more or less peaceful form of exceptions exist to refute this argument, with the three notable ones being feminism, the environ- mental movement and populist xenophobic par- “ WOMEN WILL DEFINE ties. I believe that feminism, in particular, still has a great deal of potential to effect change. THE OCCUPATIONAL IDENTITIES Although most people see the women’s move- THAT COULD DEVELOP ment as being outside the realm of class identity, an interesting feature of the occupational groups IN POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY. ” of post-industrial societies is that women are either equal to or often far exceeding men in the confl ict – based on respective vested interests number of their workers. If politically relevant – was enacted through the electoral system. occupational identities do develop in post-indus- Clearly, this occurred in different ways and to trial society, they will very probably be defi ned different extents within Europe but by the third primarily by women. The environmentalist move- quarter of the 20th century, the existence of ment meanwhile also continues to produce an these social classes and religious groups as agenda that is uncomfortable for elites, and one citizens had been accepted. It proved to be a that they certainly have not generated them- relatively short-lived period of stability – at least selves. As for the racist, xenophobic movement as far as the structure of employment was con- in Europe, it is very clearly based on national cerned. From the 1970s onwards, societies in identity and represents a disturbing return to Key Points Europe and the United States ceased to have a attitudes that last held real currency in the growing industrial population – as jobs moved 1930s. Economic power instead to the service sector. What is signifi cant now imposes its will to about this sector and its occupations is that they DEMOCRACY AND GLOBALISATION political power, which were born at a time of universal citizenship. Those Alongside these structural changes, the second softens the rebellious working in them do not therefore have identities driving force in post-democracy is globalisation, spirit of its citizens. that were involved in struggles for inclusion or whose development I believe has created a fun- The European exclusion, and they do not feel any need to damental problem for national governments: Parliament is itself a develop an identity to struggle for political rights, namely, that democracy is essentially a pheno- child of post-democracy. or to make particular political claims. Indeed, the menon of the nation state - or of lower, more Priority should central thesis of post-democracy is that ordinary local levels – while the modern economy is not. thus be given to their people are no longer able to generate the auto- An economy cannot be managed on a purely empowerment. nomous movements that give shocks to the national basis, as the multinationals are not

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subordinate to individual jurisdictions. We have “THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT IS seen this incapacity of national democracy in the management of the 2008 fi nancial crisis and ITSELF A CHILD OF POST-DEMOCRACY.” the consequent euro crisis. When the fi nancial crisis struck with the collapse of Lehmann Bro- thers, the priority became saving the banks from sion, but it is certainly a more vivid institution their own misdeeds; this, in turn, has led to enor- than before it was elected. mous pressure being placed on ordinary citizens The step back is that the parliament is itself a who are required to bear the cost of bailing out child of post-democracy. It was not created by the banks and suffer the associated cuts in pub- people fi ghting to gain access to citizenship, or lic spending. This is post-democratic, especially by popular, grassroots movements demanding a in the form taken with the Greek and other bank democratic level to run alongside the bureau- rescues, where political deals have been bro- cratic and elite levels. It was decided at the top kered behind fi rmly closed doors between banks, and then handed down as a prerequisite for the governments and the European Central Bank. European project. In that sense, the European Citizens of those countries have been entirely Parliament is a pure example of post-democracy: excluded from the deal-brokering process and the democratic institution exists but there is not simply informed afterwards “it is the price you a lot of life in it, and there are a number of rea- have to pay.” Though portrayed by those involved sons for this: one is the extreme reluctance of as Germany and France rescuing the likes of national politicians to allow that level of demo- Greece from their mistakes – this is not really cracy to develop, partly because they wish to the case. They are actually rescuing the German maintain control of how the European institutions and French banks that lent to irresponsible Greek work and partly because they are very reluctant governments, and did so because they were part to share with the European Parliament. By con- of a fi nancial system that banks believed could trast, they are very keen to claim their democratic continue to be irresponsible in perpetuity. legitimacy in their relations with the other Euro- pean institutions. But when faced with a given A EUROPE OF MIXED MESSAGES problem, very rarely will politicians tell voters that The economic crisis is clearly having a huge they intend to “work hard with their European impact on Europe, and is doing so at a time when partners” to tackle it. Even if national politicians its institutions in the form of the European Par- do subsequently use Europe to fi nd a solution, liament are taking one step forward – and one the overwhelming temptation is to claim the step back. The step forward is that the parliament credit on a strictly unilateral basis. And yet, if represents a reaching-out of democracy that they communicated a sense of sharing a com- goes beyond the nation state; it is the only insti- mon fi ght with other European countries, and a tution in the world like it. Though it may often be desire to achieve something that is only realisa- criticised for being weak, the parliament is at ble at a supranational level, I believe that such a least present in a zone that democracy currently rhetoric would create livelier European politics. does not reach and, as such, should be treasured. It would also represent the kind of 2014 electoral The parliament is also a lot more vigorous today, campaign that might actually resonate with Euro- compared to when it was an appointed assembly; pean citizens. Otherwise, the very real danger is it has an agenda, it ventilate issues and it pushes that next year’s elections become far more about for policies. Admittedly, it usually loses if there people voting to prevent Europe from taking is a confrontation with the European Commis- action – and far less about inspiring it to achieve.

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BRITAIN AND THE EURO CRISIS At another level, Britain’s veto is symptomatic of Britain has provided a striking example of this the fact that post-democracy varies considerably ability to undermine the role of European insti- in tone between different countries. The most tutions in its attitude to the handling of the euro extreme form of the phenomenon is certainly crisis. A charge levelled by British politicians, Silvio Berlusconi’s Italy, where a commercial including the likes of former chancellor Nigel enterprise was able turn itself into a political Lawson, is that the Europe Union has been party and to successfully take power, protecting undemocratic in its dealings with southern Euro- its leader from a series of investigations by the pean countries. However, one reason why legal system in the process. That said, there are European institutions including the parliament also major questions to be asked of Italian citi- have been unable to play a role in this crisis is zens as to how that could be allowed to happen precisely because of David Cameron’s decision in the fi rst place and why there was no real oppo- to veto the use of those institutions at the Coun- sition. At the other end of the scale, the Nether- cil of Ministers in December 2011. His decision lands and the smaller countries of northern meant that all the initiatives for the euro zone Europe are still quite lively democracies. Moving would have to be developed on an ad-hoc basis, eastward, however, it is particularly depressing thereby handing the elitists their chance to to witness the speed with which some central create a structure suiting their interests. Had the European countries have moved from fi ghting veto not been used, the European Parliament for democracy to becoming post-democracies. would have been in a position discuss the treat- Here, the struggle for democracy did not result ment being meted out to Greece, and a far in political parties with deep roots among citi- more European-wide voice could have been zens, but instead fostered parties whose identi- heard. Admittedly, the bankers, rather than the ties were frequently subject to change and European institutions, would still have taken the whose governments were desperate to please lead role. But the parliament in Strasbourg would overseas investors. certainly have been more effective. THE SUPRANATIONAL CHALLENGES FACING EUROPE Clearly, Europe faces a number of challenges at national level, according to context. However, there are also a number of pan-European issues that can only be resolved at a supranational level, the fi rst of these being the need for some form of mechanism to re-regulate the global fi nancial system so as to avoid a repeat of 2008. Indivi dual countries cannot do this, but Europe as a whole certainly can – despite the dead weight of the British, who appear to have a different agenda. There is a clear and much-needed opportunity here for the EU to achieve something positive in the sphere of regulation. Secondly, there is an opportunity to reverse the trend in Europe to move social policy from public provi-

© Graphic Obsession sion to markets. This trend is very clearly

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creating confl ict, for example in certain northern It is perhaps not surprising, therefore, that in a European countries, between social protection context of globalisation, precarious employment legislation, collective bargaining systems and and high levels of immigration, these xenophobic, trade union rights achieved at a national level nationalistic movements are beginning to return. and the competition policy being imposed at an Another factor at work here is a fundamental European level. As a result, certain governments human need to belong, and to have a sense of will again see their role as limiting what Brussels identity. Since those pertaining to class and reli- can do, in order to safeguard national achieve- gion have declined markedly in recent decades, ments. This only serves to make Europe appear as we saw earlier, certain social groups feel they more remote from its citizens. In short, there is only have their national identity left. And whilst a need to recapture the original Delors social that can be expressed by cheering on a football agenda, running alongside the market agenda, team, it can also mean hating people who do not so that people feel they can look to Europe as share that identity. And in a society where iden- creator of social policy. History teaches us that tities tend to be muted and where electoral com- moves to extend markets have to be accompa- petition between mainstream parties on the nied by social policies to remedy the negative economy can be a particularly pallid exercise, externalities that markets create but cannot stirring up national identities provides its insti- resolve. It will be disastrous for the European gators with an extremely powerful weapon. project if it is associated only with the former, Indeed, such a party need not be economically hostile to the latter. competent to take and retain power. In past de- cades, the Ulster Unionist Party’s competence THE THREAT OF EXTREMISM in managing the economy of Northern Ireland Strengthening the social agenda is important for was largely irrelevant; what counted for the then many reasons, not the least of which, in the con- majority of the population was simply that it was text of the 2014 elections, is the need to coun- a Protestant party. ter the rise of political extremism. The rise is being fuelled by globalisation – to the extent that ONE PROBLEM, THREE SOLUTIONS it is not compensated by social policy, by feelings With the 2014 elections on the horizon, Europe of economic insecurity and by the ability to iden- appears increasingly to be at a turning point, with tify immigrants and cultural minorities as being post-democracy clearly representing a signifi cant to blame. As the 1930s amply demonstrated, it challenge to the European project. However, this is far more comforting to place blame on rela- does not imply that the project is doomed to fail- tively defensive minorities, rather than powerful ure, or that it is too late for its citizens to seek institutions. Indeed, the period between the end greater representation. In so many spheres of of World War II and the start of the 1990s – when human activity and not only politics, there is a two generations of Europeans vowed never to use foreign or ethnic minorities as scapegoats – may ultimately prove to have been a highly “IN ORDER TO SAFEGUARD NATIONAL unusual episode in our history. The horrors of Nazism do not reach out to people today with ACHIEVEMENTS, CERTAIN anything like their former immediacy or potency, GOVERNMENTS WILL SEE THEIR ROLE AS and human society sadly has a long, documented history of persecuting its minorities. LIMITING WHAT BRUSSELS CAN DO.”

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European level today that simply did not exist It would actually be very simple to put more life before. The European Trade Union Confederation into European democracy – by having the Euro- and the European Trade Union Institute, for exam- pean Commission chosen by the European Par- ple, are attempting to develop shared agendas liament. At a stroke, the Commission would gain among those they represent. Indeed, the very in democratic legitimacy, the Parliament would existence of organisations such as FEPS and the gain signifi cantly in importance and political Policy Network shows there is political life outside parties would genuinely produce a European elite circles at the level of Europe. It may be weak, level of operation, rather than being the very but it is there and it is important to help it grow. loose coalitions we have today. Unfortunately, The parliament and its elections are, I believe, a nation states are highly unlikely to do that – since part of that process. However, they are not the their appointment of the Commission represents only route to reconnecting with European citizens. a signifi cant lever of control. Yet until that fun- damental change is made, the European Parlia- ment will continue to resemble that of pre-1918 “STIRRING UP NATIONAL IDENTITIES Germany: one that could hold debates and pass laws, but could not install or dismiss the govern- CAN BECOME AN EXTREMELY ment – which was appointed by the Kaiser. Such POWERFUL WEAPON IN A SOCIETY is the relationship that currently exists between Strasbourg and Brussels. WHERE THEY TEND TO BE MUTED.” REACHING OUT TO THE FACEBOOK My contention is that there are three other ways GENERATION in which Europe can attempt to meet the The second area involves fi rst exploding a pop- challenges of post-democracy: namely ular myth: that the declining membership of tra- through institutional reform, party re-orientation ditional parties and trade unions, along with the and the social investment welfare state. periodic bouts of low voter turnout, are proof that young people – in particular – are apathetic about political action. Nothing could be further from the truth. The hollowing out of party politics has not created a passive citizenship that just sits around doing nothing. Thanks partly to the Internet, our present period is witnessing a great wealth of campaigns and movements, champi- oning an equally rich variety of causes. Every multinational company now has one campaign or another dogging its tail because of its prac- tices, while tax avoidance by major corporations such as Starbucks and Google is being high- lighted today in a way that would have been unthinkable even fi ve years ago. Put simply, cit- izens are fi nding other ways of expressing their concerns. The formal party model of Annual General Meetings, congresses and parties pre-

© Graphic Obsession senting themselves for elections may have

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become somewhat lifeless, but there is very I would argue that the political parties and trade clearly a richness of debate and direct action out unions, with their centralised, bureaucratic struc- there. The question is how can parties connect tures and perceived isolation from their own with that ecosystem and be invigorated by it. The memberships, belong to a form of society that answer lies in a willingness on both sides to we are leaving behind us, and have effectively engage, though this is easier said than done. become post-democracies themselves. Plainly, this is not how people who seek affi rmative Parties are afraid of being associated with move- action are engaging today. They are attracted ments they cannot control, and a degree of instead by other – often Internet-based – forms wariness may indeed be healthy. The fear that of communication. Parties may be very slow to haunts politicians in these circumstances is of change, but they can and must. a damaging publicity backlash, triggered by the actions of a group with which they are associated Several of the themes we have discussed sep- – but over which they can exert no control. arately – the need for European institutions to By the same token, movements are very suspi- engage with ordinary people, the Commission’s cious of parties, as they fear being taken over and duty to assume its supranational responsibility suffocated. However, the two sides need each for moderating the forces of globalisation on other’s resources and the challenge for both, behalf of its citizens and the importance of dia- which certainly exceeds the scope of the 2014 logue between movements and parties – are elections, is to fi nd a modus vivendi for working very closely inter-related. European institutions together. Both will gain by taking some risks. will only square up to the problems produced by multinational capitalism if there is a much THE NEED FOR CHANGE stronger citizen input; if public offi cials and cor- Though the focus here is very much on the future, porate elites are allowed to cosy up to one and there is an important historical point to bear in other, it provides both sides with a very quiet, mind when discussing party politics and the Facebook generation. Political parties have undergone considerable organisational changes “POLITICAL PARTIES AND during their lifetimes, having often started out TRADE UNIONS HAVE BECOME as the small creatures of central elites before becoming mass movements in their own right. POST-DEMOCRACIES THEMSELVES.”

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pleasant life. It is only when they feel the heat of European level. Though I doubt whether parties popular anger about such activities that they are will actually develop an election agenda around susceptible to change. The anger generated that in 2014, I fi rmly believe they should. recently in the United Kingdom by the deals struck between the British tax authorities and multinational corporations contrasts sharply with the tranquil relationship that both sides enjoyed when there was no transparency in their affairs.

IMPROVEMENT THROUGH SOCIAL INVESTMENT The fi nal mechanism through which I believe real change can be delivered is through what scholars have been calling the social investment welfare state. Though it will be played out in different forms, a key battleground in the 2014 elections will almost certainly be the debate over whether © Warwick Business School austerity or expansionism can solve Europe’s economic crisis and get millions of people back ABOUT to work. However, if the objective is for Europe to achieve high-quality economic performance it needs neither simple austerity nor simple One of Europe’s leading sociologists, Colin Crouch began expansionism, but instead a re-orientation of his academic career as a sociology lecturer at the London School public spending in order to upgrade economies, of Economics in 1969, before later teaching at Oxford University. to increase the skills of workforces, provide a He was Professor of Sociology and chaired the Social and degree of security that enables people to take Political Sciences department at the European University risks in their working lives, and to improve infra- Institute at Florence from 1995 to 2004. He was then Professor structures. This presents a tough challenge to of Governance and Public Management at the University of those countries, mainly in southern Europe, Warwick Business School until retiring in 2011. He is an whose welfare states are undeveloped and external scientifi c member of the Max Planck Institute for the excessively devoted to providing rather regres- Study of Societies, Cologne and is currently working on problems sive transfer payments and buying political sup- of risk and insecurity in European labour markets. He is the port. The way in which public resources can be author of Post-Democracy, The Strange Non-Death of Neo- used to improve economies rather than be a drain liberalism and Making Capitalism Fit for Society. on them is an issue we face at a national and a

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ECI: the voice of Europe

By giving citizens the right to table their own political initiatives in 2007, the Treaty of Lisbon marked a major democratic milestone by getting them closer to the European Commission. This innovative step forward was introduced by the regulation (EU) No 211/2011. Its goal is to strengthen the sense of citizenship among EU citizens by allowing them to propose a topic that will then be debated by the European Commission. A little more than a year after the ECI was fi rst launched, its track record remains mixed because of a lack of visibility across Europe and the unwieldy conditions of admissibility governing registered initiatives, among other factors. Yet neither of these problems is insurmountable.

by Olivier Breton and Pascal Béria

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he idea behind the Meanwhile, the ground rules for the ECI how Europe was able to fi nd €750 billion European Citizen’s are clear. The initiatives have to fall within for its banks, but not a single euro for young Initiative (ECI) is a sim- the sphere of the Commission’s compe- people and the unemployed. ple, but powerful one: tence and a due process has to be followed to give European Union – admittedly one that will break new ground Unsurprisingly, that sense of disillusion- T citizens a greater say for European Union citizens and institu- ment has translated into a rise in street in EU affairs. It is the very fi rst experiment tions alike. Members of an ECI committee protests and a fall in voter turnout at elec- in participative democracy at an EU level will need to meet tight deadlines and abide tions. Yet it is our role as politicians to and an opportunity for people in 27 coun- by rules on transparency and the collection restore a belief in politics as a force for tries to connect with each other, to organise of signatures. They will also need to put change. We need a debate about Europe: themselves around a particular issue and their arguments convincingly to the Euro- not one along the lines of “for or against” to help set the agenda. By making their pean Commission and European Parlia- but rather “what kind of Europe do we voices heard in this way, they are also ment and, if they are successful, then fol- want?” One with a social emphasis, one expressing their sense of being a citizen of low the legislative process. It is a major that is subject solely to the laws of the Europe, and contributing to change. For the organisational challenge. market, a Europe based on political fi rst time, the forthcoming elections will see choices? I believe the forthcoming Euro- the president of the European Commission BEYOND THE INSTITUTIONAL pean elections are an opportunity to start being elected by the European Parliament COMFORT ZONE that debate. – instead of being appointed by the heads However, there will be challenges too for of government, as in the past. the EU institutions, which will need to think outside the box – or at least outside the The parliament has also had a pivotal role familiar triangle of the Commission, Par- in creating the ECI, notably by fi ghting tooth liament, and Council. The proposals put and nail to make its rules as straightfor- forward by citizens could potentially be ward as possible and applicable on a mass more radical and imaginative than those of scale via the Internet. That said, what ulti- the Commission. For the ECI to be a suc- mately counts is how well it works for peo- cess, therefore, these institutions need to ple in practice. I believe that many of them learn how to open up to people and not will already have a European perspective stay entrenched within their comfort zone. and will be comfortable with the idea of initiating a pan-European idea. However, This is particularly important when you I also see the ECI as a way of awakening consider the wider context of the ECI – that a sense of European identity that lies of a Europe where people have become dormant among many of EU citizens. disillusioned with the political establish-

It could inspire people to get a better under- ment and believe the elite has focused on © European Parliament Audiovisual Services standing of what the EU institutions really restoring the fi nancial system rather than do and to realise they can be just as atten- creating growth and jobs. I remember talk- Martin Schulz tive to the concerns of ordinary people as ing to a young Spaniard who was highly President of the European national governments – if not more so. qualifi ed but jobless, and who asked me Parliament

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n 1992, the Maastricht Treaty citizens from at least a quarter of EU Member offi cially recognised “every States, which now means that no fewer than person holding the nationality seven countries must be involved. Initiative of a Member State”1 as a citi- organisers are then given twelve months to zen of the European Union. collect the one million signatures needed to I The initial goal was to encour- have their proposal examined by the Commis- age citizens to identify with Europe and to sion and, if successful, obtain a hearing at the develop their sense of civic responsibility European Parliament. with regard to political life in the Union. More than 20 years later, the results have been Approved by the European Parliament on mixed at best. 15 December 2010 by 628 votes to 15, with 24 abstentions, the ECI achieved a However, according to a Eurobarometer broad consensus among elected repre- The ECI founding survey conducted in autumn 20122, more sentatives. Some have cited it as one of article than six out of ten Europeans (63%) con- the most innovative aspects of the Treaty sider themselves EU citizens. This is an of Lisbon. It was also the fi rst such system “Not less than one million citizens increase of 2% in the six months since the to be introduced on a continent-wide scale, who are nationals of a signifi cant previous survey. Even more encouraging giving rise to major political and organisa- number of Member States is the fact that 45% of Europeans claim to tional challenges. “This is the starting point may take the initiative of inviting know their rights as citizens of the Euro- for the European debate,” says Zita Gurmai, the Commission, within the pean Union and 62% are keen to fi nd out MEP and co-rapporteur on the citizens’ framework of its powers, more about the issue. The sense of be- initiative. “It is a transnational discussion to submit any appropriate proposal longing to a community and the interest in that extends beyond regional, local and on matters where citizens consider the ensuing rights would seem to indicate even national considerations to focus on a that a legal act of the Union is required a certain level of European awareness. Yet resolutely European issue.” In short, there for the purpose of implementing this does not account for the lack of com- were high expectations of these initiatives the Treaties.” (Article 11(4) of mitment on the part of these same citizens as a means of gauging European citizens’ the Treaty on European Union). when it comes to democratic elections in involvement in the life of the Union. the Union. The 56.5% abstention rate in the 2009 European elections reveals a UNWIELDY CONDITIONS OF lack of involvement in and a lack of clarity ADMISSIBILITY of the EU political policy. Although there is no question that this ex- To offset this democratic defi cit, the Lisbon perimentation was a major breakthrough Key Points Treaty paved the way for European Citizens’ in terms of participative democracy and Initiatives (ECI), allowing any national of an workings within the European Union, it has The ECI allows citizens EU country to take part in the legislative pro- come under fi re for its red tape and the to require the European cess in a bid to shift the democratic goalposts complexity involved in preparing and sub- Commission to study towards a system of participation and encou- mitting initiatives. The result is a real obs- their claims. rage transnational public debate. However, a tacle course that makes individual initia- Despite its red tape, number of conditions do apply: to qualify, an tives diffi cult to pursue. The process is a it helps boost civic initiative must be proposed by a committee of realistic option only for well-organised engagement in Europe. groups, such as NGOs like Greenpeace Several successful 1 Article 17 of the Treaty on European Union (“Maastricht Treaty”) and its moratorium on genetically modifi ed examples in the world 2 Standard Eurobarometer 78 – Autumn 2012 crops, introduced in March 2012, which could inspire the Union.

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was a real success, collecting over one names of people from six other European stone for participatory democracy: although million signatures in seven months. Never- countries in their address book… it often proves effective, the system revealed theless, one should note that it was not an its limits in 2009 when a popular initiative ECI, since it was launched well before April There are also clear constitutional reasons championed by the Swiss People’s Party 1st 2012 and the offi cial start of the ECI why the Commission should reserve the right (SVP) led the country’s citizens to support programme. Yet this test alone was proof to reject initiatives during the registration the imposition of a national ban on the con- that the European citizens’ support of an process. These might include issues on struction of minarets, embarrassing the ECI depends on the topic, which should which it does not have competence to leg- Swiss government and discrediting methods truly affect society, as well as on the or- islate or which infringe upon human rights. of direct democracy on such issues. This is ganisational capabilities of its initiators. It It is also important to ensure that certain a lesson to remember if we are to prevent also revealed the limitations of the process highly populist-but-unconstitutional issues, citizens’ initiatives from creating a constitu- and the complexity of an ECI approach that such as restoring the death penalty, cannot tional impasse and running contrary to their is ostensibly out of reach for the average be pushed through. Take the Swiss model, initial purpose by causing a rift between citizen—not everyone can claim to have the for instance, which is often used as a touch- citizens and their representatives.

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RELAXING REQUIREMENTS TO Jürgen Meyer 3, professor at the University PROMOTE EMPOWERMENT of Freiburg and one of the founding fathers From a legal standpoint, once deemed of the ECI: “There is still too much red tape eligible, European Citizens’ Initiatives that prevents citizens from having direct require the Commission to examine the access to Europe. Take the process of col- tabled initiative but under no circumstances lecting signatures, for instance. Citizens do they require the Commission to legislate who choose to sign an initiative will be on the matter. In this context, the Commis- required to provide their passport number sion must remain sovereign with regard to or social-security number. And even if you the fi nal decision regarding constitution- convince them, the person will sign but ality. This subtle distinction is important in then say she does not have her ID; she may that it prevents lobby groups from deliber- even feel it is a violation of her privacy. And ately obstructing the European law-making that will basically be the end of it.” system with matters that are anti-consti- tutional or incompatible with the values THE ECI: DEMOCRATIC TOOL upheld by the Union. However, it is also OR BRUSSELS TOKEN? potentially a factor that can discourage All of these sticking points have cast a cloud people from using the system: even though over the European Citizens’ Initiative, leading citizens’ involvement can be tenuous and to doubts over its ability to gain a ground- fi ckle to say the least, it is important to swell and, perhaps more worryingly, fuelling ensure that the very complexity of pursuing scepticism over its infl uence on European a constitutional initiative is not in itself an affairs. A little more than a year after the obstacle to impetus and empowerment initial launch, 27 initiatives have been regis- when it comes to using this democratic tered but only 15 are still ongoing, the major- tool. That said, these reservations must be ity of which will likely never reach the taken in context: it is hard to imagine the required one million signatures (see table European Commission sidelining any issue p.53). that garners the support of one million signatories without the risk of seeing the debate slip its grasp and shift towards “ONLY FIFTEEN ECI ARE STILL other channels available to citizens. ONGOING, THE MAJORITY OF The imbalance in the method of collecting WHICH WILL LIKELY NEVER signatures also needs to be addressed. The procedure leaves it up to each Euro- REACH THE REQUIRED ONE pean country to ensure the process runs smoothly. Yet there is no harmonisation MILLION SIGNATURES.” in ballot methods used within the Union. To date, only Estonia has managed to So what purpose was served in rallying Euro- develop an e-voting system compatible pean citizens to a cause that at best leaves with voter identifi cation. The fact that all scope for improvement? Mickaël Malherbe, European countries do not have the same author of the French blog “Decoding Euro- type of ID card, for instance, could hinder 3 Interview with Jürgen Meyer: the bureaucratic attempts to input and check information. burden on the citizens’ initiative.

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pean communication”, has been following to suggest that current contributors to regis- the opportunity to vote in European elec- ECI developments closely: “European ini- tered initiatives are already extremely tions. Traditional voting rights are still seen tiatives were never really timely since nobody invested in European political life and are as the most effective means of having an ever actually asked for this kind of system aware of the workings of the parliamentary impact by 57% of respondents. This is in the fi rst place. In a way, the initiative is an system. Once explained, the ECI is favoured another result that reveals the importance institutional anomaly within the EU in that it by 29% of Europeans as a means of making of effective communication and the popular only affects the Commission. It needs to be their voice heard in Brussels, closely behind support garnered by the tools of participa- made part of Europe’s true political land- tory democracy once they are clearly scape.” For instance, citizens’ initiatives give explained. It is therefore important that we rise to questions over how to harmonise “70% OF promote touchpoints on these issues. It is protection of online data across Europe. This EUROPEANS HAVE the responsibility of Europe’s institutions and is a hot topic in Brussels, backed by coun- the duty of its citizens to raise awareness of tries such as Germany, France and the Neth- NEVER HEARD OF the right to pursue such initiatives. And erlands, which have already put in place although this communication campaign is data-protection offi cials with a view to ensur- THE ECI AND 62% an ongoing process, there are naturally times ing that personal information is made secure BELIEVE THE when it is far easier to draw citizens’ attention without ever penalising a booming digital to European issues, such as during the Euro- industry. CRITERIA pean elections.

Communication is basically central to REQUIRING A EXPOSURE AND THE IMPORTANCE the campaign to promote effi ciency. Zita MILLION OF COMMUNICATIONS Gurmai: “The number of initiatives registered While the Internet has clearly made it easier to date, their European outlook and the fact SIGNATURES IN to collect more signatures, the technology that they put forward some innovative ideas does not necessarily reduce the costs asso- all give me reason to be optimistic. I feel that SEVEN EUROPEAN ciated with communications. Yet promoting European citizens understand their added COUNTRIES an initiative on a European scale requires value even though many of them have never investment in tools, both digital and conven- heard of the ECI. This is unacceptable and CANNOT BE MET.” tional, along with the need to translate it is vital that we address the matter. Not just in terms of the ECI but in terms of how we can communicate more effectively to citi- A progressive cause zens, especially with regard to their rights and the resources available to them as Euro- While the ECI is justifi ably seen as one of the most innovative aspects pean citizens.” The fi ndings of the European of the Treaty of Lisbon, the terms and conditions governing its application Parliament’s Eurobarometer4 survey on initially led to political confl ict in the European Parliament over the way in European citizenship show that 70% of which it should function. A Green Paper published by the European Europeans have never heard of the Commission raised a number of questions regarding the minimum number European Citizens’ Initiative and 62% of Member States represented, the reliability of online voting, conditions believe the criteria requiring a million of admissibility, and signature certifi cation. This notion of resource signatures in seven EU countries can- accessibility is something the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and not be met. These results would appear Democrats (S&D) committed to support throughout the debate in the European Parliament; a factor undoubtedly instrumental in shaping 4 Source: European Parliament Eurobarometer (EB/PE 77.4) Two years to go to the 2014 European the success of the ECI. elections.

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content into several languages and distribute “ALTHOUGH THE COMMISSION that content across an entire continent. These are resources that an “ordinary” citi- ULTIMATELY HAS THE RIGHT TO zen keen to table an initiative does not nec- essarily have at his or her disposal. IGNORE THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE, However, the ECI has the advantage of IT IS OBLIGED TO TAKE THEM INTO being part of an open framework that pro- vides scope for continuous improvement, ACCOUNT, IF ONLY TO MAINTAIN as seen in the Commission’s decision to use its own servers to host initiatives fol- ITS POLITICAL CREDIBILITY.” lowing technical problems with IT systems in the early stages of the project. This tinual fi ne-tuning, with a model able to ECI-related costs wherever possible and adjustment led to a six-month extension in adapt over time. “I know some people are develop our communications.” the time frame for collecting the required already requesting rule changes but I think amount of signatures for the fi rst initiatives. that is a little premature”, says Zita Gurmai. BRINGING CITIZENS CLOSER TO In any event, the Commission is scheduled “We need a full evaluation before starting THE EUROPEAN POLITICAL to conduct an initial assessment of the that kind of process. There is still a lot to PROCESS system’s effi ciency as of April 1st 2015, be done before the scheduled assessment On 18 April 2013, Maroš Šefcovic—Euro- followed by subsequent reviews every in 2015, such as developing dialogue pean Commissioner for Inter-Institutional three years to iron out any wrinkles in areas between organisers and civil society. We Relations and Administration—praised the such as deadlines and the required number need to take their experience into account, ECI as a tool for participative democracy of signatures. Some observers have sug- make it easier to collect signatures online at a plenary session of the European Par- gested that these assessments are too far and begin talks on centralising the proce- liament. If there is one issue on which the apart. Yet they do provide scope for con- dure. What is more, we have to reduce majority of MEPs agree, it is that the ECI represents a fi rst big step for the Commis- sion towards its citizens, providing a tool for them to express their concerns directly Towards a democratisation of participative tools? and correct any institutional shortcomings Thanks to the increasingly widespread availability of the Internet and the tools where needed. And although the Commis- of participatory democracy, what was a utopian model at the time of the sion ultimately has the right to ignore the Maastricht Treaty is now a reality. Even though the postal system remains an voice of the people (giving rise to one of option in the interests of fairness, the Internet clearly off ers a single resource the main reservations with regard to citi- able to disseminate information in a uniform manner and at a reasonable cost. zens’ initiatives), it is nonetheless obliged Yet it is also a system that emphasises the digital and linguistic divide between to take them into account and answer countries, leading to very tangible concerns. How can we overcome diff erences them, if only to maintain its political cred- between nations such as the Netherlands (where 93% of households were ibility. The criteria for registering and connected to the internet in 2011) and Greece (42%)5 to ensure equal access to approving an ECI are already an inherent information? By the same token, can we ensure equivalent access for all guarantee of due appreciation and consid- European languages, even the most marginal? There is still a lot to be done and eration on its part. Herein lies the real we must bear in mind that we are only just beginning to develop the functionality appeal of the ECI: this direct link, this con- of these resources; their full potential has yet to be revealed. nection between the citizen and the legis- 5 Source: European Commission, Eurobarometer Special Survey 381, December 2011. lative process; something that can help forge a still-hazy European identity. The

50 QUERIES — Summer 2013 INQUIRY

ECI is therefore a tool that is very different from the petitioning right.

ECI: PROMOTING CITIZENSHIP Paradoxically, the ECI shows the boundaries of European citizenship even though this is the very thing it is intended to develop. Such a tool is, however, essential because it rep- resents a clear, concrete means of reducing the democratic defi cit on a European scale. It is also a unique means of measuring the level of commitment among EU citizens and their relationship with the institution. The Eurobarometer survey6 also reveals that the sense of European citizenship is most evi- dent on very concrete issues, such as stand- ardising the social security system, organ- ising a joint pension scheme, recognising

6 Source: European Parliament Eurobarometer (EB/PE 77.4) Two years to go to the 2014 European

elections. © Graphic Obsession

Mobilise a community intentions are good. We should signifi cant groundwork and eff orts for success actually praise the bold move to to build ties.” This is a view shared implement these initiatives. There by Baki Youssoufou, founder and In the age of social media, obtaining comes a point where you have to say director of the petitioning and one million signatures to render a it’s time for European civil society to campaigning Web platform wesign. citizens’ initiative admissible is a pull itself together!” In fact, the it: “An ECI can succeed if it is rooted perfectly reasonable goal—especially political and technical tools needed in a community, rather than just a with an EU population of over 500 to empower citizens to play an active network. The majority of NGOs have million people. The challenge part in EU life are already in place. a strong network but they do not therefore lies in the ability to rally a ECI requirements may seem hard necessarily have a community. The community to a common cause. As a for the average citizen to meet, but goal is to submit a citizens’ initiative result, a proper strategy targeting this is where people need to rally and based on an idea that is shared by an European networks is vital. Benoît create real momentum. “That means entire community.” This is a concept Thieulin, founder of the digital fi nding a way to identify groups that that underscores the importance of agency La Netscouade and are already active before launching developing truly transnational tools chairman of the French Digital an ECI, to give yourself every chance able to pool and share ideas Council: “The collection system of meeting the relevant criteria. throughout Europe—and beyond. might seem a bit of a slog, but the Citizens’ initiatives demand

QUERIES — Summer 2013 51 INQUIRY

qualifi cations or providing a joint response “EVEN IF AN INITIATIVE DOES NOT LEAD to deal with natural disasters. This is a trend bolstered by the ECI: survey respondents TO A BILL, IT DOES GIVE CITIZENS AN continue to cite everyday concerns—employ- ment (53%, +16), education (34%, +9) and INITIAL MEANS OF RAISING AWARENESS pensions (32%, +7)—as issues on which OF EUROPEAN POLITICS.” they could get involved. Some initiatives cover extremely practical issues, such as reducing speed limits in urban areas or set- ting a single rate structure for phone calls within the European Union. These are issues provides a forum for debate, and therefore that are easy to follow since they are clear for democracy. It brings citizens closer to the enough to gain a real following, even if only body politic. The ECI is also a means of to collect the number of signatures needed organising cross-border initiatives, which is to have the initiative validated by the Euro- no small feat given the shortcomings of pean Commission. European public debate and the need to And even if an initiative does not lead to a develop resources for joint action to provide bill, it does give citizens an initial means of the mortar needed to forge a real bond raising awareness of European politics. It between European countries. © Homepage www.right2water.eu Homepage ©

Right2Water: Going with the flow potential to gather the signatures needed to have the ANearly two million people in Europe do not have access to European Commission approve the initiative; what is more, running water or are lacking proper sanitation. At the same the impact of the issue it addresses is clear enough in itself time, liberalisation of the water supply in some European to attract the support of as many citizens as possible countries has served only to widen the gulf by threatening without being controversial. Registered in the fi rst few to cut off people most in need, who do not always have the weeks following the launch of the ECI, the initiative also means to pay their bill. Launched in May 2012 by the benefi ted from the extended deadline for collecting European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU)*, signatures granted as a result of technical problems, which the Right2Water ECI seeks to draw attention to this divide is due to end on November 1st 2013, by which time the within the EU and to promote access to water and organisers hope to obtain over two million signatures. sanitation as essential public services in Member States, > www.right2water.eu as well as in other parts of the world. The initiative aims to push the European Commission to propose laws to make water and sanitation a universal right. Just over a year after its launch, Right2Water is the only initiative to have collected over one million signatures, providing an impressive benchmark for other citizens’ initiatives. * The initiative is backed by other European and international organisations, It provides a twofold lesson: with 275 union organisations including the European Anti Poverty Network (EAPN), the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Women in Europe and over eight million people working in public services for a Common Future (WECF) and Public Services International (PSI), along with in Europe, the EPSU has the capacity and networking many other national organisations.

52 QUERIES — Summer 2013 INQUIRY


Title Website Objective

Let me vote http://www.letmevote.eu/ Grant all European citizens the right to vote in regional and national elections in the State in which they live.

End Ecocide in Europe: www.endecocide.eu Prevent and pre-empt the extensive damage to, a Citizens’ Initiative to give destruction of or loss of ecosystems. the Earth Rights

Unconditional Basic Income http://www.basicincomeinitiative.eu/ Encourage cooperation between Member States to (UBI) – Exploring a pathway explore UBI as a tool to improve their respective social towards emancipatory welfare security systems. conditions in the EU

Single Communication Tariff http://www.onesingletariff.com Adopt one unique all-inclusive, fl at-rate Act communication tariff for mobile phone customers within the boundaries of the European Union.

“30 km/h – making streets www.30kmh.eu An EU-wide 30 km/h (20 mph) speed limit for urban/ liveable!” residential areas.

European Initiative for Media http://www.mediainitiative.eu/ Protect media pluralism through partial harmonisation Pluralism of national rules on media ownership, transparency and independence.

Central public online collection www.openpetition.eu Provide a low barrier tool to enable all European platform for the European citizens to participate in European politics. Citizen Initiative

Suspension of the EU Climate http://www.affordable-energy.eu/ Suspend the EU Climate & Energy Package until a & Energy Package climate agreement is signed by major CO2 emitters.

Promoting responsible waste http://ice.id.st Ensure responsible waste management and treatment management and stopping the by all EU Member States. use of incinerators

High Quality European www.EuroEdTrust.eu Set common education goals for all EU members. Education for All

Stop Vivisection www.stopvivisection.eu Phase out animal experiments in the European Union.

One of us http://www.oneofus.eu/ Protect the right to life and the integrity of the human embryo.

Water and sanitation are a http://www.right2water.eu/ Promote the provision of water and sanitation as human right! Water is a public an essential public service and human right. good, not a commodity!

Fraternité 2020 – Mobility. www.F2020.eu Enhance EU exchange programmes like Erasmus Progress. Europe. or the European Voluntary Service (EVS).


obtain the 25,000 signatures needed to receive an offi cial reply from the administration. As a result, in early 2013, the requirement was bumped up to 100,000 signatures collected in 30 days to enable the government to respond to the full range of requests from citizens. Another sign of the growing popularity of the initiative is the sometimes fanciful nature of the petitions submitted, such as the bid to build a Star Wars-style “Death Star” © www.petitions.whithehouse.gov© or the request to release the recipe for Barack Obama’s homebrew. Weird, whacky or o eat, these petitions all We thehePeople:theWhiteHouseisjustac People: the White House is just a click gathered the necessary number of signatures, which away meant the White House was required to reply in detailed Introduced in September 2011, We the People is a fashion (not without a splash of humour) to these resource allowing any US citizen to petition the Obama fundamental questions on domestic policy. On a more administration through the offi cial White House website. serious note, We the People was also a forum for clashes Borrowing its name from the opening words of the between lobbyists for and against gun control in the preamble to the US Constitution, We the People provides wake of the killings at an elementary school in Newtown, a tangible touchpoint between the government and the Connecticut in December 2012, forcing President Obama American people. It has gone from strength to strength to take a public stance on the sale of fi rearms, resulting since it fi rst went online, with over 140,000 petitions in a reform that was subsequently rejected by the US submitted and ten million signatures gathered to date. Senate, and the source of a stinging setback for the Obama By late 2012, it took no more than nine days on average to administration.

to any legitimate questions voters might raise. Nearly ten years later, the regional initiative has become a national reality, with the website, abgeordnetenwatch.de (parliamentwatch.org), now a model for transparency and political dialogue. The originality of this campaign to promote direct democracy lies in the fact that it did not emanate from any political will but instead came from an initiative on the part of individual citizens. It has also achieved the impressive feat of attracting © abgeordnetenwatch.de © both voters keen to reach out directly to their elected offi cials and politicians, who are now obliged to answer Parliamentwatch.org:amentwatch.org:Germandeputies German deputies such requests or be pilloried if they fail to do so. The site in the spotlight attracts 300,000 people and over 3,000 questions asked It all began in a pub in the city of in 2004. Two every month. Even more impressive is the fact that there friends—a young sociology graduate and a software are over 120,000 answers to the 145,000 questions developer—were discussing a way of submitting archived online—proof that German deputies have also questions directly to candidates running for the regional understood the importance of communications and direct assembly in Hamburg and having them respond directly involvement through the platform.

54 QUERIES — Summer 2013 54 QUERIES — Summer 2013 the representatives in the decision-making process. The fi rst two discussions focused on climate change policy and the statute of the youth. The latest ones raised concerns about the Amazon, space policies, drugs policies, Internet regulation, and federal budgeting. The e-Democracy portal off ers various ways of contributing, be it by participating in comparative polls, studies, and collective chats, or simply by accompanying the discussion. It also features tools such as a video- © edemocracia.camara.gov.br© forum and the Wikilegis, an application designed for the collaborative construction of legal texts, allowing e-Democraciamocracia Project: Brazil experimenexperimentst participants to write their own version of the draft bill. legislative crowdsourcing Another very popular instrument is the Interactive Public Launched in 2009 by the Brazilian House of Hearing, thanks to which citizens can chat or twitter their Representatives, the e-Democracy portal is an interactive comments, critics and questions with lawmakers while virtual space that allows citizens to contribute to the process they watch the streaming video of the committee sessions. of formulating federal laws, and assists the representatives Nonetheless, the eff ective results of e-Democracia vary in actions of surveillance, inspection and control. so far. While some discussions have not garnered the It makes it possible for Brazilians to share information, engagement of society and politicians, others have been participate in the deliberative process, organize social very successful. Indeed, one shall not forget that the networks, and present legislative texts to support representatives have the last word.

revolution” established an administration comprising social democrats and ecologists, along with a constituent assembly made up of 25 citizens elected from among 523 candidates from civil society, tasked with rewriting the Constitution. Throughout this process, drafts were © www.stjornlagarad.is© made available online and distributed across social networks, allowing Icelanders to give their feedback Iceland:nd:Constitution2 Constitution 2.00 on proposals and also participate in live meetings via Necessity is the mother of invention. Faced with fi nancial YouTube. This crowdsourcing project—which gave a woes even greater than those felt elsewhere in the world, clever demonstration of representative and participatory the people of Iceland’s small republic quietly came onto democracy—had mitigated results in terms of popular the streets in 2009 to demand reforms to a constitution participation in a very specifi c political environment, but inherited from Denmark and dating back to before was praised and studied by the rest of Europe as a possible the island’s independence in 1944. This “saucepan path towards a more democratic future.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 55 COLUMN

EUROPEAN CAMPAIGN: All is not (yet) lost!

There is no denying the fact that, with the European elections just less than a year away, things aren’t exactly off to a great start in terms of rallying citizens to the cause. And with a European campaign that is virtually non-existent, there is all the more reason to fear the worst. The people of Europe are being told nothing about the elections, leaving most citizens confused as to the issues at stake, and even their right to vote.

by Dominique Wolton

his is hardly surprising is the only political space in Europe, and given the routine por- even the most original in the world. The “THE PUBLIC AND trayal of Europe as a media also leave out the understanding of technocracy that does cultural difference between member states. PRIVATE MEDIA IN nothing but impose European information is grossly inadequate, EUROPE SHOULD T restrictions, at times too institutional and never rewarding. verging on autocracy. Meanwhile, national This notwithstanding, Europe remains the BE REQUIRED TO political structures are growing intransigent only real project able to lead us into the and are only too happy to make Europe a future. I see no reason to dwell on any other DEVOTE 10% OF scapegoat for their own failings. This is a utopia, as it is the biggest political and dem- THEIR AIRTIME TO problem compounded by a complete lack ocratic utopia. Its immediacy and purpose of information across nearly all national are, to my mind, evident, with two great ide- PROMOTING media, which seem content to discuss als: the rich required to show solidarity with Europe only in terms of crises and summits. the poor, and the campaign to defend and CULTURAL Instead of serving their intended purpose promote human rights. Each of these sacred DIFFERENCES OF as a mouthpiece to raise public awareness tenets has been abused by the prevailing of new issues, they pander to preconceived sense of “economicism” and populism. OTHER EU opinions. For instance, the media never talks The Commission is in large part responsible about the European Parliament, whereas it for this shambles: instead of promoting COUNTRIES.

56 QUERIES — Summer 2013 COLUMN

Europe, it sits back, preferring to protect its prerogatives. Our politicians should convey a message consisting of 40% economics and 60% utopia/mutual awareness (instead of 100% economics). Only through such “TRANSLATION balance can we foster shared European SERVICES SHOULD impetus, backed by the people. Only through the sum total of our cultural and historical BE THE LEADING differences can we create a true identity for Europe. INDUSTRY IN A This is our fi rst task: acknowledging our GLOBALIZED differences. We should study them, promote

them and identify them to build a core of WORLD.” © DR common values that bind us in our search for a symbol accepted by all Europeans. There is no time to lose. The public and thrive. We Europeans share a common spent on translation is one that cannot be private media in Europe should be required heritage that we must defend, built on hard- reduced and that is necessary to under- to devote 10% of their airtime to promoting earned peace and freedoms. And we owe stand that globalization will not ever pro- cultural differences of other EU countries. it to ourselves to fi ght tooth and nail in gress at the same pace as information Each nation state should then be made to defence of the wild idea that people who systems. Time is about accepting the take stock of the situation with the help of have nothing in common can live together incompressibility of cultural diversity. groups of experts spanning a range of in harmony. There is no reason it should not We must focus on politics, give the issue disciplines. be so, even with our wide range of different greater appeal and help people understand If we fail to do so, we run the risk of wit- cultures and languages. Indeed, we must that Europe’s strength is not in its value as nessing the rapid rise and victory of Euro- maintain this linguistic diversity in Europe an economic venture. It is an endeavour we pean populism, which has already become at all costs by making increasing use of can revive. If we do nothing, the economy the banner of 14 different parties in the professional translation services and avoid- will lead to Europe’s demise, and with it, its Union. Some appear resigned to this pop- ing the temptation to adopt a lingua franca. liberties and peace. I am fi rmly convinced ulist surge in the belief that only a stinging The cost of globalisation is not linguistic that the battle to rally the people is not lost: defeat at the polls—in terms of results or unifi cation: it lies in paying the price for it has simply lost its way. And after all, it is turnout—could trigger a real reaction. In linguistic diversity. As such, translation, true that Europe always reacts when on the short, they hope for an electric shock able translation services should be the leading brink of disaster. Yet there comes a point to jolt people into action and rally them to industry in a globalized world. The time when the line must be drawn. the cause. Needless to say, those who sub- scribe to this belief are playing with fi re. A ABOUT fi re that could just as easily overwhelm them, leaving the idea of a united Europe in ashes. Dominique Wolton is Director of the Communication Sciences We must never lose sight of the fact that Institute at the National Centre for Scientifi c Research (CNRS) Europe is fundamentally a political utopia in France. A specialist in political communication and media, in the fi nest sense of the word. It should be he is in particular the author of La Dernière Utopie: Naissance embodied as such by its politicians, aca- de l’Europe Démocratique (The Last Utopia: Dawn of a demics, artists and intellectuals, all of whom Democratic Europe) published in French by Flammarion. have a key part to play in helping this utopia



Amid the frenzy of media commentary on Barack Obama’s use of social media, one could be forgiven for thinking it is possible to tweet a path to elected offi ce, hence the necessity to look at the American example and its relevance to Europe.

by David Kitching

ixty years after cess begs two questions: “how did he technology first manage it?” and “how could it be applied Key Points stunned the Ame- in Europe?” rican electo rate, The fi rst point to be made, however, is that A proactive use of when a UNIVAC I1 we are discussing two very different elec- digital tools was crucial S mainframe correctly toral scenarios. Unlike the United States, to Obama’s victories. defi ed conventional wisdom by pre- the member states of the European Union In Europe, dicting a landslide victory for Dwight employ parliamentary systems for the most the complexity of Eisenhower in 1952, Barack Obama part. While party leaders and candidates the political system was returned to the White Offi ce on a for the premier positions in government complicates wave of social media. More than just the (Chancellor, Prime Minister, Taoiseach, etc) the implementation of IT itself, though, the role of the technology are very much to the forefront, aside from such a strategy. had completely changed. UNIVAC I had France and Cyprus, European political sys- Nevertheless, merely predicted that Johnson would tems generally do not have an executive traditional methods become president; Obama’s vast IT arsenal head of state. At European level, it is even – such as canvassing – actually helped him to win offi ce. His suc- less clear. To date, the Presidents of the are still valid.


sets using complex algorithms, Obama’s “OBAMA BROUGHT CAMPAIGNERS central campaign organisers were not only BACK AS A CORE OF HIS STRATEGY” able to discern trends and drive the agenda at a national level – but were also able to support grassroots activists at a local level. European Council and the European scale and breadth than that of 2008, there Commission have been selected through was already a solid base on which to build. DONATIONS, BUT NOT ONLY procedures more akin to the conclave to The Democrats had begun developing this In terms of the ways in which information select the Catholic Pontiff than to the expensive technology – which allowed vast can be collected, Europe clearly has much direct elections of America’s First Citizen, amounts of data to be analysed by cam- stricter privacy and spending laws, and for even with the mitigation of the Electoral paign strategists – since Al Gore’s ill-fated very good reasons. However, in most College. As for the European Parliament, election bid in 2000. Though the overall states, they would not preclude considering the 2014 elections will essentially be a expense of such a system would be pro- the use at national level of one of the series of national campaigns conducted hibitive under most European electoral Obama campaign’s most valuable tools, beneath umbrella groups, such as the Party laws, there is a plethora of free software the “Donate Now” button on his offi cial of European Socialists. To establish the available online that can be utilised by cre- website. Registering in the fi rst place rapport between Brussels and London or ative campaigners and analysts. However, yielded up valuable personal information Paris that exists between Washington and the IT budget was only part of the invest- for list-building purposes, from which fur- US state politics is problematic, as national ment made by a campaign that famously ther deductions could then be made about parties jealously guard their campaign raised 1 billion dollars. Signifi cant sums social class and professional or personal infrastructure and methodology. were also devoted to purchasing voter lists, interests, etc. Secondly, it was an obvious telephone numbers, information held by source of campaign funds. Thirdly, but less THE LEGACY OF AL GORE’S credit card companies, market research, obviously, the campaign’s IT infrastructure CAMPAIGN and opinion polls, along with additional data could actually monitor the fl ow of donations Equally importantly, although Obama’s on more transient groups such as students. in real time as Obama stood on the speak- 2012 campaign was far larger in technical By the careful analysis of these vast data ers’ rostrum. This harvested extremely useful information about which topics dur- ing the course of the speech led to spikes in donations, and what geographical loca- tions or social and professional groups those donations came from. All of this data could then be fed back to activists based where Obama had spoken, allowing strat- egists to micro target the various mes- sages of the campaign. In this way, the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the research being carried out complemented each other.

SOCIAL MEDIA: A TOOL, NOT A PANACEA If one section of the Obama campaign system was for “internal” use, in terms of

© gettyimages© pooling, processing and analysing “Big


Data,” the other was the “external” part that controlling centre. As part of this process, used social media and email to reach the innumerable “For Obama” Facebook “ SOCIAL MEDIA American voter. The key point here, which groups were either created or expanded SHOULD NOT BE holds true for both the United States and to address particular sections of the elec- Europe, is that social media should not be torate with targeted campaign messages USED FOR THEIR used for their own sake, but as a tool to be – e.g. Students For Obama, Teachers For put at the service of the overall campaign. Obama, Latinos For Obama and Women OWN SAKE BUT BE That said, the use of “targeted sharing” on For Obama, which alone has more than 1.3 PUT AT THE Facebook and the creative use of Twitter, million “Likes.” It clearly helped the presi- can signifi cantly bolster the potential for dent’s re-election that both activists and SERVICE OF THE exposure and capacity for mobilisation ordinary American people took ownership among certain demographics and cohorts. of his campaign and were allowed to take OVERALL At the heart of the Facebook campaign their own initiative, although this would not CAMPAIGN. ” was a belief that it should not be wholly be the norm in Europe. “top-down” in terms of communication, but opened up to the grassroots. Clearly, the REACHING OUT TO THE TWITTERATI it mainly to pointlessly tweet press releases. central apparatus was able to cascade but Twitter provided another useful resource Unlike Facebook, which is a more passive opened up to the grassroots. Clearly, the for the campaign team who, again unlike media – though twice its size with some central apparatus was able to cascade their European counterparts, did not use 1.1 billion users – Twitter is a particularly down messages to activists and support- pro-active platform. Obama campaigners ers, who would then be encouraged to use participated fully in Twitter threads – inter- their own Facebook friends to spread those vening in response to issues or statements messages through the “share” button. In that were trending – and encouraging the this case, the multiplier effect of social multiplier effect of re-tweeting particular media was certainly put to maximum use. messages. This is, after all, the point of However, the more viral the messages social media; it’s about engaging with other went, the further they travelled from the people, rather than merely taking a 140-character bite out of the party’s offi - cial website. TRADE UNION ROLE Obama’s biggest strength was that his cam- paign did not get caught up in broad, phil- osophical and ideological arguments, but Civil society organisations, NGOs and trade unions are the tied his broader electoral discourse to a original social networks, and serve as great sources of series of value narratives. Through these, information and platforms for mobilising activists. In the Obama was able to present himself as the United States, unions like the AFL-CIO used incentives to representative of what the electorate felt

encourage activists to continue their valuable work that went cio.org www.afl Homepage © their values to be – and to also contrast beyond material gifts. A credits-based system, where activists that with the lack of solidarity that might accumulated “credits” for time spent campaigning online or at emerge in a Mitt Romney presidency. Social street level, earned them the right to infl uence which campaign media, and the way that they can address materials were used in their area. Their reward was therefore different audiences, proved extremely use- a sense of feeling central to the overall campaign and shared ful in disseminating these messages but, ownership of its message. as we discussed earlier, the message was still the most important element.



strategies. European parties are often old, unwieldy in structure and reluctant to engage with activists. The day of the party

© gettyimages© guru has defi nitely gone; it’s now about Despite the inevitable media spotlight on therefore no difference in the necessity to having a platform that expresses the values Facebook and Twitter, Obama’s campaign fi nd the most effective route to acquiring of the people you want to vote for you. strategists found that email – unglamorous someone’s vote. Likewise, it helps to fi nd Of course, in Europe we also face the prob- and solidly utilitarian though it may be – out where are we most likely to achieve the lem of running 28 separate electoral cam- remains a very effective tool. The key to its most votes. Effective quantitative research paigns. However, a clear, common mes- successful use, however, is to resist the can determine where the candidate spends sage among progressives can unify and temptation to send every press release to most of his time while nuanced qualitative mobilise people around a single European the entire mailing list – a notable failing of analysis can cater the message to the indi- message. many political parties in Europe – but to viduals and groups in question. This can carefully target the audience by subject, also be taken into account by the proposed 1 UNIVAC I was the second commercial such as education, healthcare or the envi- Commission President candidate. computer produced in the United States. ronment. Again, this is where a more inti- Mobilisation is about talking to the right mate knowledge of local and national people and talking to plenty of them. For ABOUT electorates, courtesy of data analytics, an electoral campaign to be successful, it pays real dividends. must include a huge volume of direct con- versations with the electorate, either David Kitching is a policy advisor THE NEED IN EUROPE through the candidates in person or for the Foundation for European TO PRIORITISE RESOURCES through the fi eld campaign teams. In order Progressive Studies. A graduate While people point to the paucity of to be operable, the party apparatus must from the University College resources at the disposal of European build a comprehensible strategy and ade- Dublin and the London School of strategists when compared to our Ameri- quately educate the campaign team on Economics, he is a recipient of the can counterparts, the emphasis should be how this will work. Indeed, arguably the Bill Letwin prize and was also a on adequately prioritising resources. The important lesson of the Obama campaign Francis Vals trainee on the electoral process in both places is still for Europeans is not just the value and Foreign Aff airs Committee in the based on a competition for the attention application of technology, but of bringing European Parliament. and the votes of the electorate. There is campaigners back as a core part of our

QUERIES — Summer 2013 61 INSIGHT


Door-to-door campaigning has real potential at both a national and a European level, according to a leading expert.

Guillaume Liégey & Trevor Huggins

Could the lost art of knocking on doors bring formation – about how many doors were European level, and have that pan-Euro- success in the 2014 European Parliament visited on etc – and qualitative data about pean perspective on how the campaign elections? After all, it helped Barack Obama how they were received, voters’ comments was evolving in the different countries.” win two US presidential polls and was also and questions, etc.” This reporting was at To give the door-to-door campaign a used in France by a specialised consultancy, fi rst carried out fortnightly and then week- stronger European accent, he suggests Liégey Muller Pons, as part of François ly, closer to the election. A section of ‘Terrain’ using activists from more than one country. Hollande’s successful 2012 campaign. meanwhile allowed party HQ to download “If two are on the doorstep in Paris, one Guillaume Liégey, co-founder of the epony- advice and guidance to fi eld organisers, should be French – but the other from Ger- mous consultancy that trained 6,000 fi eld making it a real two-way exchange. many, Spain or another EU state. In major organisers, who then mobilised 80,000 cities, which are home to workers and stu- volun teers to knock on 5 million doors on A ROLE FOR THE PSE dents from across Europe, it wouldn’t be behalf of the French Parti Socialiste, believes For Guillaume Liégey, this same formula diffi cult to fi nd such volunteers to talk the approach could work in 2014. could be used across the EU in 2014. By about the benefi ts of the EU in their every- The two key elements would be volunteers way of example, judging by press reports day lives.” Where to send them would be and an IT tool, in the form of a website. As about his possible bid for the EC presiden- equally straightforward. with TousHollande.fr, a site has three main cy, a website like ForMartinSchulz.com Typically, turnout drops by 15-30 points roles: to draw in volunteers, to coordinate could be created in various language ver- between national and European polls. By their work with the help of fi eld organisers, sions, enabling different countries to mo- identifying those districts where the fi gure and to provide a dashboard that indicates bilise support, using the same tools. Can- fell signifi cantly, based on the polling sta- to party HQ where the campaign is on tar- vassing data could be uploaded either in tion data that is normally available after an get geographically and where it needs more different languages – or in English. As with election, the volunteers can be targeted to resources. “By registering on the site, vol- ‘Terrain’, that data would then be aggre- very specifi c areas. Clearly, conducting a unteers received an email from the ‘Terrain’ gated to identify trends and problem areas European door-to-door campaign across or ‘On the ground’ section of the portal with – both at a national and a European level. all 28 countries in 2014 would be an am- details of their nearest fi eld organiser, who But who by? “I think this is where the Par- bitious project. However, as Guillaume was similarly informed of a new volunteer ty of European Socialists, for example, Liégey suggests, “Even starting with fi ve to be trained up,” Guillaume Liégey ex- could come in,” Guillaume Liégey affi rms. or six countries who were enthusiastic and plained. “TousHollande-Terrain made it easy “By hosting the site centrally, they could did it really well, would be a positive step for activists to upload both quantitative in- facilitate the sharing of information at a forwards.”



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JACQUES RIVOAL “La Belle Europe”

With the European elections a year away, Jacques Rivoal, President of Volkswagen France, off ers his perspective on the Europeanization of businesses and how to reconcile national identity with European identity.

A conversation between

Jacques Rivoal, Volkswagen Groupe France and Olivier Breton, publishing editor Paris-Berlin magazine

Olivier Breton: Does the concept of a that we are an international brand, and that we European business exist? work in a global market, we have no interest in Jacques Rivoal: A company has its national denying our German or European roots. There’s origins and that’s certainly the case for Volkswagen, no contradiction. We are proud of both. which is proud of its German heritage. Not only are we proud of it, we want to bring it to the O.B.: Is this debated within the company? fore—and at the same time we want to sell our J.R.: Not in such terms. The real issues that products in a market that is European fi rst, global Europe raises for us are related to the economic second. situation and market opportunities. Europe is clearly a very diffi cult market for automakers. It’s O.B.: So Volkswagen is a company that is German, then European, then global. Does “EUROPE IS A SHARED SPACE THAT Europe reinforce a company’s original nationality? Can we use this as an example PROTECTS US AND BRINGS US for people who are afraid of losing their roots? TOGETHER. BUT UNDER NO J.R.: Defi nitely. Europe is a shared space that CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THAT BE AT protects us and brings us together. But I believe that under no circumstances should this be at THE COST OF NATIONAL IDENTITY. ” the cost of national identity. Whilst it is obvious

64 QUERIES — Summer 2013 INTERVIEW

generally pretty fl at and sometimes in cultural identities that can be adapted to from, fi rst and foremost, is the lack of poli- decline, unlike other markets (China, Brazil, different European countries. And it works. tical embodiment. That’s where we need etc.) which are seeing growth. Having to make progress. In our business, we call said that, we clearly have real assets as O.B.: So you’re saying that the ourselves European citizens, we are based Europeans, in terms of quality, reliability concept of the Group is not to in six or seven European countries, but we and history, which make it possible for us “smooth out” different identities, any emphasise the national roots of the Group. to set out to conquer these markets with more than it is in Europe? That we can a certain quiet confi dence. We are proud be protean, multicultural, and still O.B.: What is Europe for? What does of our origins and we respect them. In this respectful of everyone’s identity? it represent for you? regard, our German origins are signifi cant, J.R.: It was Jacques Delors who talked J.R.: I think that for people of our gene- and even more so considering that we are about a federation of nation states that had ration, the incredible thing about Europe is part of a wider context, Europe, where the to be somehow brought together. It is pos- that even though my father lived through standards in terms of environment and sible to come together as a larger entity the war, today I’m working for a German safety issues are considered radical. Many without losing our own identities. That is company. The most beautiful thing about countries don’t impose these standards in Volkswagen. And that’s what Europe Europe is this idea of peace and Fran- their own manufacturing sectors, but they should be. The point isn’t to oppose the co-German reconciliation, a free and are elements that differentiate us and are idea of individual national identity against shared space. The rest seems so obvious sought after by our clients abroad, and it’s the search for synergy and things that can that it’s hard to defi ne. That’s what we need important to accentuate them. be shared. It is possible to want to go to continue building today. beyond national frontiers without in anyway O.B.: Volkswagen is proud of its renouncing our national identity. O.B.: Is it the role of businesses to do origins, but has also taken over other that? Why is it so hard to carry that European brands, such as the Spanish O.B.: Volkswagen doesn’t really idea forward, even though we all carmaker Seat. position itself as a European agree? With European elections just a J.R.: Of course, one reason for Volkswagen’s manufacturer. Would it be an asset to year away, isn’t this an idea we should resilience in the European market is its be able to declare to the American be promoting? strong identity, but it’s not only because of market, “We are the prime example of J.R.: Business – ours, at any rate – acts that. It’s also because of our deep respect European manufacturing”? Or is it by example. We don’t think about ourselves for every single element of what we man- not possible for a successful in terms of the debate about supposed ufacture. This is the case with Seat. Our manufacturer to endorse Europe as German self-interest. When the issue German identity is a governing principle well as its own country? arises, I have no problem emphasising throughout the company, because it’s J.R.: It’s hard because although it’s pos- our European identity. We have plants in rooted in quality and reliability and the sible to speak of a “typical” German car, it Germany, France, Spain, Slovakia… We development of advanced, innovative tech- would be more diffi cult to defi ne a “typical” are a blend of seven or eight European nology. But we always match that with the European car. But perhaps that’s an nationalities, and we make sure that this identities of our other brands. For a Span- approach we need to think about. intercultural mix functions with maximum ish brand like Seat, we try to pair German efficiency. Accusations of economic quality with sporty ‘Mediterranean’ design, O.B.: Given how hard it is for nationalism are not just unfair, they are just as with Škoda, German quality is com- politicians to embody Europe, do you stupid. What matters is expanding our busi- bined with the idea of a sensible purchase, think that businesses ought to try to? ness and conquering markets, and that’s one that is more robust, more affordable, The image of Europe is suffering for the benefi t of our employees, not the and more Czech. With each brand the idea somewhat from its dilution, and at German state. In order to do that, we have is to bring together a common charac- the same time it thrives on it…. to capitalise on our success and on our teristic, which is German reliability, with J.R.: I think that what Europe is suffering history.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 65 INTERVIEW

So why is the European idea struggling? support and responsibility between the Because we are failing to highlight all that business leaders and employees, the abi- has been achieved! The fact that we have lity to make sacrifi ces when required, but a single currency seems to me nothing also to share the fruits of our growth in every short of miraculous. Is there another exam- country where we have employees. Today ple of nations achieving that? In the whole we are a highly successful company and we of history, I don’t think so. It’s an amazing are investing heavily in wages, one way to achievement and I don’t think that we give increase individual purchasing power. it the prominence it deserves. It seems that we are suffering from a real communication problem. “THE AUSTERITY VERSUS O.B.: Do think that a business that is able to implement effective SOLIDARITY DEBATE SEEMS communication in this area might be MISPLACED: THE GREAT STRENGTH able to at least partly overcome this European weakness? OF THE GERMAN MODEL LIES IN ITS J.R.: We are doing just that. Specifi cally in the context of our campaign to recruit EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS.” young employees. We are trying to help young people in Spain, for example, where O.B.: As an entrepreneur, if there youth unemployment has reached 50%. were measures to be taken to save We are also trying to set up work/study Europe, what would they be? Where training programmes. And, as a German would you start? A widespread social company, we are putting an emphasis on dialogue? Implement a policy of helping to combat unemployment in south- economic austerity, at the risk of ern Europe. So yes, we do stand together stunting growth? and we show that by our actions. J.R.: We need a balanced strategy. We must substantially reduce the defi cit while O.B.: Is there a debate amongst at the same time maintaining an active employees of different nationalities? policy of growth. This process is just begin- And going further, do you sense any ning. We know that Germany’s success is conflict regarding the solidarity based on its exports. If all its European versus austerity argument that we peripheral markets are in recession, Ger- hear so much about in the media? many will also grind to a halt, so our inte- J.R.: Within our company we are very rests are linked. I think we can strike a mindful of how we invest and spend, even balance between implementing the bud- in times of prosperity. We are extremely getary discipline required to reduce public rigorous and we take fi nancial manage- defi cit and fi nding the most signifi cant ment very seriously. The austerity versus drivers of growth at a European level. We solidarity debate seems to me to be mis- are now gradually moving towards this placed. The great strength of the German consensus. model lies in its employer-employee rela- To be even more specifi c, we are aware tions, the emphasis that we put on mutual that if France goes into a serious recession,

66 QUERIES — Summer 2013 INTERVIEW

it will be dramatic for Germany. Our inte- toms checkpoints! But I think it’s the role projects, which the public can understand rests are intertwined. We are no longer of a leader to do more than saying we and then recognise the centrality of caught up in the mind-set that we have to should play the game. We are looking fur- Europe, the importance of full membership “beat” the other side. Volkswagen is cur- ther than purely protectionist motives. We for everyone. Never mind if it takes 50 rently the biggest client of Faurecia, which have to be exemplary, and assert it. ‘La years to come about. After all, this is our is in turn a subsidiary of PSA Peugeot Belle Europe’ means encouragement with- children’s Europe, and it is essential that Citroën. These interconnections make us out demagogy, acknowledging that China we make sure it has an enviable, virtuous interdependent and as such, we must sup- has to have access to the modern world, and desirable future. Why not start thinking port each other. whilst remaining intransigent on environ- about it now? Neither the motor industry mental and safety issues. nor Europe is a myth, but they both inspire O.B.: Is Volkswagen suffering from a many dreams. decline in popularity in France? Has O.B.: Is it acceptable for car the country become a difficult place manufacturers to profit from a to be German? two-tiered Europe, in particular with J.R.: No, it’s actually an assurance of reli- regard to salaries? In Romania the ability and has positive connotations. It minimum monthly wage is €350! Is it seems to me that in spite of a few unfor- not up to big business to show the tunate turns of phrase, our politicians are way to a levelling up? careful not to fall into that rhetoric. Of J.R.: Yes, absolutely. But at the same time, course I’ve heard that the French aren’t we are outsourcing in Europe, not outside taken seriously in Germany, that they’ve it. In my eyes, it is better to be manufac- slipped down the scale. I don’t feel it myself. turing in Europe, creating jobs in Czech Just a certain anxiety about what’s hap- Republic or Slovakia, and yes, it’s true, pening in France, the way in which we deal making the most of savings in the wage with structural problems, but I tend to reas- bill. The strength of Germany is to be able sure our parent companies in Germany. to work with these peripheral countries and And personally I have faith that France is gradually make our way towards a levelling capable of taking good decisions. I think upwards.

there’s a difference between France and © DR the countries of southern Europe, and I O.B.: Isn’t it also up to Europe to ABOUT fi ercely oppose putting them in the same manage the complementary skills basket. I’m happy to say that France is not that each country can offer? Every President of Volkswagen in the same situation. country has a specific area of France since January 2013, expertise, not in a pejorative sense, Jacques Rivoal was O.B.: What is Europe doing for car but in a complementary one. previously Director of the manufacturers? What do they think Shouldn’t we be trying to pool these Volkswagen Brand. He holds Europe should be doing? Defending interests and skills in the automobile a master’s degree in workers’ rights? A quality label? sector, to work towards the European economics and studied at J.R.: There is one area where we are the car of tomorrow? Sciences Po and Ecole leaders in Europe: environmental issues. J.R.: It’s certainly a very nice idea, if a bit Normale Supérieure. Prior to

The standards regarding CO2 emissions futuristic. It’s a subject that could unite us joining Volkswagen, he are essentially European. Our industry has at least on a human level, rallying people served as General Manager imposed these standards, unlike most and skills for the common good. We defi - of Renault-Nissan in other countries. The sky doesn’t have cus- nitely need shared ambitions, big ideas and Germany for ten years.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 67 COMMENTS

VIEWS OF ECONOMISTS In your opinion, and in the light of the European electoral campaign of 2014, what economic policies and institutional reforms should appear on the electoral programmes of progressive parties? Economic recommendations from four symbolic countries.

IRELAND A bailout country

MANIFESTO OF EUROPEAN SOCIALIST and Social Democratic parties

Never have the weaknesses of the market been so apparent to all, with the near collapse of many economies and the necessity for bailout by sovereign states. Therefore, progressive parties must return to basic principles to provide real and workable alternatives to conservative, market-dominated politics.

Party programmes should feature three The term “European Social Model” means Lastly, the decline in the labour share of simple proposals: little to citizens, so leaders should promise national income throughout the world is - Preserve and enhance the European an access to world-class health care and already having major consequences for Social Model, to the best possible education for all, as economies, with reduced demand and a - Create an Union-wide investment stimu- well as income security through a basic severe impact on societies. lus package to create millions of jobs and level of income for those in work, those out It should be the priority of progressive par- modern infrastructure, of work, and those in old age (who must ties to curb the infl uence of the fi - - Curb the power of fi nance, banks, and never have to worry about having a decent nance and banking sectors, by re- big corporations through radical reforms income). forming corporate governance. These of corporate governance. Secondly, progressive parties should cre- reforms must aim at rebalancing indus- In turn, each of these can be expanded: ate an Union-wide investment stimu- try-related institutions, taxation, education, First of all, progressive leaders must prom- lus package, which will be coordinated to skills, and governance towards citizens and ise to preserve our European Social enhance job creation and infrastructure away from corporations and increasingly Model. It has been undermined and parties modernization, for better communications, wealthy elites. must affi rm their strong commitment to it. transportation networks, and housing. It Indeed they must promise that when recov- should be a Europe-led Marshall Plan, with Paul Sweeney ery comes, they will enhance it. richer countries contributing most. Chair, TASC Economists’ Network

68 QUERIES — Summer 2013 COMMENTS

HUNGARY A non-euro member

NEW DEAL FOR EUROPE Economic considerations and recommendations

The European Union’s policy of the “management of the costs of crisis management” has failed in all aspects: political, social, economic, and value-related. It is time for a New Deal.

Instead of restoring growth and fi ghting national competitiveness. Therefore, on one order to prevent large-scale social margin- unemployment, the current crisis manage- hand, longer-term trajectories fi nanced by alization. Thirdly, clear instruments must ment led to rapidly dwindling solidarity and some members have to be developed and accompany a deepening of the European confi dence. Their undermining at different implemented, while, on the other hand, sol- integration in order to avoid fragmentation. levels, such as families, small communities, idarity has to become a two-way street The success of this new approach funda- regions, nation-states, but also at the level characterized by serious and credible efforts mentally depends on whether European of the European integration has raised se- from the benefi ciaries of fi nancial bailouts. political leaders and public opinion-shapers rious problems. In addition, inward-looking Future-oriented economic and social poli- will become aware of the growing gap be- attitude of European societies has prevent- cies have to focus on how to reconcile the tween political and socio-economic ration- ed any new approach to prepare Europe for critical minimum of fi scal adjustment with ality. While the fi rst is cemented in regular global challenges. Moreover, growing in- the maximum of growth potential. First, the democratic elections, the latter has a much come polarization, which started well before continuous regeneration of human capital longer horizon. The New Deal is expected the global crisis, deepened because of the must be guaranteed, starting from educa- to reconcile this dilemma by further one-sided austerity measures that have tion at all levels, through R&D, up to sus- strengthening democratic institutions while been decimating the middle class. tainable healthcare systems. Austerity fi nding the right answers to key challenges Without a new quality of solidarity there is measures cutting such expenditures essen- accompanying our socio-economic environ- no way to get out of the current economic, tially undermine future growth potential and ment in a longer run. social, and ideological crisis. Not only the competitiveness. Secondly, in periods of restoring of the balance between fi scal slow growth, new employment strategies András Inotai consolidation and sustainable socio-eco- are needed to reintegrate into the labour is Director General of the Institute nomic recovery needs solidarity, but also market large parts of unemployed people. for World Economics in Budapest, the critical minimum of social cohesion is a New forms of employment umbrellas are and professor at the College of key element of European identity and inter- likely to be the most viable instruments in Europe in Bruges and Warsaw.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 69 COMMENTS

ESTONIA A country with potential growth

ESTONIAN IDEAS for a better europe

This paper focuses on some economic policies and reforms, which could be promoted at European Union level to tackle the challenges Estonia is facing. However, European countries vary a lot in their economic, political and social ramifi cations. Thus, while taking economic management decisions at the Union level, country-specifi c factors should also be carefully considered.

The Estonian Human Development Report Estonia do not feel that their life quality value-chain (cheap production) to the 2013, describing Estonia’s status in the has improved in recent years. Based on beginning (product development) and/or world based on numerous international the Estonian case, the recommendations the end (marketing, sales), where most criteria and indexes, was published a few of political measures such as adequate of the added value is created. The same weeks ago. The full picture is often con- minimum wage and higher income tax applies to other new member states and troversial – inside the European Union we thresholds should be considered at the moreover to European Union. To enhance are doing above average on economic and European level to support both sustainable competitiveness instead of current non- media freedom, as well as education, but economic growth and increase well-being. intervention and austerity policies, the low wages and work productivity, as well The latter especially applies to new mem- state needs to consciously lead and as income disparity cause concern. ber states. co-found these changes. The GDP growth and budget balance, Despite Estonia’s high placement in eco- Estonia is also amongst the countries with which have served as a map and compass nomic freedom rankings, we have not made the highest income disparity in Europe. to the liberal-conservative government’s the expected progress in competitiveness Almost every fi fth child lives in absolute economic policy, is not adequate for mea- during the past ten years. The Global Com- poverty and a majority of the applicable suring well-being. If education indexes petitiveness Index placed Estonia 25th in income tax allowances only increase ine- place us amongst the top 20-30 in the 2006-2007 and 27th in 2001. However, quality. To reduce disparity, measures of world, then by purchasing power we are last we placed 34th in 2012-2013. In order to increasing family allowances and adopting amongst the euro-zone countries and 47th recover from economic recession, Estonia a progressive income tax should also be in the world based on indexes accounting needs to increase both, its net exports and promoted at the European level. for purchasing parity. Welfare criteria wages. And in order to pursue long-term (health, life satisfaction, purchasing power, competitiveness we need to get over the Anto Liivat etc.) have undeservedly been left out productiveness gap and promote corporate is a lecturer at the Estonian of political debates and many people in transformation from the middle of the Business School

70 QUERIES — Summer 2013 COMMENTS

AUSTRIA A triple-A euro member


When does one need a New Deal? When the old navigation map of the elites – derived from the prevailing economic theory – leads the economy deeper and deeper into a crisis, but that a new theory has not yet been developed. This was the case with Roosevelt’s New Deal in 1933, and this is the case in Europe now: “Financial alchemy” built up the potential of the crisis of 2008, then a deep recession caused unemployment and public debt to strongly rise.

Fighting these problems by cutting wages, (guaranteed by all member states of the bene fi t from it. Indeed, they have much unemployment benefi ts and generally by Economic and Monetary Union, and backed more to lose if the European Union remains a strict austerity policy led Southern Eu- by the European Central Bank). There is no in a depression for any more years. rope into a depression, which the rest of other way to overcome the Euro crisis. the European Union might end up in soon. In addition, exchange rates could be sta- Stephan Schulmeister All these developments have occurred by bilized even if the European Central Bank is an economic researcher and following the recommendations of the ne- set target rates unilaterally (see the exam- university lecturer in Vienna. oliberal economic theory, from the dereg- ple of the Swiss National Bank). Histori- ulation of fi nancial markets to austerity cally, high and sustained economic growth policies. Hence, the navigation course must has only been achieved under a regime of “EUROPE NEEDS TO be fundamentally changed. stable interest and exchange rates (as Two guidelines should shape a New Deal prevails nowadays in many emerging mar- SHIFT THE STRIFE for Europe: fi rst, shifting the strife for prof- ket economies, particularly in China). FOR PROFITS TO its from fi nancial speculation to entrepre- A New Deal would also include public neurial activities, and secondly, strength- investment for the improvement of the ENTREPRENEURIAL ening social coherence. infrastructure, education system, and According to the fi rst guideline, all Euro environment. Special programs need to ACTIVITIES, countries should stabilize their interest rates address specifi cally the needs of young AND SECONDLY, at a level below their rate of economic people, especially in terms of employment growth. To that end, the European Stability and (affordable) housing. STRENGTHEN Mechanism (ESM) should be transformed All these programs should be fi nanced into a European Monetary Fund (EMF), primarily by additional taxation for (very) SOCIAL which would sell Eurobonds at fi xed rates wealthy people, who would eventually COHERENCE.”

QUERIES — Summer 2013 71 FRAN CE

This is the age of Truth.

When the crisis roam, when the world is in search of direction, when people produce their own information system and question any official word, Truth is the answer. It’s management, is our expertise.

Tomorrow will be Truth Well Told.

72 QUERIES — Summer 2013 INSPI- RA- TION

MEET THE PRESS PORTFOLIO REPORT Eurotopics – Tax Havens The 150th anniversary of the SPD Renaissance for Europe P. 74 Foreword by Ernst Stetter P. 86 P. 78



THE EUROPEAN FIGHT against tax havens

The European Union member states want to agree by the end of the year on an automatic exchange of banking data starting 2015. This decision was reached by the heads of state and government on Wednesday in Brussels. Some commentators criticise that the half-hearted resolution will above all put average wage earners at a disadvantage. Others feel that only fi scal harmonisation across the Union will solve the problem of tax dodging.

In cooperation with 05.04.2013 Greed of DE MORGEN the rich kills Belgium Diversity and uniformity are just as evident in Europe’s headlines as they solidarity are in Europe itself. The euro|topics press review shows you which topics According to the offshore leaks, roughly while capital is exempted. As long as this are moving Europeans and refl ects 130,000 wealthy people have around 25 brutal inequality continues, there can be the great variety of opinions, ideas and trillion Euros stashed away in tax havens. no end to the crisis. […] Anyone who puts emotions on those issues. Whether Governments are now called upon to act, blind avarice above solidarity and a sense the topic is politics, the economy, so- the left-liberal daily De Morgen writes: of social justice is undermining the very ciety or culture, euro|topics takes a “Seldom was the expression ‘Time for Out- foundations of our society.” daily look at the European press and rage’ more appropriate. Because all this cites the most important voices. Be- money that’s been kept in tax havens could [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net cause the question that interests us have been invested in jobs, infrastructure, is: What does Europe think? health, education and science. In short: in future generations. The onus is now on [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net national governments to track down citi- zens who evade taxes and put their money in these havens. And this must be done on a European level. Labour is taxed to death



10.04.2013 11.04.2013 22.05.2013 Banking secrecy just folklore Luxembourg wants Following hot on Luxembourg’s heels, to be a legal tax haven HIGH TIME FOR Austria on Tuesday also declared its will- Luxembourg has bowed to pressure on the ingness to negotiate the scrapping of automatic exchange of information but FIGHT AGAINST banking secrecy with the EU. The new otherwise aims to be a legally compliant regulations would however only apply to tax haven, the liberal weekly Wirtschafts- TAX DODGERS the bank accounts of foreign investors, the Woche observes: “Luxembourg is now government explained. This strategy aimed pursuing a double strategy. In order to sta- If at their summit in Brussels the EU lead- purely at winning votes is nonsense, the bilise its lucrative but entirely legal trade ers get serious about their fi ght against tax left-liberal daily Der Standard criticises: with thousands of insurances, funds and evasion they could open up new instru- “Austria’s banking secrecy - like its neu- banks, the grand duchy is sacrifi cing its ments to combat the crisis, the liberal busi- trality - can be seen as part of the country’s dubious fl ight capital business. […] How- ness daily Hospodárské noviny writes folklore; as an expression of a highly indi- ever it’s not making any changes to the key hopefully: “It has taken more than four vidual national identity which emerged section of its business model. With years for Europe’s politicians to realise that after 1945 and which we have come to extremely low taxes on Financial products it’s not enough to cut benefi ts and raise cherish. […] One reason for banking and tax-free gains on the disposal of taxes. There is another major reservoir to secrecy, which is both proper and conforms assets, this tiny country remains highly be tapped for money - cracking down on to the law, has so far not been named. If attractive for the fi nancial sector – all in tax evasion. Commission chief Barroso has the government continues to cling to bank- compliance with the law. The country is even called for tax data exchange across ing secrecy for those who live in the coun- working to consolidate its status as a the EU. […] It’s strange that the fi ght try it is covertly giving the green light for legally correct tax haven. Whether this will against such a dirty business has taken so the swindle to carry on. No one wants a be enough for the future remains to be long. Tax evasion deprives the EU of a sum Big Brother state. But even an election seen. Because for the fi nance ministers of approximating one trillion Euros each year. campaign doesn’t suffi ce as an explanation many countries the erosion of their tax That’s more than the entire EU budget for for it being easier to hide money in Austria base is a huge problem, and the issue is healthcare. […] Fears. That the tax evasion than elsewhere in Europe.” on the OECD’s agenda. But Luxembourg business will transfer to places like Singa- still has plenty of time to back down at pore are only partially justifi ed. Big busi- [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net some point again.” ness will no doubt fi nd a loophole. But for everyone else, anything outside Europe is [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net terrain that is too foreign.”

[ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net




Close cooperation is needed to fi ght tax down. But determination on the part of avoidance not just in Europe but around individual governments isn’t enough. the world, the left-liberal daily Libération Whether it’s organised by individuals or demands: “The crisis has a sad virtue. It large companies, fraud is the consequence has made people in most Western coun- of a lack of international cooperation. The tries aware of the circuits into which billions global economy requires a global taxation of Euros or dollars from the state treasur- system.” ies disappear each year. Fiscal fraud is a global plague that arouses legitimate in- [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net dignation on the part of the public. Accept- ing taxes is one of the basic pillars our democracies are built on. Those who seek to avoid them must be relentlessly hunted

22.05.2013 Europe’s reluctant fight DE VOLKSKRANT There are more than enough arguments Netherlands earns a billion Euros each year Netherlands for plugging up the tax loopholes used with this. That is enough to silence the above all by multinational companies, the parliament for the most part. […] It’s good left-liberal daily De Volkskrant argues, that there is now more than enough sup- while remaining doubtful that Europe’s port for measures against tax loopholes politicians will really take any action: “This - and the sum of at least a trillion Euros in issue is being avoided by portraying one’s lost income estimated by the European own behaviour as exemplary and pinning Commission is consolidating that support. the blame on others. In the Apple affair, On the other hand there is the danger of Ireland is pointing to the loopholes in the growing frustration if the multinationals US legislation that make tax tricks possible. continue to get away with their tricks.” And the Netherlands is also depicting itself as beyond reproach. The government [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net stresses that all the constructions [that allow tax avoidance] are legal and that the


IL SOLE 24 ORE THE IRISH TIMES Going further Italy Ireland

TAX RESEARCH UK The blog of chartered accountant and economist Richard Murphy, one of the most infl uential left wing think- 23.05.2013 24.05.2013 er and expert in worldwide taxation. [ ] INFO: www.taxresearch.org.uk PATH OPENED Ireland must FOR RECOVERY say no to tax TOUCHSTONE The summit hasn’t fi nished the task in hand A collegial blog written by the staff but at least it’s made a start, the liberal avoidance of the Trades Union Congress business daily Il Sole 24 Ore comments: (TUC), a federation of British trade “At least for once, the Europe that has no The EU fi nance ministers will discuss new unions. growth, that is churning out jobless people measures against tax evasion and tax [ ] INFO: touchstoneblog.org.uk and de-industrialising while the rest of the avoidance in Brussels today, Tuesday. The world is experiencing an upturn, is not left-liberal daily Irish Times sees the cur- debating fundamental issues but focusing rent Irish EU presidency in a delicate situ- on concrete problems instead. The solution ation: “The meeting takes place against TAX JUSTICE NETWORK is a two-pronged approach: automatic data the background of growing public contro- A network of researchers and acti- exchange and the reform of the lenient tax versy about how multinational companies vists fi ghting against tax avoidance systems of individual member states. Eas- use jurisdictions, such as Ireland and oth- and tax havens, promoting taxation ier said than done. […] So has the summit er low tax countries, to minimise their cor- as a tool for social justice. produced a real breakthrough? No. […] porate profi ts. […] British Prime Minister [ ] INFO: www.taxjustice.net Was it futile? Ultimately, given the demands David Cameron aims to make both the of key industrial sectors that are struggling European Council and the G8 meeting ‘the for survival, the summit could mark the turning point in the battle against tax eva- beginning of a new course. […] Europe can sion and avoidance’. That, however, will also GLOBAL FINANCE no longer afford the luxury of a paralysed require governments that have created tax INTEGRITY single market without standardised taxa- systems, which have greatly encouraged An American non-profi t organization tion, transportation and energy policies. It businesses to engage in tax avoidance, that advocates the curtailing of illicit must make up for lost competitiveness in now to become fi rst movers in major tax fi nancial fl ows. order to grow and produce work again reform. And that will prove hard to achieve.” [ ] INFO: www.gfintegrity.org instead of unemployment.” [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net [ ] INFO: www.eurotopics.net

QUERIES — Summer 2013 77 FOREWORD


The 23rd May 2013 the German social societal challenge. All political parties are tional structure also needs to be read- democratic party SPD commemorated its confronted with newly evolving demands justed. The SPD now has the chance to go 150th anniversary. The enormous achieve- from citizens. New technical communica- ahead in accomplishing this task and the ments of the last 150 years are and have tion structures contest the traditional intra- potential not just to remobilise voters but been decisive for the German society but party procedures and the SPD needs to also to be the leading force of this process also for Europe. (See the portfolio on the react to this shift. Since this is a contem- for the next decades. This will probably be following pages.) porary and general event, it is not a genu- the chance to re-engage the youth so des- The challenges for the decades to come inely left-wing policy to create an open perately disconnected from social demo- will be, what programme is the SPD aiming space. Nevertheless, if successfully imple- crats in Germany but also in Europe. In the towards with social democracy in Germany mented, this implies that the SPD could 2009 general elections the SPD lost more and also in Europe? mobilise a wider scope of citizens by not than 20% of its electorate amongst young In my opinion, two approaches could under- just having progressive policy structures people! In contrast: Obama won 60% of line alternative views of the SPD in contrast but also a progressive organisational the young voters in last year’s presidential to liberal or conservative approaches: framework. The goal is to re-position the elections! - Firstly, the European Union should be party within society and thereby within a One central aspect of new social condi- represented as a vision based on solidar- democratic framework. tions is expressed by a reframing of labour, ity and integration in contrast to an Political parties have to be more than com- and its place in new globalised and tech- inward-looking and individualistic con- munication systems between politics and nological conditions. Both areas have huge ception. citizens. As new media challenges tradi- impacts on how social, cultural, economic - Secondly, civil society should be revi- tional media it also challenges the top- and fi nancial policies can sustain and pro- talising the declining impetus of political down approach to the formation of political mote a just society. The basic values of parties in order to lead political demands will. To reverse this hierarchy, the institu- social democracy can be revitalised within for sustainable policies. Germany and other European societies if These two spheres are clearly linked. Both these values can be connected to the indi- of them include a progressive concept of vidual conditions. the state. Statehood should be thought of “THE SPD COULD A single policy statement cannot represent as a dynamic and lively notion to be estab- a whole European vision. The European lished in solidarity and in contrast to the BE THE AVANT- perspective is recurring in several fi elds, historical method towards free markets. GARDE OF THE beginning with European labour standards, Open statehood and an inner sense of unifi ed development politics, education revitalising political participation have AMBITION OF A policies and fi nancial regulation. Working, already been touched by social democratic studying and creating in comparable con- developments in the recently and there are MORE VISIONARY texts under dignifi ed conditions this is a very good plans for the future. The on- AND LONG TERM renaissance of values of Social democracy going reform of the SPD’s organisational in Europe. structure is explicitly connected to that PLANNING EUROPE.” This is to be mentioned in contrast to a

78 QUERIES — Summer 2013 FOREWORD

Renaissance for Europe. The crisis shows A SINGLE POLICY that there is “no return to business as “THE SPD HAS TO STATEMENT usual”. The SPD could be the avant-garde STRENGTHEN ITS of the ambition of a more visionary and CANNOT long term planning Europe with shared RELATION TO A sovereignties and more federal structures. REPRESENT The party was an avant-garde at its origins EUROPEAN VISION A WHOLE for the workers rights and also after World OF SOCIAL War II in implementing the Welfare State EUROPEAN VISION in Germany. DEMOCRACY.” The SPD has to strengthen its relation to a European vision of social democracy through higher participation in the discus- vision of Europe as independent national sions and networks at European level. A directly related to the individual one. Sub- units without the combination of policy social Europe is not just relevant on an sequently, political parties are challenged strategies but with an understanding of a abstract level; it is also meaningful for to fi nd their positions. If a social democratic zero-sum game where a nation is perceived social standards within European societies vision of Europe shall be realised then the as a winner if others lose and vice versa. and for building up a reference for the pro- mission for the SPD is to provide a legiti- Within the on-going Eurozone crisis, this duction of a united European society. mate connection of European citizens to is exactly the TINA perception (There Is The previous two directions aim for one the political system of the EU, also but not No Alternative) and is leading as we see path for social democracy in Germany. It is only through the national state system. with rising anti-European movements to a to become open to social change. This Thus, the statement of Peer Steinbrück, disintegration of the European Union. does not mean to jump on the bandwagon the candidate for the German Chancellery The SPD should propose to turn the crisis of social progress in an opportunistic and in the September-elections is fully to into an opportunity to further the integra- short-term approach but rather to take part endorse: tion of the European Union with the per- in formulating progressive propositions spective of achieving a more federal again as done for 150 years. The reorder- “For us Social Democrats, Europe is more Europe. Hence in the sense to become a ing of statehood is interrelated to the than a common market and a Banking stronger player not just concerning impact of external and internal globalisa- Union. For us, it is a civilization project. inner-European competition but also with tion. This does not just imply that the bor- Our Europe is a Europe of citizens, of a view to improving Europe’s place in the der in between has to be reconfi gured. The peaceful exchanges, of a common fair globalised world. question is also if national borders can be market and a real democracy.” To stabilise Europe, the need for a coordi- sustained and how this should be con- nated and thereby integrated fi nancial and ceived. economic policy becomes more and more Such fundamental challenges force us to evident and this should be becoming com- think even more of the relationship of pol- mon sense in Germany too. In this context itics, policies and citizens, at least in a a vision is to develop how this should be common European context. This exercise Ernst Stetter is an economist realised and in which political structure. is not an end in itself. Without connection and political scientist, and the One answer for Germany is to start to polit- between a European vision and legitimising Secretary General of the Foundation icise European politics and to stress the citizen’s participation, further acceptance for European Progressive Studies function of a united movement of the social of European integration is hard to imagine. in Brussels. He also worked in Dakar, democratic parties in Europe, it is to give Therefore, the European condition is Paris, and Bonn.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 79 PORTFOLIO


FERDINAND LASSALLE © AdsD der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Portrait of Ferdinand Lassalle, the initiator of socialism in Germany. He created the fi rst German in 1863 and chaired it until his death on 31 August 1864. Lassalle was the fi rst man in Germany, the fi rst in Europe, who succeeded in organising a party of socialist action.

*Quote from the 150th anniversary speech by

80 QUERIES — Summer 2013 PORTFOLIO

THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY IN WEIMAR © AdsD der Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung

Friedrich Ebert during his opening speech at the National Assembly in Weimar (1919). Ebert was elected to be the fi rst president of the German Republic. He remained in that position after the new Constitution came into force and was offi cially sworn in as Reichspräsident on 21 August 1919.

OTTO WELS © AdsD der Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung

Chairman of the SPD, Otto Wels, on 23 March 1933 was the only member of the Reichstag to speak against the “Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich.” Looking directly at Hitler, he proclaimed: “you can take our lives and our freedom, but you cannot take our honour.” All 96 SPD members of the Parliament voted against the act. The Communists were not present and could not vote, due to having been banned. The rest of the Reichstag voted in favour.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 81 PORTFOLIO

KURT SCHUMACHER © AdsD der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Kurt Schumacher’s speech in Frankfurt in 1946, just after World War II. The Chairman of the SPD spent over ten years in Nazi concentration camps, where he had been severely mistreated. First leader of the Opposition in the Western German Bundestag, against Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, he was an even stronger opponent of communism and one of the founding fathers of the post-war German democracy.

82 QUERIES — Summer 2013 PORTFOLIO

VOTE ON THE CONSTITUTION © AdsD der Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung

Vote on the Constitution during the Parliamentary Council (1949). The SPD played an active role, notably Carlo Schmid who was one of the promoters of the German-French reconciliation.

PARTY CONGRESS IN BAD GODESBERG © AdsD der Friedrich- Ebert-Stiftung

The party congress of the SPD which took place in 1959 at Bad Godesberg is one of the most famous. The Godesberg Program laid down the three principles of “freedom, justice and solidarity” which are still as relevant today as in 1959.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 83 PORTFOLIO

WILLY BRANDT’S GENUFLECTION © Bundesregierung / Engelbert Reineke

The Warsaw Genufl ection corresponds to a gesture of humility and penance made in 1970 by social democratic Chancellor of Germany Willy Brandt towards the victims of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Brandt had actively resisted the early Nazi regime. The occasion of Brandt’s visit to Poland at the time was the signing of the Treaty of Warsaw between West Germany and the People’s Republic of Poland guaranteeing German acceptance of the new borders of Poland. The treaty is part of the Brandt-Ostpolitik.

GERHARD SCHRÖDER © Bundesregierung / Julia Fassbender

During the 1998 elections, the SPD and Alliance 90/The Greens won a majority in the Bundestag. After signing an agreement with Greens Leader Joschka Fischer , Gerhard Schröder became the leader of the new red-green coalition. They governed Germany from 1998 to 2005. During this period, Gerhard Schröder introduced deep labour market reforms, which have been contested but prepared the strength of the current German Economy. He also said no to any implication of Germany in the Iraq war.

84 QUERIES — Summer 2013 PORTFOLIO

150 YEARS OF THE SPD © Bundesregierung / Guido Bergmann

Ferdinand Lassalle initiated the Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein (General German Workers’ Association - renamed thereafter SPD - on 23 May 1863 at Leipzig. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of one of the world’s oldest democratic parties, the German President Joachim Gauck, the German Chancelor Angela Merkel and the French President François Hollande attended the ceremony in Leipzig chaired by the current President of the SPD, Sigmar Gabriel who said “The SPD was never urged to change its name!”

PEER STEINBRÜCK © Ulrich Baumgarten / Vario Images

Chancellor Candidate Peer Steinbrück (here at the National Congress of the SPD in Münster) was nominated by his party as opposition candidate for Chancellor on 28 September 2012. The elections will take place on 22 September 2013.

QUERIES — Summer 2013 85 REPORT

RENAISSANCE FOR EUROPE Towards a common progressive vision

by Henri de Bresson © FEPS

From Paris to Leipzig and Turin, the events organised over the past year by the Brussels-based Foundation for European Progressive Studies, under the leadership of German social democrat Ernst Stetter, have laid the foundations of a new social democratic project for Europe.

86 QUERIES — Summer 2013 REPORT

ike other European Studies. Chaired by former Italian prime but the German election does not augur groupings, Europe’s minister Massimo D’Alema, the FEPS is particularly well for the SPD. The German social democratic and close – yet independent from – the Party social democrats, who initiated the reforms socialist parties are get- of European Socialists, and backed by a behind the country’s economic rebound, ting ready to campaign network of some forty national foundations, are still paying the price for the emergence L in support of a single including three bodies that helped launch of a radical left and voters’ preference for candidate for the European Commis- the initiative: the Jean Jaurès Foundation a strong defence of Germany’s national sion presidency in the 2014 European in France, the Italian thinktank Italianieuro- interests. elections: Germany’s Martin Schultz, pei, and Germany’s Friedrich-Ebert- The social tensions caused by the crises currently president of the European Stiftung. in southern Europe and Ireland, coupled Parliament. The initiative’s fi rst major event was the with the rise of populism, call for changes This personalisation of the European ballot March 2012 conference in Paris with lead- to the governance of the Economic and marks a shift towards a more political Eu- ing fi gures of the European social democ- Monetary Union. But they also require the rope, which allows for a broad spectrum of racy—including Sigmar Gabriel, the presi- left to come to the realization that the mod- competing visions for the European project. dent of the German SPD—as a show of el of national solidarity—on which their The fi nancial crisis sounded the death knell support for François Hollande in the run-up social contract is still based—is no longer of the social-liberal “Third Way” popularised by Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder at the turn of the century, thus requiring the “FIGHT FOR JUSTICE AND European social democracy to reinvent itself if it is to rise above the “turbo-capi- SOCIAL SOLIDARITY IS talism” condemned by former German finance minister Peer Steinbrück, the INSEPARABLE FROM THE PURSUIT Social Democratic Party’s candidate for OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION” the chancellorship in this September’s legislative elections. Upcoming elections in France, Italy and to the presidential election. Two other adequate. This is the origin of the concept Germany have led the main left-wing events have since been held: one in Turin of “intégration solidaire” advocated by groups in the three largest eurozone coun- this year before the Italian elections, and François Hollande in Leipzig during the tries, whose relationships have often been another in Leipzig in May to mark the 150th SPD’s 150th anniversary ceremonies. The strained, to mend ties and stand in solidarity anniversary of the SPD. idea has received a cold reception from against the inadequate economic auster- northern Europeans, who fear that their ity policies imposed by the European Coun- CONFRONTING THE CRISIS social welfare systems could be picked cil in response to the euro crisis. This rap- The crisis has been a trying time for the apart to pay for others, and are concerned prochement resulted in the launch of an European left. The French presidential by the French socialist government’s diffi - initiative for the “renaissance” of progres- election in 2012 and the Democratic culty in asserting itself in the year since it sive thought in Europe, coordinated by the Party’s lacklustre victory in Italy in 2013 came to power. But the European left will Foundation for European Progressive ended a long series of electoral setbacks, leave no stone unturned as it explores new

QUERIES — Summer 2013 87 REPORT

ways of building solidarity for the future. The “Renaissance for Europe” process, which is “THESE INTER CONNECTIONS GIVE intended to continue beyond the German elec- AN IDEA OF WHAT A TRUE EUROPEAN tions in September, has an ambitious goal: to show the European left that its fi ght for justice DEMOCRACY COULD ONE DAY BE.” and social solidarity is inseparable from the pur- suit of European integration. zyism. While their initial views on the manage- We have come a long way. Blairism was heavily ment of public defi cits, industrial revival and inspired by former social democratic chancellor social reform are far from identical, the conse- Gerhard Schröder, who was elected in 1998 at quences of the crisis for the social fabric of all the head of a coalition with the Greens and cre- countries offered suffi cient grounds for consen- ated long-standing divisions among the Europe- sus and shared refl ection. François Hollande an left. Vain hopes of an alliance between the was invited to the SPD conference in December SPD and the PS when Lionel Jospin was prime 2011, where Helmut Schmidt gave a rousing minister were followed by long years of misun- speech calling on his fellow Germans maintain derstanding between the two groups, whose close cooperation with its neighbours, marking hostility largely paralysed the European socialist the offi cial resumption of dialogue. 1 movement. The work begun in 2012 by the Renaissance STRENGTHENING SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC group was a logical extension of the acknowl- THOUGHT edgement by the two parties’ leaders, in the face The Paris declaration, announced in March 2012 of the forthcoming French and German elections, during a meeting of European social democratic that they and their partners had a shared interest 1 Speech published by the FEPS in fi fteen European in developing European alternatives to Merko- languages. ISBN 012-3-456-78901-2 © FEPS Public Conference - Saturday 17th March 2012, Cirque d’Hiver, Paris - Ovation at the end of François Hollande’s speech

88 QUERIES — Summer 2013


leaders at the Cirque d’hiver, had been debated the previous day at an initial meeting between political researchers and leaders and the political foundations of the French, German and Italian parties. The declaration was entitled “Growth, solidarity, democracy: setting a new course for Europe”. While François Hollande was being violently attacked for announcing that he would renegotiate the fi scal treaty to be adopted by the European Council in June 2012, one month after the French election, the Paris declaration called for Europe to “set a new course … based on budgetary responsibility, growth, solidarity and democracy”. On the eve of the Italian elec- tions in February 2013, the Renaissance group, which had been invited to continue its work in Italy, adopted a “Turin manifesto” for a “demo- cratic union of peace, prosperity and progress”. The manifesto sets forth proposals to reform eurozone governance and the democratic defi cit in the EU, and create a new Social Europe. The

guiding principles of the manifesto were dis- © FEPS cussed during a third conference held in Leipzig Renaissance in Turin, February 2013 in May. All these discussions, which have been valuable to preparations for the French ’s convention on Europe in June, will be summa- rised in a fi nal document this summer before the German elections, with a list of commitments to the pursuit of European integration. Although political leaders are still having diffi culty conveying these ideas on the national stage, it is clear that a space for political thought has been created which transcends national boundaries. This shared refl ection draws on the work of the European Parliament, the main national political foundations, and numerous research centres in Europe and around the world, including Harvard University. These interconnections give an idea of what a true European democracy could one day be. This was far from being the case when the left dominated the European political scene in the late 1990s, but failed to give it direction. © FEPS

QUERIES — Summer 2013 89 NETWORK

FEPS MEMBERS FEPS is the fi rst progressive political foundation established at the European level. Created in 2007 and co-fi nanced by the European Parliament, it aims at establishing an intellectual crossroad between social democracy and the European project. Acting as a platform for ideas, FEPS relies fi rst and foremost on a network of members composed of more than 40 national political foundations and think tanks from all over the EU. The Foundation also closely collaborates with a number of international correspondents and partners in the world that share the ambition to foster research, promote debate and spread progressive thinking.


AUSTRIA Karl Renner Institut BELGIUM Gauche réformiste européenne • Stichting Gerrit Kreveld • Institut Emile Vandervelde BULGARIA Institute for Social Integration CZECH REPUBLIC Masarykova Demokraticka Akademie ESTONIA Johannes Mihkelson Centre • EU Solidar FINLAND Kalevi Sorsa Säätiö FRANCE Europartenaires • Fondation Jean-Jaurès GERMANY Friedrich Ebert Stiftung GREECE Institute for Strategic and Development Studies ISTAME • RE-Public HUNGARY József Attila Foundation • Tancsics Mihaly Alapitvany ITALY Associazione Bruno Trentin • Centro Riforma Stato • Fondazione Italianieuropei • Istituto Gramsci • Fondazione Socialismo LATVIA Freedom and Solidarity Foundation LITHUANIA Demos Instituta of Critical thought LUXEMBOURG Fondation Robert Krieps MALTA Fondazzjoni Ideat NETHERLANDS Foundation Max Van der Stoel • Wiardi Beckman Stichting NORDIC COUNCIL SAMAK POLAND Foundation for Fundamental Rights PORTUGAL ResPublica ROMANIA Ovidiu Sincai Institutul SLOVENIA Kalander Foundation SPAIN Fundació Rafael Campalans • Fundación Pablo Iglesias • Fundación IDEAS SWEDEN Arbetarrörelsens Tankesmedja • Olof Palme International Centre UNITED KINGDOM Policy Network • The Fabian Society • IPPR –Institute for Public Policy Research


AUSTRALIA Chifley Research Centre CROATIA Novo Drustro DENMARK Arbejder- bevaegelsens Erhvervsrad IRELAND TASC NETHERLANDS European Forum SLOVENIA CEE Network for Gender Issues TURKEY SODEV Sosyal Demokrasi Vakfi

90 QUERIES — Summer 2013 NETWORK 47

National political foundations and think tanks Observer national foundations

QUERIES — Summer 2013 91 DIARY

JULY 16-19 Vienna - Seminar FEPS Young Academics Network

with other Next Left networks par other Modernising party politics; Employment; networks of FEPS. Populism; Enlargement; Economic Governance; BACKGROUND Elections 2014. The Young Academics Network (YAN) was This year they have already published three The second seminar of the third cycle established in March 2009 by FEPS with papers: promises a heavy agenda. FEPS YAN the support of the Renner Institut to gath- - The European Youth Guarantee: a real- members have been busy since March to er progressive PhD candidates and young ity check collect literature and come up with the fi rst PhD researchers, who are ready to use - How Eurobonds Relate to European draft of their papers. The meeting will their academic experience in a debate Integration be an occasion to further develop these about the Next Europe. In the third cycle, - Fixing the Broken Promise of Higher papers through an inspiring interaction the groups work on the following topics: Education in Europe

SEPTEMBER 16-17 Brussels – Conference “Call to Europe”

The third edition of the “Call to to ensure equity and social and economic Europe” initiative, launched in 2011 justice. To this end, this year’s Call to Europe in order to address the challenges facing is debating, together with leading progres- the EU as we move through the 21st cen- sive economists, political scientists, policy tury, will focus on “Beyond Austerity: makers, civil society organisations, as well Enhancing European Society”. Six years as high-level European politicians, an al- into the crisis and it has become evident ternative social and economic approach that austerity policies are having detri- for Europe and the importance of enhanc- mental social and economic effects in ing the European society as a whole. Europe. Looking toward the European © FEPS elections in 2014 we are facing the need to enhance the European society in order

92 QUERIES — Summer 2013 DIARY

SEPTEMBER 25 Brussels - New Next Left Economic Circle Roundtable

BACKGROUND (MEP, Professor of Economics at Paris The roundtables of the Next Left Econo- I University) and Stephany Grif- FEPS and the Global Progressive mic Circle bring together progressive fi th-Jones (Financial Markets Program Forum (GPF) will hold the 10th Next economists from different European in- Director). Left Economic Circle on “The Search stitutions, from civil society organisations for Inclusive Growth in the MENA and the business sector, who wish to Among the former guest economists Region” with guest speaker Dr Hassan evaluate the economic theoretical corpus invited: M. Lavoie, M. Sawyer, E. Stock- Hakimian of the London Middle East behind economic policy proposals. They hammer, L. Cordonnier, E. Hein, H. Ster- Institute (SOAS, University of London). are co-chaired by Liem Hoang-Ngoc dyniak, A. Persaud, J. Eatwell, J. Portes

OCTOBER 9 Washington DC - Seminar and public debate on “Macroeconomic Cooperation and the International Monetary System”

Organized by the Initiative for Policy mic cooperation : Joseph Stiglitz, Oliver Dialogue (IPD) at Columbia Univer- Blanchard, Marcus Miller sity and FEPS, co-funded by the Ford - Session Two on How can reforms of Foundation, this event will be held at the the international monetary system con- Centre for American Progress. tribute to world economic growth?: Anton Speakers for the public debate include: Koriner, Jose Antonio Ocampo, Eswar Joseph Stiglitz, Adam Posen, Jose Antonio Prasad, Jack Boorman) Ocampo, and Massimo D’Alema. - Session Three on European Macro- economic governance: Malcolm Sawyer, The seminar (by invitation only) will gather: Paolo Guerrieri, Adam Posen, Stephany - Session One on Global macro-econo- Griffi th-Jones. © FEPS

QUERIES — Summer 2013 93 DIARY


INSTITUT EMILE VANDERVELDE | 35 political activists from Croatia and FOUNDATION MAX VAN DER BELGIUM the region. Four modules include: STOEL | NETHERLANDS July 1st, Brussels & Wallonia – political economy; political actors July (date tbc), Ukraine – 4th edition Invent a new horizon, such is the goal and processes; political ideas and of the Summer Academy, organized of Citoyens Engagés, a collec- social policy. A second session for young, promising politicians from tive-thinking operation launched by will take place between the 13 & 15 across Eastern Europe (Ukraine, the IEV and the Socialist Party for September. Moldova, Belarus, Russia, Armenia, several months, in order to encourage Azerbaijan and Georgia). Once a year participative democracy and conceive progressive youth fl y into Ukraine for a society project based on values such OLOF PALME INTERNATIONAL our 4-day seminar, to acquire new as equality, solidarity, and justice. More CENTER | SWEDEN skills, share experiences and forge an specifi cally, the operation will feature July 22-24, Tokyo – The Network of international progressive network. The numerous kinds of activities, as well Social Democracy in Asia (SOCDEM themes of the training were for a large as an Internet platform. Asia) will arrange the conference part borrowed from the successful “Building a New Paradigm on Energy Promising Politicians series organized - Social Democratic Response to the in the Western Balkans for many years ITALIANIEUROPEI | ITALY Challenge of Nuclear Phase Out and and focused on ideology, communica- July 5 (date tbc), Rome – Seminar Energy Security”. Organized with the tion, negotiations. organized with the Rome Offi ce of the support of the Friederich Ebert European Council on Foreign Rela- Stiftung and the Olof Palme Interna- tions (ECFR) entitled New European tional Center, it gathers representa- CEE NETWORK FOR GENDER Economic Governance: Same Auster- tives of social democratic and ISSUES | SLOVENIA ity? on the recent changes introduced progressive parties from about 15 August 29-September 1st, Korcula on the EU economic governance, their Asian countries. – Supported by Olof Palme Centre impact (if any) on the crisis and the & SIDA grant, CEE Network for political price European member Gender Issues will hold its regional states are paying for the recipe of rig- TASC | IRELAND Korcula school. This think tank will our imposed by Brussels. Over the summer/autumn, Dublin – serve for the exchange of best TASC will be actively involved in civil practices and lessons learnt in the society’s engagement with the Irish Western Balkans and in EU by social NOVO DRUSTVO | CROATIA Government, who have joined the democratic parties on the issue July 12-14, Zagreb – 9th edition of global Open Government Partnership. of better balancing professional the Political Academy New Society. Ireland’s annual OGP Action Plan is and private life in recession and budg- Sessions are part of a comprehensive meant to address the growing demand etary crises hit environments. educational programme and an open for stronger democracy and more dialogue platform that bring together transparency about public policy.

94 QUERIES — Summer 2013 DIARY

fun & games for children and adults tions, but on the constitution of POLICY NETWORK | UK alike, a concert etc.). We are organiz- government and the political cabinets September (dates tbc), London ing two seminars at the event, high- as well as on the appointment of the – Policy Network and FEPS will hold lighting the SAMAK research project regional governors in the country. a programme of events to mark the on the Nordic Model 2030 www. launch of a new joint book, Progres- nordmod2030.org. sive Politics after the Crash: Govern- SOLIDAR | EU ing from the Left (I.b Tauris, 2013). 24-25 September, Brussels – Despite recent successes, social CENTRO RIFORMA STATO | ITALY Seminar in the European Parliament democratic parties in the EU have Mid September, Rome – Seminar, on Human Rights in the Middle East become locked in a cycle of electoral with the participation of international and North Africa. The Cooperation Net- under-performance. The book makes economists and jurists, with the (pro- work “Social Justice in the Middle East the case for a new, post-crisis settle- visional) title: “A critique of the Crisis. and North Africa” builds alliances ment harnessing the dynamic tradi- Italy and Europe in the perfect storm”. between civil society organisations, tions of social liberalism and social An opportunity to present the last issue think tanks, social movements, progres- democracy as the foundation for pro- of Democrazia e Diritto, the CRS sci- sive political forces and independent gressive reforms geared towards entifi c journal and to develop that the trade unions to promote social justice alleviating crisis aftershocks and current fi nancial and economic crisis for the Middle East and North Africa. addressing the deep-seated structural is not based (at least not mainly based) challenges affl icting western capital- on objective economic data, nor on the ist democracies. fi nancial weakness of this or that coun- FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG: try, but is the result of political choices FONDATION JEAN JAURES which have been made all over Europe | GERMANY & FRANCE SAMAK | NORDIC COUNCIL — in different ways and to a different October (date tbc), Paris – The September 7, Helsinki – What is degree — over the past twenty years Paris offi ce of the FES co-organized on for the Nordic model project? Nord- by conservative governments in order a conference on European defence, in mod2030 has presented the fi rst fi ve to push back the rights and conquests collaboration with the Jean-Jaurès reports in 2013. It will be this time the of the working classes, thereby dimin- Foundation, under the patronage of Finnish country report. The country ishing their overall income and precip- French Defence Minister Jean-Yves reports all together (15 reports), will itating the crisis. Le Drian. This symposium will be an be presented the coming year. opportunity to review the Franco- German relations in times of diffi cult INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL budget choices. SORSA FOUNDATION | FINLAND INTEGRATION | BULGARIA September 7, Tempere – Co- Mid September, Sofi a – Presenta- organisers with the SDP and the tion of the Final Report of the FEPS- GAUCHE RÉFORMISTE Workers’ Educational Association ISI project Civil Observers for EUROPÉENNE | BELGIUM TSLof, Sorsa Foundation organises a Monitoring - Fair Elections 2013. As 15 October, Brussels – Conference big event/festival loosely translated early elections have been conducted on “Eradicating poverty and enhanc- “The Labour Movement. Now.” The in Bulgaria, the analyses are focusing ing social inclusion: can Belgium event will gather the entire labour not only on legislation, media monitor- and the EU do more?” at the Belgian movement and there will be seminars, ing and civil observation of the elec- Senate.


AUSTERITY The History of a Dangerous Idea

by Vivien A. Schmidt

usterity: The History of a Dangerous switch’ that followed in Europe—aided by business lead- Idea tells you everything you need to ers, bankers, and European politicians—was that instead know about austerity but did not of laying the blame, appropriately, on the banks as the know enough to ask. This is the best cause of the problems—including the cheap credit from serious book so far about the causes core countries that fueled defi cits in the periphery, sur- A of the fi nancial crisis in the United pluses in the core—the story was recast as one of the States and the sovereign debt crisis in the European public profl igacy. And the cure was austerity, led by Union. Mark Blyth, a Scotsman who teaches at Brown Germany and the ECB. Here, the ideas were not neo- University in the United States, provides a highly reada- liberal but ordo-liberal—or neo-liberalism with rules—in ble, cutting-edge analysis of the crises in the United which the state was to be used to create and enforce

States and Europe that explains them in terms of both © Oxford University Press, USArestrictive general rules on low public spending and debt economic structures and economic theories. What he makes amply for all, with harsh measures for countries with higher than accepted clear is that the crises in the United States and Europe do not originate defi cits and debts. But rather than the expected cure, austerity has in the state, as a result of over-size public debt, but come from the been a primary cause of Europe’s downward economic spiral. banks and continue with the banks. Austerity itself, Blyth shows, is a concept that, having been submerged In the United States, the structural problems came from deregulated since the 1930s, when it last wreaked its greatest havoc, is back with fi nancial markets with increasingly complex instruments and products, a vengeance, in particular in Europe. The book takes us not only all of which together created a system at risk of implosion, even as through the ‘natural history’ of austerity, from the 1930s to the current policymakers and players alike believed it to be risk free. The failure crisis, to show that it has never worked, but also through the (thin) to anticipate the crisis—or even to recognize the dangers in the in- intellectual history of austerity from the seventeenth century to World creasingly overblown system—came from the neo-liberal ideas about War II, and then from the postwar period to today, as the concept of naturally effi cient markets at risk only from interference by an inher- austerity developed, beginning with German ordo-liberalism through ently fl awed state, which therefore had to be limited as much as neo-liberalism’s many permutations, from the Chicago and Virginia possible, and the neo-classical economists’ models of super-smart, Schools through the Washington Consensus to Italy and Cambridge, rationally self-interested fi nancial actors that assumed, incorrectly, US, culminating in the curious idea that budget cuts produce growth. that the parts could on their own ensure the sustainability of the whole. The book as a result offers not only an illuminating account of the In Europe, the structural problems came not just from the United current crisis but also an enlightening history to show that austerity States, in the form of banks that had exposed themselves to US risk, is, indeed, a dangerous idea and has always made things worse, not but also from the structures of the banks themselves. If the problem better. for the United States was banks ‘too big to fail,’ the danger for Europe Austerity, The History of a Dangerous Idea // Mark Blyth was a banking system that became ‘too big to bail.’ The ‘bait and (Oxford University Press, 2013).

Vivien A. Schmidt is a Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration, and Director of the Center for the Study of Europe at Boston University.


5 Days in May THE COALITION AND BEYOND by Roger Liddle

ndrew Adonis is a rare force of nature ment that Alistair Darling’s defi cit reduction plan was in politics. As Transport Secretary not enough. under Gordon Brown, he put the High However Andrew’s account underestimates the diffi - Speed 2 on the English map in such culties on the Labour side. Gordon Brown could have a decisive way that no successor laid the ground for a future Lib Dem deal when he fi rst A government can ever ‘derail’ the pro- took over in 2007, if he had stuck to his plan to rein- ject. But 5 Days in May is a grippingly told tale of failure. vigorate constitutional reform and forced his cabinet Even someone with Andrew’s extraordinary mix of intel- to back Alternative Vote reform. Instead, he retreated lectual clarity and irrepressible energy could not pull to- in face of the predictable opposition. gether the Labour–Liberal Democrat Coalition that could Secondly, Alistair Darling’s commitment to defi cit reduc- have kept David Cameron out of 10 Downing Street. I was © Biteback tion would have been much more credible if the plans there at the start. Andrew came round to our Kennington home to had been fl eshed out before the election, as the Chancellor of the watch the 2010 results and the long night was enlivened by a series Exchequer himself had wanted. of phone calls from Gordon Brown discussing with Andrew the arith- Thirdly, too many senior members of the Parliamentary Labour metic of a hung parliament, the constitutional position, and the chanc- Party were ready to surrender power without a fi ght. In truth, and es of a Labour–Lib Dem deal. Not only was Gordon completely up for it is a harsh truth, they gave a higher priority to bundling Gordon it. Andrew fi rmly rebuts the Lib Dem canard that the Labour negotiat- Brown out of the Labour leadership than keeping David Cameron ing team were not serious in their intent to make a coalition work. out of Number 10. Andrew is right in two key judgements he makes. First, the parlia- For better or worse the party and the country are now living with mentary arithmetic did allow an anti-Tory Coalition to be formed. the consequences. But read the book. It is short, it has the pace of Secondly the biggest obstacle was Nick Clegg’s decision to back a thriller and it brilliantly describes a game changing moment in George Osborne’s defi cit reduction plan. This was despite all the British politics. In all likelihood it contains important lessons for the reservations he and Vince Cable had consistently expressed not too distant future. throughout the General Election campaign. Labour should have spotted that Nick’s decision to keep Vince off the Lib Dem nego- 5 Days in May, The Coalition and Beyond // tiating team was the sign that he had bought into the fl awed argu- Andrew Adonis (Biteback, 2013).

Baron Liddle is Chairman of Policy Network, an international think tank and FEPS member foundation. He is also Labour’s front bench spokesperson on Europe in the House of Lords, as well as a Director of the University of Cumbria.


PLENITUDE The New Economics of True Wealth

by Dominique Méda

uliet Schor’s book to promote a form of production that advocates a new eco- embraces a “lighter” eco-footprint, offers logical shift as the ample employment and cultivates social best way to improve ties from the ground up. The author also our well-being. She notes that new technology can optimise J does not, however, our ability to share best practices in this completely reject consumption; nor does regard. she dwell in the doldrums. According to the

Boston-based sociology professor, this © The Penguin Press Nevertheless, the book could benefi t from paradigm shift could provide an opportunity more details on the direction this new path for humanity to prevent disaster while should take. Schor does not explain how improving quality of life by reducing work- that technological progress is not enough to bring together unions and ecologists or ing hours and increasing the practice of and suggests we free ourselves from pro- consumers and employees; how to over- “self-provisioning”. This last point is crucial ductivity and growth as our main perfor- come contradictions between the long and if we are to cast off our dependency on mance criteria. GDP creates the mistaken short term or between ecological and the market. It is also key to renewing social assumption that we are growing richer social crises; or how to get around the ties and rediscovering the pleasure of cre- while we are in fact squandering our resistance of the lobbyists who seek to ativity while cultivating a more local econ- natural and social resources. There is a counter this kind of ecological shift. Let omy. By reducing working hours, we can pressing need to change the way we meas- us hope this shared frame of refer- promote employment, better distribute ure progress: we should adopt these ence will foster an epistemic commu- productivity gains, make work less stress- resources as our goal. To this end, the nity and a groundswell able to trigger ful and more interesting, increase the author suggests replacing growth with the action of which we are now amount of time devoted to self-provision- indicators such as product durability and urgently in need. ing, and reduce our eco-footprint. quality. She also highlights initiatives that show the extent to which individuals are Plenitude, The New Economics of True Schor’s thinking invites us to subscribe to willing to embrace these new practices Wealth // Juliet Schor (The Penguin a radical new approach. She makes it clear through local communities that are ready Press, 2010).

Dominique Méda is a French sociologist and philosopher. A graduate of Ecole Nationale d’Administration and Ecole Normale Supérieure, she has written extensively on topics related to employment and social policy, wealth indicators and women’s issues.

98 QUERIES — Summer 2013 THE QUERIES COLLECTION The European Progressive Magazine

N°02 / 2010 N°03 / 2010 N°01 (4) / 2011


Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies www.feps-europe.eu/queries www.feps-europe.eu/queries www.feps-europe.eu/queries 1 1

N°02 (5) / 2011 N°03 (6) / 2011 N°01 (7) / 2012


Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies www.feps-europe.eu/queries www.feps-europe.eu/queries www.feps-europe.eu/queries

QueriesSummer 2013NEW / Issue 1 N°02 (8) / 2012 N°03 (9) / 2012-2013


ESSAY Colin Crouch on post-democracy

ONES TO WATCH Paul Magnette Jutta Urpilainen

IN NUMBERS Sondage Gallup

THE NEXT MISSION DEMOCRACY: OF COSMOPOLITAN TAKING THE NEXT TURN SOCIAL DEMOCRACY 2014, EU ELECTIONS: Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies Magazine by FEPS - Foundation for European Progressive Studies CITIZENSHIP IN ACTION www.feps-europe.eu/queries www.feps-europe.eu/queries

www.queries-feps.eu QUERIES, THE EUROPEAN PROGRESSIVE MAGAZINE Colin Crouch, Massimo D’Alema, Paolo Garimberti, Zita Gurmai, András Inotai, David Kitching, André Krouwel, Roger Liddle, Bruno Liebhaberg, Guillaume Liegey, Anto Liivat, Paul Magnette, Simon McBurney, Dominique Méda, Aurélien Renard, Jacques Rivoal, Malcolm Sawyer, Vivien A. Schmidt, Stephan Schulmeister, Martin Schulz, Ania Skrzypek, Ernst Stetter, Paul Sweeney, Jutta Urpilainen, Dominique Wolton www.queries-feps.eu

FEPS - FOUNDATION FOR EUROPEAN PROGRESSIVE STUDIES Rue Montoyer 40 • 1000 - Bruxelles - Belgique • T +32 (0)2 234 69 00 • F +32 (0)2 280 03 83