nUDAT* nTLTMb IMT lOTIlTEEW AYtrago Dolly Ctrcalattoa iKanrtri^Btpr Etmtftts If^ntlH ,.TI m W satiM r Fhr Bto Mmrth *8 d h M , t »42 FaraosM af 0. Bl aYaalkaz 1

iMinb«ra «< tb« L4#lon 9,255 Fair oM eiattoaii wana a». to the convontlon tomorrow Engaged to Wed Rank in G>rps day: Smday fMr aad eso About Town meet at th« tuition Horn*. Iw- Id o« Ihs Audit warm with asmporaaara sea . Mrean 11:4a and 12:00 o'clock, or 9t Ohreulattoas Me to today. ____s-Shen AidUMary, V. Imeet in Mew Hacan at the comer Is Permanent Sale W , wtU hold ■ food M l* t o m o r ^ and Sherman atraeta Mancheiter^-^A City of ViUofte Charm at Hato’a atoir beginninf that a'ifood repreaenta- o'clock Mi*. Dorothy MIlWi be on hand. Warrant Offirer Joseph VOL. LXVL, NO. 250 AdveiUalBg On Pag* A) the comwiittee, and the taleri?-’® - MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1947 (TEN PAGES) PRICK POUR CENTS the heneflt of *he orphan*' home rtiarie* McCarthy of Pmehurtti Orfilrili Has Been No* at Cedar Raplda, Iowa, Giwcery. with Mm. McCarthy and, tified of the Order- 30 Scholars Dead Leav6 Old Ben Mine Warrant Officer Joaeph _ M. ' Dispute May m Odd Fellow* hall liti^ead of the Fall*. Orfitelll, Mannn Corpa Reaefve, DRESSES Three Major Mpney chH. L.».ph,r. n ..«.r of will return to active duty for ah View Papers Block Balkan caoM at Memorial Field between j Kinney'* | Infantry refre«her course from | S a O d d Fellowaand the Center Im Klnjaton. N. Y. Mm l^mpherei Auguat 10 to 24, it waa announced | Oemcoe*. All memhem are urifM will Join him later for a week at a Lincoln Left nearby lake. today, Orfitelll la operator of the \ , Issue Action to attand the game and meeting Manchester Taxi company here, to foUow. Bills Chief Barriers; and during the war saw much *c- Rev. Robert Parnona, at ting Delve . into (Collection dean of the School of Chrlatian tlon with the .Marine Corpa, He had ] Diflerpiires Over Inter* Miaalona Hartford Theological i aerYlce from lOI'l onward, Sealed from Public pretatjon of Char­ g A U t « U A M Seminary, will be the giieat i Two ‘ days ago he waa notified preacher at the Talcottville Con­ I that he haa U en granted com- ' View for 28 Years; ter May Bar IVaee- gregational church. Sunday morn­ mlaaloned warrant status of per- | Session Nearing End BINGO , manent grade In the corps. During ' Open Safes on Time ing at 10:4.1. Dr. Pamon* haa been ful Settlement Now 8 I m. a foreign miaalonary In Africa and ' the war he advanced through the ; —» — T on igh t S p. ■ will have an Intereating and In- : ranks to be wariant officer and , WnahtngtoJ, July 3d — (JT) — adjutant In a Marine air aquadron. Lake Success. N. J., July 26 — ^ apiiing meaaage. • MIm Marjorie Mltehell Thirty eminent scholars, locked in Congress Expected / o r a n <;e h a l l Orfitelll will undergo training iF)—United States and Russian A Swilrh in Time Saves Man I at Camp I^ejeunt, N. C., which la a room at the Library of t!ongreas, differences over interpretation of Adjourn Tonight Um* Tefti aona were bom yeaterday Mr. and Mr*.-WllH*m R. Milch- only 40 mll'ea from the family hom*i lelved today Into a coUeetton of the United Nations rliarter threat­ i at the Hartford hospital to Mr. ell, of H9 Fairfield Street, announce of hia wife. He • xpecta to combine til Next JaiiMryt Abraham Lincoln’* papers sealed ened today to block effective Se­ : and Mr*. Gordon Tuttle of 52 the engagement of their daughter, vacation and. military aervlce. He from public view Yor 28 years. Dnve A, Silver Lane Home*. They will leave here Auguat 6 and be curity Council action for peaceful Republican Leadera Th« have a four-ygar-old boy, Kverett. Marjorie Mitchell, to Horace What they found was to be dla- M. Blaaell. of 154 Cooper HIM bark Auguat 26. eloeed at noon (11 a.m., e. a. L ). settlement at the Balkan pitiblem. Confident of Meetiiif Mra, Tuttle w4a the former Mia* The precisely worded terms of Edna Chrlatenaen. .rtreet. son of Mra. Mary I-. and Thes* differences confronted the fewey-Richmoh the late John H. Blaaell. MUa I bequest by the Civil war presl- U. N. with a major crisis over the Deadline; May Re­ Mitchell, a gradtiate of Manchea- Ciel N. V . IJeense lent's son, - Robert Todd Lincoln, charter, since neither the U. S. nor Mr. and Mr*. Frank F. Yeoman* ■ fuj^h school, served 16 months, ivere precisely carried out by offl- the Soviet union would budge sort to Device Y>f Stop­ Co. of 215 Oakland street have iagiied | the U. S. Navy with the eiala of the library. from their announced positions ping Official Qocka ' tnvttatlona for the marriage' of " y t ’evea" and la at present ,em- B e M a r r i e d Robert Todd Lincoln left the pa­ The differences arose In debate )Cmi8T thtlr daughter Mias June M. Yeo-| ployed bv the Connecticut Gener-| pers with the library In 1919, of' 28 over the situation on the borders ' mana. to'W illiam A. Park. Tbe ,|^| g jf, inaurancr Company In yean ago, under a stipulation of Greece with Albania, Bulgaria Washington. July 26.—^ PRESCRIPnONS FILLED ' caremony will take place, Satur- i Hertford. New York July 26—Two real- against opening them until 21 j ^ and Yugoslavia. -Three major approprimtlSQ NEW raAMES -day afternoon at four o’clock, Au-: g|r. Blaaell, a graduate of Man- denta of Manchester, Mlaa Marga­ years after hia death. He died In A t the core of the latest de­ bills, a wool bill and some Isf* ; gust ». In the Second Oongrega- cheater High achool, aerved three ret Marie Leister, 21 of 183 Hack­ 1928. FeUaw miner* carry oat one of the 87 men who died In aa exptoslon and ir e 866 feet deep nod more velopment is an American pro­ LENS DDP^JCATED : tlonal church, with reception lm- n „ ^ e half years with the Army matack street, and Wilbert George Five Double Safee Opened t iM ^ k In OM Ben Mine at West Frankfort. 111. Reocue workers had to grope their way posal that the Security council iaiative odds and ends sto^ REPAIRS ^ D E I mediately following In the church j^lr Forces and Is a local agent for Sullivan of 3M Hartford road were It waa exactly one minute past tkkoogh shafto Ailed with Mack damp gaa to reach the hodlee.— (N E A telepiioto). set up an international commis­ aa the only barriers today parlor*. ip* Travelers Insurance ('.ompany. lasued a marriage license here midnight when the time limit ran sion to Watch over the Balknrui tween the flPat session at The wedding la planned for early Wednesday at the Municipal bulM- out and Ave double safes full of with the power to conciliate and A paper* were opened. 80th Ongresa and adjourn­ In September. !"*• Hughes Denies Investigate disputes. ment tonight until next Janu­ The couple did not announce Amid the excitement breathed Dutch Clear Broad — The section of the U. N. char­ by more than 100 Lincoln scholara, ier in dispute is Chapter VI, which ary. Cinder Blocks their wedding plana. newspaper, newnreel and radio The prospective bride was bom provides for peaceful settlement Sore They Oaa Meat DoaSaa* Johnson men, who craned to see the Arst Roosevelt Son of disputes without using sanc­ Republican leadars nmniiig tha and d N D E R BLOCK MFO. CO,. In Mancheater, the daughter of volumes, Dr. Luther Evans, li­ British- Henry and Margaret Brennan Lela- Area Along Coast tions or military force against the congreaalonal show (or the ftist INC. brarian, said: countries Involved. time In 15 yaara wora coaSdqat ter. Mr. Sullivan, alao a native of "Nothing like this ever has hap­ T*ll*sa SI.. Cast HartfatO Americon Club Contract Link Russia contends that a commis­ they could meet the adjouraoMat Anderson Mancheater, la the son of Robert pened In these rooms before.’’ deadline without difficulty. Tai. HtM. a-aaaa and Anna Loney Sullivan. Inside the Ave safes were 194 Also Indicate Eastern tS ^ S S S S,« ‘ sion established under this chap­ ter has only the power of recom­ But, if necessary, they atood volumes containing Items ranging raady to raaart to the oTtcB-uoad PAINTING AND A from correspondence Abraham Lln- Testifies Behind Closed Java Now Firmly in' mendation and does not have the r News Tidbits right of access to the territory of leglalaUv* devtco of atopptag the DECORATING BINGO eola had with Washington atorea official clocks short of ml)—How­ Netnemnds communique said ^ agree upon Anance ternui, head of countries Involved like it or not. resolutions which, on adopUoa, WiodoW Glaaa tha poMlblUty that the Ale might British mission says.. AirUner’a Night ■I««d4r at—» find the original tween Batavia and Cheribon, "Any failure would lay the non- manuscript of Lincoln's farewell to Hughes and Henry J. Ksiser. steamroller amaablng through the freah from a normal quitting hour Prescription Pharmacy and indicated eastern Java sovereignty of amall countries... compl^ng atateA open to serious cb speech to the citizena of Spring- A member of the committee told yeaterday but saratora aosomr ‘ ON by AadcTMiHSbM 24 Birch SL HALL npw was Armly In Dutch hands. Bulgaria haa formerly applied for action to insure their cooperation," 901 Main 8t. Tcl. 5321 field, 111., when ho left hta home a reporter privately he was present grogglly after their aecdhd stj ' AosIHary. No. 2(M« when Hughes testified behind .Claimed Snoceaaea Denied UN membership. Johnson said. "The council haa after-mIdnIght tuaole. Tbty to begin his second term In the 'Tbe Indonerlan Republican the power to make investigations. White House. closed doors several weeks ago that Cleveland'a professional Santa a aeaslon of nearly 13H how6 ■VERY FRIDAY NIGHT the son of tbe late president con­ Army claimed successes both In Clans is facing eviction proceed­ Countries are obliged to cooper­ early today, a marathon which Reads Deed of Gift Java'and Sumatra, but moat of ate." Kalph Godoll koMa tightly to ttie top of a pole o « a awttek la a vaU AT V. F. W. BOMB .00 Dr. Evans began the formal tributed nothing toward obtaining ings... .Tweaty-atao Naata now lowed tha 18-hour •aagleh. tarailn* \ _ - the contract. theae were categorically denied by living in China to he sent back Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister road yard to eseape Ute wrath of a heifer * • the loose from a atack atad oarly Friday. ^ HaadMoter Grom opening at the appointed hour by the Dutch. Andrei A. Gromyko replied that track at Eathervllle, la. Hie salmal led a crowd a brisk cha horn*------Pravada blame* Cam Tha adjournatqgnt roaohitlona reading Robert Todd Lincoln's deed Senator Ferguson (R-Mich) said Amerlft^-tralned Dutch Ma­ If a nation found that the work of tbwMigh Eathervllle atroets aad ffaally wound up la the raUroad yard t PriMoI Rofroohaimlol of g ift a BUbcommittee he heads has been nranlst party Tor lag In Ukraine rine* and Infantrymen were mop­ wheat harveM---- Marian Ochonor, a commission "Is incompatible with where It ooraered Godall on tha pole until recnplured.— (A F wtro- (Oanttnaad on P a g * Firs) PliytaBt •t^rto at 8 :S0 olwrp *)^en, as flashbulbs flared, C. looking Into reporU that ElUott ping up b o ^ In eastern and west- Its sovereignty, then It can refuse pholo.) Anoth^^ Shipment! Percy Powell, assistant in the lib­ may have played a part In obUln- CaUcogo cashier, screanm when Java, the Dutch communique “ no sale" button on cash register to cooperate." rary’s monuscrlpta d I v I a 1 o n, Ing White House backing for the Gromyko’s statement added sup­ twirled the combination on the contract—described as having been produces a family of mlcc..Many However, the Dutch admitted constructive ■ atepa CThlneae gov­ port to earlier indications' that Weather Bureau Seeg Here Is a timely sale of Smart Summer Dresses Drat safe. stoutly opposed by the armed aerv- sharpened Indonesian activity In Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria Strike Halts Urges Repeal ice^. ernment can take, General Wede- RiM in Tempenttures in Sheers and Printed Rayons—some Solid €olors. The doors swung open to disclose the ModJokertO area, 25 mUes would refuse to crajperate with the Last Week W e Were Almost Completely tw o rows of the boimd. volumes, That apparently was one of the 88wjcr rvuurm.^ae r^iiiiiupiiio A^iu** j «« a j •• Safurdoy south of Soeraraja In east cen­ eral party Bd(^ta resolution orcommission Tliey’re styled right up to the moment and priced objectives of the committee In Is­ New York, J.uly 26.—(F)— O f Sales Tax tral Java. THe communique aympatky for ladonenla. Would Strip Charter of Efficacy Ford Output so that you can well afford to buy two. Regular TlM J W H A K c O t K (Oouttnned on Page Five) suing a subpoena for certain pa­ placed Dutch trodpa at Lawang, Selglan Delegate Fernand van Up, up, up. That's the Wrather Storo Hours At Mormons from Ave states gath­ bureau forecast for tempera­ Sold Out. Be Eiarly Tom orrow $7.98 Values Each I MANCNISTIA pers in the files of the late Presi­ 10 miles north of the Republican Langenhove said the charter would dent Roosevelt. stronghold'of MalaiW, which un­ er at Palmyra, N. Y., for anni­ be stripped of its efficacy If the tures tralay. They wrill be in tbe Legion Resolution Ad­ PINEHURST versary visit to. Joseph Smith’s Ijick of Parts Sus* Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Moat Of Papers Delivered official reports earlier had aald council was d»n!cd the power of 90s for the northeastern and Wa apaa at S.*SS a. mt. aad the Dutch had capturM. An In- farm .... Eighty-year-old William investigation. peiiflM Production of northern plains states. In the vocates Special S^stiou Moat of these papers were de­ Heckel, who lived in Los Angeles isaa at Sm p. n. Agala w* lioneslan communique m d Repub­ In Btipporting Russia’s argument. middle 8^ gaaiaatoe af aattataetloa on ARMY AND NAVY CLUB North Goastal Rood Reopei and obligatory." RANGE AND FUEL OIL Death Dinu Ftremen’'t Master the action because “It would not vi­ erM Assembly in New York. over most of the nation tonight, repeal the atate galea and use tan "GOOD THIN08 TO EAT." Wells, Me., July 88—<;F1 — One The majority of the council mem­ pended today bccBuae of a lack of olate the intention of the late Prea- The Dutch said the north cdut- All passengers on west coast parts from Murray Corp. of Amer­ with scattered ahowera. waa urged toddy in a radoluGen* n aa was killed, two others Injured ident Roosevelt as disclosed In such al road stretching more than\50 bers appeared to accept the U. S aad about 29 members of the Nep­ train vaccinated after waiter . is Interpretation nt the charter. ica plants, strikebound' four days adopted overwhelmingly at thc^ Wholesale Gasoline documents aa are available." miles between Socrabajaa imd discovered suffering from small­ in a contract dispute. 29th annual atate convention st tha NEW SUPER tune Veteran Ftrensen's Assocla- Probolinggo was reopened, r t^ - Certain detegutes expressed the Presumably, the committee hoped pox .... Senate Republican* de­ "More drastic cutbacks In pro­ American Legion. tion of Newbnryport, Mass.-. «vere tablishing communications witti belief that Russia, Albania. Bul­ to find among these documents cide not to act on Truman’s nom- duction within a few days" were 'nie reBolutloii held that tha pub­ ahaken up today when a, bus char­ support for the contention of Fer­ all cast Java. ' garia and Yugoslavia were taking forecast by Ford spokesmen uniesS' Nation’s Slavs tered to take the Aremcn to a Bath \lnees to NLRB . . . G. G. P. leaders lic wa* "being given the impros guson and some other Rep\ibllcan The latest Republican commu­ the line that the Balkan countries an early settlement of the Mur­ tlielnen’B master. collided with a ((droit Senator Kem’s fight to In- Blon" that the ne%^ tax waa nocod- members that White House "pres­ nique monitored here sold a 40- would not be buiirid by the coiincll's ray strike can he reached. Bontiy Oil Company truck at Moody on IT.- S. Route VMtigate Attorney General Clark’s decision to permit Gromyko to ab- sary to pay for the bonua vetod sure" had been used to obtain ap­ mlnute skirmish occurred yester­ 4J)00 Laid Off By Ford Beiijg Courted World war U vatcron* at th* 194? .^31 Main Street Tel. 5293 or 2-1057 BINGO One. After dragging the truck day at MoP>—Follow­ In a din a dispatch from ho) in.'hlocking Senator Baldwin’s W ill Let Court MeeMngs ' yeaterday between happei nader rafrigeiatloa. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ing a midnight shooting In Bush- resolutlM for high price Investiga­ Tremendous Amounts use tax is necessary for tha pay­ Wa aaa only abaotately fresh, Liberia Gets Jogjakarta, Inddhesian capital in Federal and state conciliators and ment of the state Ironus.’’ aell park and . an exciting chase ...... [ichit ■ ~ tion. top Murray ami union representa­ favafameat laspeotod OMat la throagh the city streets, Thomas Funds for the bonua,' gold th* paapartag this groand beat. { respondent Harris Jackson quoted * State ■’^rea.surer Adorno. now Decide Charge tives brought noipnwipect for an Washington, July 26, (,V) — resolution, could "readily have bean ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES! d. Henderson of Bellevue Square Ciencral Soedirman, the Indonesian sending out ,100 honu* cheeks a end to the walkout. Main issue In whether yoa boy., oar Sped LEE'S GREENHOUSE was in poUoe coart today on a Modern Port Rcpreaentatlve McDoVvell (R., raised through regular toxaUoh Otaaad Beef at 1 ^ lb. or Ptne- commander, as eatimating "Dutch d a y... .Cambridge, Maas., inaugu­ the strike Is the union’s demand for channels." SHAG COTTON ^IJGS charge of asaaolt with Intent to losses in dead, wounded and miss­ rates 0:80 r u r f^ for youngsters certain contract clauses relating Pa.), said today the embasales m t Raaad Steak Qroond at kill. He was also charged by Albania W illing to Ap* The three per.cent sales and uo* ing tn date at 9,0(>0 men. He under 16 not. accompanied by. par­ to provisions In the Taft-Ilartley here of Russian satellite nations 80c Ib., yoa are oiire of freoh AND FLORIST SHOP Proseentor Edward S. Dragat with Little West African tax, approved at the close th* Saanty meat. said thes* included two battalions ents...... Portrait -of Daniel Web­ ’ |M*ar on Britain's labor act. evidently are si>ending . "trenoen- .ROUTE 44. BOLTQN TELEPHONE 8089 elglit coonts of robbery with vlo- dous ambunta" In this country to legislative oesslon. became effoc* Nation Celebrates Its in west Java, one in central Java, ster just oiitside Senate fThambcr In accordance with a policy set tive July 1. lenoe committed tn Hartford within Claim Mines Sotve^ . Far aatdoor picnlco . . . for four in east Javfi ahd two in Su­ discovered damaged... .Dutch will up recently by the UAW-CIO-In­ court 1.1,000,000 i>erwjns of Slavic CHARMTRED SHAG RUGS Cut Flowers, Potted Plants, Corsages, the but few wreeks. one of them 'World W ar 1 Bonua Move Laoaa aaat loaf or "hambargs" at matra. . . . ternational, Local 2 representatives descent. 100th Anniversary seek contaict with Indonesian Re- A resolution that the state bonus warn. It will pay yoa to Insist July Used Car Clearance bat a few. hours before tbe shoot­ have demanded a contract stipula­ Apparently, McDowell told re- Annual and Perennial Plants A Dutch communique said Neth­ 7)ublican leaders as soon as the LAke Success, N. Y., July 26 — be granted to World wgr I vtteraiia, ipoa nnehniwt Quality! ing affair. Depnty Chief Thomas erlands casualties thrmigh yester­ tion relieving the union of linun- portern, the Soviet government is $50,000 STOCK MUST BE SOLD • Hickey, head of the detective bu-. Washington, July 26— (/P>—Little current “ police action" hi oom- (J*)—Albania ia willing to appear waa proposed from ^the convenUcg) Flowers for Weddings or Funerals day were 32 killed, 50 wounded .... cial responsibility In . "wildcat” supplying at least some of the m o ,' sold Hendersoh not only had Liberia, Celebrated its 100th anni­ Dleted Canada asks for change before the International Court of floor, but waa ovcrwhelmlngW (to. Most Cara Equipped With Radio* and HeateraT in date of proposed Jap treaty strikes, and grievance procedure money admitted the shootliig of Mis* Lois versary aa a sovereign independent feated. ~ ’• r SUMMER DAYS % OFF Regular Prices Delivery Service . ' All Cara Sold With 80-Day New Car Guarantee. (Contlnaed oq Page Five) conference. Justice at The Hague to reply to that would not require recourse to The House CAmnilitee on Un- Aad aammer ilhiy* also puf 50 PoHcle, 19, of 163 CAestnnt street state today—receiving an $18,000,- Approval of tha bcaoIuUon urg- British charges that she sowed the National Ijibor Relations Anrverlcnn Activities, of which the ' ■ _ ■ ,» • Ford DeLUxe.Fordor early this niorning, hat has also ad­ 000 modern harbor from t)ie United Ing repeal of the sales tag canic QdalHy ftaahfarta right oat In Bujek 4-Dr. Sedan '42 mines in Corful channel. ' boartt ' ’ , Pennsylvanian. la a member, la fraat of the ment hit paroda. Chtti’TOlet Coupe '48 Ford Super ItoLax* Tudor, mitted seven other rJdirges of rob­ States os a birthday gift! No ('(Moment On Demands' Im>king Into liftb column o|>e.ra- after the delegates had shoutad Oval aiyd Oblong Styles Chevrolet 4-DMr Sedan R. and II. .. bery with violence. ThrM ships of a Naval detach­ .Her agreement In the matter The corporation haa not com­ tioha as ■ a result of secret testi­ down one urging Congress to admit Agala this Waek-ead wa have ment which took an American offi­ was made public yesterday at 400,000 diaploced persona to thr Beautiful Charmtred Shag Rugs for every room in the house. All first Chevrolet Mas. DcL S-Dr. '38 Ford pcLuxe Fordor Sh/aw Dismisses Birthday mented on the demands, but UAW mony from Dr. Mladen Qlunio- hw aaed our order to try for Sedan ^ Oldsmoblle 78 Sedaaetto Second VIcGm Claln'.ed cial delegation to Monrovia, the United Nations headquarters here. President' Walter P. Reuthcr re­ Zcrkln, former member of the Yu­ United States in the next four Magh FnuUBurts to go quality in four sites. Bu.v for your own use! BuyforgiftsI '48 Chevrolet Special DcL 4-Dr. '41 OMsmoblle Club Coupe PIttohurgh. July 86—(4V-The capital, were the, first deep wator Britain Aled the case with the goslav embassy staff In . y«ara- thropgh Saturday afldmooa. cently described them as "proper Sedan, R. and H. '41 Oldsmoblle 4-Dr. Sedan - dlstlntegratlon of an eleetilc motor vessels to enter tlio city's new port, With MocAf Exasperation court at the time the Security and legal." -He said they were in­ McDowell said he and a subcom­ The resolution, terming tbe DPe Ta oaake aura of a gaaltty 6 COLORS ’ Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan '40 Oldsmoblle 78 Club Coupe, iotor at high speed In'thq West- the state department reported. council recommended that the two cluded In a few existing contracts. mittee h'eard Glunlo-Zerkln for victims of Nazi aggre^on a>l>— tbe news in his den not later than 24" X 48” $ 2 . 9 8 Rain or Shine In Our Tented Auction .\rena right nor without future benefit to to waste time,” the sage of Ayot 10:30, a vegetarian lunch about 1 at this time could hot constitute bringing the three-day convention aaily Satarday aad we wlN re- P waldeat- Traman arranged to fly this country. aarua FraakfUrt ar Hambarg 1946 AND CARS TRUCKS St. Lawrence, drowsy Hertford­ p. m., a nap during which nobody a precedent for the future. i Nabbed'by Restaurateur to a close. 1647 to Grandview, Mo„ today to .visit Balla’far yaa. The port’s operation revenues shire hamlet, told his listeners. dares disturb him, and then an Ivan Kerno, N. N. assistant sec­ In the contests for the Xiegion’s FURNITURE - FEW ANTIQUES ForJs, CbevrolPt*. Pontiac*. 50 To 4'hoose From Ms 64'-year-old mother, who waa are earmarked for eventual re­ Regular Price $9.98 3 4 " X M - OldsmoMlen, Chryiilera; OeS4»- i*irk-u|>N. Panel*. Stakes. " I’ve hardly recovered from the evening of walking, working and retary general in charge of legal top posts. Interest centered on a Wa hava fresh shipments ef $ 4 . 9 8 CHINA — GLASS — RKIC-A-BRAC reported "slaking." Presidential payment of the coat. And the last birthday. fellowship with old friends. affairs, said Albania’s acceptance Chicago, July 28—(Fj—A sign in door and Schulman waa away and race between Tbomaa E. Sellew qC tos. Buk-ks, Studebekers, Hud- Vans, rha*Hl» and Cabs, P ress Secretory Charles O. Ross United States expects to profit AiaoM's aad Pepperidge Farm mn*. 2-Doors— 4-Door*— Ton- Tractor*. Etc.. "Whoever utters that vvord, One of Shaw’s dietary- main­ waa ’’a good thing for the Security the window of the Ogden Huddle, running after them. He nabbed one Oomwell, first World War II ■vqt- Bread dally. • • SOME PLATED SILVER aald Mr. Truman would take off from assurancea of ready access to vertlbles. In .411 Wheelhnses, Make* ’birthday,’ in my jpresenca shill He stays ta a aatad of chopp^- vege­ council" and showMl "that both a small North Side restaurant, 'and took him to the Lawndale po­ eran to seek a major offica, aad wide SMMirtment o f furaUhlng*. aeveral An* ektate ktl,,' exceMi ahont 11 a. m. (e. s. L ) from the such Btrategio materials as rubber set down as a man to be avoided." tables, ^hich he aaya ’'keeps my lice station. ’ Arthur .Kelly of HarwintOq, a vat*' Regular Prlce^ $17.98 4 x 6 - NO TRADE NEt^E.SM.4RV ' •- and Model*. parties have complied with the reads: Item* from famUle* moWng to dUtant places, several lot* out of WaaMagtoa Nattonal airport la and vegetable oils for national de­ Since early yesterday the .post­ head completely clear and pre­ recommendation of the Security The yotUh explained to police he eran Legionnaire, for th* senior atoriM^, aud from other sources. Opportunity to select nddltlon* IMMEDIATE DEUVERY OFFERED AT THE LOWEST his old plahe, •‘Jhe Sacred’-Cow.” fense. ^ Cash oy Terms PRICES IN 5 TEARS man has been delivering a good vents ray thinking from becoming council." " If you are hungry an(l ha"ve no and hia connpaniona were "very Vico commanderahlp. for the hooM or eottoge. Ross said Mr. ’lYomaa called tor Another wartime American gift deal of "happy birthday rubbish” muddled—more people ought tn Albania’s acceptance of the Jur­ money, come in and we'll feed you hungry," without funda and had State, natiijnal and International LITNClR SEBVBD CHAIRS ' TBCCKMEN his plaoe after being advised by to Liberia waa the country’s only —letters and telegrams from all try i t " isdiction of the court came two free.” decid^ to teat the accuracy of the TERMS ARRANGED — WITH OR WITHOrT TRADES laaues were tackled by the data* Dr. Joeeph W. Greene, Gm; attea^-. highway. buUtdargely by the Army over the world— to the spacloua, Hia health on the whole is con­ days after American, Australian Tha three youths who entered offei. lag phyalctoa. In Graa ( gates In their action oh convanUaiD ROBERT M. REID & SONS, Auctioneers advtew aad Air Forces. * >'' comfortable, exceedingly home­ sidered better than it sras 'a year and French delegates in the secur­ the restaurant lost night and pol­ Schulman, declining to lodge a resolutions. r.RRRN STAMPS Ms slater Miss Mary Jane Truman, Brig. Oen.,, Benjamin Davis, sole EstabUidied 1907 like retreat o: the playlvrl^t- •ffO Only his eyes give him any ity council demand^ that Albania ished o ff the bountiful repost wqre complaint against the youth, said Sales Tax Exomptloa Vrga4 that the preiidenPa nwther, Mrs. Negro general t-fflcei' In the Army, GIVEN WITH 201 .Main Street Phone 3103 MnilcheHter, Conn. CAPITOL MOTORS, INC, phllosopher. real trouble. show why she hsd failed to accept about to exprea* their . thanks , everything would hawe been all *rhey approved a rosolutleB w f- n,' his routine to-ldation that she appear before the handed them their checks. ’ their alleged plight before they or- I I9toa at Monroviib . . i birthday working aa tm al In hia | day. I court. 'Ftae boya made a bee-line for the I dered the ,blg dinners. (OattaeeS fg Pago Btoai \ " ■ i ■ /. t. \ / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCffESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, JIH^Y 26, 194t ! 9 A Q 9 T V 0 MANCHESTER CyENING HERALD. MAM;H(!.Br8lK. UJNN.. SAI UKDAr, JLLI 26, 194T PAGE 'THBEB' 4 - '■______f ______sha and her husband lived In Man­ bsr home In JackaonvlUe since rate of speed, and wan unable to Hurley Forms that time. V chester more than fifty yenrs ago. I 2:30 p.m. At the Recreation Field, Brownies Give Local Pastor She waa anxious - to be remem­ prevent tha collision when Daven­ the Central A. C of Rockville will Old Loca IA dvertisemen t In Jacksdavllle, the bonM of Bad Highways port came suddenly out of s' drive* K (M * k v ille MacMurray College for Women, bered to all her friends and spoke ’ play s dnubla header at 2;.30 p.m New Concern In high praise of the people of the wa*y Into the road. The young man ! with the Milford A. team. Puppet Exhibit Tells of Visit Mra. WndewoKh lives just of( ths : involved la the eon of Mr end Mrs. Shows Price Comparisons besutlful'campus with her niece, town and church she and her hus­ SUN. ION.. TUBS. Churches In State Few I The All-Rockvtlle. baseball team SOT jr r Ab ff>. Hartford, July 26— liT)—Organi­ band enjoyed serving so many Wllmer Dingwall of Hebron. j [ w ill ptsy the Suffield A A , Sunday f Miss Mary Waller, who la asso­ ------I •Horace Sellers and his sister j Four Are Hurt zation papers filed In the sscretarjr ciated with the school of music. years ago. North Mathedtot Cirarch 1 8t. Jamea’s Ramaa CathoUe : at 2 30 p.m. at the Rockville Fair Youngsters Present a Rev. Ralph Ward Writes t f i l l •Cox'o * ’’* ‘ rending s few dsys. in* , Grounds diamond In a Northern la M a n to coma thay 4ra going • ccnU couM be had for a little leaa of state's office hsve revesled the Ths families of both Dr. and Mrs. 441 North Mala Stroot Rev. William J. Dma, Pastor ’ m i l 3 R V 9 v f n l y .\ b O U t eluding the week end. as guestq a t , ! thon live centa cat*. formation of n new company In Wadsworth were associated with Jaaiea M. Gage. Mlnlatrr Rev. Frederick .MrLeaa. Aeeistaat' III <]ar ( j’asli ( 'onnertlrtH I.OHfSUe gaine. tO .M k ‘*what waa tba depreaalon Fine Show al the New About 'Meeting Mrs. ' O n P P p p r p n l * T je n ‘'‘'“ •6^ Mr and Mrs. Wal- Uaarc .saiiinlai RADIO SALES t SERVICE For a vegetable .thla noon you Wallingford by former Gov. Robert MscMurmy College, one of the Mnr D. M. Boaaott, Orgaalat- Rev. Robert J. Wood, Airaletaat X/ne rrr ter C. llewitt at Point Of Woods UHaT’* H»e antwer probably will might pay today ^methlng like Girls Seouts* Camp A. Hurley. The new conceal, which Wadsworth H in Illinois oldest and nwa* Influential educa­ Oiroctor The Italian-Ahtaiican Friendship ^ tlw t K was like aU hard tlmea. ' 10 centa a pound fot atrlng beana Be Called Primitive beach. Emily snd Joan Hewitt, t.’luh will hold s dance for inanibers already la In production, manufac­ tional Institutions of the Method­ SundOY BloMoa: daughters of .Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt. All in .Aiitn InjiircH; One Quarter Mile ISorth o f the Center W t wora» ; that Once coat 16 «^nta for two tures filver and atainleaa steel ist church In lillnots. No church ochool until Srptcin- For adults: 7. 8:30. 9:45 and 11 and friemjs at the clubhouse on Young Brownies at Camp Mer- Enroute to California Rev. and are with them Kingsbury avenue ' tonight st 8 ■ And In prlcea It waa nothing like i pounda. strawberrlea, the beat ware. R«v. Mr. Ward found Mra. feor. a.m„ in the upstairs church. Hartford. July 26—i/Pi State \ ehicle F'aila to ^Inkr j fraah native onea were 16 cenU a rie-Wood raised or lowered their Mrs. W Ralph Ward, Jr., and sons Mrs. Albert W. Hlldlng and with niuaic 6v Charles Tmld , tba present ^ Company officers are Hurley, Wadsworth In vigorous health 10:45 a. m.— Nurrory hour for Children's maasee In lower : Highway Commissioner O. Albert daughters, the Misses Alberta and INxIay a fomterlHancheater nter- j quart. , voices for Sneety or Grumpy Ralph and David had a delightful amall children wbooe parehta at- church, 6:30 and 9:45 a.m. Giirve, Hits l*o|p sml his orchestra. sny of the other small men o? president; Jonas Reiner of New with a keen memory for persons . HUl safd today that "only about Lois. are . guests of Mrs. Harvey WILCOi»i.GAY d ian t Abraham Podrore. who once i The...... market...... man uaed to do moat York, vice president, and Anthony tand tho morning service. Elks 4 lamlial«r "Snow White and the Seven forenoon visit Wednesday, July 88. and eyenta which transpired when Rutherford at Port Chester. N. Y., The Rockville' Lodge of Fllks operated the Public Market here, of pia Item Ogtirlng In the 10 to 60 Delaanto of Wallingford, secretary 10:45 w. m.— Morning worship. St. Bridget’s R. C. ‘ one per cent of Connecticut's koilfvUle July toronght In for comparison a food cent range. Now he seldom has Dwarfs," in thsir paper bag puppet with Mra. Julian 8. Wadsworth from Friday to Sunday. 26 I Spec will will hold its annual dam hake Sun­ and treasurer. Prelude, "Grand Choir In March Rev. James E. Tlmmlae. Pastor ! roads" can be clasaifled as primi­ Mrs. Charles C. Sellers is to help .As the result of an accident yes- advertisement he ran on June 15. to dip below 60 cents. portrayal of the story In a program who Is now living In Jncknonvills, fonn''~Oullmant. Rev. Bronislaw Gadarewskl and tive. day, .luly 27 at the Elks grounds E C 0 R D I U 1»M. *f And food l.a still going up for parents and members of the out at a church affair at North terday afternoon on Route 15 be­ on North Park street. Hors lUf Mra. Wadsworth will bs' rs- Anthem, "Hear My Prayer"-— . Rev. Robert CnrroU, Asaletanta The assertion was contained in Franklin, taking the role of a for­ R Girl Scout council yesterday after­ d'oeuvres will be served st It sin. It doaan't take long to figure out... How long do you guess It may membered by many frtsnds In Jamea-Slckles. a sutsment which disclosed that tween Rockville and Tolland, four RADIO - PHONOGRAPH - RECORDER that oB the'depreaalon . year . . r hsalabaala, before Mr Podrove’a 10.14 prlcea noon. tune teller, Saturday afternoon. with clam choiyder at 1'2:30 snd Mancheatsr and South church. Her (iOSItUO Offertory, " I WIU Praise Thee " Masses on Sunday at 7:30, 9, 10 I more than 65 per cent of all dwell- The Rev.' Charles A. Downs and peraona were taken to Rockville a dollar now la worth about 60 will be "popular' again 1 Next The older Brownie unit also pre­ Funerals Hit r a l l r f T T l City hospital. Including a flve-yeai dinner at 2:30 pm. including husbsnd, the late Julian 8. Wad»^ •“'KBIBOR — Molr. and 11 a.m. ; Inga outside urban areas are his wife, the former Mrs. Clayton oaata. Some Items, however, arc year? sented a pisy fer which the girls worth, was minister of South old child. They were Mrs. MIlMcent rhirken and lolistei Pootlude, "Marche Religieuae'’— ! served by hard-surfaced, dustleas A. Lord of Hebron, are in charge. Grange PIvnio Rerordio OtMcs and Recordiopoint ?ieedle* ranch more, while a very few Maybe never. . had chosen the characters they church from 18M to 1898. From TO D A Y and S U N D A Y Chauvet St. Fisnda Aasisl Church I roads. Frits, 27, owner snd driver of the' haven’t changed much^^ wished to plhv and then built ii By Sales Tax South Windsor Vernon Grange will hold its an- South'church Dr. end Mrs. Wads­ 8armon. Beyond Man'e Best. Hill said that in 1938 there were thefie Hebron ^d’ and Gilead Congregs- Samuel D ' her'^usb.m.' StIUt out with steak'.. Mr, Po- play around them. Other points of worth moved to Stafford Springs, S, Route 15, Near Burnham’s Fritz, 34. their daugh- mial picnic today at the Hathewav 'The Week . i. ' iq,300 dwellings, on unimproved tional churches here during the Farm on Bolton I.ake Road. There drove offered the best •elect Bir** the program were original rhythms then to Brockton, Mb m „ where for Corner tei. Judith. 6 and John Woeleshko, Another Shower Wodneeday, 7 p. m.—The Scouts ! rciada in Connecticut, whereas In seiwice of the Rev. George w III be boating snd swimming at loin at 65 cents, while w a y It and dances by the older Brownies, Regulations Arouse ten years Dr. Wadsworth waa pas­ SUN. - MON. - TUES. will meet In the church vestry as Rev. Edward J. Duffy, Pastor ' 1946 thsre were 8,125 on such 30, all of 36-19 167th street..Fnsh- brings 60 to do. ChlckOn ran Milne In the U. 8. Navy. tng, N. Y. 2 p.m games at 4 o'clock and a a display of handcraft and a tour tor of Central Methodist chqrch THE THIEF usuaL I roads, indicating that roads hhve about 83 centa and today goHs for For BeiiMon of the new camp , Much Coininent in Un> A report that the Loren M. Lord According to State Police Office! Itot-liick .siip|>rr at si.x. of that city. During that period tt u The Summer Assembly and . 6:30 and 10:30 a.m., # Masses been improved In front of some place haa bean sold to Amston Lake Mra. A. W. Gates, ramp chair­ j ^ Funeral .Monday Fire INTRODUCING Theft (lertaking Business Cent'sl church, one of the large RAMROD Christian Iiutitutr at W’lllimantic Sunday. I 5.000 rural dwellings In the past people la said to be a mistake ac­ John J. Yaskulka of the Stafford Tomatoes came at two pouiMS man gave a talk and intrrHlurrd the churches of t!;e New England OF BAGDAD Springs Barracks who investigat­ The funeral of Ernest Herbay. Another shower was given for Joel McRea • Veranloa Lake ON THE SAME SHOW .Camp Ground will open on Sunday eight years. cording to the owner, John Horton. 70, of RFC 2, West Willtngton. will for 16 centa ahd today thev a camp ataff and members the Southern Conference, was built. tha 27th. District Superintendent South 6fethodlst Chnroh ed, the accident occurred Just east H A R O L D J. LEESE above 86 cents a potmd. Suga Mias Arline Benaon of Newman Hartford, July 26—-<4h—Sales with 8ABV • JVNi: DUPWEZ ----- ALSO ------“The reaulU of over a half cen­ Cement has been poured for the be held Monday at 8:16 a.m. at the council to the visitors. Mms Mar­ Died la France Rev. 'O. E. Crain will speak i t the Main Street S Hartford Road foundation of the new house which of the Pleasant View Gas Station cured ham was 26 cents and will .street last Friday evening. It Was tax regulations applying to mor- NOW IT tury of good roads building now- when the auto which was going Burke Funeial Home, with a sol­ INSURANCE AGENCY jorie Stephens Is director of the Shortly -after the first World PLVSt EDMUND LOWE la “FUN ON A WEEK-END" morning serv’ice at 10:30 and the W. Ralph Ward, Jr„ Minister Is In process of building for Mr. east today W cents. Ten pounda greenback and. personal shoWer show up," Commissioner Hill aaid toward Boston, failed to make the emn requiem mass at 9 o'clock at camp and her assistant Is Miss tirlans and to charitable and re­ W ar Dr. and M m Wadsworth ‘’Mnrder On blaiiiond Eow" Rev. C. A. Morrill wUl speak at George G. Ashton, Minister of I "Connecticut farmeri snd other snd Mrs. David K. Porter. The of sugar now 65 cents could then aV the home of Miss Esther An* Ethel LeVan. The remainder of the went to live I: Chateau Thierry, Eddie Rrackea - Priscilla lame CAN BE SEEN! .Music ' curve tn tho road and collided with .St. Bernard s church. Burial will be 38 Walker Street derson In New Britain who was as- ligious organizations, as released NEWS'— CARTOON 2:30 p. m. The evening service at ; rural dwellers are supplied by Porters now make their home with in .St. Bernard's cemetery. ba bought forll»r 48 centa. The best .UCIVMII III ivcw 1 staff la made up of Scout lenders, France, where Dr. Wadsworth was 7 :S0 will be in charge of Dr. H. B. a utility pole with such force that Manchester, Corr. butter was 65 centa and today It la j ,iated by Miss Phyllis Warren of hy Slate Tax Commissioner Walter TODAY: •Y^HEVENNE" The Film That Haa Bccr I some of the country's safest high- Mra. Porter's parents.• Mr. and the pole was knocked off-base and Berbay who died at Rock- mothers of the girls attending superintendent of a large Method­ Warren throughout the week. Morning Won hip 10:45 a. m. Mrs. t!9c a pound. I Vernon. They will be attendants at W. Walsh, today aroused much ^ (la Color) T he Subject of Contro­ wrhy facilities at all seasons. 'ITils asude W J^nes. but like electrical service In Tolland Cen-1 ' hospital late ’Thursday _fPhone 3627 camp and Senior Scouts. This waa comment among members of the ist Institullon. It waa here that MONDAY and TUE8DAT Dally programs win be carried on Prelude— I is pleasant to contemplate, espe­ Lsftnb legs. Mr. PodroVe offere He was a .retired to Brownies. .Next week will be the serted that the sales tax "does war. Mrs. t^daworth returned to Pins: "Brasher Doubloon** Featnre Today: ,Sil6-8^10-9il8 ing and afternoon preacher on Processional— my purpose, snd that of the de- • Cltarles J. Douglas, of Dorchester, hits 43. Beets were five cents a ' served by the hostessea Decora- Ihia country In 1940 and haa made mother, with Woeleshko m the ilL"” * '' leaves, his wife, Mrs. Accident and Health final Wgek of the Girl Scout day •everything but put a tax collector Sunday Aug. 3. "O Day of Rest and Gladness" partment, to improve this stand- Mass., retired physician, summer bark teat. Theresa iGergely) Hrrba,v and a boach, and now you get two f|„na were In pink and white, with camp and will be open to Brownies "THE WICKED Tenor Solo— among the pallbearers at every This ix-ill be the closing Sunday Ing where we can. resident of Hebron, underwent a It waa stated at the hospital that "*‘ ter, Mra. Rose Klubec of Bristol. bunches for 16 cents. ! a lovely bride centerpiece. The and Scouts. funeral." o f the Union services between the “Come Ye Blessed", sung by Do Awav U’lih v .»_ . U .U .. major operation a few days ago Melons at 8 for 19 cents cost pieats were all clajwmates of the OTWWURCWssdtlUlIf TOEIKIWIS Mrs. Fritz had multiple abrasions Life Out of Doors Others commented that "cradle LADY"" Second Congregational and the Harold Baglln ...... Scott. '■CroD movement St-5 Massachusetts General hos- Plan Hawaiian Honevmoon Sf cents each now. .1 i m 7 Nurses* clsaa In New Britain Hymn— and hnilses. Judith, lacerations of The object c f tl.c Browjile pro­ to the grave taxation had at last 30 EAST CENTER STREET E M L O E W S North Methodist churches in this Knri 1-7---- 7IL , Boston. DOEion. Hne . nmiearallied wenwell loi-fol- It Is like this all of the way along i General hospital. »4 ^ if V r iifcrt With "O Master U t Me- Walk With the arm. chin and leg, and Woel gram at camp Is to teach the been achieved" while one emhatm- CAVJBY’S^ church. Sunday, Aug. 3. the Union the constantcoM tanf’^.v.iiiKu..?, the operation, and sincere Hollywood. July 26 -ila Hebron place, with Mr. and Uken today. Fritz was discharged Jackson, married in her home yea- , Mice cost only 32. \V. Hogan of Torrington has bsen to learn about nature and notice anyone ever returning a coffin, Also: -RETURN (Traditional Hymn of the U. S...... reg- Mrs. Raymond Weeks of White Of course, ode factor In favor of ENDS TODAY after being treated for cuts about terdsy. They boarded the liner i reelected secretary of the State differences In tiidr, plants and listed As Krtalirrs OF RU STY- Christina Science Services Navy) L 11** >°n8l Plains. N. Y . as his guests tbs pteaent la the fact that though -MIRACLE ON S4TH ST.- and dkngeraua walks that f o r m e r - ______' the eye and nose. Klatsonia for a wedding reception Advlaory Peraonnel committee. It trees; to Identify poison Ivy, to do Commissioner Walsh, in his Hartford First Church. Sunday, Serm on- and trip tp'”'Honolulu, Immediately ■ things are high, people are work­ ONROUTE S PLUS: -BLIND SPOT" ly confronted rural school chil­ The only occupant of the car to Closed All Day Saturdays waa announced last night Govern­ simple outdoor cioking, to use out­ schedule lists siortlclans as "re­ 11; Sunday school, 11; Wednesday, Rev. Orville G. Bosley. dren. escape Injury altogether wa.s the following the ceremony performed , ing aiwd enn buy, even If Umltedly, door camping equipment. tailers of tangible personal prop­ E 687 Farmington avenue. Recessional Hymn— wWk in the detmesslon msiiy or McConaughy haa also named ‘tConnecUcut farm labor, like in- Release Given family dog. a black and white tn her. homo by thq Rev. Thatcher ] Among the handcraft Items made erty furnished In connection with Second Church. Sundey, 11; Sun­ "W e Thank Thee, Lord” eoalAiY afford even the low prices Robert J. Smith, state welfare duatrtal labor, uses the ' state's cocker spaniel, which was taken Jordan. It was the third mar-1 Open All Day Sundays comndaalonrr, aa chairman of the by the Brownies are silhouette rendering their services. 'The tax day school. 11; Wednesday, 8. Postlude— to s local small animal hospital. riage for the actress. 33; the flrst ' applies to caskets, clothing, vault, LiJkyatta and Ruaa street. highway In commuUtion between Innocent Man Toor braakfsst bacon at 89 committee. ' It waa alao announced plaques, and wooden napkin rlnga. ” ...... Bich home and job. It is our purpose The complete right front of the car for Jackson, 45. , outside Containers ana any other Rockville First church. Sunday. 10:45 a. m. Nursery 4n charge of HitB tkn naoRirr only coat 29 that Mrs. Charles Rolfs of Hamden Each unit has lt>. ./>wn nature THE to make their travels as safe aa _____ «'ss badly dsm s^d. haa been appointed to the. State museum with apeelmens of plant personal property furnished. 81; Sunday school l l ; Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Canwf. , Policemen Suffer Loss I Effective At Once •ck ta 19S4. And the soap that "'The tax docs not apply to ac- S. 94 Union street. we can through sound engineering Sanaa nsar nt two cakes for 19 Personnel Appeals board. and animal life and one unit haa , Julj’ 26. i/Pi- Aft- Various chm^es are being made cnmmodatloir cash advances for Emaauel Lutheran Church snd careful maintenance. The started a garden v Ith popcorn for social side of rural life gains also, er serving 21 years for a slaying this summer at the Sykes school, Los Angelas, Jub’ 26.—op) I t ' such Items as cemetery charges, *^Yutli’' will be the subject of Church,St. opposite MyrUe St. the first crop. Tw girls from each as distant neighbors have free ac­ he did not. commit. Frank Harris I Ibe major one being the rsmodellng was a heavy 'oss West Los An- I unit attend the camp council each newspaper notices, railroad tickets, tha Lesson Sermon fo r Sunday. Dr. Julius Hulteen. \1o»>Paator goles policemen siifferad—and I telegraph, toll calls, ministerial The Golden Text Is from Isaiah cess to the homes of each other. was a free man tcxlay. schcml library for day to talk over the day's activltlra ak rill Clarence W. Helsing;t Organist and This, too, may be classed as a r„u I office for Principal Allen thetv 'Itgnily hurt, too. Some bur- O G 25:L ” 0 Lord, thou art my God; and report back to the unit. fees and flowers, or to charges bill­ 30 OAK STREET TEt|BPRONE S894 Choir Director The lomnionwealth of Penrisyl- Dresser. Partitions are bemg glar, they reported to themaeL’ra' ed to and paid for by the United 1 will exalt the>, I will praise thy Sunday. July 27th, Eighth Sun­ safety factor—the emotional safe­ High Quality Range and Fuel Brownies who camped the fourth ty that develops with a full life.” ; '"m up to provide for conferroce yostej'day. broke Into their pis­ States, the state of Connecticut, or name; . . . thy counsels of old are day After Trinity old Philade phis Negro a new suit rooms as well. The library will week had a circus for their closing RED RICHMAN TRIO “The Hooae of Entertainment^ faithfulness snd truth." tol range and etole 1.700 rounds of colebratlon. *111 > girls popped com any political subdivision or hgency 9:15 a.m. — Religious moving nemn^ntlil^ fom p,„ed on a departmenUl lead on band to reload cartridges. Underground Presents SelacUons from the Bible in- In the- morning and had lefnonade thereof.” APPEARING NIGHTLY! pictures for all children of the Eastern penintentiary. . books being distributed' I ’lllmnte Consumer To Pay ehida the following: “ And he said Sunday school. Harris was convicted of slaying among the various departments ' to go with It for afternoon refresh- unto them, This kind can come nionts. Circus entertainment In­ It's the ultimate consumer, his 0 DELICIOUS FOOD • LEGAL BEVERAGES 10:30 a.m.—Union service st Hebron a companion, Wilbert McQueen in The former principal's office at! heirs or assigns who will pay the • FASTER SERVICE forth by nothing, but by prayer a gunitght with two PhUadelphla the right of the main entrance will cluded a parade, a band, animal and fasting.” (Mark 9:29). Concordia Lutheran church. Pas- Garbage Receivm tax, ho7/evcr. Walsh's regulations acts, an Indian act, ncrobate anti Dining Room Open Every Sunday! Arhe Castor A plepsant social event took policemen In 1926. His sentence ; be fitted up for the use of the men ' provide that the mortician shall clowns, singing and dancing. AND HIS POPULAR ORCHESTRA . Christian Science textbook, '*Scl- p.m.— B«41catlonDedication Sarvir,Service 1 P>*ce at the-Hebron Congregation­ was commuted lest week after teachers who have never before Heavy CAST IRON Tap, Will Not Corrada. t'ay for such consumer goods ns __FQR y o u r PERSONAL PLEASURE! al the New England Lutheran ■' church Wednesday at 2 p. m, new evidence showed the fatal bill-1 had such a room at their disposal • TIMKEN Hhall af CEMENT Ta Last 86 Vaars. embalming fluids, cosmetics, chem- “THE MOUSE OF QUAUTT* mice and Health with Key to the let cams'from a policeman’s gun, ' Other changes Includa the InsUl- Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy, Camp, Webster Lake, Webotar when Miss Dorothy May Brehant, Alumlaiun laaMa Fall, Haaltary - Odartasa ki 1 ills and Inistruments used In em* NO COVER! NO MINIMUM! Mass. All church members invited. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ The SUte Parole board said In latlon of an electric dishwasher In Summar ~ Will Nat Fraasa In Winter. Employes to Gel i balming when purchased. But the GAVEY’S include the following (p. 230): Refreshingly Air-Conditiimed Bring lunch-supper. Coffee will be erick J. Brehant, was united In a statement the Negro was done the lunchroom. Several classrooms i 16 Gnllona ...... 818.76, tax Utcl. GASOLINE » WHOLESALE tnd RETAIL ' tax paid by the estate, heirs or sis- "Would you attempt with drugs., "no gieat Injury’’ because he was have been painted and the Are OIL • DELICIOUS DINNERS NIGHTLY ------^ or without, to destroy a quality or ' served. marriage to Robert Joseph Tag- O i l H E n Ona racaptaala xmpin far averaga 7-famlly Extra Pay men Is signa of the ultimate consumer Monday, July 28th, ' “ 7 Hartford. The double Involved In the shooting fray snd alsriii system completely checked. "shall he computed and paid on 50 condition of Truth? But If sick-' hottsa. Larger sisas available. Immediate ------r------• LteGAL BEVERAGES 6:30 p.m.— Bdy Scouts meetlna i !!!*"* ceremony was used, the Rev. ^''could ^ under , no . circumatsnccs a ^ be Union Service per cent of the total funeral bill NEV{;R A COVER ness and ain are illusions, the awak-1 delivery. . enlng from this mortal dream, or I ------I George M. Milne, pastor, ofliclsG ! ‘**‘=**''*‘* lnn«>cen! of , any crime. " The union service In w hich the i MORIARH BROTHERS Meriden, July 26- (,P)—The In­ at pernilasable dcdticUons." OR MINIMUM! Ing. ------Methodist, Congregational and' PHONE 8-9484 ternational Silver CO m p a n y. Nor can the aa'ca tax be avoided Uluoion, will bring us Into health. | Church of the Nazarene hoUneaa. and immortality. T h is' The bride wore a pink traveling Baptist churches are cooperating OPEN 24 HOURS through Its president, Evarta C, by cremation. tVhere cremation is 466 Main Street. Manchester will be held tomorrow and the suc­ awrakening is the forever coming j Rev. Janies A. Young, Pastor suit, with matching hat and a c-' Stevens, will receive extra pay­ substituted foi- burial” the regula­ Hwtm ______cessoiiea. She carried white gai - Marlborough ceeding two Sundays In the chhpel On tb « Level At Center and Broad Telephone 51.*15 ments on Aug. 25. tions say. "the same rules aa to TONIGHT! o f Cliiiat, the advanced appearing I R4Mrtes BaHaa. o f Truth, which casts out error Sunday services- ***" * “ "**■■■ Her attendants were of the Union Congregational Hourly rated and piece workers Fax apply, except that no tax shall I church, the main auditorium being IN THE LOVELY S aad 46 and heals the sick 9:30 a. m .-d iu rch school Mrs Dennis Burks of Mr. snd Mrs. Harold' Fuller will receive the equivalent of an be collected when no casket or 'iJ tS S J S S ' closed for repairs. The pastor, Rev. Study the Bible with us. Classes ^ * ’ ****’*•1^0 and Miss Barbara have returned home from Barton. extra 50 hours, said Stevens, while ! other tangible p« rsonal property ROSE ROOM Forrest .Musatr v ill preach. The Concordia Lutheran for all ages. Tsnnyson Mi:Fall su>' Brehant of Hebron, who were be- Vermont, where they were-guests those on salary will . receive the Is furnished,'' Senior choir will hold a rehearsal Garden and Winter Streets perintendent. ’ oomingly attired in qua colored of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lleser equivalent of two and a half per Can Re Alleviated One Way Rev. Karl Richter, Pastor at 9:15 a m. with the church serv­ TWO FLATS AND A SHARPIE 10:45 a. m.—Morning worship. ^•’ He eyelet hats, and and family for a few days. Mr. ice starting at 10 o’clock. Moderne Beauty Salon cent of their yearly salary, Stev­ The final paragraph In the com- Sermon by the pastor: " - — canied colonial bouquets. ens said. misnloncr's selicdule, however, POPULAR TRIO “The Fruit and Mrs. Lleser are former ''Swing Inn" 10:30 a.m. Morning worship. of Our EfforL" Ernest Taggart of Hartford, ■ residents of this' place. limkeB Siliit Afltraitic 'This will be the second extra seems to Indicate one way In which ----- A N D ----- "Swing Inn," the teen-age can- 9()o Main .Street This will be the last Union Serv­ 6:30 p, m.—N. Y. P. S. 511 sa brother of the groom, was best I Mrs. Jqhn Johnson snd daughter teen. wlFl open at „ payment In addition to vacation the sales tax can be alleviated ice, in Concordia with Emanuel in Marlon E. Janes, president. man, and Dennis Burks, brother- 7:30 o'cliK'k to- Will’Flam Oil luniir * and Christmas gifts, Stevens said. somewhat. The paragraph reads— Rita of Yonkers. N. V., are guesta night In a new local ion,''the form- r GILDA, Lovely Vocalist IN BOLTON ~ 2 MILES FROM MANCHESTER attendance. Begirming August 3. 7:30 p. m.—Evangelistic senice. in-law of the bride, was grooms­ of Mr. snd Mra Willism Edberg. er Red Men's Hall In the- Hartford H* estimated the payment on Aiig "If the easket and remains are to — P L U S ----- Union Services will be conducted Pastor’s subject: "What’s the man. Arthur Fontaine and Saves up to I gallon of fuel 25 would total about S.I.IO.OOO. be shipped to a point outside the in Eih.anuel Lutheran church with East Central Pomona Grange Connecticut Company build- ■ Trouble?" ’ Frederick Brehant. Jr., were ush­ will meet with' East Windsor; Ing. Former Saturday night scs- In every 4 used by en ordi­ PINCHED! Several days ago the eompan.v state, no tax shall apply on the JIMUnE. GUITARIST AND MIMIC SATURDAY NIGHT Concordia in attendance. Rev. carl ers. Will Be Closed The Week Grange No. 94 on Saturday, Au­ nary burner. announced a regular and special tangible peisci nal property DRUt'lOUa DINNERS LEGAL BEVERAGES Olaon will be in charge of these Mrs. Herbert W. Porter play the alone have been held In the. Coach GALA FLOOR SHOW— PLUS Wednesday at 7:30 p. m.— gust 2 for an tvening aeaaton. House on the grounds of the Elks dividend of 82.50 per share on Its shipped." ALWAYS COOL Dial qervlccs. Praise and prayer meeting. bridal chorus from Lohengrin, snd For Infnmialion Regarding application of the Order of seiw’lce: craptsin Carl E. G. Franson, U. Home, but for the next few weeks July 28 Think nothing of .it! When common capital stock. Wedding Parties Alwasre Welcome! Maacheeter Mendelssohn's Wedding March. A S. M. C„ aon of Mr. and Mrs. Carl ths Elks will be using tha room sales and use tax act to charltabie -Prelude, “ Ave Maria” ...... reception for the members of the Telephone 6195 for Advance Reseri-allons. Covenant-CongregaGonal Cliurch E. Franson left here Thursday for themselves. All teen-agers are In­ P H O N E 5918 you're pinched for time___ or and religious organ zutlons, Walsh A R T H c K A Y ...... Fr. Von Flotdn immediate families followed at the Waterhury Officer Stranded 43 Spruce Street Cherry Point. North Carolina, vited to enjoy an evening of danc­ said that such organizations could Offertory, "Melpdy In F " home of the bride's parents. Through August 4 pinched for shirts to w ear., . . 3815 Rayneld G. Johnsqn, Pastor where he will be stationed follow­ ing and games with Mr. snd Mrs Osaka, Japan, July 26 (flh —The obtain exemption certificates from and his Ot^hestra ...... Rubinstein Ernest . Johnson. Jr,, Organist The bride is a graduate of H. E. Whiting his office. He also pointed out that Roetlude. "ReceaaionaT’ . . . Lorenz ing a 45 day leave spent st his Ralph Snape as chaperons. rcmember->«n request, WE Eighth Army said today an Ameri­ Windham high school,, and sUo . Fiervlres .At Synagiigiie I.4H-al ReprasentaMva q^non-proflt charitable hospital is EXCELLENT FOOD AND URINKS Or 3823 Mrs. Eleanor Tiireck will offi-1 home here. Inclusive. LAUNDER YOUR SHIRTS can officer. Lt. Quentin Scott-Rmlth Sunday—No services In (Jove- attended the WilllmanUc State TIsh B'Av Mrvices will be held For iinsidered a charitable organlza- date at the organ. Teachers’ College. She Is medi­ ' Mrs. Eric Nelson has returned of Waterhury, Conn., and five en­ JIM ANDGEORGE PRESENT Caterlag Ta Banqaeta aad Weddlag Partlca! I nsn-CongregaUona’. Attend Crom- to her home tn Brooklyn, N. V., this evening ^ 8:30 o’clock at the OIL HLAT AND PERFECTLY IN 24 HOURS. listed men had hecr’ str.indcd at the :ion under the act regardleas of I nant-(^ngregstional. Attend Crom- cal secreUry st the Hartford hos­ 8t. Mary’s Episcopal Church after spending s few days here st B'nsl Israel Synagogue, conducted ENGINEEfUNG, INC. small town t f Kiishiipoto by ..'holher It be ellgibl.' for exemption TONIGHT! TONIGHT! I at 10:30 a. m. and 3:30 p. m. pital. Mr. Taggart Is employed by Rabbi Arnold Shevlln and the 'rom local propirty taxes or from Church aad Locust Streets as a drsughUman at Colt’s Fire­ the.home of Mr. and Mra. Carl E. floods which <*f stroyedf■fridges, < The Week Franson. "Book of Lamentations” will be rail lines and highways. In Waka­ Mie F'ederal income tax. Rev. Alfred L. Williams, Rector I 7)00 . p, m. Wednesday-Mid- arms. Inc., in Hartford. Mr. and Larson and Son. contractors are rend In remembrance of the tragic yama prefeetiirc. In southwest JIM FARRAND Mrs.-Taggart will make their building several houses In- the i * '’*"ts which this day of fasting I NEW SYSTEM LAUNDRY Honshu island. Fifteen others were AND HIS “MEMORY LANE" TRIO p . .U l 8 »nd .y « l , r Trtn U ,.' ch.’’/ home tn Hartford. rescued by the IT. s, t.lghtning •;» c-r,n,»»lon. | VthV e S m j . ' " ™ It has been 'decided to keep the south , , part- of ... the town ™ . on what a „ w, 1 Harrison Street, Off East Center St. Telephone 3753 Group Iterc o JIM FARRAND ON 'THE ELECTRIC GUITAR 11:00 a.m.— Morning Prayer with ' M lO-pO Sunday, the Board I Mam II, which loft ample supplle^. »"'y_Tues- Chsnes aark Directors of the CengicfaUon “He’s Terrific!” sermon by the Rev. Wilfrid L ! property. Neat lim e Send Your, Dry Cleaning, Too! for the six remaining. Smith’s ' Bolton Congregational Church days from 2 to 5 p. m. It will will meet to make, arrangements Greenwood of Windsor. be closed evenings and will also TTie Grange sewing circle will e.Udreas was given ns 116" West Honors I.A^ncnlng rtf th,- new This Is the Time of Year That Taxes Your “ Extraordinary!” Processional. "Rejoice, .the Lord Is Dancauae on Monday eve,plng. King!" I in force until after the reopening sc'hrol yeai. Mias W ra McCracken, who has • TOMMY FELICE AT THE DRUMS of schools, after t.sbor Day. Thsre A large number from here plan resigned her po.sltlon as Executive Sequence, "O Master,.Let Me Walk ‘j ll:6 o a. m. Morning'worship. Eleiird Oirrcinr “ Second Gene Krupa!” ^ , Prelude— "Traumerei’’ has been almost no patronage late­ to take part In the "Song and Alderman John R: (loUler has Wardrobe Most. Hot, .Humid Weather Calls ’■'i’-ertof of th‘ Hartford County With ’Thee” . ; Dance Festival" which will be hei.* A BAND THATS A SHOW IN ITSELF! Offertory, "God Is A Spirit...... i 1 . ... _ B. Schumann ly In the evenings, and the great­ been named a direc tor of the Rock­ V W.c.A., wax honored yesterday er part of use made of the library at the University of Connecticut ill a luncheon of the Manchester N E W ! ------DIFFERENT! ...... Bennett'I Anthem— "Thy Way, Not Mine, O ; , ^ - ...... • ville Building and Loan Aaaocla- Lord" ...... Tenney ^ aroool children, when the on Wednesday evening.' For Many Changes of Clothes ... the Bulk coniinfltee of Ihe ('ounly Y,W.C.A. DELICIOUS ' LEGAL Recessional, "On Our .Way Re­ llon to 611 the vacancy cHuaeil hy nt the home of Mrs. Rtihert Cooper joicing” i Offertory Anthem— "Prayer of the ■»'« <" wMlon. It is to , _ - the recent death of Sherwood C. "f Boulder roau. DINNERS ' BEVERAGES Norwegian CWld" ....K ou n tz *>« ‘'*F»'«tted that adulU do not I Comedian Files Damage Suit Cummings. A local builder. ML Zlan Evangelical Lutheran CHuroh Sermon— “The Power of HumUltvr" i the library to a greater Cottier In also a diiector of the Of Which Are Washoble. Miss . McCrarken, who ha.s SPAGHETTI TO GO! f Los Angelet.. July 26.—lA’/ — 1 \:c.l Hartford county for the C a ^ r and High Streets Postlude—"Andante’’ ..c. Czernyi » People’s Sayings Bank. THOSE IN THE KNOW » -______^ ' Dr. C. E. Pendleton of Colches­ Comedian Alan Young has filed a , Week-End Games Rev. Pnul G. Prokopy, Pastor ' "St 17 years, wa;i presented with ter has resigned, hie position as 834,700 damage suit agajiist Lea- ______u piU'Hc by members of the Man- Second Congregational Cburch Three softball games are sc hed- / If you"re doing your washing at home, this REYMANDER’S July 27. 8th Sunday after Trinity.'! Rev. Leland O. Hunt. NInleter health officer for Colchester and ter L. Mortensen,. businessman, si- uled for Sunday afternoon. At the "hoster group Itl appreciation ,of Hebron, which he hawheld for sev- Icging he ‘suffered spinal lnjunes_ American Legion field on West her leadership In this, community. RESTAURANT, INC. 9 a.m.— Sunday school and Bible Ernest Coaman, Organiet BUY SILENT GLOW! class. . ’ -1 eisi-ye*re following the offtcershlp In a recent automobile collision." street, the softball team from the Miss McCracken, who has ac- 37 O AK STR|<:ET T E LE P H O N E .3922 of the late J Banks Jones. Dr. means a greatly increased burden of work at opled a similar position with the 10 a.m.—Divine worship. The ' .Union Sendee* < Ilia church and Young said be wa* in s plaster Rockville Lodge of Moose will meet Rev.- H. Wolk. Florence, Mass., North Methodist < Pendleton resigned pn account of cast several weelts and had to can- a team from the Norwich iJc^ge Creeii Bay. Wisconsin, Yi,W.C.A., iiurch at the lat- cel radio add stage appearances, in a Jttats Moose L ague game at '• ill be replaced by Miss Helen Mc- gvaat preacher; a former U- S. ter church. nresaure of other town offices. Dr. a time when you don't feel like doifig as much ^'nnd'ess, who haa been Executive chaplain, now student welfare trying Friedman of Colchester has nin-ctor of ' the Kentucky Y.W.U. worker at New England coUegee Buckingham Congregational been sppointsd to serve in hath towns in his place. ' A for ten years Miss McCandIcss and universities. Rev.'PhlUp'M. Bose as you usually do. N O M ONEY ".•111 assume her position with the! THE 11 o.m.— Divine worship in the A meeting of library officers 3 YEAR S "artford county organization on German language. David Krampitz. 10:00 a. m.—Church school. snd others interested waa held DOWN "fptrmher 1. divinity student, Concordia Semi­ 10:45 a. m.—Morning service. Tuesday afternoon at tho home of BUY T O P A Y nary, In charge. the Rev. Harold R Keen, ■ with SOLVE THE WHOLE PROBLEM EASILY F.ttst llartfonl Driver Killed SHERIDAN Gospel Hall Miss Katherine Wead. Ubrarv con­ <)naiTyvUls Methodist Church 415 Center Street sultant in attendance. Others Avon, July*26- Tolno Henry 613 Main Street Telephone 3802 Roote 44, Bolton present were Miss Marjorie Mar­ MEMORIALS t^ AND ECONOMICALLY ; Itehu'S, 34, of 21 Cannon road, East , Bov. John E, Poet, Minister Sunday; tin. daughter of the late librarian. “First With The Finest" Mra. T. D. Martin. Mrs. Daniel G. 'lurtford, was killed when the car i 10:80 a. m.—Breaking of Bread. Morton;Snd Mrs. William,W. Ham­ BY LETTING US DO YOUR LAUNDRY SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS 1!) ■u-h'lch he was riding alone : 9:80 a. m.—Caiurch school. 12:15 p. m.—Sunday School. ’ . rashod into a truck on Avon Presents 10:45 a. m.— Morning worship. mond. Library matters were OF PROVEN 1 7:00 p. m. — Tuesday. Prayisr discussed. mountain last night. State police *Tf my husband wonldn*t let me have m y anniversary meeting. c(c/2c*ic(aCi<.

■\ * rS'"


to which thay now hava aent their strongly feel that the oalvatton of armed forces." oiir city ultimately depends Upon rDisputeMay James Durga 30 Scholars Connecticut Hughes Denies the choice of candidates fo r tbs Obituary Small gcrubbcPB for Small Elephant Another Lien t Vets Startmg CorttitiQ Ifrrald That tankas the Dutch opanlng town council. It should be obvious News Tidbits of war In Indonaala taka on aome- Roosevelt Son The Open Forum that electors of tha Tosrn Manager Block Balkan Slill Missing View Papers thUig of tha Im al atmospbara of a Yankee should be obUgatad and pladgad to On New Block Called Fron (/P) Wires Own Survey war of aggraasioit, which cxplalna Communicadona for publications la toe Open Forum will not select a profsoolonaL an outsider Dealhi u WmtU ItNM By A. H. who is unbiaoed by local isauaa and aUMhMMr, Oe«ia. why tha New York Timea calls for Contract Link be guaranteed publiaaUon U they contoin more than SOO words Issue ActioftD No duet Unearthed by Lincoln Left mMm» riuiouauN The Herald rhaerves tha right to decline to publian an.v matter a man whoaa pnffeaslonal reputa­ Mrs. WllUsin Urettgens This One for $20,891 Grotto of Britlah homc-seeken "hold and decisive action, prefer­ calla off its'projected Invaslea ef IniefiUgating Wayg riWn T i^ . o«n With the appearance of a formal, that may be libeloua or which la In bad laata. Free expreosion tion Is dependent upon his ability Police; Search for Him Mra. WllUom Luettgens, 57. of (f'ontinued from Page Oocl ((oRltnuea Iriim Itagr Onei ^Oonttoosd fraa Page One) royal estoto whlih may be boney- ably by tha United Nations, to put report on th% I1M7 aession of the of political vtaara is dealred by eontributiona of thia character to direct an economical govern­ 228 Oak street, died yesterday By a Hartford Con­ Meaiig to Siart G>nv Ib Spreading mnon site (or Princees EUsebeth PbMMM Bvarj B*«ninc Kx<«pt an end to the Ogntlng." and which but letUra which are defamatory or abusive will be retected. ment with an intprovament In m f - Oencral Aaaeirbly by tha Con­ War Production board and other ■tain Instead of vetoing tha U. S. afternoon after an iUnesa of nearly each volume 11 by 14 Inches by 2H struction Company j M « Cnur»0 •« «*»• vlcaa and facilifaea far surpassing two years’ duration. Mrs. Luett- and PhlHp. . . .Weet Frankfort. struction o f HonleB ^ also explains why both British And necticut Manufacturers Associa­ agencies had ruled against them. propoaaL inches thick. He and Evens III., procialma day of moarnlng OdM tt M4iicbwt*r. Oras.. M tha prsMnt sorry stats. Our man­ ’ Poltoa hare thia morning had no gens underwent a serious opera- Owt M«ll mttei. American stale.smanship la cur­ tion, this atAte now hat the usual Whether Elliott Rooeevelt exert­ thumb^ through several for the fo r 27 tolnera killed In Tburadey imm* I A Foundation for Ponca Naaortol tha political powera that it often ager should not be dependent up­ Should this happen and tha three further Information regarding the Uon two years ago from which she Adding to the financial dlfflcul-1 While there has bssB no distinction of iiosaasslng two b(;- benefit of photogrephere. exploalon.. . . .WoshingtM re­ •UnCKIPTIUN BATC9 rently uneasy about the - turn of ed any Influence In this situation To the Eklltor: beoontes but little 'more than the on the fortunes of his political par­ Balkan countries refuse to permit never fully recovered. ties being encountered by the ^ announcement, it to repotted ganixatlona lediciited, temporarily seemingly hax been one of the mov­ whereaboute of James E. Durga of Eager though they were to get ports 10 per rent locreoae In con­ Bm tear b7 Mall ...... ro-MU events in Indonesia. at least, to the process of calling When, at tha town meeting of obedient eervani of the war mak­ ty to keep him in office. the commtasion to enter tArir tarrl- Mrs. Luettgens is survived by 'builders of the new commercial | Individual local vetoraas* slg I » w ing (lactore of the Republicans who 460 HiUstown read, missing for at the coltectioii, the attitude of struction activity during June. Mb bmmim imo ...... the spades of politics spades. Both July 21at, I propoaed that we es­ ers. ‘Ihe very first move that In abort Manchester can soon toriaa, Uiesa delegates aalA then a her husband; three daughters, block on Main ctrect, the Brook-' of the recently tabled petttloo aslie ^ 5m OMUtfe bjr ll«n ...... I ton Weli, why not stop it? If this most of the experts apparently State Labor department reports are in charge of the investigation. tablish a Foundation for Peaca aa a politician maxes, who either ma­ hava a ngw broom, if it so desires. charge of non-cor.pcration could ba several days. His car was found, to­ Ethel E. Luettgens. Mrs. Barbara lawn Constructtort company o f' tog for more housing lisra, ore IhmM Om t ...... * w la aggression, it is aggression on organiutlona are violating their was summed up in a remark by that 677,388 persons were employed Hu.ghes explained, the commit­ a memorial to the veterans of liciously creates, or ignorantly When the place has been awep^ up brought against them. gether with some of hla peraonal M. Richmond, and Shirley LTLuett- Hartford thia morning filed nt (lie I' vestlgetlng ways to which such ex* WMkly. By ...... own traditions In order to assume Carl Sandburg. Lincoln authority in non-ogricvltursl Industry In I bM. OM TMf •tauu j our aide ^ f things which means such a role. Tho Connecticut Public tee member said, that the voune- World War II I was not primarily blunders you Into a war, la to de­ a bit, let’s talk some mare about Th!s, they added, would naees- effacta, in West haven at a point gens; a son, WilUsm Luettgens, office of the town clerk e second | tra units might be erected to Kogi*) er Roosevelt had ^consulted with on hand to Inspect the papers: Connecticut dUring June, rapn- IVwi af maa.. r » f -a I that it is a type of aggression that Expenditures Council would prefer against homething but rather for luge the Press wiLt hfs propaganda the Memorial Field. Bitate bringing tha case into tbs near the Sound shore. Jr., all of Manchester; two broth­ mechanic's lUn egalntt the prop-1 cheater, either with town fUnds s l4 / him on the technical aspects of " I ’ve kept myself in check for acntlng s levettng Off from' state's even Russia should be aiixious to aona^lng which to my mind of hate to prove that his ceuae John Pearce. Security council under Chapter V II Besides inclining to the theory ers, Dr. E. W. Blakely, of Orange, arty, owned by the Manchester or on a fully private boi HEHItBll US to take the role of a gentle, edu­ building a pboto-reconnaisaanee 28 years. 1 guess 1 can stand It previous rate of, gain .. . Governor TUB A«*OCiaT*0 PKBIta cational conscience toward the wpdld be a far noblar memorial to ia just. You can’t get people to 21 Margaret Road. of the charter, which provtdaa for that the missing man might have N. J., and Frank Blakely of Hart­ Stores corporation. The lien lists existing state tows. help stop. It Is an aggression plane on a contract granted after a few minutes longer." Dewey geU worpi welconM In Ne- TM Assseietsd fraa, <• asclusiet^ dll our veterana, both living and fight succeasfuily ‘ until you get Mancheatar, Conn. sanctions and thr uaa of mlUtory come to griJf near the locality ford; a sister, Mrs. Ethel E. Goff, not only the store and its lot, but A request for I200J100. awendsg which la using British and Ameri­ political world, rather than try to the original agreement for cop* brsske . . . Dewejr seeking to avoid Httniaa IS the asa at resoWeaU^ wield the ox. The Connecticut dead, than the physical memorial them to believe that they are all force, if necessary, to carry out where his car was foand, they are of Carey, Ohio; and two grand­ Prepare Summaries property to Ihe south recently to a reduced $125,000, was reoeatljr' all aava aispateha* eteduta ta « m can arms and supplies, which structlon of a ph*wood snip.* contemplated at that meeting. For right and that the other fellow undertaking a widespread search children, Suran Luettgens, and any hesdo-n clash with Vonden- aot atharwise eraC'tea le « '• o« p*» Manufacturers Association would A Nawcotner'a View docislont. Reporters were not permitted to transferred to the Wosthollow as­ tabled In epectel town meeting UB> > A t that time, Roosevelt wras an no physical memorial, whatever ia all wrong, that they are the on the posslbtlity th at. he might Barbara Marie Richmond. examine the collection closely at berg sentiment In Michigan . . . asa else the iseal m ** pusksHM asra. means we have some moral re­ prefer to play cosy and friendly, To the editor, Tho council naa now arguad the sociates of White Plalna N. Y. til such time ss a workable pltai All r*ghts ef rwjoncaltoB el •pae'ai Arm v colonel in charge of a its nature, could adequately dis­ peraacuted and that their enemy have wandered off to some other The funeral will take place the early morning opening. After Hls 37- year old wile told him ahe sponsibility for It. The question especially with a Republican ad­ Mr. Bowers’ main eoncarn for the Balkan case -’or four weeks and The present claim ie (or $30,- might be told before the votora. ; gtaaatehM aereia. *tr«U asd Bneten. I jjy fiends. To nique of soft and reasonable per­ Brewster called the full commit­ Monday. In a previously filed mechanlc'e to perfect Its Information regordv; tee together In his office for an that I realised many others wished blundering are (he sources of war. Why then has tha town allowed Principal Barriers; will be in the East cemetery. The Dr. Evans raid this Intimate Hen, recorded Thursday. M. M. Brltlto-American Inoeative plan to suasion, and the Manufac- the population tr increase eo Ing the total need of vetorons (or MBMkEKit AUOIT St'RCAU US jba'antlraly j be'antlralv consistent with our Inforinal review of evidence as- to speak on the Issue In question I In contrast to this group there are service will be private, for mem­ correspondence u not expected toi Andrews of West Hartford filed give German mlnera more food for Cl Rltn JtTtUNk______turera Association delivers the should liked to have taken the rapidly here? W’hy U there so much housing here, to order that the v e t*! own policy in Ureece, we should huge masses s>f the common people Session Near End bers of the family and close reveal new details of the youthful dolma of $5,645 egainat the prop­ more coal . . . Bulgaria aaya all ersns drawing up plans may have ‘ time to explain why 1 believe this who pay the price of war; who bulMtng of smell bousea going on ? Elderly Couple friends. border InitIdenU should bo investl- The Hefoia Prttiiina Comoeiiy, In*.. burl a defy to the Dutch, and pro­ dominantrjis;,""."' party -“s; would more noT' • rr.r,,. Lincoln's tragic courtship of Ann erty. some sound boSIs on which to f l ^ aaaUJfiee bo flneociel reeD.*fieit>t|ilr f*>f eation into the affairs of Hughes, proposal to be both feasible and wish no greater ttesilng th ip peece Those of ua who moved here and Rutledge. It may disclose new de­ gated along the border whera they ceed to send military and econom­ mally expect trofn the PAC, we urt and present thslr ssttaotsa to tyOngroph'eol error* •l>p*»r*rs >n eS- Hollvwood' millionaire. practical aa well as the finest for themoelvea and the world In expect to stay in Manchester want (ContiBued from Page One) tails of how Lincoln, grown into the occurred, not In the Interior of Bul­ oortlwmenu snS ofhci roed'n^ mailer ordinary political'observers have to see a Memorial Field and new On Honeymoon eontrootore. ic help to Uia Indoneaians, and Members gathered In an atmos­ memorial we could erect to the which they dwell. The political great emancipator of the Negroes, garin’s territory . . . Two British la The Maneheetet BreBirt lleralA to Bit up and take notice and won; schools built soon. Thoae art neces- Ihat 'U what we will do if we are phere pungent with Brawster’a. memory of all ovir veterans. elementa are few in number, the were due to go into the hoppers as About Town conducted the Civil war. Dutcha (Tear Broad Soldiers killed py booby trap at­ der If the session must not I should therefore, greatly ap­ alttea in a community where Interested In peace and liberty as charges yesterday that "political common people are many. But Balt Lake City, July 26— (JCi— soon as it became certain that the Sandburg told reporters he ex­ tached to undeSj^und cable In Saturday. July 26 hava been even iror* terrible than preciate the opportunity, Mr. Earlmanta and teats" are to ha troll last night Krug commented harbors and foreign aid bills and By WiUlam A. O’Brien, M. D. only sign of an underacUve thy­ was the freest spending of all Something must be done and done are dead. son was the former Annelle Soutb- RepubUcon hands. Tho Dutch, who Miss Viola Kotch of Maple The reglstrara reported that part of our policy of counterlnt between our reaction to French or General Assemblies. that reporta of lavish parties In eatabllahed that the politicians Chicago, July 2fi-)— The wage placed them In a position for a Written for NE A Servtoe roid gland Is a low metabolic rate. seven RenubUcam and nine per* quickly to turn America aside cannot and wdl not prevent war. erglll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q— What city In the United bald Medan at the outbreak of hua- street entertained with a shower O' the failure of our plan for intar- Dutch acta of war and suppression But aa Republican (Kate Chair­ eonneetlon with the contract was dispute between the nation’s ma­ speedy, final okay by both cham­ Myxedcrola victims may com­ In more patients it will fall if other Sons who hsd not before reglstorad ' from the psth now being followed, The ccunmon people can prevent Lewis Southergill of this town. The States was the first to have aU tlllttes, have oald there was HtMe man Harold E. Mitchell reallxes "nothing but a lot of Hollywood jor railroads and 17 brotherhoods bers. plain of being sold even on hot si'ms of mjrxedema are not pres­ recently for Miss Esther Martnelll signed up with the DemocratW ^'’ aatlonal control of atomic anSrgy of libertiea and our reaction to the Inexorable and misguided path war. To do so the Common people paternal grandparents are Mr. and th. ailroad trains enter the same action In the Medan area. Dutch In hla latmt party line dosage ballyhoo.” of approximately one million non- The rivers and harbors bill left days as their condition results ent of Glastonbury who la to be mar­ party, while four Democrats and ^^‘jWlth "ranewad development and similar policies on the part of that leads inevitably to war. must organize for peace and create Mrs. Erick Anderson of Parker stati rn ? opcratlona In Sumatra thua far. to the state’s local Republican Meyer already has given sworn operating employes has been placed South i .oveniry the House with a total of $339,- street. The baby has been named from (allure of the thyroid gland (MipplanMnt Thyroid ried August 23 to Joseph Dercnch four Itidcpendents registered sB V, taiprovaroent of tha bomb. Toward Ruaaia. AAd that difference has Twice in our generation the a Common Will to abolish war. Mfore a six-man arbitration A —St. Louis. The Union Sta­ hava been IlinlUd mostly to the j- leadern. It Is the sales tax which testimony before the Senate com­ 186,869, which the Senate boosted Erick Richard. tion, built In 1893, mads S t Louis to maintain normal beat produc­ Myxedema Is treated by ad­ Bouthern oil field areas. of Bloomfield. About 25 of the RepubUcona. This means that th t; youth of America have been called Since there are many more of us board, thus eliminating the possi­ tion in the body. what sad? Toward tha and of pra- been, morally speaking, one of the Is at the bottom of most of the mittee and the committee has In The Second Annual Bummer to $539,927,449 by adding some the first large city to have a single ministering measured doses of the The Dutch said their drive in. girls from Cheney Brothers office persons chengin.i their party will its possession photo copies of ex­ forth to lay down their lives and than there are of the politicians. bility of a strike. more projects. The Senate-House If the thyroid gland ia destroyed dried thyroid gland of on aintmal where Miss Morinelll is employed not be able to vote to U)s prima* - ; paradneaa tar that atomic .war we greateat weaknessea In our policy criticism of the 10(1 session and Festival at St. Mary's church and Miss Janice Whalen of 84 Wood- station for all lines. oentrol Java In the Semsrong ares pense vouchers, as well as other spill their blood in unnecessary Organized, we can either force them An agreement submitting to ar­ co^rom ise flgur is $507,000,000. by on infection, too much la re­ In tablet or capsule form. Thia were present and showered the ries to be held Serptomber 8 aa sbt; toward Russia. We are like a of the Republican party which grounds was very successful de­ bridge street bos been enrolled at was Unltad to a few objectives for r^eapect when'other nations have records concerning entertainment and avoidable wars. Twice in our to follow the path of peace or bitration the employes’ request for ’The foreign sid bill carried ap­ moved in on operation or It Just corrects symptome resulting from bride-elect with e variety of love- months must etapss sftor a - was dominant li that session. generation the treasure of 'our na­ force them Into oblivion. spite the downpour on Tuesday the Barblton School of Modeling, Q—What Is the meaning of the tha Ums being, but they denied In- ;. the bomb. traffic cop which eeea and warns activities in behalf of Hughea. 20 cents an hour wage* increases when tables and booths ware set proximately $1,600,000,000, most of shrinks, eyroptoma of royxedenaa tho failure of the thyroid gland Iv personal and household articles. change In partv before s primary What first mauc the Connecticut tion has been poured forth bllllona Therefore, f<,r the memory of New York City, for a course in tehn "values” In reference to a donosisn reports of Infiltration st and tries to punleb every traffic Public Expenditure Council really was announced by the National up Inside and a delicious bean and it for feeding Europe and helping develop. Patients are usually to function, by aubstitutlng animal She unwrapped her glfU w'hlle vote con be cast. Those who wsra How doaa this make us feel? Denies Being EnterUined upon billions to fill the earth with those who paid the supreme aacrl- (Railroad) Mediation board fol­ fashion and photographle modeling. painting ? Sqaasrang. The Dutch strategy aa mad was the spectacle of this tax salad supper served to at least It back to Its feet economically. women and. In the majority of thyroid gland for it. After pa* seated beneath a w'atering-can not previously fegtstersd m ay. " Doae it make ua fM l sacura and violation on the part of Russia, Publication of purported copies fire and slaughter. Twice in our flce upon the field of battle: for lowing a month of negotiation and She is the daughter of Mrs. Helen A- T e term refers to degrees olitltoed by a aenior offlelol, ia to being passed without any public 100 that evening With more ap­ The compromise last night fixed cases the disease starts Insldious- Uent's condition bos been restored trimmed In blue and pink, with vote in the coming primary sled* w hile' old-fashioned ImperiallsUc of some of these expense vouchers generation our boys have’returned the sake, of thoa^, in whose homes mediation. , Smith and a graduate of Manches­ of light and shade or of color in­ set up elvU administrations In the '■ happy? Do wa think It guarantaaa discussion or analysla. Its ire was propriate weather on Wednesday at $600,000,000 the fund provided ly. to normal it Is necessary for blta streamers In the same colon; Miss ttons. led Krug to deny speclllcally that from these wars on foreign shores there is a chair made vacant by The findings of the board— in­ ter High school, and is now resid­ tensity. areas already seised before decid­ ear own survival in the event of traffic on the otnar aids of the Increased when its owm calculations activities were held outside. A s a In the bill for m'Utary government In myxedemla the appearance to continue taking .this extract In Kotrb ia to be one of the brides­ Tills Is the first Urns in many, he was entertained by Meyer at blind and maimed and crippled by war; aa a tributo to the veterans cluding two members selected by ing st 29 East 29th street, New of the patient Is so striking that ing whether to atrtke heard South­ vears that the Democrat regia* atomic war? street passes by aeamtngly unno­ predicted that Ihe yield from the the Kentucky Derby, that he was result of the DoU Carriage and and relief in occupied countries adequate doses the rest of hie life. maids at the wedding, and the at­ the tens of thousands- Twice o: all of our \^^ra for the sake of the union, two chosen by the rail­ for 15 months. York City. Q—Whet ia rice paper made of? there Is not much difficulty In ward from Semarang ogainat Jog­ tendants will wear pink and blue trstlon has exceeded that of tha ticed and certainly unmoISaUd. tax would be twice the necessary a dinner guest of Meyer In a New Wagon Parade that afternoon tha When myxedema occurs In a Not In tha laaat. It merely guar- In our generation grief and sorrow your children thd your children’s roads ar.U two neutral members— A —It U mode by cutting the recognising the change. Chief jakarta, and In areas tit Sumatra The hostess served an appetizing Repiihllcan. ’ I and the estimated figure. York cafe and that he was enter­ following prizea were awarded: The House already has approved child the patient will not develop - antaaa that. In tha event of atomic Hera, in the prarent ladoneaiaii has filled the homes of our land children; for you* country: for the will be final. The two neutral mem- a compromise $613,046,826 agri­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Bradley pith of the r ic e - p ^ r tree, which complaints ore.weakness, (etlgue. normally unleee he Is given ode- where their operations have been buffet supper and gamea were en­ The Manufartiirefs Association, tained by Meyer in New York Oct. as the word came back of the boys hope of a better world let us here bera chosen are Dr. William M, laL prettiest Andrea Nieaaen, who of Vernon street will have as their grows I'l Chino,hlno. Tharbare Is no rioe Umlteit. Babies Boore a Record la AaetraHa war. w « aban have a chance of situation, la an opportunity for ua 1(. 1946. wore a daffodil yellow period culture supply Dili, and prompt swelling of the face and ejrelide ^ a t e doses of thyroid exti’s et joyed. as representative of Connecticut who had given their "last full In Manchester establish a Foun­ Lelserson, former chairman of the guests for the next week, Mrs. Dor­ in it The conflict followed a break­ to be conatotent, and. by being costume. Her del) was attired In Senate ratification was expected. and a dry, cold, pole skin. The Children may take this medicine iltaltnf out as much destruction Industry, had a still more direct in­ , Kru^ cited hla presence else­ measure of devotion” >|pon the dation For Peace aa the noblest National Mediation board, and .Dr. othy McNonley and daughters. down to negotiations on how to Canberra—(API—The natural to* blue point d'esprit and carriage StlU a fourth appropriation ‘ bill, hair la d ^ and thin and tends to without harm provided the neces­ as wa Buffer. Inataad of aaaing conalstent, to lend etrength and terest in tha sates and use tax. Its where on thoae occasions, add­ field of battle. Twice In our gen­ memorial we cs’i erect to the mem­ Robert D. Calkins, dean of the Joan and Beverly; also Thomas carry out the Cheribon ogreemont tretuiC in Aurtrolla's poputotle:|; ing; was decorated accordingly. 2nd, $110,058,500 supplemental mess* 0 — Where is the highest point fall out. The eyebrows are sersg- sary dose 'is not exceeded. -Justice to our proposed policing of mambera are c<'l6g to pay an un­ eration U*e have Witnessed the ory of those who fought so well , SchMl of Business Admlnisteatlon Winters and Kenneth Welsh of on the Lincoln Highway? • • • of lost March for a "United g U lia Hto photos said to bo copies of tho end to man and all his works upon gram and in the edition of July 22 Lillian E. Buckraiater, James A. cluding one extending for five Hartford hospital Julv 24 to Mr. in the next two years. Under Urged Congress to expedite pas­ basic why of the wrath of the end son, Warren of HolUa, L. and Mrs Michael A. Orfltelli of 21 Q—What is the most popular j he has said, "Sure, why don’t you Discharged today; Mre. Lottie torrtbla, 00 does to the key of life to view them, for they fit our envy Meyer vouchers did not come from the earth. Citizens of Manches­ you expressed the sentiment that Cooksey. Mrs. Beatrice S. Cooley, N. Y., arrived Thusday with hit years the sugar, production and provisions of his relinquishment sage of legislation for universal & SON Manufacturers Asaorlatton. The the committee. ter arise, bestir yourselves! Shake the decision of the meeting was Harold O. Davia Mrs. Lottie M. control program already pa.ised Warren street. opera ?' • I come along—if you can get some­ Flak, rtockvdie; Mre. Mildred Hol­ Itaalf. so eapoble^of reversing the better, thus careless and carefree. salee tax applies to the things mother, Mrs. Amanda McQuaatki of certain powers connectetl with mllftsry training. off the sloth and lethargy that en , not------necessarily------a wise one. 1 feel Finance. Mra. Anne - 8.----- Green. by the House. It gives domestic A —Faust is said to have been ' one to take care of the kids?” the war emergency, President Tru- ; land, (75 High street Painting Cnntractnra very process Igf which life and "Lonely as a cloud," the poet Conne^'tlriit Industry iisi*a in Brewster added that he is con- who will spend about six weeks ■ sung "'or than any other five Should you go? No, dear lady, Urged the Legion's uatlorial con­ Birth vester*tav. A daughter to Strike unltedlv and | that thia leaves this matter open Nctheway, Ralph B. at their family rummer home here producers a fixed production quota man has established, by hls ac­ vention to memorialize Congreee Rear 118 KaMt O nicr St. wandered. That illustrates the order to eani Its living. It In­ Hailwood, Steven H. Higgins, Clar­ rather than a percentage of do­ operas combined. you shouldn't. ' 1 .Mr. and Mre. I'aoi JoiieH, 9 Sea* aortk aro put''together, that man vi^7d"THBnrf«'^®f II* ** ! ''dt^All^yoiir mlgl^ for peace. Let for further discussion in the col­ with her sister, Mrs. Ada Albro Local Concern tion, machinery whereby a wind­ to halt the flow of oil, machinery misinterpretation a poet hr'willing creases the basic cost of doing ^JnnrhBH J . ‘ he cry of peace reverberate from ence R. Kibbe, Edward W, Kohler. mestic needs and permits the No matter huw gallant he Is man Glicie. Phone 2-0920 nr .Vl’29 would ha hnabla to escape from a launched a campaign "to dlv.orce — - » - - -- umns of your paper. of VViUlmantic. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- up of several war projects will be and food supr>lies "to any nation business In 4'uiinectlciil. I hill to hill until It drowns out the JIrs. Mildred A. Usk, Stanley A. Agriculture department to make Q —From which side Is It correct about offering to take you with effected, ; Biith to, to do the fighting, correcting these abuses and decid­ ance Inforrhation program last Galivan of 55 King etreet, Worees-' the adjournment. ^ that we have found i t wa era not blockwiac. It la friend with river the- bleeding, and the dying, and Rai^'^acle Today science will ask dutifully when to need, the present trend of criti­ tempt to stop this Investlgtalon,'' ing which must come, first. I would February, there are aUll some who ter. Mass., who was a former In another wLui-up action the and vlllSge, and county. It ex­ suffer the anguish and bereave- Q—Does true ember really moke you Insist be r.iuatn't miss out on tta maaters. It dominate ua. We cism is going to grow stronger in', adding: list in order of importance the fol­ have neglected to apply for rein­ teacher at tha Renter school. Senate last niglit completed con­ a noise ? Public Records changes its shadowy halloo wltli njents of war. Sometimes these lowing. many of which will require statement of this vaJuable protec­ Miss Kathryn Grady left Wedaes- • Dn Local Home some invitation that either doesn't know it la peifecUy capable of stead of weaker. ' "They have gone but and at-' gressional work on legislation fix­ A —1 hen a piece of pure amber Include you or doesn't appeal to ' torm and hill and meadow. tempted to hire.. Republican law­ wars come about as a consequence capital outlays: tion. Experts agree that Gl insur­ day foe Camp Woodstock whera ing Nov. 1 os deadline for ending bringing the end of life and clvill- of an ignorant political leadership is held against the ear a craek- you. I f you sit alone,, you'll feel I Warrantee Deed yers to represent them." 1. Re-analysls of the physical ance ia a wise and safe investment aho la to be a otaff supervisor for wartime controls on "time payr aatlon on tbia earth. StiU. we arc And were It, against such fcl- that knows not, that, the ultimate In a raid made on her home at ling sound con 1 j heard. like a martyr; if hs sticks by you,' Harold O. Ogren and Winifred requirement for our present and for the average veteran. the next three weeku. ment” credit purchases. That also unable to resist playing with it. lowsliip. sUH threatened 'With lona- Local (^irls At Fcrgu.son said he wants to get destiny of the course It follows 3:30 e. m. today, Mrs. Emma Ol- ha wlU. I Qgren to the Allen. Realty Com­ the Inquiry "back. on the track" future educational needs, for I am Mrs. Ralph Hailwood aad son Mr. and Mrs. Charlee H. Knapp, went to President Truman’s desk. brlas ‘ of 153 (^barter Oak street can but lead to war. A t other have returned from a visit with Q—What w :x the first automo­ I f you have any doubt that this; pany, property on the northwest Wa know that its very existence llnres, what of all the mortals Monda.v when public hearings be­ not convinced that present plans Sr., were in New York on Wednes­ and Merle Chamberlain of this times the politl' al leadership of a her mother in Nev.1.on, Center, bile manufactured In the Urflled is true Just turn down his invita-l corner ef Lenbx and Durkin '..-dtetatas that ali men decide to live w.ho, (i-oin ,mca-loi\ toll, and city Camp WoocUlock gin. H f added that these hear­ (or additional facilities have ade- day to see off tneii sop, C. Harrio, town were arrested on charges of States ? . j tlon to go along, and see ifj streets. ' nation falls Into th ' hands of one ^laaa. Jr. and David Payor of New together In parpetuaj peace. We sidewalk, and office window, are ings will be concerned chiefly with possessed of an insatiable ambition ' « “ a';®>y ®ovei^ Roof'lsoiuted adultery. The raid was made oy A — first passenger automo­ he doesn't make ^ n s with more | The Allen Realty Company to August 13 wiU be the date for Britain who left b;, plane from La Poiicoinen Theodore. Fairbanks Bra damorallzed and futile as wc leapUig aboard for fancy's "trying to And out how and why a bile to be regularly manufactured ' enthusiasm than he did when he Anna. Ogren, property oh the i Manchester girls who leit for to rule the earth or some fanatical i ®®"‘;®« °^,,*** the next maeUng of Ellington, Guardia Field and who are now and David Kentdn on complaint of Woodstock Valley for the three contract wrs let and how the gov­ In the U. S. was the Duryea made thought you were going to la g , noiUiv.-cst corner of Lenox and _ Ofidartake an andiess aaries of ] Jou' njBk to the horizon, beyond lunatic whose perverted mind with | ^®® * ? n r , c r f t / t o r the which the business meeting win In Caracal, Veneaucla, S. A. ^ At Vets’ Center Mrs. Olbrios' husband, Stanley weeks' period at Canlp Wooilstock, ernment's money was spent.” deliberate and irallclcius Intent | ^ concrete program for the be held ip the Town Hall and then by the Duryea Motor Wagon Com­ Slong. ' Durkin streets. 12 Amblings toward that goal, with ' hack ? George Rector will be chairman Olbrlas,^ which begins today and closes purposely plana and. ores tea war.. encouragement of the building of the Feakt and FroUc w ill. be held pany. Springfield, Maas:; ih 1695. P BBch of our tumbles seemingly re- low cost, permanent, rental bous­ of this evening's set-back party A short time ago Mrs. OlbrlSs Cor Thlevee Give Cop dome Advice Delphine 1* Kohn to K1 moving ua stlU farther from that (.I . o . ' , ing; preferable with a minimum- under all ro6f surfaces st the Vet­ was held with Chamberlain on a 0 — What is a co-operative bank? ers Tobacco Company, tnc... 35 1 weather, , Lorraine Foster and Nation's Slavs through either a malicious or an Meadow Brook Road who are rooms. similar count and was bound over , A ^ e a n i to Swim’ Sandra Hilton. Ignorant leaderrhlp the. conse- subsidy from the Town and then chairman. “ erans Service Center by a Hart­ A —It is one in which the de­ Ogden, Utah—(JP»—When Po­ acres of land and buUdlnga on the only if absolutely necessary. To­ Mrs. CerroU Foetor am} Mra. to Superior Cqurt. It is reported lice Lt. D. B. Ballantyne got back, south side of Spencer street for a Mrs. Myrtle L'nglert of Columbia qqencea for the common people are Susan VanArsdoie are to be com-' ford concern yesterday ofternogn. positors are given, In Heju of Inter­ St if there were some supreme i | , . Being Courted gether with the campaign to en­ they are now on probation in con­ est, a share In the profits of the his automobile after it vras stolen, I period of ten years from Septeni- is the directress, and Camp Di­ ever the-same—tragedy and des­ Expand Search For Helrese mended op the fine Job done The,work was undertaken to pro­ nection wlto her sentencing there. ^ o rd e r of things which hKl deter*-! I jOSSOIIS S e r i C i rector Gunnar A. Anderson will pair. Tho time to stop a war la courage dwelling conatrucUon by vide .better working tem p era tt^ bank. the cor was plastered with signs ber 1 at on annual rental of $7,000 W’edncsday afternoon on a portion Both win si^Mor'to court Monday payable In quarterly psymeats. '■*~toad ^ t man on earth should . - . also be on the campus as buSinesa before it gets ttarfed. Every G I private contractora there shaukkbe Holderness, N. H.. July 26—(g»)— on the second floor in both auifi- roadtoff: (Continued Inim Page One)^ a concerted effort to encourage of the Inside of U’ e Flnlt Congrega­ morning. / CeiHfiooto of BtaKtotrotloa I now snuff hlmaalf out, man's dls- "Die second. "Learn ■ to . Swim'' manager. A few Vacancies for the of world W ar II and every dough- Investigators today expanded their tional church. ipsr and winter weather. On a hot u major league player “A n you nuiking | your son a girls camp are slill available and new industries. search for pretty Anna Straw, summer day the upstairs offices holds the' indlviduat'’^ito-time rec­ eftasinolT ftsmove the keys from of Tioda Itome ,: rvory of otomlc energy would oe In Manches- tlon of the former diplomat's, World Wa, I knows that Mies Sophie Lsndeck of South BsvsflM Vote P a ^ • Wollep A eertlfleate of registration of may be made di.'-ect to the camp st'jry was (lostpaned. Meanwhile, when those post cards .start com- 3. The rebuilding of several mlaalng 20 year old heiraaa, from reach a temperature of 95 degrees ord for the most games played ? your core.” AND SMALL MONTHLY PAifMpJTS W fU* PURCHASE thoroughfares t(w ’ numerous to Chapin spent Thursday morning trsde'name has been filed by Wal* "> out « or at Ui0 Marllord office. 278 the committee decided to make a f l f g Waatdngton with Orret- Little Squam lake to all corners of at the home of Mt. and Mrs. C. L-- or more and render it difficult to A— Cobb holds the record Ballantyne said the car was name and a program for the oyste- iilch—(;n— Bpsnkfng was offi- ter Hennsquin, doing buatosas at l^tkBt daciolon. Give man the final '• Was .announced today by the Red Farmington .\vi r.ue. - ...... This- .-is the liroad investigation, of what all ings from tho President: ''You New England. A description of tha U ttle and family. accomplish the work laid out for with games. token from thb ball field perking I THIS* HOME. BUILT ON A I/OT APPR03^blATELY lOO’x matlc development of unimproved relnstgtsd ss • ^ Is h m m t the corner of Mein and Bissell jlBOWladga, aad aaa whatbar he|5r®*)5a* lA -.*1 I The--- . -- classes------will start! ^ . season_ , for . Canji*--- '.-r Woodstock--111 tllV IVU«B|ailnations III In Ull the IIlllV Russian orbit may are now a member of the United Smith college senior and daughter the staff by the veteran clients. lot and the thieves apparently j streete, including, repaving, curbs, tsff ^ vsris'B public scneel pupils Q ^From what Is kapok pillow stuck oh tha signs, distributed byj streets, for the Corner Sods Shop. ; «BB raatat dartroylng himself aith M " 10 oclcxk end will be held f o r i ^ * bo\s, who have been at the be doing in the way" of pos.siblei States Army, it's too late to do of H. Ellis Straw, wealthy Man­ To Conduct Pontifical Mesa These some rooms have required an a ^ r psrents voisd 60 psitsnt in * J' , camp for the p»ri three weeks left fifth column scUvIty In Arherica. i anything about It then. Your'se ln storm Hewers and sidewalks where chester banker, was taht to all po­ electric hsster to augment the stuffing msda? q elvle ergsnlsatien. NsnioBa I Ireass 400\ ALL HOUSES ARE OF WEBTE^ FRAME CON­ i tt! That la our altuaUon, and we 4ttvbr of It In s ctotowlM rsfersn- Issdorc Seuu ef Frovlncetown, ^ m p e lt^ n t instructors will be at *•'*“ ' homes today. An attempt ia being made tt. 'The - ...... Ume^to etop the politician^, ^ ; lice departmento In the area. Hartford. July 26—on — The heating plant en cold winter dayA A —Kapok, is the down of the Ballantyne said no. he didn't | ' duto. Mass., snd Itosshs Holloman of 613 BIB Iwadlng In tha Indicated direc- TOth pools for the classes. Boys and ------^------through the (Communist party in is before they rven get a chance * Additional amaU. aupervlaad. Moat Rev. Menry J. OBrien, blahop The whole job was completedf seed pods of the Celba tree; which leave his key in the car. It has s | STRUCTION, FINISHED t o YOUR PERSONAL DESIRES, Ninety-four percent of the par­ grows chiefly in Java Main strest hava applied st tha ^tton, as shown by this country's the United States and "through to have those c.Astpri»«'"In .New should bs spanked. pssnuts. Why M«t Stop It? York a ty . Apparently all 30 are “ pretty trisUsu; whose livelihood and ree- subject, does Manchester have Uivo MIU Ba Nora Careful PeUreman'f Walled Lifted , / ported a profit of $S$.000 from the much concerned" about fifth eol- water systema; two fire dlatricts. The votq for spanking was 668,- Millions ot lemmings migrate to gnition in nistory dtpend upon Is Hs? M ^y Cowboys Joined Nortaea the Norwegian coast svsry (aw boaifiUl farm for tlje past year. Mr. Slover has also recently been unin hianeuvers among Slavs, fie war. Another irtend of the pollUcaJ and two taxation syatema? It all 320 with 425,858 sgotnat Each X . Dretfoy^^ Birds lh a Duteb. «a tha New York fttked to t6ach a course in account* Kansas City, Kes ,* July 36.—(/P) - Tokyo, July 26— (F)-pollce. pupU was glvsn a bollott to Uke yesrs, swim out to ass and drown- Pr. Riley H. Guthrie,' superintend­ ■eld. I war makers is thr Public Press. In adds up to unnecessary expenoe for liw w a puto it, n »a mifled an Ing in the Hospital Administration —Secret Servlre men vowed today trjln g to do aomeUilng to stop tha Rowan county, N o ^ Carolina, home toj; his parents to fill out. Missoula. Mont.—(Oh — During rt is thought that the overcrowded ent, reported that the average Other persons who may be un-! Dictator countries It it the dl- my money. that hereafter they’d be more lignt*fVngtrf<3 gentry, pltdtgred contains the grave of Peter Stuart A to rn ^ that stfimk the little recent floods. Max Moncure re­ [-Hansen Co. IfMaaoent iriUcb recognlaed the dally patient population for the course at Yale University,-but de­ wlllin}> to testify will be eiib-■ rectly controlled propanganda or- The citizens of Manchester are town of Portsmouth, to., on Julv hordes are seeking Jood. and dive clined this offer ii.itsmueh such careful with President Tniman'e Tokyo with signs reading: “"A Ney, believed by many natives to ported seeing one determlncfl Into the sea In the belief they are pMt year was 2,632, Prof. Albert f.x nocna-'tl. Mi'Poweli raid. "an of the foF •vs in pawVr. In our on th* thresiiliold no'". Thp.period, ... Kununer White Hn/if>e car, Police More than 36.000 schools i.n the 9, 1940. took no humsA HfeV but dia fbeto Buthonty at tha RapubU- an assignment would have taken car plcUpo;kef is v'sicHnp you.** \ have been Napoleon’s famous United States are served entirely farm er.gearing hip l,ools and fording another stream such as 313 Main Streaf T«l$phon$ 5416 t m aovtnuMBt over the mm tn« K. Waugh of S tom was reelected •A date for tho hearings has uui so called free press countries It It of crisis will occur at the pidls in •'ound the veh:.'l* iin.lorkeu yester­ policeman paused to read one *>f marshal. destroyed 1000 Wrds wltjiln the calmly milking, a tow while waUr, eholraan of the boarA iUm away from his local duties st been pi^ed^Prebaliiy^they, will be often so closely allied with the the next municipal election. Judg- or p a ^ y by school buaeo. 100-sen Itoalts of the towm the rtisny they already have Issat nns kav a WcVlb day in a restiirted loading zone the sign's. VVhHe he waa reading tL ran knte deep through's pasture.| crossed to their ovartsnd trla. I hejd sometime* this *‘‘ ‘ * fsU. I ijlnanclal pud industrial forces and Ing from present conditions. I and promptly r»TOte out. a ticket. a rlckpoeket lifted hit wau«e. . ' ■ . i V ''y 1 >■ ’ UANCHSSTCR EVENING NEflALtl. MANfllERTFR. CONN.. SATURDAY, JULY 2«. 194T PAOB iR viy MAKCHESTER EVENING HERALD., MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, JULY 28, 194T I - AircrOfft and PaganVs 6attle to 3-All Toilay’a Radio slsris; DityllgM MANCHESTER DIRECTORY Gam# Hbntera In Action V Center Motors Trounce ISsSiBft Caiictlled ____ * 7 :4 * - < Artor a hard ovoaiiufs work Double Steals Produce; at tho Maudhoatar DtvtaKm’s The'achediileo baaeball game * W « 0 -od their McMeans, cf ... 3 0 „1 l WTHT—This la for You. 1^’THT—Famous Jury Trials, the Manchester Sheet Metal Works before setting forth on your sum-. 2 .788 August, Ih . BritUh-Amerleaaa . . 9 8 JOO w n c —Hollywood Gold Cup dona or a celling put up or perhaps room or furniture. North Ends action. Ho oaturatod a cloth cans at Rbbertaen Park. The con­ be prsaented to conjunction with Brat start to the Rec Senior Leagtie Carton, 2h ; . . . , 3 0 i 2 f"' • 7PTIO—Camp Meetin’ Choir. i now located at 39 Pine street, has mar vacation trips? If so the man Motors . ooeaoeaoo 3 .667 Jarvia, c ... test will be an after dark affair— by beating tha Green 8-3, last night Poltob Amaricaiu .,. 9 4 .900 Hors* Race. Block ceilings are back again and MUtwakl. aa. and had the skunk on Its merry the regular midget racing ahow Kallia, c ...... 2 0 0 6 just been given the dealership for a room papered? 1' you sre, why these ceilings are particularly to see is Van at his Service Sta-! Itoekvlllo B o • a • • b .5 .800 way In a hurry and many bote the lights will fall In ths evening. There will be after­ at Robertson Park. United Aircraft . . . . • 4 Ji WDRC—Treasury Bandstand. 8:4*— Rootek, rf . DeLucea, 3b i 0 o i American Laglon ... 6 9 .48* York Air Conditioning Units and not phone R. S. Porterfield of 178 favored by many people. The way tion located at 427 Hartford road , Lata’a .. 6 .400 about the fifth toning—that la the noon and evening performances It waa a well pla}*ed game with Miller, p ,. I I 0 0 WON8—Barry Cray Show, w n c —Mad Masters. 6 .333 Pat Hayaa la on# of the rail- West SIdaa...... 4 1 8 .400 w n c —Saturday Showcase. con version burnert. Mr. Scovllle Oak Grove street, phone 4752 and Mr. Porterfield puts up a block who has plenty of tires at all pric­ 99 East Center Staeet Kaeoya . able workara of the Manehea- wolvea every day at the Avon track. . three home runs featurtog the con­ NB’a . . . 7 .222 ToUls 38 11 9 31 1 0 test. Rockrtlle ...... 8- 8 IfiO WDRC—BUI Goodwjn Show. la now in a position to Install these osk him to come over to your home ceiling there is no chance of sag­ es. Van has the sgcncy for Arm- | tor DtvlaloB. Hippo, Banjo, Shadow land the Bill Frick, midget driver from Totals...... 32 8 6 21 8 8 York Air Conditioning UnlU Im­ ging and the price Is really reason­ strong and Dunlop Tlrea, but be al- i Indies .. 7 .000 rest of the ItaUan A.merka wUI Ralph Aalnger, who pitched for f**WTD«C—Strictly Swing. WONS—Mighty Casey. and look over the job, and give RoekvUlo (4) Baldwin, L. 1.. flipped at Bridge- PagMi'a West SMm (8) mediately and for further. Informa­ you an estimate? able. SO has manjr other brands of tires have to play their begt to turn port last Monday night and suf­ the loaers, collected' two round The UiUted Aircraft aad Paga­ . WONS—SporU Parade. WTHT—BUI Lance, For the second night tn a row, AB R H po A Murray, aa 3 l 0 l tion about them, their prices, etc., Mr. PorterfteM elso has a apray ) Texstone ceilings are very popu­ for sale at hla Service Station. In back tha Brass City Aina. The fered a broken nm and shoulder. . trippers to be the batting star for Thomas, e f ___ l 0 i 2 nl'a West Sldoa baaeball toamg bat­ WTHT—New Light on Lincoln. wnc—Your Hit Parade. the Itoekvlllo Englert’s softboll Lee, 3 b ...... 2 0 1 1 2 glrla are better than average ath­ 8:80— just phone 5413 and Mr. Scovllle painting machine that docs a lar and they will last for years fact. Van Is headquarters for all Painting Paperhanging Harry Hart and Steve Jara, midget his team arfd Eddie Moake, a form­ Zwlofc, S b ...... 3 0^ 0 2 tled to a 8 to 8 draw last nlgbt at ' w n c —Your Host is Buffalo. will gladly give you further in­ GIBSON’S P. PhUllpe, c . . 8 0 0 ft 1 50 Lap Feature letes. Red Barney, one of the er Legion Jr., player, knocked one WDRC—Vaughn Monroe's Orch­ wonderful and economical job, without cracking and these may Items that you may need for your V nine waa oh tho short and of tho, Zadroany, as . . & 1 0 1 3 drivers, were killed Thuraday cra­ ByeholakI, lb .. 2 1 0 7 the West Side Oval In a TwUlAt formation. whether it be cn a garage or on | be treated as r. regular plaster c4r and for the past few yeark baa highly publlcieed stars of tha club, ning at TeUow Jacket and Maha- over the right field fence with three WDRC—Record Session. estra. GARAGE Floors and Ceilings ; aeert as they dropped a declolon PltkSL 2b ... . 4 0 0 2 1 Becker, rf ,, .. 3 l 'd 2 Leagua gama. The gaau waa These York Air Conditioning porch furniture or on an old break­ celling with a aand or painted been able to stock In many Items At Cherry Park Is one of the beet women beisket- noy Speedway, P a , respectively. . men aboard for the game’s Mher Patton, tf, » .. 2 0 0 8 ' 'VHW KNB—News; Baseball MaU- WONS—High Adventure. Units are fully automatic with B. H. Glbaon,'Prop. ladt night to thalr old rivals. Cen­ Holloran, If ... . 2 1 0 2 0 bell pleyera In the country. Sne’e homer. called after seven laalaga ad flag WTHT—Murder, Mr. Malone, fast act. Mr. Porterfield mixea his , finish. These celt'nga are put over that are ext^^emely hard to find. Installed and Refinished Kawalae, p ... . 3 1 1 1 4 The Boston Yanks, National Pro- Murdock, 2b ... 0 0 0 0 nee. humidiflera and Altered forced air own paint and by ao doing you are , the old ceiling and not only are Did you know that you may pur­ ter Motors, under tho lights St equally at honne on the diamond feosional League football team, North Eads (8) due to darkness. WONS—Description of the wnc—Can You Top This? heat and are a moat efficient and Spcctallslng In Gayton, lb ... . 3 0 0 ,s 0 Avon—(SpecliaU—July 26.—Top Men against women wlU be the Salmonoon. If .. 3 0 1 2 assured of extra good quality i economical but In putting them up chase a tire from Van's Service General Carpenter Work Robertoon Park by a score of 11 to Harrison, cf ... swings Into action at Us training , AB X H FO A E Pongrats, c .. .. 3 0 0 2 Having base running by the Air­ ■" [ Horse Race from Jamaica. 10:00— economical method of heating. BEAR . 1 0 0 1. 0 attraction. Pace setters and Holmes, M . .1 2 0 1 1 WDRC—Top Tune Time. paint, palAt.that atanda up under | there is a minimum amount of Station for as little as 89.89 plus 4 before a falr-aiaed crowd. , Gross, rf ...... 1 0 0 0 0 midget driven of the American baae one week from tomorrow Blanchard, p .., 1 0 O n craft pajd off as they aoorad tw o . ; WTHT—Horse Race. Your home la thoroughly hepted plaster dust and dirt. league leaders since the start of at St. John's Pn.p. The opening Fogarty, 2b .2 1 1 3 0 W n C —Storehouse of Music. WONS—Chicago Theater of the all weather conditlona and retains ' tax? Why not get §. set of new Wheel Alignment We Repair Everything While the Motors team was find* Ramsdell, rf ... . 2 1 1 0 0 Raclhg Driven CTub were priming Noake, p ...... 1 0 0 0 runs on two double stoaia *1^ tirst: with mo cold corners, yet the coat Its gloss long sfter ordinary paint For free estin>ates on any*job, the Twilight League aeaaon, the game will be oa, the evening of McCarthy, c ,1 1 0 8 2 Air. tlrea' before starting on a trip, Around the Property tog Stan Kawalac'a fast ball to themaetvaa thta week for the Brat R. MosKe, If (?aron, X ...... 1 0 0 0 try worked perfectly and thay were of ninnlng them is particularly rea- has become drab looking. By m ix-: phone 4752 and tall, with Mr. Pot- then you will be able to drive as Brake and lA ’s will be out to demonatrate September 28 to the Beantown. .3 1 1 n 0 WONS—Dance Orchestra. WTHT—Professor Qul*. aonable. Ducts are now available Totals 21 10 10 mid-summer championship race at Terplloakt. ib .3 0 1 aided In the second one by Hawk tng hie own paint, Mr.' Porterfield terfleld. yoii will find hla work ex­ far as you wish without worrying Carbaretor their liking, Charley Covey put their all around prowess against Frits Barellauekaa. an all Ameri- 2 . 0 . WTHT—Stars In the Aftemcwn. wnc—Mystery without Murder In quantity for air conditioning Motora .. 8 ft— Cherry Parte Speedway. ths weaker aex to the first male Poganl, c f ...... 2.. 1 1 n 0 •IV>Ulil;... .25 3 5 21 9 2 PongraU'a bad throw. 10:80— is also able ro match any paint! cellent and his prices fair for all about badly worn tlroa. > R. S. PORTERFIELD the Rill Billiea down to the Brat can at Yale lest season, will be Aircraft ..101001 0—3 Butch Becker waa Ihs batting and this Is good news, for the lack or mix g particular shade that you ' of the work he vndertakes. Ser4loal Rockvllla 000800 1—4 ^ e ^ t . a opscial SO Up race, and female softball game in Man­ with the Yanks. AI Sidorlk, Hart- Brasauakas, 8b 2 1 0 n 0 Club. WDRC—Adventures In Science. of material for these ducta held up Van's Service Station is open # 178 Oak Grove Street three tonlnga without a hit. Dur­ Eells, rf .. .2 1 0 0 West Side#, 2 0 0 1 0 0 Q-ft Star of the evening touching I n y ing the game, Covey allowed only Runs batted in: Corey,.Mataya 3, will be staged Sunday night on the chester tn a good many years.' ford youth and an All Southern 0 WONS—This la Jaxz. WTHT—Journeys In Jasz. a. many air conditioning Installationa. I seven days ir week, vfa you will Uriano, p . .1 0 1 0 3 Caron batt^ for Noake to 7th. MUIerto pitohea for thres htta. find the service speedy and effi­ 185 Main St. Phone 5012 Tel. 47.52. 4894.8746.2*9967 three safe hits whlla hla mates AugusL Kawalae 2; Two-base hiU: Avon oval to conjunction with tha The Italians will slick their hair tackle at MUaltsippl State last w n rr—Hors Races. wnc—Grand Old Opry. Mr, Scovllle will be glad to furnish sor high school and grammar Kawalae, Ramrdell; Rome ruiu: O. down, taka their weekly Saturday Vlttner, rf .0 0 0 0 O' Runs batted to; Becker 2, Pon- The Aircraft's Walt ftaklnooa < school is now complete with the cient Stop In and fill up with found Kawnlac for nine. Oocar regular midget ahow. Promoter fall. Is also with the Bostoninns. . Arendt, lb . grata 2; Three base hlU: Hakin- had the longest blow of the gama.: ?&;. w n c —Mualcana. 10:4*— an eatimate without any obliga­ Phillips, MaUm; stolen basea: Ed Otto announced that then night trip to the bathtub before Bristol will fi«id a professional .0 0 0 1 0 WDRC—Of Men and Books. tion on your part, simply phone Wapping exception of one vacancy caused Texaco and ask about having your PhUllpe and Leo MaUya noth Mt son; Stolen baaaa: Richter, Dennis. The ball waa well tagged and went for the elreult for the wtnnera to Harriaon, Lee, Holloran; Sacrifices: would be no advance in prices. the game, shave clean and press football team this fall with Jiggt 11:00— 5413. by- the resignation of Miss Evelyn car Marfaked—It will pay to have the wrinkles to their uniforms. 17 8 6 15 6 Carton. Salmonaon; Saerlflera: Jen­ over the bank In lelt centor fiJid. ^ ' ,W n iT —Treasury Show. Mr. and Mra. Edwin Barber and this done before starting a trip. H IG H G k A D E FOR AUTO PARTS lead tlM attack on Kawalae. P. PhlUipo, Roatek; B am on ballar Ted Tappett and Chat "Wldcat" Donahue aa coach. News on all stations. Blahkenberg. Kawalae 8, Corey 8; Strlfce-ouU: After all they are stepping out to­ rn>(8) sen. Dennis, DeLucca. Thomas, Walt had to be aatlafled with, s ^ family and Mrs. Barber's. mother, In the Brat toning the Motors Gibbons, both members of the Cur­ Fldler, aa . ... :3 0 1 Patton; Left on hooea; Aircraft 8; triple, when th« ball hit • parked il^'w D R C —Croos Section. U.S.A. 11:1ft— There will be a meeting AND ACCESSORIES Kawalae *, Coray 6; Hit by pitcher, tis Racing team, have been ratH night against a girls' team—and Oatfloh Mctkovttrh 0 1 *^'W K N B —News: Swedlsh-Amerl- WT>RC—Word from the Country. Mra. Henry Nevers, are at their of the Board of Education and nine went to work and gathered want to look their beat.. Hiihlaril. 2h ., .2 1 1 1 0 West Side fi; Bases on balls: car on the road and boundad back Blind Salesman cottage at Camp Bethel, Tylervllle, and > to a marker. With one out, Oacar by: Kawalae 1; Wild Pitches: as the bova to beat In thU event Georg# Melkovich.* Cleveland KIssman, rf can Hour. WONS—Kom’s-A-Kracklln*. Board of Finance at the Town PRINTING Kawalae 2; Corey 2; Umpirea: Shota From Here and There .2 0 0 0 0 Blanchard 4, Noake 2, Miller 2; 0043 the field. for their vacation. Visit Jones Fanil'* ELECTRIC' WELDED PhiUlpo singled and went to third which will attract the beat driven Indian's outfielder, carried the Azinger, p ... .3 2 WONS—Bill McCune’s Orch. wnc—W. W. Chaplin. Hall, Tuesday, July 29. Bkiba—Brltnar; T^me 1:88, on the eastern circuit. During the 1946 American name of “CatPsh'' after a fishing : 2 0 .3 Strikeouta; Noake 2. Miller 5; HiU Jim Blanchard who started the Mr. and Mrs. Philip Newcomb JOB AND COMMERCIAL aa Covey followed oult The throw Hubbard, lb .. .1 0 1 2 0 off: Blanchard 3 for 2 runs In 3 game had trouble with hU eontrol t m O —Orand Marquee. 11:80— Guilty of Murder tore and Floor Cov- RECAP TIRES -/ Teppett, by virtue of hla win lest League season the New York ad­ trip on the Manatee river In Fieri- of Buffalo, N. Y„ are guests of PRINTING . i went wide at Brat and PhilUpa. Roach, 3b .. .. .2 0 0 0 0 and waa raplaeed by Bmla N < ^ « WDRC—Columbia Maaterworks. Must Go L'nderiiourtshed ertag Stars* fsr Sunday night at Cherry Park, will mitted free to their games more da. George hooked a catfish, which Innlnrs; Nooks , t for 1 run In 4 WONS—Guy Lombardo's Orch­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grant of SEE aeored the Brat run of the game Coleman, cf .. .1 0 0 0 u Innings; Balk, Noske: Umpires: to tha fourth Inning after he Bi Saturday Concert, Little Rock. Ark., July 26—(JPi— Largs Assortinsat Prompt and Bfficleat Prlattag be cast to the favorite role. Ted than 100,000 youngsters. This sea­ had swallowed the hook. In hla Shea, If ...... estra. News. Buckland road. Mr. Newcomb Is for the Motors. Neither team HO^ THEY son, through 20 playing dates, ths .2 0 0 0 0 Kerr, Murray; Uroe. 1:62. , walked the first Aircraft batter. Blind Emeat Amie, 28-year-old brother of Mrs. Grant. Warsaw, July 26.— Pol­ of Fine Floor CoV'- of AU Klada scored to the second but to the Is driving UieiCurtia No. 8 Offen- efforU to retrieve hla hook, one Mikolowaky, c .2 0 1 9 0 ... WDRC—Saturday Afternoon at WTHT—Junior Junction CAMPBELL hauaer which u the same car that Yanks played host to some 300,. The Aircraft scored In the Inlnoi Negro' broom aaleaman, was sen­ Two representatives and two al­ ish government spokesman says srtag. Call Ca for third the Motors again foimd Ka* of the riahes' fins went through Dey. P ...... 0 0 P 0 0 the Chase. 11:00— a United States derision to STAND George Rice piloted to oo many 000 juveniles. In 1901, the first Oc . gr'i shoe, putting him on the frame. Frank Richter, leadoft bat­ VTONS—Lawrence Walk's Orch­ tenced to five years Imprisonment ternates have been selected by Abe COMMUNITY PRESS AUTO SUPPLY walae’a pitching to 4helr taste and ter, walked and was aaertfteed tc ’ , WKNB—MaUbag. ^ last night by a Circuit court jury American relief to Poland means Estimate. feature wins earlier this season. season of activity In the American shell three w<*cka. estra. Miller Post to attend the 29th an­ A. B. Holmes J. W. Bars wound up with four runs on only Vesterday!a Besalto League, 1,658,000 fana witnessed 18 8 6 12 4 second by Joe Jenaen. VM Dennis, ‘ WONS—Town Beat, which convicted him of second de­ that workers In this country must New and Used Tires one hit, a home run by PhtUips. Gibbons will be behind the wheel • !••• «»aaaiag|«r 9, • I Sports Srhedule ^ | w n c —Three Buns. W n C —News; Harry James Od- nual convention of the American Car. Nn. Main aad No. ttcbnol Eaatara of the new Curtia No. ft Offy that the contests as compared to the Fosteol Game of Year singled to left and RIcheUr stopped gree murder for the fatal ahoot- Legion at New Haven, which go undernourished another year. JONES’ Streets — Telephone 8727 29Bissel|St. TeL 2*11S9 TTm elreult clout hit Inchu toalde |)Olskl 2, Moske 4. Uriano. Two base chestra. The decision, a Foreign Ministry Utica 4 .Hartford 2. broke the track record at Avon National League figure of the The April 24 game between Toalght at.third. The double ateal was sut Ing of a Negro preacher. ends today. Melvin Derrick past the right field foul Une and txmnc '. Wilkes-Eiarre 12, Williamsport hits: HUbbord. Home runs: Asin- on and as the play was made el ' rONS-Jan August. 18:80— Holding his white cane upright press attache added yesterday. Is FURNITURE STORE ' into foul ground. Phillips’ hit weeks ago. Last week the same season which was 1,857,000. Chicago and Cleveland, run off in ger, 2. Moske. Stolen basea: Hub­ >JBridgeport 'Dp Toe Girls * vs. WONS—Frankie Masters’ Orch­ commander, and Richard Jones Scranton 3, Elmira 2 ( 11) The National League Is the older second to get Dennla Richter eafte IC—King Oole Trio. between *hla knees, AmIe told the deemed by the government “un­ Dan Backer, Prop. cams with one out. Covey walked, •'Wildcat’’ was far off his usual only 80 mtnutPro- vin Eugene Wllllama who, he addl­ games played on St. Francis Painting Brooklyn 4. Pittsburgh 1. Association's No. 1 challenger for twice to go ahMd. I to 1. Bill Mur-. ed. had threatened him with a two out. Richie Jarvto then hit a hauaer. The car made Its debut Sept. 29. 1919. game between the Monday, July 88 gram. CThurch Field, between the army Pnperhnnglng REPAIR SHOP Chicago f t . New' York 3. at Cherry Park last Sunday night the title, meets Dennis Patrick Giants (6) and Phils ( 1). ray led off with k walk, was sac­ flashlight veterans and the Navy veterans. grounder through Lee at third and > Rockville vs. Paganl'a, 6:15— rac- WXNB—Sports Review. Canvas Anterlcaa However, the fans were not able rificed to eecond by Roger 'Hiomas Bomb Explodes ' The shooting took place June 5 The games will be played the Wm. H. Green, Prop. hefort tha ball got back to the to- Washington ft. Cleveland 1. Oval. >>» WONS—Let’s Go to the Games; Ollings Beld, thrae runs had scored and to get a good line on Its speed be- Fine Field Set Indies, vs. NB'S. 6:30 Robert­ and went to third as Mike Svrick Local Sportscast at the home. of two blind Negro next two Friday nighta. A l­ Boston 7, St. Louis 6. raiwe It broke an axle in the aeml- ■grounded ouL -Garden — At Synagogue women fotlowlng an ice cream par^ bert SeUky will be coach for Floors i— Columbia Bicycles Jhnia was on third base. Now York 12, Chicago 4. son. A h WTHT—Heme flnxl race and waa forced out of For RueeM Tonight Tueaday. July 88 Buck Bycholski then drew a bass ^ t a . ty. Williams dle)l the following the Army veterans and Edwin tended and Four more Motor runs came Philadelphia 9, Detroit 5. competition for the evening. Bridgeport Tip Toe Reffnisbed U. S. Tires home in the fourth, this time on All Star TwUlght League game on balU.' But',;) Becker ran the wnc — Bob Steele; U. B. day with four bullets In his body. Curtin pilot for the Navy team. Standlaga count to three balls and two Weather Bureau. Buenos Aires, July 2ft— A Mr. Woodmansee, Superintend­ one hit. another home run, this by Eaatorn for Accident Fund—‘East Hartford JOSEPH S. MURAWSRI Repairs Service Springfield, Maos., July 26—UP)— vs. Mnneheater, 6:18—Oval. strikea. Bycholski waa off Hith the : poa’ertui bomb exploded at the 1,664 Rchela'Capturrd ent of Schools, has announced that Leo Mataya with two mates W L Pet. GBL Calle Liberated (Liberty street) Painter and Decorator aboard. Larry Roatok was safe at The best drivers from three midget Motors vs. Lnta's, 9 p. m— next pitch and by some fast mov­ i d Accessories Utica ...... WDRC—Jimmy and Me. the teaching staff South Wind­ 14 ESSEX ST. PHONE 'J-OSS8 ...Sft 81 .640 Girls Here Tonight auto race eirciuts will appear to­ ing succeeded to scoring behind synagogue. Buenos Aires' main Asuncion, Paraguay. July 26— ./P> ^.heeond on a boot by Kawalae, went Wilkes-Barre ..53 36 .596 Local Sport Robertoon. WKNB—Melodies for Evening. Jewish temple, ahortly after 2 a. Frss Bsttmales! 180 Spruce St. Phone 2-0659 to third on a wild pitch. Bob Os* night at Springfield Bpe^way In 'IVedaesday, July 36 Murray when Bocker lined a elngto WONS—Answer Man. —A government communique said Albany ...... ao 36 .666 6 West Springfield, In one of the beat to lefL m. today. * last night the Army had captured hern bunted sjid went to second Scranton .. .*.49 40. ;«S 1 7H Aircraft ve. PA’s„ 6:15 - Oval. WTHT—SporU In the New The bomb blew out the main snd Itostek scored as Kawalae Standout Down Staters Softball Twilifrht League cardf ever presented to the East, Motora vs; NB'a 6:30—Robsrt- Jenaen drew a base on balls to York Manner. 1.664 rebels—regulars and uniint- Williamsport .41 50 .451 16H t'hatter Promoter Bill Tuthill aald today. door of the synagogue and littered Capitol GrindiuK Go. ngain booted the boll. An error at Hartford .. ...37 49 Teat Italian Ainerks ion. open the Aircraft third. Ha wde w n c —New England Forum of formed militia—at Brlen and Hor- .430 18 All Star rreani Repreaentlng tho pick of midget sacrificed to second and continued.' the itreet with glass. Glosses queta. Belen is about 20 mites 38 3laln SL Tel. 7938 Q U ALITY Brat haae gave PhiUlpa a lift and Binghamton ..35 52 .402 20 >i Lenny Yost la again turning In Tkursday, Julv ,71 •the Air. two blocks away were broken. ^ YORK-HEAT KRAUSE'S - after the next hatter went out, Ma­ At Robertson Park; car owners, the drivers. In their ap- .Kaceys ve. North Ends. 6:30— to third as the bettor, Dennis waa southeast of Concepcion, Insurgent Johnson “ Sea llnrs«“ PRINTING! Elmira ...... 33 57 .367 24 a bang up job.aa official scorer, Following is the All Slar Soft- «:4B— Glass throughout the synagogue taya hit a long home run to left ball Twilight League team pearnneo here, will bring together Robertson. being thrown out at fIraL ZwicN WDRC-i-Lany Leaueur. stronghold In the civil war. OUTBOARD 310T0RS AITOMATIC The printing National announcer and press represenUtive Game Starts at 9 p. m. leaders from the thee circuits for also waa broken. No casualties GREENHOUSES field aa three runs scored. Brooklyn .. ...56 36 .609 of the Softball ly illgh t League. Saturday evening St Robertoon Friday, .\uguet I to Patton. Pattqn'a throw bgek to WONS—Here's to Veterans. were reported. The synagogue Authorized.Sales and Service. AIL BCATIKC EOUIPMENT fob we do for Two walks and a wild pitch by Park. The tear was selected by the first time to 1947 at any track, . Legion va. BA'a. 6:15—Oval. Zwick was over hla head, Jeasan WTHT—Labor, U.S.A Long-Term Treaties Offered Gravely and Garden King y o u will 621 Rartford Road Maneheoter SL Louis .. ...49 40 .561 ft't Tuthill added. Thua racing fans watchman and two other mei) In­ Covey put Rockville runners on Boston .... j Girls are slssys, are they. Well, the eight league managers. lA's vs. Rockville, 0 p. m.— scoring tile tyirg run. 9 :0 *- OARDE.N TRAR8 BOILER-BURMERS prove satis­ ...48 41 .539 6'.<, Gene "Bird Dog" Enrico has are assured of one^ pf' the most side were said to be safe. CONVERSION BURNERS Special Atteutlan second and third In the fourth and New York , ...45 40 .529 7‘A If you have any doubt In your _ First Team Po*. Neeond Team Robertson. In the fourtii. the Weet Sides WDRC—St. Louis Municipal Parts, July 26.—(iPt—French FRO'/EN FOOD CABINETS factory— be- been scoring TwUlght Leagtie thrilling shows tha^t will be seen * telurday, Aug. 2 ■cored once to go ahead. S to 2. Police began an Inveatlgallon. Foreign Minister Georges Bidault Given To Pboae both runs aeored aa Kawalae got Chicago ...... 43 47 .478 12 mind, amble over to Robertson Oavello L.F Meek ira. J.ACORSBN WATER PL'.MPS WINTER AIR CONDITIONERS canse h will Orders. Tel. S700. the first hit off Covey, a double baseball gamen for the past two during the entire season. , Annual Softball League Alt Becker dropp^ a hit Into cen­ Polonla. said today France had offered Rrlggs A Stratton Engines Cincinnati . .'..43 49 .467 13 weeks. Park tonight where the Tip Toe Tomco C.F McCnnvIIlc Chet Gibbons, Bill Schindler. be produced under the most to left Geld. Kawalae went to third PItUburgh Star game—Manchester rs. RocU- ter, waa 5.3crlflced to second by WONS—Yankee Network Instl-i Flacee Separation Suit both nsechoslovakla and Inland teles and Service. a te IRIS SHUtTEH modern, elllrient methods. Get Spectallota to Fu* ...38 52 .422 17 Rostek U F. .Savino Georgia Rice and a dozen o'ther blg- neral and fVed* on a passed ball snd Sam Harriaon Philadelphia ..87 54 .407 I girls softball team of Bridgeport vllle, 9 p. m.—Robertson. Patton, went to third on Swade tute RoundUble. long-term treaties. He di^ not Tcnnsylvanla Hand .Mowers our estimate. 18 H The British Americans will drill B. Grzyb 3B Sleurpa name drivera will represent the Los Angeles, July 26—liP)—Ac­ elaborate except to say they would Safes ding Arraagu* drew the third base on balls of the Ameri can will be. on display. The lassies will | Opalach SB. Chapman Salmoneon'a Infield hit and scored ^ WTHT—It's YOur Business. Grass Catchers ^ prIedbRO quality ’’K Dependable Quality — Service! Inning off Covey. On the first pitch Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at Ameriran Racing Drivers’ Club when*^ Pongrats filed to deep cen­ w n c —Our Foreign Policy. tor Mark Stevens, 26. faces s sep­ he modeled along lines of the Parker-Springlleld instailation men to. New York . ...62 30 .674 _ face tl\e Italian Americans tn a Mllewski 2B Annicllo Inter-CTiiirrh League to Ramsdell, Harrison took off for Boston ---- Mt, Nebo. Coach Johnny Hed- which.,It to concefled, now has tho ter. arate maintenance suit Aled In Su­ French-Povlftt part which pro­ l.*wn Sweepers onJ Sen ice ...49 40 .551 11’A night game under the lights start­ M. Correntl IP Siimlslsskl pick, of the drivers In the East. Onter Congee (86) ,1 Ttl* — perior court by his wife, Foriher WILLIAM H. SCHIELDGE Cut Flowere oomnd and as the throw went was Detroit ___ ...47 40 .540 lund would like a full sqund for ing at 9 o'clock. A righting Aircraft team drew WTHT—Betty Russell Sings. vides for rontalnlng any future 12V^ the session. Jarvis , C ■ ~ r. Phillips Gibbons. Schindler and Rice, all AR R H t o A r, I Actress Anelle Hayer, . who CJerman aggression. ISa Spruce Street Tel. S«M) Potted Plan to lats, Kawalae scored the third run Philadelphia '..4 5 . 45 .500 16 Spiked shoes and glovea are part J. Pringle P. Gleason up on even tvrma to the sixth. With n m — MANCHESTER l»r Rockville and the score stood have about an equal number of Hill. If ...... 7 6 5 3 0 ■ (1 charged cruelty, Mra. Stevens, To Have A Sound Building Cleveland ...39 44 .470 18 1114 hatters were able to touch National team play at the Country club. up against some of the beat male field Speedway. He Is leading "the Asplnwall. If .... .8 0 0 2 0 0 forcing Murray to ground to ipr- Phone 76.54 or S-2417 for participation of children and Bav tSnte group tn a car valued at SERVICE PICTURE FRAMING Cffvay fpr more than one hit each. Brooklyn (Branca 16-7) at athletes. adults. F. Edwards, lb, p i 0 0 3 0 1 ond e.'nd ending the Inptog ‘:by V« -i'i PItUburgh (Ootermueller 8-S). 810.000 and owned by Ed Stone of T, Smith, p . . , .2 0 0 2 0 1 To assist when yon have mail Del S t John with a 79 paced a “Rocky’’ Sturgeon will be be­ “ Pete" Hansen and his veterans gtriking out Th ^as. ' >1 Pah,Ugns For Title Philadelphia (Leonard 11-4) at hind the plate to call them as. he Boston. troubles we have 2 Wreckers SEE Cincinnati (W alten S-ft). team of thirteen local golfers who volleyball associates would be All grandstand and box scats and 8 Service TrncHs at vonr T. P. Holloran journeyed to Waterbury earlier sees them, and la ex|iecUng a busy 23 6 5 18 5 7 Drums were used to New K lc- M anchester New York (lott 1*3) at Chicago) pleased to hear from other groups this week will be reserved. Onter Oongos .53 11 259-■35 service and for yonr conven­ Highest Fllnc Mich., July 26—tip)— Fight this w^k. Others who made the night from the girls as they are regarding matches. land churches before bells became FUNERAL HOME (Borow^ 8-7). known to question the close ones. I.O.O.F...... • • ft.02 4 000- 6 • common. ience. j Intoreata here bfgan beating the trip and played Included Don •The Manchester Tennis I.,eague drum* today fdr featherweight Boston (Votaelle 3-8) at St. "Red’’ Biittner will call them on 11*111 Dry Cleaners Louis (Hearn 8-3)—night. , Grauer. Eakel Buckland. Art holds sway.evcry Monday, Wednes­ STATION OPEN DAY Prices Ideally located—convenient aad champion WUlle Peh’a title defense Knofla, Elarle Clifford, Bob Cole, the bases. The largest crowd of the season day and Friday. The League Irt- 9:i Wells StVeet For Rags. Bundled Papers, away from the buoy thorough* against challenger Jock Leslie, to No General Name C!arl Hultlne, John Olson, Earl cludes top ranking players and ¥ AND NIGHT , JOHNSON PAINT CO. this auto factory city. Ballsieper, cnarencc LanOn, Bill la expected to- witness the first 699 MAIN STREET ’ TELEPHONE 6854 fare. DIattnetIve Service. Mod­ ■onw Sizzling matches are being For a guaranteed 828,000 the Lockwood, Johnny Chanda and Saturday night aoftball game. Telephone 7254 Scrap Metals, Etc.' ern Facilittee. ' The Tiingusea of Siberia have Play Is scheduled at 9:00 o'clock. played. A'revived Interest .In ten­ MIDGET COOK’S clever eastern champ will take on no general name for the reindeer, Stan Btraugh. # ______- nis to noted sine# the league com­ SERVir.E STATION Call or Write Mie home town boy for 18 rounda although they have opecifle names menced play. > * AMBULANCE SERVICE or less In FUnt'a Atwood Stadium for “tame reindeer.'' “wild rein* The Oak Street Grill softball Rm Seolor League The tennis courU at,the High Expert Dry Manchester Green. Phone ftftOl American Leaxua the night of Aug. 22. deer,’’ "young reindeer,'' eta. team will face the New Britain V. r . W. (12) School ^ also in heavy demand. Batting—DlMagglo, York ______RACING I DAY AND NIGHT - Emeralds Sunday evCnln# to tha ah r h po Baseball for the younger boys .344; Boudreau, Cleveland, ,388. Wm. Ostrinsky Hardware City under the -Ughto. Yogel," 8b ...... 8 3 2 2 to being stresaed at all playgrounds. 175 Center St.' Phone 3060 Rune—Wllllame, Bdatoh 72; Di- Cleaning Service CUSTOM 182 BisscllSt. Tel. 5879 Stan Kawalae wUI hurt for the Derby, rf ..4 1 1 0 Boys 12 years and under are wel­ Magglo, and Henrich, New York. Every- Sunday Night, 8:30. P. M,1 Grill. Oleaasom 2b . ..4 2’•' 2 4 come to report aa follows: Monday, 69. RECAPPING . Good— n«;w8 for Shaw, If ...... 4 1 1 2 Wedneaday and Friday—Memorial Runs Batted In—Wliliams, Bost­ r « There has been much comment Hodge, ss ...... 3 1 1 2 Field and the West Bide—Tuesday CHERRY PARK SPEEDWAY J Fiiriiat'e Siiunlics With, PERSONAL makes Loans on 65; DiMegglo, Nfcw York, 64. those who we have 'on the poor conditipn of the'tm - Ptsree, c ...... 4 1 1 0 and Thursday at Charter Oak field rtte—DlMagglo, New York, and ^ " AVON. CONN. I Balanced Precision Buflins Proof that we try to make J. R. Broithwaite nls courts at the West Bide. On Osgood, lb .. ..8 , 1 1 4 and Robertoon Park The time 10 Pesky, Boston, 116. EVERY Joan—4 out of ft who On Route 177.12 milcfi west of, Hgitford, between Routs* Pipes, Elbows, etc. Uie subject of tennlo, we wonder Larry, cf ...... 3 1 1 5 to 12 a. m., for laoeball training. Doubles—Mullifi, DetrolL and Expert Tire arid Tube aok for a loon here get It! S8.S8 Keys Made, Locks Repaired serviced house to Gotbberg, p ,. . .3 2 3 2 44 nnd Ujilonvillc. . ~t . * Repairing If the courts at Robertson park For the boys under 18 years of Boudreau, Cleveland, 24. Plumbing Supplies a month repays a SlOO loon to house in the past! will b« ready for 1948? age the schedule to the aame as the Triples—Philiey, Chicago and New and Used Tires full to 19 months. Other Tools Groond 31 12 13 21 7 4 above except the time to 2 to 4:30 Vernon, Washington, 9. amounts to oroportion. No We have agrain ac* Moriarty Brothan, local State AmertoM,LegloB (10) p. m. ' Homg Runs—Wllllama, \ Boston and Tubes Batteries outsldera Involved Small month­ Lawnmowers Sharpened League entry, will be Idle tomor­ ab r h po The Senior Playground baseball ly payments—up to 15 moa to e o ^ the aenrlces of and Heath, SL Louto, 20. Manchester Pipe row according to Manager Nick Runds, lb ... ..4 1 2 8 schedule to off to o fine start. ' Pitching—Harder, Cleveland 8*1 and NOW IS THE TIME FOR TRIMMING EVERGREENS rapsy on moat loons. Como to Electrical Utilities an experienced route Angelo. The Gas Houaars aeored s Weir, rf ...... 4 2 a 0 The following teams are entered .857; Shea, New York 11-8 .786. MANCHESTER TKE or phone today. * Frey, If . . . . . ,.4 2 2 2 Re*Conditioned . man who will deliTer thrilling 8. to 2 wto'« over the in the competitlona; Weet Sidee NIGHT .AND SHRUBS i fresh bread and pas­ league leading ThamesvlIIe A. C. Thompson, ss ..8 3 3 3 North Ends, Manchester Green, National League Supply, Inc. and RECAPPING CO. Personal Finance Co. last Sunday at tha Oval. Haugh, 8b ... ..3 1 1 1 East Sides and Memorial Field. . Telephone S8SB state Theater Building Guns Repaired tries to jrbur dooy. Batting—Walker, Philadelphia (Formerly Man. Hardware) Vennart, ef .. . .4 1 1 0 In order to finance the baaeball .342; Gustine, PItUburgh .322. By Sue Burnett Broad Street — A Short Ways Have Dead Limbs Removed From Your Shade Trees Second Floor Phone 8480 The Knights ot Oolumbua soft- Naariff, e ...... 3 0 0 0 program for young boys aeveral SOFTBALL GAME By Mrs. ,\nnc Cabqt 248 No. ;\lain St. Tel. 6265 LioeUM No. 891 ^*-* 52 Pearl SL Phone 4200 Runs—Miso, New York 81, Rob­ rartaUoua llered*peplum two I An adorable babj- jacket with ' From Center Street Before They Injure Someone. Wounds and Cavities IP YOU WISH TO BE baU team win jouriiey to Hartford Luplen, 2b ... ..8 0 1 2 benefit .athletic..ottractlona are be­ inson, Brooklyn 80. with J an unusually smart I matching bonnet and thuniblcB.*i Treated, and Limbs Braced. i JIMMIE JINQUS BATS: tomorrow afternoon to engage the Mitchell, p .. ..a 0 0 2 ing plahned. How about a few Runs Batted In Mias, New York Club Tip Toe Ait Girls' -to-right buttoning and short mittena U a “muaf . for the nevv- INCLUDED FOR Kocey nine of that city at Colt's games between some of the etand 76; Marahall, New York 75. pped sleeves—just the thing to 'est arrival. Simple, to i rochet, as All Makes of Sheet Metal Woirk Tea are qnita right la yonr THIS CONVENIENT Park. The gAtam will start at 8 30 10 1# 18 fi 3 out baseball teama of the poet auch Hite — BauniholU, Cincinnati Softboll Team kttier a scorching summer day. rit la worked i.ompittelv In one W> Have ,\n .\ntple Supply of Scott’s 4-X lawn aarariaa, 0'rtP<’k and wli: bt played oil dta- V F W ...... 34s 120 0—12 ae the * SL .Mary'a. West Bides, 114; Gustine, PItUburgh 118. l^ ttem No. 8146 comee in'aises Griswold's SERVICE, ,mond 10. - piece and sewn under the arms W eed ('onlml That Is Easy To .Apply. SEW IN G ' Dons IlMre’s parity la aS oar piaa. U gion ...... 4fli3 021 (^ 1 0 Blueflelda, Shamrocks, and Man-. Doubles—Slaughter. fiL toula vn. L-13. 18. 14. 16 and 18. Size 12, Crocheted ini a pale yellow baby Runs batted to, Gleason 3. Yor cbeater Green t AU winners of tht I Mnla of Sft^aeb. TELEPHONE 3881 Monday night at ML Nebo, the 21; Jqrgonaen, Brooklyn, Baum- wool with forget-me-noU embroid­ Service Station MACHINES gel, Derby, Osgood 2, Oothberg, town championship In the pasL hoIU Cincinnati and Ouatina, Pitts­ Italion-Amerieon Al C. P er tbla pattern, eend 25 cents, ered In blue silk floag would make W'e Have Equipment for Mowing Large Lawns and Furnaces Repaired Manchester Qrsen Rec League en­ Thompson 2, Haugh 2. Vannart. % The Church Softball League and burgh 20. I.Ootaa, your aams, address, sIm 174 West Center Street' try wUl ntay the West Bldea The It extra special. High Weeds and Grass. Expertly Repaired Nasiff, Weir, Frey; two base hit, the Recreation SefthaU League are Triples—Walker Philadelphia 8: and the Pattern Number To obtain complete crocheting Telephone 8459 ' and Cleained THE MANCHESTER game srfll start at 8 s’cloek. Deihy, Oleaoon. Oogood, Qoth- made up of the most eathusiaatle Pua Bamett, The Evening Her- NualiM, 8L Louis 7. t o n ig h t AT 9 P. M. InstnicUons forithe Pretty B e^ berg. Runde, Walr, Tbdmpaen. sportsmen la town. Home Rune—Mize, New York , 1180 Ava. Amerieae, New York Set (Pattern No. 53011 including Conn. State'LiccRsesi, CaO *Ud M4n aeorad a Fray; home runs, Gleason; atolan Both Leagues play a fins brand |R W. Y. Specializing In’ BAKING COMPANY 18 to 9 win w r tha Manehastsr 29; Marahall. New York and Klner, stitch lllustratlona, send 15 cents Singer bassa, Yogel, Thompson; double of ball and have a large drawd of PItUburgh 25. ROBERTSON PARK ' Ready now — the new Summer In Coin, plus 1 cent postage. Your' 21 KERRY STREET TELEPHONE 38*1 R4d Man lart Thuraday evening at plays. iMplta to Thomp.i'm; wild Ibion.* 88 pages of style, color, BY HAVING IT SERVlt^ED AT supporters who a Umd the games Pltchlng-rBlaekwell. C!tocinnat! I Name. Address and the Pattern Generol Motor JOlHN S. WOLCOTT &SON, INC. Sewing Center Norman Bentz Memorial Fleic,. Five runs to • the pitebet, Mitchell; umpire. Olca- aa ocheduldd at Memorial and Admission ...... 68c. tgg InehH si Mpn news for every woman who Number to Anne Cabot, the Eve- X / A K J 'C ' SKKVICI'; Biath decided ths Issue' i r * ’ tS l '' *'Wlade1phla 832 .Main St. Tel. 8883 ^277 Spruce Street' ssb; ttaaa. 1:0b C^wrtar Oajk tlaMib '■ i Band tyrenty-flvs cents for jnlng Herald. 1150 Ave, Americas, 1 . .STATIO.N TEL. 8.597 - 6();i2 • . 180 MAIN STREET ‘ copy today. iNew York 19. N. V. 427;Hartfnrd KoM|..' Tel. 8866 Repair Work Manchester , Telephone 8966

I V“. '«


Ths valet of a certain man w u The motber of a carrieaa little Father—Can you give my N Hi I(H»^EKVII.1.E I’XJI.KS Arts AceissT lM Ttf— 4 IkMiRtH SmyIcm Uffcrsd U Pslatlng—Pspgrlnt t l Sitaatiasi Wanted— 51 Hoorn# WItioiH ‘ Mosfd 5S called into court to testify. girl constantly corrected her. tell­ daughter tho luxuries to which she BY KUNTAINE FUX Female 98 District Attf.rney: "Now how ing her to keep her things in better tl arruatomod? USED TIRES. Tou can buy a good KAIilu — Clectncaj Appiiaaee INTERIOR AND ekterlor decor­ 8786 - 8786 - 8795 LARGE PfJEASANT room with Sense and Nonsense old Is Mr. Jones?" , used tire for practically nothing. dervio^ repaira ptched up ano order. Her mulher'a warnings had Suitor—Not any more; that’s ating. Free .eetimates. Guaranteed experienced High school girl heat for two gentlemen. 118 North Valet: “I dent know, I never UtUe effect - Y o u n g e r B r o t h e r Classified Check into this gigantic bargain. delivered promptly Ip yeara work, reasonable prices. Call 8 EXTRAORDINARY ROOMS OF School street Call 8898. Qa$$ified why I've asked htt to marry me. would like day work taking cars , Headed Eight Tba Governor bad gone to tho put my hand In hla mouth to in­ One day, however, her mother Prom 81 -tw 84.50. Montgomery aapenenee. John Maionoy. H miine ’"habodeaqJhabode and Fahey, 3-0372. GOOD QUALITY FURNITURE of children. C ^l 49g4: There he lies at the curt), atartt State Insane Asylum to look ovtr spect (Its teeth." (winking at the camq homo aii,l found the little Ward A Cb.. 884-828 Main street 2-1048. 1 Walnut atreet 8795 — 8795 — 8795 sUff, A pound of butter and a doxen AdvertiseniienU. Manchester. Phone 8181. IKTERICJOB and eaUrlor painting, NICE CLEAN on bus line. Adverti$efflent8 the work done b> a new superln- Jury). \ girl franUcally i uttlng everything fNCLUDIH) IS A 1947, 7 FT. Seedy clothes and bowgry whiff, tondcfite There was a ai^ht Utter In the of eggs. Where did that dollar go SHEEl METAL WORK papsrhanging, sellings reanish- EXPERIENCED .Woman wants Can 8897. In pMu:e. Her mother, rather as- to? F o r Sale NEW TIRES, new recaps, used ed. Man Insured and . property housework by day. Phone 2-0853. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. Fur Rent For Salt* A poor old mat', past all anoint­ Whlje there he had difficulty courtroom. The matrict attorney toniahed, said: For Bent Urea and tubes. Eapert vulcanis­ 1947 OIL AND OA8 CXJMBIN- ROOM FOR RENT. Gentleman ing. lu getting a telephone connection. reddened, then retikned to the at­ Mother: "You are doing, a Hot All Furaaoe Repairing. damaga Sxnsii work. Mward R. .7 To Boy T o S e U ing, 8 hours recapping service Prlca Phone I-IOOS. , ATION RANGE preferred. Inquire, 88 Lenox street To Buy To SrII I hope he goes where his toermre Exasperated, he shouted to the tack. \ wonderful Job; what made you de­ Wbeh black pepper praetirally Nfw Hot All and Alt OnndlUontag Dora— Birda— Pete 41 after 4:00. pointing. operator: District Attorn^: 'f’l think you disappeared and white pepper be­ Manchester A * and Recapping LIVING-ROOM consists o f S-pc. cide to put thing. In such,good Company, Broad street Tele­ Furnaces Installed - FOR QUALITY, piica servlca — Hcrtiert Bechtoldl Governor: “Look hero, girl, do have done right. I^ n l all wr can o rd e r?” ^ came hard .to get, many cafes FOR SALE—Dalmatian pui living-room auKs, 2 end ubiaa. FURNISHED rooma for gentle­ served shakers with smaller holes, C I.A »)inB D ADVT. phone 3888. Open 8 a. bb. to 7 p Caves lYouah end Oonduetot consult AJbsri Uuay, ‘n h s Loms a.A.HSlFIKD AOVT. you khow whom I am ?’’ learn he la a man who would put 8 weeks old, reasoi.ablc. 198 South coffee table, floor and . bridge' men. One with kitchen privllegaa. Little Oirl: "Why Mother! Didn’t •ays ■ Pathfinder. One rMtaurant DBPr. HOUK8: m. Tspalrlak OwnsrF Palntai ** Oomplste la- Call 5825. HK.ri HOJ'KN: The fellow who always knocks Operator: “No, but I know the bite on aliooet anyone.” you ^ the story in the p#per tsiior and satsilor painting ssrv- sfreeL Rockville 833-18. lamps, smoker, 2 table lamps, should g st one big boost— and you where you are. operator plugged the holes entirely. 8:90 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Blasell carpet sweeper, rug and. 8:311 A. M. lo 4:45 F M. about two girls bdng arrested and NEW TIRES, naUonal branda. NORMAN BENTZ Ica papsrhanging, apraying and know where. Diners would shake the white Emeraon radio. An Oklahoma ooda Jerk Inher­ put In Jail for having a’disorderly Two 800S18 for 810.29 plus tax. 277 Horace Street floor rsfl.iishlng SatlsfacUon FIVE mRISEKR old puppies. Call ROOM FOR RENT. Phone 2-0457. . A lot o f candy and flowren are ited 810,000. Now his hair can house?” pepper container Nine out of 10, he said, thought they had peppered Guaranteed In wriUng for 90 Tat W88 guarantesd. fYsa ssumatsa. All 4718.-' BEDROOM conaists of bed, dreaa- Roses are reported having a purchased by huabanda on an In­ stay stick for a long, long Ume. days against all road hasarda. come of 2 a. m. their meat and wefe content. Last u d Pognd i workman fully Insursd. 90 Sprues ar. eheat, 2 pillows dreaaer scL H our** fo r lla l* 73 ffood jrear. Right up $o anuff! SIgnItieaut Mgns New batteries freah stock, guar­ WOODWORK of all kinds, built strssL Manchsstar. Tsi. 2-1955. bedroom chair, clothaa hamper, 2 and instsllsd Job shop ssrvics. Live atocii— Vetilcles , 42 The hot-weather ambiUon^ iff LOOT — Hamilton wrist anteed 15 months, only 811.75 scatter rugs and night Ubia. BiwinirM Ism tlons for IMMEDIATE Occupancy. Six-room Pawnbroker a Sign: See me at He: "My ancestors came over In ProfeasH nal kitchen deaigna For An Indian named Joe wowed a TSese are the days that call for lots of folks Is not to have any ypur earileat lnc OmstrucUon Company POSITIONS OPEN now for young BuxinMw Property for Sale 70 large porch. Call 4045 after 6:80 (Umcrete work, retaining wai:a lady In our office for clerical work. 1 8 H. P. JOHNSON. 890; 1 5 h. p. ANOTHER SHIPMENT of Speed- p.'m. FULLY EQUIPPED. | PROMPT — EXPERT cinder bincks, septic lankv land­ Experience helpful but not neces­ Johnson, 876; 1 5 h. p. Muncie, Quee^ washers with pump In TWO STORY building, can be con­ scaping. grading, driveways V sary. Apply In person to Mr. $70; 1 6 h. p Evinrude racing stock. Tel., 3535, Bertson’s, 713 verted Into nice living quarters. REFRIGERATION BelluccI Tel. I-IBOI. Litton of Western 'Auto Supply motor, $00; 1 new 12’ rowboat Main street. Call after 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. Tele­ Saborban for Sale 7$ 1940 CADILLAC S P O R T Co.. 2.59 Trumbull street, Hart­ with oars and oar locks, $57; also phone 7947. SERVICE ford. rubber boats 1 to 5 men. $9.95 to STEEL ENAMELED recess bath BOLTON- LAKE, four rooms, all FlnriKlH—Nurtwries LS $48.95. Maple Service Station, tubs 4V4’ and 5’. Left hand and irear home on lake front. Insulat­ COUPE. MODEL 62 ~ right hand In both sizes. Imme­ All Types — All Makes RELIABLE PERSON to hSp Route 44, Bolton, Conn. &lancbes- House* for Sale 72 ed, redecorated, well water, wired VERY CLEAN. GI.,ADtOLI bouquets. W'oodland young mother with housework. ter 7010. diate delivery. Montgomery for electric stove, no bath. Be­ ALLEY OOP Nice Goinff ‘ BY V. T. HAMLIN Gardens, 168 Woodland street. No rare of baby necc. MANCHESTER 2-1226 completely furnished Including INTD A FANTAfV OF COLE MOTORS WOMAN 25-45 for customer serv­ 6725. FOR SALE—3 .piece maple living 6 ROOM CAPE COD. All improve­ HI* OWN MMaiFACTUV. PASCAL CELERY plants for sale ice work In Manchester area, room eet. Monogram combination electric stove and refrigerator, ments, M acre, 10 minutes, Man­ HiNA’njIteilv MAKi*^ at 147 Birch atreet. SCiteNTIFIC business can he conducted from TWO HOT WATER gas heaters. gas and oil stove, cream color. large loL immediate occupancy. chester, $8,400. Robert Johnston, MlMBLF LOOK mCOOi 91 CENTER STREET home, full or part time. No ex­ Two thirty gallon tanks. Call Both In good condition. Call at 7 Exclusive with Crockett-Hansen 6858. REFRIGERATION RnoflnK—Siding 16 perience necessary, excellent In­ 2-0685, 17'2 Eldridge street. Plano Place. Co., 313 Main atreeL Manchester come and constant repeat busi­ Phone 5416. FIVE ROOM house. All conven­ SERVICE ROOFING AND SIDING our spe- ness. Write Box A, Herald. FLASH! HERE’S electric light iences, garage, utility room, lOT ■1888 PLTMOXJTH four-door sedan. and power for farmer, contrac­ REFRIGERATOR, 7*. side oven MODERN 4-ROOM single. Deep- per cent Insulated, lot 100’ by 200', Bedte and beater, good tirsa. clalty. New ceilings and carpen­ gas stove. Call 6472. LAWN Mowera, hand and power WANTED— Waitress Apply In tors, summer cottage owners, gas wood Drive, all modem conven­ n t«r lake. Seen by appointment. Reasonabto offsr conatdared. Must try. Highest quality materl'ala. iences completely renovate A *lrt(3iH' vote e • 1HS lim onadc SSVflorSSODT’fl ‘ A pply RADIO neor fixing T Have It re- CALL 5161 , furnished. 30 day occupancy. Own water oil heat, gooo location. 90 then Flf’.HN 1 HOOLDNT '.0»^ TkE portunity for an aggressive sale.s- Ktarhlnery and rools 5'2 ItiKOTrtaR paireo oy exports Pick-up serv Ronfini;—Repairing 17-A nian. Opr salesmen average be­ er leaving state.- Price 814,700 day occupancy, in ta ct Suburban FELL*;© a d e o f t h c kOlB ffOcK S NEW I AND used Royal Portable VKM'iiOOrs Bird 5 inG 3 " „ Jorvis Realty Co. Ice, guarsnieed work Sets check tween $5,000 and $8,000 per year. furnished. CTall 2-0633. Realty Oo., Realtors, 671 Center «CrtOOLHOU8fi « CANDY 'Q od 'r the tome Cat radios •> KflOFlNO.OK all kinda Chimney typewriters. Immediate delivery. WARDS ALL-PUBPQSE loader al- street. Call 8215. Other listings lONt.T f , work, gutter work and insulation Reply Box S, Herald. CROSS 5 Dover Road ape.’-lalty Manchester Kadir Libera; terms and trade-ins. Re­ ways gives perfectl> balanced lift 6 ROOM SINGLE, bath room, linen wanted. 0 Expert repairs Honest workman­ It has only one master hy­ Se'vlce, n Bircc atreet Phone W a n t e d —Male help, in all de­ pairs on (ill makes Marlow’s, 867 cIoMt, cabinet sink, wired for elec­ h/hat a re you tryin g to] ship. 5latiBfactlon guaranteed draulic cylinder! Has channel steel tric stove, fully insulated, nice ce­ , Aficeh then 2-U84U partments of A'oolen mill except Main street. . dost9rx^tivubte_/i Call Iknighlln, Manchester ,7707 weaving and spinning. Apply lifting arms. P.ucket pitch con­ ment cellar, new blinds Included. Ifiy mother ELECTRIC Lctora repairing and FOR SALE - Men’s rebuilt and trolled from seat. See It! It’s pric­ Nice monthly payments 850 a ^ n ? Y-EOeW SINGLE—Steam heat, CHIMNEYS rebuilt, repaired and .Matson Mill, Inc.. South Glaston. Deaths Last Night \jaround here? rewinding Al' wurk guaranteed. bury, Oonn. relaated shoes Better than new ed low! 8195. Wards Farm Store, month.*'Price 88,200, cash 83,700. elL Oarage. Art condllhtii. cleaned. Also all types of roofing cheap shoes. See them. Sam Purnell P la o . Phone 5161. Mrs. Marie O ark. Tel. 7822. $14,900. - Ace Electric Motor Repaira. ’221 and r pstrlng All work guaran­ North Main street, opooalte l'»e- Yulyea, 701 Main atreeL Philadelphia—Mr#. Anthohy ,T. teed l-aRose Bros Co. Tel 2- MAN TO WORK nights In ga.soline JUST Received, anothei shipment SIX-ROOM Cape CTod, oak floors, Drcxel’ Biddle, ■Sr.. 69, wife of a pot entrance on North School 0769 'of 3 H.P. Garden fCinp tractors hot water heat, oil, tile bath and 8 ROOMS—Garage, Fireplace. atreet. Phone 5642. station. 329 East Center street. famous Marine colon.el, an heir to Hot water beat. oil. ’Die bath- PIPELESS HOT air furnace. In. with - power ’ reverse. Capitol shower.. Brass plumbing, fireplace the Anthony Joseph Drexel for­ WANTED TWO first class auto quire, 87 West street. Immediate occupancy.' Price Kltcbcfl caMnets. Screens. OLD FLOORS SA.NDF.D r Grinding Compnny, ' 38 -Main tune, and mother of Anthony J. Storm windows. Awnings. Well Movitiff— TrurkiiiK— mechanics. Apply Bruniiers, 358 street Phone 7958. $11,600. James J. Rohan and Son. Drexel Biddle, -Jr., former U. S. Layln,- and (Inlahing. East Center strert, Manchester. Phone 7433 - 7911. ‘ 1 7*26 tauflseaped. and Mmde / J E: Jenaen, StoraRe 20 Garden—P«rm—Dairy 'ambassador to Poland and goverti- trees. POWER LAWN mowers, garden ment#-ln-exlle in London. Tel. Storrs 9928. cvehlngs. ASHES, Cane, rubbish .removed. MAN 30 YEARS or older to take WELLS STREET, reduced, 5 room VIC FI.INT Product* 50 tractors, bale hay wire, tractors Red Bluff, Calif.—Frederick W: The Brief Doesn't Rciaz BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY AND RALPH I.ANB Cellars, attics, -yards eleaned. care of groundsjit Garden apart- and farm, machinery. Dublin Trac­ duplex. Redecorated throughout, "Or.,Jone* i* a vary intaraating apaakar— and wa'va ar« 6-ROOM SINGLE—Tile hath. all m a k e s 01 sewing machines menta at Forest street. Stfady CHOICE, CULTIVATED blueber­ excellent condition. 30 day od* McKechnie, Jr., 63, publisher of rflhgad for hlih to diacuat tha mwful atat* of tha world at 3 left a very worried tycoon and went beck experuy re|>alreReaJty Oo., Realtors, and Sacramento. Calif. BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE CARPENTER work, repairing. of 20-.30 wanted for retail store ON invite foa a pianos moved, anywhere in- the Household Good* 61 825. Call 2-0017 between 8 and 8 571 Center street. Tel. 8215. Open ■ Santa Monica, (Ta.Ilf.—Julius F. JobblVig, reasonable rates Cali work, pleasant working condi­ quick aiTf o# stale Alfw general truckihg And p^m. Thursdays till 6 p.m. Stone. 92. retired Ohio manufaetpr-- NEW 8-ROOM DUTCH COLO­ Manchester 8608. tions, vacation with pay, group FLOOR problems solved with er and banker and trustee of Ohio SUPPER and A NIAL—KHchea) raWnets. Spa- rubbish removed. Pianos • qilr Insurance, proflt>h.aring plan. A p­ Unoleum, Aaphait ■ Ule. counter LAWN mowers sharpened ’.‘The specialty: F’r/iinger and Madl- Nptirea State university for 28 years. _He Hous Uvtng r o ^ . Fireplace. ply In person to Mr. Uttell. West- Expert wurkmahiihlp, ~ free eoti- Musical tnxirbiiiehts S3 ‘was boni in DeMia Lake, Mich. ' ' *" Tile bath. Hot water heat, oil. Universal Way” sUy sharp long­ gah‘ Phone 5847. ern Auto Supply Co., 259 Trum­ tnates Open evenings. Jonas Uqt'O* PKBMIT er. cut keener, operate easier Obcupancy In 90 days or soon- bull street, Hartford. (•'umlturu Oak atreeL Phone SUMMER PIANO Sale: Good i KoticE or ArrucATioir «w S14A09. Work guaranteed. Tel 2-9853. 85 TRUltKlNG and hauling. Ashes 2-1041. eoONOS YHTH M.'V "AlpM 00MB" 6«OGAiO Fairfield s\reeL and rubbish removed. Yards and lectlOn - • spinets, midget .up­ This 1( t( ‘Klve notice that I. RALPH FU3WTIN*» a s NAffUEAURTa MlWt. ■cellars cleaned. Olander 2-6861. rights, all in fine condition. H. JUDD, of 14 Elrnn., have STEl^OGRAPHER throughout, corner Moving, packing' and atoraga filed an application dated July uth. Phone Manchester 5187 or Hart­ ADVERTISING BOOK matchei. COMBINATION Glenwood atove, WE ffUY rags, papers and scrap 1947. with Liquor'Control Conunleelon For General Office lot. -Cicely landacap- ford 6-1423. Make quick profits selling union also Zenith radio: . Inquire, 77 metals CatT Arnold Nelson? 787 (or a Package Store Beer Parailt for Bigelow street. TeL 8974. the sale of alcoholic liquor on the George L. Graxiadio' label book matches. Ever'yone a Lo'dkU'Iree' 8908 ' premises. 29 Bast (Tenter street.' Man­ Apply-in Person prospect. Free big power-house REALTOR ' edi Priced for quick chester. Painting—PgperinK 21 eelling kit, complete catalog „ . . BENDIX AUTOMA’nC waahqr, BJIRBER SHOP, centrally located The bualns'i Is owned by First Na­ Betw'een 4 and 6 P. M. m i lasqraaee sale. snappy girls. ■ champlo.n dogs, reasonable. C all-or aee Mrs. J Write full particular# to Box O. tional Stores Inc., and will be ben- - V vte**' ADOflONEEB INSIDE AND OLTBIDE painting, scentes. fraternal and business Tracy. 91 Chestnut street. Herald ______ducted by WILLIAM D. - VALENTE. paperhanglng. floor' sanded and of l04''Wsahiprton street. Manchester. 188 B E N S r ST. TEL. 8978 4113 cute. <^eh ct vimlaalon In advance. Conn,, ss permittee ■" ^aodwiORN YMIRTYTH 'ffeARft TOO SOOM « te Bta u 8 Ft? aar P H O N E ^finished, cellfnga'whitened. Call Wrlt^ today... Superior Match, 6 5 4 Cenfer St. Dlibcrt FIckett, 4I0L MAGIC CHEF gas stove, excellent WILLIAM D. VALENTE. jn ji’rirlifiKH 7582 S. Greenwood, (Thlcogo 19, conditloa Call 2-0822. Read Herald Advs. Dated July 1$. 1947. .V ■'N I •7 • .J- 7