THE DREXEL DYNASTY!!!! Part II The Astor/Drexel Dynasties Historic Silver Suppressors!

Presented April 2019 by Charles Savoie

Drexels Mentors to Original J.P. Morgan! Drexels Belittled Monetary Silver! Drexels Wanted World Wars! Drexels Chasing World Seafloor Wealth! Note new site of possible interest to Texas residents

Continuing to rebut this pitiful widespread illness that causes dimwits to holler “no one has any money but the Rothschilds,” we now present an account of the super-important Drexel family, connected by marriage to the inordinately influential Astor dynasties; with both super dynasties well represented in The Pilgrims Society---including in its management! The account of the Drexels, like the Astors, starts in the Old World; in Europe. Francis Martin Drexel was born in Dornbirn in the Tyrol area of Austria on April 7, 1792 and lived until June 5, 1863 when he died of injuries sustained in a train accident; it may be that he as a resident and a greedy banker may have worried whether the North would fail to defeat the South in the Civil War, since it hadn’t yet been decided. He left “an enormous estate.” 1358-g520 this source states --- “The company was also involved in financial deals with the federal government during the U.S.-Mexican War.”

We read at --- “In 1803, he was sent to study in a Catholic institution near Turin. When he returned in 1809, he found Austria invaded by the French, and to escape conscription he crossed the border into Switzerland and then went to Paris. In 1812, he returned to the Tyrol incognito. Conscription was still in force, so he went to Bern. In 1817, he sailed for the from Amsterdam, and settled in Philadelphia. After a few years, he went to Peru and Chile, painting portraits, including one of General Simón Bolívar. Drexel visited South America twice as well as Mexico.” Yes! The original Drexel was Catholic, and a streak of Catholicism persisted in this family for decades; which is why I speculate that they are some of the later entrants into The Pilgrims Society, a group sponsored by English Royals, with historic conflicts with the Pope! The first year I can show an Astor in The Pilgrims (NYC) is 1907; the first year I can show a Drexel in The Pilgrims () is 1924. The first year I can show a Drexel in The Pilgrims (NYC) is 1969! That is to say, by paternity; there’s an Anthony Drexel Biddle Jr. in The Pilgrims NYC in 1957; so the Drexels were represented first as of then. However, I have sketchy details only for 1958 through 1968; most likely John Rozet Drexel III was a Pilgrims member several years before 1969. We’re getting ahead of the story line; let’s retrace.

According to Wiki on Francis Martin Drexel, the founder of the Drexel family in America--- “In 1837, after his permanent settlement in Philadelphia, he founded the banking house Drexel & Company which became one of the largest banks in the United States. The original business of Drexel & Co. was discounting privately issued bank notes, the value of which was largely dependent on the character of the principal officers of the issuing bank. The exposure to the principals gained from portrait painting is said to have given Drexel inside knowledge. After his death in 1863, the Paris firm, Drexel, Harjes & Co., was founded in 1868, and the firm, Drexel, Morgan & Co., was founded in 1871.” A link at JP Morgan Chase mentions---

In 1867 with partners John H. Harjes and Eugene Winthrop,