nUDAT* nTLTMb IMT lOTIlTEEW AYtrago Dolly Ctrcalattoa iKanrtri^Btpr Etmtftts If^ntlH ,.TI m W satiM r Fhr Bto Mmrth *8 d h M , t »42 FaraosM af 0. Bl aYaalkaz 1 iMinb«ra «< tb« L4#lon 9,255 Fair oM eiattoaii wana a». to the convontlon tomorrow Engaged to Wed Rank in G>rps day: Smday fMr aad eso About Town meet at th« tuition Horn*. Iw- Id o« Ihs Audit warm with asmporaaara sea . Mrean 11:4a and 12:00 o'clock, or 9t Ohreulattoas Me to today. ____s-Shen AidUMary, V. Imeet in Mew Hacan at the comer Is Permanent Sale W , wtU hold ■ food M l* t o m o r ^ and Sherman atraeta Mancheiter^-^A City of ViUofte Charm at Hato’a atoir beginninf that a'ifood repreaenta- o'clock Mi*. Dorothy MIlWi be on hand. Warrant Offirer Joseph VOL. LXVL, NO. 250 AdveiUalBg On Pag* A) the comwiittee, and the taleri?-’® - MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1947 (TEN PAGES) PRICK POUR CENTS the heneflt of *he orphan*' home rtiarie* McCarthy of Pmehurtti Orfilrili Has Been No* at Cedar Raplda, Iowa, Giwcery. with Mm. McCarthy and, tified of the Order- 30 Scholars Dead Leav6 Old Ben Mine Warrant Officer Joaeph _ M. ' Dispute May m Odd Fellow* hall liti^ead of the Fall*. Orfitelll, Mannn Corpa Reaefve, DRESSES Three Major Mpney of chH. L.».ph,r. n ..«.r will return to active duty for ah View Papers Block Balkan caoM at Memorial Field between j Kinney'* | Infantry refre«her course from | S a O d d Fellowaand the Center Im Klnjaton. N. Y. Mm l^mpherei Auguat 10 to 24, it waa announced | Oemcoe*. All memhem are urifM will Join him later for a week at a Lincoln Left nearby lake. today, Orfitelll la operator of the \ , Issue Action to attand the game and meeting Manchester Taxi company here, to foUow. Bills Chief Barriers; and during the war saw much *c- Rev. Robert Parnona, at ting Delve . into (Collection dean of the School of Chrlatian tlon with the .Marine Corpa, He had ] Diflerpiires Over Inter* Miaalona Hartford Theological i aerYlce from lOI'l onward, Sealed from Public pretatjon of Char­ g A U t « U A M Seminary, will be the giieat i Two ‘ days ago he waa notified preacher at the Talcottville Con­ I that he haa U en granted com- ' View for 28 Years; ter May Bar IVaee- gregational church. Sunday morn­ mlaaloned warrant status of per- | Session Nearing End BINGO , manent grade In the corps. During ' Open Safes on Time ing at 10:4.1. Dr. Pamon* haa been ful Settlement Now 8 I m. a foreign miaalonary In Africa and ' the war he advanced through the ; —» — T on igh t S p. ■ will have an Intereating and In- : ranks to be wariant officer and , WnahtngtoJ, July 3d — (JT) — adjutant In a Marine air aquadron. Lake Success. N. J., July 26 — ^ apiiing meaaage. • MIm Marjorie Mltehell Thirty eminent scholars, locked in Congress Expected / o r a n <;e h a l l Orfitelll will undergo training iF)—United States and Russian I A Swilrh in Time Saves Man at Camp I^ejeunt, N. C., which la a room at the Library of t!ongreas, differences over interpretation of Adjourn Tonight Um* Tefti aona were bom yeaterday Mr. and Mr*.-WllH*m R. Milch- only 40 mll'ea from the family hom*i lelved today Into a coUeetton of the United Nations rliarter threat­ i at the Hartford hospital to Mr. ell, of H9 Fairfield Street, announce of hia wife. He • xpecta to combine til Next JaiiMryt Abraham Lincoln’* papers sealed ened today to block effective Se­ : and Mr*. Gordon Tuttle of 52 the engagement of their daughter, vacation and. military aervlce. He from public view Yor 28 years. Dnve A, Silver Lane Home*. They will leave here Auguat 6 and be curity Council action for peaceful Republican Leadera Th« have a four-ygar-old boy, Kverett. Ml.na Marjorie Mitchell, to Horace What they found was to be dla- M. Blaaell. of 154 Cooper HIM bark Auguat 26. eloeed at noon (11 a.m., e. a. L ). settlement at the Balkan pitiblem. Confident of Meetiiif Mra, Tuttle w4a the former Mia* The precisely worded terms of Edna Chrlatenaen. .rtreet. son of Mra. Mary I-. and Thes* differences confronted the fewey-Richmoh the late John H. Blaaell. MUa I bequest by the Civil war presl- U. N. with a major crisis over the Deadline; May Re­ Mitchell, a gradtiate of Manchea- Ciel N. V . IJeense lent's son, - Robert Todd Lincoln, charter, since neither the U. S. nor Mr. and Mr*. Frank F. Yeoman* ■ fuj^h school, served 16 months, ivere precisely carried out by offl- the Soviet union would budge sort to Device Y>f Stop­ Co. of 215 Oakland street have iagiied | the U. S. Navy with the eiala of the library. from their announced positions ping Official Qocka ' tnvttatlona for the marriage' of " y t ’evea" and la at present ,em- B e M a r r i e d Robert Todd Lincoln left the pa­ The differences arose In debate )Cmi8T thtlr daughter Mias June M. Yeo-| ployed bv the Connecticut Gener-| pers with the library In 1919, of' 28 over the situation on the borders ' mana. to'W illiam A. Park. Tbe ,|^| g jf, inaurancr Company In yean ago, under a stipulation of Greece with Albania, Bulgaria Washington. July 26.—^ PRESCRIPnONS FILLED ' caremony will take place, Satur- i Hertford. New York July 26—Two real- against opening them until 21 j ^ and Yugoslavia. -Three major approprimtlSQ -day afternoon at four o’clock, Au-: g|r. Blaaell, a graduate of Man- denta of Manchester, Mlaa Marga­ years after hia death. He died In NEW raAMES A t the core of the latest de­ bills, a wool bill and some Isf* ; gust ». In the Second Oongrega- cheater High achool, aerved three ret Marie Leister, 21 of 183 Hack­ 1928. FeUaw miner* carry oat one of the 87 men who died In aa exptoslon and ir e 866 feet deep nod more velopment is an American pro­ LENS DDP^JCATED : tlonal church, with reception lm- n „ ^ e half years with the Army matack street, and Wilbert George Five Double Safee Opened t iM ^ k In OM Ben Mine at West Frankfort. 111. Reocue workers had to grope their way posal that the Security council iaiative odds and ends sto^ REPAIRS ^ D E I mediately following In the church j^lr Forces and Is a local agent for Sullivan of 3M Hartford road were It waa exactly one minute past tkkoogh shafto Ailed with Mack damp gaa to reach the hodlee.— (N E A telepiioto). set up an international commis­ aa the only barriers today parlor*. ip* Travelers Insurance ('.ompany. lasued a marriage license here midnight when the time limit ran sion to Watch over the Balknrui tween the flPat session at The wedding la planned for early Wednesday at the Municipal bulM- out and Ave double safes full of with the power to conciliate and A paper* were opened. 80th Ongresa and adjourn­ In September. !"*• Hughes Denies Investigate disputes. ment tonight until next Janu­ The couple did not announce Amid the excitement breathed Dutch Clear Broad — The section of the U. N. char­ by more than 100 Lincoln scholara, ier in dispute is Chapter VI, which ary. Cinder Blocks their wedding plana. newspaper, newnreel and radio The prospective bride was bom provides for peaceful settlement Sore They Oaa Meat DoaSaa* Johnson men, who craned to see the Arst Roosevelt Son of disputes without using sanc­ Republican leadars nmniiig tha and d N D E R BLOCK MFO. CO,. In Mancheater, the daughter of volumes, Dr. Luther Evans, li­ British- Henry and Margaret Brennan Lela- Area Along Coast tions or military force against the congreaalonal show (or the ftist INC. brarian, said: countries Involved. time In 15 yaara wora coaSdqat ter. Mr. Sullivan, alao a native of "Nothing like this ever has hap­ T*ll*sa SI.. Cast HartfatO Americon Club Contract Link Russia contends that a commis­ they could meet the adjouraoMat Anderson Mancheater, la the son of Robert pened In these rooms before.’’ deadline without difficulty. Tai. HtM. a-aaaa and Anna Loney Sullivan. Inside the Ave safes were 194 Also Indicate Eastern tS ^ S S S S,« ‘ sion established under this chap­ ter has only the power of recom­ But, if necessary, they atood volumes containing Items ranging raady to raaart to the oTtcB-uoad PAINTING AND A from correspondence Abraham Lln- Testifies Behind Closed Java Now Firmly in' mendation and does not have the r News Tidbits right of access to the territory of leglalaUv* devtco of atopptag the DECORATING BINGO eola had with Washington atorea official clocks short of ml<Sdghf to conununlcatlons on yellowed Doors Elliott Had Tlrir Hamls; InHone-j culW Fh« (IP) Wire, countries involved without their I conaenL to mak* the July 86 quitting data Igiefler and Esterior Work parchment marked "B y Military Nothing to Do With sians Claim Successes i ■" ' — official. Glass Telegraph.". Some of the letters The U. S. arguto that the char­ m nighlaadSL TcL 6S12 f® Tomorrow were signed "A . Lincoln." Award in Wartime ter gives the Security council the O. O. P. Leadera Hallaek oC ;•* Lies RatAvin Tiilv OR__ _____ A ' BHUah-Roaelaa trade talks right to investigate wherever and dtana aad Taft of Ohio earriod lii SMOakSL Tcl. C9U Ii^alled Dr. Eh^ans said that at a dinner XT .u . ' 26.-^i!P)— A ; broken off because of inabUlty to 'olatoBagi lost night the 30 men had diacuBoed whenever it desires, whether tile thair poekata Houaa and Soaeta ■ •*■ B**tlaa Washington, July 26—(4>)—How­ Netnemnds communique said ^ agree upon Anance ternui, head of countries Involved like it or not.
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