
nEW bOOKS | jANUARY–jUNE 2014 Highlights

Fiction | 8 Fiction | 11 Fiction | 18

History | 28 Politics | 32 Science | 40

Psychology | 46 Literature | 54 Gift | 56 Contents


Fiction New 2 New in Paperback 18

Non-fiction History 22 Philosophy 31 Politics & Current Affairs 32 Business 38 Science 40 Psychology 46 Literature 54 Gift 56 Religion 58

Beginner’s Guides New 59 Complete List 62

Distributors & Representatives 64 Beads of water sparkled on their brown backs. Even from behind her sunglasses, Janet’s eyes winced at the brightness of their silvery-brown skin. Then her eyes were drawn to the wobbling water that lassoed the sun into strange rings and coils. And there, beneath it all, was the crack.

For a moment, she thought that there was no crack. Surely if there were a crack, the water level would have dipped. Surely, she would have noticed if the water level had dipped. Or Solomon would have said something about the water level dropping. Nothing had been said or noticed. Until now.

She stood there. Her three little silver darlings shivered in the heat and murmured to one side. She slid her sunglasses onto the top of her head. She stood over the pool, leaning out as far as she dared. Still the water looped and coiled the glinting light. It would take time for the waves to settle.

But she had time.

Of that commodity she had an abundance.

Always that sense of time on her hands. As though time were some sticky substance that clung to her fingers and had to be carefully scoured off. Rubbed off with care and Sunlight soap so that it did not stick under her wedding ring or catch in the gap between the white gold of that ring and its little neighbour – the more recent eternity ring presented to her by Hektor-Jan after the birth of their third child, precious little Sylvia. Well done, said the ring. Well done on securing the next generation of white South African children, but enough, now, no more. The future is safe as the eternal circle of the ring suggests, but enough, too, as the white gold zero urgently implies. For ever and now. It felt strange accepting, for a second time, such a ring from such a man. Everything and nothing. New Fiction 3

The Crack Christopher Radmann

The tensions and complexities of 1970s South Africa are brought vividly to life in this dark and powerful literary thriller

Gentle but highly strung, Janet must support her Afrikaner husband in his new job as a plain-clothes policeman and specialist interrogator. Hektor-Jan heads off to work on New Year’s Day, aware that he is unbearably close to a bloody drama about to unfold.

As Janet’s world tightens and threatens to fracture, she must look to her children and cling to the support of Alice, her black maid, and Solomon, her ever-faithful gardener. All too Praise for Held Up: conscious of her own emotional fragility, Janet watches her mother slip into the folds of ‘Old Timers’ disease. And next ‘An angry, forceful debut.’ door, the lurking, unfathomable Doug is up to no good. As the crack in the swimming pool widens, can Janet bridge the gaps that threaten them all?

Written with tenderness and disquieting power, Christopher Radmann exposes a brutal centre that cannot hold – and reveals how in apartheid South Africa, things must crack and fall apart.

UK & ROW 1 May 2014 Christopher Radmann is from South Africa but USA & CAN 10 Jun 2014 has lived in England for the last twelve years. He is Hardback Head of Sixth Form and Head of English at a boarding £12.99/$19.99 school in Hampshire, England, where he lives with his Demy (216mm×135mm) wife and two children. 352pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-399-8 eISBN: 978-1-78074-427-8 4 Fiction New

Martin Harbottle’s Appreciation of Time Dominic Utton

The very funny story of one man’s attempt to get even with The Man

Dan’s got a new job, working for a scandalous tabloid. But he’s moved out of town in order to start a family and has to begin commuting into London every day. After fourteen months of the trains either making him late for work or late getting home, he’s had enough. Having tracked down the email address of the MD of the train company, Martin Harbottle, he starts to write him letters. Emails that take as long to read as the delay to his journey. If his time’s been wasted, why shouldn’t he waste Martin’s?

It turns out Dan has plenty of time to fill and a lot to say: his work for the troubled paper, his marriage and the struggle to adjust to new parenthood, his forthright opinions on everything find their way into his letters. And when Martin starts to respond, a hilarious and extraordinary correspondence begins.

Dominic Utton is a journalist and author of fifteen UK & ROW 9 Jan 2014 years’ experience. After going freelance from the Daily USA & CAN 18 Mar 2014 and Sunday Express in 2001 he has written for newspapers Paperback £8.99/$15.99 including , Sunday Times, Daily Mail, and B format (198mm×129mm) Mirror, as well as magazines including Cosmopolitan, 352pp Elle, Maxim, Zoo, and many more. He lives in Oxford and ISBN: 978-1-78074-372-1 currently commutes to London six days a week. eISBN: 978-1-78074-373-8 Or rather – lucky us. Me and Overkeen Estate Agent. My sole regular fellow traveller on the night shift home. He’s an odd one, is Overkeen Estate Agent. I only ever see him when I’m on these later trains – and he always seems to have come straight from work. The shiny suit, the tie in a fat footballer’s knot. (What is that knot? Like a quadruple-Windsor, far too big for any shirt collar, squatting there at the neck like a fat silk Buddha. Who decided that was a good look? And when did we start taking sartorial direction from footballers anyway?) He’s always on the phone (a white iPhone – and that in itself speaks volumes. He chose the white model. He looked at the black version and said: No. I want a white one. I am male, I appear to be heterosexual… and yet still, despite all that, I’d prefer the white iPhone. That’s the sort of person I am) and he’s always saying things like: ‘We need to drill this down’, and ‘Let’s get that actioned asap’. He uses words like ‘diarise’ and ‘bro’ and ‘PDQ’. He calls people ‘legends’. He’s about 14 years old. I’m simultaneously repulsed and fascinated by him. But, to be fair to him, he rarely seems bothered by the train delays. He just keeps talking nonsense into his white iPhone and staring at his reflection in the window. 6 Fiction New

In Between Dreams Iman Verjee

A tale of a taboo love affair and its inescapable consequences

Growing up in a sleepy town with parents who seem to adore her, it’s difficult to understand why Frances is the way she is. Strange, manipulating, and at times cruel, she is a mystery to Marienne, her bewildered mother. But, on closer inspection, hiding beyond the white picket fence and cherry-blossom tree that umbrellas their cosy life, something dark lies heavy on both Frances and her father.

Following a disastrous sixteenth birthday party and a grandmother found dead in the bathtub, Frances is sent away to boarding school. The Academy is a place rife with teenage rivalry, secret rendezvous, and budding friendships. And it’s here - alone for the first time - that Frances is forced to confront the true nature of her life.

Intertwined with Frances’ narrative is that of her father James. Between them we discover a story about a young girl entering adulthood under the smoky weight of a terrible secret; of a life stolen and rediscovered and above all, the tale of a tainted love affair and the fluid, easily traversed boundary between perversity and normality.

Iman Verjee won the 2012 Peters Fraser & Dunlop/ UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 City University Prize for Fiction for her debut novel In USA & CAN 13 May 2014 Between Dreams, which she wrote whilst completing Hardback £12.99/$19.99 an MA in Creative Writing at City University. Prior to Demy (216mm×135mm) studying in London she studied psychology at the 368pp University of Alberta in Canada, where she lived for ISBN: 978-1-78074-396-7 six years. She now lives in Nairobi, Kenya. eISBN: 978-1-78074-397-4 ‘They all say I’m strange. And they made her believe it too.’ Here, I stop myself. I cannot tell him what really happened. A quick memory of that hazy afternoon flashes through my mind and I blink it away. I turn in his arms and this time, he lets me. He rests his chin on top of my head. ‘When did this happen?’ ‘I can’t remember,’ I answer. ‘It’s been a while, I guess.’ ‘You know it’s not true, right?’ His hand runs under my hair and rubs in slow circles down my back. ‘You know how lovely you are.’ ‘Then how come you didn’t defend me today?’ I look up at him, pushing against his chest. ‘You just stood there and let her shout at me.’ He doesn’t answer. Instead, that familiar, agonizing look comes across his face and his fingers slip into mine. The pillow beneath me falls silently to the floor and the events of the day become insignificant. I feel the roughness of the sheets tangling around my feet, the slick heaviness against my skin that I missed all day. The long sighs of the night, so close and loving in my ear, fill my heart with blood and happiness. I see, from the corner of my eye, the luminous glow of my fake galaxy above us; watch as it expands and blurs, finally bursting into infinite space. Nothing more needs to be said. When it’s time for him to leave, he kisses my nose lightly. His bare feet hit the floor with hardly a sound. ‘Goodnight, darling,’ and the door closes just as silently behind him. I roll into the warm valley his body has made in the mattress, and miss him so much, it hurts everywhere. Not long after settling into her own, small corner of the city, Rebecca met a young man called George. He was very lost and lived alone. She had seen him strolling through the square outside Monastiraki Station – close to the narrow entrance to the flea markets, where she liked to sit and watch people. He was always overdressed, not only for the climate but for his age. Street children followed him in cheap clogs playing toy accordions, pulling at his jacket and jumping in front of him. He was perturbed by them, but never unkind – like some uncle with a great many nephews and nieces whom he loves but hardly knows. He looked the sort of man who had read all of Marcel Proust in bed. The sort who wanted to get up early but chronically overslept. And he walked slowly, hunched into a cigarette. New Fiction 9

Everything Beautiful Began After Simon Van Booy

A beautiful love story among the ruins of Athens

Rebecca is young, lost, and beautiful. A gifted artist, she seeks solace and inspiration in the Mediterranean heat of Athens as she tries to understand who she is and how she can love without fear. George has come to Athens to learn ancient languages after growing up in New England boarding schools and Ivy League colleges; he spends his days hunched over books or wandering the city in a drunken stupor. Henry is in Athens to dig: an accomplished young archaeologist, he devotedly uncovers the city’s past as a way to escape his own, which holds a secret that not even his ‘There is... an integrity to [Van doting parents can talk about. Booy’s] vision and a haunting element in his portrait of And then, a series of chance meetings, and Rebecca, friendship.’ George, and Henry are suddenly in flight, their lives brighter Daily Mail and clearer than ever, as they fall headlong into a summer that will forever define them in the decades to come. ‘A book that is timeless but not rootless... highly sophisticated and absolutely sincere.’ Irish Times ‘Vivid and meticulous.’ Metro

UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 Simon Van Booy was born in London and grew up Paperback in rural Wales and the suburbs of London. He is the £8.99 author of three novels and two collections of short B format (198mm×129mm) stories, including The Illusion of Separateness, The 368pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-378-3 Secret Lives of People in Love, and Love Begins in Winter, eISBN: 978-1-78074-379-0 which won the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award in 2009. He lives in New York. Credit: ‘Brutal, funny... O ‘G ‘I Laszlo the Beautiful Tamar and Grace, collection story short the fiction, of work first her with D 10 S novelists. A by BB selected 2010, in was out she Ms Davies writes withsuchspunk of theride.’ that you stay withherfor much Independent New York Times Lionel S sex, inallitsirrationality and Praise for True Things AboutMe: potential for self-destruction.’ novels that isgenuinely about n thiswallop of alittle novel... hriver chose it as her personal book of the year. S the of book personal her as it chose hriver e linting withpitch-black humour.’ b n Fictio or a h K hriver nd when the novel was published in N a y Dav . Me When her debut novel, About True Things ne of thoserare ie won the Wales Book of the Y the of Book Wales the s won C T V as one of the 12 best new British British new 12 best the of one V as normal girl growing up, doing the normal things little do. girls a about novel lyrical but anervy is To Woods Goes The She T mystery? and secrets of wonder a woods, sensual sinister, dark, the in at home so feel she be? A reasons those might What woods. nearby to the escaping for reasons secret own her has who girl little her. A know who toall amystery achild, she’s just But bad. very very, is she often More good. very very, be can Pearl horrid! was she bad was she when But good. very, very was she good was she When Deborah K R the Woods the old in vignettes across Pearl’s childhood years, Reasons years, childhood Pearl’s across vignettes in old New easons S easons ew Y he lives in C in lives he ork in 2011, L ear 2009 ear award ardiff. ay D , came , came ionel avies he G eISBN: 978-1-78074-377-6 eISBN: 978-1-78074-376-9 ISBN: 224pp Demy (216mm×135mm) £12.99 Hardback UK &ROW UK oes to 6 Fe nd how can can how nd b 2014 New Fiction 11

The Swan Gondola Timothy Schaffert

For all lovers of Water for Elephants and The Night Circus, a lush, enchanting novel set amid the gothic amusements, scandalous burlesques, and flimflam men of the 1898 Omaha World’s Fair

On the eve of the 1898 Omaha World’s Fair, Ferret Skerritt, ventriloquist by trade, con man by birth, isn’t quite sure how it will change him or his city. Omaha still has the marks of a filthy Wild West town, even as it attempts to achieve the grandeur and respectability of nearby Chicago. But when he crosses paths with the beautiful and enigmatic Cecily, his whole purpose shifts and the fair becomes the backdrop to their love affair. ‘Each of [Schaffert’s] books is a One of a travelling troupe of actors that has descended on quirky little gem.’ New York Times the city, Cecily works in the Midway’s Chamber of Horrors, ‘A fresh, gorgeous, witty page- where she loses her head hourly on a guillotine playing turner full of twists and surprises Marie Antoinette. And after closing, she rushes off, clinging and all the romance in the protectively to a mysterious carpet bag, never giving Ferret world. I couldn’t put it down.’ a second glance. But a moonlit ride on the swan gondola, a boat on the lagoon of the New White City, changes Jami Attenberg, author of The everything, and the fair’s magic begins to take its effect. Middlesteins ‘A highly imaginative, vividly told tale of whimsy, hucksters, soothsayers, ghosts and, most of all, star-crossed lovers.’ Cathy Marie Buchanan, author of The Painted Girls

UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 Timothy Schaffert is the author of four novels, including the critically Hardback acclaimed Devils in the Sugar Shop and The Singing and Dancing Daughters £14.99 of God. He has won the Henfield Award and the Mary Roberts Rinehart Royal (234mm×156mm) Award, and has been shortlisted for the O. Henry Prize. He is a contributing 464pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-490-2 editor for Fairy Tale Review, and the web editor of Prairie Schooner. He eISBN: 978-1-78074-491-9 teaches in the English Department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 12 Fiction New

The Elusive Language of Ducks Judith White

A quirky, astute and heart-warming novel about human relationships — and a duck

As if it will make up for her loss, they bring Hannah a duckling to care for. They were well meaning, and it could have done the trick.

However, Hannah’s focus on the duck progressively alienates those around her. As the duck takes over her world, past secrets are exposed. Will Hannah’s life unravel completely?

‘Poetic and reflective, wry and This funny, moving and insightful novel contemplates the playful at times, compassionate chemistry between one person and another: a man and and observant... Ideas are mulled another man’s wife; a woman and a duck; a woman and her over and lived through, words dead mother; a drug addict and his drug. Beautifully written, polished, characters coaxed into it is a penetrating and compassionate view of marriage, dependency, obsession, addiction, and love. life, flavours gradually deepen. The result is writing to savour.’ Herald on Sunday ‘It’s poetic, gentle and wise... Wry and clever, The Elusive Language of Ducks transcends its bleak theme to leave us as thoughtful and questioning as its gentle protagonist.’ Weekend Herald

Judith White is a winner of the BNZ Katherine Mansfield UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 Centenary Award, and twice winner of the Auckland Star USA & CAN 14 Jul 2014 Short Story Competition. A collection of short stories, Paperback £8.99/$15.99 Visiting Ghosts, was shortlisted for the New Zealand Book B format (198mm×129mm) Awards, and her first novel, Across the Dreaming Night, was 384pp shortlisted for the Montana New Zealand Book of the Year. ISBN: 978-1-78074-400-1 She lives in Auckland, New Zealand. eISBN: 978-1-78074-401-8 New Fiction 13

Zebra Crossing Meg Vandermerwe

Selected for South African O Magazine’s best reads, this devastating debut grips from the first page

Ghost. Ape. Living dead. Young Chipo has been called many names, but to her mother – Zimbabwe’s most loyal Manchester United supporter – she had always just been Chipo, meaning gift. On the eve of the World Cup, Chipo and her brother flee to Cape Town hoping for a better life and to share in the excitement of the greatest sporting event ever to take place in Africa.

But the Mother City’s infamous Long Street is a dangerous place for an illegal immigrant and albino. Soon Chipo is caught up in a get-rich-quick scheme organised by her brother and ‘A chilling must-read.’ the terrifying Dr Ongani. Exploiting gamblers’ superstitions Sindiwe Magona about albinism, they plan to make money and get out before ‘Zebra Crossing is one of the very rumours of looming xenophobic attacks become reality. But best works of socially conscious their scheming has devastating consequences. fiction produced in 2013, one that provides ample evidence of tremendous literary ability and a fine understanding of form.’

UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Meg Vandermerwe was born in South Africa USA & CAN 13 Apr 2014 in 1978. She read English at Oxford University and Hardback holds Masters degrees from the universities of Sussex £12.99/$19.99 and East Anglia. She teaches English Literature and Demy (216mm×135mm) Creative Writing at the University of the Western 216pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-430-8 Cape, and lives in Cape Town, South Africa. eISBN: 978-1-78074-431-5 14 Fiction New

Good Kings, Bad Kings Susan Nussbaum

A prize-winning debut novel in alternating voices – funny, feisty and powerfully told

Winner of the 2012 Pen/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction

Told in alternating perspectives by a varied and vocal cast of characters, Good Kings, Bad Kings pulls back the curtain to reveal the complicated, funny, and tough life inside the walls of ILLC – an institution for juveniles with disabilities. From Yessenia Lopez, who dreams of her next boyfriend, ‘This is fiction at its best. The to Teddy, a resident who dresses up daily in a full suit and story’s sharp eye allows no one to tie, and Mia, who guards a terrifying secret, Nussbaum has take shelter, and it doesn’t flinch; crafted a multifaceted portrait of a way of life hidden from it is simply and breathtakingly most of us. In their alliances, the residents ultimately find honest... A stunning the strength to bond together, resist their mistreatment, and fight back. accomplishment.’ Barbara Kingsolver Good Kings, Bad Kings is a powerful and inspiring debut about ‘A mighty first novel by a Chicago young people whose lives have been irreversibly changed playwright and disabilities rights by misfortune, but whose voices resound with resilience, activist.’ courage, and humour. Booklist

Susan Nussbaum’s plays have been widely produced. In 2008 she was UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 cited by the Utne Reader as one of ‘50 Visionaries Who Are Changing Your Paperback World’ for her work with girls with disabilities. Good Kings, Bad Kings is her £8.99 B format (198mm×129mm) first novel. She lives in Chicago, America. 336pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-385-1 eISBN: 978-1-78074-386-8 New Fiction 15

Losing Touch Sandra Hunter

A richly observed British-Asian domestic saga, for fans of Monica Ali and Hanif Kureishi

Arjun brought his family to North West London after Indian independence, but hopes of a better life rapidly dissipate. His wife Sunila spends all day longing for an Aga and a nice English tea service, his son hates anything Indian, and his daughter, well, that’s a whole other problem. Reeling from the death of his younger brother, Arjun vainly attempts to enforce the values he grew up with, while his family eagerly embrace the new. But when his right leg suddenly fails him, Arjun’s growing sense of imbalance is more than external.

Offering an intimate and touching portrait of an immigrant family precariously balanced on the cusp of East and West, Hunter’s strikingly sympathetic characters remind us of our own shortfalls, successes, hypocrisies - and humanity.

UK & ROW 1 May 2014 Sandra Hunter is a prolific short-story writer. USA & CAN 14 Jul 2014 She has won the Arthur Edelstein Prize for Short Paperback Fiction, and been a finalist for numerous short-story £8.99/$15.99 prizes, including the Pushcart. Born and brought up B format (198mm×129mm) in England, she now teaches at Moorpark College, 224pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-382-0 California. Losing Touch is her first novel. eISBN: 978-1-78074-383-7 16 Fiction New

The Space Between Us Zoya Pirzad

Love, family, and religion clash in Pirzad’s follow-up to the internationally acclaimed Things We Left Unsaid

Cementing her reputation as one of the most brilliant interpreters of the Iranian soul, novelist Zoya Pirzad offers a heartbreaking and tender story of a family haunted by separations.

Edmond lives a quiet, respectable life, a stalwart of his Christian Armenian community. But when his daughter falls in love with a Muslim man, the scandal spreads like wildfire and Edmond is forced to choose between family and the expectations and prejudices of others. He makes his choice, ‘A rising star of Iranian literature, but only time will reveal the true cost. Zoya Pirzad transcends the everyday with her luminous Evoking Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy with its tapestry of writing.’ hidden intimacies and social pressures, The Space Between Elle Us weaves a poignant tale of human fallibility and grace.

Zoya Pirzad is a renowned Iranian-Armenian writer UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 and novelist. She is the author of the international USA & CAN 18 Mar 2014 bestseller Things We Left Unsaid, and her most recent Hardback £12.99/$19.99 collection of stories, The Bitter Taste of Persimmon, won Demy (216mm×135mm) the prize for Best Foreign Book of 2009 in France. She 160pp grew up in Abadan, Iran, and now lives in Yerevan, ISBN: 978-1-85168-997-2 Armenia. eISBN: 978-1-78074-237-3 New Fiction 17

Revolution Street Amir Cheheltan

Amir Cheheltan’s controversial novel brings 1980s Tehran vividly to life in this feisty story of the battle for one woman’s affections

Fattah is a backstreet surgeon, though it was working as an executioner in the notorious Evin prison that made him rich. When a beautiful young girl, Shahrzad, lands on his operating table, he becomes dangerously infatuated. Undeterred that she is already promised by her family to another man, he sets out to win her by any means. Robbed of his bride, the jilted and fanatical fiancé attempts to use the regime’s apparatus to win her back, a mission that takes him deep into Tehran’s underworld of criminals and provocateurs.

Uncensored and unflinching, Amir Cheheltan’s firebrand tale of power, corruption, and love, set against the roiling aftermath of the Islamic Revolution, opens an unforgettable trilogy of novels about everyday lives in contemporary Tehran.

UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Amir Cheheltan has published numerous USA & CAN 13 May 2014 novels and volumes of short stories in Iran, which Hardback have all undergone a number of restrictions and £12.99/$19.99 re-publications due to censorship. He currently Demy (216mm×135mm) supervises the literature workshop of the Karnameh 192pp ISBN: 978-1-85168-984-2 Culture Centre in Tehran. eISBN: 978-1-78074-224-3 18 Fiction New in Paperback

The Orenda Joseph Boyden

A mesmerizing epic set in the wilds of 17th century North America, from a Giller Prize- winning author

A visceral portrait of life at a crossroads, The Orenda opens with a brutal massacre and the kidnapping of a young Iroquois girl, violently re-igniting a deep rift between two tribes. The girl’s captor, Bird, is one of the Huron Nation’s great warriors and statesmen. Years have passed since the murder of his family, and yet they are never far from his mind. In the girl, Snow Falls, he recognizes the ghost of his lost daughter, but as he fights for her heart and allegiance, small battles erupt into bigger wars as both tribes face a new, more dangerous ‘One of the most powerful novels threat from afar. I’ve ever read.’ Steven Galloway, author of The Travelling with the Huron is Christophe, a charismatic Jesuit Cellist of Sarajevo missionary who has found his calling among the tribe and devotes himself to learning and understanding their customs ‘Joseph Boyden writes with and language in order to lead them to Christ. An emissary muscle and magic in impossible from distant lands, he brings much more than his faith to this balance... you will read no better new world. book this year.’ Andrew Davidson, author of The As these three souls dance with each other through intricately Gargoyle woven acts of duplicity, their social, political and spiritual worlds collide – and a new nation emerges from worlds in flux.

Joseph Boyden’s first novel, Three Day Road won UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 the Amazon/Books in Canada First Novel Award and Paperback the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize. His second £8.99 B format (198mm×129mm) novel, Through Black Spruce, won the 2008 Scotiabank 496pp Giller Prize. He lives in Northern Ontario, Canada. ISBN: 978-1-78074-440-7 eISBN: 978-1-78074-436-0 New in Paperback Fiction 19

The Illusion of Separateness Simon Van Booy

‘The elegance of Van Booy’s evocative prose has led to comparisons with F. Scott Fitzgerald; it’s some claim but one this little gem of a book completely justifies.’ Daily Mail ‘Van Booy writes with muted, unsentimental elegance about the impulses that bind us together.’ Sunday Times ‘Simon Van Booy’s reputation can only grow... There’s a crispness to [his] writing... It is the beginnings of poetry... UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 it carries you with it effortlessly.’ Paperback Independent on Sunday £8.99 ‘There is a sustaining pleasure in wondering how the strands B format (198mm×129mm) 224pp of the story will tie together.’ ISBN: 978-1-78074-394-3 Guardian eISBN: 978-1-78074-325-7

Malarky Anakana Schofield

Winner of the First Novel Award Selected as a Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers Pick Shortlisted for the the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize Named on sixteen different Best Books of the Year lists

‘A caustic, funny and moving fantasia of an Irish mammy going round the bend.’ Emma Donoghue ‘Anakana Schofield is part of a new wave of wonderful Irish fiction – international in scope and electrically alive.’ Colum McCann UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 ‘Mid-guffaw you may find that you’ve taken it all most Paperback intensely to heart.’ Helen Oyeyemi £7.99 B format (198mm×129mm) ‘An absolute hoot... told with chuckle-inducing black humour 232pp and deep-seated intelligence.’ Metro ISBN: 978-1-78074-359-2 eISBN: 978-1-78074-271-7 20 Fiction New in Paperback

What the River Washed Away Muriel Mharie Macleod

‘A spellbinding novel.’ Marlon James, author of The Book of Night Women ‘Macleod brilliantly hooks the reader from beginning to end with a narrative that opens a floodgate of emotions and overflows with unforgettable characters.’ Kirkus, starred review ‘Stunning... a heart-wrenching tale that speaks to you long after the last page is turned.’ Maureen Lindley, author of The Private Papers of UK & ROW 2 Jan 2014 Eastern Jewel Paperback £8.99 B format (198mm×129mm) 288pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-370-7 eISBN: 978-1-78074-235-9

Magnificent Joe James Wheatley

Selected as a Barnes & Noble Great New Writers Pick

‘Tender and funny.’ Independent on Sunday ‘Plenty of confrontational coal-black humour.’ Metro ‘Wheatley is that increasingly rare type of young writer: he has experienced life - and it shows.’ Daily Mail UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Paperback £8.99 B format (198mm×129mm) 288pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-369-1 eISBN: 978-1-78074-119-2 New in Paperback Fiction 21

Beneath the Darkening Sky Majok Tulba

Longlisted for the Dylan Thomas Prize 2013 Shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writers Prize 2013 Shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards Winner of the Sydney Morning Herald Young Novelists’ Awards

‘Urgent and absorbing.’ Guardian ‘It does what great literature can, which is to make something beautiful out of terror and truth.’ Anna Funder, author of All That I Am UK & ROW 1 May 2014 ‘A gripping, moving depiction of the horrific plight of child Paperback soldiers in Africa.’ £8.99 Bianca Jagger B format (198mm×129mm) 256pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-343-1 eISBN: 978-1-78074-242-7

Telling the Bees Peggy Hesketh

‘A beautifully imagined novel of friendship and unspoken love... A marvel.’ Elizabeth George ‘Touching and captivating.’ Press Association ‘What a wonderful novel! The voice is so masterfully done, the mysteries of life and death so compellingly evoked. But best of all is the way Telling the Bees reminds us that even the quietest life will still hold its full measure of drama and UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 passion.’ Paperback Karen Joy Fowler, author of The Jane Austen Book Club £7.99 B format (198mm×129mm) 320pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-395-0 eISBN: 978-1-78074-218-2 22 Fictionnon-Fiction | History New

Wretched Tryal The Untold History of a Slave Rebellion in the Age of Liberty Greg Grandin

A Captain Ahab of the slave trade provokes his demons, in a landmark book by one of today’s most original and highly acclaimed historians

One morning in 1805, off a remote island in the South Pacific, seal hunter and abolitionist Captain Amasa Delano climbed aboard the Tryal, a distressed Spanish slaver. He spent all day on the ship, sharing food and water, yet failed to see that the slaves, having slaughtered most of the crew, were now their own masters. Later, when Delano caught on, Praise for Greg Grandin’s Fordlandia: he chased the ship down, responding with barbaric violence. ‘Generous, pin-sharp… above Drawing on never-before-consulted records on four all, a tale of Ozymandian hubris.’ continents, Greg Grandin follows this group of courageous Sunday Times slaves and their persecutor from the horrors of the Middle ‘An amazing story, brilliantly told.’ Passage to their explosive confrontation. Wretch Tryal is a Press Association gripping account of obsessive mania, imperial exploitation, and lost ideals, set against the epic backdrop of the Age of ‘Compelling… Both a merciless Revolution that was remaking the world. exposé of misplaced idealism and a detailed study of the economic forces behind it.’ Guardian ‘An extraordinary story, crisply told… Remarkable.’ Spectator

Greg Grandin is author of Fordlandia, a finalist for UK & ROW 1 May 2014 the Pulitzer Prize. A Professor of History at New York Hardback University, he has written for the New Statesman, New £25.00 Royal (234mm×156mm) York Times, and others, and has been a Guggenheim 368pp; 16pp b&w plate Fellow. He lives in New York. ISBN: 978-1-78074-410-0 eISBN: 978-1-78074-411-7 Credit: Sarah Shatz Benito Cerreño was asleep when the revolt began but awoke to the noise and quickly realized the seriousness of the situation. Armed with two pistols and a musket he kept in his quarters, he moved into the passageway between his cabin and the main cargo hold, where the hatch ladder descended. He stayed there through the night, keeping the West Africans from either climbing down the ladder or coming through the hold’s bulkhead door. The standoff ended at dawn, when Babo ordered three prisoners be brought to him. Without giving the Spanish captain an ultimatum, he ordered them to be thrown overboard, bound but not gagged, so their screams could be heard. Cerreño surrendered.

When he’d gone below to sleep the night before, the slaves, if Cerreño noticed them, had been heaped around the mainsail. Now he came out into the morning light of a different world: everywhere Cerreño looked, there were West Africans, armed and in charge.

Mori spoke Spanish and he interpreted for his father, Babo. One of the first things the West African asked Cerreño was if there were any ‘lands of black people in these seas where they could be taken’.

No, Cerreño said.

He was lying. Readers whose image of Anne has been shaped by the recent media depictions and novels may be surprised at the variety of ‘Annes’ who have strutted through history; I know I was. My annoyance with popular stereotypes was one reason why I started this book; I expected it to be a critical exposé of how thoroughly maligned and mishandled she has been throughout the centuries. But the truth is not so simple. Anne has been less the perpetual victim of the same old sexist stereotyping than she has been a shape- shifting trickster whose very incompleteness in the historical record has stirred the imaginations of different agendas, different generations, and different cultural moments to lay claim to their “own” Boleyn. In cutting her life so short and then ruthlessly disposing of the body of evidence of her “real” existence, Henry made it possible for her to live a hundred different lives, forever. Credit: Jessica Campbell 2525 udors’ Fiction he T

History | non-Fiction | History New York Times York New t is rare to find a book to t is rare ipscomb, uzannah Lipscomb, hair in the atalie Dormer, actress, Anne actress, Dormer, atalie efreshing, iconoclastic and iconoclastic efreshing, trong and discerning.’ trong ngrossing… a fascinating a fascinating ngrossing… exington, Kentucky. broadcaster and author of 1536 and author of broadcaster moving. I moving. a book.’ S a book.’ N in the BBC series ‘T Boleyn glee, feminist indignation and indignation feminist glee, empathetic tears, but this is such tears, empathetic that rouses one to scholarly one to rouses that discussion.’ discussion.’ ‘R ‘S ‘E ingletary C . S tis A he lives in L n her New niversity of Kentucky, is the author author the is Kentucky, of niversity . S Anne nne’s lifenne’s and an f TheCreation of Anne The Male Body Male The omantic paintings or the O Bordo, usan of the classic gender studies book Weight Unbearable and S U the at Humanities otorious Notorious Most udors’ nd perhaps the most provocative provocative most the perhaps nd nne’s death more than her life. How How life. her than more death nne’s n 2014 9 Ja nne: whore, martyr, cautionary tale, proto ‘mean ‘mean proto cautionary tale, martyr, whore, nne: udoriana to expertly tease out the human being nne so compelling? Why has she inspired such is a fascinating reconstructionof A earch of the T the of earch he Creation o he Creation nswer: neither). A neither). nswer: usan Bordo n S UK & ROW A Hardback £20.00 (234mm×156mm) Royal 368pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-365-3 eISBN: 978-1-78074-429-2 behind the myths.behind the inimitable, straight-talking style Bordo dares to confront confront to dares Bordo style straight-talking inimitable, well-trodden the off stepping histories, established the paths of T Partbiography, part cultural history, feministgirl’, icon,and everything in between. I Bordo also shows how generations of polemicists, re- and imagined filmmakers and novelists biographers, A imagined Religious revolutionary, power-hungry seductress, innocent victim, traitor are – why there so many Anne Boleyns and what makes us care so much? Boleyn popular imagination. the in afterlife her at look illuminating Why is A extreme reactions?What did she really even look Was like? she the flaxen-haired martyr of R portrayals? twenty-first-century of seductress raven-haired ( A concern questions wife? beloved once a of execution the Henry order could the probes Bordo analysis, critical and scholarship on Drawing relationships. infamous most history’s of one of complexities I T Boleyn S Queen 26 Fictionnon-Fiction | History New

A History of London in 100 Places David Long

From Roman Londinium to the seething modern metropolis of today, journey through 2,000 years of the world’s most vibrant capital

Shaped by invasion, occupation and immigration, by upheavals as diverse as the Great Fire, the Blitz and the Big Bang, London’s history is unmatched for variety and drama.

Choosing 100 places that best tell this incredible story, David Long shares his passion and expert knowledge of the city. From the early modern frost fairs, Victorian stations ‘The Book of the Week. Even the and Saxon burial grounds, to medieval plague pits, Roman most eager historians will find barges and modern megaliths, each place gives a unique their knowledge challenged by insight into a critical period of London’s evolution. Discover this new book about the capital.’ little-known gems among the famous landmarks and the Evening Standard on Spectacular hidden stories locked within. Vernacular Filled with beautiful black and white hand-drawn illustrations ‘The best possible start for and maps, this is the perfect companion for the armchair anyone wishing to get off the explorer as well as anyone wanting to discover the history of beaten track and under the skin London with their feet. of the hidden city that is modern- day London.’ Guardian on Hidden City

Writer and journalist David Long has regularly ap- UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 peared in The Times and the London Evening Standard, USA & CAN 13 May 2014 as well as on TV and radio. He has written a number Hardback £9.99/$16.99 of books on London, including Spectacular Vernacular, B format (198mm×129mm) Tunnels, Towers & Temples and the highly successful 224pp Little Book of London. He lives in Suffolk, England. ISBN: 978-1-78074-413-1 eISBN: 978-1-78074-414-8 The Spike (London Bridge)

One of London’s most prominent and most conspicuous curiosities – but one that few people seem to notice – the large spike on London Bridge is a fascinating reminder of a particularly grisly part of London’s history. Though entirely modern, it marks the place at which, for more than 300 years, the heads of traitors and other unlucky criminals were displayed on spikes at the bridge’s southern end.

This grim but popular practice was not a Tudor invention: the head of William Wallace was displayed in this way back in 1305 after being boiled and dipped in pitch to preserve it. But many of the best known victims were those who fell foul of the Tudor authorities, including Thomas More and Bishop Fisher in 1535 and Thomas Cromwell in 1540. Two years later their decapitated heads were joined by those of Francis Dereham and Thomas Culpeper, the lovers of Catherine Howard. Travelling by barge to her own execution, she would have seen both of them as she passed under the bridge en route to the Tower.

In 1598 a German visitor to the city, Paul Hentzner, was able to count more than 30 heads which were still in place – when finally they rotted and fell off most were just thrown into the river – and the tradition continued until the Restoration. 28 Fictionnnon-Fictionon-Fiction | History New

Censoring Queen Victoria How Two Gentlemen Edited a Queen and Created an Icon Yvonne Ward

Groundbreaking historical detective work based on unprecedented access to the archives of Windsor Castle

When Queen Victoria died, two gentlemen were tasked with editing her vast correspondence. The book they produced would change how she was remembered forever – but it was not the full story. ‘Original and important, this book Baron Esher, the consummate royal confidant who hid his represents a major contribution obsession with Eton boys and incestuous relationship with to our understanding of the his son behind a persona of charm and discretion. Arthur modern British monarchy.’ Benson, an ex-Etonian master and closeted homosexual, Sir David Cannadine who struggled to fit in with the blue-blooded clubs and codes ‘Hats off to Yvonne Ward... who of the court, while battling severe depression. Together with has exposed the gentlemanly King Edward VII, these were the men who would decide networks that tried to hide the Victoria’s legacy. In their hands 460 volumes of the Queen’s correspondence became just three. Aiming to avoid scandal, truth about Queen Victoria’ protect the new King, and prop up the politics of the day, Robert Lacey they promoted their own preconceptions about Victoria and her court, obscuring her role as a mother and wife in the process. Their decisions – and distortions – would influence perceptions of Victoria for generations to come.

Yvonne Ward is a historian with a doctorate from La Trobe University. UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Her publications include the lead essay in a special edition of The Court USA & CAN 15 Apr 2014 Historian, published to mark the Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This Hardback £16.99/$22.99 is her first book. She lives in Victoria, Australia. Demy (216mm×135mm) 224pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-363-9 eISBN: 978-1-78074-428-5 New in paperback History | non-FictionFiction 29

The Peculiar Case of the Electric Constable A True Tale of Passion, Poison and Pursuit Carol Baxter

The electrifying story of a criminal Quaker, a poisoned mistress, and the dawning of the information age in Victorian England – the perfect summer holiday read

‘As lively and readable as a crime novel. Normally, that would be good enough; but this is a book of two halves — its unique selling point is the invention of the telegraph.’ The Times ‘A fascinating history, mystery and portrait of a complex UK & ROW 1 May 2014 contradictory man.’ Daily Mail Paperback £8.99 ‘Meticulously researched and thoroughly engrossing.’ B format (198mm×129mm) Fiona Rule, author of The Worst Street in London 416pp; 8pp b&w plate ISBN: 978-1-78074-403-2 ‘A masterful reconstruction of a forgotten story.’ Siân Rees, eISBN: 978-1-78074-244-1 author of The Floating Brothel and The Ship Thieves

THe Poppy A Cultural History from Ancient Egypt to Flanders Fields to Afghanistan Nicholas J. Saunders

For the 100th anniversary of the Great War, a renowned archaeologist unravels the tangled history of an icon

In the aftermath of the horrific slaughter of the First World War, the poppy – sprouting across the killing fields of France and Belgium, then immortalized in John McCrae’s moving poem – became a worldwide icon. Yet the poppy has a longer history, as the tell-tale sign of human cultivation of the land, of the ravages of war, and of the desire to escape the earthly UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 realm through opium dreams or morphine drips. From the ancient Egyptian CAN 8 Jul 2014 fights over prized potions to the addicts of the American Civil War, to the Paperback British entanglements in the Opium Wars with China and the struggle to £9.99/$17.50 CAN end Afghanistan’s tribal narcotics trade, there is the poppy. Now, Nicholas J. B format (198mm×129mm) Saunders shares the definitive history of this ever-enduring flower emblem. 320pp; 8pp b&w plate ISBN: 978-1-78074-404-9 eISBN: 978-1-78074-185-7 30 Fictionnnon-Fictionon-Fiction | History NNewew Editions

Ireland A Short History Joseph Coohill

A new, updated edition of this popular introduction to Ireland’s history

This fourth edition of Joseph Coohill’s bestselling book has been fully updated to include the latest political, economic, and social developments in Ireland. Starting with the first prehistoric inhabitants of the island, the book takes us right up to the present day through the Great Famine, Home Rule, the Good Friday Agreement, and economic struggles of the 21st century, covering the major events that have shaped the country.

UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 ‘Fair to both the Nationalist and Unionist tradition.’ USA & CAN 18 Mar 2014 Jeremy Black, University of Exeter Paperback £9.99/$15.99 ‘A brisk and clear introduction to Irish history.’ B format (198mm×129mm) Cormac O’Grada, University College Dublin 272pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-384-4

Turkey The Quest for Identity Feroz Ahmad

An updated edition of this popular introduction to Turkey’s history

This concise history tells the story of Turkey, a country caught between the ideologies of East and West. Feroz Ahmad provides a full survey of Turkey’s chequered past, from its beginnings as a disparate group of tribes to its status as the first secular republic in the Islamic world. In addition to providing a detailed account of the key cultural, economic and social events, this accessible text also examines the problems faced by modern Turkey, from the rise of Islamic militancy to current tension in Turkey’s government. UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 USA & CAN 15 Apr 2014 ‘A useful companion to any who need a quick reference Paperback volume for Turkey’s modern history.’ International Journal of £9.99/$15.99 B format (198mm×129mm) Middle East Studies 240pp ‘Guides the reader in an understanding and contextualization ISBN: 978-1-78074-301-1 eISBN: 978-1-78074-302-8 of the origin of modern-day Turkish identity.’ MESA Bulletin New in paperback Philosophy | non-FictionFiction 31

Travels with Epicurus Meditations from a Greek Island on the Pleasures of Old Age Daniel Klein

A profound new vision of old age – based on the wisdom of the ancient Greeks

Our society worships at the fountain of youth. Each year, we seek to avert the arrival of old age using everything at our disposal, from extreme exercise and botox to pilates and cosmetic dentistry. But in the process, are we missing out on a distinct and extraordinarily valuable stage of life? ‘A wry, whimsical, amusing and Daniel Klein ponders whether it is better to be forever intelligent view of old age.’ young or to grin toothlessly and live an authentic old age. He journeys to the Greek island of Hydra to discover the secrets Telegraph of ageing happily. Drawing on the lives of octagenarian ‘Reading this book after a period Greek locals, as well as philosophers ranging from Epicurus of overwork and high stress, I was to Sartre, he uncovers the pleasures that are available only bowled over by its easy charm late in life. and hard-won wisdom.’ Daily Mail ‘Charming and intelligent. I enjoyed this book very much.’ Diana Athill, author of Somewhere Towards the End

UK & ROW 1 May 2014 Daniel Klein is the co-author of the international Paperback bestseller Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar. He is a £7.99 Harvard graduate in philosophy and an acclaimed writer B format (198mm×129mm) of both fiction and non-fiction. When not enjoying the 176pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-412-4 slow life on Greek islands, he lives in Massachusetts eISBN: 978-1-78074-221-2 with his wife. He is seventy-four years old. Credit: Tatiana Nevinskya ‘O ‘E 32 Daily Telegraph Independent football inaforeign land.’ Praise for Marc Bennetts’ Football Dynamo: ngrossing [and] authoritative.’ ne of thebestbooksabout Fiction non-Fiction | Politics & C society throughsociety the country’s national sport. book, the Ma Korea for for Korea R from reported has He Moscow. r New York Times c Benne Football Dynamo The Times The urrent Aff is a British journalist based in in based journalist aBritish is tts , among other publications. His first , the , the airs , examined R Guardian R of the opposition movement, introducing a generation of N movement protest new R loyalists, this is the definitive guide to the vicious battle for G from everyone with interviews – from ballerinas Bolshoi to skinhead nationalists. Featuring dissenters of bunch arag-tag and regime, the of injustices the toexpose tweeting and blogging youth, urban of cast abustling We meet adversaries. political all tosilence bid R a in demonstration anti-Putin their following arrested were R Pussy later, months Afew vote-rigging. and corruption of allegations Putin’s landslide election amid victory widespread to protest streets 100,000 to Moscow’s took moment, I D R Ki Marc Bennetts to T n the freezing winter of 2011, in what was a watershed awatershed was 2011, of what in winter freezing n the ussia’s soul. his and Putin of hatred by their united all dissidents, ussian ussian O Ne ow, Marc Bennetts takes us straight to the beating heart heart beating tothe straight us takes Bennetts ow, Marc iscover the astonishing, gritty world ofR world gritty astonishing, the iscover ussia’s the Battle New and Dissidents w c opple Putin ussia, I ussia, , the , the king the Krem king ussian culture and rthodox cathedral. ran and N and ran Observer iot hit headlines around the world when they they when world the around headlines hit iot , and , and orth orth eISBN: 978-1-78074-349-3 ISBN: 978-1-78074-348-6 288pp Royal (225mm×146mm) £11.99/$16.99 Paperback ary Kasparov to top Kremlin Kremlin totop Kasparov ary US &ROW UK A &C A N lin 18 Ma 6 Fe ussia’s b 2014 r 2014 Principal Cast List

The Kremlin & Its Allies The Anti-Putin Movement Vladimir Putin – Long-time leader Alexei Navalny – Protest figurehead of Russia and ex-KGB officer and Russia’s other ‘chief blogger’ Dmitry Medvedev – Putin’s political Sergei Udaltsov – Leftist protégé and Russia’s ‘chief ‘revolutionary’ and fan of ‘really blogger’ heavy underground rock’ Patriarch Kirill – Head of the Pussy Riot – Anti-Putin punk group Orthodox Church and connoisseur with a penchant for multi-coloured of luxury watches balaclavas Vladislav Surkov – Putin’s Eduard Limonov – The granddaddy propaganda expert, known as ‘the of Russian radical politics puppet-master’ Yevgenia Chirikova – High profile Alexander Bastrykin – Russia’s eco-activist who is proudly non-PC top investigator and opposition persecutor Credit: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 34 Fiction non-Fiction | Politics & C numerous venues. He and his wife live in Pittsburgh. in live wife his and He venues. numerous in published have been writing creative and essays his his MF received He world. the in website politics progressive the nist on Israeli-Palestinian issues for Tikkun David Harri Jersualem Post A from the urrent Aff s - G er U , and Daily Kos, and niversity of s airs hon is a online popular colum to K T o the Children ‘David Harris-G ‘ ‘Brave andimpressive.’ Guardian ‘I ‘Beautifully written, brave andcompassionate.’ W T A An emotional coming-to-terms withJewish A man seeks out the H the out seeks A man David H two sides...Anarduous, brave, messy, raw, emotional journey.’ KirkusReviews Sarah Messer, author of Red House R celebrated memoir abilities are matched only by hisdeepand stalemate andoutright hostilitybetween the spill outonevery pageof thisamazingbook.’ identity, allthewhile siftingthrough thepolitical moving compassion andhumanity, allof which his family’s life in this fearless, provocative, and and provocative, fearless, this in life family’s his mmensely compelling andintelligent.’ im Wise, authorof WhiteLike Me N ichard Zimler, authorof The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon Memoir ho T Who errorist e in Paw in hat D orth North , the most-read most-read , the ill Y ill p arris- C er arolina, and magazine, b ac ershon’s prose andstorytelling k o Y G our W our ershon - amas bomber who changed changed who bomber amas ou Buy eISBN: 978-1-78074-222-9 eISBN: 978-1-78074-402-5 ISBN: 344pp (198mm×129mm) B format £8.99 Paperback UK &ROW UK if f e? the ried ried 3 Apr 2014 New in Paperback Politics & Current Affairs | non-FictionFiction 35

The Blunders of Our Governments Anthony King & Ivor Crewe

A groundbreaking look at three decades of outrageous government mishaps

Blunder, n. A gross mistake; an error due to stupidity or carelessness.

There are a handful that we remember all too well, from the poll tax to the Millennium Dome, but the list is longer than most of us realise – and it’s growing. With unrivalled political savvy and a keen sense of irony, distinguished political scientists King and Crewe open our eyes to the worst government horror stories and explain why the British political system is particularly prone to cock-ups. ‘This book will make you gasp in disbelief and stamp your feet in Groupthink, constantly rotating ministers and weak rage, and quite frequently reduce parliament all contribute to the blundering of modern you to helpless laughter... it is hard governments. But, the authors argue, it doesn’t have to to overpraise this book.’ Guardian be this way. Informed by decades of research and dozens ‘One of the hottest books of the of insider interviews, their razor sharp diagnosis of flawed season.’ Scotsman government and spirited prescription for more foolproof policy make this required reading for every UK citizen. ‘An astonishing achievement.’ Andrew Marr ‘Enthralling. This should be every minister’s bedside reading.’ David Dimbleby ‘Excellent… This book is essential reading.’ Alistair Darling

UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 Anthony King is Millennium Paperback Professor of Government at the £10.99 University of Essex. He has written B format (198mm×129mm) for the Daily Telegraph, the Daily 512pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-405-6 Mail, the Observer and the Financial eISBN: 978-1-78074-267-0 Times. Sir Ivor Crewe is Master of University College, Oxford University. 36 Fictionnon-Fiction | Politics & Current Affairs New in Paperback

The Great Tax Robbery How Britain Became a Tax Haven for Fat Cats and Big Business Richard Brooks

A blistering exposé uncovering the UK government’s complicity in tax avoidance

‘Fascinating… not only does [Brooks] have a near- encyclopaedic knowledge, he also has an ear for resonant detail.’ Financial Times ‘Important... Brooks demonstrates that financial amorality is UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 endemic among Britain’s elite.’ The Times Paperback £9.99 ‘This year’s indispensable book.’ Nick Cohen, Observer B format (198mm×129mm) ‘A “must read”: Richard Brooks exposes the financial immorality 304pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-371-4 of the rich as never before.’ Professors Richard Wilkinson and eISBN: 978-1-78074-102-4 Kate Pickett, authors of bestseller The Spirit Level

The Trouble with Billionaires How the Super-Rich Hijacked the World (and How We Can Take it Back) Linda McQuaig & Neil Brooks

Why bank bosses, Wayne Rooney and Bill Gates don’t deserve their fortunes – and what we need to do about it

‘Entertaining and enraging... assiduously researched and a fast-paced read.’ John Kampfner, Observer ‘A devastating exposé. Indispensable.’ Naomi Klein ‘Magnificent: the book of the moment.’ George Monbiot UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Paperback ‘I don’t know another book that illuminates the epic crime £8.99 behind the current “economic crisis” as concisely, vividly and B format (198mm×129mm) truthfully as this landmark work.’ John Pilger 288pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-360-8 eISBN: 978-1-78074-220-5 New in Paperback Politics & Current Affairs | non-Fictionnon-FictionFiction 37

Pink Sari Revolution A Tale of Women and Power in the Badlands of India Amana Fontanella-Khan

The BBC Radio 4 Book of the Week that gave voice to the amazing vigilante women known as the Pink Gang

‘Pink Sari Revolution often reads more like a novel than reportage. Her talent for storytelling and her detailed, sometimes poetic, descriptions of events and places, combined with helpful explanations of customs and politics, draw the reader in to create a fascinating portrait of a country in flux.’ New Statesman UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 ‘A powerful, engrossing portrait of one woman’s fight for Paperback female empowerment in India. Sampat Pal’s extraordinary £8.99 B format (198mm×129mm) courage will inspire you, delight you and fill you with hope.’ 304pp Sonia Faleiro, author of Beautiful Thing ISBN: 978-1-78074-406-3 eISBN: 978-1-78074-313-4

Inside Job The Financiers Who Pulled Off the Heist of the Century Charles Ferguson

The critically acclaimed manifesto on how to make the bankers accountable, from the man behind the Oscar-winning film Inside Job

‘I was totally gripped and have sat up in bed every night reading [Inside Job] until my eyes just couldn’t stay open any more. I liked the film, and the book is even better... you have to read this book.’ Financial Times

‘He’s clever, he’s funny, he doesn’t pull punches... If only UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 righteous fury were always this enjoyable.’ Guardian Paperback £8.99 ‘This take-no-prisoners account of the financial crisis follows B format (198mm×129mm) the money, connects the dots, names names.’ 384pp Huffington Post ISBN: 978-1-85168-958-3 eISBN: 978-1-78074-072-0 38 Fictionnon-Fiction | Business New

The FIrm The Inside Story of McKinsey, The World’s Most Controversial Management Consultancy Duff McDonald

The first biography of this secretive and influential company

The Firm. They helped create the bar code. They revo- lutionised business schools and created the corporate behaviours that now rule our world. They reinvented the idea of American capitalism and ruthlessly exported it across the globe. McKinsey employees are trusted and distrusted, loved and despised. They are doing behind-the- ‘Fascinating. If you want to know scenes work for the most powerful people in the world and what it is about the culture of the their ranks of alumni include the Chairman of HSBC and firm that sets it apart and has William Hague, Home Secretary. made it so successful, read this book.’ Liaquat Ahamed, Pulitzer Star financial journalist Duff McDonald uncovers how these high-priced business savants have ushered in waves Prize-winning author of Lords of of structural, financial, and technological shifts but also Finance become mired in controversy across the years. Discover ‘A superb examination of one of how they played a critical role in building Enron’s disastrous the most powerful, secretive, and corporate structure and how they’ve been instrumental in least understood organizations the Coalitions controversial NHS reforms. With a writing on the planet.’ William D. Cohan, style redolent of Michael Lewis, this is a gripping take on one bestselling author of Money and of the world’s most powerful companies. Power: How Goldman Sachs Came to Rule the World

Duff McDonald is a journalist and the author of UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 Last Man Standing, a biography of JPMorgan Chase Paperback CEO and chairman, Jamie Dimon. A contributing editor £14.99 Royal (225mm×146mm) at Fortune magazine and the New York Observer, he has 400pp written for Vanity Fair, New York magazine, Esquire, GQ, ISBN: 978-1-78074-392-9 Wired, and Time, and has been awarded two Canadian eISBN: 978-1-78074-393-6 National Magazine Awards. He lives in New York. New Business | non-FictionFiction 39

The Forbidden Game Golf and China’s Hypercapitalist Dream Dan Washburn

In China, just because something is banned, doesn’t mean it can’t boom

Statistically, zero percent of the Chinese population plays golf, still known as the ‘rich man’s game’. Yet China is in the midst of a golf boom – hundreds of new courses have opened in the past decade, despite it being illegal to build them.

Award-winning journalist Dan Washburn charts China’s economic and political fortunes through the lives of three men intimately involved in the country’s bizarre golf scene. We meet Zhou, a peasant turned golf pro who discovered the game when he won a job as a security guard; Wang, a lychee farmer whose land is confiscated for an ‘ecological park’; and Bill, a Western executive manoeuvring through China’s bureaucracy, ever watchful for Beijing’s ‘golf police’. The Forbidden Game is a rich and engrossing portrait of the world’s newest superpower and three very different paths to the Chinese Dream. Credit: Tahiat Mahboob UK & ROW 1 May 2014 Dan Washburn is an award-winning reporter and USA & CAN 10 Jun 2014 managing editor at the Asia Society. His writing has Paperback appeared in the FT Weekend Magazine, The Economist, £12.99/$18.99 the Atlantic Monthly, Foreign Policy, Golf World, Slate and Demy (216mm×135mm) He is also the founding editor of Shanghaiist. 320pp; 12 b&w photos ISBN: 978-1-85168-948-4 com, one of the most widely read English-language web- eISBN: 978-1-78074-105-5 sites about China. He now lives in Brooklyn, New York. Answers to some of science’s brilliantly questionable questions

>> What contributions to science have been made by other Einsteins (namely, M.E. Einstein, pork carcass researcher, and Rosemarie Einstein, cannabis questioner)?

>> What physics phenomenon explains why cows in a field ruminate simultaneously?

>> If you add an extra henchman to your bank-robbing gang, how much more money will you ‘earn’?

>> How many dimples will be found on the cheeks of 28,282 Greek children?

>> Are lip prints as individually distinct as finger prints? New Science | non-FictionFiction 41

This is IMprobable Too Synchronized Cows, Speedy Brain Extractors, and More WTF Research Marc Abrahams

From the author of the hit This Is Improbable, another dose of addictive factual humour

Guardian columnist Marc Abrahams collects the odd, imaginative, and amazingly improbable research from around the world. Now he investigates the ins and outs of the very improbable evolutionary innovation that is the Praise for Marc Abrahams’ This Is human body, uncovering studies on the best way to get a Improbable: monkey to floss regularly, the amount of dandruff among ‘Rationalism taken to intoxicating Pakistani soldiers, and the very valuable material that has been extracted from cockroaches as well as chocolate bars. extremes.’ Guardian, a Best He also shares unlikely medical cases, including a boy with Science Book of the Year an ‘Eiffel head injury’ (involving the tower), and more unlikely ‘Science nerds and comedy inventions, such as a patented system for attacking your junkies unite! Your book has enemy with a biowaste bomb. arrived.’ Reader’s Digest

This latest tour of improbable science is guaranteed to make ‘Fabulously left-field... A great you laugh, then make you think about your body – especially reminder that science knows no as you look to both sides of a middle finger* – in a whole boundaries.’ BBC Focus new way.

*Referring to 2D:4D studies by the most prolific finger research celebrities, most assuredly.

UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Marc Abrahams writes the ‘Improbable Research’ column for the Paperback Guardian and is the author of This Is Improbable (978-1-85168-975-0). He is £8.99 editor of the science humour magazine Annals of Improbable Research and B format (198mm×129mm) founder of the Ig Nobel Prizes, which are presented annually at Harvard. 288pp; 80 b&w illustrations ISBN: 978-1-78074-361-5 Abrahams and the Igs have been covered by the BBC, New Scientist, Daily eISBN: 978-1-78074-362-2 Mail, The Times, and numerous other outlets internationally. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts. 42 Fictionnon-Fiction | Science New

Invisible Eden The Miraculous World of Bacteria and Why We Must Save It Martin Blaser

A renowned doctor’s clarion call to save what may prove to be humanity’s most essential fellow creatures — bacteria

Far beneath our skin exists an unfathomable, ancient universe – an internal Eden that is critical to our health. Dr Martin Blaser invites us into the wilds of the human microbiome, unfurling its inner workings and evolution, in a book that stands as the Silent Spring of our day.

Praise for Dr Martin Blaser: For thousands of years, bacteria and human cells have peacefully co-existed in a relationship that has ensured the ‘A restless intellect... [Blaser] has health and equilibrium of our body. But now, much like the devoted most of his working life natural world outside of us, our internal environment is being to the study.’ irrevocably destroyed. The culprit: some of our most revered The New Yorker medical and social advances, from antibiotics to sterile housekeeping, which appear to be linked to the epidemics of asthma, eczema, obesity, and other chronic diseases plaguing modern society. With Invisible Eden, Blaser sounds a provocative alarm that we ignore at our peril.

Dr Martin Blaser is a world-renowned expert on the role of bacteria in UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 human disease. He is Professor of Medicine and Microbiology at New York Paperback University School of Medicine, where he directs the Human Microbiome £12.99 Royal (234mm×156mm) Program, and his work has been published in leading journals including 320pp BMJ and the Lancet. Blaser and his groundbreaking research have been ISBN: 978-1-78074-441-4 covered by the BBC, CNN, Wired, New Scientist, Nature, The New Yorker, the eISBN: 978-1-78074-442-1 New York Times, and many others. He lives in New York City. New Science | non-FictionFiction 43

The Neutrino Hunters The Chase for the Ghost Particle and the Secrets of the Universe Ray Jayawardhana

From the dawn of quantum physics to faster-than- light travel, the story of the maverick science sleuths who invented – and found – the neutrino

Before the Higgs boson, there was a maddening search for another particle – the ghostly neutrino. First detected in 1956, it has teased the answers to many mysteries: How did the Big Bang happen? Why is antimatter so rare? What might ‘dark matter’ be made of? And could faster-than- ‘Jayawardhana vividly, colourfully, light travel be possible, overturning Einstein’s theory of and humorously captures special relativity? the often offbeat characters But the quest for the neutrino and its meaning has also who have pursued one of the encompassed adventure, from Cold War defections and most elusive – and significant extra dimensions to mile-deep holes in the Antarctic ice and – mysteries in the history of a troubled genius who disappeared without a trace. With physics.’ The Neutrino Hunters, renowned astrophysicist and award- Richard Panek, author of The 4% winning science writer Ray Jayawardhana delivers a thrilling Universe detective story of revolutionary science from the dawn of ‘A riveting mix of science and the quantum age to today’s most inventive labs. biography.’ John Gribbin, author of In Search of Schrödinger’s Cat Credit: JR Bernstein JR Credit: UK & ROW 2 Jan 2014 Ray Jayawardhana is Professor of Astrophysics Paperback at the University of Toronto and recipient of the £11.99 coveted Radcliffe Fellowship. The author of Strange Demy (216mm×135mm) New Worlds, he writes for New Scientist, Times Higher 256pp; 15 b&w illustrations ISBN: 978-1-78074-326-4 Education, and others, and his research has made eISBN: 978-1-78074-327-1 headlines worldwide, including in The Times, The Economist, Sydney Morning Herald, and BBC News. 44 Fictionnon-Fiction | Science New in Paperback

The Genius of Dogs Discovering the Unique Intelligence of Man’s Best Friend Brian Hare & Vanessa Woods

The international bestseller that reveals the amazing mind of your favourite friend

Is your dog purposefully disobeying you? Probably, and usually behind your back. What animal hasn’t beaten dogs on any measure of intelligence? Apologies, but it’s the cat. Why shouldn’t you act like ‘top dog’ to maintain control? You’re better off displaying your friendliness. What is the most intelligent breed? As it happens, breed doesn’t matter – though other factors do. ‘Every dog-lover will enjoy this book.’ Mail on Sunday Starting with a landmark discovery in 1995 by evolutionary anthropologist Brian Hare, a wunderkind who now leads the ‘You would be hard-pressed to field, scientists have learned how dogs think. Then, Hare find a more cheerful, optimistic proved that his family’s dog was not only cleverer than any and warm-hearted read. Difficult, fox but also cleverer than any chimp. In The Genius of Dogs, too, to find another book about Hare and science writer Vanessa Woods share all of the dogs touching not only on secrets of dogs’ uniquely evolved intelligence, how your dog Darwin and Skinner, but also on is a genius, and how to understand your dog’s world. Stalin. Even Justin Bieber gets a mention... fascinating.’ Spectator ‘Deliciously enlightening.’ BBC Wildlife Magazine ‘Revolutionary.’ Scotland on Sunday

Brian Hare is Assistant Professor of Evolutionary UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 Anthropology at Duke University whose research on Paperback ‘dognition’ has been published in the leading journals. £8.99 B format (198mm×129mm) Vanessa Woods writes for BBC Wildlife and New 384pp; 36 b&w illustrations Scientist. Together, they are cofounders of the dog ISBN: 978-1-78074-368-4 intelligence testing and training company Canines Inc. eISBN: 978-1-78074-136-9

Credit: Gretchen Mathison Gretchen Credit: ( New in paperback Science | non-FictionFiction 45

Gulp Adventures on the Alimentary Canal Mary Roach

From the author of Packing for Mars, the bestselling, hilarious journey into the delights and disgusts of our food – and how it comes out

‘Witty, illuminating and at times astonishing.’ Mail on Sunday ‘[Roach] is a good journalist: hard-working, endlessly curious, irreverent, attentive, sceptical. She illuminates a tricky but hugely fascinating subject... the best kind of lavatory reading.’ ‘Joyously funny and intrepidly Sunday Telegraph smart. Yum (and burp)!’ Saga ‘The book gets more compelling as it goes ‘Above all, Gulp is about revelling along... Good stuff.’ in the extraordinary complexities Evening Standard and magnificence of human ‘Disgustingly good... a superbly witty prod at our digestion... Bon appétit.’ innards.’ The Economist The Times, a Best Summer Book pick ‘Roach’s skill is to draw you into ‘Insightful, sharp science writing that will have things… keep you reading and you snorting with laughter is Mary Roach’s at the end leave you wondering specialty.’ how you have ever lived without New Scientist this information. Gulp is an unalloyed pleasure.’ Fortean Times Credit: Chris Hardy UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 Mary Roach is the bestselling author of Stiff: Paperback The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, Six Feet Over: £8.99 Adventures in the Afterlife, Bonk: The Curious Coupling B format (198mm×129mm) of Science and Sex, and Packing for Mars (978-1-85168- 336pp; 18 b&w illustrations ISBN: 978-1-78074-391-2 823-4). She has written for the Guardian, Wired, BBC eISBN: 978-1-78074-219-9 Focus, GQ, and Vogue, among many others. Discover how to outguess:

>>Multiple-choice tests. Test-makers try to put the correct answers in random order. Most don’t succeed, and that makes it possible to predict the right answer.

>>Games and strategy. From tennis to poker, almost every game has elements of second-guessing. The player who anticipates an opponent’s strategic decisions can gain a crucial advantage.

>>Detecting The Next Madoff. White-collar crime is all about made-up numbers: padded expense accounts, phony profit and loss statements, and crooked tax returns.

>>Investments. The investor or homebuyer who recognizes that market valuations are predictable over very long periods can beat the crowd and the market averages.

All of this book’s applications are founded on one simple idea. When people make arbitrary, random, or strategic choices they fall into unconscious patterns that you can learn to predict. New Psychology | non-FictionFiction 47

How to Predict the Unpredictable The Art of Outsmarting Almost Everyone William Poundstone

The groundbreaking economics and psychology that will give you the edge in any competition

We are hard-wired to believe that the world is more predictable than it is. We chase ‘winning streaks’ that are often just illusions, and we are all too predictable exactly when we try hardest not to be.

In the 1970s, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky coined Praise for Are You Smart Enough to Work the phrase ‘representativeness’ to describe the psychology at Google?: of this behaviour. Since then representativeness has been ‘Subtle and sophisticated... you will used by auditors to catch people fiddling their tax returns and by hedge fund managers to reap billions from the love this book.’ Observer emotions of small investors. Now Poundstone for the first ‘A neat little manifesto on time makes these techniques accessible for everyone, in the interview technique... Tackling everyday situations that matter. You’ll learn how to tackle [Poundstone’s puzzles] is multiple choice tests, what internet passwords to avoid, incredibly gratifying.’ New Scientist how to up your odds of winning the office Premier League sweepstakes, and the best ways to invest your money. ‘As usual, Poundstone delivers. Delightful, fun, and worth a read.’ Seth Godin, bestselling author of Linchpin

UK & ROW 5 Jun 2014 William Poundstone is the author of fourteen Paperback books, including the international bestseller Are You £12.99 Smart Enough to Work at Google? (978-1-85168-955-2) Royal (225mm×146mm) He has written for the New York Times, Harper’s, Har- 288pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-407-0 vard Business Review, and the Village Voice, among eISBN: 978-1-78074-408-7 other publications. He lives in Los Angeles. 48 Fictionnon-Fiction | Psychology New

Falling into the Fire A Psychiatrist’s Encounters with the Mind in Crisis Christine Montross

Signalling the arrival of the next Oliver Sacks, an acclaimed writer-doctor shares moving stories of mental illness

A woman habitually commits self-injury, ingesting light bulbs, a box of nails, zippers, and a steak knife. A new mother is admitted with incessant visions of harming her child. A recent university graduate, dressed in a tunic and declaring that love emanates from everything around him, is brought to the A&E by his alarmed girlfriend. ‘Montross explores the practical, emotional, and philosophical These are among the patients whom new consultant challenges of working with patients physician Christine Montross meets during rounds at her hospital’s locked inpatient ward – and whom we meet as whose illnesses of the mind are she struggles to understand the mysteries of the mind, most often intractable and deeply especially when the tools of modern medicine are failing us. disturbing.’ The New Yorker ‘Thoughtful and deeply compassionate... A fluid meditation on the limits of medicine.’ Los Angeles Times ‘As good an account of the labyrinth of mental health care as you’re likely to read... Montross writes beautifully.’ Daily Beast

Christine Montross is Assistant Professor of UK & ROW 6 Feb 2014 Psychiatry and Human Behaviour at Brown University Paperback and a practising inpatient psychiatrist with an MFA in £11.99 Demy (216mm×135mm) poetry. Her writing has appeared in literary journals 256pp and women’s magazines as well as the New York Times. ISBN: 978-1-78074-366-0 She lives in Providence, Rhode Island. eISBN: 978-1-78074-367-7 In early January, Charles Harold Wrigley, a twenty-two-year-old gas engineer, was brought by his family to the psychiatric hospital. ‘The patient is extremely depressed,’ the evaluating physician wrote. ‘He sat with his hand on his forehead as if in pain during my interview. He says everything he does is wrong and that he is very miserable.’ Notes like these are familiar to me. As a psychiatrist, I have seen countless patients in emergency rooms, inpatient units, and outpatient offices whom I might have described in nearly identical terms. This patient’s symptoms are not striking; however, the familiarity of the description is, considering that Charles Harold Wrigley was evaluated and treated at England’s Bethlem Royal Hospital in 1890. Before I became a doctor, I had more faith in medicine. I thought that medical school and residency would teach me the body’s intricacies, its capacities to heal and to falter, and all of our various methods of intervening. Once I mastered these, I thought, I would really know something. That has turned out to be partially true. I know many more things about the body – its wonders and its failings – than I could ever have imagined. But as a doctor, I have emerged from my training with a shaken faith. If I hold my trust in medicine up to the light, I see that it is full of cracks and seams. In some places it is luminous. In others it is opaque. And yet I practise. My faith in medical knowledge has shifted into a faith that the effort – the practice – of medicine is worthwhile. I cannot always say with certainty whether the course of treatment I prescribe will heal; I cannot always locate with precision the source of my patients’ symptoms and suffering. Still, I believe that trying is a worthwhile pursuit. I have found that one of the gifts of medicine is that it allows those who practise it to participate in the purest and most vulnerable moments of human life. ‘Slow-Wave’ (SW) sleep is a deep, nearly inaccessible slumber that is characterized by slow, high amplitude, synchronized brain waves. It appears to be the oldest, most restorative form of sleep, regenerating tissues, building bones and muscles, and strengthening immunity, all of which are facilitated by the release of growth hormones and a reduction in cortisol levels. SW sleep also burns fat and maintains cardiovascular health, which explains why sleep deprivation contributes to the development of obesity and heart problems.

Curiously, the amount of Slow Wave sleep we get decreases dramatically over the lifespan. While SW sleep constitutes nearly 20 percent of our nightly slumber in young adulthood, it’s only three percent by midlife. Up to one quarter of 50-year-olds have no slow wave sleep, and this percentage increases with age. Since growth hormones are secreted only during SW sleep, a reduction in deep sleep also lowers the levels of these hormones. The combination can account for many features of the ageing process. It would not be exaggerating to say that SW sleep is critical to our nightly restoration and healthy ageing... New Psychology/Gift | non-FictionFiction 51

The Secret Life of Sleep Kat Duff

A fascinating exploration of the most universal and mysterious of human activities

What makes us cross the line from waking to slumber? According to Harvard scientists it’s our ‘sleep switch’ – a cluster of neurons in the hypothalamus. For the ancient Greeks it was the god Hypnos, caressing you with his wings. For the Blackfeet Indians, a butterfly. And in European children’s tales, the Sandman, sprinkling you with dust.

Why do we sleep? What happens in our brains when we sleep? Why are sleep patterns in modern Western industrialised countries so unhealthy? Is the boundary between sleep and wakefulness as clear cut as we might have supposed? How meaningful are dreams? Kat Duff brings insights from her own life, from the latest in sleep science, the paintings of Salvidor Dali, the musings of Michel de Montaigne, and wisdom and rituals from around the world and the past to paint a fascinating picture of a world that is both the most intimate and the most secret to us: sleep.

UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 Kat Duff is a journalist, author, and licensed Hardback counsellor. She is the creator of the popular blog £12.99 upon which this book B format (198mm×129mm) is based. She lives in New Mexico, USA. 216pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-415-5 eISBN: 978-1-78074-416-2 52 Fictionnon-Fiction | Psychology New

The Power of Others Peer Pressure, Groupthink, and the Surprising Truth about What Makes Teams Click Michael Bond

Discover the psychology of bonding that explains how, when, and why groups of ordinary people accomplish extraordinary feats

Teenage cliques, football squads, jihadist cells, army units, Arab Spring protestors, polar expeditions – on the face of it, the dedication of these groups might seem exceptional, but the forces that bind and drive them are accessible to all of us. In recent decades, psychologists have uncovered how and why our innate socialness holds huge sway over how we think and act, propelling us to both high achievement and unthinking cruelty. We are beholden to our peers, even when we think we’re calling the shots. This is the power of others.

Acclaimed science writer Michael Bond investigates the breakthrough science of group behaviour, with case studies revealing how to build better teamwork, identify shared motivations and objectives, survive moments of isolation, break up destructive groups, and truly grasp our social selves.

Michael Bond has been writing on psychology UK & ROW 1 May 2014 and human behaviour for more than fifteen years as Paperback a regular contributor to New Scientist, Nature, Prospect, £12.99 Royal (225mm×146mm) the Observer, the Daily Telegraph, the Financial Times, 320pp and others. During the Arab Spring, he also served as ISBN: 978-1-78074-344-8 lead researcher for the Royal Society report on science eISBN: 978-1-78074-345-5 in Egypt. He lives in London. New in Paperback Psychology | non-FictionFiction 53

Happy Money The New Science of Smarter Spending Elizabeth Dunn & Michael Norton

Groundbreaking new research reveals money can buy happiness – if you spend it right

Studies have long shown that after a fairly low threshold, income and material wealth have no measurable effect on happiness. But how we spend our money does. In this groundbreaking book, Dr Elizabeth Dunn and Dr Michael Norton explain the secret to ‘happiness-efficient’ spending. Using their own cutting-edge research, they reveal:

>> Why it’s better to buy concert tickets instead of a new iPhone ‘People will come away from this >> That adverts actually make television more enjoyable book believing it was money well >> Why you should book your next holiday many months in spent.’ The Economist advance >> Why charitable giving is the best investment you can ‘Dunn’s and Norton’s conclusions, make backed up by intensive research, make a lot of sense.’ Daily Mail A rare combination of informed science writing, wit, and ‘Show your money worries the practical pointers for a rewarding life, Happy Money will help you to be more fulfilled for less. door with this practical and fascinating read.’ Healthy magazine ‘Lively and engaging. Happy Money isn’t a purchase; it’s an investment — and a shrewd one at that.’ Daniel Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness

UK & ROW 2 Jan 2014 Elizabeth Dunn is an associate Paperback professor of psychology at the £8.99 University of British Columbia in B format (198mm×129mm) Vancouver, Canada. Michael 224pp Norton is an associate professor ISBN: 978-1-78074-337-0 eISBN: 978-1-78074-223-6 of marketing at the Harvard Business School. ‘My love affair with Shakespeare started at age nine, when my stepfather gave me Shakespeare’s complete works in Spanish. It’s a wise father that knows his own child; it was the perfect gift for me, for I was a night owl that read in bed until dawn with a flashlight. I skipped the sonnets and plunged into the plays, especially the tragedies. At nine I was a stony-hearted kid with no sense of humour who disliked happy endings; given a choice I preferred blood to comedy. My childhood was the winter of my discontent. I was not a bad reader, yet I could hardly follow the plots in my leather- bound book: too many people behaved erratically; too many nobles were murdered at the crack of doom; there were too many turns of giddy Fortune’s furious fickle wheel, not to mention an abundance of cross-dressers which placed the gender of all characters under suspicion. Shakespeare sounded like the Chilean radio soap operas, in which everybody suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and eventually ended up dead. I sensed there was madness, yet there was method in it. So I drew and cut out the characters in cardboard, glued them to matchsticks, and moved them about to act out the plays. The characters had seen better days by the time they appeared on my miniature stage, but they served my purpose. Once I unravelled the plots, I surrendered completely to Shakespeare’s madness and genius.’ – Isabel Allende New Literature | non-FictionFiction 55

Shakespeare and Me 38 Great Writers, Actors and Directors on What the Bard Means to Them – and Us Edited by Susannah Carson Foreword by Harold Bloom

With original work from Ralph Fiennes, James Franco, Dame Margaret Drabble, Isabel Allende and Sir Ben Kingsley, among others

Why Shakespeare? What explains our continued fascination with his poems and plays? In Shakespeare and Me, Susannah Carson invites 38 actors, directors, scholars and writers to share stories of their own personal relationship with Shakespeare.

We hear from Ralph Fiennes on interpreting Coriolanus for a ‘All will find light and warmth, modern filmic audience, James Earl Jones on reclaiming Othello comfort and companionship in as a tragic hero, Sir Ben Kingsley on communicating Shakespeare’s these glowing pages.’ ideas through performance, Julie Taymor on turning Prospero Kirkus Reviews into Prospera, Brian Cox on social conflict in Shakespeare’s time and ours, Germaine Greer on the playwright’s home life, Dame ‘A cornucopia of delights for lovers Harriet Walter on the complexity of his heroines, and Sir Antony of the Bard.’ Booklist Sher on feeling at home in Shakespeare’s language. Together ‘Lively... Thought-provoking... they provide a fresh appreciation of Shakespeare’s works as consistently stimulating read.’ a living legacy to be read, seen, performed, adapted, revised, Publishers Weekly (starred review) wrestled with, and embraced.

F. Murray Abraham | Isabel Allende | Cicely Berry | Eve Best | Eleanor Brown | Stanley Cavell | Karin Coonrod | Brian Cox | Peter David Dame Margaret Drabble | Dominic Dromgoole | David Farr | Fiasco Theater | Ralph Fiennes | Angus Fletcher | James Franco | Alan Gordon Germaine Greer | Barry John | James Earl Jones | Sir Ben Kingsley | Maxine Hong Kingston | Rory Kinnear | J. D. McClatchy | Conor McCreery Tobias Menzies | Joyce Carol Oates | Camille Paglia | James Prosek | Richard Scholar | Sir Antony Sher | Jane Smiley | Matt Sturges Julie Taymor | Eamonn Walker | Dame Harriet Walter | Bill Willingham | Jess Winfield

UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 Susannah Carson is an author and academic. She is editor of A Truth Hardback Universally Acknowledged: 33 Reasons Why We Can’t Stop Reading Read £16.99 Jane Austen. Demy (216mm×135mm) 528pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-426-1 eISBN: 978-1-78074-489-6 56 Fictionnon-Fiction | Gift/Parenting New

On Becoming a Mother Welcoming Your New Baby and Your New Life with Wisdom from around the World Brigid McConville

An international celebration of pregnancy, childbirth, and the first months of a new baby’s life

Having a baby is a private miracle, yet it is also the source of much shared joy. For this reason, women and families in every country and every culture have customs to ensure that the journey into motherhood is marked and remembered. This beautifully curated book collects traditions, folk songs, stories, crafts, lessons and advice from mothers around the world.

From yoga-inspired routines for resting during pregnancy to favourite proverbs printed on the khangas used to carry African newborns, from the origins of the baby shower to the Japanese ritual where Sumo wrestlers are asked to make babies cry, each page is filled with inspiration, humour, and insight about the beginnings of parenthood. On Becoming a Mother is the perfect gift for the new mother or mother-to-be.

Proceeds support the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood:

Brigid McConville is the global creative director UK & ROW 27 Feb 2014 of the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood. An USA & Can 15 Apr 2014 award-winning journalist and filmmaker, she is the au- Hardback £9.99/$16.99 thor most recently of Stories of Mothers Lost. When she B format (198mm×129mm) is not travelling the world to ensure WRA’s mission that 224pp; 40 b&w illustrations pregnancy and childbirth are safe for all, she splits her ISBN: 978-1-78074-389-9 time between London and the West Country of England. eISBN: 978-1-78074-390-5 The Haraobi 腹帯 In a practice dating back to the eighth century, Japanese women wear a haraobi, or belly (hara 腹) sash (obi 帯), when they are pregnant. Wakako Kai, a new mother of a baby girl, recalls: ‘My husband and mother-in-law took me to a shrine and prayed for my safe delivery. They bought my haraobi at the shrine. The haraobi is traditionally bought at a shrine since it is believed to hold spiritual significance. It is the job of the mother of the pregnant daughter to buy it, but in my case my mother is living far from where I live.’

Unlike other sashes worn in Japan, the haraobi is worn under the kimono, next to the skin. A strip of cotton or silk about six feet long and seven inches wide, it is typically red or white – auspicious colours. Traditionally, the sash was adorned with images of dogs, because it was believed that dogs gave birth easily. Women usually begin wearing the haraobi after the fifth month of pregnancy, when they have felt the first ‘quickening’ or stirrings of the baby. For this reason, it has been a marker that the time of greatest risk of losing the baby has passed.

The sash is wrapped three times around the woman by relatives or her midwife, making it a ritual shared by those supporting the mother. It is said that the haraobi helps to hold the spirit of the child in place.

Like sashes worn in many countries, the haraobi also serves a practical end: to provide back support, comfort and warmth. ‘Although this is an ancient tradition, maternity clothing and underwear manufacturers have invented many good pregnancy sashes that suit the modern lifestyle,’ Wakako explains. ‘Many pregnant women put their ceremonial haraobi in a drawer and wear a modern one instead!’ 58 Fictionnon-Fiction | History/Religion New Editions

Nazi Germany and The Humanities Anson Rabinbach & Wolfgang Bialas

An impressive collection of important scholarship that asks: why did the ‘Nazification’ of German universities encounter so little resistance?

The subject of how German scholars responded to the Nazi regime continues to fascinate and be an area of scholarship. In this collection, Rabinbach and Bialas bring some of the best scholarly contributions together in one cohesive volume, to deliver a shocking conclusion: whatever diverse motives German intellectuals may have had in 1933, the image of Nazism as an alien power imposed on German universities from without UK & ROW 1 May 2014 was a convenient fiction. USA & Can 1 Aug 2014 Paperback ‘This impressive and extraordinarily thoughtful anthology £25.00/$40.00 Royal (225mm×146mm) should be required reading for anyone worried about the 480pp ethical responsibilities of intellectuals in times of political ISBN: 978-1-78074-434-6 crisis.’ Dagmar Herzog, Professor of History, CUNY

Buddhist Texts Through the Ages Edited by Edward Conze

A comprehensive anthology of original translations of Buddhist scripture from around the world

This unique anthology of Buddhist scriptures traces the development of Buddhism through the ages and around the world. Designed to serve scholars and students alike, this classic text has become a valuable resource for Buddhists and all those who wish to explore for themselves the original sources of one of the world’s great religions.

Accessible and jargon-free, these translations from the original Pali, UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, and Japanese are presented in plain English by USA & Can 13 May 2014 four leading experts on the language and literature of Buddhism, while a Paperback glossary of foreign terms completes a thoroughly comprehensive and £12.99/$19.99 timeless introduction to the subject. B format (198mm×129mm) 324pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-398-1 ‘A welcome addition to our anthologies; gives wider coverage, perhaps, than any other.’ Journal of the American Oriental Society New Beginner’s FictionGuides 59

Oneworld Beginner’s Guides The Perfect Introductions Oneworld Beginner’s Guides feature accessible, expert analysis on a vast range of topics. With over 100 titles available, these affordable and fascinating guides feature the most in-depth introductions for anyone curious about the way the world works and the big ideas of our time – perfect for students and general readers.

All Beginner’s Guides are B format (198mm × 129mm) paperbacks, priced at £9.99/$14.99.

International Relations A Beginner’s Guide Charles Jones

The essential primer to our globalised world and the discipline that attempts to explain it

Today, more than ever, we are buffeted by forces that originate from beyond our shores. Whether it’s war, economics, politics, or law, we live in a global world, influenced by a complex landscape of international transactions.

Esteemed academic Charles Jones ably provides the building blocks to understand the history of these interactions, outlining all the key actors – from China and the EU to the IMF and Google – and the competing theories UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 that attempt to explain them. Arguing that the strength of IR lies in its USA & Can 15 Apr 2014 contradictions – it’s not a single discipline but a fascinating mess of history, Paperback politics, economics, sociology, law, anthropology, and cultural studies – he £9.99/$14.99 provides a lively discussion of the limitations of the field, but also why it is so B format (198mm×129mm) 204pp essential. Covering conflict, history, and theory, and with a major focus on ISBN: 978-1-78074-303-5 the global economy, this is the perfect primer for students of International eISBN: 978-1-78074-304-2 Relations, workers in an international context, and citizens across the globe.

‘Few readers can fail to come away armed with invaluable knowledge after dipping into Oneworld’s Beginner’s Guides series.Insightful and informative, they make mind-boggling concepts simple and stimulate further inquiry.’ Christina Borg, Sunday Times 60 FictionBeginner’s Guides New

The Russian Revolution A Beginner’s Guide Abraham Ascher

A radical new introduction that reveals the Soviet Union as a perpetually revolutionary state

When the Bolsheviks seized power in 1917 the world held its breath. Here suddenly was the first modern socialist state, ‘a kingdom more bright that any heaven had to offer’. But the dream was short lived and the following decades of internal struggle, hardship, war, state terror and eventual collapse would change the shape of world politics in a way that its leaders could never have imagined.

UK & ROW 9 Jan 2014 Taking a uniquely long view of events, right up to the 1990s, acclaimed USA & Can 18 Mar 2014 historian Abraham Ascher brings the period to life – from the utopian Paperback ideologies of Lenin and Trotksy to Russia’s heroic fight against Nazi Germany, £9.99/$14.99 B format (198mm×129mm) Stalin’s state terror, the Cold War, and Gorbachev’s abortive attempts to 208pp rescue the socialist experiment. This incisive introduction offers new insight ISBN: 978-1-78074-387-5 into the incredible transformation of politics, economics and society that eISBN: 978-1-78074-388-2 turned Russia into the Soviet Union – and back again.

The Roman Empire A Beginner’s Guide Philip Matyszak

Acclaimed popular historian, Philip Matyszak takes readers back to the rise and fall of the world’s first superpower

No other political entity has shaped the modern world like the Roman Empire. Encompassing close to 60 million people and 3 million km2 of land, it represented an incredibly diverse and dynamic collection of nations, states and tribes, all bound to Rome and the ideal of the Roman identity.

In the lively and engaging style that he’s known for, Philip Matyszak traces UK & ROW 3 Apr 2014 the history of the Roman Empire from the fall of the Assyrians and the rise of USA & Can 13 May 2014 the Roman republic through the ages of expansion, crisis and eventual split. Paperback £9.99/$14.99 Praise for Ancient Rome on Five Dinarii a Day: B format (198mm×129mm) 224pp ‘Matyszak imparts so much information so imaginatively.’ ISBN: 978-1-78074-424-7 Observer eISBN: 978-1-78074-425-4 New Beginner’s FictionGuides 61

The New Testament A Beginner’s Guide W. R. Telford

The most wide-ranging and illuminating guide on the subject

The New Testament writings are the foundational documents of early Christianity, and to fully understand them we need a broad historical awareness of the wider social, economic, political and religious context that produced them.

Here, Telford paints a fascinating portrait of the Roman and Hellenistic Empires and the growth of the early church, elucidating the composition and content of the Synoptic Gospels – those of Matthew, Mark and Luke. Furnishing the reader with an appreciation of the methods contemporary UK & ROW 9 Jan 2014 scholars apply to the Gospels, he also offers an assured, in-depth guide to USA & Can 11 Feb 2014 Paperback the texts themselves. £9.99/$14.99 B format (198mm×129mm) Punctuated by charts and tables, this richly contextualised and accessible 192pp narrative is an invaluable starting point for anyone looking to understand ISBN: 978-1-78074-338-7 the Gospels and the roots of Christianity. eISBN: 978-1-78074-339-4

The Palestine-Israeli COnflict A Beginner’s Guide Dan Cohn-Sherbok & Dawoud El-Alami

An updated edition of this best-selling introduction to the conflict

With coverage of all the recent events, the new edition of this best-selling book gives a thorough and accessible account of the history behind the Palestine-Israeli conflict, its roots, and the possibilities for the future. New material outlines recent developments, while an updated conclusion consists of a direct debate between the two authors, which raises many issues, yet offers real solutions to which future peace talks may aspire.

‘Offers a rare insight into the Palestine–Israeli dilemma while UK & ROW 6 Mar 2014 outlining political, religious, historical and emotional issues in USA & Can 15 Apr 2014 the struggle for peace.’ Library Journal Paperback £9.99/$14.99 ‘A must for anybody interested in understanding the conflict B format (198mm×129mm) in the Middle East.’ George Joffe, Director of Studies, Royal 224pp ISBN: 978-1-78074-380-6 Institute for International Affairs, London eISBN: 978-1-78074-064-5 62 FictionBeginner’s Guides Complete List

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