Rider's Review
OCCULT REVIEW A MONTHLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE INVESTIGATION OF SUPER NORMAL PHENOMENA AND THE STUDY OP PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS E d i t e d b y RALPH SHIRLEY “ Nullius addictus jurare in verba magislri" Price Nin k pbn ce net ; poet free, T b n pen c e. Annual Subscription, N in e S h illin g s (Two Dollars twenty-five Cents). A merican A gents : The International News Company, 85 Duane Street, New York ; The Macoy Publishing Company, 45-49 John Street, New York ; The Western News Company, Chicago. Subscribers in India can obtain the Magazine from A. H. Wheeler A Co., 15 Elgin Road, Allahabad; Wheeler’s Building, Bombay; and#39 Strand, Calcutta; or from the Tkeosophisi Office, Adyar, Madras. All communications to the Editor should be addressed c/o the Publishers, William R id e r A Son, L td ., Cathedral House, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. 4. Contributors are specially requested to put their name and address, legibly written, on all manuscripts submitted. V o l . XXX. DECEMBER 1919 No. 6 NOTES OF THE MONTH IN a series of,very remarkable essays,* which are well described as “ outspoken,” the Dean of St. Paul’s grapples, from a very independent standpoint, with many problems of the present day, a number of which are, indeed, not related to one another, except ,, by the fact that they may, almost all of them, be „ designated as topical. Perhaps the only two not ' falling under this head are those dealing with Cardinal Newman and St. Paul. The two last essays of the book are certainly not likely to attract less attention than the remainder; though it may be questioned whether the Dean is not at his best in some of the others, notably on Our Present Discontents, on the Birth Rate, and on the Future of the English Race.
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